THE SCE ANTON TJUBUNE- TUESDAY, .JUiYE 5, 1900. 3 NORTHEASTERN TUNKHANNOCK. pedal lo the Scranton Tribune. Tunkliannock, Jtino 4. The bulldlnu mil repairs down nt the corner of Bridge and Tioga streets Is Inst Hear ing completion. In the Stark block, ffhlch In being remodelled for the use )f the llllkowlch clothing store, the ex terior Is complete, and the Interior will Dc ready for occupancy In a week or two. Across the street at the Herrlck olock the brick work Is going tip rap idly, the second story being nearly :omplote. It will be a throe-story Slock, with lodge rooms on the third itory. The changes made In the Stark Dlock and the building nf the new Jlock are a great Improvement to that, jart of the town. Harry Hlggs, representing a Hlng anmton dry goods Ann, Is In town this week looking after the trade. JIIss June Wall, of Factoryvllle, was (n town on Mondav. The regular June term ot quarter sessions court for this county will eon I'ene here on Monday, June 17 next. s usual there will be little criminal justness to occupy the attention of the :ouit at that time, but two ehil cases have been set down for that week anil ivlll piobably i mi through the whole tvoek. They are the ejectment case of II. I?. Keeler vs. A. II. Frcnr and V. H. I.lttle, Involving the validity of a tax title, and the suit In equity of Saiah Wood vs. Hyron Carpenter et. 3l which comes down from Factory vllle. These two cases may carry the sotirt through until Saturday. .Mr. ami Mrs. William Wolff, of Ho mer, N. V., are visiting with the for mer's people here. Mr. Wolff Is In the hay and grain business nt Homer and formerly resided here. Hev. Mr. ltadcllff, of Savre, was In town Saturday Interviewing tile mem bvrs of the Episcopal church In this locality. The church has been without a pastor for some time and Ilnd It dllll ctilt to support one on account of tbu mallness of the congregation and Rev. RadcllfE's visit here was to devise some way for establishing the church on a (Inn basis. Commissioner's Clerk Oeorge X. Doyle was at his home in Nicholson over Sunday. HOPBOTTOM. Special to the Scrunton Tiiliunc. Hophotton, June 4. Mr. Hdwar-l Oaklev died at his home near the vil lage, Thursday, May SI, after an Ill ness of about two weeks. The funer ui senltes were conducted from the Unlversallst church Sunday at 11 o'clock. The deceased was born in lirooklyn, li lu IS'29, being about seventy-one years of nge. He leaves a wife, one son and two daughters. He was a soldier In the civil war. The ranks of the aged men of the village are becoming much broken, this belli'; the sixth death which has occurred among the elderly men of the place In a very short time. The following party of friends was entertained lately by Mr. and Mrs Stone at their home here: Mrs. Craw ford, Mrs. Outwater and Sirs. Ti Inl ine r with her .son nnd daughter, all of Now York: Sir. nnd Sirs. John Webster, with their son and daughter, of Sllnneapolls, and Sirs. Hall, mother of si is. Stone, of Hlrchurdvllle, Ia.. Sir. and Sirs. Webster and family wen on their way to the I'arls Exposition, and were met here by the others, who are relatives of Sirs. Webster. The school board will be teorganlzed this week. The new membeis avr. Slessrs. Jerome Hartley and J. II. Tiffany. The retiring members are O. D. Itobeits and SI. A. Illair. Sir. C. S. Stone recently visited his son, Fred, In Xew York, nnd It is pleasing to learn that besides holding an unusually good position for so young a man, Fled also holds the con fidence nnd lespect of his co-workeis and nil who know him. Shortly befoie the beginning of the wnr with Spain Fied went from his home here to t'i" city, but soon enlisted with a New Yirk regiment nnd went to Cuba, and served during the war as oorporil. Since his return to New York he has been employed on a line of the no vated lallway and now holds the position of engineer at a salary of about $100 per month. The Cnlversallst Aid society will meet this week. Friday afternoon, with Slls. Oncy Case. Childien's Day will be observed with appropriate xerclses at the I'nlversal Ist church next Sunday. Sir. I'., liertliolf, who Is working at Hands delicately moulded and daintily white are among the chief of woman's ch'rtns. When such hands ore marred by eruptions, their very beauty draws tttentiou to the repulsive disease. Hu mors which break out on the body be- rui in the blood. Soaps and salves may cover up a hu mor but they can't cure it. There is a, cure for salt-rheum and other eruptive diseases, caused by a corrupt condition of the mood. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures these diseases perfectly and per- gSS9 7w' "lanently. It carries PjKllII off tlipnnisnnflwlilpli cause disease. It makes the blood pure and rich. It increases the quanti ty of the blood sup ply by increasing the action of the blood making glands, It makes the skin white and clear by making the blood pure. "Golden Medical Discovery" contains no alcohol, whisky or other intoxicant. "I write to tell you the benefit I have received from jrtmr 'Golden Medical Discovery,' after baring suffered for three yeara with salt-rheum,1 writea MUi Dertha Peters, of Lulu, Monroe Co., Midi. "Tha humor was on my hauJi, and 1 had beeu treated by our home physician who did not help me. After I began the ute of Dr, Pierce's Gotdeu Medical Discovery I took seven bellies, and can now say with pleasure that I am cured. Nobody knows the Intense pain I hare suflered. I could not sleep at night, the stinging, burning, and itching sensation would bt so bad, sometimes I could hardly bear it. I thaak you lor your kind advice." , Dr. rierce'i Pleasant Pellets assist the action of the "Discovery" when there 75 consupauor ff-tsvso !. s &fe ry PENNSYLVANIA Scrnnton, spent Sunday with his fam ily here. Eugene Wright Is now assisting' at the cicamery. THOMPSON. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Thompson, June 4. SIlss Winifred Qelntt and the Sllsses Virginia and Slaud Carglll left today for Thousand Islands park, where they have posi tions In the Columbian for the season. Another bo'irder from Ararat win sent to "Hotel Slaxey," at Slontrose, last Saturday morning by It. F. How aid, esq., of Thompson, In charge of Constable U F. Searles He was Ira Tlnklepaugh, of Kast Ararat, who gave $500 ball some weeks ago to keep the peace with Thomas I'atten, n neighbor, but Friday he assaulted I'atten with a club. They nre receiving only about half a much milk nt this station ns thev did before the strike. Quite n number of sti angers have been In attendance at the quarterly meeting nt the Free Baptist church on Friday, Saturday and Sunday last. A very welcome nnd copious shower came upon us Saturday at G.30 p. m., accompanied by high winds, thunder nnd hall, but no serious damage was done. Sir. Stocker, aged nbout sixty yeais. of Hut u wood, was run over by n team and load of hay Saturday and his thigh broken. Dr. Ciaft, of Herilck Center, reduced the fracture. Sirs. Philander Tiffany, of Gibson, wns the guest of her sister, SIis. A. C. Foster, over the Sabbath. Harry Hloxham, who has been at home for a week, returned to his work at Howlands today. The Slethodlst Kplscopal Sabbath school will observe Children's day next Sabbath morning. The Hev. S. W. Undsley gave a plain, Scriptural and hence enjoyable sermon In the Free Haptlst church yesterday morning. Hev. I H. Tower left this morning for the state encampment of the Grand Army at (lettysbuig, and will be awav all the week. The Lewis brothers havo traded one of their tracts of land for a house and lot In Hornellsvllle, X. Y with our jeweler, U C. Layton. FOHEST CITY. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Forest City, June 4. Sirs. John Yeag er, who has been seilously ill for the past week is slightly better, although still in a critical condition. Sirs. Henry Deaiy is very ill at her home on Delawaie street. SIlss Colin SleGoff, of Jerinyn, Is a guest nt tin.- homo of Slichael Slc Grath, on Slain stieet. SIlss SInrcella Pell Is spending a week with relatives at Aldenvllle, Wayne county. Sirs. Slattle Geary, of Susquehanna, is visiting at the home of Sir. Daniel Slelvln, on Slain stieet, Jennie Hi own spent Saturday at Uniondale. Slyitle Martin, who has been attend ing the summer normal school at New Slllford, is at homo. The Forest City News says thnt "The Northeastern Pennsylvania Telephone company, at their annual meeting last Saturday evening. let the contract to dig holes and set the poles from I.anes- boro to Ararat. The officers of the company are very much encouraged by the ready response of the stock subset Ibers In paying in the amount of subscriptions and they have decided to pursue the work as rapid as possi ble. Poles from I.anesboro to Forest City will be six Inches at the too, so as to enable the company to make this a trunk line. A. Crozler, the presi dent, wns instructed to purchase the poles, and F. -. Osgood Is In New York, wheie ho expects to purchase other supplies. The company already has a quantity of wire at Starrucca. SUSQUEHANNA. Special lo the Smnton Tilhiino. Susquehanna, June (.John Kelly, who wns sent to the penitentiary for the killing of I.eon Gnge, at Hraek ney, and who was lecently paidoned, has lvtuintd to his home at llrook dalc. Joseph Murphy, aged 12. an adopt ed child of Sirs. Slaltby, of Herrlck, who teeently abstracted $1,1 from his foster-mother's cash, box and went to llinghamton to see the sights of a great city, has been returned to his. home by the police. I'Sn.coo plke-pe:ch fry have been planted In the Susquehanna river at Windsor. In the Slethodlst chinch, "Children's Day" has been potponed until Jim 17, on nccount of the repaint t" t'le Sunday school room. The sac-.