THE SCIUiNTOtf TRIttUNE-THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1900. LACKAWANNA COUNTY. -n. uiijvv - J--1 CARBONDALE. ENGINEER FOOLED US. acorgo Lelghton was to have bo come onjjlneer of Carbondale yester day, but he didn't. Ho heard about the councltmanlc child's play which prevented a quorum the flrnt night ho was to have been voted for and he hurried off to cot another Job, Just like any energetic man would. So councils will meet Friday night and elect another to the olllce. In the Interim, Mr. Mason will act. An engi neer named Kupp came up here from Scranton and made application for the lace. Mr. Lelghton has gone to Tup per Lake, N. Y., where ho will have charge of the erection of a huge mill And the construction of six miles of railroad. rOOAL AND PERSONAL. The relaying of th-3 pavement along the street car track on Belmont street was completed last evening. J. 11. Thomas and wife havo return ed from Crystal lake. Miss Jennie Purple Is entertaining Miss Cecil Rhodes, of Susquehanna. Andrew Smullen underwent nn oper ation at Dr. Wheeler's private hospi tal yestsrday. Ho stood the ordeal well. Deacon Nye will lead the Baptist prayer meeting this evening In the absence of Rev. Mr. Whalcn. E. T. Polire, publisher of the News, left yesterday to Join his family, who are visiting Mrs. Bchre's parents, near Princeton, N. J. S. M. Bailey left yesterday for North Platte. Neb., where ho will Bpend some time. Giles f& Loveland have a force of men engaged on the "Williams tract, driving a drift for a large vein of coal. Frank Lee had his foot painfully In jured at the Klotz silk mill yesterday. He dropped a piece of railroad Iron on It. John McDonou-?h, an employe of the Hendrlck company, severely cut the Index finger of his left hand while at work yesterday. The Schlevrn tent has not as yet ar rived, but will do 90 this week. Ser vices will start on Sunday. Re.v. A. F. Chaffee will havo charge of the Blnglng. Ro. Rollin A. Sawyer, rector of Trinity church, will enjoy hi: vaca tion at Nantucket this month. The choir of Trinity church will laso enjoy a vacation during August. No week day services will be held In Trinity church and only a lay service at 10.30 a. m. on Sunday. Sunday school will be held as usual under the sueprvlslon Df Mr. E. C. Harnden. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Bassett and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Burr will go to New York today and thence to Halifax, by boat. They will remain away several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. James McMillan are In New York. OLYPBTANT. Foreman J. J. "Williams, of First street, BlaUely, Is quite 111. Miss Lucy Farrell left yesterday for Chicago, where she will spend a month with Mr. and Mis. Frank Farrell. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Foley and Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Cannon nax returnel from their wedding trip. Miss Mame Dougherty, of Bell street, Is entertaining Miss Colertstn, of Car bondale. Miss Jennie Voyle, who has been vis iting relatives at Carbondale. returned home yesterday. Miss Grace Lynch left yesterday tu spend two weeks at Atlantic City. The funeral of the late "Walter Hen ery took place yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. After a brief service held In St. Patrick's church, the remains were taken to St. Patrick's cemetery for In terment. Mrs. D. L. Berry and children are spending the week at Unloi.dale. Mrs. Frederick Lloyd is ill at hr home In Blakely. Francis Flnnegan, of Philadelphia, Is visiting at the Mooney residence on Delaware street. The Excelsior Hose company will hold a smoker in ihelr rooms on Lack awanna, street this evening. PEUKVILLE. Miss Carrie Best Is visltlm friends at LTnadilla, N. Y. The postofflce Is now located In the Maec building. A large V rce assisted Postmaster Mace last even ing In moving the office effects from the Swingle block to the now stand. The united churches have secured the lavvrence band, of Scranton to accompany the union excursion to Harvey's Lake, Augmt 9. The Lake Chapman and Lewis Lake mmpers have returned home, after a jcuple of weeks of camp life. Several of our people are figuring sn attending camp meeting at Arrarat Sunday. The Wilsons expect to occupy their new quarters, on Main street, Satur flay. Troublesome to the Army. During the civil war, as well as In our late war with Spain, diarrhoea was one of the most troublesome diseases the army had to contend with. In many Instances It became chronic and the old soldiers still suffer from It. Mr. David Taylor, of Wind Ridge, Greene county, Pa., Is one of these. Ho uses Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nd Diarrhoea Remedy and says ho lever found anything that would give him such quick relief. It Is for sale ay all druggists. Matthew Brothers, rvholesalo and retail agents. CLARK'S QUEEN. On Sunday morning next, August G, it 11 o'clock, Mr, A. B. Conger will ipeak In the Clark's Green Baptist jhurch In behalf of the Anti-Saloon league of this state. All who are In terested In the suppression of the liquor traffic In our state are earnestly requested to be present. Rev. M. S. Godehall will give one ot his Illustrated lectures on Tuesday evening, August 7, In the Methodist R EVERY WOMAN Mm, WJ uvwiMMva t.iBi MWBiuii tKuMUE uivuiciuv vuij- uaruiiTCD ILUw J the pureit drugi afeoild b bm4. If ju wast tha Imi, get b Dp. Peal's PennvpowaB PiSU VJ They are prompt, aafo and certain In remit. S Tho ronufno (Dr. Peal's.) Dover disappoint. Bold for St.00 Per box. MLXc. For Salo by JOHN H. PHLEPS, Spruce street. church at