The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 07, 1900, Morning, Page 2, Image 2

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i - ' ' ' (l(yiStV
Special to llio Sainton Trllmnr
Sii.mieh.inna. May - tt, " ''','
(ii-incl Army r.l Ike Ht-pnl.lU . H.U i.;niliiit it
tindcd tcrilce In llio ItiplM Ii a l""l
Tin. Mr. lump, nf Wrl (1ciIIIe, New VnL,
pre.nlicd " ' 1 nnl npprr.pil.ite ciin"ii.
l!ci. Dr. (I. I'irnm Mi l.nK t..-ti "' lw
fiul ricili tcil.ui ihiinli Hi HIiiRliiiiittiiii. will
Ipctmr I" t'lif I'iiil l'11-.lijlrri.iii lnir.1i tu Sin-
i.tiilianiii. At tlif iliw rf ' let lute r i
linn will lie held in tl ilmi'li I"'!"" "' """
Incniorntlon of Hip IiIUi .iiinlcrary ft the pjv
tnratc of Hi v. D niil I. miiIiuIjii'I.
riio 10.1I mm ami the lie man are now null
ninl link. ,
n mfd Oakland wrillirr prophet, wlnw fort
(aH haw In i n drilled In tin- J ran iil, MJ
tint no warm vraltiu lujil lip rxpoitcd until
.Tun''. . , , , i
Hip Ciiitim i lull iiitrrMlmil tlioir lady frlrn.N
on Kriil.iv ul'slil .it n nodal Imp, tcM In ltnitin.
opera lininc.'h orilir.trn fimifihnl cxi cl
ient mti'lc. ,
The oratoi, -Intm "oonv.
of riili-icii, will delliri on atldieM nt tin- Al
ir.1t irmp meeting, Atnut '.0.
Cnlotcl anil Mn. v'linile". f. 1'r.ilt. who have
pent the winter In ninclumton, hac returned
to tlitir homo In New Mlllmil.
CiiilIiUmMp tilclit work ii heimr pertnrnipil in
Hip llrlp fillip..
Tlir pplc.lon nf a lamp at Hip rcddiiito c.l
Mn, Maic.Ui t Condon, on Waihinajon Mrppt, on
I'rliliiy ipnrnliiR, latwtl dameac amounting to
1W. '
nliir In mM wp.illipr rnd lil.'li watPr. tmut
IMiriniPti nil returning home with imply 1-n-kel.
Viw ih.iil arp Ixliig tnkpn tiom (lie 1V1.
aware riirr.
'I he nnnnil lotnrnriucnirnt cxcitl-M of the
Oakland Mali nhool will ' I'dd in H"SMti opera
lintnc, in "-iinuplnmu. on Friday cienlng next,
whin l-rnfifsor lljron King, of I'ilt1iitrR. will
ihliwr hi lpit'iip- "'.n That Sop Not .mil
j;,m Hoar Vot " aimv of tramiM ha. connipnipil pavdng
tn ami fio orr Hip I'.rlp, itcilinpr ami lisslng
ami loTmiilliiu x.irltnn ill Jiicil.itici .
Crip ami 1 nnimonl.i nrp ppiilrmlp In JuiWm
township, nnil (In- ilpfith iatp. especially .-.mniig
Hip older itiiKiiK 1u Ifin
IIpv. Mr. Ilirnrs of Wct Colcixlllc, N. Y , ip-
ruplpil Hip pitlpit of Hip IliptM ihurdi today,
Ma.lrr Mpil..nii Kile Bond, of Hip Hup' -'i"t"
in llorn.lUvlilc, -lP'i' (ly '('' "'" f'"nll- In
thl place.
Dr. Caipv v ill oprn a sanitarium anil S'liu
ii'pr hold fui .Htm In Montim-p A -link loin
pativ will lip oriT.inl'Pil to proilmc popnkir tl.i
ilullrir Hip 'pan n.
"Hip mill ol poliiP "I HpiiiI will hniaf
trr airet all prroiH who u-p Hip ilowalk of
Hip IilioiisIi for cm-Hiivj p'lipo.p.. Up aiU hv
a'lthorily pti'il in liim liv Hip rnnimim lonniil.
Slroii(lluitK with lli'ir famon. tlrill miujil. Thpy
will he aiii'inpinlul liy Hie IIiuIp Dunn corpi
if riuhtecn plpcm, reeontly pricinlxprl amon thi
iiifmliprH of the rompmy.
