i 'srwg rr jw,.- . " m 'zr vt . 4' J? ieJkY THE SCUANTOX TRlHLiNE-SATLRDAY, MARCH 81, 1900. -t-t r- rJ-i LACKAWANNA COUNTY. UruxfXi-ufM- """ " - JJNMLE WRECKING MACHINERY. The Delawnro untl Hudson totted Its now steam derilek yesterday utter noon and ovptythttifr worked very sat isfactorily. The appaiattts Is to facili tate wicck i-opalilng. Without the out ilggers the derrick will hoist eight tons ill twenty-live feet tadlus: ten tons nt twenty foet mdlus: tlttecn tons at slv tecn feet ladlus. With the out rlggets It will hoist folly tons at twenty feet tuclltis: thirty tons nt twenty-five feet mdlus. The luiiehlne and can luge weigh a little over 60,00(1 pounds. It Is to facilitate wrecking woik on the. lino of the Pennsylvania division, tt Is of the latest and most Impioved pat tern and Is a fine pleee nf mechanism. SCHOOL INSPECTION. PioMdent W. It. Moon, of the school h-iaiil, nnd Superintendent Ontr, ne i nmpanlcd press representatives thtough the High school yesterday. The woiklngs of the system were vv plalned In detail and a vety Rood Im pulsion as to the way thltiRS are Kiting was floated. The Hie ill ill was ex ecuted and ihe Immense building was emptied in fifty-eight seconds. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. William C.i litis nnd family, of Bel luoiit stiect, have removed to Sciati tim. '. K. Spcncjr nnd Htissell Spencer have leturned fiom Ypsllantl. Mleh. Mr. anil Mis. It. H. Hiigg.t hav re linned fiom their IVckvlll" visit. Mi. tl. W. Kvant has returned fiom Scianton. Jllss (iMborne. who Is III with typhoid fever. I getting along nicely. Mi. A. C Lown nnd sister, Miss Ma d rc Duvenpoit, have returned fiom n Sei.tntnn visit. li. 1.. t'rane Is In New Yoik on busl nt s. Ml-s ('Una Wntt entei tallied it mini her of ft lends l.it owning. Tonight ,VIs ilortiuelc Dennis will entertain at a caid party. MNs Hell Rtlmond. of Pni t Jeivls, Is n truest of fi lends In this city. "The Pi incest Chic" attl acted a good slyed audience to th Gland opeia houM-. Mr. and Mis. S. S. (liltinnn. of Rich mond street, are entertaining their daughter. Mit. C. L. Chapman, of Mlddlctown. Hr. Thompson, of Sctnnton, attended the meeting of the Carbondale Meilleal society at Dr. A, Nlles" last evening. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Coming Basket Social Interesting: Personal News. Mr. and Mis. Johnson ltenuett. r., ol Sec and .stteet, have piesented their daughter Bessie with a handsome new uptight piano, as a birthday gift. Attorney and Mts. Thomas Wells, of Su ,inlon, weie visitors heie on Thuis ilav evening. Miss Doiothy Tennis enteitnined at pailor pool Wednesday evening .Miss Bessie Fleas and .Missis. Reison Bev ans. Iloboit Thomas and Benjamin Maxey, of Scranlon. Rev. Manaid H. Thompson will pleach in the Haptlst chinch loinoi low morning on "Deliverance from the I'lNon House," and In the evening his subject will lie "By Faith." A, basket social will be given by tho filing men's cln-8 of the Flist Baptist I'huich Sunday school on Tuesday even ing. Apill 17. An entertainment wilt be one of the featuies of the evening. Mis. .lames Maxwell was it Scianton v Isltor yesteida. I... W. ('lamer, of Notth Main stieet, will open a gieen market In lit own iz Can oil's building on Lincoln avenue, at Carbondale, In the near futute. Miss Kinma Itoberts. who was taken suddenly ill while at school on Thurs day, was able to sit up yesteulay, and will piobably be able to icsume her duties on Monday. A surpilse paity was held at the home of Finnk Baker, on Main street, Thursday evening, by a number of his young friends. A very pleasant time was spent. Misses Kmma Noone and Alice Hock ing.' of Second street, wete Scranton visitors Thursday. U D. Wall, of Oison. visited relatives in town on Tuesday, Miss M. Harris has been in New York this week, selecting goods for spring trade. She was accompanied by Miss Jessie Winter. Miss Madeline Burdlck, of Second stieet, entertained a number of her young friends Thursday evening, C. L. Hell, who has been In New Yoik, this week buying timber, le turned home yesterday. OLYPHANT. The remains of Michael Mcllale, who died at Stockton, Cnl., 1'ist week, ar il ved at this place yesteiday after noon. The funeral will take placo fiom the home of his father, Michael Me Halo, on Hudson wtreet, tomorrow aft- NERVITA PILU Reilore Vitality, Lost Vlf or and Maoliood Curelmpotency. Night EmUtlom, Loss of Mem orv. all wattiDir dUaie. all effects of relf-abute or excess and Indiscretion. 