The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 01, 1900, Morning, Page 2, Image 2

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Jonas Long's Sons
- 'T,
? riA woman is known
by the clothes she
wears, Surrounded
by .every other luxury,
without becoming
dress, she lacks her
vital charm. So it is
we get the maxim
"Clothes makes the
Yet, after all,
easy it is to be
effort it
What little
requires to
keep abreast of the
decrees of fashion if
one knows how.
Supreme' Court Gives Opinion
Favor of Board of Twenty-two.
Special to llio hctiiiiloit Tribune
Plttston, Apill SO. Tlie Supreme
coutt today handed down u decision In
the l'lttstnn school hoard ease and do.
elded In favor of the lioaul of twenty
two school directors. The ease was the
Commonwealth ex rol. 1J. A. Kcll vs.
ailllKan ct ill., and was nn action
hi might to test the legality of the act
classifying school hoauls In cities of
the third class. When I'lttHton was In
operation under the botntish laws the
school boaul -consisted of six membeis.
one from each of the six wards of the
borough. When a third-class city char
ter was granted 1'lttston It was con
tended that the schools would be gov
erned by a board of school control con
sisting of two members from each
voting distilct. A dlffeiencc of opinion
existed In legard to the matter, u Ust
case was brought befoie the Luzerne
county coutt, and Judge Bennett
handed down n decision In favor of the
board of six. The case was then taken
befoie the Supieme court, and was
aigued befoie it full bench In Phila
delphia last .March, II. M. Palmer, of
Wilkes-Ham-, und 51. X. Donnelly, of
Plttston, appearing for the board of
six, and V. A. Gillespie nnd P. A.
O'Hoyle, both of Plttston, appearing
for the buntd of twentv-two. In the
decision handed down today at Pltts
buig, the Kupieme coutt rcvcises the)
opinion of the lower court and declares
the law constitutional.
The decision has been awaited with
much Interest, as simitar clicum
stances existed In other thltd-class
the groom's mother on West 'street.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Bussett are both popu
lar young people.
The uon. Edmund 11. ilardenbergh,
of our Maple City, candidate for au
ditor general, Is not a stranger at the
state capltol, having served as a mem
ber of the house ot representatives,
during the sessions of 1885 and 1887,
and a member of the senate In 1891,
nnd Is now serving as state senator.
Mr. Ilardenbergh was horn "in Wayne
county, has always been nctlve In the
Hcpubtlcnn paity; has been a dele
gate to several state and national con
ventions, and Is a popular citizen.
than a
This dress
store has more
latent interest
clothes .you wear. It
is no rodomontade to
say that it serves its
purpose well.
Here is the largest
stock in the city, the
best stock, the most
judiciously selected.
Whether your fancy
turns to the plain, or
to the novelty, it can
be gratified.
French and German
Henriettas seek recog
nition this morning,
only asking that you
come and see them.
The 43-in. at 50c worth 60c.
The 44-in. at 35c worth 7sc.
The 45-in. at 60c worth 80c.
The 46-in. at 1.00 worth $1.23
The 47-in. at $1.10 worth $1.50
If you are interested
in Henriettas so light
and airy and pretty for
, summer, you should
'v see these, while pres
v ent prices are in vogue.
. We show, too, many
v exquisite patterns in
c,r Black English Crepons
of richly heavy blister.
1: $1.25 the yard but
' if -you were to buy
them in any other
... store- they'd- be from
"- Jonas Long's Sons.
Potest Fiie3 on Pocono Mountains.
speilil to the -1 1.111I011 Irilinne.
ttiil'dsbiiutg. Pa., Aptll HO.
(lies haw been losing for the past
few d.i' , on the Pocono mountain1!.
"specially In tnc west end of the coun
ty. Thre miles north of Egypt Mills,
Pike (unity, tire d.-stroyed the bit;
Bionhead ttunt H.ilf a hui'divd men
spent Sunday lighting the iliv. which
at one time came near the village.
Some iil-a of the fclent of (lie ould
be g.iinid by the heny pall of smok--today.
P01 est fires have been 1 aging
In the foiests of Pike county and many
acres of valuable woodland dctroy?d.
Klre iir.giiuiteil back of Matr.motus
and rapidly xpiead in the ditectloti of
Mllfnrt I'onsumlng a vist stretch of
foiests. At Cltay Towels, a Inigf sum
mer boa! ding house. Wluatid a nilli
bad; of Milfot 1, was only s ived fioin
Iniii-lt-ti bv fotest Hies m-ni thete by
building b.i'k iltcv At lilngman's
bid lues at'.' 1 aging.
Captain of Company C.
special tn tin- Vrniiloii 'I ri Lone.
Plttston, A pi II :!0 Second l.leuten-
ant Ch.nles S. Colony was elected cap
tain of Company c. Ninth teglnient.
