THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1000. ,IVE NEWS OF THE INDUSTRIAL WORLD AOKAWANNA SUPERINTEND ENT MAKES APPOINTMENTS. L E. Vlcker, of tho Erie and Wyo ming Ilond, to Bo Chief Train Dis patcher to Fill the Vacancy Caused by tho Promotion of E. M. Itlne, and D. 0. Hahn Becomes Clerk to Superintendent Clarke, to Succeed Mr. Stoddard, Resigned Our Coal In Europe. The two vncancles In Division Super ntcndcmt Clarke's olllce, which huvo xlstoel since tho lotlicment of Trnln mster Hamilton anil Chlot Clerk Stoil larcl, were lllleel yesterday by tho up lolntment of K. K. Vlcker ns chief rain dispatcher, to succeed K. M. line, who was promoted to tho train nastershlp, and Train Dispatcher D. . Hahn, who will hecomo chief clerk !o Superintendent Clarke. Mr. Vlcker Is lit present train dis patcher on tho Erie and Wyoming ('alley railroad, with headquarters at Dunmorc, and has been in the employ f that company since 18SC. His ap pointment will ro Into effect on Sep tember 1. At present the duties of thief dispatcher and trainmaster are being looked after by Mr. nine. Mr. Hahn, who succeeds Chief Clerk Stoddard, has been In tho employ of the Lackawanna railroad for a long lime as a. train dispatcher, and is thor Diichly familiar with the duties of the position. He will also take up the work on September 1. , As to European Market. Says the Commercial Advertiser: No definite news has been received by the Pennsylvania road of the threatened strike of tho coal miners in Pennsylvania, but it Is hoped that it will bo averted, especially in view nf the probablo demand for American coal In Europe. It Is evident that tho coal men ex pect n, big coal movement to Europe. The coal carrying roads are making preparations for hauling it to the sea board, and In tho absence of labor troubles the export movement 41s ex pected to be of great volume. Danville Works to Bo Removed. It was announced yesterday that the plant of the Danville Bessemer com pany, of Danville, Pa., has been pur chased by the Lake Superior Iron and Steel company, of Sault Ste Marie, Canada, Tho steel rail mills will bo disman tled and tho machinery shipped to the Canada works. The purchase does not Include the plate mill and, It Is said, that department may resume work. D., 1. & W. Board for Today. Following Is the make-up of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western board for today: WILD CATS, SOUTH. Tuesday, Aug. 23, 1000. C 1 1. m r. P. fcror. r.i p. in. W. II. Warfcl. HUM p. in. M. J. Ilcnnisan Vlth Ludlow's men. 11 p. m. Uciinctt. Wednesday, Aug. "0, i2. a. 1. Colvin. 3 n. m. 1). .illicc. ),SU j. m. McDonnell, 0 a. in. Sinner. 8 a. m. Hill. PI a. hi. Dully. 11 j. in. IIMiins. 1 p. m. Mc Cairn. 2 p. in. llallcrty. 3.30 p. in. IjrUn. 4.13 p. in. K. M. Ilallctt slWIMlTS. 7 a. ni, I'roiinfclljr. ID a. in. Nichols, rri,i.i:n. itsiii:is, 10 a, in, lloslc. t a, m, Houer. 11 a, m. Moran. 7 i. m. Murphy. U p. in. Stack. lwsHixnKit lixciXR. U.EQ p. m. Magourn. WILD CATS, NOltTII. C a, m, Hush, fl a, in. i'ltrpjtilck. J. in. I'inncrty. 10 a. in. O'llara. 11 a. in, l'atncr, i noon S. Cainioily. 1 p. in. tlolm fljlns-in. 5 p. in. ('.irrlRir. d p. in. Ruber. 