The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 28, 1900, Morning, Page 3, Image 3

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" "T JsV TV IjfO" i" pjr
Put a Piano
ft your homp now. Wc arc aelllnif out
mr entire ilock at greatly reduced prices.
v : i.. in' v jvi
l sJfcsaW- X A T. " I asWT. .
rrcw . ..iv ji i
v IF: A'-OM '
ir: - a
v Tyj v
Knil'C prand piano, tegular price $S50; C7flll
sale price 3UU
7om piano, regular price $.VW; salo 375
Vose piano, repilar price ?l")0; salo 3 SO
prlco i mj
I.udnte; piano, regular prUe $J7."; halo TOO
price vv
Ludwlg piano, regular price $300; sale 240
price -rv
Martin Ilros piano, regular price ?2J0 200
sale price vv
The aliove arc all lew piano and a guarantee
is ghen with each piano.
liny terms or 10 per cent, from aliove prlies
for cash, home fine bargain in ncond hand
pianos. Sheet music at cost and less than cost.
Scranton Pa.
Our store room Is for rent.
Ice Cream.
3 elepLone Orders rrotnptty Da'.l vered
2irt7 Adams Avenua.
Scranton Transfer Co.
Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels
and Private Residences.
Office D., L. & W. Passenger
Station. Phone 525.
Gold CrowQS,best 55
Gold Filling, $1
Best Set of Teeth $5
Silver Filling 50c
Good Care.
Good care of the teeth doe3 much to
preserve them, but the dentist does
more. He can direct you In that care
and, by examination, prevent you from
Buffering and Inconveniences.
et a spruce sr.opp. court House.
Open Wednesday and Saturday evenings.
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Offlco Hour9 a. m. to 12.30 p. m.: 2 to 4.
Williams Building, Opp. Postolflco.
-f- --
MEETS TOSICHT. Dlilslon No. !2, A. 0. II.,
will meet tonight at 7.30.
yo rout'l! COUUT. There was no police
court jcitcrday morning, no aniu being made
FOItKAltM IIROKK.V. Jame MeGee, a miner,
received treatnunt at the Uiikjuatiiu lioipltal
yesterday for a broken forearm, the roult of a
fall of coal at the mine uliere he is employed.
LOST GI11L. The police were Jat nlnht notl
fled by Mrs. llannlgan, of Itallioad avenue, of
tho disappearance from home of ht -1-jcjr-old
daughter. When the child lift home she was
wearing a blue dress.
COLLAR DONE IinOKK.V. John Manloy, of
Punmore, an employe en the Erie and Winniing
Valley railroad, had his eollar bone broken Uu
night, by falling on a car at Wlmmera. The
The Speedway Hotel
(Open All Year.)
Gentlemen's scheduled Races Sat
urday at 2:30 p. m, Ma'ita entries
to IL S, Gorman.
All Erie and Wyoming railroad
trains stop at Speedway crossing.
Breakfast, 6 to 9 a. m.
Lunch, 1 to s.30 p. m.
Dinner, 6 to 9 p. m.
Lunch all day In Cafe.
Arrangements for large parties
py phone, 4674.
SAMUEL B, COX, Manager,
P. O. Scranton Pa.
'fcn i r"s. vtj-& i i
-J-n. M
riiii"' '
12: Jf
accident happened aliout 0.30 o'clock and he wis
brought here and taken to the Lackawanna
firemen' Ilellel association met last night and
approved the claim of Dennis Xealon, of the
Kaglc Knglne company for $40, ho having frac.
turcd his rib at a recent fire.
SI.OWE rtKSIOXS. District Chief D. J. Slowc
of the fire department has resigned his position
as foreman of the blejclc department at Illttcn
bender & t'ompanj'a store, on Kranklln avenue,
and severed connection with the firm, after a
long service.
MANCUN KUNKIUL. The funeral of Martin
Mangan, who died at the Lackawanna hospital
Tuesday from Injuries received nt Avoca while
unloading a tar of railroad tie, will lie held
this afternoon, with services at St. Petrr'a cathe
dral and Interment in the Cathedral cemetery.
