X 8 THE SCRANTOX TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 3000. w EVENTS OF DAY IN WEST SCRANTON FUNERAL OF THE LATE N. B. ASHLEY. Set vices Were Conducted by Rev. J. B. Sweet, Pnstor of the Simpson M. E. ChinchBuilding on North Biomley Avenue, Orcunied by J. B. Walters, Was Badly Damaged by a File Mi. and Mrs. Richards, of Aichbald Stieet, Entertained rilench Feiwnol Jottings. lie-v I M.'Swi'ti iwtiii ill the Slmp- Filll .Me lllllcllMt lJplsi l)) il (huuli, eif JW luted at thi' nun tal of llio late .V. I!. hluy cite i day ut tut noun. Tlir hcivfctM win' luld at tlio limi'si' on Su.intiui "-tni't, wIrto ni.mv filonds iismljlccl to pay their loipeeli. Uut iiie? tin1 "cukei Mr. and Mr, Sweet f. II" Si l i il lj,llltl. 'I hi; jiall-litarcrs uip T. J, Luce, V. f-'i -Aivuial, K.minin 1 ti Iprfi. Thomas J I Dilc It ('. rimiplu'll 'tiid i:. D. 1 1 ui?hc 'Hi' li'in litis e ic Inti'iiod In tti" T'linniuro tiiuet'iv. m:TlH AND ri'NIMIAI. -'- ear-old clillil (if Mi. and Mis Kiiink i'W('('no (if .Vorth Van Buron nvriiiu died M'stiiild.v. Tin funeral Mil nri in tiimiiriow uftt'itHinn. wuiiik 111 It! ni Mi mid Mis. Inlin J Mtli wick "i I Ninth IlMle Park ii inn ilicil tiiilm fmiii an .ittnxk l'f si nlct file I Till' tltllfl.il will ll" piUnlih mniliii t I this ufti'i nnon ' In fiincial Mr tin lati Mrs. .laiiu's V Minis will ii i ur at '.' ii'ilocl; this i' iiiuiiu ft mi tin- house, ".71 .Vol tti II' 'i l'.nk mum. s3erliis will be 1 11 In tin I'll --t Welsh f'onuH'K.i tidiinl chin ill. .unl Intel mint will lie ini'lr In tin W.ishiniin street i nnn t", rvlci-s nvci tho ifmiiln nf thi 1 ill tin rim I'ai loll w 111 mi Hi at n o'clock ti'is innriiliiM- ft oiii "i7 I'niii Hi stieet S s in will lie ccmcluc Ucl In Holv riis i Inn ill, and Intel punt will lip nri ic In the C'athcdial eemetciy Tin rein Uus of Mug net, the Infant I'lltd of Mi ,iiid Mis. .Inmos McDoii v II of BTi I'ouitll sticct, will be in i 'i I'd In tin Citlioiliil cmoti-iy at -' H n'llnik tills afttinoon im.i:.sant norsi: paijtv. AM and Mi llklnul Klihuds, of Aichhilil stn'i't, eiitettalneel friends Viiesvlas evening. In lioiini of tlii'li i" ini'liti i. Vim n i. whose tenth lilithd.n i i mini mi lint nan I'lionoKiaplilc si lei tlnns wen lendeiid and other (lieis(ins injnved and rolieshiiipiits wile M'l ed. Tin Rin.stswcio Mi and Mis Uleli ii t Is. .Mis John William-, Mis W'iIiik Ipi. Mis. D.iMs. Mi i Uecse. Jits llli hauls Mi l,i wis, Mi. .unl Mis. John Diwklns Moikiu WIlliams.Miss is Mattli Williams nnle Collins, llcsd i l.liwell.Mi I'lamhe M.iKpIv, Veina lli hauls, Annie Willi inn, Jis- Dufour French Tar Has Won Success It Cures Your Cold And Gives You Rest. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. i ANNUAL SALE QF BEGINS ON TUESDAY, HARCH 6. Theie is scaicely a thrifty housekeeper in Lackawanna County who does not know what thlb means) therefoie clahoiatlon is unnecessary The goods offcicd nie the best of their class that we can And at home 01 pbioad and qualities aie guaranteed absolutely. The samo le ninikb apply to tho leductions in pilce named, consequently this an nual sile can be classed as nothing- moie than AN HONEST MMEY-SWING OPPORTUNITY the gpnuinpnes3 of which cannot be called in question by any man living. Enough said, us ..the piice list which follows is long. Table Linens. oiu nun linpoi l itlous and all of tin, litest discus. Anv iiuiiilie. In i he ll-t N wnith at least c. moie mi tin- doll.ii th. in we ask 'fl In Till! Mleaibed Damask at i'.e i J In 1'ull IMi allied Dam.ihk at .'.T'.e. i0 in I'ull Illeiihul Diniiiskat Tie ' l . I'ull liliaxhcl Diniasl,. at 4Si. in in Pull Mli .11 lud Duimsk it ."'( a' in Pull I'.Ii ai In d l mi isk at on( il In Pull l!l. 11 lied Dnmisk 111 S'K 7J in Pull UN ai lud Uiniask at V 10. i i Pull liii in In d DunasL at CI l'1 . in Pull ISIi'ic lied Diin.isl at SI.-".'. ' i Pull HIi.k lud D imask at vl.J", T. in Pull P1l.ii In il D.uuiisk at $1 .'"! We have uipklus to matili most ol Hip uljovt niiiiiliux on which the pili s .lie In exactly the iiini1 pto- P'ltlotih.is iiu Table l.lrens. Unbleached Table Linens. '0 In Mm n Dam is-k at Je. t In Linen liaiuisk ut 2L i Ji J.lncn D unjsj, .it ,!,!( it. In Linen I'.im.iik at I'.li ill in Linen Df'ti.isl, at pie. Z.', lu,-Lloun'Dnmiu.k ut r.'io. rilnWngn Damask at Mc! Special Valuesr In llkdihcil Tab'le Oloth.s, Till key l!i 1 Table Cloth". Oiochet and "MitiselUes Heel Spreads, Turkish f - Towels and also some laio Daalms In ,T oi 34 HleiiPhi'd Table Nap- kl'lrOaiwIiiK In pi leu from iJc. to $C,tT0 n dozen, i Impoited Llneti Sheets. 