60 PILLS A nerv tonto and .blood builder. Brlogs the pink alow to pale cheeki and restores the! OU ki and restores the ttrr?B SU S iS ,"LCT. tU.oO, with our bankable gaurantee to cure or refund the money paid. Send for circular and copy of our bankable sua rautee bond. Pojltlrely gparanteed cura for Loss of Power. Varicocele, Undereloped or Shrunken Organs, rareil, Locomotor Ataxia. Nerrous Prostra tion, Hysteria. Hts, Insanity. ParalysU and the Results of RxcesilTB Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor, Bv mail in plain package, ft ,00 a box, a for SB.00 with our bankable ruar uitM bond to our in 80 day or rafund soaay paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Wlnton Jnckaon sts., OHIOACO, ILL. Sold by McQarrah Thomas, Drua ffiatt,, J03 Lackawanna ave., Scranton, Pa. WKSi WW EVERY WOMAN tfitlannsxlsarellibls, BMtilrttnUtli medlelcs. Only lurmleai tmt tbt partst druft skesld k . Ifysu vaat tho bote, tt Dr. Petal's Pennyroyal Pills They ar prompt, ufe and crtaln in revilt. v TfaectauiaafDr, PeaPw narer dlsappolot. EoldforfLCOperbox. Fr Salt by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruca atraat. einoon at '! o'clock, tnl' i men: will b made In St. Patilok'i cclialciy. Dr. N. W. Tiaey, i noted temper mice lctuier, will I.ckIh " colliso of lectiius at the Fa'hor Mntlieiv opera house, next Wednesday evening. The lectuies will be ll.stl"l v till .liov lug plctuies and steieoptlton views. No admlsaloti will be ellinged. Set vices will be liM.l In the new chapel of tlif Ill.ik'lv Haptlst chut eh tomonow moinliig and timl evening. Itev. Dr. Spencer will pte.ich. Itev. A. V. Rower, of Scranton. w'lt occupy the pulpit of the Congrega tional chinch toiuoriow evening. flegulai Kplseopul seivlcet will bt held In Kdwuids' hall tomonow after noon at :i.3n o'clocl;. tlev. K. J. Hnilgh ton will haw chaw. Finnk Wheeler It eiectln,- A resi dent e on Hull avenue. Mist Alice Kelly, who has bc.n In New Yoik selectlii',' h-r tptlng tnllllii i'iy, has leturned nom. Ksthct Hoban hat aeiepted a posi tion In Filedman's slur on Lncknwan nu stieet. David Dean, of Cnihoudul'', was a Isltor In town Tluusdny. Mist Geitrude Atheito'i. of ClntU's Hiiinmlt, who has been vlslrhu fi lends here, i etui tied home .vestird.iy. Mlt Lucy Oatdner, wno hat r's'.ded heie for some time, nat I etui lie.', to her home In Plttstoti. Miss Jennie Pi Ice, of Scranton, vis ited ft lends In town yotterdav. TAYLOR NfiWS. A Reception Tendered Rev. Ivor Thomas Red Men Elect Officers. Other News Notes. (.m Thuiduy evening the inimbeit nf the Welsh Congiegatlonal church had a lo.val lime. The object of the meeting being to have a social time pievious to the dep.utuie of Itev. Ivor Thomas, thi-lr foimer pastor, for Han ger. Pa. Mr. K. J. Phillips ptelded. and the following pi ogi amine was ren deied: Address, Itev. John Kviint, of Wales: leeltatlon. Kmlyn Jenkins: address, William Kdwanls, of Wales; Instiumental selection. William Kvitns: solo, Mis. Itobei t Llewellyn. At this peilod thei fhilttlan Kndeuvotet sui-pil-ed Mr. Thomas, by piesentlng him with a beautiful ch.ili. Miss (ieue vleve Ilvans made the pteseiilatloii speech, and she was initial to the oc casion in eveiy lespect. Sim vices tomonow at the Calvaiy Haptlst church at the usual hums, the pastor, Itev. Hauls, oillelatlng at the evening services. Twenty-four per sons will be adiulnlsteied to baptism. Mlnooka ttlbe. No. i'47. Impioved Older of tied Men. has elected the fol lowing ofiloeis for the ensuing teim: Piophet, Thomas Samuels: sachem, Philip Noakes: senior sagamoie, Ar thur Salmon: junior sagamore, George Perry: chief of lecoreN. W. f!. How cllt; assistant chief of records, David Beecham: keeper of wampum, Christ Xumbach: iuttee, James Heffer: lep lesentntlve to giand council, James Palmer. The Lackawanna council. No. .14, Daughteis of Poeohontui, will "raise up" the following olllcets next Thurs day evening: Piophetess, Mrs. Huist; pocohontas. Mis. Mmy A. Noakes: weiionnh, Mis, Heffr: pohawtan, Jas. Ileirer: chief of lecoids. Mrs. Hliza beth Kvans: keeper of wampum. Mis. Ann Nash. A laige number of minor ofllces will be filled by appointment at tills time, and Mime of the giand officers aie expected to be present. A social will be held In connection. Services at the Methodist Kplscop.il church at 10,45 a. in. and 7 p. m. to monow, Ttev. Francis Gcndall officiat ing; Sabbath school at 2.1. I p. m. AH are Invited. Mrs. William Jones and Mis. Tlob eits, of Bellevue, weie the guests of the formei's sister. Mis. Thomas J, Powell, of Main street, yesterday. Lieutenant ('. B. Diake, of the Uni ted States at my, who has been on a visit at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. H. J. Cooper, left yesterday for Foit Meade, North Dakota. Taylorville lodge, No, 668, Improved icier of Odd Follows, will elect ofll ceis at this evening's session. Itev. John Kvans, of Crloye, Wales, an able divine, will preach at the Welsh Congiegatlonal church tomor row, at both services. Welsh ser mon In the morning. In the evening, at 6 o'clock, he will pieach In Kngllsh. Ladles' camp. No. 123, Patilotlo Or der of Ameilea. will conduct a social In their rooms this evening. A large delegation fiom sister campB are ex pected to be present. Itev. r. C. Kdwards, the newly elect ed pastor of the Welsh Baptist chinch. Is expected to commence his chaige at tomorrow's services. Miss Daisy Sweet was the guest of relatives In Hyde Paik yesterday. An Editor Finds a Uure Cure for Kheumatism. A. It. De Fluent, edltoi of the Jour nal, Doylestovvn, Ohio, suffered for a number of yeais fiom rheumatism n his light shoulder and side. He says: "My light aim ut times was entiiely useless. 1 tiled Chambei Iain's Pain Bulm, and was suipilsed to ireeive ie lief almost Immediately. The Pain Balm haH been a constant companion of mine ever slnie and It never falls." For sale by all diugglsts. Matthews Bros'., wholesale and ictall ngts. PECKVILLE. Dlligglst W. S. Bloes Is contllled to his home by Illness. Blukely borough council will meet In tegular session next Monday even ing. Mis. J. D. Bioad letmued yesterday, after spending a couple of weeks with l datives nt Wells HlldBe. N. V. Mrs. Frank Day. of Wllkes-B.ine, letuilied home yesteiday, after spend Ing a few clavs with Mr. and Mrs. L". 