The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 13, 1900, Morning, Page 2, Image 2

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JJlorc Contestants and
More Points Regis
tered Yesterday.
All Are Well Pleased with the Rules
of the Contest Every Subscrip
tion Menns Just That Much More
Pay, Even if One of the Special
Rewards Are Not Secured Con
testants Should Report Every Day.
More energetic young persons wetp
milled to the roll of contoRtants In The
Tribune's Educational Contest yester
day, and more now subscribers were
enrolled and points credited. Every
time a contestant leports he feels en
couraceil, for ho knows that even It
1. Scholarship In Wjainlng Feml-
mry (4 car including tui
tion and board $1,000
2. Scholarship In Keystone Acad-
' cmy. (3 jears) Including tui
tion and board Ml
3. Sohmer fi It l'lano, Including
stool and scarf (on exhibition
at J. W. Guernsey's, 311
Washington avenue) 455
4. Courve in l'lano Instruction at
hcranton Corncriatory ot Music-
6. Columbia Ilicjclc, Chainlet,
1000 model (on exhibition at
Conrad Brothers', 211 Wyo
ming avenue)
C. Scholarship In Scranton limi
ne Collfffc.commcrclal course
7. Scholarship in Scranton llusl-
new College, shorthand courses
8. Solid Cold Watch, ladj'i or gen
tleman's (on exhibition at llu
gene Schlnipd'n, 317 Lacka
vvanni avenue) SO
0. Tele-I'hoto C'jcle Toco 11 Cam
era, 4xS
10. Lid 'a Solid Gold Watch, or
Gentleman's Solid Silver
Watch (on exhibition at lu
gene Sihlmpil's. 317 Lacka
wanna avenue) 30
Kadi contestant (ailing to secure one
of Muse special reuards will be gilen
ten (10) pir cent, of all the money he or
she turns in.
blank. H-nnMitlif r, ilmn
now have un advantage.
who bob'.t
Local Preachers Hold Meetings nt
Entermont Orovo,
Fpffhl to the rVraiiUm Tribune.
Stroudsburg. July 12. At Entotmont
groo, near Delaware Water Chip, the
local proacheis of Eastern Pennsyl
vania opened their fifth annual urap.
The meetings will continue until Julj
Itev. T. J. Kaln, D. D of Philadel
phia, will again Rive Hlblo loadings at
many of the morning services, also he
will deliver a lectut-u on .Monday, July
23, at 3 p. m.
The association has tin- promise ot
some of the best picueheis of the coun
try, members of the vailou confer -ences,
and local brethren who havfl
promised to help In the work of the
camp- meeting,
In addition to Dr. Kaln as special
leader In Ulblo readings, the following
woikers are to have charge: S. T.
Sherwood, of Brooklyn, will be In
general charso of the camp, assisted
by Cotton Amy, Dr. I. II. Wright and
others. Itev. George W. Flnlaw, of
Meichantvllle, N. J., will have charge
of the holiness meeting. MI3S .Toslo 15.
Hlllmari, of Camden, X. J., will have
charcc of the helping-hand meeting.
The Rev. William Wlllette, of Law
rence, N. J., will hae charge of the
young people's meeting, and w 111 be
assisted by Mis. J. J. Faust. George
O. Kline wilt huo charge of the slng
Inir, and Itev. Richard Radcllffu will
be In chaigo of the
Services for each day will bo as fol
lows: Early prayer meeting, 0 n. m.,
holiness mcetlnc, 9 a. in.; Hlblu rend
ing or preaching service, 10 30 a. in.;
evening preaching service, 7.30 o'clock:
Love feast each Sunday morning at 9
Already orders have boon sent In for
tents, and the number of campets will
be larger than ever before.
others are scoring points and he may
not be tli st on the list, ho Is still sure
of being paid for his work. Some are
lepoitlng after securing every sub
set lber and others come In eveiv
afternoon, while btill othets arc wait
ing until the end of the week. It P
much better to bring in what subscrlb
eis you have eveiy afternoon, as
papers will be tent to your customers
the next morning.
A Valuable Pointer.
