-WBTWWaBKWK' WW7fXrW79l t tm&Vinirjprtjto 1 - TV n , s' ? i " t , i,, ,' - r?w t m r . , . ta.r : c j- ' 'w (1 . ' i ' ' THE SCKAJSTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1900. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA STROUDSBURG NEWS. Lackawanna Milk Train Smashes a Gondola Considerable Damage to Property from Heavy Bains. Pulp Hill Closed. Special to Tho Scranton Tribune. StroudBburp, Mutch 2. A seiloua ivreck occurred last ovjnlng on the Delaware, Lacltawtinna and Western railroad near tho residence of ex-Kcp-rescntatlvo It. Y. Sehwarz, the veil knbwn Denioerntlc loader of Monroe county. A coal train l,oIhk north had ("topped to allow tho engine to take water tit tho tank. In backing on Its return trip It bumped too hard, caus ing a R.indola to lei o the track. The car fell ticro" the southbound tall inu a gondola to lne tho track. The locomotive of the milk tialn ploughed Into tho gondola. H was badly dam aged. The cab was completely ruined, at wtiB the ornamentation of the en gine. Two milk earn were splintered badly and all the journal! on live cars were torn off. Tho heavy lalna of the nist two dis caused considerable damage In this section. The creeks In this town were swollen to gl.'antlc inoportions. The' Utookheuds cierk overflowed at the Iron bridge and the water reached to Columbia nenin The soap f.ictoiy of Jacob Smith was tii'dev water at the first door and many 1 1 liars had con sldqrable wattr In them. On Analo mini: avenue a b.irn wis undeimlntil and n hoi ? and cow 1 esc ued w 1th dif ficulty. Out at Wet btroudhburg many cellais wcie Inundated. TI12 houo near the Hii.riuelmnn.i was com pletely Hooded. The Minsl Pulp and Paper mills were obliged to close down for twenty-four houis owing to tho high water. No tioublu Is icpoitfd along the Dolawaic ilvci. It was very high. The Ice went out without doing any dimago. Four feet of water covered Dutch Hats on Th'lifaday even ing. The Iinc aster dam was broken and a bridge below It, with others In that section, were swept away. At the "steam shovel" on tho I'ocono Summit the water from the Mud pond covered the railroad tracks. No damage Is reported by the Wllke-Bane and J'aston roids. Ttoads throughout the county weie badly washed and torn. NICHOLSON. doubtedly their audience will have a rare treat. Miss Nellie Holllster, of Scranton, spent yesterday In town Instructing her violin class, Mr. F. E. Tiffany was walking the Btreets In Alford, Pa., yesterduy. Mr. and Mrs. Welles Wescott, who reside on the bank of the Tunkhan nock, near the fair ground bridge, were obliged to vacate the rooms on the first floor of their house for a few hours yesterday becauo of the creek rising too high. The water Unwed over the bridge nnd Hats freely. Mr. and Mrs. Chatlcs Koblnth havo recently commenced housekeeping over the meat market on main street. Yesterday afternoon we were" visibly lemlnded of tho customs of the streets of Venice. Mrs. M. Ii. McMillan, who has been sick for the past week, Is Improving. Kcv. Mi. Herrltk Is on the sick list; also Miss Orace Sndei. Theie will be 11 union seivlce In the Piesbvterltn chuuh Sunday evening. Ilev. I.. 12. Sanfoul will pi each. Sub ject, "The Heavenly Vision." BRADFORD COUNTY. Special to The Scranton Tribune. Nicholson, March 2 The town his had Its spring bath and Is not much the woise for It. The livei Is now at Its usual depth and flowing peacefully and quietly. The low lands look quite natural, with the exception of a rlfld expiesslon. Portions of fences and sidewalks will have to be replaced and the road on Williams street needs a new dress, as It Is now nothing but rough stones. Owing to Its fiozen con dition the soil was not as badly wnshed out as was expected. The pond above the town Is tilled with lee. In some places It Is piled up quite high, hut the thoughts of feai and danger hae lied from