The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 07, 1900, Morning, Page 4, Image 4

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QQt itantow r(6une
PubllMifd Dally. Kxcopt Bimday, by
The Tribune Publishing Company, nt
Klrty Cents a Month.
LIVT 8. IllCHAHD, Editor.
O. V. DVXUEn. BuslreirB MnnaRer.
New York OUlcc! 150 Nnwau St.
8. 8. VIU3KLAND,
8olo Agent for Korelcn Advertising.
Kntircd at tlie PostelTIco nt Scranton,
I'a., as Bccond-Clnes MMl Mutton
When snnee will permit, Tho Trlliiinn
In alwayn Bind In print Khort lottcm from
lis frlrndn benrlnR on current toplcn, but
Itn rule li that theno must bo slRticd, for
puhllratlnn, by tho writer's renl name!
mid the condition precedent In neceptiinco
Is that all contributions shall bo subject
to editorial revision.
SCRANTON. AmiT, 7, 1900.
Klrt Dlslrlct-THOMAS J,
Second Dlstrlct-JOHN SCIIBUIUI, Jit:
None of the malicis of presidents
find lci- presidents appeal to liu'.o
lintleeil tho slBnal Hhe of Webster
Dewey vs. Bryan.
FROM Tin: standpoint nf ex
pediency the Deniuciullo
party roulil, II cciiim to us.
vety proiltably toss Rryun
nrrbnHi(l and btilistltutc Dewey. As
Hi" Deiroeintle c.itrdldute, the iitlinlrat
would poll eveiy Ppinueiutlo nli
uhlih l!i. van totihl commend, and lio
would li.ive nioie m linn additional
FtrciiRth mud" tip of the following clo
m"nts: The fluid Deniot l.itff.
nrpuhllcan mal-contcntP.
The tJolcl Democrat!) could not con
sistently support Hrynn even tliuiiRh
the K.nihrfs City cnnxcntlnn should
"peak In a subdued lone cnm-ciitlng the
silver Issue The woist thiiiK about
Jtrvnn is not his ndvccny uf 16 to 1:
that is only a detail. It is his com
plete subservience to the I'opullstlP
luf-tlnef his willhiKiiei-s to tuieUlp to
lass prejudlips. in plain words lit
('eiiiHijoBisni. i:eiy toni-eivatle Dem
orrat who has leaped for the tradi
tions of his party must with to see it
ledpemed fiom eontiol by the Rran
tvpp of soelali.stlc iiolltician avIiosd
htpf stock la trade is the ability to
lant gliblv apainst capital r.nd to liaf
fli in political discontent. Heme tin
tenominatlon of Hi yap must keep open
the bicarh occasioned by nls iionilnn
llon In 1S0G: nnd the nomination of a
now man like Dewey would supply tlta
opportunity for a political reconcilia
tion. Tlieie aie male e.rlcnls in cwiy paity
and especially so in paitles which have
tho dlstllliutlou of pntiomisc. Them
are Republican malcontents today, not
many as compaicd with pteclous presi
dential ears. hut suflieicnt. In tlie apr
KiPK.'Ue, to icpicsent it copsldeiallon
in the panic of national politics-. Anions'
thobo who aio miffed at falluies to get
what they wanted arc doubtless some
who could suppoit a "Democrat" like
Dewey when they would draw the line
at n lank paitlsau like Bryan.
The last factor in the Dewey filia
tion tho sentimentalist!; is less easy
o locate and to hound. Just now the
nun ah for Dewey Is conspicuous ny
Its absence. There has been a i caution
fiom excessive heio woishlpi until the
admiral's stock has diopped fai below;
pur. Iiut might not a spiiikd presi
dential campaign conducted by tin
Dewey managers on ilag-waving piin
ciples in some oegieo rekindle the ear
lier enthusiasm and attiact to Dewey's
suppoit at the polls the c'ass of c-ltl-rens
easily susceptible to spectacular
effects? "We are Inclined to think so,
and heme our belief that if It is -votes
that they want, the Demociatic man
ipulators had better extend to the No.
hraska candidate a political fuiIoui,'h
and fto lu foi Dewey and red Hie.
