The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 29, 1900, Morning, Image 11

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w i,wfr,mmmmfmi'"ii ii1i
iHU festival fit Harvest will be ob
Hivcd by tl congregation of llio
Kv angelical Lutheran church of
th limy Trinity. Aditins avenue
and Mulberry street, tomorrow.
tneclnl services liavo been arranged
Ifu dining thr day. In tho ntiirnitiK
ho pnr.tor. lb . ('. i. SpleKcr. win
menk on festival tlintlglil. 'ine mnin-
Iwlll be augmented by appropriate selee
Itlons by tin' i bnlr under the direction
lof Professm K. It. Protheroe. I lie sor
Ivlce lit 7 30 p in will be In trie bands
:if the Sunday school. It. II. Hinder, su-
Iperlnti'iiileni. An Interesting anil up-
Iproprlnte iiiogranune huh "'-'en i"1'"
pared consisting or ine iiiiiowiiik num-
lnin .mil prajcr i.mor
I ,.ul "I till' lln
. . ..(Irsce Itrown
Three lloj
.Jijm I'eiinc.
.Muhlp Coleman
SW Kill'ia nl 1'rult"...
. .hi. Huh Schilbcit, Wllheltniiu
, ... 1!,-ii i nc y.ctiC, Viola Hint.
.,..n i ul. sii! -Mary 1itx, "fare
Prnwii. Vi'v Pcinh.inlt, l.yilla IhnUe,
meiij penne, Louise Lois, SInlilc Cole-
il'llt.n nil
Lien ie
1 in . 1
111 nh.
btvnitl ...l-cnon. Wllliclmina Iioriinariu
i.tlirin (.'race Blown
rTxnrrw 'i.arni ied sheaves
livim Kill, ami hnys-iv.i Ilrntler, I.i- ,
tl lielil. Mini, Amelia, feline,
Ma. l.'Tloi'' . .T.ottlo llllchctis, Mary
I .. 7 p. r.i M, Harry Schiller. Ar-
mm - p.. (.r mown. Mllle llllck-
in.. in. Hi in'imll. bene Kic-1y, Mar
en i Zulu I.i"iie Vary Scluiliert,
leiini. . on m. Lottie Shur r.
lliliem i-noir
ifiM i.ui ( rare til own
ItMlUI School
, ltif"i oitin detune SeJiiun
I Di "i"tfi and It. in tin I urn.
Tin miilitoriuin of the Penn Avenue
Sni'is iluinli will be reopened ror
1 pulilli serin es to-morrow morning.
During tin- summer the church build
ing hat been thoroughly cleaned and
If ni'Min'il and new carpets have been
pliu-i'd in tin- lecture rooms .-ml parlors
of the lover temple and In the audi
torium Th- pastor, Hev. Dr. Pierce.
has aiumin. cd popular pulpit themes
for both tb- morning and evening ser-
alces The men will find food for
Lough t u th- topic announced for the
Tening discourse, "Empty Pews, or
Why, M-n Do Not (lo to Church."
LSpei lai must, by the Choral I'nlon tin-
thi 1-adershlp of Prof. Haydn
;v ons
Thr monthly all-day meeting of the
Oh isiiati ami Missionary Alliance will
bo held Tuesday. October ", 111 the Cios-
Ipel Tabernai 1p. Jefferson avenue, near
Delaware street. There will be three
lei i. i-s .it 10 a. in., L" and 7 p. in.,
t'isppi iiwl ijpv. c. T. Snwtelle, nt
inn-no i p.i . is the Invited speaker.
Lull i speak' is and singers will bo In
r'i ndaii. e.
f-Kul.ii nmotlng of the Methodist
.iia i i- -.i Si imiton and vicinity will
ii ' l.l in tlit- parlors of Klni Park
'Hii' h n- t Monday, October 1, 10.M
m sin ik-v. Itev. C. M. Olliln. D. D.
ITh. ).. Th- Welatlnn of Spirituality
ti ti.. s it . . ss of the Church."
1- noRpi" Israel, D. T).. and St.
II ik- full ihnlr will conduct the ie-
topi n i- . nut; lu the Itallroad i.ouiiR
rj n christiiin association hall Stin-
ii.n s. j-t. nibi-r ::0. 1900. Railroad men,
i'i ir iuiniil and friends aro invited
i i this inspiring service.
aMii.i.i. S-ptenibcr "f, beincr the
' 'i-.i or St Michaels and All AiircIs,
ihcr. will be a celebration of holy
("nii'iHini'in In St. Luke't church at 10
u m.
H C V Kp.iuldliiK will read a pa
pi no The Fatherhood of Clod" at tho
ii:ptlst' jiasiors' conference Monday at
10 ;;o m tho p-nn Avenue church.
Th- o" nins session for nutunin of
tli' Presbyterian cleric will be on Mon
day morning. October IS, at the Study
of lti rr Logan.
Smiilay iliool at S an.) Kivottli le.u?ue at C.S0
p. in. Tuple at T.dtl. "Why Sllik to u Criiilt
Shnion lletlioilll ilmrcli Hev. .1.
II. Sweet, H. P.. pantor. Mornlnir ptajern at
0.30; pnurlilnR erilce at 10.H0, -n-iinon liv the
pavtnr; text, I .Mm, .1:21; miliject, "The Spirit
Willi h (1ult lp." Suml.iy mIioo! at VI;
.limlor Dpunilli leamie at 2.1'ii tipwiirlli UaKii
ul .:M: eeiiln pieadilns fervlee at T.WI, ser
mon liy Hie ulor. I'lee tealB. A (onllal In
itiation. A lieurly Helrome.
Piovlileliie Metlio'lW Hpliiopal dmrcli Srr
ninn at 111.81) ii in. liy the lle. Satiiiiel Mnoie,
1). P., ot Klmrntuti, Pa. Suml.iy nrhool at '2 i.
in. Kpttoith leaRiie at (1.1.1. Topic, "Our Pool
tli r.inV," Jiilm l'liMhr, leailer. Sermon liy
the p.ilor nt ?.sn. Siilijnt. "What 1 There 111
ll Tor Mr" ilrrtherhooil ot St. Paul ineeti on
Mniiila) rrriilmt at T."0.
Ilamptuii Mreel Mi'tliwllit Kplwopil tliunli
Itev. .lamci llennlnger, patnr. Sen km on Sun
day tn lollowi: PriMcliiiiK al IU.:I; uliii t of
sermon, "The Srhool-tlme ot f.Ke;" lai meit
liiB .it 11.30! Sunday school tit 'i; Junior Kp
worth league nt (1.3(1. leailer. Anna lletinett;
preaihlni; mrvlie at 7.30. Sean bee at all scr-
Ali Street MethoiIUt Kplwopal thiirih-Itev. .T,
II. Austin. pator. Senliet at 10.30-a. in. ami
7.3D p. in.; il.i.i merllnir at 11.30 a. in., .1. K.
