The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 18, 1900, Morning, Page 2, Image 2

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Eprclal to the Scranlon Tribune.
Tunkhannock, May 17. A speclnl
train on the Lehigh Valley Is sched
uled to leave this place at 7.53 on Tues
day morning, May 22, for the purpose
of accommodating the people who de
Blre to' attend the conclave of tlia
Knights Templar nt Wllkes-Hane on
that date. The tialn will start from
Temple comtnandrry of this place will
attend the conclave In n body nnd take
part In tlir- parade. A number of peo
ple outside of the eommanderv will
nlso go down. The Leek Cornet band,
of Pittston, furnishes mukIc for our
Mis. O. J. Morelock has returned
home, after a visit with her parents ut
Jto&e ,X. Y.
John W. Harding, esfi a member of
the bar of .N'pvvnrk, N, J., was In town
today, leaving on the Ulnck Ultimoml
lor his home.
N. A. Ilhlnehold, of Mattettn, J'u.,
rciiiespntlnij an olllcc flxtiuo fit in of
that place, was in town today for thu
purpose ot seeing the county unnimls
slotnus In to the placing of the
file cases and book ueks In tho oilko
of the prothonourj, as oulered by tho
O. V. MeKnn of this borough, and
Claiencc Asheld, of the township, havo
been appointed census cnuniriatoiM
and have tccclved their commissions.
Thej stait wmk In June.
Aglb Itlcklti, of Wllkcs-Uarre, will
addiess a meeting of the Prohibition
Ihts at the I3aptlst ehurch of this place
on the evening ot May 23.
Special to the Rirnnton Tribune.
Husquphnnna, Mny 17. The Krle
ltallrr-iul company is about to rect a
small Iron bildgeoci lJjeclisuiKP stioet
and Drinker eicek. 11 will also pavo
the bed cf Drinker cnek, from tho
Itogers block to the rler. While it
Is In the paving bualne.s?, will It kind
ly pavo Main street. The street needs
It waihe than liutler needed a iBIble,
unci he needed one
Miss Margin et fihetldan, of Erie
nventie, Is tho guest of Pcranton rela
tives. Mis. W. H. Parsons, of r.urllngton.
Pradford county, Is sat loudly III at
the residence of her daughter, Mrs. 13.
K. AndieAs, in thin boioush.
Piufrssois Vlood and Pierce, of
Blnghnmton, held a bop in Hogan
opera house last evening.
Colonel C. C. Pratt, of New Mllford,
and Ttev. Jfuoy McGec Waters, pastor
of th" First eluuch in
liinghamton, will take a Kuiopean
trip, lc.uing In June. They wll! visit
London, tho Pails evpojltlon and the
Passion play nt Ober.immergau. Tho
paitv will ineliide Itov. Dr. Frank
Gunsaulos. piesldont of Armour Insti
tute, Chicago, and Ituv Dr. Newell
Dwlght HIUIs.
Work on tho new chair factmy In
Hallstead Is piogrcsslng favoiably.
The Summer Normal schools at New
Mllford and South (lllivjn ate well
Columbia lloso company, of Now
Mllford, attended tho Motluidlbt chinch
in a body on Sunday evening.
The fnity liouis' devotion In St. Law
renco Catholic church In Gloat Rend,
closed on Wednesday moinlng. Theto
weio twelve viMiing pilttt,
.The funenl of the late Mis. r. E.
II Entice, of North Jackson, occuned
this afternoon fiom the church it
Sherman, Wayne county, Itov. R.
Frank Larrabee ot'lciallng. The re
mains -'ii Interred at JIule's Eddy,
N. Y.
Mr. and Mis. Jerome McAullfio, of
Pmspcct .tiect, havo letutned fiom
their bildal tour.
Eilj Conductor G. M. Wrltfr, of the
Susiiurhunnn division. Is taking a va
(.atlon, which has continued hlneo his
illness with the grippe about a month
Canauacta chapter. No. 5, Order of
the Eastern Star, Initiated Ilttcon new
members Inst evening.
Mls-a Jennie Doran has leturned from
u week's visit in Now Yoik city.
Mr. and Mis. William M, Tucker,
of Jiickbon street, have returned home
from n visit with relatives In Aurora,
William II. Larrabee has recovered
f i oiu an 'ittaek of gilpp".
The Century club will hold a social
top In Hogan oppru house on Friday
evening. Music will be furnished by
Poinn and Evans.
Frvil II. Piide will nt once piocced
to build n barge, to bo pushed on the
SusM'iehanna by tho htcaimr "Idle
v lid." It will cai rv three hundred
li.UR"ngeis, and be reudy for the first
pxcuiMnn of the seanon, from Illng
ininton, lune 16. Mr. Iildo will build
a large s'eanier next seaton.