11, Barber, of Main stieet. FAIR NOTF.S. Tonight's ptogi amine will be veiy littetestlng. Mr. John .1. Salmon, the Welsh comedian, in hit. famous act entitled little Kvan Davy, the Welsh flieboss from (ilenmoigtiushliv, Mr. Jam's O'Mulliy, accompanied by little Lucy Mooney and Miss Murgaret KvittiH In latest songs and specialties. Pianist, Miss Lou Mace, The lucky wlnnets on Thutsday Pharmacist, c r. WycmlnB; tvtnue and evening were Frank Bolls, door prle. sack flour; James W. Smith, apron; W. J. Broad, smoking set; Thomas K. Campbell, st knives and folks; L, Brunnir, smoking set. Tonight Is the last night of the fair. The Independent Hose company of Dunmoie will bo present with their dtlll siiuad this evening, and will give an exhibition drill. THEATRICAL. "An Actor's Romance." A laigu audience saw the production of "An Actor's Romance" at the Acad emy of Music last night by the Cook- Chuirh company. i This afternoon "The Midnight Ahum" will b presented, and tonight. "The Police Patio!," Walte's New Stock Company. JuiuiH H. Wnlle, who has lor years en toyed th" distinction of being the most successful theatllcal manager, has at list leached the ncme of his ambition In giving the best popular ptlced attraction on the load. He has seemed the well known ouug icnnaii tic actor. M. S. Wood, who for the 111 st time Is seen In repertoire. All of his plas are wondeir. of 9cenle produc tions. Mr. Wood Is suppoitcd by Miss Kit tle Hhondes, who foi yeais has been a star of hci own organisation, and It one of the most veisatlle leading ladles on the stage today. The repertoire In cludes "Oiphans of New Yolk." "Out in the Streets," "Beyond the ltockles," "Signal Lights," "False Colois," "Waifs of New Yoik," "Adtift In a tli eat city," "Jack Sheppaul," etc. Among Mr. Walte's vaudeville aitllt who appeal between the acts nX the dlffeient plays of the leperlolre are Mist Cat lie Louis, who Is very popular with loveis of good music; Frank Fahey tickles the fancy of all who en .lov bilgh: and witty Jokes; Hughey Fl.ihetty l one ot the best buck nnd wing (lancets befoie'the public, and Bab Wana In songs. The company will b seen nt the Academy of Music for one solid week, commencing with a special matinee on Monday. The open ing bill w 111 be "Oiphans of New Yoik." Dime matinees will be given dally. Close of "Ben Hur" Production. No definite time for the ending of the run of "Ben Hui" at the Broad way theatie, New Yoik, has yet been fixed, but It l.s quite piobable that it will close ihe tetond week In May. Theie It now an extinoidlnai lly huge advance sale, which, as the season drnws near Its end. Is constantly In ci easing. As the cloe of the iuii ap pi ouches and this gieat and glowing sale i olu entiales, dlfllculty In seem ing teats may be apprchendOd. Theie fore those who aie coiisldeilng going to New Yoik to see "Ben Hur" should et about seeming seats at once. Tickets may now be Imd bv mall for any jieiformance fjom this time till May 1. The advance sale for "Ben Hui" has been veiy adtoltly managed, and, al though at most pelforiliances people have been tinned away., seats have been available up to the' rise of the cm tain. The management has been able to accomplish this by placing seats on sale faither ahead than has ever befoie been known In New Yoik city. m "A SIXULK FACT Is worth a ship load of argument." Kvery cuie by Hood's Sai sapai Ilia Is a fact, piovlng Its meilt, and the thousands and thous ands of cures lecorded ceitalnly shouM convince you that Hood's will cuie you. Indigestion, nausea aie cuied by Hood's Pills. MUSICAL GOSSIP. Piogiamme of Will Kvant' conce-t to be held at Jackson Stieet Baptist' church Wednesday, April 4th, Is as fol lows: Tilo, "Duvv b.vdd DrlRiuog" Parry Ml-s Thomas, Messis. Stephens and Wauen. Piano duet. Sonata in D A. Dlabelli Miss Norma Williams untl Mr. Ompe Mm lln. Tenor solo fa) "When We Weie Maying." (.b) "Good-Bye" C. C. Bui nam H. Kvan Williams. Piano solo Piofessor Haydn Kvant Soprano solo, "Spanish Romance". Sawyer Blizabeth Thomas. Bass solo, Ailu of SarKtro Mozart Llew lleibeit. Tenor solo Reclt., "Deeper and Deeper Still," Aria. "Waft Her Angels'' Handel II. Kvan Williams. Duet, "Call to Arms" Hughes Messrs. Wnrren and Stephens. Baritone solo, "O Clod. Have Mercy," Mendelssohn William Kvans. Piano solo, "Home, Sweet Home," S. Tliaberg George Mai tin. Soprano solo (al "Shepherd's Cradle Song". Somervell (li) "A May Morning" D.tnza Miss Kllznbeth Thomas. Tenor solo fa) "O No, C)dd.tl H.ifo Hyd" .. Dalles (b) "Meich or Seci." (c) "Ar Hid V Nos," (ill ".Menu, i Owen",. .Old Wel-b songs If. Kvan Williams. Tllo. "On Thee Bach Living Soul waltH" Ilaidu Miss Thomas, Mr. Wan en and Mr. Stephens, Aicoinp.inlst. Miss Noimu Williams. :: ii "Llllputians In Fall land" is the title of a beautirtil opera for chlldien, which will, in the near fuluie, be given in the Lyceum by home talent. Those. who deshe to take pan must apply as soon as possible to