THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1900. WEST SCRANTON rinrirn-i.ririj-Lri.-ir m nr ri-i.-i.i 'Lfi fin isririririiin-iii-ai-i-i"n-nii"ii ----- -- .s"i t. LAST INIGHl'S FIRE CAUSED MUCH ALARM AT FIRST THOUGHT TO BE ONE OF THE BREAKERS. Proved to Bo a Lai go Barn, Owned by Spencer Ac Robblns, Located Below Lincoln Heights Structure Was Totally Destioyed Welsh Singing Festival Will Be Held on Sunday, Sept. 30, In Cnlvlnlstlc Methodist Churches Hayward Roberts Wedding. The Immense volume of smoke and the seethlnB (lames arising from the fire In Hewitt's barn, on the plot below Lincoln Height., caused unusual alaim last evening among the residents of Bellovue and West Scranton. Manv were at first Inclined to ths belief that one of the bleakers was on lire, and when an nlarm from Box 321, at the coiner of Corbett avenue and liellovue, wan turned In. theie was a wild null of people to section of the city. The 111 o atti acted hundicds of people to the scene, and seveiat of the file companies lesponded, hut no effort was mado to save the hulldlng nnil It burneil to the giound In a short time. The tile was out of hounds of th" com panies nnd the water facilities were Inadequate to meet the leaulrements. It was rumored that seveial horses polished In the Dames, but this could not bo eilflcd. The stiucture Is a totnl loss, it was owned by Hpencei ,r Bobbins, the grain dealei. and was allied at $500. Another Quiet Wedding. James If. Hnywnid, of West Pitts ton, and Miss A. Hobeits, of this side, vvoite quietly matrled list evening bv ltev. D. P. Jones, nt the Tabernacle paisonage, on South Hyde Park nenue. Poih aie well known young people, the gioom having been o. resident of this city fin many years. Gymanfa Ganu, Sept. 30. The singing festival of the com bined cholis of West Scranton, Belle Mie, North .Scrnnton nnd Olyphant Welsh chuiches, will he held on Sun d ty, September 3rt. The morning ses sion Mill be held at the South Main Avenue Welsh Calvlnlstlc Methodist ihurch. and the evening session at the Bellevue church. J. Henry Jones has been unanimous ly chosen to conduct the singing In the absence of Prof Daniel Piotheroe. GRAPE ADE Ask Jenkins about it. 101 S. MAIN flUENUE Black Dress floods Claim First Place TMs Week Last week the Fancy Dress Fabrics held sway and wou uulimited praise. Now the sceue is changed. The fancy weaves are being withdrawn from the show ta bles and Tomorrow Morning, Tuesday, Sept 18 Their place will be taken by the Most Magnificent and Complete Display of Black Dress Goods Ever shown iu Northeastern Pennsylvania. The ex hibition will remain open all week and visitors are cor dially invited to inspect the newest and best produc tions of the season. Of Course, Pierola Cloths Come First Because Fashion says they're the swelleat thing of the year and they are beautiful. The "Cut" Pierolas present a distinct novelty, not only matchless in ap pearance, but as durable as they are serviceable. Tin. "Uncut" Pierolas are less showy but will suit ladies of quieter tastes. Nearly one hundred desigus to choose from Other Desirable Weaves Include Westras. Fibrettas, Vicunas, Cheviots, Camel's Hair, Venetians, Prunnellas, Zebalines, Corkscrews, Thibets, Soliels, Poplins. Series, Unfinished Worsteds, Whipcords, Clays, Wool Surahs, Shower-Proof Serges, Armures, Crepes, Qranites, Pebble Cheviots, Canadensis, Empress and Melrose Suitings, Etc, tJar-Remember, the Dress Goods continues all This event Mill bring together the const cgntlons of the various churches In one grand uplifting of song, which will be unique ns well as elevating. An enoncous Impression has gone nbroad that the festival has been post poned, owing to the nbsence of Prof. Piotheioe, but Chorister J. lletity Tones assures The Tribune renders In u signed statement that the event will positively bo hold on the 30th. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. H. T. Ihadshaw, a member of Camp ITS, Patriotic Order ons of America, has been uppolntad district president of the Lackawanna w'estern district. The I. W. II sociMy, of the Hampton Street Methodist Bplscopnl church Mill conduct a peach social next Thursday evening. The Mt. Pleasant kindergarten wis reopened yesterday In Ueers' hall, corner of Main avenue and Lafayette street, under the direction of Miss Margaret Olbbs, nsslstcd by Miss Mace, of Dunmorc The funeral of the late Patrick Hen lev will take place ut 0 o'clock this morning from the house, 40S Third stieet. Services will b? held in Holy Cross i hutch, and luteiinrnt made In the Cathedral cemetJiy. The remains of the late Sadie Wright weie inteneil In the Cathedral ceme toiy Sunday afternoon. The funer -it wns laigely attended. The sei vices at the Tlrst Welsh Bnp tlst ihurch Sund.i weie conduct ed In English. Rev. D. D. Hopkins, the pnstoi, preached an eloquent ser mon on "The New Light on an Old Subjict." The gospel meeting at the Young Women's Clulsllan association looms Sunday afternoon was attended by many young women and was nuclei the dliection of Mrs. Oeoige Howell. The members of the Simpson Metho dist Episcopal Sunday school spent nn enjojablo ilav at Nay Aug park on Satuidav. Manv others. Including the Thimble club enjoyed the event. Contractor Gibbons expects to fur nish employment to u huge number of ninn on the Stianton Unet sewer who are now out of work by leason of the stiihe. The lenialns of the late Fred Gless weie Inlet led in the Korest Hill ceme tery on Satuiday afternoon. Services weie held at the home on Jackson street. Rev. D. P. Jones, of the Tabeinaclo Congregational t lunch, preached In Plymouth, Sundaj His pulpit was occupied by Rev. 13. R Lewis. Ripple dh Won. No. 45, Sons of Tem perance, nominated ollicers at their meeting In Moigan's hull last evening. A special meeting v 111 bo held next Monday evening, wlun the election Mill take place The quai teily conference of the Simpson Methodist Bpisiopal church people Mill bo held Thuisday evening. Presiding Elder Oilffln will preside. Announcement has been made of the mairlage of Kdgai Mors. of the cen tral city, and Miss Maude Cndden, of Jnikson stieet The f unet ill of the late Mis. Wil liam McBrlde will Hike, place nt 10 o'clock this morning from the home of deceased's mother, Mis. Patrick Special Display of Black week. Ey!3BriWJiPjryi.j. wr Ta3L gyft 3jrti asWf3Vm&F Warehouse Crosaln, dOl North Lincoln avenue. Services will bo held In St. Patrick's church, nnd Interment Mill be made In the Cathedral cemetoiy. The funeral of the lute David M. Jones took place yesterday afternoon from 1117 Hampton street. Interment was made In Washburn street ceme tcry. The remains of the late Kdward Shot wood, who died In Utlin, N. Y., wcie Intel ted In Dunmorc cemetery Saturday afternoon by Undertaker Price. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Thomas Vaughan, of Plttston, visit ed friends on North Biomley avenue Sunday. David Williams, of South Main ave nue, a recent graduate of nioomsburg State Normal school, has entered La fayette college. Mr. Williams Is the well known nthlete tin J base ball play er. Emmet Cnsrldy, of Fellows street, has returned to his homo after an extended trip thtouh the West. Mr. and Mrr. Htnry Onvls, of South Main avenue, are entertaining John Hatton, Jr., of Brooklyn, N. Y. MKs nnn Houcher, of Now Jersey, Is visiting hei aunt, Mis. Allen Covey, of North Bromley avenue, who Is 111. Stephen Dalv, of Hampton street, has accepted a position ns