'm THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1900. LACKAWANNA COUNTY. mmami" CARBONDALE. n wvs RENOUNCE THE WORLD. Five Young Women Enter the Mas ter's Service nt St. Rose Convene. At 9 o'clock yesterday moraine a re ligious profession find reception oc curred In the chapel of St, Hose con vent, night Hovcrenti Bllisoti Italian omclatod. Tito llttlo Rlrlo, Lcoietta Vc vine and Mary Smith, nttlrcd in white, attended the candidates The slaters who received the black veil and made their final vows were: Sister Mary Concilium, of Plttston: Sister Mary Zltn, of Wllkes-Barre; Sis ter Mary Leonard, of Wllkes-Barre; Sister Mary Martina, of Susquehanna; Sister Mary Servula, of Susquehanna. The young1 ladles vv ho received the white veil and holv hault of religion were: Miss Ilattle Bean, of Mooslc, In i elision Sister Mary Itebecca; Miss Margaret O'Ncll, of Mount Pleasant, in religion Sister Mary Romalne; Miss Elizabeth Condon, of Susquehanna, In lellglon Slhter Mary Roberts; Miss Mary Wall, of Dushorc, in religion Sis ter Mary Leon, Miss Annie Orlllln, of Susquehanna, In rellnlon Sister Mary Genorosa. The following pilests fiom other points nttended the reception: Rev. M, J. McMnnus, Scranton; Rev John J. Currln, of the Holy Saior church, Wllkes-Barre; Rev J. V. Ilussle, Plains; Rev. Walter Oorman, Mlnookn. DEATH OP ANTHONY HORAN. Anthony Koran, of Fallbiook street, died yesterday morning of heatt trouble, with which he had been af flicted for the past four months. De ceased was born in County Mnjo, Ire land, July 10, 1843. When but 3 years of age his parents removed to this city. 'Eighteen years ago he married Miss Mary Jordan, of Scranton, who, with three children, Walter, Maiy nnd Bessie Horan, survive him. He is also survived by these sisters: Mrs. John Collins, Mis. Charles Jordan, Miss Mary Horan, Catbondale; Mrs. Henry Jor dan, Scranton; Mrs. John Cassell and Miss Elizabeth Horan, of Seattle. Wash. The funeral will be held t St. Rose church tomorrow morning. FUNERAL OF JAMES GAXLAGHY. An immense cortege accompanied the remains of James dallaghy to their final resting place yesterday morning. A high mass of requiem was said in St. Rose church by Rev J. J. Grlllln. Rev. Oeoige DKon acted as deacon ana Rev. B. O. Byrne as bub-deacon. The pallbearers wore. Charles Sinister, George Dlmock, Thomas McCawiey, George Dubois, Jake Schcrmerhorn and Trank Ball, of the Brotherhood of Lo comotive Engineers. A large number of out-of-town people were present. MEADOW ABLAZE. A blazing meadow ndjolning the property of Michuel Doughetty, on Cot tnge btieet. caused a fire alarm to bo sent In at 12.20 o'clock yesterday af ternoon. Both companies responded, but their services wcie not needed. The Mitchells gave their new team Its first mil. The horses performed in fine stjle and promise to become as fast and trustworthy as the favorite sor rels. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Miss Alice Bildgett, abslstcd b her pupils, will givo an "Easter iccltal" at her Darte avenue home this evening. A large audience attended the "Jolly Musketeers" at the Grand Opera house last evenl'ig Mr and Mrs James Smith and son, Horace, returned yesterday from King ston, where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Smith's brother, James W. Payne. A. Borr, the furniture dealer, Is seilously 111 at Dr. Wheeler's private hospital Miss Mary Mollltt, of Woodlawn ave nue, spent vesterday with Scranton friends. Mrs A. II. Vim Dei mark, of Wash ington street. Is entertaining her sls tei. Miss Blanche Tallman, of North Jackson, The first annual social of the Cigar makers' union, N. 319, was held In Watt's hall last evening. It was nn unqualified success in point of attend ance and socially. ARCHBALD. The funeral of the late Funds Healcy took place "jtuidaj afternoon at 3 o'clock. Tlic re mains weic taken lo hi. Thomas' church, whcie burial service was read by Rev. William O'llara The remains were laid at rut In the Catholic cemeterj. The pall bcaiers were- W. T. Cum mings, J) F Gaughan. W II 1'hllbin, Thadden nurke, I' J Mcndrew and M J Bairitt The funeral was very large The strike at the Forest mine is not set set tled. Patrick Dougher, a prominent resident of this place, died at his home on North Main street Saturday, after an illness of two weds. Mr. lioughcr bad lived here for more than thirty jcars. He is survived by bis wife, two 6ons, Michael, of Jcusup, nnd Patrick, of Jcrimn, and one daughter, Mrs lllihard Hughe, of Jermjn ...ic funeral ,akes place at 10 o'clock this morn ing mere re a few cases of diphtheria in town There is a great deal of prosperity in 6toic for Ifoiisovorkis had woAwittotttGoldDusf WASHING WOOLEN BLANKETS Tha itiAAr ASBf l ls ki..i.. u.a .. WafttlOrl ttlBtaarl l J... .!.. I . a. 1 I.. v ktv iiaii k k.ia .. ..! .. - a. ' " " wivi is bum new, tdiko 1 ioipy one-baifcipot ' """ Gold Dust Washing Powder and soak a blanket In it for half an hour; then slmplr move It around and rub the tolled apots, rinse In sr r. water of the tame temperature as the onj In which you waah it, bsag up In t Warm Plate Dr aumhlnv mifrfAir alp anil ... what a toft, white blanket ou will have. Ths sbav it ukin from our fr baokM nOCnf Blttta mm nnlra.u,. 