The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 07, 1900, Morning, Page 6, Image 6

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Put a Piano
In your home, row. are wllln out
our entire itoclt t greatly reduced pricn.
nn. rrr'sn w
am, Jyy-. I
"tip1 'vl I
T Afr ' I
v IS- rrA
Knibe Bnnil piano, regular rrleo WW $700
sale price yvw
Vose piano, regular price $300; sale 17fJ
Voc piano, regular price ?1 j0; silo ISO
price rw
Luilnle piano, regu'ar price f'73s sale 300
price www
lAidwiir piano, rcjtular price $.W; alo 7A()
price -rw
Martin Ilro piano, regular price i?2S0; 70 fi
tale price xuu
The aboc arc all lew piano and n guarantee
I gum with tail) piino
Ka terms or 10 pir tent frrtm aboii prior
for (ash. Viiih fine Inrg.iins In second hind
pianos Micct miilc at tost and less tlian cost,
Scranton Pa.
Our store room Is for rei.t.
Telephone Orders Promptly Dallveroi
2yiij Adams Avenua.
Scranton Transfer Co.
Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels
and Private Residences.
Office, D., L. & W. Passenger
Station. Phone 525.
clu 5
Gold Filling $1
Best Set of Teeth $5
Silver Filling 50c
Good Care.
Good earo of the teeth does much to
preserve them, but the dentist does
more. He can direct you In that care
and, by examination, prevent you from
suffering and Inconveniences.
Open Wednesday and Saturday evcnlnss.
Fye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Office Hourn 9 a. m. to 12.30 p. m.; 3 to 4.
Williams Building, Opp. Poatofflee.
TO MKKT TOIUY. Members ot Compiiiy A,
Tliiiticnth riKlnunt, are requcud tu inirt at
Hie armory t 1.30 today to atend the luntrul
of the late Howard Tripp.
MOVllI) HIS (Jl'AUTKHs. Vttnmey M. J. Mar
tin, nhoso iilHci In the Coal I'.xdunce was
daniaccd by Arc, It located temporarily in Attor
ney Joseph O'llrien's oHliu.
KYIS HntNKI.-r I". Hamilton, tralnmas
tir of the Latkananna, lift jr.tirday fur hit
heme ill l'attiKon, . ,). Ids n, n celebrating
tlirourthi Injurtsl one of liU ejes o severely
that he may lose bin tight.
(pTK1NITIOX KlVlrOKi).-Tho ttirpor-arji'-orcanlritlin
ot the Itial roumll ol the
Catholic llcnewilrnt l.irion.'now bclns furnied,
haslcon rostponcd until Suudi) afternoon at
t o'clock In M Ilium.!' College hall. The per
nianjnt oi;.iniitioii it to be effected uii Jlon-
The Speedway hotel
(Open All Year.)
Track open for Gentlemen's Itaces
ovejy Wednesday and Saturday Af
ternoons. lUfle73tijnge is open. Quoits, Dumb
Befls, Throwing Hammer, and Shot.
All Erie and Wyoming railroad
trains stop nt Speedway crossing.
Breakfast, 6 to 9 a. m.
w Lunch, i to 3.30 p. m.
Dinner, 6 to 9 p. m.
Lunch all day in Cafe.
AVrangements for lorge parties
by phone, -1674.
SAMUEL B.' COX, Manager,
P, O. Scranton Pa.
Ice Cream
qjc Quart.
l( '. .kYsAtSl ?oV e
day evrnlnfr, July in. In the meantime nppll
rani for membership arc beltis examined by
Vt. John T. Mctlrath.
flllKAT HASH HALL VltOMISKIl. All those
base ball patiom of the city who Jtlll hunger
for the fight of n came should attend the
eonliit at Athletic iirk this alternoon, nliin
the Court House clerk and City Hall tmploje,
will meet on the diamond. A name H
AfTl'sr.D OK ASSXfl.T. Aldennin Kassoti
yesterday luld Tliomis Kupskl, of Prlceburij,
In .!00 lull on the chaw of awanlt and bat
tery and attempt to kill, preterm! by John
llahresls, anothir I'rltrlniric man. Tlie latter
declares that Kupski ftrick him with a loaded
club and a beer it'-i'-
TIlll'I' rt'NKIl t.. The remains of the lite
Howard Tripp, of B27 Vine street, who was
drowned Wtdntddiy in Lake Krlc, wire brought
to thU rlt Jestcrdaj, from Cleel.ind, and will
be sien intirmcnt this atteiiioen at Koicst II 111
cemetery. Snlccs will be fondwtid at the
lionie. A maw of bciutlful flmiers and
pieces accompanied the rrmalns from ( lculand.