M.isieia, leailer; Smulay silmol nl 'J p. in.. V.. W.
Mour, hiipriliiUuilenl; r.pHorth leaKlie al 0.1.1 p.
m. Seats free ami all welionv.
Nay Auk 'Miihoili' llpl-i-opal cliimli Suinlay
siliool at 130 1 1, til., V, M, NKoii, niperintehil
int: dam ineetlni! at ?J-0, 1'ranl. Tniiur, liailer;
pri-jthiiiB at 7.3U p. ii!? A ronllal lialtatlon to
l'lrt (Jeriuan Mrtlioili-t KpUiopal diurrli,
Ail.ims airline ami Ine Klieel-(l. Iluhillli, pas
tor. Pieaihlnc trnltrs ut 10.30 a. m. anil 7.30
p. in.; Siiiulaj siiiooI at iinmn l.pwoitli league
meetliic at 7 o'clock p. in. i prajer met tine on
Tlmt'iby rirnini;,
(Vila irnne MrlhoiiUt duirrh-ltev. I". P.
Duty, pi-tor. Iliolhirhouil of SI. Paul, 0.11 a.
in.; iit a liinc. 10.30 a. in.: nmlay whroil,
11.1.1 a. m.t Junior I.eaitue, :i.::0 p. in.: s,-nlor
l.eacue. C."0 p. in.; (Headline, V..'!0 p. m.
Cliik's Summit Methoilist Kplscopal dmreli
Itev. (. II. Itrjiiiilils, pastor. U 11 a. in., suh
Ject, "Ihe I'oiwatil lnipniriiti" 7.30 p. in., "The
Klns'ii Mi'slnrss." "I'orwaitl Miiimem" t-iiiiirs
eiei reiilni; nest week at 7.3U. (.noil Mu!lti?.
shoil Miiiiuni, A heait welcome.
I'lmt rinireli Chtlst (Pelentlst), 610 Ailami
aienuc-Suiul.iy seniles, 10.31) a. in., 7.30 p. ml
Kiinilay mIkkiI, 11.43 a. in., mihjeet, "Are Sin.
Disease ami Dentil Ileal?" Testimonial mcrtftiits
Wednesday cirnliifrs ot 8 o'clock. The tliunli Is
olo open rvciy day ilurlnR tho us . - lllhli'
mill all Christian Menre llleruliuc Is kept In it)
free pnlille reading loom. "Science and Health,
with Kr.i to the Sctlptures," hy Maty Ihikcr
r.ddy, will ho loaned to Investigator! without
chaise. Vlsliors and lelters ot Inquiry are wel
comed and Klicn (ouitenus nltentlon and it.loi
n jtlon (cce.
Dunmore (lopel Tahcrnarte, .lelTersoii airnue,
rear Delaware sired. Pleaching; at M.30 a. in.
mid 7.30 p. in. liy the pastor.ilev. William T.
MarAilhur llihle school at 12 m. and Young
People's inrrtliiK at (1.30 p. in.
faltary llcfoitned cliuidi, Monroe airnue and
Clihson street. Itev. M. 1,. r'irnr, p.itor. Ser
i Ires Sunday at 10.30 ti. m., 7.30 p. m. Morntw?
subject, "The Opportunity and llo'ponslblllty of
He ltrfortnril Clime ti In the Tnrntlelli Century";
Sunday school, 11.11 a. in.; Christian r.mleaior,
G. tl p. in.
J5lon fulled KiaiiRellial ihuirli, ll'O Capousa
avenue Preaihliuf by the pastor, Hev. .1. W.
Messinirrr, at 10.4.1 a. in. olid 7.30 p. in. Suh
lerts, "The Silmol ot llod" and "Self-Preeled
Moninnenls." Sunday school, P. 1.1 a ,m Key
stone leaicue Christian llndeaior, 0.R0 p. III.
Seals flee. Strangers Inilted. All welcome.
All Soul's t'lilvers.ill.t chinch, Pine ctrert he
tween Adams and .IrfTrrson airnurs Hev. O. It.
lleardsley, pastor, llesldrnee, (129 Adams avenue.
Morntnit serilce I0.3U; subject, "The (irrat He
newer;" eiriilnjr srnlre, 7.30; suhjret, "What
Js ItiRht?" suinlay Mhocd nt 11.30, Mrs. S. Hen
Jamlii, snprilntiiidrnt. He who wmks tor (lie
prealrst kooiI for all Is a co-l.ihonr with Christ.
A rordlil wrlrome to all to come and worship
with us.
t'nlted Christians Verting fiery Sunday at
3 p. m. lu lliieiiisey hall. Purpose: (II T-.
unite nil Christian lielleirrs. iriranllcss ot siet
or creed, ir mutual henctit. (2- I'o i-ncnuraRp
people to lily the llihle ami .hey the laws of
(oil. (3) lu hrlnsr alio ,r a mote lan.-ril and
lei'dperaliie elloil for the nibaniement of Chris
limit lliioUKhoitt the world.
The I'lee Milhoillsl church Hev. I). .1. Saut
inlie, of Mainly, Pa., will pleach 111 1'inn's
ch.iprl, lircru Hldue, Sunday al lu.30 a. in. and
7.311 p. in. All air inittnl.
Collegiate of Sew York illy, nd Mr. Walkln.s,
a incniOTalile event not iooii to he forgotten."
Sprl1 to the Sercutnn Tilhune.
ThompKon, Sept. 28 llnsivell Olllet, of
the township, linn four Blck cows Ibis
morning with symptoms of anthrax.
Thniikfi to K. 1. Untfleld for his In
teresting report of the Harford fair In
The Tribune tills morning A large
delegation was In attendanco from here
mine of whom disgraced themselves
-and proved that there are thosa mean
enoiiKh to sell strong drlnlc to minors.
Albert Smith, of Jackson, had u good
horse stolen from his barn Tuesday
Ilit lloncsdale l'lTlet associations
will hold Its next meeting at Jackson,
October S and fl.
Mrs. Klmer Kellum, of Avoca, spent
Wednesday with Mrs. Chillies M.
Lewis, on Jefferson street.
l'enn Avenue baptist chinch, lVnn aieiiup, he
twren Spruce and l.liidcn (.tiects Slraii?ei.s cor
dially invited, and ivirdiody in.nle welcome.
Pieachlni; niornliic at 1U.30 and ei'eulm; at 7.30
hy the pastor, Hev. Hobrrt 1". V, Picicr, 1). I).