0tot rrss en riquMt s THI M. K. PAIR BANK OOMPANV. ChlSM. . LuU, NSW rl. B.sl.n. EVERY WOMAN Ben DteJt s reliable, monthly, ngnlatlny medicine. Only harmless u the purest drop ahoild b imI, If yon vast thai beat, got Dr. Peal's Tfcav ftntTOTuunL MAtn nnd RArtAtn Tho cenufno (Ur. VcaVt) never For Sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, 4 Spruce street. Arrhbihl ycl. The Delaware and Hudson corn pan has rercnlli discovered a new vein of rcxl on its land here which outers two hundred acres nt hast. The borers are not through )e( and It Is repotted .iat another vein Ins lieen struck This means that there will b? coal moug.i nerc for twentj jcars at least for the Delaware and Hudson cumpinj Miss Kate Dohcit, of the l'ast Mde, died early jesterdiy morning, after a short illness She was the daughter of Mrs. John Dohcrly and bis om i,u. ter, Michael, of this place. The notice of the funeral will appcir ijter. 'I lie funeral of the late Frank O'ltourke took plitp Sunday afternoon. The remains were taken to M. Thomas' church, where lies. Wil liam O'llaru conducted scivlces. The body was laid 8-way In the Catholic cemeterj. The funeral was attended bv many people from out of town. The nonorory pall boirers were: Michael Loftus, l'.itrlck Moran, .lames Ollbo, Martin Hcedv, Thomas Melvln, of this place, and Michael Clark, of Jcrmin Dr. and Mrs 1' H Kcamc, of Scranton, were. In own nday. JERMYN AND MAYFIBLD. Easter Observance in the Churches. Bengough-Rennett terestlng Notes. Nuptials In- Thn EaEter festival was observed In all the local churches on Sunday with special music. Miss DeGiaw, of Scran ton, a pupil of Prof. John T. Watklns, who has been spending a few dais at the home of Mrs. E. J. Prior, of Sccpnd street, assisted very materially with the tinging at the First Baptist church. At the morning service she sang the solo, "Palms," and in tho evening "Prom Gloom to Gloiy." Miss Emma Scutt, of Bacon street, was the very efllclent accompanist. Tho lloral decoiatlons were ery beautiful. At Sarrcd Heart church the choir sang Battman's bqautlful mass In C, the duet In the credo, "et Inter natus est," nnd the "Agnus Del" belng'very eft'etlvely rendered by Miss Sadie Tim lin nnd Prof. William Kelly, leader of the choir. The decorations were most exquisite, the flowers and potted plants having been supplied by local Florist Parks. At the Primitive Methodist church In the afternoon and evening the ser vices were almost entirely given up to music. Tho choir, which had been augmented to nearly fifty voices, sang excellently and their leader, Mr. John Martin, has renson to feel pleased at the choir's success. The floral wreaths and deocratlons used were the gift of Mrs. George Tompkins, whose kind ness was much nppi eclated by the pas tor and ocngregatlon. At the IMethodlst Episcopal church the choir, under tho leadership of Mr. Joplln, sang with much ability several special anthems for which they had been rehearsing for several weeks. There were three services In St. James church, the first being at G a. m, at the 10 30 and evening services the choir sang several special anthems nnd solos, the latter being undertaken by Miss Gertie Vail, Miss Myra Hills, Mr. Johnson Bennett and Mr. L. A. Gteen. Miss Hills' solo, "Easter Dawn," at tho evening service deserves special mention. It was one of the best rendered solos heard in tho church for a, long time. The lloral decorations were very pretty. Mr. Nicholas Bennett and Miss Sarah Bengough, two highly chteeined oung people of this boiough, weie united In marriage yesterday. The ceremony, which took place at high noon, was solemnized at the Methodist Episco pal parsonage at Taylor by Rev. Tran cls Gendall, pastor of the church. Tho young couple were unattended. The bride wore a handsome dove colored tiavelling dress After this ceremony, they departed to Philadel phia, where they will spend a few days and upon their return will take up their residence In this borough. Both the bride and groom have a host of ft lends, whose wish they will have for a happy and prosperous future. The Arbor Day exercises which will be observed at the public schools next Friday, will commence nt 3 o'clock, when the following musical programme v 111 be rendered: Chorus, by classes of 'S3 and '90; recitation, Irene Rob erts; organ solo, Mamie Robctts; vo cal duet, Margaret Davis and Mamie rhlllips, violin solo, Hannah Murphy; organ solo, Bridget tMarsh. This will be followed by adresses by several of our leading citizens, after which the members of the clases of 'S9 and '90 will plant a number of hard maple trees in the school grounds Mr. Archie Martin, whose hand was operated upon last week, Is slowly Improving and Mr. Martin was able to sit up a little yesterday. His bi other, Prof. R. H. Martin, of Mos cow, spent Sunday here with him. The Ontario and Western railroad employes will be paid on Wednesday Mis. E. Rosser and Mrs. II. J. De Graw, of Second street, were Carbon dale visitors yesterday. Attorney A. M. Freas, of Wllkes Barre, spent Sunday heie with his mother. The borough council will hold a special meeting this venlng. Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips, of Green field, spent Easter here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rosser. Surveyors were busy yesterday lay ing out a number of lots at Lake Chap man In the vicinity of the Chapman Lake house, and It is understood a number have already been sold and Pennyroyal PESls In result. disappoint. Bold for f 1.00 per box. Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming avenue and jf I pr .."- mr it. Wisdom society with thoso that own it. 'Tis Fancy's child, and Folly is its father." The time to do is TODAY. Procrastination has brought to the be living. Heed Nature's signals of warning, and heed them TODAY. It is easy to stay the rivulet, but the river's end is the sea. Do not allow disease, through negligence, to get the better of you. Health is everything; keep it, and the world is yours. Let it slip from you and all is lost. Kidney disease is the most insidious of all mortal dis eases, because the kidneys have few nerves of sensation, and the first indication that you are in the outer circle of the whirlpool is through symptomssuch as headaches, dull, heavy, tired feelings, fickle, scanty, high-colored fluids, with sediment on standing, or too profuse and pale in color, with little or no sediment, dimness of vision, sleeplessness, fore bodings of evil, nervousness, palpitation on slight exertion, etc., etc. Should any of these symptoms manifest them selves, make no delay. Haste for your very life, before the dread Bright's disease a disease so terrible that physicians hold out no hope ol cure fastens itself upon you. l Warner's Safe Cure cures all forms of kidney disease. There is no doubt about it. Thousands of honest and grateful people say so, and say it emphatically. You are making no experiment in using Warne Cure a scientific vegetable preparation w reputation of twenty-one vears of success t hind it. Save yourself and the happiness 0 all you hold dear, bv doing what your con- science and your reason tell you to do, and begin by doing it TODAY! that several cottages are likely to be erected there this summer. Mrs. Ann White and daughter, 'Belle, and son, Henry, of Blakely, spent Sunday here with relatives. Mr. nnd Mrs. John J. Fart ell nnd two children, of Scranton, spent Sun day here at the home of tho former's patents. The marriage of W. J. iMcDermott and Miss Mary Murphy is announced to take place In Sacred Heatt church on May 2. TAYLOR NEWS. A Pretty Wedding1 Ceremony Per formed Funeral of Mis. William Nicholas Personal nnd Other News Notes. An exceedingly pretty matriage cere mony was perfouned at the Methodist Episcopal ch.urch parsonage yesterday, when Miss Saiah Bengough and Mr. Nicholas Bennltt, both prominent young people of Jetmyn, were united in matrimony by the Rev. Francis Gendall, pastor of the above church. The bride made a charming appear ance dressed in a gown of dove col 01 ed silk, trimmed with white chiffon and looked very attractive. The btidal party left on the 3 80 p. m. ttaln via the Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern fot an- extjnded wedding tour. Upon their return they will reside In Jcrmyn , Mts. U. E. Weston and children, of Plttston, spnt Easter Sunday with her mother, Mis. Benjamin Reese,, of Grove street. Tho funeral of Mrs. William Nicho las, of West Mlnooka, occuned yestet day afternoon at 3 o'clock and was largely nttended. Impressive sei vices were held af the house by the Rev. Fianclrf Gendall, of the Methodist Episcopal church. A quartette, con sisting of Mrs. John D. Atherton, Mrs. John 11. Neeley and Messrs. John r. Tubbs and T. DeWItt Edwards ren dered several anthems during the ser vices. At the closo of the services, the lemalns were borne to the Forest Home eemeteiy, whete Interment was made. Funerals Director Price, of Scnrnton, had charge of the remains. Pride of Lackawanna lodge, No. 18, AmerJcnn Protestant Ladles' Associa tion, will hold an important session this evening, when Installation of offi cers wll be held. Mr. William M. Evans, of South Taylor, left yesterday for Hoboken, N. J. Messrs. Jnmea Inglis, William Wil liams and Frederick Wilson enjoyed a ride on their wheels to Plymouth on Sunday. Misses Annie Cuslck and Mnrgatet iMcCalph, of South Scranton visited friends hete on Sundaj. Mi. Thomas Evans, of the Keystc.s Academy, has been the guest of rela tives in town for the past few days, District Superintendent E. J. Evans, of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western company, paid an official visit to Foreman J. J. Curt, of the Taylor colll"ry, ycstciday. Lily lodge. No. 3339, Iniptoved Or der of Odd Fellows, will meet this evening In their rooms in Van Horn's hall when Installation of officers will be held. Rev. and Mis. Charles Tmery, or Kingston, were the guests of the lat ter smother, Mis. William Nichols, of Depot street, esterday. Miss I.ydla liosklns, of Taylor stteet, was the guest of 1 datives In 01 pliant on the Sabbath. Mis. John E. Davis, of Noith Main street, has recovered from her lecnt Illness It Is high time that the directors of tho Presbyterian eemeteiy had the fence surrounding the cemetery re paired, as the present condition Is a menace to the public at largo. Tho Taylor Dramatic club conducted a largely attended social last evening nt Weber's rink. It Is Dangerous to Neglect a Cold. Pneumonia Is ono of the most dan gerous and fatal diseases. It always results from a cold. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will quickly cure a cold and pei haps prevent an attack of pneumonia. It Is in fact made espe cially for that ailment and has become famous for Its cures over a large part ot the civilized world. It counteracts any tendency of a cold toward pneu monia. Can you afford to neglect your cold when bo rellablo a remedy can be hod for a trifle. For sale by all drug gists. Matthews Bros., wholesale and retail agents. TODAY! '"Tomorrow, dld'et thou sayP" asked Cotton. "3o to, I will not hoar of disclaims tho word, nor holds grave thousands who should OLYPHANT. Large congregations attended Loth services in tlio lllikely litptlst church on Kjster ny. The decorations were Icautitul Surruundlnc; tnc tiulplt were muses ot flo ers and potted planla. Tlio large cliolr under the direction nt T. 1). I.duards rendered tujerb mime The "pipe organ and phno With Miss Carrie Kcnjon as organist, and Miss Jeanctte Klngtley as pianist, aided much In the (.tiength und tone of the melodj. Sncr.il solos in the anthems sung were rendered with excellent cflect. The'sermons preached by ltc Dr Sipcmcr uore In lauiiony with the day. In the l'reshjtcrlan chmch an excellent pro gramme ot music was rendered b the choir. At the cciilng scnice the singing of "Caharj" liv VI19 Koss Uojd, was one of the most en. jojable features. Appropriate sermons were de litcrcd at both setiices by the pastor, Ilc. It. 1" Hammond. Ilartholomcw's miss in K flat, C'icdo, from Weber's mass in O and lteglnt Oocll from Werner, win" sutig lr an excellent manner in M Patrick's church by the choir led bj Trofessor T. . W'atMns. The funeral of Miss Annie Williams took place from her late homo on Deldare street Saturda) afternoon at 2.30 o'clock and was very lirgeh attended bj the soung hdj's friends. Unices were held in the Congregational church. Itev. W It. Jones, of Providence, oiflchted. In. ferment was mido in 1'nion cemeterj The pill bearers were Gwiljm Davics, I)ald lewis. Well ard Williams, Georg! Eans, William Lewis and I). J. Davis. PECKVILLE. Wlllhni V Grant, of Wilkes llarre, died at hli home on Horton Mreet at 11 a 111 jmtcrdj)'. I'uieral Thursday at 10 a m at the house, alter whlcl the remains will be tiken to l'eckville on the 1 2". train, aftci which services will be conducted at the home of Toliu I'ngllsh on MlIii htrcet Interment will be made in Pros pect cemeteij Chicken thieves have again made their ap pearance. On Thunda; night they depleted the eoops of S O Kurd ard F. A. Peck. U the formei place twelve chickens were taken and at the latter place eight Tris U the third tune within as n any jcars that Mr. Ilurd has sus tained the Ios of his poultr). Ilurglar alarms, set guns, etc , do pot eetm to deter these tnlcves from rhing their nefarious woik, as the burglar alarms fall to work am' the guns miss fire, but the thieves alwavs generally make a good hiut and escape without detection Iiut there will eomc a time when a surprise party will be sprung on the thieves and woe betide an) chicken thieves who in a be captcicd within l'eckville's classic precincts. Special meeting of Harper lodge. Independent Order of Oe'd Felolws, Wednesday evening, April 18. l.very mcmlcr reqiested to be present Mrs. Preston, state superintendent of the Lojal Tcmpcnnce legion, will lecture to the joung reoplc tonight In the Prcsbtcnan church. The memlers of tie Woman's Christian Temperance union are invited to be present, ilso ill jcipg people that are interested In temperance work. The teachers of PUkel) public schools nut with the supervising principtl, Miss C. A. Ken. jon, at the Callentlcr charel, Monday afternoon for the purpose of conipiring work and for con sultation regarding the vork of the tpring term. THEATRICAL. Little Irene Myers. Little Irene M)crs, the child actress, who Is one of the cleverest on the stage toda, is at the head of a company which esterdsy after, noon began an engagement at the Acarlemv rf Music "The Silver King" was the play pre sented afternoon and evening, and Little Irene made a fine impression in the role ot Cissy, the daughter of Wilfred Denver, who is falsely ac cused of murder and has to tlee from Tngland to America, where he becomes a silver klni Unlike the average child artist, who recite their lines parrot-like, this little miss delivers her lines witli a feeling and force that shows a conception of tho part she portrajs truely vur v clous in one so )oung. In the companj supporting this little arlUl aio a number of people of undoubted ability. The leading roles were jesterday assume! by Walter Wilson, Kdvvln H. Curtis, O. V Itoehe, Delia Leon and Nellie Lyons Heale This afternoon the company will present ' Tl 1 Two Orphan"," and tonight "Outcasts of a Cleat Ciij " Rentz-Santley Company. The fialet) theater was reopened jesterday afternoon, after several weeks of darkness, with the Itenlz "Santley Durlcsquers, who were greeted with a large audience that became enthusiastic as the performance progressed John T Ilaker, the leader of the fun, was ably assisted by Gus Ilruno and A C. Lawrence, the ventriloquist, and the trio kept the spectators in a state of hilarity most of the time. The musical turn of btewart and Lacroix was good, as was also the comedy sketch that fol lowed by jnfretta and Masfleld This perform ance closed with a farce entitled "Saphollo or the 10,000 Beauty," which was amusing through out on account of the ludicrous situations which followed each other In quick succession. Ihe Itenti bantley troupe will ! at the Gsicty today anil tomorrow, afternoon and evening. Mantell Tonight. Robert D. Msntell Is today without! a doubt the representative actor of the lomantlo school in this countr). When George Mgnold disap peared from our horUon it was said that the baudMine giant's mantle fell upon Mantell. Doth of these gentleman graduated from the same academy ol acting and tn turn have held the paint as stsge heroes, especially have they been favorites with the ladies, who In the days of romantic youth feast their sentimental souls on the Apollo) of the drams, from Henry V and Hotspur to Lorls IspanoS, Raphlcl and Monbars, Safe yj .