vji&r v - -J:iWFmmHrwvv r-rop '."m v ' 'v x;,r pvr33iic7-rr!rr'.j- " jj ' au .lll.1 p whvipp"""""ppwpw,,w 1 r'- i V . - THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1900. , . rtjit- - '$vjj..p1,tvr' rY CARBONDALE. a.VNKVV'' taWVV STRUCK COAL. Tlin Black Diamond Coal company, which recently leased the colKerv on upper Belmont street known hs tin old Butler, has struck a seven foot vein of coal on upper Canaan street. This tract was supposed to have been pretty volt worked out' and the flndlnn of a eln of such richness comes as a meat eurnrtsc, SIX BEEK THE BNAP. Thcic Is no denying the fact thai the office of engineer of thla city Is a nap. Thcie Is a hundicd dollars a month In It. twelve months a year, with plenty or assistance and little to tlo. Home lucky man will he elected to lite place on March 26. Those who mo altcady In the race ate: William CragM, Louis Abbott, M. McLaughlin, 1. Blrwllt and J. Lelghton. MRS. WILFBED BYRNE DU'.S. Word was lecclved heie yesteidiiy of the death of Mts. Wllftcd Bytne, of New York city. Mr. Byrne was born and spent his bohood dus In this city. After graduating fiom a medical college' he became connected with the board of health nt the metropolis He and his beautiful oung wife paid this i Ity a long visit last summer and many ft lends will be pained by the news of her dea,th. Thtee ehlldten suivlve her. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Fiedeilck Ammerman Is' III at his Canaan slicet home. Miss Mabel Carr" has ssccuird a situ ation as assistant book-keeper In the office 6f Contractor Robinson. Srfmuel Smalc. who has been vl-ltlng ti lends ' here, left yesterday for El mlia, N. Y.. where he will labor In the- Interest of Armour & company. The Misses 'lloeslger. of South Wyo ming slieet. air enteitalntng the Misses Zenke. of Scranton. "Mile. FIJI" will play a return date hcte on March 23. Miss Florence Col well returned es terday rom the West Cliester State Normal st hoot. The Hendrlek Manufactutlng com pan.v's emplojes were paid Thursday. The cannon wcie dragged Into the paik jcaleiday, whole they will await fav 01 able weather foi mounting. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Jeimyn Council Met Last Evening. Death of Willie Lister Church and Personal News. The f-pciial meeting of council, to hear the lenurt of the lommlttcc In te ?d!l to the street tar company's re quest ft i a switch near the St. George hotel, was held la?t evening. The com mittee piesented a copy of the resolu tion they had submitted to the corn nan, which simply contained the fol lowing pioposltlon: The company to pave the street from cuib to curb the finite distance of the switch, thirty feet. ii'H to raise or change the present tade and to keep the pave in repair f.s lone as the switch shall be in use. The committee teported that the man ager hud not. en account of pressure tif buliics, had time to consider the piopcfcitltMi and the matter was laid nei until the i-cxt regular meeting. Wlllluni Lister, the 13-year-old son nt Tl'oni ik Lister, died at the home of hl uncle. Chalks Lee. st, of the East Side jcsteiday. The -deceased has beep In 111 health for scverul month pawl. The t'uneial will take place to miii'ioiv ulteinoon. Services at the house ill .'! o'clock. The Nineteenth Centuty Sewing club uv?t .csteiday at the heme of Mrs. II. . Willnidii, on, South Main street. The home of Mr. and Mrs. A. I A. Ruttcnherg, of Main stteet. was glad cr.cd estcrday by the artlval of a little daughter. Ml". '. Johnson ind Mrs. A. A. Rlch ardson. o Dundaff. arc the guests of Mm. John F. Nicholson, of Muln stteet. The members of the Citizens' ban! and their wives and sweethearts held t licit annual social last evening in CJ 11 ninrc hall. The affair pasted off most mlovably and will be pleasantly ie meinhcioil for f-ome time to ionic. Hv. a lid Mis. Mayiund Thompson Ihsi evening attended the jecoptlon s,lv,!-n the Uov. Mr. Whalcn, the newly oidalned pastoi or the Carbondalo Baptist ihureh. Mis. Glassier, ot Second street. Is con lined to her home Vy Illness. Mr.( and Mis. John Friend. Jr.. of West Mil) Held, are rejoicing over the piirv.il of a son. Great Pocohontas Maty Kenny, ac companied by Mts, Snediger, of Peck- Favorite Remedy Wins Muel)0nc Out ot Every Hundred Using It, Are Cured. Nctci- Such Searching Investigations Given k Medicine Before. For Kidney, Liver, Bladder or Blood Diseases It Has No Equal. Trial Bottle Free. If ou aic in doubt whether you have Kidney or Bladder disease, Just put some of youi urine In a glass tum bler and let it stand 24 hours; If It has a sediment, or a milky cloudy appear ance, if It Is ropy or .string', pale or discolored, your Kidneys or Bladder are sick. . Other selious symptoms aie pain In the- back,- frequent desire to urinate, especially at night, a burning scalding pain In passing urine or when our urine stains linen. The one sure cure tor diseases of the Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and Blood. Rheumatism. Dyspepsia, Chronic Con Htlpatlon and the sicknesses peculiar to women Is Dr. David Kennedy's Favor ite Remedy, it has cured In many cases where all else has failed and Is sold at all drug stores for $1.00 for a large bottle, or six bottles for $5.00. By a special anangement with lhi manufacturers, we offer our readers the opportunity of getting a trlal bottle of, thla Invaluable temedy absolutely free, which will ho