engineer with the Mnnhnttan Elevated Railroad company, of New York. Hugh Wlllleirt-. of Pi Ice street, has iiuepted a luciatlve position In Den ei. Col. Mrs. Joints A. Evans, of North Hyde Paik avenue, Is confined to her hone bv lllnesss. Miss Hattlo Cooper, of South Hjdo Paik avenue, Is convalescing fiom an attack of nervous piostiatlon. Mis Beit TIncketl, of Noith Hvde link avenue, is heme fiom a two months' stav with ft Units and lela tlves at l.loomsbuig. Mi's Lllll-in T'ley. of South Steillng. vvane countv, Is visiting ft lend" on Noith Suinnei avenue. Mis. Luther Jones, or Ninth Sumner avenue, Is sniously ill nt her home. Miss Blanche Renshnvv, of Plvmouth, Is v Kiting lelatlves In town Mt. and Mis. A. T. Thomas, of Hvde 1 ii K avenue, attended the f uncial of a ulativo in Stioudsburg on Sntuida. Mis. Chulcs B inning, of North Re li'iea avenue, I" visiting fi lends in Pott Jeivis Miss Floience CilblH. of South Main avenue. Is sojourning at Bath Beaih, N. Y. Mr. nnd Mis. Eihvnid Thayer, of South Main avenue, spent Sunday at Lake Wlnola. Mr. and Mis. R. W. Castnei. of Nm Hi Lincoln avenue, have as their guests, Mis. Fdwnul Rounds and daugnters, of Elmirn, N. Y. Hon John R. Fnn and family have taken possession of their new home on Noith Main c venue. Miss Alta Bevans. of Plttston. is the guest of Miss Lam, i Davis, of South Main avenue. Charles Sweet, of North Hyde Paik avenue, has leturned to Syiacuse unl veisltv. Robeit Williams, of Chestnut street, has been discharged from the army and returned to his home on Chestnut htreot Miss Bessie E. Davis and James E. Davis, of Noith Hde Paik avenue, attended a dinner given by Mis. John R John, of Tnlor, on Saturdo. Miss Kate Russell, of Newton, Pa., has returned home from a visit with Mi. and Mrs. Charles E Magovern, of South Lincoln av cnue. Mis. H. Woodward and daughter, Myrtle, aro visiting ft lends in Susque hanna county. Mrs. Ira Newton, of Noith Bromley avenue, is ill nt her home. Mis John H. Rejnolds and daugh ter, Cora, of Wllkes-Barre, w ill spend the winter with Mrs. Benjamin Lewis, of Noith Hyde Paik avenue. Miss Sarah Jones, of Wllkcs-Birre, Is visiting Miss Gvven Davis, of Cor bett avenue. Miss Esther Hopp. of Eynon street, has. icturned home from a visit in the lower part of the state. Miss Ella Johnson, of Wllkes-Barre, is visiting f i lends on Eynon street. Misses Elizabeth and Mary Ballus, of Luzerne street, have relumed homo fiom a five months' visit with thelt fclbter In Chicago. Miss Katherlne riaherty, of Wllkes- Barre, Is the guest of her aunt, Mis. Patilck Can oil, of Luzerne street. Miss Kitty Nolan, of Wllkes-Bane, is visiting Miss Alice Rlel, of Noith Main avenue. Mis. John Grlflllhs, of Ejnon stieet, his returned from a ten months' visit in Wales. NORTH SCRANTON. Tho bmall cave-In In front of Wit klns' butcher shop was enlatged es terday to about twentj-flve feet in diameter, taking In the sidewalk and the stieel as J 11 as the second stii-et cm tiack. It is about flfy'otn feel deep. Tho pave will have to bo letnoved, ro that the hole can be lelllled. Ovvlnir to the number of bojs em ploy ed about the mines having quit woik and going to school, all the i-ehools of this fcectlon aie crowded, and a number can not be accommo dated. Mes.sis. Morton and Charles Emeiy and Mis. Hairy Simons, of Chuuli avenue, have letuined from South Canaan, whero they attended the me morial sei vices of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Hobbs' childien, who died thiee weeks ago of dlphtherlu. Rev. and Mis. G. A. Cure will un let tain tho joung people of the Provi dence Methodist chuich at the parson ago next Thuisday evening. The enteitnlnment which was to be held In tho Welsh Presbyteilan chuich, on Wane avenue, on