Mine liiK'ilor MaiDonalil'n uporl for Mireh
uliowiil one falul ami Ihirtern nnn-fatiil htIi1miU
in Hip mini, in l'ltl'loii ilUtritti fut April, two
fnUI ami tlilrtpin non. fatal.
Wllllnni t'liniiellj, iiupiI IS yean, ttrlipr hoy
In Hit! Tnin xlufl, at thU pbcr. waa In.tantl
kilhil UttinUy ennlnit. I'onnplly, with a three
limit' team, win ntanilliiR nt the foot of a ilope.
lalthnr for a trip of imply ear". Uhlle nomlm;
ilown Ihc slope the tar. un awnj anil the hoy
and three miilei were killed. Connelly' hoily
a. Iiailly manEleil, the heail lirlni? toinplrlrl
'I he ftinnal of Krank MiCanna, kpiI dl )rM.
who illeil on rrlt!.i, will take plaie .Momhy
ninrnlnff nt !).:) o'tlock. Mr. MH'aniu wan u
rll known re.lilent of till. pl.up. For man)
jeara he wa. a suetetul stone coniraetor.
Mm. N (I. l'arke, wife of llev. Ir. Parke, for
lift) )eari pa.tor of the l'itlton Proihyterlan
thurili, I. critically 111.
The Piltstnn Choral Korletv i. nrrannlnR for a
lomert In lie heM In Jlnlf hall. May C8. A
nmnlipr of the hfit .ololnt. In Hie rilley will
patti(iMte ami the aoclrty will inr n-ieial
liioriKfj, Iniluillnit the "Weilillnu Walts," by
Parry; "Shatter the Hones,-' by Tlioin.n; ami
"fireman l.lft your Ilannei IIIbIi," by flll)in
Tim coroner's jury in the taw of Mlrliael Paa
quale, ol Dupont, who wai killed In llelilelberir
lolltpr), No. 1, irmleipil 'a verdict )isterday (o iffett Hut "I'asipi.ile lame Id Mi death by
lipini? nmplit b) a fall of top coal while rob
lulu; pillars; Hit! accident was Hie result of his
own neBllnencp, it he did not secure (he top
loal as he went alone, and he had been warned
of the danger by a fellow miner; the mine gflb
tials are exonerated from any blame.
Mrs. I'jHieriiie lllngsdorph, aged 21 )ear, died
at her home in W.iomlnc Saturday. She was
the eldct daiiKliter of V. 1). Otnns, mine super
intendent of the Lehlsh Valley Coal lompany in
this district funeral Monday allernoon at 2
o'clock, witli inttnnent at forty fort.
Speilal to the Snanlon Tilbune.
Nrw' Milfoid. Mai l.-MI-s Maude Clinton, of
tlfUKhaintnii, Htlemleil Hip craduatlnir curei.p
at thp opu.1 liiniM' hup Tbmailiv i'eiluj.
flirt W.itPiman. of (liiMt Ilend, w.h n i.'irst
at Hip honip of V M ldrlfli, Tlmrwhv.
Mis. Hllli'.. wlfr ol Dr. (iillis. of Caibn-vliK
Is iltlnir at Hip homo of her pnenK, Mr. an I
Mr. . llojie.
Ml-s l.utla liilli.pii', or llincli.imlon. is i-peiid-ine
a touplp ol weeks with lis r graiidpircnls,
Mr. .mil .Mi". Ilobeit (iille'pip.
Mrs. C. P. Hums, of Montroe. was a mi"t
nt Hip honip ol hrr il.iuffhlpi, Mrs. I,, (i. M
iiilloiu last Wednesdiy.
Mls Trace) Connei, of Ilall-liad, Is fpiiidiiis
a fiw dais witli her fricuiK. Ml.s -hi-W llo.ilp.
Mis. 1). M. Hall is Piilcrt.ilninz her con. In,
Mi's M.iud Tallnian, of Tlionipson.
lrs. (. M. Mulp and .Ml.s Hum- Nuith allm.l
ed Hie itnmtv Sunday sihoo! iimiention at
Monlio.p 'fuptila) and Wiilnisda).
Mildred l'al(eron, the little ilaiiRhtrr of Mr.
and Mis. ll.vion PatltiMin. is ipilte ill.
Leon .Miller, of Alfonl, was a ple.c.ant i.illtr
In town Thurstl.i).
llis Mai), of Niautuu, is i.ltlry her
cousin, Miss Sirah O'llilen.