CHILI) LOST. Tho police were jesterday no
tified by Mrs. Latcllc, of West Lackawanna ae.
nue, of tlie disappearance frcm home of her 8-
ear-old daughter. The child left home Tuesday
and when lnt seen wore a plaid drew, with
the sleeves cut til at the elbow's and bound with
red braid.
was enjojed at Lake Srranton ycterdiy by a
firry consisting of about forty High school stu
dent, under the duperonage of some of the In
structors. They took in the beauties of tho like
from 2 o'clock In the afternoon until about 8
o'clock last evening.
A. 0. II. E.CIJnsiON.-nivlslon 17, Ancient
Order of Hibernians, had an excursion to Larte
Lodore jestcrday and enjojed the pleasures of
the prove and baiting immensely. A shower fell
tor a short time in the afternoon and the ex
cursionists took refuse under the big dance
pivillon which Is now- under cover and will be
completed in a few dajs.
IIHAlilVO l'OVrrONKD-Xo hearing has as yet held in the oa.-;e of Walch tc O'Connor, ths
Latk.iwanm avenue hotel keepers, eharged with
having sold liquor last Sunday. The hearing
was sot for jeftcrd.ij, and many were pi cent,
but the attorrrjs failed to appear owing to a
misunderstanding and the cue went over. A new
date was not fixed eterdiy.
ARHt:STl'.r) l.V ALLKNTOW.V. City Detective
John Molr returned to this city at 10 o'cloek
lat night frcm Allenlown with II, O. Davis,
whom he arrested there on a warrant Issued by
Aldcrmin Howe, at the instance of Mrs. Eliza
beth Hislcy. proprietress of the Kaurot House on
Washington avenue, v ho (barged him with de
frauding her of . board bill of $12. He will be
given a hearing before Alderman Howe this
NO LLT UP.-liev. W. II. Wlllhms seenu to
have no let up in his agltutlon against the sa
loon, as he speaks every night ami three times
every Sunday. Tonight at 8 o'clock he gives
"His Last Itomp with the Tiger" In the IlaptNt
church at Kleetvllle. Sundiy. July 1, he speaks
three times as follows: 10.M a, m. In tne
Methodist i:plcopal church at Avoca; subject,
"Hreaking Home Ties." 3.M) p. m., to the
young ladles of 1'ittfton in the Young Men's
Christian association hall; Mihject, "The Young
Woman ami Her Company." 7.30 p. ni in the
Methodist Episcopal cliunli, West Plttston; sub
Jeet, "Tho Last Homp with the Tiger."
A Drug Left to Kill Dogs Almost
Ended the Life of Little
Philip Waltisburger.
riillip, the Infant son of Philip W.ilt
lsbursrer. proprietor of the Linden
Street Cash Market, at C19 Linden
street, was a very sick child yesterday
mornlnr;, and had It not been for
prompt medical attention would have
died, as tho result of poisoning. Two
pet dogs, Nip and Fannie, which be
longed tO the PStnllllHhmpnr fllo.l Sim-
day of poisoning:, and Mr. Waltls-
uurser is now very much on the alert
to find the person who has so Indis
criminately distributed the deadly
stuff, which Is endangering the lives
of members of his family.
Just where the little child got hold of
the poison Is not known, but It Is
thought that while playing around the
yard In the rear of the home that he
found some remnant of the poison
which had been fed the two dogs and
put It Into his mouth.
It happened about 11 o'clock j-ester-day
morning, and tho little one gave
a terrible cry, which brought his
mother to the spot. She found the child
foaming some green substance In hlR
mouth, the llesh burned off the roof of
his mouth and his tongue raw.
Dr. Keller, of "Wyoming avenue, was
called and, after examining the child,
administered an antidote which re
lieved the little one, who during the
remainder of the day rested fairly
easily. It was the physician's opin
ion, however, that If but a little more
of the poison had been taken Into the
child's system the results would have
been Immediately fatal.
Of late several dogs, Inoffensive and
quiet In nature, have been poisoned In
the neighborhood, and the Identity of
the poisoner remains enveloped In mys
tery. The two dogs that were pois
oned Sunday were Tannic, a small
black animal, belonging to Mr. Waltls
hurger, and Nig, a somewhat larger
animal, belonging to tho employes of
lilunie's Carriage works.
During the week It lemalned around
the works, and was a great favorite
with all the men, never giving the
least trouble. Sundays It stayed at tho
Waltisburger home.
Last Sunday afternoon Mr. Waltis
burger and his family went for a drive.
