TM.I3 .SCRANTON TRlUrNK-. MONDAY, SHl'TUMBIMt 17, 1900. LACKAWANNA COUNTY. CARBONDALE INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. Temple rnninminiery, No. 2S8, An cient OrdT Knights of Multa. lias In- I kU1!(I tlio following oillceiB- Coni lnnnder. Homy rimpinnn. tjcniallssl- mo, Sidney 'rocker: c.iptnln ffnural. . Martin Olver- iTr-Int. Kll Dickinson, ! ppnlor wntderi, Prod Hriinnni; Junior ivniilcn. William Jenkins; Mvorrt bent- , ur, AlhTt Moon; slundiird bearer, Ar- thnr Htithnford: first Ktinid, A. K. i N'lcol; second auard, (icorRe Deltrlok: i assistant riTordei. A V l'nttfii: war den, Joseph Wlli'e, sentinel, Fred H. Frun!t. The liautlfu! ecioniunle'S In cident to the Installation work wote conducted by Deputy Urand Comman der C O. Swat t. assisted by Past Commanders It. S. Uurtlett and F. II. Heese, of Anthrarlta commandery, No. 211, of Srrnntnn. THE LILIPUTIANS. The thlid performance of the oper tla, "Mllputlan? In Fairyland." was 'Iven at the opera house Saturday Ight under the auspices of Trinity Julld. About tvo bundled little folks participated and made the spectacu iar features nil that could be wished. .Miss Mnirple Maxwell as Captnln Hilly Millions, sane well and acted the lead ing role In jrcellent taste. .Maud .Illinois as the Ooddess of Dawn, pos sessed all the beauty demanded by the cnaraetcr. The enterprise will place a considerable sum In Trinity's building fund. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Councilman .T. G. Evans Is building a new house on Clarl: avenue. Miss Mary Ilyrne, who had been vis iting relatives here for several days, returned to New York Saturday. Vork on the steeple of nt. Hose church Is ncarlntr completion. Mrs. A. C. Hall and Mls Grace Hall are guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Hull, of. Scrantoii. U. O. Wheeler. M. V., was In t'nton ilnl on professional business yester day afternoon. Rev. Mr. "A'halen. of the Rerean Faptist church, delivered nn eloquent no:mon on "Christianity's Message to Labor," last evening. . J. L. Stewart Is In Mlddletown, N.Y. Announcement Is made that Simp- son & Watklns, now known as the Temple Coal and Iron company, will I close their three stoics, located at Wy- omlng, Duryea nnd Olyphant next i Saturday. Norman Odder and Stanley RettCAV j are spending a few diy In New York I city I Silas McMullen end John Aitkin will ' return to n nillltaiy school near Phil- . r.drlphla Monday. The Spooners open a week's cntsagc- I ment at the opera hojse tonight. Gecrge Van Glider ban resigned his situation at the s!!k mill and gone to P.Tt Jervls to join his father In a manufacturing enterprise. Invitations have been received In this city to the marriage of Miss Clara Mac the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M l'lgelo of Nlasar:. to Hon aid Colfax farr. (t Frompton. The wedding will be performed on Thursday. Sept. 27. at high noon, at the home of the bride's parent!'. Miss RlSelou Is well known In this city, having viritcd Mrs. Finnic Wells, of Pike street JERMYN AND MAYFIELD Arbitrators Decide Against Jermyn Borough Personal News. The arbltiators appointed by court to hear the suit of John and F.innv Gallagher, of West Mayfleld. veisus the Borough of Jermyn, on Frldav rendered a verdict of $400 damages in favor of the plaintiffs. It Is probable the case will be appealed. The action was to lecover J10.000 foi inluries te. celved by Mrs. Gallagher, who. while on her way home from church one Sun day, several months ago, fell on the sidewalk, which It Is claimed was de fective, severely Injuring her leg. The condition of Walter Raker, of Main street. Is hopeless. He continues dally to grow weaker, and It Is feaied his death is only a matter of a short time. Miss Lizzie Mvers and niece, Miss Ethel Myers, and Mrs. A. Hinorv, of WHkes-Rarre, who have been the guests of Mrs. Arthur Dav. of Ceme tery street, will return home lodav. George Kdmunds and Charles .1. Walker, of Mayfleld, and Claude Stockep, of Jermn. entered Lafayette college on Filda, wheie they will take the mechanical engineering course. They have been for several months under the tutorship of Prof. W. M. Taggait. William Lanyun, of Scrunton: Fd wln Lanyon, of Taylor; Samuel Raker, r, of Pilceburg: Samuel Raker, of Gieen Ridge, weic vlsltois heie yester day Mr. Nice and Miss Pollv Solomon spent yesterday with Dnnmote fi lends. Fredeilck Hnrtnoll, of s.'ianton, Is the guest of Mr. and Mis. JI. A. Will man, of South Main 3tr((. Miss Jennie Givenslnde. of Main street, was a Cnrbondale visitor yes terday. Mr. and Mrs. Veinon Sampson and son, Frank, of AiclibaliJ, and Lester Sampson, of Scranton, were yesterday the guests of their sister. Mrs. Frank Barbel, of South Main street. The great huccess of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemedy in the tieatmenl of bowel complaints has made it standaid over the greater ' part of th cl lllzed world. For sale: by all druggists. Mntthews Bros., wliolcsift'e nnd retail agents. PECKVILLE. Gayloid nnd Floyd Ktller nnd W. I, llogcis left ycstrday lor Allentown, Vlttaimrg and l'lill.idelph.a. Wlillu In Alitntown thv v. Ill .iltcnd the fnlr. Mr Jnmeo Smith and Miss Bertha Hevnold3 spent Sunday at Lake Lo- dore. Mrs. B J. Taj lor Is spending a few days with Hone(d-i lelallves. Mrs. Henrv K.-rndy was tendeied WHEN PI STRUNG y 1T tW'sfM A6AIH Tl20r tO thf! whole brlnr. All dralnl l-K' are properly ured, thtir condition LfWrcr Mailed aeale-1. 1'nce i yer box 6 boxel, with Iron-clad leral uuaiaotf e to cure or refundtb V. Send lor l"rr book. Addrctt. PEAL MEDICINE CO.. Clavalind. O. ia'o by JOHN M. PHELPt, luco street la birthday party Patutdnj at her home i on J'ropect Hill. , Mr. James LaFar, of South Main ; s'reet, Is still very III of typhoid fever. j A law number of our youtiK people ' enjoyed n stiaw tide to Taylor Friday evening, and were pleasant! v enter- tallied at the noire of Mlns tlertrtide Mortis. Mrs Ktntna DlUemnn Is vety III nt 1 hr hori" on Hickory stteet. t William ?ovne and Joseph Shone are ' at I.oidvllle. X. V where thpy will sp"nd a fw das hunting: the festive i rabbit. Mr. O. M. ili.