The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 16, 1900, Morning, Page 6, Image 6

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    "V-Jt - S 'Vl?,--.!.
Augmented Cholis, Assisted by Or
chestras and Soloists, Render Ap
propriate Music Elaborate Decor
ations Seen In Several Edifices.
Retail Merchants Will Inaugurate
the Early Closing Movement This
Evening Funeral of Mis. Hennl
gan Other News Notes and Per
sonal Paragraphs.
The Enstci music and decorations In
the West Ki'innton ehuiihe-H .vciterdti'
suipusiod nimhlnc that has lieiee--foie
liei-n attempted by the- i-hoiHtr.s
and durorittuiH. and at both the mom
itiK and evening services the onjri -KUtlotiR
were timiiualh lniRe. The de
llahtftil w eat hi i tifioidcel e-huich-Kix-M
an oiiiiui tunltv to tuin out In Iiukp
numbt-is, at'd at of lhe
churches Inst i-venimr Maudlinr loom
uim ut n hininliiiii Thn Hut ill dl-Ui nv s
weie c-xciulslte, and the seniors wiie
In keeping with tin ila
A UI-dMlleel thoti of tWHiity-lho
voices, under tin- tlltettlun of Pi of. W
yT. Jones, undend an i-xcellunt pt
Rl-ammo at tin Sliuiuoii Methodist
Episcopal iliuith assisted bv Oignn'rtt
AValti-i- Davis and At thin E Moise.
sasaphonlst ltev J. II Swept pieai-ln-d
in the ininning, and the iboli two
anthems In tile cve-nllii; solos vi-ie
sung by Helen Thomas. Thomas Ab
ulias and 'William Loinr. The Slmp
snii Mali- quintette also sang 1'iof.
Moise plajed an olleitoi.v "tiOod-he,
SMicet Dnv," and thp choral lendltlons
weie given with line effect
Tin- Sunday school depni tun lit of the
l'l mouth Coiigiegntlonai c hutch held
i licit Easti-t c ere l-s In the moiulncr,
at which sovi-ial ihoinsi-s won- icn
dt'ied and recitations wen- given bv
'lonier Einnsaiul Num. Davis A Indies'
chnius and double eiuuitetto weie also
featuies of lln- set vice and the Infant,
plituii and Intel mediate classes gao
t-pi-clal i-viclses The mush nl lentuipji
of the evening sen Ice weie- anthems bv
the choir and the leiulltlon o "Th ill
Ait the King of flloij ' h a male
1'iof. ( B Dpiiii.ui had chnige of the
music at the Washbuin Stioet Pie
b.vterlan chinch, which was lendeied
b a double quaitette choir ii'ststed by
the Sabbath school mill Mia. The
pastor. Hov J V Moffat. D. D .
preached special faster ei nions The
Elble school exeu-Kis wcu held after
the morning seinion
Elabotatp sen Ices weie conducted at
the Jackson Stiort I'aptlst cliuich lat
evening by the Kund.iv school under
the dliectlon of Chorister Lewis Davis
The- pupils and choli occupied so its nn
the pulpit plat foi m which was pn
liilgpd foi the occasion and piofusi-lv
docoiated The pi ogi amine tonsiated
Dufour's French Tar
Has Won Success,
It Cures Your Cold
And Gives You Rest.
Here's a Combina
Thrift Coevenieiice and Bea
Rarely Met with. Give It
Your Attention for a Min
ute, Please.
f he demand for fabrics
brought with it an evil which
spoiled many a handsome suit. After making the material
was apt to shrink, or if shrunk by the old process was al
most certain to be marked with shiuy patches at d fferent
points. For this reason most ot the cloths are made up
without sponging, aud are subject to spotting in rain show
ers and dragging at the seams through shriukage.
All urtlicse evils liny now lit' avoided, if you buy the
materials here, we will soiijjc ilu-m Iree of eharsu'iH a
new steam roccss which doe not Injure the llnisli or rubric,
but rculer.s It unshrinkable and absoliitelj spot proof from
rain or water, which, l accldenl, maj lie .spilled. Hull made
Irom steam spoaured ooils look better, wenr belter and nwer
Kctout olshiipe. Vsalrealj stated, we charge you nothing
for the extra service.
Our Incomparable New Line
ui.;ncviots uomespuus, Heavy wiiiconls. lieies, Broad-
clotljs, Unnnockburns, l'lnld Hack Millings Venetians, .Una-
. -Ninths titi'., is in:irieloiisly complete and well merits )our
ftt,c,u,,M,l,,,e u,c nllll's ni l'iemore than .satisr.ictor.
jSarly Season's Barg:ainQiv!ng-
hi choice Fancy Dress
ff iviugs nua aesigns.
li.i wi
'j.'n Pieces Fancy Mixtures, all
Were lemlv sellers .it sSe.
'A'il 0f Mr 40-hich Mixtures that have proved so popular
11 1 at75cgoons.1ietodjy.1t 49c
ll""if Pieccs 46-Indi Whipcords, Drap de litis, etc. Shade .
