The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 04, 1900, Morning, Page 6, Image 6

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Put a Piano
In your home row. We are fellltiff oul
our entire .tuck at Rica-.i; reduced .i Ices.
Kmlic praml piano, rtpilar price fSJO;
mIo price
Voc piano. rrRiilar price JJOOj mIo
We piano, restilar price Jl'iOi tale
I.tulwJs piano, rcsular price $373; mIc
Lxidwii; piano, rcsular price $.100; sale
Mirtln nros phtio, regular price $:');
sale prlie
The alove ore all lew pianos and a (juarar.tco
Is fflven with each piano.
Kij trims or 10 per rent. Irom fiove prler-i
for cah 'nmo fine liarcilns in ecnnil hand
pianos, fchcel musir at cost and lrj tluo cost.
Scranton Pa.
Our 6iore room is for rent.
Ice Cream.
c Quart
Telephone Ordera Tromptly Delivers!
jaj-J'7 Adams Avsnuo.
Scranton Transfer Co.
Baggage Chcckeu Direct to Hotels
and Private Residences,
D., Zi.
& W.
E.yc, Ear, Nose and Throat
omco Hours9 a. m. to 12.S0 p. m.: 2 to 4.
Williams Building;, Opp. rostoOlce.
COXCOtT AT PAHK.-Lawrenco band will
give a concert at picnic grounds, Nay Au;
park, Saturday, 3 p. in.
XOHTIinUP HKUMON. The Xorthrup family
will hold their annual reunion on the Northrup
farm at Glcnbum on August II, All members of
the family arc urgently Invited to bo there.
COMPANY AnSOItUl'.D.-Thc Star Hed.ling
company, of 8 Lackawanna avenue, was jester
day bought out by Hravman, Gross ft Co., of
Wilkcs-D.irro, who will continue a wholesale busi
ness. rOl'SD Di:n IN lir.n. A barber named
Huckcy was found dead In led at the Pullman
llou-e In Durjca .vestrrday morning. The man
bad been put to bed Thursday night In an in
toxicated condition and when an attempt was
mailo to arouse him lite was extinct.
DiatOCn.YTS Or Till: FIRST. The Democrats
cl the Pirat Legislative elMrict will hold their
convention at Colden's hall In the SUth ward
on Friday, Aug. 17, at 2 p. in., to nominate a
candidate for the legislature. The primaries will
bo held on Widncsday, the Hth, from 4 to 7
p. m.
PAY-HAYS. The l'elawaro and Hudson com.
pany paid eterday at the Dickson and Von
Storch collieries, North Siranton. The Delaware,
Ijckawanni and Western company paid at ll.o
Hellenic, Dodge, Oxford, Sloan, Hampton and
Aichbalel rrincs. The employs ot the P.vne,
Tajlor and Ilolden will be paid today.
iSTIIJAVLLL TROI'HY.-Tho Stlllwell trophy,
a handsome loving tup is now on exhibition in
the rliow window at Horry's Jewelry store, on
Lackawanna avenue. Tho cup has been offercel
by '.untenant Colonel P. W. Stlllwell for the
best records made by battalion teams of six- offi
cers eaeli with tho regular army revolver.
Clty band of Iloiuidale, consisting cl twenty
JlVicccV, will provide tho concert music at Lake
;J.odoro tomoirow, ami there will be no inoro
jilellgthtul place in this ngion at which to spe-iu
4ho Salbath. 'Jho Delaware and Hudson company
vTw Speedway tlotei
. " Open All Year.)
A first-class city hotel on the
mountain, and solicits the patronage
,of the public.
M Rifle Range is open.
- Carrlageis leave Mears building
.xorncr at 0.15 a. m 8.30 a. xn., 0.15
.p. v. Leave Speedway Hotel, 7.30
,n. ni-.J 5.00 p. m 0.00 p. in.
Chicken and Waffles every Tues
day and Friday dinners.
Breakfast, 6 to 9 a. m.
jjg'jLunch, 1 to 2.30 p. m.
Dinner, 6 to 9 p. m.
Lunch all day In Cafe.
Arrangements for large parties
:by plione,4(j74.
SAHflEL 1 COX, ff&fiager.