MoiiiiiiR pia.iers lu the ie.try at (1.4.1. Tuple of
morning; sctmon, "(.'u-pel Illlt-allun, or the
Church lu the Woild," Sunday Mhool nt tlie
Inline diuiilt at 2 p. in. and at Ihe Xmrnuau
mis. inn at 3.311 p. m. louin; People' inrrtliu;
at 0.30 p. in. Topic of etriiiiix si-iinon, "lluipi.i
Pews, and the Men of Toil.n." These will be the
llr.t Sabbalh srriis-s in the auillloiium siliic- It
has been le-raiprted anil lrnoiutrd.
(Iieen HIiIko llaptl.l ilimeli Choir pia.irr
tiiiptini! al 10; preachlui; by tlie pastor at 10.30
and 7.3H. Subject in Ihe luorulUR, "luieilea for
Chiist;" in the eienlnjr, ".lo.eph, Ihr Slaie."
Sunday school at 11.11: mertliiK ol the .luulors
at 3.30; pMer niertitiR of the Seulois at li.3il.
Illakely i hull h- lliv. D.niil Spinerr, I). I).,
will pteaih at lu.311 a. in. on ".levin Chiial ami
Ihe l'uur (!opes," and at 7.30 p. m. on "The
Swillit'KS of .Ionian." llihle sehool at mion. and
II. Y. P. 1'. at fl.13. Kirliliudi wihonie.
Tomsrraw's Services.
Methodist Episcopal.
In- Pa-I .iiiiiih Piai.-r and piai.e setihe
a. 'I .1 Iiitm at Iii.mU a. m. and 7.30 p. in.
in tin I i l M Ciitlin, Dc D. i 12 m.
n.ilf iiour ll'iili .tutli in simdiy,.! i mm,
Who trust to Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery. It cures ninety
eight per cent, of all who use it.
Old forms of disease, obstinate
cough, weak lungs, spitting of
blood, weakness and emaciation are
perfectly ami permanently cured by
tins powerful remedy.
My wife had hemorrhage of the
lungs," writes V. A. Sanders, IJsq., of
Hern, Maon Co., V. Va. "SI had
ieti hemorrhages, and the pcopiv. all
around here said she would never be
well again Hut she began to take
Dr Pierce's fSolden Medical Discovcrv
and she soon bian to gain stieiiKtU
ami uesn. Alter taking ten Dottles she
was entirely well. If any one doubts
this, they may enclose self addressed
envelope with stamp, and I will answer."
Sick persons are invited to consult
Dr Pierce hy letter free of charge.
All correspondence strictly private.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce,
Jiuiuio, js . v,
BtS. -0"-
I'irst Pie.byterlan church' Dr. Vcbeod Mill
pteaih moinliia: and eietiluo-. Moinlu i.erdre nt
10.30; elenlni; unlrp at 7.30. MrjnsrM wel
come. As tisiul, the t.erili'c, mi the last Sunday
cienliiR of tlie month, will he laiirely a si-nh-e
of' praise, for whlih the choir has made spedal
Second Pie-bjleilan i hit.'i h - sei I h es at 10.30
a. in. mid 7.30 p. in. Dr. ItnMii-ini will pteaih
inoiuititf ami eirniliR. The topic in the evening
Is "The lloek and the Keys." ll .tie eonllall
Washbinn Street Preshileilan i linn Ii seniles
10.3U a. m. and 7. .Ml p. in. llihle w hool "Il.ilh
da" sen ires ot 12 in. Youm; Peoplr'i Surhl.i
of Christian P.ndeaior at (1.20 p. in. Dr. M-f-fat
will preach inoinln- and rM-miiR. vmial
music at cadi serviie. All welcome.
Sumner Airnue Pie.byli'iian chutdi, inrncr of
Stnmiir nieime and Ptlre slreet Pieai hiiBby
Hev. Prank .1. Milnun at 10.30 a. m. and (I m.
MoinlnR theme, "Pravcr;" eiriiiiiR. "Lessons nf
Ailierslly." Sunday mIioiiI, 2 p. in : V. P. S.
of C. II. after eieiiln- senire. Subject , "Our
I'ooll.h I'," Luke, mi, 1.1-21. I'raver uieet
Iiis Weiliirsilay eienins 7.11 n'llmk. 'Ihnne,
i'lii'iliiiii in Chtitl," Calailaiis, v, 1. Kioy
lioily welcome.
Adams Airnue diapel. New York stieel -The
Hev. .lames Mushes, pa. tor, will pieadt nintn
in? ami cieniw. at 10.30 and 7.41. In the after
noon al 3 o'clock theie will be a Sinnl-i) ihool
ally. At 7 p. in. the Cliil-liau lanlcaior will
meet. A veiy hearty liullatlon N -Inn in all
who re.lile lu the nelKhboihood of tlie chapel lo
attend these senices,
fiieen Hldue Ian ihurdi Hei. Isaac
.1. I. in. Inc. paslor; Hei. L. II. Poster, ns.l.l,iut
p.i-lui'. Kcgular seliiees at 111.3(1 a. in. and 7.:W
p. in., Willi sciinuiis by the paslor. "Kalliing
da.i" exercises of the llihle sdtonl at 12 oMoik.
Adilie..s by -lames II. Toney, cm).
Liideanir soi-lrty meeting at ii.3o p. in. The
public is roulially Inilted to all senlici., but all
per-ous who have iieen conneited with the llihle
i hool are speciallv inilteil to attetid (omotiow.
Pn.ilihiicc church The pallor,
llev. liroi'iro l (iillld, D. P.. will oerup.i the
pitlpll at 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. lu. Sim,JV
si hiinl; m-iiuou al 12 o'l-loek: llndeaior
iu'-iiin at (l.:i.1 o'rlork, The Frati of the duirel)
air alua.vs free.
Cliitsi's chiii cli, corner Washington avenue and
I'.uk siiivi-llei, 1'. S. Il.illentlnr, reclor. Rer
un.. 1(130 a. in., 2.30 p. nt. anil 7.30 p. m. All
-ruin tree. All welcome.
Reformed Episcopal.
(haie llrfnrmfel Kpliropal chiiiih, Wyoming
aimu-. below Mullieiry stlrel-IIev. (leoii;e I..
b nh, pastor. Prayer anil praise rrvlri al 0.30
a. in.; illviue woihli al 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p.
in., pirarhlm: liy the pastor; mniulmr, "Hod's
I'.iiililiiliii'fc.," .lo-li, 21:11; eieniiie, "Trans
tiniiiiil," II Cor., 3:15 Sabbath silmul ut 12 ill.;
. P. s. C. K. at 0.30 p. m. lesson ttuily eiery
weuk-djy rvrnlng ul 7.S0 o'cIim-U. folluwol by
I n. iv i r meeting at s o'cloij. Seats free. All ate
Evaugclicul Lutlmnn.
Kianui'lieal Lullieian -Slxlerntli Siimla.t after
Ttiiiity. tio.pel. Luke, ill, 11-17; eplttle. Ilpltc
hians, HI, lU-'il.