At an early hour this morning thla
vicinity was vliltPil by a heavy
sh'iw-r, ffompanlcd bj lightning nnd
A neglected cold leaves every
thing wldo opon. Your body Is
ready to receive oatarrh,
asthma, hay fever. But at the
first olgn If you apply Mason's
Croam of Olives Ointment, the
danger Is past, the Inflamma
tion allayed at oncq. It pono
trates right to the sore spot.
It heals, It cures perma
nently. 25 cents a box, all
Yellow Tatltls Cure Dyjpepsla.
Drown Tablets Cure Constipation.
Rtl 1 ablets Cure Coughs.
White l.iblm Cere bore Throat.
No Catome', Aloes, or Opium,
SOUuleli lOcents.
All DruceliU or sent for price.
H, T.Mason Che. Co. ,51 j Arch St.
K Philadelphia, Pa.
For s.ilo In Scianton by the following
dnifj stores.
mattiilws nnoTHKfis.
Wholesale and Retail, .10 Lcka, Ave.
M'UAltlUIl cfc THOMAS. 200 Jj-.iks. ave.
thundor. Today one can hear vegeta
tion RtOW.
Hlchnid O'Connor la seriously 111 with
consumption nt his homo on Elm
A blncksnnke, measuring six feet
four Inches In length, was killed on
the Oakland side of thi river and ex
hlbltcd In Susquehanna on Wednes
day, Quito a number of tcsldrnt? of tho
towns nlong thp Jcfferron branch ot
the Eile aro taking up their rosldonco
In tho west.
Mr. nusli, a popular Hnnesdalo com
mercial tourist, Is engaged In town to
dav. Piesldont Thomns, of tho Eiie. stntM
thnt no new Improvements of nn Im
portant nature will be undei taken this
The Harford creamery turns out ona
thounnnd pounds of butter dally.
lint ford Is making elaborate ar
rangements for Its centcnnlnl anniver
sary, to bo held In June. They will
bo ted letter days In the nnnals of tho
old town.
Former '. strict Attorney W. D. B.
Alney and others appeared before the
stntg board of pardons, nt Hnrrlsburg,
on Tuesday, endoavoilng to secure a
pardon for John Kelley, who murdered
Leon Guge, nt Uracknev, this county.
The bontd has the case under advls.e
mnt. Mr. Alney was district attorney
when Kelley was convicted.
At thu residence of Henry Cole, of
Tlis-nli, thU county, on Wednesday
evening, Owen W. Williams and Miss
Mattlo Colo wtie united In manldge.
The Avoca Hose company will meet
In legular session on Monday evening.
Tho Avoca collieiv will p.iv Its em
ployes tomoirow and tho Lttngclllfe
w 111 pay today.
Duiing the sovote storm on Wednes
day evening a bolt of lightning struck
a house occupied by foreigner on the
West Side and wrought considerable
damage. The occupants weio sleep
ing nnd weio not aware of what hap
pened until tho neighbors aroused
them. The loot caught fire, but thu
excessive downpour extinguished the
Miss Mary Rellly, of Hazleton, Is
the guest of her cousin, Miss Margaret
The funeral of Mrs. Thomas Cum
mlngs took place yesteidny morning
fiom the family losidonce In tho North
End. A lequlem mass wiw celobiatcd
In St. Mniy's church. Intel mont was
made In St. Maiv's comctety.
Michael nnd Patilck Shaughnossy,
of Wllllanispoi t, are tho guests of their
sisters, Mrs T. P. McGicll.
The following notice was posted at
tho Langeilffo colliery ycsteiday after
noon: "On nnd after June 1 tho price
of mining n car of coal at this col
Ileiy will be advanced to SO cents. E.
T. Uiooks, manager." The advance,
coming as It does, unsolicited. Is all
the mote appi eclated by tho employes.
Tho price now paid Is 7S cents a car.
The Erie and Wyoming company
has decided to enlaige tho round house
In tho ynids on the West Side, and It
Is said they will begin to cany out
the pioposcd plan as soon as possible.
It was with a sigh or regret that the
people In Avoca saw th" dolegaln leavi
for their homos. Tho convention was
one of tho few featuies that a town
such as Avoca can enjoy. All who at
tended the convention found it plens
ant as well as Inteicsting, paitieulnily
so when our towns-men, W, J. Sam
innn was elected state delegate, and
Itov. J. J. Cunnn, piesldont. Hev. J.
J. McCabe. a former resident, retires
fiom the piesidency with tho admira
tion and love of nil his co-workers.
On Wednesday evening dining tho
stoun while Claiie Hollister was dilv
Ing his spliited horse from Pittston,
tho animal took fright and inn tow
ards Pittston. After a wild plunge
down William street It fell on tho as
phalt and was captured. The carriage
was also damaged.