Xlg started to follow, but was driven
back, and that was the last seen of
the dog until the return home. A
neighbor found Its body, stiff and cold,
In a nearby court and brought it to
tho house. There weie no matks of
violence of any sort nnd It was evi
dently poisoned. Under the kitchen
porch wns found tho body of Fannie,
tho other dog, In a like condition.
The employes of Ulume's establish
ment were highly Indignant when they
saw the body of their pet, and ex
pressed themselves In a manner which
boded III for the slayer of the two
animals. They burled the poor ani
mals' remains In the rear of the shop,
all of the employes being present at
the time.
The previous Sunday, a mlld-natured,
Inoffensive little dog, a great favorite
of a lady living nearby the Waltls
burgers, was poisoned, and there have
been several other Instances.
The poisoning of tho child, however,
Is about the limit.
Mr. Waltisburger yesterday said
that, while tho loss of the two dog
stirred him up considerably, this en
dangering of his children's lives Is en
tirely too much, and measures will
now bo taken toward discovering who
the guilty party Is. Once discovered,
things will be made very heated for
Dr. W. K. Keller, who attended the
chlltj, was unable to analyze the poison,
but declared It to be of an exceedingly
powerful and dangerous kind.
Races at Speedway.
Spirited races between tho best local
horses will occur at Speedwny, Satur
day afternoon. These races aro fre
to tho public. An elegant view of the
sturtR and finishes being obtained from
the Speedway hotel veranda,
Smoke the Pocono Cigar. Cc.
Quo Warranto Proceedings Instigat
ed by the Erie to Obstruct the
Construction of the Hawley-Lack-awaxen
Branch of tho Erie nnd
Wyoming Are Sodded in Eavor
of the Latter No Question of Bad
Faith Between the Defendant and
the Commonwealth.
The decision by Judge J. W. Simon
ton, of Dauphin county, In the quo
warranto proceedings over the Erie
nnd Wyoming Valley Hnllroad com
pany's right to construct Its proposed
connecting link between Ilawley nnd
Lackawnxen Is another signal victory
for the promoters of tho now Delnware
Valley and Kingston road.
When the decision has been received
In the Supreme court, to which tribunal
It Is to bo appealed, there will be an
end to tho litigation at present pend
ing In this state between the oppon
ents nnd promoters of the new road.
It Is not the end of tho fight, how
ever. Today In Albany the appellate
division of the Supreme court Is to re
view the finding of the New York state
railroad commissioners, which, It will
be remembered, reported favorably
upon tho application for permission to
construct the new road, which was so
vigorously opposed by tho Erie com
There Is also pending In tho United
States Circuit court a rule for an In
junction to lestraln the Erie and Wyo
ming company from building the llaw-ley-Lnckawaxen
branch, on the ground
that It would be a breach of contract
with the Erie, to which company the
Eilo nnd Wyoming In 1SS3 leased its
original line from Ilawley to Lacka
waxen for twenty-five years, with the
proviso that all tho Pennsylvania Co-il
company's business, east of Lacka
waxen, should go to the Erie. The peti
tion for a preliminary Injunction was
refused on the ground thnt the ques
tion between the two companies wns
not wehther the defendant has a right
to build the branch, but that If there
Is a question at all It Is one that will
not arise until the defendant company
attenuvts to use the branch In viola
tion of tho Erie's contract rights.
The proceedings In which the Simon
ton decision was made Tuesday com
prised a quo warranto brought by the
Erie In the name of tho attorney gen
eral to compel the Erie and Wyoming
to show by what right It presumes to
build the Ilawley-Lackawaxen branch.
The Erie contended thnt the Erie
and Wyoming had exhausted Its char
ter rights for the territory In question
when It made a main line from Port
Griffith to Lackawaxen by way of
Huwley, nnd that the contemplated
Ilawley-Lackawaxen branch Is a par
alleling by the Erie and Wyoming of
Its own main line.
Tho Erie and AVyomlng made nnswer
that It proposed to build tho line In
question under authority of the
"branching" power accorded by Sec
tion 9, of tho Act of April 9, 1SGS, under
which It Is chartered, and which reads
as follows:
"Any company Incorporated under
this act shall have authority to con
struct such branches from Its main
line as It may deem necessary to In
crease Its business and accommodate
the trade and travel of the public."
