qtMNWH " "'' nP iii. -.nt.niHB u.fat,'- rw .i THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1900. ;:.i3N ., vWi.p.wftit'w-i-aiQiEan1ii NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA HONESDALE. Bpfclil to the Scranton Tribune. Honosdalc, Sept. 24. The Erie trains will start from the Delaware nnil Hud son station, Monday, October 1. Mrs. John Spruks spent the past week In New York city. Miss Adelaide Dodce Is with friends at Nlagats, Wayne county. Mrs. Frank Tllson, of Newark, and Miss Nancy Hecker. of Brooklyn, N. T., are the guests of Mrs. John Krantz, on Thirteenth street. Mr. Horace T. Menner has bpnn In New York the past week, preparing for the fall trade. Miss Gertrude Stone, of Clark's Green, was the guest of Mrs. G. W. Decker over Sunday. The entries for the races at the fair are as follows: The 3 minute class are Kiss, entered by It. T. Whitney; Lula C, by G. 11. Crevellng, Carbondalc; Al !en S, by L. A. Patterson, Carbondale; II. C. W., by H. C Williams, Carbon dale; Albert, by 15. M. Abrams, Pitts ton; Nina 11, by M. M. Sherwood, Scranton. The 2.25 class: Wilkes Medium and Mnrscntt. by L. A. Pat terson; Albert, by It. M. Abrams, and Goldseekcr, by Ridge Farm. The 2.40 class: George Dewey, by Leo If. Stearns, Port .Tervls, N. Y.j Independ ent, by C. M. Leonard, Afton, N. Y.: Lola C, by G. H. Crevellng; Allen S, by L. A. Patterson; H. C. W., by H. C. Williams: Albert, by R. M. Abrams: Nina B, by M. M. Sherwood. The 2.30 class; Independent, by C. M. Leonard; Jim Doyle and Massenet, by L. O. Pat terson; Albert, by R. M. Abrams; Nina B. by M. M. Sherwood. Free-for-all: Nllo and Wilkes Medium, by L. A. Pat terson; Cullmont, by George G. Fur man, Bloomlngburg, N. Y. "A Bell Roy" Is a laughable musical farce-comedy, and may be seen at the Honcsdalo opera house on Wednesday and Thursday evenings of this week for the first time. The play is pre sented by a competent company of people and Is sure to please. Saturday night James Drake, of Hawley, was brought before Justice Smith, charged with throwing stones and using Insulting language to some striking glass-cutters, who had re turned to work In the shop of J. S. O'Conner. Ho was committed to Jail. Ball was furnished late Saturday night, but he was not released until Monday morning. District Attorney Lawrence M. At kinson will probably' succeed Mr. W. W. Wood as chairman of the Wayne county Republican committee. Miss Isabella Calloway has resigned her position In tho Independent olllce, nnd will go to Now York, October 1, where she will enter the Woman's Art school at Cooper union. Grand jury court Is being held this week. The Maple City band will accompany the Erie excursion to Blnghamton next Sunday. The shortage of coal Is felt already In Honcsdalo, although without any serious results thus far. Tne factories are kept running by the use of the culm taken from the fillings of the abandoned gravity works. This Is screened nnd made possible to hum. Should tho miners' strike continue very long the shops and factories will be obliged to close down, as the supply of culm Is limited. Tho washery at Hoad leys is still running, but far behind their orders. One week ago last Saturday, a man past mlddlo-age, of prepossesslnff ap pearance, engaged board at a Hones dale private boarding house for him self and two other men, who were to arrive later, stating that they were to engage in business that would keep them In Honesdale for tlfrec months. As the now boarder's 'trunk had not arrived, he said he eould not attend church, and remained In tho house all day Sunday. He requested the board ing mistress to have breakfast ready for him at 6 o'clock on Monday morn ing, as ho wished to get at his business early. After eating breakfast, ho took his departure, Informing the lady of tho house that he would return with the other two men for dinner. The lady prepared dinner nnd waited for her new boarders. She is still waiting for the nice gentleman and his com panions and his board bill, and Hones dale does not gain the proposed new Industry. ii FACTORYVILLE. Special to the Scrantuti