Miss S. Louise llaiilenbenjh at the Huidenbersh School of Music nnd Ait, Carter hnlld lug, coiner of, Adams avenue and Lin den stieet. Theie ale still open Sev ern! tlnu pnits for young peoplo four teen to eighteen eais or age, who can sli(g and speak well. and loom in choius for llfty to one hundred children, eight to .sixteen yeais of age. The opein Is similar to the "Ihownles," but eonsld eied bv competent critics to be even better. " ii i Hatch Music company, of Philadel phia, Pa,, luve accepted another of Mr. Alfted Wooler's compositions, u maich of unusual merit, as a teaching pleie. entitled "The Lllllo Cavallei." This Is the thlid piano composition of Mr. Wooler's that Hatch Music company have accepted this month. Mr. Wooler Is to receive a royalty on all copies sold, , i t Albert Davis and O. Repeit.who each sang a solo veiy sweetly at the Lleder kiani! mlnstiel iieiformauce on Thuts day evening at Music hall, possess re mnrkably fine voices of leal tenor qual ity. With study they could become prominent among the leading vocalists of Scranton. ' n The Scianton Consei valory of Music Will give Its nineteenth leultnl next TiH-ndpy v-.li'- r (Piejrisey's hill, The People's A POPULAR CUiAKI.VG HOUSE for th Bsmlt of K Wli Have Houses Jo Kant, Kent Estate or Oilier Property to Sell or Uxchtings, r Who Want Situations or llelp-Tluia Small Advertisements Cost One Cent n Word, Six Iiuertloas for Five Cents a Word Mxcept Sltu.itiortj WanteJ. Which Arj lit fterted Free. r FOK KENT W. T, HACKt'.TT. Tilt: BHAt. P.HTATK ngent otTelt Hie following " rem: Mvitle avenue house with seni -'; Olive stieet bouse, with rnnmre IB .Monroe hvc Diiniiiiif. with barn Xew Votk stieet house, modern J llniilon avenue, modem hoiife rj lliiriNoti avenue, mod.-tn house Ninth Lincoln avenue, modern J line stieet IliUHe. modern, slnsle 10 South Main uveaue, modem Hyde Pailc avenue, stoves W line stieet houses, inndeiti . J" NhiHi Itebecca avenue. Hoves Mndlson nve.. Duiinioic, inoderu J'; Wootlluwn avenue, single, nimlern .... Ifc Woiulhivvn avenue, doitlile, ninilem ... I.; Monroe uvenue. Dunmore. with Imrt. .. 2.. I.lnden stieet house, modem ' Quliiey nveniii' houses, fuinint 2.' Mom cm avenue house, steam "" Adams iivenue, Htuiuir-rc j; flreen ttldge street, niodiiu. steam .... ! Qulney avenue, with fuinnee 2t Wuluey avenue, Willi steam ' uiiliii'V iiveniip. vvllli tenm " .Himdersoii avenue, modern, bilge 2J .Miuueriy sneei. niwifiu -. (liVtsoii stieet. single, iiiimU'Hi 2 Webster avenue, modem, sienm IS Mulbfiiy stieet. model n, foiimce 2! Monroe avenue, modem, steam plant.. '.'' Pine street hr iioo, iniicletri 20 Pine Mieet house, modern 2t Pine stieet hous, modem '-'J Pine street houses, t.aideiu Sa .letfeisoti avenue, nonmoie. desirable.. : MadWim avenue, lonttnl. itimlern .1" Monroe avruue cintlul. inodeni X WvnuliiH avenue. vei delmble C Washlllgluu avenue, h.rge, model 11.... c.1 .IefTeron avenue, moilern I'' Mulbeiiv street house, modem 40 Jctfcrsnu avenue house 4M Ji IteiMiii HVinue. hle.im beat :st Clay avenue, eit ste.mi 4o Adams iivenue, Dunmoie, sluvle : Mulbeliy sin el, ceulial elty "- WHsliliigtiiu avenue, huge, modern '" Mmllsuu avenue, single, modern 4" .leffersim avenue, meilein "" Pine stieet bouse, inoderu 2,' ,"0 Adams iivenue li(Hl-e. moduli 2", North Washington, iltslr.'blc for Ur... 4a North Washington, mcdein lesldence.. Hi Cor. Minlison nnd (Jieen Ittdge street.. :!." Applv to W. T. Undent. I2 Washing ton h venue. Pi ice Building. Booms "J mid in. KT'iTNlsTriiniToi'sns: Tmhck j.a to JKi. Applv to W. T. Ilnckett, Hie Beal Kstate Dealer. 1J! Washington nve. uue, Price Building, MONROK AVBtlPK PINOLB HOl'sn- Very dC'shable nnd prli e only M'1 per month. Applv to W. T. llsikett, Price Building, I2(. Washlr.pton aventie. STORKS. OfT-ICP.S AND RAltNS-Vt" T. Ilaekctl, I'rlce Building, 12') Wash Ington avenue. STORi: 2i)7 SOPTII MAIN AVF.NPK, SIC. W. T. Ilnckett, Price Building, 12S Washington avenue. STKAM HKATKD STOBKS IN MJN li al elty fiom $2". and ttpvvaids. VV, T. Ilnckett, i'llce Building, I.V Wlislilngtoil avenue. ASSBMBLY ROOM WITH PARLORS, etc, suitable tor soeletv or club pur poses. W. T. ll.tckett, Pi Ice Building, ISt? Washington avenue. HACKirrr has 3 rooms for u and :t looms for in at 207 Smith Main ave nue. See W T. Il.ukett, Pi Ice Building, 12i Witshlugtou avenue. HOrSK. WITH FCRNACH AND BARN. Sly month. Mis. Bums, 711 Apple uvi line, Dunmoie, .1)7.ROOM MODKRN DWKLLINOS. Mncilson avenue and .Mvrlle stieet, and "22. S21 Pine stieft. J.;o elegant 11 lootr hiiue. iil"i Quincy avenue. Apply Ceolge B. I),i lil-oli. itttnrney, oJil Spince stieet. LAUGH STORi: BOOM NOW OCCC Pled by Davis Bros, gtoceis, ;, B. Mam street. Wllkes-Rnrie. Sle.im heat, eb valor and nxtoiis. Bent inodri.ile. Addless V. P. Slalteiy. Wllkes.ane. Pa. .STORK FOIl RKNT-APR1L 1ST, AT Piovldenee Srimiie, the store, lir Ninth .Main aveuti,,, i.ovv oieiipleel bv 11. L. Uilfttn, the ditiggbt. Kiuiulre at Steele s. PLAT FOR Ri:.T APRIL l-KN-JPIRK Jos. j, Jermvn, 111) Wyoming nventio. i POR RKNT-APRIL1 Tv66-ROOi uiMises on .Mtiili stieet; de'li.U)Ie to. cation: lent low. O. A. Crandnll, MJ -Mears building;. FOB RKNT-ONK-ILVLF OP DoT'bTTk house, corner Linden stieet nud Irv ing nemte. Mndeiu