Claiming to act under this clause
the Erie and Wyoming directors, tit a
meeting, held Nov. 9, 1899, passed a
resolution providing for a "branch"
from Its main line at Ilawley to Lack
awnxen. This branch leaves the line of the
present road 200 feet west of the Ilaw
ley station, where the western end of
the line Iensed to the Erie road begins,
crosses the Lackawaxen creek, and
follows the windings of Its stream
eastward for a distance of about four
teen miles, until It approaches Lacka
waxen borough, when It re-crosses the
creek, runs through the village and
terminates at the centre of the Dela
ware river, Intending there to connect
with the projected road to be built
from that point to Kingston on tho
Hudson river.
After reviewing the facts In the case,
as outlined above, Judge Slmonton
dismisses from consideration the ques
tion of the defendant's good faith, in
these words:
"We are not sure that wo apprehend
precisely what Is meant by counsel by
the alleged want of good faith. We
understand that the question of good
faith is a question between the com
monwealth and the defendant, and
thnt when the latter honestly and fair
ly states Its real purpose In wishing
to bull 1 the branch, and Intends to
build it, It is acting In good faith. If
we are correct In this, there can bo
no doubt here, for It Is, as we have
seen, conceded that the defendant has
honestly and fairly stated that tho
purpose Is to connect with the road to
Kingston; and It certainly intends to
build the branch.
"Wo Infer from the connection In
which the question of good faith was
mooted, that counsel for tho common
wealth consider that tho alleged bad
faith lies in tho fact that defendant
seeks to build the proposed branch and
to connect with another road, after
having leased part of Its lino to tho
Erie company. But this, if n breach
of good faith, would be such as against
the Erie company nnd not against the
commonwealth, and Its quality would
depend on tho contract relation be
tween the two companies, with which,
we do not think, the commonwealth
has anything to do."
Judge Slmonton then quotes a batch
of decisions, Interpreting the "branch
ing" power clause of the act of 18GS,
and nays:
"In view of these repeated affirma
tions that the language of the act
(that any company, Incorporated un
der this act, shall have nuthorlty to
construct such branches from Its main
New- York, July 7th, 18SS.
I find on chemical analjils that your Hakim;
Ponder I composed ol pure materia. When
mingled with dout-li and bakid, it produce
lircad or Mtcultt which are light and perfectly
cordially commend your HaVlnir Powder to the
cordially recommend jour Making Powder to the
general public 1'lcai.e tend me a caao of a
dozen one-pound packagca for Use in my family,
Your respectfully,
it. oauKX I)ohi:muK 11. n., ll. n.
I'rnf Plioindtri. Tnvi. nliti-t utnl VfaHtool f..rl.
1 prudence, Ucllevue Hospital Medical Collcse,
To the tiriat Atlantic tc Pacific lea Co.
line, itA It may deem necessary, to In
rteaso Its business nnd accommodate
tho trade and travel of tho public) is
to be construed literally, therefore, tho
question of the necessity of the branch
rests In tl'o honest will and discretion
of tho company.
"Hecausu that the dcllnltlon of n
branch does not depend either on di
rection or length, that o branch may
bo constt uctcd from the terminus or
from uny other point In tho main line,
nnd that a branch mny be built before
the main line Is completed, or after the
time has expired, within which the
main lino has been built, wo are unable
to decide that the defendant has no
legal right to build the proposed branch
In this cnio.
"We do r.ot think the pit ndlngs raise
tho question whether the defendant
owns tho right of way over which It
has located tho branch line, nor do wo
express any opinion on that point. In
any event It cannot actually construct
tho road until It obtains tho right of
way, either by condemnation or pur
chase. Wo therefore reach the follow
ing conclusions of law:
"The defendant has authority, under
section 9 of tho net of April 4, 18G8,
to construct the proposed branch road,
described In Its plendlngs from Its
main line nt Ilawley to the middle of
the Delnware river, at Lackawaxen
"Judgment Is therefore directed to bo
entered In fnvor of tho defendant, If
excel tlons bo not filed within the tlmo
limited by law."
The case was heard before Judge
Slmonton without a Jury. The local
attorneys in the case wre Welles fc
Torrey for the Erie and Wyoming, anil
Wlllard, Wnrrcn & Knapp for the
Honesdalo Council Takes the Initia
tive In the Movement Sister
Councils to Be Invited.
