The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 14, 1900, Morning, Page 2, Image 2

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Tho County Democrats Nominate
Cnndidtites at Tunkhannock.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Tunkhannock, Atiff. 13. Tho Wyo
ming county Democrats held their
county convention at tho court hotiao
nt this plnco this afternoon and nomi
nated candidates for tho olllces of rep
ipsentritlve, associate Judgo and Jury
commissioner, besides appolntlrtB con
feiees to meet with the confciees of
tho other counties In tho conBresslonal
and senatorial districts for tho nomi
nation of senator and congressman.
The convention was called to older at
2 o'clock by County Chairman A. II.
Squlcr. The organisation was made by
tho election of Chariot Walteis, of
Washington township, ai chaliman,
and Walter Mahon, of CKuilleld, an 1
James Hooney, of Hialntilm as secre
taries. Kicd Osterhout, of Factoiy
vlllo borough, was appointed readln?
rlcik. The llrst business after the com
pletion of tho loll of delegatos was tho
presenting of the resolutions and.
after being read by tho leading clerk,
were unanimously adopted. The reso
lutions as piesented contained a strong
endorsement of IJijun and Guffey, and
nlso of the couise of Hon. A. II.
Squler, member of tho legislature from
this county, nt tho last session. The
i tandard Democratic and Insurgent
clause In leg.ird to Quay and QuayUm
un-e also Incorporated In the resolu
tions. Theie being no candidate fiom
this county for either state senator or
congress, the convention confined
themselves to naming conferees, and
as senatoilal conferees Miles Cham
pion and Geoige N. Doyle were named,
nnd for congressional conferees tho
nominations wete C. B. Knapp nnd
Sheilff John "VV. Gray. Then came tho
nomination for representative. For
this office there have been two aspir
ants, Hon. A. II. Squler, the presmt
member, and ex-Sheilff. C. S. Knapp,
of Balntrlm, nnd a strong flcht had
been put up to defeat Squler by a cer
tain faction In the party. When the
nominations were called for, however,
James Kooney, delegate from Hraln
trlm, announced that Mr. Knapp re
fused the use of his name as a candi
date, and there being but tho one
nomination, Squler was nominated
tinanlmously. Tor associate Judgb
there was a close light on between D.
"W. Herman, of Eaton township, nnd
Harvey SIckler, of this borough, and
the oil of delegates being called, the
vote was announced as 26 for SIckler
and 24 for Herman, resulting In the
nomination of SIckler. The nomina
tion was afterward made unanimous.
For Jury commissioner there were sev
eral nominations, and Delegate Hope,
of North Uranch, was nominated on
the first ballot. On motion of James
AW Piatt, the convention then ad
journed. Among the prominent Demo
crats present, either a3 delegates or
spectators, were cx-Sherlffs Albeit
Depue, of Overfield; Oliver Easton, of
Mehoopany, nnd C. S. Knapp, of rtaln
tilm; C. L. Tatker and M. D. Kelley,
of Nicholson borough, and II. C. Stark
and J. W. Stark, of Nicholson town
ship; T. It. Staik, of Falls, and Harry
Sherwood, of Meshoppen.
C. A. Sisk, of F.ictoiyUlIe, was In
town Monday and took .i look at t'io
Democi.itlc convention, although he
don't belong to that party.
Miss Hattlo Itute, of Freeland, Is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. r. U. Jen
nings. C. I,. Kresky and family, of Scran
ton, were In town over Sunday, stay
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kresky.
Pay-day at the canning factory
comes Tuesday, and tho hands then
hnve two weeks' pay coming to them.
The factory has been running full time
for the last two weeks, and a consider
able quantity of beans have been put
up. The first consignment of corn and
tomatoes are expected this week, and
unless the drought shall have cut
down the crop of these pioducts, there
will be enough work to keep the fac
tory going full time for several week".
Two Lithuanians Are Viciously As
saulted nt Exeter Borough.
Special to the Scnnton Tribune.
Plttston, Aug. 13. At an early hour
this morning, two Lithuanians, while
returning to their homes In Exeter
botough, were murderously attacked
by two men, who rushed out of an
alley at that place and attacked them
with a knife and razor.
One of tho xlctims Is In a seilous
condition at the Plttston hospltul. Ills
(lis Wile insisted
And he thought he'd humor her, no
doubt. The result shows that a man
rarely loses by following his wife's ad
vice. Those who suffer from obstinate
cough, bronchitis, weak lungs nnd ail
ments in general which tend to con
sumption, will find speedy relief and
perfect cure in the use of Dr. Tierce's
Golden Medical Discovery. It cures
ninety-eight per cent, of those who give
it a fair and faithful trial. It purifies
the blood, heals the lungs and builds up
the body with firm flesh instead of flabby
fat. The "Discovery" contains no alco
hol, neither opium, cocaine, nor other
I'Outy for Dr. Pltrce'a Colden Medical Ulscov
try I think I would be in mv crave to-day,"
writes Mr. Mosea Miles, of Hilllard, Uinta Co ,
Wyoming "I had asthma so bad I could not
(lttfnAt night and was compelled to give up
work. It atfected ray lunrs to that I coughed
all the time, both day and night My friends
alt thought I had consumption My wife had
taken Dr Pierce Favorite Prescription, and it
had '.lelped her to ipueh she insisted on my try
ing; hit Golden Medical Discovery 'which I
din I have taken four bottles and am now a
well man, weighing 185 pounds, thanks to Dr.