Clark's Green. Subject, "Homo and Its Catacombs." II, E. Northup spent Sunday and Monday with his mother and slsfcr here. Mr. nnd Mts. Wlllard Matthews spent Sunday with friends hero'. Miss Nellie Lutscy is convalescing from her recent Illness, Mr. and Mrs. Bert G. Smith nnd two Bons, of New Mllford, were visitors hero for several days of last week. Thf W. S. Rogers encampment of Odd Fellows will entertain visitor? from Factoryvllle encampment and others on Thursday evening of this week. Miss Lizzie E. Frace and her friend, Miss Edith Brown, of West Plttston, will leave here on Friday next for a two weeks' sojourn at Lake Wlnola. JERMYN AND MAYFIBLD Death of a West Mayfleld Woman. Wall-Denny Nuptials Petsonal News. Mrs. Abraham Elklns, a well-known resident of West Mayfleld, died on Tuesday night at 10.30 o'clock. De ceased had been nlllng for the pust fortnight, but her condition was not considered alarming until Fridoy night, when she was taken much worse. Her death was due to heart trouble. She was born In Wales, fifty six years ago, and had been a resi dent of this vicinity for about thirteen years. Before coming here, she re sided for a few years at Heaver Meadow, Carbon county. Deceased was a hard-working and Industrious woman, of a' kind and generous na ture, and she was held In much re spect. She Is suivlved by her husband nnd sister, Mrs. David Elklns. The funeral will take plane on Friday af ternoon. Services will be held at the house at 2 o'clock and will afterwards be continued In the Congregational church. The pigeon shooting match held on the East Side grounds on Tuesday af ternoon, between Gabriel Hall, Jr., of West Mayfleld, and John Fadden, of, was easily won by Hall, who appeared to be In excellent form and hu succeeded In killing 0 out of 11 birds. Fadden only killed 6. At the conclusion of the match a sweepstake match, arranged by Proprietor Johns, of the Sweeney hotel, took place, re sulting as follows: John Smith, 3; Thomas Brown, 2; Thomas Craven, 4; John Bimbo, 2; Thomas Thomas, 2; George Trotter, 5; Cud Chesterfield, 5: Jake Van Sickle, 2; Nelson Cole. fi. The first money was divided between Trotter, Chesterfield and Cole, while Craven won second and Smith third money. The shooting was watched by several hundred people. The following Jermynians left yes terday on the excursion to Atlantic City: Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Grlinths and daughter Corlnne, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hunter and son Floyd, Mrs. Rawilng and son John, Mrs. Joseph Tennis, George Battenberg, David Williams, John Roche and Mr. and Mrs. Davis, of Mayfleld. An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. James McKercher died on Tuesday morning, after an Illness of only a few hours. The funeral was held yester day afternoon. J. D. Stocker will leave today on a. business trip to Mexico. Misses Llbby and May Henwood and several other young ladles of the bor oush will go to Lake Chapman today for a week's camping. Frank Jones, of Valley Falls, N. Y., a former Jermyn resident, is visiting friends here. Willie Hall, the Mayfleld boy who was painfully injured In the Delaware and Hudson colliery a week ngo, Is able to be about again. The membeis of Mlzpah lodge, No. 115, Daughters of Rebekah, will meet at their hall Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock, to attend the funeral of their late sister, Mrs. Abraham Elklns. Teddy McAndrew, of Mayfleld, who was Injuied about two years ago In the Glenwood shaft and who has in consequence been confined to his bed since, Is In quite a critical condition. Mr. Geoie Wall, of Cemetery street, and Miss Sadie Denny, of Plttston, were united in marriage by Rev. F. P. Doty, of the Cedar Avenue Methodist church, at Scranton on Tuesday even ing. Albert Wall, brother of the groom, was groomsman, and Miss Minnie Denny was bridesmaid. The newly married couple will shortly take up their residence here. ... Delaware and Hudson colliery worked eighteen and a half days last month. JESSUP. Mr. Edwards, an employe at the Sterrlck Creek, who was badly squeezed while attending to his duties last Friday, died Saturday morning. The funeral took place Tuesday after noon. Interment was made In the Peckville cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Hcffern, of Olyphant, and Miss Ella Loughney, of Scranton, called at the home ot Mr. William Brennan recently. Miss Ella Gallagher, of Moscow, for merly of this place, Is visiting at the home of her parents. Miss Margaret White Is visiting friends In Dunmore. Miss McGraw, of Archbald, was a caller In town yesterday. Mrs. Dr. Thompson, of Plttston, Is visiting friends In town. Mr. Edmund Wieland, of Dickson, visited f i lends In town yesterday. Rev. Fathers Rea and Gorman, of Scranton, visited Rev. E. J. Lafferty recently. Miss Maria Convey, of Bath, N. Y., who has been visiting Rev. E. J. Laf ferty tho past fow weeks, has returned home, Mrs. D. Gilvary, of this place, left Friday for Johnstown, where she will Join her husband, who is employed ot that place. The Athletics, of this place, and the Senators, of Scranton, will cross bats on the Jessup grounds on Sundoy. Wlllard, tho little child of Mr. M. Reap, Is very 111 at this writing. Mr. Ralph Hoffecker was a business caller In Scranton yesterday. The eldest child of Merchant Har kins Is very 111. Pharmacist, ccr. Wyoming tvtnue and DECK Hi The Opportunity Is Here. Backed by Scranton Testimony. Don't take our word for It. Don't depend on a stranger's state ment. Rend Scranton endorsement. Read tho statements of Scranton citizens. And decide for