PAY DVYS. The Delaware, Uiekawanni and
Western (unipany paid Its emplo.KK jesterdi at
the car shops and l'jne, Tajlnr and HoliUu
mines. Today the mn at the iiiu'ldnc shops,
stons' departiiKiits and C.ijuai and llrihln
thafts will reeelie their month's w.ikcs. Tlie
Delaware and Hudson paid jestirday at the Oly
pliant and IMdy Clirk miiics.
OVIIIir IIMKIKI) Ullli:. An inrriharifcil dec
trie liuht wire in fri'lit of Kranur Itrothers' store.
Hit lickawanni aMimc, burned oil its insulation
about 0 o'clock p. m. Jesluday aial, coming In
fontiet with the frame work of the onl'nr,
Mr.lul and fumed to null an c.slilit that It
was dcimcd expedient to send for the Phoinlx
(iimleal lompatiy. As soon as the wire was
cut the blither subsided.
KAMII.Y (jrAltltni,. The Kickawaiurt liospl.
tal was notified late Thursdiy nluht of an aici
dent at Hull's, North Niautou, and the
amliiilaiue repondisl to the call. On arrbln.!
at Hull's Head. Mrs. 1'atrlik ('ulllffin was found
with lur two e.Ms beautifully blukid and her
Up badly int, the n suit ot a iiiUundirstaiidlnj!
with lur liiisbaml. Hie cut in the lip wis mwciI
up, alter which Dr. IIiim.Ii and the niiibul mec
dqnrtid. Collliran Is the man who sturul
months aijo wis taken to the hospital sulTerini;
from Injuiiis re(eied by filllm; from a sluct
car. l'rom the liospital he was sent to the Hill
side Home and noontly was dismissed from that
Institution, lie Is a ury laii-'o nnn, wdKliini;
about 2s0 pounds.
Sheilff and Mrs. Pryor Spent p.
Week nt the Paris Expjosltion.
Sheriff's Opinion of It.
Sheriff and Mrs. Clarence K. Pryor
nml Mrs. Pryor's oousln, Jlrs. V. II.
Hlnes, of PiiHs.iiU'tia, Cal., returned
yohterday from a three months' trlu
throiiKh Europe. They had a most enjoyable-
time, free from any mishap to
mar even a day's pleasure.
They spent a week nt the Paris ex
position and are enthusiastic over Its
magnitude and wonderful slights. To a
Tribune reporter Sheriff Pryor said:
"The Palis exposition Is the greatest
proposition In that line the world has
ever known. There Is only one disap
pointing feature In It nnd that Is the
United States exhibit. Wo were led
by the American newspaper reports
to believe that the I'nltcd States wa.s
second only to France In the mutter
of Interesting and elaborate exhibits.
I want to say right here even at the
expense of being criticised that we are
pretty near the last of the list. The
exhibit Is not nt all befitting.
"I saw the Philadelphia exposition
and the World's Fair nt Chicago and
I must confess they did not commence
to approach the Paris fair. Every
thing Is carried out on an artistic and
elaborate scale. At Chicago every
thing was white. The Paris exposition
buildings are an entrancing array of
the most picturesque tints nnd colors.
The special features, too, are masta
dono as compared with those that I
have seen at other falls. The Eiffel
tower, the Celestial globe and the Il
luminated fountain are especially so.
Nothing more beautiful than the Il
luminated fountain can be Imagined.
I wouldn't attempt to describe, except
to say that the Mac Monies fountain
was tame In comparison."
A man who can't speak French, tho
sheriff admits, finds himself greatly
hundlcapped. There is no excuse,
though, for a man being robbed.
Americans are especially picked upon
us "good things" by the guides nnd
venders, but If a man keeps his wits
nbout him he can get his money's
worth every time.
The sheriff and his party traveled
through Italy, Germany, .Austria, Bel
gium, Holland, Franco and England.
