The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 04, 1900, Morning, Page 4, Image 4

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MMUhed D.ltr. rtctpl P-irrJty. by Tt TriV
o rubllslilns Company, at tiny Cnti MMitX
O. r. UtXDCR, Distiia Uttuctr.
I ssis ! "
Ktw Vwk OUcm 15 ltaaa St lwr
Gold Agent for i1l-i Adfcrtlriug.
i , ? irmxirsi r-ra,
Entered i tha pmlcOc at Bcrtnloo, Fa., M
Jk-eondClsM Will Matter.
When spac will MtmIL Tit Ttttmna ta
way rIJ to print short fitters, from Its frit'
larln(t on current topic, lot Itt nils that
theso must t slrned, for ptiMleatlcm, by
titer's real rime; ami tha eondltloa prcwett
to acrtptanca It that ill contribittoni steall w
subject to editorial rsrliloa
Confrrtfmfn t-Lors OALt'SHA A. OBOW,
itoiinuT it rornvKiTAi.
Auditor Ccrer.t-Il. n. lUHDKHDEnCU.
First Dltrlrt-TIlOMAI J. UCYXOMM.
Eccoud ni'tritt roKf fmruiin, rx
Third District linWAHD JAMES, JB.
ruurth Diitrlct-P.' A. rilll.BUf.
Tho volo In corrgrtr.a on tlio nntl
tmnt nmer.rtinent elumonatratra that
tlie Domocratlp loadcni aro opposed to
trusts but In fnvor of luttlnif thorn
Bo Fair.
TIID FINAL week In th battla
of tho cnnJMateu under tha
Crawford county eyKtem be
Bins with frooJ humor still In
tho ascendant among tho rarlous com
potltor., and It Is to bo hoped that this
spirit will contlnuo until tho primaries
It needs to tro remembered that whiles
tho prltnarlEH will mako thu nomina
tions, another appeal to tho peoplo will
Intervene before election day. Whero
thero eo many tnoro cuneMclatc-u
than thDro aru nominations CUappolnt
ment la Inevitable, but this need not
endanger the micevsu of tho party ticket
if tho methods by which tho nomina
tions aro mada bo fatr. Unfalrnvu.?
would Invito robuko at tho polls; It
Would not pay.
Let us have ts clean and fnrr expres
sion of tho party preforenccn, so regis
tered that nomination In Juno will
mean electron In November.
Tho nweTtlon ra credltea to a west
ern Republican that Mr. Rryan has
developed during tho past four yeara
until now ho la wafer than hli party.
Is this ouroumn or a comptirncnt?
Spoiling Brynn'c Thundar.
APTOU VOTINO practically
ao a unit against v resolu
tion proposing to amend
tho federal constitution bo
as to glvo congress Juiiadlctlon over i
all corporations, an omendmont necen
sary if federal rt'trulatlon of trurtU lu
to 1.3 elTeotlvo and completv, tlvo Dom
ocnits on Saturday suddenly rorersod
themseUca and supported unanimous
ly thu Republican bill to strengthon
tho Sherman anti-trust act. Thla act
applies only to Inter-stato commerce;
and tho effect of Baturday'a action,
if concurred In by tho senutu, will bo
simply to emphnolze thj need of put
tll.g Into tho handa of congress power
to regulato all forma of corpomto en
teiprlsa directly or Indirectly contrib
uting to Interstate commerce
Tim Democratic position la thun
shown to bo Inconsistent and Insin
cere; and tho very party leaders who
write 8iirchlng platforms denouncing
trmts and tha money power nd berat
ing the Republican party aa the. tool
of the corporation and thg servant of
otgnnlrod greed stand publicly rCTeal
nl ns protectors of the trlant combines.
Ni'ver wan hypocrisy more thoroughly
unmasked. Alas for William Jennings
Hiyan, his bvt stock of campaign
thundur Is thus r;bbd of practical
Kemtor IJncnn oompltilnB that tho
government of Cuba coats three times
as much as tho government of MnsEa
cltustts. Mnybo that ta because It'i
people aro thteo tlmen no haid to gov
ern. Tho Issue Drawn.
ONH OP Tim b?st known
Washington correspondents,
Mr. Wellman, has explained
tho reason for tho refusal
of the hruso military committer to
consider nt this time tho nnny reor
ganization bill. Ho cays tt Is tho re
sult of a quarrel between General
Miles and the officers of tho oidnanco
bureau. Mllt-s wanted fixed gun car
riages; tho ordnanct officers favored
the disappearing typo of carrliigo. In
etrad of arguing tho matter In n re
spectful manner, tho ordnanco peoplo
piOCfedod to accusa Miles of tmpropor
motives, and followed that up by
blot-klng tho protrreas of tho army bill,
vlilch Included a clause for Mllea pro
notion, Aocordlnu to Mr. Wellman,
tin ordnanco department Is In many
ways the meet powerful bureau of tb
war establishment. Throurh tho ar
eerals, gun faotorlea and other plant
under Its control It Is able to bo of
El eat service to members of tha houso
military commttteo, and Mr. Wllmar
very pointedly Intimates that when
the ordnanco officers decreed that ths
army bill must b held up o a stroke
In their warfaro on Miles, neither ths
ppcretary of war nor tho preildont of
the United Btatea was Influential
enough to offset their strength.