Dr. and Mrs. M. iivdir, of Dimmoic, .no
(rue.s of relatliei. In limn
Mrs. I. II. Houlihan, nf llliiKhainlon. is spnid
in;; .1 few dais Willi In i mother. Mrs.
l.eorep Itinls.ill, of North .liikson, was tn
town Hie la.t ol tlic wuk. '
Mr. Chailis an m, ( lliookdilc, attended
tl.p bich sthool madtiitiiif; CMiii.cs at the
opera house Thin-day iwuluc.
Mrs. M, Moifat, who has hieii in IMimh.imlon
the piM thii'P mouths latin? foi lu-i .on, re
tinned to lie i home In this town.hip tndir
lis.. fiotenic liiihiliid is .ieiiilini; a few
dais In lliu:h.iiulnii.
The followinir priwianiiiH' was nmliKsl at tho
iiiiuniriutuuiil I'M i lisps of the Vpw Mllfotd pub
lip schools at thp opera house, Tliuisdiy eicnlmr,
"snoi Monti ;lei."
"Mitu Hip Alinl.l m tomes lo
Mils .mi Cutt
..M.iiuIp (hltP Mi oi ii
...lir lolib
. liii Tnuijp
Molli'ii snnir ion.
flas Dilll.
Motion Nii.b, ".'K .silk Jllie."
Iteiltatioli, "hentiukl llellc,"..
Piano s.(,o( ".Iiiitipluj the Itnpp,
i;say, "riie Pints,"
fuay, "The ew .outh,"
ial Unit, ,i,it Is the Si.iur the Mcallows
inir 1,'ailitl llniii'ljiri', b.i D.iiiuw
Kway, ".Notible Wiimrii," ...'. ..loliaima Donolm.'
IMnluliillie, "( ourlshlp of MIlis MamlMi."
I'Iiihi Dint Vum MiConiii'll, Mr.ih ll'lliiiii
ltof Drill
l'iJ), "laRht and flip Ate IuiIip in Trillis,"'
Nellie V,iii 1,'
ItiH'ltalion, "Tin' C.ueful Mo.eiiRi i ,"
D- Win Vails
T.nlMliun, 'Mills Little Pic Wint to Matket,"
Iti'.llriie Unwell
Itaay, "o smim Wlilmiil SMirlfUe."
ITorem p mui o
Piano Solo Ileitip (.irpiinu
"f h.M foilutip," Iinnie l!.i)le
clan Poem Nlittlo M. I'luiiniur
Pierentatlon of Dlplom.u.
Mi.s l,"na S-ptnpcr Is spnullni a few diis at
On Mirtihy .iftin n at the home of Hip
bride in the township ii'iiiircd thp null hue
of Mr. Joseph llicc to Mis. II, . .loon. llev.
( ll.ilks Mnitli I'lHciatnl.
iecia! to the Tilbune.
I'ltuiciii. Mai ii. 1..ikIi llo-e lompim, No. I.
of this place, has aittptril .in imitation to be
t Jhe ciiMs ul Phoenix llo.p rompjnv, of Sl.ouds
hufl. on .lull" ii. when i liremau's parade and
Kinwnlion will be luld 'I In I.juIp iniiip.ini
also ileiideil in puichusc news tmlfoiius and
will, no iloulii .ittract loiisldeiahle utiiution a
Mil M l"fril BHt-
for helnp: black. It isn't
its fault if the lamp is al
ways smokinc and flicker-
inc. It's the oil. Ston usiuc
interior on ana use our
Water White
If you wish to learn what real
lamp comiort is. won i
smoke or smell, otves
greatest light at smaller
cost man any outer
oil. Your dealer
has. it.
Wall Street Review.
N'ew York, May 5. -Whateier deductions are
drawn from Hie stock market must be almost
wholly niK.itilc foi the maikpt lontlhUPS lipar
the leiel of stagnation. A slight fill up was
irlien to the opening b) the higher leiel of
piiccs in London. Hut the loom tiaders iloed
their contracts liefhre the ila)' and and brouuhi
tin- lend ol priies baik near to last ulirht's ilos.
Si en inoie nuite easily at that hl.'lier ranie
linn )esterday and cxaitiy ncaveied icsterda) s
loss as a iitt'tesult. I.0111; Island was tpiiti' ml
ie ahd mocd up to K lint dosed limliani'd.