-ar.i nt of the Isold's supper wns ndmlr.lot'ivd on Sunday morning. Michael Shannluin has purchased the .Main street lot of the Knights of Pvthlas. Thomson Is raising a fund to es tablish a co-operative cieamery. Un less present conditions radically change, next year will ilnd scorc3 of cieamerles in Susquehanna county and few?r cans of milk at the stations. The farmer has commenced to believe "the laborer is worthy of his hire. ' The annual examination of the So, diers" Orphans' school nt Harford will take place on Tuesday nnd Wednes day. July 12-13. General J. I', s. Oobln nnd Adjutant Geneial Thomas J Stewart will have charge of the military drill. The funeral of the late Sirs. Julia Callahan took place and was largely uttended this morning from St. John's Catholic church. Ilcqulem high mass was celebrated, and the remains weio Interred In Laurel Hill cemetery. The Susquehanna band will accom pany the Krle's excursion to Portage Hilde on Sunday next. The Susquehanna bund will havo natty new uniforms this week, Mr. and Sirs. O. C. HudflQld, of Har lan, Iowa, ar guests of Susquehanna relatives. The, lecont. rains have caused vege tation to Jump Joyously. Hev. F. O. Harrett. of Sidney. N. Y., occupied the pulpit of the Haptlst church on Sunday morning and even ing. The church Is yet without a reg ular pahtor. Messrs. F.lsman nnd HerFch nro putting In a nuw front In their store In their brick block. William Plerson, of Oakland, and TWO WELL-KNOWN CITIZENS RESTORED Mr. Tom A. lloono, Greensboro, Oa, Sir. Tom A. Uoone, a prominent citizen of Greensboro, On., has used Peruna with the following good re sults. Sir. Hoone says: "For many years- I have been a sufferer from catarrh. Sly constitu tion was also weak, having no appe tite, nnd reeling ns though 1" was not fit for work of nny kind. I have fol lowed the printing business for fif teen years, and the dust from the type would settle on my lungs and cause mo to havo a headache all tho time. "I began using Peruna ns n ca tarrhal tonic, and now I feel ns If I were a new person. Peruna built up my system and gave me a good ap petite, which I have not hnd for many years. I consider it a great I dhn I The above testimonials are only two of 50.000 letters received touching the merits of Peruna as a catarrhal tonic. No more useful remedy to tone up the system has ever been devised by the medical profession. SIlss Cynthia Scales of Susquehanna, wet" united In mariiage on Friday evening. Slontrose newspapers partly blame tho umpire for the recent defeat of their pt ball club by the Susque hanna club, in this place. The idea is an old one. ' Warren and Hrower's orchestra will furnish music for the annual com mencement exercises of the Susque hanna High school, In Hogan opera hoij- on Filday even'ng next. The eighth ginde exeiol.'es will bti hold In the assembly rooms cl the high school or. Friday afternoon. An excellent picgi amine has been nrranged. Pee. Charlis W. Hcot, of Chi 1st Kplsropnl church, last evening preach ed an able nnd eloquent seimon to tile Susquehnnnu High school class of luiin Young ladles fioni tho High school weie the ushers. .Hy establishing cieamerles, vicinity fanners claim that thc will be In good .shape, as the cheese and butter will Ilnd a larger net profit than milk sold at two cents a quatt. NICHOLSON. Special to tlie Scrjiiton Tribune. Nicholson, June 4. SIlss Susie SIc Aloon, aged 'Si years, daughter of Thos. SIcAloon, who has been living In Blng hamton for the past three years, died In that city of consumption on Sunday morning at 1 a. m., at the home of her sister, Sirs. Henley. She has been con llned to her bed since last Decembur. She will be brought home for burial on Tuesday morning. The funeral ser vices will be held In the Catholic church and w ill be conducted by the Itev. J. J. Feeley. Interment will be made In the Catholic cemetery. Sir. and Sirs. N. L. Walker, of Kel leisburg, are spending a few flays In town with friends. Sirs. J. W. Osterhout, of Punxsutaw ney, who has been spending a couple of weeks here among telatlves, has Just u-ttirned to her