P. 0. Scranton Pa.
mill run tialm Dili cli) to Udore at 0
and 11.9-1 a. m., and .1.r p. in., at greatly re
duced rain Irom all tlallons
t.AKK I'OYNI KM-ll TOM01IIlOV.-11ie On
laiio and Wcnlcrn ronipmy will run
nnotliir itmridon to lake lVijntello tomorrow,
Irievlng Ihls city at S.W a. in. The train will
Hop at all nations aloni,' the Hue, and the
fare lutvveen Scrmton ami, Inclusive,
will ! tl for the round trip. Itcturnlna; the
train leave- ro.intetle at fill p. m., nrtlvlntf In
S(ranton ut fl.V p. m. lloatlnj;, liatlilnir, (Mi
(nc and nnm-e incuts fit nil kinds are furnished
lit the lake. The lake is In the hlqli
lands of Wavm- enmity, and is one of the most
picturesque Fpots in Northeastern lVnti'jHiitiU.
List for the Month of July Is n
Largo One.
Donations for the Homo for tho
Friendless for July, 1D0O:
Misses lie nolds and Mrs. NYvvlicrrv, children's
papers; Mm. John Clrntcr, sr., five pounds drip
pings, flowers for old ladlis; MKs Maimlc Zctil
ler, three liamls 1, ukm, hum and crullers;
a friend, 60 cents; Mrs. V. 1). Kennedy, express
wapon, rcadlns maltrr, Mi. II. II. (inne, cji,i,
canned Rood; Mrs. C. ('. ConkllnR, ilntlilnx;
Mr. James J. Tavlor, dinctory for I'M); MM
I'.lecta Moore, of lHmlinton, Wajne county, lmjc
of tlowera; Mrs. Wllllim 1'. Kumedy, elothlns,
home made cookies; Mrs. S-linon Hlie, clnlhlliff,
fruit and vcci tildes; Mrs. V. V. .itv,n, thric
niola.e cakes, dutch cakes and flowers; Mrs
r. l:. Nctlleton, extract of heef and lioulllnn
cap.ulrs; MIm Louclla Williams, clothing,
canneil cherries; I-ickmanm Ihiry coinpinv,
eight quarts mill JNindajs; Olive ('. Kciiiuslv, a
dull; Mrs. 0. 1!. Clark, tun haskets clothing
and carpet rags; Mrs. John roxvlcr, one half
elorcn soup plates; llrs. II. II. Slock, nursiry
clothing; Mr. tharlcs Sililacer, sixteen quarts
Mick laps, C. A. Trice, barrel of vegetables
and bananas; Ladies' Aid society Primitive Meth
odist church, rmilt and groceries; Mrs. Thomas
Dickson, one Inrrel flour; Mrs 1. K. Tiaey, four
dii7cii glacs curiant jell; Mrs. ,1 S. Mr Anility,
to bote's elothlng; Mrs. Calvin Si-jludt, ginger
wafers; Si heuer Urns, two barrels trackers, Mrs.
I. J. Lansing, bibj c.irriigo and tricMle; Sum
ter Avenue I'rcalijterlaii ilumli, crib quilt; Me
Bargee Dros., wrapping pap r and twine; Her
man II. rnichan, Cleorgc J. Stihlheber, tnenty
teien quarts huckleberries.
Desserts for the month fumisheil by Mm r.
II. Welles, Mrs. Charles Schlafcr, Mm. William
II. Marple, Mr. OenrRe D. Smith.
Dr. I.. C. Kennedy in attendance. Dr. Orant
treated old ladies ejes and funiWicd a pair of
Donors for the fourth of July Mrs. .1. Attloas
Itebertson, tlueo Rillons ice ereiiu; Mis. Kllm
Shaugcr, bunch bamms, lemons ami sugar;
Lewis it llellly, two large boxes firecrackers;
Colonel II. M. Holes, $1; Mrs. W. 1). Kennedy,
?1; wagon load of xccetablos solicited by J. T.
llojer; cartage for picnic, Thomas Arncr
Saturday night donors for Jul I). II. Mar
bcrgor, T. E. Carr k Son, C. K. Hon", Jackson's
market, J. D. Ajleswortli, meat; II. ',. Cour
se n, beens, corn, etiawbirrlcs, tomit.ics, blaeK
caps, rhubarb, carrots, oi.lons, etc.; W. II.