- and Mr. William Vandervort spent Paturdav unnnliiK ut Fust Wlndsoi. They returned with veil filled game bays. Mp?srs. Wllllani Taylor and Jim Rtaye returned PaMjid.iy from n couples of dais' flshlnir on the PnunacU river. ' Wayne county. TAYLOR NEWS. Miss Morris Entettnlned Friends. Concerning the Strike Presiding Elder Grlffln PreachedPersonal ParagiMlis. f Miss Gertrude Mortis gave a dellgh' ful icceptlon at the home of Mi. and Mrs. Talllo Giltllths, of Taylor street, on Friday evening, when she had as her guests a number of young people of Peckvllle. At 10 o'clock the guests arrived. Miss Moirls was assisted bv her sister. Mis. Grllllths, in lecelving and entertaining the young people. Music and other amusements weie In dulged In throughout the evening. Re freshments were served Those pres ent were Misses Lena Gendall, Dor othy Slckler. Florence L. Taylor, Fdythe K. Henry, Maybelle Glnville, Flossie Wartleld, Frances Williams, Myitle V. I'lttet. Mae L. Kvnns, Maud Van De Huent. May Rrundage, Lulu M. Kennedy, Mlna Evans, Mabel Will lams, and Messis. Frank and Rert Gendall, James D. English Kvfins, Fuink Williams Wndeman, C. J. Claik, Whltty, Warren Arnold, D. Stanley I.eroy D Benjamin Frank H. Squlies. Thomas Williams and George S. Peck, of Peckvllle. The Taylor I guests were Misses Mnrgatet Jones, I Kllzubeth Owens, Maud Davis. Gamlna Kvans, Ida Sperber and Messrs. John I It. Owens, John R. Thomas, Thomas A. Evans and David Harris. Flash- light plenties were taken of the group by Mr. John R. Thomas befoie their departure. The Taylor, Pyne and Holden col lieries of the Lackawanna company woiked all day on Saturday, although the output of coal was not as great us on other occasions. Notices have been posted stating that the Lackawanna collieries will ull be ready to bcjiin operation today. The whistles will be blown nt the usual time, and If any of the men go to work the collieiles will be operated. The collieries owned and operated by the Lackawanna company In this place and vicinity ate Aich bald, Pyne. Taylor and Holden mines, and each employ between .100 and COO men and boys with the exception of the former colliery, which employs something like 300. If the strike be comes effective here, oer 2.000 em ployes of the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western company will be Idle. Rert Polntdexter, a young colored man, who was Injured at the Taylor mine on Thursday and afterward taken to the Moses Taylor hospital for treat ment, died at that Institution on Sat urday. His remains will be taken to his home In Virginia for burial. The Steillng Social club will con duct their weekly social this evening nt Weber's rink. Good music will be In attendance for dancing. Mr. W. T. Davis has returned home fiom a week's sojourn In Susquehanna county. Presiding Elder Rev, Dr. Giillln oc cupied the pulpit In the Methodist Episcopal church last evening at 7.30 o'clock and preached a very Instruct ive and masterly seimon to a verv large congregation. Special singing was rendered on the occasion. The members of local branch No. 1013. United Mine Workers of America, organized a drum corps at the Iat meeting of that body on Thursday evening. Emblem division, No. 57, Sons of Temperance, will meet In session this evening. The Ice ciean. social held Saturday i evening at Athei ton's grove, under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian association, was well patronized, not withstanding the Inclemency of the weather. Mr. and Mrs. Walter D, Edwards and Mrs. Curtis of Rellevue, spent the Sabbath with telatlves In town. .Mr. and Mrs. David J. Davis, of West Scranton, visited relatives on Fnlon street yesteulay. Miss Gertrude Reese, of Grove 3treet, was the guest of friends In Providence yesteiday. JESS -P. Messrs. William Fcanlon, James Lof tus, John Brown ami John Drlscoll left Thursday evening for Ohio. John Sweeney.riiarles Stewaid, John Word and Mike OTnnneis spent Fri day nt the country fair In Wallsvllle. Frank Bolls and Chnrlcs O'BovIe left , Saturday night for Buffalo. .-Mine Jennings, or .Miiareu, hiiiuvan county, formerly of this place, is visit ing his parents on Main street. Mr. McGraw, of the X'nlted States navy, Is visiting his brother, Michael MaGrnw, of Hill street. Miss Mayme Cavnnaugh, of Pilce burg, is visiting friends in town. The picnic, which was to have taken place the 24th Inst., has been post poned, owing to the strike. Thomas Lottus and P. II. Fngen wer callers In Olyphant Sunday even ing. John Walton, of Scrantoii, was a caller In town Sunday, The people of Lepot stieet ate re moving the old plank wnlk. OLYPHANT. '.in the local groundy on Saturday ' aftei noon the Browns defeated the Senators, or ureen i.WRe, oy a score .jfilfi to 7. On 'Veuiieduy tlie Brown" .lll play with the Modois. of .Scran- on. here. Mr. and Mrs. John Giler. of Plttston. I OOUOT, TRY Th-yVilS9l ihctritofTCUt. ana mv curcu cnoutanaa oi caira of Nirraut DUeaiei, inch aa Debility, Oitzlnttt.Slctpleu. nest and Varicocelc.Atronhv.