The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 02, 1900, Morning, Page 8, Image 8

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mqi mmr'tomBR1 - wimi-'W'iiyqfipipi
Glvon Undor tho Ausplcoa of tho
MIosionBand Rev. Ohnrlos Davis,
of Cardiff, South Wales, v Noted
Clergyman, Will Preach Horo To
morrowFuneral of Mrs. Mary P.
Lewis from tho Family Residence
on Hyde Park Avenue Personals
and Jottings of Interest.
The Mission band of St. Mark's Lu
theran church gave tin excellent en
tertainment In the church last even
ing, which was attended by ft large
and appreciative audience. Tho exer
cises were opened with a processional
by tho band, nnd was followed by
recitations by Wllllo Allspaugh, Ono
ita Tletze, Florence Watrous, Wllllo
Michael, Alfred Wcrkmolstcr, Carl
Krelgcr, Bessie Homier, Henry Docll,
Henry Walthcr, fimll Ot-bel, Herman
Bnchman and Willie Searing.
Tho motion songs were participated
in by Lizzie Lynn. Sadie Hennett,
Duretta Michael, litanche Wutrous,
Llezle Whetstone, Margaret Sherman,
Bertha Woehrlo and I.lllle Ouonnel.
Misses Lillian Mackreth and i:mlly
Mctz and Mrs. A. L. Rnmcrxind Jo
Bjih Atherton rendered pleasing
duets, and Clinton Corlesi played an
onjan voluntary In a clever manner.
Bnlos were sung by Madge Watrous
nnd Florence Watrous and the Mission
band rendered tho "Star Spangled
Btinner" as the closing number.
Rev. Chailcs Davis, of Cardiff, South
Wales, who Is making a tour of the
principal cities of the United Statea,
will preach tomorrow morning and
ercnlng nt' the First Welsh Baptist
church on South Main nvenuo at the
regular services.
Rev. Davis Is a noted preacher and
is well known to hundreds of restdentu
in Northeastern Pennsylvania, who
will be delighted to learn that an op
portunity Is nfforded them to hear him
preach before his return ro Wales.
Arrangements have been made with
Rpv, Davis for a preaching service
at the Tabernacle Congregational
church on South Hyde Park avenue,
tomorrow afternoon at 2.30 o'clock.
Every 'Welshman should hear him.
The fair and festival will be held
June 12, 13 and 14. The proceeds are
to be expended on fitting up the church.
Iit everybody Interest themselves In
thJe endeavor. Already 800 tickets
have been sold.
Brother Dawes, our beloved deacon,
has gone home to Wales, for hla health.
Dufour's French Tar
Has Won Success,
It Cures Your Cold
And Gives You Rest.
Crown Crown
President PresM
Sterling Sterling
The Best Suspenders
In America
Your Choice
On Saturday
(Not Monday)
v This is not a Bargain Counter Sale.
These Suspenders represent fresh, clean
stock in the best and newest goods that
-money can buy, Under no circumstances
can you buy either make for less than
half a dollar a pair in the ordinary way
of selling and the only possible reason for
the reduction is thaj: we care to give it to
.visitors to our Men's Furnishing Depart-
Bment tomorrow (Saturday.)
-See Our Window Display
Globe Warehouse
Is the best med
icine for the
stomach. It cures
Liver and
It contains ev
erything benefi
cial, anJ noth
ing Injurious.
When you nsk
for the Bittcre.
Insist upon bas
ing the cenulnv
The Baptist Young People's union so
ciety was well ntlvndrd last Tuesday
night. Let us rally round our presi
dent nnd go with him to the rally held
In Providence, Friday, Juno 8.
The Fldellans are preparing a beau
tiful drill for one evening's entertain
ment for tho fair nnd festival.
Rev. Thomas do Gruchy, pastor of
tho Jackson Street Baptist church, .0(11
clated at tho funeral of the lato Mrs.