Ttihunc. Factoryvllle, Sept. 24. The Metho dlst Episcopal preachers of the Blng hamton sub-district, embracing Dal ton, Newton, Mill City, Factoryvllle, Foster, Nicholson and West Nicholson, met yesterday at the Methodist Epis copal church, by order of L. C. Floyd, presiding elder. James M. and A. A. Brown attended the funeral of Truman Ackorly, at Jus tus, last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. James Packer, of Nich olson, spent Sunday with relatives here. Postmaster Peter B. Walter and wife Keystone academy opened the foot ball season here Saturday with Tunk hannock High school team, which proved too much for Keystone, and had a comparatively casyithing of it, . i B'. James "" " Headache f I'owderi, I ! BE iCAREFUL.j - When the druggist of . fers you a substitute for Dr. James' Headache Powders refuse it. Demand Dr. James' if you want your headache cured. Dr. JameV Headache Powders -" ' lire perfectly ufa and Mllable. At all Drug Stores, i 4 dosoa 10 cents. Curs Wbero Otben KalL as Keystone has done but very little practicing yet, nnd played men who had never played the game before. Christy Mathewson, who has been holding a position on the New York National league base ball team the past season, has been spending a few days hero with his parents, prior to returning to Bucknell university. He has won new laurels for himself In the pitcher's box this year, nnd has tnken good caro of himself, therefore wo ex pect In nnother season to hear more of his marvelous work on the diamond, have returned from an extended tour through the west. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II. Mathewson re turned Friday from a three weeks' stay with friends In New York state. BRADFORD COUNTY. Special to the Frranton Tribune. Townnda, Sept. 24. Two freight cars were destroyed by lire nt Sayro a few days ago. The remains of Charles HoUistcr, who was killed by the enrs nt East Rutherford, N. J., last Sunday, reached his former home hero yester day. He was 19 years old. Scott Watson, n bicyclist from Mon roetown, met with a peculiar accident while returning home. He ran into a ditch or hole in the road, being thrown In such a way as to nearly lose his right ear, which was almost torn off. The cartllege was sowed back. Miss Mnry Gordon has entered Wellesley college at Wellcsley, Mass. Robert Howell and Richnrd Suther land were up from WIlkes-Barro vis iting friends this week. According to reports In this sec tion, corn nnd buckwheat will prove poor crops, on account of tho ex treme drouth. Dr. J. S. Stewart and Prof. M. S. II. ITnger are attending tho meeting of the Presbytery at Shlckshtnny. Antl-toxine has been successfully used here by Dr. Means on a case of diphtheria. Silas Mills, of North Townnda, has celebrated his ninety-second birthday. A McKlnley and Roosevelt club was organized by the Republicans of this borough last evening, with a large membership. Ratification meetings will soon be in order. J. E. Garrison, of Millerton, has been arrested for stealing a large num ber of lambs, which he would take at different times for butchering pur poses. The Unlversallst church has ex tended a pastoral call to Rev. Herbert II. Graves, of Sherman, N. Y. Ho will take charge about November 1. Considerable excitement was created at Wyaluslng yesterday morning when it became known that unknown tramps had shot, but not seriously Injured, the night operator, Thomas Norduff. About half past 1 in tho morning, an attempt was made to enter tho door of the station, which tho operator had locked, and falling to gain entrance, several shots were fired through tho window, one ball entering young Nor duff's thigh. He also fired on the ns sailants, but to no effect. The young man seemed to have presence of mind to send the news ovar the wire, and shortly an engine and crew came from Laceyvllle. The young man was at once taken to the Sayre hospital, and no serious results are expected. Detective Caskey is Investigating tho case. Only two months ago the young man was relieved of a watch and con siderable money at this same place. The station Is situated about one mllo