";"- THE SCICAlYI'UJM Till BUJNii- WtiDNESDA Y, MARCH 21, 1900, VETERANS H a reputation of twenty-one years of remarkable success in all parts of the civilized world. Hundreds of veterans bless the day this great remedy was brought to their notice, not the least among whom being Comrade Frenden stein, who, under date of Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 25, 1900, gratefully writes as follows: lam nleejeil to tiny tht I have tlie greitctt con fident:: In Warner' Safe Cure. a I suffered for years with kidney troubles contracted In tie army, which nothing seemed to help until I tried Safe Cure A t:w bottles did m ire forms than oil the doctors and medi cines previously tried. I now feel strong and well, and thou hat an advanced uge, cjii enoy life, thanks to tbl. medicine. Grateful., your FKENDnNSTnlv. Senior Vice-Commander, Oran J Army of the Republic; Officer of the Day, Custer Post. CARBONDALE. OBSEQUIES. Final tltcs over the lemalns of Mis. Margaret Henley were conducted " ci te! day morning. The cortege left the house on Dundaff sticet at 9 SO o'clock and piocceded to St. Hose chuicli. where a leeiulotn high mass was said over the lemalns. Father Gtlflln preached an eloquent seimon, tnkliift his text fiom the gospel of St. Luke ll::!l-3.', "Now thou dost dlMiilos thv t-oivnnt, uteoidlug tn thy woid, in pe.ue." The pioeesslon was one of the largest seen In this city for some time, and showed the lespeot In which the .deceased was held by her neighbors and friends. The pall-bcareis were people chosen from among her neat est friends. They were Chailes Mc lVinough, Pattlck nillesplc, Thomas McXulty, Hugh Price, Thomas Muiphy, and Anthonv Kane. Intennent was made in St. Itose cemetery. BUSINESS MOVES. Among the latest bus-inct-s moves nn nounccil for Apill 1 are these: John (I. Reese will move his cash stoie lo the stand vacated by Peiclval MHJoi on South Main t-tieet nnd Moig.tn Kee"-e will open a new store on Lin coln avenue. Mulholland Hiotheis, of (iieentleld, have leased a stoie In the flillls block for a mill, depot. The 'Evening News will vncate the Bow -eis building and occupy the Clot man building on South Main sticet, near Klghth avenue, and H. F. Cat pen tor will move his job olllce to the second floor of the Masonic building on Salem avenue. GASOLINE EXPLOSION. Pntilek McDonald, of Sand sticet. Is i nnflneel to his home by bums caused by a gasoline explosion. While deal ing -may the debris of the fit o which Ouiined -n tar In the lalho.ul Mild tilt f c hanels of gasoline weie found to have been untouched by the II. lines. In lemnvlng these one exploded and burned Mr. McDonald severely about the licnd and limbs. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Mln Katlietlne Oatdner. of ("ll'fiud, was a guest of ft lends in this city jes teulay. Mis. Stephen Keglar Is convalescent "Faust" vvuh ptesented to a good Pls'cd uudlenii- at the (Itanil opeia house, last evening. Misses Helm Heny and Nettie Rij ley have i etui tied fiom lireen Ridge. Flank II Schoonovei Is home fiom West t'hester State Xoiinal .school. Miss Maine Collins, nf Htonktvii street. Is enteitainlug Miss Lotcltit Coniey, uf Scianton, Rlchaid Oilbhs isconiined to hli home on Pail; sticet with iheumatlsiu. Landlord Fox, of Hold Antliiadle, has engaged a huiplst for the cntei tahmiHiit of his guests. I A. Habsett and son Dean left yes teiday for Xevv Yoik. Hefoie letuin lng they will visit Phil idelphla. Two of the Palace cieiiinoiy hoises escaped fiom their h.nn .vesterday uf. ternoon and ci'enti'd consideiablo ex dtement on thu, stiect, without Uolnu any damage. OLYPHANT. Woid was ncelved at this place yps. tcrday announcing Ihe death of Mich ael McHale at Stockton, C'al, De. ceasMl war foimeiiy n iesdem of this town nnd wns aboul 40 yeais of age. He vw.s tin' son of Michael McHale. of Hudson stteet. Besides his father he Is fruivlved by the following bro thers nnd slsteis: Thomas and Wll lhm McHale, Mis. Harlson, )3lmlia; STRONG Jfrfl S" ' rmt WM4lA 10 1 111 1 mrJAGJLAZ3wlnMXtvy AUKIII I fnVSr'fAAmk They dear the bratn.strcngthei VkZXUWgL vigor to thi whale being. All drains and loitet art ttitiVti ftrmaHmtly. Unlew patitnti re properly cured, the ir condition often worries them into Insanity, Consumption er Death MAlled sealed. Price it oerboxi 6 boxes, with Ironclad l-ai oitini inrm. A,,rnnHihi money, $s oo. Seod for frer. book. For Sate by JOHN H. PHELPfr', Spruce trtt. BPiCiPW Of the Grand Army of the Republic, whose lot was fire, and blood and prison pen, for four terrible years, almost to a man, contracted dis ease of some form. When younger, they withstood it bravely, but now that age is creeping on and the vital forces more feeble, the need of a reliable vegetable tonic to assist nature, is keenly felt. To all such we can with confidence lecom mend Warner's Safe Cure