1 p. Ilk Ketchoin, 6 p. in. llainlllltt. ft 1". Ilk MiiIIp.i, 7 p. in, Kliisilcy. S p. in. J. Ccrrliy. Notice 'Hie 0 p. in as a summit iiKu.i '. wIM eat south will work ,1, II, MiC'jim and new lice at 0 a, in,, Ansuet 2'. will call at my of- This and That. Division Superintendent Clarke has requested the Lackawanna brakemnn to help firemen on the big hog en gines iluilnu' the hot weather, as th work Is very exacting nnd lequlres ex traordinary htiength and enduiance. ADVERTISED LETTERS. LIU of letter remaining, uncalled for at the tferaiiton poitolllee, I,iikau.uma county, Pa., Auif. 29, 1MI0. Pi wins lulling tor Hirst- letters will pleao fay ailuitisctl and glee date of 1W. llzia II. Hippie, P. M. Mr. .Uery. Annie A, lllick. Mr. Mamie Hueher, Wlllm HJtwinJr, V. Mo-el II. llooth, KniaiiucI Hod Inc. li. J. Hreili. Mrs. A, P. Cochran, Mix Dixie Carroll, Mrs. Annlo Coleman, llnirli Ca.ldy, Mlu Aumiita Crockenberir, Mm Lniini Crotliy. .Martin J. IKun, Mis Sarah DuiMn, Will Pownln, .Mis. Wlll.&m iluntly, Thomas l)oe, Wawnknn Prililii. Mrs. Jacob Kurktroni), -I. 11, Kdn arils, A, Fowler, Mis. 11. A, Flory. I 1'. fiaj. Miss llattle (iallaslicr. IMward lla.llniri. Miss .lennlo HariUnn, Krncit Holwell, Mlm Katie Ihrtnau, MIm M.,ry llanley, Mrs. lYmccs I. Ilolgate, Mrs. Hoy (j. Holmes, lit llurty. Thomas Jones, Mrs. Lullo .lobes, John . Jones, La id J. Jones, 11. (1. U. ; K tin Ins lor t'lnsct. I'rcd Kin. .ilvs Mollle Langnn, Miss Mame I-ivtllc, .1. J. Lynch, 11. II. Iiwery 2, Ijtln Correspond cnec School, Miss Jcnnlo McIIiirIi, Thomn V. May, Then. McGrath, Mrs. N. M. Mlllctt, Nlckolaa Murphy, Mrs. M. Murray. Miss Annie Pitts, Perdue University. Wibb Iloss "Farmer", Frances A. ltaee. Frank Sewall, llox U'l, 3; W. Scott, Mlu Maggie Stanton, Miss Nellie Sullivan, ItoWrt D. Snodgrass, Joe Snider, James Saul, Sat. Morning Club, Mabel bloat. L. A. Tuttle. Miss Bessie B. Wright, n. II. Warwick, W. .1. Wilson, Tlito. P. Wniman, Mrs. t. H. Whit more, James Welch, Chas, F. Woodsrd, U. B, Wlltlame, "High Schoolj" M. C. Wright, Nisi garah Walsh. Mlsa Harriet M. Young. TIIIHD CLASS MATTKH. Oeorge Hledl, foreign photo 12xl( J, W, Swtijsrd, 1M Third avenue, photo 5x7; Harry Freeman Stevens, book. FOURTH CLASS MATTEIt. E. B. Harlow, dry goods. Thomu & Eratu, "Clover." WKST 6CIUNTON STATION. Miss Bridget ailmartln, MIm Agnes Williams. FOnKlON. Walcnsly OfdricJ. i i TROUSERS CAUGHT IN SHAFT OF THE WHEEL. Workman Stripped of His Clothes, Pounded and Nearly Drowned. Port Jervls, N. Y Aug. 28. Edward Hall, aged twenty-two, employed In the tannery at Sparrow Hush, N. Y two miles west of Port Jervls, in order to set In motion the paddle wheel which throws about the leather In the liquor vut, gave It a kirk. His trous ers caught In the shaft of the wheel, which revolved nt n rapid rate, and stripped him of every particle of cloth ing. He was struck by four of the phi" wood puddles, which were an Inch antl a quarter thick, with such force as to split them, and was then thrown In the revolving paddle wheel Just as an em ploye, who quickly took In the situa tion, stopped the machinery and saved him from drowning In the liquor of the vat or being pounded to death. He is terribly bruised, but it Is thousht ho will recover. HUNDREDS JOIN IN FURIOUS MAN HUNT Citizens of Illinois Aroused Over a Peculiarly Fiendish Murder of an Inoffensive Aged Couple. Freeport, 111., Aug. 28. Sheriff Fox nnd a posse of two hundred or more people nre scouring the country north of here In search of the murderer of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Hobb, the old peo ple who were so brutally killed Thurs day night. If he Is caught he will probably be lynched. Tor pure flnedlshness, tho murder of the Hobbs could hardly be surpassed. If robbery was the motive for tho crime, nnd it does not seem possible that there could have been any other, the death of tho aged man and woman was entirely unnecessary. The old man was nearly 83 years of age, was deaf and so feeble that he was almost bedridden. The woman was In her eightysixth year, decrepit from long suffering from a kidney ailment nnd