THE SCRANTON TlUBUNE-SATUltUAl, AUGUST -1, 1900. i) LACKAWANNA COUNTY. HjLjLrji.o.ri ""i CARBONDALE. FINISHING TOUCHES. The interior llnlshlnw of Tilnlty liuich Is progicsslng slovvlv, but sun ly, ninny of the trades coinnu'iiclng work nt one time unl Interfering with the progress of the uupenteta. The electricians hip nl work now nml their progress Is not eiy marked, be cause of the IntrKary of the system. It 13 probably the best In the rlty, nil of the lights being governed by switches In the sexton's room and In the chnneel room. Tli" wiling Is so arranged that nil of the lights may be turned on, one-hnlt of them or u thlid of them. The Hunts for the chancel and baptistry me nil concealed behind tho arches nnd every light In the build ing Is to be coveied with a holophnne shade, which softens nnd diffuses the light. While the scaffolding In the au ditorium nt present mnkes it look smaller than It really Is. the wotk Is far enough along to gl' one nn Idea of what a benutlful place It will be when It Is completed Tho screens and chancel rnll me of quaiteied oak, exquisitely caned. MASONIC HALL REPAINTED. In a few days the homo of local Ma sons will be more beautiful than when It was new. lMvvard Hall has hnd a large force nt work there for some time and the celling nnd walls have been done In terra cotta, cteam, blue, white, gold and silver. The scheme is nduptod to artificial light, by which the effect Is magnificent. After the walnut and maple wainscoting has been polished the hall will be ready to settle again. STRIKE SETTLED. The drivers and runners who stuiek Thursday went back to work yester day. They acted upon the advice of some of the cooler heads and decided to work while bending their efforts toward a satisfactory adjustment of the wage scale. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Miss Watt returned yesterday fiom n cioss country trip from Port Jervls. Mrs. J. UJ. Brown and daughter, Mil dred, ate visiting Scranton fi lends. The funeral of the Lite Henry 13. Loftus will take place this morning. The procession will move fiom the house at 9 o'clock and proceed to St. Rose church, where services w 111 bo held. Interment will be made In St. Rose cemetery. Mrs. Frank Elmer has returned homo. William Shlmmel, of Fallbrook street, Is entertaining James Mullen, of Scranton. Miss Lola Coiby, of Belmont street, Is entertaining Miss Minnie Graves, of Scranton, and Myra Hill, of Jermyn. nzra Spencer, of Pleasant Mount, Is visiting relatives In this city. Misses Alice Morrison and Mary Riley went to Blgelow lake yesterday. They will spend a month there. Several Catbondalians have arranged to take advantage of the r.rle excur sion to Chautauqua, on Aug. 11. OLYPHANT. A delightful dancing party was given In Mahon's hall last evening. The af fair was enjoyed by a large number of young people. Rev. B. F. Hammond Is spending his vacation In New York state. The members of the 12ceIsior Hose company gave a smoker to a number of their friends In their rooms Thurs day evening. After a session of speech-making and singing refiesh ments were served. A most enjoyable time was had by all present. Mrs. C. T. Strong and Mrs. Charles Turbayne, of Toronto, Canadn, are the guests of Mm. Jennie Voyle, of Lacka wanna street. Miss Etta Hoban is visiting relatives nt Avoca. Mrs. Herman Bessey, of Providence, visited friends in town yesterday. Thomas H. Mason, of this place, and Miss Sarah Metters, of Hlakely, were married by Rev. Moses Ilaivey In Plymouth on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs Mason have taken up their resilience in Hlakely amid the best wishes of their many ft lends. Rev. John T. Howe, of Scranton, will occupy the pulpit In the Piesby terlnn lunch tomoirow moinlng and evening. Sei vices will be held at the usual time in the Hlakely Haptlst ihurch to mouow morning and evening. Hev. David Spencer, D. D., will pi each in the moinlng. In the evening a mis sion banner service will bo held. Miss Helen Kennedy, of Green HIdge, who has been visiting in town for the past two weeks, letumed home yes terday. T. H. Kvans, of New Yoik, is enjoy ing his vacation at his home here James O'Malley, of Dunmoie stieet, has accepted a position in tho olllce of Doughcr & Hope, In Wllkes-Harre A traveling trick bicyclist gave a fine exhibition of trick riding on tho pavement last evening. A large NERVITA P1LL& A Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Curo Impotency, Night Emissions, Loss of Mom. ury, nil vvusiiusr uisoascs, all effects of r elf-abuso or Jcicess and indiscretion. a nerve tonto and 'blood builder. Urines rtho nlnk clow to nnln checks and restores the sttro or loutli. Uy mail fiOfl Tver ImT. fl hnTAa fnr 82.60. with our bankable graurantee to cure or refund the money paid, bend for circular uuucupjruiuur oanituoio guarameo ootid, Nervita Tablets "IZ (yellow ladsl) Immediate Results Positively miaranteed curo for Loss of Power, Varicocele, Undeveloped or (shrunken Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostra. lion, Hysteria. Fits, Insanity. Paralysis and the Results of Kxcesilvo Uw of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor, By mall In plain pAckngo, $1.00 tt box, 0 for 85.00 with our bankable guar antee bond to cure In SO days or refund money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sta., CHICAGO, ILL. Sold