The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 02, 1900, Morning, Page 6, Image 6

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Ice Cream.
ItleptionBOrdin Promptly Dallrarti
;ifji7 Adams Avenua.
Scranfop Transfer Co.
Baggage Checked Direct to HotoU
.md Private ResitUncci.
Ofllco V.. Xh & W. Passongor
Gtatlon. Phone 025.
The Only Dentist
)!. li t City Who U ft aradun la
Gold Crowns, best ?5
Gold Filling, 91
Best &it of TeelbJS.
Silver Filling 50c
O! our nulomcrs rrrcal our perfect dental wi.
II ji'U must have new teeth, let u mako roo
the which will trlvo rou entire satisfaction.
Filling we do with llttli pain and natural
cllict; too much ifnU spoils tlto apiearaim pi
many an othvtwlao attractive) Evt of teeth.
Dr, Edward Reyer
Open Wednesday and Saturday evening!.
' i
Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat
Ofilco Hours-fl n. m. to U.SO p. m. 1 to 4.
Williams Building, Opp. Poitoffleo.
UOMi: nXCUUSIOS. Tho Homo lor tha
I'rlendlens excursion will go to MnghamtoB
Juno IV.
r.XCTItSION JUNE H.-TM lAltheT&n church
and Sunday school will run an excursion to Lake
Ijilom on June 29.
PAY DAYS. 'Ilia Delaaaru, Lackawanna and
U'cttein company will iay at tho Diauiond aivd
Hatnptull tnlnd oIay.
CHILD DIM) BUDDllNLY. Coroner Holn;rti
was riotmeil yeHterday of thu death ot a ehlld
ill Olyphant without medical attendeuuu. He
will lmcstlgatu ttw casn.
ACCUSKD OF LAHCEXY. Jeeeih Hughefl, of
Hampton street, West Kcranton, waa committed
to the- county Jail laxt night by Alderman DutU
on the charge of the larceny of a bonw and
bumy Memorial -Day.
SF.WKIt PONDS ISSUKI). Power tiomJa to Oto
amount of ?2,S75.13 wcro y-iterlay Iiauoil to
Contractor A. II, Coons, tho latter being tlie
city's sharu of tho payment eif the third partial
estimate for tho Seventeenth district main tewer.
Inspector Jackson'a report for tlie month of
May knows that CO (erintts were Issued, tlie
amount rccclrcd In fes U'lng 218.oa. lhe o.
tlmatcd valuation if the buildings to be itvctod
Is !rJ,I55.hVj.
WILL NOT HKMOVr..-UndtrtakcT M. t".
Wjmli will not movo Ids pluca ejf buslnt., to
the central city as was genrally kupponcd when
bj purchase'd tho lhiglw projnrty on Wyo-nlns;
annuo, but will continue to do buslncia at tho
old stand on Jackxi street.
HUM) IN foUO IIAIL-Rtlntoro forottl, of
Little England, was held In ?S00 bill last nlejht
by Atdemnn Millar on a cliargo ot telling liquor
without a license prrferrvd by Mrs. Angelo
Chlckiens, wlio clalmel that her hvuband gets
drunk sury night In Msrottl'i placo.
Dnoni: THE MinitOIt. A drunken man yos
hrdiy aftenKn staggered Into JowuVcr Do
Witt's store ou Luckawanna avenue and wtdle
In there smashiO Into fragments a large mliror
valueil at J15. Patrolman Kevney was tailed
and took him to tho Center stre-vt pollcu station.
TO CONDUCT riCNIC-Tho Beranton Ibtll
way nmcflclal asaxlation Is making plans for
Its fourth annual picnic to In) held at Laurel
Hill rark July 1, lwo. Tlie committee in
Charge de-dro to meet Hie ladles who twisted
Hum at the previous picnics, at their rooms
delightful atfatru emer lield In that church.
sage was yestenlay reTvIred at police headuar.
ters'to the cile'Ct that throo tnen wvr assault-lng-nather
on Went Ixickawanna arvtuw, la-.
tmluien PoUer nml Day with the patrol wasron
left .for the ere no and on tlielr apjmch tho
The Speedway hotel
Wpen All Year.)