without strength to resist an attack from a child. The house whore they lived was not near enough to any other In tho neighborhood for their cries for help to have been heard, and they could easily have been Intimi dated Into giving up what little money they had. The murderer seems to have killed for the pure love of kill ing. Lived in a Lonely Spot. The I5obb homestead, where the old couple had lived for nearly fifty ye-irs, stands in a little sag about fifteen paces off the road that runs directly north from Huena Vista. The near est houso to it Is that of John Wag ner. Wagner lived about three hun ched yards to the south behind a little hill. To the north nnd the cart there are no houses for about a quar ter of n mile. The tramp who committed the mur der had been seen from last Sunday afternoon until "Wednesday walking up nnd down the lanes of tho neigh borhood by half a dozen persons, but had always shown a disposition to move on when anyone approached him or had turned his head (islde when he passed In tho road, Those who saw tho tramp walking up and down said that he carried a stick that corres ponded exactly with tho fork handle, nnd splintered bits of it were found in the old man's room, tho stick having been broken when the tramp knocked his victim senseless before cutting his thront. John Wagner discovered tho fact o; tho murder about 1 o'clock yrsterdny afternoon, nnd gave the nlnrm, which was quickly taken up by those who nre now hunting tho murderer. Wagner went to the place to do some work, nnd saw through the open door of the kitchen the body of Mrs. Bobb dre.sed only in scanty night clothing, lying in the middle of tho floor. A Ghastly Spectacle. The body of the old man was huddled up by the side of tho bed in the nd jolnlng room, tho bedclothes pulled partly over him, as though the mur derer had thrown them there In searching for money. The barely fur nished nnd uncarpoted rooms reeked with blood. Tim woman had been struck twice, once on tho left side of the jaw, which was shattered, nnd again behind the right "ir, where the skull was crushed. An old ax, clotted with blood and To which some of the woman's hair still stuck, stood agnlnst the wall. The "old nnn'.i bodv shoved three wounds. Atosi the top of his head was a bruise evidently mad" with the pitchfork, wh'ch was lying broken beside the bed. The shattered bits A re found under tin Heil. Above the left eye was n deep cut, apparently made w'lh it sharp knife, and In the rlgnt side of th throat wan nnothet- wound, so deep that the jugular vein was covered. It appeared of if the murdeter had knocked his victim down nnd gone round behind and cut his throat, holding his knep in the old man's back until he bled to denth. In the room there vas nn old bu reau, nnd the drawers of that wen nil turned topsyturvy. A chest of draw ers upstairs also showed that tho rob ber had gone through '.horn. AVliat money there wns In the house was In one or tno iiutcau drawers down stairs. According to what the old lady had told the neighbois It was about $S0. Mrs. Hobb had oeen keeping 3M) of this sum for years to bury tho first one of them that died. Tho tramp who Is supposed to have committed tho crimo Is described by those who saw him as a short, stocky man, about 23 years old, with dark hair and a thin moustache. BANK NOTES BLOW AWAY. Womnn Unwisely Carried Her Money in Her Hat. Chicago, Aug. 28. Hank notes amounting to $400 which had been carefully concealed In the band of an Innocent looking sailor hat, worn bv Mrs. John rhllllps. of No. 31D Thirti eth street, were scattered ptomUcu ously about State street yesterday af ternoon, because