Wedmsdav. September IS, has been postponed to some futuio time. Tho lunners and dilvers of the local union, No. 1.JG7, will meet tonicht in Lconaid's hall at 7.30 sharp All run- Coffee injures growing children, even when it is weakened. Grain-0 gives them brighter eyes, firmer flesh, quicker intelligence and happier dispositions. They can drink all they want of the Grain-0 the better and it more tastes like coffee. All givceri j lie and S5c. J THE FOOD DRINK 5r I)r. Junes' HcicUcbo Powders. A WOMAN'S NERVES. Cnrcs nnd worrios of lifo aro often too much for tho delicate, norvo organ ism. Headaches como dis tracting, pcaco destroying headaches. But thoro's a euro. Dr. James' Headache Powders Sootfio and strongthon tho irritated norves take aw ay tho lioadacho al most hef ore you know it. No stupefying, dci1f nine drags. ho;blnt tliat enn nffect the heart. At all Drug Stores. 4 doses 10 cents. Cora Where Others Fall. ners nnd dilvers aro requested to be picsent. .Mrs. David Reese wife of Mall Cai ller Reese, Is visiting lelatlves In Corn ing. N i SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Bazoo Baud Entertained Last Night by Fred C. Neuls In Athletic Hall Other News Notes. The Bazoo band of the Sei anion Athletic club weie tojally entertained last evening in Athletic hall by Tied C. NeuN, one of their active members, the occasion being his twenty-thhd blithday. A table loaded with tho delicacies of tin season was spread on the second Uooi nnd the membeis. titter pai taking of Hie lepast, indulged in stoiles and toasts. Toasts were tesponded to bv Flank Vo, Charles Longman and Cluls. Rose. Mi. Neuls also mado' a neat speech, thanking them for their pies enc" and good-will. Coming Events. Extensive prepaiatlons aie being mado by Camp 130, Patriotic Older Sons of America Dium corps for an entertainment and ball, October 2J, In Athletic hall. The following commit tees have been appointed: Ball com mittee, William Melslei, chairman, William Kirchoff, A. L. Bahr, Fied Deslng and Homy Sanies, entertain ment committee, Fied Herman, Fied Jones and Charles Snyder. The mu sic will be furnished by Ptofessor Johnson. On Octobei 31, the Stianton Athletic club will give a gtand turning exhibi tion, followed by a reception, in their hall on Mder stieet. The arrange ments are In the hands of tho follow ing committee, who are hustling about to make tho exhibition a swell event. The committee me: Chi Is. Rose, chairman; John V Roth. Philip Wirth. John Kelfei. F. C. Neuls and Fred Klatt November ?. is the date set or the Century Hose company's hall to bo given In Athletic hall, Alder street. The committee in charge are: Chailes Wirth. William Tannler, Loul Scheuer, John Relf and Robeit O'Don nell. New Church Officers. Tho const c Ration of tho Chinch of Peace, on Prospect avnue, elected the following eldets nnd-tiutees: Eldeis, Philip Dlembacher. Philip Young, Jacob Maus and Charles Saar, trus tees, Conrad Bellershelm. Henry Un tie, John H. Kuntz, Philip Ehrhault, Fied Nalier and Chailes Graf. Thev weio Installed bv Rev. E. J. Schmidt on Sunday morning. Pcisonal Mention. Mis. Charles Rose, wife of the well known hotel bontface. of Hotel Ath letic Hall, celebiated her twenty-sKth birthday Stind.iv In honor of the event, Alt Rose invited a few guests, and a spltndld supper was seived them. John Roach and Martin McNeil, of Stone avenue, spent Sunday In Avoca. Will Tobtn of Nuw Yoik city, is visit ing his father, Wllllim Tohin, of Pitta ton avenue. Floience Holiiegel and ft lend. Mr. Stevens, of New Yoik city, are spend ing their vacation at ahe homo of Mr. and Mis. O. L. Helilegel, of Cedar avenue. Mi. and Mia. S S. Spiuks, of Cedar avenue, havo icturned fiom n two weeks' visit to IloiVisdnlo