&c. They dear Ihe brain, ttrccgthei the circulation, make dicntloi rrrrl n.l Ininart 1 h-ltlK LtnA lnifcl art rkLr4 tn.imt iFnUift mtlinH ollen w :nl- them into Inianltv 'Jam umction or Death 11 armar.ii. tir. Wvcn ing tumeand BM. ft woe (he guests of Mrs. William Healey yesterday. Martin ICeegan spent yesterday at Hancock, N. Y. Miss Maine Gr.idy, of Mayfleld, was visiting friend hcie yesterday. Misses Minnie Mungan, Resale Man ley fMid Nellie Iloiau. of Dunmore, spnt c.stciduy In town. Mr. Mnd Mrs. .1. C. Evans, of Pitts ton, visited relatives here yesterday. Edwurd Gallagher returned Saturday from Lake Ariel, where he had been spending his vacation. Mrs. Charles Ostrander Is visiting her parents In Gteen Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oichnrd and children, of Carbondale, visited rela tives In town yesterduj. Miss Mumlc Rurkc, of Pink Place, was the guest of Miss Nellie Gallagher yesterday. STAGE KISS. It Had to Be Given Even at the Risk of Bloodshed, fiom tlie Chlcico llfcord It was a home talent show and we sat patiently waiting for the unex pected to happen. The unexpected al ways happens with a home talent show, and an Innei mountain village Is not proof against this long accepted stage fact. Wc strangers from the un regenerate east who were thete In tli mountains for our healths' sake, felt assured, therefore, of an experience before the night should be over. It waa "The Mikado" which was to be presented, tattied nnd toin by Its transit from flrst-class theateis In the east to the town hall of Teton City. We had heard Nankl-Poo as he had sung ubout being a thing of shreds and patches, and we had heard Ko Ko's announcement of his theories and Ideas, and weie getting along fait ly well In our listening when the klslng sontr was reached. Then Red Pete Rarker, who was singing Nankl-Poo, advanced to the footlights. "Ladles and gentlemen," the tenor singer began, "this Is u mighty poor place In the show to Interrupt the pin Feedings to make a speech, but as cer tain things are about to happen. T think It Is only fair that you be put on I heard that Holy Mo-?es Perkins, w ho Is known and generally hailed and greeted us the vn'iial husband of Miss Hetty Hoyler, who Is taking the part of Yum Yum, has an nounced to all concerned that If I fol lowed out the directions of the book of this plav ami Insist on kissing the lady, theie win be live dlff"ient kinds of trouble. 1 hereby announce that I am going to begin kissing the young lady in about thiep minutes and shnll keep right on kissing her through the whole blamed song, and 1 further an nounce that I shall do that kissing In full view of the audience. Moieover, It may b of Interest to you to know that I have secreted In these long and (lowing lobes two llrt-rate six-shooters right ready for business. I am al-o aimed with the fact that Holy Moses Perkins is sitting In seat No. 1G7. which Is In plain view from the stage. As the scene which Is about to be pie sented Is a cro.'s between a delicious love song and a RoitiI- ide. and as T shall caress the young woman wi'h one eye on her beauteous diauns ami the other on seat No. 1U7. I hope you will oveilook any little shortcoming? In the affair. I hate to mention such low coaise things, but the gun which I shall use first Is a self-cocker and has been recently oiled. Thanking you for your kind attention, the show will now go on." We listened to the rendition of the klss-klss som:,- with gieat Inteiest. es pecially those who were In range of seat No. 1C7. Nothliw happened, how ever, Mr. Perkins mmalning slatue esquely mute. But when the applause continued on Its demand for an en coie. Mr. Rnrker appeared once more at the stage front: "Thank you," he said, "for this vin dication, but If you want some more of It I am compelled to say you can't have It. I respect Mr. Perkins' claims on the premises. Thank you one and all, and especially Mr. Perkins, who has this night sacrificed his feelings for the advancement of art. The show will now pioceed." We then leaned back and listened respectfully while Pooh-Bah told about his troubles and his expectations. PLAYS AND PLAYERS. "In the Pilate ol the Klrnr," the lonume of did Madrid, which V. Marlon I'rjwlnid wiote ami I.i inner Ktmlilard dunutird for Mui ViuU Allrn, will be dild(d into kdiie- Initi'jil of the (iiMnmary aita. There will be six armc, uml iW inti millions will ranc in dilution from on to ten mfnnt, ariorihnic to the limo re f,i'irid lo rVantre tlie scenk t.ittiniis. Tiii-s di Uion of a dunu waa (ominon on the old l.ui lull btagr, but the reason for II in thd litan'e la Hut the proivsnion ot events in Mr. (juufotd's slur It almost Hinilironont nllh the .Kllo.l it Mr Hoddard'a plJJ, the whole tunvpirlnic be-t- I'll eluht and elevet o'ilo(k of una i-U'liliu" Hihiairali of the plj are now in piojdtn, mil Mi lhn--H verv eonervatlve uml neve' ovei iniittdiiit jndiie of a nn drama -it saiu to be en tirely atiit,id with its proptitv. fiiluiiiiv the i5..t jnd niuinituig cl tlie play ale lalinlated In brlnj out its In it points wlun it h pioduci-d at North Adsmi, lis., on Sepumber 17, opeiun,; the new thtatet t line. 'Ihe date of tho deduatlon of llamuifritelii'j new llieater KepiiMIc by James A. Heine In his late.t fciiiiiss, jik llainoi," has been deriiitet k l.fdiiled or Seiteml.ri 21.. Mr. ilinnnern'i in tins oei n de1aeil somewhat 13' tin bnlldetn, and lltnonh tht theater mUhl be opened u wetU kooiier, he piefrrs to hae his latiM, and ,'l lie :orIJirs it, his Hnest play-liou-e, thilxhed in eveiy detail before adnilltlnj: tht pnlilie. One of his previous seven theaters was opi-hed be foie thi paint was entirely dry, and the result is several ruined rovvns. As ha H upeiillly unxium that the Theater llrpuhllc should be popular with the lidles he will take no chanted of ini'tirrimt their displeasure a sicoud tiine. Ihe Mintlay World reialls the fait that James O'Neill 1 the only mci ir jh actor who evir nlajed the lole of ChrUtns In "The Passion Plav," and intimates thai Lublir fi Co are eon iihrniK u revival of the Salmi Morse veilon, whlih 'v produeed in han Frauiisco. While il Is t run rlut ill O'Neill did play the part in u rast whiil, iuiludeii Lewis MonUou, rorret Itnh'unuli and Jaims A. Heine us klate nutui'cr, ml while he maintains to (his day that it is .ne in.,it tuhliine diania ever written, he dots not Inline thit publle opinion in this cotmliv is jet ripe for Ita reviral. for the next iras'iri or w. Mr. O'Neill vilt drvole his eneigles to the iiipintuous revival ol his old standby, "Monte I'listo." which will be gl.en an elaborate pin ilui lion at the lloston Iheatei on beptember V After live vvicki at the Hub, "Monte fiialo" will loiue to the Acad'my of Jlus'c, New York, vvheie It will pinhablr run out the season. Garah tovvcll l.eMovne will Infill her tn'oiid ktairluK toir in "The Cieiiett Tlilna in th. Wor'd" at Wiliulniitnn, Del., on "iepmnber 'il, playlui; twn weeks ol return i ng e.