;i vj-' f'jnTi'jT "-" VVT -Jf V ft ' V , i 'J' J".H 3, .ii THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1900. r 1 "'J 27T TiSS-i' CARBONDALE. AN IOB TlrtTST. Scranton Parties Negotiating for Carbondale Ice Trade. Scranton men scooped our water plant and doubled the rato and now capitalists from down Iho valley at it negotiating for the Cntbondalo Ins ttadp, and If they succeed It will prob ably cost more to keep cool than It did last summer when them was much competition. Charles Sohadt has boon conducting the negotiations and yesterday thero were only a few hundred dollars dif ference between him arid the local men. The business was so cut tip a year go that profits were reduced to a min imum and prospective conditions are particularly favorable to a deal. FIRE IN STORE WINDOW. Eaily yesterday morning lUe was discovered In the show window ot tho People's shoo store on Main street. The new fire bell rant? out a shtllt nlarin and the hose companies respond cd promptly, extinguishing the blasj with a chemical apparatus without do ing much damage. Only the shoes In th window were soiled. The paper which formed a background for the display made quite u Maze for a few minutes. It Is supposed to have been Ignited by a spark fiom an arc light which hangs over It. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Mis. C. 11. Manvlllc has returned fiom New York city, where she spent a month with her mother. Mi". E. A. Roberts and chlldien, ot South Chuich street, have returned fiom Hcranton. v C. M. I'air. of t-Viarton. called on Carbondale ft lends yesterday. John Reese has resigned his situation i's tlmelcpeper at the Dolavvaie anl Hudson locomotive shops. Deputv Revenue Collector Yv. I). Evans is suffering a. sprained knee, smtalned by falling on the ley pave mnt near Hotel Anthracite. Louts Gelser has succeeded Mr. Kll gour as superintendent of the silk mill. The latter has takn ehaigo of tho Scianton mill. Mesdames Georso Ruirell and If. E. Slav spent vesteicliv In Scranton. Misses Lillian and Alma Peuckert spent jcterday In rionesdale, 1). H. Stone's milk wagon was struck bv a street car on Uelmint street yes teidny. The vehicle was considerably damaged and the milk was spilled. William Hobcits. new "dealer, Is con valescent. Itlchard I'dv has received the sum en" ?'.' from the Women's Relief nsso c Iitlon to pay for the d flolt on the flag recently put chased lor Memorial park. He also acknowledges the receipt of 50 tents from Edwin Wheeler, making a dollar to the latter eredlt. J. Franklin Crjuell anied In the city list evening foi a brief visit with fi lends. MIhh Maty Gallaeh' letumed from New York cltv lust night. A, R. Jones was In SciantGn jester d'v. ,' JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Dewey Glee Club to Entertain To night Congregational Church Pair Next Week Church News. The Dewey Glee dub, of Forest City, will give a concert and entertainment heie In Enterprise hall this evening. The club has been heard here befote and their singing was much enjoyed. TTnder the skillful training of their leader they hae obtained a high repu tation and we feel sure those who at tend tonight's eoneet t w 111 be pleased with the entertainment. The fair under the auspices of the Ladles' Aid society of the Congrtga tlonal church will be opened In the chinch on Mondav evening. All the committees who have charge of the soliciting and auangements hae worked haul to make the affair a suc cess and It is hoped that the public, appieeiatlng the object for which the fair is being held, will show a willing hand and gle them the pationage It dcseives-. The fall will be open for live nights and a musical programme will be ghen each evening. That of Monday, the opening night, will be by a number of children who have been training tor the pleasant event for sev eial weeks past, and the piogramme Is as follows: Recitations, Maud, Grif fiths, Luther Davis, Bionwen Ben gough; song. Edith Griffiths; recita tions, Claude Menitt. Maigaret Evans, Willaid Giifllths; song by three little bojs: recitation. Bella Smith; dialogue, by five little gills; lecltatlons, Alice Junes, Bessie Jones, Lizzie Lew Is; song, "Sleep, Baby, Sleep," by four little gill'. The fourteenth semi-annual conven tion of the Young People's Wesley league will bo held In the Primitive Methodist chuich on Tuesday next. The convention will be In session morn ing, afternoon and evening. The pub lie Is cordially Invited to attend. Rev. J. B. Cook, of the Methodist church, will preach a special sermon tomorrow morning to mothers. In the evening his text will be: "I have seen servants riding on hoises and princes walktng on the earth as servants" and will be directed especially to young men. Miss Minnie Phillips, of Third street, who has been spending the past three months with friends In New Jersey, has returned home. Rev. J. B. Cook was In Scianton on Thursday evening and preached at the Court Street Methodist church, where tevlval meetings are in piogiess. Mrs. Charles Ellis, of Sullivan coun ty. Is visiting friends here. Miss Jennie Wheeler has returned home, after a