Pierce's Colden Medical Discovery. I would
like you to print thlt testimony at it may help
tome other poor sufltier."
Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser, in paper
binding, tee on receipt of 31 one-cent
tamps to pay expense of mailing only,
AddreM Dr. R. V. Tierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Injuries consist of bad gashes on the
hand, head and face, nnd his right ear
was almost entirely cut off. Tho other
victim's Injuries nie not quite as seri
ous, and consist of ugly gashes on both
cheeks nnd a deep wound In the neck.
Their assailants made good their es
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Monti ose, Aug. 13. Fred W. Cran
dall nnd daughters, Sue and Mary, of
Etkland, Pa., enmo In fiom Heart
Lake, where they nr'o mmmering, on
Friday nnd were calling 011 their nu
merous fi lends In this place.
Company G, Thirteenth regiment, N.
G. P., of Montrose, has accepted nn
Invitation to nttend and give nn ex
hibition drill nt the enenmpmont of
tho Susquehanna veteians' organisa
tion at J.anesboro, Pa., on August 22-23-'
Mis. Edith Shaw Jones nnd sister,
Miss Mnbel Shaw, gave a laigo party
at their homo on West Church street
on Friday eenlng, in honor of their
guest, Miss Lewis, of Mansfield, Pa.
Progios!e crokinole wns the chief
feattne of tho evening's onteitaln
ment. The lady's prize was won by
Miss Nettle Clary nnd tho gentleman's
prize by Mr. Joseph E. Harney. Dain
ty lefreshments were sorod.
The death of Miss Hesslo A. Tlngloy,
only daughter of Chief of Police and
Mis. Wurren E. Tlngloy. occuned at
the homo of her patents, on Locust
street, Saturday moinlng just before
7 o'clock, nftor a btief illntss of ap
pendicitis. Hessle woh a sweet and
winsome child, the Idol of her par
ents and dearly lelood by n wide cir
cle of friends nnd acquaintances. Her
ago wns 14 jeais and 12 months Shu
Is survived bv her patents nnd two
brothcis, Albert Tlngloy, of Oneonta,
N. Y, and Olln It. Tingley. of this
place. The funetnl took place fiom
the house this moinlng nt 10.30 o'clock,
nnd In the absence of tho Methodist
pastor, services were conducted by
Kev. E. K. Thomas, pastor of the liap
tlst chin th.
Secinl of our prominent residents
wero in New York last week and wit
nessed the Fltzslmmons-Euhlln fight.
The Montrose bae ball club went to
Frlendsvlllo on Friday to play a gam'
with a picked nine, composed mostly
of a company of young athletes who
are camping at Carmnlt Lake Tho
game was played and icsulted In the
defeat of the Montroe team by a
scoie of 8-10.
A. W. Lons nnd family and N.
Sussman and family enjoyed a car
riage tide to Tunkhannock today, and
visited Mr. and Mis. Dwight F. Lyons
at their home in that place.
Our solilleis boys, me.nbcis of Com
pany O, at lived here from Camp Haw
kins at about 11 o clock Saturday
night. They weie a hot, diy, footsoio
and weary ciowd, and they icport that
the intense heat lobbed camp life of
most of in pleasure.
Friends lieie of lbert nice, form
eilv of this place, but now of the
United Stntes army, have Just teceived
tidings of hint from San Fianelsio,
wheie he wns about to boaid a gov
ernment transport board for China, his
leglment halng been ordered to re
port for duty In that benighted land.
Etforts me to bo made to augment
the village hall building fund suf
ficiently to ensure the completion of
the building's equipment as .1 play
house before tho cold w father an Ives.
To attain this woilhy object two at
tiactlons of unusual intcicst nnd met It
are now In prospect. One Is a musi
cal nnd literary entertainment to be
given nt village hall th" last week In
August by the Ladles' Matinee club,
assisted by outside talent: the other
ntti action will be n lecture by Mr. n.
S. Comstock. of New Yotk, on the
sublect, "Northwest Uritl-h Colum
bia," to b given nt an eaily date.
Spcchl to the Scranton Tribune.
Susquehanna, Aug. 13. A party of
fifteen Susquehanna young ladies and
gentlemen will leave for Heait lake
on Satin day, to occupy a cottage for
ten days.
At the soldleis' encampment In
Rlveislde Park, at Lanesboio, August
L'2. 23 and 21, there will be many at
tractions. On Thin. sday, Hon. James
T. Dultols, of Hullstead; Captain V.
D. H. Ainey, of Montrose, and others
will deliver addi esses. Company G, of
Monti ose, will be present. Theie will
be a sham naval battle, a camp-flie,
and other attractions. Theie will be
free tickets for the vetearns.
Mrs. Thomas Kelly and daughter.
Miss Minnie, have teturned home from
a visit with lehitlves in Salt Lake
City, Utah.
Hev. W. A. Dennlson, of Monti oie,
on Sunday moinlng and evening occu
pied the pulpit of the Susquehanna
Baptist chuich.