-ements ot.i the s-ine terntorv where the stored surli a Mu res list niu?. beloie lotptn? to Vall.ick'a .l.e aire for her flrt atellar appeuranee In New York on Otlobcr b Anions Ihe ihvv mimliers ef Mis l.eMii.Mit' rouiiwny will li" Wlllati IjcIi avr. John (llemleniiltii', I'lorinte Ilirkwell, Ade hi ide Thur.ton and Mis. rihudi'iiniiiR -Itobcrt Kiieson, Walter Thomas, I'lurles JSfanlty and r.d win James Ulm; retained lu the same roles tliej p'.ijcil ,A e lion. Ilinry K. Ilne.v has returned from St l.ouls. vhere he pla.veil a two weeks' enticement j Vilnnli" in a tevlval of his old (auntie bin hsipie. and will at onr bejln preparations foi Ids plunse Into romantic coined, which he will make In "The Adrcntuiei of Franco)," Lang' don Mitchell's drainstlzatlon of his father'! pop nljr norel of Ih? same name promlfcrs to be a very powerful play, and with Plxey a the com edy center, It can scarcely fall of success. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS NIAOARA FALLS EXCURSIONS. Low Rate Personally Conducted Ttips via Pennsylvania Railroad. September C nnd 20, October 4 and 18 are the remaining dates for the Penn sylvania. Railroad company's popular ten-day excursions to Niagara Falls from Philadelphia, llaltliuore and Washington. Special tinln wilt leave Washington 8 u. m., Haltlmoie 9.or a. m. nxcuisloTT of September '20 from Phlladeltihla will run via Manunka Chunk and the Delaware Valley; spe cial train will leave Rroad Street Sta tion H u. m.; on other dates special tialn will eae Philadelphia at S.10 a, m. Round-tilp tickets will be sold at ttO from Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington, and all points on the Delaware Division; $11.25 from Atlantic City; J9.60 fiom Luncaster; J8.50 fronr-AI-toona and Harrlsburg: JG.'JO from Sun biliy and Wilkes-Uarre' $.1.75 from Wllllamspoit; and nt proportionate rates from othei points, Including Tientor. Mt. Holly, Palmyta, Nw Rrtinswick, and pilnclpal Intermediate stations. For descriptive pamphlet, time of connecting trains, stop-over privileges, and furthei Information apply to near est agent, or addiess Geoige W. Boyd, Assistant General Pussentjer Agent, Bioad Stieet Station, Philadelphia. ONE FARE TO PHILADELPHIA And Return via the Lehigh Valley Railroad, Account State League Republican Clubs Meeting, Sep tember 17th and 18th. Tickets on sale September 16th, 16th and 17th, for alt trains, except the Black Diamond Express, good to re turn to Scpteinbet 22nd Inclusive. For additional Information consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents. Beduced Fares via Central Ttailroad of New Jersey to the Allentown Fair. The coming fair at Mlentown. begin ning Sept. 1s nnd concluding 21st, Is atti acting widespread attention and will be one of the mot Interesting nnd Instinctive outings that our renders cuii take. For the accommodation of the public t'.io Centtal Yinllrond of New Jersey will sell evcuision tickets from Scran ton to Allentown anl return for all trains Sept. IS, 1't. 20 and 21, and good for return until Sept. 2tsl Inclusive, at fare of J4.os for the lound trip. In ad dition to thti regular tialn, special train will be run on Sept. 20, leaving Sranton at 7.21 a. m. Letuinlng spe cial t ri In will leave Allentown, ''ept. 21', at 7.00 p. m. State Republican Club. Philadelphia For the above meeting agentH of the Lackawanna railroad will sell special excursion tickets to Philadelphia, at the rati' of one fnie for the round trip. Tickets will be sold September Fith, lffth and Kill. Good for return until September 22rd. Children between the ug"H of live and eleven yean-', Inclu sive., one-half the- adult rate. Opening of -"Lackawanna," Twenty eighth Year. Nlnety-sK students nnrolled. Addi tional lady teacher, 'iiilth collese, '93. has been engaged. Girls' Depaitinent in chaige of normal and university graduato. Last year's health record unexcelled by any school In the city. THEATRICAL. Wolford-Sheridan Coinpnny. The Wolford Sheridan company will opnn 3 week's tiiicJitenienl at the Viadtiny of Musli lo i.lBht. This company presents iome of the strongest plajs ever seen at popular puces and much anticipation will lie shown over the corn ins engaccment. The repeitolie is one ot the strongest ever pointed by any traveling! organiz ation at popular piiccs. No hiuular attraction lias ever presented as pretentious as this, or one that imolves so great a caie in the mounting of the plavs The company numbers fifteen people and Is said to lie unusually ilevet and thoroughly competent to proptily handle tlie tine line of plajs prenenlei at the fiiitajtenuni In our city. 'Ihe upedultlcs will alo be of the best, some ot the act helm; presented Ibis ut summer in the New York theateis. "Taken fiom Life" will he presented for the openinu; bill and a ilum."' of play is promh-cd for eveiy perfmiiiamp iliirinv the en g.iiteineiit here. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Sunday Games. Kansas ( It?, 1; Buffalo, 3. .Minneapolis, 4; Detroit. 3. Chicago, 0; Indianapolis, 0. Mltwaukee, li leveland. 2 (find itainei, Cleveland, 8; Milwaukee, 1 (siccuul name). EASTERN LEAGUE. Sunday Gaines. Worcester. S, It icheter. 5. Monlicjl SptlimhiM- ll.nn l'rovidci.ce-Sviacuse- Hani ROOMS AND BOARD. DOOM AND UOAIIl); BAY WVLKINO Ills tince. 510 Washington avenue. WANTED TO BUY. WANTnU-SECONDHAND SLOT MAClilNrV. must be in aoud order, rtate particulars ai to make and price Address, L. M., general de livery, Scranton, Pa V MONEY TO LOAN. ttl'ICK STIIAICJII'I IOANS. Cl'ltUi, CONNKI.L bulldlnH. ANY AMOCNT OK MONI'.Y TO LOIN. fJUICI!. straight loans or Uuildlni; and Loan. At from I In t per cent. Call mi N. V. Walker. 