Pierce, loots, tumlps, onions, squish, cjbbag.
melons, lettuce, radishes, corn, peus; 11. A.
Pierce, crackers, onions, Fplnaeh, squash, boe's,
lettuce, r.nllsl.cs, peas, stnw berries, gooseberries,
carrots, cantaloupes, turnips; Court House Cah
store, beam, cabbage, radishes, scpnsh, beets,
rhubarb, apples; Lindner's bakorv, bread; Hoi r
wasscr's bakery, bread, pies; A. M. Stoir, beans,
eibbage, beets; W. R. Conrad, cabbage, squash,
beans; W. If. Allen, beans, lettuce, radishes,
tomatoes; Kverilt lire? , rhulnib, fish. In am,
cabbage, celeiy, cucumbers, lettuce; 11, S. Pratt,
beets, snwtli, lettuce, turnips, beans, cucum
bers; T. II. Hughes, beans, corn, beets; J. Arm
bruft, chicken.
Services of Nurses Accepted by the
Surgeon General Sternberg, of tho
United States aimy, has notllled Miss
Mary It. Tlgue and Miss Kate Flem
ing, of this city, that tho offer ot their
services as trained nurses at Manila
has been nccepted, and that they arp
to hold thotnseles In teadlness for a
call within a few weeks.
Moth were graduated from tho Lack
awanna training t-ehool for nurses n
tho class of 1S99, and are at present re
siding at C19 Wyoming avenue. They
are natives of PIttston.
His Bust to Be Presented to the
Wilkes-Barre Elks.
A bronze bust of Hen. Dllley, the ex
alted ruler of tho 'Vllkes-l5arre lodge
of Elks, has been made and will short
ly be presented to that lodge.
The bust was made fiom the clay
model of Sculptor John K. Miller,
Under this heading short letters ot Interest
will be published when accompanied, for publica
tion, by the writer's name. The. Tribune does not
iMvme responsibility for opinions here expressed.
Endorso Tlielr Employers.
Helitor of Tho Tribune
Sir: We, the rtnplojes of the filobe ware
house, wish to publicly acknowledge the
columns of our paper our thanks to our ruiplo
era for their many rorslderitions ot our wel
fare and interest, and who at the same I lino de
sire to do for the public that which is just and
proper, and reall7ins that at the present they
may look in the ces of tho people narrow in
principle when they are in reality the broad
est minded of men. Knowing that the-lr feel
ing in the matter ot closing one-hall day each
week is in our favor, at the same time we know
that their honest business principles would not
warrant their doing anthin ditlercnt fiom tho
majority of representative business hoiiso-, and
as they are one of two of all our many central
city dry goods stores who give their help any
vacation, and to show to tins public that the-lr
mind is broad, they give to us not only one week
but ten solid business das with pajment In ad
vance. So be it resolved. That we heartily emloie
and stand by our cmplojcis In any stand which
they may lake in this matter, knowing tlut they
are ever mindful of their employs' Interests,
Therefore, bo it
Hesolvcd, That a copy of those revolutions be
sent to each member ol the firm and also to the
press for publication.
John O. MeConncll, lliomis C W.1M1, S. H.
Ward, (J. II. Divine, (i. II. M.vus, Ignitun
Xealon, Itlcbard Coleman, f). II. (Jendall. It. II.
Wldteford, Joseph II. Lewis, W. It. .xlms, Olen
dora Thomas, 1). A Tewkesbury, Harry Thomas,
Harry Faust. Kugene Mohrn, John K. Lanible,
Frank C. Huber. Hubert A. Kiiscbwa, Willie
Doubel, K. Davies, J. Mlkus, W. Phillips, J.
Werle, A. J. Davies, James Ilcalej, lMnanl Mc
Cain, Thomas Moian, William Leonard, Joseph
A. Mcllale, Morgan Hawkins. James S, fialhghor,
Charles 11. Fox, James Mi-Vidrrua, Joseph A.
