v rr s ct .' i? t j t"MyTi7j V Wr '? vtw '.'n-jff i, Wl- -WJ . --"mM. ?'"', "Jiff-v ivy jai-ifjsfiVnM...- k '- , V i THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1900. CARBONDALE. HAD HIS CHOICE. ,1. D. Nealon, thiough whose cffutts the nark cannon nc fccciired. wns Kit en a choice by the imvy depart ment a follows: One ot 17.000 pounds weight, one C.E00 pounds and two SA" and 3.I7S pounds rath. When the mat te! was piesented to the pnik commis sioners and W. H. Davis post, tliand Army of the Republic, for their ap proval they Rolectcd the two latter which are now In this tlty. They aio 112 Inches long. Thf selection ot the smaller Kttns was on account of Me morial park not lielnf? Inrse enough to accommodate the other ruiis. CAR OF ACID BURNS. A tar of stilphuilc acid was destioyod by lire In the Delaware and Hudson ynid Sunday evening. It Is thought In lme been Ignited bv a hot Journal. The c.ir was (twitched out of the Main nnd the loss con.seiiueiitly wax con lined to It. The acid, which wan con signed to the Hendrlek Manufacturing company, made a spectacular blaze. Until hose compmlrs responded and finally extinguished the Haines. ARTIST BURNED OUT. P. W. Pclet son, the nrtlst, of Canaan Ftieet, outlet cd tht loss of his furnl tute and ait nutoilnls by lite Sund ly morning. The family was awnv at the time nnd the origin of the lire 1m un known. The bttlldlns was owned by John McCVt'je nnd wns Insuted. Mr. Petei sou tattled some Insurance on his fuinlttite, but not any on the art m.i tetlHls, the loss of which will be keenly felt. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. The funeral of Miss Hcllndn Carroll will be held ut t-'t. Hose i hurch this morning at 'J 1j o'cloik, when a le 'qulem mass will be said. Miss C.itheilne Ilnliflcld. who was vlsltinff ft lends In this tlty. has it turned to her home In Sci.inton. Frank Kilpatilck will leave Thui.s d.iv for Rochester, X. Y whole ho will att nd u business college. The Ladles' Aid society of the Herein H.iptlst chinch Is arranging a. public reception for the new pastot, Uev. H. J. Whalen, and family. It will be In the lecture loom of the church. The lenutins of James Flannlgnn, of Clinton, wete interred In St. Roso cemetery yesterday morning. Mis. Yv H. S. Paul, of Oneonta, spoilt Sunday with her sons. In this city, Geoigo Swift returned to his home In Watertown, X. Y., yesterday. A son has been born to Constable and Mis. V. J. Xeary. Mrs. Ida Hunter has returned ftom New York city. Mis. C. V. Fulkerson, daughter Na talie and Mis. O. A. Singer ate home fiom Xew York. Mts. W. D. Rounds, of Canaan sticet. Is etitcitalning her sister, Miss I.lbblc Cnipenter, of Unlnndale. Miss Alice Butler has returned fiom New York, where, she spent a week on business. "King of the Opium Ring" wns pie sented to a good-sized audience at the (land last evening. OLYPHANT. Tlu? new otlleetfl of the Olj pliant conclave, Xo. 237, Impioved Older of Heptusophs, wete Installed by Dlstilct Deputy William Allen, of Peckvllle, as sisted by Mr. Kase, of Carbondale, last evening. The following aie the olllceis: Past aichon, T. L. Williams: aichon. Will W. Jones; piovost, Hugh O'Ho.vle; prelate, John MeXeely: tetretuiy, . W. Taylor: financial sectetary, D. ;. Jones; tte.isurer, '.. D. Kdvvnids; In spector, George Zlmmcimnn; waiden, Antol ("Slnllnskl; sentinel, M. J. lit Andrew. After the installation ceie monles weio concluded a smoker was held and a delightful evening was spent by all of the paitlclpants. An excel lent nddiess was dellveied to the mem bers by Dlstilct Deputy Allen; theie weio also several selections rendeied on the graphaphone. A lunch, consist ing of ham sandwlthes, cheese sand wiches, boiled eggs, pickles, pretzels, coffee, milk, cake nnu oranges, was served, after which cigars were parsed around. The following committee had chaige: R. W. Taylor, Z. D. Kdwards, D. a, Jones, II. W. Grogan, T. 1,. Will iams and M. J. McHale. Miss Katie Reardon, of Sci.mton, visited friends In town Sunday, The obsequies of the late J, D. Lloyd occurred yesterday afternoon at 2,r,0 o'clock from the home of his sister, Mrs. George Patten, on Delavuuo street. The final iltes weie largely at-' tended by the deceased's numeious friends. Rev. George Hague, pastor of the Susquehanna Street Baptist chuieh, officiated and preached an Impressive sermon. Two beautiful selections were tendeied. The deceased was laid at lest In the family vault nt Union ceme tery. Tito Tommy Sheier company opened a week's engagement at the Father Mat hew opera liouse last evening by plajlug "The Parisian Princess" befoie a largo audience. The company Is a talented one and the specialties were exceptionally good. The plays for the balance of the week ate us follows: Tonight, "don of Monahan's Daugh ter:" Wednesday, "The Girl fiom Pueito Rico;" Thuisday. "Cyrano do GOLD D U ST The Best Washing Powder. Housework Is Hard Work Without It. FWRY UAMAM As jilP Ma,y 4 w SNMUaMnmdiswutu, tRoatkiriNfaUUBK mtdieln. Onlr htrmtast tat UlarMtdrufihoaldbu4. lljou wtni Mi bmt Dr. Pul's Pmnyroyal Pills They lire prompt, safe and cerUlu in mult, w m The (Ksnuihfl (Dr. l'ear)neTerdliat)DOliit. Boldfnr81.00nrhQx. WQi For Sale by JOHN