rT' " $ - ' r - i V . . i V r; X I 0-. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1000. . - ' IP! . EVENTS OF DAY IN WEST SCRANTON A SUCCESSFUL PRODUCTION OF AMATEUR MINSTRELS. Elcctria City Wheelmen Enteitnlned n, Crowded House nt Mcirs' Hall. Lyceum Dramatic Club Organized by Prominent Young People Stet ter Property Changes Hands Flag Raising Incident Misunderstood, Funerals Today and Tomorrow. Other Shorter Pamgraphs of Gen eral Interest. The ropulailty of the Kler-tilc- City Wheelmen wan fullynttextcil liit evoti Inp. when over t-lRht handled persons crowded Into Steal s" hull to witness the minstrel pcifoim.ince kIvpii by the flub membeis. The affair was an In stantaneous succ-cmc, and was pio nouneed to be the bet amateur pro duction of the kind oer given In th city. The sours, jokey, elioiu-'m and specialties were up-to-date, uiul ev erul of the numbeis wete lepeatedly encored. The staKe w.m pi et lily decorated, and the pattlclpants sat In a semi circle, the end men being dressed in while duck trouxeis. blue soipe coats and outinff shli ts. and the other mem bers wearing club sweaters and knlcker.iockers 11. W. Luce, the In terlocutor, was Roiffeously attlied in a white duck suit, with lilt? led buttons and loud linen. On his left weie the tambos, David Owens, Nelson Tee's, Al. Davis. Kd. Mot so and Kmrys Jo seph, and to the ilclit of lilm sat tho bone manipulators, Hilly "Williams, Otis AVclnsv, Charles Ucrtlnv, Fied, WeinsM and Iester Slorse. The Iaience band and oichestia, under the dlieetlon of Prof. W. C. Ott, opened the peifoimanee with a .med ley, which was followed bv the ffrand Introductory ovettuie, "The Wheel men's OutiiiK," and the opening chorus. Uetween the vocal numbers, the end men perpetrated many jokes, some of which weie as follows Ous Welnss Looking for aciobats In a crockery stoit piteheis and tumb lers. Al. D.nis INtabllsliIng a water works In Kellv's patch t" wash out Hen Johnson. Lester Jlorse 1'slng ladli s' -eirpts to clean the streets take In the waste better. Gus Welnss A duck goes Into water to liquidate his bill and comes out to make a run on the bank. G. A. Williams Most wondeiful thing of the present time Welshmen living In Hyde Paik without 1 mining for ofllce. Gus Welnss Leglslatois at limits burg will have to use opeia glasses nt the next session they can t see Fan-. Dufour's French Tar Has Won Success, It Cures Your Cold And Gives You Rest. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. Gentlemen : A few words on Underwear if you please. There's everything that you can think of in that line in our Men's Underwear Department, and more of it to select from than can be found in any other three s,tores in this city. Enough said on that score. To-day we particularly ask your atteution to "Otis" and Mercer ized Underwear "Otis" Gusseted Momar, the kind that allows you all the freedom in exercise that an active man can desire, but fits as simply as though twere skin tight. . "Otis" Underwear is made from the famous Sea Island Cotton in medium and light weights in Bal- briggans or Lisle Thread finish. Also iu fine light pure wool weaves. 'Otis" Underwear is best. No other make is just as good. Make a note of that fact. MERCERIZED UNDERWEAR possesses all the appearauce aud properties of Silk but it is in reality Cottou, prepared by this new aud beautiful process, All sizes, two shades, (flesh tint aud pale blue) proper spring weight. Finish as fitie as genuine Silk. Globe Warehouse Hilly Williams Controller's oltlce like a dog kennel full of Howelts. Kmrys Joseph sang "The llluo nnd the Orny" nnd rcceUcd nn encoto, and Kred V.'eltus' rendition of ".My Han nah Lndy" made a decided hit. Ho received a bunch pf lettuce when re siondlng to nn encore. Churlla Her tine sang sweetly ".My Lady au," and was presented with n bouriuct of ihubaib by