a remedv with J Misses Maiy J. and Cecelia McHale, ot this plate. The lemalns will be brought to this town for Initial. (leoige Wallts, a fotmer well-known resident of this town, died at bis home in Wllkes-Baito ye.steiday moinlng. He was a bt other of Mrs. Joseph lVn-de and John AVilllamson, of Wilkes-Hat ic. The funeinl will take place fiom his late home at Wllkes lSane toniotioiv ntteinoon. The Klngsbuty lodge, No. 46b. of Ftee and Atcepted Masons, of which the de ceased was a niembe', will nttend the timet al In a bod v. Hit Perkins, the famous lecluier, will appear at the Father Mathevv Opeia House Friday evening and speak on the "Philosophy of Wit and Humm." The Milwaukee Sentinel hn the following to sav legatdlng the lectin e: "KU Pet kins' lectin e before rt thousand soldiets of our Soldiers' Home last night was the liest Ipo tuie deliveied at the Home during thi past peat. It was veiy Instructive and wonderfully amusing. He held the audience and chat mod them lor two houts. All enjoyed It." Tickets ate distributed by child! en and can be exchanged at Watklns' diug stoie for l'o, 2,"e, and lie. It Is said that a meeting of the bor ough louncll will be held this even ing and the long-continued deadlock will be bioken. TAYLOR NEWS. Centiuy Hose Company's Comlnr; Ball Kev. Ivor Thomas Besigns His Pulpit Personal nnd Other News of Intel est. Til" mt labels of the CVnluiv Hoso company, No, -J, aie making extensive ptepatatlo'ii for thelt coming ball, lo be held in Webei's link on Mouda.v evening. Apt II ii. The bojs desetvu the pattonage ot the tltbens in their tomlng event. The company Is about to lecdve their new hose, and to liquidate tlie indebtedness It Is found necesH.tty that the company Is com pelled lo conduct a benefit, and It Is hoped theiefoie that the citizens will heat tllv respond In helping the woithv c ause. Rev. Ivor Thomas, pastor of the Welsh CoiiRiegntlonal t hutch, will pieach his fat ew ell sotinon to his con gregation on Suudav nct. On Mon day evening a faiewdl icceptlon will be tciuleied hint at the chuicli. whci a musical and Htetaiv piogrammo will be i endued Rev. All. Thomas ha-t been the pastor of the above chuicli the past eight years, and Is well be loved by Ihe membets of his congn gatlon. Tlie attendance at tlie fair n t't Xebo Congtegational chinch last even ing wns much larger than the ptevl ntiH night. The inteilor of the chuicli ptesented a beautiful appeal am e, be ing artistically decorated with bunt ing and other tiliumlugs. Much lutr-i -est Is being taken by the management to make the affair one of the giatidesw ever held bv tlie above chuicli'. A fhst-tlnss progiatnnie Is being lend eted each evening dining tlie progiess of the event. An excellent ptngrammu has been ananged for this evening, The funeral of the late Mt. John Welbel will occur fiom her Into icsl dence, on Main stteet, this afternoon at '.'..'.0 o'clock. Pairlal will be made In the Pieshyterlan cemeteiy. On Monday evening some unknown intllan caused quite a distui banco at the comer of Union and Main sticeK making veiy Insulting temutks to passeisby. Police Officer William Price took the dlstiubcr of peace Jnt cus tody and placed him In the borough Jail. He was given a healing hcfoio the buigess this morning. Tavlnrvlllo lodge, No. 462, Knights of P.vthlas, will meet this evenlne. Miss Agnes McHiaw, of South Seian- WHEN IN OOUBT, TRY Thrvktreitood rtw lea of yert. itu tiivfj cures tnouianas 01 caies of Nenout Dueaiei, tuch at Debilitv. nitzincii.Sleenleftc lue vuwutatiuu) wiins uiittiui wf. rs1 irtt 4 a kihlia Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO.. CltvaUno, 0. Pharmacitt, ccr. Wyoming avenue and ton, una the cucit of fi lends hcic on Monilny. Mih. Wchutd Howen, of Hvtlc Park, vlilted tclutlwx In tills place ye-stci-day. Mini TIIIIo Watklns, of Old Forge borough, was the Blloit of Miss Lizzie Davie, of Main street, yesterday. Messrs. Jones & Lewis, hardware dealers, of Main street, have been aw aided the contract for the furnish ing ot now hoe for the Century Hose company, No. 2. Mr. John Coombs of Washington Btteet, left votctdnv for an oxtenelet tt In lo Pntetsoti, N. J. On his letuin lie will he noootii"iinlod by his ehtilgh tor, Mlsn Kdltlt Coomb". lnsuinncL' Agent A. C. Duke has lo covered fiom hli i en out Illness. Thi' exaiiRellstle iiieotlng-t held at tho Methodist KpKcopnl church nightly an being laigelv attended. All ate toi dlally Invited. Tomoirow ecnlng at 7.10 o'clock an entertainment and conceit will be given by the Yungeiidvoieln of the Oeiman Lilthciuti church, for which an Inter esting programme h.m been arianged. Professor Schmidt, of Bctnnton, with the Ytingcr Maetinerchor, will bo pres ent and contilbuto several musical numbers, as w 111 Professor Bruner. A feature qf particular Interest will be a beautiful tableau of the Ten Virgins, given by ten gills of the Yungend veicln. Apptoprlate addiesscs will be nude by the pastor and other speak cis, and nn enjovable evening's enter tainment Is expected. