r ifryqyyyy.y fji yflFywr r "-OpJH tjTJf"' -Ji",Jt' '" -'-- w"" " r "- THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1000. f fc- EVENTS OF DAY IN WEST SCRANTON WILL OF THE LATE BENJAMIN HUGHES FILED. Deoeased Bequeaths All of Hiu Es tate to His Widow and After Her Death It Is to Be Divided Between His Five Daughters Another Fire at Chase's House F. 0. S. of A. Social and Smoker St. Bren den's Council Debate Other Notes and Personals. The will oC the late lienjamln 11uk1i"h WMH filed with tlu register of wills yesterday by Taylor & Lewis, attor neys for the estate, but has not been probated as yet. Deceased bequeaths all of bis property to his wife for the remainder of her life time, and after her death It goes' to hist !lvc daughter.-'. The property at the corner of Wnsh 'burn street and Hyde Park avenue Is willed to .Mrs. Jcnkln T. Reese, young est daughter of Mr. Hughes, and the property loratfd on North Hyde Park avenue, between Lafayette and Swct livid streets', Is to be divided euually between the other four daughteie, Mrs. John Kvuns. Mrs. A. H. ICynon. iM. Luther Jones and Mis. William JJ. Stephen". All of ibecased'H personal propeity Ii left to the widow, and nfter lior death Is to bo divided equally between the five child! en. The will was made In 1PS6. and A. R. Kyimtt and Rev. John Lvniib were named as executors. The latter hnvlng died leeintly, Mr. ICynon becomes the sole executor ot the es tate. CHURCH RKSOLUTIONS. The following resolutions were adopt ed by the officers or the Flist Welsh Baptist church, in the name of the church, on the death of the late Ben jamin Hughes: whorc.il. It Ins phased Mmlglity (ioil In His unerring I'mildfiiiT .o lontuio from iimung us em behind brother and filond, llcnjaintn Hujhrs, und .irrrjs, Our deep rcpcil, admiration .iml affection for him as a mm, .1 frtrud ami a Christian demand tint some tribute of his woith lie shown. Ihcicfnrr, ! It Resolved, That In I lie death of our r'i'd and hnnnicd brother. Ili iliurili hM one of lis most nrden. and consrlenllnus .ullicicnts. lie was a man whoc life was nnrked with die deep est feiicnoy of fa III nnd mm lit ion. His char acter was Imilt np-in foundations formed liv ion Motion, and thoo touiittlous wne so frc ntiltie that tlirlr uttoiatnc, par. . .,ug of an Indliidinli tj peculiar to our deceased, thrilled all who listened 10 lilm. Ho was a (hilslhn in.ni In whom and from whom reflected linn.v of thi sirtues w-nich cliaraitcrlcd the UirUt-injii who Hied the life of (iod nmong men. In the flmncial department of the ihunli lip was a toner of strength. Vcscr did ho fall to remember that the "poor are alua.is with us," and his gfneroslti will lie lemembeicd liy lniny. In the dcintlonal liuctiugs lie was on lnpii.itlou to inin. His words wuo simple, hut tilled with sound adihe and admonition inon? m, n ho Maid man, and In return h- wis loied hi men; Dufour's French Tar Has Won Success, It Cures Your Cold And Gives You Rest. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. It Takes Time for Fashions to Settle Themselves The artist may design suits and jackets that look well on paper, and the most skilled of cutters and tail ors may give them shape and form in finished gar ments, while the manutacturer or dealer may proclaim loudly to the world that these creations are Dame Fash ions' decrees, but should the work of these geniuses tail to meet with popular approval, then their creations are but labor lost, for, after all, the people themselves decree what shall or shall not be worn and the prudent merchant who studies the interests of his patrons will not lose sight of this fact for one moment. That's the secret of our delay in announcing Our First Full Display Of Ladies' Suits, Jackets And Skirts for This Season We piize too highly the confidence of our many mends and patrons to taKc any chances In making positive statements as to what will or will not be worn, until wc positively know whereof we speak, so that when we invite the public to inspect the result of our preparations for the Spring and Summer ot 1900 we do so with the fullest confi dence that we are unmistakably light in every detail No necessity for saying one word as to per lK,fcfonj.Qf:,Cmish, reliability in materials, accuracy in flttinjifdndtibundance in variety. The opening dis play takes place at the GLOBE WAREHOUSE, and that ought to'bfe' all sufficient for thoxe who know y,S' -ir.lhc benefit of those who do not know our .ladies' Outer Garment Departments by actual e. pe'rferjice, we may say that these important details have our closest' personal attention at all points WhfeFvjire iust as faithfully cairied out in the oood lowiipj-iced suits and