by McQarrah & Thomas, Drug, lists., SOJ Lackawanna aye., Bcranton, l'a. 60 PILLS 50 CTS. JO MSW EVERY WOMAN Sometimes seeta a tollable, moatnl7,tegnlttlnz medicine. Onlr htnnlcas Wi tho purest drug! should b sm4. If you want the beat! get 3 L Op- Peal's Fenitiwroyai PBila J" vTThoy are prompt, Bafo and certain Id result. , ' . Tho ronufno (Dr, Peal's) never disappoint. Bold for t .CO per box. For Sla by JOHN H. PHLEPS, Sprur irftt. crowd enjoyed the performance of his remarkable feats. Mrs. Prank Orchard and son, Maur ice Orchnid. of Cuibotululo, spent yes terda with iclatlves In town. 1' It .Mi flinty spent Thursday nt Carbondnle The best game of ball played on the Olyphant gi omuls this season wns n game between the strong Hubber Nocks and O'ltuui's Pots tin Thuis ilii The game was n lively one nnd tonslsted of n tilple piny In the thlid Inning made by O'l linn's I'ets and two other double plnys mnde with lightning speed. It was a close rnll for a shut-out for the Hubber Necks, t'p to the seventh Inning the scoie stood C to 0. O'ltura's Pets showed the people that they understood the game and John O'llara wns moie than pleased with his men. The score was ns follows: O'Hara's Pets 1 2 0 0 0 2 129 Rubber Necks 0000002 3 S Hits off Dempsey. R; off Sheridan, 13. Hatteiles for O'Hni.i's Pets. Wheel er nnd Dempsey, for Hubber Necks, Sheridnn nnd Onibett. The Taxpnyeis" Piotectlve associa tion will hold another indignation meeting at the opeia house on Mon day evening for the put pose of taking definite nctlon with legnul to oppos ing the corporation sewer. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD Coucllmen Hela a Session Last Eve ning The Late Mrs. Elkins Laid to Rest Personal News. The borough council held their regu la rmeeting last evonlti!?. Councilman Dunn, of the Flist nnd Stunton, of tho Third wards, weio absent. After tho ndoptlon of tho minutes of the pie vlous meiting, council pioceeded to fill the vacancy caused by the lemoval fiom town of Conn, il-nan Nicholson, of the Third ward. Two names weie submitted, (leorge McLaughlin nnd William Scull. The former lecelved tho votes of Badger and Raw ling, and Scull was suppoited by Theton and Albert Moon, Wheeler and Davis. Mr. Siull was theieupon declaied elected and was forthwith sworn In by the bin pess nnd afterwnids took his seat. Cleoige Make appealed befoie the council ns a lepresentatlve of tho Cemetery association ti ask why the treu.iuier to pay the Interest upon the five one hunlied dollar bor ough bonds held by the association. Fied Dawe, reptesentlng the Improved Older of lied Men, who nre nlso hold eis of the bonds, was piesent In the same Inteiest. Chairman Moon, In reply, stnted the bonds weie Issued to pay off the debt Incurred In the sinking of the aite slan well, nnd inasmuch as the late Judge Gunster had issued an injunc tion rcstialnlng the borough fiom paying out any money for that put -pose, he did not propose sanctioning the payment of interest and thereby place himself In illre-t opposition to the couit. Personally, he believed both Intsrcst nnd piiuiuial should be paid but he was acting on tho ad vice of the boiough uttoineys, who weie endeavoring to have ccuit modi fy tho injunction, so that tho bills could be legally paid. v. heeler sug r"Stcd the movlng of the electiic light pole at Division f.tieet to the coiner of Depew's and said if this wns done nnd the light raided n lit tle higher, the light would give satis factory service both to Main and Di vision street. Th-1 thango recom mended wns ordered to be can led out. A number of bills weie submitted, and all ordered paid, with the excep tion of one from Lewis, which was laid over. A letter from the Car bondale Telephone company was read, accepting the oidlnauce lately passed nnd In icsponse to a appeal from Dr. S. S. Davis to have the funds lecelved from the state treasurer now in the hnnds of the borough treasurer paid into tho riiemen's Relief association, the secietary was Instructed to in vestigate the books nnd ascertain the amount held by tho borough treasurer and report at tho next regular meet ing. Tho funeral of the late Mrs. Klklns took place yesterday afternoon and was laigely attended. Among those piesent weie the Daughtcis of He bekah, of which the deceased was a member, and delegates fiom Rush biook lodge of Odd Pollovvs nnd Mon says tribe of Red Men. Set vices were held in the Congregational chuicli, of which tho dead woman had for years been a faithful member. The service was conduited by Rev. D. P. Jones, of Scranton, who preached a very Im pulsive sennon from the text, "O Is real, piepare to meet thy God." Inter ment was made In the boiough ceme tery. There weie n number of hand some floral gifts, among which were several wiesiths and a pillow, the lat ter being the gift of the Ladles' Aid of the church. Tho pall bearers were II. D. Carey, Richard Mellow, Wil liam Sinallacombe, John W. Jones, William Glbbs and Joseph Beckwltli. The flower bearers were Mrs. J. G. Avery and Mis. Fied Sobey. A num ber of out-of-town friends were In at tendance, nmong whom were Mrs. Morgan, of Scranton, and John W. Gravell, of West Plttston. Miss Bssle Rrown, of the Bennlng ton stock farm, and Miss Kllza Sly, of Dunmore, nre the gusts of Mrs. John Solomon, of Main street. The ladles of the Magazine club were driven to Crystal lake yesterday by Mrs. Tom Cray, where they spent tho day most enjoyably, reaching home snfely about 8 o'clock In the evening. MOOSIC. The Rev. Judson N. Halley will preaih in the Methodist church Sun day at 10 30 a. in., from the subject, "Cod's Ability to Meet Our Need." Ther will be baptism of children. Miss Iiessio Oammell Is spending n few weeks with friends at Philadel phia. Rev S. M. Young will pi each in tho Prcsbyteilnn church nt the same hour fiom the subject, "God's Love Estab lished." In tho evening there will be union services under the Auspices of the Moosic anti-saloon league. In the Methodist church at 7.30 p. m. The Pharmacist, ccr. Wycrrlng evenueand spenkers of the evening will bo lie v. L A. I-lndermuth nnd Hev. S. M. Young. 