admiring ft lends. Sam Lewl, attlied as n street car conduc tor, -ang his ttniisfcr song In pleas ing style, and David Jones' rendition of ".My Creole Sue," together with the, 11. C. W. trio, was well received. Albert D.ivles' song, "I Won't Ho nn Actor Xu Stoic," made a hit and he was compelled to jespond to an encore, and Clunks Htoi ms' rendition of ".Mollle, 1 Love You," was one of the best thlnps of the evening. lua Wolm-s. ns tho I'nglirli chappie, re ceived three encores and sung in ex cellent voice. Tho singing of "Hluo. Hyes," by David Owens was also a pleasing number nnd rccitVed wcll nieilt applause. Hut Hilly Williams' coon song caught the ciowd and it seemed ns though they couldn't g"'t enough of It. The ginnd llnale was a decided nov lty. Introducing the entire company in a stiong chorus, with band accom paniment In the olio Walsh and Mc Donough cxetUtrd u double clog dance In it clever manner, the H. C. W quar tctto sang a pleasing number, Master Walter Deckelnlck lendeied coon snug" and Hny I-'urinun did a specialty. The parallel bar performance of Al beit Hcnne and C,. A Williams was the best number In the olio, and Albsrt Davis sang "Itoek-n-Hye- Haby, I Love You," by lequcst. The rendition was well iccelved. A social was after wauls held nnd onloyed by many young people. It Is quite probnble that the pe. fonnunco will be repeated. Tin: facts ix Tin: uasi:. The an est of Mis. Margin ut Scanlon, Wednesdi'.v, at the Instance of Thomas Costcllo, foi an ulleged attempt at buiglaiv, was due to the follow intr cir cumstance's Mi. Scanlon Is the owner of the building nt Main avenue nnd Lafayette stiet, which has been occupied for some weeks past by Costcllo as a hotel. He did not pay his rent. Mrs. Scanlon states, and she had to take legal steps to havo him dispossessed. This led to some lrgil complications nnd to the airest of Costollo on chnigis of mak ing tlueats, etc., prefened by Mis. Scanlon. As -i :nc wis of evening up mattPis he Ins act used Mis. Scanlon of the somewhat unique offense of attempt ing to buiglnlze her own propei ty. Ni:V DKAMATIC CLUH A uuinbei of young people met in St. Leo's hall last vveiilng a id organized the Lyceum Diamntle club of West Set anion, the object being to produce plns at intervals dm Ing the year. The following ntllceiH weie elected Presi dent and manager. Miss Pauline Hall, lce-pic-iilent, .Miss Maigaiet Kellett; seuetaiy, John Hurke; tieasuier and assistant manager, J H McDonough. Tile members aie Misses Maine Gau ghan, Annie Giltlln, Julia Lamb, Marv Mc.N'tilty, Nellie Cuteii, Elizabeth Thai ne. i:minu Frantz, John Huike, Daniel Regan. Joseph Gannon, James Conoboy, J H. McDonough. A number of the above named re cently produced In Meats- hall the drama, "Not Po Had After All." MUNYON'S GUARANTEE, Rtrsnir Aiftt-rllnnn a to Jnit WhM the Ilemcellra Will Do. Munjoa (uittnttc that tit IlbeunitttiLj Cure will cur near) all "! f rbtum. tlam la fw hount tbtt til Djsptpilt Cut will cure Incllfe-stloa aid all itorojch troubita; that hit KMn.j Our will cut 00 pr rent, et all casra of kldntj trouble i tbt hit Ca tarrh Cur trill fnrt otarrh no matter hew lone atandloc; tbat hi Hcadach Our will cur 10 Mod rf bf adacbe ta a few mlaeitra: that 'bla CoM Our will . ,. . qulrklj liruk up txr form of cold and io on throuih lb entire Hit of Kuodlrt, At all ilruitlttl, 25 centa a rial If you rie-M mrtlcal adrlr writ l'rof. Munron. IC0S Arch at., I'Mlo It la nbiolutfljr free. HKAIj HSTATK TUANSFnit. An Important trnnrfor wni made yes terday by the heirs of the latu Mr. and Mrs. Fiank Stetter, In which tho tin ee younper heirs retlie to private life of their own free will, and Mrs. A. 15. Hrosser and William Rtetter, her brother, assume the full manat?e ment nnd contiol of the property, bak ery nnd hotel business on North Main avenue. The transfer Involves