They were In Naples when the erup
tion of Vesuvius took place and In
Home on the Sunday when SO.000 Pil
grims arrived from nil over the world
to visit the Seo of Peter.
The return trip was made on the
I.ahn, of the North Gorman Uoyd line.
The landing was made at the Cunard
docks on the Now York side. They
did not hear of the burning of the
Lloyd docks until the pilot came
aboard 300 miles out of New York
Thursday. He had a copy of the Her
ald of July 3, containing n full uecount
of the lire.
So His Attorney, I. H. Burns, An
nounced Yesterday.
I. II. Hums, nttorney for the defene,
announced yesterday that an appeal
would be taken from tho $1,000 award
of tho arbitrators In the $1.1.000 damage
suit of City Ashcfsoi- Philip Illnfland
against E. E. Everhart, for tho alien
ation of Mrs. Hlnsland's affections. Mr.
Htnsland also declares himself dissatis
fied with the award.
Attorney L. P. Wedeman. who, with
Attorneys HusFell Dlmnilck and John
F. Murphy, comprised the bo-ird of ar
bitrators, fctated to a Tribune reporter
that the award was In tho natuie of
a punatlve verdict.
Will Go Into Court to Collect Mer
cantile Tar.
Heglnlng todoy County Treasurer
Kelly will bring suits against all par
ties who have fulled to pay the stato
mercantile tax. This Is In confoimlty
with the Imperative directions of the
law. Over two hundred merchants
were still owing the tnx at the clowe of
business yesterday.
Names for Baby Collection.
Schrlever's Congress of Iiablcs.
Reflections of Hnby Land.
It's Hot. We'll Cool You
With out low shoes. Motion's Shoo
Store, 508 Lackawanna avenue.
Smoke tho Tocono Cigar. Co.
MSK. July a, at 11. SO a. m Mildred Irene
I.ltV, need 10 moiitha and 2 daw, l'lincnl
Monday from low Dlckiun uunuc, Interment
in r'eieit Hill cemttcry.
Fireman Henry A. Coglizer Was In
terred in the Dunmore Cemetery,
Brnkeman Qeorgo W. Davis In
Washburn Street Cemetery nnd
Brnkemaii Edward Ryan in tho
Catholic Cemetery All of the Pu
nerals Were Attended by Many of
the Pellow Workmen of Deceased.
The funerals of Fireman Henry A.
Coglizer and Ilrakemen George W. Da
vis and Edwaid iHyun, the three men
who were killed In the wreck on tho
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
road at Ileiiryvllle, Wednesday, took
place yesterday afternoon.
Tho funeral of Fireman Coglizer
took place from his late home, 1609
Vine street, Interment being made In
tho Dunmore cemetery. A very large
number of friends of the deceased at
tended the obsequies, there being nn
especially large representation of rail
roaders, between eighty and ninety at
tending tho services nt the home, and
about sixty being present at the ceme
tery. Hev. C. A. Spleker, of the Holy Trin
ity Lutheran church, ollleluted and
spoke touchlngly of the true Christian
life led by Mr. Coglizer and of his
manifold virtues and beauties of char
acter. The choir of the church ren
dered several selections finely nnd aft
er the ceremony Interment was made
In the Dunmore cemetery, the pall
bearers and flower-bearers being mem
bers of Acme Lodge, Brotherhood of
Hatlrond Fit emeu, In which the, de
ceased was an active worker.
There were many beautiful floral
souvenirs, Acme lodge presenting a
magnificent broken shaft and many
other handFome remembrances being
The funeral of the late George Davis
was hold from the family residence, on
North Hromley avenue, ut 3 o'clock
yesterday afternoon and "was largely
attended. Two houis prior to the ser
vices, hundreds called at tho home to
extend their sympathy to the heart
broken family.
Hev. Hugh Davis, pastor of the
Welsh Cahinlatlc Methodist church,
olllelated and paid n high tribute to
tho deceas-ed. In conclusion, he spoke
words of comfort nnd consolation to
the bereaved relatives, and exhorted
the fellow-trainmen present to bo pre
pared for tho end, for death cometh
like a thief In the night. Ills discourse
was impressive. A quartette from the
church tang.
The remains reposed In a casket in
the front room and was covered with
flowers, which bespoke tho esteem in
which the deceased was held by those
with whom he came In dally contact.