Contestants should he can-fill to keep
a recoid of all subscribers they ecure,
the length of time, and date, partleu
laily when the subscription Is for one
month, nnd look up the persons again,
as The Tribune will credit contestants
with points for all renewals of sub
scriptions which they have secuied.
For Instance, If a person Is Induced to
take The Tilbune for one month, h
may, when the month Is up, be so well
pleased with the paper that he will b
willing to renew for a year, thus en
titling the contestant to twelve points
additional. This r worth remember
ing, as It will pay to take advantage
of every opportunity to Increase the
number of points.
Illustrated Description Tomorrow.
Tomorrow The Tribune will publish
an Illustrated descilptlon of Wyoming
semlnaiy. Including the course of stu
dies for the four ycais. This Is the
first special reward In The Tribune's
Educational Contest, and Is worth $1,.
M. Luther Michaels Objects to His
Endorsement of Mr. Burnett.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Stroudsburg, July 12. "Fanner" W.
T. Creasy Is In tumble. A few days
ago he publicly endorsed Repre ienta
tive Hodgers I,. Iiuinett, a lawyer, for
re-election, as against M. Luther
Michaels, of Shaw nee, a well known
farmer. Michaels Is making his fight
on the plea that the lawyers mWicpic
sent the fanneis nt Hairlsbuig. Mr.
Cieasy wrote as follows:
CatiuMi, l'.i., June 21, 100(1.
Hon, Hodgrrs U llurnitt, Stroudilmrg, l'.i.
My Dear Sir: I am gild to leirn that ion
hue concludid to be a candidate for member of
the state leglshture from jour ectuut.v, as jour
presence in the next house will vciy mitt ri illy
strengthen the Pcmorritie ilrlrcntlnii
Your integrity, indmlrv, intelligence ami
liglhnee in the list legUlituro gle ample as
surance that, if re-elected, vnu will do much to
promt corrupt! and cxtm.iuant legislation and
promote the pasige of better lain.
As a firmer, 1 vv.uit to further tot fv tint joti
wire true and lovjl to our interest
Hoping that jour taudidu will In' successful,
for the ruMin tint the st ite at luge ire in
tcrcltd in capible reprise ntitlnn, I rciniln,
ours slntcrelj,
William T.
Candidate Michaels, In an open let
tet, today says:
I cannot concclio why 4T.irmcr" Creisj would
try to st imp out his btotiirr firmers lij advocit
ing the rmmitiiticui ind election of mm of otlxr
i)catlons in preference to a firmer. 'Iheic is a
wrong somewhere nnd we aie poitiie that Mir
lner" (renj will not be a part to am nutter
endangering the well being of hij fellow erifts
men If 'Tanner Crciy advocates the cbetlon
et men to otflee of other vocation and profes
sions in preference to his brother firmers, it Is
conclusiw evidence tint "I'.irmer" Creav his
left the moorings of his teichlngs ami traditions
and Is worshipping at a new throne, in which he
declares that his fealty towards the farmers was
never red. M Luther Mhlnels
Th fight between llurnett and Mich
aels Is becoming w arm.
The special rewards will be glvn to
the personc securing the largest number
of points.
Points will be credited to contestants
securing new subscribers to the Soantou
Tribune as follows:
One Month's Subscription..? .50 1
Three Months' Subscription 1.25 3
Six Months' Subscription... 2.50 0
One Year's Subscription ... 500 12
The contestant with the highest rmTi
her of points will be git en a choice from
the list of special rewards; the contestant
with the second highest number of
points will be given a choice of the re
maining rewards, and so on through the
Fach contestant falling to sxure a
special reward will be given 10 per cent,
of all money he or the turns in
All subscriptions must be paid In ad
ance. Only new subscribers will be counted.
Ilenewals by persons already on our
subscription list will not bo credited.
No transfers can be made after credit
has once been Ellen
All iulucriptlons, and the rash to pay
for same, mint be handed in at The
Tribune office within the week In which
they are secured, so that papers may be
sent to the kubscribrrs at once.
Suscrlptions must be written on blanks,
which can be secured at The Tilbune
office, or will be sent by mall.