31I-31& Counell bulldinr. PROPOSALS. SHAIMI PllOPOsJ. HILL 111-. lll.(T I'.l) AC Ihe ottici' of the I lev I leik, Sininlon, I'a , until 7 30 o'clock p 'i, , 'lhurxla.1, hi pi. 2U, l'Hi. to ionlraci a Ijum.iI mii with the rtci osit.v branches lonnecliuiK, inanhohs, bi.iim, and lixtmes, on Ihe easleil) aide of MuthiiiK toii a.cnue, bttwciu New nrk stieet .ind Mai ion street. La' I. piopmal ihill he accompanied b cadi or ccrtihVd iliei I. .n the iun i till? clollais as a guarantee to execute a contiuil if awarded the lame Ilui city ipsviv, tin. ilithl lu iiject any or ull Idds lly oidei of City Cnuii ills. U T. 1. iai.i:. Cllv Cleik. Sciantuii, Pa . Sept. t, VW. DRESSMAKING. DltKSSM.KINO rOIt CIllI.lJni'.N TO OltUI'.lt; also ladles' waists. Louise Shoemaker, 212 Adams aevnue. CITY SCAVENGER A. 11. DniOOS CHN8 PltlVY VAULTS AND cess pools; no odor. Improved pumps used, A, n. nillQCS, Proprietor. Leave orderi HOD North Main avenue, or Klrke'a drug store, cor ner Adams and Mulberry, Telephone 05 P1 The People's POPULAR CI.KAUINO HOUSL for ths Usinlt of VII Wl' Hnvu Mouse to Kent, Heal Ifetnte or Other Property to r ,CII III l.AtallClllitW, " "liu ,'' .TlhllllllVJllWI IKUI tll! Small Advertisements Cot One Cent a Word, Six Insertions, for Five Cents a Word lixcep: Sltimtiou WantcJ. Wliicli v lu Kcrted Free for'rent. I'l'iivicit,., nfi.L i'.mi nrvT iv ovp. ni1 I t itiiiiii.t, iiui .-.I. , vt. .. ... " -- Hie lt KicJtlom in Khintun; flltirn mill etc ualk Irom Coiut Home, on the "Hill' Me llon: modem hnprurrtnrnls; tiMtdl liy "' n.irr- linot iifwly tutnWifil, eoiiwlnlnit I'';''"'. TMiir l)0oV. two bH rnonu fitted, elt. will Irnt" for M) month until April I. Addre, "I'mnUliNl," I'. O. Ilox 213, Mrinton, l'j. roiTRRNT-sick ru6vr"nooMs rru us, slram beat an! billi. 6IU ttuhliiRt. n ap line KOIl UKVl-STOIIKS IS ((HI. KAXCHAN'llK llulldliic. lm(iilie Join Jrtmjli, 119 )om. itK axniir. sivoix, icoi imm: sim:r.T. tiiomvs Itni-rll. H.0 Ilaltlfon atrnue. I'OK BUNT-TW 0P1.RASANV COVNT.CTISO monn, tunililipd of tinliirnllifd, with board; alo flnule tuoni; all molrin convtiiUt.iM. 'I-'I Mjditon jvmi?. ton ttn.vr -Tioi'i: with t iioom. tirri'.r.N ilullar!i ptt month. Inipiitr ol T. '. dril fin. 3(17 Wellington avpn'jo fts ki,i:vkv iioojiiousK. om:r.N' rtmaK; Floant location; moilfin iinpioretnpnta. O. ribur.p. KOIt ltr.NT-(M I.ACKWVANV Vr.NUK, (onr lloorj; efcutor; tt fture and lufi tlon In Siranton. LEGAL. Till: AWI'U. MFMIVO OF TIIK MKMHKHS nf the I'iniisylvania Oial School for the Deaf, tor the election of four directors lo sere ihiee iear, and tor the transaction of meli other liinlnesd us may pioperlv be biouiiht before the nuetlna:, will be IHd at the oltlce of the Secie lary, lluom 10.1 t'onnell bulldlnt;, scrantoii, Ha , 011 Tilda), (lit . at 3 u'lloik. IIKN'ItV IIH.IN, JR, Secretary. NOTICi:-IHi: ANNtAL MKKTIXO 01 1111'. incmbers of ihe Lackawanna Store Vsocla iL.r. r I,.,.,.. I hIII ,a 1.a1.1 ut ! rtfflr m nf thi srsoela'tlon in the lt ot Scranton. I'a., on wccinesuav, cii loner -l, rmu, at lu ocioik a. in., foi the election ot manauers for the ensuing tear, and for the transaction ot such other uilneM as may properly come before the meet 5ng. II 8. FMItCIIII.O. '-iranton, Pa, Sept 10, 11)00 Secretary VN OIIDI.N WCI: PltOVIUINC. lOU TlIK ltK- paulnft, palntlna; and cleaning f a bridge in the Porouuli ot Old 1'orse Section 1 lie it villained by Ihe liura.ess and Ttwn Council of the Uulougti ol Old Poise. Lackawanna County, State of l'ennsjlvaiila, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, that "the llurges and 'I own Council of Ihe llnTotigli ill hereto authorized and directed P make uml enter Into the contract to repair, paint nnd clean a hridste known as Connelllon biidice In the llorontih ol Old i'urgi', which satd blidire span-" the Lackawiuna river between what is known as Hi" Lawteiae iorc and William . colliery. Ihe piintln.;. repaiting ami cleaninK l to be done accurdinic to the ipecirkatioru, which are to be drawn up in proper foiin anu bids taken theieon. I'he council reserving Ihe light to reject anv or ull bid. I'asned thud and fin il reading ths third dsy of eptrmlier, A. 1)., I 'W0 . JOHN K. MOHGWr". President Attest: II I Jl'llflK, Secretary. Approved this 12lli dav of Vplember, . I) 1iK) K. WILLIS HKKS. nmirebs XOTIfi: TO OWNF.II OK I'KOWjhTY ON' (unit stieet, Diau.nnd avenue and Provi dence road. The following Is a correct copy oi u resolution ct ( itv Councils of the fity ol hcLMon. I'a. appioved i'ir 31, 19uo HesoUid. lly Ihe Select tuncil of the fity of .Siranton, the Common (ouncil concuirinif. That I oun street from Its Intersection with Piov denco road to the east side of the intersection of Comt slnet and Diamond avenue, and Dia mnnd avenue from Court stteet In t wutheil) direction to Providence road, and Piovideuie road from the Intersection of Diamond avenue. In a southerly direction to Carbon street bttdge, be paved, and the cost theieof assessed agnlii-t the abutting properties, aicording to tlie foot front rule; provided Hal three-fourths ot all the member elected to each branch of the coumils shall vote in favoi theieof. On the passage ut Ihf lesalution bv said three.fourtha vole and iu uppiuval by the Major, tlie Cit.v Clerl. shall publish a copv thereol In two news papc-is published in the Citv of .Scranton for ten da?, statins that unless a majority of the owners of pioperty abutting- upon Comt stieet. Diamond avenue and Providence road, as above mentioned, shall signify to councils in writing;, within slxtv davs Irom the date ot the appicivcl uf this resolution, their preference i: the material desired for such pavement. Conn rll will proceed to i3e an . rdinanc-e dirtctin the (lavitiL: of said Court -iieet. Diamotid ave rule and Providence load, between the points ubove named with iu h iiiitua' as thev may see lit. Approved bv Select t oimi il un It), I'mjO CH MJNLIt. president Approved by Common uiineil. ini 21. PuO nil. V. OKIFI'lTHS preniden: Appioved, Aiiij. 