a valuaule piece of propei ty and an established business. At present the places are closed, pending alterations. The Uo boys, David and Hatry, and their sis ter, i:il7abi tb, have purchnsed a piop ci ty on North Hyde Park avenue, vhere they will leside. THAT FLAG INCIDENT. Thomas I,. Williams, district super intendent of mines for the Delawaio, Lackawanna and Western company, had no hand In the lowerlnpr of the lliiB at the Continental mine Dewey Day, nor was the flap lowered because uf nny unpatilotlc foellnp or sentiment. There was a high wind blowing, and the beautiful emblem of tho country was In danger of being torn to slneds and was taken down by workmen. Mr. Williams had nothing to do with the flag in nny way. OENHHAL NEWS NOTES. Hany Welsburger, a huckster, tesld Ing on Jackson street, was thrown fioni a wagon yesterda morning and slightly Injured. Misses Sadie Jones and Sadie Ed wards will gle a muslcale In Menrs' hall the latter pait of this month. Mi. Hlgelow, of North Sumner ave nue, employed nt the Dickson woiks, was Injured recently by an lion bar falling on his foot. The remains of Mr. and Mis. Michael Huike's Infant child will be Interred In the Cnthedial cemetery this after noot . Uev. J. II Sweet conducted the regu lar praver meeting at tho Allls mis sion last evening, pleaching to a good sized audience. The icmalns of Mis. William Weltz. who died at ISO West Maiket street, were yesterday removed to 2024 Price stieet, whole the funeral services will be hold tomorrow afternoon. Inter ment will be made In Washbuin street cemetery. The funeral of the late- Mih. John Phillips will be held at fl o'clock to morrow morning. Sei vices will be held al St. Patilck's church, nnd Interment will be made in the Cathedral ceme tery. The funeral of Mis. Jane Ea.iiis will be conducted at .1 o'clock this after noon from the home of deceased's daughter, Mis. Thomas Ho wells, HOC. Washburn street. Hurial will be made In the Washburn street cemetery. A mass meeting of miners was held In Co-operative hall last even Ing, which was addressed by Organizer Smith and others. Th"ie was a large attendance. Stanley Hennett, of Van Huron ave nue, was arraigned befoie Alderman Davles last evening, chaiged with sell ing liquor without a license and selling to minors. He was committed In de fault of ball. GREEN ItlDGE. Ml l.ililli '"urfii, sistn of i: C (.Ultra, Riuirr, uf Kail Market tht, lias txtn iallei to WoomMmrK cm profroloiial duties as a thim. Dr. J. b. I'ordliain, of Cipnusc avenue, who had been attending a meeting ( tlw Su.qiulurma Omtal association at Wilkes Harrc, icturned home jesterday Straubeviler, Crcen Rinse Market. Orcen Hld;c Indue, fiO.1, Independent Order of Odd KillovB, conferred the third degree u .on thrie candidates last nlslit, at their regular ucckb meeting i" Xlaonle hall, DUkon avenue. K. S. Pratt lias taken charge of the boarding home formerly conducted lj Mrs. Kinney, of Ore n llldge street. Kn ah Mackerel. Mud, nitiefiMi, Cod, Halibut. (Irecn TUdgc Market. " II 11 Andrew), of Capotnc avenue, in nn a bii-ine-H trip to Philadelphia and Wilmington Mr. Mar llosser, corner ot JefTirson and Wee. trie avenuei, wlio ban been ill for some months, is slowly convalescing. lllml arb, Cucumbers, Tomitoes, A'pvrngm, Water Clove, Spinach, New I'otatoe", etc. ("recn Hide Maiket. T. S IIofTman and G. A Pounce, two of (Jreen mdgc'a enthusiastic illciplcs cf Walton, ere preparing for a lUhing trip to Sullivan count, N. V. Tliev expect to leave Saturday and be gone several davs Mr Joseph Hangi, of Dickson avenue, is visit ing friends In Carbondale. (larden Seeds, all HriK firecn Itidge Mar ket Vlr. IMward Lamae, of Klectric avenue, re tmned last evening from a two weeks' stay in New York city. Waltei Wilbur, of Sanderson avenue, is visiting friends In Long HI and Cit.v Oranges, Lemons, nanana (Irecn nidge Mar ket Mrs. C I. liiee. of New York city, is visiting hT parents, Mr and Mrs Luther Smith, of Wy oming avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Names, of lliikson avenue, have returned from a visit al llaU'tcad, I'a. Mr. Sevmore, of I.srch ttrert, has accepted a position with the Colliery Lliginecr at Cincin nati. Print nutter, best In the city Oieen nidge Market. The funeral ot the late K. .1. McAndrevv will take place this foicnoon at 1.5(1 o'clock at St, Paul's church. Interment will be made In the Cathednl cemetery. MINOOKA. Patrick Gallagher, of Stafford street, is seri ously ill. John Medea, of Main street, who was bcini; treated at Dr. Thompson's hospital the pin vvee'e, is able to be around again. The Joco c' Mrcn, who are npldly coning to the front In the tlicatrlr.il line, will be seen at the cadimy of Mi'iie tonight with the Rawtella Dramatic company. The school children of No. 1 u Iiool are car-rlr preparing this vvcik for their entertainment whiOi takes place this month They aro re heading dialogues ard drilling for the occasion. OBITUARY. Mrs. Catherine Getting!, of Grove strict, Dun more, USd Jetterday at her home. .She) was 70 jean cf jgv nnd well lnovvn lu.the city. She Is survived by tlnrc bon and three daughters. Ihey ate Mrs. Mirtln Ilier.r.an, of Ilutte City, Mout.j Jamea, cf Ilulte City; Tlmmas, Dominie)., Mary A., aud Mrs. William Cullcn. of this city. The funeral will take place at 0 o'clock tomorrow anornlng, with services at St. Mary's cl.in-ih aud latermeni (n the old Catholic cemetery u Pun-more, (ff?jtaafaW POLICE OFFICERS TO FELL THE AXE Concluded fiom Pjge ."..) tlfvlritf Clint 41m nivt,u.,Al m.itmdlni will not cause any damage to the 011- roy or nuune properties. The ordl nnnce was later passed on fiist and second readings, MOHHIS AMENDMENT. That there Is a strong probability of the city controller being re-granted tho J1.C00 for clerk hire, which Mayor Molr's veto out out of the appropriation ordi nance, was evidenced by the action of M, V. Morris In amenIlng his ordinance for additional permanent men for the Niagara nud Liberty Hose companies, by substituting for this balance the judgments and Incidentals fund as tho source from which their salaries shah be provided, Mr, Keller's desire to bavp a better understanding of tho resolution iegu latlng the manner of hanging electric lights resulted In the measure going to committee for n week. New measuies were Introduced nnd dealt with ns follows: Ilv Vt V Morris -Orillnincr tor pvvlng Market street from the river to Main avenue with stone block Iteferred. ltesolutlon directing a settlement of L T. Con no's claim of ?1T0 for an Injured horse and vvreckeMl vvagem, resulting from a collision with a fire hjdrant alleged to be set live feet out in the roadway at the corner of Sunset and Monsey avenues Iteferred. Itv Mr Godsnall-Ordlnancc directing that the clt settle with Williams and rhllllps, eontrao tois nf Main avenue lateral sower, for the as essments against Krank Mott, S7.!3, Joseph K Mears. !04 03; and C. II. Welles, S1G2.81, the liens having been defeated on a technicality, Reterreel. i Ily Mr. Gaiv in Ordinance for electric lights on Crown avenue, at the Hemlock, Orchard and ltlver street Inlcisectlnns Itcferreel. 