yourself. Here Is one case of It . Mr. Frederick Davis, of 505 Sumner avenue, engineer at tho Lackawanna lion and Steel Co., says: "For two years there was a gnawing pain across my back which bothered me nt night more than any other time. I had to lie In Just such a position In order to take any comfort or enjoy my night's rest. If I was rot careful in turning over, sharp twinges would catch me In the back and disturb my rest so that I got up In tho morning llred and with my back so lame and soic that I could hardly move tabout. The secretions from the kidneys, wore highly colored and contained sedi ment. One of the men nt the works recommended Doan's Kidney Pills to me, raying they had helred his father when everything else lind failed. I sent to Matthews Bros.' drug store and got two boxes. Gradually tho pain in my back began to leave me and when I had used the two boxes It dis appeared completely." Sold for 50 cents per box by all deal ers. Fostrr-MIlburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. sole agents for the V. S. Remember the name, Doan's, and take no other. TAYLOR NEWS. Gone to Atlantic City Coming En tertainment of P. O. S. of A. Left for Europe Personal News. The excursion of the Red Men's lodge to Atlantic City yesterday was accompanied by a large number of Taylor people. Among the people of this town In attendance are: Mr. and Mrs. John Jones and daughter Cassle, Mr. and Mrs. D. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. William Evans. Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. W. Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Cummlngs, Mr. and Mrs. John Jones, Mr. William Evans, Mr. Joseph Jones, Mr. David Davis, Misses Lizzie Reese, Mary Scherer, Mrs. A. Howells, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Jenkin Davis, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Howells, Mr. Thomas Cummlngs, Mr. John Evans, Mrs. Jo seph Coombs, Mr. John Ott, Mr. Henry Reese, Mr. and Mrs. David Harris, Mrs. Morgan Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haddock and daughter Maud, Mrs. Robert Llewellyn and children, Oscar, Mary and Alice, Mrs. William Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Jones, Mrs. John R. Johns and children. Norma and Hector, Mis. Edwards, Mrs. John B. Daniels, Mrs. Henry Howells, Llewellyn Davis, D. T. Da vis, David Evans, Joseph Jones and Mrs. McPeat. The members of Ladles' camp, No. 123, Patriotic Order of America, arj making extensive preparations for their entertainment and Ice cream social to be held In their rooms on Saturday, August 4, when the oillcers of tho lodge will bo publicly Installed by tho grand president, Mrs, Randolph Jones, of Scranton. Taylor colliery commenced opera tion yesterday, after an idleness of two weeks for repairs. Rev. J. A. Moflltt, pastor of tho Church of Immaculate Conception, left yesterday to accompany Bishop Hoban to New York, where they will set sail today for Europe. During his absence he will witness the celebrated Passion Play. During Rev, Motllttt's absence Rev. Green will fill his chnrge. Alderman Davis, of West Scranton, has In his possession sufficient money to pay the vailous vigilant commit tees of the Taylor borough for the work done at the recent borough pri maries, and those who have not as yet secured the same are requested to do to at once. The North End Tourist club will conduct a social at Weber's rink to morrow evening, August 3. Two tick ets for the silk mill excursion will be given away to the one coming nearest to a secret mark in the grand inarch. Dr. and Mrs. Adam Stegner, of Rendham, spent yesterday as the guests of the latter's parents, Fore man and Mrs. Giles Decker, of Provi dence. CLARK'S SUMMIT. Dr. E. F. Smith and Mrs. Robert Warburton, of Wllkes-Barre, spent Sunday with D. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller returned home on Tuesday from Lake Kewanee, where they have been camping. The Slocum family held a reunion In Nichols' grove yesterday and spent u very enjoyable day. The fourth reunion of the Rlker family will bo held at David Smith's homo on August 24. Mrs, Maud E. Stark, son Audley and daughter Hazle are visiting relatives at this place. Mrs. Harry Fritz has recovered from her recent illness. Master Harry II. Smith was the re cipient of a bicycle from his cousin, Dr. Smith, of Wllkes-Barre, on Satur day last. Miss Jennie Laubsher, of Strouds burg, is visiting Asa Phllos. John Norton, who kept a shoemak lng shop In the hotel ball room, died last week at the Hillside Home. GIBSON. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Gibson, Aug. 1. Mrs. O. C. Lupton ha re turned (mm Scranton, vvhero die visited her daughter, Mrs. K. C. Patterson. Fred Harding and family, of Scranton, li vis iting Ida parent here, Hcv. James Merrick and wife ire visiting friends In northern New York. Mrs. Lottie Totter and son, Leon, of Thomp son street, visited at E. S, Balley'i one day last week. Tho Ladles' Aid of the Unlvcrsallst church will meet with Mrs. Irvin Sweet, this Thursday afternoon. James Hill Is visiting friends in Montrose this week. Mr. Will I Rjy spent last Sjndar with his family, who are visiting at C. F. Empets. Arthur llsrdlng caught a black bas from Blandlt.g's lako which weighed 3 pounds, wjs 21 inches long and 1) Inches around, Mrs. L. W. Gillespie has returned to her home fn Blnghamtcn, alter spending a few wctki with friends here. A, O. Van CJorder and E. L. Hill were In Montrose last Monday on business. John Follet and wife have returned from a visit with Scranton friends. A social danco will be held at the Gibson house Friday evening, Aug. 23, ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THEJIAILROADS 95.00 to Niagara Falls nnd Return via the Lehigh Valley Railroad, August 14, 1000. Tickets will be on sale August 14th, limited for return passage to August lGth, Inclusive, and will bo honored on any train cxeccpt the Black Diamond Express. For further Information, con sult Lehigh Valley ticket agents Tho N. Y., O. & W. It. R. Co. will run a special excursion to Lake Poyntelle, Sunday. Aug. 6, trains to leave Scranton at S.30 n. m., nnd re turning leave the lake 5.10 p. m. The fare from Scranton and return will be $1.00. No more pleasant place could be desired to spend a day than upon the shores of this beautiful lake. TUNKHANNOCK. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Tunkhannock, Aug. 1. Some time ago one James I). Gallup, of Centrcmorolnnd, this county, was arrested at the instance of his wife on the charge of desertion and non-support and true ball for his appearance at the court of quarter sessions at TunMiannock. About that time the rail for voliintccia for the Spanish war came and Oallup'a patriotism being stronger than any other claims upon him, he enlisted in the regular army for service In Cuba The case was tried out' In the courts here and a deuce mado against him and the case has been shelved pend ing Gallup's re-appearance. On Monday Sheriff John W. Gray received information that tho man he wanted had been seen around his old homo In Ccntrrmorelnnd, and, taking Coroner Ij. 1'.. Meade with Mm, he went down to try to round him up. Gallup was with a party fishing In the Susquehanna river when the sheriff ar rived at his home and when the sdioriff took up his way for the river he met tho party coming home. Gallup surrendered without any trouble, after Informing the sheriff that he hid been home for about sin weeks and could havo been had at any time If lie had been sent for, and he was then brought to Tunkhannock and lodged In Jail there. He will remain there to await the action of the court at October term. The young son of Qeorge Smith who was run over by a train on the Valley road some time ago and taken to the Wllkes-Ilarre hospital, has been discharged trom there and Is now home with his parents and gets around on crutches. Mis Sickler, of DInghamton, who formerly filled the position of stenographer with Paul Hillings k Company, was visiting in town this vv eek, C. M. Kishpaugh, of the Interior department, at llarrlsburg, was a visitor in town on Wed nesday, lie was accompanied by his wife and child. At a recent meeting of the borough council an ordinance was passed in relation to sidewalks within the borough limits, giving the borough authorities the right to go on and repair or lay tidewuiks for parties who had been notified in regard to their walks and refused to repair same. As a result of tho passing of this ordin ance several new walks are now being laid around the town and needed repairs made. FACTORYVILLE. Special to the Scranton Tribune. rjctoryvllle, Aug. 1. The seventeenth annual Grangers' picnic will be held in Wriglej's Grove, Lake Carey, Aug. 18. vV. It. Packard, of Brad ford, state granger and state lecturer, and Iter. II. II. Wilbur, ot Tunkhannock, will be the speakers of tho day. The Mehoopany Concert band will furnish the music. There will also bo othei attractions of interest to amuse the ten thousand people that will probably be there on that day. A select party from this place picnicked at tho cottage of II. L. Harding, Lake Sheridan, Tues day. The borough council met in regular session last night and transacted such busincw as had accumulated since last meeting. Factoryvllle encampment. No. 240, I. O. O. F., will, with their wives and lady friends, go to Clark's Green this evening to pay a fraternal visit to YY. S. Uogers encampment, who will entertain with a social and refrcbhments. Every member of this branch of the order is requested to go. The marriage of Miss Deltha Carr to Mr. George X. Carr, both of this place, will take place at the home of the bride's mother this afternoon at 4 o'clock. AVOCA. The marriage of Miss Helen, daughter of Mis, Catharine O'Mallcy, of the West .Side, and V. .1. Hoilliy, of f'pilns street, was solemnized In St. Miry' church last evening at S.IiO o'clock, Itev. F. F. Carmody officiating. The brldo look ed beautiful in a dimming costume of steel gray with white silk and point lace trimmings. She wore a white chiffon hat and carried a huge bouquet of white carnations. Her nuld. Miss Mary McQueen, wore a becoming costume ot steel blue, nnd carried pink carnation". The groom was waited upon by Arthur Davidson. After the ceremory a reception was tendered a large number of guests. After a wedding tour they will reside on the West Side. Mrs. Sarah Ljnett, of County Majo, Ireland, airived in New York on Tuesday. She is now at the heme of her uncle, John Garvin, of Main street. Mrs. Elizabeth Caddy is entertaining two fresh air children at her home on S.iutii Main street. The flmonths-old child of Mr. and Jirs. Owen libbet, of the North End, was intoned jestir day in Langcllflc cemetery. Evangelist Williams will be heaid in the Primitive Methodist church this evening, in Ids famous lecture, "The Last llomp with the Tiger." HAHFORD. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Harford, Aug. 1, Mr. Eaton and family, of Harrisburg, arc spending a few weeks with rela tives here. Mrs. W. Lott and daughter, of Forest City, aro visiting here. There will be a union picnic of the two churches at Tlngley lake on Aug. 2. All are invited. Earl Lewis has improved the looks of his residence with a new porch. The Missionary society will meet with Mrs. Watson Jeffers, Aug. 1. Dr. Peck and wife, of Susquehanna, spent Sunday with Horace Sweet's people. The Harford Cornet band will give an open air concert Monday evening. Dr. Fletcher and family and two young men ot Carbondale are camping at Taylor lake for a week. F. A. Osborne, Frank Peek, Eugene Osborne, E. J. Whitney, Frank Carpenter and F. I. Ting ley all attended the Democratic convention at Montrose, Tuesday, NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Iioston 01 innings) It.H.E. Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 02 0 3 Boston 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 03 S 1 Ditterles Phillips, Peitz and Kehoej Dineen and Sullivan. Umpire Svvartwood. At Philadelphia It.H.E. ft. Louis 0 10 13 0 0 3 2712 2 Philadelphia 2 0 0 0 0 I 1 4 S 13 3 natterlej Young nnd P-obinsonj Orth and Douglass. Umpire Sn) der. At New York R.H.E. Chicago , 0 OS 0 1 1 000 S 10 0 New York 10112003' 8 S 7 Dattcrles Taylor and Donohues Carrick and DoHerinan. Umpire Terry. At lirooklyn It.H.E. Pittsburg ,.,.1000003200 4 4 llrookljn 0 0 1 2 0 7 0 0 10 0 3 Batteries I'hllllppl and O'Counor" McGinnlty and Farrell. Umpire Hurst. Eastern League, Syracuse, Ij Hartford, 0. Toronto, Oj Providence, 0. Worcester, 0; Rochester, I. Springfield, 0j Montreal, 8. American League Chicago, 2; Indianapolis, 0. Buffalo, 3; Minneapolis, 2. Kansas City, 17; Cleveland, 8. Milwaukee, 4; Detroit, i. The People's aiAAAAAAMMMAWVVWWWV A POPULAR CLKAKING HOUSE for tha noitilt ot VII WI11 Ilnve Houses tti Kent, Henl Ustuts or Other Proporty to Sell or Exchnnv-. r Who Want Situation's or Help TIiojj SmMl Advertisements Coit One Cent n Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents a Word Except Situation Wanted, Which Arj In. scrtcd Free, FOR RENT. nsi , ,n linAll linltOC Vimi'llV 1(. provrments. Call 10i8 Monroe avenue, Dun more. ion hunt-two comma AT laki: sitr.ui- dam one small nnd one esrrlTwimeil, both well furnished. Address A. I). Wlll.ams, 413 Taj lor avenue, Scranton, l'n. FOU Itr.NT-A HOUSF. AT 12S SOUTH HltOM ley avenue. Inquire hctt dooN l'dn iinvr-ntoNT hooms with hoard, m Adams. WANTED-SIXOKD HAND SLOlMAOHINrTs": mint be in good ordir; itate putlculnrs as to make and price. Address, L. M., gcneial de livery, Scranton, I'a. FOR SALE tort SM.K-STYLISII l'AMU.Y ir.AM AND carriage! good condition. Carriage, Trib une otUde. Tin: r.EsmnxcK or nn. vninnrotf. no. 410 Luzerne avenue, West l'lt'.ston, at a bargain. For particulars Inquire ot LeGrand Wright, en gineer Scranton Iribninc. FURNISHED ffOOW WANTED-A FAMILY OF rOUIl ADULTS DE sires three or four nlcelv furnished rooms nnd liath with running hot and cold water, In select part of Scranton with some nice family; ref erences exchanged. Address V. O. Bov 233. AGENTS WANTED. VATF.iTor.vnxMr:N on laiueh to travel; twenty dollars n week; lso canvas sers, two dollars a day. Mrs Hooper, Arlington Hotel. Call alter four. WAXlED-riltST-CLAKS AGENTS IN LTF.TtY city and town in Pennsylvania to introduce the largest and strongest Slek ar.d Accident Company in the world. Adrtrei F. IL Van Dusen. Supt. of Agents. Bay City, Mich. WANTED. WANTED GENTLEMAN WANTS ABOUT SEP tember 1st, two unfurnished rooms, one suit able for living room, other bed room Use of bath required. Will take breakfast. Befennces exchanged. Address A. B. C, Tillmne olllce. HELP WANTED-MALE. WASTED-TWO BniGHT BOVS, 10 TO IS years of age, to leain the ilrv good business Apply in own handwriting. Address Jl counter, this office. WANTED .MACI1INIS1S, COOD WAGES AND steady work. Apply to the Do La Vergne Re frigerating Machine Co., foot East 135th street, New' York. KITCHEN GIRL WANTED AT WEST SIDE Hospital. Apply at once. BUSJNESSOPPORTLINJ $?00 INVESTED NOW WILL RETURN $1,000 IN six months; prospectus free. Lawyers' and Bankers' Oil Co., Los Angeles, Cal. LEGAL. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PAKT-nt-rship heretofore subsisting between George G. Brooks nnd Robert I). I.nndon, under the tlrni mmo of "Landon Mfg. Co.," was dissolved on the 14th day ot July, A. I)., IIKX), by mutual consent. The business of said firm will be con tinued by Lindsay & Co., who are authorized to receive all debts due the Landon Mfg. Co. George G. Brooks and Robert 1). Landon are not members of the partnership, under the firm name of Lird?ay & Co. GEORGE G. BnOOKS. ROBERT D. LANDON. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETINC NOTICE IS hereby given that the annual meeting ef the stockholders of The Scranton Axle Works will be held at their office, at the factory, in the cltv of Scranton, Pa , on Thursday, August 2.1, ltiOO, at S o'clock p. in., for the election ot otilcers for tho ensuing, and such other business as may proiicrly iom- before the meeting. RICHARD R. WEiSENl'LUE, Scranton, Pa., Aug. 2, 1W0. Secretary. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN THE FOLLOW. ing ordinance is hereby duly advertised In accordance with the law governing the tame. lilo of Select Council, No. U, 1900. An Ordinal ec providing for the Suppression of Tippllrg Shops, nr Unlicensed House or places where Intoxicating liquors are sold, and the imposition of fines and imprisonment for the violation of the same. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Select anil Common Councils of the City of Scranton, and it is hereby ordained ly the authority of the fame, That from nnd alter the passage of this ordinance any person or persons within the City of Sain ton who shall keep nny tippling slicp, unlicensed house, room or place, hotel, inn or tavern, where wines, sp'rituous, malt cr brewed liquors are sold, offered for sale, drank or given away, in violation of any law In this Commonwealth, shall be liable to pay a fine of not less than ten or more than one bundled dollars, for every viola tion of tho provisions of this ordinance. And in default of tho payment of such Sne may be sub jected to nn imprisonment In the County Jail of Lackawanna County for a period not exceeding thirty days. Sec 2. Any arrest for violation of the provis ions nf this ordinance may be made upon "the in formation of any person under oath, and it shall be lawful for the Mayor of the City of Scran ton, or any Alderman of said City to issue war rants based upon said information, hear the charges preferred against any person so arrested, and either discharge or impose upon such person the penalties or either of them named in the first section of this ordinance. Pasted third reading Select Council June 21 1900. CUAS. F. WAGNER, President. Passed third and final reading in Common Council July 20, 1U00. WM. V. GRIFFITHS, President. Approved July .10, 1900. JAMES MOIR Mayor. Attest: JAMES MOIR, Mayor. HONESDALE. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Honcsdale, Aug. 1. Tho annual excursion of the Honcsdale Methodist Sunday school will be held at Lake Lodore, Aug. 30. Rev. G. C. Hall, a former rector, will officiate in Grace Episcopal church next Sunday. Mr, David L. Hovver and party, who sailed early in July, arrived safely in London, and are now in Germany. Miss Lottie Haines is visiting at her home in Scranton. Rev. J, P. Ware and family are spending their vacation at Shavvomet Beach, R. I. Mrs. Coe Durland, Mrs. J, D. Weston, Mrs Scott Salmon, Mrs. C. R. Brady and Misses An toinette Durland and Bessie Chambers compose a party which is spending the week at the West Shoro House, Beach lake. Alfred Schuller, of New York elty, is spending his vacation with his pannts on Third street. Rev. G. A, Place, wife and daughter, are at Ocean Grove to spend their vacation. Edttoi and Mrs. E. A. Pcnneman and Hon. and Mrs. O. S. Purdy will spcnJ next week at At lantic City. Mr. M. J. Kelly, of the firm of Gibbs, Kelly k Company, glass cutters, received a broken arm In an altercation with a striking glass cutter by name of Frank Klegler, on Monday evening. Rev. Mr. Seckerson will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist church next Sunday morning and evening, Aug, 12, Rev. Mr. Williams, of the Anti-Saloon league, will present me cause of temperance in the Methodist church in the morning and in the Baptist church In the even ing, The Maple City band of twenty pieces will give a sacred concert at Lake Lodore next Sun day afternoon, m Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup lias been used for over TirTY YEARS bv MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS It SOOTHES the CHILD. SOFTENS the GUMs! ALLAYS all PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, ami is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by Druggist in every psrt of tho world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Socthing Syrup," ard take no other kind. Twenty-flie cents a Exchange. SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATION WAN TED-BY AN EXPERIENCED girl at fancy needle vuik, batlcnburg and renaissance! also clcikine. C. K.. Too Scranton street, city, WASHING, IRONING Oil ANY KIND OFMUN dry work done at 730 Adams avenue, rtar. WANTED POSITION AS STENOGRAPHER AND typewriter; four years' experience; good knowledge of figures. References, L, v., 'trib une office. 4- SITUATION WANTED AS WET NURSE. AD dress 8. II. , Tribune office, city. SITUATION WANTED TO OO OUT WASHING and Ironing by the day; washing and Ironing taken home also. Call or address L. II., 33, Sumner avenue. SITUATION WANTED-BY A RESl'hOTABLE colored girl as cooli In a nice- family; good woges; sleep homo nights. Address 401 Niw street. WANTED-WASHINO AMI IRONING AT HOME, or work bv the ilav. Best references given. Address 4S N. Ninth i-trcct. YOUNG WOMAN DESIRES POSITION AS WET nurse. S, 11., 'Iribune olllie. SITUATION WANTED-BY A HIGH SCHOOL graduate, bookkeeping, stenography or type rritlng. Address John Grclner, Jr., 1016 8. Washington avenue. YOUNG MAN WISHES POSITION AS BAR tender or clerk, hotel or country; first-ilasa references. Thomas Whlll-y. Lincoln Heights nnd Slone avenue. SITUATION WANTED YOUNG M tf, OER mnn and English, as bookkeeper, stenog rapher, typewriter or salesman, experienced. II. Roepcke, 210 Lackawanna avenue, Seranton. A YOUNG MAN WANTS A POSITION OF ANY kind; has had five yeais experience In the grocery business and can tal'c Englln and Ger man. Address II. E., CIS Lee court. RECRUITS WANTED. MARINE CORPS UNITED STATES NAVY RE crults wanted Able-bodied men; service on our warships in all parts of the world ami on land in tho, when required, Lieu tn.tnt Colonel 11. It. Russell. N. W. Comer Lack awnnna and Wyoming nvenues, Scranton. MONEY TO LOAN. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOW. QUICK, straight loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 311-315 Council building. DRESS MA KING. DRESSMAKING FOU CHILDREN TO ORDER; also ladirs' waists. Louise Shoemaker, 212 Adams aevnue. CITY SCAVENGER A. B. BRIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cess pools; no odor. Improved pumps used. A. B. BRIGGS, Proprietor. Leave ordtrs 1100 North Main avenue, or Eleke'a drug store, cor ner Adams and Mulberry. Telephone 9510. PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDINO, C. P. A., 23 TRAD ers' Bank building. Architects. EDWARD II. DAYIS, ARCHITECT, CONNELL building, Scranton. FREDERICK L. DROWN, ARCHITECT, PRICE building, 120 Washington avenue, Suanton. Cabs and Carriages. RUBBER TIRED CABS AND CARRIAGES; BEST of service. Prompt attention given orders, by 'phone. 