1TACT0RYVILL3. to the Siruitpii Tribune.
Factor) ville, Mj) 17. The "Dcmorcst Contest" held at the lljptUt church A-l-mJj
evening w.i not js sucecHsful in oei)
respect as the V. C T. I', had anticipated Tho
audience was a small one; the paiticlpant in
the contest wcie ve-r) Jc.uiig sills ind, while
the) did well, the) ilinwcil the lack of tr.iiums
and practice Miss Ipics 1'eai lliitton ewiy
won the silwr imdil 'I lit- pmgrimuu- consisted
of recitation1, nnd imilc. the latter belli.; uuKr
the direction of Mr, Welter Manchester. The
singing of tho Lubes' eiuaitetto was a pleasing
feature of the ciitcitalniiicnt ami was cncoieu
Mivs Hoe, of Ijcevville, Pa., was present, and
made a few well chosen i emails.
Miss Kate Alexander, of Kingsley, l'a , is spen I
Ing a few cUjs with her slstei, Mis. Stanley
He') nobis, of this place.
The Ijckawaima and )oming Paii)nien's as
sociation has alread) leeched oilers from thii-o
dlllerent parties for their entire output of butt-.
The rad news of the death of the wife of liev.
J. 0. Spencer reaelK'd here Tersda). Mrs. "pin
cer had iiudcruent an opemtion In the M. i'..
hospital, at llrookl)n, N. .. which in
luirunmuli, which caused her dcMth at the uKivi
institution last Monda). The funenl wis oil
ducted at L)iin, Pa. The Ite. fepiuccr w n
formerly a miinnai)' to Japan and the family
la well known heie.
I) P.. Nccld, the well known traveling sales
limn, of Serur.ton, was callli'g on cur busluevi
men vestcrda).
About thirl)' friends, upon Invitations, assem
bled at the homo of Mrs. L'litma Tl.lWs U-t
night, where u iceeptlon w is tendered her claugn
Ur and son, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis I'atiick, upn
their return fiom their wedding tour.
Mr. and Mrs. I'.. L. Watklus are spending iwo
or three ila)s at Jennlngsvllle, Pa.
It is the tvpectatlon now that milk will he
received at the- butter factory hcie next Mon
da). The machine ly is being rapidly plated In
Position by a skilled machinist, A profession it
creamery nun and butter-maker, foimcily vtll'i
c Klgln t'leamer) tompaii), of Chicago, h
optctccl iicic today to tako charge of the lao
fspeclal to the Scranton Tribune.
Ilrookl)!!, May 17. P. II. Jewctt Is making ex
tensive Improvements upon his lesldcnec, (ouner
l.v the Ashley house.
A, S. Waldie- and wife in llanlsbuig this
week, attending the grand lodge, and tlio as
sembly of Itehclalia.
ltev Undciwood, Tho seivc-d as pastor of the
Methodist hpLcopal ihuieh many )ear a,-o,
called upon his fuends hue 'lucvday.
Mis. bhadduck has rcturred from u vvrck'i
visit H hcrantiii.
Dr. and Mis. 0, 11 Perry, of WHkesHarre,
au spending n few daji at Mr. l'tuy's laihot'a.
Mr. Thomas Law, ol Dlnghamtui, spout Sunday
at his brother's. ,
Tlu Idimera havo been instructed by the Five
Stales Milk union to keep the milk and no moio
will he shipped after May 17, until further notice
Is given.
Iaist Monday, complaint was made that A, A.
Quick, having beconio Intoxicated on elder, was
beating and shamefully abusing Ids wife. A
warrtnt u Issued lor hit rret, nij ConstiM
0. M. Wolawty tiroimlit him before 'Squire
ltojrcrs for a lirarliiir, He ws bound oer to ap
pear at Aiifriist court.
Tlio entertainment Riven by Prof. Bromley
Smltli, of Ktjutcne scnelom), though not largely
attended on acceunt of rain, raa greatly n
Joinl bv all,
I Tewkesbury, our new landlord, ia Impror
Injr lil property In many wa)8. Not by secur
ing a license, we are sld to aay, .
Misses Ma Darber nnd Ida Smith and Mcvrs.
II. I,. Ilatlleld, A, J. Donley and V. II. Ilarnes,
ot Scranton, attended the Younjr. People's Chris
tian union comention here Saturday and Sun
Entire Delawaro nnd Atlantic Tolo
phono SorvicoTlod TJp at Trenton.
Philadelphia, May 17. The strike of
the outside linemen of Local union, No
21, Brotherhood of Electrical Workers,
according to tho strike lenders, began
today to assume a serious aspect, and
especially with regard to the Bell Tele
phone company nnd Its allied system.