Mary 1. Ixiwls yesterday afternoon at
3 o'clock. The cervices were held at
the family homo on North Hyde Tark
avenue, where many friends of the de
ceased gathered to pay their respects.
The remains were borne to the Wash
burn street cemetery, where Interment
was made In the family plot. Short
arvlees wen; conducted at tho grave
by Dr. do Gruchy.
Rev. Frank J. Mllmnn, pastor of the
Sumner Avenue Presbyterian church,
will preach his third srrmon tomorrow
evening In tho series on "Esau and
Jacob Reconciled." Tho service begins
at C o'clock and everybody Is welcome.
At the Plymouth Congregational
church tomorrow evening. Rev. E. A.
Boyl will preach the third sermon In
tho series on tho I.ord'a prayer, the
text being "Thy Kingdom Come."
Holy communion services will be con
ducted at St. Mark's Lutheran church
at tomorrow morning's service.
Thomns Williams, of Plttston, one of
the best known vocalists In this reg
ion, was the guest of friends In town
yesterday afternoon.
William Munson, of North Bromley
avenue, Is slightly Indisposed, owing
to heart trouble.
A special meeting of the Franklin
Engine company will bo held this even
ing to make final arrangements for
the nnnunl picnic at Warder's grovo on
Thursday, Juno 7.
The remains of the late C. II. Peter
son, who died at 119 South Hyde Park
avenue, were taken to Milton, Pa.,
yesterday morning and the funeral ser
vices were conducted at the latter place
In the afternoon.
James J. Mahon, P. F. McCoy, Dan
lei Lenlhan, Thomas McNamara and
John Murphy have been nppolnted a
ppeclal committee by St. Paul's Pio
neer corps to arrange for the annual
picnic at Laurel Hill park on Saturday,
June 9.
Mr. James Joseph Is lying In a criti
cal condition nt his homo on North
Bromley avenue.
Miss Kate Sulllvnn, of New York
city. Is vlhltlng relatives on West Lo
cust street.
Tho local corps of the Salvation
Army Is arranging for a festival to
bo held In tho barracks on Price street
in tho near future. The Junior corps
eat President
Is also arranging for their children's
day exercises.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nolan and
Mrs. Richard McIInle, of Price Btrcct,
aro visiting friends In Carbondalo.
A reception of probationers will be
held at tho Hampton Street Methodlnt
Episcopal church tomorrow morning
nnd tho quarterly conference meeting
will bo held In the evening. Rev.
Austin Grlllln will nttend.
Tho Gospel meeting at the Young
Women's Christian association rooms
tomorrow afternoon at 3.45 o'clock
will bo addressed by Rev. E. A. Boyl,
of ,ho Plymouth Congregational
church. The rooms are located at tho
corner of South Main avenue and
Scranton ntrcet. Atl young women
are heartily welcomed to the service.
The Woman's Foreign Missionary
society of the Simpson Methodist
Episcopal church, met In tho lecturo
room last evening and enjoyed an In
teresting programme, which was fur
nished by several of tho members.
Mrs. Robert Hamll nnd Miss Agnes
Roberts, .f Plttston, are tho guests of
Dr. and Mrs. W, J, L. Davis, of North
Main avenua.
Miss Anna Booth, of Reading, who
has been the guest of Dr. and Mrs.
George B. Reynolds, of North Main
avenue, returned homo yesterday.
Lieutenant of Police ThomaH L. Wil
liams, of Oxford street, visited friends
nnd relatives In Plymouth yesterday.
Tho concert nnr.cunced for last
evening by Bauer's band at the Rob
inson residence on Seventh street, was
indefinitely postponed, owing to the
absenco of ex-Shcrlff Robinson.