MeConnell, Michael MeAmilty, Hairy l!ec", Hu
bert Mcllale, William I) Lewis, II. Semple,
Will Holla, Wcstley Hicliinonel, A, J. Hutruun,
Helen Seward, Helen 0 Wade, Sarah Cooper,
FUa Jacobs, Mabel II. llurke, Lihc Miller, Jennie
Poirs, Wllla Herrmann, Lull Ctie.t, Mao Tay
lor, F.lla (iormley. Ma) me Gallagher. Anna Win
trrstcln, LI17I0 Mojlet, Ilia Huike, Kathrjn
Hlascliky, M. Price, Nellie Ormni, Mary
R. Thornton, Jemima Junes, Kliubetli Llo)d,
IMith Softly, Clara Hcm, Hockey llurke, Nora
Kennedy, Carrie Wagner. Oorgc Vlpond, H.
Simons, SI. M. Helsocker, Heit K. Rheunan, Her
man Jenkins, Adcl Moore, V. Ilcplar.
Scranton, Pa., Aug. 3, IIKki.
S5.00 to Niagara Falls and Return
via tho Lehigh Valley Railroad,
August 14, 1000.
Tickets will be on bale August 14th,
limited for return passage to August
Ifith, inclusive, and will be honored on
any train execept the Illack Diamond
Express. For further Information, con
suit Lehigh Valley ticket agents
This Is One of Schriever's Ads.
Artistic posing, courteous treatment,
perfect appointments and honest prices
are four reasons why Schrlever, of 110
Wyoming avenue, should take your
next photograph.
Medical Men Who Testified In the
Case of Hollister Against tho
Scranton Poor District Ask $50
Each for Their Services, and the
Directors Are Inclined to Think
the Bills a Bit Too High Insane
Department Is Overcrowded Re
port of tho Treasurer.
What Is a fair compensation to allow
n physician for expert testimony? is
a question that agitated the Poor
Hoard nt its meeting yesterday after
noon. The board decided to let tho
courts assist them in answering.
Some months ago a man named Hol
lister brought an notion in equity
against the Scranton Poor district, al
leging that the sewerage from tho
Hillside Home was polluting a stream
that runs through his land, making
tho stream valulcss to him for many
purposes for which it was formerly
When the case was being heard,
Attorney John F. Scraus, by direction
of the board, employed experts to give
testimony with reference to the al
leged pollution of the stream. Dr. S.
P. I.ongstreet, ot this city, and Dr.
Lynch of Clnrk's Summit, practicing
physicians nnd surgeons, and Dr.
fourtrlght, of Clark's Summit, nnd Dr.
Ilelmer and Dr. Patchet, of this city,
veterlnnry surgeons, wcro engaged.
They &pont part of a day examining
tho stream and part )t another day in
court testifying.
Some time later, each of them ren
dered a bill for $50 for their services.
The bills were leferrod to a committee
for consideration and tho matter has
been dragging along since. Yester
day a letter from Dr. Longstreet was
read before the board, which called
attention to the fact that the bill
had not been paid.
Dr. W. A. Paine said he hoped the
board would do something about the
bills at once, as lie had been accused
of holding them up. He did not xvant
to rest under such a charge since he
had done nothing of tha kind. It was
the opinion of the members of the
board that tho bills xvere too high,
but they had no Information at hand
on which to base a judgment as to
what would bo a fair compensation.
After considerable discussion, the
suggestion of Mr, Fuller was adopted
that a case stated be agreed upon and
tho matter submitted to tho court for
adjudication. A judgment of tho
court would protect the directors from
a surcharge by the auditors.
Yesterday was the first meeting over
which President Reese G. Brooks has
presided since his return from Europe
and when he appeared in the room he
was given a warm greeting by the
other members.
The overcrowded condition of the
Insane department at the Hillside
Home wa.3 called attention to, and it
was decided to asdc the poor boards
of this part of the state who have
patients at tho home to lemovo them.
There were a number of applicants
for lellef heard and acted upon. Mrs.
Moon, of Green Ridge street, asked
the boaid to help her support her two
giandchlldren. Their father is in the
penitentiary and their mother Is work
ing to support herself. Rumors had
readied the board to the effect that
tho Moons do not keep a very ortlorly
house, and Director Shotton xvas di
rected to inquire Into the merits of
the case and give such relief ns he
would deem proper.
The report of the treasurer, E. M.
Vernoy, showed that on ,lulv 1 there
was in tho bank. S0.721.!iR. and the re
ceipts for the month were $1,874.34,
making a total of 8,59:1.32. The dis
bursements for the month were $0.
493.0!, leaving the balance on hand
In the bank August 1, $2,102.03.