Rut of coiiiso they will not grasp
this political oppoitunlly. And onn
If they should, It would not materially
alfect tho ultimate result. The peo
ple respect George Dewey as a sailor
and are Kind to see him a' the top of
the naval list: but for statesmanship
they put tlieii tiust in tho man who
commanded Dewey and diieded the
whole campaign in which Dewey play
ed onl a part. William Mt-Klnley,
president now nnu to be
The new complications contt online
the Demociatic: paity illl tho ef.
feet of keeping numerous organs on
the fence for several weeks hence.
The United States and Cuba.
.ENATOK I'LATT. chalunan of
the committee on lelatlons
with Cuba, and just l etui no I
... , from a peisonal Inspection of
OtUan conditluns, sas theio Is not u
linyi. (o lair as he knows, in either
house of copbtcss who does not In pood
faith Intend to ciiry out the letter
nnfl tHrlt of the Cuban Intel ventlon
resolution, Allien pledged the United'rctlic from Cuba after the
onsJCriWtlon "icie of a htable govern
merit til. for Independence. Seuetary
"CKftiheii-In, Cuba, said the saino
tliiojntit. General AVood reiterates it
from .time." to time. All these men aro
sbeOre rnirfir!riin' what they suy
lh the IIrIH of present knowledge
comnnjiiH ,tlm londltlon and capaUty
o .yitbCuban reople, the oluntaiy ad
vicno,'pklR,'i1f 'th Aineilcau Kovcrn
ineiitti'ttlthdiaw Its forces fiom Cubi
as sooivsis thjf Island had be n iiaulllcil
v,'W.'I1',,t!fe' li"peneil uunecessar
11V tht-door to linpatienceand distrust
!i' JH8. vlthpf' th5- ?yvo Population
mid brouejitno coyntferbalaneJnff beno
fit. It wntis much u'u to cxpiess a
doitibl'VJtt our' own honesty llko that of
the man ivhoso word Is go devoid ot
valntrniat hVlms To reinforce It with
ah affidavit.
Hut the j1oJkc ha
iiuU'uaaatufca cAa" u
Uutjho plodco, lias been given ami
itiQnttJft'Jla;,Cuba Ja not fit for
until she finds a
native Djaz .to iulo her v.ltli Intelli
gent atoacysahb vll Tiot ljo fit. Holt
KqTcTnlm5nt, ,n Ihis Ameilrun aeicpt.
Biirw tittltb tcrihljl not bo possible In
Cifba"for at' least ,w Beucratlon, ' tln'i
-BoirtcrUC"'bt'thut it will bu pua
Blblo eo lonB as tho Latin racn consti
tutes ii majority of tho Island's popu
lation. Wo shall have to stay until a
stable native Kovornment can he con
stiucted, which will he yeais hcnci.
Hut It should ho tindeistood that wo
will Rot'out Just as soon ns wo can do
so honorably. That will put tho re
sponsibility for our continuance In
Culm where It licionBs on tho native
Admiral Dcvcy certainly has some
ItnowledBi' of politics. He did not lrivo
to uuess at the weight of the I'cnnsyl
anlii Democracy.
The Democratic F'latform.
AN lNTi:ili:S'll.'( document,
certainly, Is the platform of
the Pennsylvania Domoc
nicy. In foreign relations It
twists the HiIIIhIi lion's tall, encour
nRcs the l'lllplno Insuriectlon, thiowj
n hoiKinet at the Uoern nnil, profound
edly conscious of Its own wisdom, loft
llv depiccales tlie iRnmutiic of tho
Aineilcau stall- department. It Hays
the trusts, e.eorcltttis the rnipoiatlons,
applauds bimetallism fa word moie
euphemistic than free rllver), demands
tailff lcvlslon (It useil to ho tariff ic
foi in), favors an Income tux, wants a
dlieet election of senatois and con
deiuns the use of inilltaty feice nnJ
maitlal law in the supptesslon of do
mestic lnsuucctlon. Jn state matters
It assails Governor Stone nnd Colonel
Quay, calls for letienchment and re
foim, uikcs public ownership of publl'
utilities and takes another foil out of
the eoi potations. In conclusion It in
stincts for Hi van, -whom It eulogizes
as the lepuhlln's principal hope. In
shod, it Is a collection ot practically
all the fieak Ideas ot the hour, tuned
in the key of Populism, rabidly "agin
the government," nnd suggesting tho
intellectual coherency ot a mad house.
