THE SC'HANTON TRIBUNE-FRTDAY, 'APHITi 13. 1000. J LACKAWANNA COUNTY. CARBONDALE. DEATH OF L. H. SNYDER. After Jiift u wefk's Illness with purit monla, I.ouIh H Snyder died at his homo on Wyoming ntrcet, yesteulay mornlnir. Hi' loaves a wife nml on eon, and Is nlso mnvlvod by his pat ents, tlireo biothets nml (He tdntois. rjccotwd vnn born In this city thlrty llvo yruiH uro. In wtrly llfp ho went to Gioonlluld, with his parents, nnd jesluVd thcro i.ntll ton yours nRo.whun ho rotitnud to this city, and with his father-in-law, TheophlHis I'lerce, pur ihased tlio Durfco llvoiy. A couple of ycuts ago ho bccnnie solo owner of the prosperous business Mi. Snyder was n member ot Andiew Mitchell Hose oompnny and Ollvo Lent lodge of Odd Fellows. The funeiul will bo held ut 2 o'clock Saturday. Hevs. II. J Whnlen and W. H Glow, ot the Uuptl-t chuu-li, will ofllolato Intel ment will be made In Prooltslde coniotery. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Mr. nnd Mrs. Daniel Wannacott have returned to Wnymnit nnd taken up tholr residence. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. sC. Albilght, of Scranton, called on Carbondale! friends yesterday Mrs. Robert Cralk, of Ma Held, was the ptuest of her mothei, Mrs. h I. Bunnell. In this city, yosteiday. Samuel Smale will return to Allen tow n Friday. S. II. Williams is again conllned to his bed. Miss Jessie Boyd, of Belmont street, is the guest of Piovldenco fi lends. The horns at the postofllco todny, Good Friday, will be: For general busi ness, from S u m. to 12 noon. One full del I vol y by taniers. Iolifoy open for lock box owneis from 3 30 p. m. to 4.30 p. m. No money order or icgistiy business done. Miss Mabel Stanton and William Box, well known young persons of this city, will be mairiod this evening at the Presbyterian manse. JERMYN AND MAYFIKLD. Deliberate Suicide Last Evening. Serious Condition of Archie Mni tin Other News of Interest. Michael Mangel, an aged man, tesid lng with his bon-ln-law nnd daughter, Mr. 'and Mrs. V. R. Haas, of Main stieet, committed sulcidu at C o'clock last evening by shooting himself through the head wit In a SJ-callbre re vivor, hl.s death appaiently being in stantaneous. The man, who was eighty two years of age, had been sick for thr past two weeks, and it Is thoughtliat this unbalanced his mind somewhat He had hinted that he would shoot himself, and while Mr. Haas took the precaution to diaw the charges fiom a shotgun he had loaded In the house, he foigot that the old gentleman had a lovoheu- of his own. Mi. and Mi. Haas both hay they did not foi a mo ment think the deceased would cany out his threat, althougU as previously Mated, Mr. Haas though'. It unvIe to leave the loaded gun where It could bo eo easily i cached. At a few minutes to G o'clock Mr. Manger went up&tahs and bis absence had scarcely been noticed when their eleven-year-old daughter went upstalts to close some of the windows. In pass ing her Grandfathers loom slio saw him sitting In a chair, and, speaking to him, was Mil in Nod at ieco1ing no answer. Shcalnimeil her mother, who upon going unstalis made the discov ery that her father was, to all appear ances, dead, Up was seated In an ot dlnniy chair, holding a small looking glass in one hand and a lev oh or in the other, both hands letting acioss his knees With the exception of his bead being bent forwaid his :osltlon was peifoetly natuial, as though alle Mi. Haus, who was In his stoie which ad Joins the houso, was attiacted bv his wife's htioams. and, upon being lu foimod, lushed nut and obtained a pli.vsicia'n, who anhed a few moments uftei wards and pioiiiuinivd him deal. The deceased was bom In Ueimany. und for mai cais was a losldont of Honesdalo. whoio lie laid the Hist gas pipes put down in that town He was for joai.s suiH'iintcndcm of the gas woikt, and later was connected with the water company. Until two yeais ago ho it tided with his d.iughtoi Mis. Young, at Honosdalo, but since her death ho has divided ids time at th" homes of his tin oo children. Since last June he had bom with Mi. and Mis. Haas, both ot whom hue bom most Kind to him, and His sad end has given them both a ncveie blow The dooasod Is xuivhed bv a son. Peter Mamor, of Honosdato and two daughtots, Mis Huus and .Mis. John Phllllpson. The funeial aiianginients hap not ot bion definitely decided, but Intel ment will ho made in Hones dale. Coioner Kobeits was last evening Jiotillod o' the ocfuuonec nnd sent woul that ho would bo up this morn ing to Investigate the matter. A foitnlght ago Auhlo Mai tin, of Fousth stieet, while? at work hi Sliei wood's mine, in bailing down some "HouseworkishadworkwithoufGoUDusf TO CLEAN NURSERY BOTTLES After the bottle list been used, rime It I tborouthly In warm water; then fill with warm I water conitlnlot icatpoonlul 0! Gold Dust Wishine Powder and let It stand, shilling every now and then, II I rubber tube It used let It remain also In the I water. Rinse through clean water seven! timet. dold Dust Is much more effective than soap to clean them, ss It removes all specks and moles I cllr.tlog to the sld.