bw .... -.- MATr,eT N'lirf '",-.' " ! i .. , c t. rr v 12 THE' SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1900. UVE NEWS OF THE INDUSTRIAL WORLD GSAVX DANGE FROM OAI IN RAILROAD TUNNELS. Employes of the Delaware and Hud ion and Delaware, Lackawanna and Weitern Companies Had Un pleasant Experiences During the "Week Make-up of the Board for Today Case of Engineer John Troch Will Be Considered This Afternoon. During the week .employe of the Delaware and Hudson and Delaware. Lackawanna and Western companlps have had experiences which show tho grave danger of gas In tunnels. On Wednesday It resulted In a runaway train of the Delaware and Hudson in a tunnel sixteen miles north of BIng hatnton. Knglneer William W. Cnr mody and Fireman William P. Vocglln were In the cab. They were overcome by the gas and the engine pounded along at Us -own free will for a time. Frank Hall, a brakeman, was some what overcome by the gas himself, but lecovered. Noticing the way In which the train was running and knowing of the trouble from his own experience, he put on the nlr brakes. Fireman Voeglln recovered sufficiently a few minutes later to rhut off steam at the top of the hill not far from the north end of the tunnel. To set the air brakes Brukeman Ball had to reach the air hose from the car bumper. By uncoupling the hose be tween two cars ho let out the air and pet the brakes on all of the cars of the train that were supplied with air. Had the train struck this point while not under control the down grado might have set It going at a disastrous pace ond strlous trouble followed. Both engineer and firemen were unablo to work Thursday. On Thursday the engineer and flrs ' man of train No. 4, running between this city and Hobokcn, had a similar " experience In the tunnel at Manunka ' Chunk. Both the engineer nnd fireman were overcome by gas and dropped unconscious at their posts. When the train emerged the conductor realized fomethlng was wrong and found the men senseless In the cab. He acted as engineer until Oxford was reached. There the men revived after a short time. D., L. & W. Board for Today. Following Is the make-up of the Del aware, Lackawanna and Western board for today: Saturday, March 31, 19W. WILD CATS, SOUTH. 12.W a. m. G. M. Wallace. I a. m. K. V. Stevens, with J. F. Stev ens' men. 8 a. m. II. J. I-arkln. 4 a. m.-O. Hill. n. m. H. V. Colvln. 5 n. m. It. OFtner. ! a. I" rii.neity. 1" ii. t J. MeDonrcll. II ,i "ill. 1 . Mullln. HB3L. . -I3EI The New Spring Suits and Overcoats Are coming, and as there is no room to place them, we must sell the balance of Heavy-weight Overcoats and Suits at half their worth. Our loss is your gain save money by buying now. These bargains will not last much longer not over a few days, so come in today and judge for yourself. M. J. HORAN Successor to Horaii & Merrill. 316-318 Lackawanna Avenue. 2 n m. J. J. Duffy. 9.30 p. m. J. 146 p. in. 8. Carmody. SUMMITS. 7 s. m. north MrLanc. i 10 a. m., south W. H. Nlohols. ( p. m., south O. Frounfelker. PULLKR. 10 a. m. Beavers. , PUPHBnS. r I s. m., south Heuser. 11.30 a. m., south Mcran, 7 p. m., south Murphy. 10 p. m., south C. Cowley. PASSENGER ENGINE. (.20 p. m. Magovcrn. i WILD CATS, NORTH. 9 a. m., 2 cnslnes R. W. Pecklns. 