the minds of the people as rapidly as they camo. Those who were suddenly thrown out of tho lescne boat Into a fleice cuirent of water about four feet deep uio all appar ently lefreshed today. They weie Mr. and Mis. W. W. Warner and daugh ter, Orace, and son, Geoige, Mis Tied Smith and son, Willie Kndy. Mr. Hoy Shields, while w 01 king In the water, was chilled till he became unconscious and fell over Into the watei. He was can led out bv foul men and was Im mediately lultcvid of his sufferings by willing attendants. In about half of the cellais In the town the ladles will find a pudding of theli choice eannid fiuits, pie seiveh, vegetables, vinegar bands, pickles, etc , that are usually neighbors together In the lower apaitments of a dwelling house. The ( hall a In the opeia house weie moving about In n moist wry. Thursday the mall was tluee houis late. The Tunkhannoek ftage, due here at 6 p. m , did not aulvc till this morning at 9 a. m. Mi. Wan en Quick, of Caibondale, has been visiting fi lends and lelatives heie this week. The oung men who made an effoit to stait a dancing class have failed In the attempt and occasionally tome of the oung ladies aie head to ask among themselves.. "I wonder why?' Appaiently the drummeis are doing moie business In town at piesent than anv one Use. There will bo an entertainment In the opera house Monday evening, Muich Ilev. Mr. Wilkes returned 1.-st night from a business tilp to Scranton. 5 for the benelit of the Unlversallst church. Mr. Wlllaid Howe, fiom the Keystone buteau, will Impel somite Da vid Oairlek and otheis. Ilalph D. Wil liams, of Scianton, who has muny friends here, will assist him. They come highly icconimended and un- Spcclnl to tho Scranton Tribune. Towanda, 'March 1. Ilalph Momlles seaut has puiehased a jewtlry stole In Jersey City. An application for a clurter haj been made by the Pcnn Chair com pany of Towanda. A convention ot the Republicans will be held at Towanda on Match 8. C'hailes Strauss, of Snjre, met with a rathei peculiar accident In tho I.e hlgh Valley shops on Tuesdav. He was driving a bir of lion nnd In bending ovr the bar pressed against a revolver which was In hU pocket, causing Its dlschaige. The ball en tered his hir, making a bad wound. Ilev. Di. J. S. Stewnit, for thirty enrs pastor of the Pmbytctian chinch, celebiated the event at the ehapel this evening. Seveial rlergj men were piesent. The tax duplicate of the past jear amounted to the jinn nf JH, ,;'. 07. John II. Deanu, for ton years com missioner's clerk.his puiehased an In terest in M.' E. ltostnfl?ld'.s clothing establishmc nt. The Hock band, of Kngland, Is booked by the Hpwoith league for an entertainment in the near future. P. J. Ocho U tl.i nnvly appointed agent for the ".I ir-il Uonent Life In surant comnaiy of New Tui.oy. The Salvation Rimy Is now in charge of Captain Dyson nnd Lieutenant Slote, who just came from Vuburn. Next Thursday evening a stereopticon lecture will be -dven bv Mr. and Mrs Ksehtie Ilahi Pakah, fur the benefit of the Indian famine fund. Mis Jane Mundy dVd at the home of her Hiifililer, Mts Kuw tul Frost, yesterday mon.lng, In her eight -lifth veil. William Miller, of I.cRavsville, has been visiting his slstoi, .Mis. K. W. Oajloid, this week. Ilev. M. C. ickor, of WvoIu3lng, Is conducting n seiies of revival meet ings at South Towanda. Chutles T4. Hoilon, of the Sharp burg, pa , Young Men's I'hilstlan as sociation, Is visiting his patents here. Paike Wetiaids, of Plttstnn, has been enteitaincd by f: lends ut To wanda this week. Williim May's small boy was badly bitten on the finget bj a. cat on Tues day, the member being Imlly swollen. A fanners' cantata Is belng lehcaised by the Piesbvteilan society. J O Scionten, eellto" of Hie Dushoie Herald, has been a rusted on a chaige of cilmlna! libel, piefend by Assj ciatc Judge Kraus-j, of Clienv town ship, Sullivan