a breeze snatched the hat from the head of Its wearer while sho was aboard a State street car on her way downtown. Very little was recovered. .11 ! KILLED BY A NEGRO. Young White Man in St. Louis Shot Without Provocation. St. Louis, Auc 28. lewis J. Hoth, 24 J ens old, was shot and killed by a negro named Henry Fletcher last night. Fletcher shot ltoth without provocation and escaped. YET WAITING FOR FURTHER INFORMATION t Concluded from 1'aRO 1.1 scribing the search for Hoxers In the Imperial city Is dated no later than Aug. 21. There Is no confirmation from any source of tho report of an advance northward from Pokln. On tho con trary, a movement southwnrd to clear the country nnd to Insure free com munication with Tnku, is apparent ly In proress. Tho powers. nj lu'o as August 21, were still unablo to agree ns to how to deal with Pckln Itself, the Japanese and Russians being nt variance ns to whether the Imperial palaces should bo destroyed. Nor Is there any further news of Khp alleged detention of LI Hung Chnng by the admirals. Probabilities Increase that nil the members of tin imperial household have gotten safely to the Interior. CHINESE COURT LOCATED. Empress, Emperor and Tuan Said to Bo Near Tai-Yuon-Fu. London, Aug. 28. In a special dis patch from Shanghai It Is said that tho Chinese olllclals there have inform ed the foreign consuls that the em peror, the dowager empress nnd Prince Tunn have arrived in the neighbor hood of Tal-Yuan-Fu. Tnl-Yuan Is the capital of the prov ince of Shan-SI, adjoining the province of Chl-Li. The town nvntloned Is 240 miles southwest of Pckln. EMPEROR WILLIAMS' REWARD. Was it Earned bv tho Intnrnational Troops at PeklnP Derlln, Aug. 2S. Tho Frelslnnlgo Zoltung nsks what has become of Em peror William's rewnrds offered for the rescue of tho legatloners, pointing out that tills has boon earned by the International troops and amounts to about 3,000,000 marks. NORTHWARDS FROM FEKIN. Austrian Says Russian and Japan ese Troops Are Advancing. Vienna, Aug. 28. The commander of the Austrian armored cruiser Kalser In Maria Theresa, In a dispatch from Chefoo, reports that Russian and Japanese troops are advancing north wards from Pckln. WATER COMPANIES SOLD. Scranton Company Absorbs Olyphant and Dickson City Plants. Tho negotiations for the sale of tho Olyphant Water company and tho Dickson City Water company to the Scranton Gas and Water compary have been completed, and tho last named company has become tho sole owner of the plants and franchises of the other two. Olyphant, Dickson City nnd tho other nearby towns which have suf fered from serious water famines in tlie past will be In the future supplied from the supply reservoir of the Provi dence Water company, lately absorbed. by the Scranton company. The capital stock of the Olyphant company was $75,000. nnd of the Dick son City company $100,000. Tho stock in both was principally held by the estates of the late James Lynch and James Jordan, of Olyphant, and by John T. Richards, of this city. It is rumored that the price paid for the stock was $125 per share of the par value of $100. m FATHER MACGOLDRICK ILL. Reported to Be Seriously Affected in Washington, D. C. Rev. D. J. MacGoldrlck. of St. rotor's rathedral, is lyinfr daiiGarously 111 in "WashlnKtoii, D. C, where he went re cently to recuperate his falllnpr health. A telegram announcing his Illness was received yesterday hy Very Ri.v. KiiRene A. Oarvey, V. C, rf Ptttston, who is in charso of the Scranton diocese during the absence of Rishop Hohan. The telegram gave no details fur ther than that the illness was ser ious. STATE CAMP, P. O. S. OF