from the village, to the great Ir convenience of the public, and report has It that operators will be scarce In accepting a night position at this point. The people should, and in time may have, a station nearer tho town, "Johnny on the Spot" will eppear at Hole's Opera House- this week, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. It is a first-class comedy of three years' successful touring, under the management of William Ryder. The programme will consist of the best singing, dancing, with the other up-to-date features. This being the week of the county fair, no doubt the com pany will bo given crowded houses. Peter Ranpers, of Sayre, nnd Eu gene Schmelg, of Wysox, have been granted naturalization papers by Judge Fanning. A carp weighing nearly twenty-two pounds was caught In the river near Wyaluslng, Thirty-three horses have been en tered for this week's fair and some ex citing races may be expected. The ex hibit promises to excel that of former years. Tho county commissioners will build a new bridge in Tuscarora township. Prospects have become flattering towards finding oil at Mlllvlow, In Sullivan county. C. Y. Baldwin and bride, of Brook lyn, N. Y., have been visiting at Reg ister and Recorder Ilngham's. SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY. Immediate and Lasting (MARIANI WINE.) WORLD FAMOUS TONIC Prevents Waste, Aids Digestion, Braces Body, Brain and Nerves. No other preparation has ever received to many voluntary testimonials from eminent peo ple as the orld.mous Marlanl Wine. young butcher, accompanied by his wife, spent Sunday nt Brooklyn. Mr. Harry Williams Is attending the fair at Mansfield, Pa. Tho members of Mr. F. C. Drlggs Sunday school class enjoyed a plcnjc at Lako Nicholson, Saturday. TUNKHANNOCK. Sold by all dma-glsts. Utilise Substitutes. Marlanl k Co., 82 W. 15th St., New York, pub lish a handsome book ot endorsements ol Em perors, Empress, Princes, Cardinals, Arehblshopi and other distinguished personages. It is sent gratis and postpaid to all who write for It. Jefferson branch on Saturday and Sun day. , On Wednesday evening, October 3, In St. John's Catholic church, Joseph Dougherty will be united in marriage to Miss Maboile R., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Perry, of Oak street. A reception "at tho homo of the bride will follow. The Presbytery of Lackawanna has dissolved the pastoral relations be tween Rev. David I Sutherland nnd the Susquohanna Tresbyterlan church. Rev. Fred H. Watklns, of Brandt, has been appointed moderator of the ses sion. Mr. Sutherland will preach his farewell sermon on Sunday next. .Row Kennedy Craig, of Sayre, will declare the pulpit vacant on .the first Sun day In October. Mr. nnd Mrs. Leslie Malcolm, of Huntington, Indiana, arc visiting Mr. Malcolm's parents, on Jackson street. A. D. Harding, who has conducted a photograph gallery In Blnghamton for several years, has returned to Sus quehanna. Miss Jessie B. Simpson, of Blng hamton, was (contralto) soloist in Christ Episcopal church on Sunday. Rev. A. E. Kltcher, of Lanesboro, occupied tho pulpit of tho Baptist church on Sunday morning and even ing. In Christ Episcopal church on Tues day evening, an organ tecltal will bo given by Mrs. Gertrude Scott-Matthews, of Trinity Memorial church, In Blnghamton, assisted by Miss Wescott nnd tho male quartette of Trinity church, HALLSTEAD. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Susquehanna, 'Sept. 24. Tho first ot a series of ball games between tho Susquehanna and the Great Bend clubs will be played In Peebe park on Tuesday afternoon. Tho business men nnd tho clerks will play a game of ball In Beebe park this afternoon. Murray and Mack will nppear In Hogan Opera House on Friday even ing In "Flnnegan's 400." McKlnley and Roosevelt clubs arc 'being organized throughout Susque hanna county. A Susquehanna delegation on Sun day attended a meeting of tho county board of the Ancient Order of Hiber nians. On Saturday John Robinson, of Car bondale, caught from the Lanesboro dam six pike weighing thirty-threo pounds. Today, being a Jewish holiday, a