FIvo hundred, foot nbovo ttro ctty
6eynd thd Park. On tho beautiful
drive to Lako Bqranton. A nret-claas
city'hot,!i In the wooeJa. AH Erie and
Wyoming Valley Railroad trains stop
at ftpeetiwoy Crossing.
Breakfast, 6 to p a. m,
.Lunch, i to 3.30 p. m.
.Dinner, 6 to 9 p. m.
'Lunch all day In Cafe.
Arrangements for largo parties
by phbne, 4674.
Oentlemen'a Races Wednesday
and -Saturday at 3 p. m.
SAMUEL B, COX, 'Manager,
P, O. Scranton Pa.
combatants scattered. Two ol them tried to es
cm by croulni( lh Mnekn trve brletire but
wvro tmrwcil and arretted.
tlKAT HIS YTIFK. t'ollco hcadquartera who
rcatcrday notified tint a man llvlntr In Kre-Mlcr
court waa beating hit wlfo. Patrolmen Johlcr
and Hot went to hi, homo and were met by Ida
wlfo whom he lud elrlvrn cut of tli houso. He
waa taken Into cutody and the ifo will ap.
lar against him this mornlnn In pollen court.
OLD MAN AIlIU-fTKU. An old man win ar
reted en Lavlavrinna avenuo vrlillo In a
drunken condition jcktcrdaj- by Patrolman r Co
nor and taken to tho Center timet police ita
tlon. 1'eualon pipers and other elcxuincnti wr
found on hi enon which showed him to l
an Inmata of Uio Mdlera and rnillors' rtomaj
at llatli. X. Y.
ritACTUIlKIl SKULL At drew lloodmncher.
of Marshwood, a laborer In tho Marshwood mini?,
RtelveU serloiH Injuries whll at work yeolor
day by a blast trolnif off prvinAturvly. Hu fell
forcibly to the ground and fractured Ma skull.
Dr. N. K. Newbury was colled to attend him
and later In the diy he was taken to the Lack
awanna hcepltal. It Is thought tlul he will
OFFICERS MKKTI.VO. All of the onmmn
skuiol olllcti-a of the Thirteenth iniltnmt held
an Informal meeting liut nlulit In the board of
trada asJemhly room and dlccilfkcd matter per
Ulriln? to tho wellaro of the rujlmeiit. When
ukel If anythlmr wna to bo Klvm out for
publication, Adjutant Athertou, cptakliur for
Colon"! Watrcs, aald "NotlilPR at all."
complaint of a prominent citizen Mayor Molr
yesterday aftarnnnn ordered Chief Hobllnx to
close the anatomical imi'ciim which haj been
lloutlsliltiK thld wek im IVnn avenue. The
chief carried out the mayor's ordcri and tho
museum people left town lat night.. The com
plainant rtated that the cihlhltlon waa a do
h'radlnK and Indecent one.
TO ATTEND riU'Iint. The (loblon Chain
lodgo, Nu. W5, lndepindmt Order of Odl Kid
low?, of Dlckwm City, will attend tlltlnc fccr
tleea Sunday cveiUtiK In the l'rlmltlrp Methodltt
church, at Dlckwm City, where it Fpt'al pennon
will bo dollrcred fo them. Odd IMIows cmcr
ally aro Invited to Join with their Dickson City
brothers In attendlnv this Fen lea. They will
meet at tho Oil fellows hall at 0 18.
KHSllVAL LAST NIOIIT. The ttrnwlKTrj- nnd
Ice cre-ani festival nt Kim Park ehurth waa Urtro
ly attended last night. The committees conilft
ed of membcra of the Home nnd I'orclKn Ml-slon-ary
foeletbt, Mr. C. SI. Cltlln, Mrs. C D. Simp
ion and others recelTpl the cuoK l"rof, Pen
nington, MIm Thorn h, Mrs. Itundle, llcsara.
Wooler and The-ma, gave a tieautlfui mttslcal
prngrammo. It Waj one if the most social and
eWllghtful aflulre crer held In that church.
KICUllSION OF CIItMmr.X.-Tlio injplls of
ttw city publlo nchooU will have tlielr annual
ctcun.1on thU fvnson on Saturday, June 0, at
toko Ariel The general committer, of which
Professor It. U llunlick, of the High rchool, Is
chairman. Is leaving nothing undorw that will In
any way add to the enjoyment of thee who at
tend. Athletic Fporta will consume a Urge por
tion of the day. Pareirta and teacherj will In
large numbers attend, considering It an appur
tuno ocaalon for fpcndltut a day In tho woixlfl.