The contest will close promptly at 8
o'clock Saturday evening;, September 2D,
Teriible Injuries Received from
Jumping on Coal Train.
Special to the -vnnton Tribune.
Factoryvllle, July 12. A shocking
accident occulted in the lalltoad cut,
just above Abtam Wllgley's, yosterd-iy
afternoon, when a young lad named
Slekler, In attempting to jump on a
moInir coal train, fell undei the cars
nnd had one leg and one aim uushed
to pieces. The leg was cut off close to
the tiunk of the body, and the arm at
the elbow.
Ho was In company with other boys,
who have been making a practice for
home time of Jumping on passing
tialns, but had only been hero a few
dajs on a vMt to his uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mis. N. G, Cobb. He Is a son
of Matthew Slekler, and his homo Is
near Mill City, Pa. He was taken to
the home of N. G. Cobb, where he Is
In a ciltical condition.
000. It is certainly a remarkable offer
for the work that can be accomplished
in spare moments during the next
eleven weeks. Those who fall of tho
highest notch will be well rewarded for
their labor, as will be seen bv refer
ence to the list of special rewards pub
lished herewith.
Letters of Inquiry.
All requests for the books of sub
scription blanks or letters of Inquiry
should be addressed to the "Editor of
the Educational Contest, Scianton
Tilbune, Scranton, Pa." The Tribune
rl be pleased to apswer any Inquiries
for additional Information and urges
those interested to write, If In doubt
upon any point.
Write to The Tribune ot once and
secure en's of the books of subscription
Special to the Scranton Tilbune.
forest Cltj, .Tuly 12 At x meeting of the
Ladles' Aid socle tj of the Methodist l'.plscopii
chunh held at the parsonage W'ednesd.1 , the fol
lowing olhccis were elected for the ensuing six
months: President, Mrs John (. Blown; flrt
ice president, Mrs. II. L. Clark; second lice
president, Mrs. ,Iohn Parkjii, secretarj, Mrs.
William Pentecost: treasure r, Mrs Ilenrj" Weed:
chaplain, Mrs. Martha O.borne; assistant chap
lain, Mrs. II. W. Drown.
Ralph Maxson is suiting friends In Illngham
ton. N. V
Mrs. Prank Shaw, of Cooperstown. Is pajlng x
xlsit to her sister, Mrs. 7.. V. C'air, on Main
llay Alexander, who has been working near
Johnstown, l'a , has been quite 111, but Is recov
ering. Martin W'escott, a soldier In the regular army,
arrhed home Thursday on a short furlough lie
fore starting for Clilni 1II father, Jerry Wes
rott, and brother, Truman, started for New
York city Weilnesdaj night to bid him adieu,
as he had not expected to be able to Ids
pirents lie fore sailing,
Isabclle Johnson lias returned home from Peek
llle, where she ins lice n emplojcd as postoltlce
clerk for the pat thrie months.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Kactorjillle, I'n , July li 1'iincnl Director
Reorge W. Stanton has a fine summer residence
up at Like Kewanni, which is ine of the finest
bodies of water in the state. He Is now equip
ping a new niptln launch, which he will enter
tain his friends with this season.
Oscar Wolf, the express messenger, was
a pleasant caller Mturdaj eiening,
Harry Slsk and William llonill were oicr to
La Orange last Monday and returned with twen
ty two black bass, at r result of n claj's fishing
In the river.
Mr. and Mrs C. II. Wcatherby, of Holland Pat
ent, X. ., are guests of theii eliiighter ind
on In-law, Mrs. O. II. Matthcwson, of Main
"Hie Armstrong funllv held their annual re
union Weduesdaj last at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Ahum Wrlglcj, of the township vbout
scienty-six re-lath is and descendants weio pres
ent and enjoyed the festivities, it also being the
seienty-elghth annliersarj of the blrtli of L'ncle
Louis Armstrong, Dinner was sened on the
spacious lawn and all the good things of the
season were there to tickle the palite of the
, modern epicure.
llifc MARKETS.