4.43 p. m., 2 engines J. E. Mastors.. Troch Case Will Be Beard. The case of Engineer John Troch will In all probability bo finally disposed r.f this afternoon, when Superintendent Lloyd will meet the grlevnnco commit tee and learn the facts In tho cuso. The members of the committor have all been notified to attend tho confer ence here today, and the out-of-town members will reach hero this morn ing. Superintendent Lloyd will return from Buffalo today. This and That. Sunday afternoon the Central Labor union will hold a meeting In Carpen ter's hall. The drillers employed at the Cross Creek Coal company's colliery at Stockton, Luzerne county, have struck a rich vein of coal. The vein Is twenty-one feet In thickness and Is cov ered by fourteen feet of clay. The area through which this new coal basin passes Is a large one, extending In width from the Lehigh Valley tracks to those of the D. S. & S and Is nearly a mile long. A groat demnnd will be made for carpenters during the spring and summer months. A great many large structures are to be erected, Includ ing the large mammoth breaker at Packer No. 4. This breaker will take tho combined output of Packer Nos. 2, 5 nnd 4 collieries. Everything will bo of the Improved plan and It Is said that tho breaker will be the most mod ern In this rclon. Another large breaker will be the' one which Is to replace tho Kohlnoor, West Shenan doah, and Turkey Bun collieries. Ovor 70 cars of lumber have already ar rived for this breaker. It will be lo cated on the site now occupied by the old West Shenandoah colliery. This also will be a mammoth and up-to-Uate breaker. Another large struc ture will bo pushed forward at tho same time and will employ hundreds of carpenters. The work Is also be ing prosecuted during the carpenters busy season. Hazleton Sentinel. KELLY WAS HELD IN BAIL. Ho Severely Beat Stanloy Petroskey, Another South Side Boy. John Kelly, of South Scranton. the boy accused of assaulting Stanley Petroskey, was arraigned before Alder man Kasson yesterday afternoon and was held In J300 ball to appear at court. As was told In yesterday's Trlb ine, both boys worked In th but ton factory and Kelly wis discharged kVILiiiik B m gaw iaflPKiliflflEsfc4LiiBMPVRLKB!hk iaiiiiiiiiir KtaHHHIIIV minis' .Llm mSKtSiBt iKr aiilllllliw aLallllliilw tHHHHIr Lllllllllllllalw T .KfikaaV .Kf m ILUHLt LaHlllw aiH&lilsllV .kLHHIIIIIIw .aLallLallllllllliy laHIMLIIIIilim LUtsHHillllllllir Ltlw .tLliBiF F laHLHI LHIBlLIIIIIIIIIW HlLlllllllm LHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIw LHHHHHHHHIIIIV kLHHHHHm laHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIs .iLHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIeIIiIIIw iiiHKtkb iiiiiiiiiiisiiliiitw. asssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. sssssssspBasssssssssppiaassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssshi Basss SPRING HUMORS Complete External and mintnnmmm CHEM. CORP. Baby Homos," free. HEhIHHH as tho result of a light with Petrosk?y. He asked to be taken back to work, but was refused, and then again as saulted and beat Petroskey. At tho hearing yesterday It developed that Kelly had entered Petroakuy's room late at night and assaulted him, and that the latter was In mortal fear of him. REMAINS UNIDENTIFIED. Body of Man Found in Reservoir Not That of Hugh Daly. Several persons visited Cuslck'a undertaking establishment, on Wash ington avenue, yesterday to Identify the body of the man found Wednesday In the reservoir at tho Blast furnace. Mrs. Hugh Daly, of 401 Penn avenue, yesterday visited the place, thinking that the remains might be thoso of her husband, who mysteriously disappeared from home about five months ago and has not since been heard of. After viewing the body, however, she said that It was not that of her husband. Unless the remains are Identified by tomorrow morning, the body will be In terred In tho Dunmore cemetery. Internal Treatment $1.25 CeasUtlng ol CUTICURA SOAP (SSc.), to cleanse the skin of crusts and scale and soften the thickened cutl tie, CUTICURA OINTMENT (BOe.), to Instantly allay Itching, Irritation, and Inflammation, and soothe sad heal, and CUTICURA RBSOLVENT (80c.) , to cool and classes the Motd. A single satis often sufficient to enre the-moet