If Dewey tuns for the presidency ni
a Demociatic candidate, his battle flag
will need to lonlaln the inscription'
"I have changed my mind."
Concerning .War Taxes.
ONIJ OF THi: Iaigcst films of
plmwnaceutical chemists In
this (ountiy is distributing
a letter to the picss asking
for ncwspapei help In the endeavor
which Is to be made to secuie an eaily
repeal of the stamp tax war iccnue.
The letter says:
"That act, we believe, has now fully
sen eel whatcer good purpose was to
be expected fiom It, and Its fuither
continuance is inexpedient, not to say
unjust. The late war with Spain found
thoc government In uigent need ot
funds, and an emeigency measuie like
the stamp tax commended itself to the
Judgment and patiiotlsm ot the people
Hut now, though, iinfoitunatelj, some
echoes of the war ate still heaid in tlie
Philippine Islands, we enjoy peace with
the whole woild and a degiee uf pios
polity which has lately if ever been
equalled In the whole couise of tho
country's histoij. One icsult of the
prospeiity is that the Federal ticasuiy
Is full to ovci Hotting; moie money Is
'pouilng nt It ns tlie result of taxa
tion than Its custodians know what to
do with. .Since last July its supeiflu
ous wealth has accumulated at the
average lute of over $6,000,000 per
month, the suiplus for March alone
was $1.",000,000.
"Such dlveision of funds fiom tho
regular channels of tiado and their
unfruitful accumulation in the tieits
uiy vaults not only piove the absence
of legitimate special channels of gov
ernment expenditure, but me a direct
encouiagement to the Inception and
development of Illegitimate channel".
The time, theiefoie, would seem to be
ilpe for some abatement of the tax-imposing
power of the gov eminent, and
this abatement could take no more
popular foi in than the speedy lemoval
of tlie stamp tax. As pharmaceutical
manufactuiois we have a special In
tel est In the tax, as It beats on laigo
classes of medicinal and toilet prep
aiatlons. In this lespect the tax has
always been huidensome, excessively
so, because whatever may have been
the theoietkal Intention of congicss,
the practical lesult has been that In
nine cases out of ten the most of the
burden has fallen on the limited class
of manufaetuiers Instead of being dls
ti United among tho large class of con
sumers. And now It pi esses with ad
ditioua! seveiity on those who have
to pay It because they aio no longer
supported by the thought that the
needs of the countiy demand tho sac
i lllce."
It Is icpoitPil that the Hepubllcan
leadeis In congicss have Informally
agiccd that it would ho unwise to open
tile question of a levision of war taxa
tion at tills session of congicss. They
lecognize the need of such levision, but
they also think that it could be moio
falily and expeditiously effected after
the piesldcntial election has been
taken. Inasmuch as Just prior to that
election there is usually moie politics
than common sense on view nt Wash-lug-ton.
Those who are specially pinched
by the emeigency taxes may not fully
appreciate this decision, but Under the
clicumstanccs it is evidently wise.
This Is the scabon when the tiairp
should be given the told shoulder.
Work Is so plentiful now that there Is
little excuse for any one save a poli
tician to bo out of cmplcjincnt.
Dally Horoscope Drawn by Ajncchus,
The Tribune Astrologer.
AstroUbo cast l.Jt a. in., tor SUiihIj). April 7,
.V S
A cliild born on this iUi will nutlic that bate
ball fever can eiancl) lc Kilned an riilcimu ill
bcranton this pring.
Many a bright y nlm un alrpiilv tlnnw
tlrre curves on 'llio lust lull grmmil, vncM
quail it askfj tn fpaJo up a lew jjrd. ot oarlli
in tho back cartlrn,
A pour memory lias ruined tli imlilln of
many a proinlglnir liar.