11 Mr. Keller Ordinance for constructing Section of the Tenth sewer district. Referred llv Mr. Norton ltesolutlon giving the old hose carriage of the William Connell Hose company to the Keser Valley Hose- coniun. Adopted. Other oidlnances which passed first and second readings provide that sttoet railway companies shall sprinkle their tracks and eight feet on each side of them twice a day In diy weather, nnd that Prescott avenue, above Ash street, shall be narrowed. Tho oidlnance for a three hundred-foot sewer on Railroad avenue, north of Emmet street, passed third reading. ACTION CONt'UKIlHD IN. The following select council meas ures weie concuued In: Hesolutlon awarding to John J. Kahey the con tiact foi the new Park Place sewer, at $1 4!) per lineal foot; resolution dl looting the food Inspector to dl'lgcntly enforce the oleomargeilne laws; res olution giving the use of Wyoming n venue beyond A.b stteet to the Elks for their street fair, and exonerating the tax c n the show ; resolution exon erating the Lackawanna hospital from six months' tnjies on Its newly ac quired property on Tranklln avenue, resolutions awarding the city printing to Tunstall & Wolf, and the city adver tising to The Tilbune and Republican; resolution for an Inquiry to ascertain If the Diumond Land company Is en croaching on Providence load; resolu tion for a file hjdiant, corner of Hlch mont and Washington avenues. Tb" finance committee ropoited fav orably Hie orrilnince appioprlatlng V-'OT.'-M.y), for consttuctlrg seweis. In isponse to a query from Mr. Cal pln, the license committee reported P' ogress on the new license tax ordi nance. ZOOLOGICAL COLLECTION. They Are One of the Features of Sells Brothers' Show. If ou attend the exhibitions of the great Adam Torepaugh and Sells Brothers' America's Greatest Shows Consolidated as you doubtless will don't rush blindly through the grand zoological collectlons.ln a wild scramble to get a seat In tho hippodrome tent an hour before the arenlc perfoim ances and laces begin. Remember that the seating accom modations aro ample, and take time to examine tho biggest and tarost menag eries of wild beasts over on view These Include the most royal array of Nature's living savage wonders, rut -nlshlng a world of entertainment and Instruction, STREETS FORMALLY ACCEPTED. North Park Thoroughfares Now Belong to City. The streets included in that part of Green Ridge known as North Park, weie deeded to the city Just seven years ago by the company which put the property on sale, but not until yes terday was this deed formally accepted by the city. The deed has been reposing all these years In a pigeon-hole In the desk of Secretary Fellows, of the school board, who was the secretary ot Mayor Fel lows when the deed was made, anil who never turned It over to the city solicitor. Robeit E. Huiley, who Is In terested In the land, learned of this a few days ago and jesterday saw that tho deed was placed where It belongs. ACCUSED OF ASSAULT. Mrs. Ann Faiber Charged with Abusing Child of Neighbor. A. P. PjIco. of 1025 Paul street, Pet ersbuig, yesterday swore out a war rant befoio Alderman Howe for tho anest of Ann Fnrber, a neighbor, whom ho charged with assaulting his young daughter. There will be a hear ing In the case at 10 o'clock this morn Ing In Aldei man Howe's ofllce. Mr. Price claims that Mrs, Faiber, on May 2, caught the little girl by tho throat and then kicked her. Ho also claims that on previous occasions she has threatened tho members of his family and has already thrown stones at thorn. m i O. A. R. REUNION. Seventy-Seventh Regiment Will Meet at Lancaster. Lancaster, May 3. The Seventy-seventh regiment, Pennsylvania Volun teers rteglinental association, of which John O'Heltcr, of this city, Is president, will hoia a reunion dining the depart' ment encampment, G. A It., at Uettyj buix, on June 6, at 3 p, m at the Hotel Washington. Tho Heeiity-siventh Pennsylvanli, being the only command from the TRY GRA1N-0! TRY GRAIN-0! Ask your Grocer today to bIiow you a pucleugo of OHAlN'.O, the now fonel drli-k tlint takes tlio place of coffee, Tho t till, dren may drink It without Injury uf, well as the nelult. All who try it, llko it. CiRAIN-0 tins that rich seal brown of Mocha or Jaa. hut It Is nmda from piiru uruinB, r.nd tlio mot delicate mom. nch receives it without distress. ',i the prlcu ot coffee. ISc. and '& ctu, per pack one. Bold by