nont iinaiii , - 'any one who will send their address to me liv. uttvia nenneay corporation, Rondout, N. T., and mention this paper. The publishers of this papev guaran tee the genuineness of this liberal offer. iHlai assif a rslltkl, ttlBfttdiui jdtjL (JV Dp. Petal's Pennyroyal Pills sXJhey aft prompt, safaasdosrUletBreatttt. " . The tenulnn (Dr. Peal's j mw aiuppetot Sold for tt.00 par bos . Fer Sale by JOHN Spruce street. H, PHELPS, Vllk', .yesterday visited Mis. Chrl Whitney, of 8tond ntreet. The LudlcV Aid society of the Bjii tlst church, will hold a lemon social A t the home of Mrs. Gcotge Htone, of Ihlrd street, on 'Wednesday evening, at which the public Is cordially In vited to attend. Itov. Thompson will pi each In the Baptlbt church tomouow inornln on "The Conflict Between Power and Principle," and In the evening on "Why Am I a Baptist Chlistlan." At tho Uplsropal chill c-h tomonowi evening the wclor. Ilev. (.'. E. Vessel) den. will ddlvei the second of his cr nions on "Condi million." tayloiTnbws. Preparations for a Fair This Even ing's Entertainment Religious and Peisonal News, Iackavanna lodge, No. II", Atneil can Protestant association has decided to hold n benefit In the near future. A giand fair and contest has been suggested, to be held In September. Among the articles proposed Is a past master badge and Jewel woith 100, a piano, sewing machine and a num ber of minor aitlclcs. The committee is uheady hard at vvoik perfecting ut langemcnts and Indications point to It being a giand success. Mr. and Mis. Sidney Lcvvli aie both quite sick at their home on Union stteet. Messts. James lnglls and Joseph J. Prendergast attended a wedding at West Mountain Thursday evening. Mr. Beit Gendall, of Main street, Is Indlsoosed. This evening will occur the gland musical enteituinment under the au spices of the Church of the Immacu late Conception, given by the C'atbon dale Symphony club, who are noted for their musical gems. The piogram. which appeared In this department re cently. Is an excellent one and un doubtedly tho event will piove a grand success. Tickets, '23 cent. The funeral of Annie, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan B. Morgans, occurred yesteiday aftemoon at 2.30 o'clock. Services weie held In Ihe house by Bev. Dr. H. h. Hauls. Bulla! was nmde In the Forest Home cemetery. Preaching In the Calvaiy Baptist church tomoirow morning at 10.30 a. m.. Pastor Rev. H. H. Harris officiat ing. Sunday school at Z o'clock. No evening services. Miss Blodwln Griffiths, of Union stieet. Is visiting lelatlves In Nantl coke for the past few davs. Services at the Presbyterian chutch tomorrow at the usual time. Ttev. Dr. Btooks, of Wllkes-Barre. will occupy the pulpit. Men's evangelistic meeting will be held at 3.30 p. m. Taylor lodge, No. 668, Independent Older of Odd c'ellows, will meet, this evening In their hall on Main street. Services at the Methodist Episcopal church tomorrow at the usual hours. Pastor Francis Gendall will preach at 10.45 a. m. Sunday school at 2.15 p. ui. In the evening at o'clock evangelis tic services will be held, Evangelist Atmstrong officiating. The snow storm on Thursday gieatly affected the traffic of the Scranton Traction company thioughout the bor ough and vicinity yesterday. The cars were at a standstill all morning, but succeeded In clearing the tiack throughout the afternoon. Am Editor Finds a bure Cute for Bheumatism. A. It. De Fluent, editor of the Jefur nul, Doylestown, Ohio, suffered "for a jiujniber of years from rheumatism In his right shouldej' and side. He says: "My right arm at times was entirely useless, I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and was surptised to receive re lief almost immediately. The Psin Balm has been a constant companion of mine ever since and It never falls." For sale by all druggists. Matthews Bros'., wholesale and retail agis. ELMHURST. Dr. J. W. Knedler le turned Thursday Horn a business trip to Philadelphia. Miss Daisy JJuber entertained nt the home of her sister, Mis. L. W, Part ridge, last evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Sherman, of Gicen Grove, veie guests at Bload Crest over Sunday. Kugcric Frantz and family will re turn here to make their home about Apiil 1. C. F. Whlltemote. of Scranton, was in town yesterday. The patrons and filends of the bor ough school were invited to attend yesterday afternoon's session, the oc casion being the visit of the teprcssn tatlve of the T. D. Swartz port, Grand Army of the Bepublic, O. E. -Vaughn, of Moscow. He was accompanied by Bev. Henry F. Watdell, of Daleville. Owing to the copious fall of snow to which wo wete tieated the attendance was not so laige as could have been desired, but thojc ptesent reroit an afternoon pleasantly and profttabls spent. Among other visitor. vveii noted the following: M, J. Foley, of Mt. Cobb; School Directois C. C. Clay und Dr. J. W. Knedler, Mrs. J. W. Knadler, Mr. and .Mm. Byron Buck ingham, H. S. Finn, Mrs. B. D. Cooper, Mlfses Nettle Klpp, Jennie Wheeler and Ida Udwaids; Messrs, Charles New, Wayne Wilcox, Maurice Kn!cker botker. OLYPHANT. Oigaulzer Joseph It. Hughes, of Kun sas City, assisted In the toimutlon ot a branch of the Modem Woodmen of America at Edwards' hall on Thuisday evening. The new society will bo known as the Keystone older. No. 7.786. The following ofllceis were elected: Venerable counsel, .. D. Hd wards; worthy