Miss Clarissa Jones Pleasantly Sur
prised at Her Home To-morrow's
Church Services,
A number of the young friends of
Miss Clarissa Jones called at her
homo on Taylor avenue Thursday
evening and proceeded to make them
selves thoroughly at home. As tho
numbers Increased In size and as the
evening advanced the surprise of MlhS
Jones was complete and the young
friends having accomplished their ob
ject amused themselves with various
party diversions the rest of the even
ing. Just before tho young people bid
their hostess good-night refreshments
were served. ,
Among those present were: Misses
Mary Waters, Grace Lansing, Annie
Thomas, Mayme Swingle, Katharine
Lowls, Anna Taylor, Carrie O'Nell,
Sarah Hull, Mary Powell, Edith
Phillips, Katherlno Feeney, MUdrod
Wilcox, Mary Waters Mrs. Stevens;
Messrs. Fred Eynon, Arthur Reese,
Harry Miller, Edgar Peck, Edward
Jenkins, Arthur Schultz, Fred Mor
gan, William Dean, William Lewis,
Edwin Taylor, George Mitchell, Har
old Battln, lEarry Lajycock, Fylend
Stone, George Tiffany and George
At tle Dudley Street Baptist
church tomorrow, the pastor, Rev. J.
L. Kreamer, will preach as usual at
10.30 a. m. and 7.50 p. m., tho morn
ing subject being, "An Ideal Chris
tian," and tho evening subject, "What
and Where Is Heaven." Sunday
school at 12 o'clock. Tho Lord's sup
per will bo administered at tho closo
of the morning service.
Services at the iMethodlst Episco
pal church tomorrow In charge of the
pastor, Rev. A. J. Van Cleft, will be
n follows: Preaching at lioth tho
morning and evening services. Sub
ject for the morning service, "The
Cure for Anxiety and Care." In the
evening tho pastor will preach tho
third of the series of Bermons on
"Christian Science, Faith Cures and
Other Cures." Tho other services In
the church will be as usual.
Rev. W. F. Gibbons will preach at
the Presbyterian church tomorrow as
usual. At the close of the morning
seivlco tho sacrament of tho Lord's
supper will bo administered. Sunday
school at 12.30 o'clock, and Christian
Endeavor service at C.30 o'clock p. ro.
Ground has been broken for a new
double dwelling house to be erected
at once on the property now owned
by Sidney Matthews on North Dlake
ly street.
The borough school directors meet
In regular session next Tuesday even
ing In the Central building.
Miss Bertha Crowther, of Plttston,
Is the guest of friends on South Blake
ly street.
Edwin O'Horo, of Elm street, Is at
Atlantic City.
Tho Young British Republican club
of Dunmoro mot In Odd Fellows' hall
Inst evening, about one hundred mem
bers being present. This Is the second
meeting of the club, which promises
to be one of tho largest Republican
clubs In Dunmore. Tho members are
mostly young men who do the hustling
on election day. After the roll was
called, the minutes read and other
business transacted, tho meeting ad
journed to meet next Tuesday even
ing at 8 p. m. All members aro re
quested to bo present.
The regular preaching services at tho
First Christian church tomorrow at 11
a, m. and 7.30 p. m. by the pastor, Rev.
It, C. Clymer. The morning subject
will be, 'Christ." Sunday school at 10
n. m.; Young People's Society of ChHi
tlan Endeavor nt 0.45 p. m. Tho prayer
meeting next Wednesday evening at
7.30 o'clock.
Dr. H. S. Saunders, of North Main
avenue, was In Carbondalo yesterday.
Miss Maine Collier, of Plttston, who
has been tho guest of Dr. and Mrs. J.
J. Sullivan, of Wayno avenue, has re
turned homo.
Tho Band of Hopo of tho Welsh Con-
Grain-O is not a stimu
lant, like coffee. It is a
tonic and Its eflects are
A successful substitute
for coffe.c, because it has
the coflee flavor that al
most everybody likes.
Lots of coflee substi
tutes in the market, but
only one food drink
All grocers j Wo. anil t'o.
,g:V3' and V-
6V't, .'"'"vcs. ,0t
' rA, "rf
" N.V,
gregatlonal church will conduot a can
tata In the Auditorium on June 11.