'f&y list sjightly broken, hut still good. Were 75c, now 5yC
It'rlrkf 46"lncl1 All-wool Vigoreaux Suitings in light shades ..
tPjv- Greys, Tans and Greens. Were 65c, now 49C
. lull
is, i I
l,Globe Warehouse
of choruses jecltatlons and anthems,
and Dr. do Oriiohy delivered nu ad
dress on the gospel of natter.
Tlio coiiki editions of the First Eng
lish ntid Welsh Uaptlst churches held
.i union service', beginning ut 6 o'clock.
The cholis of both chuiche-s united und
tendered delightful lister music, and
Hev. D. D. Hopkins punched the set--limn
In English, Special kl-i vices were
nlo held In tho Sumner Aenue l'res
hjtetlan ohuich, and at 7.30 o'clock
llcv Prank J. Mllmnn preached ti set
nion on "The One Thing Net drill" to
the momben of the Knights of the
Mystic Chain.
The Sunday school of St. Mark's
Lutheran church cclcbintr-d the Easter
festival at Vesper sen Ice, with songs
and recitations, and the augmented
choli, under the direction of Joseph
Atheitim, rcndeied special music at
both the morning and evening hoi Ice.
Holy Eucharist wns celebrated at St.
David's church at 10.SO a. m..
followed by the processional. At tins
10.10 o'clock mass at St Patilcks
church, selections fiom lJecthovcna
muss In (J mid the cieilo fiom Oounod'tt
liinss wen- lendeied. The soloists weie
l!oe Hei-si-. Lillian MeOeiniott. Atuiy
Ciivannugli.Jnhii Conway John Shaiigh-lu-ssy
and ftert Johnson
An c-xeetlcnt piosrnmine was slven
ac me -i.uiciuucie luhssii-k""""."
church last elenlng, In which nmn of
l"" fUiniav srnooi i-niieiic-ii imiiiu
pnted ItecltatloiiH were given b Mnt-
gaiet Moigans. Jennie Davles. May
Jenkins, llu.v Thomas and Willie Reese
At 10 ".0 o clock the Sundnv school of
the Hampton Stioet Methodist Eplsin
pal chinch gave a special inlsslonaiy
liiogianinip and In the evening the pas
tot, ltev James Hennlngei, pleached a
pennon on "Theltesuiiectlonof Christ '
Appiomlate Easter sen let s weie also
held at the Lincoln Heights mission
The membeisof the South Main Ave
nue Welsh Calvlnistlc Methodist chutcli
-siind iv school mulct the dliectlon of
Mis. (looige Howell, held special ser
vices vesteiday afternoon, and Mis.
Yates of the Salvation aimv ad
diessed the gospel meeting of the
Young Women's Chilstinn association.
early olosixo movement
The letall mei chants who have cn
teied Into an agieement to close their
stoics even evening at till) o'clock,
eoept Satttida and the flist ten dajs
of Hie month, nn- piepated to begin
the movement Ihl evening, and aie
In hopes that nitinv otluis will fall In
line and adopt the enlv clolng plan
'I he meinlieis of the Retail (lioceis
associitlon an- the piincipal wotKeis
In the- piesent movement and all the
inembeis have pledged themselves to
i lo-e their -Holes piomptlv The ngi ce
ment I not onlj for the summer
months but will be adheied to
thioitghout the i utile jear.
!'l'.i;i!.I. OP MltS." hi:x.nmgan.
The funeinl ot the late Mis, Saiah J.
Ileiinlgaii was conduited on Satin day
afternoon fiom the hnnir of decease l's
ilaughtei, Mu John Quinnan, on Pi lie
Mitet The lemalus vere bui lie to St
1'atilik's chinch, wheie, at 1 o'clock,
lie J J lluddj held a shoit funeiul
si nice
Tin pall-beaieis weie all gtaudsons
of the dece ised, namely James Qui'i
uan IMwaid Qtiinpan James Hennl
gan Wllllnm O'Haia and Thomas
OHma Inteiniont was iindi- In the ceiiieterj.
r.i:xi:u.i. xnws xorns
The of the late Janirb H
Hiwhv will cm lib it i'M o'clock tills
used in Ta'lor-made Gowus,
has vexed many a buyer,aud
Goods of latest weaves, color-
the new sludes and effects.
Vo 9?rs. Pinkham,
LtTTEX TO MtS. rlNXIIAM HO. 41,107
" Dr.Aii FniEfn A year ago I win a
great sufferer from fdinale weakness.
My head nehed all the time nnd I would
get so illzry nnd have that all gono
feeling in the stomach and was so
nervous and restless that I did not
kuow what to do with mjsclf.
" My food did me no good and I had a
bad case of whites. 1 wrote to you and
after taking Lydin K. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound as directed, I can
, truly say that I feci like a new woman
and cannot tell you how grateful I am
to you. '
" I have recommended It to oil my
friends and havr given It to my
daughter who is now getting along
splendidly. May you live many years
to help our suffering sisters" Mns. C.
N. Y.
Over eighty thousand
such letters as this were re
ceived by Mrs. Pinlcham
during 1S97. Surely this is
strong proof ot her ability
to heij) sullering women.