When a toft hcail arcompanlrt a foil brail
tlm ulilr-lmalifil tiainp U alwuja turp ot a hwrly
inral at tho luiW lor.
Mania?? li wmip Uiikk a failure, but illwuic
Kiliiially ihiimv a hhcc,.
Ajacchus' Advice,
11 the (aullK o( jour iirluhhor nie m.l nl nil
IIiikh appaunt, Utlci coiiiull un occullst at
Thcabove Ka peaceful picture of part of
been the scene of several great popular demonstrations during tlie last few davs. The
agitation was led by Luys Ribcra.the Federal leader, who demands unrestricted trade and
proper civil gov eminent.
The Bible Used
In Correspondent
I loin tlie "New uk Sun
Jonas A. Smyth of Chicago believed
that the Hiitlsh weie lighting for tho
light In South Aft lea. In the eaily
days of the win he concluded that, if
anybody could convince him that tho
Hocis weie light, that pel son was
Paul Kiugcr. Accordingly, lie sent a
letter to the president of the South
Afilcan lepublic, askin.j for n state
ment of tlie icnsoti for the position
taken by Hip lepubll"' ngnlnst Unglaud.
The correspondence thus begun was
can led on by telegraph and mall until
a few days ago, Mr. Smyth's original
letter was as follows: '
thnau'i. I'. s . f)i t 10, io
Ilh 1crllni(.i, s ,1 p. Knicrr, 'rr-Mrnt of
sonlh Afikin Itipuhlie, Piilnrh, lianstail,
Vli prar s,r , an i,, n ipldnt ot
fliiiaso, ami a hrr if Justin- i.iid fall phj, I
i-oliiit fiom .vim n iiislirinllin "f vour iri-ont
attllwle touanl llnaliiul an". Hip ntlimli-M of
loin mtion. ou nm-it li.iv ( a ilrfinltc- icnson for
Jour posititm of t(-iitinp and o prrsion, anil if
you aic- in tho rieht 1 would bo ploiitl to know
it from your on pen I am, joins vorj fin
cirolv .lonas A. Smjth.
Itoom l'Ci'i, M iwinii Tinili-
Jlr. Smyth was somewhat surpilsed
to receive fiom Piewldent Kruger the
following answer by cable:
Pre tout. S V , Nov. T, UtO.
.Mr. Jonas slnjh, llonm 1'ki-i, Masonic Temple,
C'liloaBo, 111 , f. S. :
Honorable sir: I'ilm S", icues 11 and 11,
ami P) ami JO. Iti'initfulb, Kroger, President.
These are the horses of the Psalm:
l'ale itnes ilitl rise up; lliey laid to my
rliarge tliiuss that I kiiw not.
'1 ties iruanlcil me ell for kooi! to the spoilinR
Of U soul.
bet not llieiu that nie mine enemies wronit
fiilh lejoiic oer mi; neither let them wink with
the fp that liate me without came.
I'm they speak not peace, bill tliej ileie -le-(eitful
iiuttdsi apiiinst llitm tint arc quiet in
the I mil
Smyth cabled back:
I H-.I 'linutliv, vei'ps 1 ami 2
The veises are.
I" ml. an apiMle of .lisu-- ( hrist, bv the mm
mamlment of (mil, our --aviour, and I.oul .li&us
Christ, whkli is our hope,
I mo Timolliv, my on sou lu tlie faith: Grace,
fm 1 1 y ami pi ue, fiom I, oil, our I'alhcr and
-If sin (.hrist urn
President Kruger came back at
Smyth by cabling: "JCoph.ulah, i.S:"
Ami i will eniamp about mine linue, heiaiisc
of the anui, heiause of him tint piscth bj,
anil lu-iaiisi- of him thai leli.nictli; anil no op
piissor fhall pass iIiuhil'Ii them any more; for
now hue I tern with mine ejes.
To this Smyth -lepllcd by mull quot
ing i:ek1el, -xll: L'-6:
son of Man, tal,e up a hmeulatloii for Pharaoh,
kiln; of i.pript, anil s.iv unto him. Thou ait liko
a joiiiii; lion of the iiilmns, anil thou art ns a
whale in the seas; anil thou i oincl fuilli with
tin riters and troulileiUt the- waters with ll.j
tiet ami fouledst the rivers.
