The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 22, 1900, Morning, Image 1

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The Invincible Ticket Named at the
Republican Convention at
Philadelphia Yesterday.
Exciting Scenes in the Convention Deep
Sentiment of the Party Plainly Shown in
the Preferences Expressed A Gathering
Remarkable for the Almost Entire Absence
of Friction in Its Deliberations Story of
the Fruitless Struggle of the Rough Rider
to Ward Off the Nomination Ovations to
Favorites of the Convention.
Special from a Stall Correspondent.
Philadelphia, June 21. Hon. William
McKInley, of Ohio, for president, and
Hon. Theodore Roosevelt, of New York,
for vice president, was the ticket nom
inated today by the Republican Na
tional convention.
The scenes that accompanied the
nominations will Ions live in the mem
ory of those who wUnoss"d them.
When MoKlnlcy's name was placed In
nomination It noemed that nothing
greater In the way of a popular dem
onstration could bo conceived, and yet
a few minutes laW when the nomina
tion was actually made the demon
stration was renewed with greater
vigor than ever.
The delegates nnd spectators to the
convention had done so much cheer
Ins fit Roosevelt Mnco the convention
opened that they had to an extent ex
hausted their reserved fund of enthu
siasm, and the reception of his name
was somewhat of a illsai polntment to
the spectators who were unacquainted
with what had gone before.
ThlJ third day of the convention was
by several degiees the warmest, and
fans were In use everywhere. The
doors of the convention hall were
throv.n epen nt 9.15, and at 0.5S the
Kansas delegation marched in with
sun llowers fastened to their coats,
and above them a large banner de
claring lor Roosevelt for vice presi
dent. It evoked a storm of applause,
for by llils time every cno knew that
Roosevelt would be unopposed and that
ho would accept.
Roosevelt Appears.
Five minutes after the Kar.sans
came Roosevelt, evident), anxious to
escape attention. It was not to be,
however. Ho was quickly recognized
and Instantly everyone arose and
everyone cheered. He rushed to his
seat ns rapidly as possible, and was
quickly the center of a throng of dele
gates. At 10 15 Mark Hanna entered the hall
as tho band played "The Star Spangled
Banner." When ho reached Hoosc
velt'3 chair tho Ohio senator stopped
to congratulate him. The two shook
hands coidlally end chatted together
pleasantly for several minutes.
Senator Lodge called the convention
to order at 10 30. and Intioduced Arch
bishop Ryan, who offered prayer. Im
mediately after Senator Quay was rec
ognised by the chair and wlthdievv
his proposition to amend the rules
with jefcrence to tho representation of
states. 'J here was a sigh of relief
from tho delegates, for the matter If
taken up by the convention would
have caused n long and spirited de
Senator Lodge called for nominations
for president, and when the roll of tho
states was called Alabama yielded the
lloor to Ohio and United States Sena
tor Joseph Benson Foraker, amid gteat
applause, went to the platform and
placed McKInley In nomination In one
of his characteristic speeches, He per
formed tho same duty at tho conven
tion of four years ago.
When he had concluded the delegates
and spectators were on their feet In an
Instant. Red, white and blue pampas
grasses were seized by tho California
delegation and waved about, while
cheer after cheer rent tho air. The
standards containing the banners that
marked the location of the state dele
gations were grasped by tho delegates
and wavei about, many-hucd um
brellas circled through the air, flags,
handkerchiefs and fans were wildly
waved and there was not, seemingly,
a foot of space In the convention hall
that was not brightened by animated
Hanna Led the Cheers.
Mark Hanna, filled with the spirit of
tho occasion, Jumped to tlio front of
tho -latform and wildly waved a bunch
of pampas grass, and the convention
broke out Into a renewed tumult. By
this time the convention band and the
band from President McKlnley's home
at Canton, O., were endeavoring to
drown all other noise. Someone started
the procession of state banners toward
tho platform and soon all were gioupea
there, tho banner of Hawaii among
them. Wave after wave of applause
swept over tha convention, nnd It
seemed as If the delegates and spec
tators would never tire. This was the
most dramatic and spectacular mo
ments of the convention; one of tho
most spectacular, It may be added, In
the history of conventions.
Now the impulse "seized tho banner
bearers to return to tho lloor of the
convention and they formed a proces
slan and marched through the aisles
on tho lloor cheering and singing "Ral
ly 'Round the Flags, Boys."