We preoent th foregolne version for
what It Is worth, merely romarklnu
that Walter Wellman hs seldom inao
rurato. That ther Is sornethlnc In
tho attitude of tha hous military
committer which does not Impress
fovornbly the friends of tt rrtrolnla
tratlon Is protly elaarly hidleaUd lu
the leading editorial In BaUrduys
Philadelphia Press, whleh twitns
thus: ''The refusal of tht hous mili
tary committee to report the army
rrorganlratlon bill, passed by the
senate, Is a mistake. Regardless of
tho merits ol tho bill, It la a. dlscour-
teoua net for a committee of one
branch to pltjconholo n bill passed by
tho other branoh of congress. Tho
liouro Itaolf should have opportunity
to pass on tho merits of tha menauro,
or to drcldo for Itself whether or not
It will tnka tho bill up, for considera
tion. It la n UHUrpntlon for a Iioum
commlttco to iissmno a voto power by
rsfunlng to report either favorably or
adversely n. eenato bill that may bo
referred to In tho regular routine of
tho work of tho house. Dut that I
what Mr. Hull' commlttco has dona
with tho army reorganization bill."
On tho merits of tho Iloot bill thcro
can hardly bo two honest opinion.
Tho very fact that subordinate oin
ccra Ilka Commissary General ICagnn
or llko tho ordnanco ofllccr who lately
let fly a volloy of vltuperatlvo accusa
tlon -at tho major general command
ing nro, under tho propont aystom,
continuously Insubordinate and ex
empt fiotn dlsclpllno chowa tho need
of a rovlBlon of tho existing utaff syH
tom and makes n direct Ibsuo between
Intelligent public oplnfon and tho
buroaucmtlo Influences that aro en
deavoring to sttflo army reforms.
Whether MIKs himself la any better Is
not material In thlH connection; tho
fact Is that tho whplo army wtaff needo
reorganization. It needa to be put Into
a condition of modern mllltnry UHeful
ikss. It needa to bo dlventod of Its
ernggerlnK popinjays, swelled heads,
drqnca and fossils, and reduced from
a thing of gorgeous but no-account
1eauty to a factor fit to have chargo
of tho machine: y upon which our gal
lant lighting lads depend for equip
ment find suppllCR.
"In order to Impeach Governor
Btino and mako tho future socuro It
Is necessary," observes tho Philadel
phia Hecord, "that tho law-abiding
and independent cltlzenH of the com
monwealthIndependent Republicans
and IX'inocrntH tihnlld cordially unlto
to elect an nntl-machlne majority to
the next losllature." All citizens
who wish to Impeach Stono and en
throne Tllnn and Ouffey nhould cer
tainly do oh tlio Hecord Buggeatrt.
Time to Clean Housu.
-ylin SITUATION In Kentucky
continues io do one or minu
ter import, tho latest de
velopment being tho most
Blnlrttcr of all. To get tho facta straight,
wo will quote them from tho Cincin
nati Commercial Tribune:
"On April 10 a batch of Indictments
wna returned by tho Franklin county
grand Jury charging prominent Ken
tucky Republican citizens and ofllclnlo
with complicity In tho assassination of
Stato Senator William Goeb.'l. Inci
dental accusation was made against
Governor William fi. Taylor, and whllu
there was no record mado of Indictment
rigaltiHt him, thero was persistent re
port from Insldo sources that such a
bill existed. Governor Tiylor, who wa i
nbrent from tho i tato at tho time, re
turned to tho capital and demanded
Bvrvlco of any paioro outstanding
agalnut him, lie was given no tatla
factlon beyond tho Information that
nothing In tho records of tho court In
dicated tho filing of an accusing docu
ment. "Following his deposition from ofTlcn
Governor Taylor left the btate for a
senon of rest und recuperation from
tho exluiustlng ordeal through which
ho had p.itaod. Immediately tho hye
nas that had for months boon hound
ing him pronounced Governor Taylor
a fugltlvo and proclaimed through tho
milium of their nssissln organs that
ho had fled to encnpo rervlee of u bench
wan ant on an existing Indictment.