11101 ning. Sen lets will be conducted
in St Patrick's Catholic church at 0
o'clock and Inteiment will be made In
the Cnthedial cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. John.W. Jones, who
have been lIsltlliR the fonnoi's broth
el Thomas Jones, of Xmth Everett
avenue, will leave tonionow for New
York and will sail on Wednesday on
the Teutonic fot Wales.
ltobeit Ih.idk a student nt the
Xew Yolk College of Phnunno, has
leturned home foi the suinmei vaca
tion Atthu. C. Hejnolds, of Jackson
stioet, biothei of Di Ooorge II He.v -noldr.
has successful! pissed tlie e
nminatiou at the Ualtlmoie Medical
college and will be giaduuted fiom
that Institution tonionow. The doctor
and his fath" will leav.- todni to at
tend the exel cists
The ii-wlv elected olllceis of Sloeiliu
lodge of Odd Fellows weie Instnlle-d
bv Dlstiict Deput.v Vosbuig Satuiduy
evening and the membeis and visitors
enjojed a smoker aftet the Installation.
Mis Annie I'vnns nnd son, Hobert.
of Lafajette stieet. aie visiting fi lends
at West I'lttston.
IMofosaor John T Jones and wife,
of North Main avenue, aie visiting the
lattPi's patents in Philadelphia.
Mis. W. G Daniels. Mrs L, H Olbbs
nnd Miss Matgaiet Glbbs, of South
Main avenue, ate visiting ft lends In
New Yoilt
Mis S T Kattffman and children,
of Lincoln avenue, are vlsltlns rela
tives at Paiadlse.
Miss nimn.i C'hambeilnln. of Dalton,
who has been the guest of ft lends here
for M'loiai davs, will letum home to
daj .
Chuiles i:. Sweet, of Sviaiuse unl-i-ist,
is visiting his parents, ltev.
and Mi J H Sweet.
Miss Plln Coslai. of Stioudsbuig, Is
vls-ltlng her sister. Mis. William Hal
lett. ot Noith (iailleld avenue
Mis i.uls Skillhoin, of Philadelphia.
Is visiting her paients on Noith : um
ner avenue
St Leo s Tom 1st i lub w 111 hold their
thlid annual social In Minis' hall this
Ilex. D W I'xans, foi met 1 of Dell
Itaplds South Dakota has located on
Ninth Main axenue net to the Metho
dist LpKcopal dim ih.
The new Itepuhllcan club recently
otgauled In the Fifteenth w ml will
in-el In D D' hall this exen
Ing, when a committee will be ap
pointed to diaw up suitable Inlaws
and a constitution
Thp Oleaneis' society of the Slmpon
Methodist Lplscopal church will con
duit n social In the chinch pallors this
Bev.' William Edgar Preaches His
Fnievvell Seimon as Pastor of the
Providence M. E. Chuich.
Last evening ltev. William Kdgar
pleached his fate-well Reunion at
tin- Providence Methodist Episcopal
i-huicli At the Wyoming conference,
which is to he held this week, Mi. Kl
g.11 will be tiam-fetied to auothei, .tS
this Is his llftli veai- in the pastorate
of this i lunch Mr. IMgar's text v. as:
'That je stand fast in one spit It, with
one mind stiiviug logethet for the
faith of the Gospel," Phil I, 27
Pining the sei vices of the evening
special Kastcr music- was iL-udcted by
the choir Piofessoi indMis J. Haydn
and John T Kvans sang solos, vvhli-h
wen listened to with Intel est bv C2
huge umsicMtlou,
nnii:r nhws noths
Tlie funeial of Mm J. the 10-jeai-old
tl.iiightei of Mi. and Mis. Patilek Mul
chione, of Hunno sttpc-t, will be held
this afternoon at 2 30 o'clock. Interment
will be made In the Cathed1.1l ceme
tet.v The Gicen Itldgc nun hlne shops, on
i:,iht Maike-t stieet. will soon ho en
laiged, owing to. the Inciease In the
auiount of work.
Mrs Maitln of Chuich uvenue, has
returned fiom Wilkes-Uaue, wheie she
spent the past few days with friends.
Mrs. Di H S. Saundeis, of Noith
Main avenue, letuined fiom Philadel
phia! latuiday evening, where she has
been foi the past sl w cells, attending
her mothei, who has been seilously ill,
Tho Kcv stone Literal y and Dramatlo
club will produce "One of the Hravest"
at the Auditoiiuni tonight
On Friday evening nn entertainment
will be given In the Auditorium for
the benefit of Thomas Jones, who was
beiiously lnjuied in a mine accident
about two months ago
Mrs. H. K. Hallstead, of Oak Jtieet,
was in Pittston last week.
Miss Orace Peteis, of New Yoik city.
Is visiting Mrs T P. Wolfe, of North
Main avenue
All news matter for the Tilbune will
lecelve prompt attention If left at Da
vis' drug stoie
Ask vour Oroeer today to show ou a
package of OltAlN-O, the new fnod elrlr-'K
that take.) tho place of coffee. The dill,
drcn may drink It without Injury ns well
as the adult All who trv It. like It
OHAIN-O has that rich seal brown
ol .Metlm 01 Java, but It Is made fioir.
pure gialns, 1 nd the nniti rlellcato stom
aili receives ll without dlstrc-Hn. i( the
price of coffee. IV, urd 25 cts, per pack
age. Bold by all grocer.