It was fifteen minutes before Chair
man Lodge could restore order and
then Governor Roosevelt stepped on
the platform to second the nomination.
This brought another demonstration
that lasted for sever!! minutes. He
was frequently Interrupted by applause
during his address and at Its conclu
sion received a wonderful ovation.
Other seconding speeches were made
by Senator Thurston, of Nebraska;
Governor Mount, of Indiana, and Dele
gates Yetkes, of Kentucky, and
Knight, of California.
When McKInley was declared the
unanimous choice of the convention
for president by Chairman Lodge an
other scene of wild enthusiasm fol
lowed. There was more cheering and
more singing.
Boosevelt Nominated.
The nomination of Roosevelt was but
a repetition of the scenes that maiked
the nomination of McKInley. He was
nominated by Colonel Lafayette
Young, of Iowa, and the nomination
was seconded by Murray, of Massa
chusetts, Ashton of Washington, and
Chauncey M. Depew, of New York. The
latter made one of the most popular
speeches of tho convention. When
Roosevelt was nominated the band
played "There'll Be a Hot Time In tho
Old Town Tonight" and the convention
cut loose In harmony to the music.
The nominations disposed of, a small
amount of routlnet business was trans
acted, nnd at 2.30 the convention ad
journed. Tho national committee met Imme
diately after the convention adjourned,
Hon. William Connell attending It as
the representative of Pennsylvania,
having been substituted by Former
Senator Quav.
The Scranton delegates will teturn
home tomorrow. Many of tho visitors
from Lackawanna to the convention
returned home tonight.
J. F. Mitchell.
McKInley and Boosevelt the Unani
mous Choice of the Convention.
By Associated Press.
Philadelphia, June 21. President Mc
KInley was unanimously renominated
for president of the United States by
the Republican national convention at
1.48 o'clock today and an hour and ten
minutes later Governor Theodore
Roosevelt, of New York, was unani
mously selected to stand beside him
In the coming battle.
Tho scenes attending the selections
were tumultuous. Such unanimous de
monstrations In honor of the nominees
of a national convention have never
been equalled, perhaps, in the history
of politics In this country. It was a
love feast, a Jubilee, a ratification
There was a fine setting for today's
spectacular drama. Bright peonies at
either end of the stage made two flam
ing bits of color. Over the vast multi
tude fans moved ceaselessly to and fro
like the pinions of a cloud of alarmed
gulls boating the air. There was no
preliminaries. The wrangle expected
over the question of reducing the rep
resentation In tho south was averted
by the withdrawal of Senator Quay's
Tho great hall became quiet as Sen-
ator Lodge, standing before lfj.000 eager
faces, gavel In hand, announced that
nominations for president of the Uni
ted States were In order. The read
ing clerk advanced to tho front of the
platform. He was about to call tho
roll of states for the presentation of
candidates. When Alabama was called
a thin, red-whiskered delegate from
that state arose and surrendered the
first right to speak to Ohio.
When Foraker Appeared.
A flutter of handkerchiefs filled the
air and a cheer went up fiom the dele
gates In the pit ns Senator Foraker, of
Ohio, tho ideal of militant Republican
ism, strode toward the platform
Foraker is a grand looking man, with
something of the Imporiousness of
Blaine and tho dash of a Rupeit about
him. The air was surcharged with elee
ttlclty as he mounted the steps, nnd
when he tinned about, standing there
with gray eyes calmly sweeping the
cheering thousands, the magnetic ora
tor must have been conscious of his
power to call up n storm that would
sweep through tho amphitheatre.
On all sides were banked men nnd
women, almost frantically waving hats,
handkerchiefs and pampas plumes. In
full view of the convention, he stood
erect, his face as Inflexible as though
chiselled In marble, waiting for the ap
plause to cease. When quiet won re
stored, he began to speak. It was not
yet noon, but the sun was blazing
through the roof, shooting his darts
and arrows Into all parts of tho hull.
With resonant, ringing voice and
graceful gesture, Foraker stilled the
noise. Even the employes and pages
crouched down as they gazed at tho
orator. He began to call up the hur
ricane from the start. Whenever he
raised his aims aloft the whistling of
tho gale ran 'round the hall. When he
said the nomination had alieady been
made, that Wolcott and Lodge and the
Platform had each In turn named his
, candidate, a great cheer went up.