Tho Eureka club, which has been
newly organized, held a meeting last
evening In St Mary's hall.
W. P. Hurke, of Jones street, has bern
In Carbondale during tho week on busi
ness. Tho preaching services at the Pres
byterian chapel at Capouse will be held
at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. tomorrow
and will bo conducted by the pastor,
the Rev. L. R, Poster. Sunday school
at 3 o'clock; Junior Endeavor at 4
Rev. Dr. Guild last evening preach
ed In tho Presbyterian church In
Charlos Johnson, of Staten Island,
was In this section on Wednesday,
calling on old friends.
Mrs. Wheeler, of Deposit, wan a
guest the llrst of the week of Major
and Mrs. J. II. Fish. Mrs. Wheeler
Is the daughter of Rev. Mr, Fisher,
former pastor of the Providence
Presbyterian church.
A very pleasant mudlral and liter
ary entertainment was given at tho
North Main avenue Young Women'
Christian association rooms Thursday
evening. Tho Young Woman's Chris
tian Association orchestra, tnough a
comparatively new organization, ren
dered Us selections In a manner that
noi only pleased the largo audience,
but reflected much credit on the lead
er, Professor Walklnshaw, who also
played a violin solo In his masterly
ttylo. He also responded to an tn
coro. The orchestra Is composrd of sev
etal tulented young ladles, Miss Wil
liams, -Miss Mott, Miss Mamie Hill,
llrst violins, Mlsi Deacle and Miss
Cozens, second violins; Mirs, Sllkman,
Miss Morgan and Miss Hill, 'cellos;
Miss Jackson, piano accompanist.
They wero assisted by Will Reese,
llrst violin, also a cornet and flute.
Much credit Is due the artists who
so ably sang nnd played the piano,
thus making one of the best pro
gramme given at the- rooms, and
will be long remembered as a very
pleasant evening. Miss Jackson war
C. E. Cooper, of East Market street,
vlBlted Plttston yesterday.
Mrs. Mao La Touche and daughters,
Rene nnd Vere, of Instanter, Elk
county, Pa., arrived In GreenRIdge
yesterday nnd will spent tho summer
with Mrs. La Touche's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Williams, of East
Market street.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Pooro will spend
Sunday at BIdwell pond, r.
Miss Ethel Hobart, of Connecticut,
Is visiting her aunt. Mrs. C. II. Pond,
of Electric avenue, and will be her
guest during the summer.
Mrs. M. D. Farnham, of C21 Breaker
street, has returned from an extensive
visit. Including the cities of Philadel
phia and New York, and Is prepared to
recelvo orders for midsummer millin
ery. Tho pavement on Washington ave
nue, north of Green Ridge street, Is
being repaired. This Is a much need
ed Improvement.
Ice cream sale and social on tho lawn
of Christ church rectory, Friday even
ing, June 8.
Miss Hitchcock, of Washington ave
nue, entertained tho Watchful circle
of King's Daughters yesterday after
noon. Her guests wore Mrs. Merrl
man, the Misses Charlesworth, Nettle
ton, Kathryn Nettleton, iMorrow,
Poore, Hull, Dlmmlck and Lindsay.
Herbert N. Taylor, of the Scranton
laco curtain factory, when In Now
York city recently, purchased a mag
ntllcent team of sorrel carrluge horses
and a carriage of the lutest style. Tho
turnout has arrived In Green Ridge
and is ono of tho handsomest in tho
Mrs. George Stowe, of Philadelphia,
Is the guest of Mrs. M. R. Kays, of
Sanderson avenue.
The funeral of Mrs. Frances Town
send will take place from her lato
home, 1340 Capouse avenue, this af
ternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Services will
be hold at the house. Interment will
be made In Forest Hill cemetery.