12. I). Nichols, of Wllkes-Ilarre, call ed on friends ThuisJny, mnklng ar rangements for tho annual temperance leunlon to bo held nt Mountain Park, August 21, nt which the Hon. John O. Woolley Prohibition candidate for piesldent, will speak. Mis. James Thomas, of Mlnooka ave nue, Is lsltlng her sitter, Mis. Mit chell, of Holllstciville. TAYLOR NEWS. Tonight's Entertainment nnd Social. Tuneral of a Child Religious and Personnl News. The Ladles' ramp, No. 339, Patilotlc Order of Ameilcn, will conduct a giand social and entertainment this evening In their hall, on Main street, win n Installation, of olllcer.s will nlso be held. District President Mrs. Ran dolph Jones, of West Scranton, will be piesent, us will also delegations from other camps, a line piogrnmme has been ni ranged for the event. The funeral of Willie, the slx-year-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Kverly, occurred yesterday morning at 10 o'clock. Services were held ut the home of tho parents by the Rev. L R. Poster, foimer pastor of the 1'iesby terlan church. Burial was made In Foiest Home cemetery. Tho Taylor, Pyne nnd Holden mines will be paid today for July. Tho North Ihul Tourist club con ducted a well-attended social last evening In Wcbei's rink. Tho Degree of Pocahontas, No. CI, will hold nn Ice cream social this evening at the home of Mrs. P.van R. Jenkins, of Main street. Refresh ments will consist of cuke, coffee, wutei melon and Ice cieam. The pub lic Is cordially Invited. Seivices tomoriow nt the Calvary Baptist church at 10.30 a. in. and 7 p. m., Rev. Di. II. II. Hanls In chaise. Sunday school nt 2 o'clock. Taylor castle, No. 267, Knights of the Golden Hagle, will run an exclusion to Lake Lodoie on August 10. The pileo Is within the le.ich of nil. Tlikcts, adults, S5 cents; ihildien, 60 cents. Rev. D. C. Kdwurds will preach at the usual hours tomouow nt the Welsh Raptlst church. Services at 10.30 a. m. and 6 p. m.j Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Rev. J. II. Colclough will olllclato at the usual houis tomorrow at tho Pres byterian chinch; Sunday school Im mediately after moinlng service. Diugglst Alfied Davis, of Foiest City, has been the guest of his brother. Druggist Joseph Davis, of Main street, for the past few days. Sabbath seivices tomorrow nt tho Methodist Hplscopal chinch will bo held at the usual hours, tho pastoi, Rev. Clinton 15. Homy, ofllclatlng; Sunday bchool at 2.1! p. m. The employes of the Archbald mine were paid yesterday for the month of July. Winfred Jenkins, of Dalton, Is visit ing friends In this town. Mr. Janus Hooper, of Depot street, his lecoveied from his recent Illness. At the Welsh Congregational church the pastor. Rev. J. C. L"vans, will pleach nt both services. Mis. Morgan D. Harris is recover ing from hei lecent sickness. PECKVILLE. l'iank Oendall, a member of tho Thirteenth regiment, who resides with hi' father, Rev. Oendall, of Main Miei't, wns the means of creating no little .cltement in that vicinity Wednesday moinlng. Fiank was cleaning up his outfit pi lor to his ac companying his leglment to Mt. Gretna and in tho cleaning up pio dischaiged his ilflo nt a mnik on the bain at the iear of the par sonage piemlses. The leaden messen ger ploughed Its way tluough thi bain, ciossed over an alley and cut a hole through another bain on the Snedicor lot. Then enteied the Snedl cor icsldenie by way 3f the window, spllnteilng the glas. .The bullet then embeded itself in the opposite side of tho loom. Mrs. Snedicor, n few min utes before, occupied a position nt the window, but had stepped cut upon the poieh when the shot was fired nnd thus escaped being In the path of the bullet. The Rev. and Mrs. S. II. Moon are visiting relatives nt Reed City, Mich. Wnnted A board of In qiilie at Peckville. The Ontario Accidental fund will jun tlvir annual excursion to Lake Lo dore this jear. August 20 is the date set for the outing. Mrs. Ilairls, having puichased tho goodwill nt the Mott Haven hotel, took possession Tuesday. William Strong w III act ns mnnager and chief clerk. The Methodist, Presbyteilan nnd Il.iptist Sunday school united excur sion to llnrvey's lake on Thursday, August 9, piomises to be veiy largely attended. Tho committee have se mi cd the services of the Lawrence band, of Scranton, for tho day. J. Harrett and Daniel WUcov are spending n few days visiting relatives near Hancock. Mr .and Mrs. K. M. Barnes have re tunrned fiom a visit with the for mci's brother, Mr. Robert Barnes, or Edge Water, N. J. Peckville Baptist