When he said his cnndldnte was the
choice of every man who desired Re
publican success in November, the roat
was like tho rush of a heavy sea
through a rocky cavern. The orator
was sll.'nced by his own words. Then
he began again, speaking like few men
can. His audience were thrilled. They
sat like men under a spell He dropped
a word here, a word there, like sparks
under a sun dried stubble, nnd when
he concluded his placing McKInley In
nomination, not on behalf of Ohio,
but all ot (he states nnd territories,
a clap of thunder shook tho building.
Below him, all about him. wore the
deafening roar. The previous whist
lings of the storm were but tho rust
lings of a summer night's breeze. For
u moment tho magician leaned over
the platform ns If to satisfy himself
that his work was accomplished. Then,
seeing that the effort had been suc
cessful, he retired to the rear of the
stage. The sight was n grnnd and in
spiring one. In tho pit the delegates
and alternates were cheering enthu
siastically. Over the acres of specta
tors bedlam reigned. The hall was an
angry a of tossing color. Flags, ted.
white and blue plumes snot up n If
by ri'nlc to crest the waves. Hats
were lifted aloft on canes. Umbrellas
were hoisted and twisted until they
resembled whirling Dervishes.
An Ovation to Hanna.
On the press platform the newspaper
men, with watches out, were counting
the minutes. On tho stage, Senator
Hanna, his handkerchief In one hand,
a fan In the other, was spurring the
vast assemblage to new endeavors.
The raging storm did not seem to
satisfy him. Ho seized a plume and
whirled It about his head like a gen
eral leading his men to the charge.
All at once u delgate bearing the
standard of Kentucky rushed forward
to tho stage. The effect was magical.
Standards of the states were torn
loose, and yelling delegates climbed
upon the platform to rally around their
leader. With state guidons pointed to
a common center, they made a canopy
over the head of the Warwick of the
Republican party. Ohio Intel locked her
staff with New York, Maine figura
tively kissed her hand to California,
and Minnesota saluted Texas. Then,
higher still climbed Hanna. He mount
ed a table, where he could look out
upon the cheering multitude. Beside
him suddenly appeared a young girl,
arrayed In the national colors. At this
sight the cheers redoubled. The music
of the orchestra was drowned In tho
awful, din. The demonstration had
now continued, with scarcely a lull, for
ten minutes. Chairman Lodge began
to rap for order, but the ring of his
gavel was of no avail. A Texas dele
gate shouted, above tho roar, "Three
cheers for Mark Hanna!" They were
given with a will. Then a delegate,
with Ohio's standard In his hand, dove
Into the main aisle and went careen
ing toward the rear, to the music of
"John Brown's body lies mouldering
In the ground." The bearers of the
standards of the other states plunged
after him. Down the aisle they swung,
starting the whole storm afresh. When
they reached tho main entrance they
were met by men holding aloft a gigan
tic papier mache elephant, with tho
national colors entwined about Its
neck. Then tho procession came back
and circled the pit. For several min
utes this parade continued.
The demonstration all told lasted ex
actly fifteen minutes. In length of
time It does not comparo with the pro
longed cheer that went up for Grant
In 1880, or Blaine in 1888, or for Mc
KInley In 1806. It Is also surpassed In
length of time by demonstrations at
Democratic conventions. This pro
tracted outburst was but the fore-runner
of tho pandemonium that reigned
a moment later when Roosevelt, tho
I Continue J on pace 2.)
iPtfB?y yMaMiHBy "'w'''f '4n SHBHfrti Jtpissi
Delegates from All Paris of the
Countiy but Taiticulaiiy fiom the
West Clamored for the Nomination
of the Bough Bider and Would Not
Listen to No fiom Him When He
Saw That It Was a Fruitless Task
to Keep the Nomination from Com
ing His Way He Accepted.
Spot hi from a Malf fonctpnndent.
Philadelphia, June HI. One or the
most picturesque Incidents in Ameri
can polities closed today, when Gover
nor Theodore Roosevelt, of New York,
was nominated by the Republican na
tional convention as the tunning rnato
of President McKInley.
This was a ense where the olllce
truly sought the man.
Oover nor Roosevelt not only did not
want the nomination but he wetrt to
Philadelphia for the one put pose of do
ing nil In his power to prevent tho rep
resentatives of t'ho Republicans of the
country from naming him for the olllce
of vice president. It was of no avail.
Tho delegates wanted him and would
listen to no such thing as refusal.