At the conclusion of the services the
funeral cortege moved to Washburn
street cemetery, where burial was
made. A delegation of the Brother
hood of Trainmen were In attendance.
Tho flower and pall-bearers were se
lected from the members of tho above
order, of which the deceased was a
The funeral of Edward Ryan, of
Dalton, took place yesterday afternoon,
the body being brought to this city on
the Delaware, Lackawanna nnd West
ern train nnd arriving here about 3.20
o'clock. It was met nt the station by
a number of the members of the vet
erans of tho Spanish-American War
association, to which organization he
belonged. All of tho men were attired
In their regimentals and ns they ac
companied the funeral procession to
the Cathedral cemetery presented a
striking nppearance.
At the cemetery a firing squad, com
posed of Privates Thomas, Jenkins,
Seldmnn, Posner, Colborn, Trombauer
nnd Gaines, fired a volley over tho
Services were conducted nt the late
home In Dalton nnd were largely at
tended. Among those piesent were a
number of members of the Veteran's
nsosciatlon, who acted as an escort to
tho remains. They were Comrades
Jones, Bettrnn, Mnlott, Thomas Cro
mer and Williams.
Hev. J. J. 15. Feoloy, of Nicholson,
conducted the funeral services, which
were vety Impressive. He spoke of the
excellent life of the deceased, and made
a touching nnd eloquent address. There
were many floral tributes, beautiful
evidences of the florists art being In
nbundance. One very handsome piece
was sent by tho Veterans' association.
Albert Becker Burned While Setting
Off Pireworks.
Albert Decker, of tho firm of Decker
Brothers, tignr dealers, had his eyes
badly burned on the night of (July 1.
While setting off some fireworks,
they exploded In his fnco burning
both of his eyes very badly. Ills sight
will be seriously Impaired.
Marriage Licenses.
John riroun Ill Meridian street
Mamie irown 1123 pilce street
John I' Lincoln Heights
Kathciine M. Dalley 5id North Main aienue
Seth Jones Srranton
Lena SanUbury Scranton
Corner Penn and Spruce.
Fresh Vegetables
Asnnrasus, New l'otntoos,
'Splnacli, Lettuce, Tomatoes,
.Mushrooms, Water Cress,
Parsley, Itacllslics, Onions,
Kale, Urusscls Sprouts, Green
and Wax I5cans, Iiccts, Cel
ery, Slilvcs.
Choice Fresh Killed Tur
keys, Spring Chickens,
Ducks, Capons and Game.
. I.
Rov. Dr. R. P. Y. Pierce Leaves for
a Trip to Europe.
Hev. Dr. It. F. Y. Pierce, pastor of
tho Penn Avenue Haptlnt church, left
tho city last evening for New York,
where he will this morning take pas
sago on tho steamship Aller for a two
months' vncntlon tour ot points of In
terest in Europe. Dr. Pierce has kind
ly consented to contribute to The
Tribune n series of letters descriptive
of scenes and Incidents of his travel,
which will bo Illustrated from photo
graphs. Among tho principal cities and fea
tures to be visited by him are! South
ampton, Snllsbury, London, Harwich,
Antwerp, Brussels, The Hnguo, Am
sterdam, Cologne, On the Rhine, Bln
gon, Heldleberg, Schafthnusen (Falls
of tho Rhine), Lako Constance, Lln
dau, Ober Ammorgau, Munich (Bren
ner Pass), Venice, Florence, Homo,
KBV lilt. It. K. Y, 1'lKltCTl.
Naples, Pompeii, Pisa, Milan, St. Gott
hard railway, Fluelen, Lake of Four
Cantons, Lucerne, Hrunlg Puss, Lake
Brlenz, Interlaken, Ouchy, Lac Leman,
Geneva, Paris, Versailles, St. Cloud,
Sevres nnd Cherbourg.
Among other topics, the doctor ex
pects to give his impressions of the
Paris exposition. He expects to be
home again curly in September.
Entering Upon Water Sheds by
Right of Eminent Domain.