At a recent meeting of Beatrice
lodge, No. 70, Daughters of Rebekah,
the following olllcers wero elected;
Noble grand, Hattle Crosby; vice
grand, Lucy Kemp; secretary, Mar
garet Trlgo; assistant secretary, Liz
zie Williams; treasurer, Ann Von
Storch; trustee, O. S. Colvln; staff, C.
Ado, L. Von Storch,
Diarrhoea at Santiago.
Charles II. Marks, while acting In
the capacity of nurso at tho Second
Division Hospital of the Fifth Army
Corps nt Santiago do Cuba, used a
few bottles of Chamberlain's Collo,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for
diarrhoea and found It to work like a
charm. For sale by nil druggists.
Matthews Bros., wholesale and retail
Tho Snako Which Was Nearly Six
Foot Long Attacked Mr. Bnydor at
Elmhurst Yesterday and Was
Killed Only After a Struggle.
Notos of tho Young Women's
Christian Assooiation General
Stores to Closo at 7 O'clock in tho
Futuro Other Notos and Personals
Charles Snyder, of Plttston nvenuo,
while working on his farm near Elm
hurst, had an exciting battle with n
big copperhead snako yesterday morn
ing. Ho was returning from tho Held
nnd was about to enter the barn when
he almost tread on the snake, which
lay colled In a thick cluster of grass
and weeds.
He hastily secured a club and as ho
was about to strike tho snake It made
a quick spring at him, but ns It did
so ho brought the club down upon
Its back, almost cutting It In two, but
even then It tried to trlko him. Af
ter a most vigorous clubbing on tho
part of Mr. Snyder the snako was
killed. Measurement of tho reptile,
which wii8 of a yellowish copper color,
pioved It to bo 6 feet 8 Inches In
Y. W. C. A. NOTES.
The Loyalty club of tho South
Scranton Young Women's Christian
association held an Interesting discus
sion last evening upon "What Goes
to Make Up a Ttuq Lady," before a
large audience. It was an open dis
cussion nnd tho arguments presented
showed caieful thought on tho part
of tho speakers.
On account of tho absence from tho
city of Rev. Rogers Israel, the lecturo
which was to have been given by him
on Tuesday evening, Juno 5, at tho
Young Women's Christian association,
has been Indefinitely vostponcd. No
tice Jtvlll bo given of the entertain
ment which will take the place of tho
Tho Sunday afternoon Gospel meet
ing of tho South Scranton Young Wo
men's Christian association will con
sist of a half-hour service, led by Miss
Rowlands. There will also bo special
music prepared. All women and girls
All tho general stores In South
Scranton, beginning with next week,
will close at 7 o'clock each evening,
with tho exception of Saturday even
ing and South mill and car shop pay
The basei ball team of tho Star So
cial club will cross bats Sunday with
a team from the Sporting Eight club,
on Lynch's field, South Scranton, for
a purte of $10.
Ladies Have you seen those flno
dress patterns at tho Odd Cent store,
701 Cedar avenue, for 12 cents per
yard, worth 20 cents.
Tho Sauquoit silk mill paid Its em
ployes yesterday for tho month of
The committee on arrangements for
the nnnuul excursion of the Scranton
Saongerrundo met last night In Al
derman Lottos' office on Cedar ave
nue., to complete arrangements.
P. P. Flaherty, tho manager of tho
Stroudsburg Normal school base ball
club, Is visiting his parents on Plttston
Gus Rempe, of Cedar avenue, who
was recently taken to the Lackawanna
hospital to bo treated for dropsy, is
improving slowly.
M. F. O'Nell. the star pitcher of the
Stroudsburff State Normal school, Is
visiting his parents on BIrney avenue.
Mrs. Albert Schulcr and children, of
Wllkes-Bnrre, are circulating among
friends on the South Side this week.
John Walsh, the young son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. Walsh, of Plttston avenue,
Is seriously ill with diphtheria,
P. L. Terppe, tho Cedar avenue drug
gist, left yesterdny for a short visit to
Lake Sheridan.