H, PHELPS, pruce ptraat, nergcrac;" Friday, "Son of Monte Crlsto;" Saturday, "In the Heart of the Rockies." , T. r. McHale has accented n posi tion tis bookkeeper til the Olyphant shoe fnctoiy, Mrs. Thomas Thomas and Mrs. Ben jamin Lewis, of Green Ridge, were the gutsts of Mts. Annie Uvntw, of Lacka wanna sticet, yestetday. Alurlu Perry, of Caibondale, spent Sunday with Mr. mid Mis. U. , Heiry, of Ulakely. Miss I.ottlo Re nolds, uf Potent City, who has been the guest of Miss Maty Davis, of Lackuwnnnu stieet, returned home jesteiday. . JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Special Meeting of Council Last Evening Fair nt the Congrega tional Church Half Time nt the Mines. A spei lal meeting of the boiough count II was held last evening at which all the nicnibeiH v.'crc piesent. The object of the meeting was to consider the leanest of the sticet enr company giving them permission to move their swltth from its present location to a point neatly opposite Graves Brothers' drug stoic. The secretnry rend a com munication fiom Mr. Sllllman, general manuger of the company, In which he tntcil It wns the desire of Iho com pany to establish a thrnugii sj stein, but to do so It was necssniy to movo "'veral switches. With the ptisriit location of the Jertnyn switch It would be nti Impossibility without great In tonvenlence. Couik llman Dunn opposed tlif mov ing of the switch on the gtouud thin the point whtie It was Intended to lay thu new switch the stieet was only thlity-llve fett wide fiom curb to ctnb, which wns cntilily too liaiiow for two tracks and would cause great Incon venience to teanistois and otheis In palng. Councllmen Davis and Stan- ton offeied similar objections. Mr. lillev, an olllclal of the company, was precnt nnd stated the company would pave the switch between the two tiatks nnd put It In such a condition that no Inconvenience v.-ould result to vehicular trafllc; to which Dunn le torted, "Yes, jou people, when you want anything, always come down hete and speak your little piece about leaving the streets In as good condi tion as before and will do the fair thing with the borough. How," ho asked, "have jou cmrlcd out jour or iginal agreement, which stipulated that the poles bhould be straight, shapely nnd painted. Show me a pole In thi boiottgh that's painted?" After some fuither discussion Dunn moved and Davis seconded a lesolutlon that the switch l cumin In Its present location. The chaliman. after the voting, not being able to tell whether the resolu tion had passed or been defeated, nked the sectetary to call the roll on the lcsolutlon, the vote lesultlng ns follows: For the l evolution Dunn, Davis, Albeit Moon, Stanton; against the lcsolutlon Hauling, Theion Moon, Wheeler, Badger and Xlcholon. It vvap 'iftei winds decided that a com mittee of council draft u lesolutlon with the conditions they demand In living the necessary pot mission, und that It be submitted to the company tor their apptoval and afterwards re fened to council. Chairman Moon ap pointed Wheeler, Badger and himself as the committee. The meeting was al tot wauls adjourned until Filday evening, when the resolutions v 111 bo consldeied. The fair under the ausplcen of the Ladles' Aid of the Congregatlonnl church was opened last evening and was laigely attended. The booths wen quite attt actively m ranged and von talned u huge tollfctlon of useful and pietty ai titles. The entertalnmjent, which was given by several tlilldten, was most iiedltabl", and the little onsa uceived genetous applause. The full will b continued this evening and a very line musical piogramme has been nuanged for the elite-talninctit. Halt time until fuither notice Is tlu latest ordeis nt the Delaware and Hud son ( olllery. Pi of. and Mis. W. M. Taprgnrt ar ilved home last evening fiom their wedding tout. How to Save Doctor Bills. We have saved many doctor bills since we began UBlng Chambei Iain's Cough Remedy In our homo. We keep a bottle open all the time and when ever any of my family or myself begin to tatch cold we begin to use the Cough Remedy, and as a result we never have to send away for a doctor and Incur a laige doctor bill, for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy never fnlls to cuie. It Is ceitalnly a medicine of gieat merit And woith. D. S. Meaikle, General Merchant and Fanner, Mattie, Bed ford county, Pu. For saJe by all diu glsts, Matthews Bios, wholesale and retail agents, WAVERLY. The following- pel -oils fiom this place attended the Kpworth League rally at dalle's Green last Saturday: JIl'-s Jlury IJtccne, W. A. Siinfuul and wife, Miss Anna Dean, MIs Alt.i Ureen. Willlo Clrct n, Pardon Stone, Rev. Ciodslmll anil wife, Miss Florence Guilshall, Nelson Godsliall. Ml-n Com White. Miss Carrie Vail and Arthi'i Vail. A very Instruc tive and mjnyablu time was leported. Mr. Uilthths, a new baihcr from llonosdnle, his slartid a shop In the building on Main stteet next door to the wwmriii Pharmacist, ccr. Wyoming avenue and postofflce In the building recently occu pied by Mr. Honrdmnn. A donation will bo held hi the parlors of tho Methodist church next Friday afternoon and ovcnlntr, March 10th, for tho benefit of Rev, Mr. Ooilchnll. Our