Thus saith the bold Coil: I will theiefore
spread out Vlj net over thee with a compinj of
many people: and tlipj shall tiring thee up In
.lj net
'lhtu iill 1 hai- thie upon the iiud, 1 will
last thee foith upon the open tlihl, and will
i line all the foulK of Ihe Heaven tn remain upon
tlm-. ami I will till tin beasts of fie whole
raith vvitli thee.
ml I will lav thv flesh upon the mountain,
ami HII Ihe vallevs with they height
I will aNo water with thv blood the land
wheiiln thou svvimniesl, ei n to Ihe mountains,
am1 the livtrs shall be full of thee
All the terrible things which Smyth,
tluough the above passages, predicted
would happen to tho South African,
evidently had no teirois for Kiuger,
He brushed them all aside by giving
Smyth a little practical advice by 10
turn mail fiom Matthew vi: S4.
'Jake, therefore, no thought for the morrow ,
for Ihe morrow shall take thought for the thines
of Itfelf. Sutlklent unto the day Is the evil
Smyth cabled hack "Hosea x: IS,"
which Is:
e have ploughed wlilteilness, je have reaped
iniiu!lj; jt- have rateu tlie bull of lies; be
cause- Ihnii dhlst tiy In thy ), In tho multi
tilde of thy inlshty men
Up to this time Smyth and Kruger
have hem veiy consldeiate of each
other In the matter of rnblo tolls, each
prepaying his own messages. Now
President Ki tiger's reply was sent to
Smyth "collect." The Chicago man
was referred to Jeremiah xvlli: 20-22
Shall evil lie riiompinsed for Rood? For they
have dlzcid a pit for inv foul. Iteiueiuher that I
ftooil hefou Ihee tu fpeak good of them, and
to turn avvaj thy wrath'froni (hem
Iherefore, diliver up their iliildirn to tlie
famine, nnil pour out their blooil bv the tone
of the hvvoid: and let their wives lie bereavtd of
their ihlldren and be wlllovva; and lit their nun
be- put to death; let tlnlr joune men lie slain
bj the tvvord in battle.
bit a iry be braid from their houses, when
thou shalt bring a troop kuddenly upon them
for thv have tllKged a pit to take me and hid
mines for nu feet.
Isaiah II: 10," Smith cabled:
'llieso two thing are come unto tine: who
shall he mhij for tine? desolation ami rie
miction, and tin- famine, and tho avion); by
whom khall 1 eouifort Hire
President Kruger by cable rofeired
the wise Chicago ptophot to Job xxxlx:
i. .. ,
Knonest thou the lime whin tin- wild Koala of
tho 101k lirins- futli? or taii.t Hum mark when
the hinds do lalvef
Canst thou iiuuibcr tho moiitln that lliey fullill?
lErf rrrMrWlFiBPtf Ml rFl BPtMm i i KtJBBb i-V
tlie plaza at Sin Juan. Puerto Ui: i.which
or knowest thou tho time when they hrlis
Smyth evidently didn't oaUh the
point of the nbovp. He reidied from
Psalms, 11:1:
Why di the heathin rajto and the people im
agine n vain thins?
The net passage fiom Onm Paul
was Psalms llx: !":
sjve un, O Oed, for the waters are iw In
Ulltu till stiul.
I fink dep lu the nilre, while Iheie Is no
standing, I am louie into ihep walris wheie Die
IU-isIh oviillnvv me.
I am vveiiv of rijbie; mj throit Is dried:
yiiii" eus fail while 1 wait fu mv ml
This was w.isted on Smyth. No
South African could get nnv sympathy
fiom him. Ills leply w.ih "Job xv: ill,"
bet liol him wlio is ih-iilved trust in vanilj ,
for vanilj shill be his leiompinsi.
Kiuger's reply to the above was very
plillosopliieal. o called Smyth's at
tention to i:cclc.liistcs 111. 1-S:
'In tiirilhiiu tluie is a season, and a time to
cviij piupo-e under tin- In iveii.