jackets as in the highest that money can buy. dlfet a Few Details That Probably YpWd Like to Know Now, If Interested , Klofiiildv Anislirti 'i1l in Ymcthr, uml eevfrti, all odors; Klonor fly trout 7 Cli JickeJS.. AU lined .OH J? Viuttan or honip-iuun ults, i:toii or button itjitu; plain cxrriUltc tallorlnj; a t( (Wt jnf.t,tftm ... .rl iw.vu r,UuUpu:i or plaid Mark u)t, lined or unllnrJ; K'on ur button jai-krta ; ny 1 -y (l vtry Apccjal ., ' k Fmtv bnnil tilinmed suit in Cne Vcnc iUntp.niiHlsome at 4 picture at.d viry A r borate 1U.OU ' " . . Globe Warehouse HHHUviAmHIVnpiHHI iniviiiKn I will guarantee tbat my Kidney Cura will euro 00 per cent, of all forma of kidney complaint and la many Instances' the most rrrlona forma of might's dlicase. If tbc dlsoare la com plicated nend a four ounce Tlal ot urine. We will analyse It and advise you fre wbat to do. MONYOK. 1 Tlal. Outdo to Healti At ill Uructltti. Me, ami mM t est adslce free IRriS Areli at , Phils. a man with the simplicity of a ililhl anion children and, therefore, ihlldnn loied him, 111 the ihunli his meant cli.ilr Mill remain as a Kllrnt Mllness of his faithlu! attendance upon re ligious worship, and he, though dead, will speak. lie was n loilng husband, a kind and tender filher and a deiout Christian. If Judgment may he passed upon his life ly what he has laid and done, his life Mas not spent in sain, nor did he die when he iloed his cics In death, liut lie Hies on In tncinori, and In deeds ol kindness and UncMdince his name shall temaln with us and be associated with tlic fond recollections of his tnie manly iharaeler. Many tears fall today from the cica of those whose characters have been Influenced and helped by him, and each tcir commemorates a kind deed done by lilm Mho lias pissed be.iond the sale to recolie the crown of life. Resolicd, That a copj of the-e resolutions be coniejcd to Ids bereaied Mife and duly pule llshid 111 the perloilkaN of this ill. llei. II. I. Hopkins, K. I". I)ail5, .1. It. Hughes. These resolutions were passed by the Sunday school of the Welsh Baptist church: Whereas, The sihool has liarned with deep re ROC the jtl Intelllircmr of the death of their houoied supenntindent, Benjamin lliiuhr", and Wliirea, The life of Mr. IIiikIiis has been on" ( honor and uscIuIiiiks In our mlilit and he was loied by cicry member of the school, joung and old; and Wheieas, In the death ot Mr. Hushes our sihool has lot one of its bet friends. He was child like with ihildren, but a man anions men, and full of fiitoimiEcmcnt to the teaihcis. Ilesolied, That we mourn the la of our broth er, but in our inournini; we must remember that he has" bun lenardtd with crcatcr happiness tl ill we i.in iperience hele, and that our loss is bis etirnal gain, out of whlili we obtain romola linn, brlli-iing that his light will hhinc brlghtir than cier befjie in the portals of heavenly blUs. lie It fuithti I! 'soiled, That we snupalhie wllli (lie he re mil widow and ihlldien in. tills sad hour of affliction and commend them to flod who an bed all virrow. .irali .leiedith, James .. Kians .lohn T. Wat-kin-, Committee. SOriAL ANIJ SMOKKTt. The inpmliH of Wnt-hlncton camp, No. I'h. I'atiiotk Older Sons uf Ameri ca, held a .social session after their tegular meeting Ust evening, and con cluded with 11 lunch and pnioker. At to"nev P. H. Roplogle w;is present, and delivered :m address on "The Hardest Nut to Crack." Ills Idea Is that the (orpoiallons are the "baldest nuts," ami lint the eom nii'ii people can't get along unltss they ait- cracked. Attorney Itiifl H. Cap well also addiessed th. body on build ing and loans. FIRE ON" NORTH MAIN AVENL'E. A slight lire broke out at 4."0 o'ebvk ycteiday afternoon In the home ot Addison W. Chtise. at VJ0 Noitb Main avenue, where a similar blaze was di.s eoveied about a mouth ago. The Many rvdinlip nmclticj In IHcn or button Jacket suits In Vmcl 1,111., lroaili-otln -tc ,i or courts at 1i. );), S,M and J-Q,JJ In Hisses' and Children's Our line ot Uton, bot, fly Iront and button jacket! and Jacket suita it a mancl of torn iletencts, and priin aic right in the bujer'i laior, LUMiiiMUliE ffl IP! flames were noticed In the sitting room and worn eating their way between the partitions when discovered. A hole was out In the plaster and a garden hose Inserted, which served to extinguish the llnmes. Had It been at night a disastrous fire would undoubt edly have occurred. The damage will amount to about $200, which Is fully rovered by Insurance In agencies rep resented by II. H. Keller. AN INTHUUSTING DEBATI3. The members of St. Brenden's coun cil. Young Men's Institute, enjoyed an Interesting debate last evening on thJ question, "ISesolved. That