'neautirui goods foi tho.so who ap- pietUtl've dlhtlni'tlvely high class rju.'illtv. , Siiiv2V.N-9i yards a pali $1 no, PisCeiSiN- aids a pait $5 00. 8Ju,KH.sil Miidb-a pair $7.25. .Bleached Pillow Cas.es. Sl.e 2ivHi Plain Heinmcd, each 10c. Slzy W i'laln Heinmed, each lie. ..4ZU JiJicoO Plain Hemmed, each lS'ie. Size S0x43 Hemstitched, each ISVic SIj-h ?6ti"i Hemstitched, each He" Hio mS,10 Hemstltchud, each 15c. 81ze,Et5x51 Heni3tltched, each 17c. 4B" ntt Ifilobe Warehouse I Mp William", Mnttlo IMwnrdn, May .Irmei, liny Davis, llnr-hel Oalaway, Lizzie, llpba and Caroline Williams, Alma Reese, JpssIo iinrrls and Mai tors nilsworth Davis nnd Elmer Wll IXJN'AHUT. PlfNEUAIi. TIip fuivrinl of the l.ito Thomas; Doiriluie ocelli i ihI ;eHlirday moinlniT from the family leslilenrp on West Linden ntieet. Tho corteRO "moved to St. I'atilek's church, where a IiIrIi nms of lcipilein was Htinj: nnd tho sctmon wan preached by Hev. 1. E. LivpIIp. The honoiaty nilWbcnretfl wera t'harlis Taylor, James I'ny, Thomai McN'lioH and John Mellnle. Thu ac live liPiuoin wero .lamen Siill, Patrick rialieity. John ShatiRhnessy, lleniy Wlnwood, William tlialnev and .lames MctionlRlt. Intel ment Mas made In the ratiiedi.il cemetery. EAULY MOP.NINO Villi:. riio was iMscnvpiPil In thp two-stoty fiamp hulldlnR at 32(5 North Itromley incline early jesleiday inoiiilnir, and lief oi i tho Humes wore subdued con .sldctnblp ilnmapp was clone. The bullrt 1111!; was occupied by .1. U. "Will tors and finnily, the mound lioor being used as a irioceiv stoie. The stock was Insured for $1,200 In A. W. c'imi ad it Co.'s nsency. Th" (lntnaRes will amount to sexeral hun (In d dollais. OENLKAL NEWS NOTES. The lector and estiv of St. David's i lunch, Jackson street, .we ery for tunate In obtaining the services of E. II. Williams, of lGlii Jackson street, as ilioiller and omanlbt. who Is most elllclent In ihiiK'h service, having bei.n ilioilster and niRimlst tor the lust tweiitj-toii! yeai.s. Services will be held at the Alli'i mission this evening, when Rev. J. R. Sweet, ol the Simpson Methodist Epls cop il (hutch, will pi each The C'olumuias lpspondid to a. still iilaim call at 1J10 Ac.ulc.mv stieet earlv lust evening, when i -light tire w vs mused bv a detective Hue. An Infant child of Ml. and Mis John Phillips, of lit', South Everett avenu", died visterday 'mil will bo privately bulled in Washbutn ftteet cemetciy tonioirow afternoon. John 15. Edwards, of South Main avenue. Is it Hatilsburg receiving ln stiui tlons lelative to the census enum oration. Mr. and Mrs. William Eudvvig, of Ninth 'tieet. have leturned from Haw lev, vihere they attended the funeral of a rel itlv e. Evei member of the West Side blanch of the young Women's Chtis tlan association is Invlticl to meet th executive committee to cll"cus tho weak tills evening at s o'clock at thi? roonn i n Jt.iin avenue. ' Tlio adult iiu mbers of the Jackson stieet liaptist chuicli Sunday school me lchear.dng Enftor music. An infant child of Mr. and Mis. Kaiiv l!i own, of Ninth Hyde Paik avenue, died icstciday and will bu ptlvatolv bmled this afternoon. 15e. Mi. fliltllths, of Plymouth, will pieach In St David's Episcopal church tills evening. Itcv. James Hughes will leeturp on South Afiica in the Salvation Aimy tin i.uks nest Tuesday evening. 'llicii will be a meeting of all the Young Wnmen'h Christian association mcmlicis at the looms this evening. Mis. Jamon T. Watkln.s, of North Eveielt avenue, hid her aim dislocat ed while attending to her household HOUSEKEEPING LINENS Sheets and Pillow Cases. In Pine Linen or veij best eottons. The numbers quoted below aio all nailj foi use and as thev wete toin (not cut) beforo hemming or llnlsliliiR, they will never twlht oi go out of shape in .sei vlie We con sider Dvvlght Anchoi the best lot ton sheeth In the woild. "" ' Bleached Sheets Sle 7J00 Andio-goie in Sheets at 4r'. Slo SK'if) Audi use orrIii Sheet-, at .lOc. Sie !iii'iii Audi use uglii sheets at 53c. Sie 7.'M Dwlght Am hoi Sheeta at lie Sle Sli SK'ifi Dwlght Am hoi Sheeth at !'iK0 Dwlght Anchor Sheets at (,0c Sle SKW Dwlght titltiluil Sheids at 1.3c. Sie !io90 Dwlght stitched Sheets at 70c. Am ho.' Hem- Ancho' Hem- Unbleached Sheets. Sie SlNflO AnduiscoRRln at 42c. Sle yo!iO Andioscosgln at 4bc. Sie 1H0 Molmwk at 4"p. SUp M vim Dwlght Anchoi ut .r,0c. Sle U09a Dwlght Anchor at r,3c. Linen Towels. We havo lower graded, lower in Iced towels In stock than those spi tilled lieie. This is a house keeping Mile, however. In which we believe tellable qualities only are wanted. Damask Towels. Sle 1B43 Inch a pair 33c. Sle 2ii inch a pair 3"V;c. Sie iittO Inch a pair 40c" Slxe --'40 Inch ti pair SUc. Site :ill Inch a pair OJ'e. Huck Towels. Sio 1S2I Inih n pair 20p. Sie l'nio inch a pair 33c. SUe 2.'4t Inch a pair 37,$c. Sle L'ii10 Inch a pair 40c. SUo S.'MJ inch a pair 4"c. Size 21x40 inch a pair GOc. Size 22x41 Inch a pair C9c, Don't Miss This. Theic's only 100 pieces of this ex cellent Hleachea Huck Towelling at go at this price. Take It by the I,cco oru!.h0 yard' iust a you Please, vhllo it lasts. 