Union services were held in the
Piesbvteiinn chinch on Sunday even
ing, with fcennon by the pastor, Ile-v.
D I Sutherland.
Tho united chuiches of Torest City
will hnve nn excursion on Tilday next
to Riverside Paik, at Lanesboro.
Mis M. E. Stonier nnd daughter.
Miss Mary, who have been residing In
Hlnghamton for some time, havo agnln
taken un their residence on the Oak
land side.
Jonathan Smith, aged seventy years,
was gored to death by a bull at Hous
ton, Delnwaie, a few days since. Do
ceased was a son of Jonathan Smith,
sr.t of Gibson, this county. Ho was
bom in Gibson, nnd resided there until
1603, when ho removed to Delaware.
He was a brother of the lato David
Smith, of New Mllford.
The funeral of Albeit, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Clough, of tho Oak
Innd side, occurred on Friday aftoi
noon, Rev. 'William M. Hlller, of Fac
toryvllle, officiating. The remains were
Interred In McKune cemetery.
Colonel C. C. Piatt, of New- Mllford,
has letuined fiom Mount Gretna,
wheio he wns n member of Governor
Stone's staff at tho annual encamp
ment of tho National Guard of tho
A company of BltiBhpniton people
are camping at Eat,t lak-. Rev. M. V.
"Williams, a member of tho party,
preached there on Sunday.
Farmers in tho Honesdale section
are fearing an Infection of nnthra
among their herds All of the precau
tions possible will be tokon to prevent
a spread of the dread disease. A num
ber of cattlo havo already been ' ac
clnated, Tho Erie will run nn excuision to
Shohloa Glen on Sunday next.
Miss Rose Strlder, of Uast
Church stiect, has returned home from
a visit with relatives in Washington,
D. C.
Mrs. Llzzl Kennedy nnd Miss Annn
Dougherty left on Saturday for Nlng
nra Falls, Chautauqua nnd other
Tho public drinking fountain 1b again
tnklng another vacation; pending
which n number of our townspeople
nro compelled to drink beer.
Tho annual convention of the Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavo
of Wnyno county, on Wednesday,
August 29, will be held at Shcrmnn.
The nnnunl reunion of the Hill fam
ily wilt be held nt the home of O. H.
Summers, at Franklin Forks, on Fil
day, September 14.
Tho Susquehanna nnd the Windsor
clubs will struggle for tho mastery In
Heebe park on Tuesday afternoon.
The Susquehanna club goes to Les
torshlre on Wednesday, to havo n. sec
ond game with tho home club.
The funeral of Miss Adeline M.
Wnlsh, late of Hlnghamton, took place
nnd was largely attended from St.
Lawrence Catholic church, In Great
Hend, on Saturday morning, where a
leqtilcm high mass was celebrated.
Intel ment was made In the Catholic
Carbondale and Susquehanna hope
to havo the Seven-County Veteran re
union in 1001. Susquehanna county
will send n strong delegation to Lake
Ariel on Wednesday next.
Rev. Charles Henry Nevvlng, pastor
of tho Methodist church, loft tUlsj
morning for Ocean Grove, to spend his
annual vacation. His family went to
that resort two weeks ago.
The Hallstcad Justices' courts arJ
nowadays kept In business by the fnc
tlonal fights between the "Buffalo
HIU" Foley nnd tho Crandall factions
in the Smokev Hollow tract, In Great
Rend township. After a freo-for-all
fight In the station, all hands ad
journed to hilarious Hallstcad, where
equal and exact justice is dealt out to
all, It respective of sect, sex or previ
ous condition of servitude. Some flnj
moinlng the county coroner will haV"
a Job over in Smokcy Hollow. Mark
tho prophecy!
Sperhl to the Scranton Tribune
Thompson, Aug. 13 Miss Jennie
Mulvey, who has been vlslllng In Mad
ison county, N. Y for tV past month,
returned home last week nnd sh
with Mrs. Huirilng, Is tenting on the
camp giound during the meeting
which opens tomorrow
Hev. II, F. Larrabee pi cached In to
Methodist Episcopal chuich yesteidny
morning, the pastor. Rev. David, be
ing nt the Salem camp meeting.
G. D. Rarnes drove across the coun
try to Damascus Saturday to v Islt
ft lends nnd will return today, bring
ing his wife, who has bo-n there for
the past week home v Ith him.
Rev. Mr. 1. lining nrd wife, who hnvo
been visiting thr-lr daughlor for a few
weeks, returned to their home In Phil
adelphia today.
Miss Tessle Rums returtud to her
home heie Satunl.iv after a month's
visit with rein Ivim in Catbondole,
Wuymnrt and 'Union.
Hugh Peiry, of Thompson township,
recently lost four of hV cows The
case was reported f tho stnt" outhoil
tlcs by Dr. I. C. Hill, of Jackson. On
Satuiday Dr. E O To-v.v, of Mont
rose, made an examination of tho
held and reported o the authorities
that the troub'o Is nnthra-x The
remedies will be forthcoming find the
doctor expected to lorum nt an rally
day, when an effort will be mule to
stay the disease. Tho leportod vac
cination of the herd Satuiday did not
take place.