Superintendent Deemer presented a
report which showed that the number
of inmates in the Homo June 30, 1000,
was 470. During the month 2S were
admitted and 30 discharged, leaving
tho number on July 31, 4GS. Tho In
sane males are 136 and the females,
It, making a total of 2S5. The sane
males are 109 and the females, 74;
total, 1S3.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Towanda, Aug. 3. R. M. Tladger died
on Wednesday at his homo in Sayre,
aged fifty-live years. He had been
trainmaster for the Lehigh Valley
company several years.
William Rullock, of Springfield
township, being despondent, committed
suicide by hanging himself In his
father's barn. He xvas nineteen years
Twenty-four more men have been
laid off at the car shops in Sayre.
Harry Hnkes, the Sayre boy xvho
was injured by the cars at PIttston,
Is now home. Ho claims that he xvas
trampled upon by some unknown man
and the case is to bo Investigated,
Tho Illack Diamond Oil, Gna and
Mineral company nre soliciting sub
scriptions for stock. The company is
Incorpointed for $10,000, and its for
mation xvas made to prospect for oil,
gas and minerals In Terry, Monroe,
Asylum nnd Toxvanda townships. Tho
prcsl lent Is William Fell; secretary,
J. II. Connolly; treasurer, D. R, Crlm-
nions. Four hundred shares are to bo
sold at $25 each, and seveial have al
irady made a purchase.
Judge nnd Mrs. E. M. Dunham, of
I.aporte, have been visiting Towanda
The Troy tennis players wero de
feated at a game in Towanda a few
davs ago.
Dr. nnd Mrs, Diddle and daughter,
of Ashland, nnd Miss Hlanehe Gard
ner, ot W llkes-Carre, are visiting at
Hon. W. T. Davies."
H. L Tnylor, for tho past eighteen
years a "knight of the stick." has re
tired from the printers' fraternity to
engage In the mercantile business
xvlth his brother-ln-laxv, A. T. Morse,
Mr. Taylor has purchased a business
nt West Franklin. He has many
friends 'n these parts xvho xvlsh him
all tho success possible In the new
enterprise which the new Arm well
Ulster township has been recom
mended by viewers to be divided into
During a hall storm this week con
siderable tobacco xvas injured by hall
In Monroe township.
What might have been a murder
occurred in Toxx-anda on Wednesday
afternoon. D. S. Whltaker, of Athens,
camo to town and went to the market
of J, W. Kline, where ho fired two
shots nt Will Kline, but neither took
effect. The would-be murderer made
ills escape, but was soon captured by
Constable Hollow. The cause of the
fracas Is alleged that Kline had been
too intimate with Mrs. Whltakcr. A
further hearing will bo held next Wed
nesday nnd the prisoner was held un
der $S00 ball.
A camp of the Modern Woodmen is
being organized nt Townnda with a
large membership.
Another oil well Is goon to be drill
ed by tho Monarch Oil nnd Gas com
pany nt Troy.
A. D. Rrown, of Tuscarorn, was
brought to the county jail Wednes
day on a warrant charging him xvlth
a serious crime upon his daughter. He
was held to await the action of tho
grand Jury.
Tho county commissioners are ex
pending $1,200 repairing tho river
bridge at Ulster.
Chief Zlzleman Gives an Explana
tionOne of Them Sold to Coun
cilman Finn and Another
to Dr. Sitterly.
The question as to where tho live
fire horsei, which were recently dis
carded to make room for new ones,
have gone was pretty thoroughly dis
cussed in and around city hall yester
day, and Select Councilman Vaughan'a
contentions were upheld by some.
A Tribune man saw Chief Zlzelman,
the new head of the fire department,
and was Informed by that official that
the five horses could be accounted for.
He first showed a bill of Frank Cobb,
the horse dealer, showing that six
horses had been turned over to him,
the city being credited with $2G0 for
the lot, or a little over $43 apiece.
The chief then proceeded to show
where the other five now are. Two,
ho explained, are being used by the
Columblas, while one of that com
pany's team is recovering from a re
cent debauch, which it went on under
very peculiar circumstances.
The chief said that just before ho
came Into office one ot the Columbia's
teams got loose In the night and one
of the horses got Into the oat bin. The
animal proceeded to gorge Itself with
oats, eating nearly half what was in
the bin. The horse was taken sick tha
next day, and is still In pretty bad
Another one of the horses is being
worked on the road by the street com
missioner, the chief explained, while it
fourth Is now In tho Crystal house as
an extra horse. The fifth is being used
by himself as an extra horse, he salci.