former barber, Mr. Grant Board man, will move to Green Ridge tho llrt of April, where he Intonds to resume his trade. George Stelg Is contemplating the pur chase of tho corner brick store, whero he Intends to engngo In the wagon making business on nn extensive scale. The three dilldrcn of William Letson, who have been seriously III, are slowly Improv Ing. Tho funeral of Mrs. Henry Weldman, ot Benton, took place from her late, resi dence Inst Sunday afternoon. The W. U. T. V, convention held at Dunmnre last Friday was attended by the following from this place: Miss Maty Gretne, Mrs. Ruth Calkin, Mrs. I. W. Htotic and Mrs. Byron Cowles. Tho Interior ot tho Baalist church of this place will undergo thorough repalis coming two weeks and In consequence no services will bo held the wnlls will bo lepapcred, tho celling decorated, a new mi pet will be laid and tho Interior other. wle beautified. Herman Cole, our hack driver and mall mirier, Intends to engage In tho under taking business In connection with his other duties ufter tho first ot Apitl. DALTON. Miss Doia Smith, who Is residing for tho piesent In New York state, spent Sunday with her mother heie. The Fanners' alliance, of West Ab Ington, has moved Into a new hiall re cently erected bv Hhatn Capwcll. The Ladles' Aid society of the Bap tist chut tii will servo a suppei In the chuieh parlors on Wednesday evening. Rev. Santee, a letlred Methodist minister living hoie, has returned from a visit In Phlllppshurg, N. S. Lewis P. Smith, who Is employed as a fli email at the Mt. lookout colliery, Wyoming, spent Sunday with his fam ily hoi iv Rev. H. G. Harped, a colporteur for the Pennsylvania Bible Foclcty, occu pied the pulpit' of the Methodist church last Sunday, both morning and even ing. The ladles ot the Home and Foielgn Mlsslonniy society of the Baptist chuieh conducted a very Interesting meeting in the chuieh on Sunday even ing. The piogramme consisted of sing ing and tending of missionary papers. The Women's Christian Temperance union will hold Its regular meeting at the Methodist parsonage on Friday af ternoon nt 3 o'clock. Mrs. John Dershlmer Is confined to her room with Illness. Joseph T. Somers Is visiting his son in Wyoming for a short time. Wlllard and Cugene Smith, of Scran ton, spent Sunday with their mother, Mis. E. Palmer Smith. The funeral of Fled Miles, who died on Filday of last week, was held yes terday morning nt 10 o'clock In the. Dalton Baptist church and wns quite laigely attended by friends and rela tives of the deceased. Mr. Johnson, who iccently opened a bather shop In this place, has been engaged as Instructor by the Dalton band. TAYLOR NEWS. Coming Entertainment on St. Fat rick's Night Evangelistic Ser vices Laigely Attended. The congregation of the Church of Immaculate Conception are making ar rangements for the coming enteitaln ment which will be held In connection with the watch contest which is now going on between five young ladles ot the church. The event wll be held in Webei's link on St. Fntiick's night. Evangelist AinisUoug, of the Rall loail Young Men's Clnlstlan associa tion, under whose Juilsdlctlon the Evangelistic services aie being held In the different churches tomprlslng the M. V.., Presbyteilan and Calvaiy Baptist churches, as meeting with ex ttoatdlnaiy success In his excellent woik. At the meeting held In the Calvaiy chinch on Sunday evening a latge audience was piesent. Evan gelist Aimstrong and other prominent Y. M. C. A. members pieslded and spoke at length on religious matters. The meetings wll be continued every evening dining the week at the Cal vaiy chuieh and on next Sunday even ing at the M. E. chuieh. All are cor dially Invited. The mtmbeis of Centuiy Hose com pany. Xo. 2, nie making great head wuy for tho production of their drama, which will be given by the memberi In the near future, Lily lodge. No. .1J9. I. O. of 'O. P., will meet in their headquaitcrs this evening. L. J. Bienan, assistant supeilntned ent of the Metiopolltun Insurance company in this town, has leslgned his position here to accept a similar one undei the above company at Oieenbuig, Pa. He Is being succeed ed by Mr. Hairy Hood, of Hyde Park, a foimcr resident of this borough. Mr. and Mis. James Hood, of Dun moie, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Hood, of Noith Main btreet, on the Sabbath. The Lackuwanna loige. Xo. 113. Ameilcan Ptotestnnt association, will hold an Impoitnnt meeting this even ing, when all members aie tequested to be piesent. Contractor p. Mulherln, of Main sticet, left for Baltimore, Md., yester day, wheie he has Interest In a large lumber vaul. Druggist William W. Watkins, ot Peckvllle, was the guest of his mother, Mis. W. W. Watkins, of Grave stieet, on the Sabbath, The Centuiy Hose eumpany, Xo. '.'