lmpiovemenls. ti, pei month. Inquire at house. FOR HUNT-APRIL 1ST. TWO STOBKS. Nos Kl antl fit Fiankllu avenue. Iii cinlie Joseph J. Jermvn. B'j W.voming u venue. POR RKNT-APRIL 1. THK HAND- i.fTe residence, C18 Adams avenue, with barn, laige ynid and fruit trees. Incmhe :6 Wiomlng avenue. STORK FOR RKNT-FROM APRIL 1. number 221 Lackawanna ave. Inquire of J- H Gunster. FOR SALE GOcTd" HORSK AND'rTFKKTVi'bRi: counter for sale ilieap. Apply at mice, J. Milfoiil Morgans, T.i)lur. Pa. STORK S1IKLVING POR SAI.K-AHOl'T 70 feet. Very cheap to a quick haver. W. P. Connell & Sons, IIS Pettn ttveuue, f(0lTSALI:i7ow" CASKS, fii LIN den street, Scranton. A DKSIRABLK HOPSK, WITH LARGF. lot und trees on 12n Giove stieet, Dun moie. Inquire 1815 Vine stieet. A DKSIRABLK LOT. BKTWKKN WKH ster and Taj lor, on Vine. Inquire Itilj A'lne stieet. BOII.KR AND KNOINK POR SALK: '2 hoise power vei Ileal ln.ller, and 5 hoise power engine, good as new. Also 4S feet 2-ll.ctl shafllng With hangers, and tieO feet of one-lnilt pipe) "People," PJt Penn avenue. REAL ESTATE. W. T. 1IAOKKTT. THK ItKAL KSTATK Dealets, offeis: Hal gains In single houses. Hnigulns In double houses, Hargulns in business piopeitles. Bargains In farm Plopertles. HttrBalns In cnuutiy homes, Bui gains in building lots. Don't buv or build wlttiiitit t'i i lis nl I Inir I W. T. Ilnckett. at tho Price Hulldlng. 12 i vvasiuugiou avenue, .mi mieivieiv costs nothing and may save you mouei. FOR SALK-DOPHLi: HO.MK. SIS MON mo avenue, mill sell ut bargain If sold befoie Apill 1. ut which time pupils of Mr. Penning '.nit lu piuno, Miss Tlmbctman In singing, and Miss Dean In elocution, will partlclpite. : f Sir Aithur Sullivan's new opera, "The Itose of Persln," will be pioduced .it Duly's theater next fall, under the management of Daniel Fiohmuu. Tht lloietlo U by Captain Basil Hnol. Chailes Fiohman. now In Hurope, hus concluded the negotiations for his hi other. How's ThiaP Wo offer One Hundred Dollurs Heuaid for any case of Catanh that cannot bo cuied bv Hull's .Until! Cure. F. J. CIIKNKV & CO.. Props., Toledo. O. We, the undeislgned, have known F, J, Cheney for the last ir years, and believe him perfectly houoiable In all business transactions and itniiui hilly able tu carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Trim. Wholesale Drugglxts, To. ledo, O. Wnldlug, Kluuaii t Man In, Wholesale , Druggists, Tub do, O. Hall's C'aturrh Cine Is' taken Internally, acting dliectly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Price 75e, per bottle. Sold by all DiugRlsts. Tesll. nionlula fiec. Hall's Family Pills aie the best. Exchange. - ; a.: WANTED. IF TOP WANT "YtOPfsK'srHKi: HACK ctt. IF YOtJ WANT flTOBKS, SKI! IIACIv-ett. IF YOtr WANT OFFICT2S, 8KIJ HACK ett I F"yoTt'wANT FARMS. 8 1 1 K 1 1 At ' K ett. IF Ull WANT A LOAN. 8 UK HACK ett. ir Tti r'NTi'"TT) Boiuto w, av.K tlaekett. iTr"'Yoir"wAN rNSl'ltANCK, SUM lllllliett. IF YOI WANT TO BI'Y Oil HKLI. A biisli ess, see llui-kflt. the Ileal l.s lute Denier. Pi lee Hulldlng. 120 sh liielou avenue, S. ronton, r'i. TNniD-SKCONYPiiAlTl'rrpiHTlllT boiler, 1,imc to l..'.m) lioisp jiower. Ail dress, tiollel, Tillnnie olMce. AGENTS WANTED. V. WANT AOBNTS IN BVKHY TOVVN lo handle; e.tir patented articles frr l:c dies' n nil cbllilien's wear. lloeft &. lo bin, S" Peck com I, ChlcagJ. WANTi:i)-FIRST CLASS AOIINTS IN every eltv and town In Pennsylvania, to Introduce the largest and stiousesl Slik and Ai'clileitt (' mpiiny In the woild. Addles i K. Viirt Dnscn, Supl. of Agents, Bay City, Mich. HELP WANTED-MALE. .,.ssiswd SrS. X."W V W V Wi WANTKD-A S(-LlClTOR OK HOOD tidiness, either gentleman or laiij. Addless Sidle Itor, Tilbune. WANTKD RKSIDKNT MALKSMAN" .'or higli grade seem lliest; eoiunnslou or Mtl.iry. References. Sultu l!", Nei. 71 Wall stieet, New York city. WANTF.D - GOOD. Itl'STLlNU MAN for partner In gent's furnishing and hat business. JUiO cash will pay von tl,."iU0 it ear. Rest stand. Good refer ences. Address C. George, Scranton, Pa. General Delivery. KNERGKTIC SALKSMAN - rODNIRV work. School supplies. Salary 111 and extras. R. O. Kvani Co , Chl rago, III. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. WANTKD-A 'O.MPI'(KNT MIDDLK-agi-d lady to keep house for a sli gle gentleman. References iel. tinged, Ad dless 1). L. 1., Geneial Dellveiy, Scran ton, GIRL AVANTKD TO DO SKCOND work or muse. Call at 74S Kresslcr court. FURNISHED ROOMS. heal and bath, .in: W.voming iivenue. WANTI-D-TWO NtCKLY FI'RNISHLD rooms with bottid: centrally located. Address W Tribune office. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY J1,M, Bl YS AN KSTAHL1SH7KD AND palng business. See W. T. tlaekett, Pi lee Hulldlng, 12ti Wnshlugton avenue. JUW)-llTvS AN K8TAHLI8HKD A.s"i paling buslnets. See W. 'I'. Ilaekett, I'rlee Hulldlng, I2i. Witsliluglon avenue. gFyO!' WISH Til BPY OR SKLL A l.usiners slt W. T. Ilaekett, Pi lee Bulldliig, I2fi Washington avenue. PROFITS IN STOCKS. WtlKAT AND cotton. Mitiknv's Modem Jlethods Make Money. Wilte for our free book. C. K. Mnekey .v. Co., SJ llroadw.iy, New Yen k. DRESSMAKING. DRKSSMAKING FOR CHILDRKN TO coder: aKo ladles' waists. Louise Shoe maker, 212 Adams avenue. SCALP TREATMENT. iTltsLXT.VLLRTs70CuTAT- ment. ."A'.; shampooing, .1'ic.: facial mas-age, manic tiring, .Be.; chiropody. 