The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 28, 1900, Morning, Page 2, Image 2

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    r S- sVK jnvsMi 75-
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Class of Ninety-two Receive Diplo
mas fit East Stroudsburg.
bpeclal to the hcranton Tribune.
Stroudsburff, June 27. At the Kast
BtioitdsliurB Slate Normal school tlil"i
morning, ninety-two students Krnduat
cd with honors. Tho larne chapel was
well lilted with friends of the Kradu
titett. Tho exercises' wero Interesting.
Thu following programme! was car
tied out:
Music Onhestia
Invocation It (Taw fen 1
jlulc Orchestra
ialutnlory and Oratlcti, "Whither Hnest Thou."
Wlllhtn V. Itamsiy
"11k Mill for tho lluur,"
Amu Heller
"Pair I Ichl and No Favor,"
Alice 1). Corcorin
Vocil Polo, Selected I. Lisle Apple
Oration, "A portloiiiiutil ot Virtues',"
John .. i.isn
Oration, "A Century Ago" Acquilla Johusm
Jlu-ic Orchestra
Oration, "Our Nitlon's Opportunity ."
Karl It Dnole)
Oration and Vuledictoi)-, "Lofty Buildings,"
Laura II liclscr
Music Orchestrt
Allows Hon ltohcrt K. Paltlson
Lx (lorriior of Pcntis)lianli
Vocal olo, Selected J Lisle Apple
Awarding ol Diplomas liy the Prinelpil.
George 1 nililp
Benediction ltr II II Crawford
limit' Orchestra
The nnnies of the graduates follow:
,Anna M. Alkman, Kthel Harteau, Minnie-
t"l. HWilnir, lllla Hortrec.Oracc Mao
l!orttf. Nellie 13. Houndy. 11. relestlno
llronniiii, I2vn It. lionlmni, I.llllun Con
ner. Ilcttle Caswell, Jennie II. Cotton,
Ilelon It. Cooke, Jennie Chamberlain,
Alice Ureeoll Ciitcfitnn, Clara H. Hver
ett, Jessie Ferris, Dora M. Kollett,
Mary rethennnn, 1211a Gibus, llerdlo
Genrge. I.aura Oelser, Carolyn Giu
liani, Hertha A. Ciels.s, Holle A. Han
nas, Mabel Hobbs, Anna Heller, Aqtilt
la Johnson, Hadle Jennings, Nellie
Jackson, Iltith A. Konlck, Margaiet I..
Kelly, Lyilla F. I.osh, Han let H. I.ear,
Mai) Helm MeClellan, Lottie Mae
Mekhf-r. Susan V. Meslnc-KS, Anna J., Annie Madden, Hllzabeth V.
McMohon, Geitrudo Matilda, MeFall,
Nellie Neyhart, Hessle Owen, Llllle A.
OUer, Olive K. Paul, Alice A. Plum
mer, I.cah C. Parry, Ulanche Posten,
Eva Qulnn, rjflie May Itlchards, Ellz
Blieth Shornor, Ollvo Swezy, Jessie M.
fiwaitz, Grace II. Smiley. Ulahche T.
f?eareh. Delia H. Snyder, Minnie K.
finydcr, Esther J. Trctheway, Alice C.
t'hler, Lav Inn N. AVc-lls, Florence L.
Whiting, Maltha II. Walsh, Anna Kel
ler Weiss, Ella F. Westbiooke.
I'nns D. Achenbach, Loren A. Uor
tiee, llobeit Hi own, John C. IUesecker,
James P. Uurke, Clurcnce G. Cross,
Stew ait rj.-Drach, K. 11. Dooley, Web
eter C. Filitchey, John G. J. Foley,
Patrick J. Fishery n. M. Getz, John N.
Gish, N. Hay IMuck, J V. Higham,
Geotge Itterly, John T. Jenkins. W. H.
Kiomer, Coiey II. Klelntob, John M.
Xeiindy, Kdgir W. Koch, Ir.i A. La
Har, Harvey S. Miller, Will W. Itam
cey, Floyd Rhodes, Edgar S. Stover,
Thomas Foster Sairlks, John P. Wyck
off, Allen Younkln.
late Mrs. Ilullsou. After tho ceremony
tho remains were carried In a heat so
to Ulmock, Pa From Dlmoclt Mr. Tut
tuo returned to Haltstcad, covering
sixty miles on the lound trip.
County Superintendent Charles 12,
Moxley Is suffering from an attack of
Intermittent fovcr.
Miss Jessie Vnn Loan Is the guest
of friends In Choconut Center.
D. E. Hanrahan's shoe store front,
on Main street, Is being decorated by
Artist Al. Sloat.
New potatoes arc coming Into tho
market from tho home fauns.
The brick engine house connected
with tho American Chair Manufactur
ing company's plant Is rapiaiy nenr
Ing completion.
Tho Hallstead Water company nie
making extensile Improvements In
their mains about the boiough.
Special to tho Sermton Tribune.
Hallstead, June 27. John Chldester
has recently tebullt his barn building.
Adding several feet to the Height of
the stiucture.
Hallstead people are to bo enter
tained during the Eer (Slorlous by
n picnic and leceptlon r l"iu Hols
Groe The pioc-eds at u s U ttie
ll.JItilarl Concert tnd
Jtati G'-u'u Capwell Is impioving
Clw . uvfii'ie by placing a number of
lnio i of giovel in tho hollow spots In
t! a io.'. 1-1 1 cl
it .teland Hays has icslgnetl his po
iei'i"n In tho air brake room at the
lound house here and will leave In a
few days to accept a position which
has been tendered him elsewhere.
The Lamb homestead, on Susque
hanna axenuo, Is being repaired
Mi. and Mrs. Iia li. Pioston attend
ed the wedding of Miss Grace Marvin,
nt Norwlih, N. Y., Wednesday Miss
Marln Is the young lady who sang selections heio at the time of
the dedication of the Flist Piesbvtc
rlan chinch.