advisor, J. B. Cuimnlngs: ex cellent bunker, A. D. Haines; camp cleik. B. W. Taylor:, esc'ptt, Daniel Tuthlll. Jr.: inside watchman, William Winters: outside sentry, A. D, Hoff man: board of managers, M. J. Luvin. M. W, Cummlngs, John J. Manning: medical adviser, Dr. F. L. VanSlcklc. The new society starts out under aus picious circumstances and has a mem beiship already of , thuty-two mem bers. The next meeting will be held on March 29'ln Edwuttis' hall. A large and well pleased audience saw "The Son of Monte Ciislo," which wus presented at the Father Mathevv opeiu house tat cvenlne by Tommy Sheaier and his clever compuny. The specialties by Edith Bandcll, John and Flotence Murray weie well lecclved. Theie will be two perfoimances today; EVERY WOMAN BMttlrt ItpUUii aUla. alr hsmlsei Mi stoild i(4, IijreswuukstoimM Pharmacist, cer. Wyoming; avenue and matinee, 2. JO, and evening, 8,15 o'clock, A party of young people from thli placo enjoyed a sleigh ride last evening us far an Cllenburn, whete they spent several pleasant houis In dancing, re turning home, nt an earlyhour In the morning. Those wTho composed the party wen:: Misses Georgia Thomas, Chailotte' Lloyd,' May Jones, Jennie Patten, Agnes Williamson, May. Kvatw. Llllle Taylor, iMattle Picker ing. Mr. Bettetly, Scranton: Willis Sweet and Richard Reese, Peckville; Italph Saige, Willie Winters, A. B. btiover, John Williams,' 8. M. McCnbe and Claicnce Bonsllti. , i Mr, and Mis. Motile Baitct havo rone to Prlceburg, untie they will re side. Special services will be held liv St. Patrick's chutch this morning In honor of St. Patrick's day. , I tew Hogcts Isiael, of Scianton, will i onduct Kplscopal services In Kdwards' hall tomonow afternoon at 3.30'o'clock. Regular services will be held In the Susquehanna stieet Baptist church to monow morning and evening. Bev. George Hague, pastor. .Miss Jennie Kennedy has telumed home after 'spending thiee weeks In Now Yot It. Dr. and Mm, P. II. Kearney, of Sctauton, visited filends In' town yes teiday. Miss Mav McNIcol, who has utcn visiting iclailves at Caibonflale, re turned home esterdoy. THEATRICAL. Jeffrles-Sharkey Fight. At the Lyceum last night a vita scoplc teprodtictton of the Jeffries Shaikey fight was given. It Is a faith ful presentation of eveiy blow that wus struck at the big light and In fact is the light minus the excitement that would Invest It atithc ringside. It Is by far the most satisfactory exhibition of the light ever given In this city. , Beginning at 2.15 this afternoon and tonight the pictures will be again show n. A Neighbor's Opinion. The Biockway couise will give -the tenth and last entertainment of the series at the Lyceum next Monday evening. Of the company which will he the attraction that evening, our neighbor, the Wllkes-Barre Recoid, has the following to say in an Issue of last year: "One of the most enjo.vable numbers of the Young Men's Chi Istlan associ ation course so far given was the Rog-ers-Grilley entei talnmc-ut last evening. Mr. Rogers has a beautiful haip, said to be the largest and one of the most costly In the wot Id, and he ceitalnly Is master of the sweet-toned instru ment. His selections weie classic and popular and each rendition was en cored. Good performers on the harp nre very taie, but Mr. Rogeis one of them." "Shaft No. 2." "Shaft No. 2," the giealesl of all modern electrical inolo-dranias. will be the opening bill of Maude Hlllman and her talented company. A large amount of scenery and mechanical ef fects have to be carried for this pro duction alone. The gieat shop scene with machln eiy in full operation and the scene from which the title of the play, "Shaft No. 2," Is taken, showing a mine hun dreds of feet under ground. Both aie wonders of mechanical stage craft. "The Cracker Jacks." Fiunk B. Carr's Indian Maidens will close their engagement at the Gaiety today. Bob Manchester this reason has something that vvtll tickle the risi bilities of all In "The Cracker Jacks," a show up-to-date, and, perhaps, a little beyond, condensed Into opera, comedy, tragedy, extravaganza. Novel, new, unique and grotesque, with hits thut aie local, specialties that are blight, comedians that aie funny and girls that are pretty. Laughing is at a pieoilum hi both satires, the one, "The Sousa (Jills." and the other the take-off on "A Female Drummer," are great laugh-makets. This atti action will appear at the Gaiety next week. Also the reproduc tion or the DIxon-McGovern fight found by lound, and Ihe Boer war. "A Milk White Flag." Tuesday evening at the Lyceum Hoyt's "A Milk White Flag" will be presented. Of all the bright absurdi ties that have come in such rapid suc cession fiom that prolific fun-maker, Charles H. Hoyt, none have been so blight, so original and so dailng as "A Milk White Flag." A brilliant piece ot bemi-dramatlu crazy-qullt woik for which the domain of opera bouffe, the sparkle of comedy, the gor geousness of spectacle and even tho robustness of melo-drama have all been called noon. Every actebory that could add to the success ot this splendid bit of nonsense has been looked after and the beauti ful settings, with the goigeous cos tumes of the Ransonie Guards and the bright dresses of the vivundlerres make a wonderful pleasing plcUite un der the dazzling brightness of the cal ciums. LEGAL. late of the city ot Scranton, deceased, Letteirt tP(.tJni(nlary upon the above named eMate having been gtantul to tho undersigned, nil jieisons Indebted to said estate are tequeslrd to make pajment, and thoe having claims oi demunds lo present the hame lo FANNY V. STEELL. Executrix. ' Scianton, Pa. WELLES & TOKRKY. Attorneys for Estate, PROPOSALS - SEPARATE SEALED piopnsals endorsed. 