The biniU ol the loniputiy coutiniii'il in aili'e
demand at adcancitu; pines. The statement Hut
the I'cup.) llama liil mipilrcil is'titioi lumiii
ueiliiui' 1 tilt a working hijipi ment witli the Np.v
Yolk ( is liilli'wil lo be liiiolitd In the
deal. lotal sales, KI7,Tuil shales
The following quotations lire furnished lha
Tribune by M. h. Jordan !c Co., rooms 705-705
auars Dutiutnt;. lileplione sUf.i:
Open- High- Low
iii,:. tst. est.
Amcr. Ill 111 i:vi
An', r. Tobai i ii Hi: ltu la;
Am. Mecl ev Wile W -4 -" .1''
Ati hi.on 2i.'
Mihi.on. Pi 70'i
HiiK.k. Traitii'll V
Halt. .: (Mil Mi,'
( i lit. lobircii 'l't
I his. A. OIlli -!'!"
( liic. V HI. West. ... IPs
('., II i ( U'l
-t. Paul MIX'S,
Hoik Main! l"si2
ful. teel II
fed. Meil, Pr I.'i
Km. & Ti., Pr .'i'i
Louis, tc Nash s.Ms
Man. is I 'It1.
Mil. IT.iiliou I'i".
Mi-so Pii llc .(,
I'eople's i;js 101
Nuith i'aeliii' ::.',
Norfolk ,- ist (7i
North. P.icllti :
Nurlh. Pailllc, Pi. ... "
N. N Kin,
UiiMihi & West, ..
l'cnui. Itv
P.iillic Mill
lti.nliii. II)
lii.ulini: l!i.. Pr. .
Nnitlipin It. II. ..
fiutl'iiu K. It.. Pi.
T. 1,11. (. . 1 s'H vi4
I . . I."4 Vl
I . . Leatlici, Pi 7n 7ii'
1 t.liui I'acll.c .V,'h .Mi
I i Ion Paeiiic, Pi 7.". 70, Pi '! 2 I'd
clcin I'lilmi i2 xJ
( lllL'Atill IHlMil) Of
. --v.
. IH,
. Ih'.l
. "s''
. l:.n
.ll.ll . ..
.lull . . ..
. I.7'i
. -I's
. -
.. U 12
11. '!
-"' s
' I
.11' 4
1.7 'a
Scrnnton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Hid. Akcd.
ril.t Satlonal Hank SIX)
Siranton Saiings Hank 'M0
Scrantou Packing Co 95
Third National Hank 423
Dime D.p. k D". l''lnk 20U
ficmomv Light, II. I". (o 17
l.uka. Trust k Mle Dep- Co 150
Siranton Paint Co SO
(Turk .V. Snoier ( o-, Coin 400
CI nk k Mini er Co., Pr 123
iiranton Hon 1 ence S: .Mlg. (o loo
.million le WenU 100
Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr 20
(o baling. Hank i. Trust Co ."DO
first National Hani. (Carbondalc) BO)
Standard Drilllnc Co M
New Mexico liy Coal Co., Pr 10
TlaUcrs' National Hank 113 ...
Poran(on Passenger Hallway, first
mortgage, due 120 115
People's Stieet Hallway, firtt moit-
gage, due MS 115
People's Mreit Hallway, (Jeneial
mortgage, due 1021 115 ...
Diikson Manufacturing Co 100
Lutka. Township hiliool 3 per cent. ... 1J2
City of seranton St. Imp. 6 per
cent 102
Ml. Venion Coil Co 65
Siranton Trae. 6 per cent, bonds... 115 ...
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(lorn clod In II. (!. Dab', 27 Laikawanna v.)
Hultei -(Teameiy, Ji . , dairy tubs, PJi.
Kggs Select western, n'.fjr. : nearby state, lie,
( hcP'c full t ream, old, 12'ie.i new, mV'alle,
Heaii. Per Im , i liolic iniriow, ijj.lj; mcillu'ii,
.'.3l: ipa. 2.s0.
s.p.1 Piilatops Pir bit, M.OO.
P. -lie.
Ilermiida (inliuis II 7".
flour Hint pitint, it 2...
Philadelphia Stock Market.