701 Quincy. CITY SCAVENGER A. B. BBIGGS CLKAN8 PRIVY VAFI.T8 unci cess poois; no oocm. enipruvru im,na iiwci le imirirsH lt.,iifli.ttu Leave unlets IK Ninth Main avenue, or Kleke's ding stole, e orner Adams und Mulbeny. Telephone Wit). NEWSPAPERS TDK WILKK8-BARRK RKCORD CAN be had In Scianton at tho news stands of Retsnitiu Bios.. 4u,1 Spruce and 50.. Lin den; M. Not ton, "22 Lackawanna avenue; 1. 8. SchtiUer, I'll Spmce street. FINANCIAL. TDK J. J. NKWMAN LP.MHKR COM- piti.y llrst niott gate sl per cent. Milking Fund Bonds. Sealed pioposals will be iccelved by the Ltickavviiiuta Tl list and Sale Deposit Cuinpnnv, tiuslc-e, inlll 12 o'clock noon, Satuicliiv, Mauh t'l, l'o. foi the sale nud dellveiy to lilt- said tlitslee. on Hie I'd day of Jin), 1'K, of Jl.oOit of the Mist moitguge, slN pel cent,. Sinking Fund Bonds of Ihe J. .1. New mint Lumber Com. puny, at u PI lee not exceeding 101. If the said bends cannot be obtained as above, they will be diawu by lot tnnl it deemed ut par, as is piovided fur In tho lnoitgrfgc. LACKVWA.NNA TRPST AND SAFK DKI'OSri' CO.. Tnstce. Phtphetd Ay.eis, Vlce.pt evident.. SEALED PROPOSALS. T.""-'". v t Ws V. S. Gove i nine nt Building. Ser.llitoii. P.i., Match M. 1WJ. SL'AI.KD PBOPOSAI.S WILL UK RK celved at this building until 2 o'clock P in., Saiuid.tv, Anill jji'.i, V,. for fur ulsltlng fuel, lights, water. Ice, miscel laneous supplies, washing towels, hauling ashes, inul sprinkling stteets for this building iluiiug the ilsinl eur ending June ;l. lirftl. oi such not lion of the vcur as nut lie ilermcd advisable. The light to I eject niiv and nil bids Is leserved by the Titasiirv Di paituietit. KSCRA 11. BIPP1.K, Custodlun. LEGAL. vrfW FRANKIK L. YINOST VS. BTKRLING Yingst. lu the Conn ot Common Pleas of Liiekuwainiti count. No, 2ti!i, J, intuit y Teim, PiiW. Dlvoirc. To Stelllng Yingst. lespiutdeni: You ale heieby uotlllcd that lite subpoena and alius siibJoiiu In lite tthnve stated case have been letuiliid luut est Inventus nml the com t bar oideiitl servlco upon ion by nubllcutiou. Vou tile herebv null fled to be and appear ut the net let in of said court to be held at Scranton on Monday, May 1th, V',u und answer the compluiul of the s.Dd llliellaul. CLARKNCK K. PHVOR. SlieilfT. OKORGK 8. HORN. Attotney for l.lbellaut. KSTATK OF JOSKPH II. STKKLL, late of the city ot Scianton, deceased. Letters tCKtanicniui' Itputi the above named estate having been grunted tu the Undersigned, ull persons Indebted to said estate are leciuested to make payment, mid those having clitlms or demands to piesent the same to FANNY V. STKKLL. Kxecutilx. Scranton, Pa. WKLLK8 & 'IORRP.V. Attorni'is foi KsUtle. miTUATIONS WANTED WANTKD 'bv TUMFKvrAVtUK oung Incly, a situation us light house work or house keener. Address J. D. Wil son, rear of 1?M North Washington uve. 81TPATION WANTFD-BY MtDDLB aged lady us housekeeper nt small finally. Address M. A., Tilbuue olllce, city. to work. Address William McD.tiilels, in I'.usi uiiaei, ciiy WANTKIl-A POSITION AS IlOl'Si: keeper by a thoroughly competent .Voting Indv, Addless , p, fl,, Trlhune orllie. 8ItFa1ToN WAN'liHTlvolFNTi MAN wants pcisitiuu as ei glutei, iireman, stenm litter; good lefelenees, Adilltss Julius Flck, I. !1 Hionk stieet. VTl-Tl"r"T?ijN"'lN Ao'lfNtjiiT nl store, having Imcl seven eals" practleal expeilenee; ci u furnish At inf erences us legard to iharitiler nnd salts, fai Hon I'lsewhete. Adclless It. C. W., Kt? Hutidersim aventie, citv. ' 81TPATION WANTKD- AS KNG1NKKR, tlreninn or pump i miner: can II steam pipe or split e tope- Ailittes P. W. R 6t Thlid avenue, elty BOOKKKKPKR DKSIRl'.S SKT OF hooks to care for. requiting a few heitirs iImII.v or evenings. Attdrss C. W. P., Tilbune olflc'e. SITUATION 'WANTKD-A PROTKST ant womiin wants situation Apill I nt housekeeper ot conk. Address with lull pnrtlciihiis, m. itutcli, 7ir, Adams inc line, city. SITl'AT! Scold DHPOttlHT-BKOISTHllKD OltADl'. ate, vrants position; llist-tiust lefer ences and ekpeilence, Address Druggist, a South Main stleei, Plttston, Pa. 81TCATION WANTP.D-IIV A VOFNtl to. t M ... h...I ...... ,1. 1. . nllll.... ' A YOt 'NO eoiul vv.n k ol n in. Si run- cure of e ton, Pit. 8ITFATION WANl'KD-BV A GOOD, strong, tellable, voting man, to do most auyili.ng. lis Wright st. PROFESSIONAL. ACCOUNTANT AND AUOITOIt. KC. SPAl'LDING, 2i TRADKRS BANK, building. ARCHITECTS HOWARD II. DAVIS, ARCHITKCT, Connell hulldlng, Scianton. FRKDKR1CK L. HROWN, ARCHITKCT, Price building, 12ti Washington aveui'e, Seratiton. CABS AND CArfnlAQBS. RPBBKR "'nitKD CARS AND CAR rlitges: best of setvke. Prompt iitten tlon given orders bv 'phone, 'Plionei 2ii72 and 5 112. Joseph Kelley. 124 Linden. DENTISTS DR. L O. LYMAN, SCRANTON PRf vate Hospital, cor. Wiomlng and Mttl beri y. DR. C. C. LAl'BACTI. IK. Wyoming ave. DR. H. F. RKYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. HOTELS 'NO lf!TAUItNT3 Till: KLK CAFK. 12.1 AND 127 FRANl." lln avenue. Rales it ac)ii:ilile. P. V.KIGLKR, Pioprlctor. SCRANTON ll')l'SK. NKAR D.. L. ft W. passenger depot. Conducted on the Ku rnpenn plan. VICTOR KOCH., Plop. Ltwyfs RICHARD J. HOPRICK, ATTOP.NKY-at-Law, .1i)0-2 I.aiki.waniia avenue. Gen eral law business, eollecllons and loans. J. W BROWNING. ATTORN KY AND Coilnsellor-ut-l.aw. Roomt :U2-3U Mulls building. D. B. BKPLOGLK. ATTORN KY-LOANS negotiated on lf.it estate secutlty. JU-ats bulldliig. mi ue r Washington avenue und Sprin e stteet. M. J. DONA HOC. ATTORNKY-AT-Law. Ofllces '.t.'