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Mlss Geitrude Vail the New Teacher. Flist Aid Society to Be Organized. Personal News. A special meeting of the school board was hld last evening to fill the va cancy caused by the teslgnatlon of Miss nila Mulholland. The vacancy was filled by the promotion of Mts. Jenkins, who tnkes Miss Mulholland's place. Miss Sarah Mullen was pio moted fiom room 7 tocS: Miss Cora Davis fiom room 6 to 7: nnd Miss Mum ay fiom room 5 to 6. Hy the changes Miss Murtay will tecelve an Increase of $2 per month and Mis. Jenkins $." per month In their salailes. Thu board then considered the appli cations for the vacancy In room Xo. S. The applicants vvete: Miss Ger ttude Vail and Miss Annie McChrone, of this boiough; Miss Barrett, of Aiehbald: Miss Williams, of Peck vllle; Miss May Phillips, of Klzer, and James A. McGlnty, of Olyphant. Contiaiy to expectation the election was settled with the Hist ballot, which lesulted as follows: For Miss Vail Shields, Blake, Hunter, Morcom and Mellow. For Miss McChrone Lough ney, Giant, Kdmunds und Piltchnrd. Chairman Prltchaid then decluted Mls3 Vail elected and the meeting was af tet waid adfourned. As anticipated the mlnets' oiganUa tlons aie about to take advantage of the offer tecently made them by Dr. M. J. Shields tegaidlng the oiganla Hon of a "Fltst Aid to the Iniuied" society, and the Keg fund has alieady appointed the following committee to consult with the doctor In legaid to the mattei: W. J. Toman, W. II. Tennis, William Westlngton and Wil liam hangman. It Is undei. stood the Mlneis' union will also take action on the matter at their nett meeting. Mi. A. F. A. Battenbeig Is suffer ing with a seveie attack of the grip. Miss Maigaiette Glbbs, of West May Held, has letuined home after spend ing a few dajs with Greenlleld filend. Joseph Beckwlth, of West Muytleld, wns a Scranton lsltor .vesterday. George I. Davis, who has been In Scinnton the past few days. Is again with his bt other, Dr. S. D. Davis. Di. Thompson, of Scianton, was in tow n yesterda in attendance on John T, Williams, wlio was iccently oper ated upon in Di. Thompson's hospi tal. Mis, Jamcx Staples, of Wavmait, is visiting her daughter, Mts. A. F. A. Battenbeig, of Xotth Main stieet. Mts. (Jeotge Ctatnei and child, of Thhd stteet, spent e,sterday with Carbondale fi lends. ELMHUBST. Mi. G I). Dettlck attlved hete Mon day fiom Xevv Mexlto, where he lun been spending the wlntei. The Lone Stnis held .i social at the home of Mrs. Chilsty last evening. Theie will be a local Institute held in the piluclpals loom of the giadtd school building Saturduv afleinoin. Superintendent Taylor and a nunihr of visiting teacheis ate exp-cted lo be present. ICveivone Is cordially in vited. Mr. Xotton Wagner, accompanied by his biothei and sister, .Mis. Hone:', of Scianton, vvete calleis In town yes teiday. Miss Beitlia Jenkins, who has been spending the w Inter In Florida and TYns, Is now in PlalnfleM, X. J and Is expected home this week. The union meeting of the two oung people's societies nt the Piesbyteilan chinch on Sunday evening was well attended, despite the extiemely cold weathet. Di. J, W. Knedler was tha leadei, and gave a veiy inteiestlng talk on the tuple. Chionic Diairhoea Cuied. My mothet suffoied with chtontc dlauhoei" forseveial months. She was attended by two physicians who ut Ia9t ptonounced her case hopeless, she pro em eel one 25-cent bottle of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholcta und Diarrhoea Remedy, and five doses gavo her per manent tellef. I take pleasure in lccoiunieiidlng It as tho best on tit's iiiuiket. Mrs. F, K. Watson, Aiken, Ala. Sold by all druggist. Matthews Hios'., wholesale and retail agts. MOOSIC. .Mis. Kmtik Wlldrlck Is iceoverlns, after an Illness of seveial weeks. Tho ti lends and acquaintances of Jlis. F. H, Johnson ate sad to hear of her seilous Illness. Mr. and Mis. John fon foimeiiy resided in this place, but now live ut Oiaced.ile, Luzerno county, Samuel Altemus, tho foimer pin. pile-tor of the Altemus hotel In this Place, died Tuesday at L'.SO a. in. Mr. Altemus was born at SaylorshuiK, Monroe county, September 12, 18J6. In 1SS5 he rnuvtd with his family to MoosIc, vvheie he hnd since been pro piletor of the hotel that heals his nume, until 1S97. when his son took contiol of tho business. The deceased leaves ,t wlfo and four children, two sons and two daughters. Tho lemalns will b taken to Sayloisburc Frldny inoinlni; ut 7 o'clock. Mr. and Mis. Harry Tock have been visltlnp; fi lends nt Stroudsburu for the past few days. Dr. Richards nnd vv Ife epeet to stni t housekeepliiK In the house vacated by Mis. Ueoit'e