The chief's attention was distracted
for a few minutes at this point, and
when he resumed the conversation ho
said that Chairman Finn, ot the fir
committee, and Veterinary Sitterly
had both purchased a horse apiece.
"Rut that makes seven, doesn't it?"
asked The Tribune man.
The chief replied that It did, but that
some of the first five mentioned must
be extra horses, of which there are
always a few In the department. Ho
was sure that two of the five old ani
mals had been sold to Mr. Finn and
Dr. Sitterly.
"Who sold them?" he xvas asked.
"As far as I know, the Joint fire
committee sold them," he replied.
"Where is the money?"
"Of that I know nothing, ns I had
nothing whatever to do with tho
transaction," replied the chief.
City Treasurer Robinson avers that
he has received no money from any
such source. Still, If what the chief
says Is true and If two of the nnimals
have been sold, there should be some
It is believed that an effort xvlll be
made to let tho street commissioner,
food Inspector nnd city engineer have
the three other horses for their own
use, on account of the large amount
of traveling these three officials hav
to do every day. In tho meantime, Mr.
Vnughan's Investigating committee is
going to find out just what did become
of the live horses.
Remnant Day
Monday, August 6.
The annnal opportunity of securlngshort lengths
of Fine Summer Goods at half their value. For con
venience we have arranged all goods in 5 lots:
Table No. 1 Lawns, ChalHes, GingUaras, Cal
icoes, Kid Cambrics, Towelings, etc, worth c to 7c. "J,
Reranaut Sale Price, per yard OL
Table No. 2 Dimities. Dress Ginghams, Silk
alines, Outings, Cambrics, Crashes, Lawns aud White C-r
Goods, worth 8c to 10c. Remuant Sale Price, per yd
Table No. 3 Batistes, Dimities, Lawns, Dress
Ginghams, Tickings, Cauton Flannels, Outings,
Percales, Muslins, etc., worth i2jc to ijc. Rem- Q-r
uaut Sale Price, per yard Ow
Table No. 4 Silk Ginghams, Dress Linens,
White Piques, Scotch Ginghams, Organdies, Jap
onettes, Lappets, etc., worth iSc to 2fc. Rem- Oly-
nant Sale Price, per yard " 2
Table No. 5 Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, Braids.
Bindings, etc., at less than half regular prices.
Silk Dress Goods.
Rear Counter Dress Goods Department. Ends
of Silks suitable for waists and trimming, short
lengths for children's wear, and Ladles' Separate
Skirts at tempting prices.
415-417 Lackawanna Ayouuo.
As Every Other Item In the Report
Shows an Increase, a Particular
Cause for tho Falling Off Must Bo
Looked for, and tho Only Thing
That Presents Itself Is tho Closing
Up of So Many Speakeasies In Tills
County in Consequence of the Crtl
sade of the Men's Union.
Returns from tho Twelfth Internal
revenue district for the months of
June and July, in which the liquor
licenses are payable, show a falling off
in that item of $2,579.57. All the other
important Items show a good sized In
crease, thereby making it reasonable
to infer that some, particular cause is
to be assigned for the falling oft in
the liquor licenses.
That causo was undoubtedly the cru
sado against speakeasies In Lacka
wanna county, the second largest In
the district. No calculations have
been made by the attaches of tho of
fice to fix geographically where the
falling off occurred, but they admit
that it was for. the most part In this
Their calculations or observations,
however, are hardly necessary to es
tablish this fact. Any one who has
kept an eye on the results of the Men's
Union crusndo against Illegal liquor
selling xvlll not be slow to say that tho
most part of the $2,579.57 revenue of
which the government is deprived is
accounted for by the closing up of tho
hundreds of saloons which for years
paid a license to the government, but
neglected to make any contribution
to the state.
There are those who will say, and
not without reason, that the decrease
In revenue is not commensurate with
tho decrease in the number of speak
easies. Tho decrease would represent
only about one hundred licenses. The
Men's union and others who have been
assailing the Illegal liquor traffic xvlll
claim that this does not represent tho
number of speakeasies driven out of
business by at least a third. Careful
estimates have had it that on the
South Side alone more than one hun
dred and fifty unlicensed places hnve
closed down since the Inauguration
of the crusade.