Xutlonnl Citi.tidsof Pennsylvania, hete
this evening, to till the vaeanej ete
ated by the leslgnatlon of Captain
Erastus CJage. Thete were two can
didates fin the Muancy, First Lieu
tenant Fie-cl Bennett and Second I. leu
tenant v huile.s loloiiN, the luttei be
ing elected on tlv- second ballot by a
vote of Js-HS. seigeant William riun
cls was elected to the second lleutun
nnulilii. NICHOLSON.
Sjioci il in the sciaiiluu iiibune.
Nicholson. Apill SO. Mi. and Mis.
James Decker and daughters, p.aehel
and Nellie, sient the Sabbath with
Mrs Deckn's sister, Miss Myra May
naul. Mi. Alhv Alney. of New Mllfonl,
was entei tallied by town friends yes
terday. Saturday afternoon .Mis. Frank C.
Dilggs entertained Mrs. Follett and
her niece. Mis. Tingle, of Factory ville.
-Miss Ethel Staik Is entei tiiining her
cousin, .Miss Peat I, from New
.lei sey.
Mrs. Alney Is entertaining Mrs.
Glaze, of Elinliu. X. V.
Mi. Fiank P. Stephens has accepted
a position as foieman In a. glass fac
toiy near Philadelphia.
Mr. Albert A. Knapp Is w 01 king In
Monti ose this week, with a paint
.Marlon A. Weikhlser has commenced
wot King In Mr. fjiiuici's qttaiiy. He
has chaige of the statlonaiy engine.
While out for a bicycle tide In Eath
top. vesteidav, Mr. Frank Mycin hail
the mibtortiuif to be thrown ftom his
wheel down .1 steep embankment,
wheie he Itindtvl with i dislocated
Mr. and Mis. u t. Wilklns, ot Oieen
nidge, ate sp. ring a few days In
town with their parents. Mr. and Mrs.
II. B. Wilklns, and Mr. and Mis. V.
cl 1j1 to llic Scrahton Trlliunc.
Arltl, April 30. The young people
will hold a neck-tie soclnl In the grad
ed school building Friday evening,
May I, for the purpose of paying the
debt on the oigan.
Mr. David Tieshir Is leuoverlng from
his recent severe Illness.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Simons and
daughter, Edith,' spent Sunday with
f 1 lends hi Stetling.
Mi. J. Simpson and family, of Seian
ton, spent last Thursday at their cot
tage here.
Miss Kate Mooro pleasantly enter
tained h number of her young friends
nt hoi home last Filday evening.
Mi. and Mrs Fted Edwatds, of the
lake house, have relumed home, af
ter several weeks' visit with frlondB In
White's Valley.
A new telephone line between here
and South C.iimun will soon be es
tablished. Teaeheis' examination, In chaige of
County Superintendent Hower, will be
held here on May .11 In the graded
school building.
Osenr Blgail, who has been absent
a few days In Setnnton, bus retuineJ
Mrs John Chupnian, nee Ague? HI
gatt of Wllsonvillo. is being enter
tained at the home of her parents
beie, Mr. and Mis. James Blgat I.
The Lake At lei Improvement com
pany I" making extensive Improve
ments around the lake, guiding, etc.
Mrs. Smith, of Wyaluslng, wpm the
guest n' her brother, Dt. II. B. Ely,
a fe.y days lecently.
It Is unnoted that we ale to have
a condensed milk fnctory here In the
near lutute.
Quite a number of our townsmen
vveu In Hairlsburg last week.
Eugene Eesher's hot so became
unmanageable last Wednesday and
ran away, completely demolishing
the wngor.. Luckily Mr. LeEher es-c-iped
with a few slight bruises.
Mir" Bertha Sandevcock. aeeompin
Iril by nor aunt, Mrs. Homer Oieene,
ot llonei-iale. n.'.s letttinei ftom a
pleiiHiiie I tip to New Yolk Albany
and places of Intel est.
Miss Vcina KollJin Is making an
extended visit with ft lords In Carbon-dale.
(.5. O. Collins has returned from a
business ttlp to Scranton.
Mis. Hurry Pace Is on the sick list.
Loier Chapman hni his big to? neai
ly sevntil ftoai r.'s fev t last week.
John I'lgiirt, jr.. has been Miilte 111,
but N now convalescent.
Cult Jones, who has been xtlously
ill for the past fen months, is able
to b. out.
Miss Morjorie Andiews was a guest
of her iMicle, Mr. John Watson, at
Salem, lest week.
Mis. Knox, of the Wayne stock farm,
left on Saturday for a visit with
fih'nds in Sctanton und vicinity.
Mr. Byron Simons, fonncily of the
Columbia hotel here, has been engaged
to supoj Intend the Lake Cle-nio House
this season.