the powers should Interfere In the South African struggle. In behalf of the tepublle." The afllrmatlve side was sustained by Panlel Lenlhan, Joseph Carey and John J. Purkln, while Thomas Mo Hugh, Krnnk MoLaln and J. T. Purkln uphold the negative side. The Judges. Thomas Fleming, llobert Puny and Thomas McCJuIre decided In favor of the negative side. BUOWNIES ENTERTAINED. The West Side Brownie club were entertained by Lillian Douglass at her home, 128 South Main avenue, Wed nesday afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. The club Is composed of enthusiastic little misses, whose object Is charit able as well as social. After a busi ness session, refreshments were served. The club meets every week at dif ferent members' homes, and Is com posed of the following little ladles: Myra Smith, president; Marie Becker, vice-president; Lillian Douglas. Elsie Becker. Edith Llndalmry. Huth Car son, Ella Paine and Kate Davis. BREAKER'S NARROW ESCAPE. The Mount Pleasant breaker narrow ly escaped destruction by fire Wednes day morning. A small shanty under the breaker, near the culm chutes, be came Ignited, and the shanty was all ublaze before discovered. The fire started by the paper and rags, that were stuffed In the cracks of the shanty to keep the wind from passing through, being Ignited by an overheated stove. A FAMOPS LECTl'IlE. Rev. Pr. Bird, a well-known divine and celebrated lecturer, will deliver h!j address, "A Century of Bondage and Bloodshed and No Emancipation," In St. David's hall on Wednesday even ing. April 11. Dr. Bateson, of the central city, will be chairman ot the evening. In con Junction with the lecture a musical and literary programme will be rendered. FLWERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. . The remains of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. McLaughlin's child will be burled In I Cathedral cemetery this afternoon. The I parents reside at the coiner of West i.acKawanna avenue and Ninth street. The funeral of Ray, the four-year-old child of Mr, and Mrs. O. Kagler, of 370 Pecker's court, will occur this after noon. Interment will be made In the Washburn street cemetery. V young child of Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Lls-tor, of In? North Seventh street, died Wednesday and vIU be burled In the Washburn Mieet cemetery at 2.30 o'clock this afternoon. G-KNKKAT, NEWS XOTKS. M. S. I.iivello. Thomas Tlrrney. Pat rick McIIiiRh. Richard McHale nnd P. J. (Jllroy have been appointed a com mittee by Division No. 1. Ancient Order or Hibernian!!, to ai range for their an nual exclusion, which will be run to Iake Lodnre on Saturday, August 11. The lake Is situated between Farvlow and Wayniart, on the Delaware and Hudson road. The new quarters ot the Keyscr Val ley Hose company will be opened with an entertainment and social on Mon. day evening, April 2.1. Mr, and Mrs, Charles L,aBar, ot North Hyde Park avenue, have as their Btiest Mrs. J. K. I.aUar, of Mt. Pocono. W. Claylord Thomas. William T. Da vis and John T. Williams have boon appointed a committee from the West Side bank directors to draught suitable resolutions on the death of their lato piesldent, Benjamin Hughes. The regular monthly meeting of the olllcial board of Simpson Methodist Kplseopal church will be held this evening. It will be the last meeting ot tliu present conference year. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence It. Shryer. of North Main avenue, arc being con gratulated on the advent of a daugh ter at their home. An old-fashioned smoker will be held In Ivorile hall this evenlnc by the members of Lackawanna council. Royal Arcanum. Miss Margaret Oibbs, of South Main avenue, entertained the Dollar club at her home Wednesday afternoon. About forty Invited guests were prespnt, A five o'clock tea was served by the hostess. Frank Jones and Harry Davles, who have just completed their junior course at the Utiffalo College of Pharmacy, returned home yesterday for the sum mer vacation. VndcrtaKer P. W. Tague and son, Wellington, of Jackson street, were In Wllkes-Uarre yesterday. William Jamelson, of Washburn street. Is able to tie around again, after a slight attack of pneumonia. William Davis, of Ithaca. N. V.. re turned home yesterday, after a few days' visit with his mother on Lafay ette street. Tagarmah Morgan, of Wllkes-Uarre. visited his mother, on North Garfield avenue Wednesday evening, Mrs. Mor gans has been 111 for several davs, Mrs. Ash. of West Plt'tMon, who carm- to visit her glster, Mrs. Aleher, of ;:." North Sumner avenue, fell down a (light of stairs at the house yesterday and cut her head badly. She also frac tured her nrm by the