Window Dloplay.
Ladles exn got jiostud by looking nt
our window display of wash jroodB.
First window, nil Hone ehndeH.
Pccond window, all Mobs HhudvH.
Third window, nil Automobile fhades.
fourth window, nil National Hluo
phndea. Your choice at 15c. per yard.
Thu matorlolB are Dimities nnd Uatlstu.
Iargo Number of Persona Attended
tho Formal Opening.
Tho opening of the Schrlevcr gallery.
on Wyoming avenue, took place yes
turday and many vIhIIot.i were shown
through tho beautiful rooms on tlw
second lloor, over Lowls & Itoilly's
storo. Uauer's orchestra furnished
Mr. Pchrlcver Ib not only a photog
rapher of wldo reputation, but Is un
artist In his sense of color, decora
tions and harmony of details. Ills re
ception room are elgantiy fitted up.
Handsome rugs, Flemish oak furniture?
In raro antique models, julms, (lowers
and oriental corners and elrnpeilos
make a pleasing suttlng to 11 lino dis
play of photographs artistically ar
ranged. On the left is a cablnot of lovely
sepia elTectB, richly framed and caro
fully hung. Mr, Hchrlever particularly
affects ntudles ot children, and the ex
quisite representations of tho little peo
ple aro not photogtaphH so much as
pictures of childhood, Idealized with
out destroying to tho faintest degree
the likeness.
Tho water-colors, noft aB pawtelB but
deeper, richer, aro among tho attrac
tions of tho studios. Mr. Schrlever has
a number of compositions which ate
charmingly nrrnngwd. Two nro the
well-known "Enraptured" nnd "He
pose," where tho little child is the
central ilguro.
Many of his modal pletures.renowned
at the national convention, aro rhown.
Tho poses are extremely good, and to
a photographer the points of perfection
in light nnd shadow aro many.
Among tho framed photographs Is a
splendid one of Governor Stone, which
is the ravorlte of tho governor's fumlly
nnd from which hundreds havo been
sold. There is a noble portrait of
Bishop Hobnn In his robes nnd bcretta.
A delightful three-quarters photo
graph, lurge oiao, of Hev. D. J, Mac
Cloldtlck nleo ndorns a carefully
planned corner. Among tho largest
portrnlta la u most characteristic ono
of I. H. Burns, esq, while other well
known fncos aro Been on tho walla.
Tho studios nro complete In every do
tall. No expense has been rpared In
tho roceptlon rooms nnd equal tnBto
Is displayed in tho operating depart
ment. Tho dark rooms would bring
Joy to an nmntout'B heart nfter his
laborioue struggles In attempts at en
veloping. Such perfection and com
pleteness of detail nro seldom Been in
a photograph gallery. Mr. Schrlevor
has received many Mattering compll
monta from various place?, but feels
Buro that IjIb work Ib nuro to bo appre
ciated In Bcrnnton.
Cool and Delightful.
A cool and delightful place to fpend
Baturdny afternoon Is thu Speedway
hotel, on tho Ulmhurst boulevnriL
aontiomon'a driving rocea on the Ulto
track, dlrvctly In fwnt of the hotel, at
3 o'cieick. Krle and Wyoming trains
stop at Speedway crossing, a short di
tanoo from tho hotel. Fare ono way,
U.-n eontfli return tickets, fifteen oonta.
Th beet of nil PHIb nro neocham'u.
Doantirul land-patnte! cup and buikvt, geTiu
lno Illsblii ware, ph-vnted to all purchasers of
BO cents worth c tea or e(tee on Bjjurday,
June I, 10OO. Oont fall to preicuro ono,
Great Atlantic
Pacific Ten Co.
ill tsckawsnna avenuo. 123 South Main ivt
cua, 'i'licni 733. Promot delivery, '
Ono of Thorn Was Filed TcsUrda
Afternoon by tho Immedlato Eolft
tivaa of tho Dscoaiod, and tho
Othor Is Expootod to B Praiontod
Today Another Ohftptor in tho
Oilhool-Buok Logal Battle, Con
cluding Oases in Common Pitas.
Other Court Mattora.