week's visit with friends at Brandt. BEAUTY, Ji CONQUEROR BELLAVITA Beauty Tablets and Pills Amnio uty id sua Tablets and Pills. A netlyMfoaai A per II 0li guaranteed treatment for a aiioraei fnSJKtS'J?'''" mfrSssEi: Add' ""' " " VITA &BBKAL COT. CHMo JkIum SO., Ctbsf .8.0,d Jiy. McClarraSi n. Thomas. Drug, guts,, 309 Lackawaer ave., Scranton, Pa. MffiL EVERY WOMAN mawytii relltkU, wtilr, MfeUUM medicine. Onlr niraUe mi tbojjatetdiueaMldfcUM4. llyouwanvtbeb44,je (J Dp. PmI's . TboMnuAu(Dr. PeaTe; never fw Salt ky JOHN pnicaitraet. H. PKELPS, jpMy CLARX'B GREEN. Miss Emma Coon Is Improving In Mculth, liming been for several weeks confined to her bed and home. Mrs. James nibble Is convalescing from her recent Illness. Mrs. Elizabeth Wells nnd daughter, Carrie, visited friends In Scranton this week. Miss Maud Mulllnex returned homo on Monday Inst from a visit among friends In Sci anion for several days. Miss Rattle M. Mead visited friends In Justus on Thuirdny lust, and attended the public, entertainment rendered by the members of tho public school at that piece for the purpose of raising a Ulna ry fund. A rally of the Epworth l.eagu In the lurlsdlctlon of the 8lmpson union will be held In tho Methodist Episcopal rburch nt Clark's Summit, on Saturday, holding two acslons, commencing re spectively at 9 o'clcck a, m. and 1 o'clock p m. The church scivice In the Methodist Episcopal church will be held nt the usual time on Sunday evening. Dr. nnd Mrs. B. r. Evans visited friends In Scranton on Thursday last. Mr. Cjrus Newman Is reported on tho sick list. Mr. nnd Mrs. Judson Wells are also quite 111. Mr. and Mrs. Court! tght relumed on Thursday last from't'ne State Veterlnarl nn' meeting In Philadelphia. Rev. W. A. Cnrrlngton, ot Forest City, spent a couple of dnvs here this week with bis brother-in-law, Mr. D. C. Sttv-en-. TAYLOR NEWS. M. E. Church Opens for Services To morrow Business Changes Death and Industrial Notes Other News. The Methodist Episcopal church will open for services tomcrrow after be ing closed three weeks for renovation. The Interior of the church has been beautified and handsomely decorated; new carpet has been placed therein, and everything presents a spectacle of beauty. Rev. Francis Gtndnll nnd lit congregation arc to be complimented on their earnest and piogresrlve wotk. The rvices nt the chuich tomenow will be as usual. Morning service at 10 45; Sabbath school at 2.15; no even ing service. Pastor Gen Jail will oTl clate. All aic welcome. A largo number of changes will be made In business throughout this bor ough on Apill 1. Among those who will vacnte and occupy ate: In the First ward, D imlnlck Moian, hotel keeper, will move to South Scianton, where he will go Into business. He Villi be succcded by John Glvnn. In the Second ward John Rldgeway will occupy the Jones piopeity on -Main street, wheie he will open up a hotl. Henry Neagloy will vacate his present stand to occupy the Mackenzie build ing In the Thlicl waul. Henry Welsen tlue, the wholesale liquor dealer, will occupy his whole property, where Iv proposes to open up a grocery store. John VonWeiFentU'e will vacate the Mackenzie propeity f occupy the William Tell hotel on Main stieet. There will bo a teichers' local In stitute held In the borough Hidi sehoM auditorium this afternoon. F. Edmonds, a t especial resident of Rendham, died yesterday after a lln gcilng Illness. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3 10 o'clock. Services will be held at tho Methodist Episcopal chuich, Rev. Mr. Gemini! officiating. Burial will be made In the Forest Home cemetciy. The work rf filling the swamp on North Main street Is being pushed with all possible speed. It Is a large space of level ground. It Is paid that this place will be the location of a oar branch. A single trad: Is at ptesent being laid bv the Ilelnware, Lack awanna and Western company. Workmen will const! net a Y for th puipoe of shunting tin mute to tho Keyser branch. Evangelistic services will be held at the Calvary Baptist church tomnnow wenlng, commencing tit 7 o'clock. In the morning the pastor. Rev. Dr. Hauls, will oTiclate. Evangelic Aim '.liong cv 111 conduct the, evening ser vice. All are coidKily welcome. Tavlor lodge. No, MS, Tndppendent Ordoi of Odd Fellows, will met this evening in their roomy. Services at the Welsh Congiecrntlon al chuich tomoirow will be hold nt the usual hnui, L' p m. Rev. Ivor Thorn 4 officiating. All nie wi Iconic. Mrr. Morgans, of Glen Lvons. Pa, Is visiting at the home of Dutggist and Mis. Joseph Davis, on Main street. The WlllInK Woikers' soiietv supper at the Methodist Episcopal chuich on Thursday evening was a decided suc cess both socially and ilnanc-lnlly. Rev. J. If. Calalough, of Auburn, X. Y will pi each at the Piesbytorian church tomorrow at IOC' a. m. All aie Invited. - How to Save Doctor Bills. We have saved many doctor bills since we began using Chambei Iain's Cough Remedy In our home. We keep a bottle open all the time and when ever any of my family or myself begin to catch cold wo begin to use the Cough Remedy, and as a, result we never hav to