From the far west came the most rad
ical supporters of the dashing colonel
of the Rough Riders.
Pennsylvania had no soner declared
for him than tho C'ullfornla delegation
enmo out strong for Now York's gov
ernor. They came east with tho boom
of Irving M. Scott', "tho man who built
the Oregon," In their possession, but
were willing to lay the Scott boom
aside if Roosevelt said yes.
But ho would not. On the contrary,
he pleaded with theso Calltornlans, and
with tho delegations that carno after
them, to vote nnd work against him
if they would pleaso him nnd do the
tiling ho would have them do.
Every time ho appeared on tho floor
of tho convention ho was besieged by
delegates who tried to win from him
some admission that ho wns a candi
date. They couldn't do It. Neither
would ho bay that ho would decline if
the convention should nominate him
against' his wishes.
TriPbduy came to Roosovelt tho dele
gates from Kaunas, and they wero not
to be cast down by a mere refusal.
"Willing or not, we are going to nom
inate you for vice president," said the
men from Kansas, as they withdrew
from Roosevelt's apartments.
They meant what they said and
everybody know it. Tiro mention of
Roosevelt's nnmo meant that tho con
vention would bo stampeded for him,
nnd tho friends of tho other candi
dates and thoso who objected to Roose-
I Continued ou .'age. 2.
JUNE 22, 3900.
Ninth Infantry Ordered to Fight It3
Way to Pokin j Nccossary.
Washington, Juno 21. The ninth day
without news from i.ilsler Conger
finds the administration perplexed as
to the best course to pursue In icgard
to the Chinese situation.
The w llllngness ot the president and
his ndvlsers to do everything possible
for the protection of American life and
property In China Ii beyond question,
but In tho absence of advices ass to
conditions at Pekln and elsewhere In
the Celestial empire It l Impossible
to determine what should be done.
Already as many soldiers, sailors
nnd marines as may snfelv be with
drawn Horn the Philippines for Chinese
service have been despatched to Ad
miral Kempff at Taku, but the presi
dent will go to extreme lengths to ob
tain more men should he llnd their
presence In Chinese territory necessary.
The Ninth Infantry will not be able
to leave Manila for Taku for three
days. When the regiment lands It will
push forward to Pekln, probably join
ing the International lellef column be
yond Tlen-Tsln If It bo true that the
column failed to reach the capltul.
Colonel Lesvmc, of the Ninth infan
tiy, ha j orders to proceed to Conger,
despite nil obstacles, lighting his way
to Prkln if necessary.
Telograohle communication between
Taku and the outside world has not
been reopened. It Is suspected here
that the cable lines are Intact, but
that tho Chinese otlkials hold the cable
unices and decline to permit any news
to bs sent.
The navy department had a cable
messnge from Rear Admiral Remey
today, reporting the departure of the
naval transport Zallro from Manila for
Hong Kong v Ith nbout 2u0 seamen nnd
some mailnes for the battleship Ore
gon, which Is short of men, nnd can
not sail for Taku until the Uaflro nr
rives. It will therefore be a week be
fore she can Join Rear Admiral
Kempff. Most of the Oregon's crew
will probably bo landed at Taku,
where, according to n dispatch re
ceived from Rear Admiral KempfC Yes
terday, there nre 310 American sea
men nnd marines.
Courts Render Important Opinion
Against the Pennsy.
Trenton, June 21 In a dnnaire suit brouiclit
bj Catbcrlne Mikcmiir, "f Hudson lount),
ak'aliiat the IVnnsjhal.i.l railroad, frr tlu kill
ill); ot Cornel ln VIiKimlc a braktnim, wl.u
wai a rncmbir of the railioail'n relief dipartmint,
the court luld only the aduil lucqiUme
of relief 'bcnifts bv those cntlllid undir tho
law tu biio for d.ima'cs nould operate at a
waiter of the rlu'ht to maintain a ihmaee nut.
t'oiinsi'l for the company loutilidid that the
aaretmint bigncil bv the memlnra of the ozo
nation vvaa n bir to the biliudnif of any dam
aire mltn. but tha court held M italul, that
only the actual occc tanco of the bent fit oper
ated as a bar. Mi hi ruin's (later Xi his named
beneficiary irnt the Wncfltn and kiKiied a n lease,
but the court held that this do. 8 not vitiate the
law, which cites to widows and next of Kin
the rieht to cue.
Stabbed His Brother.