Wall Street Review,
New York, July 12, The phrso "petered out"
lest cx rexscs what happened to the upward
moiement of prices todij. Yesterday's conslel
liable rise Inlted hcxiy profit taking this
inoiiiliig, lmt uftcr prices had fallen considerably
the pressure from that source relaxed and an
effort was then rniele to renew the bull den on
trillion of jeslerday. When Union Pacific got
up to W It fell buck and was heay the re
mainder of Hie day. 'Jhe efforts of the bulls
were then shifted to llaltlmore and Ohio, which
as aconscqucnce was ruehcil up 2 Irom the low
pel lit. This maneuier pioied un.uallliig to hold
the marked and tho latter part ot the day
flume el almoa' unnlleied ft0(,nation. The ot
firings wcie a mire dribble but eien that could
not lie ali-otbiil by the feeble bujlng demand
mill all the early gilns wne uin.el out the level
of prices generally falling below last night. The
bituminous coil nnd the corn earrvlng roads
Me some Mieiciice of sllcngth, but their gains
wire lct In the late reaction. The steel stocks
were dull and moled uncirtnlnlj-. The market
was cntlreh without anj point of strength on
MhlchTti fix a resistance to decline, The closing
was dull ut.el hea) at about the lowest. The
bund market nntlnued dull and irregular. Total
s.iles. pir alue, t!,r0.nu0. United State re
funding l's, i hen Issued, aril new 4s advanced
Ui. and the 6s Uc in the bid price.
The following quotations are furnished Th
Tribune bv M S Jordan & Co., rooms 70VTui1
Mcars building. Telephone 600.1:
Ouen- High- Low- Clos-
.. , ii a .' isi. est, inK.
Amer can Sugrr nsij llsiej uTH llfc
..Hi-mini iiiuicco jfj'i, (ii oi't. tr.Vi
m: . .Hij. 31S, J2H S.1
Alcli, To. 4, S. Po .... 2(1 2fl', "ij 2(1
i ' T'iI ''', ''r 7l1,i T,1i "'i
llieinkltii Irutlon , r.114 Mlj, 6.1
Halt & Ohio 71 7rti 7UA U
i"" ,,",';'!0 -'''a 2V. -.J4 2374
ill,p, ", f J iaT4 1-Wi 12Hi 125
" i1''."1. ", U4i 11P U0'4 1,0"
Jock isimd 107-4 10S 107 107U steel ,n S JS 3i'i SSV4
1 eeliral stel, pr W14 fi, CA& (4
hin. A., I'r Mi,i ,tji,4 jut 311,1,
Louis k Kn.h 74 7sfj 71 74'4
Muiihittan Lie SU n ss'i sisvj
Met. 'traction Co 110 15H4 160 I'll
Missouri I'aclflc H214 i cpj Jl
People's Gas u, m ti,i j (f. 4
X. J. Central 12t 20 US 12S
Southern Pacific S', rM't U 03
Norfolk .V Western.. . 'im .f, 34 S4H
North, l'.irltlc 60H 6O11 M'i cV4
Noith. Pacille. I'r 71V. 71la 71V, l"2
V Y. Central 120ii V.01i li'lti 1.I0
Out eV West l'lii laij MIV4 ICHJ
I'eiiiii It It 12S l.'flii 1274 US
I'aelllc Mill 2S 2s'i 2S CS'i
"lading 17', I7'j 17 li
Heading, Pr 00 fiOVJ 61I.J 6'iti
Southern If. It 1IU UU 11V, llij
Soutlurn l'leihe, I'r .... 5J14 J2rsi B2'i 6'.'
Term, C. ,V Iron G84 l?H4 fiS CI
C. S Leather tile, OH til), 114
V. S. leather, I'r ..... fsSVi 6M4 fH fifc
1'nlon l'.ultle, I'r 56 Mi Ci'i ri'i
l'nlon I'aelllc-, Pr 76 73 74'-s 71
Wnbash, I'r ls'f, IVi 18 1S
Western Union H)Vi 0li 7li 7'1
Open- High- I,ow Dlos-
WlirAT. Ing. est. est ing
August 801,4 SI 73 70
September Sl SKJ MVi to
August 44 I4R, it 4iH
September 4416 43 4i4 41
August 24 24 24 24
September 2IU 25 '.M'i 241J
September UBS 12.70 12.57 12.57
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Did. Asked.