A. Thirty-flfth Annual Meeting Is in Session at Lebanon. Lebanon, Ra Aug. 2S. Tho thirty fifth annual meeting of the states camp, Patriotic Order Sons of Ameri ca, uegan uto touay. iiie ueiegaies number of 1,000. The report of State Secretary Woy and showed a membership of C1.0"2, an Increase during tho year of 4,570. The amount of per capita tax received during th year ending June SO, 1000, was SlU.Ml: total receipts. $172,515; to tal exp"ndltures, SI10.0S3: benefits paid, S1S1,?3I: casli in subordinate camp treasuries, $1SI,2:iS; Invested. $744,721; inciease duilng the year, $52,036. The report of State Treahiuer Irvln S. Smith, of Reading, showed the total amount of funds In the hands of tho state treasurer during the year to be $20,503, and the amount paid out In 157 orders of the state camp, $13,052. A total balance of $7,542 remains In the treasury. DEATH ROLL. Camden, X. J.. Mm. !M itev. fienrge W. dates, a well known IViscopal minister of this city, dropped dead todaj In front of the houso of the loeal lodge' of I'.ll.s, of which organi zation lie . an honorary member. Ijncaitcr, i'.i.. Aug. 2S. Kebctca Walton flrlct, widow of Mil) or Ulwod Orient, ami mother of W. W. Grlut, seeictjiy of the coin monwealth, died today, aged B! )cars. hecre tary (Jrle.t Is the only sun Ivor of the family, luting lost by death, within six months, his fatiier, mother and only brother. CIGAR ASHES THE CAUSE. Chicago, Aug. 2. Ilanlcl J. Carroll, a bird; telb'r, was fatally Injured bv being pushed off a cable cir and Hr. William Turner, a nhyaiclaii at I'asiadeiu, C'dl., was held without bail to await the outcome of CarioU' hint. Tho tevo men were stranger and ipjarielcd when the ulici from CanolPs cigar blew ugilnit the pliy Iciuu and anno) id htm. LOST HOME THROUGH POLITICS. Ilarrliburg, Aug. 23. Ilany Parsons, a negro, aged 7U, applied to tho police station toelay for relief. He said he was diiven away from bis home in Alabama because) ho was a He publican, and i-at lie had walked to liar rlsburg. BUCKS INDORSES SWARTZ. Dojlcstown, I'a Auff. 23. The Ilueki County liar association las unanimously Indorsed the moement to have Jud.'o Aaron S, Euartr, of Norrlstown, appointed to the vacancy on the Su preme bench caused by the deatli of Chief Jus tice Crcen. VETERANS IN THEIR ANNUAL LONG PARADE Concluded from 1.1 Republic also held icceptions during tho evening. The nnnunl business meeting of thu Grand Army of tho Republic will bo held tomotrow morning In the Stude bakcr theatre, commencing nt 10 n. m. ALL ABOUT A TREE. Threo Members of Lyons Family Held in Ball. Thomas Lyons, Janus Lyons and Mrs. Mary Kelly, brothers nnd sister, living together mi Fifth stteet, wrrj arraigned before Alderman Millar last night, charged with surety of the peace by Edwnt-d Henley, a neighbor. The latter claimed that the trio threatened his life. Alderman Millar held the de fendants In $300 ball to appear at couit. The cause of the alleged threats nn Henley's life was a peculiar one. Thero Is a Inrgo tree In the Lyons' front yard, the branches of which extend over Into Henley's premises. Henley yesterday attempted to lop off tho branches on his side of the fence, at which the Lyons family forced him to cease ftom such nctlons. nnd after doing the "Woodman, spare that tt-pe" act, ho claims they mndJ threats on his life. MRS. BOYD FINDS BONDSMAN. J. M. Morgan yesterday morning went before Aldeiman Kassop nnd qualified as bondsman for Mrs. Clara S. Boyd, of 1422 Penn avenue, one of the three persons held to nnswer (o tho elmrge of involuntary manslaugh ter In tho ease of Mrs. Newell, of Tliroop. The ball was fixed at $.",00, on two charges. Involuntary manslaughter and Illegal practice of medicine. WWMOIWbb BORDEN EAGLE !AND 1SED 4 SEND"Q A O I frC"ADOOKFOR FOR. OFHJIU) MOTHERS Borden's Condensed Milk Co.NY .1 EDUCATIONAL. STROUDSBURQ STATE NORMAL A Practical Tralnlns School for Teachers rn the main line of the I).. L. & V. It. K. In the Rrcat resort rejulon of the state. Homelike com forts for utii'lents: six different departments and courses. Fine Model School, Superior ahanta;e. Special inducements. 