home. Sirs. William Lord, of Scranton, was In town on Sunday, Aichle P. rJenjamln, of Scranton, spent Sunday with his mother. Wllbnr Nichols, of Scranton, called on friends In town last Saturday even ing. Itev. Lyman K. Sanford nnd family have gone to Island Pond to spend the week with relatives. The Sllsses Frona and Gertrude Luckinblll, of Tunkhannock, accompa nied by their brothets, Slnson and Ho mer, attended the union services In town last Sunday evening. Sir. and Stis. Charles Hart and Leon Gun, of New Slllford, have been spend ing a few days with Mr. and Sirs. O. It. Alden. of Wllllnms street. SIlss Hessle Stephens has returned from a pleasant visit among relatives In Scranton. WAV?RLY. Politicians are getting thick. A large crowd gathered here on Sle morlal day. A meeting was held at the post room after which the graves were deeoiated nt Hickory Grove cemetery. At the meeting In the afternoon, which wns held at the high school building, appropriate addresses were delivered by Sir. Payne and others, of Scranton. The occasion was enlivened by tho presence of the Hillside Home band. The regular quarterly meeting was held nt the SI. 13. church last Sab bath. Hev Sir. Godshall delivered a very excellent sermon, which was highly commented upon, lie was also ably assisted In the devotional exer cises by Sir. Jessup, the missionary. Aitliur Christy, of Scranton, Is now occupying his summer cotage on Acad emy street. J. A. Linen Is beautifying the gi minds surrounding his residence, by the erection of a fountain and making other Improvements, Dr. N. C. Slackcy nnd Dr. Ilouser perfoimed a veiy critical operation on n son of Sir. Whltlocks, of Scott town ship, last Thursday. It was necessary to remove a largo piece of decayed bone from the boy's leg In order to save the member. The lad Is about nine years old and the operation was a miccchs. A Card of Thanks. I wish to say that I feel under last ing obligations for what Chamber lain's Cough Hemedy has done for our family. We havo used It In so many eases of coughs, lung troubles and whooping cough, and It has always given the most perfect satisfaction, we feel greatly indebted to the manu factuieis of this remedy nnd wish them to please accept our hearty thanks. Respectfully, Sirs. S. Doty, Des Slolnes, Iowa. For sale by all druggists. Stutthews Bros., wholesale and retail agents. TO ROBUST HEALTH medicine and wish I could express myself moro fully in its bohnli." 11". S. Emory, Vice Chancellor nnd SInster of Arms, K. P.'s of Omnha, Neb writes from 2M North Sixteenth street, the fol lowing words of prnlsp for Peru na us a, tonic. He sny: "It Is with plensutt! I re commend Pei u na as a tonic of unusual mer it. A largo numbor of prominent mem bers of the dif fer e n t Orders with which I have been con nected havo been cured by the nso of Peruna of cases of catarrh of tho stomach and head; also In kidney complaint and weakness of tho pelvlo organs, "It tones up tho system, nlds di gestion, induces sleep, nnd is well worthy the confidence of sufferers of the above complaints." Nervous Debility. Kveryono who Is In the least de gree subject to nervousness, sleep lessness, prostrntlon, mental fatigue or nervous debility In any form, finds the hot weather of June, July nnd Au-, gust very hard to bear, If not dan gerous. The only safe cure to take Is to keep the blood pure, digestion good, nnd sleep regular. No remedy equals In all respects, Peruna for these pur poses. If tho system Is run down and weakened by catarrh, Peruna rejuven ates tha nerves nnd brain. A book on the catarrhal diseases of summer will be mailed to any address, upon rcqiest by The Peruna Medicine Co., Coliinbus, Ohio. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS G. A. It. Department Encampmont, Gettysburg, Pa. The representatives to the Depart ment Encampment, to be held at Get tysburg, June 2 to 9, will leave Scran ton via the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western at 10.05 a. m., Slonday, June 4, A special through coach will be pio vlded for them and their friends. Agents of tho Lackawanna rnllroal will sell special excursion tickets to Gettysburg and return at rate of one fare for the round trip. Same good going June 2 to 4 Inclusive, and good for return limited to Juno 11, Inclusive. Ladies With Children. Ladles tiavollng alone or accompa nied with children when taking a trip between Uuffalo and western cities should buy their tickets via the Lake Shore and Slichlgan Southern railway. The cars of this road are comfortable, roomy and nlry, nnd uniformed attend ants are on every train to minister to their wants. The entire route of this great road traverses the most pic turesque and Interesting portions of tho Middle states. Traveling on tho Lake Shore becomes home-like, because the lavatories are supplied with clean tow els, good soap and all other necessary comforts. A ladles' waiting maid is In attendance to do your slightest bidding and ladles Intending to travel with children should tnke advantage nf the comforts of the Lake Shore and Slichl gan Southern yjllw ay and buy thilr tickets via that road. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES. Moscow School Will Present a Pleas ing Programme This Evening. The commencement exercises of the Sloscow school will be held In the Independent order of Odd Fellows' hnll this (Tuesday) evening, June B. Tho following pupils constitute the grad uating class of 1S00: Nellie Campbell, Helena Holllster, ICdna Slalone, Cor delia Pyle, Lena Sayer, John Camp-b-ll, Jesse Clardner and Howard Yeager, The salutatorlan Is John Campbell, and the valedictorian Nel lie Campbell. The proceeds of the en tertnlnment will be used In purchas ing a new organ for the school. Tho enteitalnment will begin nt 7.1." p. m. The following programme will be ren dered: Orchestra, March, "flty Troop" Carol Son);, "O'tr IlllkmV School Salutatory, "Ol.l (ilory," .lo!m CaiiiUII llciitatluii, "In tin- Murnlng," ....Primary Claw Suiiif, "We'll- Alva) WMiln','," Six Dirts Pi (laniat Ion, "IKnuinlo del Caiiiio," Jowp flarilncr Dialogue, "Hoy Talk," I'ottr Hoys Souk, "Itciiiiii'lliii! Ilie lien," Frank Noack, llaiolil Martin Recitation, "l.tiek," Ileno Sons, "Three Little I'IsbIm," Time' Hoy Declamation, "A beak in the Djke," Howard Yeager lteeitatlon, "Who Mailp the Sii.lit" Laura riniMi Orchestra, Waltz, "Snrct borona," ....Kinrciman Dialogue, "flip Morning Call," Map Unrnluker, Ullraheth l.jman lteeitatlon, "The illle," Mabel Halhrlll Dialogue, "Might O'Cloek," I-on Ti a Us, Helen Dixon Dialogue, "The Illuc ami dray," Six (llrla and Pour Hoys Declamation, "The Whistling llrglment." J.eiia Saver Song, "Old Time I'laji," Ten (llrli lteeitatlon. "The Old School House." Maud Clmlib Oration, "True Vobillty," Helena Ilolllstrr jionir, "My Dolly." Mary Dipew Dialogue, "The Mulc Lesson," I'he lloj l'araol Drill Intermediate Pi partial nt Class Prophecy Kdna Malone Valedictory, "Vestenbj," Nellie Campbell Presentation of Diplomas, fleorge Dings, President of School Hoard Song, "last Night In the fSIoaming," Sihool CLARK'S GREEN. The novelty factory began work yesterday, with William Justin ns en gineer. Lightning xtruclc ihe house of Hob ert Kvans, on Satin day evening, tear ing a large hole In the loof and smashing things up generally. Sir. and SI is. Kvans wero In the houo at tho time but were not Injured. Light ning ulso struck and killed a cow be longing to Thurston Tarker during the same storm. SIlss Iterr.lngton. of Hhodo Island, Is visiting Sir. and Mrs. Haiold Par ker. SIlss Ha Jennings has returned home from a visit with her slstor at Ulnghamton. She was accompanied home by Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Smoke nnd little eon. Mrs. Nelson Nichols and little daughter are vlsltlna" frlendo ut ntng-brimton. II. S, ftnorj'. Jonas The Great June Sale of Muslin Underwear Offers, Without Question, the Most Important Bar gains in the History of the Store. Yesterday was a day of Crowds. Every aisle, every avenue was thronged to its utmost. It was a happy response to a meritorious occasion. Today the great event contin ues, and every day, while present lots remain. You will find it to your interest to join the grand army of fortunates who are saving money at this semi-annual occasion ISAS:7 '"'Vhdz?' ? Aluslin Drawers, .2ic: Of fin- est soft finished muslin, finished ; with very full umbrella rutlles. Not over three to a customer. riuslin Drawers, 25c: Of fin est quality, made with deep hem and fancy hemstitching. Worth 35c. Muslin Drawers, 35c: Hand somely trimmed with elaborate umbrella rulTles and cluster of tucks. Huslin Drawers,39c: Fine qual ity and finished with torchon lace and cambric ruffles; worth 50c. Also wide umbrella draw eis with prettv inserting of fine Hamburg. Muslin Drawers, 49c: Three styles with torchon lace and in serting. Also with fine Cluny lace. Huslin downs, 59c: Made ol daintiest muslins, with hem stitched high neck; also with V neck and insertion of Hamburg; also Empire gowns, Hamburg trimmed. Muslin Qowns, 69c: Two styles that are handsomely hemstitched and come in both V and high necks. Worth a dollar. ys AV THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New Yolk, June 