Tirst National Hank 800
Scranton Sulngs Dank 800
Scrantim Packing Co $3
Third National Hank 425
Dime- l)i posit and Discount Dank .. 200 ...
Hconomv Light, II & !. Co 60
Lacka Ti list .V. Safe Deposit Co. .. 150
hcranton Paint Co SO
Clark J. Snoier Co , Pr 125
Scranton Iron Fence A, Mfg. Co 100
Scranton Axle Works P5
lackaw.inni Dili v Co., Pr 20
Count! swings Dank Trust Co. . 800
1'irft National Hank (Cirbondalc) 300
Standard Drilling Co 30
New Mixlfc. Ilj Coal Co , Pr. .... 40
'traders' National Hank 151, ...
Scronton Holt iiiiel Vut Co 110
Scranton Passenger ltallwav, first
rnortcrace, due 1020 115 .,.
People's Mreet Hallway, first mort
gage, due 1013 115
People's street Hallway, General
mortgage, due 1921 115
Dickson Manufacturing Co 100
Lacka. Township School 5 per cent. ... 102
City of Scranton St Imp. Q per
cent 102
Scianton Traction 8 per rent 115 ...
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II. O Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave )
Hutter Creamery. 21c: dairy tubs. 20c.
Tggs Select western, 14c : nearby state, Ufte,
i heese Full cream, new, llial2o.
Deans Per bu , choice marrow, ?2.45; medium,
$2 30 pea, V '0.
Potatees 45c.
Hi nnuda Onions $1.75.
Flour Uest patent, $4.25.
New York Grain and Produce.
New- York, July 12 Flour hmers nnd neliirs
were still apirt but there was less selling thin
heretofore, mirket closed wak with wheat;
winter patents, f,0, winter straights. .i.S5
a I PI Wheat spot weak: No. 2 red. 87e f.
o li , afloit: No. 2 red MHc. elevator; No. 1
imiiliirn Duliilh, sqc. f 0. b. afloat to arrive;
options ripened weak but quickly rallied later,
Miecoctlcd bv rencweel vveikncsi and closed weak
at l7si2c net elecllne; July closed SSTsiC.; Sip
timbir, Plc : Decembir, fr'i'Je Corn "pot
e.asj ; No 2, 51c. f. o. b. afloat and 60c. elc
v itnr; options strong in eirlv dealings but
hnillv gave way and under active realizing closed
weak at 'ii'se decline, Jul ebi'ed 4'ie. ; Sep
tember, 4'i'4e. : December, 47c Oats Spot
quiet; o 2, 2'ic , No ,1, 2f-He ; No 12 white,
:ilc. : No .1 white, 30e ; track mixed western,
2ir0e., track white, vvestcin, 30'ia3"e , trac'l
white state. 30141 tte : options dull and about
Kteady. Hutter Weak; creamery, 17al'iHe.; fae.
ton, llald'ic , Imitation creamerv, 15al7lic :
st ite dalrv, lOalSHe Cheese Steady; large
while and colored. UV4afie ; snnll white and
colored. il'ia'JHc. 1 ggs rinmr; state and
I'enns.vlvinia, llalfio.; western, ll124c. for
average lots; western, loss off, 14c.
Chicago Grain and Produce.
Chicago, July 1". Wheat dropped 2He. for
the September option tcdav ; repodted improve
ment to the spring crop throughout the north
west and unresponsive cables gave the bears
their innings Corn and oats ruled strong and
closed .practleallv unchanged. Provisions were
lifeless and weak I'ork closed at a decline of
10al2VjC. ; lard lost 5c . ribs, Re. Cash quota
tions were as follows Hour Slew; No. 2 spring
wheat, 711'sasOe , No 3, 7fia7ec. No 2 red,
S2"o : No 2 corn, 4l'jC ; No 2 vellovv, ITJc :
No" 2 oats, 21'ie : No. 2 white, 27'ia2Se . No. 3
white, '27'i.e : So. 2 no. 57a57'KC , barlej, .iPa
42c; No. 1 flax .and northwest, fl SO, tlmothv,
115, pork. 12 60i12M, lard, M fO,i8.R2'i, ribs,
ftitslrflS; shoulders, Ca7c. ; sides. 7 45x7.00;
vvhlskev, $1.2J, BUgars, cut loaf, lf3.7S; granu
lated, 0 22.