S. Maili's, Watlilitiin mid I'onrtrenth stu-els
Hev. . L. Hamrr, Ph. I)., p.ulur. Smites at
10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. in. I.utlirr league. (1.30
p. m. ; Sunday h hool, 12 m
Holy Trinity, Adams avenue and Mull, ir.v
strut- Hev. C. ti. Spleker, paslor. Sen lew at
10.30 u. in. and 7.30 p. in.; Luther leaiiue, 0.30
p. m. Sunday m-Iioci), U in. Thr mutual hariest
linini. lethal will be dii-itmiI. Special seimon
by the pastor In the mornlns. Pvenlus seniles
will be under tlie tui-pliiscif Ihe Suudav sehnnl.
Si. I'jiiI's, Shoit nieime Hev. W, C. L. I.juer,
pastm. Sen In at 10.30 a, in. and 7.30 p. in. ;
Sunday (.chool, 2.30 p. m. "
Ziun's, MHHin aiiuiie Hev. P. 1'. Zl7.elniann,
pastor-Sen Ices at 10.30 a. in.; Sunday m hool,
S 1 1. in.
Christ church. Cedar airnue and Ilercli slivi't
Hev. James Wltlc, pa. tor. Senile at 10.30 a,
in., .Sunday school, 0 a. in.
St. Peter'a. Prn-cott airnue Hev. .1, W. Han
ilulph. pantor. Senlrcii at 10.30 a. in. j Sunday
mIiooI, U a. in.
('raie Kvauxclical Lullieran CTiuuh of the lieit
eral Synod, corner of MaUUon airnue and Mul
berry ilrcet Hev. Luther lle Wjrlng, pastor.
0.30 a in., Sunday tdiool; 10.30 a. in., dlvlnr
worship, sriinou by llev, Jame T. Kendall on
"Tlie Successful Irf-adrr;" 0.43 p. m., V. P. S. V.
V..; 7.30 p, in., iliiiuc worship, keiiuon h.v tlie
pastor em "Scraiiton'n Xrrd." Kierjlwdy url
come. A coiiErca-otlnual ineetlng will ho held
afl'T the luoiiilug Kenlce.
Tntnortoir eienlin, nt the I'itst lellan
iliiudi, will he llu'lujuuli'il an eieulm; ot koiii:.
Iliuinc tlie tall mid wittier mouths the list
Sunday ciiulin; In eaili nionlh will be ileioted
I. hljli cias ihuieh lnil-ic, well pie-paled and
Riven by the apili! iU.iltrlte ol the ihuiih.
The pinjraniino fcr tomoliow:
Veiiile "() t'.uiie Let l's inc" Warn n
&.1I11 and (Juailette.
'opiano suh) "I Will lixtoll Thee" Costa
Ar.thei'i-' Pilmlnu ol the Mchl" HorkwcH
Alio Solo and Quailrtte.
Duet -( liranub Huhlnstein
Mipiano and Conlrallo.
Tenor oln -"Pear Ye Xot O Israel" Iludi
Anthem "Abide Willi Me" Pliisutt
Mis. Katlnjii Tlilrtc, opiano; Mis. Lily
liKipli-Kiili r, lonliallo; Mr. 1.1 Stiphens,
Imor; Mr. John T. Watklns. b.nltoiie; MM
I'lotinie illehnioii'l, orsanbt. The aboie Is an
exielhnt pu trl linn i-. Dr. .Mil. roil will uhe one
of hie liispnint; diert talks. Ml alp welrome.
'' !! i
Mdiouh (Ii- fail may nut be aenerally
known, Miss Lillian Wcshliuiu, Hi1 well-known
Mii.illst, wiio Is .niluii'.' the slusns ill Ihe (ijhly
Ibis week, 's all liiiliaii ptinirss hi lilttli and
n member ol the Mohawk (lihc. M!s Wash-1-uiu's
uiiiiin r was a full-hhiiideit hid. .in kunwti
a, "V- ns-ka hta. ami lier father mi. Ihe irl
cian showman. II. S. W.ililuun. who onxliun-il
the lust IraiellitiK lainleiilh- cnutpjii.i railed
"Wa.hhutn's List .(ti.allon." The ttc.up con
tail.eil a number ot Indians, prominent anions
vi'om wrie Nr ink I tela, a lor.illst nt
abllll.i, and il is from hrr mother uudnuliteilly
tlu.( Ml W.i.lihain InhetiKil hrr venal talinls.
Miss Wiishburu was boin In this ..tale iliirini;
one of the totus ot the Vith!tun company, anil
lias 1 i.i tl jriiu.ilnt.un'' with die prnlt"..ioii lit
which she lias hern ret tueiesfiil fioni chihlhooil
'I I! !'
C'.mrsp Jioyea Hoikwell, the or-.uiUI. fonneily
ot Siranto'i. is now loi-atcil at I'eoiii, III.
"ih" (ileum i," of Muiuoe, DialiKP county, X
V., has the fnlhiwiiiK to sa.t In t i.cini issue:
" lillin- iliiu.ix I- I hi- niii.ii al pan ol the
senhe was the ihirt, 'The l.niil Is a Man of
V. at-,' ..uu Willi uiiai .pith ami pii'-i.ioti. Ihe
Miiir. luliill.i bhudin': in on.' itraiid Hold.' the iiiuhllon ot this in.iiilii
dili'l hi III. I'.nl ll Dulfl I'J.-" of Hi" Malb'e
Wnlilnaton Telegram to Chlrago HecoiJ.
Down at tharlottrstllle, Vn.. one hears funny
stories about Piesidelit Jiunes Monioe, who would
teem to haie been an irascible personage witli a
great reluctance to pay his debts. He had a
fine house mid a flue farm called Montpeller,
which Is In siitltt of the train on tlie Chesapeake
and Ohio railroad, ami a plain granite shaft,
which marks his tomb. Is ilslble from tlie
highway. Mr. Monioe was not a "gentleman"
as term Is applied In Virgin! t. Ills ancestry
did not belong to the ailsloiracy. and, although
he was an c din n led man, a lawyer of rei oirnirvil
ability, a legislator and a politician ot reputation,
he was netcr admitted tn the chosen cltcle of
the "P. P. V."
One of the totles telates to a lawyer who went
oier to Montpeller dining the latter Jeats nf
Mr. Monroe's life to arrange for the setlhninit
of a number of notes whhh had drilled into the
hands of a Charlottesville hank. Most of tin in
Irpicrtiteil boirowcd money, but several ot them
had bein given for property or merchandise pur
chased, The lawyer was a man of high sorijl
and piofeaional standing, antl Mr. Monroe ap
pealed lu he greatly pleased at his visit. Thev
spent the morning upon the piarza, moklng ami
(hatting over ihe nil. ills of the nation, and, after
a hospitable dinner, took a wnlk about the place.