count. He waived a heating and gave hall for appearanca ,'t eouit. rACTORYVILLE. tho Baptist church next Sabbath morn lug, and tho right hand of fellowship will be-extended to those who were re cently taken Into the church. The icport of the Odd Fellows' roll call and banquet, held In Odd Fellows' hall Inst night, will appear In Mon day's Issue of Tho Tribune. Ilev. W. M. Hlller returned Thurs day evening from MacDonough, N. Y., nnd will occupy the pulpit In his church tomorrow morning. The house of Thomas Berry, near Mud pond, In Lemon township, was en tirety consumed by fire about 9 o'clock last Tuesday morning. Part of tho household effects were saved. An over heated flue caused the fire. Mr. Uerry carried no Insurance. HALLSTEAD. Special to The Scranton Tribune. Hnllstead. March 2 Friday night the Ladles' Wide-Awake Literary society assembled at the hall and elected per manent officers. Leta Slmrell, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Slmrell, Is seriously' sick with an attack of fever. Mrs. Kettle, of Susquehanna, Is the guest of M,rs. Millard Decker this w eeK. Mrs. Miles Fisher has returned home nfter several weeks visit with friends In Scranton. Seveial f aimers had the first Febru ary 1 un of maple sugar on sale here last week, Mrs. .1. K. Bamer, who for many venis conducted the millinery estab lishment In Great Bend, has sold out her entire stock. Mr. nnd Mrs. Barnes and family will remove to Rochester. Rev. J. N. Lee, of Great Bend, will talk at the family meeting In Associa tion hall Sunday. Good singing. The Great Bend brush factory Is working full time. A number of female hands have been recently added to the f ot ce. SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY. Ft .ink Chase, of Auburn, Pa., tied a home, with 11 saddle on, at the upper hotel, Wednesday night, and the horso became f lightened, bioke Hie tie strap and l.in away. No clue as to wheie the hot so went has 1 cached this place. Morse Bi otheis. Dr. Paine and Di. Stiuppltr, of Seranton, have puiehased a certain lot of ical estate at Like AVlnola, and ito negotiating for the piopeity of C.'n. Fieai. Mrs. Edwin Peck, nee Cat lie Worden, has, thiough her attorney, II. H. Hol gate, commenced divorce pioceedlngs against her husband. Edward Peek, or Lake Sheilelnn, on the grounds of de sertion and non-support. Mrs. Peek re sides at LaPlume. Rev. G. It. Smith, of Fiankllnvillo, N Y has accepted the eall from tho Baptist chinch of this plate, and will assume chat go of the pastorate on Api II 1. Poor Master Geoige H. Spiague was takfn suddenly 111 last Tliuisday and grave doubts of his lecoveiy weie np piehended, but he 1 allied jesteiday and Is considerable better. Ilev. Elkanah Hully will preach at Speclil to The Scranton Tribune. Susquehanna, Match 2 Fourteen Hnllstead and Oieat Bend ladles have formed an "E. H. S. Club." D. F. Bernstein, proprietor of the Hallstead silk mill. Is In New Yoik city, attending tho funeral of his father. A. C. Matthews, of Great Bend town ship, leeently shot a fox which had' a strap with a ling and buckle around Its neck. Revival meetings are In progress In the Locust Hill Methodist church, Great Hcnd township. J. B Howe, a prominent resident, is all at his home In Great Bend. William Hunt, of Great Bend, for nineteen cars a Lackawanna railroad man, has resigned, to work his fine farm just north of that borough. Mts. M. C. Murray, of Hallstead, Is cilt!call 111 with pneumonia. The condition of Frank Boland, of Albany, who has been seriously 111 In Gieat Bend, his former home, for seveial weeks, Is somewhat Improved. Editor More, of tho Great Bend Plalndealer, will on Monday next be lnauguiated maypr of Great Bend with elaborate eeiemonles. He will wear a white shirt for the occasion. Life In Great Bend will be woith the living hereafter. J. It. Douglass, of Blnghamton, a well known