and Lake Aikl. Oeoige Peuhl, formeily hostler of Hotel Knestner, of Cedar avenue, has enlisted as an able-bodied seaman In the United States navy. Miss P. nha St.ieli 1, of Piospect avenue, Is slightly indisposed. DUNM03E. The Ladles' Aid .society of tho Dud ly Street Baptist church will hold u social at tlV homo of Mr. and Mrs. Chailes Bogait, on Elm stieet. totnor iovv evening. During the evening ice cream and cake will be seived to all deshlng the same A (lsh pond will be a pleasant feature of the evening. Caipenters aie engaged imklng ul teiatlons on St. Maty's Catholic chinch on Chestnut stieet. The funeiul of Mis. Ann Duggan wi'l bo held tomoirow moinlng at 9 o'clock. Division No 53, Ancient Order or Hibernians, will hold a meeting In their lodge looms tonight. A full at tendance is deslied. The United Mlno Workers held a. meeting In Tempeianco hall last even ing. Edward Wenzel, of 339 Prescott ave nue, returned homo yesterday from the convention of the Ancient Older Knights of the Mstlc Chain, hi Id In Plttebuig last week. GREEN RIDQE. Miss Grc Peck, of Monsey avenue, has returned home, nftei an extended stay with Monti ose fi lends. Mr. and Mrs. Oeoigu B.illej and daughters, of Green Ridge street, huv' returned fiom a short vacation, spciu In Wayne county. Miss Rule Davidson, of Washington avenue, has teturned from Cumber land Gap, Tenn., where for several months she has had charge of the girls' department of Mr. Myers' school. Some energetic boys of Green Ridge are organizing a Rugby foot ball team. All boys weighing 105 pounds and over aro requested to Join. All wishing to Join may do bo by seeing B. Tokey, 1747 Capouse avenue. CARPENTERS OPEN THEIR CONVENTION ONE HUNDRED AND riFTY DEL EGATES IN ATTENDANCE. After tho rormnl Opening of tho Body Mayor Molr Wns Introduced and Delivered nn Address of Wel come to Which W. D. nuber, of Yonkers, N. Y., the National President, Made Response Com mittees and Officers Appointed by the President. One hundred nnd fifty delegates, were picsent in Music Hall yesterday morning when Piesld"nt E. C. Patter son, of Local Carpenter's' union, No. C63, rapped loudly on the chnlrman's desk nnd called to order the eleventh biennial convention of tho United Brotherhood of Carpcnicrs nnd Joiners of America. The moinlng sesilon wns an open onc nnd the halt was crowded with pei sons Interested in tho doings of the convention. Mnny of the well known local labor leadeis were noticed among those picsent. Addresses were mado by President W. D. Huber, Secretary and Tiensuier P. J. McGuiro, Mayor James Molr, Piesldent ot the Central Labor Union Mnitin D. Flaherty, Piesldenl of the Buildings Trndei Council Peter Holton, and otneis. In tho afternoon tho visiting dele gales weie given a trolley lides thiough tho cltv, thteo special cais being tun by tho Scrnnton Railway company, nnd at 5 o'clock all the vlsl tois convened nt Music Hall, whero dinner wns served. At S o'clock this morning, the foimal business of the convention will be begun, and secret session held. Music Unit pr"scnted a splendid ap pearance yesteiday morning, belnc gaily dneoiated ivith the national col ois piedomlnntlng In giving an im posing and nt the same time oinate effect lo tho place of meeting of these men. the lepresentatlves of cities all over the union, gntheied together In the intei ests of one of the greatest labor oiganlzatlons In the countiy. PRESIDENT INTRODUCED. After Piesident Patterson called tho convention to order, he lnttoduced Piesldent W. D. Huber. of Yonkers, N. Y, who took the chair nnd pteslded dining the lemainder of the session. President Huber, In turn, lnttoduced Mayor James Molr, refenlng to him happily as "an old trades-unionist, who belonged to the tailors' union