Mr. and Jlrs. Wan en F. Slmrell re
turned home fiom their wedding tour
Tuesday evening. They hac com
menced housekeeping In the house of
Mrs. Mary Wesley, cm William street
Undertaker E. E Tattle has the dis
tinction of taking the longest one day
drlvo on a heaiso of any one In the
vicinity Ho left heio, drhlug to Conk
lln, N. Y . to attend the funeral of the
Special to tho Scranton tribune.
Tunkhannock, June 27. At the home
of the bride here today. Miss Mary
Jayne and C. P. McKown, both of this
place, were united In marriage by Rev.
II. II. Wilbur, pastor of tho Methodist
church. The wedding was n quiet af
fair, only the Immediate friends of th
parties being present. G. AV. McKown,
brother of the groom, nctcd as best
man, and tho bridesmaid was Ml"s
Jane McKow n, lster of the groom.
Tho wedding occuiied at noon and tho
couple left on the afternoon ttaln for
New York city, where they will make
a shoit stay. They will make their
home, upon their return, on Wyoming
avenue, whole the gioom Is the owner
of a pleasant residence.
F. J. Sampson is visiting fiiends In
Rlnghamton for a few days.
Dr. Tlbblns, of Noen, was In town
on Tuesdaj.
P. R. Harden nnd family have ie
turned f i om a week's trip to Philadel
phia and Atlantic City.
Jim Terry, who Is In Jail here,
charged with the minder of his
bi other, was brought before 'Squire W.
S. Kutz on Tuesday, nnd having
waived a hearing, was committed to
await the action of the couit.
A. II. Frear, of Lake Winola, was In
town on AVednesday.
A delegation of Odd Fellows from the
local lodge went to Scranton on AVn
nesday evening to attend the session
of the lodge at that place. In the
party wpip AV. D. Sampson, J. F. Sluk
ler, A. G Ilaynes, Henry Harding, AV.
V. Shaw and L F. Camp.
Mrs. J. S. Turn, who has been visit
ing her mothei, Mis. Cntheilne Towrs
enil, at this pHcp for the pist few
weeks, goes to Iluff.ilo on Tiuisday,
where Ml. Tuin Is now located.
Kleluml Hughes, of Plttston, was In
town on Tuesday in the Intel est of the
New Yoik Mutual Life Insurance com
pany. The assessment of blcjcles, made 'iv
tho assesois of the dlffeient dlstilcts
for the put pose of compiling with tin
new side-path law, are now In the
hands of the county commlssloneis nnd
will be sent out to the collectois along
with the school dupllcatis The bnaid
of side-path commlssloneis at a lecent
meeting diclded to go on with the col
lection of the tax, and the owneis of
bicycles will be called upon by the tl'f
ferent collectois. The tax leled by the
commlssloneis was tho maximum al
lowed by the law, one dollar on each
C II. Little, of Scranton. nnd L. S.
Harlow, of AVllkes-Hane, weie up heio
today In attendance at thu Janu-Mc-
Kunn wedding.
church tit 9.30 o'clock, Rev. Father
Qulnnan officiating. Tho bride was at
tended by her sister, Miss Blanche
Lav an, as maid, while tho groom's
best man wus his brother, AVIlllam
, Jc'iiulii(,s, of Avoca. Tho llower g.lrl
was Mary Collier and tho ushers.
Lavan and Thomas English, of Pltts
ton, nnd Frnnk Jennings and Frank
Clark, of Avoca. An olnborato recep
tion at the home of tho bride followed
the ceremony. Dr. nnd Mrs. Jennings
have gone on n trip to Philadelphia
nnd upon their return will be at home
nt 12 North Main street. The groom
Is a brother of Hugliey Jennings, of
base ball fame. Among tho guests
wero the following: Fiom Carbondale,
Miss Maria Orady, AVIlllam Grady,
Mrs. Patrick Orndy, Miss Gertrude
Collins, Miss Catherine Moral, i, Rev.
G, J. Dixon, Joseph Morahan, Clmiles
P. O'Connor; from Avoca, Henry Jen
nings nnd wife, AVIlllam, Frank, James
and Mary Jennings, Miss H. Walsh,
Professor C. F. Hoban, Frnnk Clark;
from Hrooklyn, Hugh Jennings.
At tho homo of Mr. nnd Mis. AVIl
llam R. Jones, of Duryea, at high noon
today a very ptotty wedding took
place, when their daughter, Miss Jen
nie, became the wife of Adrian R. Ste
phens, of AVest Plttston. The cere
mony wns performed by Rev. AV. D.
Thomas, of the Plttston AVolsh Rap
tlst ohurch. Tho brldo's sister, Miss
Elizabeth Jones, nctcd ns maid, and
the groomsmnn was AVIlllam Jones,
of Nina. Pa. Tho newly wedded couple
w 111 make their home In West Plttston.
Among the guests were: Mr. and Mrs
Detrlck Meyers, of 'Hrooklyn, N. A.;
Mrs. Thomas II. Watklns, of Scranton.
Bat Miserable, Weak, Neruotis, Tired, Dys
peptic, Sleepless and Melancholy,
66 HlOl T
That i9 alout the tnildMt form of out
cry a man makes when rheumatism sud
denly tweaks linn. In its worst forms
rheumatism is a living death. The vic
tim, incapable of moving hand or foot,
has no part in the great procession of
me, on vvnicii ue
gazes with hope
less eyes. A great
many sufferers
from rheumatism,
who had given up
hope, have been
cured by the use of
Dr. Pierce's Gold
en Medical Dis
covery. A medi
cine which will
cleanse the blood
from uric acid and
other poisons, will
cure rheumatism.