4. The stoik market relapsrd again toilo in the ipjitiomry condition, shin ing the Mini1 apath and hcMtatum which char jiti'iizcd it for aome time pri-iuiM to the Kliht till whiih fc-aie an appearaniu of some anima tion and stiitiirlh last wetk. There were times ,tndaj when mocks win- odired ipnle I nil) uml in runstiiiralili- ariity in tlie mure uunaim made jirkia ulnerjlile to the iltorts hj pro fessional hears to net tin in to a lowir leul. Ihe .utual ni-ws of tin- day otUud little to 1.1 count for the uiakms. in the 1'iob ahly Ihe cornit explanation is the lomictiuii now lieicine ttmral in Wall Mteit that la-.t week's Ihi.i ing was due to the ch.nir tip 01 some extensile short auounts hi 1 ne or two operators on .1 law M.ili-. While that diinand found leiy Hjiity olTc riiii:. of i-toiks it tailed inliiily to attiact tun additional di uiaiid. CommivOVi house liulius- lonttmud ul a wry low hL. Tin re was onie pu illation In Sugai i!uiln- tho day lused in the iliiidind products. It was e putid that the iiuartirlj dhxlctid would he lie cljuil toil.iv, hut it was uniioiimed during the trading that nition would he dittrud un'il to tnoiiuw. Intluntioiis win- jilicti out, howeur, that the enuthe committic had alieady de termined upon a Vrt pel cent, diiidcnd for th oiiartir the kiiuc late as the last dilldind. 'Ihe prue was run up to U') hy this rumor, hut laur Ml hail, helow fcatm tiat's prlee, ilosini; J shade ol! on tin- diy. The whitMintide holiil.ivi in Loudon and on tin 1011 tlntnt lelt tin 111arl.1t without any Index uf for eltfu conditions, some sentimmtal depies-iion was c-aiiMil, howiwr, to the dd.13 In the ociupati n ot PrttoiU umi 1" Euirotions of money tuiiUit ditlliultlis In Itulln. Ihe luarn ptoic-cd some uiiiMslucis uIko oei possible complication in the far jt. Tin- closlnir ot the Illinois htiel company's mills in South Chliagu made tho steel stocks cfpiciall) wiak in the day, hut the tonu of the moup lin.une steadier in the late weakness of the uiaiket. A use if II points 111 N'iw Jirsey Cintral caused a timporar haul mini; of the Cullers hut it did not hold. Total sale's, U7S.100 shaies. The bond inaikil was dull umi iriicular. Total sails, par alue-, H.lsi), hue. t'nlted States old Js coupon declined U and elo. rctristercel and .' 'i nr lent. The 2s ud lanced ',4 per cent. The following quotations are furnished Thei Tribune by M. S. Jordan k Co., rooms 705-709 Hears building-. Telephone SOU: Open- IUkIi- Low- Clos. me est. est Ins. American Suear lli4 ll')H 117 117 Ame1iii.11 Tobaico H!'i Kt irj'i M)'t Am. h. k '.. 1'r j M", HI', 33 A tell.. To. S l'e .... 27U 2"'4 S0i MT4 A., T. & S. I'., IT.... 7..4 7.1U 7J. 7M lliookljn Traction 7.,lt 7i'i tcrt a Halt, k Ohio 61 bl N)i SO", t'ont. Tobicto 2(! 2H 23 23"4 t Ohio 2s?s 2'j'i 27 27'i I hie. et: U. V 12'A 12 1'!. 12. (hie.. II. k O. 1.10 U0 Jn,i K'iSi ht l'aul UiYi Us", 117V, 117V, llock Island lOiVi 10ii. 107,, 107V.. Delaware & llud llt'.i H3H 1H U anna 161 lsl 1M 1-U Federal Meet .'UiV, . .! l4 Tieh-ral Mn'l, IT 07?, U7 (fi H Kan. & 'lev, IT 33 II 31 Rl luli. ct ah MJ h)i( 7uTs 7n!i Manhattan Hie llT4 HOT, M W Met. Tiaetlon "o 137 137 15V,i r3y4 Missouri I'nclfio Ml U, b, 55i People's Gas 1ttt lxi vi' I'l'-i X. J. iVitul U'J Ul 1111 13111$ Scuthem I'.nlflo Mli :'J :uTi ai Xirfolk fi Western .... M1 SfiiJ 3V 35 North, l'aeltlo WK 6U WSJ, WVi Xirth. I'aellle, IT 7.', 7M1 734 73 N. Y. C'eiitial 1.I1K 1.1111 TW, lt (Int. k West 21 'i 2i',i 2IU 21 'j I'enna. It. It 1!V Vii'i lJeliJ 11 K I'aeltte Mail Ss'4 '&?, 2-iit, 24 lleadlns IT'.i IS 17Vu U Headline, IT H'i Mi S7 57 Scuthem It. It 12 l.'li 124 UK Southuii II. II.. IT .... A3 53 iVi fil h Tenn., ('. Iron 71 71 73 71, I' S. leather 11 11 10 104 IJ. K I.cuthir, IT f 70 i i I lubber 27'i 21 it 30V4 21114 t'nlon l'aeltlo nf.'S tni M M t'nlon I'acitlc, IT 7',4 7tJ 7lai 71 Wabash, IT 21 21 2u't 20 CHICAGO nOAIll) Os' 'inADE. Open- Illgli. I. Clos WHEAT. in.'. est. nt. Inz. July tt Ki (, OCT, Long's Sons Huslin Qowns, 75c: In both V and high neck; finished with'six clusters of plaits and alternate rows of lace. Very pretty. Huslin Gowns, 98c: Several styles in V, high neck and Em pire; beautifully trimmed with lace and Hamburg edging. Huslin Chemises, 35c: Very dainty and prettily trimmed with Hamburg. Worth half a dollar. Muslin Chemises, 21c: Pefect ly plain, but of splendid quality ol muslin; cheap at 35c. Corset Covers, 15c: Elegantly made, with V neck and pretty Hamburg trimming. Corset Covers, 19c: Of finest musli ', made with V neck and trimmed with Hamburg and lace inserting. Corset Covers, 23c: With solid tucked yokes, finished with Hamburg edge; also French covers with dainty lawn ruffles, edged with torchon. Corset Covers, 25c. With V neclc. finished with Hamburg in serting and edged with fine lace, also square and V neck with deep torchon lace trimming. cons July o.vrs. July I'OItK. July 3"'.i 37Ti 37U 37 21.i 21 21'.!, Sill 11.03 11. SO 11.10 11.27 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange. Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Hid. Asked. First Xatlnnil Hank SIX) Sirauton hain:s Hank 00 ... Scranton Packiiu; Co u5 Third National Hank i!j D11111-De-posit and Discount Hank .. 2U0 r.cnnoniy I.iaht, II. 1". Co 60 laiika. Trut k Sife Di ioit Co. .. 150 N-iantnn Taint Co bO Clark k Snmcr Co., Com 400 Clark Jr Snoier Co., IT 123 Scianton Iron IVnee k .Mfir. Co 11)0 Niauton Axle Works 100 l.-ukawanna Dairy Co., IT. 20 Count) iaimrs Hank & Trust Co. . Hoo First National Ihnk ((.arlwndile) 300 Standaid Drilllni; Co 30 New Metlcu Hy. Coll Co, IT 40 Traders' Natloml Hank 113 ,,. Ciranton Holt and Nut Co 110 IIONDS. Fcranton l'aseni:ir Hallway, first nort',-aire, due l!20 113 ... People's Mri-ct Hallway, fiit mort- Baice. due VMS 113 People's Mreit Hallway, General luortKaerc, due 1 ' '. I 115 ... Diil.son ManufaeturinK Co 100 L.icXa. Township Mhool 5 per cent. ... 102 C'ltv of Scranton St. Imp. ti per cint 102 Seiaiiton Traction 0 per cent 115 ... Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. G. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.) Huttir Creamer, 21c. j dairy tubi, 20c, Fliers Select western, lie-.; nearby state, llVze. ( liifse Full cream, pew, llHjl2e. Ileans Per bu., ilitke inariow-, $2.45; imdiuui, ?2.:iU: pea, ?.t0. Potatoes 5e Hiimiida Unhins $1.75. Flour llest patent, $1.23. New York Grain and Product. New- York, June 1. Flour Inactiio but nomi nally steady. Wheat Spot stiidj; No. 2 re-el, T7Ti-. dilator! No 2 le-d, MVii. f, o. b. afbit, nominal: No. 1 noithein Duluth, 71iie.. f 0. , b., alloat to arrhe, options up. mil sli.uly un I dry weather In sjiiint wheat states and after la mhlJ.i.i ih-'liui, hnally inlllid and clos.'d ! stead at a partial r'. adwiuce; July closed j 72,4c. ; September, 7.lh.i Coin Spot stiont;; I No. 2, 4ITo. f. o. I. alloat and 4'.c. eloatoi: 1 oiijtlon maiket irenerall llrni all day and closed ' stroner at Mr. cut advance; July closed 13c; I September. 4 IV.e-. Oats '.pot elull; No. 2. 2(V.; I No. ,1, 23Ue. ; No. 2 white, 27'(.e.; No. .1 white, I bUc; track mlie-d western, 25'va27l,ie.; track I while, 27,ja:il,s- . oitum maiket eeas quiet but nominallv linnet. Huttir SumIi ; rream ' erv extras, (IHa2eX.; do. faitnry, U'jalOe. ; Imi tation crcauiei), I'i'jjIsi. ; state dairy, lualiio. tlui-si ; di.ul, larere white, UV'Htc.; do. urass tiiw, uVSa'11.: small white, SHaSc. ; small colore-d, nVcacC. Fvs steady; state and 1'enns.tlianln, j!tiajp; western, at ntrk, 10',sal2(ic.; western loss olf, 12',iallc. Philadelphia Qraln nnd Produce. Philadelphia. June 4 Wheat Stea ly; contract grade. June, 70a71c. Corn Firn and Ue. hlith ir; No 2 mlM-d June, lliU2c. Oats-Dull and weuh: No. 2 white, clipped, 2'ia2'ic. as ts iueation. Pi'tatoes Dull and easier; New Yolk and Western choice, per bushel, 40al3e ; elo do fair to wood, t3aki. llnltcr Steaely; fami wesetriu en tun i.e. 2tite.-, do. prints, 21c. !( Dull and ea.lei; flesh, nearby, Kial-'Hii'. ; elo. we.tiru, l.taWiJe.; elu. southwestern, 12'4aHe ; elo. southern, 12c. luese -Was easier; New Yeiil. full cream fanes snisdl, hnVc. ; do. do. koiI to eliolec, oUafiscjc lb lined huuars Stromr. icimhI elemaud. Cotton-I lie lunnteel. Tallou Dull m. 1 we-ak. clt prime', in hnyshi-ads, 4U'. ! lountri prime In barnls. 4'ii.; dark, do,, 4r. ; eaki 4e. Mte Pnulliy Flrnn fowls, blether; fowl lie; old registers, 7a7',c. I spring chiikens, In 22c. Dreweii Poultn Dull uml iinihiuveil, fowls, (hole, DVtt. ; do, lair to good, h'iaHi.. old loosteis, "Vic; western frozen ehlckens, 11a 13c; nearby, broilers, ISaif.c. ; wratcrn do., 15a 20c Hecelpis Flour, 2.0U0 barrels and 1,113,(I0 IKjimiU in sacks; wheat, none; com, lOs.OOO iusIicIs; oats, 27.000 bushels. Shipments Corset Covers, 35c Made with V neck and Hamburg trim ming, also hemstitching and tucks, another style finished with ruffle and fine lace edge. Corset Covers, 59c, Exquis itely made of finest Nainsook, short to waist and beautifully trimmed with lace. Others as high in price as $2.75. Huslin Petticoats, 49c. Very prettily trimmed with lull um brella ruffles and cluster of tucks; or with hemstitching. Not over ) to a buyer. Muslin Petticoats, 89c. Trim med with Hamburg ruffles; an other at same price