10e yard. Sufferers from stomach trotiblcs stich as Dyspepsia, Constipation, IndlgeUlon, tiecJ the Bitters immediately. It cures quickly and permanent ly where all otlt-erso-called rem edies fall. It Is the king of all stomadi tonics. Fitters duties lccently. She slipped and fell lip.iv lly to the (loor. John McKennu, u hov residing on Chestnut stieet, was bitten bv n pet dog yesterdny. Dr. Utennan catitei Ized tho wound. The Tourist dub of Division No. 1, Ancient Otelor of Hibernians, will hold i bull In Meari hull on Friday even ing, March 1, and tho society will hold an entci talnment Satuiday even ing, March 17. The Tripp Talk Hosp company are arranging lor a social at their next meeting, on Maich IS. The Lpworth League of the Simpson Methodist Hplscopal chinch will hold a business meeting this evening. The Lades' Home and Foreign Mis slonuiy societies of the Washburn Stteet Presbyterian .hutch w lit meet tomorrow afternoon, at the home of Mrs. W. II. Fteeman, on South Main avenue. An initial supper will be set veil this pv enlng, at the home of William Fow ler. 14J1 Jackson street, under the di lution of the Ladies' AM .ocletv of the Fiist Ilantlst chinch. NORTH SCRANT0N NOTES. Wedding: of Olin Roger and Eliza beth Robinson Two Funerals Yesteiday Other Motes. The home of Mrs. Pai.ih ltoblnson, ot William street, on Tuesday evening wa'i the scene of i pictty wedding, when her daughter, .illssabpth, was united In maiilage to Olin Roger, ot Centrenioreland, Pa , bv the Rev. Will iam IMgar. of tho Methodist npiscopal chinch. The ceremony -was witnessed bv l datives and intimate fi lends of the contracting partier. Aftr a wedding supper tho happy couple left amid showers of rice for an e tensive wedding tour. Upon their letuin they will reside In Mooslc. The couple weio the leelpionts of many costly and beautiful piesents. Those pi c sent wete: Mis. Small P.obinson, Willi mi Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. .lohn Robinson, Mis'? Susie II lines,. Miss Isabel Rohinpon, Miss Ida Robinson, Jlr. nnd Mrs. H. L. Ben jamin and daughtPi, Ruth, Andrew Summeis, Mi. and Mis. John Diamond, of Moosic Mr. and Mis. Wallace Bar ber and daughter, lithe!, of Peckville; Mr. and Mis. William Rogets uud Miss llthel Pogei.s, of Cpntremorelind; Mr. and Mis. Charles Sirtln and daughter, Jessie, of Yatesvllle: Mi. and Mrs. James Williams, of retoisbuig; Mr. and Mrs. Mail- Anderson and d utgh tir, Anna; Mi. and Cilrs. lMwniel Smith, ot the West Side, and Miss Henrietta Gruner, of Seianton. TWO FUNKRALS. Tho funeral of the late Thomas Oib bons was held jpstculav. Services were conducted In the Holy l!o-nry chinch by tho Rev. J. J. O'Toole. In terment vi 'is made in the Cathedral tcmetcty. The lenmlns of Mis, Ann Morgan weie laid to l'st jesteulay afternoon. Services weip conducted in the Piultan Congicg.itloual i lunch. Interment in Potest Hill cimetery. imilir NUN'S NOTKS. I'. 15. Pucknlow, .statu secretary of the Young Men's CluUtl.ui associx ticjn, who Is the gueit of Recutaiy Oeoige Alaby, vill eloliver an neldress at the Young Women's Chnstian as Micl.itlon room--, 204S Xoith Jlain, ave nue', this evening The saving deposits for the past week at No. 21 school amounted to $37.'' The deposits by looms weio ns follows- Pi of. J. J, Costello, $1; Mis Kate? D. .Tot dan, $1 M,; Mis Kate O'Ho.vle. n-,1,18; Miss It. M. Noitou, ?103; total, $",G. This pv enlng u blithday fcoeial will be held at the home .of Mr. and Mis. Pied J. Phillips, comer or Noith Main avenuo and rerdlnnnd .sticct. Tlie affair vill be under tho ditectlon of Bind No. 20 of the Tfotth Main avenue 1! iptist chine II. Mbs ld,i Jloiev and William Cue won- mat lied at 1-' o'clock yrsteiday by the Rev. S.' (J. Reading, tit thu home of the bildo'.s patents, 3402 Slioit ave nue. The oung people of the Cluistlan chuicli ititeii'htcd in the otgan fund will hold :i basket social in