"Golden Medical
Discovery" has
no equal in its
power to cleanse
the blood and to
enrich it. "Dis
covery " contains
neither alcohol
nor narcotics.
"I had been troub
led with rheumatism
fot twelfe years."
writ" Mr K, I Mc
Knight, of Cadet,
W'ilfiamstmre County,
H. C, "o bad at timet
I could uot leave my
htd. I waa badlv
crippled. Tried raiuy doctors and two of them
gave me up to die None of them did me much
Kood. The palna in my back, Mm, and ten
(and t tlinea in my head), would nearly kill
ine. My appetite waa very had. Everybody
who saw me laid I rouat die. I took live bottlea
of 'Oolden Medical Blicovery.' and four vlali
of l'elleU,' nd lo-dy my health il good after
aufferiuK twelve yeara with rheuraatUra."
Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser, in paper
binding, free on receipt of a I one-cent
stamps to pay expense of mailing only.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Fpcclal to the Scranton Tribune.
Plttston, June J7. The llrst Indica
tion of any dlllli ultles ailslng in Lu
zerne county over the adoption by tho
Republican county niganlzatlou of tho
Ci aw foul county lilies made Its ap
pearance bote last eienlngwhon the
vigilance committeemen of West Pltts
ton boiough met in the town hall and
passed a lesolutlon to the effect that
they would not setve ns vlgllnnts at
the Republican pilm.ules to be held
July 7 unless they weie given som '
compensation theiefoie. Thevseeietaiy
of tho meeting was instiucted to send
u copy of the lesolutlon to Ryioti Hahn,
ch, ill man of the Republican county
committee. Tho Ci.iwfotd lules, as
adopted, piovide for the payment of
ii to the leturn Judge who In lugs the
result of the primaries to the conven
tion held on the following day. For
the other two menibeis of the vigil
ance committee, however, no compen
sation Is piovided
Fied Mayo, foimeily of this city,
but now employed In Henwood's diug
stole, at Piovldeme, North Scranton.
wns milted In maulage this evening
to Miss Ethel Thomas, daughter of
John Thomas, of Oiegon Heights. The
ceiemony was peifoimed at thu homu
of the bride's patents, by Rev. Jean
Thomas, of Monti ose, n cousin of th4
bride. Mr. and Mis. Mnyo will go ti
housekeeping immediately at Piovi
Six more Italians weie nrrrsted to
day In connection with the iccent tlot
at the Femwood collleiy. Attorney D.
E. Haxter, candidate for district at
torney at tho coming Republican pil
marles, became their bondsman.
Anthonj T Hennlgan. of Dm yea,
and MIsh Rose Tiax, of Port Gillllth,
were united In mairlage this morning
at 7.S0 by Rev. Father Greve at St.
Mary's church, Upper Plttston.
John Gallagher and Miss Llz?le Mc
Cue, both of this city, were mauled
this nftemoon at 4.20 o'clock In .
Maiy's chui ch.
The Luzerne County Fair association
Is arranging for mntiuee iocos to take
placo at tho West Plttston fair gi omuls
July 4. Tho events will include tlueo
good races.
Harry Hakes, aged 13 years, of
Athens, llrndford county, wan serious
ly Injured on the Lehigh A alley road
In the Coxton nrd about 4 o'clock this
morning. The boy's father Is dead,
but his mother lives In West Sayre.
Fur some tlmo he tins been making his
home with his uncle, "Chip" Tetter, of
Athens Last night he came to Coxton
on a A'alley ft eight train, and acciden
tally fell under tho wheels, his left
leg being crushed. He was taken to
the Plttston hospital, wheto the In
jured member was amputated
A brilliant inatrlmnnal event took
placo this morning, when Dr. Joseph
A. Jennings, a prominent young phy
sician, of this city, was united In mar
rlage to Miss Nana Lavan, t, South
Main street, one of the most popular
and best known young ladles of tho
city. The ceremony was performed
with a nuptial mass In .. John's
Special to the Scranton Tribune. .
Forest City, Juno 27. Following Is
the programme of the entertainment
that Is to be held In Davis opera house
tomorrow night (Thuisday) by St.
Agnn.s choir nnd orchestia: Overture,
Finest Clt band, p.ut song, "Hunting
Song," choir and oichostra, duet,
"Love's Dream Is Past," Miss Med
dleton, Finnk Rrennnn, song, "I AVon
der if She's AValting," John Supon;
lecltntlon, "The Old Actor's Story."
Alice Alelvin; violin and piano, "Car
nival of A'enlee," Angela and Mury
AVolsh; songs and specialties. Misses
Mooney and O'Malley, song, "Massa's
In the Cold Ground," Miss M. Miskell;
pait song, "The Dance," choir and
orchestia, comet solo, "Hearts and
Flowers," Jnmes J. Hulltih; march.
Forest City band. Part 2. A'ocal
match, "To the AVoods," choir and or
chestia; song, "The Soldlei's Bride,"
Frank Rrcnnan, plnno solo, Jennie
Doud; song, "Old Folkc nt Home,"
Delia Kane; song and specialties,
Misses Mooney nnd O'Malley; song,
"When the Hlue liinls Meet," Miss Sul
livan; lecltntlon and drill, "Our Flag,"
Vangle McCloskey nnd twenty-five
young ladles, song, "My Old Kentucky
Home," Hose Meddlcton; song, "Peo
ple Will Talk." Nellie Sullivan; violin
and piano, selected, Angela and Mary
Walsh; song, "Old Hlaek Joe," P. J.
McKeinon; "America," Forest City
H. S. ConMIn, of Monti ose, was
among the business visltois In tho bor
ough on Tuesdaj and AVednesday.
David Henley and Miss Anna Tox
weie unll'd in mairlage yesteiday af
ternoon at St. Agnes church, by Rev.