has full ruf fle with fine plaits and inserting. Muslin Petticoats, 98c, Made with umbrella ruffles of Ham burg, cut very full; also with deep lawn ruffles edged with Val lace and finished with in serting. Muslin Petticoats, $1.25. Made very elaborately with lawn ruf fles, edged with Val lace and double rows of Val inserting. Muslin Petticoats, $1.49. Ex quisitly trimmed with lawn ruf fles and finished with three rows of Val lace inserting. Worth two dollars, Wheat, none; corn, 107,000 bushels; oats, 102,000 bushels. Chicago Grain and Produco. Dilcacfo, June I. I.iii'it country acceptance.1! to Chicago bids and a e,ood shlppinec demand re sultiel in n htruiiR torn market today, July clos Iiik aic. improicd. Wheat was helped by corn and some damage claims from the north west, July closing isaVic. higher; July oats, closed He. better and provisions stronir, lua22'sC. Improved. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Stendi ; No. 2 spring wheat, fl.i'.iaCo'.ic : No. 3, (i2aC3,c; No. 2 corn, 37a.1sc.; No. 2 jdlow, 37Ts.i3.sVic; No. 2 oats, 22a22','4c; No. 2 white, 21Ha23Uc; No. S white, 2lia2le.; No. 2 rie-, filHe. ; barley, 3ilic.; No. 1 flax ami northwest, 1.S0; timotliv, i(2.4fta2.42Vj; pork, fl0.13all.30, larel, $O.COafl.75; ribs. i(.0.45aa75; shoulders, i1'-ailc; sides, a?.; whiskey, $1.33; siisars, cut loaf, .OS; granulated, Chicago Live Stock Market. Chlraco, June 4 Cattle Steers, 10a25c lilglt. er; buteheis' stock 13c. higher; natives, best on sale, one car at and seen cars at $5 01; good to prime steers, 15i23e. higher, 5.10a5.73; poor to medium, iM (0a5; selected fcedrs, 4.40i 6; mixed stockers, f.i.23a5.25; cows, $3a4.40; heif. ers, T-I.2",.i.r,. 13; cannrrs, JJ.t0.ii; hulls, -'lal.oO; calies, flail. TLXans, ls?st on sale todav, 2 cars nt fl.tiS; Texas Veil steers, f4.50a5.25; Texas; bulls, f.i.20a3.70. liogs Aierage shade lower; closing stiong to !Hi 10; mixed and butihers, fl.l'3a5.10; good to clinic heavy, fVia.3.10; rough hcai.i. f I.N3al 'i3; light. fl.'XJa5.10; bulk of sales, $5a5.07'.i. Miii- Steady to strong; hnibs, 10c, higher; good to choice' wethers, f5a3.40, fair to choice mixed, iM.40a3; westein sheep, f3a3.s0; jiarllngs, f.i.50ti0; natlie lambs, f5in.73; western lambs, shorn uml common Colorados, foa7,15; Fpllug lambs, steady, f5afj. New York Live Stock Market. Xew Yoik, Juno 5. Bccics Market steady, tlejsid strong for steers on western adtlces; steers, fl.50al.55; elMtllcry fed. f3.25a3.10; bulls, .t.2)i4.mij cows, f2.50a3 80. Caltes Studv; icals, f4.5Oa0.U); tops, f7; gcnral sales, 50; buttermilk cahes, f4a5.50. Sheep Slow; jearllngs, steady; lamlss, 23c. higher and hi live; sheep, f.l.50a3-, few exorts do., at f5.25; xeailings, f5a0.73; lambs, 7aS.50; bulls, fO.79. llogs-Market weak; state hogs, f5.50a3.C0. East Liberty Cattle. Fast Liberty, June 4. Cattle Slow- and lower; extra. ?3.50a3.f0; prime, 3.40a5.00; common, W 30al.25. Hogs Active; best heavies, fi.l'a 5.20; pigs, as to weight and quality, $3a5.10; best oikcr, 5.20a5.23; light do., fS.13aS.S0; roughs, ft 5ai.fc0. bheep Slow and lower; choice wethers, M.mai.-O; common, fi60a3; ehoue lambs, f5.S3aC.10; common to good, $3,50 u3.73; spring lambs, 5a7; veal calns, f8.40T. Oil Market. Oil City, June 1 Credit balances, $1 .S; rer. tll.i ites, no bid; shipments, three cla)-s, 324303 barrels; merage. 10a,lC4 barrels; runs, threej ila.s, 215,01.) barrels; aierage, 72,GOO barrels. Through Trains to Florida, New York, June 4. The Seaboard Air Line lias. commenced this wei'k to operate four solid trains, between this point and Southern Florida, Tha Seaboard Air Line trains enter Jersey City oirr the l'eniiejlviinla railroad tracks, nith which loiiipany u Iratho alliance exists, The SesbosrJ route) Is said to be one hundred rnllet) shorter than any ether line between New York snj Florida. Mato of Ohio. CltT of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is tha senior partner of Ihe firm of F. J, Cheney tc Co., dolus business in the City ol Toleeto. t'ounly and state aforesaid, mid that said firm, will pal tho sum ot ONK Ill'NDlli:!) DOLLAHS for rae'h and eiery case of C'statrh that cannot hn 1 cvred by the u,e of HALL'S CAi'AIlllll CUHK. rjc,,j. ulir..HI,l, Bwcrn to before mj sml sulsicrlbed In my pri-sence. this till day of December, A. I)., lSS'J. ISeal.J s A. W. GI.rASON. ' Notary Public, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and sits directly en the Wooil and mucous surfiot ot the btt(m. Send for testimonials, free, V. J. CIIENKY k (X) Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c, Hall's family Pills aro the best. X i ' It