Mm. Harriet ( himtarlln, widow ot the late
Albert riiainborfln, illcil on Silunlaj at the
liomi' of licr on, II. K. (InnihciUIn, 1511
JcfTrrson Rrnuc Jlrn. riuirbcrlln J U
.vrarn old t tlie llin ot licr ilt-ith,
lailiig linn born In New Veil, clli in
1818. Slic- bad llinl In this city r-lnce 1171 nd
ilnflng bet lonpf inlli-im- here lias .bccii Idcntlrlcil
llli cliaritoble- and rrllgious work. She wan a
member ol the l'enn enue llaitlt rliunli nnd
one of the tnot apllce workers up to a few
jeara ago that could be found anions; 111 up
porters. She wa lo for neieral jean the vice
president ami assistant manager ol the Home
for the 1 rlendlew. The funeral tcnlcrs will
I-e held from the icsldetxe of ' V. Clnmberlln
toilsy at 3 o'clock. The Interment will be pri
vate and will be it, Torest Hill cemetery.
(Vila, the 2j ear eld daughter of Vr and Mrs.
Martin Caldlln, of flurry street, died jeslerday
innrnltiR alter a brief Illness, 'Ihc funeral will
take place tome iron afternoon at i!2U o'clock
ami lutein enl will take pliec In the .Mlnoolu
Special Easter Music nnd Services
in All of the Churches Yes
terday Other Notes.
Hastei Sunday was ol served by all
the different chut dies In this pait of
the city yestoidny, and social music
was rendered at nil services All of
the churches weie thronged xxlth xvor
shlppein who came to do honor to the
rNen Chi 1st.
At St. John's chinch special music
xv as lendcred by the chinch choir un
der the eiltpctlon of Miss Kate Hear
don. Hex. E .1. Melley, after the sol
emn high nias, dellxered the seimon
Hex P. Christ pleached nt St. Mail's
Get man Catholic chinch, after high
mass, yesterday morning, and Oignn
lst Aokerman and the chuich choir
lendered excellent nnd Insplilng East
er music. The altar and sanctum y
weie tastefully detoiatcd.
At the Hickory Street Presbyletlifn
church a veiy eloquent sermon xvns ele
llveied by Rex-. William A Nordt, pas
tor of the church, and an Lastoi pio
giamnie o beautiful music was given
by the choir, which was augmented by
s-xeral additional singers.
At St Paul's Evangelical Chinch of
Peace and Chtlst Lutheian chinches,
sen Ices began at 10 o'clock yesteiday
inoi nlng, v hen holy communion was
administered. Special Easter inuslu
was lt-ndeied at each of the above
uamul ehuiches.
Sen Ices were conducted ut the Hlek
oiy Stieet Uaptlot chinch .vesterday
woining b Ilev J. J Sihmltt, and
.special Eastet music was tendered by
the chuich choir At the evening sei
vicp a number of young people who
slgnltled theli Intention, were baptized
bv Hev. Schmltt. accoidlng to the rites
of the church
The funeral ot Mrs. Michael Dm kin
took place fiom the family tesldenee
on Pittston avenue jesteiday after
noon At 2 o'clock the funeral cortege
moved to St. John'? church, wheie fu
neinl sen ices wi-ie conducted, ufter
which Inteiment was mack- In the Ca
thedial cemeteiy.
The funeial of Howard, the sIn-months-old
son of Ml. and Mis. Char
les Dlppie, took place jesteiday aftei
noon fiom the family les 'likc on AI
dei stieet Interment was made In
the Pittston avenue cemetery
The Patilotlc Gnarils will conduct n
Kiand ball at Music hall this evening.
The JunBcr Maenneichor held a well
attended meeting yesterday afteinooii.
i:tenslve pieparatlons are being made
foi a grand conceit and ball wlilcb
will take place on Apill 24.
Camp No 430, Patilotlc Order
of Amoilcn, will meet In regulai
Mon this evening.
Miss Lena Mottei. of Pittston
nue, is visiting In Klmlin, N Y.
Louis Gseheldle of Company I,
teenth infantiy, which is now
tloned In Cuba. Is spending a furlough
at the home of his paients. The veiling
man Is a son of Patrolman Gseheldle,
ot this side.
Pea Coal $1.25 a Ton Deliveied
to South Side, central city and cential
Hyde P.iik. Addiess oideisi to J. T.
W larkcy, 1014 Cedar ave. 'Phone G633.
Mia ouli ( ennpr, ot l'laim, s a ciit of
Ml, Minified Mlsou jclirthj
Tin- tt'inial ot Mi Vlaij WaWi, lo illnl
I rldij took place uslridi iittniiwin Inter
inrnt ai trailc in VliiuoU i.mitii)
Tlie iing Vtin' Institute ot tlili place is inak
ill? nrrnnrment- to conduct an ivrnrsion to
onn- of tlio lcidin-j lisorti in carh Innc
Vlr. I.uke t'onnrr, of I'laiisvillc, M a viaior
in toun jcKtrrdav.