At tho union's headquarters word was
iccelved that tho entire Delaware and
Atlantic Telephone company service
was tied up by reason of a strike in
augurated this morning by the local
union at Trenton, N. J.
This strike, the leaders claim, cripples
the Trenton system and all the service
trlbutory to that city, Including Bor
dentown, Princeton, Now Brunswick
and tho Belvldcro division as far north
ns Phllllpsburg. Every lineman em
ployed between here and Atlantic City
Is reported to bo out, and tho strike Is
now more extensive than ut any tlmi?
since It was Inaugurated. The Dela
ware and Atlantic system Is the only
telephone service in the Belvldere di
vision. Manager McCrelllsh, of the Trenton
ntllce, Is credited with the statement
that tho strikers' nlaces have been J
filled, but the linemen say such a thing
Is Impossible.
In the strike of tho girl clgarmakers
nt the fnctory of Harburgcr, Homan &
Co., the only Incident today was the
arrest of one gill, who t as cndeavoi
Ing to secure reciults to the ranks of
the strlkei s. The members of tho firm
claim to have employed thtrty-flvo new
hands today, while the strikers say
they were Joined by twenty-three girls
this morning. Otherwise, the situation
remains unchanged.
Thcio weio no developments today In
the strike of men employed In the
building trades.
Cases Considered No Interference
with Krauso Death Sentence.
Harrisburg, May 17. The board of
pardons recommended pardons today
for Cuitln McClaln, of Orblsonla, serv
ing a life sentence In the Western
penitentiary for murder; John Kelly,
of Susquehanna, voluntary man
slaughter; William H. Trout, of Leba
non, Inrccny; J. C. Fox, of Allegheny,
misdemeanor; John Keller, of Alle
gheny, laicony. Tho board refused to
commute to life Imprisonment the sen
tence of Frank J. Krause, of Allen
town, and commuted that ot William
Hlnchcllffe, of Philadelphia.
Pardons were refused Freelnnd L.
Denllngor, of Lancaster, forgery;
Chailes B. Johnson, of Philadelphia,
larceny; Frank Pearson, of Bucks,
felonious entry; Joseph Oshareck, of
Northampton, lnrcony; James Thomp
osn, of Westmoreland, second degree
murder; Fioderlck Cressy, of Philadel
phia, manslaughter.
Rehearing were granted In the cases
of James Connelly, of Centre, arson;
Frank Muno, of Schuylkill, nnd Hurry
W. Dow ling, of Philadelphia, and re
fused In that of W. C, Phillips, of
Tho application of Isnac Barolo, of
Heading, first degree murder; Henry F.
Nuss, of Lycoming, malicious burning,
and Victor House, of Montgomery, re
ceiving stolen goods, were held under
W. W. Atkinson, of Philadelphia,
Cannot Bo Found.
rhll.ielelpliln, May 17. W. V. Atkln
ton, a lawyer of this city, formerly of
Altoona, Pa., Is missing fiom homo
nnel all efforts to locate htm have
failed. Mr, Atklnsom ennio to this
city about tlio beginning of tlio year
nnil lived with his wife and child at
IwuimIovv ne, a short illbtanco from the
city. lie was last seen on Wednesday
of last week. His wife nnd relatives
believe he Is mentally deranged. At
tho time of his disappearance ho had
on his pei.on about $500.
Mr. Atkinson Is 3S years of age,
llo feet six Inches In height and
weighs about 1CU pounds. When last
(seen ho had on a black coat and vest,
htilpcd trouseiH nnd a btovvn slouch He Is rather thin In the faco and
haw black hair.
Mr. Atkinson has a good reputation
both In business circles and socially.
He has never befote been known to
wander off or evince any signs of In
sanity. At times he complained of
paint in the head and on Tuesday
morning of Inst vvpek remarked that
ho wati unwell. He was frequently In
the hnblt of taking trips to Baltimore
nnd New Ymk, but nothing has been
heard of him In either of those places.
9100 Reward, S100.
The readers nt this paper will bo pleased to
leorn tlat there 1 at least one dreaded -Jlsensc
that science has been alio to cine ,, i ju
J aits, and that Is Catarrh Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the or.l) positvc tuic known to the medual
raterrit) Ouianh bciiu a constitutional d.
ease, itqclres i constitutional tieatmenr. Ihlp,
Cutaiih Cere Is taken internally, aetln,- directly
noon the Hoot- and miuoiu sulfates of the sys.
tun. theicby eesliovlng the foundatcn of tin,
disease, and l-'hinK the patient ttiength by build.
Ing up the eonstiteithm and assisting nature in
lolng Its ui.ik The i.roprlelors have , Inuen
faith in Its cmativo power., that they oir One
llundied Dcllais for any -ase that it fall, ,0
cure, feend for lift of testimonials.