Miss Annette Moss, of New York, Is
boarding for the season nt the Jeffer
son house, nnd If. P. Kimble, of Sus
quehanna, is theie for n few days
Mr. and Mis. M. D. Hlno and daugh
ter and Mr. and Mrs. J M. Hlne, of
Scrnnton, nnd Mrs. Clnri Ralley, of
Rlnghamton, were the guest1 of Mr.
and Mis. A. O. Salisbury Saturday,
the 11th Inst.
Rev W. II. Trench, of this place
nnd Rev J. L, Saunders, of Lake
View, exchanged pulpits yesterday.
Rev. P. R. Tower preached and con
ducted qunrterly meeting service at
North Jackson yesterday. He left this
afternoon for Scranton, Salem camp
meeting nnd the soldiers' reunion nt
Lake Ariel Wednesday.
Thompson was well represented nt
the services hold yesterday afternoon
on the camp ground.
The Ladles' Aid of the Methodist
Episcopal church will serve Ice cream
on A. II. Crozler's lawn tomorrow
C. M. Lewis nnd wife spent the Sab
bath In Illnghnmton, returning this
Special to the Scrnnton Tribune.
Toiest City, Aug. 13. Miss Anna E.
Jones, of Scianton, Is a visitor at the
home of G. A. Shepherd, on North
Main stietit.
Will Jones nnd Brant McLaughlin
spent Saturday nnd Sunday with
friends nt Lake Como.
Robeit Davis anjl son, of New York
city, are visiting relatives here.
II. W. Brown visited friends at Star
rucca Sunday.
rerdlnnnd Bartholomew, of Farno,
Wayne county, was n Forest City visi
tor Monday.
W. II. Bates, who has been spending
the summer at White's Valley, haB re
turned home.
Misses Helen McHnle nnd Madallne
Clark, of Carbondale, are guests at the
home of Mrs. Daniel Melvin, on Main
Mis. John Parkyn attended the fune
ral of a relative In Carbondale, Sun
day. Lester Hlnes, of Scranton, Is n guest
at tho home of his sister, Mrs. William
Fred Swingle, Ray Chilstian and Joo
McGarry, of Carbondale, were visitors
in town Sunday.
For the past two weeks the question
of a brewery to bo elected In Forest
City has been under discussion and nt
a meeting held last week the whole
amount of the capital stock, $50,000,
was subscribed, dliectors were elected
and a permanent organization effected.
Tho meeting was held in the pailor
of the Torest House Tho company is
composed of about twenty stockhold
ers, who have subscribed from two to
fifty shares each, each share represent
ing $100. A committee was appointed
to look up a site. Tho following direc
tors were elected M. Krantz, J.
Fieedman, T C. Mnnzer. Samuel Lyon,
J F. Wellbiock, D. It. Braman, Louis
Hi tiner nnd Anthony II. Letts. At a
FEiri?'F7?'tTarLn r prmrKi
ti',kZUjfiriUVU &fi
Ouro Indlijaotlon,
uwiHiri'iian, t
Slvk HoatSasho. l
10 cents aal 25 cents, at all Cne itorci. 1
meeting of the directors held Inter In
the parlor of the Frcedman hotel, M.
Krantz was elected president; J.
Frecdman, vice-president; D. H. Bra
man, secretary, and J. F. Wellbrock,
Speclsl to the Rcrtnton Tribune.
Plttston, Aug. 13. Very Rev. Eu
gene Gnrvey delivered a very force
ful sermon In St. John's Roman Catho
llo church yesterday, ngtlnst Intern
pernnco, especially In legard to the
sale of intoxicants at picnics held un
der Catholic auspices. He scored tho
managers of the Mercy hospital nt
Wllkcs-nnrre, a Cnthollo Institution,
for selling beer nt a recent picnic, and
said had he known It befoiehand ho
would have begged his parishioners
not to attend,
Chester Brown, of West Plttston,
met with n rnthor peculiar accident
Saturdny evening. White walking
along the Delaware, Lackawanna nnd
Western railroad near here, a passing
freight train exploded 11 railroad tor
pedo nnd Hying particles struck Mr.
Brown on the head, Indicting n bad
scalp wound.
The West Pltston Hose company has
Just received a handsome modern hose
wagon from the factory of A. F. & S.
C. Stewart, of Rochester, N. Y.
Mrs. John Frederick, of Mill street,
yesterday playfully snapped a toy plH
tol, Into which someone had thought
lessly placed a target cartridge. The
cartridge exploded and lodged In the
cheek of Mrs. Frederick's four-year-old
son, causing a painful wound.
Edvvnrd Barrett, aged 33 yeais, of
Yntesvlllc, attempted to board a Le
high Valley cut off train yesterday
nnd fell beneath the wheels. One of
his arms was cut off near the shoulder.
Mrs Jeanette Stevens, of Mill stiect,
aged 82 years, died Saturday night, af
ter a long Illness. The following chil
dren survive: Mrs. Charles Ruff, of
Hodgeman, Kansas; Mis. John Pugh,
of Plttson, Mrs. Alfred Jenkins and
Mrs. George D. Leisenrlng, both of
West Plttston. The funeral will oc
cur Tuesday at 2.30 p. m. ,
Mrs. Sarah Wnlsh, an' aged resl
der: living on Mnrket street, died nt
nn cirif hcur yesterdn morning, af
ter n Ions Illness of rhoumitism. The
funeral vvlli take place Tuesday at
9.30 a. m.