Ilonesdale council, Knights of Col
umbus, held a meeting last Tuesday
evening, presided over by Grand
Knight Thomas Finnerty, at which It
was proposed to arrange for a grand
convention of all the councils of
Knights In this section of the country.
The proposition was considered nt
length nnd finally adopted by a unani
mous vote.
A committee was appointed with
power to act and the committee se
lected Lake Lodore as the place for the
convention and Wednesday, Aug. 22,
as the date. Ilonesdale council will
Immediately bring the matter before
the sister councils of Lackawanna,
Luzerne nnd Susquehanna counties,
thnt Is before the councils of Wllkes
liaire, Plttston, Scranton, Carbondalo,
Foiest City, Susquehanna nnd other
towns on this side of tho Rlooslcs. But
the Invitations will not be confined
here. Last year freiucnt excursions
were run by the Erie road from New
Yotk city to Farvlew at $1.30 rate. It
Is tho Intention of the Ilonesdale coun
cil to have a similar excursion run and
to enrry to the grand convention the
councils of Port JervIs.Mlddletown and
the numerous councils of New York
city and Brooklyn.
Ilonesdale Is happily situated to take
tho initiative In this movement, being
located between the councils of this
region nnd those of New York and be
ing nearby the lake. It is tho inten
tion of tho Honesdalo council to at
tend to the catering and the entertain
ment of the assembled thousands on
the grounds, while the other councils
will be given the profits on railroad
tickets In proportion to the number of
passenrs carried from their respect
ive districts. The project Is sure to
arouse lively enthusiasm In Knight
hood circles. The order embraces
many men of state and national repu
tation, Including orators of note.whose
voices will be heard from the big pa
vilion, which will for this occasion, be
usfd as an auditorium as well as for
the Oatic".
The Knights of Columbus Is one of
the latest of organizations In this sec
tion of tho country. It has not alone
the Interest that attaches to novelty,
but It has the genuine attributes of
fraternity. The convention will un
doubtedly be one of the most memor
able gatherings ever assembled In this
They Will Give a Musicale at
Powell's on Friday Night.
The pupils of Miss Salome Becker,
assisted by Miss Irene Kann, soprano,
nnd Charles AVIncke, tenor, will enter
tain their friends on Friday evening
of this week nt the music wareroom.3
of L. 11. Powell & Co., Connell build
ing. The following programme will be
"hvvsit Hosalind" Anton Hennlnjf
Clajton W( bber.
IMsie's DellKht" Anton Hennlng
Slay MIIKr.
"Tvvlight Dance of the Kalrles" ..Ilertha SIcUlcr
Jennie Samter.
"Flower Song" Lange
Stella Tropp.
"Immrrgrun Fred Hold
"La Kountiin" C. Hohm
Mile Du Hoi.
Duet ltetta Church and Itajburn Vat res
"L'Hirondelle L Cobbcrta
I'.mmu Krey.
"Valsc Miniature" Jlejer-IItlmund
Florence Muity.
"A Mon F.tolle" C. Hohra
May Iian.
"Setond Valsc (Op. 60) Benjamin (Jodard
May llackett.
"Sonata" Hayden
Sue Hippie.
"Quietude" Louis GreKh
May Ulanchard,
"Valse (Ic Concert (No. 1 op. 3) Wienlawakl
Haiel M. Ainand.
(a) "Sonata" Moiart
(b) "Marurka" Codard
Sadie Falkowskl.
"Maschka" Mc er-Helmund
Carrie Hitchcock,
Supposed to Have Been Surreptit
iously Taken Awny.
A hearing wns to have been had
yesterday before Judge Edwards, in
the Eighth ward contest for the office
of constable, but owing to the absence
of files, it had to be indefinitely post
poned. The papers were removed surrepu
tlously from the clerk of the courts'
office, It Is supposed, as there Is no re
ceipt for them and none of the men
In tho olllce have any recollection of
giving them out.
D. J. Reedy and John R. Edwards,
attorneys for the contestant and re
spondent, respectively, aver they know
nothing of tho whereabouts of tho files.
Unless they turn up in a reasonable
J tlmo, Commissioner Thayer will bo
called upon to make a duplicate report
and that means another probable de
lay of threo months.
Flatulence Is cured by Beecham's
President Simpson Sold to a Trib
une Man That They Will Not Move
tho Toll-gato and tho Matter Will
Have to Bo Fought Out in the
Courts City Solicitor Vosburg
Will Ask One of tho Judges Today
to Revoke the License of tho Com
pany to Collect Toll.