church, Rev. J. S. Thomas, pastor Services tomorrow nt 10.30 a. m. and 7 30 p. m. Morning subject, "Tho Christian's Needs and the Divine Supply." Evening subject, "Flist Things In Paul's Preaching." Sabbath school at 11 30 a. m. Methodist Episcopal church Serlces as usual. Morning subject, "Revela tion of God to the Soul." subject, "Soul Anchorage." dall. Evening F. Gen- Troublesome to the Army. During tho civil war, as well as tn our late war with Spain, diarrhoea was one of the most troublesome diseases the nrmy had tn contend with. In many Instnnces it became chronic nnd the old soldleis still suffer from It. Mr. David Taylor, of Wind nidge. Gieene county, Pa Is one of these. Ho uses Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlairhoea Uemedy and says he never found anything that would give him such quick relief. It Is for snle by nil druggists. Matthew Brothers, wholesalo and letall agents. CLARK'S SUMMIT. Mrs. Ida Schmidt and children and Mr. Gus Wenzel, of Scrnnton, have been the guests of their parents, Mr. nnd Mis. Conrad AVenzel, the past w eek. Mr W. II. Sweetman, of Wassalc, York state, has arrived here, and will take charge of tho can department at the condensery as soon as the machin ery Is nil In place. Mr. IJarry Levy, of New York city, Is staying at the Summit house. Mrs. Thomas Stewart, of Scranton, was the guest of Iter son, Mr. Fred Wlkes, Inst Wednesday. Al. Rodney, formerly of this plnco but now located nt Sprlngville, wns a caller hero Inst Wednesdn. L tlurton Kent, of Rlnghnmton, nnd I'dwtirtl Leonnid, of lUiffnto, called upon Martin Hold last Tuesday, on their way to Philadelphia Mrs. A. L. Widemun nnd children, of Scranton, are visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. L. 15. Potter. The descendants of the Plocums, of Wyoming mnssacro fame, held a re union nt Nichols grove last Wednes day. The following were present: Mr. nnd Mrs. R. P. Parker, Thurston Par ker, Clark's Oreen; Mis. Wnrd Par ker nnd dnughter, Mr. nnd Mrs. liar old X'nrkei, Mr. John Slocum, Clifford. Pa.; Miss Jennie Slocum, Scranton, l'a.: John Slocum, Jr.. and wife, Clif ford, Pa.; Mrs. UJnos Slocum nnd fam ily, Justus, Pa. j Mr. nnd Mrs. Ira Cosner nnd Mrs. John Ploiey nnd daughter, Scranton; H. Jerome Slo cum nnd family, La Plume, Pa.; Mrs. F Ilrlsfol and dnughter, Fnctoryvllle; Mrs. C. D. Rosenk-anz, Houston. Texas; Hrnest Slocum, Mis. William Derby Mrs. D. Y. Williams, Mrs. Chauncey Derby, of Se-anton; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newton and son, Craig, Rev. and Mrs, Cnvanaugh and daugh ter, of Cheiry Creek, Pa . Mrs. Ste phen Ackerly, Justus, l'a.; Mrs. Liu Rene Myers, Clark's Summit. Visitors who were not related: Mr. and Mrs. Henry White nnd daughter nnd Miss Jesslo Florey, Scrnnton. Tho usual Sundny services will be held at the Haptlst and Methodist chin dies tomorrow . Orders for the Scranton Tribune can be left nt Mnrtln Hold's barber shop. BALD MOUNT. Theio will be n clnm bake nnd fes tlvnl In Cosnor's Grove on Tuesday evening, the 7th Inst , for the benefit of the pastor's fund. If tho weather pioves stouny. It' will bo held the suc ceeding evening. A (social was held nt the Piesbyter lan paisonage on Wednesday evening. The Wrlgley family icunlon will bo held this year at the home of Rev. Abel Wrlgley on Wednesday, the 8th Inst. The Ladles' Aid society of the M. E. church will hold a social nt the M. E. parsonage on Ftldny evening, the 10th. Mrs. Emma R. Jaiobs, of Nanticoke, Messip Noiman Williams, of Chinchil la, W. L Speeco, of Scranton, nnd W. C. Van Busklik, of West Plttston, weie guests nt the Vnn Busklik homo this week. Mrs Mary A. Knapp nnd Mrs. G. W. Belsecker nre visiting frlcndo In King ston. Miss Emma Winter Is visiting lier cousin, Mips Sue Dewey, in West Plt'ts ton. Miss Slckter, of Mill City, Is the guest of Miss Grace Blesecker. Miss Kntheilne Thompson enter tained Miss Mndgo Wiigley and her guest at tea on Thursday. Mrs. W. B. Notman nnd son, Donald, of West Plttston, are guests at the Van Busklrk homo. Messrs. Foul Wiigley, Joel Shelley and Arthur Belsecker nre camping at La Giange. Mrs. Leah May, mother of Irs. J. A. LaCoe nnd formeily of this place, Is dangeiously 111 at the home of Fisher Gay at Wyoming. Mrs. Justin Van Busklrk nnd sons are visiting friends at Bloomsburg. Mrs. Eliza Fordham, of Illinois, who is the guest' of her sister, Mrs. Jano Thompson, Is Indisposed. Mr. Elmer Thompson, of Philadel phia, was entertained nt the home of Mr. C. II. Belsecker on Wednesday. O. Van Busklrk was in the city on Thursday. GOULDSBORO, Mrs. C. N. Adams Is visiting lela tlves at Lake George, N. Y. Mrs. S. E. Harvey and Miss Orpah Harvey, of Tienton, N. J., are guests of Mr. and Mis. W. L Harvey. Mis. J. A. Illller and daughter, Miss Blanche Hlller, of Pnctoryvllle, are .spending the week with Mrs. Hlller's patents, Mi. and Mis. G. G. Smith. Thursday, Mr. W. E. Flower met with a painful accident while at work In his market. A largo butcher knife slipped from his hand, striking hlin below the knee, Indicting a severe wound. Miss Cllftoid. of Clark's Summit, Is visiting Miss Mnry Flower Mr. M. S. Dmke, ji , of Newark, N. J., spent Sunday at Mr. Harvey's. Attorney T. r. Wells, W. W. Phillips and F. E Piatt, of Scranton, nnd Ilev. AV. I. Stenns, of Danville, weio callers lu town Tuesday. S. II. Ithodes