Philadelphia, Ma) fi. 1,'oitii.ti for Ibe week:
Heeies. 2.W.I, shi'ip, U.IIIU' hogs, .I.Jisl. Heel
( mile In lieltci urpiesl but iniees u fiaclicn
iitf extra. .VS.a.'.'vi : bikkI, ,".',; aalic ; inedluin,
lTia5c , common. I'ialV. Sleip In lull sup
pi) and louu; loiunion glades ikclinlnu' Hie
most while lambs wne III in: tslra, Oi.iSHi- ;
pood, i.iVii'. , lueiliiir.i. ii;al?4c. iiiimnon, 2
441' , laiiitm. 3a7c. Hoars -In gts.d deiiiaud but
lower best iieslein, 7Va iT.i ; otheis, 7a",fee.
fat tows, ttriii, ut 2balc ; thin iou. nioihrale
ilr mil ml at loalN eal iuKis uitlie at tt'i.;
milch mm urn hanged Ml ('aJU. beeies
old firm, 5aH4i
New York Grain and Produce,
Niw icrk, Ma) fi.- flour tjuiel and about
stcnh Minnesota palenta,; do,,
J .5.U wiutti paii'nis, KMuil.N'i: du. btralchls,
...; do. cMias, 2.(U2.!i, ilj. low
ur.iiles, 2.2"u2.l0. Wheat -Spot tun; N"o. 2
rid, N)i.' i o. b, .il.d 77T(iC . ileiator;
Ni I tiuiHieiii, 7n Oplfiins .is a lesult ol
fiuiH Paris and ITmll.h .able j.l.i.s i-it filr ilcaili
leas iila) . . l.'Mii uti-ady it I um luiui'd pi I e.
Ma) limed, iil'.p, .liuic, 7.'!.. Coin sjK.t
s'cudi, No. 2, 4'.ii'. I. e. b. at'oat, .mil 4.Vi .
f.i ih'iat'.i. .Markti was mudi'mtt ly nellii' and
1. 1 1 d) all il) mi llulil otbriiiid .iml lilitlitr
i.les tud sua II niss in wheat. I'IimuI t-ui)y
mui inn liaugid. Mi) lot'd llTii. , Jimp, l.ctc. t
S'il . I5.i Data .iol weak, siiadv: N'o. 2,
is. , No '., 27!ji.. No. 2 Mi'sttiu, ?!..; i.aik
i hilP, 2ni35i. Options .lull nil ilii ami about
Meaijvi Nc. 2 "vhile oats, (la), ilosul 2uTic.
Ilullrr- Meadvi western iipaiiiuy, Hlt;nc,; tin,
faitt.r), l.valii , ; iinitutioii iiraunry, Italic ;
t Ho creimtry, IfuHic.i do. iTivimtir, lila'2'Je,
( hew stiady; fantv large while, lue. ; do,
do, (uloml, 10Uli.', fggs-.firm; mate at
luuik, lSljallc, ; routhcin, llal'i'jt',; ttora.'d
.PSTNr "" ?"M
sz$s?rr v j urmzvai m ., oihv- . -vcoy"v rwn.i3jp- -r wTv t
Prospectus of the Siegel-Cooper Co.
Profit-Sharing with our Patrons. Co-operation with our Employees.
THE great success attained since 1887 by Siegel, Cooper & Co., has induced and given warrant to the enterprising
owners to further ingratiate themselves into public favor by consolidating their two mammoth establishments into
a co-operative enterprise on a profit-sharing basis. They recognize the tendency of the present age to be in the
direction of co-operation of employers with employees, as well as in profit-sharing with patrons. To accomplish this
desired condition, a new Company, the Siegel-Cooper Co. (Co-operative Stores, New York and Chicago) has been incorporated
under the laws of the State of New Jersey with a capital stock of $24,000,000.00, of which $14,250,000.00 is divided into
285,000 shares 6 per cent, cumulative Preferred Stock of $50.00 par value, and $9,750,000.00 into 195,000 shares Common
Stock of $50.00 par value.
The charter of the Company provides that, after full dividends of 6 per cent, per annum have been paid on the
Preferred Stock, and full dividends of 3 per cent, per annum have been paid on the Common Stock, all additional dividends
shall be apportioned and paid on the basis of in amount on the Preferred Stock and in amount on the Common Stock.
To carry out the plan of
with its employees, 2,000,000.00 of the Com
mon Stock has been placed in trust, the annual
dividends of which will be distributed among
such employees as have been or may hereafter
be with the New York or Chicago establishment
for a period of three years during tue.r sausiac
tory continuance in the service of the new Com
pany ; such dividends will also be continued and
paid to employees for life who, after ten years
of service with the new Company, become inca
pacitated for further employment, thereby practi
cally providing a pension fund for faithful
employees in their old age.