Tho will ot tho Uto Mro, nila M.
Amermnn wnn filed for probate yee
tonlny with HcKlBter of Wills Kooh.
The apparent hasto In having the will
probated Is due to the fact that a sec
ond will I'xlats and will alio be offered
for probate'. The will Hied yesterday
was ono that ctuno Into the possession
of Mrfl. Amerman's Immediate rvla-
Nothlnr of Its contents could bo
learned except that it contained no
mention of tho executorship of th
llnndley estate. It was mated by one?
in a position to know that tits buccob
wion in the executorship wai providod
for in a separate paper.
Thcro was Home question as to
whether or not the Hundley will nu
thorl2vd a succeeding executor to ap
point a successor. A Tribune reporter
consulted the will In the regitei-fl
ofllce yesterday and found that a uo
coeding executor has tho Barno author
ity to appoint a pucceswor aa an orig
inal executor had.
The Amermnn cstato Is valued at
nearly a million dollar.". Tho direct
heirs aro two children of Mr. Atner
man'H Eccond wlfo, who wno tho elJer
slBter of tho lato defeased ilrp. Amer-
Tho cxlstonco of a ooexrnd will makes
a exmteat very probable. Its poaBessor
and the party whom It favors will bo
divulged today, It Is thought.
Laws That AroBeldom Invoked.
Two laws that aro peldom Invoked
woro apponled to yesterday In tho
legal buttlo letwecn Carrlago Manu
facturer W. i Ollhool and his former
employe, J. C. Buck.
Mr. Buck brought BUlt through At
torney K. W, Thnyer to recover $5,000
damages for Injury dono him In repu
tation and otherwlso by his having
been arrested twice by Mr. Ollhool.
Ho brings tho action under tho law
making; It a trespass to work Injury
to a person by misusing or abusing
tho process of the law.
Mr. Ollhool, the plaintiff nvorn, re
fused to pay him his wngve In full
and when he brought suit for the bal
ance he found himself confronted With
a capias for slander, Issued at the
instance of Mr. Ollhool, with tho In
tent, po Mr. Buck claims, of getting
him into Jail and preventing his np
pearanco at tho trial of tho wage
Ho opposed tho capias on tho ground
that tho ullldavit was Inaulllcient and
on May 21, llvo dayo after he was ar
retted, he succeeded In being released
on common ball, which In his case,
he not being a property holdor, Is
equivalent to a discharge.
That same ilay another suit In
Blander was brought by Ollhool
against Buck and the latter gave ball
In tho Bum demandeel, cl.OOs, tho af
fidavit thla time being adequate.
These arrests were, tho plaintiff al
leges, a mlsui) and abuse of tho pro
ccPHes of tho law and make Ollhool
llnblo for the damages resulting.
Mr. Ollhool, upon being served with
tho cnplaw yesterday, refused to enter
ball on the advlso of his attorney,
Joseph F. Ollroy, on th strength of
the law exempting any one owning
property to the value of fifty pounds
from onterlng ball for slander or like
offenses on which a enpias may Issue.
HIb allldavlt that he is worth fifty
pounds was accepted In lien of ball.
Common Pleas Cases,
A verdict of $48.33 In favor of the
plaintiff waa returned yesterday la
tho caBo of Daniel KIslusky against
Thomas Ollboy.
TPe taso of Lottie B. Flsk against
Charles and Ira Nafus was given to
tho Jury by Judge Kelly Just befora
adjournment yesterday afternoon. Tho
verdict will likely bo returned this
The capo of John Tterney against
Cornelius Smith wne referred to At
torney T. P. Duffy.
In the enso of John .Meyers agalnBt
tho Lackawanna mills a rule for a
new trial wob yesterday granted, and
also a rule for Judgment on the point
reserved, notwithstanding the ver
dict. This Is tho suit In which the
plaintiff wnB awarded f5,O0 for tho
Ions of hla right hand.
Marriage Licensee.
Thomas Lynott DunmoM
Maria Shea , Benin ton
To tho Pastors of tho City.
Wo will bring our forco of AnU
Saloon lenguo speakers to Scranton,
Sunday, Juno 24. We want at least
thirty churches open to us for that
dato. Several churches have told mo
to como on. Pastors who would like to
havo me send them a speaker for one
Burvlco, Sunday, Juno 31, drop mo a
card to C18 Adams avenuo, and I will
call and arrange the hour.