As (hr returned lo the mansion the re
mirkcd In .in apologellral manner that he must
not forget his duty lu the abundant e of his en
joyment, and handed Mr. Monroe a statement of
seirral notes, the Intere-t due, the dales of ma
dully and so fnilh. He made a polite speeih in
explanation ami said that his client, the bank
whhh held the paper, hoped that Mr. Minn of
would be able to give some satisfaction.
"I'll give you sit.f.iellon right here antl now,"
exdaimed the Indignant ixprrsldent. "You In
fernal scoundrel! You Invade my houe and eat
my dinners ami drink my wine with a lot of due
bills In your pork-rt," and. wiring a riding whip
whh h hung from a rack In the hall, he began tu
lay It our tlie shoulders mid head of the aston
l.liid attorney.
He said: "You shall mil toss
Mankind upon a rtosi
Of diinliig gold."
"Nor pie-s Ills luow- wllh thmns,
Xor tii.ul upon his corns
Mhi'ii he Is old."
He said: "No fires will hum,
Xo wheels, no siilnilie.s turn,
Withoi't my hand
Is al the natlnn' helm;
Diililor of the lealnt -
Chief of tlie hand."
lie u.ihl: "ihe metal whlto
Is siriitly In the light
1 1 lugged It in).
We'ie mi tree silviv belli.
Wllhou! the world's louseiit,
And It will win."
ilio volets heaul him hIioiiI.
Then iii.iightw.iy went .ibonl
To clip him fits;
They nalil: "We want no i-lutt
Half money and half I. lull'.
A dollar v-oith four bits."
II look his liteath au.iy
Whin the people had iheli say
lit N- O V.
Ilul he's got his eroli!l wind.
Thinks he'll nol again be;
Wail and see.
C. L. Pram-.
Vivid Description of the Beauties of
the Historic Surroundings Is Olven
by n. Special Correspondent The
Discoverer Legend of Rogers
Rock Numerous Summer Resorts.
Points of Interest.
Spfclal lo tlie Seranton Tillnuie.
l.ahe George, beautiful, picturesque,
historic Lake George; mountain-bound
and lHhind gemmed! Nature has set
itbout this silvery sheet her grandest
and most sublime handiwork; history
has left her landmarks nil along Its
bay-Indented shores, and romance,
legend and tradition have touched It
here and there with slde-llghts of thrill
ing Incident and mezzotints of human
life and Interest.
We left Glens Falls at 9 n. in. one
Peutember morning to take a trip
act oss this Interesting lake, armad with
that modern Instiument of aggression
a snapshot camera with which the
tout 1st charges upon nature and wrests
from her her richest stores of scenic
We started out with the Intention
of bringing awny with lis. not only In
memories, but In photographic souven
irs, some of the charm of thlH gem
of Inland waters. The day wns more
like April than September, with Its
wind, showers, cloud and sunshine, but
sunshine, cloud and wind united in
enhancing the beauties of the trip; the
wind tossing the water Into white
canned waves that billowed and
sprayed In ceaseless motion, and the
sun, peeping from behind scurrying
clouds, touched mountain peak and
slope with penclllngs of sunshine and
shadow, tinting the surface of the lake
with rich tones of blue, purple, violet
nml emerald and whenever the wind
lulled, shot truant gleams of golden
sheen across the wimpllng waters.
The lake Is thirty-four miles In
length. The Adirondack", skirting Its
shores on the west, and the Green
mountains ot Vermont on the east
challenge comparison with each other
In the glories of their mountain scen
ery, and present a continuous pano
rama of beauty and grandeur. Much
of the early history of our country
was made along the shores of this
beautiful lake and once blood-stained
landniatks along the way tell fearful
tales ot struggle and slaughter. Here,
with tomahawk and hunting knife, tho
red man fought with desperate cour
age and fiendish cruelty for the pres
ervation of his hunting grounds, and
here French and lCiigllsh pioneers
waged a bitter warfare for supremacy.
The first Kuropean to discover this
lake was Samuel De Chumplnln In the
year 1(109. Some years later, Father
Jogques. a Jesuit missionary, was cap
tured and carried across the lake a
prisoner. He made his escape and re
turned a year later with some friendly
Indians. Arriving on the eve of the
festival of the Corpus C'biistl, he
named the lake Lac du Sacramento
(Lake of the Blessed Sacrament). The
Indian name being Andrea ta roc te.
In lTTii General Johnson encamped at
Its head and named It Lake George, In
honor of George 11 of Kngland. coop
er chii. -toned It Lake Ilorican (silvery
unlet'), and the steamer that carried
us across the lake Is named the Hoii
can. Among the many points of interest
along the shore Is St. Mary's of the
Lake, the summer home of the I'aullst
Fathers. Diamond Island, so named
from the fine ipmiiz crystals found
. , 1-1 i n-1- s
1 VI l il IV
I. r l
.JF58 i:
"Ripans Tabulcs have done so much for mc that I want to let
other people know it," writes a constable of Ithaca, N. Y. " I had
catarrh of the stomach in the worst way, and my digestion was very
bad. I tried about all the doctors in the city, but they did not do me
any good. I was so bad I could not work or sit up more than part of
the time. My sister had been using Ripans Tabulcs, and they had
done her so much good that I tried them, and, after taking them three
weeks, my catarrh did not trouble me any, and 1 could work, and kept
getting better all the time."''
A new ftyls pukrt containing txx nirixa TiBdm In a p per carton (without Rluc) Is caw for m
upirtoreftrouriVBCzvTB. Tbtaloir prK-cl sortls Inlentletl for (lie iskw and the roonomlOAl. On
the KT-entcrtoj(!fia ubulf-s) ran be had by mall te fs-tKllnfr ferty-ffetit cenlAtottia Hnsum CI
nf th
0OK11", iv. Bpruct Btrtxt. New York
ehad by
at (HUB
aglt carton (tin tucuu) wlU bu teat (or Bee oemta. .
One Cent
A Word
Is all it costs to make your
wants known through the
columns of THE TRIBUNE;
and there is no better ad
vertising medium printed
in Seranton,
X Situations Wanted are inserted Free.