-s ol Ire tonics. Th tbn i ttk.n from our fre. booVl.l 'COLDKN RUUa 101. ilOVSIHORE" Ssnt frM en r.quMt 10 ths n, k. ramsaNK company, Chleatt, SI. LmIs, N.w Y.rk, Btstea, WHEN IN STRONG AGAIH ! . . . .... ss. SftVI20etO the whole beloff. All drains $m0 y fl fare properly cured, their condition often worries them into Insanity, Consumption or Death. Hailed sealed. Price It per boa; 6 boats, with Iron-clad legal cuaranteetocure or refund thf money, $5,00. bend lor free book. Addicts, PEAL MEDICINE CO.. Citialand.0. bsHlMJE For Sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, ruce streei- coal cut a bad gash In the- back of his hand. Since that time his hand und nrni has swollen greatly nnd pained In tensely, and despite the attention of two physicians continued to get worse. Fearing that If an operation was not pet formed he might possibly lose his hand, It Was decided upon to have ad ditional surgical assistance und es terday afternoon nn operation wus per foimed by Dr. Thompson, ot Stranton. nsslsted by Dr. Halley, ot Carbondale, and Mauley, of Mnyilold. A quantity of pus was removed from the wound, which was thoioughly cleaned nnd dressed, and It Is hoped that the wound will now heal. Patrick Dougher, sr., of Fiogtown, who Is well-known in tills boiough and who has been 111 for novel al weeks, is in a most critical condition, pneumonia having set In. Ills death Is houily ex pected. Mis. G. A. Klrlln, of the South Side, Scranton, spent Wednesday with her daughter, Mis. John I Nicholson, of Main street. A number of people from this bor ough are contemplating a tilp to Eng land next month. The new stteet car schedule went Into effect yesterday and Is a great Im provement upon the previous one. TAYLOR NEWS. Williams and Browning Nuptials. Preparing Easter Music Other News of Interest. Miss Doulso Williams, of this place, and Mr Hail Browning, of West Scinnton, were united In bonds of holy matilmony on Wednesday afternoon at the Hampton Street Methodist church by the pastor, Rev. J B. Bennington. The biide was dressed in a neat blue serge, trimmed with white silk. Miss Jessie Browning, the bridesmaid, wore a gown of steel color, tilmmod with blue satin. The groomsman wao.Ab solem Williams. At the conclusion of the ceremony the bildal pait diovo to the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mis William Williams, on Grove stieot, where h wedding supper was served. Mi. and Mrs Biowning were the recipients of a number of beautiful presents. Those present were Mr. nnd Mis Henry Browning, Mi. and Mrs. William W Williams, Mr. and Mis William Williams, Misses Jessie, Dlla and Ethel Bi owning, Annie und Mary Williams, Annie Thomas, Abasail and Blenehe Williams, Messis Absolom and Gai field Williams, John MouI, Thomas A. Thomas, nnd Masteis Sam uel and William Thomas, Willie Will lams and Willie Browning ilr. William I'dwauls, of Wales, who has been on a visit lieio, loft on Wed nesday evening for Kansas City, where he will visit l datives The choir of the Methodist Episcopal chinch are busilv engaged rehearsing appiopilato Hauler music for next Sunday, and with an uugmented mem bership this featuio will mnke the I-astei sei vices of moio than ordinal y lutcicst. Invincible commandeiy. No. 252, Knights of Malta, will meet this even ing in tholr hcada.uaiteis in Reese's hall. The marriage of Miss Annie Connolly and Mr. Timothy Sullivan, popular young people of this town, will be sol emnized at the Immaculate Chuich of Conception on Tuesday, April 17. Boiough Solicitor John M. Hatris on Tuesday enleied a summons in as sumpsit, on behalf of this borough, against the Pittston and Scianton Tiuctlon company to lecover the sum of S5GJ, duo as pole tax. Miss Beatrice Samuels has letumed home fiom the Moses Taylor hospital, much Imin overt in health. The Pyne collleiy of the Deluwaio, IacUnwanna and Western company, w hich has been Idle for the past month for lepalis, such as the placing in ot now lolls, a pair of now drums and other minor repalie, will commence woik on Monday next. Rev. Mr. Moffat, of the Washbuin Stioot Presblerian church, of West Scianton, will pi each a pieparatory sermon In the Presbytetlan chuich this evening at 8 o'clock. On Sunday aftei noon at 2.30 p. ni. Rev. Mr. Moffat will administer communion to the above congregation. Tavlor camp. No 492, Patilotlo Or der Sons of Ametlca, will meet this evening The annual observance of Good Fil da will take place today. Many of the i nun lies hero will nppiopriately eom memoiato the day with services. llev. V. I., llvans has l etui nod to his home in Nunthoke. after being the guest of fiionds bene Mis Gooigo Phillips has returned home fiom hei visit to Atlantic City, N J. The throe- ear-old daughter of Mr. and Mis. riodeiiok Weber, of Union stieet, died last evening, uficr u brief Illness. Funeiul announcement will he made later. What Was the Matter. (Jalllec IM., April 5, 1900 Miss Ties p IlyneH, of this town, stntes that hei mother wis feeling very ri'fer able this spilns and no one could tell whit the matter was She began talc Ing Hood's Saisaparllla and felt bet te at once OOUBT, TRY Theynave itood fne test otyeart, and navt curea tnousanai 01 tes of Nervous Uncases, such at Debility, Dimness, Sleepless, nets and Varicocele, Atroptiy,(ic. They clear the brain, strengthen tne circulation, mane aigeiuoi perieci, ana impsri uciuu andlntiM a.Arrt.rk.a Atvttattiutl- l.Tnletl nitlentl Pharmacist, ccr. Wyoming avenue and HAVE FAITH. II j on are III, I'alth Is weak. Hut filth Is essential To IIKALTII. CATAlUlli M first Means hut little, Check it while veil can. It ullt debilitate, Making jour )stcm An easy maik (or More serious troubles. MASON'S CREAM OF OLIVES lias no on,ual In being A certain fix Mr, The cure will lie Otilck autl permanent. Pleasant ami c (Teethe, Splendid for Piles Soc. a box, HasoiVs Health Defenders YI.LIOW TARLF.TS cure 1SPF.PIA (Won't know jou hae a stomach.) I1R0W.N TAI1LKTS rtre CONSTIPATION (O K in the morning.) HL1) TAIILLTS cure t'OUOHS (Sure ol a night's rest ) mini: tarlkt.s cue sork throvt (Reduce inHammaticn.) 