Address, V. J- (IIK.M'A V CO., Toledo, O.
cold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's I'ainll) Tills are the best.
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations AH Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Bid. Asked.
1'Irit Nitlonal Dank 804
t-trantoii bulncs Hank jOQ ...
hcranton Packing Co us
Third National Dank 425
Dime Deposit and Discount Dank .. 200
Hccmomy Light, 11. & P. Co 17
laicks. Tnist k afa Deposit Co. .. 150
r-cranlcm Paint Co W
Clark .t Snovcr Co., Com too ...
Claik k Snuver Co., I'r lis
hcranton lion Pence k Mlg. Co 100
Scranton Aslo Works jgo
Lackawanna Dairy Co.. I'r 20
Countv avlues llank k Trust Co, . aOO
Mrst .National Hank (Carliondale) 800
htandaid Diilliug Co , M
New Mexico Hy. Coal Co., i'r 40 ...
Traders' National Dank 113 ...
Bersntnii passenger Hallway, first
tuoitgage, due IWO , ,,,
I'eople'a blieet Hallway, first mort
gage, due 1918 UJ ,,.
People's Ptrert Hallway, flcneral
mortgage, due 1021 115
Dickson Manufacturing Co 100
Latka, Township school 8 per cent. ... 102
City of hcranton St. Imp. 0 per
,,'"'. W
Mt. vermin Coal Co . . fci
Bcrenton Traction 0 cer ceut, US ...
Wall Btreet Review.
Niw York, May 17. The demand tor railroad
alocka which haa nlcn atrength to the market
for a number of daya pa it haa Iwen aatUned
and pricea fell back today, In that department
of the ttCH.k list. Thla la accepU-d In Wall
street as confirmation of the view that the de
mand came from an outatandlng short Interest
In the west and was not bad on any underljInR
condition In tbo companies whose atooka were
affected or In bunlness at larire. Humtrs which
served the purpose of the bulls jesterday con
tinued to circulate, such as that Union raelfle
or l'fnn)lisnla was to secure control of Ilur
llnston, or Atchison Preferred was to receive Us
lull dividend, or new millionaire Interests were
to le represented In Wuwourl Pacific, but all of
these storks were heard with languid Interest
and prices continued to drop. In the
list the losses In prices wire not such a passive
matter. Vmrrlcan Tobacco waa under severe
pressere all day on account of circumstantial
assertions of the organization of formidable com
petition. Tho stock lost over six points, closing
at the lowest. Sugir snfered from reports tint
the trade war was to awuiue a more acute stage.
People's (its continued under pressure by the
professional clement amongst tho traders. An
advance in the price of copper was responsible
for the sharp rise In Anaconda, and had some
sentimental effect on the stocks of other metal
ccmpanles. Tho stocla In that group were dull
and the movement very uncertain, the news
concerning the Iron trade continuing generally
unfavorable. Total sales, 437,100.
The bond market was decidedly dull, but
showed some advances. Total sales par value,
$1,IH,000. V. S. tends were unchanged in bid
The following quotations are furnished Tha
Tribune by M. B. Jordan & Co., rooms 70S-704
Hears building. Telephone S003I
Open- High- Low- Clos.
inr. esc esc mf.
American sugar
Amcr. Tobacco ,,
Am Steel & Wire
...107H 10SV4 lW'l lOo'i
mvt vi to ni"
Atchison. I'r 71
llrook. Traction fan,
Halt, k Ohio 76
font. Tobacco SI
Ches. A. Ohio 5t4
Ohio, k Ot. West 1514
0 n, ti 0 127V 127H J"'l5 1?"H
St. Paul llfl 117 11V4 )Wi
ltnck Island W7 1U7 lOOli 107
Del. !i Hudson 11?VS lti 1W4 11S14
Lackawanna It. II 177 177 177 177
KecWal Mcci 3fl 3GVI 3J'i 35i
Ted. Steel, Pi M'4
Kan & Tex,, Pr 3IU
Louis, k Nash SOX
Man. rievated ')?
33 Vi
Met. Traction 141 lis", lid
Mlw. Paclf.c MH W14
People's Oas t4 OsH
N. .1. Central 117 117
Pouth Pacific :iltf 311i
Norfolk k West SB 3rti't
North. Pacific OT 504
North. Pacific-. Pr. . . 71'4 71V4
N Y. Central 132 112
Ont k Western 2PK, 21'4
Penna. It R 130 l'tOH
II 't
.... 130 1'COH 12014 1404
I'aeinc- Mnll 20U VW, V) 20
Reading. Pr. MVi iV',4 S'iH Wi
Southern H. It 12'4 12i 1214 J2H
Kouthern It. Tt.. Pr. ... W4 KH B5U '"'i
Tenn. Coal & tron 7114 11 70',4 72
It. K. Leather 11 11 104 1"
It. S Leather. Pr S W4 fiS1i
If. S. Huhher 2S4 2i"4 24 2S'(,
Union raclnc M BV4 MH fit's
I'nlon Pacific. Pr 71 71 711 73T4
Wabash. Pr 21V4 21i 21' 214
Western Union 80 0 7"H IV
Third Avenue lOS'j 1WA 10SV4 lOSVi
In.'. . (Mi
. S3
Low- Clos
est, ing.