31, Hs) JAMKS MOIU. Majo- Pulillshed in pursiinme of the foresjolnir lesa Intlon M T. LAVIU.LK. City Cleik Scranton. Pa , Sept. 8, l'XK) AMK.ND.MI'.NT '10 TDK C ONSmirTION I'I'O POSKD TO THF, CITIZLNS OK Tillh COM MONWKALTH KOIt '1IIKIR API'ltOVAl. Oil ItlMKCTlON UY IHU l.KNLHAL ASSUMUIA OK TlIK COMMONUr'ALITI O) PKNNsYL VANIA. PL'BLISHLli IIY OIIDLlt OK Till" M.VIIrTAHY OK Till: IN PCItSCANCK OK 1HT1CI i: XVIII OK TlIK cossTirmoN. A JOINT HKSOI.I'TIOV 1'roposinv an amendmin' to the Constitution of the C'oniuiot wealth. Section 1. Be it rc-ulveil bv the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commuiiweall'i In lleneral aaembly met. That th. following Is proposed as amendments tu the Constitution uf the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in accord ante with the piuvislons or the eighteenth article thiieof: Amendment One to Article Kight, Section On- Add at tlie end of the first paiagraph of said section, aftel the wotds "shall be entitled tu vote at nil cli lions," the Words "sublet i how ever to such laws lviiuiiiiiir and reKiilutliia the leKlstratlon ot electors as the Oeneial Aembl? inav enai!," so that the said sei lion shall lead as follows, ' Section 1. Oiialiflcations nf Klectors Kveiy male ciliren twentv-oi e veais of aue, possessing the fullowltif qualification-, shall lie entitled to vote at all elections ubjeit however in sin h laws iecuirini; ami uinil-utiir the i.i;i,tratiou of electors us the gfluul ascmlilv may enait: He hall lave been a i It bin nf Hie I nit'd States at lea-t one month. He shall huve resided in the state one .vear (or If, laWiiU previously been a qualified el' tor or native boru citizen of Ihe stub, be shall have removed therefiom and relumed. vvtTTifn six months, Immediate!? precidin the elic tiuu.) lie shall have resided in the election district where he shall olfer lo vole nt least two months Immtdinte!) preceding the election. If twenty-two ?eurs nt aue and upwards, he shall have paid within two ?ear a state or county tat, willed shall have been a.sesseu at least two months and paid at least one mouth befoie Ihe eleitioii Amendment Kl'ven to Aitlcle Kicjbt, Section Seven. Stiike out fiom said seilinn Ihe word 'but no elector shall be deprived of Ihe privilege of 1011111; by reason of his name nol Whitf reitis teled," and mid to said section the follow Inir words, "but laws regulating and reipilrinc the reitlstration of elector may be enacted tu apply to cltie only, provided that soih laws be uni form for clt lis of the same ilass," u that the aaid aertion shall lead iu follows: Section 7. 1'nlfoimltv of K.lectluu Laws. Ill laws letfulatitiK 'he hnldiu; of i lei lions by tue citizens or for the retjistrailoii of eleetots snail be unifonn lluouthout 1 tie slate, but laws regit latlntf and retpiliiiiir the lecilriiailun of elrc tors may be enacted to uiililv to cities onlv. provided tliat siicli tawt h- unifoim fur cili.s ol tlie same class, A Hue copy of the .lolnt llesnlunou. If. W. fllHKSl'. Secretary of tlie. ( ouiuiomvialth. AMKNDMKNI' 10 TlIK CONsTIIKTION I'HO POsLD TO TlIK (1111. SS OK nils (,01. MONU'.l.1ll KOI! TIIKIII ,1'inoVAL OH niMKCTION 111 nil. (JI.N'KltM. t",KMl.Y or 'ihk (ommomm:m'iii ok piansil VANH. J'l'llH) IIY IIKDIMI OK 1IIK si:citKTitv ok Tin: comjioni:vi.til in pi'iisi'nck. ok Aunt li: win ok itik coNsinnioN. A JOIST HK.-Ol.rilON Pinposlni; an aiiicnilment to the Contltutloii of the Ccnviionwealtli. Sertion 1 He it icelve.1 by Ihe Senate and House of HrprcKcntatlvea nf Hie I'oiuni inweallh uf Pi mis? Iv aula In (ieiieial Assembly met. That the fullowiiiK i pioposed ut an umc-iiclmeut tu Ihe Constitution of tlie Commonwealth uf Penn sylvania in accordance with the provisions ot the i:ithteenl aitlcle thereof. Amendment Strike out section tour nf aitlcle eight, and In sert In place thereof, as follows: Section 4. All elections by the citizens shall be by ballot or bv inch other inethnti us ma? be prescribed by law: Provided, That aecitc) In votlPif b preserved. A true copy of ths Joint llcsnlution. W w. nunaT, SecreUrjr of the Commonwealth. Exchange. HELP WANTED-MALE. AOTIVR llt'STI.r.Hs UVI'.II ffHIlili: T(l ThP. orden for "Murv of tint (l.iUeton Hmrur ' Over 600 pactes Klaborutclv illiislr.iled fnnn ai tual phutoitraphs AkhiK coining mone.v II Imitated circular and uutrit flee. V t ipili k AilclrtM tllobe lllhle I'ubllsliiliK t'n . "'-' I Client nut si nil. Philadilphia, Pa WA.NTI'U-nilST (I.VSS sllOltr OHIIKIt IDOIv vvlslus pusllion Has been nn valid for la-t five winter.. Ad)re "X.," tare tribune. ANTt'll - KNRIIOF.1 If 1 llfT till rTl OI Ml mam must come wel' leeommended; 'JI2 per week guaranteed. 30 l.lhr.iy nulldinif. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WAVTKD AN Mr. A. II EXrlMtll' M'HSK Ulltl. Watma.i, U I'lne itre.'t RECRUITS WANTED. maiiink conps I'snni -rATis nam itr cnilt wanted -Ahle-bcidled men, service lu our warships in all parts of tlie world nnd on land In Ihe Phillpplres, when required I.I i tenant Colonel IJ. II Kus-ell. N. . Corner Ui k an anna and Wyoming avenues, Scranton BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY NOTHINO IVC PKI1S I.IKK si CCI'.Ss 1ll IS seated In whia or stock b. m.v "Safe In vestment Plan" Iiiik lelurned I.iikit piotlls with a small elemi tit of risk than ouv othir known method. PaiMciil.its tne sump-iihI hhi.i mere and lihilie-t tluimlal refeinue Sliplull A. Chmous, llioker, Old folon.v lIUIc. (Iiii.ik. LOST. xAVN Xy' I.OST-IUNI II OK Kns: IMNDKIt KIMliA notify Lackawanna l.uhricatihtc woik", IJI" faponse avenue. FOR SALE I'OH St.K-i0,M() CASH MILL III V IY II Mllll Mill avenue, mmleiu lu proiemenH. ( II 'J', 124 Ilinh atreii. SITUATIONS WANTED hlllVlION MANTI.t)-IIV . OMN r In me, would like to have tour ii tlr aj-Ii liit, and iioinmts, Koud voik done. (all m diop puslal. U. . 