Father Walsh. The many friends of
the joung couple extend congintula
tlons. Miss Minnie Gllclulst, of Lake Como,
AVnyne county, Is spending the week
with Torest City lelatlves.
Mis. Sniah Ilialn died on Tuesday
morning lit .5 12 o'clock, aged 75 yeais,
nftei nn Illness extending over sev
eral months. Mis. Hr.iln was born In
England and came to this country
about twelve jeais ago, shoitly after
the dcuh of her husband. All her Im
mediate family leslde In Forest City.
She Is sui vlv oil by two sons, George
and A alter Hrain, and four dnughtets,
Mis. Daniel Chnmbeis, Mis. Harry
Down", Mrs. Samuel May and Mrs.
AVIUiim P. Jones Deciased was a
member of tho Methodist church. The
funual tervlccs will be hold Thursday
afteinoop nt the home of Mis. Samuel
May nt 2 o'clock, and Intel meiit will
be made In the Forest City cemetery.
N. J. Centnt 122V4 IM'4 IM 1M
Southern racinc wa WA mn '?
31 31i
70H 70V1
'lMl!f"l'iH (Mmfll . I lini I iiiii,al" limit it iiiiii I. .ill imiiiiiiiM. .111.1
',; i"v .'.;"""(....:' mi M, ' tv"" ii'iin'i'ii'i iirHv'ii'riiiiii
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::'twir prjjr jwrs. d. fi nj-ay, iffii
KliJSWvlifA petoskey. m;
iiii,.i...i,i.ii..:i,itii.iiiii..,ii ,iiii.iTrarrT7i:'i.iwi?7.:i:i..iiiii(i.iifi.iiii'inTfl(:.i,iiifj
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Norfolk k Wntem .... SI
Nnrth. l'arifle SI
.Nor i i. l'aeinr. irr u'l. n
N. V. Central 157H 117 127H
Ont. k, Wot 19 10V, 10
l'cnnn, II. It t'J'l 1SCU 1MV4
I'leldo Mall Sdli 27U 2(
itc.t.iitx in io in
Heading, IT M'4 cVTi 57
Sotitlirrn II, H lUi 11V; 1U
Southern II. It., t'r .... MH 6IV4 UiSi,
Tcnn., C. t Iron (1HI (71 MH
l! H. Leather 8V'i r4 S'i
t' S. Leather, IT W,V4 Cdti ftl'i
llubber 'l V, ii
fnlen I'aclfle 41H foyA 41VI
I nlnn Pielflc, IT .... 4ft'a MV 41HI
ITnion I'aeine, IT T1W 71 "Hi
Wnlmli, IT 17S M 17W
Third Avenuo IOS',4 109 W,fr
rincAcio noAiti) or TitAnn.
Auirmt ....
At'eu't ....
AUk'lHt ....
Inc. , Si
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. 21'4
12 in
est. 8l4
12 M
13 OJ
12 CO
in. 8.1J4
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13 02
Miss Mary R.WigHtman,
1509 Maple Avenue,
South Evanstou, ill.
Evanston. III.. !"!!:
ii!.,ii,l!'!lll'li:i!ir,il!i!l!'lll,,i"l,i,!'!,!i!til'.',.l,l' M
1 1 n ' i ,iii, i:iiiiiitiiiii 1 1 M,iti,iiiii iiiiiiiiihi.ini .ill
Tho Peruna Medicine Coinnanv. ColumVnm. Ohio.
Gentlemen "About one year ago I suffeiecl with frequent backache and
dragging pains, added to geneial exhaustion fiom over-work. I tried
two different tonics, highly recommended, but they did not help me
"One of my friends who had been gieatly benefited by using Peruna,
advised ine to try it. I immediately piocmed a bottle, which helped mo
so much that I used a second one, which fully lestoied me to health. If
I catch a slight cold now or feol unwell, I take a few doses of Pel una nnd
it quickly lelleves mo." MARY R WIGHTMAN,
Superintendent Loyal Temperance League.
get sick, haul to keen well and very
dllllcult to cute when sick.
Dr. Hnitmnn has given this subject
espiclal study nnd thought, and hns
done much tow aid remedjlng the mat
ter. He makes an annual distribution
of books devoted to the subject of the
cue and cute of women.
He conducts a piodlglous cot respond
once, which covets all p.nts of the
I'nlted States, giving advice, prescilp
tlons, etc., etc. All this ho does with
out chin ge. Eveiy letter lecelves
piotnpt and careful attention, and Is
regal ded as strictly confidential Dr.
lluitinnn has made extensive papula
tions to treat these women for diseases
iiecullai to theh se duiing the sutn
mei months. Eveiy lettei will be ans
weied giving the doctor's Invaluable
advice after forty-five yeais' experience
In the tieatment of women. .
The doctor has now ready for the
public a book for women onl. This
book shows how few women nie re.illv
fiee trom catarrh, how many have
catauh in some foim or location. This
book will be sent free to any woman
nddiesslng The Peitina Medicine Com
pany, Columbus, Ohio.
Mrs. D. Flnlny, 023 E. Mitch slrent,
Petoskey, Mich., says the following of
the tonic and rejuvenating powers of
"I never felt better In my life than I
do now. Peruna has made a well wo
man of me after five yeais' of suffer
ing and almost death. Now I can walk
thiee miles In a day besides dolne all
my housework.
"I feel Jdst as well as I did at
twenty. I give all the praiso to
Peruna and always keep It in tho
Trail Women.
That Ameilcan women are growing
moie slenclei and frail Is too appaient
to any obsei ver foi iiigutnent. Slender
ness nnd finglllty nie thp words that
best describe tho typical girl of today.
Fiom an aesthetic standpoint, pet Imps,
all this Is an imptovement on the moie
sturdy and buxom woman of two gen
erations ago. but fioiti the doctor's
standpoint Is n rapid degeneintion.