tlio chinch pallors Friday evening. March 0. Mis, H. .. Miller, of Wist Mniksf stieet, has leturned fiom Sttoudsbuig, where she has been vltltlng for the past two weeks Miss DlUabeth PliliiliH, nf Summit avenue, Is In New Yotk city. RECEPTION THIS AFTERNOON. Chinese Membeis of "The King of the Opium King" to Receive. Tile Chinese members of "The King of the Opium Ring" will give a lecop tlon this nf tin noon nt 4 o'clock at the Academy of Music. It Is especially Intended for women and chlldien. Pennsylvania Pensions. Washington, Miiich 7 Pension ceitill cites issued under ditto of Tehran v jn; l.elibens j:hh, Pianklludale, nrailforcl, II.' to J17 Do you know that three-quarters of all the world's headaches are the result of using tea and coftee ? So physicians say. Quit them and the headaches quit.. Grain-O has the coffee taste, but no headaches. i All growers ; 15c, ind 25c. HOSTETTE; SB CELEBRATED V mn-Q THE FOOD DRINK T GATHERED IN SOUTH SCR ANTON MRS. SCHROEDER IS CHARGED WITH DESERTION. Hold in 9300 Ball by Alderman Lentea Last Night Jacob Fuchs and Jacob Roes Held for Assault nnd Battery Sacngerrunde Ac cepts Prof. Schmidt's Resignation. Neptune Hoso Company's New Officers Officers Nominated for the Wm, Connell's Other Notes. Mi p. Lmrna Schroedor, of Illrkory street, wns yesterday attested at tho Instance of her husband, Pied Kchroe der. who charges her with desertion, nnd was last evening given a hearing befote Alderman Lentes. The young couple have been mar ried scarcely six months. Srhiocder claims that his wife Is absent fioin home three ot four clays at a time, nnd ho therefore hi ought suit. After tho alderman had heard thp pvidenco in the case, he demanded $300 ball from tho defendant, which was furnished by her stepfather, Martin Kennedy. NEPTUNE'S NEW OFPICERS. At tho last regular meeting of the Neptune Engine company, ollleets wete elected for tho ensuing e.ir us follows: President, Chmles Huester, vice president, Eelvvnid Robinson; secre tary, Ilpnty Walter, m.: trcasuter, Jo seph J. Rosar; foreman, Peter Ros.ir, Jt.; first nssistnnt forcninu, Wllllnm Huester; second assistant foreman, John Ruuther; nipeman, Hat ry Kaft; assistants, chailes Schneider, Conrad Plel and (leoitre Ros.it ; tiustees for tluee ve.us, Charles Nctils;. engineer, MaK Rosar; stoker, Peter itobling, jr. Tor additional neimanent man Chailes Schneider was tho choice of the members and his name will bo sent to Major Molr and Ills appointment solicited. The other peimanent men of the company arc William Flckus and Henry Ilenn. For delegate to the state convention, which Is to bo held at New Castle, pic County Commissioner John Demuth was elected. PROF. SCHMIDT'S RESIGNATION. Tho Scranton Saengeirunde held a well attended regulav monthly meet ing on Tuesday, at their headquii teis on Alder stieet. After the cur lent business hid been disposed of, the resignation of the Instructor, Prof, llustav Schmidt, was lead and accept ed by the unanimous vote of the mem bers suesent. President John Lentes theieupon named Nathan Jacobs, Gusfiv Schuls and Chailes Oi.if ns a committee to tike steps to secure a competent suc cessor to Pi of. Schmidt, and lepoit at the next monthly meeting. In tho meantime singing school will be con ducted everv Thursday evening at S 20 o'clqck, and Piesidont Lentes will act as lnsttuctor until such time as a permanent one has boon secured. OTHER ALDERMANIC CASES. Jacob 1'uchs and Jacob noes wete, last evening, aitalgnod befoic Alder man Lentes on the c h irge of assault and battery. Mrs. Kate Tausend fig ured as ptosecutrK. The evidence wns very damaging and the defend ants weie held In S.S0O ball each. Henty Kellcrmun was, last evpnlng, atialgned before Alderman Ruddy tor a hearing on the ehaige of m-sault and battel y on the hon ot Joseph Sel tjn. Tho evidence was insufficient, and the defendant was dlschiiged. OITTCERS NOMINATED. Tlio 'William Connell Hose company at the last tegular meeting nominated ollleets us follows: Piesldent, Chailes Simicll; vlce-piesi-detit, V. II. Cojne; iccording secietaiy, James II. Hicks; llnancliil secretary, Wnlter Quick; tieasuier, James Keogh; fot eman, D. J. liuike. Thomas Donlin; (libt assistant foieiuan, Ernest SImroll, Edward Slmiell; second assistant foie ra.m, John McOraw, Chailes WelHiel, Thomas Carey; plpemen, Thomas Caiey, Thomas Kenins, Owen Mclvln, John Murtay, John Connell nnd P. II. Cojne; for triibtee, Walter Quick. told in rmiEr. The membeis of tho Hickoiy Stieet PiesliMeilm church on Monday