Ellis. The Women's Christian Tempeianco union will meet nt the home of Mrs. W. C. Diake at 2 30 o'clock this afternoon. The People's Exchange. A POPULAR CLKARINO HOUSE for the BeiUflt ot AM Who Have Houses tt Rent, Rent Ksttito or Other Property to Sell or Exchange, or Who Want Situations or Holp Tlrs,o Small Advertisements Cost One Cent a Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents u WordExcept Situutioii Wanted. Whloli Ar.s In sorted Free. FOR RENT STORKS, OFFICE'S, BARNS. HOFSI'S, fluts, lounis, fartorv spnee, etc. Apply to Iliickctt. Price Itul'idlnK, - HACKKTT HAS STORKS. OFFICES barns, Iiouhcs, flats, rooms, factory epue e, etc. See Hackett, Price Rldg. ffrnishi'd housi:: '$i: ovtnit going to Kurope. Apply to W. T. Hackett, Price Building. FFRNISIIKD HOUSn-$33: OWN Kit un serves one room. Beu Hackett, Price Building. rorn rooms, m jr.FFnnsoN Avn - lino; bath; laundry. FOR HKNT-IG0S PINIJ STltKnT; SIX. looms. Thomas Russell, 0.".i) Hutrmon avenue. . HOt'Sl FOR. HKNT WITH FURNACI and barn: rent $10.00. Inquire Mrs. Rums, "11 Apple avenue, ounmoro. $30 KLEOANT TUN-ROOM RC8I dence, 015 Qulncy avenue. Apply Geo. D. Davidson, attorney, E20 Spruce street. FOR RENT-APRIL 1, THF. HAND some residence, 518 Adams avenue, with barn, large vnrd and fruit trees. Inquire 248 Wjomlng avenue. , FOR RnNT-Pt'RNISHED HOOSK, nine rooms all Improvements. MrB. C J. Carter, W Mvrtle street. STORE FOR RENT-rROM APRIL 1. number 221 Lackawanna ave. Inquire of J. II. Gunstcr. FOR SALE FOR BALE-10 ACRES OF LAND, TWO houses, ona barn and other outbuild ings, ft tilt of all kinds In abundance, large orchard, all In Elinliurst borough. Write ot apply to Byron Buckingham, Kim hurst. Pa. $4,000 AND I'PWARD MFLBERRY street and Nay Aug homes. See Hack ett, Price Building. 2,S00 NAY AUG SECTION RLSI dences. Bargains. See Hackett. Price Bulldlrg. MW-MODERN fc-ROOM. HOUSE ON lot with SS feet frontage. Great bat galn. Hackett, Prlco Building. $1 Snu-PRETTY MODERN TEN-ROOM house, steam heated, near Qulncv avenue. Great bargain, hee Hackttl, Pi Ice Building. LOTS IN NAY AUG SECTION, $VX) UP. See Hackett, Price Building. $4,873 MODERN DOUBLE HOUSIJ near Mulbeny stret, nine rooms, bath nnd laundry, on each stdo and a full lot. One of the gfatest bargains in Scranton. Sto Hackett, Price Building, PRINTING BUSINESS. INCLUDING hv et j thing, very cheap. FARM FOR $1,300. WORT A MUCH more. Hackett, Prlco Building, :;o-acre farm yon 2.m. snn Hackett, Price Building. $7,500 BUYS STEAM HEATED HOUSE on Jerfeison avenue with $Ji0 Income guatanteid to purchasei. $7,:rtl-DOUBLn HOUSE AND SINGLE house In Central city: all for $7,Wi. W. T. Hackett. Prlte Building. $-,,CHP0 TO $7.-..000-ELEGANT HOMES IN Scranton. Hackett, Price Building. COUNTRY HOMES AND FARMS, ihe.tp. Sao W. T. Huckett, Price Blelg. $1,000 WILL BUY A 30-ACRE FARM. For particulars see W. T. Hackett, Price Building. $3.oW-HOUSE. BARN AND LARGE LOT In Uppai Green Ridge. House nine ioonn, with closets. Abundance ot fruit mid berries. Terms, $1,000 cash: balance on mortgage. W. T. Hackett, Price Bldg. CHINCHILLA PROPERTY VERY DE- lrable "I. acres land; large house, ftun.ice heat; line tbree-storv barn, sptlng water nlpesl to bouse and barn. See Hatlcett, Price Bulldii g. CHURCH AND PARSONAGE ON WEST Slelet tpr less than half lu cost, For put tic uluis see W. T. Hackett, Price Building.. hSTABI.ISHEl) BUSINESS IN CEN tial cltv tali be boight for half what It Inventories. Satisfactory, icasons for selling Foi prlc e. etc., npply to W. T. llatkett, Plico Building. tl.ww WILL BUY A LOT NEAR L1N elen slice t that is woith V. W. T. ljaekelt. Pi Ice Building. $s00 BUYS DESIRABLE LOT ON North Main avenue. Hnekett, Prlco Building. ?-,000-HOUSE JEFFERSON AVENUE, Otieti Hideo: elcht looms, beside re- ccption hall und bath. Lot is GO b 1S1. Should brhiB $6,0i. Hackett, Ptlce Elds,-. n0 LADIES' BICYCLE. ALMOST NEW, for $2o; a haixalu. S , cmO Adams nve. FOR SALE-LOT, 40tl30 FEET, AT Lake Sheridan, Pa. Best location. Addicts B. W. L, Tllbuno ofllce. FOR SALE-NINE ROOM HOUSE. ALL Impiovements; possession at once. Mrs. C. J. Cartel, SCO Mv rtle street. PEOKVILLE. Messts. Edward Jones, Abe Rey nolds. William HiiKhes. Ftank Rice, Rlchatd Reehe, Eddie Lee and OeniRe Stage were at Scranton yesterditv us w Itnesses In thp case of Paso vs. New York nnd Scranton Coal company. It will be remembeied Mr. Pane's son litis killed at the breaker of the above company over a veur ago by being caught by shafting. Mr. and Mrs. John Andetson, of MoosIc, spent Sunday with tho latter's patents, Mr. and Mis. J. B. Bluckuell, of Main street. Mr. C. J. Oaniceniuller and daughter, Isabelle, vveio at Afton, N. V., yes terday. Mrs. W. Peterson, of Xautlcoke, re turned home yestciday, after spend ing a few dds with tho Rev. and Mis. H. H. Moon. All members of Carpenters' union, No. 262, of