These, dellcnto creatures ate easy to
Bid. AsW
to the fat mors living around the Inko.
If this llght-flngeiod work continues
In the town much longer, locks and
keys ought to be In demand at a high
Mis. Gilbert L. D ivis has been spend
ing a week among ft lends nt Hlngham
ton, Klrkwood, Hallstead and New
Mllford, IM.
Miss Hazel Davis Is spending sev
oi al weeks with her parents at Can
dor, N. Y. She will also visit fi lends
nt Spencer, N. Y.
Sh'cIj1 to the hcranton Tribune
Hiooklyn, June 27. Miss Featl Sher
iiud, of Hampton, A'n., Is visiting her
mother. Mis. Charles Richards, In this
G. H. llogeis attended the wedding
of his ginnddaughter, Miss Jennie
Moignn, In Scranton, last week.
Mis. D. C. Hntnes i visiting at the
homo of her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Mil
I. S. Towksbury and daughter, Mrs.
Cniiie Dolawuy, visited Carbondale
friends last week.
Mr. and Mrs. M. MoVloar, of Hop
bottom, called on friends hero Tuesday
Miss Maiy Holland, of Factory ville,
Is visiting tho Misses AVnldlo this
w cek.
Lee King 1 suffering from nn ab
scess on his leg.
Albeit Fot co died at tho homo of his
daughter, Mrs. Arthur Rings, Monday.
Mis. Ansel Sterling, who has hern
quite HI, is Impioving.
Mrs. Jewett Is ulso slightly better nt
this wilting.
"Aunt" Elmlna Kent, who Is past 00
yeais of age, attended chuich Sunday
for the llit time since her Illness.
Extensive prep.u.itions aio being
made for the leunlon of the alumni of
the Hrookljn graded school, which Is
to be held at the iiulliiid house next
Saturday evening A supper w 111 bo
served and toasts lesponded to by
foimer teacheis ot the school, a pro
gram given and a delightful time Is
Fpeelal tn the Scranton Tribune.
Nicholson, June 27. Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Hauling nie entertaining Mr.
and Mis. Little, of Hlnghamtnn.
Mr. and Mis Chnilcs Kobloth will
commence housekeeping today In Mr.
C M. Mack's house on Btato street.
M,r. Fiunk C. Drlggs and family, also
Mr. J E. Hauling nnd family, arc
moving Into their cottages at Lake
Nicholson this week.
Mr. Frank E. Proper and Mr. T. P.
Thurbei havo been spending a couple
of days nt Lake AVInolo, where they
found ami brought hack with them
most of the goods that weio taken
from Mr Pioper'w stoio una night re
cently. Tho burglars had sold tha
goods for about ono-third of their voluo
and Mrs.
, died on
An Infant daughter of Mr.
Aloyslus Fltletio, of Mooslc
Monday evening. Intel ment will be
made In St. Mary's lemetery today.
At 11 o'clock yesterday morning Miss
Mary, daughter of .Mr. and Mis. Mich
ael Htehony. of Spilng stieet, was uni
ted In marriage to Mr. lienjamlu Mc
Glynn, of Hiooklyn, foimeily of this
town. The ceiemony was peifoimed
by Rev. Thomas l.rehony, of Ecklcy.
The bilde and her maid, Miss Nellie
Doheity, were handsomely attired in
white batiste gowns, with vnlenclenncs
and ribbon tilmmlngs, and both cut
rled laige bouquets and woio aitlstl
cally designed hats. The groom was
waited upon by William Kane, of tho
AVest Side. Aftei a wedding donner
they left for a several clays' trip to
tho seashoie. On their letmn they
will ri-sldc In Hiooklvn Mrs. McGlynn
will be missed In both tho lollglous
and social elides of Avoca. Their
many ft lends wish them success In
theli new home.
At 5 o'clock last evening Miss Eliza
beth, daughter of Mr. and Mis Ed
win d Hlnes, and James Dnnleavy, of
the Ninth End. weie mairied in St.
Mary's chui'ii by Rev. M. F. Crane.
The bildo was charmingly nttlicd In
a pearl gray gown with chiffon and
satin tilmmlngs. Her maid, Miss Mol-
lie Loftus, wore a foulaid silk gown
of similar shade. Iloth woio white
chiffon hats and can led bouquets of
sweet peas, As tho bridal party took
their places at the sanctuary they pre
sented a very handsomo appeal ance.
The gioom was waited upon by Mar
tin Buckley. A wedding reception was
tendered a laigo number of Invited
guests nt tho honif of tho bride's par
ents last evening. The presents weie
numeious and costly nnd embraced
nearly all tho requisites of house-keeping.
Mr. and Mrs. Dunleavy will le
slde In a prettily furnished home In
tho North End.
Union exclusion of the Hroad Stieet
M. E., Congiegatlonol M P. and Avo
ca P. M. Sunday schools to Harvey's
lake tomorrow. Train leaves Lehigh
A'alley freight dppnt at 7 a. m. Tick
ets, adults, G5 cents; children, 3 cents.
Mr. and Mrs Jnmes Jennings, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Henry Jennings. Mrs. Ed
ward AValsh and Professor C I'. Hoban
attended the Jennings-Lav In wedding
nt Plttston yesterday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph McPhcrson will
movo to Hudson next week.
The Avoca nnd Mooslo business men
will cross bats this afternoon on the
Mooslc grounds.
i taken at night will make you
feel right, act right and look
right. They euro Constipation.
io centa and ca conn, nt all drug- Horca.
Clarence Simpson, of Scranton, visit
ed his patents here last Tuesdny.
The fifth nnnual picnic nnd clam
bake ot the Claik's Summit band, will
be held at Nichols" Grove, July 4th.
Theie will be a base ball game at 2 p
m. Tho boys will undoubtedly bo well
patronized ns they are deseiving.