-H.: Meats building. FRANK K. KOYLK, ATTORNKY AND Couitsellor-nt-l.tw. Burr bitlldlii, Booms 1.1 and 14, Wuslili.gion avenue. W1LLARD, WARRKN & 1CNAPP, AT- torneys and Counsellors-nt-Lavv. Re publican building, Washington avenue. JKSSPP & JKSSCP. ATTOBNKYS AND Counsellois ut - Law, Commonwealth building; rooms 1, 20 nnd 21. JAMK8 W. OAKI'iiRD. A'l TORNBY-AT-Law. Rooms .114, 511 m.d fit! Hoaid of Trade building. EDWARD W. TIIAYKR ATTORNKY. Rooms !0 t-feill. 9th floor, Meiers bulldliig. L. A. WATRKS. ATTOHNKY-AT-LAW. 502 Hoard of Tiade btilliilt g, Scranton, Pa. C. H. PITCHKR. ATTORNKY-AT-I.AW. Conunonweaith building. Sciunton, Pa PATTKRSON Wl LCOX. TRADITItS' -Nationni natiK iiuiiuiug. C. COMKGYS. 9-13 R K P V B L I c A N building. A. W. BKRTIIOLF. ATTORNKY, Meats building. HY8icN and autaeovs DR. W. K.ALLKN. 31? NORTH WAS1L Ington avenue. DR. S. W. L'A.M()RKA1'N. OFPICK 3.11 Washington uvcitue. Residence 1,118 Mullieri. Chiotilc diseases, lungs, heait, kldne.vs and gtnllo-uilmtiy oi pans a specialty. Ileitis, 1 to 4 p. in. SCHOOLS SCHOOL OF T1IK LACICAWANn! Scranton, Pa. Couises prepaialory to college, law, medic lite or business. Opens Sept. llth. Send for catalogue. Rev. Thomas M. Cuiin, l.I.D. ptlnci li.el and proptlrtor; W. K I'liimley, A. 11., headmaster SEEDS G It. CLARK & CO... SKKDMAN AND Niuserymaii' sloie 201 Wushlngtou ave. line; gteett house. l.l'O Not til -Main ave nue; atoie telephone, 72. 2 WIRE SCREENS JOS. KCKTTKL. RKAR Ml LACKA vvHiiua avenue, Scranlon, Pa,, manufac turer of Wire Scleeps, MISCELLANEOUS BAl'KIVS ORCHKSTRA-Ml'SIC FOR balls, plciilis, patties, ie, eptious, wed. dings and conceit woilc mi nl-licd. For terms ttddiess B. J. Halter, conductor, 117 Wiomlng avenue, over Hulbeit' mitiic store. MKGAROKK BROTHKHS. PR1NTKR8' supplies, envelopes, papei bags, twine, Wuiehotise. 1.0 Washington avenue, Scianton, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES Central Kuilruu.l of New Jens Sltitlons III New YoiU Foot of I.lbeity stieet, X, It,, uud South Fell', Whitehall stieet. Anlliui'llH I'o.tl used exeliMlvely, liuur. lug cleanliness and control t. TLMKTAHLK IN KFFKCT NOV. 19. U9. Tialns leuvc Scianton for New York, Newuik, Klizabeth, Philadelphia, Kastou, Hethleliem, Allcntovwi, .Munch Cliiiuk and White Haven, ut S.'IO it. in.; expMss, 1,20; expiess, luO p. m. Smtdais. 2.15 p. in. For I'lltsLon und WllkesBaue, M A. m.- 1.20. 4 On' p. ni. Sundais. 2.15 p. m. For Bultlmoie und Wuhhluctnn, and points tiuuth uud West via Bethlehem, H.'M u. in., 1.20 p. m. Suuduya, 2.15 p. m. For Lonj Branch. Oceun Urove, etc., at 8.::o a. in. and 1.2u p. nt. For Rending, Lebanun uud Hurilsbiiig, via AUeiitowu, S..W a, in., 1.20 p. nt Sun days. 2.15 p, m. For Pultivllle, k :n a in,. 1,20 p. in. Through tlcke-ts to all points etn.t, outh mid nest at lowest lute at the station. .1. II. I'HLHAt'SKN. Gen. Sup. II. P. HALDWIN, Grit. Pass. Agt. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYtVANIA RAILROAD Schedule in Effect November 10, 1809. , , Trains leave Scranton: 0.45 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Hnrrisburg, Philadelphia, BaJtl moie, Washington and for Pitts burg nnd the Wewt. 0.38 a. in., week days, for Har.leton, Pottsvllle, Beading. Norristown, nnd Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Hnrrlaburg, Philadelphia, Baltiraore,Washlngton ,nnd Pitts buig antl the Wett. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays 1.88 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia' Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the .West. 4.27 p, m week days, for Sunbury, Haniabuig, Philadelphia and Plttsbuig. J. It. W(KH), lieu. Pass. Agt. J. B. 11PTC1IINSON. Gen. Mrt. Del.. J..w'tii. mill WoHtortt. In KfTect Dec. 17, 1SU SOI'TH-Leitve Scianton for New York at 2 Pi. .101, 8i, S.OO and lufl'p a. III.: 1J.M and .i::t p. in. For Philadelphia ut 5.30, sue nnd pun a. in.: 12". and a :w p. m. For Stiot.dsbtirg at tilo P. m. Milk and Accommodation at 3.10 p. m. Arrive at Hobiike n ut li.".. 7.1S. MB a. 111.: 12.0J. 2.47, 4 K. 7.1'i and lUs p. in. Arrive at Phila delphia at IOikj a. m.; 1.0t. ,i.4S. 6 00 and 5 2! p. in. Anlve fn in New York at 12.0.1. 2 1.1 and 1.oo a. in.; I.ki. 1.12. S.33 and 8.43 p. in. Pi cm Stroiulsbtiig at hii.1a.rn . NORTH Leave Scranton for Buffalo nml inteinirdlitte stations ut 12.10, 2 SO, 4.0.1 nnd !Ui u. in.. 1.M and n ZO p. m. For Oswego and Syracuse' at 4 ti.1 n. m.' and 1..M p. in. For I'tle-i at 'J.'M,.u. in. and l.r.1 p. nt. J'tir Montiofo at 00 a. m.j 1 iM P. in. and .l.iW p. in. For Nicholson at J.ixi and 0.11 p. m. Arrive In Scranton fiom tumuli) at 2 10. 2.S.I. fi 20 and 10.00 a. in.; ;:.::o and 7. to p. in From Oswego ami Sv mouse nt 2.5.1 a. m.: 12 "S and 3 30 p. m. Fiom Siiiiciiti. at T.JU p. in. From tlttca al 2.1,1 n. in.: I2.:; ntvl U.::t) p. m. From Nicholson ut 7..V a. in. anil ti 00 p. m. Fiom Montrose, nt PUM a. in.; J.20 and 7.40 p. in. H L O O M S 11 I' R 0 Dt VISION-Leave Scranton for Noitlnimlierltind at 6 SO, 10.05 a. in.; 1..11 and i..in p. in. For Plymouth at l.