fall. Dr. n. G, Ueddoe wab called and had her re moved to the West Side hospital, where she was resting easily last evening. The family of the late Heujamln Hughes desire 10 express their thanks through the columns of The Tribune to all who In any way usslsted them and sympathized with them In the death and burial of their lamented relative. The member of Branch No, 4t. C. M. B. A., are requested to meet at their headquarters in Harl Garl hall next Sunday morning at 8.30 o'clock to at tend the 9 o'clock mass at St. Patrick's Catholic church. William Davis, ot Bromley avenue, and Miss Mary A. Williams, of North Scranton, were married on Wednesday by Rev. D. P. Jones nt the parsonage TRYGR.AIN-0!TRYGIUIN-0! Ak your Oroeer today to show you a PHclcage of GHAIN-O, the new food drink that takes tho place of coffee. The chll. dren may drink It without Injury at. well us the ndult. AH who try It, like It, GRAIN-O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but It la made frorr. pom gralnx, and the mott delicate stom. acli rcccUes i without distress, 'i the price nf coffee. 15c. and 23 cts, per pack age. Sold by all grocers. Dr. Janes' Headache rowder. A WOMAN'S NERVES. Cares and worrioa of lifo nro often too much for tho delicate; nervo organ ism. Headaches come dis trading, pcacodesttoying headaches. But thoro's a cure. Dr. James Headache Powders Sootfio and strengthen tho irritated nerves tako away tho hcadacho al most before you know it. No fttipefylnc ilendenlnp druRs. Nothing tbat cm affect the heart. At all Drug Storos. 4 dosos 10 conts. Cure Whare Others Fall. ot the Tabernacle Congregational church, on South Hyde Park avenue. There was a large attendance at the meeting of the West Side Republican club last evening. Business pertain ing to the club was acted unon. A large number ot ladles Interested In the new branch of tho Women's Christian Temperance union attended the tlrst meeting In the Y. W. C. A. rooms last evening. The newly elected officers assumed their responsibilities. Branch No. 637, United Mine Work ers of America, met In Co-operative hall last evening and discussed plain . r Increasing their membership. The services at the Allls Mission Inst evening were In charge of William II. Crawford and William J. Long, of the Simpson Methodist Kjlscopal church. A bow social will be held this evening. Special services were conducted In the Washburn Street Presbyterian church last evening and preparatory services will be held this evening. Com munion will be administered and a re ception for members will be held next Sunday morning. Pea Coal $1.25 a Ton Delivered to South Side, central city and central Hyde Park. Address orders to J. T. Sharkey, 1014 Cedar ave. 'Phone 66S3. NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Marriage of Gomer Watklns and Miss Catherine Lewis Y. W. C. A. Notes Other News. Oomer Watklns nnd Miss Catherine Lewis we're married Wednesday even ing at tho home of the bride's patents, Mr. and Mr. Charles Lewis, of Park er street. Tho parlors were ery pret tily decorated for the occasion with flowers and potted plantn. The biide was attended by .Miss Minnie WINon, while David Watklns acted as best man. Little Helen Wils-on was llower girl. The bridal party entered the front parlor, where Rev. T. It. Watklns per formed the ceremony, after which a reception was held. Mr. and Mrs. Watklns are popular young people in this city, and t licit' many friends wish thein much happiness. A SMAUI. FIRIC. A two-story frame dwelling at tho intersection of Market street and the Ontario and Western railroad, owned and occupied Dy Kdward and John Moran, caught on fire yisterday after noon, shortly nfter 10 o'clock, from a spark from a passing locomotive. An alarm was turned In from bo- "., and all the North Scranton com panies responded. Tho blaze was con fined to the roof and attic, and no ve-y pcrious damage was done. The estimated loss Is about T200. Y. W. C. A. NOTES. Rev. Mr. Alrlch. ot the Grace Re formed church, will begin a course of Bible studies ut the Young Women's Christian association looms, Tuesday evening, April 17, nt 4 o'clock The course of study planned will be In thi book of ReelatIons. During the month of March 291 per sons visited the rooms. The attend ance at the classes was 05S, not Includ ing teachers. The total attendance was l.OOfi, TOLD IX SHORT PAKAGRAPHP. The funeral of the late Michael Pur cell will be held tomorrow morning at M0 o'clock from his home on Oak street. Services will be conducted In the Holy Ilosary church, n solemn high mass of requiem being celebrated. In terment will be made in Cathedral cemetery. Band No, 16. of the Xorth Main Ave nue Raptlst church, will