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
Hast Huffilo, lulv 12.- Cattle Market string
for good fit steers, 1,100 pound steers, $4 20;
cows, sI2fi4 25; cals, Ik'iaO 73. Hogs Lower;
Yorkers, Vi lO; mixed V 55a5 UOj mediums, $6 50
nl .V; heavi, $5 4515 60, pigs, $5f0a5fV5; roughs,
sS 70at . stags, 'Via4 Sheep and Lsmtis
Xinkct steadv: ramus, Mi.70; no extra Here;
sheep, Pj'j: jcarllngs, $4a0.
New York Live Stock Maiket.
New Yoik, July 12 Decves No trade In live
came, noilllliauv sieani v.anr eery iiccee ur
aiid, veals. 4ai.75, tops, $7: buttermilks, f3j
v 'arllngs and grassers, ii 50. Sheep and Lambs -Slurp
demand: sheep, l.'a25c. higher; lambs, 25
11 'IV. higher, sheep, f.$.jna5 lambs, W,76a8.
Hogs -steady; mixed western logs,, ti.SO; state
ho.', $.
East Liberty Cattle Market.
Fast Libertv, Julv 12 Cattle steadv ; extra,
$;.CMa'jS0, prime, M41aJ60; common, ?3 5IJ4.
Hugs Dull and lowir, hc-av York"ra and me
1II1111H, tt'i 50aa &, lieavy hogs, V.0. roughs, $1.60
n5 Sheep -Film choice wethers, $4 Wal 8.1,
eiirrniuii, M 60i2 W, iholce, lambs, 6.50a7; com
nion to good, 1 50a0.25; eal calves, tl.60a7.25.
Oil Market.
Oil Citv, Julv 12 Credit balance, $125; cer
tificates, no bid, shipments, 05,2!P barrels, ever
qge.'ils.mi barrels, runs, W.oiO barrels; liver
age, 65,621 barrcK
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
Has been used for over FIFTY YEAItS by
IllLI.IOMs ot MOTI1K1M for Ihelr CHILDItL.S
is the best remedy lor UIAHRIiOKA. Bold by
Druggists in efery part ol the world. lie sure
snd ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup,"
and Uk no other Und. Twenty-fire cents a
What a Mi
One Hour
Friday Sales
With best goods at half prices. The
first sale at 10 o'clock. Sales last just
one hour. Read the great list of splendid
offerings. No store ever presented such
wonderful array of exceptional and de
pendable bargains.
Sale No. 1
Begins Promptly
At Ten O'clock.
Sale No. 2
2 ml
2 7-8c Yard forHandsomo Wash Goods
One of the hlgKest offerings of tho elay at
this early morning hour.
A splendid lot of Imperial Jaconets, much
resembling Lawns, In pretty patterns of
blues and pinks, also in black and
white. Ready at 10 o'clock For one
hour 2C
39c for Splendid Rain Umbrellas
You're going on picnics and excursions; you
don't want to carry a good silk umbrella; so
this sale.
A lot of two hundred and flfty Umbrel
las, made with solid Iron frames, and
covered In best quality of mercerized cot
ton, much resembling silk. Pretty han
dles, and better than most stores would
sell you at 75 cents. Ready at 10
o'clock For one hour 39c
5c Yard for Fine Whito Nainsook
Reen waiting to buy a White Dress for sum
mer at little cost? Don't need to wait after
Two thousand yards of fine quality white
Checked Nainsooks, in a great variety of
very pretty patterns. Some In ilch lace
effects, Ready at 10 o'clock For
one hour 5C
Begins Promptly
At Elc ) en O'clock.
Sale No. 3
Begins Promptly
At Two O'clock.