Theivupon Governor Taylor's attorneys
demanded publicity of the court's rec
ords and Information as to whether or
not thero wan held In suppression any
gmnd Jury return of Implication against
him. This renownl of Importunity In
bohalf of Governor Taylor resulted In
development of the desired Informa
tion. Judgo Cantrlll on May SI mado
acknowledgment to tho attorneys that
tho grand Jury returns of April 19 In
cluded an Indictment charging Will
iam S. Taylor with complicity In con
spiracy contemplating tho aosaRsina
tlon of William Goebel."
What does thin state of facta Dig
nify? In tho llrot place, desplto gross
fraud In the couit, Tnyloi was elected
governor. Secondly, by grosn fraud In
tho lugUlaturo, ho waa unseated. And
now, when It appears that ho Is likely
to bo a cnndldato b"foro the people of
Kentucky for ro-olectlon at their hands,
tho fruit of the Pemoorntlc UQO.OOO
prlco fund for tho production of per
jured testimony shows fotth in an In
dictment, for Mx weeks Illegally sup
pressed, stigmatising Taylor with com
plicity In GoeUcl's murder. Well may
tho Commercial Tribune ask;
Mat (Jiluimtlin lia. ;-i,lio ("untrlll to olTtr
On iki1i of rUntuUjr for ulr.ii.lii, tlilj In
dlctuunt und wltlilinlJIni; t-rvlt-o In tU-ninco of
minditory irotlIon of tlio statutes making It
bis duty, wltlifut option, to llle In ipen court
this blU of ttw (-ri'iid Jur) und procure jerrlru
with tlw sreatot iHn-ilbli) di'apati.hf Aru tlia
courta of Ktntucky alwro thu luw? Ii the Judj
not iwitTJible to tlio time itatutci that control
tlw tltliHi of prlatu ktatlin or the ndtdal lu
other devrtmoiit of uov.Ttimintf What It thj
infunliuj of kj arbitrary and unnarrantod a deft-
nc of legal praittce and utatutory prorljlmt
Why iheuld thli Indictment bam been aeld In
iwrecy by tb coyrt for lx uX when It could
bar Utn enforced Inildt of ten daf Kor
wlat cauet ai lertlw bald In lupprtswl abey.
anc, when It could haro bn t(I:t-d, to In
rdertd oppcrtunjly for political eTett at thla
latu day when writ l loujht, crampanld by
th deularatlon that It Cinrot be bad, by reaun
ef C!oTrnor Taylor'i abenea from the stato anl
th Incidental fticiutthfl that bis abjeiico li pur.
When tho courts thua fall Into tho
foul depths of a vicious partisan man
ipulation which should bo as horrify
ing to Its beneficiaries as to Its vlo
tlms, houso cleaning tlmo cannot bu
far off.
Tho twenty-fifth anniversary of tho
Dradford Republican Is celebrated by
an extra Issue, resplendent with hand
uomo Illustrations and containing a
lorsrs amount of Interesting reading
matter, historical and descrlptlvo of
Towonda. Tho Republican Is ono of tho
bct local papcru In this, part of ths
state; la ever loyul to tho party and
Its catidldatefl, and Its prosperity Is a
ourra of Ropubllcun gratlilcutlon.
The Chlcagfi antl-clgarotto league
has taken hold of tho right end of tho
reform movpmont under lta chnrgo by
undertaking to sccuro pledges frora
tho young women of our land not only
that they will not themselves mok
cIcarctteB, but also thnt they will not
admit n liking for tho smell to tobacco
nor mako presents suggefltlro of Its
utw. With tho belles In armn against
tho filthy weed, the boaux will havo
no option but to ylold.
Breaking of Roon-jvolt, It to signifi
cant that tho now chairman of lh
New York county Republican eom
mlttoo, General I'Yanels V. Greene, Is
his closo friend. In view of tho com
ing battle, Teddy wisely posta his non
tlnnls bo ns to guard ngnlnat treachery
from within aa well aa ngalnat oppo
sition from without.
In Harmony u)ifh
William McKinley
Jolui 11. fljrrctt In tho Ecranton Truth.
Till! CKIITAINTY that frcjidect llcltinlcy
will bo nonilnatud to succeed blnieulf cm
phusUiH tbo llepublleon programma wldch
ikmaiub lougruu In harmony with hla
pnllcy. Whethu tin next trcaldint of tha Wnlted
hlites Ikj WllUain UcKlidey or William i. Uryan,
It U of thu utmoi Importouot to him, U bla
a ImlnUtratlon U to bo eUVetlro, tluit conrea
lc In accord with hli political tlvwa. lu tha
ci.n of I'rcbhkiit McKlnKy, cspetlolly, It would
lu fur bUUr for him to 1 iVfiatod lru.n to U
clKtinl .lth Nstllu constnvi dotenulncd to
tear down tlw ihborJto work ef cor.trutttoi and
crporslon bevun during lib! first Una. Atnoiuj
liopubllcans throughout tl country thla senti
ment ircrali genirnlly and It fjlj fcrelbla x
trcsslon In thtlr newspni'era, ciut and nest.