'I., SID MiilWiiv -treet, c it) hlLNOCJKAIMILU. lAPKIilCM KD. I)llli:s position. Addnw, If. S, Tribune nllh nllKe. - - -- V INTKD-l'OslTlON IIY A OCMJ l.U1 WHO has just gmdiutetl in Ixiokkecpli'K. class irfHriiie slen and ixpeitid. udie-. n. I. H. Hut 274. Kaitorvvlll. I'a. . . . - VvASII'D-WOIllv I'OK .MONDAY AND Till IN iiii, as latiudis, tan ittve bei it, ii-r eiente Address, 702 Klin street. StlCVriON WASTKU-sll'.Mil MOlIk ill 'I UK dav; tan give uood rifeictu'es Aihiit"", M. J 0., Olv pliant. Pa. STKI YOUNG MAN 21 i h.MIS 01.1). Willi exiellnt t harae'er, rapid nnd ait urate at trin'lnt, good penuisti and first das. knuuleilKe of biislneit methods, wouiil like work iu "I flee or on hooks Brt r-t.iences. "II," Tribune office PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. F.DWAIID C. SPACLD1NO, C. P. A., 2.1 Tit Ml era' Bank buildln;. Architects. HOWARD II. DWI building;, Scranton. AUCIIITKCr, rOSM'Ll, KHKDFniCK L. I1ROWV, ARCHITK.CT. I'HK K buildlns;, nil Washington avenue, Scranton. Cabs and Carriages. ItrBBFIt TIRKD C.B AND CAHBIAOiTsT BLST of service. Prompt attention ifiven orders, by 'phone 'Phones 2ti72 ond W12. Joseph Kellev, 124 Linden. Dentists. DR. C. K. i:iI.KNIli:ilOi:H, I'.M LI lil'ILDIStl. Spruce street, Scranton DR. I. O. LY.MN. SCUXNTON PIIIVVIK ll(7s pital, corner Uvomins and Mulbtrr?. DR. C. C LAfJBACH. 115 W'VOMISG .WKNCK. 1)11. II. I. Iir.YXOI.D. OPP. '. O Hotels and Restaurants, nn: caki:. 1:1 and 127 kunkmn avi: nue. Rates reasonable. P ZKKII.KH, Propilctur. SCRANTON I101SK. XKMt D , L it W.'l'v". senger depot. Cunducted on the Kuroiiean idan VICTOR KOCH. Propiieior. Lawyers. I J W BROWXINU. 1TIOIINKV AM) (OI SSh 1 I , t...u ILmiiia .11 '.'M Mutr., 1...I1 I.. I "'' '""; !l) II ItKI'I.OOl.K. TroltNK1-I.ONs sk(j Hated on real estate set ut its M,ais bull.i, .rnar V .IslllllL I Oil llVtllLle Ullll S'lilim. ...... ' I ' ""' 1 KRANK i: BOM.K, IHOltSKY AND ( ot si:i.. 1 lor at law. Bull bulldiuit, Cooius It Ui. 11 WusluiiKluli avenue. WiLLMcD. WMillKS' & US PP, ArilijlNKv. , and Cui.nellors-ut Law. Iti publican duldlin. I Wushinutoii avenue. jTsfv i .H.hM P. .VIIOIIS'l'is, AND MM'-" ' sell.u ut-la Cciniiiibiinealtd Imidliiijr. Itceeu, I IP, 20 and 21. j"VlKs ' OvIvMHtli. vrronsi:Y.Ti.uv Rooms ill. 115 and ilt lloaid nf Ti'aiie Imlhl. 1 inir KUWKIil) . I II 11 Ml. iriOIISKY. IIOOSIl 'OJI-tOI 'Ull flcKir, Meals hlllMIll;.. I.. A. WATRKS. .VlTORNUY-AT-Uvv. ol Trade bulhlmi. Stranion I'a. HOARD 0. It. PITCIIKB, ATTOn.NT.Y-AT-I.UV, BOAItfi of Trade liulldliu, Nranton. Pa. I'ATTK.RSON H WILCOX, IRMiKHS' sT'IToSaT Bank bulldliiir. C. tOMKUYh Ull HKPI'BI.ICA.'; lll'II.UINd. aTw. "DKnTHOLI. .VnoilNIJY. .MKAfTs'RI.nil. Physicians and Surgeons. lilt. W. K.. ALLK.V, il3 .SOK'lll WAlllNOTOS avenue. 'DR. S. W L'AMORKM'.Y. OFKKT: 3.1'! W SI luxton avenue. iiesiuince, ins .viulbern Chionlc distusi's. lungs, dealt kldnvs und (ceiilto.urliiary organs a pi-clall,v. lnur, 1 to 4 p. m. Schools. SCHOOL OK TlIK I.U K W.SN K, s( II N10N. Pa. Coursci pieparalory to culleire. law, uitili clne or buslne-, Opens Sept. 12th. Send fui citatogiie. Rev. Tliomas M. Calm, I.L.D., prlu clpil ind propiieior; W. K.. Pluinle.v, A. M headmastri. Seeds. O R. L.ltK i (0 KKD.SM.S S)M eivuioi, stole -'UI ivasiunitlou aveiim", green; nouses. iu.10 ,-suiiii aiain avenue sime lete phone, 72. Wire Screens. JOSKPII KI'iriTK.L. UKAIt ill LICK W ASN avenue, ricrantou, I'a., maniifacluiir ol W'li. St reens. Miscellaneous. U.MK.R'S ()IICIIITIU- Hl'SIC KOR BM.I.s. picnics, paitien, iicepliolis, vveddiniis and con celt work furnishec. I'or ternia address II, ,1 Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over llulbert'a mu!c store. ilKOAROEK BROS., I'RIYi'K.RS' HUi'l'LII-'d, KS' TtloiKN, paper bags, twine, Warehouse, 1J0 Valilrnlon avenue, Scratituii, I'a, RAILROAD TIME TABLE iA'isswjJMvirfaajai PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Scltedule in Effect May 27, 1000. Trains leave Scranton: 0.45 n. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitts burg and the West. ' 0.38 a. m., week days, for Hazletoh, Pottsvllle, Reading, Norristown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, BaltimoreWashington and Pitts burg and the West. 2.18 p. in., week dnys, (Sundays 1.58 p. m.,) for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia. Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. For Hnzleton, Potts vllle, Reading, &c, week days. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Hnzleton, Fottsville, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. II WOOD. On. Pass. ArI. II. lllTCIIINMiN', en. MT. Delawaie Lackawanna and Western. In I'.lfect dime 10. I'M). Snith- Leave Mriutun for New York at l.S. 3 00. Ml), suo and to a. in. 12.(11, XM and f.10 p. in. Km Philadelphia at 5.40, 8 W and 10 05 a. m. ; 12 and 3 3:t p. m. Kor Hlrouds biiin ut 0.10 p. m. Milk unci accommodation at :U0 p m Arrive at llohoken at d.Vi. 7.11, to II a. in : I'.M)", ' 47, 4.4S, 7.1!) and P.4.1 p. m. Aulve at I'hllailelp'iia nt 10.UD a, in, 1 1.00, "US tllHI und S22 p mi. Allies' fimn New York at 1.0.1, 4 Oc) und 10 20 a in.; 1 00. 1.V2, 8.41, 8 4j and II M p. in. I 'mm MrnuiMiurK at 8.0.1 s. m. Vol tla - l.eiive Sunloii foi llutlalo nnd Intel mediate stations at 1 10, 4 10 and S.'tO a. ni ; 1 1.1, 1.41 and II S.1 p m H'or (Isneint and Svra line at 4.10 a in. and I .11 p. in Kor l.'llca at 1.10 a. in. and l .11 p in. I'm Monliiwe at S.'tO a. lu : 1.01 p. m and 14" p. m Kor Mclml mn at 4 (hi and 0 II p m Kor llinahaniton. 10.25 ami s .ii i m irlve In "iranion irom ininani nl I ."(), :',. 'li iii.l mix) a. in., 3.30 and P in 1' Oivveuo and Svr.iiilse at 2.11 a. BM I.' -(s iitnl soft ii in. Kiniii ftlia at 2..11 a. m.; I !( and 'I '!0 p in fiom Milmlwn at fl SO a m. and n Ml ii in. Kiom Vniitin at 7.31 and 10 (H a. m , .ii' and s.m p. m. tllcioiuslniri; Division leave Scranton tor i Minimi,, rtuinl at "II. HI 111 a. in.; 1..11 nnd .1 "a I p. in. Kor PliiniMilh at 10.1. 