Fotest f'l-es me taglng In this vlcln
lt, and it Is feared that much dam
age will result irom them unless we
have rain soon.
Miss Coirl" Simons is making an
extended visit with ft lends In Sterl
with tho help of a crowbar, hammer
and n little powder, had undertook an
Investigation. The lock on tho outer
door was pried off, and the knob of tho
vnult door broken. Through the open
ing made In the" vault door, by knock
ing off the knob, powder was poured
and the lock blown off, nnd Incident
ally the door and casing considerably
shattered. The thieves went through
the vault looking for valuables, but the
extent of their findings was a ten cent
piece In the top drawer, nnd this they
took. As far as Mr. Piatt could tell
today, nothing else was disturbed.
Several people around the court houa
heard the explosion, but paid no at
tention to It, and the thieves nnd the
ten cent piece got away In safety. It
was probably the work of tramps, as
anyone having any experience in safe
cracking would have known better
than to break Into a vault of thnt kind.
The damage to doors, locks, etc., will
be probably ten or fifteen dollars,
Attorney Alex. C. Jackson, of Wllkcs
Barre, was In town Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Squlers, of
Scranton, were visiting Hon. A. II.
Suulers, nt this place, over Sunday
John M. Gorman nnd family, of Xan
tlcoke, were In town over Sunday,
called here by the Illness of Mrs, Gar
man's mother, Mrs. Amelia Carver.
Mrs. Carver suffered 4a slight stroke of
apoplexy one day last week and has
been confined to her bed over since,
nnd Is steadily growing weaker.
C. B. Little, esq , came over from
Scranton to spend Sunday with his
people hore.
W. X. Reynolds and E. K. Little, of
Wllkes-Barre, were In town over Sun
day. A set of golf links have been laid
out on the grounds of the Wyomlna
Agtleulturnl society, across the river
from town, and the game Is now In
full swing here. Permission to use the
ground wus obtained from Hon. W. N.
Reynolds secretary of the association.
Who raid Ille Old THIor J36 for What Bin
Brother Clot of V tor IIS
ho nought of U for J1S What IIIr nrother
Paid Hli Old Tailor Tor.
N. B. Munsey's. McClures,
Scribner's, Ladies' Home Journal,
Bon Ton, Elite, F'uritan, Cosmo
politan, Ainslee's for May.
Special to tho Si union Tiibunc.
Honesdale, Apill SO. Mr. Benjamin
F. Fitch 1ms received tho appointment
of census enumerator for tho botough
of Honesdale.
Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Gietter and
young son, of Wllkes-B.ine. are visit
ing nt the homo of Mis. Getter's fath
er, .Mr. A. V. Volght.
Miss Louisa M. Dm land und Mrs. J.
D. Weston ictutned Saturday evening
from Atlantic City, wheie they spent
the past month.
Miss Amanda Can, of Scianton, Is
the guest of Mrs. Coo Dm land.
Mr. Ciarenio Decker, of New Yoik,
Is spending a few days with his par
ents on Third stieet.
Miss Gurnet Gietter. of Wllkes
Barre. Is visiting Honesdale fi lends.
Among the Scranton people who
spent Sunday In Honesdale weio Wes
ley M. Gardner, James Crossley, Bus
sell Dlmmlck nnd Klik Rose
About seventy Odd Fellows attend
ed In a body the servient in the Metho
dist Episcopal church last evening, und
listened to 11 very able discourse by a
hi other of tho order, Rev. D. S. Mc-
Kellar, fiom the text found In Isulah,
Rev. R. M. Roderick, of Dunmore.
wus calling on Honesdale fi lends to
day. He occupied the pulpit of tho
Bethany Presbyterian chuich on Sun
day. Mr. Charles L. Bussett and Miss
Mary E. Bond were married ut tho
home ot the bride's mother In Tracey
ville, Friday evening nt 8 o'clock, by
the Rev. William H. Swift. Tho affair
was a very quiet one, none but the
members of their families' being pies
ent. They left Sutuiday morning for
New Voik city ond Peldmoiit, N, V.
After un absence of two weeks they
will be at homo at the residence of
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Factoi y ville, Am 11 30. Dr. and Mr?.
John Wilson, of Montrose, spent pait
of Sunday here with the doctor's par
ents. Out townspeople woie somewhat
shocked Sunday noon to learn of the
.sudden demise of Henry New comb, one
of our old and respected tesldents. He
had been 111 for the past few weeks
with diopsy, but was not considered
dangciously so till Friday. Sunday he
was out walking mound the yard, and
about noon his wife missed htm, and
weni in an outhouse, where she found
blin dead He was a life long resi
dent of tills place, nnd foi many yeurs
Ik (onducteil a cabinet shop and un
dei taking business, after which he as
sociated himself with tho Deiuwaie,
Lackawanna and Western company as
a mechanic, where he was a faithful
emploje up to a few yeuis ago, when
old age and falling health compelled
him to letlie. He was one of the old
est mcmbeis of Red Jacket lodge, No.
fi'il, I. O. O. V., and a member of Fne
toryville encampment, No. 216, I. O.