Sunday .School bV
Lr Third Quarterly Review J;!;!:r,!:,:;D
September 30. ffifio ReliKi0Ui
IVI'HOPt'rriDN.'rhe lessons ,eit the quarter
have been in iiiteiiwlhu; p-iluil of liitist's
iiiiiilstty viliiilt exliiiihil from (lie uinsc lo (he
.imiiinii nf tlie 29. Thej are Uhen In ileal
ly chronological older fioni all tlie iru-pels, Marls
fiilliislilin; but niie lis-ou. in them aie tie.iteil
fuiir nilineh'S, but by far the cri.iti'r patt (if the
naiutiiis ileals with tlie teaihlnits of Jesus. s
lie was nodiliig tlie ilul of 111 caithly lareer,
the last lesson bi-itiK but six months fioni tlie
i rns, His worils asMitue u mole personal ami
lieiieiraiitu; tririn. anil their ihei iui
poll must itiicst the attention ul tlie slutlinl.
liltsiT M'.vsOX. Jul) 1, "Jesiis Walking cm
the N'J." (Mattluw, xlv, 21-i-l.) Thi. niliaile,
follnniii!; ilosel) upon that nl the (iiiiiiiK nt
tlie live Ihoiisainl, was evidently Inlinileil (o
ileipen Ihe imiu-luii already ni.iile upon the
lilllids ol tlie apmtlis. As they iveie IMieruien,
aeeusloiniil to the tea. it appealed to tlieni in
a peritlljr manner. II left no loom lu doubt
His illvluil), ami their coiife-on was piompt
iitid hearty. All the ileulls-the storm, tlie ship
tiwiil liy the wans, the venlnre ami falluie of
. i.r. the Mipi-t'il spilit, the (iieat cilin -all
aitlisl Ihe general clfett.
Si:t()Ni) I.OSOS'.-Jiil) S, "Jesm Ihe HieaJ
of Life." (John, ll, 'J2-I0.) iiiis hssoit is the
nquel to the lai. If Jckin was tlie Son of (tod,
as Ills power over naliiie shovveil, what was He
to men. especially lo those who mlxht believe
on lllmr This was a very proper eriu'stlou. Was
lie .1 of leinporal ami physical eooiI
as in Ihe llstillniiion of Ihe loaves ami fishes?
Si i tho iniilliliiile mliiiil tlilnk who liail belli (ed
liy lllni. Now thai they aie all usaln In l'u
pernaiiiii. He may niixwer. lie Is the Kiurce nf
plrltual nourlsliinint. a divine nun mine to
tupply food for lmii','i.v touts.,
Tllllll),CIV. -July 13. "Tlie (iinlile Wo-
nun's I'ulili." (Mail,, ill, 21-30.) The seene Is
now (.hiftiil tu u distant foreleu inuntiy. The
oppoitunily to eliow foilli Hie Christ will be
Klven nol to Ihe Jews hut to a SiroPhoculrlan
tumuli. He Is not to be couttucil tu tlie lace
ftoin whotn he ilenendeil. His mission is mmli
lai'Kcr-Ile Is to be tlie 'plillual Mipport of all
niankiiul, but only upon one condition by and
one method. As the heail .veains ullir Him
and trusts In llliu, so Is He tn lie iippropilatfil
liy Jews .iui liy (bullies alike.
I'lirilTH I.I'.SMIN". -July 2i. "Peter's Confes
sion and (iulsl's llthuke." (Matthew, xvi, Ki'-'H.
Hut this prlncli1e of fallh ni.iy he inlsiinih-r-klood,
iiml so tlie method of ( lirist may not he
aii'ipteil. In nnnther place a lesson inii't he tiben
conieinlui! Hie oilulu and possible weakness of
fnilh. II iloeii' not spring up In the fleshly or
cainal lical t, bill iintl.T thn inttiieuce of the
huly spltlt. It Is liable tn mistake and Hull
fine needs In be liuaidcd and ileieloprd. Ilolh
finis wne shtiwii In Peter's coulesMlnn and in
Ills siiKi-estloti, riy the flut he was lohl how
lie came to believe by the cond that Ihe evil
was not wholly leinoieil ftoin him when he
bilieveil in lite Sonshlp of t'lulst.
PIPi'M l,lSOX. July 3d, "Tlie Tian.tiKiira
linn." (I.uke, Ix, SS-:i(l.) How- Is this Jesus,
the divine man and spiritual tuppoit of 'believers,
related to Ihe men of oilier dispensations? Does
He tlaml apait frutu them or Is lie their aso
ciale? Tlie iiii.tion Is one e.f ninth luiporlance
now, heciiiise its answer determines the mat
ter of irllgioiu continuity tluou;r!i the i rutin lc,
lite uiilly ul inovenirnu in various atei. The
(uestiou was lnnie linpoilant In Ihe lime of
( lirist bt't.iii-e Ihe Jews wile slow In rcnoiinie
what the) li.ul neiiveil from the lalheis. The
appearame ot Moses and l'.lias, the lawgiver and
piiiphet, on the mount, was au answer of far
leaehlni; value.
ilNTII I.IInWV. nir. '., "Jesus anil the Chll
ilii'ti." (Malthiw-. xvill, 1-11.) (Iran, nir all this,
ami aeceplini; Jt-siis, as endorsed h) Mo-es urn!
IMias, vvlijt will be tlu- le-ult to Ihe noilil and
what will be the character of ..Is people? This
was the pt.iellcal i-ide of C'hiistlanlly. tlie clile
wlileli most concerns everyday people. The
woith of a peisoit or of a (..vsletn inauuuinted by
lilm may be best jniliteil b) lis power over men.
This was not liivrn in ahsliact tiiins, but III
the concrete. A little child was taken as the
emblem of the simplicity and iniiounce of the
tine believer. Thiust into (his conspicuous place
that ililli becomes fotever all olijeet of sludy,
ailct.lon and etfott as never lufote.
M:'i:vrn i.isox. Mnt. ii. "iiie rorsiiinu
S-pilll." (Mallliew. will. 21-M.) Iliivv ulnll
thes, men, made like children, feel iiutl ilepoit
themselves toward e.-nh other? Diffeilni; from
other men,' what shall they hei nine as a new
biotheihood? 'litis Is another prat Hi al question
ilfM-rvini; answer lo exhibit (he chiist in Ills
tine bulit. The answer is nlven In lids lesson.
lir-t, these new mm ate liable to eir and Injiiic
eaih other. They are nol perfei I, certainly not
111 luduiiient. Svcoml, the) must iherlsh no en
in it x- on account of stub inline, kunwine their
own Infirmllv. 'rhliil, they mu.t lie le.nlv lo fur
liive uud must forulie on loiifessiuu of Ihe of
fenth r.
'Plfllllil I.K-oOV. Autr. ID. "The Man Ihnn
llllntl." (John. Ix, 1-17.) Thus far tin- lini.t
lias appealed t hit liy as a upliiiua! force avail
able Ihiouisli faltli. nut has He li'ilhliu: to nffir
for tlie bodies of men" That iiiie-tlon was an
kturiil many times In Ills miiilstiy by Ills bene
volent deeds. It comes up .U'.lln in tills le.solt In
a urn- fmm. Illluilness was supposed at that
tlitie to be .1 mail, of (lull's iliplea-iue, a mode
ol punishment Jesus breaks tliiouuh the com
mon custom of utter Inilllfrrrnrc to those attllci
cd by the loss of slulit and effects a cine, but in
a way that thaws out faltli. excites coinmint ami
centre confession, fo" nliit.UIti;; all In tlie tchool
of Liu 1st.