number of Susquehanna business places are closed, Tho funeral of Arthur Duran, of Oakland township, occurred from the Lako View church on Sunday after noon, Rev. Charles Henry Newlng, pastor of tho Susquehanna Methodist church, officiating. Tho E. R. Weeks Concert company, of Blnghamton, will appear In Hogan Opera House, September 27, under the auspices of the Monday club, for tho benefit of tho Keystono Hook nnd Lad der company building fund. Tho Susquehanna county Women's Christian Temperance union will hold Us annual convention In New Mllford, October 4 and G, Several trains of coal came over the Special to tho Scr.inton Tribune. Hallstead, Sept. 24. At tho lench ers' county Institute which meets In Montrose next month, many arrange ments are being made to make it a big year among tho teachers and direc tors. Among the now features will be an institute manual, which will be printed nnd distributed gratis to the teachers and others. Tho manual Is to contain the names and nddi esses ot all tho teachers and directors of the county. Tho funeral of William Sweet, father of Mrs. Frank Mack, was held from tho home of Frank Mack last Saturday. Interment was In Rose Hill cemetery. Ho was an estimable gen tleman and beloved by all acquain tances. John Tanner, at the present time, Is among the sick. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles E. Moxley will this week move from the Mrs. O. R. Mcintosh house, on Susquehanna avenue, to their own home, which they have recently built on Park avenue. John D. Rnub, a wood carver and designer for furniture companies, has rented a house In Hallstead and will move here January 1. He Is an es timable gentleman, and his coming to this borough with his family, to make his permanent home, will be greeted with pleasure. Rev. R. N. Ives, of New Mllford, has signified his Intention of repairing the handsome Ives memorial window In the Presbyterian church, which was damaged in a hail storm last spring. Mrs. George Ward recently enter tained Mrs. W. H. Rhodes, Mrs. George Tracey, Mrs. II. E. Van Fleet and Mrs. Cheney, of Blnghamton. Many of the Hallstead people will attend the Harford fair Thursday. Thursday evening of this week tho Century Debating club will meet to reorganize for tho coming season. A series of contests will bo arranged with the Montrose Young Men's Chris tian association. Miss Dena Wilcox, who has been spending several weeks at the homo of William Barnes, on William street, will return home this week. Miss fl.ena Barnes will accompany her. William McCreary, who has been quite ill for the last few days, Is on the road to recovery. He was threat ened with typhoid fever. Rev. Watklns la3t week visited the peoplp of his parish residing on Locust Hilt and Dutch Hill. James Klrby has bsen making no ticeable Improvements about his Church street home Tho old board walk has been torn up nnd will bo re placed by a fine stono walk. Cottago prayer meeting will be held this week at the home of Mrs. J. H. VanLean, on Church street, prepara tory to evangelistic services, which will be conducted In the Presbyterian church next week. The chicken pie supper held by the ladles who are members of the Im proved Order of Red Men, Degreo of Pocohontas, was a success, as there were more diners than pie. Many were turned away, as the supply of chicken pie run short. Fred BIsbee, of Deposit, N. Y Is visiting his cousin, Fred Church, NICnOLBON. Special to the Scrcnton Tribune. Nicholson, Sept. 24. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Graham, of Tunkhannock, called on Mr. and Mrs. II, T. Wllklns, Sunday. A farewell reception was tendered Mrs, Leonard Knapp, at her home on Stato street, Saturday evening, Those present were Rev. and Mrs. L. E, San ford, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conrad, Mrs. Draper Shaw, Mrs. Wcrkheiser, Mrs. M. L. Billings, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Knapp, Mrs. A. W. Stark, Mrs. II, W, Kilns, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Bird, Mrs, E. W. Fnrrer, Mrs. Barrett Gard ner, Mrs. William Knapp, Mrs. A. L. Thayer, Misses