O. F und was at one time a member
of the Rebekah blanch of the order.
The deceased Is survived hy his wife
and ono daughter. Mrs. Samuel Wrls-
ley, of West Scranton. The funeral
will be 1 (inducted fiom the lute lesl
dence this afternoon at 2.S0 o'clock,
the Odd Fellows having charge Inter
ment will be made In Evergteen nom
eteiy, of this place.
Mr. and Mis. Ruel V. Cupwell, of
Scianton, spent Sunday here with
Mis. Capwell's parents.
This evening, at the regular meet
ing of Puulnwnn Rebekuh lodge, No.
rS, I. O. O. F.. they will nominate
oileeis for the coming election. A
good attendance Is expected.
Spo'lul to I be Scranton Tribune
Tunkhannock, April 30. When Dep
uty Fred Piatt, of the ptothonotary'H
oillco at the court house, opened up the
otllce this morning he found things In
a general state of confusion. Some
parties unknown, and probubly un
familiar with the methods In vogue ac
the otllce, had thought theio might be
something of value laying around, and
Special lo Ihe Scranton Tribune.
Susquehanna, April 30 Nicholas
Van Antwerp, a pioneer resident of
Oakland township, died on Satin day
In his 78th year. The funerul took
place fiom the family residence on
Sunday afternoon, Rev. James Clay
ton, of Blnghamton. ofllclatlng. Intel -ment
was made In McKune cerr.stery.
Rev. James Clayton, of Blnghamton,
preached on Sunday morning and
evening in the Oakland Congregational
church. Rev. Churles W. Dorts, of
Christ Episcopal chinch, will deliver
the Inauguial address at th spr'ng
meeting of the Scranton archdeaconry,
In St. Peter's chur-ii, In Plymoutn, on
Happy Cul Wagner, Harry Williams
and other professionals, will Indu'ge
In a cake walk in Hogan opera house
this evening.
E. R. Bnnett, a piomlne-nt business
man. who has been serious!' ill for
several weeks. Is able to bo out again.
Rev. Charles W. Dort, of Chi 1st
Episcopal chuich, last evening look for
his subject "The Ait of Lyln." Rev.
George W. Leach occupied tne pulpit
of the Avenue Methodist fhuivli, In
Oakland, on Sunday
Pi ifessor .1. A. Sophia, of Susque
hanna, will have charge of the music
at the annual convention of the Sus
quehanna County Sunday schools
convention to be held In Montrose on
Tuesday and Wednesday.
Miss Agnes Kelly, ot Susquehanna,
lies secured a situation as bookkeeper
with th. Lackawanna laundry In
Scranton. Miss Kalhryn Multooney,
also of Susquehanna, has tuken the
position f stenographer foi Attorney
Sciagg. In Scranton.
Rev. D. C. Barnes, of West Coles
ville, Now Yoik, nbly otllciated on
Sunday In the Baptist chinch.
The new Anti-Saloon league starts
out with a membership of 111.
Profeiuoi James Goodtlch, tho well
known musl.-il conductor, who has
conducted cantatas In Susquehanna,
recently diopped dead at Angola, N.
Y., while ho was drilling an amateur
The commencement exetciscs of tho
New Milfoid graded schools will be
held at the opera house on Thursday
evening, May 3.
James McMnhon, foimerly of Sus
quehanna, died in Chicago on Friday.
He has frusquehnnna relatives.
The death of Oliver Perry, on Thurs
day, was followed by the; death of his
brother. Alonzo, on Frlc'ay. Both were
old and highly respected residents of
Jackson township. They came Into
this section when It was almost "a
howling wilderness."
The Susquehanna base ball club, just
organized, has a challenge from "the
Delaware Literary Institute nine, of
Franklin, N. Y. The latter club will
play 11 game with the Windsor club, In
Roy. v.". H. Williams will hold an
ontl-saloon mass meeting In Hullsteud
this evening.
The "Men's club." of Christ Episco
pal church, will meet at the residence
of A. M. Bions, on Bioad stieet, on
Wednesd-iv evening.
Gieat Bend council. No 3."5, Knights
of Columbus, will hold Its tlrst annual
icceptlor. 111 Klstler's opera house on
Tuesday evening Dorun's full Sus
cuiehnnnii orchestra will furnish music
for the occasion. Over one hundied
Invitations have been issued.
C. E. Whitney has been appointed
census enumerator for the Second
ward of fcusquehunna.
Fred II. Pride will probably build a
steumer to leploce the "Ermine,"
which was recently destroyed by the.