In Prothonotnry Copeland's office,
yesterday, Annette Reynolds, treas
urer of the Pocono Mountain Water
Supply company, filed a bond In the
sum of $23,000 to Indemnify the United
States Fidelity and Casualty company,
of Baltimore, which became surety for
tho water company In proceedings to
condemn certain land In Tunkhannock
township, the waters of Tunkhannock
creek and parts of Long pond, In Mon
roe county, tho property of tho Provi
dent Life and Trust company, Frank
P. Meeker and Catherine Miller.
John Canavan, of New York, yester
day effected an amicable settlement
with the Scranton Gas nnd Water
company for twenty-five acres of land
near Lake Scranton, which was seized
for a water shed, under right of emi
nent domain.
Men Engaged in Removing Debris
from Coal Exchange.
The work of clearing away the ruins
of the recent Coal Exchange lire was
begun yesterday In the basement of the
aiercereau & Connell store. That Arm
have men engaged in gathering from
the ruins all tho valuable portions of
their damaged stock.
The work of repairing tho building
will be begun ns soon as the dnbris
has been removed, the Insurance men
having already appraised the damage.
Photography at Its Be3t.
With prices no higher than vou've
often paid for inferior work will re
ward a call on Sehrlever, th6 Gold
Medal Photographer, 110 Wyoming ave.
Smoke 'The Hotel Jermyn cigar, 10c.
Spring and Summer
Silks and Dress Goods
Printed Foulard Silks Some very choice tQ,fr
designs, were 75c. Midsummer Price nrw
Stripe Wash Silks A good assortment of OKrr
blues and pinks, 39c goods. Midsummer Price. ... sslV-"
Wash Silks Fancy stripe and cord, 5ceut "2 Op
goods. Midsummer Price OVL
Pllsse Silks All new pastel shades, $1.00 KQf
goods. Midsummer Price Jr
Challies Our entire lot of high grade
Koechlin Wool Challies iu exclusive designs, 69c A (n
and 95c goods. Midsummer Price T"VW
Black Crepons Three new designs, of
the finest $2.25 Glasse Silk Fiuish Crepons. fc E"H
Midsummer Price P '
Dress Goods All of our light Fancy Wool
Dress Goods, every length marked 50c and up to
7jc. Suitable for street or house gowns, Mid- OGJf-r
summer Price &Js
flohair Skirting Eight new designs Black
Glasse Figured Mohair Skirting, 50-cetit goods. 3 Of
Midsummer Price O VL
Tweed Skirtings In mixtures of blue,
wine, browu aud grey, Jo inches wide. Midsum- PA
mer Price OVU
Camel's Hair Cheviot Suitings Six new HtZp
mixtures. Midsummer Price J Jj
Mohair Plain black yard and one-half wide, CQ,
75c goods, Midsummer Price OVC
415-417 Lackawanna Avenuot
County Cluiirraan P. J. Fltzslmmons
Serves Notlco That tho Men Who
Obtain Places on tho Democratic
Ticket Must Bo Able to Pay the
Pr-elght Constructing a. Ticket
with the Dollar Idea Constantly in
Mind Those Who Have Pound
Pavor Up to Date.
As soon ns the delegates nnd altern
ates to the Democratic national con
vention return to the city the work of
formulating tho ticket that will go be
fore the voters In November will be
taken up In earnest.
At the outset It must bo understood
that it will not be a poor man's ticket.
In tho Inst Issue of the Sunday News,
Colonel F. J. Fltzslmmons, the chair
man of tho Democratic county com
mittee, set forth In language that ad
mits of no misinterpretation thnt no
man need seek a place on the ticket
who Is not nble to pay his campaign
assessment nnd his legitimate sharo of
other campaign expenses. The Demo
cratic party this fall, he said, will
carry no dead timber that Is, dead so
far as finances nre concerned.
With tho dollar Idea In mind the
work of moulding a ticket has already
been taken up and C. O. Boland nnd
Cornelius Comogys suggested for con
gress, with Mr. Boland as the favor
ite, because of the generous size of his
pllo and tho fact that ho Is on speak
ing terms with the Hon. W. J. Bryan.
Judge John P. Kelly will be tendered
the nomination for Judge, nnd Charles
II. Schadt Is the favorite with tlvi
slate-makers for sheriff. Mr. Schadt
has a dollar or two laid away for
political purposes and he Is a good
spender. It can bo said on the best
nuthoiity that Chester Uutts' boom for
sheriff has entirely collapsed and that
It never had any greater support thun
that given by Chester to it.