1 Propo&ul for grading and construct ing wall.;'. J Propool for consu luiliif. ittulnlng va and for tilling north of letalnlng wall pnd for consliuctlng walls foi shel ters .V-PioposaN for cnnstiucilng supei structures or two shelters. 4 Proposal for constructing music pa vlllon. fr-Propotal for cnusti acting woman's letlllng houe In nccoidnuce with the plans and (.pecllliutlors will be lecelved nt the office of ;. neuiolds Bedford. No. 11, Hoard of Tuide Building. Scranton. P.i., wheie the plans and sp-'clucatlonii cun he seen, until Match Li. 1900, at U noon. Biddeis will enclose Willi each proposal the sum of two bundled and fifty dollars or ccitillecl check to thut amount as a guarantee to execute u contract within live dujs after awaid or contract. The Board of Park Commissioners resin e the right to reject wiv or all bids.. By older of the Park Commissioners. , . A. P. BEDFORD. Secietary. Maich 21, 10. DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING FOR CHILDREN TO order; also ladles' waists. LouUn Hhnemaktr. m Adtims avenue. SCALP TREATMENT. MRB. U T. KELLER. SCALP TREAT ment, Mc. : slmmpoolnr. &0c.: facial massage, municurlug, 2f,e,j chiropody, 701 Qui ney. The People's vyvwMiMtMiwMrv A POPULAR CLEARING HOUSE for the Beiltdt 1 AH Who Hav II onsen to Rent, Rl Estate or Other Property to Sell or, Exchange, or Who Want Sltttatloas or Hctp-These Small Advertisements Cot One Cent a Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents a Word Except .Situations Wanted, Which Ar In sertcd Free.1" ' FOR .RENT FOR RKNT-UAUGE.SINGLK HOUBK, wo niocK Adams uvenue. sniiay sine. All Improvements. $40.00. Charles Schla gcr. FOR RUNT-TWO OR TURKU ROOMS for light housekeeping, turnlshed or uuftirnUlied. 1A Pine stieet. FOR" RUNT-TWO IIOUSUS, COUiTt stteet, Jlii.oo: it liouse, Prejtott avenue, ot $18(10; Hat, Madison avenue, top lloor, city steam heat, all other Impiovcmeiits, J5.00: . another flat, flrt floor, all Im provements. $;.",.. Churles Scblage, Trader' Bunk bulldlr.g or Lackawanna llatdwure company. . STOBL'8, OFFICBS, BARNS.' HOUSBS, flats, rooms, factory space, etc. Ap ply to-lluckett, Pilce Building. HAOKETT HAS STORKS, OFFICES, barns, houses. Hat, moms fuctory space, etc. See llackett, Price Bldg. FURNISHED IKM'SE-$lm: OWNER, going to Em ope. Apply to W. T. llackett, Price Building. FURN18HKD noni:-$ri: owner re- senes one room. See Hnikelt, Price Building. FOR REKT-4-ROOM HOUSE: RENT, $10.50. U'O Monroe avenue. Dunmore. FOR RENT HALF OK DOUBLE house: Improvements; i-urner of South Mala and Kjnon stteet. D. M. Jones. HOUSE, (07 WASHINGTON; TWELVE toonn; good repair; onvenlenees; laundry. Harding. $ ELEGANT TEN-ROOM RESI- deuce, 615't)ulncyaveiuie. Apply-Geo, ue. AT ij. ua iuon. attoi ney, kiu'bp Spruce street. HOTEL FOR RENT-EASY TERMS TO respectable party. Inquire 'lOIS 1. faette street. FOR RENT-11-ROOM HOUSE. APPLY tit-John Carroll, 422 Mudlson avenue. Tribune office, or 433 Linden stie'l. FOR RENT-APRIL 1,.,TUE HAND some residence,' 618 Adum avenue, wllh barn, lurge yutd and fruit tiees. Inquire 34U Wjomlng avenue. FOR RENT-FURNISHED HOI BE. nine rooms: all .Improvements. Mis. C. J. Carter, 809 Myrtle street. STORE "FOR RENT-FROM APRIL 1. number 221 Iackawanna ave. Inquire of J. ii. Gunster. , FOR. SALE $4,000 AND UPWARD MULBERRY stieet and Nay Aug homes. See Hack ett. Price Rulldlmr. $2,6W-NAY AL'G SECTION inci dences. Bargains. See Huikett, Price Building. $':,S00-MODERN 8-ROOM HOtrSE ON lot with i8 feet irontuge. Qreut bar gain, llackett, Price Building. $4,S"i0-PRETTY MODERN TEN-ROOM houso, steam heated, neur Qulncv avenue. Great bargain. See llackett. Price Building. LOTS IN NAY" AUG SECTION $100 UP. See Hackelt, Pflce Building. $4,873 MODERN DOUBLE HOUSE near Mulberry stieet. nine rooms, bath and laundry on each s-Ide and a full lot. One of the greatest bargains In Scranton. See llackett. Price Building. PRINTING BUSINESS. INCLUDING everything, veiy cheap. FARM FOR $1,300. WORTH, MUCH more, llackett, Pi ice Building. ISO-ACRE FARM FOR $.'..W. SEE llackett, Price Building) $7,l0 BUYS STEAM HEATED HOUSE on Jefferson avenue with HbO Income guaranteed to purchaser. $7,G00-DOUBLE HOUSE AND SINGLE house .In Central city; all for $7,5W. W. T. llackett, Price Building. $",000 TO $75,(J-J0-ELEGAXT HOMES. .IN Scianton. Hacketl. Price Building. COUNTRY -HOMES AND FARMS, cheap. See W. T.'Hackett, Price Bldg. $1,000 WILL BUY- A SI-ACRE FARM. For particulars see W, T. Huekett, Price Building. $2,M0-HOUSE. BARN AND LARGE LOT In Upper Green Ridge. House nine rooms, with closets. Abundance of fruit and bcirles. Terms, $1,000 cash; balance on moitgage. W. T. Hackett, Price Bldg. CHINChTElA PROPERTY-VERY Dl slrable 7; acres land: large house, furnace heat; fine three story barn, spring water piped to house and barn. See Hackett, Price Building. CHURCH AND PARSONAGE ON WEST Side for less than half Its cost. For particulars see W. T. Hackett, Price Building. ESTABLISHED BUSINESS IN CEN tral city can be bought for half what It inventories. Satisfactory reasons for selling. For price, etc.. apply to W. T. Hackett. Price Building. $1,600 