At nn early hour this morning, the
lace curtains In a bed room at tho
Wyoming Valley hotel saught flro
from a gas Jet, but the bla.e was ex
tinguished by the hose companies be
fore the flames could communicate
with any of the other looms.
Charles II. Walker, of i'lalns, has
resigned his position an fire boss nt
the No. 4 colliery of the Pennsylvania
Coal company and has accepted n
position as foreman with the Crescent
Coal company, of Sugar Notch. He is
succeeded at No. 14 by his brother,
George Walker, of
Srechl to the Scrantcn Tribune.
Fnctoryvllle, Aug. 13, Mrs. Al. Doo
llttle, son nnd daughter, of Elmira, N.
Y.. are visiting relatives here.
Thursday will be nil tound picnic
day (Granger's picnic) at Lake Carey,
when every man, woman and child
that Is able to secure conveyance will
be there. Little people and big people,
country and city folks, will all help
to swell the enormous crowd that Is nl
always In attendance at this yearly
G. H. Mathewson, who Is spending
his vacation here with his family, will
return to Washington, D. C, about
September 1.
Miss Blanche Stnrk, who has been
spending a week with fi lends at Eoet
Lemon, returned home last Sunday.
The DImmIck camp meeting com
mences on Tuesday, August 21, an 1
continues for one week.
Mr. A. E. Bedell has rented the
wagon making nnd blncksmlth shops
of R. D. Chase and will conduct the
business there in the future, and
where he will be pleased to see his
old patrons as well as Mr. Chase's.
The Wallsvllle fair will be held Sep
tember 11, 12 and 13. Good races,
good premiums, and a fine agricultu
ral display are promised. This Is get
ting to be the finest fnlr held In this
section of the state.
Miss Elizabeth Wilgley Is entertain
ing friends from the Moses Taylor
hospltRl, Scranton, today.
Mrs. E. L. Watklns, who has been
spending a week nt Asbury Park, re
returned home yesterday.
Miss Bertha Crisman has returned
from nn extended trip through New
York state.
Miss Bertha Knapp is entertaining
n young lady friend from New York
Special to tho Scranton Tribune
Sprlngvllle, Aug. 13 John II. Mit
chell Is repairing his farm house and
putting nn addition on the rear and as
soon as the carpenter work Is done the
painter will begin his work. S. O.
Culver has been engaged to do the
Zlba Lott had the bad luck to get a
stone on his foot one day last week
and smashed his big toe, so that now
he has to use a crutch. On the same
day Carl Churchill walked off a plank
at the Havvke quarry and sprained his
People here remember that several
years ago S, A. Schooley and wife
moved to Phllllpsburg, N. J. At tho
time Mrs. Schooley was a healthy wo
man. Now she Is, In an hospital, very
E. M. Compton and wife are moving
their household effects to Harford,
Susquehanna county. Instead of going
back to his former school he takes,
charge of the graded school above.
Carl Churchill has secured the sthool
at Little Meadows, Susquehanna coun
ty, to which he goes Sept. 1. We wish
him success in his new field.
A. S. Scott returned home after the
death of his father to arrange his af
fairs so that he could stay with Mrs.
Scott for a time. Ills wife Is anxious
ly awaiting his return, as word came
from him Thursday that he had been
taken sick,
W. E. Spencer's children nro rick
with diphtheria. Miss Bessie Gyle has
also been quite sick with the same
disease, but Is better now.
Stuart Riley has had men at work
during the past week excavating nnd
laying stone for the foundation for a
How's TbisF
We ofler One Hundred Dollars Iltwtrd for
any caw of Catarrh lint cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J CHKMSV k CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, hac known F. J, Che.
tirj lor the last 15 jears, nnd hellee him per.
tectly honorable In all business transactions
and flnanciall) able to carry out any obliga
tion made b) their firm.
West A. Truax, Wholesale DnwrgiiitJ, Toledo, O
ttaldlmr, Kinnau & Mart in, Wholes tie Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfacu of
tho system Price, 75c, per bottle. Sold by all
druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Eugene Boland and Arthur
Kemmerer Do Some
Charles Rodriguez, 428 Webster
Oliver Callahan, 415 Vine street.
David V. TJirtley, 103 West Market
Eugene Boland, 235 Walnut street.
David C. Spencer, Bloomsburg.
Arthur Kemmerer, Fnctoryvllle.
Harry Reese, 331 Evans court.
Sidney W. Hayes, 022 Olive Btreet.
John P. Smith, 2532 Boulevard
Miss Grnce Slmrell, Carbondale.
Edward Murray, 510 Hamm court.
Richard Roberts, 1303 Hampton
Two contestants: mnko material
changes In their standing In The Trib
une's Educational Contest this morn
ing, one of which Is quite Important.
Eugene Boland, who was In sixth
place yesterday, now appears fourth,
having passed David C. Spencer, of
Uloomsburg. Mr. Spencer has been In
fourth position a long while and even
now Is but one point behind. He has
not been heaid from for a few days
and may send In quite n list, as he
has made his returns weekly thus far.