3S',4 87
"2nk --a - - I
11.75 11.S0 11.72 11.60
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II O. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Av.)
Putter Creamer), 21c: dairy tubs, 20e
Hugs Select western, H'4C! nearby statp.ltHc.
Cheese- 1'ull cream, old, 12'4r.; new, lOHalle.
Ileans Per bu choice mariow, 52.45; medium,
$2 30: pea. $2 CO.
Seed Potatoes Per bu., $1.00.
Potatoes 45c.
riermuda Onions $1 cVS.
Flour first patent, $1.21
Philadelphia Grain and Product..
Philadelphia. Mav 17. Wheat He lower: con
flict grade. Mai, 70n7tc. Corn Steady: No.
2 mixed, Miy, ')la!2c-. Oats Dull and un
changed: No. 2 white clipped, 30c; No. 3 do.
do . 29e : No. 2 mixed do , 2S'4a21c. Potatoes
Firmer: New ork and western choice, per
bu., 43at5c; do. do western, fair to good clo.,
3Ra40c Huttrr-Steadv, fair demand: fincy
western creamery, 20'4r ; do. prints. 22c Kggs
-stcadc; fresh nearby, 12'4c : do. western,
i:"4c: clo. southwestern, 12c: no. southern. He
Cheese Steady Heflned sugars I'nehangeel.
Cotton Steady. Tillow Dull; city prime In
1 lids , .lallie. : country clo. bbls., blM"n:;
clark, 4Ta5c; cakes, 1V4c; grease, SViaPii".
Live pmiltri Steidv : fowls, lie; old roosters,
7i7c t spring chickens, 17a21e ; ducks, old,
8 Pc. Pressed poultry Firm; fowls, choice, lOVj
atlc; clo, fair to trood, O'alOc; old roosters,
"'4c.-, broilers, 2fla2o Hecelptn Flour, 2,000
liarrels, and 3,30,000 pounds In sacks; wheat,
l'l.OOO bushels; torn, 150.000 bushels; oits,
r.o.noo. Shlpnients heat, 103,000 bushels; corn,
00,000 bushels; cats, 09,000 bushels.
New York Grain nnd Produce.
New York, Mav 17. Flour Neglected nnd
lnrelv rtricly. Wheat Spot easy: No. 2 led,
7nT4e elevator: No. 2 red. 71T4c f o. b. afloat;
Vo. 1 northern Duluth, 75',ic f o. b. afloat to
an he. Options opened steady but developed
substepicnt weakness and closed ease nt a4c. de
cline. Hay closed 7014c ; July, 7lTc ; Sept.,
t- Corn Spot steady: No. 2, tJc. f. o.
h. afloat, and 42e. elevator. Options opened
fitrady, but subsequently becamo vety weak.
Near'thr close the market tallied and was Dually
steady at '4a',Jc decline. Mav closed 42Hc ;
.lull. 4M4c: Sept.. )1V. Oits Spot dull:
No.' 2, 27c; No. 3, 2(ic: No. 2 white, 2')ci No. 3
white, 2Sl4c: track mixed western, 2il'4a2(H-.c ;
track white, SOViatfc. Options inacthe and en
tirely romlnal. Putter Firm: western rieam
cry, lV4a20c : do. factory, l'lal5Ue.; Imitation
creamery, 14al7'4c , state dairy, 15',4al'lc. : do
creamer), 10V420c Cheese Irregular: fancy
hrge white, 10',Je. ; fancj large colored, 10',la
lOHe.i fanev small white, Oal'lc; fanev small
colored, n,4aOSic'. Kggs Weak: state and
Penna., 12'4al3c; roulhern, 10Hall'4o. s stor
age western, 12V4c ; regular packing, U',4al2V4c.
Chicaffo Live Stock Market.
Chicago, May 17. Cattle Receipts, 11,500;
heavy steers, slow; others about steady: butch
ers stock, strong, active nest on sale today
2 cars at 5 50: good to prime nitlve steris.