conduct a basket social at the homo of Miss Min nie KIpcs, son Oak street, this evening. Th'.' ladles will furnish lunch for two. On Knste Monday nlsht the Key stone Literary and Dramatic club will produce n play at the auditorium. Last evening the literary department of the Epworth league of the Court Street Methodist Episcopal church, held a debate. The subject dlscusssd was, "Resolved, That novel reading on th whole. Is not beneflel.il." All news matter for The Tribune will receive prompt attention If left at Divls' Drug store. Thursday evening, April 12, Bauer's orrhestra will give a concert at the Court Street Methodist Episcopal church. This will be the last number on the literary and musical course, which has been given at the church this winter. The employes of the Cayuga, Bris bln and Rtorrs mines, of the Delaware, Larkawnnna nnd 'Western company, will be paid today. John M. Hvans. n student ot Buck nell university, will deliver an address this evening at the meeting of tho Welcome Temperance society at the First Welsh Baptist church, on West Market street. OBITUARY. Amu Stokri, daughter of Attorney nnd Jin, I'. W. Stokeii, died jestrrday At the fanill.i in,! dence, corner Welmter aienue ami Mulberry street, age t eari. Death a due to HJrlet fever. TJic funeral ulll bo priiate. Kdgar, tbo Infant ton of Mr, and Mi. Con-nerj-, of 101 Hone aienue, died Wednesday after noon. The funeral announcement will appear later. Mn. Bird, of TOO lUrrlfon aienue, died lot nliiht. The funeral will be held on Monday and laterment will be made In UiooU;n, X, V. DAY'S DOINGS IN DUNMOItf BOROUGH BEQULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL LAST NIGHT. Bond of New Street Commissioner Approved nnd Treasurer Wahler Told to Report In the Future When, for How Much, nnd Where All Money for Borough Use la Borrowed Ladies Aid Society's Annual Meeting: Junior Christian Endeavor Officers. Tho'borough council held lis regular meeting In tho borough building on South Blakely street last nlsht and transacted conpldeiable business In n short time. Tho tiro committee report ed that a hydrant shipped to the bor otigh nnd taken ftom the Krlcand Wy oming Valley rnlliond station for use, had been found, upon trial, to bo crack ed. It was dpclded to return the same to the compnny to be repalied or re placed. The bond of Street Commissioner Mc Donnell was read nnd approved. The grievance committee reported that t'10 culvert on Green Ridge Htreet was blocked and caused water to tun Into the basements of property owners at the (unction of Webster and Green Ridge streets. The sttcet commission er was ordered to sec tc the rluhtlng of the dlfUnilty. It waa decided that councils should view the streets of the borough nxt Tuesday, Treasurer Wnhlur reported that there was no money In tho treasury to pay borough orders. U was decided to borrow money sulllclont to meet the current expenses. A discussion follow ed regarding tho anii-unl of money lately boi rowed bj the treasuiet. Bur gess Butschel Ftated that the treasur er should leport eveiy time ho bor rowed money and that ht thought bonds could be Issued for 4 per cent., instead ot paying a bank 6 per cnt. The matter was decided by council ordering the tteasurer to icport when, for how much nnd where all money was borrowed. Council then adjourned. TWKL.KTH ANNUAL MKKTINC. The Ladles' Aid society of the First Picsbytetlan church held Its twelfth annual meeting at the home of Mrs. A. D. Blacklnton, the president of the society, on 151m street, yesterday after noon nt 2.30 o'clock. Tho largest at tendance of the year is reported. The reading or the minutes of tho past meetings took so much time that no programme was rendered. All the old officers were re-elected, after which a social hour was enjoyed, followed by refreshments. Refreshments were later served by the Misses Brooks, of WIIkes-Bairo; Jane King, of Pittston; Lydla Kan or and Miss Osborne, of Dunmorc. The looms of Mrs. Blacklnton's home were most tastily decorated for the occa sion, potted floweis and palms being mingled with beautiful booucts of cut (lowers. Tho meeting was voted by the members to be one of the best and most pleasant of the year. CHRISTIAN KNDKAVORKRS. The ncmliois of the Junior Christian Kndeavor society of thi First Presby terian church have elected the follow ing members from their rociety to seive ns officers for the ensuing year: President, Jessie Cron; vice presi dent, Violet Burfchel; treasurer, Kthel Plnrkney: secretary, Mnblf Cion: sunshine enmmiltt-p, Helen Swart!!, Ruth Buischel. flower boys, Kail Mof flt. Hdwln Heal; assistants, C!ta':e Ed wauls. Martini Warfel. MRNTIONF.D RP.IKFIS. 