Peckvllle, are requested to be present at a meeting to be held at the usual place on Monday evening, Match 20. FAIR NOTES. This evening's entertainment will be, furnished by the Peckvllle orchestra; George Haw ley, nuindollnUt; Edwnrd Day, cornetlst; Fied Benjamin, pian ist; Hownid Brunduge, violinist; Messrs, Ollioy and Williams, dance and song at lists. The candy booth attracts genetal admiration. Old Olory hete Is a prime factor, as the booth Is constiucted of bunting and Hags, and Is at fistic and pietty. The Atlantic Refining company's do nation of a ban el of oil comes in very acceptable. Mr. Benjamin Prosser was the lucky winner of the Immense wot Id's fulr cako Monday evening. Bonn's band twenty-five pieces discoursed several well executed selec tions Monduy evening. This band has a promising futute. A general sales booth was erected vesterday. This booth will contain the donations of groceries and staple ar- HELP WANTED-MALE. WANTKDdmTMlN ler. Apply Hill l on & Klple, 211 Com monwealth Building. WANTED-MBN TO WORK ON 8CHAN ton City Directory. Apply In own handwriting. P. O. Vox, 91, city. WANTED GOOD, HUSTMNG MAN for partner In gent's furnishing und hat business. $3,000 cash will pay voii tl.500 a jenr. Best stand. Good refer ences. Address C George, Scranton, Pa. General Delivery. ENEP.GETIC SALESMAN - COUNT1W work. School supplies. Salary S100 nnd extras. R. O. Evans, ft Co., Chi cago, 111. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. GIRL WANTED TO DO SECOND work or nurse. Call nt 745 Kresler court. LADIES TO DISTRIBUTE FREE SAM pies In city. Call at 320 Washing ton avenue, from 8 30 to 10.30 a. m. today. FURNISHED ROOMS. WANTED-TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms with board. Centrally located. Address W., Tribune office. WANTED-TO RENT. WANT-FURNISHED 'rOOmTUItT able for gentleman and wife: central ly located. .Address, X, Y.-C, Tribune WANTED-TO BUY. WANTED-TO BUY wheel. Address K- SECOND HAND -, P. O. Box IDS. WANTED-TO BUY FOR CASH. SEC- 0 ond hand watches, jewelry, old gold and silver. Gardner, 220 Spruce street. BOARDING. BOARDING G25 PINS STREET. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE A TRACT OF LAND CON mining six actes, Improved with Jioukc and barn, locnted In one of the most pic turesque parts of Lackawanna county, within easy access to Scranton. Pure air, pure water, high elevation affording nn unobstruted view on all sides for munv miles An Ideal location for coun try home. Terms to suit purchaser. In quire of Fred C. Hanven. attorney, ZS3 vvasmngtou avenue. HACKETT BUYS, SELLS. RENTS, IN- sures propertv, collects rents and loans money. W. T. Hnekett, Price Bids. READ HACKETT'S ADVERTISE ments under head of "For Sale." READ HACKETT'S "FOR SALE" AD vertlsements. FOR SALE DOUBLE HOME, S18 MON roe av enue, will sell ut bargain if sold before April 1. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ESTABTiTnlnlsiHHsTN "ceS tral city for half what It Inventories. Satisfactory reasons for selling. See Hackett, Prlco Building. $S0D BUYS BUSINESS WORTH DOU ble the amount asked. Seo Hackett, Price Building. FOUND. FOUND-ON VINE STREET, LA8T Friday morning, pair of nose eye glasses. Owner can have same by tail ing at Tribune ofllce and paving for this udv. NEWSPAPERS THE WILKES-BARRB RECORD CAN be had in Scranton at the news standi of Relsman Broo., 405 8pruce and SOS Lin den; M. Norton 322 Lackawanna avenuo; I. S. Schutrer, 211 Spruce, street. DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING TOR CHILDREN TO order; also ladles' waists. Louise Shoemaker. 212 Adams avenue. SmS.!TT?TcELLERrSCALP TREAT ment, 60c.: shampooing. 60c: facial massage, manicuring, 26c; chiropody. 701 Qulncy. CITY SCAVENGER A. B BRIGQS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cess pools; no odor. Improved umps used. A. B. BRIOQS, Proprietor, eave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Elcke's drug store, corner Adams and Mulberry. Telephone $540. MISCELLANEOUS. EGGS FOR HATCHING-THOROUGH-bied Paired Plymouth Rocks (Haw-kins-Thompson Strain); Mammoth Pekln Ducks (Rankin Strain); 24 eggs, $1: so, $1. .Farm runge; laigc-slzed healthy stuck; satlsfattlou guaranteed, Eail Seamans, Factoryvlllc, Pa, POLITICAL. THIRD LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT In pursuance of a irsolutlon of Hie rtpimhllcnn Ht.uidluc committee of tin, Third legislative district of I.ac knwanna county, adopted ut a legular meeting held on Saturdav. tho 21th dav of Kebru ii r. 1900. the elUtrlet convention will be held on Tuesday, the 10th day of April, 1900, at 2 o'clock p. nt., In tho arbitration room of tho court house, Scranton, lot the purpose of nominating a candidate for tho leglslatuie and electing two (2) delegates to represent ald legislative dis trict In the state convention to be held nt HarrNburg on April 23. 