TliU i-ieiiliii; tlie- 111111I1 licralJcil rtilirtatiim-ut
of the Minooka 1crit iiht f-iletj takes place
in llieii hall cm Miin Irrd. The alialr U
IooIimI fomaril to Mns the snci d feiture- of the
kc I--OI1 anil the irui-Miil prc.'raiiiine- will In- asUt
ecl 13 some ot the te-st talent in the coimt The
diner., uhich w ill Ik- tin hailing sitiaeiion of
the affair, will he ni pli d with full orchiTtra
fl c bt loseph's Bin Icti Is a puinliicnl hod) of
jouiij; mill and slioul I Ic well pitronl'cii
Mis Peter MKahill, nl this pluu, (iisscil anoy
suunln ocnlns ai hir I unit in lillmon aie.
nue after .1 llnsirln' lllmii tin dctcaVd w u
iptlle voung an I e iiiiich Itfpectcd hj all who
knew h,r. will ilreh- of frlrmls will legnt
the sul new of her iliniise h1 I siuihed 1t
I if I hushand and cue iluli" nnd also a hrolhrr
iiml fister, Ihunisi (ojnc, ot viuth tijiitiin,
and Mrs. John Valllii, of Una lue. The fu
ncral will take place 1 i'CmJji 11101 nine trnm the
home of licr usiir Inteinicnt III Vllnooka ccmr.
Mlvis l.raci and Aunt Jrullns, of the Mtoudt
luire Normal wlcol. spuit latin Sund.n with
their piiont.. Mr mil Mrs V.. II. JrnMiu, ol
C apelike aicnue
MUs I. Hie Dav I Ken. of Un.lilijlon aicnue,
In ictuincd from a v i-it with fiicndj in lliook
Ijii. N. Y.
'Ilic lunlor Christian I'mlcavoi tocicl) of the
(.inn ttldgi- I'lisd.itirlan church will hale a
Mrthdai part) In 1 1 it chine h 1 arlor lomouow
oeninir. I rank and Hair) Watti, of Sindcion aicnue,
will leaie this moinlpf for a ttip to Washing,
ton. 1) I
George (lltson. of the lluwn Lumber,
is spcnillng the Tauter holldi)S In rn Voik ill).
Miss I la tie Toll), of lapcite aunuc, la Itiliutr
friends in I'orest Cite
The directors and utockhuldeia cf the Su anion"
tram will meet tills men lug at 11 o'clock in the
office of John II llrooks, Chiner ha. now Ids outfit-Id com
plete and it looks like 11 von ktiong one. 1'
will cintUt of Mrol, ColliHower and Krtiliani
Colllflowrr lt vrars liatled und flilded ilronglv
at Cleveland, while Ketehain pla)ed a HonB
outfield at Louisville In the few itaiuet lie plajcd
tin re, lie Is u ccod fllclcr and In his Hftecn
Klines hatted 111,
'I lie Villa Noa cnlleice ball team Salurdj)
pla.ved ll first came and defeated .IrtUrson
Vtedlcal college lij a scoic ot 20 0, Mcl'adden,
the Villa oa pitcher, not giving the Meds n
single hit. The hatting of "tllik" N'allln, of this
ill), who pla)ed center fl-ld, was the feature of
the game, Munle), of Aioca, and Joe Weir, of
this lit), also pla.ied on the Villa Nova nine
and put up star garnet.
It now begin to look at though bate bill !o
You Can Get All the Con
vincing Proof You Want
by Reading Scran ton
When the reader xvants any article
of value he naturally piefcrs to deal
xxlth some one ho can depend upon.
If mixed' up In any law suit, a good,
lcsponslblc lawyer Is gcneiully the first
necessity sought.
If lost on a pialrle, directions from a
settlct could be lellecl upon; those fiom
a stianger would bo doubted.
The test that tells the tale of nieilt
Is the test of friends nnd nelghbois.
Scranton people endorse Doan's Kid
ney Pills.
Can you ask for beter t-vldenie '
Head this cast.
Mrs. Emma Shaughncssy, ot 1308
Remington avenue, sa.vs: "I sttffeu-d
for live yeais with pains In my back
sosexeie that ut times I could scaicely
attend to my household duties. In
bed I constantly tinned from side t
side tiylng to find a conifoi table po
sition. If I caught cold the pain In my
back nnd all the wax up my shouldeis
was so seveie that I tould scaicely
stand It. I tried dlffeient so-culled
remedies, but nothing cvet did me so
much good .ih Doan's Kidney Pills I
now know where to look for u lemedy
If n return of the tioublt should ever
take pluce."
Tor tale by all dcaleis. Pi Ice, ."0
cents. Fostei-MUbuin Co.. Ruftalo, N.
Y. Sole agents for the I'nlted States.
Reniebet the name Doan's, and take
no substitute.
SiijiiUii will he mon- thin a mete mine- this
V1.1t Manage! Hurnham Is haul at wolk e
cuiing pla)ets and is no.v in eutnuiiinlialiun
with Hftecn 01 nivteui eteid.n lie unnouiu-il
ih- signing of four inn, mid thoe- now muter
contiaet aie Mill I Ilaman Milliiet Doheili,
nl h'.t jeai's team, T .1 hetthr, the old spring
II Id outfielder, I'lti liei Jock KeiU'idi, who Mt
lmlac night aimed in town, Catihtr V II
Mllluick and Outfielder lliilnrrl .1 Kn.