send away for a doctor and Incur a large doctor bill, for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy never falls to cure. It Is ceitalnly a medicine of great met It and worth. D. s. Mearkle, General Merchant and Farmer, Mattle, Bed ford county. Pa. For sue by all Ji u glsts. Matthews Bios, wholesale" nnd retail agents, PECKVILLE. Set vices in the Methodist Episcopal church tomorrow. Rev. J. o. Spencer, a returned missionary fiom Japan, vvlli preach In the morning, and those full ing to hear tho reverend gentleman will miss a tieat, as he Is an eloquent preacher and Just fiesh fiom the mis sionary field. Rev. S. C. Slmpklns will preach in the evening; theme, "Our Model for Service." A cot dial welcome to all. Rev. S. C. Slmpklns visited at Haw ley yesterday. Leonard Slmpklns, of Atlantic City, X. J., Is visiting his paients. Rev. and Mrs. S. C. Slmpi.Ins. Mis. S. C. Slmpklns and son, Leon ard, were Scrunton visitors yesteiday. The little folk of tho Mnthn.iiut i-ni .copal chuich will repeat the Father uiui Mother uoose entertainment next Monday night at tho Fliemen's hall. Admission, ten cents. Miss Lottie Snyder, of Nicholson. Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geoige Clark, of Brook stieet, A large number of friends and l da tives gatheied at the home of Mr. nnd Pennyroyal Pills diiappolnt. Bold fort! .00 per box. rdlaeppolnt. ,00 per box. Phcrmacltt, ccr. Wyc-ping avenue and Mrs, Henry Purdy, of North Main street, Thursday evening, tho occasion being Mr. Purdy's birthday. The even ing was pleasantly spent by those pres ent, who uoon their departure wished Mr. Purdy many moie happy birth days, Peckvllle Baptist church, Rev. J. S. Thomas, pastor. Services tomorrow at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Morning sub ject, "God Glorified In Us;" evening subject, "The Kingdom of Heaven." Sabbath school at 11.30 a. in. All nre welcome. Mr. 8. F. Reese, a former tesldent of Peckvllle but now residing in the west, paid old f i lends u call here yesterday. Mr. Frank Callendor Is again able to be about, after a long Illness. Mr. K. W. Snuler and Mr. C. C. White spent yesterday nt Unlondale. Mrs. George Tuthlll and Mrs. Will iam Walker spent yesterday with Car bondale friends. Mr. J. H. Hockenberry, of Caibon dale, was a business visitor here yes terday. OLYJPHANT. Complaint was made to Buigess Manning on Thursday night that two fakirs were conducting u gambling de vice In the vacant store it the cornet ot Susquehanna street. The burgess took prompt action and hud the place closed up and oidered the strangeis to leave town. Mls Marv Pettlgiew was fndeied a birthday pirty by a number of her voung friends at the home of her par ents. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Pottlgrovv, In Blakely, Thurrday afternoon between the hours of ? and T o'clock, In honor of her eighth birthday. The guests weie pleasantly enteitaliifd with games, music and other enjoyments. About 6 o'clock a dainty icpast waa served. Those pieent were: Beatrice Williams, Rhea Simpson, Margniot Callender, Llrle Joni's, Ruth Hull, Mary Sweeney. Catherine O'Brien, Mat ton Heu, Clnia Hull, Claia Van Sickle, Bebi Tavloi, Cassie Matthew., iMaiy Whitby, Florence Priest, Bessie Edwards, Charlotte Pettlgrew, Mar Jorlo Lloyd, Jennie Haines, Helen Pet tlgrew, Maigaiet James, OHIe Eouse, Mlldiod Mills, Isndore Powell, Jessie Bristley, Edna Hull, Call VnnSlckle. Esther rimy, Claience Thomas, Wal ter Fiew, Chaille Rouse. The membus ot the Suburban Wheelmen's club gave a most enjoy nblc smokei In their looms on Scott street Thuisday evening. After an In teresting progiaumie, consisting of vocal nnd instrumental music and speechmaklng hud been given, tofresh- ments and cigars weie passed around. A large number of guests fiom 'out of town were present. While engaged In sawing wood with a circular sr nt the Ontario, colliery, John Bloikbeiger win badly Inluied yesterday afternoon. He was hit on the breast bv a living piece of wood. The inluied man was lemovtd to his home on Lackawanna stieet, where he lecdved medical nttentlon. Rev. T. J. James, of i'almvia, Ohio, will occupy the pulpit of the Congre gational church tomonou morning end evening. On Monday night Tommy Shcaier, with a large and capable companv, will open a week's engagement at tlu Father Mathew opcia houe with "Th Girl From Pucito Rico" The school board will meet tonlt?h Rev. David Spencer will conduct thi Blakely Baptist church sei vices in Edvvnids. Mrs. E. G. Ensign, of Wavmart, vvhi has been the guest of Mi. W. L Catr, of Blakely, has returned home. T. H. Hull, of Xevv Yoik. was a vis itor In town yesterday. Miss Lucy Fan ell bar icti'ined t- New bin gh utter spending two months at her home here. Mls Maggie Loftus of Hill street, is veiy 111. "DIFFICl'LTIES GIVE WAY to diligence." and all blood humors dis appear when Hood's Sarsaparllla is taken. It pin Ifies, enilches and vital izes the blood, cutes that tiled feeling, and tones up the whole s stein. Take It now. The non-iii Itatlng cathai tic Hood's PIIK THEATRICAL. "The Span of Life." The vvnudei fully successful