'Hie only hdinol that piid ail of tho state aid to pupils. An Knidish speak inc community. Culture and refinement. Pel tlcns secured for Graduates. For catalogue and lull partciulars address CKO. P. IUULn. A. M . Principal, PJast Stroudsliurg, Pa. Keystone Academy. prepares for all the leiding colleges, unlersltlcs and technical schools in the United Mates. It also offers n one tear's commercial course and a three ) cars' business course and graduates pupils in music. The teacher' are college trained spe cialists. There is an exceptionally fine campus of twenty acres; there is abo mountain spring water all through the buildings. For full particulars send for catalogues to Rev. Elkanah Hulley, A. M., Principal. Factoryville, Pa. DR. DE1NSTEN Physician and Sureoi, 311 Snrimj St jLjf. Ttinpit, Ccuu Building, SCRANTON PA. All acute and chrcnlc diseases of men, wo. men and cluldicn. ClIIIOMO M:UVOLN, llli.MN AND WAbTINO DlsUASI'.S A Sl'KC IALTV. All diseases of the Liver, Kidneys, lilaeldcr. Skin, Wood. Nerves, Womb, l')e, Lar, NoiC, Throat, and Lungs, Cancers, Turner, Piles, ltupturr. Goitre, minimalism. Asthma, Catarrh, Variococele. Lost Manhood, Nightly Amissions, all Female Pleases, Leucorrlioca, etc. tionnorrhea, pjpliillK, lllood Poison, Indiscre tion and )outliful lubiu obliteiated. Surgery, Fits, Lpllepsy, Tape and Stomach Worms. L'.V T.MIHIIOZOM:, hpecinV for Catarrh. Threo months' treatment only $3.00. Trial free in office. Consultitior. nnd examination fice. Of.loe hours dally and Sunday, 8 a. in, to 0 p. in. DR. DENSTEN Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Cure Impotr-ucj , Night Amissions, Loss of Monv on, an wusuiie,- ureases nil cllects if elf-abun) or c-xcoss auel indiscretion. A nerve tonlo antl blood builder. Brings tho pink glow to pnio clieel;s uud luitoros thn ,tlro of youth. Iiy mail kfiOc ner box. (i boxes for $2.00, with our bankable caurantee to euro or refund the money paid. Send for circular ami copy oi our uancaino gunrauteo bond. Nervita Tablets E EXTRA STRENGTH I m hi Arf I A I A r)dis1t( fYPM.nw i.iiipi.l luimieiiait ivtouun Posltivtily Rmirnuteod euro for Lo9 of Powor, Vnrleoci'lo, L'ndooloied or Blirunlcou Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxln, Nervous I'rotra. tlon, Hystorla, Fits, Insanity. Paraljsls nnd tlio ItesulU of llscosilvo Ofo of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor, By mall in plain package), $1.00 a lxc, O for $5.00 with our bunknblo g:iar autee bond to cure in UO daya or refund money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton et Jackson Sts,, CHICAGO, ILL. Bold by McGarrah & Thomas. I)rus cists,, MJ Lackawanna ave., Scranton, 1'a. C3?"WniTTEN CUAnANTK TO CURfSHJ i Mitt rvtry uufinumK epomuu, jaia ii y, iiospiuu nan ajwj surgeua 1111, Dr. THEEL, 527 North Sixth St. rtillnaelnUlu. rruOAli Abuaoo. BloodPolson.Varlcocole.Strlctura CACOnlJ PRiyATE, nnd OBSOURE nieneac? boinseics, i.osininiilionilibtirunlo UDVaaoa, on oresns.fully resioreit. I'rrsli cases Bolleited. "CIM DCUTDCHBR , Treat. mem 117 man. herol for Hvrorii 1 eiunionluls & Hook ex. psui eireiy f Uo loiUtiue,UoclUcat &Utdlcal Umi. - Mitt jrs'J s 0NBE Jm& m 6 PILLS 50 CTS. Bra c ffil 1 (t-VSJ CoMiolhMWallact Embroid Too late? Perhaps they are for this season's use. But it will be the part of wisdom to share in this offering and hold for future use. There's never a radical change in patterns,you know, and next season's will differ but little from these. Cer tainly, they'll be no prettier. There are just 3,000 yards in this lot that we are willing to part with at hall their usual prices divided into three groups. 