20 tablets 10c. All druggists or mailed (or pilce by H T MASON CHEMICAL COMPANY, CIS Arch St , Plilla , l'a. Mason's Remedies aie put up in 10, 2", and 60 cent boxes. IOR SALK at the (ctlowing drug nROTHKRS. Wholesale and Retail, S'O Lacka Ave. M'OAIinAH k THOMAS', 2IT, Laika. ave. C. 1.0RKSZ, 418 Ijek. ave. cor. Wash. At Marlon. c III'.NWOOI) k CO , 1W N. Main street. a W. I)1 is. Provldenee , and 311 W. Market W. S. KI.ONOSKI, 130(1 I'lttston ave. ('HAS. P. JONKS, 1557 DlcKson ave OKO . JON1 S A CO . Cor. l'rescott ave. 4. Pine. J . HONK k &O.N. Main street, Punmore, Pa . I' J. JOHNS, ro (ireen Ridge street. W II KNOHKL. 1017 N. Irving ave. PHILIP J. i:rn:n, 4I5 Penn ae WILL W. WATMNS, PeekMUe, l'a. II l CIAI1K. Carbonihle, Pa. THOMAS MOMK. Auhbald. Pa. Or bcii (or price bv the II T Mason Chemical Co , 515 Arch street, Philadelphia, Ta PECKVILLE. At about D o'clock. Wednesday morning a barn, the proper!) o( Mike Ilaverick, on the 1'jst Side, was discovered to be In flames. s the breakers n( the Kast Side do not sound fire alarms, not miny people were auarc that a (lie wis In progics Members o( tlie .Tcssup Hose lompaii) brought their cirt to the scene and put a stream on the tire, thus saving oilier prop city nearby The barn and contents were totally iloitrojed. When the fire was in progress a tele phone message was sent the Wilon Fire coin panj, o( I'likville, (or aid Thej qulekl ic spondtd to the cill, but their services were not required, as the llimes were brought undei con tiol b the Jeisup coinpanj On Mondaj evening, pril 16, a larewell recep tion will be tendeied Pastor b C. Slmpklns, of the Methodist I plscopal chiftch. The recep tion will be held at the church V very enter taining programme has been prepared All aie invited to attend Marjorie, the 10 j ear old daughter o( Mr and Mrs 1, I! Thompson, died ot hcarlet (ever Mon djj. The funeral, which was private, was held at the residence on Wednesdny The oung People's soiietj of the Presbjterlan (lunch is anaiigliig (or a social to be held in the church basement on Uediusdaj evming, April 23 Mr Jay lutliill jesterdaj moved ids (amily and liuusthoM effects to (.len I.jon, wheic Mr. ruthlll hn secured cmplovnien' If there was one more applicant (or tlie post olHce there would bo i lound dozen Already ileven inoplc have their intentions of Mecuriiig tho postmastershlp The (ollowing notice his been served upon each consumer of eleitric light in the borough of Bhkelj "Hcginning with April 1, 1900, all lights furnished by this plant will be charged for at the rate of 20 cents for each 10 candle power light, l'acn consumer will be allowed to burn one all night light at this rate. Additional all night lights will be charged 10 cents extra. Tl c secretary Is Instructed to charge extra (or all nights higher than in candle power. No one Is allowed to have- additional lights attached without a permit from the seiretar). This rule must be hlriulv adhered to. makely boiough council " Following is the programme (or Kaster Sinday at the I'll st I'li' church: mornim; skrviu: Organ voluntarj, "Rcdomen," ...1". R Benjamin Poxologv. invocation Hr S H Moon Anthem, "Christ, the Loid, Is Risen Todaj," Clarence Rose. Responsbc Reading. Cloria Kaster Ilium (Arranged bv Comer Thomas). Solo, "He Who Once Was Slain,". ...W. II fioate I'M) or Rev. Dr. Moon Ollertor), "Angello Serenade," II. Ilrundage, violin; F. R. Benjamin, orgar. Easter Chorus, "Jesus I.Ives," ....Francis Uarrett II) Light Girls. Aliment, "Christ Is Risen," V. 11 fioate ticiniou Rev. Pr. Moon II. W. Peck. 11) mn Benediction Tastor Postcludc, "rrinmphant March,".!'. R. Benjamin FA KM.... SKRMLKsj Oigin oluntarj. "Pasenerll." iiillicm, "He Will ltejoltc and Be l.lad," II. P. Banks Invocation. 11 inn Scriptuic Dr. Moon Anthem, "( hrist the Lord Is Risen Todat," J, W. Lcruuii Later Chorus, "Jesus lives, F. Barrett II; Kizht (irls. r'ier Dr. Moon ntheni. "Oh, be Jnjdtl," Willard Pollen Solo, "rhe Risen Lord," Mrs, Roberts Molln Duet Messrs Hawley and Benjamin lltllc 111, rist Is Risen," ..W II (iuate r-ennoii Annum, s .11 Ut Is Risen," ... OlTertort, '"-iniplc Confe-ssion,' ...Dr. Moon W. II (ioite It. Ilenjainlti .F, llciiedictlon l'o-Ucuda, "Festal March." PIRSON.NKL OF CHOIR Soprinos virs. K. W. Roberts, Mrs Ilirket, Mrs W. Ilrundage, Mrs Moon, Miss Itcnja mill, Miss KtM Peek, Miss KiniiM Peek, Miss Mice Moon. Ml) Hattlc Davis Mto Mrs. Root, Miss VU Ilrundage, MIs Ida Pest Tenors -II W Peek, .1 It. Reese Pass William II. Root, Ccorge t ole, II Rrundage II. W, Peck, 1 lions ter, ( W llawlej, first violinist, Howard Ilrun dage, second violinist; F. It. Benjamin, oiganlst. The Kaster decorations of the Presbyterian ihureh will be from Florist Oerbelg and will be verv fine CLABK'S SUMMIT. Mrs, James IllnUey died at her home on Tues. clay night at about 10 o'clock, blic leaves a hus band anil one son, mother, several sisters and brothers. Funeral services will be held at the house at 11 o'clock toda). Work Is being pushed 011 the factories at this place Mr. C. A. lienjamiii Is foreman at the ticamery and with about fourteen men under his charge. Is dolus some fine woik Pr Hubert Cameron (dentist), of Mcholson has moved in the Cornell house. (harlcs lljll) mil fimilv have moved back to this place from vliiillzville. Mu Joins Steward, of Nitre, l'a, visited her tUter-in law, Mrs. C. K. Meirill, laat v.cek Mrs, Kd Parktnu, of 1-alton, Is vltitlnc litr datlchicr, Mrs. Frank Miller, who it 111. Mrs D. Smith has been finite ill witli grip Merl, the little km of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Leotard, Is very ill. Miss Nellie Crlltln of Piovldenee, Is spending some tlmo with her grandmother, Mrs. V.lvira Crittin. Mrs Therou nillinirs and hmlh attended tho funeral of her mother, Mis. IM Towensen, ol Mill t Ity on Monday. A laigp iiumler of people attended tho fu neral of Mrs. M M lluffoid on Tuesday last. Interment wat mado in Claik's Oiccn cemetery. 