torturing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and blood humors, rashes, Itchtngt, and Irritations, with lots el hair, whan the best physicians and all ether remedies fall. Sold throughout tha world. POTTER DRUO AND Sole Preps., Boston. "How to Cure ? ma Lawn Seed, White Glover Seed Rod Glover Seed Timothy Seed Milleit Seed Fertilizer. i 8S-32T PENN AVENUE. Lager Beer Brewery MrtMnracturera or OLD STOCK PILSNER 43S to 4B5 .sniM.pi N. Ninth Streot, Telephons Call. 2333. is Yonrt HOUSE VACANTT IF SO. TRY A "FOR RENT" IN THE TRIBUNE. ONE CENT A WORD. AD. u t eo in m Connolly New Costumes and Fashions have changed. As noiselessly as the frost gathers on the window pane, the eel-tight skirt has given place to less rigorous. style and a style that admits of safe variation. The plait, widening as it runs down from the waist line; -several- plaits, widening in the same way, but lying very flat; a hand plait that seems to hold a trans verse puckering But the cut Tailored Suit it's the tailoring. And we are glad to have had something to do with raising the standard of it. The bodice or jacket is fashioned worked into enduring good shape by the tailors as they build it. of the cloth, and Do not imagine tion in matters of woman s dress has been gained by chance very serious, intelligent hard work has won it. New Tailored Suits, cheviot, full silk lined, $15 New Tailored" Suits, chevioc and Venetian cloth several styles, some introducing trim ming, $20 to $30. Others at prices running to $100. Separate Skirts, $5 to $50. CONNOLLY & THX SiC POWDER CO, Rooms 1 and-2, Com'ltn 3'1'd'g. BOBANTON, PA. nining and Blasting POWDER Mad. at Mooslc and Rush late Worlti. LAPLIN ft RAND POWDER CO.'S ORANQE GUN POWDER Kltatrlo Batteries. Kl.otrln Bxplodari, exploding blast, Safety Fun aal Repauno Chemical Co.'s expiW. At Retail. Coal of the belt quality for domestlo use and of all sizes. Including Buckwheat nd Blrdieye, delivered In any part of tbe city, at the lowest price. Orders received at the office, Connell building. Room S06: telephone No. 17G2. or at tbe mine, telephone No. 272. will ha promptly attended to. Dealers supplied at the mine. HUT PLEASANT GOAL CO SCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. of the skirt take your choice. is not half the battle in .sewing it up, will give the effect. that our authoritative WALLACE, uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Are You Still a E I Pedestrian? Bather tramp than treadle? As yon watch the procession of happy wheelmen and wheel women do yon realize how much you are losing? There is no regret for you to follow the purchase of the bi cycle, only pleasure unless you buy the wrong kind. There is always a leader to every procession and the lead er of the bicycle procession is the Orient Leader. FLOREY i BROOKS, 211 Washington Are. iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiEH dU The Best Washing Powder tgggSgBiwSSad .. . WaJlacj Skirts making a Woman's No mere shaping posi wash.M Tvenue AAAAA A AAA A A Ad THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. ORGANIZED 1B72 DEPOSITARY OF THE UNITED STATES. Capital S20O.O0O SURPLUS . 400.000 YVM. C0NNELL, President. HENRY BELIN, Jr., Vlce-Prei. WILLIAM H. PECK, Caibler. Special attention given to bust ness accounts. Three per cent. In terest paid on Interest deposits. h SUMMER RESORTS. vyiiMKX ATLANTIC) CITY, N. 1. Hotel Morton Atlantic City. N. J J Open the entire year. One of tho bestl equipped hotels; steam heat; elevator tel Oil noors; not una cum duiub; una muiu sun parlor; sea view. Ocean end of Vlr- glnla avenue. MnS. N. R. HAINES, Owner and Proprietor. ' I 3LJSj 7t. M , .. .. . -l . .t . V .'.T' J -t.v, j.. 11 ttLni l2aM . l Jt--ZL r.i , , r.KUk '- .Sv. . ,j. k-JAj?'a!X. i.-jit , --.. A -1 '