All entertainment will bo held at tho
school house In Glenbum Saturday
evening, June 30, for the benefit of the
Tennis club of that place. The follow
ing persons have kindly consented to
paitkipato In making tho entertain
ment a success. Thomas Hall, ns Dr.
McC.llllcuildy. Mis. A. E. Lister. Miss
Grace Callender. Miss Ruth Peny,
Edward Hull. Joe AVulte, Robert Hall,
Andiew Smith.
Mr. I)i in v of Plttston, wns In town
Tuesday Inst looking up his Interests
as a candidate for state senator.
Diarrhoea at Santiago.
Charles II. Marks, while acting In
the capacity of nurso at tho Second
Division Hospital of tho Fifth Army
Corpi at Santiago de Cuba, used a
few bottles of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for
dlairhoea and found It to work llko a
charm. For sale by all druggists.
Matthews Hros , wholesale and retail
Wall Street Review. '
Sen York, June 27 ITins flilid to hnld In
tidjy's Blink nurket Hid after on rail) period
of a'h.u.ct. tiiinul i!i lie rail) ilovvim irils until the
aeni;e irwl had fallen io Ik low tint of last
lilcht. There un oine Irriuiil.irit) In the moio
limit, a jinouir the Indiutriali and lallroads,
but the tone if tin nnrkt-t dm ins the latter
part of the ill) ttat undi nhblv hell). The If
irmilurit) confuted in the better retlstance to
tho cl, it hiIoii ofleicd Ii) some bloekj This ai
Hue of the ttiel (ticks and of the coalus, the
litur lrlM' ailuiul I') .1 (rood hliouini; of caiti
iius for Vt iy b) tin I lie and the ltiidlni; com
1'inia, b) rnnoumcincnt of an a'iwnce in the
price uf mil b) the Hiidlinr rciiiiun and bv
n porta that other loinpnnie would follow cult
Sotm of tho oft coil n aiU neie also strong on
the eon) conditions in lint trade. Hut the rail
ro.ul list, a a uliole, Ki.oltated downuards quite
In nil). The bii)i; demand which as In ri
diiiec )etrrdi) nnd the diy lifore jnd fium
which inuih Ii nt b in hoped In i.illiluc rkis, inire.isln itiditli and latitude at
tho higher lent attalnnl The c-nuise of the
market was a fctiiklni: trstlinonj of the ihmlu
mice of the. rroi pm-pectii as un (nthicmu on
London unci the luropian bouisu wire all
hlhir on tin report published alruid of the
rccuo of tin forciun lcntloiia b) Admiral &.)
mour'a foreo at I'ikiii .ind the opening hero was
Irons In )nipalliv Hut this was the growing
need of money did not avail to hold prices ,u
face of tho rail) In tho wluat mirket which was
accepted as a plain Intimation that the rc-actlon
In that market was purely technical in lis causo
and that there was nu aubsldincu ot appi eolation
ol extensile damage to the crop. The May state
ment of net earning of the fet. Paul company
hid n cumulative ilfeet on sentiment In connec
tlon with iho imp damage reports and all of
the grain cnrolug roids fared badlv .Northern
Parlfle was mot atfutcd and showed an extreme
detlino of nearly twn paints. Circat Noitliein
lireferrcd lost 1V4 Total sales tenia), S3i).1im,
liuiiui'ss in bonds was smill, but irlcis were
niucli bitter held relatliel) than In mocks To
tal tales par value, irl.D-JI.OiiO. I'liilrd States
bond were uuihanged In bid quotations.
The following quotations am furnished The
Tribune b M S Jirdan i Co., roonu ;ft5.7nO
Mears building. Tcleidiono C.ou.1'
Open I Huh'
American Sugar IIJ'J
Ainerlrnn Tiincco ,, . t7
Am .h. it ao'i
Atch , To i h. IV .... 2I'
A . T. A, S I'., IT .... 71
llrnoklin liactlon .... Sd
Halt ie Ohio 7u
font, 'lobar co
Hies, k Ohio UK
(hie. k (1. V IHVj
Chic. H & () 123
M Haul 110,
Hock J!and lOOi
laekawunna l"7'j
l'isieral Sleel 30V,
r'ideral hteel. IT 6JV4
l.ouls. K Nall .,,.,... 7lia
Manhattan llle ., M'.'j
Mil. Traellou Co 117
)llou i I'aijllc ..... ,, I7H
l'coplc'i Gas Oil
Low (ios-
i St. tbt. mg
11' 1110 it
S7 Mli fulij
SO', SiiT, so
IV i Uli
71t 70'i 7014
S til 51 Vt
on nou mi,
22W ;ji, "j'5
MU 25 25
10V4 10' 4
1 JIT. liJ'i
mi-), W
177V5 177'4
sii4 sui,
7IU lWt
Wt sn
lin 111114
47 i7V(
M',4 WU
Scranton Donrd of Trade Exchnnge
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
First S'ltlnnal Hank
Scranton Savings Hank
kennton Packing Co
Third National Hank
Dime Deposit and Discount Hank ..
Economy light. H ft P. Co
laeka. Trust ft Site Deposit Co. ..
Serantnn Paint Co
Clark 4: Snover Co, IT.
Scranton Iron IVnce iV Mfg. Co
Scranton Axle Works
Lackawanna Dairy Co., IT
County savings lisnk ft Trust Co. .
l'lrst S'atlonal Hank (Carbondale)..
Standard Drilling Co
New Vleicieo ltv Coal Co, IT. ....
Traders' Nitlonal Hank
Ecranton Holt and Nut Co
Scranton Passenger Hallway, first
mortgige, due 1120 115
People's Stieet Hallway, first mort
gage, due 1D1S US
Tcople's Strict Hallway, General
mortgage, due 1021 113
Dickson Vtanuficlurlng Co
Lacka Townhlp School 5 per cent. ...
