" . jr.-4';. "fflW$$!Pftft. M-f "",T?" TT-'Tyr -j j- ""' "".""m igt i; tm 8 THE SCRANTON TJLUBUNE-TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1UU0. ; 4a a lm v'& Jw fe S2j5i LIVE NEWS OF THE INDUSTRIAL WORLD STATISTICS OF ACCIDENTS ON UNITED STATES RAILWAYS. Interstate) Commerce Commission Gives Figures Showing the Num ber of Persons Killed and Injured by Hallway Accidents Last Year, and Comparisons with the Preced ing Year Nows from Around the Lackawanna Collieries Sale of Bangor and Portland Road Denied. D., L. & W. Board for Today. '.ffures compiled by the lnter-stato iineree commission show that dur- the year ending Juno 30, 7,123 were 'led on the railroads in this country i I 44.G20 injured. Of the number 'led, 4,010 were trespassers and 4,730 thoso injured wero of tho same if admitted passens.'s killed there ih ii comparatively small number. statistics say 259, and place the mbor of injured at 3,442. This is io than tho corresponding figures tin? year previous, when the killed ic 221 and tho injured 2,945. Railroad men llko to print figures iwlng how much safer It is to travel 'i m to stay at home. For instance. ily one passenger was killed for every ! -9.023 carried. And, if you put It on i- basis of miles, one had to average ' ".-.l,r.S0 miles in order to get killed. With employes a much bloodier tale is to be told. One out of every 420 mploycs was killed last year, and one mi of every twenty-seven vas injured. f trainmen and the men working on '"motives had to bear tho brunt of Mese casualties ono was killed for iery 155 employed and one in eleven ijured. In New York and some other states i.'v laws compelling tho use of safety inkfs and couplers on freight trains w ere put In force, yet tho number killed iml Injured coupling cars remains -tiutllngly large. Of the former, there ( re 280 killed, as against 279 tho pre- iding year, and 6,723 Injured, as isalnst G.9SS tho year before. The use of automatic couplers and brakes operated from the locomotive is now very extensive. Practically all .asscnger cars and locomotives are so 'lutpped, and of tho 1,295,510 cars In the freight service on June 30, 1S99, 730,670 were fitted with train brakes and 1,067,33S with automatic couplers. The casualties from coupling and un coupling cars aro assigned as follows: Trainmen, killed, ISO; injured, 5.055; switchmen, flagmen and watchmen, killed, 74; Injured, 1,533; other em ployes, killed, C; Injured, 177. The casualties lesultlnz from trains and engines aro assigned ns follows: Train men, killed, 337; Injured, 3,053; switch men, flagmen and watchmen, killed, CO; Injured, 377; other employes, killod, 02; Injured, C10. Tho casualties to the same threo groups of employes caused by collisions and derailments were as fol lows: Trainmen, killed, 2S0; Injured, 1,713; switchmen, flagmen and watch men, killed, 14; Injured, 115: other em ployes, killed, 40; injured, 325. Around tho Mines. Tho Cayuga, Dodge and miss col lieries, operated by the Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western company, have been shut down for repairs. The operations will probably be resumed In a few days. Opetatlons havo been resumed nt the Archbald mines, after an Idleness of over five months. During that time new machinery has been added, In cluding automatic slateplckers and many repairs have been made around the mines. Tho now coal wabhery at the Hamp ton breaker is being operated slowly and satisfactorily, and when running at its full capacity will eventually be used for washing the culm at tho Hampton, Sloan and Continental dumps, and probably tho Central, also. The work on tho washery at the Ilellevue mine is nearly completed, and the machinery will soon be started up there. With the completion of the repairs at the Cayuga, Dodge and Bliss col lieries, the Lackawanna company will toorutefy Pure Its use is economical and assures the most healthful and appetizing food. Royal Baking Powder imparts that peculiar sweetness, flavor and delicacy noticed in the finest cake, biscuit, rolls, etc., which expert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable by -the use of any other leavening agent. Alum Is used in making cheap baking powders. If you want to know the effect of alum upon the tender linings of the stomach, touch a niece to your tongue. You can raise bis cuit with alum baking powder, but at what a cost to health I AOYAL BAKING) POWDER CO. 100 be prepared to operate all of their col lieries simultaneously, thus enabling them to compete with any of the coal produclnc companies In the world. The demand for anthracite coal Is on the increase continually, and many lance orders nre belnc lllled dally at the various collieries In this region. D., L. & "W. Board for Today. The make-up of the Delaware, Lack awanna and Western board for today is as follows: Monday, July ID. WILD CATS, SOUTH. S.SO p. m. F. F. Btcuna. 