even ing elected office! s for the enbitlng cal ami illhiiosecl of other Important busl ness. The entiie boaid of oillrpis, who seived so faithfully In the past jpu, weio again uiMnlmously elected. The Mikity of the oiganlst. Piote,ssor Uus tavo Schmidt, was inct eased to $30. The llnanelal standing of tho ihurch is good and the Indebtedness amounts to Icm than $1,000. Invitations ate out for tho annual banquet nf thp Fourteen Ftiends.vvlilch Is ono of tlie most prominent ntgnn iatlons In this city. Tlio banquet will be held In Athletic ball on Apill Is, and the lommlttee In chaise ot tho ur lnngeinents will meet at Hotel Ilcst this evening Pea Coal SI. 25 a Ton Delivered to South Side, central city and cential Hyde Paik. Address otdeis to J. T. Sharkey, 1914 Cedar ave. 'Phono CCS3. GREEN RIDQE. Miss May Clllfoid, of Peiin avenue, has letuined fiom a business ttlp to New Yoik cltj. Mrs, J, 15. Poore nnd Miss Chi Mine Llndsav, of Monsev avenue, will leavo this moinlng for a few davs' stay in New Yoik. The time of the Match meeting of tho Women's Mlssionaiy society of the areen Itldge liaptist chin eh has been changed fiom Fiiduy to Thursday and Will consequently bo held this nftei noon. The meeting will b-gin prompt ly at .'J0 o'clock and will be followed by u meeting of the Ladles' Ai 1 soci ety. All women of the enngteijiitlon ai ii lotdl.iliy invited to attend both meetings. Mis. J. H Van Uergan and Mis. M. It, Kavs ate home fiom a week's stay lu tho metiopoiK The reception given bv the Iadls of tho Presliytej lap chinch list evening to welcome tho new membeiH was tin unusually delightful affalt. The i hureh pailois weio tilled with nieinbeis of the congicgatlon, lefn'slinients were served, and tho ladka sUHtaltuel their leputatlon ot being able to make every one huvo a good time, Tho Iloinn and Foreign Mlssionaiy society of tho (It ecu lMelge Prosby lerlan chuicli held their unnunt meet ing In tho lectin e room of tho church yesterday afternoon. An excellent re Ioit of tho work done duilng the past year was lead bv thu secretaty, Miss Margaiet Nlcol.Mlss Louise Williams Are Your Kidneys Sick ? Here Is nn Easy Way to Find Out -S Do sure you need mpdlclno before jou take it, but having onco found out thufyou need It lose no time In get ting the best. If It's for the KldnevM, I'lvcr, Madder or Mood, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Chionlc Constipation, or tho sickness peculiar to women, the best Is Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, and a very simple way to Unci out If you need it, Is to put some urine in a glass tumbler and let It stand 21 hours; If It then has a sediment or a milky, cloudy nppeaiance; If It is lopy or stringy, pale or discolored, ou do not need h physician to tell you that, you should take Favoilte Remedy at once. It speedily chips such dangerous smp tnins as puln in the back, ficqucnt de sire to urinate, especially at night, binning scalding pain In pusslng water, thp staining of linen by jour uilnp and all tho unpleasant and dangerous ef fects produced on tho system by the use of whiskey and beer. All druggists sell Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy at $1.00 n bottle, or 6 bottles for $3.00. Ry a special and particular arrange ment with the manufacturer, our reuel ets can tty this grand medicine abso lutely ftee. liy simply sending your full name nnd postotllco nddress to tho Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. V mentioning this paper, when a tilal bottle of Favorite Remedy, to gether with a pamphlet of valuable medical advice, will bo sent von by mall postpaid. The publlshPts of this paper guar antee thp gpnulneness of this offer. gave a select trading, Miss Anna Wells gave a tppott of the work being clone lor the Ciinouso mission, nnel tho fol lowing officers weio elected: President, Mrs. F. I, Hitchcock; Ice-president. Mr.c. M. R. Kajfij secietary, Miss Mar garet Nlcol; treasurei. Miss Louise Williams; secretary of lltctature, Mts. Wllklns. At the conclusion ot tho busl ness meeting supper was Honed In Un church parlors and a delightfully in formal social hour enjoied by tho ladles. The fireen Ridgp Women's Cluistlan Tempeianco union will meet this after noon .it .'. o'clock in the libiary. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all. DUNMORE DOINGS. Miss Teresa Monnhan Entertained. Unruly Night School Pupils. Other News Notes. A most pleasant evening was spent by a large number ot the friends of Mls Tere.a Monahan at her homo on Spencer street on Tuesday. The friends and relative0 had planned the evening's pleasure for Aliss Monahan and succeeded In completely rurpiislng her, much to her pleasute. After a nieiry time refreshments -.veto-served. Those who -vere present were: Misses Lucy Decker, Agnes Monahm, Maiy Caw ley, Annie Monahan. Jennie Sloat, Mabel Cummlngs, Mao Giiioy, Maud Duffy, Pcail Kpllev, Delle Parkins, Nellie Dove-is, Nellie Wilson, Sarah Johnson, Jennie Doud, Mao Moihnn and Katie Allen: Mcssis. Dm Id Jor dan, Joseph O'Royle, James Peveis, Thomas Mullpn, Frank Walsh, Daniel Hen n, Finncls Sweeney, Thomas Duffy, Eugene Roland, James Swift, Patrick Payton, Edward Furlev, Harry Mur ium, Eugene O'Hoto and John Gilroy. OFFICERS ELECTED. The Independent Hoso company, No. 1, elected the following officers last night: Piesldent, I'. I. NIckeison; treas iiiet', Victor liuischel; recording sccro tatj, Reinaid J. Keeley; financial sec ietary, J. D. Simpson; ttustee, W. J. Hall, E. D. M.iines, H. W. Rloes; stew arel, John J. Gill; foreman, W. II. Sleget; assistant foicman, r. E. Mick ens; first plpeman, J. R. Mninos; sec ond pipeman, Chmles Kiona; third plpeman, Roboit Iinknej ; axeman, James J, McGruil; peimanent man, A. E. Williams. UNRULY NIGHT SCHOOL PUPILS. The condition of affairs which tak"t place neaily cvoiy oven In,' after tho opening of tho room In the No. 2 school building for night school Is most tlo ploiable. A number of tho pupils come with no other object but that of having a good time and defacing ptopeity. The nuittei has been leported to tln school board and Officei Thornton has been Insti acted to aitest any pupils found distuibing tho school or defac ing the desl;s. if this troublesome mat ter Is not overcome bv theo means the- f-chool l-nti d will close the school. SHOUT iMENTlONlNGS. The school board will endeavor to holel an adjoin ned meeting this even ing. It is hoped n quotum will bo present. Division No. 12, Ancient Order of Hibernians, held a meeting full of In teiest to the membeis last evening. The membeis of the Independent Uoseeompiny held a badness meeting laU night. Miss Nelllo L.mgan is woiking In Jonas Long's Sons stoie nt Sctanton ns a eleik Fiedeilck Webber, who hae been veiy 111 with pneumon'ii, is lapidly Int pioving at hi) home on Hat per stieet. The Young Ladles' Mission clicle villi meet at the home of Miss Close, on Elm stteet, this afternoon nt 4 o'clock. The membeis of the Twentieth Cen titty Dancing class will conduct ono of their delightful socials In Odd Fel lows' hall, this evening. Music will bo furnished by Lawrence's full or chestra. OBITUARY Mis. Muigtirct IKniglmn, wife of 'I hoi. JkiuiRlian, of 51J Emmet stuct, died at lie r homo at !'J) o'clock estuilii morn ing after u fuur das' mini's of pneu monia. Mis. Iienaghan w is u well known lesldent of tlio llillevuti hccilon and hoi hudden death c nines ns a (-hock to i-con t ot devoted friends. She was u rnenili. i of tho eongii'Kiitlon nf the Jul Cins chinch and also belonged to the I.phriip of tho Sncred lleait and Altar, and lies. iii.v hiiPh tits ( eniniiited with tho church Her fuiiciiil will bo held Saturday morn ing at 'i o'clotk. A hlish luai-s of ri qulem will bo celebrated nt tlio Hol Uo.-mi i hut tb anil Interment will be made In the Cntjicdial eqiiutiiy. Mrs. Ilcnaghau is sin vived bv lu-i' husband, fmu children, Jamec, John, Thomas nnd Sadie, one sis trr, Mts. John I nngaii, and one In oilier, Daniel l-ortiw, nil of this city, On Tuisd,i,v, at midnight, lleno Weln r died nt llle lioinu ot IiIh sister, Mis. t'lu 1st Mlnnlrh, of piicumonti, af ter an Illness nf nine dns, Mi, Weber lived to the ago of f eur., was iiiimar tied and wiih tho vmuiKcst of seven chll. di en, He is survived bv bis brothtrs, August, of this city, and Paul, of Wtess. ludrii, Germany, ndd by his sisters, Mrs. Henry Ronn, Jr., Mrs. William Drelschcr, Mrs. Christ Mlnulch and Miss Katherino Weber, all ot this city. At tho tlmo of his death ho was an rmployo of tho Lnrk awimna Iron and Steel company, with which comptny ho had worked for many cnrs. Tho rcnialtis will bo laid to test on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, services to bo hold la tho Hickory Street I'rcs bterlnri church, and burial In tho Pitts ton avenuo cemetery. Sirs. Thomas Rrlggs, of Muln street, Mlnooka, died on Tucday evening after a lingering Illness Deconscel had been nlllng with dropsy for tho past year, and desplto tho best of medical aid, nothing could bo done to stay tho band of death, which