Wllkek-ltarre, June 21 C. 1). and James Per
ry, farmery retldlni! nt Wbltc't Terry, Wjomlnir
coi.uty, imarrcled oer tho division of tome
land, when James stabbed his brother Sic
timet in the abdomen, causing the bowels to
protrude. The vounafd man was brought to
the W'llkcs-Ilarre hospital for medical atten
tion, ll.cro is llttlo liouo ot bis recovery.
Weather Indications ToJay:
1 (irmral MiKinlcy ami Itoosctelt Nominated.
Foreign Settlement In lVkln in Ashes.
h Koosctclt Was Nominated.
2 Rcmral McKInley and ltoosetclt (Condud-
( and Commercial.
3 Central Gillie rlmr at Philadelphia Was a
Kemarkablc Ci mention.
I Kditorial.
News and Comment.
,r, Speichu Nominating McKInley and
0 Ural One Pij'a W'oik of the Courts.
Six .Shims Cr-uhute.
7 I.ccal I'ire Department U Severely Scored.
Council l'rocciillnis.
S Local Writ Siranton nnd Fulimban.
0 Hound Vhout the Coin ty.
NorlhcaMirn l'enixjlvanla News.
Local I.Ue Industrial Cleaning.
diss l'.u rei-ei of High Silnol Graduate
About Three Hundred Boers Surren
der Near Paardekop.
London, June 22, 4 a. m. General
Duller Is pressing his advance. On
Wednesday ho followed the Johannes
burg railvyay to Paardekop, thirty-one
miles from Stnnderton. About 300
Doers, singly or In small parties, have
The war ofllce has Issued a list of
casualties In engagements around Hell
bron, previously undisclosed. Eord
Roberts has adopted the Transvaal
mining regulations for military adrnln
lst ration.
A dispatch from Lorenzo Marquea
"The Doers have printed and posted
at every corner tho following:
" 'Machadodorp, Monday. Tho Paris
exhibition has closed and Franco has
declared war against England. I'ifty
mllei of railway has been destroyed In
the Free Stnte nnd iiO.000 Diitish have
surrendered.' " '
Kansas City Preparing for the Big
Convention In July.
Kansas C'ltj. June 21 Hon C. A. Walsh, sec
ret in of the National Democratic committee,
whei las utabllshe.l hiadquaitirs for tile July
irathrrlr ff, todiy ibseel prcllinlnirr arrange limits
for the prlutini; of the lomriitioii tickits. '1 lit
is the i'nal mattir of il. tall fi.r thu contention
to be niiiiiiounced In the nalioial miiiiiilttrv.
Ilttiicttlni; the kl delcirates fiom Hawaii, who
arilied nt Mn Francisco jeKterdaj, en route to
Kansas fit). Mr. WitMi kald: "T lie Hawailans
vi ill undoubtedly be recognlz! bi the conten
tion. Arrangements will be made thro.igh the
information bureau, fur their actoniuiodation."
Coal Dealer of Iowa and Nebraska.
('mini II IlluiTs, June Ul Tho Coal Dealers' as.
soelitioii of Iowa and Nebraska, which em
braces practlialb all ce-al ilea Km of these two
stales, was called to order this inornin.'. in an
nual ciinuntloii, In- Proldcnt lorn Collins Hav
ens, of Omaha, vt the close cf the day's ses
sion tho whole party, number trig about four
hundred, left on a fpeclal train for a week's
outlntr at Denier, Pueblo and Colorado .Springs.
Corn Belt Edltois Meot.
Ftorm Lake. lai., Juno SI. The Corn Relt
Editorial association Is holdini; its annual
tneetiiier hero today. The programmer will con
tinue tomorrow. Well known editors in this
section hate prepared, for tho contention, papers
on newspaper subjects.
Foreign Settlements
That City Arc in
Will March on Tlcn-Tsln Fighting
Said to Be In Progress Thore Acl
xnlral8 of Allied Squadron Issua
Proclamation to Chlncso Viceroys.
No Word from Admiral Seymour,
Foreign Consuls at Shanghai Bo
port His Arrival at Pekln Japan
Mob 111 zing Army Division for Ser
vlco In China Viceroy of Yang
tse-Kiang Provinces Says He Con
Preserve Peace in Southern China,
XI Hung Chang Still at Canton.