nul.i dinnia, '"I he fJpan of Life," which has been foi sK jcars the gie.ue.it thei tilcnl stucfs' ot four continents, will be picsenti'd this season by the sttong est company of actors yet engaged In Its -induction. Including the dating and skillful acrobats, the Donazettas, whose athletic feats uie marvcllom even to their would-be ilvals. Entirely new and elabniatc- sctmiy and me chanical and light efnets have been ptovlded for the plav foi this season, and tho iiucm of the iiel(. is greater now tlnn ever before, i.lthough it has been fieely at ri ited as the hc-t dtami of Its kind of the piesmt decade. It will le s(e n Its entliety at the Acad emy Monday, Tuesday mid Wednesday, and this will probably be the last chance ofieied for seeing It, as the company Is engagee' fcr an Autiallnn tour next seat on. LOST. LOST-AT THE ACADEMY MATIXr.R 1 rldaj. a pocket book containing a check and small amount ot money and Pipers. Liberal reward for the icluin to Dr. Glbbs. 17 Scuth Main avenue. LOST-LARGE. BLACK . FUR ROUK 1 Inder letvrn to Knipp's Lively anil pet reward, LOST-MONDAY. BETWEEN LACKA wanna and Plttston. block nnd rope. I' Inder will receive rewnid by notlfjlig Parrell's Transfer, Scranton. CA B 3 AND C A RRUk GtES. uffintEir"nitEDCAlJs AND CaTC I anis: best ol si I vice. Prompt ultcii tlmi given orders by "phone. "Plom s a.2 nnd 53-. Joseph Kelley. 121 Linden NEWSPAPERS THE WlLKES-BAUUn 1 RECORD CAN be had In Scranton at the news stands ot Reisman Bron , 403 Spruce and 603 Lin den; M. Norton S22 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Bchutier. 2tl Spruce street. DRESSMAKING. DREPSMAKJNO FOR CHILDREN TO order; also ladles' waists. LouUe Shoemaker, Hi Adams avenue. m1t:s.lTt?TcelTer ment, 60c: shampoolnsr, 50c; fuclul niasu.iKe. manicuring, 2.'c; chiropody. "01 Qulncy. l- - an GITY SCAVENGER A. B. BRIOQS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS nnd cess pools; no odor. Improved pumps Vhed. A. B. BRIGQS. Propnet ir. Leave crUcn 1100 North Main avenue, or Llcke's drug store, corner Adams and I Muioeny, 'leiesnone K40. The People's WlAMWVW iMWAMMNMWWWMWM A POPULAR CLEARING HOUSE (or tlia Hetiilt nt All Who Have Ilotmes to Rent, Real Estate or Other Property to Sell or Exchange, or Who Want Situations or Help Tliejj Small Advertisements Cost One Cent a Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents a Word-Except Situation Wauted, Which. ArJ In scrted Free. FOR RENT 4 ROOMS, U2Sa-W. T. HACKETT, Price Building. 3 ROOMS, J10-W. T. HACKETT, TRICE ' Rulldlng. , I ROOMS, $18: CENTRAL: 8TI5AM Hnckett, Price Rulldlng. 1 ROOMS, i CENTRAL; 8TOVES Huckett, Price Building. 5 ROOMS AND PATH, $3i; CENTRAL: steam, linrkett. 5 ROOMS; CENTRAL; BUSINESS, $33; private $25. Huckett. , 5 ROOMS AND RATH, $10, PEAR W. T. Hnckett. z rooms, van of bath, $t-w. t. .Hnckett. C ROOM. MODERN, STEAM HEATED tint, $27. Hnckett. C ROOMS, CENTRAL: IN COURT, $! W. ,T. Hackett. 5 ROOMS. SINGLE HOUSE.UP STAIRS, $14. Hnckett. 3 ROOMS. SINGLE HOUSE.UP STAIRS, ti). Hackett. 3 OR 3 ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UN furnlshcd, $7.50 up. llieltett. 3 ROOMS AND RATH, AND OAS range, $13. Mad ett. 4 ROOMS. FIRST FLOOR; COURT; $f W. T. Hnckett. 3 ROOMS AND RATH; STEAM HEAT, etc., $H. Hnckett. 4 ROOMS. USE OF BATH, $U-W. T. Hackett. S ROOM HOUSE. WEST SIDE, $10. W. T. Hackett. 0 ROOM HOUSE. MODERN, GREEN Ridge, $13. Hackett. 0 ROOM HOUSE, WEST SIDE, $12. T. Hnckett. W. 6 ROOM HOUSE, MODERN. OREEN Ridge, $14. Hackett. 10 ROOM HOUSE, MODERN, WEST Side, $18. Hackett. C ROOM HOUSE. MODERN, (IREEN Ridge, $10. Hnckett. S ROOM HOUSE, MODERN, GREEN Ridge, $.'0 Hackett. 9 ROOM HOUSE. MODERN, NAY AUG section, $20 Hackett. S ROOM HOUSE. MODERN, HILL PEC tton. $20 Hackett. 9 ROOM HOUSE, MODERN, NY AUG section, $20. Hackett, 9 ROOM HOUSE. MODERN, GREEN Ridge, $20. Hnckett. f. ROOM HOUSE. MODERN, HILL SEC tlon, $21. Hnckett. 10 ROOM HOUSE, MODERN, HILL Section $23. Hnckett. b ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. WITH barn, Dunmore, $23. Hackett. t ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. f-'lFAM, Rill hertlon, $2tc. Tla let tt. 9 ROOM HOUSE. MODEIt.S. SIIV-M, Green Rldsje, $2". llacgett 9 ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. STEAM, Hill section. $23. Hackett. 9 ROOM HOUSES. MODERN. STEAM. $2S; Hill section. Hackett. 9 ROOM HOUSES. MODERN. $23 UP; Hill eeetlon. Hnrkt.it. 10 ROOM HOUSE, MODERN. WITH belli. $2S; Rldne. Iltekett. 1 ROOM HOUSE, MODERN, CITY .steam, tls; Hill. Huckett. 1 ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. $32: HILL hcttlou. Ilaikji; 12 ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. $31; HILL section. Hnckett. 9 ROOM HOUSE. MODERN, $T!; HILL i-ocllon. Hnckett. 10 ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. SINGLE, ir; Hill section Hnckett. 17 ROOM HOU8e""mODERN, $iV HILL -ectlcm. Hackett. 12 ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. $33; HILL section. Hackf tt. 12 ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. $35; CEN trul city. Hackett. 11 ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. SINGLE, $"; Hill section. Huckett. 