10.30 p. in. Hosier. Tucslay, July 17. WILD CATS, SOUTH. 12.30 a. m. Kaftcrty. 3 a. m. Hill. 0 n. in. I', n. Pwor. 8 a. in. J. Oerrity. 0 a. m. Bennett. 10 a. m.V. Hallctt 11 a. m. Fellows. 1 p. m. GilHgan. S.: p. m. D. Wallace. 4.45 p. m. Mann. SUMMITS. (i a. tn aouth McLane. 7.30 a. m., north Frountelker. 11 a. m., norlh Nichols. 0 p. m., norlh T. Doudican. runnta. 10 a. m. E. Dully. PUSHERS. 8 a. in. Houscr. 11 a. m. Mcran. 7 p. m. Murphy. 0 p. in. 0. Cawley. PASSENGER ENGINES. 6.30 p. m. Migovcrn. WILD CATS, NORTH. 5 a. m. Mullen. 6 a. m. M. .1. Henlgan. 7 a. m. S. l'lnncrty. 8 a. m. J. Push. 10 a. in. R. Castner, 11 a. in. Larkln. 1 p. m. Klncsley, 2 p. in. Masters. C p. in. Madlgan. I p. in. Ketcham. 6 d. m. llurkhart. B p. in. F;tzp.itrick. 7 p. m. Warfel. 8 p. in. Snart7. 0 p. m. John Cahacan. Hosier will take O. J. Miller's men until fur ther notice. R.prnlri nf "MnnVitntt Rliftno Many changes are In progress at tho I Delaware, Lackawanna and Western , machine shops, and when tho repairs are completed, the equipment will be up to date In every respect. The high roof of nearly all of tho building has been replaced by a more modern cov ering and more space Is now available for construction woik. Heretofore It has been necessary to adjust tho cabs on engines from the second floor, but this will now be done away with. Traveling cranes will bo put in as soon as the girders aro ready, and all of the machinery now located on the main floor will be removd. making more room for the remodeling of locomotives. The pits are also being rebuilt nnd a brick flooring Is being laid between the rails. A now boiler house and engine room will also bo added, Inci easing the power facilities, and ulrn tho changes nre completed the shops will be classed among tho most modern In Northeast ern Pennsylvania. That Proposed Road. Two meetings have been held recent ly In Wellsboro, Pa., by those Inter ested In the proposed Pittsburg, King hamton and Hastern railroad. At tho first held F A. Sawyer, secretary ami treasurer of tho Bradford Central rail road, and U. J. Angle, attorney for the same corporation, wero present. The object of their visit wus to confer with the business men of the town relative to the securing of a charter and locat ing the line of the pioposed road. The people of Wellsboro were very enthusiastic over the schemo and a week later when Messrs. Sawyer and LIVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL CURES Biliousnoss, Constipation, Dyspepsia, and Llvor Complaint. SUGAR COATBl). 100 PILLS 25 CTS. Sold by all drupslsts orucnt by tasll ii. Ncrvlti Mealed C.,Chlcito Bold by McOarrah &. Thomas, Urug tlsti,, SQi Lackawanna ave Scranton, I'a. IPl WILLIAM ST.. NEW YORK. Anglo called and solicited the subscrip tions, tho $2,500 was provided by the residents of the town. The "Wellsboro agitator says that "$15,000 has already been raised to se cure tho right of way Into Blnghamton. Towanda has subscribed J3.000 and Canton $2,500. Judging from the inter est manifested in tho towns nlong the route of the proposed road tho outlook for Its completion are quite encourag ing." He Has Not Sold. President Conrad Miller, of tho Ran gor and Portland railroad, was Inter viewed at his ofllce here this morning concerning the truth of rumors that the Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern company had obtained control of the Hangor and Portland. Mr. Miller acknowledged that over tures had been made for years past by other companies, toward the purchase of tho road, and that recently sfong Inducements had been ofCc.eri. None of these, however, had neon seriously considered, nnd up to the present time nothing had been done In he way of OllllOlnJandlvl IdC You Don't Care When We Take Our SemiAnnual Inventory And we do not bother to tell you anything about it, as a rule. But this year we shall be stricter with ourselves aud the stockmeu must be very sure not to hold on to a piece of goods at a price that would need reducing after July iSth the inventory time. And as the measuring aud counting is well under way getting ready for the final entry we shall take all possible losses beforehand and sell off the broken lots during the present week. Half the news will not get in the papers because the lots, as discovered will go on sale at