foil on the bereaved family and robbed two llttlo chlldtcn of tin Ir parent, Deceased formerly resided In Green Rldgo tind was 15 eors of nge. SI c Is suvlved by her husband and two e hi! dren, Edith Mary and Frederick. Two sisters nlso survive her. They nro Mts John Collins, of Ashley, and Miss Mary Uannon, of Wllkes-Hiiire. Tho funeral announcement will nppcar liter. The one-vear nnd plght-montlis-oM daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry E. Rrown. of ."in North Hyde Park ave nue, died Wednesday morning, M.rch 7. Piuieiiil services, which will bo private, will bo held' Thursday afternoon, March 8, 1000, at 2 o'clock. Mary McDonald, aged llvo months, thn Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. McDon ald, of f" Fourth street, died vesterclnv. Funeral this afternoon nt 2 o'clock. In tcrment In thn Cathedral cemetery. DESTITUTE IN PUERTO RICO. The Distribution of Toocl Must Be Continued. Washington, March 7. Tho acting secretary of war has received a com munication from General Davis on tho subject of food distribution nnd tho re lief ot the destitute in Puerto Rico. It was thp Intention of General Davis, as lecently stated to tho department, to discontinue 'the free distribution ot food about the first of this month, but tho industilal condition existing In cer tain portions or the Islands rendered It absolutely necessary to feed the starv ing Inhabitants for some time longer. It is stated that in some sections the Inhabitants uro beginning to ral-e sweet potatoes, but In thp centre of the island, or the coffee growing district theto Is nothing for tho poor to eat Any discontinuance of the food dlstii butlon, therefore, under these condi tions would result In n largo inerense of sickness nnd of the death rate. Tin. coffee planters nro making strenuoui efforts to clear up their fields, but hav ing no money for tho payment ot tholi hands, the laboreis have necessarily been laid 'off nnd are drlffing Into the towns, thereby becoming public charges. Unless fed at public expense, statva tlon will result, and the military govei nor has therefore required a shipment of H0O tons of rice, codfish and bacon, In addition to the COO tons asked fot about three weeks ago. In connection with the existing in dustrial conditions, General Davis is of tne opinion thit tho quickest and most effectivo way of securing relief would be through largo expenditures upon public works. General Davis states that If he could put about 23,000 men nt work for a period of three months on tho roads, in volving expenditures for labor, tools and supervision of some $221,000 a month, tho period of acute distiess could be tided over. The acting com mlssiiy general of subsistence was today dliected to secure tlio food asked jor lor unmeuiaio Miipment. SMALLPOX AT JONESVILLE. Official Report Made to Hene County Board of Supervisors. Jackson, Mich., March 7. An official report made to tho Hene county board of supervl-ors today reveals an appall ing etato of affairs In the Jonesvillo neighborhood In the southern patt ot the county. Tho community Is litei ally honeycombed with smallpox of tho most viiulent and lo ithrome foim and, dining tho past six weeks, noaily loo deaths have occuired. On some days the death rate has been so large thut it was impossible to seeuie coffins and ruelo caskets weiu made fiom laiH. Whole families have been wiped out of existence! unci of several huge fam ilies only one or two children aro left; many of the patients aie now In a eilt ical condition and without medical at tention and djlng at the rate of fiom three to llvo per day. The death late exceeds 75 per cent, and the entire lower portion of the county is demobilized. The board of supervisors will make ' nn effort to heck fuither spread and nt its morn ing session carte blanche wns given to tho physicians to put citato supplies nnd medicines. A bill for foity-throe coffins used within tho past twoweek was allowed. m CENSUS BUSINESS. Assistant Director Wines Explains Details to Enumerator. Harilsbutg. Pa., Match 7. Assistant Director of the Cenbtts Frederick How ard Wines, of Washington, met tho twenty supeivlsois of the census fiom Pennsylvania today in this city and ex plained In detail tho duties of the supetvifaor and tlio enumeintor. He also gave veiy minute Insttuctions In legntel to the accutate taking of the census of people of foreign birth and people of mixed blood. Many facts must be shown in tho schedule that will make tho statistics in legard to the percentage of foielgn tilmluals In the country. "In the cen suses of tho past," said Mr. Wines, "it Is ptobable that the foieign-born popu lation has been lepresented more numetously in the criminal records than was Just." Incorporated in Delawaie. Dover, Del, March 7. Tho following companies wern Incorporati-cl hero today: The Cuban Central Railway company, of Now York, to construct and ope into rall was In Cub i, capital $l,nno,0ivi; thn Carl Seller Co, of Sctanton, to manufacture antiseptics, capital JWOOO. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of V. For Good Shoes Early Spring Styles Now Ready. & , ASZZZZ y0'4Fmt ttK&Gwty HiiMm, SOVEREIGN REMEDIES Conquer RHEUMATISM DYSPEPSIA And All Pains and Disease! That the Flesh is Heir To. HOT BUILT ON FAITH. Why Use Any Other Cures But Those You Can Analyze? - READ THE TESTIMONY. Mr. Wain's emphatic testimony for the Sovereign Rheumatism Cure : Sovereign Remedy Co. : Gentlemen, Have titfered from ScU atica all last winter could not work tried doctors and medicines without avail. Lat week I heard o the wonderful Sove reign Jlheumatlsm Remedy, called and obtained a sample bottle, used it accord ing to directions, and am thankful to say I am ft cured many all pains have ceased, and I cannot su,ficiently thank you. I called on my doctor, and told him I was cured, and he said he " never expected (o see tne a well man ayain." Shall be pleased to satisfy any sufferers from Rheumatism of the value of your wonderful Sovereign Rheumatism Rem edy, low truly, .. r, GK0- " WAiy, Jr., 1107 T. Poppleton St., Raltimore, Md. EVERY REMEDY 25- oh. 27 Dlffiront RimidlM for 27 Different Disuses. All DnggtiU emit Mtdlelns Dealers, HOME TREASURE" FREE. A book filled with valuable In formation, testimonials and house hold receipts sent FREB to any iddress. Sovereign Remedy Co. 1237 Arch St. Phi la.. Pa. AMUSEMENTS. ACADEHY OF HUSIC, 4 BUktlUNDER A RBIS, Le.ieef 11. k. LONO, JManaic-r. Three nlfihts, onh. Match 8, 10 ."Mat. Iiue riielay and Satuieliiy. Charles K. Ill.iiirj's IJIk Slice es. THE KING OF THE OPIUM BIND. in (lord Vaueleiillc Act". A family of Itoil Chinese' Actdis xIiowIiik a true pic ture, of life in 'Uilii iteiwn Matinee price", .'c, Ijc. i:onins: pi Ices, .'0o, Clc. 3'c, l'c. Three lilUitB ceimmPiielnK Monela. Miue.li 12 'I he itr. at, st of nil melodramas "THE SPAN OF LIFE." ilth the "World's Pi.'mior Acrobats, THE DONAZETTA'S. MatincK' l'llcew il and 2.1 cents Km rlntr l'lico, is, 21, SI nnel 50 cents. E Matinees lfll Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, March 12, 13 and 14. AL. REEVES' 40 People 40. 20 White 20. 20 Black 20. MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS TOS-TTVELY CUBE JU7.MMU MMill ! orj-.l-tpotenc, blauloMiMti, (tev br Abuse or other Eiommo and ladti- ratore It Vitality In old or jon-tk a3 inaxnaaioricaur, DDiuieMori-i ..aintimn. TelrnM .how. imraodut- i l'reT.ni inBaur u onimi montand c fee's a c UUE tchera all other fllI '.aaicrta. ro cuntxi For sale In Scranton. Pa., bv Mattli Bros, anil II. C. Sanderson, DrurotiJ MAKE PCRPEOT Ml A tKWv and drtln or vital powr..lneun IAWF Indticrrtlo-ii orticMfMartMlf Hon Pracaapii-OTiuni oiv B.dIoo fht kt and lu.tr lo th j fgrgtuj uurpvc voi rnrwi vuai tumrwr KSJa ' fl.Mac)aupUtticuaiaiitdcuravBvor mttm fundtd Laa La carrlid in ! BoekaL trarjwbar or mailed in pln wrapMf to rclbl prira lj TNI TltunvT' iv., Ci Vdf,, Chtaaft. Sola in Scranton, Pa., by Matthewi Bros and McGarrah & Thomas, drurflata. P Chtchntf r". Eacllak Daaad ! CNNYR0YAL PILLS Clrl.l.al aad O.lr !. in uw.ji nlltblt. uem uk lrolil for ChUkuUr, JT..IJi Di i natut Jtran4 la K4 aad QU kwxaXW IU1' ! !in .1 k( &.. J ----- . f iddiu iciiri un ! tiMi. r ... m w was a- ih "frfllf SntSmmttsr lNr nnis an imitation ItDraifU-L n4-k. "Htll.r for adle.,'toliitf7k.Mta U.ll. lii.nAT..7il!.r,'?," iUM4aU m CIhMtrrL.ml.IV.tluT' -old br all l ( n.nt-i.n ""t ,!ZrS Tfl PATENT lnl Mm may bo M.rad by our kid, Addrtta, THE PATINT UHII, Six ----ff-3---v Blflr II H I M 1H fnt,,k1V MIB BURLESQUE fsri DO TOT BMfill Mr f.rLoncert Tb. joi and aahltlj lir. ran b. rt.corid I. rJ Th. woritcMriorN.r-aaiB.hlll sbcolulely eir4 r PBSfll loninia. r.iiin- m.mary . r V a J 1 (HMClM'rlm.M.. BlaadPalaaa,! jHtR l "''- "Ml. L.itMl.lll)' TvUuKM ' if 4i) ); ' Sw.ra Ta.lla..laU ul lt ff mj& ?. ?."ih. !h ""-i l-aa.lB-la; , J V,My "a. I'ualtlrtlj tb. nlj ird.!lil la Ui , 1 1 iitlnd oit.i to con tieo ilutb iht mo, t oiUbralid tim ' TU'lxiMlid rrMbiinrlla4l. lOdtri Huril ' B i s i. - A "' r . ? 1 -