In tho old countty." His honor was gieeted with loud ap plause, unci extended the freedom of the city to the visiting delegates. In the course of his speech he lcfeired w Ith considerable Justifiable pride lo Si ranton's wonderful giowth, in a few eai.s, from almost obscurity to the pioud position it now holds among the cities of the United States. He spoke of th" Caipcnteis' union and said that the orrinlzatlon compilsed one ot the must productive of good results, classes of laboi In the world. He re feu ed biielly to Ad mi Smith and culled attention to him as one of tha Hist men who callel atten tion to the Importance of the labor ing classes, and th) nighty position which it holds. Ho concluded his ad dress by saying that us tho laboring classe toimed n gteat n.ujority of the countiy's citizens, they had It In their power to remedy nnv rbuses suffered by piopeily using the ballot. President Mai tin D. Flaherty of the Central Labor union, Mas then Intro duced by Piesldent Huber and deliv ered a talk on genet nl trades union Ism, laving special sticks upon the fact that the loent caiptntets' unions had dune especially effective v ork In this eitv in ns-ssiiilng the sttpppss of tiarles unions. In hhnlf of the Cen tial Labor union, he nsmtd the delegates that during their ten davs' st ly In the cltv, no pains will be spaicd b.v the loc tl labor unions In making their Impiesslons of Scianton most pleasant ones and in making the convention of 1000 one of the most successful ever held. THE CHIEF FACTOB. Piesldent Peter F. Holton, of the Pulldlngs Tiades council, the net spenkei. alio laid particular empha sis on the wail; done by the local ifiipenteis' unions, and declaied that the members of those blanches weie the chief factors In tho Building Trades council's comllet with the con tractots during the past two years President Huber then made a stunt oddiess, in m tilth he tliankid Mayor Molr for th- heaitlness and cordiality of his well nine and in icfeirlng to the Biotlieihond of CatpuitiH he s-ild that much had boon done by It fur the Ifuol of the country. "Thousands or doll ns." said he-, "hae been enend'd for the succor ol the needy, and tho Hi nihilhood bas been an Imp'utnnt factor In piomotlng tho tone of moral ity and vell-btlng of the members" Se"ietary-Tif wisurer P. J. MiGulie made a hi let addtess in iC'.ponsp to the welt nine extended by the local speakers, and in his talk referred to tho piesence of seveial colmeil dele gates, nnd aid Unit the BrotherhooJ knows no ciced, color, nationality or party. President Huber then appointed the following committee and ollicers- Committee on llulc lames Niil, llullalo, II IllaiKniorc, St. Louis Chtrlot I). Vomois Itronk 111). 1 luirlo, Ir.iluiut'olis., .1. I) UiLon, jshltiKton. I) C Messtruir VHuil I nuelli Wjnliin William Tvarn mil ClaUcn L PiU All invitation wns extended Fied Dilcher, ot the national executive hoaid, to addiess the convention dui Ing the week. This wns the lesult of a suggestion b.v a delegate, who was of the opinion that some Inbide Infor mation ,iegaidlng the stilko might be thus gleaned. Lichty's Celery Nerve Compound for nil nervous diseases, neuralgia, ibeumntlsm, nervous debility, paraly sis, biliousness, plies, liver complaint, kidney tioublcs and femalo complaints. It goes to the sent of tho disease and cuics thoroughly and speedily. Sold by Matthews Bros. STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. Meeting to Be Held hi Wllkes-Baire Beglnnlntr Tomorrow. The fifteenth annual meeting of the Mcdleal society of the fctnte of Penn sylv anil ti. to tie held in Wilke-'-Barre, commenclnir today and contlnulns un til Thin sdav nlRht. The sessions are lo he held twice dully in Young Men's Ohrlstlin