'Phones 2072 and 6332. Joseph Kclley, 121 Linden. Dentists. DR. C. E., PAULI BUILDING, Spruce street, Scranton. DR. I. O. LYMAN, SCRANTON PRIVATE HOS pital, comer Wyoming and Mulberry. DR. C. C. LAUBACH, 113 WYOMING- AVENUE, DR. II. F. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE. 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVE nue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIOLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D., L. & W. PAS scnger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor. Laxwyers. RICHARD J. BOL'RKE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 0OO-2 Lackawanna avenue. General law busi ness, collections and loans. J. W. BROWNING, ATTORKEY AND COUNSEL-lor-nt-luw, Rooms 312-313 Mears building. D. IJ. REPLOGLE. ATTORNEY LOANS NEGO- tinted on real etatc security. Mears building, corner Washington avenue and Spruce street. FRANK E. BOYLE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL, lor-at-law. Burr building, Rooms 13 and 14, Washington avenue. WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellorsat-Law. Republican building, Washington avenue. JESSUP k JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND COUN-eellors-at-iaw. Commonwealth building, Rooms 19, 20 and 21. JAMES W. OAKrORD, ATTORNKV-AT-L xW. Rooms 514, 015 and 510 Board of Trade building. EDWARD W. THAYER, ATTORNEY. HOOMS 903-904, 0th floor, Mears building. L. A. WATRE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BOARD of Trado Building, Scranton, Pa. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, COM- monwealth building, Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON k WILCOX, TRADERS' NATIONAL Bank building. C. COMEOYS, 0-13 REPUBLICAN BUILDINQ. A. W. BEHTIIOLF. ATTORNEY, MEARS 111.1)0. Physicians and Surgeons. rETALLEN, 613 NORTH WASlilNGTON DR. W avenue. DR. S. W. L'AMOREAU.Y, OFFICE 319 WASH Ington avenue. Residence, 1318 Mulberry. Chronic diseases, lungs, heart kidneys and gcnito-urlnary organs a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Schools, SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, SCRANTON, Pa. Courses preparatory to college, law, medi cine or business. Opens Sept. 12th Seid for Cuiaioglic. lie,, iiiuiuuii .11. v.iiii, ,.,,.(., jinn- cipal and prorplctorj W. E. Plumley, A. M., headmaster. Seeds. O. II. CLARK k CO.. SKEDSMEN AND NURS erymen, store 2U1 Washington avinue; green houses. 1950 North Main avenue; store tele phone, 762. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL, HEAR Oil LVCKAWANNA avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens, Miscellaneous, BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOR B4.LI.S, picnics, paitlcs, leeeptlons, wcdJlngs and con. cert work furnished. For terms address it. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over llulhert'a music store. MEOAROEE BROS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES. EN velones, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa, RAILROAD TIME TABLE Schedule In Effect .utny 27, 1000. Trains leave Scranton: 0.45 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and tor Pitts burg and the West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, 'ottsvllle, Heading, Norrlstown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Hnrrlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays 1.D8 p. m.,) for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington and Pittsburg and tlio West. For Hazleton, Potts vllle, Bending, &c, week dnys. 4.27 p. m., week dayB, for Sunbury, Hazleton, Pottsvllle, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J. R, WOOD. Gen. Tnss. Agt. J. II, HUTCHINSON, Gen, Mgr. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Effect June 10, 1900 South Leave Scranton for New York at 1.45, 3 00. J.40, 8.00 and 10.0S a. tn 1?.55, S.S.1 antj 8.10 p. ni. For Philadelphia at 0 40, 8.00 nr) 10.0S n. m.j 12.55 and 8.3J p. m. For Strouds burg at 0.10 p. in. Milk and accommodation at 3.40 p. m. Arrive at Hoboken at .53, 7.1S, 10.13 a. m ; 12 OS, 2.47, 4.4S, 7,10 and 9.48 p. m. Arrive at Philadelphia at 10.00 a. m 1.0(1, 3,48, 0 00 and 8 22 p. in. Arrive from Now York t 1 Oj, 4.CH1 and 10.20 n. m ; 1.00, 1,52, 3.43, 8,45 nnd 11.30 p. m. Ftem Stroudsburg at 8.08 a. m. .North Leave Scranton for Buffalo nnd Inter mediate stations nt 110, 4.10 and 8.30 a. m.; l.fw, 6 48 and 11.35 p. m. For Oswego and Sjta. cuso nt 4.10 a. m, and 1.06 p. In, For Utlca kt Lie a. m. and 1.5.1 p. m. For .Montrose nt 8.30 a. in.; I.ra p. ,n. and 5.48 p. m. For Nichol son at 4.00 and 0,15 p. m. For Blngliamton. ln.JS and S.50 p. m. Arrlvo In Scranton from Buffalo ft 1 30, 2 fi:, s 31 and 10 00 a. in. ; 3 SO and 8.00 p. in. From Oswego and Syracuse at 2 M a. m.j 12.3S and 8 Oil p. tn. From t'tlea at 2.53 a. m. 12.33 nml 3 SO p. m. From Nicholson at (1.50 . m. nnd 0.00 p. m. Fiom Montrose at 7,05 and 10 00 a. m.; 3.2(1 nnd 8.00 p. m. Moon (.burg Division Lenve Scranton for Noilhumborlnnd nt 11.45, 10.05 a. m.; 1.55 and 5.50 p. m. For Plymouth at 1.03. 