1 m OLYPHANT. Kugcnc Smith, of Scranton, was a visitor in town je.teutay. Attorney Piw.on, of Stranton, vl.lted friends in Ulakely the (ore part ol the week, Extra meetings arc in piogtess this week in the Ulakely llapll.t church, conducted by the pa. tor, Rev. Dae Id Spencer, I), I), Leo Lynch returned (rem "lale yesterday to spend Kaster here. Tlie (uneral ol Sirs. Ann MiC'abe, who died on Monday list took place yesterday altenioon at 3 o'clock (rotn her late home on Kerrls street. The deceased w taken to Sit. Patrick's church where the (uneral service was conducted b) Rev, P. J. Murphv, the pastbr, ader which Interment was made In St. Patrick's cemetery. The pall bearers were James Me lisle, l'utikk VUCabe, John Mclhle, William lluikc, John McCabe and Patrick Mcllalc. Laige audiences continue to greet Dr. Tracey, the (emperancc evangelist at the Father Mathew opera house evening evening. List evening he delivered a lecture entitled "Ten Mghts In a Ilir loom," illustrated with sltrropllcoii views. This evening he will spcik en tlin "Moss pcvll o( America," and tomorrow evening the subject will Ik- "The Spanish War." On Sunday afternoon a meeting will lie held which will close the scries o( lectures by Pr. Trace) at this place. Mis. Sencer, wlie o( Rev. Puld Spencer, who met with a serious mishap last week, by a fall, is getting around again very nicely. The funeral o( Miss Annie Williams will take phco on Saturday ottcrnonn Instead ol Sunday ss previously stated In the papers DUNMORB DOINGS. Successful Meetings Held by tho W. C. T. U. Other News Notes of Interest. A parlor meeting of tlie members ot the Women's Christian Temperance union was hold nt the home of Mis. Marsh, on Ulakely street, yesterday af ternoon. The meeting was begun at 3 o'clock, and Mrs. Preston, state super intendent of tho Total Temperance legion work of Philadelphia, and Mrs. Vaughn, of Scranton, addressed those present. Considerable Interest, amount ing to enthusiasm, was displayed, and later several new members were add ed. In the evening a meeting was held In the Methodist Episcopal church to fur ther the work started. Mrs. Preston delivered an ablo and lengthy lecture. A society to be known as the Senior Loyal Legion was oiganlzed and though In a very weak condition at present Is expected to nipldly giow. After the meeting the ladles "of the church whoso names begin with A, I? and C served ice cream and cake. A laige number were In attendance at all tho meetings nnd nlso at tho social time following. EASTER AT ST. MARY'S CHURCH. Tho music for Easter Sunday at St. Mary's Catholic churcn, of which Rev. M. R. Donlun Is pastor, will bo a3 fol lows: Udi Aquim fircgorhn Kjrie, Llieson Farmer Gloria in Lxcelsls Farmer Credo De Monti Sanetus Millaid Benedictiis.tirand Italian Mass Agnus Dei, firand Italian Mass Offertoiy Regina Cenll Usee Die Dc Monti Choir. The solos will be mng by the following; Misses C.illigan, T.i)lor, Clarke, Cilmartin, Dougher!) , and Messrs W. Crane, ( an ley. Hoian and fillmarlin. Organist. Miss M A Mcllale; chorister, Mr. IMward Sullivan BRIKP NnWS NOTES. The Installation of oillcers of the lo cal tilbe, Improved Order of Red Men, which was to have taken place last evening in tho Independent Order of Odd Fellows' hall, was not held, owing to the distilct deputy holding an In stallation in Scranton last evening. The following membeis of the Junior league of the Methodist Eplpcopal chuich have been selected as ofllceis of the oiganizatlon for tho coming ear: President, Hope Plnnell, Hist vice president, Ethel Lltchenhan; sec ond vice president, Leah Correll; third vice president, Lester Yost: tieasutur, Irene Hums: seeretaiy, Ethel Cum mlngs; pianist, Bessie Powell. The so ciety Is reported to be In a very loui ishlng condition and nt each elect.on of ofU?ers the roll showj an lr."ioaso of meinbeishlp. The funeral of little James Morello, who died Wednesday after a short III ness, at Throop, will b-1 held Ihls af ternoon at 3 o'clock. Intsrment will be mado in the Mt Cannd cemetery. The Pennsylvania Coal company raid Its employes tholr usual monthly sti pends yesterdjy A gtam! social will bo held in the Tin oop borough hall Tuesl.iy night. Apill i. During the wel..l a waltz contest will take place, whl-n is at tt acting conslcleiable attention. Tho coming moiiiigo of Miss Jennie Howell, of Now York, and Dennis Lan gan, of tblr bo-ough, has been an nounced bv the lrsuance ot cauls by the bride's paren's. The funeial of illtle Joint sicuermou, the youngest son of iMr. and Mrs. James McDeimott, who died AVedncs djv evening, will be held this after noon at 3 o'clock. Sei vices will bo held at the home. Kemarkablo Cure of