Cora Kling, Ethel Stark, Nellie Thompson, Beeslo Wal ker, Messrs. Olln Shaw, A. J, Kilns and Clarence Knapp. Mrs. Sarah Williams Is visiting her son, Mr. Edward Raymond, of Blng hamton, N. Y, Mr. Frank Benjamin, our popular Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Tunkhannock, Sept. 21. The con ference of tho Democratic party for the Twenty-third Senatorial district, met hero today nftcr an adjournment over Sunday nnd after several ballot! were taken, nominated Attorney May nard, of Athens, ns their cnndldato for senator. Tho conference was dead locked, each county hnvlng two con ferees, nnd Wyoming's two supporting C. A. Little, ot this place, nnd tho other two supporting Mnynard. Tho nomination certificate under tho law Is required to bo filed nt Harrlsburg on Tuesday, and In order to make tho nomination In time to got tho certi ficate filed It was necessary to make the nomination today. Under those circumstances, tho two candidates drew lots nnd the choice fell to the Bradford man. Owing to the mix up over the Republican nomination, thd Democrats think they have some chance of carrying tho district this fall. C. B. Little, of Scranton, spent Sun day In town. As a result of the shooting affair at Wyaluslng Saturday night, by which the night operator at tho Lehigh Val ley station nt that place was seriously Injured, Sheriff Gray was notltlcd ear ly Sunday morning that thrcj tramps were coming south on a freight train, and to be on tho look-out for them, ns they were suspected of being tho ones who did the shooting. Tho sheriff deputized G. O. Skinner and It. M. Howell, and the three watched the freights as they came In here. About 11 o'clock one pulled In, and an exami nation discovered four tramps In one of the cars. They were taken out and placed In Jail and the authorities noti fied. Railroad Detective Caskey came down from Sayre yesterday afternoon, but was unable to sufficiently Identify the men and they were released. The court calendar for the October term of court Is out, and from the number ot cases contained In It, tho term gives promise of giving a full two weeks' work. The common pleas trial ,11st has already been published, and tho argument list is ns follows: In re, road In Tunkhannock town ship. Exceptions filed. Commonwealth vs. E. W. Hewitt: Rule to show cause why judgment as to costs shall not bo set aside. In re, lunacy of Margaret N. Henry: Exceptions to the account of C. M. Lee, committee. R. M. Piatt, bearer, vs. J. P. Harpe: Rule to open judgment. In re, estate of Charles Harris, de ceased: Rule for citation. In re, lunacy of Richard Bird: Rule for revoking appointment of commit tee. In re, account of John Dennlson, guardian of F. C. Dennlson: Excep tions filed. George Brungcss V3. Arch. Wildrich: Certiorari. Frank E. Engleman vs. Whllldln Foster: Rule for Judgment for want of sufllclent allidavit of defense. John O. Davis vs. Mahala Gallup: Certiorari. Claud D. Titus vs. Mlna E. Titus: Rule for alimony. Commonwealth vs. Harry Reson grant: Rule to discharge defendant. C. E. SIckler vs. Marvin Sicklcr: Rule to open judgment. Nellie Guernsey vs. Ella L. Patrick: Rule to set aside fl. fa. Nellie Guernsey vs. Ella L. Patrick: Rule to open judgment. FIRST DAY OF THE LAST WEEK The Tribune's Educational Contest Wearing Its End. CHANGES IN 1HE STANDING There Was tho Usual Amount of Shifting About Yesterday Close Race for Third Place A Gap Be tweon. Sixth and Seventh That Is Likely to Bo Closed Soma of the Contestants Have Great Expecta tionsOpportunity of the Next rive Days. The first day of tho closing week of Tho Tribune's Educational Contest, saw the usual number of chnnges In tho standing of the contestants. Those occupying first, second and third places still retain their positions, but tho fight for tho third notch Is very close. David C. Spencer succeeded In getting within nine points of It, pass ing his first century, but Miss Jennie Myers scored Just enough to keep ahead of him and Is but eight points behind Oliver Callahan. Arthur Kern merer was compelled to drop to sixth place, but Is still close behind. Miss