. the newly organized fire company, did very effective service ut the llro in the Paiker hotel on Union stieet, an ac count of which appeared In yester day's Issue. Thev are certainly to be complimented for their woik In ex tinguishing the flamesand deserve the co-operation nnd assistance of the citi zens In their coming event. The decreuse in the number of cases of contagious diseases throughout this borough tepoiied to the board of health during thu past few weeks in dicates that the maladies are on the wane. Davltd J. Whltefoid.of Gieen Ridge was u visitor heie tecontlv. Tho entertainment and doll con test of the Temple of Love lodge, Xo. 7, Ttue Ivorites, whlth was held ie tently, nutted that oigunizatlon over PRICEBURQ. A ety pleasant party was tendered on Saturday evening In honor of Mies Sarah A. Cooper, that being tho data of her nineteenth birthday. Miss Cooper Is well and favorably known and a host of her young friends con gregated at the home of her parents on Albert stieet, where refreshments were bountifully served and music and games Indulged In until a late hour. The following out-of-town young peo ple were present: Misses Emma At cher, Isabella White, Jennie Ward, The People's MMAA'WWVMVMVMM0M A POPULAR. CLEARING HOUSE tor the BanelU tAll Who Iluve Houses to Rent, Real, Estate or Other Property to Sell or Exchange, or Who Want Situations or Help -The jo Small Advertisements Co3t One Cent a Word, Six Insertion for Five Cents a Word Except Situation Wanted, Which Arj In. scrted Free. ' FOr? KENT FOR RENT-FOUR OR SIX ROOMS, 7S1 Jeffereon avenue. IW-MODBRN HOF8KS CORNRR MAD. Ison avenue and Myrtle street. $30 ELEGANT TEN-ROOM RESI dence, 615 Qutncy avenue. Apply Geo. B. Davidson, attorney, T20 Spruce treet. HOTEL FOR RENT-EASY TERMS TO respectable party. Inquire 1038 La fayetto street. FOR RENT-NEW HOUSE: ALL IM provements. 722 Monroe uvemte. HOFSE8 IN VILLAGE OF CHIN chllta, water Inside, good garden. James Holgate, Chinchilla, FOR RENT-OOOD BAKERY BTAND with oven and lunch rooms. Eligible locution, on reasonable terms. No other bakery In town. Call on or address, Charles Gardner, Factoryvllle, Pa. FOR RENT-N1NE-ROOM HOUSE. Ml Pino street; modern Improvements, J25 month. Inquire 7)1 Adnms avenue. FOR RENT-SECOND AND THIRD tloors, 21 Lackawanna avenue; passes slou nt once. Apply T. R. Brooks, Trad era' Bunk building. FOR RENT-11-ROOM HOUSE. APPLY to John Carroll. 422 Madison avenue, Tribune ofllce, or 413 Linden street. FOR RENT - HOUSE ON OL1VIJ street, between Washington ami Ad ams avenues; modern Improvements. In MUlio S. Morris, 602 N. Washington nve. FOR RENtI-APRIL 1, THE HAND some residence. 518 Adams avenue, with barn. large yard and fruit trees. Inqulro 31G Wyoming avenue. FOR RENT-FURNISHED HOUSE, nine rooms; till lmpiovemcnts. Mrs. C. J. Carter, 803 Myrtle street. rOR RENT-MY FORMER RE31 dence, with barn. 1532 Monsey avenue; ten rooms. Wm. W. Lathrope. STORE FOR RENT-FROM APRIL 1. number 221 Lackawanna nve. Inqulro of J. H, Gunster. FOR SALE FOR SALE-TEN HEAD OF FRESH cows. John Schcuer, 312 Locust street. FOR SALE-DRAUGHT HORSE. EIGHT cars old. vvtliibt 1.400 pounds, kind nnd true In single or double harness. D. D. Gardner, Factor vllle. Pa. FORALE - SMALL FURNISHED home; central location: reasonable rent. "Y," Tribune office. FOR SALE-SHOE STORE WITH FIX tuies nnd lease, best location In the city. Addres K., Tribune office. FOR SALE-NINE ROOM HOUSE, ALL Improvements: possession at once. Mr. c. J. Carter, 809 Myrtle street. FURNISHED ROOMS. WANTED-TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms with board. Centrally located. Address V Tribune nlllce. ROOMS WANTED MARRIED COUPLE. TWO WELL FUK nlshed rooms; lUht housekeeping or u-p of Jtovc: stcr.m heal: llvo minutes' walk ot suunte. Answer Si"M this of llce. , . WANTED-TO RENT.. , WANTED-FURNISHED ROOmT SUIT able for gentleman nnd wife: central ly located. Address, X, Y, C, Tribune. WANTED-TO BUY. WANTED-TO BUY w heel. Address K- SECOND HAND , P. O. Box 19S. WANTED-TO BUY FOR CASH, BEC- ond hand watches, Jewelry, old gold and silver. Gardner, 220ft Spruce street. REAL ESTATE. rARM, Si ACRES, IN CHINCHILLA. James Holgate, Chinchilla. FARM, 84 ACRES. NEWTON TOWN ship. James Holgnte, Cliluthlllu. FOR SALE-BUILDING ON LACKA wnnnu avenue. In three hundred block. Address G care Tribune office. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $?0oT7SATTEcmHf8 YlALTM NTElV est in pning business: aNo salaried position pajlrg 10.00 weekly. Call .11 Adams avenue. LOST. LOST - LADY'S POCKETBOOIC BE tween Lackawanna depot and Hotel Rudolph, centalnlng kts and baggage cheek, $5 bill and memorandums. Return to Tilbunc office and receive leward. FOUND. FOUND A BIRD DOG AND A New foundland dog je-terday morning at 11 o'clock. Ownei can have same by calling at John U. Sehwenkcr'.. sn Lack, aw anna avenue. Annie Elson, Annie Priest, LlzIe Bon nie, Fanny and Sarah jL'ooptr, Rlchai a Abbot, Fied White, James Symons, Mansel Symous, of Ulnkely; Miss Bella Hendeison, Lizzie Prltthaid, Miss Jar vis, Robert P.lehaidson, of Throop; Thomas Reld, Chatles Morgans, Caro line Gunid and Daniel (Juard, of Dick. ton City; Misses Annie Summers, 'Mary Caygll, Normnh Morgans, Maud Will lams, Geitrudu Watkins, Alice Hills, Fied Zimmerman, Isaac nnd Wlllla Cooper, Thomas dalles, James Claygll, John Hills, Claionce, Samuel, and John Cooper, Mr. and Mts. Hllte, of Price. butg, Mr. and Mrs. Cephas Cooper, of Dickson; Mr. and Mis. .Samuel Prlt chard, of Throop, Miss Bella White, of Blakcly, spent Sunday with her filend, Oartutde Wat kins, on Main stieet. Reese Williams, of Hnllstead avenue, Is confined