Arthur Kemmerer, of Factoryvllle,
passes Harry Reese by one point, also,
and Is getting very close to Mr. Spen
cer. It is an Interesting race and the con
testants are taking a keen Interest.
Many of them are developing Into ex
pert canvassers nnd the knowledge of
how to npproach business men nnd
others that they will gain from this
experience will be of much value to
them In nfter life.
Wall Street Review.
Vew York, Kfr. 13 The International mone
tary situation was gUen consimrtble pronnn.
cmc in Well street today thro li the engage
mint of $3,000,000 gold for export to Kurope to.
morrow and Wrdni'diy It is adml't'.d tint
$."00,000 of tills amount la in payment for the
llntlsh exchequer loan, a twenty per cen'. In
aullmtut being due on nednesliv. Kxcept fof a
biicf intenal when the earlj gold engagements
nerc made stock prices improtel ntenailv, wllh
the gains quite uniform in 1 n'imbor of iMura.
there ero fitful spurts of activity and at liter
vaN the strength was most mvrked m spetlal
croups. High priced sn-clnltlo gave the flii-t
Indication of strength lull were oon lrhgatcd
to tho back ground, when the mital ftoikj forg
ed upward Later on the grin.-ini nonilcl
rotable lo the more ch.Hrfiil crop advice, rain
being reported in tectlons of the corn belt where
it was much needed A Urge batch ct Uvuahle
weekly earnings contribnt-d some force to the
T';e in prices In special storks exceptional
gains were made, a jump of 7 pdnts in lead pre
ferred being mule with ju little explanation as
the recent drop in thit !suo In J.ackiMnru
there was a stoab limine! which eicntially
cairied it up five points end tticn :tlicmd oilier
cedcra. Industrials ock nulrnJ from tho
ineriaed Interest shown in railroad rmip rtlcf.
hugir closed ui ocr tiirdiys mill rr'co oficr
i.uh Ktretigth London was not a tactor in (lie
mirktt, althngh the irhitrige house took se.
eral thousand shares early in the day. Options
were confine! to the board room traders, nut
Mime gratification was rxprcMod as the inde
pendent movement of tho railroad stocks and
the prime eluriter of some of the issues pr
tic'pating In the final dealings there was some
diminution in the volume of business but no
impairment of the market's strength Total
sales, llel.OM.
Ilu-iirifsu In railroad bonds continued small, but
a firm tone wvs evident Totil sales, par value,
etNMW0 V. b. refunding twos, when issued,
and old ts and new -H advanced 1; the fw, ,
and U, U per cent, in the bid price.
The following quotations arc furnished The
Tribune by M. "3. Jordan & Co , rwi.u, 705 700
Hears building, Scranton, Pa. Telrphune. 5ueM
Open- High- Low- Clos
ing, ct. est tnsr
Am. Sugar 10'4 126 12i Ul'J
Am, Tobacco 03' ; nh4 m )3i
Am. Steel and Wire .... 34 34', 34 1(U
Atclilaon iVA 27V, 27', 2JVa
Atchison, pfd 70'ti 71W 70 71
Urooklyii Traction B7i 54 tl ,1Si
Baltimore V Ohio 714 73H 74't 75",
Cont. Tcbacco 20'1 2eUJ ih 20
Ches. k Ohio 27s 27 27'i .'7x
C. & O. Western 11 11 11 11
'. II .': Q 1J6H 127' 12(H ij7Hi
St. Paul llli 1U 111, in
Hock Island KMH 107'J lOiii KC'4
Dehaare eV Hudson ...Ul lllVa lllfe 1114
Idrkawanna 181 lSJlj 161 1S2
federal Steel .TtTs 31'j. ', 34U
Federal Steel, pfd . ... OH ""Mi WVt fi
Kan & Tex., pfd 31 31 SI 31
l-ouls. & Nash 71H 72V4 71'4 72
Man. Klevated 01 vl fi, 'iii
Met. Traction T.1 1M 15U lis
Mo Pacilic SI" 514 61 41
People's fin K 00V leii DOU
K. J. Central 150 110 1 o I'd
Southern Pacific 3I?4 14 3.14
Norfolk & Western 31 34 il 34
Northern Pacific Ml 02 M'l 51
N. Y. Central 12u4 U0i 12aV4 110
O. i Western 21'i 21V, 21H 2114
Pennsylvania 12'i 129 12ST4 ii
Pacific Mail 31 .114 !' .U',i
Heading, pfd 50 597, 5S4 Sot.
Southern It. II 11 11 11 n
Suuthern It. It,, pfd. ... 52 Si'J 52 fija;
lenn C. & Iron 70' 72 70'4 72
Leather 10'5 WVJ jovl Id!
Uubber 8H SO !, Cfi
I'nlon Paclflo Vi'4 00 5u4 r'J
Union Pacific, pfd 7C'4 704 7e, 7i,.
Wabash, pfd JS4 is. 18U 18
Western Union SO 8014 Si) 80' 4
Open- High. Low- Clen
WIIKAT. ing est. et ing
September 7f4 M14 7114 M)i;
l'cortvr "'" "'4 M" 8'H
September I24 424 42 4',
December 40 10 30 30t
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Did. Asked.
First National Dank , goo
Scranton Savings Dank soo
Scranton Packing Co , gg
Third National Dank 425
Dime Deposit and Discount Dank ,, 200 ...