WILL BUY A LOT NEAR LIN den street that Is worth $J,XW. W. T. Hackett, Price Building. $S00 BUYS DESIRABLE LOT ON North Mulne avenue. Hackelt, Price Building, $5,000-HOUSE JEFFERSON AVENUE, Green Ridge; eight rooms, beside re. ceptlon hall and bath. Lot I tA hy 1M. Should bilng $ii,000. Hackett, Price Bldg. FOR SALE-NINE ROOM HOUSE, ALL Improvements; possession at once. Mrs. C. J. Carter, SOD Myrtle stieet. iOJtJMLEJMJtENT. IOR BALE OR RENT-AT ClTr'k's Summit, good hou;e; five acres, fruit and outbuildings. lnquhe of Mis. L. Lindsay, 1109 North Main avenue. FURNISHED ROOMS. WANTED-TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms with board. Centrally located. Address W Tribune office. WANTED-FURNISHED ROOmT'suTt' able for gentleman and wife: central ly located. Address, X, Y, C, Tribune. JNMTJEDTOmyV. WANTED-TO BUYSECo'nIT'haND wheel. Addiess K , P. O. Box 198. WANTED-TO BUY FOR CASH, SEC- oivd hand watches, Jewelry, old gold and silver. Gardner, 220',j Spruce street. mOARDINQ '''V BOARDING iS PINE BTREET. REAL ESTATE. HACKETT BUYS. SELLS. RUNTS. IN sures propertv. cwllects tents and loans money. W. T. Huekett, Price Bldg. READ HACKETT'S ADVERTISE, mfiits under head of "For Sale." FOR SALE-IN GLENBURN. COM fortablo coltuge with acre of land containing splendid fruit tiees. About leu minutes' wulk fiom station. Frank Hull, Gleuburii. FOR SAI.E-DOUB1.H HOME. 81$ MOX roe avenue, will sell at bargain If sold befoie April 1, READ HACKETT'S "FOR BALE" AD-veitU-mrnts. Exchange. WANTED. ,'wANTRD-Jn" CKNTRAL CI'i'Y IN pnain nouHe ur-Mure. iuuiii, iiu,r space about M by J for household gooiK Telephone VSIZ. HELP WANTED-MALE. -VWWVVWV kr V"W rr rrStrfrS' , WANTED -GOOD, HUSTLING MAN for partner In gent's furnishing and hat business. $J,000 rash will pay., you $1,500 a year. Rest stand. Good refer ences. Addrest C. George, Scranton, Pa. General Delivery. ENERGETIC SALESMAN - COUNTRY wotk, School supplies. Salary $100 and extras. R. O. Evans A Co., Chi- cage. 111. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. aim. WANTED TO DO SECOND work or nurse. Call at 74," Kressler com l. AVANTED SEVERAL LADIES TO travel for old established houe. Sal ary $,M) per year and expenses; refer ence; enclose elf.addresed stumped en velope. Manager, 330 Caxton bldg., Chi cago. LADIES TO DISTRIBUTE FREE SAM pies In city. Tall at 320 Washing ton avenue, from S.30 to 10.30 a. m. today. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ESTABLISHED BUSINESS 1NiTe JH trul cltv for half what It Inventories. SatUfactoty ienni for selling. See Hacl.ett, Pride Building. , . $800 BUYS BUSINESS WORTH DOU ble the amount aked. See Huekett, Price Building. PROFITS IN STOCKS. WHEAT AND cotton. Muekev's Modern Methods Muke Money. Wilte for our flee boot.. C. E. Mackey A Co., 2 Rioadway, New York. ' FOUND. FOUND ON VINE STREET PAIR OU node eye glases yesterday morning. Owner ran hue same by calling at Trlb. tine office, proving propeity and pnlng for advertisement. SPECIAL NOTICE. AS MY WIFE. CARRIE. HAS LEFT my bed and houtd, I lieicbv warn all peions thut I will p.iy no bills except lontrucled by invself. Ooar Pittack. March 17, 1"W. NEWSPAPERS THE WILEES-BARRE RECORIJ CAN be had In Scranton at the news stands of Relsraan Bros., 40$ Bpruce and BOB Lino den; M, Norton 822 Lackawanna avenue; I. 8. Bchutzer. 21 1 Spruce street. MISCELLANEOUS. EGGS FOR HATCHING-THOROUGII-bred Barred Plymouth Rocks (Haw. kins-Thompson Struln); Mammoth Peklu Ducks (Rankin St rain i; 24 eggs, $1: St. $J, Farm range; large-sized he.ilthv stock; satisfaction guaranteed. Karl Seamaus, Factoryvlllp, Fa. n'l CITY SCAVENGER A. B. BRIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cess pools; no odor. Improved pumps csed. A. B. BRIGGS. Proprietor. Leave orders BOO North Main avenue. or Elckt's drug store, corner Adams and Mulberry. Telephone 9540. POLITICAL. .,sss. . FIRST LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT. No tice Is hereby given that a convention of the First legislative district will be held nt S p. m. on the 20th day of March next, at Co-operative hall. West Side, for the purpose of nominating u candidate for the legislature to represent said dis trict and electing two delegates to at tend the Republican state convention to be held In HarrUburg on Aptll 2.', 1900. The primal los will be held on Saturday afternoon, .March 17, between the houis of 4 and 7 o'clock. According to the rules governing the Republican primaries of this legislative district notice of the date of said primary election must he given by the district chalimun ut least twenty days before said primary election and each candidate must register with the district chairman his full nume anil post office address and pay his assessment llf teen days before the primary election or his name will not be placed on the official ballot. 