Street Commissioner Thomas yester
day served notice on President C. D.
Simpson, of tho Nay Aug Falls and
Elmhurst Boulevard company, that In
pursuance with tho provisions of a re
solution recently adopted by both
councils the company's toll-gate In
Nay Aug park must bo removed at
President Slmp'on received the no
tice and later in the day Informed a
Tribune man thnt the company, acting
upon the advice of Its attorneys, Wll
lard, AVarrcn & Knapp, would not re
move the toll-gate, leaving the matter
to be fought out In the courts. Just
what legal reasons Impel tho company
to this course will not yet be divulged.
It Is understood, however, that just
at present the officials of tho company
consider the resolution not binding, In
asmuch as a proposition made by them
to have the city buy that portion of
the road lying within the city limits
Is now In the hands of tho parks com
mittee of select council and has not
been acted upon. If council should
consider this proposition favorably
and accept It then they would bo re
considering their former action In di
recting the removal of the toll-gate,
argues the company's attorney.
This proposition of the company's,
as has been previously mentioned In
these column, Is that It will sell Its
right of way through 'Nuy Aug park,
Including the bridge spanning the falls,
to tho city for the sum of $17,500, tho
city In return to allow this right of
way to be used by tho company as an
approach to the boulevard.
It Is known that some of the mem
bers of the park committee do not take
favorably to this plan, inasmuch as
they believe that the city has nothing
to gain by It, the city solicitor having
decided that tho company cannot legal
ly collect toll within the park limits.
Should this proposition be accepted,
the city would have to keep tho road
In repair mainly for tho company's
use, they argue.
The company, on the other hand,
contends that the city has no moral
or legal right to take away Its right
of way and bridge from It without giv
ing any compensation In return, and
thus the matter stands for the present.
A new phase of the question wns
brought up yesterday when City Solici
tor Vosburg Hied a petition with court
asking for a revocation of the license
of the company. It appears that un
der an act of 1874 all turnpike and
boulevard companies owning a road
over live miles long must take out a
llcen'e before it enn collect toll from
the public traveling on thnt road.
In his opinion read In select council
on the evening of June 7, Mr. Vosburg
called attention to the fact that the
Elmhurst Boulevard company had not
complied with the provisions of this
act, as they had taken out no license
and, accordingly, could not legally col
lect. The next morning, June 8, the
attorneys of the company applied to
court for such a license.
The court. In accordance with the
provisions of the act, appointed A. B.
Stevens, O. E. Backus and James E.
Watklns ns viewer to report as to
whether or not the road was In proper
condition. The viewers reported forth
with and on June 11 the license was
granted. In his petition Mr. Vosburg
contends that no notice of any of the
proceedings was given to any olllclal
of the city, and that the first knowl
edge he had of such petition being
granted was obtained In tho course of
a discussion between himself nnd one
of thi attorneys for thtv company up
wards of two weeks after such license
was granted.
Mr. Vosburg further contends that
tho company had no legal right to ask
for a license to collect toll after hav
ing collected It for over eight years,
or since the time of .Its Incorporation
In 1S92. without one. He further con
tends that the license wns Inadvertant
ly granted and prays that It be re
voked and that the permission granted
tho company to collect toll be with
The petition will be presented to one
of the judges in chambers this morn
ing. Major Warren said yesterday that
Mr. Vosburg'would learn that tho com
pany didn't necessarily have to notify
the city that it was going to take out
a license.
In case court refuses to revoke tho
license nnd the park committee does
not consider the company's proposi
tion, Mr. Vosburg will apply to court
for a peremptory mandamus compell
ing thp company to remove the toll
gate .
Ho Is Charged with the Larceny of
a Cornet.
Cornelius J. Qulnn was yesterday
morning arraigned before Alderman
Kasson on the charge of the larceny of
a cornet from August Schlmpff, of this
city, two years ago. Qulnn was nr
rested In Haverhill, Mass., Inst week,
and the local authorities notified, nt
which requisition papers were taken
out and Detective Molr left the city
for him, returning early yesterday
Qulnn waived a hearing and entered
ball In thp sum of $300, Martin Fllnn
becoming his bondsman. When Qulnn
lived hero he was one of the members
of a local band, nnd borrowed the cor
net from Mr. Schlmpff, leaving the city
shortly after and taking It with him,
Mrs. Shamrock so Accused by Plum
ber John O'Donnell.