Mrs. Michael Gallagher, corner of
Washington nvenue and Elm street, Is
dangerously HI with dropsy.
Pea Coal $1.25 a Ton Delivered
to South Side, central city and central
Hyde Park. Address ordorr to J. T.
B'larkey, 1914 Cedar ave. 'Phono C6S3.
Miss Mary Walsh, of Kingston, Is
visiting her cousin, Miss Mary Naugh
ton. Ladles' Temperance society gave a
dance at St. Joseph's hall last evening
to their gentlemen friends.
A pleasant surprise party was held
last evening at tho homo of Mr. and
Mrs. William Jones, of Miner's hill.
Edward Lafferty, of tho South Side,
was present with his phonograph and
rendered some very pleasing selection")
Those present were Messrs. John J.
Heap, Edward Latferty, M. G. Cuslck,
Thomas King, Harry Thomas, Patrick
Connelly, 'Squire O'Hara, A. J. O'Hara,
Sandy Moore, C. W. Gallagher, Misses
Jennie Jones, Pertha Hose, Gertrude
Thomas, Uesslo James, Loretta Don
nelly, Vera Hose, Hlancho Cunning
ham, of Washington, D. C, and Mr.
Robert Williams, of Wllllamsport.
Miss Herthn Hose und Miss Jennie
Jones, of "West Mlnooka, have returned
homo from a visit at FactoryvIIIo,
Ellen, tho one-year nrul hnll-old ilauuntcr
ol Patrick snJ Mary Durkln, of 325 1'rosptct
avenue, died t 11.45 o'clock lilt nlBht. Kunerul
Fundsy afternoon with Interment In the Cathe
dral cemetery.
Mrs. Frances Towmeml, nlfu of Ilenjanin
TownsenJ, died lat Thurdajr afternoon at th
family resilience at I'M Capouse au'iiue. IUr
husband and one daughter, Mrs K. A. Wells, of
FhftTlllr, survlvo her. The funeral will lie held
this afternoon at 2:0 o'clock from tha family
residence. Interment In Korot Hill cmcUry.
Pay a. Dishonor In 187S3, Now a Reg
ular Campaign Expanss.
Cnmpalfrn oratora In tho service of
tho National committees aro well paid
for their work. This Is not generally
understood, and It was not tho caso un
til comparatively recent years. In tho
earlier days they usually rendered vol
unteer servlco. So universal was tho
custom that discredit attached In tho
public mind to a political speaker who
received compensation. In the campaign
of 1S72 Carl Schurz, then a senator from
I Missouri, was charged with having been
to Another
From one viho has
word! of Mrs. Nellie
broad meaning to eTcry tbouf htful woraan. Mra.Cameroa taji t
"In tho fall of 1IB4 1 trim In ivilpiilnrKhlaconfUtlon. I li&ditom.
aMi trouiii in tne very irorst form. Nothlnc at all noma itay oa
mr tomach,nnd I had to alraokt atarv inrielf. Mr aids cafnad
mc constantly. Tha lnrk of nourlilimrnt caused me to lost flesh
apldlr ; I dropped from 1S8 to H7 pounds, growing weaker all tha
m. There tiaa not the allzhteat color In my fac. 1 was limply a
adotr of my former self. Able Mirslelana treated me. but failed
aDoiuirij. i wm n compicio
...... , ,.
a- nnit l-ius ror
mo up. Ibellove
)r. Williams'
Pink Pills
for Pale People
saved mij life.
I traa enabledtn etean. and In the mornlrjL' I felt refreshed
nnd rested. My stomach nns strengthened, what I ate .
beneQtad mo. mv welrht Increased, and I soon reialned
Qllilinaiou. i am now wen ana strong,
i.-v .. r'. .. . -
too highly of Dr. Williams' 1'lnu run ror
f&utscrlbed ami anorn to before me,
mis in nay or j air, uv.
BTACY I. llKlIK, ffotary PuMlf.
AH womankind should know nnd
tno virtues or ur. wnunuis' nna
rale rropio.