MNTII I.USxlV Ann:. SB, "Jesus the Clood
Sliiphiul." iJohli, X. 1-ld.) Thus far the I'luUt
has I n( ii toiiilihii'tl as lie is I i-l.ile .1 to Indi
ildiuls, to their soul and bodies. Hut what is
He and what Is Ills altitude with n-fereme to
men In their colleeilie capacity? They aie not
Intended to stand apart afler they become Ills,
but utlur lo foiui one body. Thai was evident
fiom Hie seventh lesson. Hut htini; aggirealcil
does Jtsus have any leiallou or mission to them
tllirnlni; fiom Hut which He has tn them sepa
rately? The parable of Hie kooi) khepheid an-kui-u.
It slinwa liovv dear they are to Him,
how linderly He care for thrill. Tlie tiRiiie
was exeiedlnidy appioprlate ami was well mi
ileislood by a pastoral people.
TI'.XTII I.i:OX. Sept. 2. "The Seventy Sent
I'orlh." (I.uke, x, 1-11.1 If we were lo pause
Willi Hie thought of tlie last lesson we should
have a veiy Inadequate ilew of Christ and the
).lein of irllitiou whleh He Inlroiliued. What
is tn be His attitude tow aid the ureal man of
mankind who do not know lllm? What shall
be Ihe aliunde of Ills uroulc tovvaul this outly
ing mass of human!)) 1 Tlie siuilini; faith of Ihe
seventy answers holli qut'slluiis. lie de-lies tn
In in'.' (hem In Himself, and He will employ Ills
illseiphs In c!huts to liilnu them, This puts
ilisilpleshlp in a new ami ino-t iutetestitii; llulit.
The- follower becomes a co-woiker wllh His
i:i.i:Vi:TII l,1s.O.-Sfit. ll. "The Good" (I.uke. x, 2.1-:t7.) What Is the ex
lent and measute of (htist's regard for those
who aie not Ills folloneiit? What shall be the
liatuie of the seivice whhli Ills people shall
teniliT to tliiiu? Shall Hie soul alone lie consid
ered? Hull national ami political dilTeiences
put up limitations? Mull piejudices pievint
klntlly deiils? iiie Cooti Samaritan, bendim;
ou-r one wlni hat! been wounded and robbed,
sHidijiir llliu for eaie to n nciuhboihuc inn fill-iiUlii-s
an answer. All who ate in dNtiess, no
mailer who ot where the) are, uliould awaken
Christian s.itupathv and seeiite (iill-lijii aid.
Help slioiild he extended to tliose who lieetl,
lint wiio tan never icpay.
TWI'.I.rni I.K-sOS.-N-pt. 1(1, "The Mint
Tool." (I.uke, .xii, H-2J.) What dors Je-us
tlilnk of tliose who aieiimulale earthly treasure
but (onset Hint? lias He any lnleiet In the
luesllou nt wealth? Is theie am iliuuer In' a fortune? Wo mlulil expect itome
answer to a iiuMlon that now conecins all
elates of men, tlie ilch and Ihe poor alike.
Ills sl' would urpile evety cue in our time
when ptopetty sttUInu is the ihlef puriult of
men. ibis parable atlotils ample lntiiirtuni on
lids polnl. i In if was Ilul the tuihlliiliied ,t(
cuuiiilailnn, I Inn the baldened heait, Hun the
limpn-e lo eek ami piiasure without ie;caid
to Hie will of (iod and Ihe welfare of man.
Afliiwaiil theie was the divine inteijeillon ami
lliti-ll'ii-llli'ii, the nilfllill annoiuieemeut of tlcjlll
and the .eatehlnir interrouallon. In all Ibis die
niter ivotihlessness of tieasmed uoods appears
at llfe'a clo-e.
TIIIitTKIlVril I.PSSON'.-Sept. 2.1. "Tlie Duty
of WaKlifuluess." (I.uke. xli, Jj-til.) And fin
ally, what is l he pioper altitude of the believer
In Christ toward tlie fuliiie of Ills klniriloui?
Shall tll-tlples relapse Into imliflereiiee, asuiu
lilt; Hut III Ills own tood time Ills klliutloiu
will lie establislieil and men need have no t nu
ll m for ll? The duly of watchfulness impose)
upon the disciples the act of a sin ant, who, lu
Hie absence of Ids uuiter, takes care of the es
tate .Hid promts It mains! all Injiii), lie Is
not meiely lo de-he ami pray for dlvlii" bless
hue, lioth of wliieii lie must do. Inn he is re
united to keep an outlook tor enemies and feel
Hut he is inliiisied wllh Interests thai must lie
ufely kcpl aualnst the time of iciiihrliiit- ace mini.
CONCi.l'SlDX. Thus Ihe leMin of Hie quar
ter, taken out of their oniiettlon lu the several
itnpes, open to tu the person ami purpose ot
Join. The Sou of Rod, tlie spiritual support of
the bil leu r. olleied tu all int'ii, ricrlieil by
faith, vvlililt is splril-lu rallied, ulleslrd hy
Moses and lilias, Jesus Would make turn child,
like ami rausu them to live loutther In love,
lie would mlnl.ler to the body as well as the
soul, leather Hit in as a shephciil Into a lioik,
send them out to win othets (ml In blrss all l
ttniihle. lie would luvo men use litis woild
wi us not to Idlfcht their piospects for tl7l next,
and He would make them stewards, entrusted
with His lansc, wailluK for Ills coinliijr, watih
Inu asaintt His foes, eager for Hie entiblUlinunt
of Ida kliijilom.
there, Is chlclly noti-d for hiuiiiK been
used as a military depot by liuriroyne
after his capture of Tlcnndoroira.
The summer hdiiic of Kdvvard ICggbF
ton, the ftimous author and lecturer,
Is ut Dnrlimn Hay. Sear Multun land-
Ini? Is the Sacrificial Hliine. nbutit
which there Is an Interesting Indian
At Sabbath Day Point, nineteen and
a half miles from Caldwell, in KVi,
Putnam and Hobits defeated a super
ior force nf Trench und Indians, and
here, mi the 5th of July, I'.'.s. Aber
cromble landed with Vt.OW troops. One
year later. Anihorsl, with U',000 men,
passed the Sabbath here and held le
llfrluus service for his nrmv. This in
cident, It Is said, irnve the place its
i.KOKxn or rtooKU's hock.
Xear the northern end of the lake It
Hoirer's HoeU mountain, whose sides
run neaily peipetullculaiiy from the
lake to a heisht of 1,000 feet. In the
'winters of 17."-17."iS, William Hosers, a
famous Indian lighter, was pursued by
the Indians and brought to bay at llio
summit of this precipitous cliff.