Fannlo E. Williams Is advanced from tenth to eighth place, nnd Is close to the next notch. The gap between sovsnth and sixth places Is not likely to remain open long, unless those nbove make rapid gains, as several of the contestants In some of the lower positions are ex pecting to make material advances be fore the close, nnd the race from now to the llnlsh will no doubt prove very Interesting. In the five dnys that re main much can be accomplished to ward securing one of tho valuable special rewards. LEQAL. BLAKELY BOROUGK. No. 20 NATIONAL LEAGUE. At rtoston it. 11. K. New York 2 5 5 10 0 1-11 11 1 lloston 7 13200 114 17 4 llitteries C.irrick.Tajlor, Seymour ami daily; Lewis and Pittinger, Sullivan and O'Connor. Um pire Snyder. At Brooklyn It. II. K. Philadelphia 0(10 1015 20-!) 11 3 Hronkljn 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 (1 8 3 flatteries Ortli and Mtl'arland; McGinnlty and I'urrell. Umpire Hurst. At St. Louis- It. If. U. Pittslmrii 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 4 1 St. Louis 000000 10 1 4 1 Hattcrica Waddcll and Zimmer; Youns and Criger. Umpire O'Pay. 1. u u 5. 6. 9. 10. 11. 14. 15, 10, Standing of Contestants. Charles Rodriguez, 428 Webster ave., Scran- ton 202 David V. Blrtley, 103 West Market street, Providence 224 "" Oliver Callahan, 415 Vine street, Scranton. 130 Miss Jennie Meyers, Lake Ariel . 131 David C. Spencer, Bloomsburg 130 Arthur Kemmerer, Fac- toryville 124 Miss Mary Yeager, Mos- cow. 76 Miss Fannie E. Will- ' f iams, Peckville 68T Eugene Boland, 235 -f Walnut street, Dun- more 65 Harry Reese, 331 Evans court, Hyde Park. ... 64 Miss Grace Slmrell, Car- "" bondale 62 Sidney W. Hayes, 022 t Olive street, Scranton. 47T Hichard Roberts, 1313 Hampton street, Hyde Park 11 John P. Smith, 2532 .uouievara ave., jrrovi- dence 8 Edward Murray, 442 Hickory street, South Scranton 6 Robert Campbell, 1532 Monsey ave., Provl- dence 4 LEGAL. LEGAL. PUBLIC SALE OR Seated and Unseated Lands BY THE COMMISSIONERS OF LACKAWANNA COUNTY Thursday, October 11, 1900, at 10 o'clock a. m. Notice is hereby given in pursuance of the general Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, directing the mode of selling Seated and Unseated Lands that have been in the possession of the County Commissioners and remaining unredeemed for two years and upwards, there will be exposed to public sale on the nth. day of October A. D., 1900 at 10 o'clock a. m. at the arbitration room in the court house in the city of Scranton, the following properties unless the same are redeemed previous to that time, to wit: UNSEATED LANDS. CARBONDALB TOWNSHIP. i - Amt. of Taxes No. Owner or Interest No. of Acres. Reputed Owner. Description of Property and Costs. 1 250 . Smith arid Wllllams.Jonathan Dilley, Jr., tract J 9953 JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP. Elizabeth Branham tract (or 2 100 W. W. Mills Elizabeth Conrad) j 25 91 3 100 W. W. Mills Robert Irving tract 40 14 LEHIGH TOWNSHIP. 4 310 William J. Burke. .. William Mllnor tract 4455 5 100 Rev. B. Iwanaskl., .James Burnsldo tract 15 39 6 200 C W. Powell John Reese tract 22 15 ROARING BROOK TOWNSHIP. 7 23 W. W. Mills E. Gulso tract ; 15 13 SPRING BROOK TOWNSHIP. 8 212 John C. (or Jacob Phelps Thomas Sundas tract 1 11 oa John II. Jenkins. ,, .Jeremiah Parker tract 63 30 A. II. Dunnlne, Jr., ..Thomas Dundas tract 112 gg C. S. Stark Jacob Presslnpter tract 133 43 Theodore Shultz ....RhodaJIoIcomb tract 43 33 Stark Estato II, Butcher tract 141 gi WINTON BOROUGH. 14 413 W. W. Mills John Stelnhlzcr tract 4S7 61 SEATED LANDS. ARCHBALD BOROUGH. " 15 1 lot.l house Michael Oboskey ... First ward 13 IS 16 1 lot.l house John Roteskey. First ward 18 20 17 1 lot, 1 house GeorKO Noycott ....First ward , 17 73 IS 1 lot, 1 house Stanlck Kunrla .... First ward 19 61 10 1 lot.! house Michael Jontoskey,, First ward ...,, ,.,..,... 21 61 No. of Acres. 10 acres 410 acres 404 acres Amt. of Taxes Interest and Costs. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3S 39 40 41 43 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 no 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 5S 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 SO 81 82 S3 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 9 100 10 212 11 246 12 9S 13 350 112 113 114 115 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 13S 139 140 141 142 143 141 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 153 153 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 I nor or Reputed Owner. Description of Property Louisa McMillan ....Third ward, Scott road i 32 43 CARHONDALE TOWNSHIP. Owner unknown ....Benjamin Shove tract i 682 33 Owner unknown .... Jesse Shove tract 633 98 23 465 acres CLIFTON Charles Kcssler ... TOWNSHIP. .1 103 02 DUNMORE BOROUGH. James Archbald ....Sixth ward, Madison avenue ..S Samuel Avery Sixth ward, Madison avenue .. G. A. Balrd Fifth ward, Bunker Hill John J. Capwell..... Sixth ward, Webster avenue .. E. Gallagher Sixth ward. Qulncy avenue .... Howell and Jones... Sixth ward. Fifteenth street .. Henry Anthony Sixth ward, Qulncy avenuo ... Mary A. Larney Second ward, Drinker street ... Mrs. Mooney Third wnrd, Fourth titreet .... Jacob Mauer Third ward, Trescott avenue .. Henry Messenger ...Sixth ward, Madison avenue .. Owner unknown ....Fourth ward, Drinker street .. Owner unknown ....Sixth ward, Adams avenue lots 10. 11, 12. 14, 16, 17 and 18 .... II. N. Patrick Sixth ward, Adams avenuo .... Armenia Schroedcr.. Sixth ward, Monroe avenue ... W. F. Stlfan Rlirth wnnl. T'lno ntrppf 96 7-10 acres Scranton Vitrified Brick Co Fifth ward Scranton Tllo Co.... Fifth ward , William Bonn First ward. Sherwood avenue .. Martha Veach Sixth ward, RIrrs street C. J. Wllber First ward, Throop strfot .... James B. Watson... Third ward, Blakely Btreet .... James Watson Third ward, Blnkely street .... John Walter Sixth wnrd, Monroo nvenue, ! block 247, lots 1, 2 1 lot 6 lots lot lot lot lot lot lot lota lot i lot 1 lot 7'i lots 1 lot 3 lots 1 lot 100 acres 1 lot llot 1 acre 1 lot 1 lot 2 lots DICKSON CITY BOROUGH. John AntOBkl , ., Walter Burden Second ward . John Dugcan, Sr.... First ward ... William R. Davis... First ward ... Amon FInkus Third ward .. William Hoffman ...Third ward .. Pat Kelly Third ward .. Adam Kostoskl Anthony Karnacuskt Andrew Kamlskl ...Second ward . Kvan Lewis Third ward .. William Lewis Third ward .. Joe Mlklo Third word .. Bartonl Plntka Thomas Patterson.. Second ward . Thomas Rogers First ward ... Anthony Shurtarytz Enoch Thomas Third ward ... Stanislaus Zaryhtar. Third ward ... 1 lot 1 lot 3 acres 1 acre 1 lot 1 lot, 1 barn 2 lots 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot I lot 1 acre 1 lot 1U lot 1 lot 1 lot FELL TOWNSHIP. 4 lots Mike Jenocl Warren tract, lots 43-92-93-9D .. 2 lotB John Brown Vandllng. lot 74 1 lot D. V. Buck Warren tract 3 lots Edwin Burnett Warren tract 1 lot Anthony Barber ....Warren tract 1 lot J. H. Curran Warren tract 2 lots Hlndle Crandle Warren tract, lots 117-118 1 lot Pat Devannay Vandllng. lot 102 1 lot George Davis Warren tract, lot 103 1 lot Thomas Davis Warren tract, lot 30 1 lot Patrick Dunn Warren tract 41 acres Harriet Dart Rlchmondale, adjoining Cohen estate 3 lots Elk Davis Co Warren tract 3 lots Mike Dudllk Warren tract 1 lot Philip Fives Vandllng 2 lots Charles Hlgglns ....Warren tract, lots 155-15G 1 lot Henry Horton Warren tract, lot 160 2 lots Pat Hlgglns Vandllng, lots 21-22 1 lot A. L. Klnes Warren tract, lot 44 1 lot John Harris Vandllng, lot 29 1 lot James Krlzka ....... Warren tract, lot 124 1 lot David Jones Warren tract, lot 34 1 lot David Granaway ....Warren tract, lot 10 1 lot Charles Grlswald ...AVarren tract, lot 99 3 lots John Hendler Warren tract, lots 4-5-12 ...... 2 lots R. W. Jones Warren tract ,... 2 lots Philip Mears Warren tract lot Thomas Mullen Warren tract, lot 86 lot J. L. Morgan Warren tract, lot 96 lots A. D. Owens Warren tract, lots 153-154 lot Edward Owens Warren tract, lot 50 lot Eliza Owens Warren tract, lot 62 lot James Pallce Warren tract, lot 29 lot Mrs. A. J. Reed Warren tract, lot 62 lot H. II. Ruas Warren tract, lot 21 lot G. Shuas Warren tract. lot 127 lot Anthony Thornton.. Warren tract, lot 4 lot Thomas Dutler Warren tract, lot 149 lot Philip Thomas Warren tract, lot 33 1 lot John and E WllllamsWarren tract, lot 106 1 lot David White Warren tract, lot 125 35 29 ISO 43 fl 78 19 84 40 07 61 41 61 41 16 46 16 46 12 14 16 90 9 95 173 31 19 55 63 98 17 43 t 450 67 81 67 11 96 25 76 25 09 27 81 27 81 89 2 6 37 7 S3 8 51 8 27 11 67 14 86 16 19 8 96 . 