'The boatd of directors of the nvlv organized Firemen's Relief association will meet In the 100ms of the Neptune Hose company on Sunday afternoon. L. M. Smith, ot West Drinker street. Is In IJllzabethloivn, Pa., where he In to'vTs to rslde sorn. Rev. A. J. Van Cleft Is In Onsonta, N. V.. on a short visit. Treasurer Wohler will pay all school ordeis en Satin day afternoon from .5 to 5 o'clock. Borough orders will be paid on Monday aftoinoon from 3 to C o'clock. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Funeral of the Late Charles Schrie- ber Two Other Funerals Other Brief Nows Notes. The funeral of Charles Schileber took place yesterday moinlng from the fam ily residence on Meadow uvenue and was laigely attended. The houso was early thionged with the filends who Hympathized with the heait-brokeii parents in their Bad bereavement. The remains of the deceased boy, who met such an early death, reposed In a handsome white casket In tho front parlor of the family lesldenee, nnd were viewed by his mtmeioiin schoolmates and others. At it o'clock the casket whs closed and the funeral cortege moved to St. Mary's German Catholic church, where funerul ser vices were conducted. Rev. Peter Christ celebrated n requiem mass for the de parted and afterwards delivered a shoit funeral sermon. At the con clusion of the chinch services the funeral procession moved to tho Ger man Catholic eemeteiy at No. .I, whero the remains were lowered Into tho earth. TWO OTHKR FL'NHIULS. The rcmalnK of Slolblce, tho tlireo-ycar-oia daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gross, of Pieck street, who died on Wednesday aftornoon, after a Uilef Illness, were yesterday afternoon in terred In tho Cathedral eemttery. Tho funeral of Edgar, the r-lKhteen-months-old non of Mr. and Mr. It. P. Connery, of 101 Stone avenue, whono death was mentioned in yestei day's. Tribune, will take place this afternoon nt 2 o'clock from tho family residence. Interment will be made In the Cathe dral cemetery. SHORT KEW.S ITEMS. The Illustrated lecture on mission ary life In India, which was given In Hie Evangelical Church of Peace -i few weekH ago, will be repeated at the Health 1'rce to Wrmk Mn. fBuruedout nerve, weaken nil FREE TO bnitn force, fieclimnt; vital energy nnd nil the consentient-en nf tlicc condition! aixicunil byournpecinl lata. Unune of treatment on trial and arjiroi al, and A inarvclmn de veloping aplliincccm for the uk. Inir. e trtut jour honor If ihi honor our iklll and follnw tllrro. tloni. Viiceloslnfnrmatlont'HEE. MEN ERIE M CDIOAL CO, BurrAUO, N.Y. CONFIDENCE Is a Splendid AIlyIt Is Half of Host riedicineIt Is fledicine. The bent remeilj In the moiM h lielpnl liy Hi tinvnec. or lilmlnul ! lis alwmr. 1'iilth 1. dull tlic Kittle. Hut lierr l onietlilnc tor tlie iltnbter. ttimethlnR Independent o( Jour belief. A cure faith or no laltli. Hason's Yellow Tablets II joii took tliein for IiDikiim, supported by fiienteen .larili of tiktiiuonv, (bey wouldn't 1I0 inn n partlde nf Rood. 'Iliij'rc only powerful fur one tl.lnu- DVM'KI'SIA -but they an rrr tnlnly line for tint. Ihiy ivre till. ileblllUtiiiK ILordcr pltlu'ly. It i not Important that Jim should liilleie In them. They proilde tliu only limtaiice we knov of wlmr - "A man eomlnced ngalnU hit will," will not "He of the wmc opinion still." Mason's Yellow Tablets HanMi the tlcprcfwlon. Ihe latitude of DYSPI.P Ml, (.cntly stimulate the liter. Prolific whole mine evidence I hat euri is RoiiiK on. Impart a Rtnulne nense ot well bimi;. Coirrtt all the brain fie- the body t.i' due to Ihli condition. (Iieik the iTct at nte pain In ten minutes. Ice llcie reloie--iejmenjte Do not pass JiiiIr mint upon tliim until 1011 trj them. If jou are not comlr.icd then o iuie rothlnc More lo any. They are Hlt-olutviv haiiuless. r.-.ken as illrecieti tin) lan do tiothlnc but Rood. Wi come to your city with these TnbMs for our own benefit, wp admit that, and yi.nu as well. One depends upop the oilier. If wc don't help jou-we certainly will not help oursphes. Our reputation i fun. flensed In eierj Tabll. We lannot afford to hw that, we will not If we do not inn jour His pepsla we will hale incde n preal ado about notlilnc. Wc can't aflonl thai. Mason's Health Defenders, mamss Ytt.t.ow TM.t;rs ri'nn nvs pi:pia. MMS'S IlllOWN 1 Allt.US tl IU. COSSTIl A TION. m.wvs nr.D tmiM'.ts (nil: cornus. MASON'S WHIM. IMII.I'.IS (Till-. OUI. TllltOYT. mvmin'i ciikam or oiivr (mis c- T Until ami al inflatenutlnn of the id.ln ami above named church this evening, by request. The active members of the Scianton Athletic club will meet for practice this evening. The Young People's society of the Hickory Street Presbyterian church met in