Tliu simo sentiment tluit demandj Prtnlduiit
JIcKlidey's rcnomlnatlon and ru-tlcctloa for tlw
fnrposo of carrylmr forward tbo trrcat work la
pun durlnu hit llm term, calls lor tlw r-oVs:rloii
cf thos mimberj of congrtsi who ar la fall
hirmony with hit policy end familiar lth tbow
l"iportant uetlon whUh will ilemanl tl at
ti ntlon of conprcat at tha next SAilon. It would
be a graru political blundor to licit oongrvu
oppowl to tho prrtldmt, or for that raatttf, o
s t tuldo at this Important Juncture hi tlw no
tion's hiftory, men of experience for thoso who
rro not Tereel In the national and International
roblcun wlJch will prem for a oolutloo at Uk
ii' xt selou of corwest.
Th!j common ecmo proposition strongthena tho
candidacy of lion. William ConnoU, of thla dW
trlct, and glvet htm an added claim upoa tlio
renewed confidence of bis party. Iff. OontK.11 woo
In tho bourfv and partlct;ted In tin pruoodingt
li cldcrt to tho war with Fpaln. Ilo waa a loyal
supporter of tha mtlon'e tlag and a stawnoh ad
b rent of Presldint McKinley! policy tbroih
every ylelmltudo of tho war, and In dealing with
those conpllcuted queetloiu which baro stowu
out of tho conltkt. 'ilura It now, more than
ever, coll for prudenco, knowlodgo, patriotism
nt.d cnnsUuncy In lettlltiff thoso ijiK-atlom, and
rlnce the Hitiulillcan coii'flenco of tho country
1 comlncol that President McKinley U boot
Ttted to deal with them. It standj to rcawoa
that ttiosa ronfrrrstmen who aro moat In hiw
moiiy with bis rlcwj und who baro had expert
ckv In coiuUlerlrif th-o qutvtlons fnra a legts
laturo point of tlew, aro alio Uvt fitted to ecn
tlnuo to lti logical conclunVu tha great Work
that Iu3 bt-n bigun.
This Is tlio djtft of Hepubllotui BenttnKnt to
iriouj parts of tto country, nd ! Kllcru It ap
Ii'Ius hero si will as anrwhero eloo. (VRirrvst
niaii ConiH-U, t'y fits untiring dvrotlon to duty
a-id hbj fllollty to nulW-nal lnUTnts at botno
and, lull etaUUhd ns good a claim to
tho rontlnuid conflJiicv of his party as any of
bis colleujiu-s In othr dls'.rlets wl,o aro unop
I itd Y.lth'.n tlrf party. Tlio tarn llopubncan
1' glo that edweutet tlw rvnomlnatlon of lrtvl
dent MeKltiley argiKS with Ouol fircu In faror
f tho n nomination of Ci,-rtv.inan (nnUl aixl
of utry ctlur Ileputlican ooivrivsnuin who sup
ported bis Jiolley at ths lust Skwlon of cvngrewa.
Ihli Is tho logle of consi.tency, fair play and
comrn n icrso In tlw tolutlon of tlw Hilllpplno,
IMrto Hiean. Hawaiian and CXibsn probltina tbo
ciuntry ltlll bo list scrrt-d It cwiiLTufl lu tn
full hinrony with lUi I rootlcnt
From tha Phllidilphli l"rcs3.
Oincress lias tnv't ppirWoo for tho mounting
of UIJ modirn gur.s en our coast forthVutlors
Atioet Ml of tlioo guns aro ulnudy In plaeo In
fifty dllTirent .ocalltlw on pur coasts Ttiero la
l it now n sufficient iiumlr of men In tho er
t'llery icr;s to tako caro of tho gvns alrradr
rmuntal, ti tar nntliln; of tb. UV guns yet to
bi put In plaeo TIkto biv not run enough to
rlTorl a Miif fir each pun now in tho fortlflca
tloriH Ov.r frW.OnO.liOO haTO already bQ ex
Indnl In tlio enrctton of tht-i forttilcaHons, and
tho pditn.o cxnteinp!ateo tlw expenJlturg ef Vir
lvi0,0X) moro. Thj guns aro enormously oipon
nro, CMinpllcitod aCalif, with rmchlUTT tut
1 indllnf' tlicm and tho ammunition. Only ixlllad
nml cxpiilence'vl nu-n cm niako ifTettlru uvo of
thTn KxiTleneo with flvld rrtlllry duos rwit
'1 lallfy a man to bsndlo tho guns hi tbo coajt
f lrtllii atloiis. Morcorer, ttnuu guns rKlro ceti
stant nttdnlanco to kevp them fixnn rubtlnf i1
(hterir rating. Tho octiaro annf UU t'roTidoi fur
at addltl ii of S.UjO men to tho artllUr, a forco
-ly tuUUUnt to tako enro of tluvu guns Mr.