8 18 3 69 10 70 10 81 8 03 8 18 9 01 7 24 9 09 S 81 11 13- 17 03 13 9 9 8 JERMYN BOROUGH. 1 lot.l house Kate Houston Third ward, C street, Jermyn..$ 5 lots, 2 shops Phoenix Casket Co. Third ward, D street, Jermyn.. JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP. 110 acres Fremont Ferris J. Dllly, Jr., tract t LACKAWANNA TOWNSHIP. 74 68 64 52 7 33 12 66 8 53 11 30 11 30 S 40 36 26 10 00 16 69 8 64 25 50 11 63 11 34 11 69 9 52 8 66 7 36 7 30 16 01 16 63 IS 19 24 93 11 68 8 94 11 34 11 31 9 69 11 31 9 69 9 41 7 06 8 94 9 45 9 69 9 44 7 41 27 26 67 92 31 6T 111 113 acres William Springer 1 lot 1 lot ..Part of William Ball, Black Hall, John Brown and Wil liam Wright, surface and r"'" coal $2518 84 MAYFIELD BOROUGH. James J. Loftus t 7 90 C. D. Daniels ., 8 57 MADISON TOWNSHIP. f SO acres 1 house, 1 outhouse 120 acres 116 1 lot 1 lot 6 lots 1 lot 1 lot Anna May Frederick $ Maurlco Walsh John Skyron track OLD FORGE TOWNSHIP. Seog and Rice Austin Heights t OLYPIIANT BOROUGH. James Brown Hill street, Fourth ward t Stephen Harvey ....Dunmore street. Fourth ward.. David Jenkins Hill street, Fourth ward Mrs. Ann Reese Hill street, Fourth ward SOUTH ABINGTON. 53 60 79 39 9 32 1 lot 35 acres lot lot lot lot lot lot lot lot lot lot lot lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 2 lota South Ablngton S Eastern part of South Ablngton. Plot 61 (Patk and Paul) Lot 491, Summit Park Part of 395-396, Summit Park... Lot 119, annex to Summit Park. Lot 301, annex to Summit Park. Lot 18, annex to Summit Park,. Lot 220, annex to Summit Park. Lot 623, annex to Summit Park. Lot 68,-annex to Summit Park.. Lot 115, annex to Summit Park. Lot 312, annex to Summit Park, Lot 509, annex to Summit Park. Lot 202, annex to Summit Park. Lot 131, annex to Summit Park. Lot 140, annex to Summit Park. Lot 173, annex to Summit Park. Lots 5S6-E87, annex to Summit Park THROOP BOROUGH. 1 lot S. S. Mills B. II. Throop tract y 1 lot.l house John Schrlskia 2 lots Amison Vesters WINTON BOROUGH. 1 lot John Bowans ,,$ 1 lot.l house, , outhouse Charles D. Covlck 1 lot, 1 house Martin Ferrlm 1 lot, 1 house Mytok Farmlnsky 1 lot, 1 house Joe Godlnsky 2 houses John Matldls 1 lot, 1 house Joseph Matlbos 1 lot, 1 house John Pedrlck ,. 1 lot Andrew Slnetch 1 lot, 1 house Joseph Wilder 1 lot Clements So-vl , Mrs. A. W. Brown.. George Gilbert Henry T. Bell Chester Butts Charles E. Bond Conncbella Christian. Peter Dollgotta Peter Dollgotta Kate Dankworth ... Gomer Farr Norman Hannon .... C. S. Kramer John M. Olive Mary Rodney Turner and Hill Alexander Titman .. Sarah Tipple David J. Thomas.... Samuel E. Waeck- man 11 12 22 77 10 98 11 05 8 63 24 02 8 8t 8 73 6 36 10 15 11 20 10 41 10 44 9 52 9 52 6 23 7 79 7 03 10 S5 10 43 10 45 9 90 13 03 151 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot SCRANTON CITY. Thomas and Jennie Pace First ward, Race street, Lot IS, block 23 P, J, Cavanaugh Second ward, Breaker street, lot 9, block 17 T. F. Renman Second ward, Breaker street, lot 23, block 2 Michael Flood Third ward, Iron street, lot, ' block 35 Ann Leach Third ward, Iron street, lot. diock v I lot.l house Catharine McIIugh.. Third ward, lot 6, block 3 1 lot Jennie Sant Fourth ward, Price streot, lot 19, ' block 23 1 lot M. B. May Fifth ward, Luzerne street, lot 12. block 80 1 Int. 1 house Michael O'Nell est.. Fifth ward. Van Buren avenue. lot 3, block 45 14 11 1 lot Richard Halllgan ...Thirteenth ward, Capouse ave nue, lot 33, block 19 9 84 Slots John J, Walsh Thirteenth ward, Ryson street, plots 8-9, 4-5, block 29 13 93 11 68 11 06 10 47 8 17 21 42 66 01 13 04 14 83 21 63 14 84 18 67 18 03 12 34 7 97 7 SO 8 77 8 13 8 93 93 7 30 9 30 6 94 Attest: W. G. DANIELS, Clerk. J. COURIER MORRIS, JOHN PENMAN, JOHN J. DURKIN, County Commissioners. ' !