--"" The People's Exchange. A POPULAR CLEARING HOUSE for tlio Honsflt or All WI10 Hnvo House to Rent, Real Estate or Other Property to Sell or Exchange, or Who Want Situations orJIelp Thsie Small Advertisements Cost Ouo Cent a Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents a Word Except Situation! Wanted, Which Arj In. scrtcd Free. FOR RENT J20-7.1100VI MODLRK IIOUSI'S. MA!)IM)V AVL t.mrf-'mmmm nuo and Mjrtlc stteet, and 22 and 824 Pine street. Apply George II. Davidson, attorney, K20 Spruce street. FOH ItENT-7-ROOVt bOUSE WITH DATlii modem itrpiovunctts. Address 807 Harri son avenue. FOR GALE KOIt SAI K, CHEAP, RED 6U1TS. L S 31$ Mne street. ion SALE-11LACK AND TWNFD DOG, 17 months oldj price $5 Dox M, Dunmore, fa. FOR 8ALE-DOLAN'S RKSIAURANT. WITH eighteen furnished rooms contlnuillv rented. Dining room seats fifty-four: an average ot 150 S5c meals served dally. Five to ten minutes walk from all depots and court house. Cheap rent: oldest and best established stand In city. Poor health necessitates Belling at a big sacri fice. Ilargain for qulek bujer with cash. F. K. Dolan, lZd Iranklln avenue, Scranton, Pa FOR SALE OR FOR RFXT-THF. NKW DR1V lug Park hotel: elegantly furnished. Excel lent opportunity for any person wishing to em bark in the hotel business Inquire of William Craig, rare E. Robinson feons' Brewery. UOILER AND LNOINK FOR SALE: 12 HORSE power vertical boiler, and fl-horsc power en gine, good as new. Also tS feet 2 Inch shafting with hangers, and CvO feet of Much pipe. "Peo pie, JU Pcnn avenue. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE POURLE HOME, S18 MONROE avenue, will sell at bargain If sold betoro April 1. WANTKD-MODER TB bl7K HOUSE: MODERN Improvements: barn. Addtess, with particu lars and terms, W . II. W ood, M. Charles hotel. AGENTSJANTED WAXTED-FIRST CLASS AGENTS IN EVERY city and town in Ptnnsjlvonla to introduce the largest and i-trongcst Sick and Accident Companj in the world. Addrcs V. II. Van Duscn, bupt. of Agents, Cay Cit), Mich. WANT ED-GOOD, IIUSrHNO JUS FOR PART- ner in gent's furnishing nnd hrt business; $3,000 cash will piy jou l,f"Ci a jear; best stand: good references Address C. George, acranton, l'a , ucner.11 Denver). BUSINESS OPPTUNIjy WANTFD-PvRTNER WITH $2,600; WILL OIVE half Interest In good mercantile business, with a $7,000 stock, and guarantee $1,500 jear profit on his investment. Vddrcss Confidential, care Tribune. WANTI D-PARTNKR, $500 AND SERVICES, legitimate, paying, light manufacturing, only principals Address hecurlty, Tribune.. W'ANTrD PARTNER: ONE OR TWO GOOD, active men with a capital of $2,500 to take half Interest in good paving business Good op portunity to right parties Address Partner, Tribune office. LOST. LOST SATURDAY NIGHT, ONE PAIR OF DOW ghsses on Adams avenue or Linden street. Reward if returned to 620 Linden street. LOT ON WASHINGTON VENUE RETWEEV Pine street and PrxtofHce, coral stick pin, gold setting Reward will be paid at general de livery window Scranton Postcilicc. FOUND. WATCH rOUND-OWNCR CVV II VE HY proving propertv and paving for this ad L. L. Majer, 107 Roiril of Trade. ROOM AND BOARD. PLEVSNT ROOM AMI nOARD WASTED IN congenial private family bj joung college rran: single Address II. O , P O Ilox 103. POLITICAL. FOURTH DISTRICT COM LNTION UNDFR the rules adopted at tnc last district conven tion, notice is hereby giver that the convention for the rourth Legislative district will he held in Burke's hall, Carhondale, Pa , on Mondaj, the twenty third daj of Apiil, A. D , 1U00. at 4 o'clock p. m , for the pi 1 pose of nominating one candidate for member of the legislature, and for the election of three delegates to represent said legUlbtlve distiict in state convention to be held at Harnsburg. April 25 A. D , 1'JOO, as well as for the transaction of such other business as shall be proper. Vigilance ccirmlttces will bold prlmarj elec tions on Saturdaj, the tvvettj (list daj of April, 1000, between the hours of 4 and 7 o'clock p. m. Candidates lit the offices abeve named will reg ister with the secretary in Catbondale, and shall pay their assessments on or bcfoic the tenth day ot April, 11)00, otherwise the names will not be printed upon the official ballot. J. W. SMITH, Chairman. Attest :-SAMUEL R JONFS, Seeretarj. Carbondale, Pa , March 27, 1C0O. LEGAL. THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE SCR TOV GAS and Watei Comnary are hereby notified that the annual meeting of sild company for the election of eft.ccrs for the