all grocers. Worn Out? TRY (.VlArlUNl Wl I WORLD FAriOUS TONIC. Mnrlanl Wlno I a tonlcr prepared upon truly scientific principles. It la safe and beneficial as well as imreeulile. Marian! Wine has more than S.eW wilt ten Indorsement from lending plijHlclans In all parts of tho vvorlel Mnrlanl Wlno gives power to tho brain, strength and elasticity to tho mumMc and richness to tho blood. U Is a pro motor of good health iind longovitj. Mnlies tho old young; keeps tho veiling strong. Mnrnnl Wine Is spoclnllv recommended for General Debility, overwork. Weak ness from whatever causes, I'infoiind Depression and Hthaustlon, Throat niiel Lung Discuses, La rirlppe. Consumption unci Malaria. It is n diffusible tonic for tho entire system Mnrlanl Wlno Is invaluable for over worked man, delicate women anil sickly onllrtrpn It stimulates, strengthens nnel stiHtalns the svstom and braces body Ktiel oruln. It combats Miliaria and La Urlppc. May be used effectively In form of u hot grog. Sold oy nil diugglHtR. Hownre of Imitations. Mnrlanl & Co., D2 W. IBth St.. New Yoik, publish a handsome book of endorsements of Lmperors, Hmpress, Pilntess. Cardi nals. Archblsheips and other distinguish'"! personages It m sent gratis and poit paid to nil who write for It. eastern part of the countiy that took pait la the battle of Shlloh, this in union will bo paitlcularly Interesting to survivors of that engagement, ns It Is expected at this meeting to locito the different positions of the regiment during that battle, the positions to be permanently marked by monument and markers. Neatly nil the positions of tho contending armies at Shlloh have thus far been located by the gov ernment engineers In charge of Shl loh National Military park. Pea Coal 81.25 a Ton Delivered to South Side, central city and central Hyde Paik. Address ordois to J. T. S'larkey, 10H Cedar ave. 'Phone CCS3. NORTH SCRANTON. The (uncial of Mrs, Catherine Vturtaua.li was helil esterday afternoon from her home on West Mirket street. At '.' o'clock the remains were conve.ved to the Holy Itcwary church, where seiviees were conducted b ltev. J V. VfovUn The KimiiH reposed in a handiOtne Mark casket and were viewed b a hrco nunihii ef friends who knew her during hei Ionic and useful life. Intrrnicnt was mad in Cathedral ee meter The funeral ef lune-s Vlorgin will take pi ice this afternoon at 2 80 o'cloek fiom his late home on Meade avenue The Hov It June pa'tor of the Wet Vtarket Mrert Connie (ratlor il ili.n n will have ehaicc of Hie services Inteiinenl will he made In Potest Hill cemetery Mr Morgins was an oM and respeeteel iesnhlit of Hit section He was affiliated with a number of fraternal as soeiations He Is survived by a widow and seven rhildicu, all of whom have the s.impath.v of the coimnunlt in their sad heicavcnunt Wednesday evening; a surpiise pail.v was given at Ha home of Mr. nnd Vrs .lohn lliehnun, i'f .school street. In lienor of their son, John Tl'e iisuil ivcuinc; divcr-lons weie inilulu .1 in uti'il a fc-usouaMe hour, when u fre-hments weie sotvl Those picsent were' Misses Milul .laeksou, I'laneis Hi adj. Jennie Jeckson, eiua Holmes, Helen Caron, Dunn Herlrnu, Vlav Jones, nienche Kvans, Crate Andenon, Vlessis lliviel Games, John bimms, John Mellaril, Itufus HkhaiiN, Mmnel Jones, (ieorcro VimmR llartlett Holmes, Simon Jones '1 lie I'pworth league of the ( ourt Street VIelho dlst Kpiseopal ehureli will imve i short iiterar ar.d musical irngriniine in connection wl'li their mcetln'5 tomorrow cvcnii Tlie Ki stone I.llerarv and Dramatic cluh con ducted a social in the Audit.vrlum last cveiinj. Local union, Inlted Vn- Worke-rs of Anierl 1, will liedd their annual picnic at i-'rcai's (iiove, June S and 9 Mrs. v. It. Lot i and dautihter, ( leo, of Porco do I.uni, V VI , aie the guests of the forimrj sister, Mrs. llcrnard Havls, of Oak street. 