Soldbyalldrucglsts. 1'repared only
Schencclidy, N. Y,
Is an overworked word, and It is unnecessary to use it when speak
ing of a piano that has been recognized as one of the few leaders in
the tone world for more than half a century,
JpSAftfOs I
have made their way through the force of their own merit. In theso
"Bargain Counter Days" it is a pleasure to represent a make of in
struments that arc constructed from key-board to pin-block with
the highest artistic excellence continually in view. Every work
man who helps to build the StiefT Piano, Is a skilled craftsman an
artist in his line that Is why these instruments give such univer
sal satisfaction.
Scranton, Pa., May iist.,,1000.
To Whom It May Concern I...
I have recently purchased a new Stlelf Upright Piano, Cabinet Grand, Style 53, and It
ettoTds me great pleasure to testify to Its good qualltl:s, excellent tone and sympathetic
action; In these respects this plane, In my Judgment, Is equal to any before the public, and
the longer have It the better wears pleased with It. D. P. KINO.SUURY.
Pianos of Other Makes at prices to suit the most economical, so
far as our standard of unquestionable durability will admit.
An Ideal Assortment of slightly used Uprights at prices almost
nominal. We will agree to take back, at any time within three years,
any of these pianos, and allow every dollar paid to apply on the pur
chase of a ST1EFF Piano. The StiefT to be sold at regular cash price.
Always our time against yours to talk piano, and it you live out of
the city you'll find it easy to buy from us just what you want by cor
respondence. "We Cover Every Point.'
GEORGE W. FINN, 138 Wyoming Ave.
Moving, Tuning and Repairing Solicited. Also Pianos
Cor. Sixteenth St. ami Irrlng I'liccs
American Han, 3.60 per day and upward.
European Plan, 1.50 per day and upward.
I. D. CRAWrOItU, Proprietor.
For Business Men
In tho heart of tho wholesale
For Snooper
S minutes' walk to Wnnnmakerst
S minutes to Siosel Cooper's III
Store. Kasy of access to tho ireat
Dry Goods atores.
For Sightseers
One block from E'way Cars, civ
InR easy transportation to all
points of Interest.
Only ono Hlock from Broadway.
Rooms, $1 Up. Vtilli.
paid $200 a speech for his advocacy of
the election of Horace Greeley. Tho
charfre made something of a scandnl
at the time, and althouKh Schurz de
nied tho payment of this speclllo sum,
he was never nble wholly to clear him
self of that taint which was Bupposcd
to nttach to receiving any pay what
ever. Ho had a bitter controversy with
Roscoo ConklliiR in tho senate about it,
during which Conkling. In his super
cilious way, expressed his contempt of
the practice of which he thought
Schurz had been guilty. Nowadays
campaign speaking has become a mat
tor of rrgular employment, although,
of course, payment Is by no means uni
versal, and tho most conspicuous ora
torsespecially thoi who hold a high
place In tho party render volunteer
service, and will accept nothing be
yond their traveling and hotel expen
ses. Tho men In charge of a President
ial campaign prefer to pay on the spot
for what they get. This is far better
than to leave obligations outstanding to
bo satlslled In tho distribution of ofllcei
after tho election.
Tho ordinary campaign speaker ro
ceh eft $50 a speech and IiIr expenses. It
Is said that In tho campaign of 1896
ono very effective and brilliant gold
Democrntlo orator was paid $300 a
speech by tho Republican National
committee. This represents tho high
water mark In payments of this kind.
In soma cases those who do not re
celvo a stipulated price expert 'honor
ariums,' which really amount to the
same thing, nnd which sometimes reach
high figures, Tho day of volunteer
work for National committees seems to
havo passed, Tho men employed at
headquarters of any party aro paid ns
regularly and ns generally as if thoy
1 wero In any other employment.
lufTertd to all who are MOfofln.'1 Th
Camtron, of Lookport, N.Y., comty a
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