Economy Light, II. & P. Co jg
Iacka Trust & Sate Deposit Co. ., 150 ...
Scranton Paint Co go
Clark ck Snover Co., Pr. pa
Scranton Iron Fence (k Mfg. Co...,, ... 1,00
Scranton Axle Work 113
I ackawanna Dairy Co., Fr ;j
County havings Dank & Trust Co. , SOO
First National Dank (Carbondale) 00
Standard Drilling Co 30
New Mexico Ity Coal Co , Fr 40 ...
Trsdcrb' National Dank 165 ...
Scranton Dolt and Nut Co no ...
Scranton Passenger Hallway, first
mortgage, due 1020 ,..,, 115 ...
People's Street Railway, first mort.
gate, due 1018 , 11J ...
People's Street Railway, aeoeral
mortgage, due 1021 lis
Dickson Manufacturing Co joo
Larka. Township School i per cent, ,,, 10
City of Scranton St Imp. S per
cent 103
Scranton Traction A per cent .,,,, us ,,,
Scrnnton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II, 0. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Art)
Butter Creamery, tic. I dairy tubs, 20c.
I'SKi Select western, lie,) nearby state, U.
Are You Particular
About Your Shoes?
Do you look for style as well as quality of leather
and snugness in fit ? If so, we want you to closely
examine the shoes now on sale at
If it wasn't for a mishap on the part of the manu
facturers we could never offer this shoe at so little a
piice. It's worth co per cent, more, in fact, it's the
best value ever offered in the city. We know it so well,
we agree to give you a new pair for any that proves
unsatisfactory. Don't put the buy
ing off until too late. Tuesday is arj -4 q g
the time to be fitted. About i'.ooo K I iHvl
pairs are here at.
Or travelers must look over our lines of traveling
requisites if you would see the greatest variety at the
lowest cost. Two specials for Tuesday:
Telescopes, made extra heavy, canvas covered,
double and well riveted, with handles of leather riveted
on. Most convenient for picnicking or traveling, really
no limit to the things you can pack away in these
generous receptacles. The price is the only smallness
about them.
24 inch,
26 inch,
i Jonas Long's Sods
Cheese Full cream, rcw, lH412e.
Deans Per bu., choice marrow, (2.45; medium,
(2 10 pea. U CO.
Potatoes 45c.
Bermuda Onions JUS.
Flour De-st patent, $4.25.
Philadelphia Drain and Produce.
Philadelphia, ug n-Whest He loveer,
contract grade, August, 73'5a7.iV Corn 'tc
lower. No 2 mixed, August, 4Ja43'4 Oats
Dull and nak. No 2 white til) pee!, 30jW2c
Flour (Juiet, but stoid Putter Firm, fancy
western creamers, 51c, do. prints, 23c. Iggs
Firm; frch ncarb.i, 13c ; elo western, 13c
do southwestern, lie , elo southern, lie Cheese
Firm Kenned sugars I nehatued Cotton -He
higher, middling uplinds, 10'j.c. Tallow
hteidv, cih prime in l.hds , 4e.i country
do, bbls, 4Hc , dirk do, 4Vle , cakes, 6c
Use poultn hteidy, foK lie ; old rooster,
7a7'iC ; spring chickens, lOal.'c ; spring duel s,
lOalOHc Dieskcd poultry t'nelnnged, fowls
choice, lie ; do fair to good. lOalOHc i old
roosters, elHe ; neiibv spring chickens, lOallc ,
western do., OaliHc Itccelpts Hour, "1, 100 lur
rrls and 1,070,000 pounds in Mcks, wheat, Jl,
miO bushels; corn, rnu0 bushels; oats, 1S,000
bushels Shipments Wheat, 11,000 bushels,
corn, 45,000; oats, 21,000
New York Grain and Produce.
New York, Aug. 13. Flour Dull, weak and
lower in response to wheat's decline, straights
and spring patents showing greitest loss, winter
patents, $.IhOal20, winter straights, aiMatdS,
Minn patents, M.OYil J; Minn bakers, $2'0i
3 30 hat Stcudv for spot. No. 1 red, bc
f. o. b afloat, anil 78"tc elevator, No 1 north
em Ilulutli. M'sc f o li aflnit, No 1 hard
Puluth, Elc. ' o !). afloat Options weak and
heavy until near the) close when prices rallieil
with c-orn. Closed firm at l'4c. net lews. Sopt
closed SO'le ; Dec , SJ'tc renn poi cisj , "o
2, 44c. f o b. afloat, and 438c delator. Op
tlons we're seml-elemcrallzed at first by henv
rains, cuhfrccpunt big eleminds fur cash, corn
started covering and a final mil The close
was firm at 'dilHc ret decline Sept closed,
42Hc Hec , SV Oats-'pot eiuiet, No 2,
2JHo No t, 25c ; No 2 white. 2W1HC , o.
3 white, 27Hc track mixed western, 2'iH.a27c ;
track while, 20atlc Options dull and easier
Putter Firm, crcimer), 17Ha21c factory cur
rent pacVed, Haifa , imitation creamer, loalSe ;
stale chin. lflalOHc 'hee-ii Strona;, large
colored, 10se ; small colored, 10'ie , large
white, 101(0 , smill white, 10'f.c Fggv
.Steady, stute and Fenna 11al7c ; western, 11
aJSUc ; average lots, wcNtcrn, loss ort, 13Hc
Chlcago Grain and Produce.