once, aud many will go out each day. Some facts you will be interested in You have giveu the store a more prosperous six months than ever before a greater volume of business, which we have been able to care for with less and less frictiou. Our ideals are not reached but you and we are working toward tham. This is a very great co-operation the building of a business for careful people; a store that shall value qual ity above all else: that has grown large enough to be a strong factor in many markets, aud that consequently cau give, and is giving Yet no store shall excel aud elegant things along with CONNOLLY a deal that would cauie a chunce ownership. Bangor New. of This and Thnt. The Delaware nnd Hudson company paid the irlnmen south of Scranton yesterday. Tho Uatber Asphalt company's men are repavlng the stand In front of tlu Lackawanna railway station. General Superintendent IX G. Rus sell leturned yesterday from a short recreation trip spent at Ulchfleld Springs, N. Y A lnrge consignment of mlne cars nre ready for shipment nt the Lacka wanna car shops. They will be used at the different colllailer operated by the company. Master Car Pullder L. T. Canfleld of the Lackawanna railroad went to New York yesterday nfternoon and will make a business trip to Buffalo be fore returning. J. M. Daly, superintendent of trans portation, left for Detroit yesterday to nttend the annual convention of the Kail way Transportation association, which meets tomorrow. Chief Claims Agent P. O'Keefe of SCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. PIES III II it as a style setter, nor show its great stocks of every day & WALLACE, the Lackawanna railroad returned yes. terdny afternoon from Elmlra, where ho was looking, after t-ovcral cases In the Intercut of tho company. Three of the five additional locomo tives recently ordered by the Delaware and Hudson company from the Dick son Manufacturing company, have been shipped from the clltt works and the work on the other two Is being pushed lapldly. Tho floral decorations nt the west end of the Lnckawanna nvcnuo bridge In front of the Jersey Central railroad station Is greatly admired by hundreds of people every day and bring forth many complimentary remarks for this gardener In charge. Superintendent Salisbury began nn Investigation yesterday of the causes leading up to the recent wrecks on the Lackawanna railroad at Hcnryvllle nnd Cresco. Several of the employes wcto examined yesterday. The Investigation Is being privately conducted. The lloynl Blue line trains on tho Central ltallroad of New Jersey be tween Njw York, Philadelphia, Balti more and Washington ore among tho finest equipped on any railroad In the United States, and are liberally pat ronized by the traveling public. General Superintendent J. II. Olhau sen of the Central P.allroad of Now Jersey has Issued a notice offering a rewnrd of J2S for Information leading to tho arrest nnd conviction of any person or perrons who are guilty of throwing stores or other missiles at the trains, car3 or engines of the com pany. About fifteen cars belonging to the Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg lino aro standing In the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western yards, which are to bo shifted to headquarters. They were built nt Berwick by the merl can Car and Foundry company. Right cars, built by the same company for the Bangor nnd Aroostock road, aro also in tho yard. The ninth annual excursion of the Central Railroad of Now Jersey to At lantic City, known ns the Red Men's excursion, will leave this city on Wcdnseday, August 1, at 8.30 a. m. Tho fare will be $5 for adults and $2.50 for children. The tickets will be good to go on all regular trains August I and good from Philadelphia to Atlantic City on August 1 and 2 and good to return to nnd Including August II. Ono of the most enjoyable summer trips through northeastern Pennsyl vania and northern New Yoik can be taken over the Ontario and Western railroad from Scranton to Oswego, N. Y., through tho most delightful conr try Imaginable. The scenery Is un surposssd and ever changing. An ex cellent view of Oneida lake Is afforded from the train and close connections can be made nt Oswego with the New Tor KCuntrul nnd Hudson Ulver rail road or steamboats for the Thousand Islands. CAJAW POND MYSTEKY. Special to the Scranton Trilmne. Honcsdale, July IC The deep dark mystery caused by tho finding of an outfit of Indies' clothing near Cu Jaw pond Is still under a cloud. All sorts of rumors have been afloat and have proved to be without foundation. From tho fact that the clothing was found in the- bushes one mils ftom the water and that the garments nnd shoes wero of a size thar could not be worn by ono lady Is conclusive evidence that they wero not left in the bushes by a person who went bathing or commit ted suicide by dt owning. The clothing- was piobtbly fortnd or stolen and concealed In tho bushes by some person who does not want their Identity known. such a range of exclusiveuess merchandise. 