commercial traveler, for merly of Great Bend, Is giadually re coveilng fiom a veiy severe attack of pneumonia. In the recent bankiuptcy case of Homy Ackett, a prominent Great Bend grocet, William J. Day, of that borough, has been appointed trustee. Mr. Aekei t may eventually resume business Invitations nte out announcing the cunilng m.iulage of John Ford Dixon, of Hickory Giove, to Emily Jane Fon ton, of Deposit, N. Y., on Wednesday evening, Maich 21. By 11 change on the Jefferson division of the Eiie Palmer's "Flyei" will not tun on Sunday. Tialn No. 24, Sundays onl, will leave Susquehanna ut 3 15 p. m, and train No 23 will airlve from Caibondale at 7.55 p. In. What to Do Until the Doctor Arrives It Is veiy hard to stnnd Idly by and see 0111 dear ones suffer while awaiting the anlval of the doctor. An Albany (N. Y.) daiiyman called at a diug store theio toi a doctor to come and see his child, then veiy sick with croup. Not finding the doctoi In, he left word fer him to come at once on hla return. lie also bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which he hoped would give some relief until tne doctor should arilvp. in a few houis ho leturncd, salng the doctor need not come, as the child was much better. The diugglst, Mr. Otto Seholz, h.ijs the family has since leeommended Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to their nelghbois and f 1 lends until he has a constant demand for It fiom that part of the country. For sale by all diugglsts. Matthews Bros , wholesale and retail ugts. CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Jr V1?pt ? " Signature i oi CaJi& Mc&JCiM Are You Interest 3d in N ew Goods? TIE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New York, March 2 -Tho stock market fulled to show any positive strength at any time during tho dy, nnd In tho late dealings tho whole list Melded to bear prcssuro 011 the nows of tho threatening uBpeet of HfTalrs amongst tho metiil workers In Chicago. Tho weakness of tho Iron and steel stocks yestcrdny.whlch as due to lutgc selling orders on Chi cago uccount, wan thus executed. The bears were busy In tills group ot stocks oil day, und supplemented the news of tho labor trouble with many vague ru mors of a purpose to defer dividends which have htthfrto been foretold on more or less reliable authority. Re ports were circulated also of enormous rival combinations to be organised to compete In this Industry. As tho result of this pressure tho majority of the stocks In the group were depressed from 2J4 to 3 points. Tho character of much ot tho selling was mnde obvious by the sharp rallies In bear covering, American Hoop, Tennessee Coal and National Steel recovering from 2 to 3 points at different times. Sugar was subleoted to heavy selling all dny which was without other excitement than the continued doubt over tho dividend prospects, but which was at tributed to a new bear drive. The stock dropped to par for the first time since the summer depression of 1SD6 Incident to tho national political campaign and fell further to 964. rallying and closing unsteady at a not loss of 6l4. Third Avenue suffered from additional liquida tion incident to feirs of a heavy assess ment on the stock and fell an extreme 4 points to a level almost 200 points un der the high price of February last year. The stock rallied sharply and was well supported during the latter part of tho day. People's Gas was raided on tho report of projected proceedings against the legality of tho combination. Con solidated Gas was forced down 9 points on light transactions Pullman, Sugar Pieferred, Tobacco nnd Metropolitan Sfeet Railway suffered to tho extent of 3 to SVs The railroad stocks yielded unwillingly until the Into raid on the market when large llock3 were thiown over. St. Paul leading tho decline with nn extreme of two points Baltimore und Ohio, Now York Central and South