1900, and trans, acting such other business as shall be brought before It. Vigilance committees will hold primary elections on Saturday, the 7th day of April, 1900, between tho houts of 4 and 7 Each election district shall elect fine pet sou, n qualified elector ot said dlstitct, to act ns a member of tho ItgHUtho stundlng committee for the next ensu ing calendar year, whose name shall be certllled to on tha rctuins to tho district convention. Candidates who have thus fui tegls. tered their numes with the sectctary at P03-90I Mears building, Scranton, Pu., and those who aro dehlrous of tegtsteriug will observo the reeiiilienif nw of ruin 6, which leads as follows: "Each candidate) must reglhter his full name and potof lleo address with tho tbaliman of the legislative standing committee, and shall pay his asHcsiinent to tho district ehalr. man at least twenty clays before the pri mal y election, or his iihiiio will not bo printed on the official ballot." Saturday, the 17th day of March, 1M0, Is thn iHst day fur registering und paying the assessment, T. J. Matthews, Chairman. Attest: J. H. Watklns, Se-tretary. Scranton, Pa Feb. 23, 1900. tides donated hy the Mci chants and Manufacturing concerns. A high grade 1900 "Scranton" bicycle, to be chanced off, is on exhibition at tho fair. The tickets for tho ladles' or gents' gold watch are selling quickly at 10 cents. The Clark & Rnovrr Co., of Scran ton, have donated u case of their cele brated C. cb 8. tobacco. v SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATION WANTED-AB TEAMSTER or at hiiv kind of labor. Address G. It. Davis, 212 Fnlrvlew avenue, city. POBITION WANTED HY A FIRST class grocery lerk. elnht lenrs' ex perience. Best of references. Addrej box 21, Prlceburg, Pa, BITUATION WANTED-HY A BOY. 20 years of age; willing to do anvthltm: can read and write Polish and English. Can give rcfereni'e. Address, F. J. K., box 41, Prlceburg, Pa. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG inarneci man, a curs ot age, as Janitor or salesman' has hud two eats experience as Janitor1 good tefercnecs can bo given. Address, W, E. Lawtou, Galilee, Pa. WANTED-BY A YOUNG MARRIED couple, work on n faint for the sum mer; willing to work. Aeldress M. 11. W care this cifilcc. SITUATION WANTED-TO GO BY THE day, washing and Ironing; wnshlng and Ironing taken homo nlsn Call or nddrcss L. B , 1308 Academy street, Scranton, Pn. SITUATION WANTED - WASHING, li otilng or any kind of house denning hV thn (ItlV fit will (iiIta ....,ulil(tri hnnin Address Mrs. Irfe, 031 Mineral stn et. BOOKKEEPER, SINGLE OR DOUBLE entry, nil or part of tho time: could also net as correspondent, "Reliable,'.' cure Tribune ofllce. SITUATION WANTFD-BY WIDOW lady a housekeeper for widower, where she can tako her child: city pre ferred. Mrs. L. A., 1310 Hampton street. SITUATION WANTED - BY YOUNG man as grocery clerk or bookkeeper, eight years' experience; tan glvo good reference. Addresr box 122, Dalmn. Pn. PROFESSIONAL. ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR. E C. SPAULD1 NO, " 23 TRU)ERs"il AN K, building. ANCHITCOTS EDWARD -II. DAVIS, ARCHITECT. Council building, Scranton. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR.. ARCHITECT, 423 Spruce St., cor. Wash, uv., Scranton. FR EDERICK I,. BROWN. ARCHITECT, Price building, lid Washington avenue, Scranton, CABS AND CARRIAGES. RUBBER TIRED CABS AND CAR rtages; best of service. Prompt atten tion given orders by 'phone. 'Phones 2C72 and 3332. Joseph Kelley, 121 Linden. DTWTi3r? DR. I." O. LYMAN, "SCRANTON PRI vate Hospital, cor. Wjomlng und Mul bert y. DR. C. C. LAURACH, 115 Wyoming av.-. DR. II. V. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. WELCOME C. 8NOVER. COAL EX ehat ge. 2nd lloor, Room D. Houis, 0 to 1. 1 to 3. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS THE ELK CAFE. 123 AND 127 FRANK lln avenue. Rates teasouable. P. 55E1GLKR. Pioprlttoi. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D , L. ft W. passenger depot. Conducted on the Eti lopean plan. VICTOR KOCH,, Piop. LMIVZ11 RICHARD J. BOURKE, ATTORNEV-at-Luw, 300-2 Laek..vvanna avenue. Gen eral law business, collections and loans. J. W BROWNING, ATTORNEY. AND Counsellor-at-Law. Rooms 312-311 Meals building. . D. B. REPLOHLE. A'.TORNEY-LOANS negotiated on teal estate secuilt. Mears building, corner Washington avenue and Spruce street. M. J. Law. DONAHOB. ATTORNEY-AT-Offlces 612-C1 i Mears building. FRANK E. BOYLE. ATTORNEY AND Counsellor-ut'law. Buir building. Rooms l.t and 14, Washlt.gton avenue W1LLARD, WARREN & KNAPP, AT tnrneys and Countliors.nt-Law, Re. publican building, Washington avenu JESSUP & JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - ut - Law, Commonwealth building; roomi 1, 20 and 21. JAMES W. OAKl'flRD. A'lTORNEY-AT-Lavv. Rooms Ml, GI3 nnd 1G Boatel of Truck- building EDWARD W. THAYER ATTORNEY Rooms !j3-'.i0I, nth lloor, -Meats building. L A. WATRES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. f.02 Boaid of Trude building, Scranton, Pa. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Commonwealth building, Scranton, Pa PATTERSON & WILCOX. TRADERS' National Bank bullellng. C. COMEGYS, 9-13 R E P U B L I O A N building. A. W. BERTHOLF, ATTORNIII, Mears building. ' RHrsiciAHs hd swneots DR. W. E. ALLEN, 612 NORTHWASlU fugton avenue. DR. S. W. L'AMORHAI'X. OFFICE :t30 Washington avenue. Residence 1!1S Mulbeny. C'luonlc tllseuses, lungs, heart, ltldne)r ami genlto-urlnaiy ot gans a specialty. Ileitis, 1 lo 4 p m. SCHOOLS SCHOOL OP THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton. Pa. CourM'S picpaiitorv to college law. medicine 01 bmlnc-s. Opens Sept. 11th. Senel feu culuioguo Rev. Thom.ib M. Ciiun, LL D , pilnci pil nnd proprletoi; W. E. Pluniley, A. M heiidniastei. G 11. CLARK" & CO. SF.EDMAN AND Nursci'Moan1 store 201 Washington nvi niie; green house, 13:o Noith Main ave nue; stoie telephone, 7!-2. WIRS SCREENS 70S."" KUETTEL. REAR .Ml wanna avenue, Scianton, Pa turer of Wlro Scteens. LACKA- mituufai'. MISCELL-'H'-OUS BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-Ml'slc FOR ballt., picnic, putties, reteptlous, wed. dings and concert work furnished, For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Womlng avenue, over llulberts' meiblc store. MEUARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopeh. paper b.iKh, twine-. Warehouse. 1) Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES Central Uallrit.il ' Now jfn Stations ill New Yolk Foot ol Llbeilv street, N. li., f.nel South Petty, Whltehnll sttcrl. Anthraeilo coal used cclu-litl, lusnr. lng clinnllness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 10. tt'Vi. Trains leave Scranton for New Yoik. Newark. Elizabeth, Philadelphia. Eastou, Bethlehem, Allentown, .Munch Chunk and White Haven, at 8.10 a. in.; expi-'ss, l.-'J; express. 4 00 p. nt. SundiK 211 p. nt. For Pittt-tun and Wilkes. llarre, 8 a. m., 1,20 4,00 p, m. Sundays, 2.11 p. in. For Baltimore mid Washington, and points South and Went via Bethlehem, 8 30 a, in., 120 p. m. Sen dais, 2.15 p. in. l'or Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc, at E 3i a, m. and 1.20 p. in. For Reudlng, Lebanon and HurrUbuig, via Allentonn. 8.10 a. m., 1 20 p. m Sun days, 2.15 p. m. For Pottsvllle. S.lo a. nt.. 120 p. in. Through tickets to all points cast, tnutli and west at lowest rate at the station. J. 11. OIILHAUSEN. Gnu. Sup. H. P. BALDWIN, ,Uen. Pasn. Agt. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule in Effect NoTtmber 19, 1800. Trains leave Scranton: 0.45 n. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for XHttt burg and the West. 0,38 a. m., week days, for Xasleton, Pottsvllle, Beading, Norrietown, nnd Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Bnltiraore,Wnshington and Pitts burg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays 1.58 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, " Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J. R. WOOD, Gen. Pass, Agt. J. B. HUTCHINSON, Ocn. Mgr. Del.. Lnc'ci, nit I WtMteJfii. In Effect Dec. 17, 1899. , SOUTII-Leave Sernnton for New York at 2 1. J on, 6 30, koo and 10 05 a, m.; UV nnd 3J3 p. m. For Philadelphia ut 6 30, 8U0 and 10 Oft n. m.; 12 & and 3.33 p. tn.. For Stroi.dsburg al CIO p. m. Milk and Accommodation at 3 40 p. m. Arrive at Iloboken nt fl.RS. 7.18. P.ltl a. m.; 12.08. 2.47, 4 4S, 7.19 and 9 38 p. m. Arrive at Phila delphia at 10 00 it. m.: 106. -!43. 6 00 nnd 21 p. in. Arrive fum New Yprk at 12 OJ. 2 r, and 4 00 u. m.: 1.00, 1.62. BJ3 and 8.45 p. m. From Slroudsbuig nt 8 05 n.m . NORTH Leave Scranton for Buffalo nnd Intermediate stations nt 12.10, 2 SO. 4 o" nnd 9 00 a. in. , 1.5". nnd ." 60 p. m. For Owego and ,8v mouse nt 4 0", li, m. and 1 5", p. m. For Utlcn at 2.60 a. m: anil 1 W p. m. For Montrore ut 900 a. tri-i 1 03 p. m. nnd 5 6') p. m. For Nicholson nt 4,00 and fi 13 p. m. Arrive In Scranton from Buflnlo nt 2 10. 2.66. 6 2". and 10.00 a. ni.1 3 30 und 7.10 p. m From Oswego and Svracic-e ot 2 r", n. m.: 12 and ,!.30 p. m. Fiom Sxrncuse at 7.40 p. tn. From Ullea, at 2.1" a. in.: 12 K and 3 30 p. tn. From Nicholson at 7 7 a, m and 0 00 p. m. Fiom Montrose at 10 00 n. tn.'. J 2o aril 7.40 p. tn. BLOOMS 11 U R G DIV18tON-Leavo Scranton for Noithumberlund ut 0 W. 10 0" a. nt.: !." miei 0 10 p. m. Frr Pl mouth at 1 0"i, 1 10 and s :n p. m. For Nnnttcoke ut sia a. m. Airlve at Northumberland at i:b a. in.: 1.10, 6.0s and 9.20 p. m. Ai rlve nt Nnntlcokc- nt '12) a. m. Airlve at I'lvmouth ut 2 a",, 1.40 ami 1.4. p. m. Ai rlve at Scranton from Noithuniberlainl at 9 42 n. m.; 12 3.. 4 V. and 8 30 p. m. From Nnnttcoke. at 11.00 ti. m. F-rom Plymouth nt 7.r7 n. m.: 3 23 nnd '..OTi p. nt. SUNDAY TRAINS. SOUTH-Leavo Scranton. nt 2.13. .tO1!. 