Is having extensive te palis and Improvements made to his residence on Mnin street. Conti actor N. Dailey has chaigc of the woik. Dr. C. E Ellenbergor and guests, Dr. Ilaivey, of Westfleld, N. J, Dr. Bet, of Philadelphia, and Dr. F. B. Gilpin, of Newfoundland, spent Mon day and Tuesday at Lake Wlnola bass llshlng Mr. nnd Mis. Hager are enteitalnlng Mrs. Bert Hager. of Dalton, Pa. Mrs. George Gllllland Is very 111 at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Flower nre en tertaining relatives fiom Heading, Pa. Mrs. William Saylor and son are visiting Mr. and Mis. Jacob Singer. Miss Mabel Posslnger nnd aunt, Mrs. Saylor, are spending a few days at Tobyhanna. Mr. and Mrs. Joo Matthews spent Sunday at Thornhuist. Mlsa Stella Catterson is at Mount Pocono. Mr. and Mrs. James Catterson have for guests their daughter, Mrs. How ard Dixon, and children, of Scranton. BROOKLYN. Special to the Scrantcn Tribune, Brooklyn, Auit. 3. The new cemetery has just been mown. Miss Stella Ilabson, ot Newark, l-s the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Q. Tew ksbury. Mr. E. A. Hoynolels anil Mrs. Det weller drove from Scranton, Thur. day. After a short stay In Brooklyn they will leturn, accompanied by Mis. Reynolds nnd Tillman. Mlhs Uthel Steillnu save a lawn patty at her home on Thursday even Injr, from 8 until U o'clock, which was very much enoed by those who were present. The lawn was IlKhted by Jap anese lanterns and toiclies. and cto quet and other games were engaged In duilng the early part of the evening. Later, as the night was cool, the guests weie Invited Into tho house and delicious refiesliments weie served. After more games, tho young people departed for their homes, having the remembrance of a most delightful evening. Those present weio Misses Jennie Tiffany, Lena Fish, Grace Tevvksbury, Hattle Miller, Gertrude Waldle, Maud "Waldle, Mabel Nash, Nina Nash, Ktliel Sterling, Lela Ster ling, Graco King, of Parsons; ' Myra Juckson, of Hopbottom; Messrs. Cady Weston, Glen Tiffany, George Bunnell, The People's AAAAArfMMMWWWVMWI A POPULAR CLEARING HOlTSi: for tlio Haiiilt of VII Who Have Houses ti Rent, Real Lstato or Other Property to Sell or Exchange, or Who Wiiut Situation, or Help Thsj Small Advertisements Co3t One Cent n WorJ, Six Insertions for rive Cents a Vord--lxcopt Sltuutlom Wanted, Which Arj In serted 1'rec, FOR RENT. koii lti'NT-noon 9itooMi: noi"i: lirtiwimnts, 1U N. lnliiB avenue. 405 fuylur avrniic IM- Apply TO I1KNT-12 liOOM 1IOI SI!, MOM.HN 1M rrcucmciiU. Call 1058 Monroe cnm., Hun more. rou hunt a nousi: at in bormi iiiiom 1i avinue. Inquire next door. WANTr.D-StCOSirTfAMr'M.OT MACHINES; mint he In com! order, stale pirtlcuhn at to make and price. Aililrni, I. M , general de livery, Stranton, l'a FOR SALE ion s m:-styhmi tamily ihm carriage, Rood condition. Carriage, line ofllie. AM) Trib- Tin; HKMiiKn: op nit tiii.htov. o. 410 Limine avenue, West Plttston, at a liaraln. I'm j articular! Inmilre of I.eGrand Wright, in Ulnrir Sirai.ton Trllirune. W WTr.P V KVMlf.Y Of POt'U ADULTS 1)K siren three or four nlctl) furnished rooms and bath with running hot and cold water, In select part of fkranton with some nko famih , ret utnees exchanged Address I'. O Hox iiH ROOMSJIND BOARD. TWO LAliGI' ItOOVIS WITH l!0 MID, 410 Adams nvenue. wwiv.n-iuo itoovts with nnvriLvfcs lioird, with iileamnt miri.nmdings f r gin tlrnun, wife ami to children, references re cj'iircd and given U. S. M , Tribune oltlce REAL ESTATE. SM.ono will si.runi: ni:v pnoprnTV, worth at least 8,000. The property will pay S'4 per lent . jfter pajlng taxes and all other expenses lteason for selling, owner has removed from city This Is the best Investment in Scranton Terms: One third cah, balance 5 per cent mortgage W T llaoActt, Price building, l-'O Washington avenue. AGENTS WANTED. SUlMIVN-MDn I INK. tl.MU jcarly easily made helling Amman Smptn lers Vttiaithe assortment, cviimlvo terrllorv Write at otp as now ih the time to sell the joblur hU fill titoik Hero Manufacturing to., P. JI3, (in rinuatl, 1 WANTI'D OKNTLI VIKN Oil LvlllKS TO traul twcnt dollars n week; also canvas sers, two dolhrs a day Mra Hooper, Arlington Hotel fall after four. WAN! ED-FIRST CLASS ACHATS IN nVEtlY city and town in Pmnsjltsnla to introduce the largest and strongest Sick and Accident Company in the world. Address V. It. Van Dusen. hupt. of Agents, Ray City, Mich. WANTED. WANTED-OENTLEVtAN WANTS AFIOUT SKI' timber 1st, two unfurnished rooms, one suit able for living loom, other bed room Use1 of bath required Will take breakfist. Heferencca exchanged Address A II. C , Tribune olBcc. WVNTFn-MVCIIINISTS, GOOD WU.LS AND stead work Apply to the De Ii Vergnc He frlgcratlng Maililno Co, foot Eat 133th Mrcct, New- York. HLPJVjflATD; FEMALE, WVNTF.D V COOD II10NKR. l'latt Place APPLY NO. 1 W N1 LD TW ESTY MOHL OIHI.S IN OI It lolor department, those with some know I edge of water colors Vpply at the drilnn Art Co, 200 Wjomlng avenue. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $100 ISVFSTED NOW' WILL Kim US' $1 One) IS si nn nths; prospectus ti,o Lavvyeia CL Hankers' Oil Co., Los Angeles. Lai. I00 ISVLSTFD NOW Will. IIITl UN $1,000 IN sli months, prospietus fie1 Linjera' and Hankers Oil Co, Los Angeles, tal. LOST. LOST ItKTWI EN WEST PVI1K ND DIVISION stirct, on Mum avenue, ladv's gold watch, with Shetland pin if icturncd. Miss Shiifer, 7J0 North Main avenue SPECIAL ELECTION. SOlKE-TIILItE WILL HE A SI'KCI VL EI.I.C lion held in the Eighth ward of the City of Scranton on ugtit 11, lWsl, for the purpose v electing one leisen to ferve as Cumtnon ( nun cilmau of slid ward for the unexpired term ol I red W. Zizilnnn, rescued JWIES MOlit, Major.. LEGAL. NOTICE Ii HEItl.IlY OIVES- TIIVT AN APl'LI- eel ion will bo inado to one of the judges of the court ol i onimon mas ol awanna count), on the thirtieth euv if Julv. . D. 1'sO, at o'clock in the forenoon, under the Corporation ct of ls", and the supplements tlicictn, by John Miarak, l'ulik lll-ko and .lohn Martin, tor u clnrter of tho Intendcel corpoiatlon to be called "Tho Russian Oitlindnx Mutual lleneflt SM.iel of St .lohn tin llapti.t," the character and oh Jcct of which U maintenance of a toilet for beneficial and protective purposes to its mem hers f i oin fund collected therein, to render aid anil comfort to its members and their famlllm In sickness nnd distress, and for this purpose to have, possess and enjoy all the righU lncfits and privileges confirm! bv the said Vet and its supplements. WILLI M VOKOI.I.h, Solicitor. Ernest Tiffany, Wade Barnes, George Teiry, Canol Tiffany, Karl AIney Glen Itussell, of Mansfield; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Nash, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Bedell, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Oakley, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Sterling. Dewltt Tevvksbury, of Scranton, Is spending a few days at his parents' homo here. Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Sterling, Mrs. Reynolds and son and Mrs. A. S. Wal dle visited A. G. Sterling, Wednesday. II. W. Itoper and family and Miss Nettle Stephens spent Thursday in Montrose. Mr. Russell, of Mansfield, Is visiting his school friend, Miss Ethel Steillng. Miss Bessie Chamberlain is visiting her sister In Montrose, At the annual business meeting of the Young People's Christian union, Thursday evening, the following o In tel n-weie elected: President, Miss Bertha Sage; vice-president, Leon Stephens, recoidlng secretary, Mrs. R. It. Vnn Atiken, conespondlng secre taiy, Miss Gertrude Waldle, treasuier, W. A. Stephens. The friends of Glenn Tevvksbury gave him n sui prise tonight In honor of his twenty-first birthday. Ralph Aichbald was In town tho first of tho week. NATIONAL LEAGUE. No National league game scheduled for todj. American League. Knuas City, 14, Dulfalo, 7 Minneapolis, 10, Cleveland, 7. Iinlii napolli, 4; Milwaukee, '2 (13 imiingi), Eastern League- Sjracuse, 12; Worcester, S. Montreal, 6; Providence, 1. Toronto, 4; Spi f ngflcle, 2. Hartford, 7( Rochmter, 0. Exchange. SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATION WAVIIP-TO (.0 01 T 11V TUB nirnlh, Mrs W. II. Mcuiw, 4(11 Apple au line, Dunmore, l'a. SITUATION VVrii-I! AN CM'KHII.NCt.l) girl nt finty needle wcik, battentiurg and renatainrc also ileiklng I. V.., T0t bcranton utreet, cltj. AHIfl, IliOMSf! OH S KIND Ol IAUN tlrj work done at ,10 Adami aienue, reir. WANTED- POSITION AS hTr.NonUW'Ilr.U AM) typewilter, four )earn' expcrlmce; good knowledge ut tlgurn. Jtcfircnim. I.. ., 'trib une ollWe. V- unuvnoN wasti.d s wkt stitsr.. dress S II , Tribune olHee. i Ity. AD- sinmio.v wvNrrn-To no out wvshino and ironing bj the dav , washing and ironing taken home alo. Call or address L 11 , 3J bimner avenue. SITU VTION-WANTi:i)-llY A uT:si' tTAIH.Il colorid girl as took In a nice fainllv ; good wage, slceii home nl-ilit. Vddrcw 401 .Nov street. OUNO VVCVIVN 111 MltHS POSITION AS WKT nurse h. II., Tribune ofllce. SITUATION WNTI1-IIY A 1IIOI1 SCHOOL graduate, bookkeeping, stenogrnphv or tpc- writing Aildrew John Orelner, jr , 1015 S Washington avenue. YOU.NO MvV WI1IIIS POSITION AS P. VU tender or clerk, hotel or country; first ilasn references. Thorn u Whlllej, Lincoln Heights nnd Mono avenue SITUATION WANTKD OUNO M N, III 11 rnin nnd Ungllsh, is bookkeeper stenog rspher. typewriter or salesman, experienced II. ltoernke, 210 Lneleaw inna avenue, Scrnnton A YOUNO MAN WANTS POSH ION 01" NY kind, has had flee vears experience In the grocery business jncl cm tnl'c I nglisli and Oil man. Aildress 11 11 , (I5 Leo lourt RECRUITS WANTED. maihnt coups usurp, srvirs nvw itr- erultx wanted -Vide bodied men, service on our warghltu In all parts of the world an I en land In the I'hllipplres, when required Lieu tenant Colonel n It l(usell N W I orner Lack awanna and Wjomlng avenues, Sennton MONEY TO LOAN. ANY AMOI ST OK MONEY TO 1.0 vN QUICK, straight loans or Ilulhllng and I oan U from to C. for cent. Call on N V. Walker, 3H-.'lli (onnell building DRESSMAKING DHESSMAKISO lOlt CHILDHEN TO OHDEH; also ladles' waists. Louise Shoemaker, 212 Adams aevnue. CITY SCAVENGER A. H IlltlfiGS CLEvNS I'ltIVY VAULTS AND ocs.s pools no odtir Imjiroveel pumps used A. It I1UIG0S. rroprictor. Leave ord-rs lift) North Main avenue, or Eicke's drug store, cor ner Adams and Mulberry. Telephone U5I0. PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDINO, C. ers' Dank building. P. A , 2J THAI)- Architects. EDWARD 11 1) VIS, ARCHITECT, CONNI.LL building, Scrinton. FREDERICK L DROWN', ARCHITECT. PRICE building, 120 Washington avenue, Soanton. Cabs nnd Carriages. itunnrn tired cars and