The matter of rebulldli.g the Forest
House, the summer hotel which was
lal fall destroyed by fire, has been
In the Episcopal church In Suyre,
on Thursday last. Alfred Atkinson, of
Susquehanna, and Miss Louise Bolch,
ot Susauehanna, were united In mar
iluge. Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson, upon
their return from Niagara Falls, will
reside In Susquehannn.
The condition of Mis. Han let Smith,
of Washington street, who on Wed
nesday sustained a stroke of paralysis,
Is much improved.
.Mrs. Prentice, of Jackson, is serious
ly 111 with u enncerous aftcctlon at Dr.
Miller's pilvnte santtatlum, In this
Chailes Beautelspacher, formerly
and for ninny years a tesldent of
Brandt, died In Blnghamton Filday,
nged sixty-four yeais. The remains
were Interred In the Brandt cemetery
this afternoon.
James and William Mc
Clelland, Wyoming Ave.,
Scranton, dressed exactly
alike. One thought "he
could not get something for
nothing" and went to his
old tailor and paid him
$36 to make his Over
coat. The other came to
us, and got the very same
identical coat made to his
order, with same linings, w
same fit, same cloth, for $15, or $21 less than his brother paid for
the very same thing.
It took Columbus a long time to convince people of something
that we now all know to be true. We cannot convince you that
we can make the same Suit or Overcoat to your order for half the
price regular tailors would have to charge, unless you compare, in
vestigate and see for yourselves.
If we were only tailors we could not make clothes cheaper than
anyone else, but we are wool growers, we are spinners, we are
weavers. We make every yard of our own cloth. We make it to
measure in our own stores. It costs us less than half what it costs
regular tailors, so we can make suits for less than half what they
can make them for.
Any Suiting, $15. Separate Trousers, $4
Scranton Store, Lackawanna Avenne, Opposite Jonas Long's,
Wall Street Review.
New crk, pill 10 -1 lie ill) on the Ktmk
inarkc t Urtnl off with another nttunpt to null
up pilcrs In spciulithi Ion with the
purpo-e of iittuctltii; mi oiiliiile follcmlnic, lint
the hort inti rt -t h.ul been mi tar clliiiliiiltd m
Hie emits ol the Lilter pait ot lat uecl.
thcie u.ii not niilhciint ilrmiml from that soime
to Keep up price-. Vltlur was thcie any awak
ineil wtcirM clew loped through the cominksicii
lion-ci. The inaikit thnefore fell link and be
came dull ami lioaij hut without po-itle weak
neM until wane ot the liter ilecelopincnn, when
the bean showed uneunl mboi uiiJ wild prices
to the lowci-t ot the ill) I he olent break in
hiiltai w u the piiniipil iKincnt in the decline
That ftoik sold up lo UP in the carl) dialings
and ipimeml to lint ullir a iiactlon und
then Ml a.i) nith nil -pa-moiUe rai
lie to 11?4. cloHine; unl idisihtl) aboce that.
The thraetened lrlke nn the New- York Cential
eauxil a (all ot a' poluu in that stock and hid
a Hjmpitlietli effect el-ewlieue in the list Mis
kouri I'acitlc win pushed up to fin on rumors that
a dividend wmhl he dcelared at today's;
of directoM anil that John II Hockefeller would
be admitted to the direetoiv. Ilotli nimeirs
tailed to be confirmed b) the eent and the
rtoek fell luck, but nawM a small net gain. The
Heel indiHtrlaN. after wnm show of weakness,
also became linn and iliwil cenerall) wilh a
unall net culn. Ihe old) dinelopnientH bearing
on the Rroup were rmnoih reenhns tin Illicit
ened legal piocest ualnst ottleiaN ot the Meel
and Wire empan) I'nited Mitei I.e-atliei made'
a considerable show of htrrimtli DlheiwUe the
m'irket jreiiemll) leldcii lo Ihe iiaction iry ten
eleniy and cloeil cr) neat the lnwel und
ay in tone. Total salef tenia), dJO.o'X) biuret.
Pulled SlatM "Js advanced ',' ai.el new t de
clined U in ho bid price.
The following quotations are furnished Th
Tribune by M. &. Jordan & Co., rooms 705-703
Hears bulldlnc. Telephone SOW:
Open- High'
Seranlon lVmencer Railway, first
rrurtpaKe, due 1920 115 ...
Pecple'n htreet Hallway, first mort
gage, due 1013 115
People's street Hallway, lieneral
mortgage, due lliil 115 . .
Dickson Manufacturing Co 100
Laeka. Township hchool 5 per cent. . 103
rily o( Scranton St. Imp. 0 per
cent 10.!
Mt Vernon Coal Co S5
Serdnton Irac. 0 per cent. bond. . 115 ...
Bcrcnton Wholesale Market.
(Corected by II. O. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ale.)