regular monthly session last evening. John J. Flaherty, of Cherry street, has entered as a student nt the Cham pion Umbalmlng school, Alderman Ruddy, of the Twentieth ward. Is 111. John, tho young son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kucstner. of Cedar avenue, Is seriously 111. m COMMITTEES OF COMMON COUNCIL 'Concluded fiom Page ,1.1 Introduced an ordinance, providing for the Ailing of the approaches to th" Bloom avenue culvert and appropriat ing $1,000 for the payment of the same, said appropilntion to be taken from the Item for this purpose recently vetoed by the n yor. Mr. (!. stated he would file with the city solicitor releases from dam ages fiom nil of the property owners along the line of the proposed Improve ment, thus disposing, he said, with the principal argument advanced by th mayor against the proposed Improve ment. T. F. Morris Introduced an Impott ant ordinance le-establlshing the lim its within which nothing but Ilie-proof buildings may be constructed. The or dinance provides that within the fol lowing boundaries no wooden or frame or other building constructed ot In flammable materials shall be erected, nor any building without .1 flre-proot roof: THE NKW FIRK LIMITS. From Jefferson avenue and Mulbeny street along Jefferson avenue to th.' northerly line of the right of way of the Lackawanna railroad's main line, along latter to Lackawanna liver, to Scranton street, to westerly boundary ot Lackawanna road, to West Lacka wanna avenue, to Klchth street, lo Schnell place, to Iiokawnnna river, t Vine street, to Wyoming avenue, to Pine street, to Washington avenue, tu Gibson street, to Kressler court, to Mulberry street, to Jefferson avenue it place of beginning. The ordinance further piovides that all dwellings arranged for two or more families shall have fire-walls between each portion projecting through to the roof. The penalty for a violation of the provisions of the oidlnance Is placed at $100, or Imprisonment for not less than thirty days. GREEN RIDGE. The Gieen Hidse Wheelmen hate uutetl ih r quarters on .'aiiileron aienue und takfii a null cr house on (ireen Rlde Mieet und tlnehy Iijiirs a tale. The Inildentt o( thU n.,'i.nli.i haie often been IMulrated in the mi i i.me oi.ieily, uml tlic Identity of the unrii-t-i mliv rutjIilUlinl betoie the curtain Idlli, lint ie lids instance only t lie of the leading t fiuhain h.n ai jet eonfe-eil to luting been impli i ! in 'he plot. The i lub N haling eieitfd .1 lieu no u , ,. Imli will not lie leatlj for weiipaney foi .ri" tun, mil. a Ihe leae on the old (Uarters ccpnM on Miy 1 and could not be icneiied for le Hun tliree .icars, the bo.is drtiinetl U id iKaln.1 In rent a smaller house until their nev f)iurtiri are le.id.i. A loinmittee a app'tln'od to al tenil tn the matter and a desirable tni? let a secureil "vnt to Hull's." The fu nliiiiv was mnicd alout week ago ami tlic eommilt e informed all the members whom the) met 'me the place as. . Ilolllng Stone, one of the .lounge, ht, ho usually drops ,,roiind to the clult line on Sunday morning ami enjojs a smoke iml ..i!i the Cjcle N'ens, knew that Hie new ii.iuirs weie "nest to Hull's" and thought he noild be on hand early Sunday morning to iielcinii me bo,v, lie ai'cordlnslj saunteied up lo 'lie n us "next lo llull'a" and, fiudlns the front door unlocked, walked Into the reception room end Heated hlliuelf ilonu in one of the easy ilia '. Ileing alone, and thinking "the push" w n'1 1 drop In .oon, he tilled his pipe and took ,i ncipapcr. retelling his feet on tlic cm, " table nnd leclining eit,lly in his ''in.-, Kn.hc remalnifl at peaie with the uorld f -r srn,o tii'io. Hi coming a Iritle inieay on ui count of being alone, he Muntcred up to the kecond floor to look the place oier. One of the fdcepin:; apartments was oc unled and the tsllov thought the janitor mut be temporarily located there. In walking through one of Ihe halls the tluli man encountered a familiar fate, and, belieiiiu he was fine of the older member whom lie did not icaillb leeognire, greeted him .villi uords: "Hello, old man, where'a all the bo.is.-" "What bo.itH answered Ihe nitupant., "Why the club ho.w, of cour-e. Don't t'liv occupy this house?" "I don't understand 3011, soung man, and nliat's more I belleie I hold ...c Ica.e to this hoUM". llollle iiilikl) dltcoieied Ids mistake and apolo gized for the intrutloii, explaining that he thought the r.uarten. wire "ue.t tn Hull's," He uas iiliected to the home around the corner, illicit' he found his ilubuiales. The oi-iupant of Ihe olliir hou-e iifleruards wld he heard pciullar nuUes In the fiont pallor early Saturday morning, width were probably caused by the unidentified. District Deputy (Irai.d Master A, A. Vosbirg nnifoiu membrane. Safe jnd mrc remedy lor I'lles-'JSc. u box. Maon' Remedies are put up In in. Si ami on. ruit Iki.M'S KOIt SAM! at the follo'ilnR dm Horn! MATTHEWS BROTHERS, Wholesale and Itctall. .IM I,atVa. Av. M'OAIUtAH & THOMAS, 201 l.jctawiniu Ave, C. LORENZ. 