ern Pacific were also notably affected with the late rally on bear on covering reduced the net losses of tho rallrond3 to fractions exi opt In the cases that are mentioned. There was disappointment that London did not respond with grentcr, enthusiasm at the news of tho relief or L-dv smith by bio lug stocks. Tho dis position there was to realize, nnd Lon don was a small seller here. The pros pect of u heavv decline in surplus re set ves In the bank statement Induced somo selling, but the preliminary esti mates of tho cash average by express in dicate a small net gain on the Inter or movement. This Is attributed to ship ments by Interior b inks to New iors. for Uio purpose of buying government bonds. But tho gain on this account Is quite Insignificant compared with the week's losses bj the banks to the sub treasury which hnvo amounted to $7,m 000 thus making lnev Itable u further de cline of several millions in tho surplus reserves of banKs. uoiai suits, u.',ovj BThe bond market was rather dull and prices jlelded in sjmpathy with stocks. Total sales par value, $103000. U. S. 6s declined U In the bid price. The following quotations are furnished The Tribune by M. S Jordan & Co . rooms 705-706 Mears building. Tetephone 0003. Open- High- Low- Clos Ins est est. Ing. Amer. Sugar 103 103 97Jy Amer. Tobacco 107 107 103 104H Am St. & W E6'i &6i 61 mf Atchison 22 224 X 22'i Atchison, pfd G54 65tt 61' 64 Brook. Trac CbVi 6bH R1V4 66Vi Con. Tobieco 314 J1V4 30U 30H Ches. & Ohio 2t 2"! IS 2S, i n. w Hi 13A 13'i 13Vi C. B. & Q 123 123'd 122T4 12 W, ....I'JtS ieit4 1UU-4 1"CH ,... ir.'R linvi H3's li'i Rock Island D. & H Lackawanna Fed. Steel Fed. Steel, pfd. ... Knn & Tex., pfel I,ouls Knsli. .1S2' . ri2's ! 13'i W'4 183 f2'4 724 33'i &2Mi 048 1S2'4 1S3 WH3 UVt 72 75 3214 32i M'4 3i Mull r.lnntecl 0W Met. Tiactlnu Hi G'V4 ICG' 168 Mo Pae 43' 433 44 45 N. J. Central 116 lift 116 11 Smith. Pacific 3S W)i 371J 38 North. Pacillc 52,, 6.'. 62H B2l Nor. P.ic. Pr 74'4l 74'i 74' 'a 74e N Y. Central 13jv, mU 132 Ont. &. West 21'd l'entta. -H II 1J Pacific Mnll Reading R R.... rs ll Reading, Pi ."S souenern it. it .... u'i Smith. R R . Tr. ... 5S18 Tenn. C. & I ')! Leather. Pr ll'j V. S. Rubber ,2i Union P.acllle 49 T'nlnn Pae . Pr 74'i Wabash. Pi 20Ms Western Union 82' CHICAGO BOARD Oren- WHEAT. Ing July 05 May Cl, CORN. July 31 May 31, OATS. July 22'i, May 2o4 LARD. July 692 May 3S.2 PORK. July 10 55 May 1047 2I'S in !S 1SV, on', 13 3S H 12 ?Z 1'i'i 74'i 20H S."i Or TRADE. High. Low- Clos. est. est. Ing fiG'i 05 06'i C5 G bo 21?i 21 ik ir;; 37' 37' j lV4 IS'.. 6s rs :i'i n .17 ts ml tvi 10', ll'i 22' j 32' IS'. 4S 71-, 74 2U', ?0'i S2 2 31 31 14 23 517 6S7 31 31H 22'J 21' 4 i92 5 ii .34, 31 ""1, 23 r.r. 5S7 10 67 10 52 10 65 10 CO 10 13 10 W) . v WE ARE HAKINQ A FINE DISPLAY OF New Silks Fine Printed Foulards, Glasse Taffeta Double Warp Fancy Waist Silks. Peau de boie, Granite, boft Pliable Col ored Gopds, 'Dress Goods Scotch Cheviots, B.oadcloths, Venetians, Vicunas, Cheviots, Tweeds, Suitings, Double-faced Golf Zebeline, Camel's Hair for Tailor Suits. New Tailor-Made Suits and Skirts Fly Front, Tight Fitting and Eton Jackets, Flare and Flounce Skirts, Rainy Day Skirts. nuilin Underwear, Embroideries, Laces, Wash Goods, White Ooods, Ta ble Linens. Most women prefer New Goods at the same pi ices as old shop-worn, out-of-style good. We have New Stylish Goods. Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Bid. Askca. First National Rank biiO Scran ton Savlnss Bank 300 Scianton Packing Uo. 95 Third National Bank 425 Dime Dep & Dls Bunk 208 Economy Light. H. & P. Co 47 Lacka Trust & Safe Dep. ,'o. 150 Scranton Paint Co go 400 125 ClarK & Sno.r Co, Com. Clark & Snoer Pref Scr. Iron Ponce & Mfff. Co. Scranton Axle Works Lacka. Dairy Co, Prof. Co. Savings Bank & Trust Co 250 KlrBt Nat. Tank (Carbondale) ... Standard Drilling Co New Mexico By Coal Co , Pr.. 40 BONDS. Scianton Paf?. Railway, flist mortgage, due 1920 U3 Peoplo'u Street Hallway, tlrst mortRHpe, due 1918 115 People's Street Railway, Gen eral mortgage duo 1121 115 Dickson Manufacturing Co Lacka. Township School 5 City nf Scranton St. Imp. 0. ... Mt. Vernon Coal Co ... Scranton Traction C bonds. 