5-o. loo., a, m,: 3 33 and 3.40 1 1. m. NORTH leave Scranton at 1210. 2 59, 1 i"i p. m.; 1 13 and 30 p -m. BLOOMS B U R G DIVISION Leave Scranton nt 10 01 a. tn. nnd 6 10 p. m. Djluw.irj nn 1 Hudson. On Feb. 2i'th. I'iOO, tlalns will leu; a Scianton as follows For Carbondale li 20, 7.3.1, if-!, 10.13 a. in.; 12 noon- 1 0 2.2S, 4 W, 3 21, 6.23, 7.17, 9.1.. 1113 p. in.; 1.16 a. m. For Albany, Saratoga, Montreal, Bos ten, New Euglanel points, etc. i 3) a. m. ; 1 us p. m. For Honesdule li 20, 10.lt a. m.; 2.2S 6.23 p. m. For Wilkes-B.it re-6 4i. 7 18. S.43. 9 38. 10 42 n. m.: 12.0!. 1.2S, 2.1S, 3.3J, 127, f.10, 7.4S, 10 41, 11.30 p. m. For New York. Philadelphia, etc., via Lehigh Valley Railroad 0.41 a. m.: 12 0J, 2.1S. 4.27 p. m.; with Black Diamond V. piess, 11 in p. m. For Pennsvlv.inla' Railroad points, 6.15, 9 38 a. m. : 2 K 4 27 li. m. For western points, via Lehigh Valley Rallroad-7.4s a. m.: 12 oj, n 1,i, with Black Dlamitiiel Exptess, 10 41, 11.30 p. m. Trains will at rive iu Scranton as fol lows: From Carbondale and the No ,th 0 40, 7.4S, S.'fi, 0.34. 10.3S, 1153 a. m.I 1.23, 2.13, 2 21. 4 23, 7 43, 10 28. 11.27 p. m. Fiom Wllkes-Barre and the South 6.15, 7 4s, a. IS. 10 3S, It 63 a. m.: 1.04, 2 2.1, 4 02, 5 20, 11.21, 7.5?. 9 03, 10 05 p. m.: 1.13 a. m. SUNDAY' TRAINS. For Caibondale-9.05 a. tn.; 2.27. 2 23, 4 Oli. 5 47. 10 52 p. m. For Wllkes-Barrc-9.38 a. m.; 12.03, 1.38, 3 2S. 6 27. 8.27 p. m. For Albany, Saratoga, Montreal, Bos ton. New Englend points, etc, 1.0S p. tn. Lowest tates to all points In United States nnel Can ie?u. J. W. BI'RDICK. G. P. A,. Albany, N. Y. H. W. CRCfcS, D. P. A., Scranton, Pa. Lehigh Valla Kuiln.il. In Effect Nov. 19th, l'U TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTuN. For Philadelphia and Now Yoik, via D. i. II. R. R., at 6 4: u. tn. and 12.02, 2.18. 4.27 (Black Diamond Espiessi, and 11.0 p. m. Sundavs, D. & II. R. R., 1.58, 7. IS, p. in. Tor White Haven. H.izkion and princi pal points In tl o coal regions. ia D. & H. R. R, 0 41, 2P end 127 p. m. For Pottsvllle. 6 43. 2 18 n. m. For Bethlehem, Huston, Reading, Har risburg anil pilnclp.il Intermediate sta tions, via D. .v.- II. R. R.. L.I, a. m.; 120!. 2 is, 127 (Black Diamond Exptess), 1120, Sundavs, 1). & II. II. It.. 1.3s, 7.18 p. in. For Tiinklianuotk, Tovvandj. Elrnlia, IIIiucm, Geneva and pilnelpal Intermedi ate stations, via I).. L. Ar W. R. R.. 8 0S a. m ; 1 (0 and IT. p. in. Foi Geneva. Rochester. Buffalo, Nlag nta Falls. ChltjM', and all points west, via 1). & II R. R . 12 01. .! U (Black Dla mouil Expiess;, 7. Is, 10 41, II. Jo p. m .Sundavs. I). A II. R. R 12 02 p. m., 7.43 p. m. Pullman parlor and slipping or Lehigh Vulley pdtlni eajs on all trains between Wllkcs-Hatto anil New Yoik. Philadel phia, Btifiiihi and SumiciisIoii Bridge. ROLLIN II. WILBUR. Oen. Slipl.. 28 Cotlland stteet. New York, CHARLES S. LEE. Gen. Pais. Agt.. 21 Coitlanelt sire ol, New Yoik. A. W. NONNE.MACIIER. Dlv. Pahs. Agt., Small Be thleliem. Pa. For tickets and Pullmiii re-eivatlotn applv ".i i'' Lackawanna ave., Scianton, Pa, L'riu an.l Wymnliu Vulljy. Time Table In e ffeet IVh 7. IsOO. Tialns leave Scranton for Haw ley and IntetniidliiK lioluts. connecllng at Haw. lev with Erie Ralllo.iel foi New York, New hut g. Honcsdale and luleimeillato polulH, uf follow s No. 2. Accommoda tion, i u in.. No. I, Espier-s, 12 ill p. m. hCltAVJ'ON DIVIfiloy; In i:ifect Oct. J5tli. t09. North Bound. i-aonth Bound, m ;H--j(,' 103 I KOI , . . ; . T04 3Oi J air bm .. s-fe&J 3 w 13 5, s x --jge'-fl I si it- MAiriie .i.envei j u :-2,N Y.. Franklin sq.V.s 7 40 .... ' 7 10, Went 42ml stteetl u TM . . ' 7ixi w'ecuaukeu '. 810 .... i i In MiArrlvo leave, m- Mr m 1U45 1 1". caoosla -i s"5, ne) iu to .... nil Hancock L,... a ul n iu 31 .... 12 tt) htarllRlit ut 4 4 iu .'i ihi! rtcitQuiwis. vvsr jii m 10 li U40, VSInwnoet ?....- 3 41 Uai lone i.'2v IoyDtelle, -,.. ssMt ll J0 1214' Orscm ,r' ...... '2 511 6 VI ii to mw. viensaat Mt. ,v,..' scs r.w ft it si' Vnloiidale H ' ,.'..r an sit 9 2 II 4 FotestClty ,r. a i, (,4 uio list carbondale I '...!, l a ill 6 f.4 nor fiiso V; mte image (-. liss tut 90) '1112'.! Mavrtr-kt ' 18 43101 sis ill .r) Jcrn)n ,,... 4s oj 853 'II li' Archibald ,'.,'.' 161 602 8 W ,11 HI mtoii f S 641 6 14 841 till Peckvllle"-' f.,1 168 m N42 Iin7 UlMiliaot ...... 4 04 A 21 s4o 'ii o; friccburg .;.:.'.' 4 0t6ii 8 3s II Oli 'lhroop 410 I 7 K13 .11 en1 Frovldcace 414'ft.li 8): 41057, park Place (417118 8 so 10 tcf anton - ijfUi I 4. Sunday only. f slit-nines t bat trains stop on ilgnsl for ! seneers. ."a 'i rains aoi and soosundsy only, Other j nt hecure ratts via Ontailo WMtera ' r 1 tuouKb w agner outfit slmpar.Mel clliilosr obslr car New ork to cSlcsco cbauee. PstMcnier Watew KeHlsica jo. imwrsoB, Ltii& T, FUtcrott, JJ1T. Ftus, Agt.Ucrsntoo, 1-aT A JL