8C Ve 9 A Sale of Wife Spreads and Cotton Specials Offered Are--Full Sized White Quilts, hemmed, ready for use 98c Full Sized White Quilts, hemmed, ready for use $1.15 White Cotton Blankets, pair 68c Grey Cotton Blankets, pair 68c Tan Cotton Blankets, pair 68c White and Grey Cotton Blankets, extra large, pair 90c White and Grey Cotton Blankets, extra large and heavy, pair $1.25 White and Grey Cotton Blankets, extra large and extra heavy, pair $1.75 CONNOLLY &. WALLACE, iAAAA THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON ORGANIZED 1B73 DEPOSITARY OF THE UNITED STATES. Capital SSOO.OOO Surplus 500.000 Wftl. CONNELL, President. HENRY BGL1N, Jr., Vicc-Pres. WILLIAM II. PECK, Cashier. Special nttentlon elvcn to bust, ncss accounts. Threo per cent. in. tcrcat pal on interest deposits. & Lager Beer Brewery 3Innuracturcv.s of OLD STOCK 43S to 455 N Ninth Strcot, Telephone Cull. JiJii. OUT PLEASHT CfML At Retail. foal of the beat quality for ctomeatta uae and of all sizes, lnuludinc liuclcwheat and Ulidseye, delivered In any part of the city, at tho lowest price. Orders received at tho oftlce, Conncll buildlnB, Itocm SOS; tolepliona No, 1762, or at the mine, telephone Nu 213, will be promptly attended to. Dealers supplied at the mine. T PLEASANT COAL CO 25 sEnnAHY. 10 ISHJ'" Iiy ulllna ou latest noreltT, Waterpreiof rnmpnlnn NrcUIIrr CiOOaSonCirOir aeWRnuiinirmuu, ahcui. mwi.uvw Bales unlimited WhatoltKirido.youeindft Tim Itsborl Write to-day and secure rzcliislro teir tory iixarsnteeit bm ' II Address, with stun i H.AsM.Mfir. C'u.,Urp( C, isiirlune;ld,ilii0u 1 lilS 8 SCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. enes 3,000 Yards at Half 12fcc, 18c " .fM' 4 &itK& w ty rf'u' "v , letner I I Great Game l Very Popular. Florey & Brooks, 211 Washington Ave. 1 -tS &8rSW t!&5 aj&54BSgaJSa5sff -r m 9 i bSsi We 1 mi ! mm felflw 4- m'.' ., ri X sale, means prices to move quickly, some off, some 4- 4. every number less than present price to import. f All the popular weaves. 4- 4- 5- & Z. ,mcu EinlllT I ; WILLlAflS X Carpets. Wall Paper. 129 Wyoming Ave. X 4 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4 4- 4- 4- - 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4-4- THE INSIC POWDER CO. Booms 1 nuu'J.ComMth BTd'g. BCItANTON, PA. ninlng and Blasting POWDER airde at ilooslo and Hush Jals Works. LAI'LIN A RAND POWDUR CO.'S ORANOE OUN POWDER Blectrlo Ilatttrtea, Kleotrlo ISzplodari, erplodlug bla-sts, safety if an uai n nt i--i n. . man neudunu unemiudi uu, s cxiocivc i Is Now On 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE 3i;- " ennis, for the 4- 4- 4- a is v r-- rN nP -t. Ik lawn r. 1 fKAf g$r - URttMUU I N-r nj-ius . ! mm ana sbbs, mk mm r have a few belated lots of mvm j. Last arrival of our summer impor- - tatious, but a few pair of a kind, so that the arly buyer has an advantage. A to nrice. all we cansav is that this DrWllSJJWr!P I NOTTINGHAM I 4- &M'ANULTY : To Hepnlr , Broken Artl. clesuse I Major's Cement nemernber MA-FOIVd CEJIUNT, MAJOH'S LKATHER OEMENT. BUY THE GENUINE YRUP OF FIGS . . MANUFACTURED BY ... CALIFORNIA FIQ SVRUP CO. nr .note Tin: name. spr 11 s5R?iSW v-?ftWSrs' XMi&MR&i&fJi mimmM V i f