S 7-8c Yard for Exquisite Lacos
No matter what the
garment mnv bo this
irOft lv$& reason, It Is incom-
J, i r-f$v?V ' witnout an
''ijr ' -SjJfMuXtrt ftDl,ndance of lace
lfM trimming.
'K4MP vre offer t0-
S&tiPM new nml beautl-
iMwc fey fui lot ot nnr.
jf$te&iV f bi? hand-woven Tor-
ii$P ohon Laces, In
an entirely new
range of styles and patterns, and In va
rious and suited widths for trimmings.
Ready at 11 o'clock For on'
hof 2j$c
7c Pair for Women's Black Hosiery
One need never fear of having too many
pairs of stockings, especially with a chance
like this one.
This morning we shall offer a
thousand pairs of fine quality Rlack
Stockings, full fashioned and regular
made, solid fast black, and In every size.
Would be good value at a shilling.
Ready at 11 o'clock For one hour., 7c
4 7-8c for Everett's Classics
Ginghams of the finest sorts, that bear the
trade mark of one of the world's most re
nowned makers.
Two thousand yards of Everett's Classic
Olnghams, In every style and pattern
that Is pretty and becoming to any taste.
Kxquislte for dresses and sold In som
stores as high as 10c. Ready at 1
o'clock For one hour 4C
14 l-2c Yard for Fancy Taffeta Ribbons
There'll be a great flutter of Ribbons today
when this phenomenal purchasp goes on sale.
Almost Three Thousand Yards of the
daintiest and richest of taffeta ribbons;
some In frolld colors and a great many
In the newest patterns of fancies, Includ
ing the lacy effects and 'those In bright
colors with the tiny black stripes. In
widths up to 5 nnd 6 Inches, and worth In
any store In America up to 35 cents
the ard. Ready at 2 o'clock
For one hour 14C
35c Half Price for Shirt Waists
These are not "cheap" waists In any sense.
We want to Impress upon you befoie
we particularize.
Six hundred In this lot of fine new, crisp,
clean Shirt Waists, right from the fac
tory. Made of finest Percales and Lawns
in a variety of styles with laundered col
lars and cuffs. Part of them have daint
ily plated fronts. Worth C9c.
Ready at 2 o'clock For one hour.. 35c
Great Basement Sale
Of House Furnishings
None of the hourly sales eclipse these In the
basement, 'when the best class of Household
Utensils are sold at fully One Half their real
values. Read.
It on and porcelain lined. Full 2' quart
size; just the thing for canning.
Worth ISc. To go at 9c
granite, full 3-quart size, covered and
seamless. Best ware and worth
25c. Ready nt 2 o'clock ISc
FINE WHITE DISHES, one of the day's
greatest sales. White Porcelain Uakeis,
Dishes, Gravy Roats, Salad Dishes,
Rowls, Platters and Plates, worth up to
22c. the piece. Your choice of the
big lot at 2 o'clock Qc
TIN PINT CUPS; made of the best
American tin, pressed into shape, will
not leak. Full size and worth 4c.
Three to a buyer, at each 1c
LEMONADE SETS or Water Sots, con
slating of Jug and Glasses In blue, white
or amber. Have never sold under
85 c. the set. Friday 44c
WOODENWARE: Another great sale,
which gives you choice of Polished Tow el
Rollers, OH finished Maple Howls; Hat
Racks, with nickel hooks, Rolling Pins,
with turnable handles; Slaw Cutters,
Towel Arms and Meat Pounders,
Your choice at 2 o'clock for 7c
Big July
Clearing Sales
Which affect every department in
the store, Everything in Summer Goods
must go at some price. It is a phenom
enal chance to buy and to save. No
other store ever offered so7 much for so
little in the month of July.
Sale No. 4
Begins Promptly
At Three O'clock.
IhT. rr -j!fa
Kg " "TjLVH
t r- "t'Tr7'vA
t v '
Jr "l , j
Sale No. 5
It ft 4
Bex Ins Promptly
At Four O'clock'.