9 ROOM HOUSE. MODERN, SINGLE, $Ti; Gtecn Ridge. Hackett. 10 ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. SINGLE, $3:; Gieen Ridge. Hnckett. S ROOM HOUSE. MODERN, STEAM, $33; Hill bectlon. Hackett. 11 ROOM HOUSE, MODERN, $40; HILL section. Huckett. 9 ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. STEAM, $40; Hill section. Hackett. 9 ROOM HOUSE, MODERN, STEAM, $!; central. Huckett. 11 ROOM HOUSE. MODERN, $30; CEN tial. Hackett. 9 ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. $63; Hill section. Hackett. 13 ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE, $63; Hill section. Huckett. 9 ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE, $100; Hill section. Huckett. STORES. OFFICES. BARNS AND country places. W. T. Hnckett. $20-FIRST CLASS DWELLINGS, MAD Ison nvenue and Mrtle strtet, and 822 nnd 824 Pine street; also ten-room house, 013 Qulncy avenue, $30 Apply George B. Davidson, uttorne, 520 Spruce street, FOR RENT-SECOND AND TIERD doors, 23 Lncknwnnnu avenue; posses sion ut once. Apply T. R. Brooks, Trad era' Bai.k building. FOR RENT-R.ROOM HOUSE APPLY to John Cut roll. 423 Madison avenue, Trlbuno ofllce, or 413 Linden street. FOR RENT-5J0 NORTH IRVING AVE nuc. ii-roomed house, stutlon ir ranj-o; rent. $H. Inquire 5)2 North Irving ave nue. FOR RENT-ONE HALF DOUBLE houhe, "31 Jefferson avenue; Inquiie on premise. FOR RENT-GOOD BAKERY STAND with oven and lunch roomt. Eligible location, on rcuKoruble terms Cull on or address Chns. Gardner, Fuctorvvlllp, Pa. FOR RENT HOUSE ON OLIVE street, between Washington and Ad ams uvenues; modern Improvements. In ciulre S. Morris, 002 N. Washington uve. APRIL 1. NINE-ROOMED HOUSE; ALL ImpiovpincMits. 417 Taylor uvenue, Apply 403 Tuvlor avenue. STORES, OFFICES. BARNS. HOUSES. Huts, looms and factory spuce. W. T. Hnckett. Price Building. FOR RENT-APRIL 1. THE HAND- some residence. 318 Adams avenue, with burn, large j.ud nnd fruit trees. Inquire JIG Wyoming avenue. FOR RENT-A DOUBLE STORE. WILL rent either single or double, In Opera House Block, Carbondale. at present used for gent's clothing and millinery em poilum. Possession given April 1. 1900. Inqulro of Byrno & MlteJiell, Carbon, dale, Pa. Exchange. FOR RENT. FOR RENT-FURNISHED HOUSE, .nine rooms; nil Improvements. Mrs. C. J. Carter, 509 Myrtle street. FOR RENT-MY FORMER RESl dence, with barn. 1532 Monsey avenue; ten rooms. Win. W. Lathrope. STORE FOR RENT-FROM APRIL 1. number Ml Lackawanna nve. Inquire of J. H. Gunster. FOR SALE BARGAINS IN HOUSES OR LOTS-W. T. Hnckett, Price Building. BARGAINS IN DOUBLE HOU8ES-W. T. Hackett, Prlco Building. FOR SALE-SHOE STORE WITH Fix tures and lease, best location in the city. Address K Tribune office. ON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS, AN Es tablished business In the central city Is offered for sulo nt a great sacrifice. For particulars apply to W. T. Hackett, Price Building. FOR SALE-T1 1 E ROYALTY RIGHTS on nil manufactured of "Jndwln s Tar Sirup." The purchaser will be able to furnish tho genuine and correct formula for tho celebrated Tar S.vtup. Address P. O. Box 6. FOR SALE-NINE ROOM HOUSE, ALL Improvements; pocsslou at once. Mrs. C. J. Carter, 80s Myrtle street. F6rsale CHEAP- TWO-8EATED fnmlly sleigh. J. L. Connell, Ho Franklin avenue. FURNISHED ROOMS. FURNISHED ROOM WITH STEAM heat and bath. 30S Wyoming avenue. WANTED-TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms with hoard. Centrally located. Address W Trlbuno office. ROOMS WANTED. MARRIED COUPLE. T WO viTf UR nished rooms: light housekeeping or use of stove; stenm bent; live minutes' wnlk of square. Answer S. M this of fice. WANTED-TO RENT. WAWTED-FURNISHED ROOM. SUIT abte for gentleman nnd wife; central. ly located. Address, X, Y, C, Tribune WANTED-TO BUY wheel. Addrcs K , P. O. Box 19S. WANTED-TO BUY FOR CASH. SEC- ond hnnd wntehes. Jewelry, old gold and silver. Gardner, 220Vi Spruce street. REAL ESTATE. BARGAINS IN SINGLE AND DOUBLE houses. W. T. Hackett, Price Build ing. BARGAINS IN LOTS-SEE HACKETT, Price Bulldirg. FOR SALE-BUILDING ON LACKA wauuu avenue. In three hundred block. Address G.. care Tilbune ofllce. BARGAINS IN SINGLE AND DOUBLE houses, business properties, city lots and farm property. W. T. Hackett, Prlco Building. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $30.00 CASH SECURES HALF INTER est III pajlng business; nlso salaried lMisltion paving $10 00 vvceklv. Call 323 Jefferson avenue. PROFITS IN STOCKS. WHEAT AND cotton. Mnckev's Modem Methods Mnko Money. Wilte for our freo bool. C. li Mackcv & Co, 32 Bioadway, Nt u York. FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE. ON Ac count of sicklies, a well established business In the hf.irt of Scranton. For paitlculurs apply to W. T. Hackett. Price Building. WANTED. IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY I'OR RENT ei VV. T. Hackutt, Plico Bulldln, 12S Washington avenue. HELP WANTED-MALE. WANTED-BOY TO WoThINIGAR stm i... One with experience preferred. Address with leferenec, Cigars, this of. lice. WANTED-A BRIGHT, ACTIVE, IN- telllgcnt, polite boy. about 15 eais of age, for