To carry out the plan of
it is proposed by the present owners, who are
the owners of .nil the s'.ock of the new Company,
to offer to the public through the undersigned,
200,000 shares (fully paid and non-assessable)
of the 6 per cent, cumulative Preferred Stock at
par, upon which the full 6 per cent, dividend
must always be paid before the Common Stock
receives any dividend whatever, the Preferred
Stock also having a prior right to all the assets
of the Company.
In order to give double assurance to the
general public, whom it is desired to interest as
Stockholders (instead of Speculators) and who
may not be fully conversant with such invest
ments, the money required to pay dividends
on said 200,000 shares has been set aside and
will remain on deposit with the Central Trust
Company of New York, and the Illinois Trust
and Savings Bank of Chicago, respectively, to
secure the dividends of 6 per cent, per annum,
payable 3 per cent, semi-annually, for a period
of five years, ;. e., until July ist, 1903, on all
such Preferred Stock as may be allotted in their
respective territories, and each Certificate of
Stock so allotted will have an endorsement by
said Trust Companies, respectively, to that
effect. We thereby offer, we believe, not only
an absolutely safe 6 per cent, investment, but
one which will without question yield consider
ably more.
Under no circumstances
will any
of the Preferred Stock not so allotted, nor any
of the Common Stock, be sold, the present
owners having no desire to sell out, but intending
to remain with the business; they will therefore
not part with any more stock than they believe
necessary to fully carry out their plans for co
operation and profit-sharing, as previously stated.
The owners confidently believe that, by in
augurating the liberal policy above outlined
towards their employees, they will in return be
rewarded by more faithful service, and courteous
attention to patrons, the result of which must be
beneficial to the new Company as well as aug
ment the continued good will of the public.
Furthermore, it can be calculated
to a certainty
that with many thousands of new stockholders
exerting their personal influence toward the suc
cess and welfare of the business, larger patronage
and correspondingly greater earnings for the
new Company will be assured. It is from the
increased benefits and material advantages which
these changed conditions are expected to bring
about, that the present owners feel confident of
better pro rata remuneration on the stock which
they retain, and in a measure justifies thep in
parting with any portion of their interests in an
established and exceptionally profitable business.
The SIEGEL-COOPER CO. Co-operative
Stores will take possession Monday, July ad, 1900, of
the two great department stores of Siegel-Cooper
Co., New York, and Siegel, Cooper & Co.,
Chicago, in their entirety, covering a floor space
of over thirty acres, with their millions of dollars'
worth of Merchandise, Store Fixtures, Delivery
Plants (consisting of many hundreds of Horses,
Wagons, etc.), Machinery, extensive Stable
Properties, and all the appurtenances required
for the complete operation of the two stores,
and also lis Palatial Fireproof Store Building and
Real Estate in New York City, which alone repre
sents an asset of many millions of dollars, free
of all encumbrances or indebtedness whatsoever,
so that the Siegel-Cooper Co. (Co-operative
Stores, New York and Chicago) will start its
career without owing a single dollar.
For the good and sufficient reason of not
wishing to divulge the details of our business to
our competitors, we present no balance sheet for
publication. We do not however, desire to ask
our patrons or the public to rely exclusively on
our representations, and, therefore, the money
required has been set aside and will remain on
deposit with the above-named Trust Companies
to absolutely secure the dividends on all the
Preferred Stock to be allotted as stated. More-
over, we allude with pride to the fact that tho
Chicago establishment has since its inception
paid millions of dollars in dividends to its stock
holders, and that the New York establishment,
while only in its fourth year, is not only doing
a larger business than the Chicago store, but ia
also on a most profitable dividend-paying basis.
We can also say for the benefit of subscribers,
that the net earnings' of our two establishments
for the past year were largely in excess of the
amount required to pay the dividends on all tho
Preferred Stock of the new Company.