Veitliu lloliut) not Miftllei mid an) Intimlui
tlou to Siratitnn "f.'ns," the Intel's b.ilindld
wirk at t 111 si hue lat tenvn making him 1 fa
Millie here and Slietlh r being iciiiiiiibeied li)
his tup hue with CpiinaTtltl 1 nd lest veai with
New ilk lie is a -.tcaih, relhl'Ie lulilil anil a
leivi. consistent titkii Kitinidc last it 11
pltihed fot Vlatcliiiter in the Vn I nt,Ian I
1 inite lie was eon.ldrred in" ol tin rrtek
twlrhts of the leigue an was tld veil siEiiul
In tlie Toronto, 1 isleni, tram Manuir
llunowii, however his -in abiinilmct- of pit(hiu,r.
nilcihl and rcleasid Kent ed to syranton with
nut tning liini Knox, last vear plijeil su--nnd
base on Vlniajii Uuinhiiii's llioikton Ica'n
He fielded the position well, but ! primirilv an
iiuthclder and will piobilh pis) In the llild
here He is 1 bciw batsman. al' 11 ft hlttiu?
mound the .M) mirk ratelur Milhriik 1 i-t
reason aught for Newtirt lb oi(Uned the
1 ukMop pii-Ition in ticnili evin ginie the ti an
placed, lidding his pu-itlnn kplcmlulli ind
bitting about OH The tirm this si isnn will
vcir snuff colond imlffims with dok ttitn
mings and taps und stockings to mite ti Wotk
has hien founet'ied en Mliletie link mil the
giound will soon be re id) foi piaitiie, wluih
will ptnpibh stilt .1 wick iioui tolai
With Honolulu and Manila He Com-
rannds Gates to the Pacific.
'I'rnm Alnslce s Magazine
It It be westward that thot Stat of
Umplie takes Its way I'ncle fain owns
the tippet and peihnps the host nnd
Tinnee the lower and less tibe-ful j?nte
way Into this new woild At Hawaii
Is the naluinl midway between the
vvai 111 and genial Pacitle toast nnd the
hot and luxuilant districts of tlie
tropics wheieln most of the Pacific
Islands lie-. At Tahiti Is the 1adl.1l
place below the initiator, a little- le.s.s
removed fiom the center of heat and
faithor fiom the origin of travel than
Hawaii. TJoth abound In beautiful
steneiy. In tctupi-iatiiie nlluilnKly
equable. In life and habitn half liulot
ent, half industtlous In pioducts both
tmplcnl and senii-tioplcal Ooth form
an admirable prepni itlon foi the
thlnus beyond The -soldier bos vvlio
stopped In Honolulu em thelt May to
Manila had their first taste of hanan is
and pineapples as the come Mliectly
fiom the flpld They wished that thi-v
might stay In the soft and luscious -ilr
foievpr: tint is to siy, those did who
did not lemaln long enough to be down
with the fever or to be sent home in
the heaipe ship. For then- are feveis
In Hawaii, as in almost all nl the is
lands of the Pacific,
On the other hand tiaveleis who
have pitRsr-ii the exciulslto links of
Tahiti, haibor hive llngeied In the
ihapsody until little of the Ihiglln'i
language was left to them with which
to extol the viitues of Samoa and New
If civilization Is to vvoik bickwa-d
fiom the cas to the west, as the I'
and tho Kusslnns heeni Inclined
to force It to do Holland and Hiltaln
divide with tlie I'nlted States in own
ing the gatewav. Dutch Sumatia
closes the poitalh to the passengeis.
fiom India Biltlsh and Dutch Borneo
and tho Aineilcan Philippines clo-c It
to the passengers from China and Slam
And In these tenltoiies tliere Is even
a mote apt and conclusive Intioduction
to whit lies bejond than there Is In
Hawaii 01 Tahiti In Suniatia and In
Java are footbteps of the ancient civil
ization which enteied ihc- I'aeltlc inl
ands ccntuiles befoie European navi
gators went in nuost of spices and
Jewels. In the same Islands aie the
ciude savages who have iipvci yielded
to the advance of the elvlllzer and In
the extreme not them part of Sumatra
are the Achlne-rc, who aio still tho
plintes that thej have- always hoen,
piejing upon the shipping nnd wealth
of the more cultuied nations acioss
the Malacca Stialts. In Horneo al
though dilven hack fnr Into the Intcilor
now are the head-huntltur D)aks, the
most typical of tho man) lipad-hunti'is
ol the Pacific In Saiaw.ik, on the
eastern toast of Uoinc-o, are tlie com
paratively Independent natives Unit
have been held In conlml foi nioie
than tvvo-thltds of n centuiy by the
lone and e.-ctraoi dinar) Hrltlsher, the
Itajah Biooke and his nephew. These
aie types of numerouH lugged fellow e
who have Immured themselves In ma
line vvlldeinesses, and piactlced sucli
cunning nnd strength as might belong
to their nomadlo and cuiious nutates.