Association tiall nnd head qnaiters will he located at Hotel SteY ling. The mornlnc sessions vv lit he held between tho tiouis of 0 nnd 12. and the nfternoon sessions between the houts of 2 and 5. The meeting will open tomorrow JONAS LONG'S SONS. THE BIG STORE'S MILLINERY.... OPENING COMMENCES Tomorrow. September 19 AND CONTINUES Thursday. September 20 AND Friday, September 21. ALL THE HATS OF STYLE ARE HEREFROM PARIS. FROM LONDON. FROM SCRANTON. WE GATHER FREELY AND CHEERFULLY FROM ALL OF FASHION'S CENTERS.THAT THE JONAS LONQ'S SONS' MILLINERY MAY RETAIN ITS PARA MOUNT POSITION FOR BEAUTY OF CONCEPTION. BREADTH OF DIVERSION AND EXTREME COMELINESS. LET YOUR AC. CEPTANCE OF OUR INVITATION BE AS HEARTY AS OUR WISH TO HAVE YOU HERE. doNAs Long's Sons. LSVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL CURES Biliousnoss, Constipation, Dyspopsia, and Liver Complaint. SUGAR COATUI). Sold by all drnpelsta or sent by mall. Ncrvlta A'cdicsl Co.. ChlctfO Sold by McGarrah & Thonas Druj;- clsta,, 2uJ Lackawanna avc., Scranton, Pa. !SJ DnssTCN. Sprues Street, Serin- ton. Pn- II cute am Chronic Diseases ol Men. worn nan UilMren. Consulta'loa and lamination Iree Olllce tlojrs Utlly and bu:iJu b a m to g p m moinlng at 0 30 o'clock and In tho evening, the piesldent Dr. Oorge AV fiutlnle, oi Wilkes-ilai re, will niako tils annual addiess. After this even ing meeting, u teceptlon will he ten dejed the memheis of the state society at Hotel Steillng by tho Luxeuw Couty Medical society. On Wednesday evening a splendid conceit will bo given at the Kestiltt theater under the auspices of the I.uieino County Medical society. Among the many papers to bo read at the meeting thcro will be lour by Sciantoii physlclani, as follows: "The Human Temperaments and Their Application In Medicine," Dr. J. ('. Bateson "Analos-Ies Between Nervous and Blictrio Mechanisms," Dr J. Bmmett O'Bilen. "Report of Two Cases of Ovai Ian Ilvdiocele," Dr. Heed Burns. "Do We Besot t Too Fiociuently to SiuMcnl Opetatlons?" Dr. Ulchard II. Gibbons. OBITUARY. S'liiun Silifppotle, aftis! 50 jears, died jMtrrday nwinlni; it llic time ol lili ilauslilcr, Mr. (iMirscc llubloj, of JJ01 Stone venuo. Tlio de ceased, ulio was a item mason, ' sirlouslj In Jnrwl mime time oiro In Allnn, V V. where lie was insJifi'd, nnd for man) vveeli nas under coin; lieatment nt the Lackawanna hospital, from wlili h Institution lie ua taken to Ills home shortly before his drmUe. Tho funeral nlll be held In (he Cedar Avenue Methodist church on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock The services will be conducted by Ilev. V, V. Dot) and In terment will bo made in the forest Hill cemetery. 100 PILLS I 25 CTS. I no nnwrnN. m j JONAS LONO'S SONS. AMUSEMENTS. ACADEHY OF HUSIC. BURdUNDBR & UBIS. Luieet. tl. It. DROWN. Manager. All This Week the Favorites Jill D in hi im uioiitr rnrs-Kvnxn Monday Evening Taken from Life. I simI umlnici i iiimuiunj Tucaday will ba gi.n I 1 nn priros 10, "0 an 1 30 cent' 1 YCEUfl THEATRE "!!uruider & Rel. Lessee untl Alp nnjerl A J. Dully, nuslness Alunager. One nielit rnl l'rl.uv. Sept 21, 1100. TIip Double Triunii h Duiil liclascn announce tlit favorite toinclijii, ( harlcj Uvam, in hU l.ucljl Coined), "NflOGflTY ANTHONY" rrcicliil by IHvid n.h'co's Dramatization ol Jnlin Liular I iir's Japanese blorj , "MADAME BUTTERFLY." P. mraiiEimciit vuili t lie Century Coinpjm I'll i- J.i . ' Ti. , SI $ 1 SO llox of. flu- will fjirit fur .uh mcu tile oi scits, Wed- If 111 S(j)t 1 jltli hi 1 1 ii FALL STYLES NOW READY Mumty i &- jm- 412 Spruce Street. Grand display of New Neckwear and Hosiery. TUB Cl'.LUBRATED QORDON PIANO Before buying, send for catalogue. H. S. QORDON, Y'oMr Manhattan Shirts 91 SB - Ml M yJL9RQ0N Tl . i