3.40, 8.55 and 11 15 p (ii. Fur Naiitiinke at 8.10 a. in. Arrive at Northunibctland nt 9.35 a. m.; 1.10, 6.00 and 8.45 p. m. Arrive Nnntlcoke at B.10 a. m. Arrive nt Plymouth at 2.00, 4 32 and 0.80 p m. and 12.30 a. m. Airlve at Scranton from Northum buland nt U2 n. in.; 1211, 4.50 and 8 48 p. m. From Nantkoke nt 11.00 a. in. From Plym outh at 7.00 a. m 3.20, a." and lt.11 p. m. SLWDAY T1HIN3. South Leave Scrnnton 1.40, 3.00, 0.40, 10.03 a. m.; 3.33, 3.40 ami 8.10 p. m. North Leave S. ranton at 1.10, 4.10 a. m.j 1.56, 0.4s- nnd 11.35 p. m. Bloomsburg Division Leave Scranton at 10.05 a. m. and 5.50 p. m. Delaware and Hudson. In Effect May 27, 1900. Trains for Carbondale leave Scranton at 8.20, 7.5.1, 8.5.1. 10.13 a. m.; 12.00, 1.23, 2.20, 3.52, 5.25, u..i, ,.n,, y.jj, i.u, j. it) p. m. For Ilonseilale and Lake I,odo m. i 2.2(1 anil 0.2.1 n. in lore-4J.20, 10.1J a. For Wllkes-Barre 4 IB. 7.48, 8.43, 9.33, 10.41 a. m.; 12.03, 1.23, 2.18, 3.33, 4.27, 0.10, 7.48, 10.41, 11.30 p. in. For L. V. R. R. points 0.45 a. m.; 12,03, 2.18, 3.31 and 11 30 p. m. For Pcnnsylvnnla It. II. points 0.45, 9.34 4, in.; 2.1S and 4.27 p. m. For Albany and all points north 8.20 a. is. and 3.02 p. in, SUNDAY TRAINS. For Carbondale 7.20, 0.00, 11.33 t. m. 1.26, 3.02, 6.47, 10.62 p. in. For Wllkes-Barre 3.33 a. in.; 12.03, 1.68, 3.23, 4.42, 0.27, 8.27 p. m. For Albany and points north 3.02 p. m. Tor Honcsdale and Lake Lodore 9.00, 11.31 a. m. and 3.52 p. m. Lowest ratc3 to all points in United States and Canada. J. W. BURDICK, O. P. A.. Albany, N. Y. ii. vv. ultuss, u, v. a., scranton, fa. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Effect May 27, 1900. Trains Leave Seranton For Philadelphia and New York, via D. tc II. R. It., at 6.45 a. m. and 12.03, 2.13, 4.27 (Black Diamond Express), nnd 11.20 p. m. Sundays, D. k II. It. It., 1,58, 7.48 p. m. For White Haven, Hatieton and principal points In the coal regions, via D k II. It. It., fi.45, 2.18 and 4.27 p. in. For Pottsville, 8.45, 2.18 p. m. For Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Harrisburg and principal Intermediate stations via D. k II. R. It., fl.15 a. m.; 12.03. 2.18, 4.27 (Black Dia mond Express), 11.C0. Sundays, D. II. R. R, 1.53, 7.4S p. m. For Tunkhannock, Ton-anda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and principal intermediate stations, via D., L. & W. R. It., 8.08 a. m.; 1.05 and 8.35 p. m. For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Chicago, and all points west, via D. k H. R. R., 12 0.1, 3.33 (Black Diamond Express), 7.48. 10.41, 11.30 p. m. Sundays, D. k 11. It. R., 12.03 p. tn.. 7.18 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley parlor cars on all trains between Wllkes-Bsrra and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Bus pension Bridge. ROLLIN II. WILBUR, Gen. Supt., 2 Cortland street, New York. CHARLES S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt., 28 Cortland street, New York. A. W. NONNEMACHER, Div. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa. Tor tickets and Pullman reservations apply 309 Lackawanna avenue, Scranton, Pa. Central Ballroad of New Jersey. Stations in New York Foot of Liberty street, N. It., and South Ferry. Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insuring cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MAY 29, 1900. Trains leave Seranton for New York, Newark, Elizabeth, Philadelphia, Easton. Bethlehem, Al. kntown, Mauch Chunk and White Haven, at 8.S0 a. m.; express, 1.20; express, 4.00 p. m. Sundays, 2.15 p. m. For Plttston and YHlkes-Barre, 8.30 a. m., 1,20 and 4.00 p. m. Sundays, 2.15 p. m. Tor Mountain Park. 8.30 a, in., 1.20 and 4.00 p. m. Sundays, 2.15 p. m. For Baltimore and Washington, and points South and West via Bethlehem, 8.30 a. ro., 1,30 p. m. Sundays, 2.15 p, m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at (8.80 through car) a, m. and 1.20 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrisburg, via Al lentown, 8.30 a. m. and 1.20 p. m. Sundays, 2.15 p. m. For Pottsvllle, 8.30 a. m 1.20 p. m. Through tickets to all points east, couth anj west at lowest rates at the statist, J. It. OIILHAUSEN, Gen. Supt. II. P. BALDWIN, Oen. Pass. Agt. New York, Ontario and Western TA.TA. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 1900. North Bound Trains, Leave Leave Scran- Carbon. Arrivi Trains. ton. dale. Cadosla. 201 10 40 a.m. 11.20 a.m. 1.05 p.m. 203 3.41p.m. 4 32 p.m. 4.45 p. m. 207 ..-... O.fw p. m. ArrlvoCarbondale,6, South Bound Trains. Leave Leave Cadosla, Carbondale. Scranton. 202 7.00a.m. 7.40 a. in. 204 8.40a.m. 10.02a.m. 10.45a.m. 200 2.05 p.m. 3.34 p.m. 4.20 p. m. SUNDAYS ONLY'. North Bound. Leave Leave Scran- Carbon- Arrivi ton. dale. Cadosla, 201 8.30 a.m. 9.10 a.m. 10.45 a.m. 209 7.00 p. m. Arrive Oarbondale,7.45 p, m, South Bound. Leave Leave Cadosla, Carbondale. Scranton, 203 7.0) a.m. 7.40 a.m. 205 4.30p.m. 5.51p.m. 8.35p.m. Train No. 201 makes connection for points North and South on Main Line, at Cadosla. Trains Nos, 201 and 20t make Walton, Delhi, Hainden and Sidney connections. Trains Nos. 205 and 208 make Main Line con nections on Sundav, For further Information, consult ticket agents. J. O. ANDERSON, Gen. Pass. Agt., New York. J. E. WELSH, Traveling Passenger Agent, Scran- ton, Pa. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Time Table In Effect May 21, 1900. Trains leave Scranton for Hawley, Lake Ariel and Intermediate points as follows: No. 2, 8.45 a. m. ; No. 4, 2.25 p. m. ; No. 0, 8.20 p. ni, No. 8, 7.55 p. in. Sunday trains at O.OO a. m. and 2 00 p. m. Trains No. 2 and No. 4 connect at Hawley for points on Eric railroad. NEWSPAPERS THE WILKESniRRE RECORD CAN BE HAD in Scranton at tlio news stands of Itelsmaa Bros., 40.1 Spruce and 003 Linden; M. Norton, 322 LacUvvanna avenue, I. H. Schutzer, 211 Spruco street. SCALP TREATMENT. MRS. L. T. KELLER, SCALP TREATMENT, BOe.; shampooing, 00c, ; facial massage) manicur ing, 25c; chiropody, 701 Qulncy,