'No votes shall be counted for any person who has not compiled with thee conditions. W. A. Paine, Chntrmuu. Attest: Joseph Jelirys, Secretary. Scranton, Pa., Feb. 22, 1900. SECOND LEGISLATIVE DI8TRICT. Notlce Is hereby given to the Republi can voters of the Second legislative dls ti let that a primary election will be held on Saturday, March 17, 1'jOO, between the hours of 4 and 7 o'clock n. m for the purpose of electing two delegates to rep. resent said legislative district in the coin ing Republican state convention to be held In HarrUburg. and to nominate a candidate for the legislature. The con vention to compute the lote will he held on Tuesday, March 20, 1900, at I o'clock p. m., in the couit house In Scranton. In accoidance with the rules- goernlug this district the candidates will bn voted for directly by the votcis at the polls. Each candidate must register with the district chairman his full name and post-, office address and pay his assessment twenty days bitore the election or his name will not be placed In the official ballot, neither will any voles cast for him bo counted, . The district vigilance committees In the various pieclucts will conduct I ho election and the result will be tenoned by the return Judge to the dlstiirt con ventlon, which will be composed of the return judges of the vailous districts. A written notice containing further in Btiuctlnns will be sent to the members of the sulci district vigilance committee. I'redeiick W. Fleltz, Chairman, Attest: Walter E. Davis, Secretary. THIRD LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT. lit pursuance of a lesolutlnn ot the Republican btandlug committee of ill Third legislative district of Lackawanna county, adopted, at a tegular meeting held on Satutduy.xthe 24th day of Febru ary. 1900. tho district convention will b held on Tuesday, the Wth day of April. 1900, at 2 o'clock p. m In the arbitration loom of the couit house, Scranton. lur the purpose of nominating n candidate tor the legislature and electing two C) delegates to represent .said leKlsiutlve dls. tilct In the state convention to be held ut Ilarrhbutg on Apiil 'i 1U00, and truns acting such other bu-iuesH ss Khali be bt ought befoie It. Vigilance committees will hold pilinary elections on Saturday, the 7th day of April. 1'MO, between the hours of 4 und 7 p. m. Each election dlstilct shall elect one person, a qualified elector of said dl.stiict, to uct us u member ot the leglsluthe standing committee for the next ensu ing calendar year, whose nume shall be certified to on the returns to Ihe dlstrlcc convention. Cundldates who have thus fur legU tered their numes with the secretary ut 003.901 Meurs bulldliiR. Scranton, Pu., and those who aie deslious of reguteitng will observe tlm requirements ot nile 6. which teads as follows; "Euch tuudldatt, must reglcter his full nume und poster, tlce address with the chairman or tlin leglslutlve standing committee, ami Hlmll pay his assessment to the district chair man at least twenty das before the pri mary election, or his name will not be printed on the offlclul ballot." Saturday, the 17th day ot Match, 1W0, is the last day for registering and paying the assessment, T. J. Matthews, Chairman. Aiieui: J. ts., WHtKini, secretary. r crsnion, -u., ecu. a, jtvu. SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATION WANTED - WABHINU. ironing or any kind of house cleaning hy the day or will lake washing home. Address Mrs. Lee, 031 Mineral street, inrlt.t.t.-M'tit2rt . utv.nt . ra -nnftnl ta entry, all or part or the time: could also net St correpondent. "Reliable," tare Trlbuno office. SITUATION WANTED-BV WIDOW ludy as housekeepri fur widower', wheie she can tiike her child; city pre ferred. Mis. L. A., MIC Humptnn stteet. SITUATION WANTED - I1Y YOUNG man us groceiv rlerk or tiookkeeper, eight yeuis' expeiletice: inn give kooiI reieience. Addres: box Ti'. Dalloii. Pu. SITUATION VANTED-TO DO WASH ln; and Ironing bv the iluy, washing end honing taken home hIho. ('nil or nil. dress L. B 3.H X. Sumner avenue: S ITUATION WANTETJu-AB DRIVER or enre of hore bv oung man of -J!, with eMietleneo and not pfrald ot woil-, G. M Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED-BY GENTlTi man, 'j;l eur or age; willing to luke any respectable und ieponsible position; tan bIvb best of reference. Addreos P. O. Box M$. Faclor.vvUle, Pa. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG man who deslics a position as double entry bookkeeper or collector, has hud experience and can furnish the best or references. Addtess W. II., 1120 Hamp ton street, city. SITUATION AVANTED-nV COLORED man as metul man. Jimltor ol build ing, poller. Job woik: can do mou any thing, Address Iniliiililoti, Tilbune of fice. SITUATION WANTED-HY A YOUNG niun 21 years of age lngle as coa n msn, six yeais' experlenre; can give good reference. Address F. L. Bar. Trlhtine offlte. PROFESSIONAL. ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR. E.C. SPAULDING, TRADERS' BANK building. ANCHITKCTS EDWARD II. DAVIS. ARCHITECT, Connell building, Scranton. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR.. ARCHITECT, 42S Spruce st., cor, Wnsh, a v., Scianton. FREDERICK U BROWN. ARCHITECT, Price building, 126 Washington avenue, Sc;i anion. CAB AND CARNIAQ.E8. RUBBER T1RETJCABS AND VaR iluges: best of service. Prnmol atten tion given oi deis by 'phone. 'P'lones 1,72 and S332. Joseph Kelle, 124 Linden DSNTIST DR. I. O. LYMAN, SCRANTON PRI vate HospltMl, cor. Wjomlng and Mul berrj. DR. II. F. REYNOLDS, OfP P. O. DR. C. C. LAUBACH. US Wjomlng ae. WELCOMK C. SNOVER. COAL ex change. 2nd floor. Room D. Hour-, s to 1. 2 to S. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS THE ELK CAFE. 12.7 AND 127 FRANK lln avenue. Rates leasonuble. P. ZE1GLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., L. & W. passenger depot. Conducted on the F.u lopeun plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. LAWYERS RICHARD J. BOD RUE. ATTORNBY-at-Law, 200-2 Lackawanna avenue. Gen eral law bnslnes. collections and loans. J. W. BROWNING, ATTORNEY AND Counsellor-at-Law. Rooms 312-111 Meurs building. D. B. REPI.OOLirATTORNRY-loA XS negotiated on leal e-stale necurlty. Meant building, corner Washington avenue and Spruce stieet. M J. DONA HOE. ATTORNEY-AT. Lu. Offices iil2-i)i:t Mejis bulldlhr. FRANK E. DOYLE, ATTORNEY AND Counsellor-at-law, Burr building. Rooms 11 unci 11, Washington avenue. WILLARdT WARREN b KNAPP, A'l torneya and Counsellors.nt-Law. Re publican building, Washington avenue, JKSSUP tt JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors -at - Law, Commonweulih building; rooms 1. 20 and 21. JAMES W. OAKFORD. ATTORNEY-AT-Luw. Rooms 514. C15 and SIC Board or Trade building. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTORNEY. Rooms 003-904. 9lh floor. Mears building. I.. A. WATRES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 602 Board of Trade building, Scranton, Pa. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Commonwealth building, Scranton, V. PATTERSON & WILCOX, TRADERB' National Bank building. C. COMEGYS. S-1S R E Pi. Bt,tCAN building. A. W. RF.RTHOLF, A TTORNE Y Mearw building. RHVUOIAN AND SUHQEOHS DR. W. E. ALLEN. 613 NORTH wTsiL Ingtou avenue. DR. 8. W. I.'AMOREAUX. OFFICE :.3i Washlngtrn avenue. Residence Ills Mulberrj". Chronic diseases, lungs, heutt, kldnejs and genito-urlnarv or. gans a hpecialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. hi. SCHOOLS SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNaI Scranton, Pa. Couises preparatory to college, law, medicine or business. Opens Sept." R'lh. Send for catalogue. Rev. Thomas M. Cenn. LL.D., prlnct pal and proprietor; VV, E. Plumlev, A. M headmaster. SEEDS G: R. CLARK CO. BEEDMBN AND Nurseryman: stote 201 Washington uve. nue; green house, KiO North Main ave nue; ?tore telephone, 782. WIRE SOREENS JOS. KITKTTEL. BEAR ?ll LACKA wunna nyenue, Scranton, Pa,, manufac tuter ot Wire Screens, UIBCELLANEOUS IJABER'B ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOR b.ilu, rjicnlcs, parties, rcceotlons. wed dinps und conce't vorlc furnished. For terms uddieri" If. J. Bauer, cctiducior, 117 Wyoming avonu. over Hiilbem' musla kIihi'. MLGARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' Kiipplles, envelopes, paper bag, twine. Waiehouse. 1 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES Central Railroad ot New Jersey Stations In New, YoiU Foot of Libeity btreet, N. It., and South Ferrj', VYhltthull ktreel. Anthraclto col uied excluslvelj-, lnur tnff t IcmHiied r.ud comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. It'. U9J. Trulns leave Scruuton for New Sorl;; Newaik. Elizabeth, Philadelphia, Huston. Rethlehem, Allentonn. Maucb Chunk and White Haven, at 8.30 a. m.; express, 1.20; expicgs. 4.00 p, ni. Sundays. 2.13 p. m. For FltUton and Wllkes-Barre, ,8.30. a. nr.. I.2u. 4.00 p. ni. Sundays, 2.15 p. m. Kor Rultlmore tmd Washington, and points South and West via Bethlehem, g.mi a. m.. 1.20 p. m. Sundays. 2.15 p. m. Kor Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at S.Mi h. m. und 1.20 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and HarrUburg, via Allentowu, I.VO a, m., 1.20 p. m. Sun davs, 2.15 p. m. For Pottavllle. S.30 a. in., 1.20 p. m. ThiDUgh tickets to all points esat, south and west at lowest rate at the station. .1. H. OLHAUBKN, Gen. Supt. H. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pass. AgL RAILROAD TIME- TAS'Ltsfl AnMpnwwMt4VWw rT PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule in Effect November 19. 1889. ' Trains leave Scranton: , 6.45 a. m week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburtr, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitts burg and the West. B.38 a. m week days, for Har.leton, Pottsvllle, Reading;, Norrlstown, nd Philadelphia! and for Sun bury, HarrlsburR, Philadelphia, Baltimore.Waahinirton and Pltts burs; and the West. s ?i m" WM,U!I dRV8 (Sundays 1.58 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harris buig. Philadelphia. Baltlmote, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. w1' n,' weBk days, for Sunbury, Hanisbuig, Philadelphia ' and Plttsburtr. J. Tt. WOOD. Gen. Pns. Act. J. II. HUTCHINSON, Gin. Mgr. !el l.iick.i, mt I Western. In Effect Dec 17, 11S, HOtJTir Leave Sritiiilou foi New Yortl at 2.1... sou. 5 no, wo mid mm ,,. n,,; 12 .- ii id n.K , m, i-,,,. Philadelphia t li.ao, mill fii.u.-, n. m.; 12.:.:, and ?..)'. p. m. I or Hlroudst,u:g nt .I0 p. in. Vlltk and ii ",07'niodiitloii at S.4U p. in. Anise at I -" nl ,;"", "-i(f- !,-,,i " '".: 12.0R. 2 17, . I'.'i" "",l l:!S ! m. Aulve nt Phila delphia nt 10.00 a. in.; 1 i. :!.IR. bin and -; p. m. Arrhe rioni New Voik at l.'.o,. -.(. mm inn a ui.: I.im. i.:,s. :v. ami Mi '' '" ,,' roni Stioiidsbuig at s.tCi u. m .NORI If ,,.U,. Si'imitoii for Rulfiiln Jiiil lulermeilliiti. slatlnn- at 12. In, 2 :, JOj and ! mi . m.; ;,-, Hlll :,,M . m, ,. wegn and S niciw,- nl in", a. m. and l.' 1. In. .'or I'tlin nl 2r.o a m. and p. m. Tor Montioie al !iin a. in.; !." P. m. and :,,Ml p. ni. Pur Nlclinl-i'li M l.iin iiiid fir. p. in. ,nl,. In Scianloli I I "III lluffalo nt 2.10. "J..", r.,2', and 0iO a. ni.; 3.20. inn) ;,4o p. nil I'lotn (Nwrco and svr.iiiiHe at 2,r, u. in.; 12 :s und .:..:n p. m. I'loni Smiichp at 7.10 p. lii. Fiom I'llijt, 'i, 7" . " ni,; '-',s "nd "'" !' m. l-'mm .NIchn!ou in :..