V tune tn he horn and :i time to die. a time
to pi ml nnd a time to pluik up that which is
V time to kill ami a lime lo hi il, "l lime to
ltu ik down, .mil u time lo build ,up;
V time lo weep and i time t Illicit, a time to
mriuii nnd 1 time to danee,
time tn cast nw.ij stones and s time In
gather sloms toetlier; a time to emhiace and a
a lime to lefrabi fiom embracing;
lime to er and a lime to lose, i time tn
kei p and a time to t 1st awiy;
lime to tend ami a time to sew, a tune to
Keep slicnei- nnd a time tn speak,
V time to love ami a time to hale, a time of
war and a time nf peace.
When he was pushed to it Smyth
could be just as philosophical as Kru
ger, n is shown by the following re
ply from ICccleslates Iv. C.
Hotter Is i handful with epiiiinrss, tlnn both
the liinds full with tiavail ami vexitioii of spirit.
Onm Paul now- sent another mes
sage ''Collect" tefeirlng Mr. Smyth to
Nnhum I' 15:
Pehohl, upon the mount lins the feet of linn
thai hrhueth good tiillius, tint puhlishoth peiie!
O, .ludih, keep thv solium feasts, perfunu thv
vows; foi tin- ii kid shill no more pisi throiujh
thee; he is ulterlv tut oil.
Smyth didn't know Just what had
caused a ilse In Kiugei's spirits, no
mutter whether- the Hocis were win
ning or losing; lie lefened the South
African potentate to llahulil 11: S. 9:
Hut ve me thputid out of (lie way ; je hive
eauseil iiiiny to stuuihle at tlie law, je have
eoirupted the lovciijnt ol Levi, siltli tlie Lord of
'llieiefcre, have I also made jou mntemptil I,
and bie hefoie .ill the piople, aienidlng as je
hive not kept rnj w.ivs, hul luvi- bun partial in
the law.
Tills ended the coiiivpoiidence:
Oh, this is Hie wa the baby tame:
Hut of r lie mUit lomis rlie divvn,
Out of tin- -inhei as tlie flauii,
Out of llio hud tin hlojMimS on,
The apple hoiuh tint blooms the same
As in glad siumniis dead and geme,
Willi a giace and bemlv none toiihl 1 1. line
Oil, this is the tvaj the babj lame!
Anil tills is the wai the hihy woke:
nd when In deepest ihops ot dew
Tin- shim and shadows sink nnd soik
'Ihe sweet ijes gliiuiiieied through and through,
Ami eildvliigs ami illmphs luoke
About the lips, hihI no one knew
Or eould divine the vvonls thev spoke
And this is tlie ,vav the baby woke!
And this Is the wav the hahv slept:
mist of tiesses hiekward thrown
Il quivriiiig siglis while kiss,-, mpt
With learnings slie bid never known
Ihe little li lints were ihKc-lv kept
About a blj newlv blown,
And Cod was with In . nnd vie- wepi
And this is the wav the babj shpt'
Tunes While omb llilev.
Roll Top Desks,
Flat Top Desks,
Standing Desks,
Typewriter Desks,
And Office Chairs
. A Large Stock to Select
Hill & Coomell
121 N. Washington Ave.,
Jonas Long's Sons
Easter n5115eeryc
Do your own trimming, perhaps. Here are the shapes, the
flowers, tlie fruit, the ribbons, the feathers and the laces. Some
of the forms scarcely need more than a sprinkling of either. You
are quite sure r e satisfied with the price.
Easter Novelties
We have to thank the conjurers in far-off Italy, Germany and
Japan for these Kaster novelties. Filled with candy, ideal for
presents some little token for the Easter-tide. There are rab
bits and birds, apples and fruit of many kinds almost as natural
as the real. Made of papier mache. Five cents to a dollar.
Haster cards, too, in great profusion. Particularly we'i
equipped are we to supply Sunday Schools and individual classes.
Two cents to fifty cents though worth double.