How's ThlsP
We offer One Hundred Dollars lleward for
am case of I atatrli that cannot be cuiid y
Hall's (.'atari h Cure
R J (IIKNK i to, I'roM, Toledo, O
We, the undciilgncd, have known (' .1 ( benei
for lhe last J5 )iars. anil Ulieti him peifectlj
honorable In all business transactions and flnan
ilallj able to carry out any obligations made by
their film
West K Truax, Wholesale l)riuri.'Uts, Toledo, ()
Uuldlmc Ivliiiun & Marvin, Wlioli-ule Diu.-glsti,
Toledo. O
Hall's C'jtarrh Cure is taken liitrnull;, actinic
dlteetly upon lhe blood and imnous surfaces of
lhe sjitrin, I'rlep TV-, per bottle-, hold b) all
Uruu' Tcslinionhils flee.
llall'i family Tills arc the best.
NO. 4 COL-
Pennsylvania Coal Company to Take
Steps to Facilitate the Preparation
of Coal List of Unclaimed Letters.
O. S. Johnson Hose Company to
Hnvc a New Hoso House Sei vices
Held Yesterday In the Various
Chuiches Social of the Twentieth
Century Dancing Class.
Plans have been completed bv the
Pennsylvania Coal company for exten
sive lmmovements to be made on the
No. 4 tolllpry of their mining Interests
In this boiough. Among the Impiove
meiits will be sevetal new sets of ma
chinery foi facilitating opetntlons,
among which aie a set of Improved
convex ois and a set ot patent slatn
plckcrs. The- colliery will soon be shut down
Indefinitely, during which the vvoik of
Improvement will bo can led on. Mr.
S D. King, mister ear builder for the
eonipanv foi many ears, has resigned
his position. William Miller, of Chi
cago, will be his succcssoi.
The following list of lutteis have ie
maliicd unclaimed dining the pe-ilod
ending April 14, nt the postolllee Poi
sons callhjg Cor those letlets will pleas.-
sav adveitlsed:
13. K Couitilght
Maiy A. Denu'sey,
Hill street, Cassle
Mis 1. I. Orlffen. .
Mi Cllffoul, Misa
Michael rianagan.
Hill. Annie Grady.
:1 Madison avenue;
Pent Pell Oram. 201 Madison avenue
(2): Mis. Mount D Ol avail, coiner
Citee-n Hidge stieet and Madison ave
nue. Oeoige Hc'ckm.iti, Lou Mooie,
Dilnker stieet. Mis. Phoebe Mcllnle,
721 Clay avenue, J K MtCane. 216
Pine stteet. Saiah MtDonald. Ethe'
Powell. Charles Rldgewa) Mis. riod
erlck Rutty, 13'J Pine stieet, Mr Steel,
SOI Qtilncy avenue.
Foielgn Matyov ika Swinko. .lanko
Rakln, Gyotgey n.imbio, John I'ldan
ics Hilb Janos, -Mis James Magllacto,
Piospcio Iebettoie.
At the Methodist i lunch
vi-steidav morning the Sunday school
of tin- chuich conducted tin- sot vices,
with Thomas Henwood nnd Supetln
tendent Powell as leadcis Thp otiginal
set vice for Eastei, entitled "Inimoital
Itv and Eight," bv J Lincoln Kirk.
Irvin H Mack nnd C Austin ?IIIps
wns given The piogiamine was ipilte
length) and was well received In the
evening. Rev A J. Van Cleft pleached
on "The Resin lection of Chi 1st"
An elaboiate pi ogi amine was ron
del eel at the Dudley Stioet Haptlsi
chuich esteiday, the musical sei vices
being cairled out as minted in Satin -dav's
Tilbune ltev J L Kteamei, the
pastor, preached ftom the- following
texts, "Joy of the Tlist Easte-r" and
"Wheie Ait Thou"'"
rtev W V fJlljhons. pastor of the
Piesbyteilan diuiclC mone hi d at the
motnltig set vice fiom the woids, ,
"Christ's Vlctoiy and Ouis" A laigr
audience heoid the seimon In th even
Ing. when the- tet was "Sntlslled "
Tho church decotatlons weie beautiful
The Sundn school of the Tiipp Ave
nue Chilstinn chinch took chaige of
the sorvic-es of the chuich jesteiday
morning and weie well can led through.
A new nastoi Is expected soon who
will fill the pulpit now vacant
Xew eiuaiteis will soon be occupied
bv the O S Johnson Ho--e compinv on
Oiove stieet On a plot of giotind
owneil by the e-ompiny a new inillcl- j
Ing Is inpldly being const! acted and is
expected to be ic.idy for occupant by '
the Hi st d-iy of May.
This, vi lien completed, will displace
the old ban.ieks now In use. .and will
be much appreciated by the llre-laddles.
The Women's Clnlstlaii Ti-inpeiance
union will meet in the- Sunday school
100ms of the Methodist Episcopal
chine li, Kiidav afternoon at 3 o'clock.
The No S collleiy of the- Pennslva
nla tompany will he idle all of this
vv oek.
The Pails dancing c las will hold "an
Easter hoc ial this evening In the Inde
pendent Oidt-i of Odd Fellows' hall.
The Scianton Ti action Company Is
making good ni ogi ess on some much
needed u-'ialis on East Dt inker stieet.