City ot Scranton St Imp. 0 per
Scranton Traction 0 per cent 115
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II. O. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave)
Hutter Cnamer). 21c , dalrv tubs, 20e.
l'ggs Select western. He ; nearby state, WAc
Cheese toll cram. few, imal2r.
Deans Per bu , shoicc mariow, J2.4J; medium,
$2 10 pea, V fO.
I'ctatoes 45e.
Bermuda Onions $1.75
Hour Best patent, $1.25.
Philadelphia Grain and Produce
Philadelphia, dune 27. Wheat-Firm: 2c
higher; No 2 mixed dune. 47,alie Oats
Mndv but qulei at '4lc higher, fancy west
ern ereamerv, 20c , do prints, 21c. l.ggs
Dull and unchanged: fresh n.nrb), He, do
western, 14Hc, do. southwestern, lie.; do.
souhtern. 12c Cheese Dull and lower, New
York full cream fanev small. B-tic: do do. do.
good to choice, )",n!l1Ae llillned Sugars-Un-.iinnfr.t
rvittnn 1 inn and 1 llc higher, mid
dling uplands. li'Jc Tallow Dull; city prime In
hogsheads, 4'c : countr) do birrels, 4c , dark,
do, Tie ; cakis. 4'.c l.lie I'oulti) Firm,
fiir demand, fowls. 10'(.e.j old roosters, O'4i7o .
spring chickens, l'n'Oc Dressid Poultl) tin-ch-ingeel,
fowls, choice, Hl'te ! do fair to good,
DVialOc. , old roostem, C'4e , western frozen
chiikens, Halle ; nearby broilers, ISaJ'ii , west
cm do. 11i2nc. llecelpts-Hcur, 1 1) barrels
and 1.2"0,noi) pnumls in sacks vihiit, none;
corn, HI 000 bushels, oits, 5.,() lmhels. ship
mints Wliett, none, corn, 210,W0 bushels; oats,
15,000 bushels.
New York Grain and Produc.
New Aork, .lime 27 Flour Qi let : tuners
refusing to met the high asking rales, winter
straights. .t '"HI 20. do extras, f.'TJail'i
Win -it-spot film. No. i red, Kl'si t. o b
nllnit, No 2 led, 'Kl'tc. elevator; No 1 north
em Duliith, S'ii f o li aflrtl: options opened
weak bul pinmitlv rallied nnel weie firm to
strong all dn with un ictlvo gineral tiade,
closid lirm nt l'sHV" net advance, .lily closed
r'"sc : s, ptcinber, M)V4e Corn Spot stroi'g;
No 2. MV f. ii. b atloat and l'Jc. elevator,
options slrrng md active all day; closul stiong
at l'fcc net higher, July cWd 4S",e ; Sep
tember, 4k'e. Oats spot flrVir; No 2, .We ;
Vn 3. 5fi.i : N'o 2 white. 32e : No 3 white.
Jl.c , track mixed, western, 2HsaWl4c.; track
white. .Will V e : options iiilet lint tlrm Hut
tcr-1'irnier, creamer), 17a20c ; factory, 14a
ltl",p , iinitillnn cieuiierv. llalSc : stnte dairy,
I'ii4ul0c ; Cheese Wiak large v bite. 0J,v)ViC ;
large colored, !is,l!iV.e , unall white and col
ored, Q'-JO'ic l'g-s- Irregular, stite ami I'eni.
svlvnnia, llVaal'ic western uognded at mark,
10il2V4e ; western loss off, ungraded, 14c.
Chicago Grain and Produce.
Chloniro. Jemo 27 -Wheal -Vas uctlvc and
firm, closing IV over .vistenhi) The recovery
was due principil!) In nicsatlon of llipildatlnn,
a big lash business bellied cern futures; lul)
finishing the si sion le Imprmil Oits closed
n sh-ide higher nnd trovisions sluing. Jul) pork,
W2r , .lulv larel. 224e and .lulv ribs, 2214c.
Intter ( ih quotations weie ns follows. Flour -Firm;
Vn .1 spring wheat. Naa.!c.; Vn 2 red,
SIC isTic , No 2 corn. 42'(.iHsi ., Vn 2 )el
low", 421,all14o ; No 2 oats, 2V i2ft ; No 2
white. 27"iJ7o . Nn T while, 27a2c : Nn '
rve, filaOl'V ; birlev. S'a.lOe ; No. 1 flax and
northwest, Mm; pork, Irll Urial2 Ml, 1 irel, s 'U
7CU'8. ribs, fOO'ii" 2"i. shnulders, iA,a7e , shies,
S7 30a7rfl, whlski'i, M 21, sugus, unchanged.
ChlcaRo Live Stock Market.
Chicago, .Tune 27 Cittle fienerally stendv;
mtlves hist on sale tniln, seven held it lV 75;
and twentv one carlmels at $5 50, good to prime
sleirs, light and medium weights, firm, V10i
S7'i; poor to medium, heavy about steael), l 10
a5; Mlected fuihrs, slow, 9? IhIjI 75, mlxeil
stCK-kers, slow, lower, s.U5i1S0; cows, $2 WV
4 in. helfirs. .in4 75, lanncrs, s2 20i2 73, bulls,
steadv, if 2.75.1 1 50, cilvm, steady, 4 50il M
Texins, best one ssle todav, two carloads at
M20! Tcvts fed steers, JI.SOI5 15; do gras
stens. 1.1(1110; tin bulls, 2.73al30. Hogs
Active, sli.ide higher; top, S5 27'4, mixed and
butehers 5 10.i5 .7'4; good tn chaiee henvy,
V. 20a5 25. rough hravv V05i5 15, light, 5 nria
5 25: bulk of snlcs, 5 17".ii5 22H Sheep and
limb (hoiio sliong, eithiis steady tn slow,
good tn cholie withers, $111 7.5, fair tn chohc
mixed, 251110, westein sheep, $4aleV5;
'lexis klnep l 'a HI; nitlve lambs, VnO; vvestem, -5 00iil, spnng lambs, fl,60afi50.