carrivois; rest of service. Prompt attention given orders, by 'phono 'Phones 2072 and 5iJ2. Josipli Kellty, 121 Linden. Dentists. DR. C. E KILESI1ERG1 It, PAULI RUILDINO, Spruce street, Scranton DR. I O MJUV, SfRVSTOS- PRIVVTE Hos pital, corner Wyoming and Mulberry. DR C C IAUHVCH, 115 VWOMINO U'ESUE DR II. F. REYNOLDS. OPP. P. O Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE. 12: AND 127 FRVNKIIV AVE. ble. P. I 101 FR, Proprietor. SCRVNTON HOUSE. NI VR D. L .V W PAS 6enger depot. Conducted on the European plan Vll'IOR KOUI, Proprietor Lawyers. RICH MID .1 1101 RKE, VTTOIISEY vT I. w 500 2 Laekiwanni avenue. (.encral law be-bl ness, collections and loans J. W. RHOWSISfi, AirORSF.V ASH ( OUSSI L lor at law. Rooms 312 IH Mears bulldini. d D iiu'IOi.lf. vrroiiM -iosn sigh Hated on re il estate seeuill Vleirs building, corner Washington avenue nnd prui e street. FHV.NK E. ROVI.E. VTIORSEV VSD ( Ol NSI L lor at law. Ituir building, Rooms 13 and II, Wa-hliigton avenue. Win. RD. W VHHFV .V. and Counsellors nt-l aw. Washington avenue. RSVPP, WlOltSI s llcpubliean building, JISM'P A Jl's-SIM'. riOHSHS SD ( Ol S. mllnrsathvv ( oniiuonwcallh building, Rooms 10. 20 and 21 JWIFS W OVKIORD. VTTOIISEV VT I. v. Rooms 314, 315 and opi Hoard of liadc bullilln,-. EDWARD W Til M It. VTeORSl.v.. CKI.1 004, Oth floor, Vleara building. H00M L A WATRI'S, TTORSF3 T I. V, HO Mil) of Trade Hulldlng, Scranton, Pa C. R PnClII.R. AITORSEY-VTEWV. monwealtb building, Scianton, Pa (OVI- PATTFltfeON & 1I.COY, TR DF.IIS' NATION VL Hani building. C COMEOV.S, Ult REPUBLICAN RUILDINO A VV. IH.inilOLF. ri()IISE. MF.M1S 1)1,1)0. Physicians and Surgeons. DR W avenue, E. ALLEN, 613 NORTH W ASIIIN010V DR S. W. L'WIOIIEM'S. OFFICE 331 WAII ington avenue. Residence, 1J1H Mulhcir Chronic diseases, lungs, heiit kldnejs and genlto-urinary organs a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE I, VCKAWASVV, SCR NTON, Pi Courses prepautor) to college, law, medt cine or business Opens Sept 2tli e-nd fur lutalogue. Hev. Thomas M Calm, ILD, prill ripil and prorpletor; VV. E. PlumKj, A. M lieadmastcr. Seeds. O It. CI MIK tc CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NURS crvmen, store 3)1 Wiihlin,ton avenue; green liouses, 1'j'jO North Main avenue, tioie tele phone, 7fc2 Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETiFL. REAR 611 LSCKAWANNV avenue, Scranton, Pa , manufacturer of Wire Screen Miscellaneous. HUTU'S OKI III'MrltV-MUMC 10R HVL1S piinlts, panics, ice cpt Ions, wedJings and ton cert work furnished. For terms addres It, J llauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, ovci llulbett's music btore. MEOAROEF. nitOS , PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, EN v elopes, paper bags, twine Warehouse, 130 Wuiilngton avenue, Scianton, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLE Schedule In Effect ailay 27, 1000. Trnina loavo Scrnnton: 0.45 n. m,, week dnys, for Sunbury, Harilsbure, Philadelphia, BalU moie, Washington and for Pitta burr; nnd the West. 0.38 a. m., week dnys, for Hazleton, a-'ottsvllle, Hendinr;, Norristown, nnd Plilladelphta; and for Sun bury, Hnrrlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington nnd Pitts burg nnd tho West. S.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays 1.58 p. m.,) for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington nnd Pittsburg find tho West. For Hnzloton, Potts vllle, Heading, &c, week days. 4.27 p. m., week dnys, for Sunbury, Hazleton, Pottsville, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J. n WOOII. Oen Pass Agt. Jll HUTCHINSON, Oon, Mgr. Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western. In Pflect June 10, 1000 South Leave Siranlon for New York at l.t5. 3 00. 3.40, 3 00 anil 10 Ki a. m , 1? 55, 3 Si and B10 p m. For Philadelphia at 5 40, 8 00 and 10 03 a in ; 12 'A anil 3 3.1 p ni. For Strouds. burg nt 0.10 p m Milk and accommodation t p in .vrrnc at lloiiokcn at 0 53, 7.18, 10 IT a ni 12 OS. 2 47, 4 4S. 7 19 and 0 43 p. rr. Arrive at Philadelphia at 10 00 a. m ; 1 Ofl, 3 48, noo and 8 21 p in Arrive from Sew York t 1 0j, 4 W and 10 20 a m , 1.00. 1 3J, 3 41, S 15 and It TO p. in Finn Stroudsburg at 8.03 a. m North Leave Scranton for Huffalo and Inter mediate stations at 110, 4 10 and 8 30 a. m.; 1 5 1, f, 4S ami II Vi p m For Oswego and Sra. i use at 4 10 ii m and 1 53 p ni For Utlea t I ll. a. m and 1 55 p m. For Montrose at h.50 a m. , 1 OS p m nnd 5. IS p in. For Nicliol eon at 4 00 nml 0 13 p m For lllngbamton, 1ft 1 5 ami 8 Si) p m Vrrlee In Scranton from DufTalo at 1 . 2 53, 5 .15 and 10 00 a. m ; 3 V) and 8 00 p m I rum Osnego and Svracuse at 2 55 a. ni ; 12 .is and R ro p m From Utlea at 2 63 a ni. 12 33 and 3.10 p m Irorn Nicholson at B 50 a. in and 0 00 p m liom Montrose at 7.55 and 10 00 n. m , 3 20 and F 00 p III. llloon sburg Division Leave Scranton lor Nrilliiiinberlanel nt il 4" 10 01 a m ; 1 55 and 5 50 p in. For Pljnmith at 1 03. 3.40, 8 55 and II V p Hi. I or Santlenke nt S 10 a in. Arrive nt Northniiihcrhnd nt p a ni : 1 10, 5 00 an I 8.43 p in iiiei Nniitlieke nt t) 10 a m. Arrive nt Plymouth nt 2 ', 4 .12 and 0 50 p in. an! 12 10 n in Virle at Scrintun from Norlhum beiland nt 0 42 a ni , 1211, 4. SO nnd 8 15 p. ni from Nnntlcoke at 1100 a. in 1 rom l'ljin outb at 7 50 a in , 3 21, 3 33 nnd 11.10 p. m. St MV 1KVINS. South ! catc. Senntnn 1 40, 3 00, 5 40, 10ft a. m ; 3.3.1, 3 40 and 8 10 n in. North U lve S, ranlun at 1 10. 