to his home by a .seiloua attack of quinsy. PECKVILLE. Fite limn ante companies liavo bet'n notified Isv the state association that, beginning March S an Increase of 23 per cent, will be chaiged upon nil politics held In Wlnton borough, and that all new policies will be charged for at the Increased rates. The new Increase of insuiuuce will stand in force until such time as tho Jessup council shall impiove their Are fight ing facilities und elect und maintain a fire ulurm system. " The 4cent flreu have fallen heavily upon tho insurunce, companies and they claim the Increase Is done as a mode of protection to themselves. An adjourned meeting of the Blakely borough council will be held this even ing to clean up unfinished work. The ladles cf tho Wilson fair com mittee are requested to meet at the hoge house Wednesday evening. Exchange. Help wanted-male. WATrTED'OolLT'TilATSATE salesman. Cull evenings. Highland Land Co., 510 Bpruco street. DRIVER WANTED-LAROE, BTRONO man wuntcd to drive hcavv double tenm and tako care of same. Only men having had experience with horses and satisfactory references need apply. Ad dress P. J Tribune office. WANTED - GOOD, HUSTLING MAN for partner In gfnt's furnishing and hat business, M.ix) cash wilt pay you f 1,500 a ear. Best stand. Good refer ences. Address C. George, Scranton, Pa, General Delivery. ENERGETIC SALESMAN - COUNTRY work. School supplies. Salary $100 and extras. Rt O. Evans & Co., Chi cago, 111. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. WANTED-A LADY TO ACT A8 CASH- Icr and bookkeeper at Morris Bros , 37) Lackawanna avenue. WANTED-AN, EXPERIENCED GIRL for general housework. Apply 4 Qulncy avenue. , LADIES TO DISTRIBUTE FREE BAM- pies In city. Call at 320 Wusntng ton avenue, from 8 80 to 10.30 a. m. today. BOARDING. BOARDING C2S PINE STREET. NEWSPAPER8 THE WILKES-BARRE RECORD CAN be had In Scranton at the news stands of Retsman Broo.. 405 Spruce and 508 Lin den: M. Norton 828 Lackawanna avenue; I. 8. Schutzer. 811 Spruce street.. DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING FOR CHILDREN TO order; also ladles' waists. Louise Shoemaker, 1112 Adams avenue. OjALPJTREATIMNT mIisItTTceTlIbrTaTp'tea tnent, 60c: shampooing, 50c.; facial massage, manicuring, 25c. ; chiropody, 701 Qulncy. CITY SCAVENGER A. b. briggs cleans privy vaults and cess pools; no odor. Improved pumps used. A. B. BRIGGS, proprlet.-r. Leave orders 1100 North Main avenue', or Elcke's drug store, corner Adams and Mulbcriy. Telephone 9510. MISCELLA NEOUS. EGGS FOR HATCHINO-THOROUGH-bred Barred Plymouth Rocks (Haw. kins-Thompson Strain): Mammoth Pekln Ducks (Rankin Strain); 24 eggs, SI; PC, 81. Farm range: large-slztd henlthv stock; satisfaction guaranteed. Earl Seanjans, FuctorvvIIle, Pa. PACKING AND SHIPPING CON- tracts made for packing household goods. 225 Lackawanna avenue. 'Phone 1)204. ' LEGAL. ESTATE OF MARGARET MOORE, late of the City of Scranton, deceased. Letters testamentary upon tho above estate having been granted to the un dersigned, all rersons Indebted lo said estate are lequested to make payment, nnd those having claims or demands, to present the same to EZRA H. RIPPLE, Exe utor, Scranton, Pa. WELLES & TORREY, Attorneys for Estate. POLITICAL. Astsvyvw FIRST LEGISLATIVE D1STHICT.-NO- tlte Is hereby given that n convention of the Flist legislative dlstilct will bo held at 3 p. m. on the 20th day of Mnich next, at Co-operutlve hall. West Side, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for tho legislature to repiesent said din tilet and electing two delegute i to at tend tho Republican state convention uj be held In Harrlsburg on April 23, 1900. The primaries, will be held on SatunUv afternoon, Murch 17, between the hours of 4 und 7 o'clock. Attordlng to the rules governing the Republican primaries of this legislative district notice ot tho dutu of said primary election must be given by the district chairman at least twentv duys before said primary election und eudi candidate must legister with tho district chairman his full name und post office uddress and pay his assessment fif teen days before the primary election or his name will not be placed on the offltlal ballot. No votes shall bo coupted for any person who has not compiled with these conditions, W. A. Paine, Chairman. Attest: Joseph Jeffrs, Secretury. Scranton, Pa., Feb. 22, 1900. SECOND LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT. Nottce Is hereby given to the Republi can voters of the Second legislative dis trict that a primary election will be held on Saturday, Murch 17, 1!00, between the hours of 4 and 7 o'clock v. m., for the purpose of electing two delegates to rep resent said legislative district In the com ing Republican state convention to bo held In Hurrlsburg. and to nomlnute a candidate for the legislature. The con vention to compute the vote will be held on Tuesda, March 20, 1900, at 1 o'clock P. m.. In the court house In Beiunton. In accordance with the rules governing this district the tandldates will ho voted for directly by tho voters at the polls. Euch cundlduto must register with the district lialiman his full name mid post office address and pay his asstsjment twenty days before the