$5a5.75; lmor tn medium, f1.2r-al.PO; seleeted
feeders, $l.255 10, mixed stockers, $5.75al;
cows, ).1.10a4 75; heifers. $3-25at.l5; ranners,
2.oni3 30i bulls. Mai 35; calves, $i 50vfi.75;
Texas steers, $la5?5; Texas hulls, ?3.25aJ.75
Hogs -Herelpts today, 32,000; estimated for t.v
morrrw. 10.P00: left over, H.000; average 5c
lower; closln? weak; tops, ft 5214c: mixed and
bu-chers, S 15.i5.50, gcod to cholen bravv, 85.30
n5.'.2'4c.- rcugh heavy, ?515i5.25; light, J5 10
a5 12H; bulk of sales, 5.35a5 45. Sheep He-
celpts, in.nno; sneep, slow to shade lower;
lambs, a! out kteiclv; goocl to choice wethers,
M.25i5.40; jearling", W50i5,tlO; native lairbs,
?l .ina7 35; western lambs, (0a7.35; spring lambs,
7i8 50.
Duffalo Live Stock Market.
Hast PutTalo, Mav 17. Cattle 7nc sale, 37
through; demand light! prospects only fair;
veals and calves, 200 head telle; demand light;
confined to citv trade. Weak, lower; tops,
?0.35nG.50; common tn fair. H Ma5 50. Rheep
and lambs Hec elpts 650; fair to good, $B.25a
11.40; culls tn fair, flat 75; western sheep, $5 00
a5.75; mixed, j,i5 25; fair to extra tat ewes,
t1.50.i5. Hogs Fair demand- shade higher for
best weights! lower for plgsi medium and hetvy,
f5.70a5 75i mixed, $5.POa5.70; )orkeis, $5 43a
5 53: pigs, $5.30i5.4O; roughs, Jl.OflaS 20; ,tags,
East Liberty Cattle.
East Liberty, May 17.-Cattle-Steady; extra
leavv. 5.WU5.f5; prime, 5.30a5.15; common,
W60.U. Hogs Steadv: extra, heavies, iH.R3a
5.70; prime medium, M.Ge1a5.5; heavy )orkers,
$5.505 53j light b , ?5.15i5.60; roughs, M? 75
a5. Sheen Dull . choice wethers, $3.ma5.I5;
common. .50a3.50; spring lambs, 0a8; veal
calves, tafl.50. is-.
New York Live Stock Maiket.
New York, May 17. Bceics Nothing doing;
feeliig, steady; calves, dull and 25c, lower;
common tn choice veals, lart.50. Sheep Quiet;
lamb and iprlng lambs. 33g, lower; sheep, R50
5.17V4e-: lambs, $.4a7i cno car, (7.20; spring
lambs, H,75a8.23, Hogs Feeling a trifle weak.
Oil Market,
Oil City, May 17. Credit balances. 140; cer
tIAcates ,no bid. Shipments, 31,2oO; average,
67,070, Huns, 07,001; average, 00.3J5.
Give It a Wldo Berth.
Sandy Plkea-Stilke Denver off our vlsltln' list,
Pellucid Pete What furf
Bandy Pikes Why, dls paper a)i dat emit
scap has arrived 'n dat city to supply .v,000
people fur a ) ear. Chicago Ilecord,
The Magnitude of
This week's event goes way ahead of any yet held. We doubt if you have ever seen such a wonder
ful collection ot bargains. Every item is destined to bring a crowd at the hour it is offered. Bear in
mind that each sale lasts but an hour. You'll 'find it a paying venture to be on time.
Sale No. 1
Begins rroniDtly nt 10 0'CIock.
Sale No. 2
Begins Promptly at II O'clock.
Sale No. 3
Begins Promptly at 2 O'clock.
Sale No. 4.
Begins Promptly at
Three O'clock.
Sale No. 5
Begins Promptly at
Four O'clock.
Little Prices Is the
In the Ilascnicnt. llouscfurnishlngi.
Clothes Line. HO feet of best cotton clothes-line, cheap at
10c. For one hour 10 o'clock JQ
Dish Pans, Full 17-quart heavy retained Dish Pans,
cheap at U'Jc. For one hour 10 o'clock 19C
Zinc Washboards. Solid one piece; made of best quality
zinc, worth L'8c. For one hour 10 o'clock 1 yC
Chamber Pails. Large size, covered and nicely painted. t
Cheap at 150c. For one hour 10 o'clock 1 9C
Granite Sauce Pans. Best make of goods, straight sides
with covers; worth HOc For one hour 10 o'clock. .. . 3xC
Glass Table Sets. Of fine Crystal, four pieces including sugar
bowl and cover, batter dish, spoon holder and jag. Worth
25c for one hour 10 o'clock 1 OC
On Main Floor. Big Siilo of Wash Goods.