(i".. :t.40 and .,in p. in. For Nantlcokn at S.ni a. m. At rive nl Northuraberlanel n t !i.:'-1 a. nt.: l.io, GO-, and f SO p. m. Ar ilve tit Nimtleolce at ! 20 a. in. Arrive at Plv mouth al 2,'H, 1.40 und '1.41 p. m. Ar ilve al Scranton fiom Notthumbcrluiui til !' 12 a. m,: 12 S3. 4 : "i and 8.30 p. m. Fiom Nnntleoke. at 11 no a. m. From I'll tiiemtli ut 7." a. m.: :!21 and COj p. m- Sl'NDAY TIIAINS. SOI'Tlt-l enve Scranton. tit 5.1j. 3.00, r,.ii. mo-, a. ni.: ::.ii und ::.4o p. m. NORTH leave Scranton ut 11.18, 2.09, 4 i". p. m.; 1.". mil i.io p-m. H L O O M S B C R i Dl VISION-Lcava Sii.nilon at "Idol a. m. and 6.10 p. m. Dclavviirj :uiJ Hudson. On Feb. 2Cth. lsW, trains will leave Sc ifinton as follows For Cailiond.tle 1!20, 7..11. 8 Rt, 10.13 a. in.: 12 noon; l.v 2 2S, 4 tci, 3 25, C.23, 7,57, M.i. 11 bl p. in.; LIB a. m. l'oi Alluiiy. Saialogi. .Montreal, Bos ten, New Knglaud points, etc. G 2J a. m. l.os n in. FeiiVIInucsil,ile-i;.20, 10.13 a. m.; 2.2S, 5 23 p. ni. For Wllkes-B.ine-B.4-. 7 IS, S.43, S.3, 10.42 a. III.; 12(i!, 1.28, 2.IS. . 1 J3, 4 27, CIO, 7.IS. 10. II, il,"t p. m. h'or New Yoik. Philadelphia, etc.', via, Lehigh Valley Itallnuel-h 4,1 a. m.J 12.W, 2.1"!, ,27 p. in.; with BIjlI; Diamond Kx piess, ll.'in p. m. For Pennslvjnl.i Railroad points, 6.13, t'.:s a. in.: 2.1', 4 27 p. in. For western points, via Lehigh Valley RiiiiiiMd 7.is a, in.: I2 0.t. ::;.!, with Black Dlanii'iul i:piess. Kill, H.'IO p. m.. Ttuliis will ntrlve In Scranton a3 fol lnws: ' Ftelll C.ilbiiliil.tle and the North C 40, 7,41. ..i !i:'4, to.SS. II JS it. m.J 1.21, 2.15, .:".".. 4.2!. 7C. lit.:: ll-'7 p. in. Fiom Wllh.s-H.iiie .mil the South-C.11, 7.4 M, 1.'&. 11. ." n. m.: 1.01. 221, 4U2, 31". til'l, 7.V. 'i.(i.i, it) in p. in.: 1,13 a. m. SI'NIMY TRAINS. For C.iilionditle y.U.1 a. m.; :2.27, t.2J, 4 Hii. .1 17. in .12 p. m. For Will.. -Ilai t c-!0 a. in.: 1203, 158, ,!.25. t 27. s 27 p. ni. v For Alb.ni, Saratoga. 'Montreal, Bos. ton. New Kngl.-nd points, etc, 1.0s p. m. Lowest tales 'to all points in United States in ,d Cini'iei.t J. W. BPRDICIC. G. P. A.. Albany, N. Y If. W. CR( S, D. 1'. A,. Scranton. Pa. Leliijjli Vallav Kuilrciai, In effect Nov. lith. IWi. 1 ' TRAINS I.KAVK SCRANTON. For Philadelphia and New York, via t. Ji. II R. R.. at til a. m. and 32 01. IMS. 4.27 cHlutk Diamond Ktpio.isi, und W.'A p, in. Sundais, D. & II. R. It., 1.5b, 7.4. p m. I'.ir White Haven. Hiiislrtnn and ntlncl- pal nolnts in tl.e coal legions, vl i D. fa II H It, t. II, 2.1i und 4.27 p. in. For P.illsvllle. b.43, 2 IS p. m. 1'or lleibleliiin. Kastou. Beading, H,ar llsbuig and piluelpal Intermediate sta tions, via 1). A.- H. It. B.. C 41 a. m.; 32,0.!, 2.1S, 4.27 (Black Diamond Kxpiei.s), 11,20, Sundavs. D. & II. H. B.. l.M. 7.lk)t, m. For Tiinkhaunock, Tenviinda. Kliulin, Ithaca, Geneva and piluelpal Ihtci medi ate stations, via D.. L. V ,W. 11. ... S.03 a. in.; 1 0u and :ui p. nt. For Geneva. Rocliestet. Buffalo, Niag ara Falls, Chicago, uud all points' west, via D. & H. R, R. 1-0!. ""J I Black Dia inotid K.piess), 7. Is. 10.11, 11 M p. m. Sundays. D. tc II. B. R.. 1-'1 1. m, 7.tJ Pullman pallor nnd sbeplng'or Lehigh Valley pit lor etus on till Gains between Wllkes-Haite and New Yoik, PblladcU lihl.t. tiufitilo und Suspension Btltlge. IKll.LIN II WII.HPB. Gen. Supl., H c'oitlaiid street. New York, CIIARLKS S. LKK. Gen. Pass. Agt., 21 Col tl. unit stieet. New oik. A. W. NONNKMACHKR. Dlv, J'as-s Ast., South Bethlehem. Pa. Por ibkeis nnd Pulliniin retervntlemi apply IMs Ltickawatiua uve., Scranton, Pa. Eric and Wyomliiu Valley. Time Table lu elTii t Feb 7, 1100. Trains leave Scianton for ll.iwley and Intel nit diate points, connecting ut Haw ley with Krln Rallroatl lor New York, Ncwhiug, lloncsdalc and Inteimedlato ttoluts. us follows No. 1. Acconimoda tlou, 0 a. in.; No. 4, Kxpress, 12 01 p. m. m;iiato pivisio.. i-r in i:tiee r ecr. .m,' io; Norlli Humid, Mouth Bound, 2011 itot: ?' t ? n BUtlOUS L BS A II V a A i rive, l-eujjei Ml .s. 1. riaui.ltie;Q. s lOWesc 4'.'iirt street' iKi vveehawkeii ' 7 40 .... TM .... 810 .... 4 e n.Airivo teavei m mm 10 4M 10 401 i ir. iti' 11! ft! ISi-b It! Ill I !!' cauo! llancoclc rttHsi 2IM 4 34 ID 31 ill 21 siatiuut . I'lcttun J'ajg VVItiVvimd " l'nii telle . Otsou ' l'leisaui Mt. I"tilei;(d.le- I'oresi i liy cMibeiidum H White Bridge Mttvnclct Jeruo ii Arc tumid. Wintoii u Peckvllla olyilianc JTlceburg Tbroop 3Vi 4 41 J nr. 4 r,i : 4il 6 in 10 IV IOH'i OIC ,S t 1. 14 aw mi .'IM . 0 6 34 J ID 1I fyu AM 13 3S A Hi, (3 43 Mil a 4t: ii ni liilt' llilt't ,..,. 9 40 24 J pi ttt 1149 li:il mUII'0' ,. HUM ..,111't, ..'111 ..fill ,.11 11 ..11H7 ..utnv ..11 111, mi HM 8 61 s II 09 HtU 141 8 4J 3 69. IA 4 Oil 6 21 4011 HI 8 i IK S VT 1 ill Sit 8 33 8 3'.' frovidsuca Wl1 S?0 8orUW)tt-ll-,,v a a U u Leave Arrive1 ' r m rl- t, Buntliyonly. ; S- w t. iigolfleitbattralDi.itopoDiigoaTfor ptW rraiM k and uoi BunaA oil. .m& ua dally exoipt Bundiy. r K secure ritei via Ontlrlo Waitera tttff1 purcltMlng tlcMWfaud lav a tnotier"' SU 'llirouiib watncr outlet deeper and ire runua cunr cur .its t ur w CJeHaiKJRSl )&. fAMenrenr Ml llVWfuiell Tufi Ceuu Par Mile. J.O.Aaaerioa, Geo. ran Act. T, FUtcrott, Ulv, Fiu, Agt. tci autou, la. ' I