election or his mime will not be placed In the official ballot, neither will any vote east for him bo counted. Tho district vigilance committees In the various precincts will conduct tho election and the result will be reported by the return Judgo to the district con vention, which will be composed ot the return judges of the various districts, A written notice containing further In structions will be sent to the members of the said district vlglluneo committee. Fiedcrlck W. Fltitz, Chairman. Attest: Walter E. D.ivl, Secretaty. THIRD LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT In pursuance of u tesolutioii of the Republican stnndlng committee of tho Third legislative district ot Lntkawuumi county, adopted at a regular meeting held on Sftturdny. tho 24th day of Febru urs. 1W0. the dlstrltt convention will be held on T.uesdny, the loth day of April, 1400, at 2 o'clock p. in., In the arbitration room of the court house, Bcrnntdn. foi the purpose of nominating a candidate for tho legislature and electing two 2) delegates to represent said legislative ills. ti let In the state lor.ventlon to be held at Hnrrlsburg on Apill 25. 19ju, and trans acting such other business us shall be bi ought before It. Vlglluneo committees will hold primary elections on Saturday, the 7th day of April, 1900, between the houis of 4 and 7 p. m. Each election district shall Hoi t one person, a qualified elector of said district, to act an u member ot tho legislative standing committee for the next ensu ing calendar jear, whoso name shall be curtined to on the returns to the dlstilct convention. Candidates who have thus far tesls tered their names with the secretary at 1(03-001 Hears building, Scranton. Pu., and those who are desirous of registering will observu the requirements of rule b, which reads as follows: "Each candidate must register hU full nmnu und poxtof. flee address with the chairman of tho legislative standing committee, und shall puy his usscBsmcut to tho district chair man at least twenty das before the prl mury election, or his name will not be printed on the official ballot." Saturday, the 17th day of March. l9uo. Is the laRt day for registering und pa Ing the assessment. T. J. Matthews, Chairman. Attest: J. E. Watkins, Secretary. Scranton, Pa.. Feb. 2S. 1900. SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATION' WANTED-BY A YOUNG man who desires a prsltlon as doulilo Utitry bookkeeper or tollector, has hud experience nnd van furnish the best of rcferencts. Address W. 11., 1120 Hamp ton street, city. SITUATION-WANTED BY A YOUNG man 19 years ot age, willing to do anything. Can give good forerenccs. Ad dress W, F. M., 330 New street, city. StTUATION WANTED - WASHtNO. Ironing or liny kind of house cleaning by tho day or will take washing home. Address Mrs. Lee, A'l Mineral street. SITUATION WANTED-BV COLORED mnn as useful man. Janitor of build ing, porter. Job woik: can do most any thing. Address Industrious, Tribune of fice. A POOH WIDOW WOULD BE GLAD to get offices to clean or washing or work of any kind bv the dsv. Address Mrs. Johns, 611 Linden street, city. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG man 23 years of age (single) as concn man, six years' experience; can give good references. Address F. L. Hnr, Tribune ofllce. SITUATION WANTED-ELDERLY WO. man wants to gn washing and Ironing or ativ kind of laundry work. Address Mrs. Y., 1037 Cioss street, Petersburg. SITUATION WANTED-BY LADY TO write at homo evenings; work done In long hand writing, also typi writing. given special and piompt attention. Oood. plain work done, dictation also taken. Address "Professional Copyist," care ot this office. SITUATION WANTED-AS A CLERK In ofllee: can give good references. M. L., Tribune office. WANTED-A POSITION AS GROCERY clerk or butcher thoroughly experi enced In both lines. Best of references. Address Box 21. Priteburg, Pa . x PROFESSIONA L. ACCOUNTANT AND AUOITOIt. E.C. SPAULD1NG, 23 TRADERS' BANK building. ARCHITECTS EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, Connell building, Scranton. LEWIS'HANCOCK, JR.. ARCHITECT. 423 Spruce st cor. Wash, a v., Scranton. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCHITECT, Price building, 12U Washington avenue, Scranton. CABS AND CAKRIAQE9. RUBBER TIRED CABS AND CAR rlngcs: best ol srrvicc. Promnt -mention given onleis by 'phone. Tiones 2072 and DT52. Joseph Kellcy, 121 Linden DENTI3T3 DR. I. O. LYMAN. SCRANTON PRI vato Hospital, cor. Wjomlns and Mul berry. DR. H. F. REYNOLDS. OrP P. O. DR. C. C. LAUBACH, 113 Wj omlng ave. WELCOME C. HNOVER. COAL Ex change. 2nd floor, Room D. Hours, 9 to 1, 2 to 5. HOTELS AND ltESTAUNANT3 THE ELK CAFE. 123 AND 127 FRANK lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D.. L. & W. passenger depot. Conducted on the Eu lopean plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. wyES"? RICHARD J. BOURKE. ATTORNEY-at-Law, 500-2 LucKawanna avenue. Gen eral law business, collections und loans. J. W. BROWNING, ATTORNEY AND Counsellor-at-Law. Rooms 312-313 Mearj building. D. B. REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real estate security. Mears building, corner Washington avenue and Spruce stieet. M. J. DONAHOE. ATTORNEY-AT. Law. Offices C12-C11 Meats building. FRANK E. BOYLE. ATTORNEY AND Counsellor-at-law, B u i r building, Rooms 13 and 14, Washington avenue. WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP, AT tornevs and Counviilors-.it-Law. Re publican building, Washington avenue. JLSSUP & JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - at - Law, Commonwealth building; rooms 1, 20 and 21. JAMES W. OAKrORD, ATTORNEY-AT-l.aw. Rooms 511, 513 and 510 Boaid of Trade building. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTORNEY. Rooms 103-904, Sth floor. Mears building. L. A. WATRE8. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 502 Boaid of Trade building, Scranton, Pa, C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Commonwealth building. Scranton, Pi. PATTERSON & WILCOX. TRADERS' National Bunk building. C. COMEGYS, 9-11 REPUBLICAN building. A. W. BERTHOLF. ATTORNEY, Mears building. PHYSICIAN 1NO SUffOTOVSj DR. W. E. ALLEN, 511 NORTH WASH Ington uvenue. DR. S W. L'AMOREAUX. OFFICE SXi Washington avenue. Residence 131S Mulberry. Chronic diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys and genltn-nrlnniy or gans a specially. Ilnuib, 1 to 4 p. m. SKWOOt-1! SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Sciunton, Pu. Couises propitiatory to college, law. medicine m business. Opens Sept. U'lh, Repd for catalogue. Rev. Thomas M. Cann. LL D princi pal and pinprlctor; W, E. Plumley, A. M headmaster. CI. R CLARK CO. SCLDMCN AND Nurserjman; sloie 201 Washington uve. nue; green house, 1150 North Main ave nue; stoic telephone. 72. tvffg scree vs joH.iu::'m:r.. rear nit lacka- waiuii avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufac tuier of Wire Sciecns. MISCELLdH'OUS HATER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC TOR lulls. pl'Illts, paille'. lecfsotlons. Will dlnrs nnd conceit work furnlMicd. For teiins addreiH R. 1. Bauer, iviahtctcr, 117 Wjonitw: av;nii, over HidUcrts' inut.tc stui .'. MEGARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes papei bug, twine. Warehouse VM Washington avenue, Scinnton, Pn. RAILROAD TIME TABLES Central Kailricii ( .New Jcros Station In New York Foot of Ltbtity street. N. R.. and South Ftny, Whitehall street. Anthracite coul used exclusively, dunn ing cleunlluess and eointort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 1!'. 1S&". Tinlns leave St'iuutou for New Yoik, Newark, Ellzabith, Philadelphia, E.iston. Bethlehem, Allei.town, Maueh chunk and White Haven, ut !U0 a. in.: express, If); express. 4 0o p. nt. Sundnjs. 2.15 p. in. For Piltston und Wllkes-lluire, S.30 a, m . 1 20, 4 00 p. III. Sundays. 2,15 p. m. For Baltimore nml Washington, and folnts South and West via Bethlehun, 80 a. m., 1 20 p. m. Sundays, 2 15 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc , nt ,8.30 u, m. and 1.20 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg, via Allentown, b,.0 u. m., 1.20 p. in. Sun duys. 2.15 p. m. For Pottsville. &.30 a. m.. 1.20 p. m. Through tickets to till points east, south and west ut lowest rule ut the station. J. H. OUIAUBEN, Gen, 8upt 11, P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pans. Agt. RAILROAD TIME TABLE 9. PENNSYLVANIA RAILR0A9 Schedule in Effect November 19, 1899. Trains leave Scranton: 6.48 n. m., week days, for SunburT, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltl moie, Washington and for Pltts- bu'K and the West. 9.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, Pottsville, Xesdlns;, Norristown, and Philadelphia: and for iun bury. Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Bnltimore,Washlneton and Pitts burj? and the West. 18 p. m., weeks days (Sunday L08 p. ra,), for Sunbury, Harrls ojjrjjr, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburcr. J. R. WOOD. Gen. Pass. Agt. J. ,B. HUTCHIN80N. Gen. Mgr. ' '- . ii m Del., I.acliu. uij.! Western. In Effect Dec. 17, 1859. SOUTH-Loavc Scranton for New York at 2.1.,, 3.00, B.S0, 8 00 and 1003 a. m.t 12 nnd 3 31 p m. For Philadelphia at 5 30, 8 00 and 10 03 a. m.; 12 33 and 3 3.1 p. m. 1 or StroudRlmrg at 6.10 p. m. Milk and Accommodation nt 3.40 p. m. Arrive at i IK"' nt 6Ki- '18' .W " m.: 12 US, 2., 4 48 ,io and 9 38 p. m. Arrive at Phlla delphli ut looo n. m.; 1.08, 3 48. 6 00 and J -I p. m. Arrive from New York nt 12 0j. -.! and loo ii. m.; i oo, l 5J. r. 33 and 8.4S I'-.IJVnJ,' rm Stroudsburg nt 8.0", n. m. and Intermediate stations at 12.10, 2 50, 4 0., nnd ioo n. m.; 1.53 and 5 50 p. m. For , .VJ ,, '-rave Hcranton ror liutrata at 4.00 1 and 6.15 p. m. Arrive in Scranton from Buffalo nt 2.10, 2R 5 25 nnd 10.00 a. m.: .130 and 7.40 p. m. From Oswego and hvrncuse at 2 55 n.'m.; 12.38 and 3.30 p. in. 1 rom Syrncuso nt 7.40 p. m. From title a at 2.1.1 u. m. ; 12 3S and 3.10 p. m. From Nicholson at 7.50 a. m. and 6 00 p. m. I rom Montroso nt 10 00 a.m.; 3.20 nnd 40 p. ni. BLOOMSBURO DIVISION - Loav n Scranton for Northumberland at 6 30. 10 OS a. m.:l,55 and 010 p. m. For Plymouth, at 1 a,. 3.40 and 8 50 p. m. For Nuntlcoko at 8.10 a, m. Arrive at Northumberland at 9 3., a. m.; 1.10, 5 08 and 9.30 p. m. Ar JIvp Nnntlcoke at 9 20 n. m. Arrive at Plymouth nt 2 01. 