Yuurs for homo, church and stato,
W. II. Williams.
51 .
Sprues Street, Opp. Court ilcase
O. B. dOHHBON, VlOK-Pnt.
Wm. P. llallstcnd, Everett Warren
August Itoblnseai, O. B. Johnson,
C V. Klhgvbury, V, A. Ttres.
Interest Paid on Sav
ings Dsposits.
Brown Bros., J. P, norcan &
Co,, nnd Knauth, Nacltod &
Kuhne Letters of Credit and
International Chequed.
Had 711a Own Method of Preventing
a Separation.
Adam FoleshefslU, of Uppr Pltteton,
wai committed to Jail in default of
$1,000 ball; yestertlny, on tho charge of
striking his wlfo with an axe.
Constables Lawrence nnd Blddlo, of
Duryca.whlle panslng along on an elec
tric car, saw a disturbance at Ftelcshef
Bid's house and went to Investigate.
Mrs. Feleshefskl wob found with her
face badlr swollen and bruised. She
said sho and her husband had a quar
rel and Bho threatened to leave him.
Bhe gathered up some of her belong
ings mid was In the act of leaving tho
house whon the husband rushed Into
the yard, seized an ax and, returning,
struok her over the heud with tho Hot
ot the blade.
At least thin Is what she saya. H
denied hitting hor with an nxe, but ad
mitted that he flapped her over the
face with a Btrap. Tho condition of
the woman's head indicated rather that
tho oxu tory was the truo one. Thn
constnblefl took Feleshefskl Into cus
tody and arraigned him before 'Bqulro
CUrlon, who committed him.
Census Enumorators Started Out on
Thoir Rounds Yesterday.
Tho census enumerators Btartod out
on their rounds bright and early yes
terday morning, and by. nightfall the
names and a few facta regarding a
pretty good percentage of the inhabi
tants of thin city had been recorded In
their books.
Some of tho enumerators report
having recorded an high as 145 names
yeBterday. If this nverng Is kept up
tho count can be made In fleven or
eight days. It In hardly necessary to
again Btate that an accurate count
cannot be made unless the public an
slats with its intelligent oo-oporatlon.
Stato Leaguo at Philadelphia Is Fro
paring: to Receive Visitors to tho
National Convention.
Philadelphia, Juno 1. J. Hampton
Moore, president of the Pennsylvania
State League of Republican Clubs, to
day forwarded a circular letter to all
clubs In the United States afllllated
with the National League of Republi
can clubs, detailing the plan for the
entertainment of visitors to the na
tional Republican convention, to be
held hero June 19. The programme In
cludes a parade of clubs on Monday
night, June 18, which will be reviewed
by men of national repute. On tho
ovenlng of tho opening day of the con
vention there will be a mass meeting
at which men prominent In national
affairs will speak.
On Wednesday, Juno E0, a flotilla
will convey guests of the Allied Re
publican clubs to points along the har
bor of Philadelphia, Including the ship
building yards and the League Island
navy yards. In addition to these feat
urea there will be olub smokers, open
club houses, out-of-door entertain
ments and courtesies. Accredited Re
publican club members will bo fur
nished with "visitors' cards," entitling
them to numerous privileges.
Tho Republican clubs of this city
have had the co-oporntlon of clubs
throughout Pennsylvania, Now Jersey
anel Delaware.
Well Known Comic Opera Star In an
Now York, June 1. Delia May Fox,
the comic opera singer, was today com
mitted by Justice Adams, of the su
preme court to the asylum for Insane
at Wave Crest, Astoria. Tho commlt
mont waa made on the application of
T. H. Hummel, who appeared for Miss
Fox's brothor, William B. Fox. Tho
petition nets for that the actress was
suffeilng from mental hallucinations
caused by the excessive uce of stimu
lant". It was supported by aflldavlts
by Doctors Austin Flint, Jr., and Ed
ward D, Fither.
Miss Fox has but recently recovered
from a serious Illness, during which
her life was despaired oft. For bov
oral weeks she has been undergoing a
Bevero nervous etraln, and has recently
been acting In a peculiar manner. Sho
has been laboring under tho delusion
that her friends and relatives were
her enemies and were trying to get
popsession of her money nnd Jowels.