He threw his knapsack over tin- cliff
and, reveislng his snow-shoes, made !-.l
way down a ravine to the hike. When
his pursuers came up, It appeared to
them from the track made by the
snow-shoes that two men had met there
and seeing the trail made diy the fall
ing bundle, they concluded that both
had fallen over the cliff and had been
kllle'd. When they saw lingers making
his wuy acinss the Ice unhurt, they
thought It was a miracle and. believ
ing him to be under the protection of
the flreat Spirit, they gave up the
chase. Since then the cliff has been
known us Hosers' Slide.
Xear Baldwin, the end of the steam
boat trip. Is Howe's Landing. Here
Howe and Abercroinble, with l.'.OiiO
men. landed on July ti. 17.18. and ad
vanced to Tlconderoga. Among the
principal mountain peaks are Pilot
mountain on the west, seven milei
from Caldwell; Huck mountain, L',000
feet high: Deer Leap mountain and
Hlack mountain, the monarch of the
lake, which pushes Its way up Into the
clouds to the height of 2,(101 feet. Its
rocky sides aie seamed and scarred by
tempest and torrent and reddened by
fires that have swept It from base to
There are numerous summer resorts
on both shores of the lake, some of
them so hidden among the trees that
they can scarcely he seen from the
steamer: others standing out promi
nently on projecting cap's, their vveP
kept lawns and leaf-embowered walks
and driveways making pleasing pic
tures against the datk hackgiound of
mountain nnd forest.
We wen three and one-half lit ur
making the trip, lauding at Haldw'n
at 1 p. m. and taking tlie train from
there to Whitehall. It was a delight
ful occasion; a little break In tin- wiilii
nnd bustle of business, and we went
our way. pleased nnd grateful that the
opportunity had been vouchsafed us to
pay our respects lu the "Queen of
American Waters."
Arthur h. Collins.
Manchester, X. H., Sept. 2S.
1 IIJ"Lm
New Discovery By
The Misses Uell
A Trial Treatment FREE To Any
One Afflicted With Hair on Face,
Neck or Arms
ar ,-,
Wo liavo at last rondo tho dlecoverr
which lias bntllcd chemists and all other
for centuries- that of absolutely destroy.
Iiitr Hiiperlluus hair, root and braucn,
entirely nnd permanently, nnd that too
without Impairing In any way the nneat
or most fensltlvo ektn. It Is scarcely'
posslblo to ovcr3tato the importance of
thli discovery, or the great gooel and satis
faction it will bo to thoso nftllcted with
one of tho most illellKUrlnff and iigaravat-
iii!f moniUlicR mat ot supernuous nair or
tho faco of women, whether It bo amus
tucbo or growth on thu neck, cheeks or
Tho illsscs Dell have thorouRbly tested
its otUciioy tend are desirous that the full
merits of their treatment to which they
havo if! ven the descriptive namo of "KILI.
AI.L-ll AIK" shall ho known to all afflicted.
To this end a trial will bo sent free of
ibarircs, to any lady who will write for It.
Without u cent of cost you can see for
yourselves what tho discovery Is; the
evidence of your own senses will then
convince you that tbo treatment "KIIX-AI.I.-HA1K."
will rid you of one of the
Kicatest drawbacks to perfect loveliness,
tho a rowth of superfluous hair on tbo faco
or neck of women.
Please understand that a personal demon
St ration of our treatment costs you
nothing. A trial xvlll be sent you free,
which you can use yourself and prove our,
claims by Bonding two stamps for malllna;.
78 & 80 Fifth Avenue, New York-
The tilises Bell's Complexion Toole Is
harmless liquid for external application to
tho skin. It removes entirely ull freckles,
moth, blackheads, pimples, and tan, and
cured entirely acno and eczema, and
beaiitllliw tho complexion. Prioe $1.00 per
bottle, three bottles (usually required to
clear tho complexion) 12.75.
The nisocB Hell's Capllla Rc-neva Is a
preparation for naturally restorm gray
loukti to their original color. Capllla
lieuova is rvnllv a Ilnlr Pood, nnd strength
ens and lnvigoraU'8 the hnlr lu a natural
way, nnd thus restores Its original color,
price J1.K) per bottle.
Tho Hell's Skin rood Is r soft,
creamy, exquisitely scented ointment, for
inilit cahes of roughnoss, redness, pimples,
etc.; Is a cure in Itself. Is an excellent
retiring cream Prlco 75 cents ror.1ar.
The Ml sms ItcU'.s Unibt.' Wool Soap is
tunslofrom pure oil of buuilis' Wool. Price
la cents porriiUe,
A compieto line of nbove exquisite Ions tiro always kept In stock, and
i an h Slid from oev local agcat
K. D. Xlcbols, esq., of Wllke.s-Uune,
will lerntre 'n the .Methodist iliurch tils
evening. Subject. "The Muial ICffect ol
the Policy of the fioveriuuent with Our
New possessions."
On Sunday Hev. J. X. llalley will
preach In the Methodist church. In the
morning fioni the subject, "The mess
ing: When?" In the evening K. 1).
Nichols will give an uddiess. Subject.
"The Church and the Liquor Trallle."
The sacrament of the Lord's supper
will be administered Sunday morning
nt the Presbyterian church. The pas
tor. Hev. S. W. Young, will preach n
sermon to children appropriate for the
occasion on the subject', "The One
Foundation." In the evening the se-
j rles of sermons on the book of Jonah
A Skin of Doauty Is a Joy Forovlr.
Dl! 'I'. t-'KI.IX OI'Hri't OKir.NTAU
ItcmoTts Tan, Hmplcs. rrvctcU
Much I'slrhtw, !li-o. tM akla
tlLruaes ln'l every tilemlih ,
imuiy, ua dent
dttecilon. It turn
stood lbs tcsl cf Ll
Sjesti. uid Ii m
ijj liarraleis sa Uite It
y to be sure It Is prop-
riy resde. Anct
no counterfeit ol
Imllsmaius. pr. U
A. Hnjro wld to a
iMlrot tliatuut-loa
( lAilentii "Asyoa
Mir, will uie them,
I reeo-nmend 'Oour
amt'sCTesm'Silha least lornifulof aJ
tbo Skin prrftsra.
tion, " For mm I'J
' .-- , -r nt, l'iu,.w'. Dealers in the C. S Cut-aclas, and Boroa
S'KUD.I.aorKlKS.ProB'r.lJQrftatJoaMBfc.II.X. t
will be ciintinued. Subject, "Jonah's
Second Call."
Mrs. Dr. llarrle Ileppetlln, of lleut
rice, Neb.. Is visiting her parents, Mr,
und Mrs. D. D. Warner.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Vnndermnrk and daugti
ter. Mrs. Garrison, and four children
of Ulster county. X. V., aro the guest
of Huimett Uiodhead,
- ti r --JTsl
'', u"V6F ' Set? Hi
"' A w
i y lyv
j "v,7.,