4.40 and 9 41 p. m. Ar rive nt Scranton from Northumberland nt 9.42 a. m.; 12.33. 4 55 and 8 50 p. in. J rom Nnntlcoke. nt 11.00 a, m. From Plymouth at 717 n. m.: 3 21 nnd 6.05 p. m, .... SUNDAY TRAINS. SOUTH-Loave Scranton nt 2.15, 3 00, o30, 10 0,, n. m.; 3 33 and 3 40 p. m. NORTH-Lenvo Scranton at 12.10, 2 ML 4.0.1 p. m ; 1 51 nnd S 50 p. m. BLOOMSBURO DIVISION LeavS Scinnton at 10 05 a. m. and 6,10 p. m. Delaware nnd Hudson. On Feb. 2Cth. 1000, trains will lcavs) Scranton ns follows: For Carbondale ii 20, 7.53, 8 53, 10.13 a. m.: 12 noon; 1.08. 2 2S, 4 06, 6 23, 6,23. 7.57. 911. 1115 p. m.: 1.16 a. m. For Albany, Saratoga, Montreal, Bos ton, New England points, etc. 6.20 a. m.t l.CS p. m. For Honcsdale 6 20, 10.13 a. m.S 2.28, 5 23 p. m. For WlIkes-Barre-6.4.1, 7.48. 8.41. 9 3S, 10 47 a. m.: 12.W. 1.28, 2.18, 3.3J, 4.27, 610. 7.48. 10 41, 1130 p. m. For New York, Philadelphia, etc.,- via Lehigh Valley Railroad 6.45 a. m.; 12.03, 2)8, 4 27 p. m.: with Black Diamond Ex press, if 30 p. m. For Pci iiHvlvonla Railroad points, 6 4 9.3S u. m. : 2 18. 4 27 p. in. For western polrts. via Lehigh Valley Rnllrnrd 7.4! a. m.: 12 03, 3.31, with Black Dlt.moiu! Epress, 10.41, 11.30 p. m. Trains will arrive In Scranton ns fol lows: Ftom Carbondale nnd the North 6.40, 7.4.1. S.3S. 34. 10 33, 11 5S a. m.; 1.23, 215, 3.21. 4 a, 7.41, 1018. 11.27 P. m. From Wllkcs-Rurre and the South o.ln, 7 43, S48, 10 33. 1151 a. m.: 1.04. 2.23. 4 02, 5 20, 0 21, 7.53. !05. 10 03 p m.: 1.13 a. m. SUNDAY TRAINS, For Cui bnndal 9.05 a. m.; 12.27, 2 21, 4.0.1. 3 47. 10 52 p. m. For Wilkes-Barre 9 23 a. m.; 12 03, l.CS, 3.23 6 27, 8 27 p. m. For Albany, Saratoga, Montreal. Bos ton, New England points, etc., 1.08 p. m. Lowest rates tn all points in United States nnd Canada. J. W. BTRD1CK, G. P. A.. Atbnnv. N. Y. H. W. CROSS, D. P. A , Scranton, Fa. Lehigh Valley RailroaJ. In Effect Nov. 19th. UV). TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTON. For Philadelphia and Now York, vlu D. .1 II. R. R at 0 43 a. m. and 12 03. 2.18. 4 27 (Black Diamond K press), and 11 30 p. m. Sundays, D. & H. R. R., 1.5S, 7.43, P in. For White Haven, Hazleton and princi pal points In the coal regions, via D. & H. R. R C41, 2.18 and 4 27 p. m. For Pottsville. 6 43, 2.18 p. m. Tor Bethlthem, Easton. Reading, Har rlsburg und principal intermediate sta tions, vln D. Ai It. R. R.. 613 u. m.; 12.01, 2 IS. 4 27 (Black Diamond Express), 11.30. 8unduH..D & H. R. R.. 1.58, 7.48 p. m. Tor Tunkhannock, Townnda, Elmlra, Ithaca. Gonevu and principal Intermedi ate stations, via D, L. & W. R. R 8.0S u. m.: 1.00 and 3.35 p. m. For acneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Nlag nra Falls, Chicago, and all points west, "la D. & H. R. R. 1J0I. -IM (Black Dia mond Expicss), 7.1S, 10.41. 11.30 p. m. Sundays. D. ic II. R. R.. 12 0J p. m.. 7.4S 'Pullman pal lor nnd sleeping or Lehigh Valley parlor cars on all trains between Wllkes-Barro and New York, Phlladel nhln. Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. , ROULIN , II. WILBUR. Gen. Supt., M Cortland street. New York. ' CHARLES 8. LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt., 24 Cortlandt street New York. A " W. NONNEMACHER. Dlv. Pass. Agt., South Botlilehem, Pa. ' For tickets and Pullman reservations apply 509 Lackawanna ave., Scranton, Pa. trie and Wyoming Valley. Time Table In effect Teb 7, 1100. Trulns leave Scianton for Hawley anj Intermediate points, connecting ut Haw ley with Erie Rntlroad for New York, Newburg. Hnticsdnlo and Intermedats points, ns follows: No. 2, Accomoda Hon. 0 a. m ; No. 1, Express, 1J 01 p. m. n iULLsiiS III Eaaaxsvm m rnmmm SCll ANTON UIV1SIOIV. vnwt.-Ko ana Syracuse at 4.03 a. m. ana 1 5 p. m. For Utlcn at 2 50 a. m. anil J p. m. For Montrose nt 9 00 a. m.; 1 J 1. m. nml K r,ll n m Wnp MlrlinUnn . In llffoct Oct. vt.'jtUl.JMt. Worth Bound. ' ' Woutli Bound. u5 iaoi ' ' j.Jjioiaoi . Button. Jo rV fiL s ' r ' nrSc" a tn ! iiAnlve Leave " " u 72.VN. Y. rrsnkltn at. .,;-; 71 .... 7i0,West 4.'nil,rc .. 7W .... 7 00 Weebawketi 810 .... r HAnlre , LcaffV'fli- Mr m 10 11. 1151 i m IS! 50 caaotla 10 40 Ilanoock 10 31 W'l cia,,,,itil l'reeton rnrlc royiittlle Orson , Ples8ntWt.,. Unioniialn ' Koi est city I'urbondn'o WUiteJirUw'O .May Held I i ruij-n Arcldbaiu Wlntim l'eck-villo UJ lb, 1015 IV! 40i 1JS 1214 llitfl 1159 1140, 11.14' 10 0 d.lft '140 ft 'Ji Jill aid lirrf Itl.'O, IIU) 11 IB, ills' SM 8 63 8.MH 111 8 4W II III 8 4.'l .1107 Til 0V . 11 01 . f 10371 olyplmut 1'rlceburg . 'llnoop Providence l'uik Place K4'l S31 s:i.', bto a ul .10 4V .U m' Mrautou urto ' -. Arrm 4. Sunday onlr. f stguliles that trains stop on fiscal foi i ruiDnaoi and voa Sunday ojlv. other dally excopi Euuday. ,,. ; secure rates via ontailo a UelOra Durcbaslng tickets cud lava mourV 'ilimuwU Wairner DUtfat sleuner nrt tr, cllnlDK cbalr car New York to Cblcico itttttimmuKnzsm J C, ADdeiBon, Of n. Pass Agt, T.IUtcrolt, Dlr, Faw, Aijt BcraotonTi'i. 1MB, 4 no . a' mil 4 ns 2SH 4 46 ...i 231, 4. '.S '.:.. 2 41 6 OS .... a Mij u ,!'! $tw so s.! Tia4 a It), 6 43 3 3I1 KM ,lj.. (H 36, M 13 43, 0 01 . MV. 3 46 03 ..... 3 Slj C .,.. 3M SW .... 39 AtO , ...... 4 04 6 1 4 07 121 4 10, S V7 4 146 31 fur, it. i. " til 3JK uptv twos 'Si to V ? ', Li&i&gi ii..