f nkr 11, a Pemocrarto economist, drtlarcd In
thu seiuto that "tlds incrcooo of tho artllk-ry is
ahsoluUly necoary " It It Impossible to oran
!7 an tffectlTu forco for tbo tviuit forttflcatlont
in a fc-.r months, and unletta tho mon Iutu bad
1 ng cxpirimcu in adrancv thesu ixpetiaSro fur.
tlflcatUns will ba practically uxlcss in tltno of
.ar. lh bill pamcnl tho senate without a dlrl
I in, eo unaiilmous was that body In its firor
liut a houso commit teg has snnouncvd, through
Its chairman, that tlw Mil will not bo rrportad
t tlw ltouoo at this kO-d'ion, Tint U Iimiuui.
Aim jou ready for th mit
Havo you read tlw almanjT
lluvo you studied your atx-reton
I"or dozen cycles biekf you counted up your frccklcsT
Haio you flgurod up your slur
Ir you snow you'll hare to toll 'un
Wlien tl ociuus nuu begins.
llmo ymi mldetl up tlw cbtMncnf
llaro Toil fiiureil up your Cttant
Did ymi crrr find a button
In a Ulsh oi corn-beet hash
Aro yon deaf or blind or ugly.
Do jou tot cut or toe Inf
All of thla you'll haye to answer
tttxn tho consul min beg1n
Do you Hop er Kjulnt or itammrr?
Err hare the whooping rmiht
Are you binly with the harnurrT
Tver do a stunt at golff
An yoi fond of checkered rm-xOttt
Krrr fall and bark your shlnat
Did you swtsrt Tou'll baro to tell tt
Wben the nuaua man Ifrlnt.
If your partner gars trump signal
Would yju lead him back tha Jnucef
Lcr wrar a porous plsstvr?
Waa it easy to get loose t
Aro you fend of plcaled onions!
Do yon tmokt or chew or sweat f
IfaTt yoa any cma or tvntorat
V. hat tbo tlxa cf shoo you wear I
Oh, you might M wkIl wi plv.unt
For you know you'll Lira o tela.
Would yv use a bit mora sugar
When tha Jelly dw.n't Jellt
What tho natero cf your labcrt?
Do you sugar your liked beurwf
Aro you friendly with tha nclgbUavt
Do ycu llni beyond your mtiiot
Are yon lean f stcut or nodtunt
Do yuu salt yoursvlf that wsti.
Did yon race-iranon tako wellf
Did you mora the first cf May?
If a bnb-tsllixl flush rsll'id trca,
(Vuld you tell ma wMch ona iHnst
Oil. you'll hsrs to wini tn renter
VYtien tlw ccnan loan Uvlna
Aro tho ctlMnn wdl ! twnmcrt
Art they troubled wltk the littett
Don't you think pink teas are tlrnwme?
Did you trer pltr high (Irrst
Didn't f ;ou at tht partjj
Don't you s out sny more?
Well, pood mornlngl Can you tHI mo
Who tho family Is rjeit door I
James W. Foley, Jr., In Ulnnartk Ttlbune.
Rxpn-U from tlw Un1tel Btatcs to Cuts. Torto
ltlco atl tho Hawaiian, l'hlltpplno and Bamoan
Island will reach (IJ.UJO.OUU In the ftscal ycir
whlih ondo with tlio prwent montli, and will li
more than threo timet as much as In 1H4 and
mere thun twleo ta much as In any year of tur
commctvo with Hum Islands except In tlw years
1SW i t, when reciprocity greatly Increased eur
export! to Uaba and Porto ltlco. To Cuba tlw
total for tlw fiscal year tvemo likely to bo hilly
W.OOQ.OOO, agalnai 7,J30,000 In tho fiscal year
1693, and k)24,137,tXD In tho great rlcproclty year
1893, whea axports to that Island were more than
double thooa of Art years earlier. To Porto ltlco
tho cxportt of tlw yetr will bt In rounl tcrmt
ti.COO.WM, against an aTeraga of Jl.TM.OUO In tht
reciprocity ytart 1S91, 1E93 and PiOt, when ex
ports Io that bland were double those of tnrller
yeart. To tha Hawaiian Islands the total for
tlw year will ba about flS.OOO.OO), or Sro times
at muck at Id 1SV3, Dearly fuar timet as much
as In 1(90, and mora than double tha total far
1. To tha Milllppinei tin total for 1BO0 will
bo absat fJ.BOO.CW), or more thaa la tht entire
fifloen yeert since ISM, the date at whleh tho
first records of cmr exports to tht Philippines
was made by tht treasury bureau of statistics.