Putter Creamery, :3c. ; dairy, tubs, iic.
Kggs Select westein, lSe.; neaib), state, 13V4c
Cheese l'ull cream, UV4c.
Heans l'cr bu , choice marrow', ff2.l5 medium,
?C0j pea, $2 30.
beed Potatoes Per bu.. $1.25.
New York Grain nnd Produce.
American Nig-ii
meriean Tobacco ..
Am S. &
tili , To. iV "s. I'c .
V . T. & I' . I'r .
Ilioiiklcn Traction ..
Halt. .V Ohio
Cont Tolueeo
( his. Ohio
I hie. k (i W
(Iile ,11 K Q
st Paul
Hock Island
Federal Steel
Keeleral Steel pief. .
Kan-. is A Tixus, pief
Louis. A Nasi
Man. Klecaied
Met. Traction ... .
Mo. I'acilic
IVoplo'H (!as
N. .1. Ccntril ... .
southern I'aeiht
Norfolk A Western .
Northern I'acitlc ....
.North. l'aeiHe. Pr ...
N. V. Central
(Int. A Went
1'enna. II. It
Heading, l'r
Southern II. It . ...
Southern It. It , l'r ,
Tenn., ('. ti Iron ....
r S. Leather ,
1' S Leather, l'r ...
Hubber ,
I'nlun I'aeltic
l'nolu I'aeille, l'r ...
Wabash. l'r
Wist. Union ,
Third Atnue
.. !
.. 2(4
... Til' j
... 74'I
.. M
... .10
. . . ill 14
... It's'i
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New Yoik, Apill T. l'lfiir er nuli't '"
fiirl) steadv and iinehanged VMieat- spot Him,
No 1 reel, 7oc fob iilloiit' No 2 led, 7'iV
eleialnr; Nei. 1 nertliern Duluth. 7.1'4C f o b to airlM-i "itions t'ineiall) firm all da)
but the market tin ill) ileldisl to teilliing and
elosed easv al lc net die line; May closed
72'i,c.. Julc, 71le , tn ptemUi, 74'4C Con
Siiot firm; No. 2. I'V. f u. b. alio it and 4V
tlciatni; options firmly laid, putt much ull
iliv and closesl lirni at 'na-S' net adiam. M)
iloseel firm at Hi-V "d ad iiiec. Ma) eWd
45c ; lul), Vit , Nvlcmlai, H ' 'ts
spot weak. No. 2. j:'.e : No .1, 27e , No. 3
while, 2'ie ; No. J while. 2s'je . truck mixee
ttestclll, 2"'.a2'le : tlllk vhltc- woaltlll. 2o'3l
'Hi j while state, '. ie.; options lnaitic
und wi'.ik, dosing v.i liwer; No. 2 white oats
Ma) closed 2s"'e lluilci -linn, western creim
ere, 14alb'4c; state elain, loalsc : do. eraniery,
15Viil!le' l lieee I am ; fun) large white, llUc;
tuniy large coloresl. HJnlle'., fane) small white,
10'ial0e.; fane) small leloied. 10ValOc
1 ggs I'lrni, state and l'enif)l.inl.i. at mark,
1 J'sal.l'ie , sruthern. at mark, llal2c; storuge,
westnn. at mark, 12ale.; regular packing, at
mark, llal2':e
Don't fall to try I
when Buffering from any bad
condition of tho Stomach
or Liver.
lOreuta find 9ft ceuts, nt drusitorrs.
An Epidemic of Whooping Cough.
LaBt winter during an epidemic of
whooplntf cough my children contract
ed the disease, having aevere coughing
apellH. We had used Chamberlaln'i
Cough Remedy very succeHsfuli) for
croup nnd naturally turned to It nt
that tlmo nnd found It relieved the
cough and effected a complete cure.
John E. Clifford, proprietor Norwood
House, Norwood, N. V. This remedy
Is for sale by all druggists. Matthews
Brothers, wholesale and retail agents.
Oik. ii-
. iVi
. 40T
ing di' i
li.bO 12.02 12.57 I2fi0
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS Did. Asked.
First National Hank fcoi)
Scranton Salng Hsnk 300
Scranton Packing Co
Thhd National Uank 423
Dime Dep. i Dis. Hank..... "00
Kionomv Light, H. A' I. to
Lacka. 'frust 4: Safe Dep. Co 150
Crinlnn Paint Co
Clark & Snovcr Co., Com
Clark A Snover Co., IT ..........
Scranton Iron Feme & Mfg. Co.,.
Scranton Al Works
Lackawanna Dairy Co., l'r
Co. Saving Hank A Trust Co
First National Uank (.Caruondalt) .
Standard Drilling Co
New Mexico Hy Coal Co., Pr
Tiaders' National Hank
Philadelphia Grain und Produce.