70c for $1.50 and $2 Oxfbrd Ties
Oxfords are
coolest and
dressiest in
Summer. Can't
you afford two
or three pairs
nt this urlce?
The lot
consists of
over Six
Hun d r e '1
Pairs of
tho finest
Do n g o 1 a
O x f o r d s
for wnrnftr,
Sple ndldlv
made from
cho I c e a t
stock niirl rrettily fashioned, Just like
cut. Nn or what your size may be
long or . rt, wide or narrow you'll
find It In this Friday lot. The accom
panying cut Is a perfect picture of the
styles. Yes, we think them worth $1.50
and $2. Ready at 3 o'clock
for one hour 79c
14c for Embroideries Worth Up to 80c
You might doubt that statement, If It didn't
come from here. Rear In mind we never ex
There ARE Embroideries In this lot
worth by all fair standards up to 50c. the
yard. None of them are worth less than
23c. to 3,'c. It Is the narrow and exqui
site patterns that entail the greatest
work and hence tho most cost. But you
may choose as pleases you best. Some
of them are wide enough for flounces.
Rendy at 3 o'clock For one
hour 14c
8 l-2c for Big Turkish Towols
Might as well take a bath In olive oil as to
be without a Turkish Towel. Comfortable
and luxurious.
Close on to Two Thousand of them will
go today. Great big ones, very heavy,
fully 1H yards In length. Almost big
enough for a bath robe. Sold In all
stores at 15c. Ready at 3 o'clock
for one hour "2
39c Yard for Fine Ail-Over Laces
If you want to be strictly "In it," make
yourself a Shirt Waist from an All-Over
Lace Pattern.
The chance li yours today. About twenty-five
pieces of very rich All-Over
Laces, In some of the prettiest patterns
the writer has ever seen.tXardly a yard
In the lot that is worth less than 75
cents to 90 cents. Ready at 3
o'clock, for one hour 39C
30c Yard for Finest Japanese Silks
It might be well to take a walk around the
block and try to buy these Silks for any
thing like this price,
Japanese Silks of the finest quality and
In a full range of colorings, fast dye and
strictly all silk. Just the thing to make
up Into waists for Summer wear. Would
be cheap at 59c. yard. Ready Rt
3 o'clock for one hour 3 'C
25c for Women's 50c Sailor Hats
A special' purchase at a very special price
means that you will get great values In this
Friday lot. Enough for all
who come at three o'clock. Finest Jumbo
Braid Sailors, made with double edge
brim and finished with band of ribbon
in either blue or black. Positively
worth 50c. Ready at 3 o'clock .... 25C
40c for Women's Fine Wash Skirts
Suppose the advertiser should call them Un
derskirts, as that Is what they are In the
strict sense,
A big lot of them made of finest quality
of plain and pique striped dimities In a
great variety of striped and figured ef
fects. We term them regular $1 skirts.
Hardly any store sells them for less
than that. Ready at 4 o'clock, for
one hour 49C
50c for Telescope Bags, All Sizes
Going away? You'll want a telescope. You
can get more clothes In one than In an
ordinary trunk;
These are made of heaviest canvas, with
full leather corners, three straps all
aiound, brass riveted caps, hand-sewed
leather handles nnd double ends. Sizes
16-Inch nnd up to 26-inch you may take
your choice. Ready at 4 o'clock,
for one hour 59C
$1.25 for Boys' Fine Vostoo Suits
From one ot the best of makers.whlch means
they are full of style, splendidly made and
Two hundred of them half are in the
Vestee style and half are double-breasted.
They come In a great variety of pat
terns, beautifully tailored and In every
size. They would be very cheap If of
fered at $2 or $2.50. Ready at 4
o'clock For one hour $1.25
Clearance Sale of Carpet Remnants
Some room, perhaps, that you want to cover
and do It cheaply. You may find Just the
length in this lot.
REMNANTS of Tapestry Brussels In
lengths of from one yard to 15
yards at yurd 59c
REMNANTS of Axmlnsters, W.itons,
Velvets and Body Brussels In richest
patterns and lengths up to 15 yards.
Ready at 4 o'clock On tho third
floor. Per yard 79C
S 9
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