Chlcigo, Vug H Damiges from lieij rains
In the northwest combined with a moderate cash
business caused a recovery from early weak
niss in wheat todi), September closing a sl.ade
under Saturday, September corn clos-d R doivn
because of rains, September osts 'so depressed,
and the provisions market a shule to 5 tents
lower. Cah quotations wero as follows:
Hour Stcidj . No. 3 spring wheat, 72'ia71He t
No 2 red 70a77c , No 2 corn SjC J No. 2
sellnvv, 3S'4c. , ho 2 oats, Jl4a.I2o . No 1
"white, 2.1?a244c. ; No. 3 white, 2H4a2JHc , No.
2 tic, .1 barlej, 35He , Vo. 1 flax and
northwest, 1.83; tlmothv, Mm, pork, I1 i
lift), lard, fl COall C!H ribs, $eiirta7 25;
shoulders, ts4a7e. ; sides, f7 50a7 tOj whiskey,
?1.23',; sugars, unchanged.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago, Aug 11-Cattle Native steers about
10c lower, choice westerns, steady; others
weak. Texans, steady to slow. Dutehers' stoett.
slow to 10c lower, natives, best on sale today,
two carloads at W 05 good to prime steers,
$.')35a55, poor to medium, $IG3i330, selected
feeders, steadv, Mai 1.5, mixed stotkers, slow,
$3 25a3.O0, cows, $2 W)al 40; heifers, MaW,
ranners, J2.16a2 75, bulls, wink to Pk lower,
f i 76a4 45; calves, about steaely, 4 25a0 50 Tex
ans llest on sale todaj, 7 carloads, ut $4 5;
'lexas fed steers, about steady, $4 iSaS 10; Texas
grass steers, tttidy to slow, J 30al 25j Texas
bulls, J.' Mai X
Hogs 10e- lower; tons, $5 Sij mucd and
butchers, 5.11 27'4 good to choice heavy, $105
a125; roughs heavy. 4 75al IK), light, $5 01i
6.35 i bulk of sales, t3 05a5 20
East Liberty Cattle Market.
East Liberty, Aug 11. Cattle ctlvc; extra,
$5 60a5 70, prime., J5 10a5 00, common, S-t 50a
4 25.
Hogs Slow- and lower, extra assorted mediums,
best yorkers anil prime hogs, $5sS5a5 N), common
to fair yorkers. ? 50a5 55, heavy hogs,. $3.33
a5 40; roughs, $3 50a5,
Sheep Slow and lower; choice wethers, 4 40
al 60, common, 1 60a'.' 50, choice lambs, lli
a5 50; common to good, $3.IJa5, veal calves,
6 60a7.
New York Live Stock Maiket.
New York, Aug. 13 necves Steers, slow;
medium, shide lower; bulls and rows, JOalSc
oft; steers, $l75al); bulls, tJ.40a.l5O; cows,
$I,75a3 50. Cables slow; calves veals oiienod
fir mind closed.! ull. Tluttermilks, 15 lo 2
cents lower; veals, VaJ.70; tons. i7,UVta7.75;
r -, -
it Leads
the Procession
Of all the good flours
on the market "Snow
White" leads tho pro
cession. Yes, easily so.
One trial Is enough to
convince you of the
truth of this. You run
no chances of giving it
a trial. For sale by all
good grocers everywhere
In bags and barrels.
THC WEiTON 1llVx4.
A Practical Training School for Teachers en
the main line of the I) , L. 1c W. It. II. In tha
great resort region of the state. Homelike torn
forts for students; six different deptrtments and
courses line Model School. Superior advantage.
Special inducements, The only school that raid
all of the state aid to pupils An English speak
ing community. Culture and refinement I'osi.
tlons secured for graduates. For catalogue and
full nartciulars address
GEO. P. DIDbE, A M , Principal,
Fast Stroudsburg, Pa.
Bucknell University,
Comprises a College witn four
courses; Academy for young Men
and Boys; Ladles' Institute, a re
fined boarding school; School of
Music with graduating courses.
West College, a new dormitory
for Men, to be ready for occu
pation Sept. 20, 1000. For cata
logue address:
Wm, C. Gretzlnger, Lewlsburg, Pa.
Keystone Academy.
prepares fcr all tho leading colleges, universities
and technical schools in the United states. It
also offers a one veal's commercial course and a
thice yeara business course and graduates pupils
In music The teachers are college trained sre
claliits There is an exceptionally fine campus
of twenty acres, there Is also mountain sprlnj
water all through the buildings
For full particulars send for catalogue to
Rev. Elkanah Hulley, A. M.,
Principal. Factoryvllle, Pa.
culls, (150; buttermilks, t3.25a3.6H, ETa-a-ers
and yearlings, .' 75jW5
Sheep and lambs Steady common stock, dull;
Innlu oiieneil IJal.V. oft, dosed 25a50c, lower:
beep, fiat 75, good wethers, $5; IjmU, 5a
fl HO; choice and extra early, t7aT,2S culls, f4a
4 f0.