To tho Samosn Islands tho exports of tha year
nlll ba about $113,000, or nearly as much as In
all the years slnco 1S69, at which dato tha effl
clal records of our exports to thoso lslamls bo
gan. On tho Import sldo, Culn begins to show some
tldn oi lx-r old-tlmo strength as an exporting
bland, as tlio total imports into tho United
Etateo from Cuba for tho full year will show a
total of tUrty-ono million dollars, against fif
teen millions In ISM and eighteen and one-half
millions in 1'T, though they still are lctu than
tlw arerago lor tho reciprocity ymrs, 1SW, 18ti3
and ISSi, when our Import from thnt i.'.snj
aTrigJ ore WTenty flro million dollars per
annune I"iwn Porto ltlco tho Imports of tho
year will bo I'l.SW.COO, which Is less tlian tho
total for any preceding yar sinoo I&hQ, and Is
truuirwbly duo to tho destruction by liwt year's
tornido of tlw crops which supply l'orto Itlco'i
chief articles of export. From tho Hawaiian Isl
ands tho Imports for tho full fiscal year will bo
twenty-orw million dollars, or doutlj tho artrairo
aunual Importation from tho period prior to 1W5,
an.1 DO pe' cent higher than in any preceding
year, while from tht Philippines, despits tho
war condltVsis which roduco producing and ex
portlrij powvr, tiw imiort3 will bo larger than
tn any year glnco ISA.
Tlio following tohlo shows tho exports to nrJ
Imports fnm Cuba, I'oito ltlco, and tho Hawaiian
and Philippine Islands In each deal yrir slnco
lJJ, tho figures r May ukI Juno, l'lOl, ticlns
U.;orts trom tha Unltod Etatos to
Hawaiian Phltlpplno
Year. Cuba. Porto ltlco. l.lands.
1SS3 .J 0,008,100 l,So),03 S,767,0W
1SS8 , 10,409,170 1.710.8C9 J.193.fW
1,009,(113 t,0S,a03
S,tS4,931 1, 373,011
t.S97,M3 1,711,417
4,133.3.31 5,107,212
S,63fl,003 8,781,029
,510,607 8,827,613
J,720,3fW 8,500,17
1,633,MI 8,733,037
S.Wi.Wl 8,0i5,7O7
l.USS.fSS 4,rj0,O73
1,303,04'J t.POT.lM
3,fiS3,648 0,803,470
8,000,000 14.300,000
Imports Into tlw Unitwl Rates from
Tear. Cuba. I-orto Moo. Hawaii PhlHppln-s
ltiJ fa.5O0,093 ?fl,lO4,20J ? 8,37,407
4,194 344 0,KIJ,707 n,fC8,'J12
4,rei,t590 B,03i,O73 8.614, ViO
4.412.4K3 1J,0C0,S79 10,303,273
S,707,J7S 13,847,740 10,3S3,17J
4,033,(!33 12,813,808 11,S03,C2'1
3,194,110 lS.VJi.tV7 B,IC7,2(J
8,148,007 8,073,8SJ
4,003,033 0,146,737
8,135,tV4 10,06J,?17
1,318,313 7,888,061
S,Vfl,eS3 11,757,701
x,181,024 13.6S7.7W
2,414,338 17,1S7,8N)
8,179.837 17,831,433
1,330,000 21,300,000
Hay and Juno, 1000, are cstlmateel.
K. e Martin tn Harper1 1 Weekly.
It Is a very Interesting contemporary question
how far tho eklre to succeed in what one un
dertake utle infractions of tho command
merits and of ttw laws am' moral obligatlcns,
nre or k K-i.l on tho decalogue, which
rvgulatu ttw relations of riie.ii. In wir, hy gen
eral consent, many of tho ordinary rules of life
are ruvpvnded. In wsr wu kill folks ami elon't
conhk-v it murdtr; wi tako wtat i'li't ours
and emphemlstically call It contlscatlon; we
clu-at ond lio when it Is leccetary to military
ucctia, and it Is only misleading the ciieiiy.
Ilvei? thing Is fair in wor that is necessary to
victory. rY It Is told to bo in lore, but pub
lio i pinion dews not fully Ju.tlfy that cvnclu
flon, Herw ft Is In burirms ths nowipap.r
huainoss, for example, which, tlrfiugh it Is
wither war it Iovm, but merely an Industry In
which competition Is pretty sharp, yet reenit to
strive tTne pureuns who are engaged In it as
an occupatkui In which ordinary temples of pro
prloty and honor are relatively po unlrniortant
tlut ellsretanl of them may b publicly aiow-d
ami ivrdel without compunction or cDteTcdtt?