rheumatism. Kenna, Jackson Co., W. Va. About thiee yeats ago my wife had nn attack of ihcumatlsm which con fined her to hei bed for over a mouth and tendered her unable to walk a step without assistance, her limbs being swollen to double their noimal size. Mr. S. Maddux Insisted on my using Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I purchased a llfty-cent bottle and used It according to the directions and the next moinlng she walked to breakfast without assistance In any manner, and she has not had a similar attack since. A. B. Pai sons. For sale by all drug gists. Matthews Bros., wholesale and retail agents. . itt 1 11 OLD FOBQE. The emplojes of the Penns)lranla (oal iom pan) received their montlil) earnings )esteida). Tlie Old Forge Librarj association, comprising 1 large number of the joung men from this place, have completed arrangements for their Unit annual ball, to be held I aster Monday ct ruing, at Columbia hall, and it promises to surpass any ever held heretofore They lave re ceitrd a large number of valuthlc and Interest ing books (or the use of the library, and bate also secured commodious rooms, whlih will be onened (or inspeition in the near future. Mr. Frank Judge was in Scranton )f .terday on bu.lncis The borough council and board ol health made a tour of inspection through different teitions of the borough jesterdi) (or the purpose of bet tering the uiihcalthful portions, especially in the district known as narbeitown, where there is situated an artificial swimp requiring Immediate attention before the summer months set in. Tie usual Lenten service's were conducted nt fct. Laurence's church on Frlda) etenliu A. ! Council), of the Lawrence Hose com pauv, is In New York on bu.Iness. The Ladies' auxlllar) is making preparations lor their country dance on s.prll 23 at Fallon's hall, Unluuc costumes will be worn, A prise of $5 will be given to the couple best representing Fanner Ila)iteed and lad) in attendance. Music will lie furnished b) a complete orchestra Ad mission, 25 cents. Th tccrct of perfect strength. Weakmss, decline, wasting, positively curca u our remedies and o.ri'11 ance. vslilch wo tcnci on trial and approval. Jay on honor, or return all at out expentt. Advanco pavment notrenalred. NoC.0.1). No deception of any nature. new dooic uncier seal, tree. BRIK MEDICAL CO., BUPCALO, N.Y. JL J3ZsssV The People's A POPULAR CLKAKING HOUSE for ths Hcnstlt ot All Who llnvc Iloutcs to Rent, Rcnl Hstatc or Otlisr Property to Sell or Exchange, or Who Want Situations or Help Tims Small Advertisements Cot- One Cent a Word, Six Inqcrtlona for Five Cents a Word Except Situation! Wante.1. Which Arj In. sertcd Tree. FOR RENT HJJXxrM--l-l"vll r-1 in nnmi imi'vi' I'tiovfil nilF.smsrJ llOOVW. laundrv, etc.: I1-" Adams avenue. liiipilic Philip J vcttcr, 415 I'enn uvenue. BROOM PLAT, IU1 MtKSSLKR COl'lll. IV qulie Philip J. Vcttcr, 115 I'eim uvenue FOR RESr-7-ROOM LOUSK WITH nTli, moc'ttn lirpiovuneits. Address 807 Haul son avenue. FOR SALE $2S,ooooo six pint cr.vr. noin ponds for (ale. Inquire at 305 Sua Mors RullUlng. IOR SALU OR FOR ltET-riil', NKW 1HU Ing Park hotel; elegantly turnihed l.eel lent opportunity for anv person wishing l f"1 bark In the hotel business. Inqulie of William Craig, tare K, Robinson Sons' Brewery. B01LUU AM) KNOI.SK FOR SALK; 12 H01.sK power vertical boiler, and 6 horse power en glne, good as new. Mm 48 lect 2 inch slutting with hangers, and C30 feet ot Much pipe. "Peo ple," 321 Penn avenue. REAL ESTATE. FOR SS.LK-DOURI.K 1IOMK, S18 MOMtOK avenue, will sell at bargain it sold before April 1. FJJRJJjOOMS FOR RF.NT-1WO VI RV PLKASANT FRON'T rooms, furnished. All conveniences. 321 Jet ferson avenue. AGENTSJMfiJTTED WANTKD-FIRST CLASS AOLNTS IN KVLRY city and town In Pcnnsjlvenla to introduce the largest and Itrongist Sick and Accident Company in the world. Address F. It an Pusen, Supt. ol Agents, Bay City, Mich. HELP WANTED-MALE. H0STLKR WANTKD803 MKARS BUILDINQ. WANTLD-KNLUdKTlC A VII HOXKST OUNO man to lite in doctor's (amil), must have c-pcrlcroc witli hones. Call or address Dr. J . Kr.cdler, Elmhurst, Pi. I10 WANTED BITWFKV K AD 17 YhUSS of age, to make himsell Useful in a barber shop Inquire 327 Spruce street WAN1KD-COOP. IIUSrLl.NO M N IOR PUtT ner in gent's fuinHdng and hat business, $3,000 cash will pi) jou l.Wm a vear, best Hand; good references ddrcss C. Ccorge, Scranton, Pa., Geneial Delivery. HEJJWANTED-F-EMALE. WAVTED-COMPKTKNT GIRL FOR GKNKRAL housework. Apply at Sit Pine street. WANTKD THRUK KM'ERIKNCLD RHOK salesladies, reference Answer "Quick," Tiibunc dike. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WANTF.D-PMtT.NKK; ONK OR TWO GOOD, active men with a capital of $2,50l to take hilf interest In Rood paring business. Good op portunity to right parties Address Partner, Tribune office. SEALED PROPOSALS. WILL PK RECHVED FROM CONTRACTOR or builder who wants an cxiicnenccd man to make estimates fiom aichltcct s drawings, of mason and carpenter work; understands keeping accounts and how to n.akc up a pay roll; can furnish icference. Address II. J., 1715 Sander son avenue, city. FJNANCIAL. NOTICK IS HERKI1Y GIVEN TO THF, BOXD holders of the .1 I Newman Lumber Com pan, that the followniK first mortgage, rt per cent bonds of said eempany, J10, 41 for $1,000 and N'os 77 and 82, each for $500, hive this day been drawn by lot and will be redcemd at par at the banking rooms of this cempany on or after May 2, U)0, snd that intcicst will let.c on the aforesaid bon Is after w.ld elite HCKVWANN'A TRPST AND hVFE DEPOSIT CO , Trustee, bllEI'HERI) AVARS, Vice-President. Scranton, Pa, March U, 1900. POLITICAL. A v-fcyvvwiw FOURTH DISTRICT CO.NVENriON-UNDFR the lules adopted at the last distiict comer tion, notiic is heitby givel that the conventien for the Fourth Legislative district will be held in Rurkc's hall, Carbondale, Pa., on .Vlondaj, the" twenty third da) of Apill, A. D, 1'jOtl, at 4 o'clock p m , for the rt'ipose of nominating one eandldatp for member of the legislature, and for the eleitlon of thiee delegates to represent sai I legislative disttlit in state convention to b' held at Hanisburg. April 25, A. I). 