I'hiliiMplilJ. Vpril Ml but
eiulet; i.uitiaet grndi, spot, 71'ia72'fc C0111
Fiiiu, No 2 mlM'il spot, 44ul' Oits-stcudi,
No 2 white clipped, alall'ie . No :i do do , 2'1'j
jlik , No. 2 iiiIn ili , 2i. I'otatois I n
ilungid: Ne Ve.rk and urslirn iliuiee. per
bushil. 1'ia'iiK -, tin. 1I.1 fall In gnoil. do, lOillc
Itulter Finn and 'aal' bifhn; limn westein
ireamcrc. 20c, do. pilils, 22e. Fg.-s stead),
lush neailn, I2,il2'ii. ; 1I0 wistein, 12'se.. do.
hiintliwe-steiu. l:'-i : do soiithiiu. UV.al2i
( lieese Inihiiigiel lt mud sii.ais I Inn, fai
iluniud. ( nttriii I uchall.'iil Tullow M(ad,
ite pilme, in lioshiads, 'iljale , inMitn do,
Inriels, 'lUaVai . tin dark, iVuVn' . enkr-,,
giea.e. .P(iiif4i I ne muni) rirm;
IDCj tlli.: old lonstiis, 7j7'Ssc , winter
chickens, 11i20e, spring ililikens, 21Hik , dm ks,
H1IO1 Drissed r.mltrx iulit, uni iMiigceli ton's,
ehulie, 10c ; do. fall to coral. Oj'i'ai . "Id roos
teis, 7u"l&i ; iiustinj; ehiikeiis, ne lib), I2al4e.;
westein Jo., Halle , winter ihiikens, lSa22c ,
liiollers, 2rial0e Keielpli I'lniu. MW barrels and
I..HII s-ueks, wheat, 2,.u(lil lushil; 10111, Us.
CHKI buhels, oils, 12(il biishils. Shipments -Wheat,
700 bushels, ein, 272,lKJi liushels; iut,
lOl.lieXJ bushils.
Sick-Head -acho
and Llvor
Sold by all druggists
or sent by mall.
Nmlta Mcilcal Co., Chluro
Sold by McGarra'j & Thomas, Drug
gists,. 209 Lackawar.ra ave., Scranton, Pa.
Rfl Lfij7if1pl Bki
iuu rJii-L.s
25 CTS.
wethers, V.70; unshorn lambs, M.dOiS 10, clipped
do.. $ria(i7.1, choice elo., 0ti0i7i sp'lnit Ivnto,
$2. Vial each. Hogs Slow for all weighti., mixed
western hogs, $j(Oj5 71, tate hogs, tVSOafi.W,
westirn pigs, $5 30a 1 50.
East Liberty Cattle.
Last Libiti). pril HO Cattle -Vctlee, higher,
extra, V Ma 1.70; prime, $i ,10a ISO; common,
ss1.2.1aJ SO. Hogs laiwer; extra heiv, M Ma5 70,
mediums. $.1 fii; best lorkera Iliad 50, light
do., ?1.Via.14ri; pigs, $115a5 25; roughs, i.Ti
4 SS, Sheen -stead); choice wethers, 3 301140,
eominon, W.fiOil.Ml, choice lambs, isfl.21art.40,
common to good. 11 SOall.10; leal cahe6, ja5 50,
Oil Market.
Oil Cit), Vprll 30. Ciedit balances, M 17;
icilllteitcs, no bid; shipments, I42,lflt barrels,
aerage, Ss.ll.l hirrels; runs, II1.IJ2 blrrrli;
airragc, S'J.lIrt barrels.
40 ...
113 ...
Chtcap;o Grain IJaiket.
(hlcagei, Vlirll .iO-lloud ei trade inarki ts
were eiuirt toda) di in in) nailers imfrrud lo bo
een ocr the hollda) tomoiiow. ('urn was
strong, lii'lpcd b) cables ai.ele loseel '4 to age
ImpiiiMil Wheat closed Huse down and nats
a shade to 's''. diiressul l'misiins closed SVi
to 17',4a20'. nuclei Sjtuiil.'). Cash quotations
were as follows: 1'lmii Stead) .No. sprm
wheat dl'ie.j No. 2 rid, lOa'O'ji'.; N'o. 2 coin,
,rial0e,, No. 2 ulluw, in'ije ; No 2 oats, 2i',j
a'21'41., No 2 white, 2ii&u'i's.; No 3 white,
21'4u27e.; No. 2 baile). l.'all'ie-.; N'o. 1 fla
seed, l 7Jal 7U; limotht, 2.'a, pmk, 11 4.1a
12.S0; lard, $7a7 10; ribs, sjl M.i7.U1; ulioulelrr),
I.'4a7c ; sides, Is7.45a7 31; whiskc), 1.2J'i, sug
ars, unchanged.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
(hliiicrn. Alilil 10. ( atlle HceTIM. 2.2U0:
steers slow to 10c. lowei, but choice steels, M.H
ill 73; poor to midnmi. SI 73; Si'lliled feed
-ti stlong, fl lllal, liiixeil sleickcts, V-I.SOal 23;
imvs, s.lal 'Jl: he ife ra, HI lOal. caimeis, $2 21a
2IKI, bulls, 2 73al.3, idle, weak, ?l 23all.21,
Texans, leteipU. 'W, best en ,ale tcsla). four
cm, at f.ia'i; Texas fed, s-laS'20, Texas bulli,
itruiie,, fi.2SaJ7.1 lloe.ii llrcilpt. tnclii, Vj,
(tun, toiuonciw, is mil left out, 7.00; 7a7'.c.