ensuing year, the amendment of its by-laws, and the transaction of such other business as inaj come before them, will be held on the first day of May next at o'clock p. m at Hie office of sale corn pans in the city of bcrai ton. O. 1) HAND, Secrttarj. Scranton, Pa , 4piil It, 1P0O. THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE PROVIDENCE Gas and Water Company arc heieby notified that the annual meeting of said company for the election of officers for the ensuing jear, and the transaction of such other business as maj come before, them will be I. el J on the seventh da ot May next, at 3 o'clock p. m at the office of the Scranton Gas and Water Company in the city ol Scranton. JO-jITH JEFFREY, Secretary. Scranton, Pa , Apnl 14, lOiX). THE STOCKHOLDERS OF 'J HE HDE PARK Gas Companj arc heieby notified that the annual meeting of said company for the elec tion of officers for the i.suing jear, and the transaction of such other business as may come before them, will lie held on the first day of Maj next at 3 o'clock p m. at the olfice of said company in the city ol Koanton O U. HAND, Seeretarj Scranton, Pa , April 14. 1000. ESTATE OF T1ILIIFSI M O'HRYNE, LATE OF City of Scranton, deceased. Letters testamentary upon the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payments and those having claims or de mands to prefent the same to PATRICK T. O URY.NE, Scranton, Pa April 2. lfOO FINANCIAL. .' Wonted to purchase any part of $500,000 in gilt edge bonds and securities. Address, a. c. f P. O. Box 1592, Phlladn., Pa. lovely girlhood has been made glad and sad at the stage courage which illustrated the love and courage of handsome man. Mantell will be seen at the Ljxeum tonight In "The Dagger and the Cross." "The Dairy Farm." Miss Lleanor Merron's quaint, rural plsj, "The Dairy Farm," which hadtlnK "i In New York citj, Is now one of t biggest successes on the road It portrajs human emotions of the heart, and teaches a fine lesson. It appeals to all classes, and is a play that is of the calibre of heme like and rustic country life that all are familiar with. It Is Eleanor Merron'a first effort at serious dramatic composition, and has been praised by the clergy, press and others. "Tho Dairy Farm will be presented at the Ljceura next Thursday and Friday night. AAMAsAAIkAAsAAMii SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN WISHES SUlfATION as housekeeper; best reference. 410 Wrights court, city. YOUNG MAN, AGE 21. GRADUATE OF THE Wyoming College of Duslness, wants a posl Hon as bookkeeper or arslstant, in either Strait ton, Plttston or Wilkes Iti.rrej reliable, sober and best reference: satisfaction or no pay. Ad dress Wesley II. Weaver, IaIicz, Sullivan Coun ty. Pa. SITUATION WANTI K-I1Y A V.OUSO MN AS grocery clerk: has had seventeen jcars' expe rience! one that is eatable of Icoking after his cmplojer's interest, and well acquainted with dry goods and shoe department, and can give the very best of recommendations of fotmer en plojcrs Address V Tribune office. SITUATION WANTE1V-W ASHING. lltONINd OR any kind of house cleaning bv the day or will take washing home. Address Mrs. Lee, CU Mineral street. SITUATION WANTED RV. AN EXPERIENCED bookkeeper: can give reference'! small salarj Address A. .N. R , Tribune office. WORK WANTED Al ONCI nY A OL.G M VN 23: honst, willing to work for board. V. M Donnelly, ill Lackawanna avenue. SITUATION WANTI'D-IIV AN EXPERIENCED bookkeeper. Address I. K Tribune office. SITUATION WATr.D-BY mTdDLK AGIO , ldy as hou-ekecper. Address Miss Jordan, S19 Jefferson avenue. WANTED-rOSITlON II Y A LADY, IN OIF1CE encc " - "'IIIVI I IKS 1UU CIClll J.HI3 Cil- cj best of rcfeienct Addiess J. C, Box 552. WORK IIY IHE DAY AS MUNDIllv' OR ut-aning nou'c; .-an give lust city reiercne Address T. M . 702 Elm street. DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING I OR CHILDREN TO ORDER also ladles waists. Louise Shoemakei, 212 Adams avenue. CITY SCAVENGER A. R BRIOOS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AM) cess pools: no odor. Improved pumps u scd A. II nitlGGS, Proprietor Leive orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Flcke's drug store, cor. ner Adams and Mulbcrrj. Tcli phone 0310 MRS L. T. KELLER. SCI.P TREATMENT. 50c.; shampooing, 50c; fall massage, man icurlng, 25c; chlropoely. 701 Oulncj. NEWSPAPERS THE WILKTS B RRE RECORD CvN BE n D in acranton at the news stnnds of Iteisman Bros, 405 Spruce and 503 linden, M. Norton, S22 Lackawanna avenue, I S Schutier, 211 Spruce street. PROFESSIONAL. ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR. E. C. SPAULDINO, 23 TRADHtS' BANK BUILD ing ArtomrecTs EDWARD H. DAMS, ARCHITECT, ( ONNELL Building, Scranton. IRFDFRICK L. DROWN. ARCHH.TCT. PRICE building, 120 Washitgton avenue, Scranton. OteS AND CARRIAQES. RUBBIR TIRED CADS AND CRRHGES, BEST ui aervicr i-rompc attention given orders by phore. 'Phones 2072 and 5X2 Joseph Kellej, 121 Linden DENTISTS DR. C. E. ULESRFRGER, PAl'LI BUILDING, bpruco street, Scrnnton. DR. I O. LYMAN, &CRAMON PRIVATE HOS pltal, cor. Wyoming and Mulbcrrj. DR. C. C. LALL'ACH, 115 WiOMINO ULNUE DR. II. F. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. HOTELS AND naTAURANTS THE ELK CAFE, 123 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVE nue, Rates reasonable . P. 7EIGLER, Proprietor SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR 1) , L & W IHSM'N gcr depot. Cot ducted on thcluropean plan VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor Lwreis RICHARD J. P.OllKIvE. ATlOltNEY-VT LAW, 600 2 Laiknwmna avenue. General law busi ness, collections ami loans J. W. BROWMNU ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL lor at Law, Itocms 812 311 Mcars building D B. RH'IOOLK. ATIORNI.V-IOVNS NH.O tlated on real estate seuilty. Mem iiillding, corner Washington avenue and Spiuce stieil M. J. DONAHOr. ATTORNEY VT LAW. OP. flees 012 C13 Mean bunding. FRANK E. B0V.IE. AT10R.NI VND COUNSEL, lor at law. Rut building, Rooms 1' and 14, Washington avenue VULLARD. WARREN fc KN PP. AI.TORMS and Counsellor at-Lavv. Republican lullcing, Washington avenu. JISSUP & JTSsl'l', MTOltNEV: AND Cof sellorsat law, Cumncnvvealth building, rooms 10, 20 and 21, JWIES V. OVKFORD. ATTOIlNin VT-IAW. Rooms 614, 615 and 51b Beard of Trade Bldg EDWARD W THAMR, ATTORNEY. KG 004, 0th floor, Mcars building. ROOMS ' L A VVATRKS, ATTORVI-.i AT LAW wonvvealth building, Scranton, Pa COM C. R PnCHKH. AITORENY-AT-LAW. morwealth building, Scranton, Pi CO.M PATTERSON A. WILCOX, TRADERS' NV1ION iL Bank building. C. COMhG9, 913, REPUBLICAN I1UILD1NG A VV. BERrilOLF, ATTORNEY, MERS BLIX3 PHYSICIANS AND JUFTOeOVS lt7n W-li ALLT.N, 511 NORTH WVsTll.NOTON DR. S. VV. L'VMOI'EM'V. OFFICE 330 WASH ington avenue. Residence, 1318 Mulbcrr) Chronlo diseases, lurgs, heart, kidneys and gcrilo urinary organs a special!). Ilouis, 1 lo 4 p in, SCHOOLS SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWNN. SCRANTON, Pa Courses prtpaialor) to college, law, medl elne cr business. Opens Sept. llth Send for catalcgue Rev. Thcmas M C'ann, I L D , prin cipal and prcprlctor, W. E. Plumley, A. 11 , hcadir aster. see as C R. CLARK & CO. fhEDMVN AND NURS eijnan, stoic 201 Washington avenue; green house, l'.'iO North Main avenue; store tele phone. 762 wine screews JOS.ntJFTTrL. REAR 51MCKAVfANNA avenue, bcrtiton, Pa, manufacturer ot Wire Screens MiaceLLAseous BAmFS ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOR BU.LS, picnics, part If s, receptions, we'ddings and con cert work furnished For trims address Ii. J, Bauer, conductor, 717 Wjcming avenue, over Hullieits' music store. MEGAROEE BROTHERS, PRINTFRS' SUPPLIFs! envelopes, paper baja twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington avenue, Scrarton, Pa RAILROAD TIME TABLES Erie and Wyoming Vnlley. Time Table in Effect Feb. 7, 1000. Trains learc Scranton for Hawley and inter mediate points, connecting at Hawley with Eric Railroad for New Vork, Newburg, Honcbdale and intermediate points, as follows 1 No. 2, Accom modation, 0 a. in ; No. t, Express, 12 01 p. ra. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. " " " iV"wufVjjxjjjxreji-rLj-ij-i-irej- j-reJu-inrer, n n n 11 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule In Effect November 10, Trains leaVe Scranton: 0.45 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrlsburfj, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitts burg and the West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Hasleton, Pottsvllle, Reading, Norrletown, and Philadelphia; and for Bun bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, BaltimoreWashington and Pitts burg and the Wvest. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays 1.08 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harrls burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J. It. WOOD, aen. Pass. Agt. J. n. HUTCHINSON, Qcn. Mgr. Del., Laettn, mi I Western. In TfTect Dec. 17, 1609. 1 ?VrViU?yt Sc""ton 'or New York at 2 IS, 3 00 5 30, and 8 00 and 10 05 a m ; 12 55 and 33 1 '": iur Philadelphia at 3 30, 8 00 and 10 05 a. !T"'.i m!"1 " !' nl- rr Mioudsbunr at b.10 p. m M Ik and Acconmodatloti at 3 40 p m. 1 .! 1'ob"k' at (i 55, 7 13, P.10 1. m.j 12 08, .uut,,S A0 Jni vss '' m Ar,lve t 'l1' uellhla at 10 'O a. m.; 100. 148. (100 and 8 2.1 iiJP' Alfi' from New York at 12 03, 2 45 and liS. ai iln,! J (K)- ' 62 3 M "nJ " P- m- from btroudslmrg at 8 05 a. tn NORlH-ieave Scranton for Buffalo and inter- mediate station at 12 10, 2 50, 4 0J and 0 00 s., m 1 r,., anil 6 50 p. m For Oswegn and Sjra- etiwi at 4 03 a m. and 1 63 p. m. For Utlca at - M) a. m and 1 55 p m lor Montrose at 0 00 .. 7'. ' m. P- '" and 5 50 p m For Nicholson fi 1 anJ n ,5 P m Arrive1 In Scranton fro.n ii - .i?1 210, -,5, 6- m' ,0fl -- '"' 3S0 ami (.40 p. m From Oswego and Syracuse, at -""; 123i and 13ei p. in From Syracuse 1 J' m K'1"' lJ"r "t 2 15 a. m i 12 38 aiiil 1 30 p m From Meholon at 7 50 a m. and -'.'" I'rtln Montirwe al 1 00 a. m.J 3 20 and 7.40 p m IHOOMfclluRi! imiMON-Lcnvf. Scranton for Northumberland at (1 JO, 10 03 a n ; 1 51 and 6 10 T. ,n.. lo,T Pljmouth at 1 C5, 3 40 and S W p m. I or Nantltoke at S 10 u. in. trlve at Northun berland at I ST a 111 , I 10, 5 OS and p 30 11. m. Arrive at Nanthokc at 020 a m . Arrive at Iljmouth at 2 a'., 4 40 un I 0 45 p. in Arrive at JJrn'on ,'rom Noithnmberlam! at 0 42 a. m.J 12 u j. 4 55 and 8 ,Vl p. 111 Fiom Nnntlcoko at II j ' ?