1wt intend spending the sumiiiti with friends in Liu. uw mm and Luzerne counties VIls, DUy Hill, of 1'hllo street, is ill Thomas O'Malle.v. of Itockwcll street, Is su" ferlng with pneumonia Clarence s,,,t0Ili n( t,is section, craduited from the New York College of l'hirmac Wcl nesehv evening. W. Mason, the Vtarket street Jeweler, lift for New iork on business cstcielav The annual meeting ot the Piovidenee I'reshy till), ehureli and congregation will lake plie next Monda evening. Henorts from the varioe.s ortinlations of tnc cliureli will he reael In addi tion to the usual repot t nf the boird of trustees. Coiporatlons Charteied. llarrihurg. May I, llvse charters weie Issued toela) by Ihe state dtiartiiient : Mileaud Cual conipanv, Pittsburg, capital MP,!); the Inde pcnelcnt Lumber eompan, Klwoenl ( it, capital ?10,00e); the .?. A. Hiciman llrilliiv company, Suanton, 7,500, the Shrew shui.v rurnltute and Manufacturing compinv, Shiewsbui, York cnun tv, capital ?C0,0O0, the Center Count Vgncul tural Exhibiting crmpany, llellefonte, capital l,oi)0i the JoiiAtoun shoe factoi, Jonestown, capital J10.00O. U75 -.,'tA s' urnrrru i w,..-- . Ik'M I 1 1 KV aVVHrBfnCnBlV'll'ifl w . . 7Ai if y av o I Li k Mi IT I Xia Scotch Wooleu Or B.ilbriggan, knitted in dif ferent weights. All the new and fashionable effects. Some very striking combinations have lately arrived from the knitting mills. A big assortment 50c and $1,00. it. 4'j.s 9 us Leather Bjlts, in Tan, Russet, Black, Grey, and Patent Leather Swell Caps, Soft Felt Hats in fact, everything you need for wheeling. ISamter Brothers,! a DAY'S DOINGS IN DUNMORE BOROUGH COUNCIL DID NOT HOLD A MEETING. Did Not Want to Face tho Bill Which Formor Chief of Police Dlerks Was to Present Report of tho Board of Health for April High School Fnculty Met and Divide the Hon ors to Bo Bestowed nt the Ap proaching Commencement Exer cises Other Happenings. Tho borough fathers m;t at the bor ough building last evening. Ward, Pay ton, Itiogan, McLaughlin nnd .(ones being present. Owing to tho absence of Cbntimnn McAllister effoils vvcia made for some time to serine a tem porary chairman, but each ot tho mem bers In turn lefused to tal(i the chair. After a little deliberation n motion was made and seconded to adjoin n to meet np'n" at tb" call ot tho .sh.il.. I' i tin of the council lu ndjoutn- n in Indicate that the mom- b -i 1'itli to face former Chief it i'"ii. , M ks' bill, which would be P " i t.ii bv the chief In peison. 'IM T tinALTII RKPOIIT. Mi ief -t of the board of health ot Hi bur imh for the month of Apill Is an f i'in:i: Deaths Males, 12. females, 13. as follows: Tubeirulosls, 1; neprltus, 1: bronchitis, 2; convulsions, 1; cancer, 1, puerpal convulsion, 1; piogiesslve neuritis, 1. In grippe, 1. apoplexy, 1; scarlet fevor, 1, membraneous croup, 1, empjena, 1. pneumonia, 9: after child birth, 1, asthma, 1, mumpsi and scarlet fever, 1; ciamps, 1. Contagious diseases Scarlet fever, SI. ellphtheila, 4: scat let fever with dlphthoili, 4; number of complaints, 3. Bltths 19; males, 6, and females, 13. high school facultv mhuts. The High school faculty of tho b lr ough schools met ycsteiday aftetnonn In the High school bulldlrg. The ob ject of the meeting was to dodde tho question p.s to who should be valedle toilan and who biilutntorlan of the graduating class s if 1900. The class numbeis twonty-e-lght and the faculty found the gteatcst difficulty In deter mining who should havo (list honors, the standing of a number of pupils bMnir eciunl Pinnll.v the pupil de-elded to east honois aside and' by balloting decide tip- popular member of the c lass The lesult was Leioy Swingle was elected valedictorian and MIrs Mabel Kelly hiilut.il oi iuu. The giaduation exer cises this year will be- the most elab oiate held In yeais, owing to the huge class and the extensive