Organdies, Dimities and Mulls in a magnificent assortment of
the newest patterns and most becoming shades; exquisite de
signs of the same quality you'd pay 18c for elsewhere. t 1
For one hour 11 o'clock 1 1 ?C
On Main Floor. Big Sale Lisle Hose.
Children's Lisle Hose. Onc-and-one ribbed in finest lisle thread;
just the thing for Summer wear. All sizes from 5 to 9.
Worth 2oc the pair in most stores. For one hour 11 M .
o'clock 1 4C
On Alain Floor. Big Sle Women's Vests.
Cotton Ribbed Vests. i For women; of extremely good quality
and unusual finish, white in color, with necks and arms
nicely finished. Worth 10c. One hour 2 o'clock 5C
On Aluin Floor. Big Value in Laces.
Laces. Another record-breaking sale, covering a splendid offer
ing of exquisite patterns in fine Valenciennes and machine-made
Torchons in both edgings and inscrtings; most every desired
width for trimmings; worth up to He yard. For one hour i
at 2 o'clock 2aC
On Alain Floor. Embroideries Extraordinary.
Embroideries. Worth up to 90c the yard at 17c Here is the
qaintescence of this Friday's sale the sensational offering of
the day. A special lot of the most exquisite Embroideries, con
sisting of Edgings, Inscrtings and Floancings a complete man
ufacturer's sample line, from the narrowest up to the very widest;
embroideries that arc positively worth ap to 90c the yard, piled
high on three massive tables for one hoar's choosing 3
o'clock 1 7C
On Alain Floor. Big Sale White Goods.
Figured White Goods. The top-notch of style is gathered in
this lot of charming effects in Figured Piques, Lawn and Mull;
also satin striped Dimities. The prettiest patterns ever brought
to Scranton. Goods that easily bring up to .!." cents the
yard in other stores. For just one hour at 3 o'clock. . . 1 5C
On Alain Floor. Big Sale Drcns Goods.
Dress Goods. The sales that make Scranton famous; the best
of Dress Goods at half prices. Black and colored effects in Cash
meres, Henriettas, Jacquards, Fancy Plaids, Fine Mixtures,
Serges, Vigoreaux Suiting and Whipcords. Of rich quality and
jtipcrb finish; worth up to 50c the yard. For one hour
i o'clock , MiOC
On Alain Floor. Big Sale Oxford Ties.
Women's Oxfords. A mighty interesting bargain. Of fine
quality dongola leather, vici kid, patent leather, tan vici kid, tan
goat leather; also with patent leather and kid tips, high and low
heels, narrow, medium and wide toes. All sizes from 2 to 8,
in widths of P, C. D, E and EE. Not a pair in the lot can
be bought anywhere under S1.50. For one hour 3
o'clock 1 . 1 -sv
On Second Floor. Fine Shirt Waists.
Shirt Waists. The first of the year; of colored Percale, new
style back with detachable collars, full front, laundered cuffs and
perfect fitting; actual value f.Oc. For one hour 'I ,-.
o'clock 6"v
On Third Floor, Big Sale Curtaining.
Striped Curtaining. Some new effects in delicate and charming
patterns, similar to Swiss. Beautiful for sash drapes.
Worth 10c yard. For one hour 3 o'clock C
On Alain Floor. Big Sale of Lisle Gloves.
Women's Lisle Gloves to bring another dense throng as last Fri
day. Of fine quality Lisle, in all the leading shades, including
black and white. Splendidly made and well worth 2.5c a
pair. For one hoar 1 o'clock 1 OC
On Second Floor Boys' Wnshnblc Suits.
Boys' Wash Suits, consisting of Waists and Pants. The waists
are plaited and have round, Byron and shirt collars. The pants
are of plain crash; also of dark and light plain and fancy duck.
Both are extra well made. Sizes 3 to 12 years in pants, and
3 to S vears in waists. The TWO for one hour 4
o'clock '. 25C
On Second Floor. Fine .Muslin Underwear.
Gowns, Chemise, Corset Covers nnd Drawers, all at one price to
add to the interest of this big mid-summer sale. Gowns arc Em
pire style, with yoke of Hamburg, cut very full. Beautiful quality.
Chemises are made with solid yokes of Torchon lace and Ham
burg inserting. Corset Cover's arc V neck style, finished with
lace and inserting and ribbon running through. Gar- . .
ments that are worth up to 7jc For one hour 1 o'clock 44C
On Third Floor. Fine Chinese Alatting.
Matting. A Thousand yards of fine double-warp Chinese Mat
ting in a great variety of splendid patterns and colors.
iui i i jjis,ui taiiLn ui fJit,iiiit gtthiv ik unit iuiui3s 4-4
Worth 13c. For one hoar 1 o'clock llC j
Long's Sons
Drawing Card at