In a rwexTit fcsruo ut a retiutablo wrfkly pn
per rl largo circulation and apparent aspirations
towirds morality there wat published under the
title cf 'Tanious Teats of Journallm" a news
pspr man's story of how In 1831 hs went to
Rnglsitil as the agrnt of a Chicago newspaper to
try to get an advance copy of the Ketised Edition
of tl o New Tiatametit, tt en npon the eve of
publlwttem. He tells of making two acquaint
ance alroanl ship who gave him useful letters of
Introduction without eu'picton of tho use ho
tre-ant to make of tkeem T letter! let him
Into a Indon publishing lious where ht
found "so ttthlng like American appreciation
of enterprise," and got valuable Information,
aud other lttters. Yoking these latter documcrts
lw went down to Oxford prepairel to bribe tho
prersman of ths University prrs and get ad-ane-e
sheets from him That did not work, be
eiittc It was not in fhe pre,man'! power to
&"fr & v& 4 & & &
An opportunity to secure exclusive patterns and firat choice.
Prices From $12 to
THE TRIBUNE hits exclusive control of the finest line ot
Calendars ever exhibited In Scranton. It Is early yet to think
of 1901, but it is necessary to place orders early for the ck-us of
work here outlined. The full line of samples is now ready at
THE TRIBUHE offica und It now complete, but the best will (jo
quickly, and no design will be- duplicated for a second
THE TRIBUNE, Washington Avenue.
NOTICn Orders taken now (or December delivery.
$ ?$ $ Z & ? V 4 ? $ V ? ty ? ?J
dellrrr tli9 gcod. lie then fell Uek on cne
of hli iteomer friends, whom by due ue ef
strategy he Induced to take Win to call tn one
cf the rctlscrs who had a rot y of the work he
wanted In hla possession. He taw and handled
the book, and tried to liorrow It, but failed. Ho
learned, however, whero It was kept Nut day
he-bought a copy cf the New Testament Ivund
llko tho revised edition and went back to the
reviser! hiuse In the lope of being able to steal
tho revlfcr'a Iwk out of his library. Tint hope
failed al), and left htm )Vt time to lateli tho
steamer for New York. Immediately uptn land
ing he i-e-ms to have tent a Utter forced in the
tmmo of a London publisher to Dr. SUulf, an
American rvvim, ly which ho nearly rot Dr.
Bchafl'a copy of tho revised Testament Into his
lutids. finally, ho tuys, ho found, two cliys
Her, In "ono of th most t Minlnent reprcsn
tatlvcs tf one of tho greatest publishing houvs
In th United Btatcs," a competent and sym
pathetic confederate, who met him by appoint,
nient at night, anl placed In his hinds the book
tie wanted. Part of It was tulegiaphed to Chi
Vago, the rr-t followed by rill, and the Chleata
Tribune published the hole liool on a Bundiy
morning two days ahead of any one else, thus
accomplishing a feat which, It aatd, had "never
been excelled among tho uuiny triumphs of mod
ern Journalism."
Thnt It tho ttory which on American bctIIw
has been willing to narrate In detail under
what seems to be his own name, and whleh a
rather conservative weekly paper oilers to reid
ere, young ond old, as a "famous feat," to be
admired and ma) be emulated. Neither writer
nor editor appears to have suspected what spe
cie of person the writer has shown himself to
be, or tint betrayal of conlldcnce, bribery, theft,
und forgery are Incidents to bo ashamed of, pro
vided they vicro necrsinry to tlw accomplishment
of n newspaper "beat."
Pftd to Bay, r.cwspnper-msklng Is by no menus
tho only branch of builncsi In which miccets
often seems to the successful to Jiutlly mean!
that are- dlthenorlrg. Men whese standards of
enduct arc low seldom spprcclitc tl.ilr mo.-al
tdiortcoinlngs, and It Is not uncommon to heir
sharp tricksters tell shocking stories of their
own gn?el and cunning without suspicion that
their conduct may seem less admirable to others
thin It doen to themselves Wc neeel not hope
that energetic ond able scamplshncs will not
tuccted to a certain extent, and often train its
Immediate ends, but when roguery masquerade
as "Annrlcan enterprise" and vlro In print eh.
idea to virtue ev-n the poor tribute of hypocii
Fy, then truly we have warrant to feir that tho
public perceptions art getting confuicd, ond
that the opinion Is too generally held that con
duct Is not hi lraiortant as It is crocked up to
tw, and that nothing reoly succveds but eucoes.
Frankl)n jVjlca In tho Bun.