She resisted the doctors who tried to
keep her quiet and resorted to the uso
of Btlmulants, which are said to have
produced her present condition. Her
brother.on the advice of the physicians,
who were afraid she would do herself"
harm, had her committed to the asy
lum at Wnve Crest She was taken
there this afternoon. Her physicians
think that a few weeks of aulet will
be Instrumental in restoring Miss Fox
to complete health.
Wlfo of PrincosB Chimmay's Brothor
Wishoa to Gain Hor Freedom.
New York, June 1. Bbon Brock
Ward, brother of Princess Chlmmay,
has been sued for divorce by Mrs. Her
mllia Hult Wurd. Sho nsks for $2,000
a month alimony and $500 counsel fees.
Mr. Ward has llgured In a divorce case
before, though his matrimonial atten
tions have cauuod less publlo atten
tion. Mr. Ward's first dlvoroo passed al
most unnoticed, though his friends al
leged that It cost him fully $8,000,000 to
settle with his wlfo. He had not long
been freo when on September 2, 1697,
he was married In Paris to an attract
ive young French widow with one child.
The second Mrs, Ward Fays In her
complaint that her husband deserted
her In France last yoar and went away
with Louise Mugnard, with whom he
remained until January 1. She asserts
that Mr. Ward has ever since their
marriage been drinking to excess nnd
has been nearly all the time In a state
of cross, Impulsive and abusive Intoxi
cation. Mrs. Ward also charges that
her hUBband has within the last few
days paid obnoxious attention to her
Four Dtiporadoos Secure $1,000 by
Aid of Explosivos.
Dea Moines, Juno 1. Tho Savings
bank at Sheldahl, twenty miles north
of here, was blown up by four robbers
last night. They secured $l,G0O.
The explosion shook the town and
almost toru ont bank building to
pieces. About fifty peoplo rushod to
tho scene, unarmed, Two of tho rob
bers, with rifles, kept tho crowd back
until all the money In sight had been
secured. Thon the gang hacked off Into
I thd darkness and oscapod.
Ono Thousand Girls Will Bo Em
ployed Who Will Earn on an Aver
age of Ton Dollars a Wook No
Building in Sight of Proper Dlmon
eiono nnd a Suitablo Building Will
Havo to Bo Erected Matter Will
Be Dooldod Doflnltoly on Monday
Ono of the '.argest of tho cigar manu
facturing firms In tho United States
Is to locate a factory In West Scran
ton. It will omploy 1,000 girls nnd the
average wogos will be $10 a week.
A representative of the firm wno In
tho city yesterday and Thursday, and
with his two partnora will be hero
again on Monday,
Tho company has a factory In Now
York city, one In Philadelphia, and an
other In Baltimore. The New York
factory though It Is ono of tho largest
In the country, Is months behind Its
orders and tho company is compelled
to enlarge Its facilities. The Inbor
troubles that are bo frequent In tho
largo cities, tho scarcity of dcslrnblo
hands, and the heavy cost ot factory
sites', have prompted the company, in
common with many others, to look
about for desirable hUch In smaller
cities. In this way Srrnnton came to
bo visited by a member of tho firm,
and he ! bo well pleased with tho
prospects that there is little or no ques
tion but that tho branch factory will
coma here. .
Insldo of bIx mnnt'hs the company
will, It la claimed, bo paying out $G,000
a week In wages. Girls for tho most
part are employed, and the averngo
operator will easily earn $10 a week.
The member of tho firm who was
here looking over the ground expressed
a desire to pecuro If possible a largo
building that could bo occupied by the
factory at once. The Patrick MeCann
store building on West? Linden street
was shown him, but It wouldn't do.
It wan far too email, he said. Some
one gave the Information that tho
Ansleya were nbout to give up the lum
ber business nnd that their planing
mill would soon bo available. Thla
venk, InRpecK-d but like the McCnnn
building It proved too small and be
sides wnB not ndaptcd for the pur
pos. He Bnld the company would buy
land nnd put up a factory very likely.
This, however, will not be Bottled until
after his partners come here, Monday.
In n. West Side grocery store tho
party In question nsked the proprietor,
a prominent West Side board of trade
man, If ho r.old many of n certain brand
of cigars Which were advertised on a
plncnrd within view of whore tho
group wan Btnndlng.
can't gut Trior.