-,n , n,, IH ,;ii ,,, tni rlniil .VIiiiitinvH m iii a in.: .120 and A Ii, in BLOOMSIIPIHl DIVISION Lc.iVm Hcr.iiiton tor Noiilimnbeiliiiid at ii so. 1."' H. m.jl.a,, and i, to p. in. E.n I'lMiiniilh l in,. :!.I0 and s,;,o p. ni. I'm NutiilenkH nt S.io n ni. Anlve m Noiihumheiluti'J t '.:: a, ni.: t.m, :,n ami I'.'io p. in. Ar ie NiiiilUoke nl s.'.-o . in. Anlve t I'lv mouth at 2r,. 140 und i.l p. ni. Ar- live 'jit Scianton fiom Noi : Intuit icrlan-l nl SI? n .... t r , -. , c -..... m J roni Natiilroke. al 11.00 a. m. l-'inm Plymouth ut 7.".7 a. m.: ::.2'. and n. p. mi ,. Sl'NDAY TRAINS. .SOI 111 L..ap Scianton at 2.15, .", " il-J"" " 'n-: "'"I ami ::.40 p m. NORl'-Lene Scliiiitnii al 12.10, 2 SO, .or. p. in ; t.v, ,i :, v, ,,. ,, BLOOMSKI'IU! DIVISION Leavn Scianton al 10 0. a. ni. and (!.10 p. m. Delaware nil. I II nelson. n Feb. 2illli. lfflii, ti.ilns will eav) Scianton i-i fiillii: I'm t'uiliondiile ti.li 7..".:, SK-:, 10 II h. m.: 12 noon; l.os. 2..".. I Oti. 3 27, b,27. 7..1T. 9 1", 11,1.', p. in.: 1.10 a. ui. ,l'"oi Alh.tiiy. Siiialog.1. Montie.il, Hus ton. New Rneluiid points, eir. ti ;o a. m.; 1.0S ji. m. Foi llonod.ile t',.11, lo I : a, in.; 2 2S, 3 27 p. 111. I'm WIlKev-Haiie-t;.!'.. 7.4 t I !, 9 3. 104.' a. m.i 12 U.I. I.2S, 2.18. 3.:H. 4 27, h.10, 7.4S. 10 41, 1I.-0 p. m. For New Voile, Philadelphia, etc., vIa Lehigh VnlKy Riillioud-G 47 a. m.; 12 01. 2 18. 4,:7 p in.; with Black Diamond H press, 11.30 p. m. For Per nxvlvaulu Itailund points, 6 45, 9.18 a. m.; 2. IS, 4 27 p. nl. For wentern poll ts. la Lehigh Valley Radioed 7.48 a. m.: 12 al, '.l.U. with BUcK Dl.'.mnnd Epres, 10 41, ll.so p. m. Tmlns will anie In Scranton as fo low: Ft mil Cailioud.ile and the North it l", 7.4', 8 IS, tilt, 10., ll.r.S a. in.: 1.21, 2.15. r..2-. 123. 7.41, 10:, 11.27 P. m. From Wllkrh-lliniR uml the Soulli 5.1?. 7.48. 8 48, io::s. ii:.', a. m.: i.ot. 2.2:. 4.o:, 6.20, b.21, 7 SI. 9.03. 10 03 p. m.: I.I.! a. ill. MI'ND.W TRAINS. For 'aibonilale-!Mi.", a. m., 12 27, 2.2'l, 4 W. r.. 17. 10 32 p. m. Foi WllkcM-lluiie ': j. in.; 12.0", 1.51, ".2. (i 27, f. 27 p ni. For Albany. Saialomi. Moulieal, Hn tou. New Ktnclaiid points, etc., 1.0S p. m. l.nttMl utev lo all points In United Slates unci Canada. .1. VV. UFRDIPK, O. V A. Albanv. N. Y. II. W. CROSS, D. P A ..Scrimlou. Pn. I.elilgli Vallttv Kaili'iiiiJ. In Effect Nu. l''ih. U'is. TRAINS LF.AVi! SCRANTON. For Philadelphia and New Yotk, via I). Jt II. R. R.. at 0 43 u. m. and 12.03. 2.1. 4.27 (Rl.uk Diamond Express), and II. 30 p..m. Stind.ijh. D. II. It. R 1.58, 7.4H, P. ni. For While Haven. Huxlelon uuclfpiluui pal points In' the coal regions, la D. Xr. II. R. R.. 8.4". 2.18 and 4 27 p. m,' For Pottsvllle. 1,4".. 2.1K p. ni. Kor Rethlehem, Eastern, Readius1, Har rlsbttrg and piliulpal iutermediato sta tions, via D. K.- II. It. R.. 4". .u m.; 12.0). 2.1S. 4.27 (Black Diamond Express), 11.30. Sundays, D. & II. R. H.. 1.38, 7.4S p. m. Vox- Tunkhanuock, TowiiMila. Klmlia, Illiuc-J. Oencva and prim Ipal tntei'medl. ate nations, via D, I.. & W. R. R.. 8 0 a. m.: 1.00 and 3.33 p. m. For Geneva, Rochester, Ruffalo, NUe nia Fulls, Chlcaso, mill all points wc,t. via D. & H. R. R. 1-'0!. 3 33 (Rluck Di;.! mond F.xpress). 7.48, 10 41. 11.30 p. in. Siindajs. D. & IT. R. R.. 12 03 p. m.. 7.l Pullman pallor i.inl sleeping or L.'lilch Valley parlor mis on all trains hetwein Wllkes-Barre and New Yoik. I'hlhtclol tihla. Buffalo and Suspension lhidRe. ROLL1N II. WILBUR. Gen. Supt., 21 Cortland ntreet. New York. CHARLES S. EEE. Gen. Pass. Ast., 21 fortlandt street New Yoik. A.'W. NONNEMACHER. Ulv. rn,s. Agt.. South Bethlehem. Pa. For tickets and Pullman icnervallnni npplv 3fl Lackawiinii.i ue Scranton, P.i. Trie nitvl WyoniltiR Valley. Time Table In eKcct Feb. 7. 1WI. Tiulus leave Scianton for Ftnwlci, ami Intermedlato points, connecting at lUw lev with Erie Railroad for New Yot k. Newburg. lIonpdnIa and Intermedin point, us follows: No. J, Accomoda tion. G n. m.: No. 4. Express, 12.01 p. in. WMMnjiwmm SCKANTOIM OI VISION. , lit KffrO eel. 'J-tllu If. ' A North und. siimth Hound. OK t M 9 tot alio 'f M 4 SUtloos & .s. IP m Aulve l.esie ;N. V Franklin 6t , T lowest 4.'nd street 14 U ... ? 40 ... vas ,i7 00, weehswuen ...I 8 10 k u .r u'ArrHe l.eave!? f MT M 10 45 4J I.Vi 1 1' U5I W45 U40 WHY It 14 ttm 11 5 II 4 USl M-A , IllJit tr.-t it is n IV ti n , 'ii or nav II M cauoflu Usnrorl MtarllKlu lreiton hurt- VVtawood foyntelle Orson I'leasaot Mt , Uolondale forest cur caibandsle VV lilte Bridge viavneia j Jpruiyn Ari'lilbald Wlnton , Feckvllle ' ulrphaot frtceburr lliroop Provide aca Dal IktajiA' . S(5. 4tf aiti'4, i'Ji 4 4' 8.111 4k :4i! an, IfA, Sll a wl & r a of. .-..ail no ,'in ,i i a 4 . S341 lit 1040 10 81 10 ill 1916 1000 IN 4t 8S tio 907 !38, b. IIHi sib' ra ir .1 4V 0 M 4 0 4 04. 11 4; ati 4 10 17 i u a vi N6J 810 841 S4 K40 818 US 8 8' ii . 'IIUDYt 110 SM. mt. r,t.ii , .' J44U ISO seraatoa fr k u u Mare ArrlreL r m 1. BuDdar nnlr. t tiifDinea that trains atop on iWnaJ fer ) sent era, i j ' Trains HOh ana M Sundaj- onl. other traits daily escspt Banna. ' 33 Berure ratea Tk Ontario WMUrn btlSra purcttailui ttektta and ears moiiej- ,7J iitvuiiinMUK ininii MijKr sail ireayr-. '"2? wmSml'iaf irey. ear w toy to CUog. wtutfvt riiuivs niircir iw im eaaai. rmm rsv Casite I .c, lattraeo. nan. nu auc T. mtcrolt, dit. Faas, Ajt.ierantoa, la. . .' i .- .. -rf l f c 'ri " . .ifvi y . Ik1 HZA-llt 1 J,. X've., & ,-