An error often made) Li tho naiertlon that n
clemly rctre-entatlons on the stage maku moro
money than those tint aro puree Louiso Li-slis
Carter has hid n n mlng income from "Zui,"
but Hand Adams has elrann a larger Income from
"Tlio Little Minister." lllnnle Hadern Flske hu
filled her puns with "Ptcky Sharp," but Viola
Allen has bulged a bigger one with "The Chris
tion." Olga Ncthersole has not enriched herselt
as much with "Saiho" as Julia Marlowe has
with "llarban Krletche." l.lllle l.angtry Is
rvmunentcd lcs with "The lh ccneratts" than
Annie ltuxsell Is with "Mum Hobln." For each
na-;ty play that made a profit in New York last
seison there wire twinty unaillible on that
made os much or more. Immodesty that Is good
art pays In the theater. HodcMy under tlia aamo
conelltloni pays better.
Particular interest centers nrounil
our ?20 Threc-Pleco Iledroom Sulte3.
Ana It Is not ilifllcult to elocldo why.
Thero Is nomethlnff rvbout each piece
which catches tho oyo and Invites a
better ncqualntaneo. Then construc
tion nncl finish are observed and com
parisons inndo. The decision generally
Is that theso aro better In every way
than anything ever offered at tho rVIce.
Hill & Coraeell
121 Is". Wasliinglon Avo.,
Horses and carriages are su
perior to those of any other
livery in the city.
If you should desire to go
for a drive during this delight
ful period of weather, cjII tele
phone 794, and Everett will
send you a first-class outfit
230 Dls Court. '.Wear City Hall.)
Z S? & 4 i' 4! fr & "iV 2
Tinted Backs X
Hangers - 0 SJZCS
Colortype Back3 X r ,
White Backs 6ltrQia 5X1
Gold Embossed X n q
Mounted Photograplna
Half -Tones X 14X22
$95 peir Tbousand
Youi Keow
We Grow
Sale of goc
School Sluoes
For Boys
amid QirlSo
Lewis & Really
Established 1888.
1 14-116 Wyoming Avo .
Presents ?
Yes, we have them, 3n
Sterling Silver, Rich Cut
Glass, Clocks, Etc.
An Interesting variety
o? the richest goods In
America. Prices the lovy
est, guarantee perfect at
130 Wyoming Ave.
Coal Exchange.
THie Uunt &
Coeeell Co0
Heating, Plumbing,
Gas Fitting, Electric
Light Wiring, Gas
an Electric Fixtures,
Builders Hardware.
434 Lac&awairaa Avenue
Uoeiui Aecui Ur till Wjromlna.
kluliij;, HlastlncHportlng, -StioHrtm
ana 1110 Kepmuie Oholilca.
Co nji.i iy"i
era explosives.
fciilety liw, Cu)j and jfixttl'sjaft,
Koom 101 Couuell IJulldlna,
THC3. rORD. Plttston.
JOHN D. SMITH & BON, - Plymouth.
W. C S1UI.UGAN, - Wlllios-Uiirra.
til , I TV TVCtatf
X,vt 1 cuve a handful of Rlpans Tabules to an old gentleman of
Brooklyn, and he said their effect upon him has been
mo3t remarkable.
Friu:j. What was the matter with lilm, anyway?
L, He is a wuiglier, and works about the wharves and ware
houses. He said that always after eating he would be
troubled with gases, and there would be a sensation asl
of a load on the pit of his 6tomach which made him;
very uncomfortable.
IJ , Toll, what good did tlw Ripans do him ?
I I don't know how they did it, but he eoys they were effect
ive from the start, and he was surprised to see how
quickly one would give him relief. I think it is quile
remarkable-, for he is a confirmed dyspeptic and hh
positively snetrtd when I gave him the Ripans. He
didn't seem to think anything could reach his case.
From any point of view
this sale which open on
Tuesday Morning
will be one of the many at
tractions offered by us during
the mouth of June.
In the first place the gooda
in themselves are attractive
from the fact that no finer
Hue of tabus linens i shown
by any house in the trade.
Then the prices will be at
tractive because the goods
aro bought right, and sold on
the same basis and in order
that you can make your se
lections with ease and com
fort, our display will be made
ns attractive as apace will
To enumerate all the good
things we have to ofier dur
ing this sale, would be impos
sible, so we only mention a
few specials:
105 dozen German Silver
Bleached Napkins, $1.25 doz
Silver Bleached German
Table Damasks, in 60, 6
and 73 inches wide 7a inch
Bleached Scotch Damask, 73c
72, 80 and 90 inch Damasks
from $1.00 to$2.73 per yd.
One Case Extra Si2e
Crochet Quilts, Special P8&
One Hundred Extra Large
and Fine Marseilles Quilts,
at $2.90: worth $3.75,
Come in and buy a
Waterman Fountain Pen.
The only pen that never
leaks. A most complete
We are headquarters
for this line of Fountain
Pens aud have all sorts
of points for all sorts of
hands. These pens are
' guaranteed in every par
ticular. Rey molds Bros
Stationers and Engravers,
Scranton, Pa.