There will be no change
in management,
and the same men who thirteen years ago started
the original Siegel, Cooper & Co. store in
Chicago (and later its sister-store in New York)
and who have achieved a success almost without
parallel in modern retailing, have pledged them
selves to continue in the management of the
business of the new Company the same as in tho
past, and they will deposit with the Central
Trust Company of New York, all of their stock
holdings for a term of years to secure such
Subscriptions for the 200,000
shares of the Preferred Stock
will be received in person, or by mail, on blank
forms provided for that purpose, by the Central
Trust Company, 54 Wall Street, New York, and
Siegel-Cooper Co., New York and Chicago,
beginning at 10 a. m. Monday, May 7th, 1900,
and will continue for a period of One Week ; the
right, however, is reserved to close subscriptions
upon one day's notice in the New York and
Chicago daily papers. The above Trust Com
pany, for the convenience of our patrons and
the public, will receive subscriptions at the
Siegel-Cooper Co. store in New York, or at its
own office, 54 Wall Street. All subscriptions
must be accompanied by money, check, money
order or draft, payable to the Central Trust
Company of New York, to the amount of 20 per
cent, of such subscription (equal to $10.00 per
share), for which proper receipts will be given
by said Trust Company. Notice will be given
as soon as practicable of the number of shares
allotted to each subscriber, and the balance due
must be paid to said Trust Company on or
before July 5th, 1900, upon the delivery by
said Trust Company of the stock allotted.
13 4
u S
v. ta
3 -a
o 14
Enclosed please find $
.being 20 per cent, first payment upon.
(Flllloamouot) (FUI In number ottturu)
shares ot the Preferred Stock of the Siegel-Cooper Co. (Co-operative Stores, New York and Chicago), for
which I hereby subscribe, and promise to pay to the Central Trust Company of New York, at Its office, 54 Walt
Street, the balance due on shares of the stock allotted to me on or before July 5th, 1900.
Street Address-Town
With a view of extending the benefits of our
offer to as many of our patrons and the public as
possible, It is proposed to allot the stock in the
following order, namely:
ist. To all subscriptions for one share ;
3d. To all subscriptions for two shares ;
3d. To nil subscriptions for threo shares ;
and to continue in the same order for larger sub
scriptlons until the entire a 00,000 6hores have
been allotted.
(Co-operative Stores, New York and Chicago.)
wi.Utii do,, tO'iallc ; uvular harking al nuil.,
Philadelphia Grain und Produce.
I'lilUilclpliU, May 0. tVrn t'm-luiiTfil: No. 2
mixed. May, 4 Hie. itaU MMilv: N'o. 2 wlilu-
IIh-iI. IIIim No. y Ui", ilu., 3U't'liV. No, 2
inKi'il 1I0 , 8!H IMIattMN- Mivi't) ! New Vurk
uinl uvftriu ihnUi', I.UlK'.l lo. do. (jlr lo
Komi, ls0ii Swli -IJiii limpid 1 tloiei net
im, IS In Wo.; 1I.1. I'cl.M.. 70c. i timothy uet
1111, ill.iVil no. Ilutti.r--;'lrm, mid in cond lc
maud; Ijihj wctun irrauiriv, Ik'.: 1I0. print,
!;. Kkrk Weniorn. ','!. liliflicr: do. uraUrn,
12ViarJsii'.i d). vniilmi.lirn, liw.: do. kouIIi
cm, 12c, I'licc'rtiirliansiid, Hi lined ut,'ur
Mrady, lntf milit. Me imultrj- irnilungi-d;
loula, ID0.1 i.ld roostm, Tc. t inait ilikWni,
Mubjr, lUllc.; vtcattrn do., lUlSc; latter for
froirii; lirnilri, JiViSli. I.',VI0
lurirUi vvliui. !.,.'JI Im , corn, lll.0"i; ,it,
WXlO lilc-lllls. Mliilk'lllfc Wheat, IJO.IIM
ilsi iviii, 223,iotl; rule, 110,000 liiliUi.
Chicago Qrain Market.
(hlijiji). May .".- llic ln.n kit loda.i .n
Jill' litiliiAtl ln t tlilnu jinl iIiliiI riiuli lillld
(IiIijiji). May .'.- llic kit tuilaj i
trady, hflpod by ildcs and iiikkI cali Mil,
Julr iloslm; a .hade louri. .Inl.s itnn (IumiI
a aliailu ichIucvO, ,ind July uuU ',' hi-'hir. At
the i low prniblt.iH kv MmU, 10 tu 12!ic. to
'Hj9lr. Inui fiikl. ,.tal lr u .ri. u I nl .