The setond annual social ot tho
Twentieth Centuiy Dancing class will
be held tonionow evening In Washing
ton hall Lawi enie's full oiche.stra,
will be In attendance, and nothing has
been left undone to make the soclul a
The adult niPinhem of tlie Methodist
Episcopal chinch will meet In tho
chili eh n.nlois this evening and elect
two tuistecs
The oflltial board of the Methodist
Epls1ip.1l chuich will also meet di
lcctl nftei tlio election of tiustccs.
ltev. K. .1 Blum, of Nazal cth, is
spending a few dns in town
E-IUn ses-s Wlllinan and Italph Hy
mer. of .leiinyn. xpent Sundiy as quests
of Dutuneire aequalntaiices.
Hev A J Van Cleft will leave for
Owego to attend the nnnuil conference
of the Methodist Episcopal chuich to
moirnw. The frlendH of wnibine J. Hyine will
be pleased to le.un of ills acceptance
of n position in the- tieasuiei's depart
ment of the Collleiy Engine0!- ceim
panv. Ml. llvinc has been in the ein
plovment eif the l'enns l miJu Coil
company, vvhi'io he has lllled a pns.
tlon as shipping cleik. Many with
whom lie has been pleasantly as.soi 1
ated foi the past four and a h ilf years
regiet his sevciance fiom his fonner
employeis, and many aie his congratn
latois who welcome him to Ills futther
advancement looking to his futuie vvel
faie Mr Eyrne will enter upon I1I3
clerkship tills motnlng.
Pierce's Hnrket
Fresh this morning. Strawbeirles,
Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Boston and
Home Qiown Lettuce, Radishes, Cel
eiy, Spinach, Cauliflower, New Pota
toes, Brussels Sprouts, Tuikoys,
Ducks, Chickens and Capons. All
kinds of Fresh and Salt Water Fish
and Smoked Fish. Oyster3, Clams,
Scal'ops and S In imps. Fni-cy Cieam.
eiy Buter, New Laid Eggs, Best
goods, reasonable pi ices, prompt de
(Wo havo four telephones at our retail
I xx 111 arusrantto
that my Klieuniatlim
Cure will relieve him
bn,'o, sciatica nnd nil
rheumatic pains In
two or three hours,
nnd cure In a few
At all druggist!,
25c. a rial. Guide
to Health mid modi
enl ailviie free.
Io05 Areh Bt PhlU.
few nn. ..'frPy
- IIUROUNDIIU & UniS. Leisaji.
It. K. I.ONO, Alanater,
Tuesday, April 17.
The rmlnent llomantle Aclor,
VikI a select 1 0111 1 1.1m undi r the manigcmcnt of
VI W. llanle), In a New IMa)
Joseph Itatton's famous novel, ilramatlred by
W V Tremniie l.laburite tHincr)' Supirb
('ostiimes! l'oweiful t'ompinv! The Dramatlo
Nocelti of the s, mm
Pities! 00, Tie JOt , 10c
Wednesday, April 18,
Vlr John I' Sloeun 1'iesents tht
John 1' Shicuui and leffiisnn De ni;clia, Props.
the Jolly Musketeer
Comic Opiri In Two Acts
Mn-ie b) lulian I dnauls. Hook bv Stanlshill
Minute 1'roduccil umlii the Make Dilution ot
ln haul (talker, of tuesim) 'lliuter, lA)ndon
l-iites l.iO, 1 l' TOi fUe , Uk.
M3avy April 19-20
Itctiiin en,! mi mint of the Uramitlc treat ot
the Siason
rrcsents Hie C11 ilnt llural Drama,
The Dairy Farm
III I leanor Vlerron
Mom tin I-ourtititb stmt "Ihcatir, New 'lork,
aflei a ue(esful tun of 100 nluhts to irowdcij
houses lhe uuKiiitUent Sew olk production
inlait l-roiioumid h the inllre press of Sew
Vork to be one of the vet itioii(,-est and clean.
ist plais of the I'inc
I'liees Jl (Kl, 75i . .'A . -i"ie-
II K .LONU. Munazsr.
faster Vlondij Matinee
"ii! ir
t(1 20 and SO cents D;me nutima
1 Matinees
3 Days, Beginning Easter Monday
Matinee, April 16.
Screamingly funny. You Can't af-
foid to miss this show.
Thuisday, Fiiday and Saturday,
April 10, 20 and 31.
Culture and
Are the marks of n gentle
man, but to entitle the pos
sessor to that distinction,
tlie Character and Clothes
ni'ist be GOOD. Any
111.111 who means well may
possess the first, while the
man ol very little means
can secure tlie latter by
leaving his order at the
Merchant Tailoring estab
lishment of
Entrance to Lyceum Theater.
m r?v3i
?' - r it
Like Burning Money
tu pj it out fcr lufrrlur norl. flittir pi-n4
luiee- tin' amount 011 a joh wrll eluiic-, If that
wi'lo iinmsjr
in till us bundles 1 our Imilmn We a 10 thor
i.iik'li nu.lcis of It mil all coiistruition nr rrpalr
VMiik ill be- icifeet In e-vri.v particular
riie licst Is mrcl, uml ml) rUllleJ
uuiUmrn ruiplu)l
'mM Daily.
-lAsV.AMPsr ""S