Mrs. Shamrock, of Own Ridge, was
arraigned beforo Alderman Howe yes
terday, charged by Plumber John
O'Donnell, of Penn avenue, with pass
ing on him a worthless check. O'Don
nell recently did some work for Mrs.
Shamrock, and when through with tho
job presented his bill for some $28. Ho
was given In partial payment a check
for $10 on the Merchants' and Mechan
ics' bank. On presenting it there ho
Besides Fireworks
There are other needs for the suitable celebration of the
Many families have DINNER PARTIES, and there may
be a shortage in things for serving eatables or drinkables.
Tableware, Thin Tumblers, Punch Bowls, Lemon
Juice Extractors, Ice Cream Dishes, etc.
All at our always-reasonable prices.
CVuxvaTVfeA .
GV Millar & Cft
. V . iUlliar Ot VO
Vacation Outfits
Everything appertaining to Men's Furnishings.
Straw Hats,
White Ycsts,
Negligee Shirts,
Night Itobes,
Cllif friend
The Celebrated
In fact, everything that can
Furnisher or Hatter.
Try Our Special 10c Collar. All Modern Shapes.
tailor-made SUITS
Exclusive styles and strictly up-todate, but we want
to close out every one quickly. We are determined
to do it, and so invite you to share in the offerings,
which will be in torcc until every Spring Suit is sold.
Improvement possible to make
in your household is a
Long Distance Telephone
It protects your family in every way; it will
do all the errands, call the physician, do I
the marketing in all kinds of weather, and 4 .
save the health and temper of every mem- f,
ber of the family. ' . I
fl Residence Telephone from $24 a Year
Call the Office, No. 1 17 Adams Avenue.
Or Telephone No. 12.
yiAAi. f. a. a a. aaa 4AaAAAAitAA4iAAAAAAA A A A aW- -i ri rt A -- -i ay a
And just two places if you want the very best
kinds for the very least money.
You want the locations:
314-316 Lackawanna Ave.
218 Wyoming Avenue.
From Japan and China direct, our Firecrackers
come all of this season's importations. There's not a
Cracker in the lot that won't go off with a bang.
was Informed that It was worthless, as
Mrs. Shamrock hail no money there.
The defendant was held In ?200 ball.
She claims that sho Intended deposit
ing money In tho bank and so making
the check good.
Little Juano Hoster Accused of Lar
ceny by Georgo Felton.
Juano Roster, u diminutive Italian
urchin, was arraigned before Alderman
Howe yesterday, charged by George
Felton, tho Penn avenue locksmith und
cutlery dealer, with larceny. The
youngster went Into tho store Monday,
nnd while, no ono was looking removed
a small revolver, wisely looking for
ward to tho coming July 4, nnd seeing
In tho pistol a weapon which would
make him the observed of nil observ
ers -unong tho youth of his acquaint
ance The afternoon of tho samo day, how
ever, ha loaned tho revolver to n small
friend, and Carambal tho weapon was
broken, while he was Indiscriminately,
13 WyomlnB Av
-Walk In and look around."
Golf Hats,
Buck Trousers,
Bathing Suits,
TTtuwl Vinna
Manhattan Shirts.
be found in a First-Class Gents'
412 Spruce St.
" eangroveTnTT"
The Iodine hotel. Extensive Improvements;
ton Ice first chvi, Onhostr.i; niecl.l rates to
families; beoUct. C. II. MlM.AIt, Trop.
Hake winola. pa. "
Kew nnd modern on a like perfectly ltuted
amone lauti(ul mountains. Elevation, 1,100
(ret. I.artre verandai. Cousinc the best. Wrlto
tor pamphlet. J. W. Moore, prop., I-ike Winola,
using it ;n the capacity of a hammer.
Juano then hied him once more tn
to Felton's and there asked to have tho
pistol repaired. It was recognized as
the ono stolen, nnd a few minutes later
the littlo culprit was arraigned hiforo
Aldernwm Howe. On account of IiIh
tender years the alderman discharged
him, but first had him confined in a
cell In the central police station for a
short while to glvo him a thorough
caution against any future acts of tho
same nature.