For county treasurer the sentiment
Is In favor of nominating E. J. Lynett,
who owns a newspaper, bank stock In
abundance, real estate galore and
other real and personal property of
great value.
Fred Warnke, the present recorder
nnd coal operator, real estate owner
and capitalist In general. Is to bo given
a renominatlon for recorder.and Regis
ter of Wills William Koch will also bo
renominated. Mr. Koch Is a thrifty
young German, who owns a cigar
manufacturing establishment and has
other sources of Income that will en
able him to do what is right by the
campaign fund.
The office of clerk of the courts Is
giving tho slate-mukers much trouble,
and they are endeavoring to Induce
City Controller Esdras Howell to ac
cept It.
Since the nomination of W. H. Lewis
for district attorney there has been n
distinct shrinkage In the number of
candidates for the Democratic nomi
nation. Some of the leaders are urg
ing former Senator M. E. McDonald to
accept It. He Is a man of abundant
means, and sizes up to tho necessities
of the occasion better than any other
Democratic attorney who could prob
ably be Induced to accept the nomina
tion. There is no certainty about the pro
thonotary or Jury commissioner nomi
nations as yet. Some up-the-valley
mnn, Carbondale preferred, will be
nominated for prothonotary. Tho Jury
commissioner will not be a member ot
tho Men's union. That much is cer
tain. It Is Perfectly Reliable.
"We have sold many different cough
remedies, but none has given better
satisfaction than Chamberlain's," says
Mr. Charles Holzhauer, druggist, New
ark, N. J. "It Is perfectly safe and can
bo relied upon In all cases of coughs,
colds or hoarseness. Sold by all drug
gists. Matthews Bros., wholesale and
retail agents.
We had a very close call our only loss
was from smoke aud water, We thank our
friends for their congratulations for uir
miraculous escape.
GV Millar & C,(
. v . miliar ot to
f -t-
New York Life 1
Insurance That Insures. Policies incou testa
able from date of issue. No restriction as to residence,
travel or occupation, as to habits of life, or as to man
ner, time or place of death. Policies uon-forfeitable
after first premium is paid. One month's grace in the
payment of premiums. Cash loans can be obtained at
any time after the policy has been in force two years.
Policies combine insurance and investment.
x B. H. BETTS,
607 to 615 Mears
At Reduced
For the Next
The Tribune Prize Columbia Now on Exhibition in
Our Show Window.
Conrad Brothers,
243 Wyoming Avenue.
Fresh Every Day
We regulate the quantity of our Bake Stufls, so
that there are no "left-overs." What you buy from
us is invariably fresh.
Bread. Biscuit. Pies. Cakes.
Toothsome delicacies of all sorts.
If you are very particular, better come to one of
our stores. We've passed the experimental stage.
Everything is ihe best of its kind.
At all three steres.
312-314 Lackawanna Ave.
301 N. Washington Ave.
112 S. Main Ave.
New anj modern nn a laKe perfectly dtuat'd
omotiK beautiful nimuulns. Klevatlon, 1,100
fct't I-ariso uiMtulis Cuisine the lie.t Write
for pamphlet. J W. Moore, prop., Ijke Winola,
The Iradlnc hotel, r.xtcniive ImprovemonU.
seivlre flr.t rlass. Orchft.tra; special ruin to
families; tooklct. O. II. MILLAR, I'lop.
llilcantlne, N. J. IteaihiHl by Ileacilnjf Itall
n fnnii Philadelphia, or hy ferrj from At
Initio C'lt): illrcitly on lloach; artctlan water;
(lectrlc light; icslilent phirii'lan; turf I oih
lus; tUhlne and eallins. AiMriu Eugene Mehl,
is your.
IP so.
13Cl Wyoming Avo
.'Walk l0 . l00k Br3UrlJ...
Agency Director
Branch Office.
Building, Scranton, Pa.
4----- 4- -f --4'
Thirty Days.
yp-iGm. 7
tf N"
in Bead
Ruccen In liread miUlntr comes
from right flour niijinu. (Jet
"Snow While" and you'll linari
ahly meet with turceu In In cad
maUnj. Hs ijujllly Is the
highest ami it Is atuoya Die
nine. The finest millinK facilities
coupled uilh a thorough Knowl
edge of (dcitlon makes
this iMllile I'or sale l all
rooiI proctra In heft and barrels.
e Bicycles