127 AND 129 WASHINQTON AVENUE J Chance to Save Money Here is an opportunity to make a dollar do double duty. Our inr ventory discloses several small lots, two and three pair of a pattern of Lace Curtains Nottingham, Irish Point, Brussels, Dresden, These we must close at once, soon find new owners. WILUMS 8c Carpets nnd Wall Paper. 435 to 455 N. Ninth Street, Telephone Call. 2333. THE MM POWDER CO. Booms 1 and2, Com'lth BTd'g. BOBANTON, PA, riining nnd Blasting POWDER lit do at Jlooslo and Iluib lata World, LAPLIN & RAND POWDER CO3 ORANGE QUN POWDER Elrctrio DtUterlei. KleotrlnKxplotUri, exploding blxiti, feafsty funaai Repauno Chemical Go.'s man bxplo.iyes Low Rates West CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY ON July 9th, 1 7 th, and August 1st, itU A Oiei tht fnllntttinrr mtpK ' will be made from Chicago (or round irin. tickets eood returning until October 31st: Denver and return - - $31.50 Colorado Springs and return 31.50 Pueblo ana return 31.50 Gtenwood Springs and return 43.50 Salt Lake City and return 44,50 Ogden and return - 44.50 Deadwood, S. D., and return 33.55 HotSprings, S.D.,andreturn 29.55 Particulars of any agent, or call at 4SI Brtaduau. Hi" ftri 35 Vint SI; ConoH 107 Smltk'ld St., flttlhurg 601 C.l't St., rklla4,hila 3C1 IVaiMioton St., l0 214 Sultrier St., Clmtltnit IJCamiut Martini, 0trt iKIngStutltt.Ufntt.Onl. 301 Main St., Bjl 213 Clark St., Clao EDUCATION AL. STROUDSBURQ STATE NORMAL. A I'rattlral Trntnlnjr Sehool for Twiners "mi the main lino of the !.. I W. ,11. t In the imat rmort lesion of the state. Homelike mm forts for students; sit different departments ami course. Fine Model Sehool, Superior aihsntaKe. hpeiial InduuinenU. The only uluxil that paid all of thu Mate aid to pupils. An Kintllsli spi-nk. Iiir community. Cultun and refinement, l'cit tloni secured for craduitcs. For catalogue and full particulars address GEO. T. niUUn. A M , Principal. tat Stroudtuurg, Pa. :'iV '. $ lift il Kzm . ML .-..i: n MUWWWIIIS H W M MJ i 3 ". - - -V.' CT I The j I I Reliable 1 KL f4 t 5 rJ Flour that Is white, light I V 1 and of fine flavor is tho kind I S I 1 n in,.!, id wuiiicu uicoq uujro. u i Much of the flour sold Is I C only an apology for flour. M "Snow WIiltA" flnnr Vina Ins- II None of its original good 5 CI f D P V ft qualities. All grocers sell A 2 iLUllLl ! H this excellent flour nnd pro- H I H nounce it the best. ' Ii THETWEiTON'MllVCO. fl 0 kranton Aneownn.-oimwrT- tiiissij I o rf OF Beer j Brewery Manufacturers it old stock I PBLSER SCRANTON. PA 1 Lace Curtains Fish Net, Antique, Renaissance, Lonis XIY. The prices are such that they will M'ANULTY 129 Wyoming Avenue. fjimiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiu I You Don't mm Ml i Know the Full I Pleasure of I Cycling, Unless You Ride a PALDING I Sold Only By fi 3 211 Washington Arc niimiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiuuitiiuiiiic; THIRD NATIONAL BANK SCRANTON. ORGANIZED 1872 DEPOSITARY CF THE UNITED STATES. Capital SSOO.OOO Surplus BOO.OOO WAl. CONNELL, President HENRY BELIN, Jr., Vlce-Prci. WILLIAM II. PECK, Cashltr. Special attention given to busi ness accounts. Throo per cent. In. tercst pal on Interest deposits. 3 The Heller Water Heater, L NO SMOKE, NO ODOR, NO DIRT, ii atUchffl to the kitchen holler, heaU forty gallons of atcr in thirty-five minute, (or less than one. hall the expense- o( any other r;is heater, and one-third the expense ol coal stove heater. It alloui you to disperse with the hot fire in tha range during the hut o( the cummer monthi. i KS-327 TENN AVENUE. I At Retail. Coat of tho beat quality for domestlo use and of all sizes. Including Buckwheat and Dlrdseye, delivered In any part ot the city, t tho lowest price. Orders received at the ofllce. Connell bulldlne. Room 800: telephone No. 1782, or at the mine, telephona No. 272, will ba promptly attended to. Dealers supplied at the mine. MOUNT PLEASANT COAL CO DR. DUNSTCN, 3ii Spruce Street, Scran. Inn. Pa. II Acute and Uirontc Diseases ol Men. Womrn anl Children. Consultation and Itiamlnatlon free. Olfice Hours Dally ana bunday 8 a. m. to p p. m. IAJAA r g 3 e e jj e JJ Ii "