"Yes," said the grocer,"wo sell all wo
can get of them. The trouble la we
can't get them. We've had an order in
foi ovor a month, now, and thcro Is no
telling how much longer wo will havo
to wait."
"There's a big run on those cigars,"
remarked the New York man. "Wo
make 15,000,000 of those every year for
. JtiHt at present wo aro
about hnlf a year behind in our con
tract." He volunteered tho further lnforma-
Bargains in Our
Cloak Department
43 odd Summer Skirts, linen, piques nnd ducks, plain
tailor seams and embroidery or braid trim
mings, all marked from $3.00 to $4.50. Our C -J Q E
price i y - v
56 Tailored Skirts, cheviots, tweeds and serges in
black and colors, all good styles, marked from & Q C
$4.50 to 6.50. Our price 4?Vt7
Special About 25 Tailor Suits in grey, brown, blue
and castor, tweeds and homespuns, all niculy lined and
tailored, reduced from $10.00 to $12, jo. Our &A Q K
Tailor Suits marked $15.00 to $18.00 in Veuetiaus
Broadcloths, Coverts aud Cheviot3 reduced (JttQ 'T !
All $25.00 and $27.50 Suits reduced to $18.50.
415-417 Lackawanna Avenuo.
en's Sergre Suits,
Put as much money into your Serge Suits as you can
afford. We carry them at all prices from $8.50 to $15.00.
Our $8.50 Serge is as good as the average $10.00. Many
stores get $20.00 for our $15.00 quality. This is the Serge
Suit store of this city. Why? Because we sell more than
any other in town. If you're hard to suit come to us,
r5 Successor to Horan &
1 June Weddings. -
Suggests gift mdking. It is a time not unfrequcntly attend
ed by annoying uncertainty. tOur aim Is to make it a
plensure for you by helpful sugp;estionr. Our stock em
bodies the elements of art and usefulness.
Scranton's Leading China Storo
3 G. V. Millar & Co
Exclusive styles and strictly up-todate, bllt we want
to close out every one quickly. We arc determined
to doit, and so invite you to share in the oflerinfls,
which will be in lorce until every Spring Suit is sold.
J. D. WI
312-314 Lackawanna Ave.
You cannot hear1 George Washington talk in a
Graphophone, because they have been invented since
the Father of His Country died. Yet there is a phono
graph that aims to produce his voice.
It's about as reliable as auy other make outside of
the genuine Graphophone which we sell.
$5 to $150 for the Genuine Graphophones,
50c for the Finest Records ; $5' Dozen
Plenty of machines are here to play for you- and
to convince you that they are the best kinds,
tlon that hla company docs not make
any chenp cigarB. Mont of their busi
ness is In tho $33 goods manufactured
for the big Jobbers nnd grocery houses.
For certain reasons tho identity of
the firm is not to be disclosed till Mon
day, m
Smoko Tho Pocono, oc. cigar.
HOZnXKlUNS-Al JCeton, N. 3 May 31,
Catherine, wife of Allen Itozenkran. formerly
a roslJcnt of Scranton.
134 Wyoming Ave
nirv ni hiiu iuuh nrvuna
To bo neatly and Com
fortably dressed your
Shirts and Neckwear are
of vital importance. We
have mado special pro
visions for thlB season's
good3 and know that we
can suit the most fastidi
ous dresser.
Our stock of Hats are
of the very latest nnd most
stylish make. All styles,
shapes and colors.
109 Wyoming Ave.
One Night
to Denver
leaves Chicago at to every ntorrt'
tig, via Chicago-Union Pacific &
North-Western Line, arriving Den
vcr next afternoon and Colorado
Springs and Manitou same evening.
No change of cars; all meals in din
ing cars, Another fast train at 10.30
p. in. daily. New book, Colorado
Illustrated, mailed on receipt of four
cents postage. Call on any agent or at
46f Broadway, - Ntm Yfrk
tQI Clia'lgl.,fMarfftl
SSS WathlnQltn ai.,,lo
301 Main 81 Suje
lit Clark St., - Chicago
435 v7 (., Clnohoatf
lOt Smllnfld St., eillltnira
n4 Sufirlor8t., Cltfitarid
17 CamwMarllH, Dtlrett
and 318 Lackawanna Avenuo,