piepaiations being made. HAPPLNINOS OF INTHltHST A party composed of Hon. M V McDonald and wife. Mi and Mrs. Karl W. Hlshop. Mis. Fieel FIoUt:. MUs Ruby U. Yost nnd Messts. J. S. Itej vans. O. C. Bell and Mr. Adams spent a most pleasant day's outing at Lake Clemovv, Wednesday. The funeral of Maiy, the little daughter of Mr. and Mis. Martin Mc culloch, of Spoit 1IIII, who died Wed nesday, will bo bulled this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Interment will be made In St Mary's Catholic cemetery Daughters of Kiln, Division No. C will hold their second annual social In Temperance hall. Sport hill, on June 19. Dm Ing the evening Ice cream and cake will be- seivcd. Divisions No. I and 8. Ancient older of Hibernians, will meet nt their hall Sundav morning at 7 o'clock, to make arrangements to attend services anil holy communion at St -Maiy's Catho lic chinch on that morning. John McDonald has opened a mar ket at the corners. Miss Hessle Hone nnel Miss Once Chambeil.iin left yesterday afternoon for Carbondale. wheie they will rep lesent the Christian Kndeavor society of this boioitgh nt the convention now being held in that city An Italian Republican club lias been formed in the borough with the fol lowing organization: President. Frank AVllllams secretin y H. M. Litters; tieasurer. Frank Wnlkc-r Meetings wilt be held at tegular intervals. Your Cycle Clothes We believe we have the largest assortment of Wheeling and Golf Pants. We know posi tively that we have the most stylish and newest cut, because we made some improvements which our tailors approved. For instance, the tight-fitting golf cuff, with eight pearl buttons, then the natural fitting waist. They come in new cloths of plaid, check or plain effect. M j.ft (M GJA . See our assortment, from P W HlccJV Sweaters or Soft Shirts Pure Wool Worsted Sweaters in various weights, plain or shawl collars, $1, $1.50 and $2. Bike Shirts in new color com binations, with the patent turn over collar, very comfortable when ridi g. 75c and $1.00 Scranton'9 Leading Outfitters. Do You Know Uneeda ISCUlt ? To knowUnoada Blocuttlj to know the finest form of soda biscuit ever baked. Packed in air tight, mois ture proof boxes. Sold by all dealers. Take no imitations. Insist on getting the genuine Unooda Biscuit. NATIONAL DISCUIT COMPANY. AMUSEMENTS. I YCEUA1 THEATRE - UURQUrsUKK & RHIS. Lessors. II. K. LO.NU, Manager. ACADEHY OF HUSIC, rx llUltdUNDUR & Ums. Lessees. II. It ,LOMJ, Alanatr-r. osi: soi.ni wt.kk Commencing Mondi, April TO The handum and tillliant artiste. Miss Jessie Sawtelle Supported by the most poweiful repeitoire or. i ganlratlon In th" Unitcel States, known as llm I SWMLI.I.i: PnVMMIC CO, Presenting i, Illg s'upci laity Vets, (p. A car load of wen. crv 1'iices 10c, 2e)c, and SOc Matlneo coin.' meiieing Tiicschiiii , 10c to all paits of tho house. iiiiiftiinisisiiiiEiiiiiiiiitiiiDimiiiim 1 You Don't Know the Full n I Pleasure of mm mm Cycling Unless You I Ride a 3J Sold Only By a a a M m 9 mm 3 I 1 U s 211 Washington Ave. 5 iiEisiigiiiig!HiiiiBi:iiiiiii!imiiiiiii ftflADE ME A MAN AJAX TACLETS TOSITIVELY CUKE lLriiervou3 instate lauinc iioai orr.lnpotcncy, hleepletsnesa, etc. crucJ by Abaso or other Kxceites ana India erosions, Q."hv quickly and turetu rrstoro Xt Vitality In oldor yoanir.antl Jnlfi in nmfl. xnottnaa ruocta ft t'UUU iicre an otner iwi in eict uj.cn hwlni (Uo rnnlno Ajax Tablets. They havacjrcathouaanCicntl rtllcuroyou. W o i-o a poa itlro written nuircntoo to e3oct a euro Eft HTQ la eachcaaor mfand tho ncacy, VricewVUIUipcr I)acLas3i or tlx pUceu (lull trcbtmenti for t2X0. Oy rtil(Iap!cln wrrpner. upon receipt otrrioo. rircalar " AJAX REMEDY CO., H For salo in Scrantcn, Pa , by Matthew' Bros, and II. C. Sanderson, Druffglata. TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS c: 1ST. . . sr.- & CI SPALDING 4 -