lower; lop, t3.17Vj, mixed butchers, J3.SOa1.53;
goexl to choice bean, Ijd V)al.S7l, rough lieav).
it5 21aS.31; light, i1.15ai.i;'t; bulk ol sale J. ?.1.2.1
1.M. Sheci Hicripts. 20,(xi0; sheep, itcudy to
slow; lambs, weak In 10al5c lowvi ; top lambs,
J7.23; good to choice wethers, 5 23a5.b0; fair
to choice mixed, $iri5 21; i.cstern sheep a.23a
.KiO; )rarliugs, M. Will. 1.1; nut he lambs, 5.';Ua
7.23;' wrstrin lanli, M.S3a7 21.
special to the scranton Tribune.
Harford, Vpril SO nna fjulnlin Is tearhlng in
the State Oial tehool at Cheslct Springs
Mrs. KtHe Klsworth, o! Hinghainton, xlsitdl her
ihildieu our Simil.iv.
While James Vlims was haiilii g wood fiom
the hill, the' klnc-bolt lioke, letting the toad
till upon luni, bieaking his ankle bone and
laminsc other injuiim.
A T s(liet ilslted his daughtei. In Nlcholsjri,
SJtiudai, and Ids grauiNoii, Hie hard, lelurned
with him
Mr. and Mrs. Henton Sweener, M. J. and W C
Chamberllii nnd Heoiff l'eus)tli atlended (In
funeial of Joseph svCetser in Seianton on Sun
day () F. Mawiaul and Chile I'attrriou were
elected elclgales to the Simda) school romrntlmi
at MontroH, Mi) 1 and 2.
Mrs Fel .Millei, of Foster, Is visiting Mr S
11 Osborn
MKs Harhara I'aupoic lias gone to St
Vt., In xlslt frlrnels.
II. VI. Fanar and K. M. Tinglcy are on Ihe
Kick list
Mrs. Ansel Stearns Is rry sick at tills writing
Vllss Lou Hogeis has iclutncd home from ill
illng friends In and Seranlon.
Miss lelllli Corse is lisltlng Mis. Lew UurdltK.
New York Live Stock Mniket.
New York, April SO. Ileiies-Dpened Him;
cloned dull and weak for aticrs; steers, fl,25a4 l0;
oxen, if.iai.S0; hulls, f.).23a4 11.1; t-ous, J2.11al.i5;
extra fat du l.ui. Call e-Opened alow and
lower, closed 60c. oft eals, il..1UiS7S: extra, rt;
little cahes. fi. Sheep and IjiiiM -Slow; prime)
ellppeil stock (teaely; others iineenlr lower; un
shorn sheep, common to fair, $4 Mhii.W; ellppeil
do., fJ.75a5; choice do., 3.Wa5 SO; extra export
Theosophist Convention.
Columlms. O., Vpill 30. The annual conven
tion of the Theiisophieal fcoclct) is lieing held
heic lodav. Vmong the leading theosophlsts
present arc: I'tesl lent J. D. Huck, of Cinelii
mtl; Colcnel William Licllow, of llhode Island,
Hon. (irorse VI ( oltln, of VV'aslilngton, Dr II.
C. Hi'chaiiau. of Ft Wa)t.e, ntd A. II Spencer,
eif New York.
C. A. I. L. Conference.
Washlnsliti, Apill 30 A Church Associatlm
for the. Vd inccment of the IntereiU of Labor
conference i being held ler todj). Clergjmen
are puailiing urnions in the Interests of labor,
referring to the work of the association which
has dune much to promote fidlowshlp with or
gmlicd laboi end leuiclllation between emplojrr
and emplo)! '
Oriental Express Now Running.
Ilerlln. April 30.-1 he bl-weikly Oriental F.t.
press train from Heilln to Ce ustuntlnople began
limning toda), making the distance) In lift) -one
Hartford Joins the Squadron.
Pahal, Brazil, Apill SO. The tralnlngvhlp
Hartford Is opi'ited to joint the South Atlantic
rjemadrou liitc today,