The figures for tho two months on
special tax collections, which embraces
the liquor licenses, make an eloquent
June, 1000 1M,(C2 '10
July 1000 10.S17 VI
Total $121,480 40
June, lS'K) 113,21 0
Julv, ISM 12.S3S 17
Total ')2fi,(Vn 07
The figures are made the more elo
quent by a knowledge of the fact that
the liquor licenses are, under a strict
application of the law, due before July
1. A party tendering payment after
July 1 must furnish some good excuse
for not having done so before.
As proof that there xvas no general
falling off In business the collections
for July of this year and July of last
year are appended;
1000. 1800.
Collections on lists ....$ 4S.3U 00 $ 50,030 35
necr 13S.514 fiS 118,202 OT
Spirits 4,180 3.1 .1,474 00
Cigars and cigarettes .. 0.5M 10 0,450 30
Tobacco 0,918 25 8,(120 41)
Special tax 10,817 50 12,8.R 17
Documentary 10,1,10 0s 15,055 30
Proprietary 40x40 473 5)
Total $.210,913 40 $219,607 Id
The Increase of 1900 over 1S99, $27,
251.34, Is far more than the average
Increase of one year above Its prede
cessor. Steam Heating and Plumbing.
P. F. & M. T. Howley,231 Wyoming ave.
We will offer great Reductions in
Decorated Lamps and Dinner Sets.
Tail Decorated Lamp and Globe, (t A fc
rose decoration P'Hr-.Uvr
Large Lamp, decorated globe $2,50
Decorated Lamp, with shade to dJl aa
Decorated Lamp, with shade to fc f A f
Tall Decorated Lamp, with 8-inch ( ((
globe to match P 11
Decorated Lamp, with 7-inch globe Q c
to match VOC
104-Piece Decorated Dinner and CQ (f
Tea Sets, American beauty shape pJJJ
Decorated Dinner Set that cannot C J ( ((
be duplicated for less than $15 P " JJ
These prices will not always be
good, so come while they are.
George Y. Millar k Co.
134 Wyoming Avenue.
Walk in and look around.
New York Life
Insurance That Insures. Policies iuconte3ta
able from date of issue. No restriction as to residence)
travel or occupation, ns to habits of life, or as to man
ner, time or place of death. Policies uon-forfeitable
after first premium is paid. One month's grace in the
payment of premiums. Cash loans can be obtained at
any time after the policy has been in force two years.
Policies combine insurauce and investment.
607 to 615 Mears
4- -f
For Golf. For Lawn Tennis. For Croquet. For
Base Ball.
All these things you'll fiud here in great abun
dance, and at prices much less than regular.
This is the time of our Auuual Clearance and we
make no pretense at profit. It is your season to buy
aud save. We cannot help it. We must not carry
over Sporting Goods into another year.
So come and buy and save.
314-316 Lackawanna Ave.
To the
flusical Public
We beg to state that the most
recent Pianofortes by the Mason
& Hamlin Co. contain points of
constructional superiority (from a
scientific and acoustic point of
view) which render them second
to none.
These instruments are on exam
ination and sale at the warerooms
-r -r-
Agency Director :
Branch Office.
Building, Scranton, Pa,
----4-4- 4-
Prices Reduced
One-Half on All
Tor one vvctk, ronimenclnp: Moneliy, July 30th,
wu will roeluce nil Dental work one-hall the for.
mcr prl'e- l'ostlivclv this reduction will only
last for seven days. Our prices arc as follows;
Gold Crowns, S5.00; reduced to S2.50
Gold Fillings, $1.00; reduced to .50
Set of Teeth, S8.00; reduced to 4.00
Bridgo Work, per tooth, S5.00;
reduced to, per tooth, 2.50
'Ihiw xtrcme-ly low rii's vvlll only last for
odd vvrk. Il sure nnel take? nelvantaRi of there
iirlcfs oul have jour teeth fixed for one-hall th
u-ul cut Ten cars' Kuxnntfc on all work.
.SitUfactlon or no p.iy.
Dr. Reyer, Dentist,
SU Spruce St., Opp. Court House
W. L.
$3.50 SHOE
428 Spruce Street.