Now York, June 21. The Chinese sit
uation is very grave. The foreign set
tlcment at Tien Tsln wns burned on
Monday. Tho allied forces of the for
elgn powers arc mobilizing nt Taku td
march on Tlen-Tsln, where fighting is
believed to be still In progress. Tho
relief column will leave Taku as soon
as It Is In sufficient force.
Mcanwhllo no word has been received;
from Vlce-Admlral Seymours' interna
tional, force, though foreign consuls at
Shanghai continue to report Its arrival
nt Pekin.
Tho admirals of the allied squadron
at Takua have issued n proclamation
to tho Chinese viceroys, explaining that
In tho advanco to retlevo the Pekln
legatlona the powers In tend to use
nrmexl force only against the Boxera
and othor3 who oppose their progress.
Moro hopeful news has been re
celved from the Yanrf-tes-Klang Val
ley, where the viceroy of the throe
provinces sends word that ho Is a bio
to preserve order there nnd gives as
surance that with the aid of the viceroy;
of Hunan ho will keep peace in South
cm China.
Foreign forces Will Advanco When
in Sufficient Strength.
London, Juno 21. The admiralty has
received tho following dispatch from
Rear-Admiral Bruce:
Taku, via Cho-Fu, June 21. No corn-"
municntion from tho commander in
chief In seven days and from Tlen
Tsln in five days. The allies hold tho
Taku forts and Tong-Ku securely, audi
they will ndvanco to the relief of Tien
Tsln when in sufficient strength.
Troops nre expected from Hong Kong
tomorrow and 300 from Wel-Hal-Wel
the following day. It Is believed that
fighting Is constantly proceeding;
around Tlen-Tsln. The garrison therts
should be about three thousand men.
The following proclamation wan
agreed to this morning, to be issued
"Tho admiral1? and senior naval ofTl
cers of the allied powers In China de
sire to make known to all viceroys and
authorities along the coasts and rlvera
and in the cities and provinces oC
China that they intend to use armed
force only against the Boxers and tha
people that oppose them on their
march to Pekln for tho rescue o thelc
The date that the above dispatch)
was sent from Taku Is not given, bull
It Is probably June 19.
The ShangllSi correspondent of tho
Times says: "Great destruction was
caused by the Doxers In tho native)
quarter of Tlen-Tsln on June IB, bun
the presence of the foreign troops lit
the foreign settlement protected that.
The native press asserts that there ara
bitter dissensions in tho Manohu
Foreign Settlement In tho City Re
ported Burned on Juno 18.
Berlin, Juno 21. According to an orTN
clal Japanese report from Chefoo tha
foreign settlement at Tlen-Tsln was re
duced to ashes on June IS,
A Committee of the Brotherhood
Leave for New York,
Wilkes-narre, June 51 A committee of th8
Brotherhood of Hallway Trainmen left for New
York this afternoon to confer with the exscu
tlio offlccrs ot the Central Railroad, with a isv
of settling some grievances of the braleemen on
tho Wicmlnt: division ot the road. Eomc timo
aco the ciiinpani, to reduNo cpi'cs, cut down
thu number of brake men cmplojol on coal trains.
This proied nrv unitifactory to the men and
they prepared u numbei of irieiances to bes
ciibmltteil to the company oMclals.
The brakerren of the Wieming division of
the Lehigh Vallev railroad have a, iniennce,
too. 'I hey want an adtuneo in v ages from $1.S0
to $2 'JO per dai llu coir.panj has been peti
t lulled for the adiance.
Wellesley College Exercises.
Welles-ley, Mass , June 21. Commencement ex
rrcUes at Wilhsle'r cedlcgc begin this evening
with the el us Mipnei Tomorrow evening the
Kcnior play will bo sluu. Saturday afternoon
the Gle'o club concerts, ind teas will be giien
by croups ot seniors, and In the evening tho
president's reception.
Phenomenal Invention.
New York, June 21. Stock was offered fc
silo today by Wjlle, Archer 1 Co. of the Etock
Dxclungc In a company organised to put on tha
market a new addln; machine. The machines)
cell for $10, and take tlee place of those cost
ing hundreds ot dollars, now In Use.
-f -T- -T -T-T-T-T
Washington, Juno 21. Forecast for Fri
day nnd Saturday t Kaslern I'ennsjlvnnla
Showers and iiror&hly thunderstorms
4- Friila-! brisk southerly winds and
-- squalls. Salurelay, winner and fair.
-r -f -t-