4 10 a. m.: 1 55. 3 48 and 11 13 p. in. Itloomsburg Division-Leave Scranton at 10 OS ni. and 6 50 p m Delaware and Hudson. In Meet May 27, 1000. Trains for (arbondalo leave Scranton nt B 20, 7 5.1. S M. 10 1 J a in ; 12 00, 1 23, 2.2C, 3.52, 6 25, 0 23. 7 67, 0 15. I 11, 1 1 p 111 For llonseilale and lake Iodore 0.20, 1013 a. tn . 2 2(. and 3 23 p in For Wilkes Ilarre-ei 13. 7 48. 8.43. 3, 10 41 a. m ; 12 m, 1 2, 2 18, J 13, 4.27, fi 10, 7.19, 10.41, 11 .10 p m For L. V. It. It Kilnts-0 45 a. m.; 12.03, 2.18, ."33 and 11 30 p. in For Pennsvlvnnta R R. points 41 15, 0 38 a. tn . 2 IS nnei 4 27 p m For Mbiny and all iolnU north 0 20 a. m. and 3.52 p. m SUNDAY TRMNS For Carbondale 7 20, 0 00, 11.33 a. m.; 126, 3 62, G 47, 10 52 p in For W likes IlarrcD 33 a. m.; 12 03, 1.53, 3.23, 4 42, 6 27. 8 27 p. in For Albanv nnd points north 3 52 p. tn. For Honesdalc and Ijike Uidore "1.00, 11.33 a. m nnd 1 52 p. in lowest rates to all points In United States and Canada. J W . HURDICK, O r. A , Albany, N. Y. 11. W. CIKKS, I). P. A , Scranton, Pa. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In FITtct May 27, 1000. Trains Leave Sennton For Philadelphia and New York, via D. & II. It. R, at 0 43 a m and 12 0.1, 2 18, 4 27 (Iliad; Diamond Express), and 1130 p m. SunJajs, D. k If It R , 1 ve, 7 48 p. m For White Haven, Ihzlcton and principal points In the coal legions, via D k It R. R., ii 43, 2 IS and 4 27 p. in For Puttsvillc, 6.45, 2 13 p in lor llitlilehem. Fasten, Reading, Harrlaburg and principal intermediate stations via D. & II. R II, 0 43 a in ; 12 0.1. 2 H, 4 27 (Ulnck Dia mond Express), 11 0. Sundajs, D. II. R. IL 1 5S 7 4S p m. lor Tunklianuock, Tovvanda, l.lmlra, Ithaca, Ocneva mil primipil intermedlitc stations, vil D , U i. W R It , s 0-i a m , 1 03 and 3.33 p m lor lie nev a lloe hosier, juiuaio, Niagara rain, (hiriKo, nnd all points west, via D A II. R R , 12 IB, 3 l (HI eek Diamond Express), 7.4S. 10 41, 11 ..0 p m Sundajs, D A, II It It., 12 03 p. in , 7 I, p in Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley parlor cars en all li.iins betvvpen Wilkes Rarre. and Stvv 3ork, Phllaelelpliia, Huffalo and Sus pension Ilrielge ROI.I1N II WIIRIR, flen Supt., 2rt Cortlan 1 street, New 3cnk C1IV1ILLS S I.FI , Oen Pass Agt , 2G Cortland stlect. New Veiik A W SOSS1 VIVCHER, Dlv. Pais. Agt, S nth II. tide hem. Pa ler tickets and Pullman reservations apply 10) Lackaunnna avenue, Scranton, Pa. Ccntial Railroad of New Jersey. Stations In Si w Voik Foot of Liberty street, N It , and 'south leirv Vntlmiilte coil uoel cicluslveli. imurlng tleanlincwi and comfort 1IMK 1 VIII E IS I HTlT M .'0. 1M1, Ti ilns leave sciuni n for Sen Yoik, New ail, Fllileth. 1 1,lhi!elhla, I'l'tmi. llill lehem. M lenlowii, Mm h (bulk aid Wh t Hiven at n n ,i ui , e pie-H, 1 2'), evpies", 4 1)0 p. in. sundavs, 2 13 p in lor Plttston and W ilkes II irre, P ?0 1 m , 1 2) and 100 p. in. 'sunlavs, 2.13 p ni. I i M iiinlain I'ark. III a in , t 20 and 4 00 p ui Sundays, ' 13 p m lor Ililtlinore and W.e b'nston, nrd points soiith .ml Wet via llethliluiu, 8 ?0 a in , 1 20 p m Sunilijs, 2.13 p m. For Long llianrh. Ocean (iiove, clc , at (S ,0 tluough ear) a iii in I I 20 P in For Reading, I.ebinon and llarr'ahurg, via M lrnlovvu. S SO a 111 and 1 yl p. m Sunday, 2 13 ii in For Pottsville, s SO a. in , 120 p. ni. Tbioueh to all pilnls east, south and west at lovvc-t lain at tin tat ' .1 II Dili IIVUH.S, I, n Supt. II P IIMDWIS', Oen. Piss A?t New York, Ontario and Western R.R. TIME TMII.E IS IFFKT vl'SDVY, JUNE 24, Ill's). Sorth Hound '1 rains. I cue I eavc Sinn- (arbon- rrl- ton dale'. Csdosla 10 40 a. m 11 20 a in. 1.03 p m. 3 13 i in. 1 12 p. m 5.43 p, in . u 00 p. ni Wnvol vrliondale.6.40 p in. South Hound Trains. Leave leave Cadosla Carbondale. Scranton. 7.00 a n. 7.40 a. in. Tnlns. 201 .., 20.1 ... 207 ... 203 201 S 40a in. 10.02 a in. 10.45 a. m 200 ... 2.05 p in 3 34 p ni. 4.20 p. ni. j-e nun s . i, i . North Hound, Leave Leave Scran- Carbon- Arrive ton. dale. Cadosla. 203 S"0i in. 010,1 m 10.45a in. JUU 7.00 p in vrrlvt C.irbondale,7.45 p. m. South Ilouid. leave leave Cadosla Carbondale. Scranton, 202 7 00 a m. 7.40 a. in. ;iH 4 30 p. in, 6.51 p in. 6.35 p. m Train No 201 makes connection for point! Noith and -mth em Main Line, at Cadosla Trains N'os, 203 and 201 make Walton, Delhi, lliinclen and Sidney connections. Trilns Nos 203 and 20A nuke Main Line con nections on Simdav For (iirlhe- Infonnatlon, consult ticket agents. J. C. VNI)'RsOS, (len Pass Vgt , New nrk. J F. WH.SII, Traveling Passenger Vgent, Scran ton, Pa. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Time Table In Effect May 2s, 1000. Trains leave Scranton for Haw ley, foike Ariel and intermediate points us follows: No, 2, P.I3 a in ; No. 4, 2 25 p ni , No 0, 5 '20 p. m ; No. 8, 7 53 p in SiiihUj trains at 0 00 a m and 2 00 p m Trains No 2 and So 4 connect at Ilavvley tor points on Frie railroad NEWSPAPERS ai THE W II.KFS I) vHRH RECORD CAN HB II sD In Seranton at the news stands of Rctsman Urns, 403 Spruce and 503 Linden; M NorUn, 32 Ijclswunna avenue, I. 9r gchutier, 211 Spruce street. jJTREATNlENTj j7nS."u T. KELLEnTsciaPGATMKrri shanipoolng, Wk facial maauge; nunlcur Ing, 25c.; chiropody, 701 Qulncy,