1'AiO. as well as for the trinsactlon of such other business as thill be proper. igilanee ccn mlttees will hold primary elic tiuns nn Satrrda), the twet t) -first day of April, 1900, between the bonis of 4 and 7 o'cloik p 111 Candidates for the oltkes abevc named will reg ister with tho secular) in Caibondale, uul shall pay their assessments cin or before the tenth clay of pril, piOO, otherwise the names will not be piiutcd upon the oilicial ballot , .1. W SMITH, Chairman. Attest -SAMl'KL S. I0.NKS, Sccretai) Carbondale, Pa., .March 27, 1100 THEATRICAL. "The Heart of Tennessee." At the Academy of Music this afternoon and evenir' tli" tiihnev Hoelllei company will pi esc lit "The Heart of Tennessee" Tomorrow afternoon the companv will be wen in " Country Oirl," and at night in "The Piincc of Liars." A Young Star. Doubtless tlie jonnaest 6tar now- before the American public Is Little bene Mters, who will be seen at the Academy next week, at the head of her own compan) Although scarcely 11101 c than ten ye-irs of age, I ittle Irene has been W fore the footlights neatly seven jean, and has lecome a dunning little actress, a phenomenal singer, a graceful dancer, and gained a repi.t i- tit n which Is the envy of man) who ira jcars ler seniors In both age and experience. In presenting this brilliant little artist to the public, Manager Will II. M)ers ha. utilUcd cveiy effoit to surround her with a company which It in every respect In keeping with the merits of the star and his therefore secured an organization of extraordinary excellence, being pronounced ul terior to man) which exact a hifher price of ad nilision. A selection of popula- comedies and dn mas, with all the necessary scenic Accessories will he offered during the engagement , "The Dagger and the Cross." The famous romantic actor, Robert 11 Mantclt, tuppoitcd by a select compan) pitsenting 'The Dagger and the Cross," will lie tlie attraction at the Lvccwn next Tuesday. Few aetois tan boa.t rf the continuous good fortune in piodiietlpin which has malted the career nf Robert II. Mat tel!. In the past ten vears lie has piesrnted many new works, most of which have biought fame and fortune. In selecting such, Slmtell imde him self a fatorlte, and stands today in America alone III the excellence of his work Tills is Sli. Man tell's third seasoi under the direction of M W. liuiiley, oni of our eldest and most rcsonsiblc managers To Repair Broken Arti cles use 1 or 8 Remember MA IMPS HUIHiKR CJEMENT, MAJOIPS LEATHER CEMENT, rHBfc aBakjifCom Exchange. SITUATIONS WANTED srrrvnox VAvrT:n-n an" lAi'KniKvnin lccH.ccpci; cm give reierinces; small salsr) Address A. N 11 , Tribune otHec. WORK W'AYIHI Al OM'I BV A Ol MS MAV 2'if hon-st, willing to work (or board F M Donnelly, HI Lackawanna avenue. SIll'ATlOV W'ASTI'D-BY S lAI'KRH'.SCLD iMjokkeeper. Address J. K., Tribune oftlee. SITHATIOV WASTI'.DTv MIDDI.F. Atll 1 lad) ss housckecpci. Address Jllrs Jordan, 310 Jcncrton avinue SITUATION WVNTHI-1S OR Ot T OF CIT , b) a joung man Willi u iirutlcil buins education, honest, reliable and no bad habits; can furnish Al references. AddrtM VI. A R., Tribune olllcc. WANTI.D-1 OSITION BY A LAD, IN OFFICII ol as cashier, has had eleven )iars cvpiii- ence; best of refeiencc. Additss J U, Box Kl. WORK Il T1IK DAV AS LvUNDRFss Ol! cleaning holi'e; .'an give best clt) leleiciiec. Address T M 702 l'lm stieet. SITUTIO.V BY Km'f.RIKNCKD MjRsK, HIT erenees. 310 Jefferson avenue. WANTED-POSITIOV AS BOOkKIMIl'l'.ll OR thlpping vlerk, mint Jcars' cvpeit nee, 50ml refernce from last employer. Address M. T., Box IK, Ourvea, Pa. Snt'ATIO.V W'ANTl'D-BY A WIDOW' LvDv AS housekeeper for widower in 11 ripeetnli!e (Ainll), where she can tale her cnild; best of reference. Mis. R L, 1110 Hampton treet SITUATIOVW AN Tl l)-AS On-MCK (HRL; I N deiKtands clouble entry bookkeeping. AJ dress M. L Tribune ollh e SITUATION- W ANTKlA GKNTLKM W 111'- sires four hours' work evuilngs in witting or accounting Addiess A JCampbell, 6ii Wasa Ington atcnue. city. DRESSMAKING PRIsMAKINO IOR CHILDRKV '10 Oltlll.K. also ladles' waists. Louise Shoemaker, 212 Adams avenue. CITY SCAVENGER A. B BRIGOS CLKVN'S PRIVY VAl'LTs AND cess itools, no odor. Improved pump, tl ,d A 11 BKIGGS, Proprietor Uave orders 1100 Porth Main avenue, or ".icke's drug store, cer ner Adams and Mulherr.v. Telephone 1)310 SAJ::PTJEATiyiENT MBS" L. T. hTLTKR. H'M.P Tltr.VTMENT, 50o i shampooing, MV f 11 ill massage, man icuring, 2Je , chiioioib. 701 (Julney. NEWSPAPERS THE WILKI'SRARRK RECORD CAN IIP. II l) in Scranton at the news stands of Reisman Pros , 101 fcpiucc and 10.1 Linden, M Norton, H22 Laekawimu avenue, I h hehutter, 11 Spruce stieet. PROFESSIONAL. ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR. K. C SPAUI.DING, 2.1 TRAD! Its' UVNIC Bl'ILU ing ARCHITECTS FOWvRD II DWPJ, AliClllIKCl, (ONNEII, Ilulldlng, Scianton HtKDKRICK L PROW'X. Mtf IIIKTCT, PRICK building, 120 Wadiiigton avinue, Scranton. CABS AND CARRIAGES. RI'llllHl TIRED CM1S AND CMIRIAGE'.: Pl.Sr of service Piompt attention given oideis b 'photo. 'Phones '!i'l and lfi.i. Joseph hello), l.'l Linden. Ofiivr'srs DR. I. O. LYMAN. SCR VNTON Plll ATL HOS pital, cor. cmlng and Mulhcir DR. C C. LAI P CH, 115 MOMI.Nci .ULNUK. DR. H. 1". RKSNOLPS, OI'IN P. O. HOTELS ANO RESTAURANTS Till' 1 LK CU'h, 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN AMI nuc, Rates icasonablo P yi.lGLKR, Projuletor SCI! NTON HOISE, ?FAR 1) , I. i. W P M.N ger detiot. Coidutted on tlie- luropean tilan Ml TOR KOCH, Proprietoi l-MY"..? RICHARD J 1'OIT.hK, ATTORNI .T L VW. 500 2 Liikituiiiiu atcnue. General law busl ness, collections and loans. J. W PROWNI.N'ii ATTORNEY NI1 CO I N-,' I. lorat-Lr.w. Itocni MJJl.l Mcars butlelii.g D. R RH'IOC.LI, riORNl.Y LOVNS NI (.0 Hated on real estate M-ctilt) Mcait nulhling, coiner W'athitigloii uvenue and sprucc sued M. J. DONMIOK TIORNKY-AT-LW. flees 012 0U Meats buinllitg Ol'. FRANK E I10M.K, ATIOI.NI.Y VND COlNsi.1.. lor at law-. Hen bnllilinar, Itooms 1? and U, Washington avenue WILL MID, W MtltKN cV hNAPP, MTOItNIi and Counsellor at I aw Republican Lulbliug, Washington'. JKSIJP k .ll'SSt P, ATlOUNKSs NI) tul'N. sellors at-law, L011111 cnwealth building; looms 19, 20 and 21. JvMFS W- OIKKIiRD. TTORM V-VI-LVW'. ltooilH 511, 515 and 510 Ilianl of Trade Rich.. kdTvrd"w THWI'R. VTTORNKY. ROOMS '.I.I1KJI, 'l.h rlooi. Meats building L WVntrS UroRNTY-xTLvW inoiivvpiltli bulhlln.', Scianton. l'a COM- c it. piinini rroiiKNY atlvw inoi wealth building, 'ei.inton, Pi CO VI PATTERSON' & WILCOX, TRVDhlt-' .N TlON L Hank building C COMKOSM, 911, r.EITIlLIC V RI'ILDlN'f, A. W. HEliriToLF, ATTORNEY, MEM!-) I1LDO PHYSICIANS "NO tunscovs PR W'. L'."aLLEN, 613 NORTH W ISillN'GrON atcnue. DR. S. V. L'M-IOPKMIV, OFFICE 3J0 W S1I ington avenue Residence, 1318 Mulbcm Clironio diseases, lurgs, heart, kldnejs and gcritn urinary organs a specialty Hours, 1 to 4 p m. SCHOOL SnlooiToFTHK LACKWNN, S(RNTOV. Pa. Courves prepaiator) to college, Itw, meeli tine er business Opens Sept lllh Send ior tatalcgue. Rev Tlwnus M I nun. 1 L I)., prin cipal and prcpilctor; W. K. Ilumlev, A. M, headmaster. seeos O R CLARK A CO. Ml'lHUV AND .Nt'lt? eiyrun, ttuie 2U1 Wailungtnii avenue; green liotiM-, li, 0 North Slain atcnue; store tele phone, 762. WIRE SCREENS JOS" KUTTF.lT lH All" 511 I,M.Uyt avenue, Scr.11 ton, Pa, manufacturer ot Wlro Sri ens. MSCtTL'- SAfiTOlS IlMKII's OUrilLSTKV-SllSIC I11H n LI.S, picnic, parties, receptions, wedding and con cert work furnished For turns addiess It J Bauer, wntluctor, '17 )iming avenue, oter Hulbcits' inmic stoic MKGARGFK nROTIU'RS, PRINTERS' bl'I'l'LUH. envelopes, pspn bas, twine. Warehouse, 1JU Washington ateiiue, scrarton, Pa RAILROAD TIME TABLES UrlunuJ Wyoinlu; Valley. Time Table In Effect Feb. 7, IfxJO. Trains leave Scranton (or llauley and (liter mediate points, connecting at Hawley with File Railroad (or New Surk, Newhuig, llonesdalc and Intermediate iolnti, as follows! No. 2, Accom modation, tt a. m.j No. 4, Express, 12.01 p. m. RAILROAD TIME .TABLgp Schedule In Effect November 10. 1800. Trains leave Scrnnton: ' '' ' G.4B n. m,, week days, for Sunbury, Harrlsburp, Phllndelphln, Balti more, Washington and for Pitts burg and the West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, Pottsville, Heading, Norristown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, BaltlmoreWashlngton nnd Pitts burg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays 1.58 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and tho West. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J. R. WOOD, On. Ifts. Act. J. 11 HUTCHINSON, den. Mgr. Del., Lnc'cti. tiuJ Wcatjrn. In FfTect Dec 17, 1"9. SOUTH Lcate Scranton for New York at 2.18, 3 00, 5 10, and 8 00 and 1(1 05 a in i 12 55 and 3 S3 p. in For Philadelphia at ." '10, SOU and 10 05 a. m.; 12.55 and J: 11. m. For Stiotidsbuig at 6.10 P m Milk and AcconinodJlloti at 3 40 p. n. Airltc nt llnbfikeri at 0 55. 7 IS, 1) 10 a. m ; 12 OS, 2.47, 4.4S1. 7 19 and 9 33 p. m Atilvc at Phila dellhia at 10'rO a. m ; 1 00, 3 4S, fl 00 and 8 2.1 P in Aitite fiom New orlt at U,0j, 2.15 and 4 no a m ; 1 00. 1 52. 5 11 and P.45 p. m. l'roin Mroud.hurg at 8 0S a. ni- NORTH-lene Scranton (or llulalo and Inter mediate Million ,n 12.10, 2 60, 4 01 and 0 00 a. 111 ; 1 53 and rM p. m For Oswego and S)ra-cii-ai at 4 05 u 111. and 1 5.1 p m For Htlea at 2.50 a in. and 1 55 p. m lor Monlitse at 11.00 1 111 . 1 05 p in and 5 50 p in Km Nicholson at 4 00 and (115 p m Anivi tn Scianton (ro.rj lluffalo ut 2 10, 2 " 5 2.' ant' 10 Oo .1 nt ; J B0 ami 7 4n p m Fiom llswee,o ami Sjraclise at 2 V a 111., 12. IS and I 10 p in. Fiom Straeuse at 7 10 p m Plum I tti-o ut 2 13 .1 m.i 12.11 mid KI0 p in From Mcholson at 7 W n 111. and 6 (HI p in Frcm Montiosc at 100 .1. in.; 3 20 and 7.40 p m lllOOsi i( )sON -I cute Scranton for Northumherlind at tl SO. 10 (15 11 11 . , 1 " and R 10 P in For I'ltmniitli at 1 (5, I 40 und X M p in. For Nintieoke at S 10 a in. Virile ut Norlhui'l beihnd at 11 ', n. in , 1 10, 5 OS and 9 al n. m. nlve at N iiillcoke it 0 20 1 m. Anlve at Plj mouth nt 2 05, I li .end 9 15 p 111 rrivt at Scranton fiom Nnttliumlicrlanil at 9 12 a. m ! 