general offlco nnd outside work; one well acquainted with tho cltv; not nfrald to work and readv to make the Interests of his emplojer his own. Address In own handvvritlue with ref erences. "Employer," P. O. Box 290. WANTED - GOOD. HUSTLING MAN for partner In gent's furnishing and hut business.' $3,eoo cash will piy von $1,500 a oar. Rest stnnd, Good refer ences. Address C. George, Scianton, Pa. General Delivery. ENERGETIC SALESMAN - COUNTRY work. School supplies. Salary $100 and etras. R. O. Evans & Co., Chi cago, 111. WANTED-BY AN ESTABLISHED business of a hlsh Older, a leprcsenta tlve of ability and backing who can take up Us work In the state of Pennsylvania; no scheme; permanent business with money In It for the risht part v. Address, givlnsr references. FOUNTAIN BATH BRUSH CO., Grand Rapids. Mich. HELP WANTED-FEMALF. WANTED IMMEDIATELY-A THOR oughly competent girl far genenl housewoik. 413 Qulncy avenue. WANTED-A LADY TO TRAVEL FOR Philadelphia llrm: no experience nec essary, but must have good appeal nncc and bo ambitious; salary to start, $10 per week and all expenses. Address, with full pnrtlculurs, stating no nnd where can be seen ut home after Mem. day, March 13, II. E. S, Tilbuno ofllce. LADIES WITH SOME CAPITAL AND business ability can cam $3,000 to $'000 a J ear positively by tepresiutlng our lirm. Rate opportunity. Wilte for tull particulars. Rath & Fischer. 33 East Twentv -thild street, New York. WANTED-GOOD GIRL. 414 NORTH Seventh street. LADIES TO DISTRIBUTE FREE SAM. pies In city. Call at 320 Washing- ton avenuei from 8 30 to 10 30 a. m. today. BOARDING BOARDING 525 PINE STREET. JWLETJURTICLES, CLEOPATRA TULU BLOOM PRl". tccts the face fioni Muich winds, Heckles and tun, 15 cnts, at dtUBglsis. MISCELLANEOUS. EGGS FOR HATCHING-THOROUGH-bred Barred Plymouth Rocks (Haw. kins-Thompson Httaln); Mammoth Pekln Ducks (Runkln Strain); 34 eggs, $1; 96, $3. Farm range; large-sized healthy stock; satisfaction guaranteed, Earl Seamans,Fuctoryvll!e, Pa. PACKING AND SHIPPING CON- tracts made for packing household roods. 223 Lackawanna, avenucv PhoiA mm. SITUATIONS WANTED a poor wTDovwomDnnTvaLAD to get offices to elenn or washing or work of nny kind by the day. Address Mrs. Johns, 611 Linden street, city. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG man 23 years of ago (single) as coacn man, six years' experience; can give good references. Address F. L. Har, Trlbuno office. SITUATION WANTED-ELDERLY W'O. man wants to go washing nnd ironing or any kind ot luundry work. Address Mrs. Y 1037 Cross street, Petersburg. SITUATION WANTED-BY LADY TO write at homo evenings; work done In liong hand writing, also 'typewriting, given special nnd prompt attention. Good, plain work done, dictation also taken. Address "Professional Cop) 1st," enre of this office. SITUATION WANTED-AS A CLERK In office; enn give good references. M. L Tribune office. WANTED-A POSITION AS GROCERY cletk or butcher t.horoURhly experi enced In both lines. Best of references. Address Box 21, Prlccburg, I'a SITUATION WANTED-TO GO OUT BY tho day washing nnd Ironing, wash ing nnd Ironing taken home nlso. Call or nddress L. B., 334 North Bromley ave. SITUATION WANTED - WASHING, Ironing or any kind of house cleaning by the day, or will tuke washing home. Address Mrs. Lee, C31 Mlnernl streeL SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG man 19 years of age, willing to do anything: can give good references. Address W. F. M. Tribune office. WANTED-BY A COMPETENT DRES8 , maker (formerly with Mrs. Frazer), who understands fine Indies' tailoring, engagements to go out by the day or week. Call nt 111 Adams avenue. SITUATION WANTED-BY A RE spectable married woman at house work: husband to stay nights Address . N. H this ofllio SITUATION WANTED-BY MIDDLE nged lady to do cooking or laundry woik In smnll fnmlly. Excellent refer ence given. Address Mrs. Watson, Lclle vue street, city. PROFESSIONAL. WSNWS---- ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR. E C. SPAULDING, 23 TRADERS' BANK building. ARCHITECTS EDWARD H. DAVIS. ARCHITECT, Connell building, Scranton. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR.. ARCHITECT, 425 Spruce St., cor. Wash, av., Scranton. FREDERICK L. BROWN, ARCHITECT, Price building, 126 Washington avenue, Scranton. ovrsri DR. I. O. LYMAN, SCRANTON PRI vate Hospital, cor. Wyoming nnd Mul- hflrrw DR. II. F. REYNOLDS, OFF P. O DR. C. C. LAUBACH, 115 Wyoming nve. WELCOME C. BNOVER. COAL Ex change. 2nd floor, Room D. Hours, 9 to 1, 2 to 5. HOTELS UNO REtTAUIHNTS THE ELK CAFE. 125 AND 127 FRANK lln avenue. Rates rensonnble. P. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D . L. & W. passenger depot. Conducted on tho Eu ropean plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. i iwyinn RICHARD J. BOURKE. ATTORNEY-at-Lnw. 500-2 Lackawanna avenue Gen eral law business, collections and loans. J. W. BROWNING, ATTORNEY AND Counsellor-at-Law. Rooms 312-313 Mears building. D. B. REPLOGLE. ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real estate security. Mears building, corner Washington avenue and Spruce street. M J. DONAHOE. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Offlces M2-in Mears building. FRANK E BOYLE. ATTORNEY AND Counsellor-at-law, Burr building, Rooms 1! and 14, Washington avenue. WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP, AT tornevs and Counsellors. at-Lavv. Re publican building. Wishlnston avenue. JLSSUP & JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - at - Law, Commonwealth building; rooms 1, 20 and 21. JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY-AT-I.avv. Rooms 511, 515 and 516 Board of Trado building. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTORNEY. Rooms 901-901, 9th floor, Mears building. L A. WATRES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Vti Board ot Trade building, Scranton, Pa. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Commonwealth building, Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON & WILCOX, TRADERS' National Bank building. C. COMEGYS, 9-13 REPUBLICAN building. A W. BERTHOLr, ATTORNEY, Mears building. PHrSIGUNS VO KIJ1QZOVS DR. W. E. ALLEN, 513 NORTH WASH Ington avenue. DR. S W. L'AMOREAUX. OFFICE 339 Wnshlngten avenue. Residence 1318 Mulberry. Chronic diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys and genlto-urlnarv or gans a specially. Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. SCHOOLS SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scranton, Pa. Courses prcpaiatory to college, law, medicine or business. Opens Sept, ll'th. Send for catalogue. Rev. Thomas M. Cann. LL D princi pal and propiletor; W. E. Plumlcy, A. M , headmaster. tseeD9 a. It CLARK & CO. SEEDMEN AND Nurseryman: store 201 Washlncton ave 11111"; gieen house. 1130 North Main ave nue: store telephone, "S2, wine SCHEEN3 JOS. KUETTEL REAR '11 LACKA- wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa , manufac tuier of Wire Screens. MSCSLL'NgOUS UAULR'S ORCHEriTRA-MUSIC i c ImlK picnics, parties, leceotlons, wed. cllnrs and couc't v ork furnished. For teuns nddrcrs It, I, tlaiier, conductor, 117 Wyoming avonii", over Hiilberts' music stuns. MEGARGEE BROTHERS.'. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper' bags, twine, Wai chouse 130 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa, RAILROAD TIME TABLES Central Ruilrntl of Now erj- Stations In New Votk Foot of Liberty stitet. N. R.. und South Ferry, Whitehall stieet. Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insur lng cleanliness and comfoil. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 11'. 1S9". Tiulns lmve Scrunton for New York, Ncwntk. Elizabeth. Philadelphia, Easton, lWthlehe-m, Allertown, Munch Chunk and White Haven, at b 30 , m.; express, 120; eMtress, 4 W) p. m, Sunduys, 2 15 p.' m. For I'lttslon and Wllkes-Burre, $ 30 a, m . 1.20. 4 00 p. m. Sundays, 2.15 p. m. For Hultlmore nnd Washington, und liolnts South nnd West via Bethlehem, 8 30 ii. m , 1 20 p. m. Sundays. 215 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at f SO a. in. and 120 p. in. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg, vU Allentown, 8 30 a. in., 1,20 p. m. Sun days, 2.15 p. m. For Pottsvllle, 8.30 a. m.. 1.20 p. m Through tickets to all points east, south and west at lowest rate at the station, J. II. OLHAUSEN, Gen. Supt, U. P. BALDWIN, Gen. rus, Agt, RAILROAD TIME TABLES, PENNSYLVANIA RAILRQAH Schedule In Effect November 10, 1809. Trains leave Scranton: 6.4B a. m., week daya, for Sunburyj , Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pltti- o,burR and the Wcstt 0.38 a. m., week days, for Hazlcton, Pottsvllle, Readlnrj, NorrlBtown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore,WashinRton and Pltte-1 burg and the West. 2.18 p. m., weeks dayi (Sundays 1.58 p. m.), for Sunbury, HtyrrlB burg, Philadelphia, BaHHiiore. Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J. R. WOOD. Gen. Pas. Agt. J. H. HUTCHINSON, Octn. Msr. Del., Lacli.i. an J Western. In Effect Dec. 17, 1S99. SOUTH Lnave Scranton for New York ' at 2.15. 3 00. CS0, K00 and 10 03 a. m.l 12 53 and 3 33 p m. For Philadelphia at D.30, 800 and 10 03 n. m.; 12 55 and S n p. tn. -tor Stroudsburg at C10 p. tn. Milk an Accommodation nt 3 40 p. ni. Arrive at Hoboken at 0 53. 7.18. 9.10 u. m.; 12 OS. 2 47, 4 48 ,.19 and 9 33 p. m. Arrive nt Phila delphia nt 10 on n. m ; 100, 3 4S. KOO and' 23 p. m. Arrive from New York nt 12 Oj. 2 4j and 4 00 a. m.; 100. 1.52. rill aipl S 43 ,,r1, f'rom Stroudsburg at 8 03 a. m. NORTH-Leave Scranton for Rulfalo and intermediate stations nt 12.10, 2 50, 4 05 and 9 00 n. in.; 1 53 and 5 no p. m. For Oswego and Syracuse nt 4 05 h. ni. unit lBi p m. For Utlca nt :r.O u. ni. unci 1 " p. m. For Montrose at 900 n, m.; I 0j p. m. and 5 50 p. m. For Nlchilson at 4 00 and C 13 p m. Airlve In Scnmlon from Bugiilo nt 2 10. 