Buffalo Live Stock Maiket.
i:ist nuffalo. dune 27 Cattle Market dull for
con moil and sllpp'iv. but feeling steadv for
tuishiil stocks Veils, lower, SI 50.i0 Hcgs
Market opened stiong foi nigs and light grades
fK lovei foi inediiiins an 1 heaiv, closcel lower
for nil; Verkus, i.5 50e 55; pics. e55ia5cjO,
carlv niel.tims and lunw, $5.50i5 35. one loid,
5 5714 .closed 5 50. inughs. M l1il 75: stags,
MO01I75 sheep and Lambs Vlarket dull,
lnu.r. lust icirllnLs. l 73.15. extll lane'is.
$5 2oa3 V), mils t" good, s,l.50i5 25, mixed
fliecp, tops fl !"ul 40, culls to good, 1 50a4 15;
others. $1 50a I 73
New York Live Stock Maiket.
New- Yoik, .7un 27. Ileeves sieers In Htht
sipph and 10c higher; bulls. 10il5c. lower;
tows harrlv stcidv, sliers fia" V) extri. f5fe):
oxen and 'sti-h, il20aS15. bulls, ?2n0al'l0;
cows. 2 23u4 Calves Veals, slow, generally
lowir; butterti llks, 45ilV' off, veals H Seiafi,
lambs, Si 50H. 25; extri prime. sel.aOafl 40;
culls. "al, gcnenl salts, f 1 75a5.00; car of
good warlings. 4 25 llegs-Steady at $5 65a
5 SO; choice light slate hogs, $5 85.
East Liberty Cattle.
Fast Libcrtv, dime 27 -Cattle Steady; extra,
$.5fi0a5M, prime, $5 4.-a3M), lonunon, $1o0al,
llogs-sow and lower, prime mediums, ? j 50-i
5 55, heavy hogs an I best Yorkers, f-5l5aS50;
likht Yorkers. 13 I05 15. pips, if5,.'5i5 15. roughs,
J.l75alOo Sheep Hull, iholei' wellurs, M )0a
4 50, common, ?1 Vla'J Wj spring lambs, $J 50a
5 23 calves, ?s aO 50.
Oil Maiket.
Oil City. June 27 Credit lalances, $125; cer
tificates, 1 25 bit, EhlpmeiiU, SI.127 barrels;
aveiuge, i2,im) bands, runs, 113,300 bauds;
average, 01,271 bairils.
31 '
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
That Contain Mercury.
as meicurv will surely elestro) thp sense of smell
am! coinpietel) elerange the whole sjstem when
rnlering it thnugli the mucous eurfaces. Such
articles should never bo used except on pre
tulptious from icputahle phvslclaiis, as the
eliiuago the) will do Is till fold to Ihe good )ou
run posslbl) derive from them. Hall's Catsrrh
t urc, manufactured by K. J. Cheney ft Co ,
loledo. O., contains no mercur), and Is taken
inteiiull), acting directly upon the blood and
mucous suraces of the s)slcm. In bu)lng Hall's
Catanh Cure be sure 1011 get the genuine. It
l taken internally, and made In Toledo, Ohio,
hi K. J Chene) ft Co. Testimonials free.
'Sold by diuggist. price 75c, pir bottle.
Hall's Fa nily I'illJ are tho best.
Tomorrow's Program Is
the Most Wonder
fully Sensational of
Anij Ever Presented
for Our
One Hour
Friday Sales
3,000 )ards of Fine Challles, "lAn
worth 5c. )d, at fOc
Ladles' Vests, finely made and fin- 1 fl.
ished; worth lit., at lu-
DIesched Huck Face Towels, Ol n
good slie, worth 0c. each, at "2v
Summer Corsets, of fine net, S OOf
hooks; w-irth 50c., at -''
Indies' Lisle Thread Gloves, all AC
shades, worth 10c, at vw
Qreat Basement Sale.
Fancy Krreralel Sauce Dishes, f
two sizes, wcrth 5c, nt ...... v
Ten qt. (Iranite Dish Fans, raised Cc
bottoms, worth ?0c , at mt
rilow- Sham Holders, of ntckled JQg
wire, worth "0c, at
Fanev Wider Pitchers, gold IJC
ttippled, worth 3)c, at v
Granite Stew I'ins, 2'i quart size, Iftn
worth 20. . at "w
lletlnned Dish Pans, 17 quart Cc
glzc, worth 0c, at ""
Pleached Pillow- Cases, full site, jQg
worth 15c, at
Oriental Lues In exquisite pat- Qf
terns, worth up to U5c , at.... """
Fn est White floods, man) varie. (Oc
ties, worth '2.V. )ard, at '
Nainsook F.mbrnideries In rich pat- Q
ttrrs, worth up to 25c. at .... "'
Wcmen's Sailor Hats, with black ie-
bunds, worth 2lc , at ww
Fnc mid Plain Taffeta Itihbons, I Cc
very wide, worth 30c )rd, at. "w
l(n 4 rfM Hi
Ladles' Flnst Hlick Hosiery. Qc
wcrth il Imported. 50c. pal"". ' w
Marseilles pitterns Bert Spreads, AAr
10 4 blie, woilh $t, at sj'tw
Fir est Sllkollnes In many rt- Cf.
Urns, worth 12'tc. yd., at .... J'
Ho)'s Corduruv Pants, best thero lQr
are, worth 75c pair, at yv
Maple Clothes Trees, also mahog- "Zlr
any and oak, worth, 60c, at .. ,,-