41S Kick. ae. and cor. Wash, and Marlon. C. HENWOOD & Co., lWi X. Main street. G. W. DAVIS. l'roildcnce Sipiaie and 3111 Wct Market. W. S. KLONOSKI. 130.", Pillvton avenue, CHAS. P. JONES. IVjT Dlcknon avenue. GEORGE S. JONES & CO., Corner Prencott aicnuc and Pine street. J. G. BONE & SON. Main iticet, Punmoie, l'a. F. J. JOHNS, WO (Ireen Uldge street. W. H. KNOEPFEL, 1017 North Inine aienue. PHILIP J. VETTER, U5 Penn aienue. WILL W. WATKINS, I'eekiille, Pa. THOMAS MONIE, An-hbald, Pa H. F. CLARK, Caihondalr, Pa. Or sent for priei M the II. T. Misnn Chemical (0, .115 Arch stieet, Philadelphia P.i. AMUSEMENTS, f YCEUftl THEATRE II. R. I.O.NO, Manager. Hondny, April 9. HR. AND MRS. KENDAL. Under the management of DANIEL FROHHAN Presenting a comedy in three acts entitled. The Elder Hiss Blossom Prices $1.50, $1.00, 75c, DOc, 25c. ACADEHY OF nusic, nUROUNnnR & HOIS, Lessees. II. R. LONli, Alanafer. Iljl.inee of Wei!.. WAITE'S NEW STOCK COMPANY. In lleperloiie. D.iili Dune M.illr e. Kirulng Pmcs 10. Jl, .Ulieuls. All Week, Commenilne MONDAY, APRIL 9. Ttctmi I miffc'iii nt GIBNEY-HOEFFLER COMPANY. In a reptitolie of f omcdiei and dramas. Dime Matinee daily evif 1 1 Mond.ii. i:enlnc 1'rkev 10, 20. .'n enU DAVIDOW'S LOAN OFFICE REMOVED TO 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Money to loan on diamonds, watches, jewelry at the lowest rates of interest. Cash paid for old gold nnd silver. Oavldow & Co,, Pawn Brokers 307 Lncka. Ave. MADE ME A MAN A JAX TACLET5 POSITIVELY CUOE -aXZiAcrvou iJiacaieiauinB mca- cr7fI:2?otoiicy,hleoplessnes8,eto., caused b7 AUu33 or other Uzcesseti on a Indis cretions. T'icu ntticMjanU turtlu renters IMfc Vitality in oldorfonnir. and fitamnaforiitadrt badness or marriage. l'rei"tnt Insanltr and Contempt ion it rain time. Tholr iiro thews immedlnto iniDrcvo- . meoiona ouorta a Oitu nuero an oincr iaii in siit upon bavins the cnnlro Ajax Tablets. They ! haToccpJlhousandaanrt willearoyoa Wocivonpos ltlourUtoan".ron:?ot3eoctQ'uro CfpT in t cac'icccocr rcCurdtho coney. IIcowU wlyiper iKlf'Trinni rr air vVna (full trnntrintt tft Vtf. H rtatl, a rTaln wr&ppcr. npon receipt o price. C Ircolar f' AJAX RlEMEDY CO., TiS.u For sale In Scranton, Pa., by Matthews Bros, and II. C, Sanderson, Druggists. To Repair Ilnikcii Arti cles use Itcmeraber JIAIOlt'S UUIsHER (JEMKNT, MAJOR'S LEATHER CEMENT. YLq finnl 6Blmol iltXTiraettl, Ibo.o. tjL I I1Q D DdlcoBll.lllr' JOU suCcr from Prl.t iniruc, & t tetiKL J'ror u. c. 1 Ubbl, I II. II., 604 .lortb blith hi., I'lilladcl. nhla. I'a.. tl, ,. OusrsDl.e la evrrr ftic. V.rlaocelo t Slrletnrt (do cullUO. LouYigof k AI(Blibr(ilred. Ptni cnltrced. n.ur,i9S.k lm S.Hun 9 11. Hour, for lonr Itiadtnr and daocfrf)?.. daoerfi)., lOdji.r ;iCl;ote4.f T T W T 1 etii 1SQd ditlr 1Q so 10 1 30 1- eeth eased cured 4 il ror fiwora leaumodlsii and look. All nanci c l..sl ciening Installed tho billowing lieu orhcera of lirocn Hldge loigc No. "aVJ. IndepenUeiit Older of Odd rellous: Nohlo guild, (.'. M. Alheiton; secretary, K. M. Olnir; assistant sctretar), Mllo Kent; treasurei, Chailei I1. ,lcne, digno mas. tir, Claik 1111. f. Altu the installation rctreoli ments were scried and a miokir cnjo.icd by thost precnt. New tahhagc, water cies, eiieunibcrs, I nna lors, radlshec, itiieii onions, Icttuie, cti. I,reea Hidge market. " Crape fruit, orange, lemons and bananas, fiiein llldgo maikct. " The llluitratrd lecture to be giieu bj V V Iloncr 011 "Mh had ngilo" at Asburv 1 hurtli Ihls ciening under the auspiew of the Indies' Aid soelity piomUes lo be eij sucvsful, as a laige number of tlikrts base already been sold. Oier one hundred beautiful ieim, including all the funioiia Madonnas will be shown by one of tho best lantenw made. The lei tuier needi no Iniiodiiitlon to the people nf Scianton, his abili ty lo entertain and Instiuit is well known. The ladlcH ham placed Ihe tiikels within I each of cieiy one. Adults, 2.1 tints; tluiilrtu, 1 cents Ml kinds of fresh tlsh, ojster and clams. (Ireen llldfc markit. 1'iesh muslirooms. (iieiu Iltdge maiket The ladlcii of hi. Cithriitu-' guild, of Church of the Cood Shepherd, will hold their annual lister sale Saturday lief 11 e lUsler, 01il 11, both .itieiuonii and cicnlug, Kami anliha ami cakes will be mi .ale. Onion ct, 5 ciiitj a quart. Green Rld,'0 markit, I-iwn seed. Green llldgc market, I !2ai l 'IsaSiifc I bL llililuif'MCiit Jl