11.40, 8..15 and II '1.1 p in. I .r Vinfioke at 8 10 n. m. Arrivn at Nonhiin '., il.iml .it (i M a m : I 10. .100 and S1 41 p. - Milvc al Nantiioke at 11.10 n. m. Alllve c iimiiiiIi at 21KI. 4.32, K.S0 U 111. a,nd 12.W i pi. iilve ,n Siiinti.n from Norlhum beilai'd at II? i. m.; 12 'II, 4..H1 and k.41 p. m. I'lnin v.miliokt at 11 00 i. m. From Plvinoi Ih j- r.m a in .120 .1.31 and 11 10 p in. si liV n:INS "mull- . r.itit.'ii 1 10. 3.00. 110, 1005 a, m : 3.:u. :i I.) and Hi p in Minntiili al I 10. 4 10 a. m.i IB, 1 Is and II ".", p in lllnniiwl.nm litvl-ion leave Scranloti s.t 1001 a. in. uml .1 m , ui Delaware and Hudson. In Kileci Inue l.tih. U0. Iialns foi (.iiIk'IhIj1h leave Srunton nt 0 20, 7.M, s 5.', 10 II u in 12 (HI, I 2J. 2.20. .1.35, 525, (j 2.1. 7.17. 'Ml, 11 II p. in.: 1i10 a in. lor Hone-ilale mill Lake l.oilore-r,.yo, iii.i.t a. 111.. 2 2(1 aril 1 1 li. in. I'cr Will... Ilane t. 4". 7 I". 8 II. .1 1. 10.4'f a. I in ; 1?a',. 1 -H Is. 1 3.1. 4.27, n in, 7.l, 10.11, 1I.3U p. in. Kur I.. V. II. II polnls - il 41 I. m.: 12.03, 2,1", I , I.T ....1 It -i .. ... . ' .10, ,ii u ,,,.m li, ,it g I'cr l'ennilvaina II. It p.ilnts-0.4, 9.3V a. "IS unci 4.-7 II 111. Kor lbai.v anc .ill points nsrtli B.M a. m. and 1 f,2 p ni SINDVY VII MSI. Kor Carbondale II . 11.11 . m: 2,20, 3.12, 3.47. 10.1? p. m Kor Wilkes-Ilaue -'133 a. lu. : 12 0-1. l.M, S.2sg 4 12, r 27. S 27 p. UI. Kor Alban? .mil points north -3.12 p. in. Kor Hciiesdsle rind Lake Lodcre v) 1 MSI. u, 13 a. and 3.12 p. ni lowest rites to nil points in I'nlted salei) and Cfiraih ,f , .1. W. UKHDirK. f!. P A.. AllniiJ, J. 1. II. W cliossi. D. P. . "cranton,- I'a. Lehigh Valley Railroad. Ii, KITect Mav 27, li0. 'Plains Leave Snanton. Kor Phllad.'lphli and New York via I), k II. 11. 11. . at (1.45 a in. and 12.03. 2.18, 1.27 (niac' Diamond Kpies), and 11.10 p. in Sundays, 1). fc II. it. 1!.. 1 5". 7.4S p. m. Kor White Haven, llarleton and principal points In the toil legions, via D. k 11. R. R , 0 4.1, 2.1S und 4 27 p m Kor Pottsvllle, (1.45, 2. IS p m. fur IMhlehetii. K.uslon, Heading, Hsrrisburcr and principal iiilcrtntdi ite stations via U. 4' II It It, fl.4,1 a in : I2(H, 2.1S. 4 27 (Black Dia inond Cxprcw). II SO p. m Sunila.s. I), i II. If. 11., 5S. 7.4S p in. Kor Tunkhannotk, Towanda Klmlia. Ithatn. Oeneva and piimipal inlermeillate Malions, via 1), L. . W. It. I!., SOS a. in.; 1.01 and .135 Kor Ocncv.1. Ito. he.t.r. Butruln, Niaijara Fall", ( hitaxo, and all point wtsl. via I). .V II. it. It . 12.a, 3 3) k Dlaniiind Kxpioss). .$, 10 41, 11.30 p. in sn(iav, II. A II II It., 12 03 p. in.; 7. is p. in. Pullman pallor and .leepliva; or Lehigh lalhv parlor cum mi nil tialns between Wilkes Barre and New Yoik. Phllatlelphla, llnlfab) and Sin ptislon llrldK. HOLI.IN II. WTI.III II. (leu Supt., 2(1 Corlland Kreet, New leik 1 IIMIIK.s " l.l'.K. flen. Pass. Asrt.. 21 Cortland sired, Siw Yoik. . W. VOSNKMM 111 It, lliv. Pass. 1st. S,iiuh Bcthlihrui. Pa Kor tukits and Pullman reseivatlnns app'y 305 Luikawnuna Hieinie, e union, I'a. Central Railroad of New Jersey. Sim ,,i,. in Niw York -1'eol nf Liberty street. N II.. and South lcirv. Snlliraclte oal m.1 rle.ii.lliii-sc an I i mfoi I est!uivc!?, insuring IIMi: TAB1.K IN KKKKCT M sY 21. 1000. j U.lltis leave ntuinn inr srvs itnh. M-Mrtin, rllrnlitlU. riumimiuii l. i a-i'in, nriiuiirni, ., " I bilown. Mailed C Iniiil. and While Ilavtn, at S :'o a ni.; espiess. 120 i'pies, 4 0u p. m. Sun- . ilav. 2 1 1 I r.,e I'ltisiiui and Wllki's ll.irre. S 30 a. m.; l.'.'O n"tl l.oo p. in. unili, 2.11 p. m. " K)r M-'niiin I'JiK. '30 a. in . 1.20 ,nd 4 00 p in. "undav , 2 11 p. m I I'"r llilttinoi and W.ishliulon, and po nl I S,, atill West ill llelhlehelil, a, n, 1.20 ' .. ... knii.lil, ! 1 . II ,,l , ,11, -i,,,.... -. ,- I'm lone Itianch. (item fiiuve, etc., at 9 30 a in. mil 1 ''i p m Kor Re.ntllinr, l.ilunwi ami lloi t i-liiu. vh Al lentown, .'0 a. m und I ;ii p. m. Sundi?, 2 1.1 p ni. Km Pottsvllle. S.'O u in, 120 p. in. 'IIiiiiukIi tit kits In nil points east, .outli and we-l ut Towtt utes nt ihe station I 11 (Ull II vrsl'.N. (Jen. Supt. II P. II M DWTN. fieri. Pass. Ant. New York, Ontario and Western R.R. T1MK. TMII.i: IN K.KI FIT SI'SIHY. .II'M 21, 1000. N'urili lluiiiul Tialns Ia'ave Leave siran- c.iiboii. snlve Tir'M. 4H1 ... wn ... I7 ... ton 'I lie Cadosin 10.40 j. in. II 20 .i. in. 1,0.1 p. m. S 41 p. in I 32 p in 5.41 p. in. 'ion p. in Arrive Ciibmulale, A. 10 p. in. Soulh Ro'jinl Trains. Leive Leave Cadosla. Cailmulale. 7.1X1 a m. S.pia. iu. 10O2a ni. 0.1 p. Ill 3 31 p. Ill, sKSDM'S ONLY Suitd Bound lfit Leave iijii (albnn. Ion tlale . S.30 a ui. 0 10 a ui. Scranton. 7.40o. ni. 10.4li. m. 4.20 p. m. rrlv Cadosla SO.' 10.11a. m. jjijo 7 00 p in rrlvc C.uliontlal. 7.41 p. m. niiin iioiipii, I"ave Leave Cadosiii Carlioitilale. Scranton. dj 7 00 a. iu 7.40am. (H 4 I'l p. m .'. II p. in. B.SJp.m. Triin So "ol nukes e ounce tlon for points S'niili and si.nth nn Main Line, at C.nlosls. Tialns Nos "01 and "01 make Walfon, Delhi, llaineltn and "Sidnev connections Tialns Nos. 20'. und 20s. make Main Line fn-lies-Hi n on 'undav. I'nr further liiforiiiatlnn. consult ticket arenti. I. C NDril-ON. Oen Pa i(tt , New York J K WKI.sll liavellnir Passeiujer Agent. Seiin. ten Erie and Wyoming Valley Tim ladle In I rTett September 17, lxv Tiuliis fur llawlev mi el dual points, connect In? at llawlev with Kile rallro.ul for New Yoik, Nevvbiiruli and Inteimediate points, leave Scran ton at 7.01 a in. ami 2 21 p in Tialns airlve at scrantnn at I"-10 m' n,l 0.10 p m. NEWSPAPERS TlIK WII.KI'sHUtliK RKCOIID CAN BK IH0 III Sciantuii at id newa stands ol Kelsinaii Bios., 4U1 pruce and U l.lndrn! M. Norton, Hi Laekawaniia avenue; I. S Shutter, 211 pri.U' atreel SCALP TREATMENT. MRS. I,. T. KKI.I.l R. SCALP TRCATMKHT, tOc.j shampiuiinK, "V i facial inusate; nunlour. Ins, 25c,t rhliopodv, 791 tjulocy. -