Ir.wat I lour Hull: wiim-i uitint, iH.lrtiS.To;
ttralghti,'ia.lO; clear, .'.7l.n.20; aprl-i:
tpctiali, iKI.TOal.ia); patents, f.l.lOa.1.40;
atraluht. -i.'l; balrr, if.'aJ.IJ; No, 3 ainlns
ihcat, P0-itlV,ic,; No, inl, J0i7lc; No. 2
mill, aiHic: No. 2 jillcw lorn, .tUHcl No. 1
uala, 2J7ia2!c; No. 2 while, 2U!iia2sv.; Nu. U
U, 2"isii.i No. a oc, ,Vk.; 'n. I flavipcd, fl.Ri;
NnrtliwcM, fl.hQ; pilnic tinmthy mimI, fci.lo;
(In mII, H(0; lmit iluii hlc, 7.10.i7.20,
ttliinkcv Imc nt nlniM on 2-"iVi.; antral,
iutln.ll, fl; eiaiiulateil, -1 II.
Chlcngo Live Stock Market.
( hlr j?o, Ma) ,i (.attic it.ic'pu KM. imnln
all) atiad.i. (inod to piime ateiia, l 75a.VTO;
pour lo medium, 41 lUil.u'i, wlcitnl liiilei '.
l.25a.'ii mixed Mockera, lU.Hial, now, $.fj (.'!;
heifer,; lanmra, 2.10.13; hull, i.NI
ot.25; laltco. lfl.5o.irt.iV Texaa foil atcen,
atroinr, fiaV.; do. hull. ..:Ua'l.7.-. Iloga
ItrcriptH todat,; left our, 2,no0; timer
allv atronK, ilcacil cjhr; tip, f-V ITVi. mlveil
and hull her, M l.'ul. IJ'.j; good In iholcc,
hrai), .Via3.l7',a Hlgli do., o.U.iJ,2o; Hsld,
iiill; bulk of .! t.1 V.'.u.l 37 U,
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
Kat Hiitfjlo, Vov ,1. - f .ittle-Kicdpla II lar.
all through. tl"'d liciter., iM.nOal. VJ; lilr fat
, lf.i;l3; atoikda held 111 in. raN. I 2.1.1
0.25. Iliva- Ituclpta, X tar; tali lo aitlte.
alMiut Head) ; Iiimi k'l.nh'i, Vi.l'iuVfiO. mix il
pjekriK, I.") Iaj. 15; tulkua, .tUU'il ll'ht
ji'rkua. 'i.2-ViVS0. plat,, l I6.i5; rniiih. I.M
u5; ataca. M.'.'al .'0. Shei and lamln- ll
ivlpta, 21 i.nx; .iv (i'i J,iiiiI; alntp, sludo
alrciitfer; top lanilw, vlMiji).7.'i; mil to uood,
If I . 'J U I . I a I ; mill to Eal, i.,Vlal; urlliia.
HJ.'fla.l.OO; )caillna. heaiy, fVSU
S.1U; fair to Rood, if! 2.M I. .VI.
i i
East Liberty Cattle.
i:ast l.lherl), May 3, ( altlc-ftr,idi i extra,
J.5..VU5.70; prime, l).;l0j.V.VI; inniuiim, 4.1,'AVl
3.0. Ilofi-lllulicr; cxtia heavy, fj.60aJ.J5;
liieilliinia. M.I3; lieai) jorkera, IW.IOa5.45, llhl
il.. . fS.27.aV31; plu, ,iaj.l0, ioueIm. f.1.V)
I7.i. Mil ii Mcadv; iliolce uethcn, J.S5iVli
loiniiion, t2."aiH.I..10, i Imlce lnmlw. if.20ali5Ji
lumnioii to Rootl. 1U.ili.Pl. xcal calif.. laii 60.
New York Live Stock Market.
ew York. Nla.v 5 - Iteei n- Stead) TaliM
Mi.nU. Miup and lanilw Vail) ulrs atronf,
inn doxctj ieaK; inpieo aniep. a.iaa.u, iopa,
,,,,. i."". i.vwn, iiii'i.! iMr, fj.iw, (,
to; illpneil lainiu, irY.ll'is aprine do., i pel
head. ilogi Wijki weatrrn nominal.
Oil Market.
Oil City, May 5. Maiket, no hid nor offer
Credit lialaniea, mulianicd. ltuna, '.I0.7S7; ahip
inrnta, 1)1,7X0, lluckeje nun, M.50J; bucke)
alilpincnta. 6U.."57.