2 r.. 5 23 and 10 00 n. m. ; 310 nnd 7 40 p. m. From Osvvei'o and Syracuso nt 2 55 a. m.; 12 38 and 3 W p tn. From Syracuse ut 7.10 p. m. Fiom titles, at 2 13 a. ni ; 12 IS and 3 at p. ni From Nicholson at 7.30 n. m. and C00p. in. From Montrose at 1000 a.m.; J 20 nnd 7.40 p. m. BLOOMSBURO DIVISION 1"ivn Scranton for Northumberland at 0 30, 10 OS a. mils and 610 p. m. For Plymouth at 1 05, 3.10 and S 50 p. m For Nautlcokn at 8 10 a. m. Arrive at Northumberland nt 9 33 n. m.: 1.10, 5 OS and 9 30 p m. Ar rive Nantlcoko nt 9 20 n. m. Arrive at Plymouth at 2 03, 4 40 and 9 1" p. m. Ar rive at Scranton from Noithuinbcrland at 9 42 n. m. ; 12 35, 4 5" and 8 50 p m. From Nunticokc, at 11.00 u. m, From Plymouth nt 757 n. m.: 3 23 nnd ii OS p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. SOUTH-Lcavo Scranton at 213, 3 00, 5 30. 10 03 a. m.: 3 33 nnd .140 p m. NORTH Leave Scranton at 12.10, 2 5ft, 4 05 p. m : 1 " and fi fin p m. BLOOMSBURO DIVISION Leavs Scianton at 10 05 a. in. nndt,10 p. in. Dclavvarii and Hudson. n Feb. 2iith. 1!00, trains will leave Scranton ns follows: For Carbondale 1 20, 7 53, 1 53, 10.11 a. m.; 12 noon; 1 OS. 2 28, 4 OS, 5 23, 6,23. 7 67, 915. 11 15 p. m.: 1.1b a. in. For Albany, Saratoga, Montreal, Bos ton, New England points, etc. 6 20 a, m. j 1.0S p. n For Honesilale G 20, 1013 a. m.; 2 28, 5 25 p. m. For Wllkes-Barre-G 45. 7.48 8 43. 9 38, 10 47 a. m: 12 03. 1.2S. 2.18, 3 33, 27, 10. 7.48. 10 41, 1130 p. m. For New York, Philadelphia, etc., via Lehigh Vnllc-v Rnllroad-fi 45 n. m.; 12 03, 218, 4 27 p. m.; with Black Diamond Li press, 11.30 p. m. For Peinsylvanla Railroad points, 6 45, 9 38 a. m. ; 2 18, 4 27 p. m. For western polrts, via Lehigh Valley Railroad 7.48 a. m. : 12 03, 3 33, with Black Dh.mond Express. 10 41, 11 30 p. m. , Trains will arrive In Scranton as fol lows: - Fiom Carbondale nnd the North 6 40, 7.43, 8 38, '134, 10 3S, 1158 a. in.; 1.23, 213, 3 23. 4 23. 7.43, 10 IS, 11 27 P. in. From Wllkcs-Barre .md the South .1", 748. S48, 1038 1155 u. m.: 104. 2 23. 4.02, E 20, 6 21, 7.53, 9 05, 1103 p m ! 1.13 a. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. For Carbondale 05 a. m.; 12 2T, 2 23, 4 06, 5.47, 10 52 p. m. For Wllkes-Burre 9 3S n. m.; 1203, 1.3$, 3 8 i. t s "7 n m. For Albnnv, Saiatocra. Montiea1. Bos ton. New England points, etc., 108'p. m. Lowest rates in all points In Unlleil States and Canada. i J W. BURDICK. G P. A Albany, N. Y, II. W. CROSS, D P. A, HcK.uiotl, I'a. Lcuign Vallsv Railroad. In Effect Nov. 1Mb, 1899 TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTON. For Philadelphia and Nuw York, via D. t. II T 1, I. A", n TT1 -Mill 1J 01 " 18. 4 27 (Black blimond Express), and 11 ,0 p m. Sundays l : n- iv. ., ,.-, Tor White Haven, ll.itleton nnd princi pal points In tho coal regions, via D. & H R. R. '4', 218 and 127 p. m. I'or Pottsvllle. h45. 2.18 p. m. For Bethlehem. Eastern. Reading, Har-' risburg and principal tnteimetllato' sta tions, via D K- II. R. R.. 13 u. m.; 12 01, 2 18. 1 27 (Black Diamond ETpress), 11 39, Sundays, D & 11. R. It. 158. 7.48 p. m. I'or Tunkhannock, Tovvanda. Elmlra, Ithaca. Geneva and principal Intermedi ate stations, v la D, L. & W. It. E., S 01 a. m.; 1.00 and 3 33 p. m. For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niag ara Falls, Chicago, and all points west. vlu D. & H. R. R. 12 0.1. 3 3J (Bl ick DlI mond Express). 7.4S, 10 41. U 30 p. m. Sundays, b. & H. R. R.. 12 03 p. m 7.49 P'Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lchlglt Valley parlor cars on all trains between Wllkcs-Barro and New York, Phlludel nhla. Buffalo and Susponslon Bridge, ROLLIN H. WILBUR. Gen. Supt, 29 Cortland street. New York. CHARLES 8. LEE, Gen. Pas. Agt., 21 Cortlandt street New YoiK. AW. NONNEMACHER. Dlv, Tass. Agt.. South Bethlehem. Pa. For tickets and Pullman reservation apply 309 Lackawanna ave., Scranton, Pa. Eric and Wyomluij Valley. Timo Table In effect Tob 7, 1900. Trains leave Scranton for Hawley and Intermediate points, connecting at Haw ley with Erie' Railroad for New York, Newburg, Honcsdale nnd intermedins points, us follows: No. 2, Accomoda tion, 0 a. m.; No. 4, Express, 12 01 p. jn. ' 5 t JiCIiANTON oivi.4iniv. i niivvwui(ii-H4 mifi m Worth Bound. ' '. 1 i ! Houi ttM rtus aoi leotzoe t b . IP inf ..uu,u - -uM I fe . iMi, Iii ip ji Arrive EJaio ' lii-WiJ t T.'iN V. FranUln st .... 740 .... .... ..... 7 10, West UruX street .i.;ju,,r, " 700 Woeliawjteti J "JteiuiCI h Ip m'Arrlye Leave 4 u r 11 r m 10 45 1 15 caoosu I -..VfTllSI) 1U40 10J Uanoocic-i ...'ifl4S' 10 31 It 50 htarllBht iit m 10 21 12 1 l'reaton Parle .... 111,1 ji ion ma uuwooa ' ...... 4Hf 84 10 oj ijih l'oyntelle ,.... mm mi 650 12,14 . ursoa .... l!Mi. j-j 940 ..... wis riensantllt. ... aeh'trw 9 .t 11 SU Unloncjalo , .... 3 09 6,11 Jj 1H9 roieilllty r I .. r4Ut,h4t 10 U3 carb-mdaie ,. flsPvU 01)7 .... firo "Minn linage fS38,63i tin III.'J 'laytleld i34S6t)i hM list, Jerrayii 3 4ilaoi 8 5J 1114 AiclUDaia .... 3 3lilU 8 Vi MID Wlllton m'W 4 Ill 11 Peckvllle 3f9im H4-' 11107 Oltlliaut 401621 84) HO) friceburg 401U21 ill ,11057 Park Place ..... i7T7;m. 8 so 10 u bcranton 4 20 JE a ill U m Leave Arrive, .r. r mVM, 4 Uiiiwlav nnlv f ' slifatfles tUHtr&lm stop ton signal lor KUsia, f '1 1 alas tt tnd 20 Sunday onlr, other trtfl trmirA mtuB via itntarlrt a ti&t.-K w.J purcaatlutr tickets and BAvauoM). - - 7 nioUMb usgner ouftst sleeper AA4 Irti' hL wmiHi vii vw m-i tvikiu tuiuuo VlIBaUt ossfotSKsurM." i,-, - ' il i . s 1M v