-m h,om l'liiifitli at 7 57 a m s 3 25 and 0 05 p m c..n... SUNDVY THMNS SOITH Iive Ser interna 2 15, 100, 530, 10 03 a m : 1 1.1 and 3 40 p m. NORTH leave Scrantcn at 12 10, 2 50, 4 05 p. in t I 55 and 5 50 p ni. , '''OOysntTIIO DIVIMON-Ieavc Scranton at 10 05 a m. and 0 10 p 111 Dclnvvaru tin J Hudson. On Feb. 20th, 1000, trains will leive Scranton as follows: For Carbondale 0 20, 7.5.1, 8 51. 10 13 a. m.; 12 noon; 103, 2 23, 4 00, 5 25, 0 25, 7 57, 0 15, 11.15 p m.j 1 id a. m lor Alb in). Saratoga, Montreal. Boston, New 1 ligland points, etc (I 20 a m , I 03 p. m. lor Honesdale 0 0, 101 J a in: 2 28. 6 25 p. m rr. NIUes Bane 0 4V, 7.H. 8 41, 9 38. 10 4? a. ','! L12 M' ' - -1S- 1 S3. 2" i. , 10 It, 11 SO p. ni. 1'?r New York, Philadelphia, etc., via Lehigh Vallev Rallioad 0 45 a 111 : 12 03, 2 18, 4 27 p. 111 i with Black Diamond Exprew, 11 80 p m. Tor Penmjlvanla Railroad points, 0 45, 9.83 a, tn , 2 18. 4 27 p. in. lor western points, via Lehigh Valley Rail road 7.S a m : 12 UI. .133, with Black Dla mond Express, JO 41, 11 JO p. m. Trains will arrive In Scranton as follows: from Catlionilale and the Norlh-.o, 7 43, 8.SS. VL 1?,3J ll M '" ' 23- " IS- 3 23, 1 23, 7.43 10 s 11 27 p m. Irom Wilkes lltrre and the Soulh-fl 15, 7.48,' 8.48, 10 38, 11 55 a in. , 1 04, 2 33, 4 025 20, 6 SI, 7,63, 0 05, 10 05 p in j 1.13 a. in. SUNDAY TRAINS For Carbone'alc 0 05 a. m : 12 27, 2 32. 4 0, B 47, 10 52 p. m. i'j" "kM Harrc-0 IS a. m ; 12 03, 1 58, 3 23, 6 27, B 27 p. m. For Albaii), Saratoga, Montreal, Boston, New Ingland points, etc , 1 03 p. m Lowest rates to all points In United States and Canada .1. W. BURDICK, O P. A . Albany, N. Y. II. V. CROSS, D. P. A , Scranton, Pa. Lehigh Vnlley UailroaJ. In Fffect Nov. 9lh, lSW. TRMNS LEAVE SCRANTON. For Philadelphia and New York, via D. k II. R R , at 0 45 a. m. and lift, 2 18, 1 27 (Black Diamond Express), and 11 JO p. m, Sundaj s, I. 4, II It It . 1 68, 7 18 p ni For White Haven, Ha-leton and princiral points in tho coil legions, via D & II R. Si, 0 I',. 2 18 and 4 27 p 111 For Pottsvllle, fl 45, 2 18 p m For Bethlehem, Eastern, Reading, Harrlsburg and principal Intermediate stations via I) Ic II. R It , 0 4 a 111 , II 0.1, 1 18. 4 27 (Black Dia mond Express), 11 30 Sundays, D, & II. R. It , 1 68, 7 4t p 111 For Tunkhmnock, Towanda, t.lmlra, Ithaci, Geneva and principal intermediate stations, via D , L. A. W It It 8 (H a in , 1 00 and 3 35 11 m. For Geneva, Rochester, Butfalo, Niagara Falls, Chicago, and all points went, via I) k II R, It , 12 W, J 3.1 (Black Diamond Express), 7 48, 10 41, 11 10 p m. SundJ, D i II II It , 12 03 p m , 7 4a p tn. Pullman parlorland sleeping or Lehigh Valley pallor ens em all trains lietvveen Wilkes Dura and New Vork, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Sus pension Ilrldge ROI.IIN II WILIUR Gen Nipt, 2tl Cortland stiect, New Vork CH Mill's s LI E, (.en Phi Vest., 26 Cortland street. New Yoik V W NONNEMVCIlllt, Div Pais Agt , South Bethlehem. Pa l'or ticket and I'lillmnn lescrvatljns apply TOO Iaekawanna nvcnui, Scranton, Pa Centrnl KtillroiJ nl New .arjir Stations in New Verk Foo' of Liberty street, N it . und South ldiv. Whitehall strict. Vntlnailte tc.il mcil cvlujivel), insuuntf eleuiiliness and comfort TIME TABLE IN I H'HT NOV. IP, ISOy. Trains leaves Scrintm for Ntwr Voik, Newark, riliabeth, Phllae'elphla, Frstou. Bithhhrm, M lentown, Mauch Chunk dutl White Haven, at 8 it) a m.: express, 1.20, txpreis, 4 00 p m Mindiys, 2 15 p m. For Pittston and Wllles Bane, 8 10 a m , 1 20, 4 00 p.m. Sundajs, 215 p 111. For Baltimore and W uhlnglni and points South and West vit Bethlehem, b 20 a ni , 1,20 p in. bundaj", 2 15 p in For Long llrarch, Oiean Grove elc , at i10 a m and 1 20 p m lor Reading, Lebanon aid llitiitlnrg, via Al lentown, 830 a m , 1 20 p ni sundjjs, 2.1; p m lor Pottsvllle, 8 JO a m , 1 20 p m Through tickets to ill points cat, south and west at lowest rates at the station .1 II nilLIIMNEV, Gen Supt II P. BALDWIN, Gen. Picas. Agt. WdilEB SOU ANTON DIVISION. In i:ifcct Oct. 33h, LS0O. Nnrtli Mound. Mouth Bound, SOB 1201 "0420(I J K& Btatlou 1&J s te Sna a si p uirrlve Leave a mi 725 Y. Franklin si. .... 740 .... 7 10, West 42ntt street .... 755 .... 700 Weenavvkea .... 810 .... a n .. p icIArrTve Leave, ufr, u M 10 45 1 15 Cadoala i(J 4 .SO le40 1eW IlaQCOCk ... , 211 4 35 10 31 IS 66 Starlight 2 22 4 45 1021 12 46 Preston Parle .... 2 81 4 6' 1015 12 40 WlDWOOd 4i 6M looo .. .. U25 Poyntelle ..,, sto 6U 9 50 1214 Orson ...... 2 58 6 83 9 40 12 03 Pleasant Mt. ...... 3 06' a so 9 t 11 58 Unlondalo g t. 6 34 9 26 1148 Forest City g9 6 43 910 1184 Carbondale 8 34 tn 907 (1130 WbJW Bridge ..... 1J38 H 900 11123 Maytiem is 43 a 01 858 11 SM Jermyn .,.. 3 45 0 01 8 53 .....1118 Archibald (51 6 09 8 50 1115 VMnion 354 Sit 8 4 llll Peck vllle 159 ie MX 1107 Olypnant 404 a 21 8 40 1105 Frlceburg ...... 4 07 2i 8 ss 11 0) Tnroop 4 ltV 6 v7 BU lioo Providence) ..... 414 gsi 8j; fi057 Park Place (417 6 83 8 80 ...... 10 55 Scranton 4 20 6 8a l m ......a m Leave Arrive ...... Ip wp u t. Bandar only, t eignlDea that tratna atop en signal (or ras eengera. ' . 1 ralna 205 and sot Sunday only. other trains dally except Sunday. t-ccura ratea via Ontario Western belore purchasing tickets and save money. inrounh Wagner outlet sleeper and free rew eltnlng; chair car new York to Chic if 0 without change, rtvuentrear Ravtca Me4iic4 lo Tmt Oeuta Jer JTllle. 3. 0, Andtraoa, Geo. pah Ait. . t -.A. , itMVjtu. I