12 ", 1 55 and 8 Ml p in Piuin Nuntltokc at 1100 a 111 I tout I'Dnvi'tli at 7 57 a. m ; 3 '2S and 0 05 p. in StNDVY TIIUNn. SOPTII-Iavc- Set intcii u 2 li, 3 OO, 5 30, 10 03 a 111 : 1 13 and 1 Id 11 in. NORTH -Lc ne Sirnnten at 12 10, 2 50, 4 03 p. 111 , 1 55 and 5 50 p 111. IHOOMMH'ltd IHMHON Leave Scranton at 10 05 1 in and C 10 p 111 Dchivv ir j an I Umlqoti. On Feb 2Cth, 1900, trains will leave Scranton as follows. For larhoiulale 120. 751, 8 53 10 1 1 a. m ; 12 noon, 1 OS, 2.2S, 4 Oil, 5.25, 0 25, 7 57, 9 13, 11 13 p m. . 1 1(1 a m. For Alliant, Saiatugi Montreal, Roston, New I ngland points, etc -0 20 a. m , 1 OS p m. For llonesdalc . 20, 10 11 a in; 2.28, 5 23 p. m Tor W'llkes llano--(! 45, 7 K 8 41, U IS. 10 4? a. m ; 12.01, 12, 2 1, 1 J.I, 4 27, CIO, 7.48, 10.1, II 30 p 111 For New ork, Pliiladell Ida, etc., vit Lehigh alle) Railroad 0 43 a rn , 12 03, 2.18, 4 27 p. III . with lllaek Diamond Kvpie.s, 11 10 p. m For Pennsthanlt Rallroiel points, 0 45, 9.3S a. m . 2 IS. 4 27 p. 111 For western points, tia Lehigh Valley Rail road 7 4S a 111; 12 0.1, 3 13, with niack Dia mond Kxpress, 10 41, 11.30 p. m. Trains will arrive in Se ronton as follows: I rom Carbr n laic and the Noith-b.tO, 7 43, 8..S, 9 34. 10 SS. 11 5S a. in ; 1 21, 2 15, 3 23, 4 23, 7.43, 10 IS, 11.27 p m. I rom Wilkes llarre and the South 6 15, 7.4S, S.4', 10 as, 11 55 a. m ; 1 04, 2 21, 4.02, 5 20, 8.21, 7 5.1, 9 05, 10 05 p in ; 1 11 a in M'NPxY TRMNs For Ciibondalc 9 03 .1 m ; 12 27, 2 32, 4 'tf, 6 47, 10 52 p m. For Wilkes llarre 9 18 a. m J 12.0.1, 1 58, 3.2S, 6 27. 8.27 p m. For Alban), Saratoga, Monliral, Roston, New 1 ngland points, etc , 1 OS p in Lowest rates to all points in United States snd Canada .1 W. RI'RDICK, O. P. A . Albany. N. Y. II. W. CROSS, I). P. A.. Scranton, Tl. Lchiglt Valley KuilroAi. In KITect Nov. 19th, 1S99. TRMNS LKWK SCRANTOV. For Philadelphia and New otk, via D. k II. R 11 . at i 45 a m anil U0.1, 2 18, 4 27 (Black Diamond Expuss). and 11 io p, m. Sundays, D. A II It R. 1 . 7 48 p ni For White Haven Hazleton and principal points in tlie coal legions, via D & II R. It , 11 43, 2 IS and 4 27 p in For Pottsville, 0.43, 2 IS p. nt For llcthlehein, Laslon, Reading, Harrisburg and principal intermediate Mntlons via D & II. It II, 0 4) a in ; U.Oi, 2 is, 4 27 (Rlack Dia mond Exprcts), 1130. Sundajs, D. & II. it. R., 1 58. 7 is 11 111 For Timkhinnock. Towanda, Klmira. Ithaca, Geneva and pcincipil iulcimccllate stations, via, I) , I. A W U II s OS j 111 , 1 () and .1 15 n. tn. For Geneva, Rochester, lluffalo, Niagara Falls, Chit igo, and all oints west, via I). A II, II. It , 12 01, 3.3.1 (lllaek Diamond Express), 7.43, 10 41, 11 10 p m sunclijs,ll A II II It , 12 0.1 p tn., 7 4S p. m Puilmin pirlor and sleeping or Lehigh valley pailoi ins on all trains between Wilkes liarro nnd New York, Philadelphia, Rulfalo and Sus pension llriilge 110LLIV 11 W II III II, Gen. Supt, 20 Cortland street. New York C1IMILI-S s 1 1 E, Gin Pass. Ae,t., '2d Cortland stieet. New oik. A. W NONNI.MAl III II. Div. Pcs. gt., South Ilelhlehem, Pa. For tickets and Puilmin reservations applj 309 Litkaw.inna atcnue, Scianton, l'a. Centrsil Riillroil of New o r t s . stations in New V,ork loo' of I.lbeity stieet, N It, mil South FfliJ, Whitehall street. VnthiicltP ecil used cxilu-lttlj, insuring ckanllncss am! comfort I IMP. iM'.LK IN ll'I'ICT NOV. 1", ls'r. Tiaitts leaves vrinloti for New ork, Newark, l.llabcth. Phll.e'ilphlt, I'l'ston. Ilelhlehem, VI liiiluwn, Mane li ( hunk and WliMe II ivcii. ut b u0 a 111 , cxpiess, 1 20, cx less, 1 00 in suudajs, 2 15 p in lor 1'ittsion and Will .s lane, S ,0 a m , 1.20, 4 110 p 111 Miiidajs, 2I',i in Fn IliltlnioK und Wd.hingicn, and point j South and Wist vit IMhlthcm, 8.0 a. m , 120 1 in. sundais, 2 15 p m For Ivng Rial ill. OicMII GlOU, etc., at 8 '.D 0 111. and I 20 p 111 1 01 lidding, Lebanon ml Hiriisbi'rg, via Al Untnvvii, 8 0a 111 , I 20 p m siindajs, 215 I or I'm lv lib s .0 a 111 , 1 "0 p 111 tic sc is io ill points cast, south and west al lowest lates at the station I II (IIII.1IM SKN Gen Supt II P HM.rwiN, Gen. Pass. Agt. scuwro.N lIVINIO.. 1 11 Ilflc-ct Wet. U.llli, 1HIIO. North lliliinil. houtli notinri. SOS t iaoi 204100 Sea Sfl Btatlons li- m Arrive ieavei a M .1 7 23iN Y Franklin s 7 40 755 . 7 10 West 42nd street 7 00 wecnawken 810 a i Ir tilArrlve Leave1 I- Ml T M 10 451 10 40 1 1& cadosta .. 1 09 Hancock . .. tl: Ml ritarllsht ilia, t at) 2 11 '4 3a 2 22 4 45 10 31 10 21 . . 12 46 Preston Park. ti... 2 31 2 41 2 50 4M 1315 10 00 U50 9 10 9 CD 9 2J 9 1(1 ... 12 40 vviuwooa ... H Poyntellej ... isi orsoa 1201 Pleasant SIC, U l'j Unlondale ... U49 Forest city list Carbondale . ... fiiao www linage' 1112V -Mnyneia ill 21 Jermyn HIS Archibald .... 11 15 WIntori .... nil Peckvllle ill 07 Olyphftnf II 01 I'riceburtr Ill w Throop I1100 rrovldencs H057 Parle ptaca 10 55 Scranton 605 514 3 Ml 6 2S 3 OS BSO Set, Ell 3 19 US 907 90) 18 49 8 01 8 03 8 0 812 18 8 21 KM Sbi 3 45 (51 BUi 8 54 859 4 01 8 49 8 42 M'J 8 3s 407 821 4 10, 8 7 B 83l 88i (8a 8 J ri it 8 301 420 a M la m Leave 4. Sunday only. f. eliDlflea tu&t trains stop on ttgnal tor 'MY sengera. h. T 1 alnsSOJ and soa Sunday only. Other triitis dally except Sunday. ' . v wr .secure tates via Ontano VWestcjn btStte mlrcliastng tickets and save'inoney. 77 TbiougU Wagner uuffel sljeper; acf txfth. tllDlQK chair car'ecyoriuo ChWao wit Mot clianne. l'lisscnaer Hates HcdMCetl ia Two Cents) Vat .vllltt. T T.rUtcrott, l)tr. Faas,Atn.crSionT'l 4 4