Easter Clothiego
Not many well dressed men who do not look with favor on a
new K.ister Suit. If we supply more than our share of them, it is
only because prices here are lowest for the best class of work.
Made-to-order, remember, and in every instance to'fit. Selecting
the materi.ils is easy here where assortments are so large and pat
terns so pretty. Let us measure you today. Second floor.
Easter Stationery.,
We're selling a good many boxes of this new-btyle Hurlbut's
Court Royal Paper about the nobbiest thing we have' seen for
liaster giving. Put up in boxes of from one quire to one pound,
with envelopes to match; all handsomely tied with ribbons 35c
and 50c. The new Crest Initial Paper at 35c is worthy a word
here but we'd like you to see it best.
More fi lends every daj-. Tho cause
easy to buy, easy to wear.
$3.50, $4.00 and $5.00.
Lewis. Rellly & Davles,
1H-US Wyomlne Avenue.
Get Ready
for Inspection
We have now a full line of
all makes of Watches that
we guarantee to pass.
Buy your Watches of au
old reliable house. Not some
agent who will open shop for
two or three months aud then
skip out. We are here to
stay. Our guarantee is "as
good as gold." Prices as
low as any.
130 Wyoming Ave.
Coal Hxchangc.
Ueiioiui Ajjeut for ttas Wyoiumj
llmtrlol '
ill 14 ln, llliisUnz.Sporlln-, -Into 19. JH
und tlm Ilepiiuio Ubeuiiua.
Co 'i ni ijr I
t nitty l'iif, Cups iiml KiplJ-Uf l
Uuoiu lot Co nil all MulMiiij.
THOS. TORD. ... Vltlslou.
JOHN 13. SMITH fc BON, Plymouth.
W. V. MULMUAN, - WlikecOarre.
r" xJ$ MiSr
Hi, 'ji5i8fepS
Jonas Long's Sons
It is gratifying to lnow that our exhibits of
Millinery arc such rare treats, as to awaken the
enthusiasm of every woman in Scranton, who
look with admiration on these semi-annual dis
plays. The varying styles, the ever-changing
colors, all find representation heie. A phenom
enal season is ahead of us already liastcr orders
will keep us busy, but a force is here adequate
to care for you, no matter how late you may
The Hoot &
Coneell Co0
Heating, Plumbing,
Gas Fitting, Electric
Light Wiring, Gas
an Electric Fixtures,
Builders Hardware.
434 iackawaima Araie
oni: ei:.'T a word.
ill mW$ m
A gentleman residing in T street, N. W., Washington,
D. C, asserts that he suflered for many years with dyspepsia,
indigestion and biliousness. He tried every known remedy, ,
consulted many physicians with the hope o'f getting cured or '
even relief, but nothing seemed to relieve him. Alter meals
he would feel as if a ball of lead was lodged in his stomach,
tired and listless, as though life was scarcely wortli ivinc.
Finally he was attracted to the ad of
and concluded to trv them. After tnkinr thp flrct m-n isr
he was surprised to find the relief they gave and soon he felt
like a new man. He has neve been without Rlpans Tabules
since, nor has he suffered since.
We have the exclusive ageucy
for the celebrated
s" and
1D rtmflii
makes of Kid Gloves, and our
lines are now complete for the
Among the newest thingsi
shown we mention the char
and Gum shades with pearl
clasp Napoleon "Suedes" in
Modes, Tans, Greys and
Blacks. New Pastel Shades
in Suede and Glace, kid with
clasp to match. Our one dol
lar Glove is the best on the
market at the price aud is
fully guaranteed.
Teachers and superintendents de
siring for class use in picture study,
something that is substantial and
inexpensive will find these beautiful
new reproductions of gieat value.
We have ioo different subjects to
select from. The prices are very
reasonable and the assortment is
With this book the simple act of
writing produces a copy. Any
letter head can be used and a copy
produced from pencil or any kind
of pen and ink. When the book is
filled, extia fillers can be purchased
Irom us at very little cost. Two
sizes and bindings in stock.
Reynolds Bros
Stationers and Kngraveis,
Scranton, Pa.
Tie fen Car bon Letter tm