100 100 20 300 JO 115 100 102 102 fca Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. G. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Avenue.) Butter Creameiy. 21c; dairy, tubs, 21c. Eggs Select western, lSV.c; neaiby ktate, 10'ii. Cheese Full cream, new, nc. !. j s 1' 1 bu , diolio marrow, $2.'0: medium, $2 10; pea, $2 30. Onions Per bu , 43c, Flour ii JO MEARS & HAG EN, 415-417 Lacka. Avenue Philadelphia Grain and Produce. Phlhuli lphla, Match 2 -Wlieat-Uc. lower; contruct grailo Match, Ci .iTO'te. S.!iVw !"..' "" ""no uppui. 5ltwl&l0- J,40, l,- SOc'-i No- - n"0" do, 29a29Hc, Piitutoes Steady: Penna. (hulce. per hu , M.iJc; New York and western do, UuiSi.; do do. tali to good do., 4tsa52e. Butter-Firm nnd "ale. higher; frenn nearby, 15c,; do. western, 15c; do. southwestern, 15c; do. southern. He. Cheese firm. Refined sugars Dull. Cotton rirra and l-lt,c. higher; middling uplands, ir,c. Tallow Un. changed; city piimo in hhdx., SuSSc; country do. do, bbls . G&itSiji'.; dark do, C.iS'ic ; rukes, 5e.; grease, SJiaSc. us to color. I.ho poulto Steady; fowls, 10a 10'ie.j old roosters, 7a7ie.; chicken, lla J2e.; geet-e, UUllc. Dressed poultrj htcacl) ; fowls, choice. llallHc: do talr to good. 10il04c; old roosters, Re. ; chick, cut noarb, llal3e,! western do., latge, 12.il24e ; medium do , lOallc: common clo ha9c: turkejs. iholen to fancy, Uu Tie; do. fair to good, OnlOu. : common do , 7o8c. ; ducks, 9al2e.; geese. 7aSe. Receipts Kluur. biiOO barrels and 9.000 sacks; wheat. 1.(100 bushels; corn, 69.000 bushels; oats, 12,00 bushels. Shipment Wheat, 2,vn) bushels; corn, IOS.000 bushels; outs, 9,600 bushels. New York Grain and Produce. New York. March 2 Flour Moderately active und weak; being shaded a llttlo en somo grades, Wheut Spot tlrm; No, Jp 72 p sP cp epr a ?$? JjeF fSm tT hjlg f!" Se For $15 We will Dress You Like a Millionaire. To be well and stylishly dressed is no longer the advantage of the rich. , . It would do your heart good to hear the expressions of surprise and satisfaction from our visitors when they inspect our fine woolens and learn that we make them to measure for $15. 9a. VVe UOll I abK. yUU IU l-Ulllc mm uuy , vvc cjui aoiv jruci cu cumic aYid satisfy yourself. You will find the imprint of old Scotland on all our original pieces. We invite you to bring an expert to test the quality, with acids or any way you wish; and another expert to examine the fit and making. We invite you to compare our goods. with what you have been paying $35 and $40 for. We will have nothing to say, we will leave it all to you and your friends. In our great stores, scattered all over the country, we make to order more custom clothes than any other concern in the whole world. 000 beautiful patterns, all colors and all weaves to select from and only one price to pay. Select anything you see and we will carefully cut it to your measure, line it, fit it and finish it just like the clothes you have always paid $35 for, but our price will be but $15. No higher. Separate Trousers, $4. Come and see us anyway, if nnlv to ?et some samples. 103 Suits and Overcoats sold Monday, Tuesdav and Wednes- 2 j... .riU-:- 1. T C r..,nc-. h aay 01 mis vveeK. uu ycuis u suitwa. jjVjJKjtgJ $M& Q$ GwWWWWWT WOOLEN MILLS IN SCOTLAND. SCRANTON MM. 402 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. 0P?3S1T JIM'S LING'S. A Pair of Shoes Free to Every Baby Born This Year SPECIAL SHOE BARGAINS TODAY, SATURDAY. A Pair of Shoes Free to Every Baby Born This Year - Men's Box Calf $3.00 Shoes cut to $1.98. Meri's Box Calf $4.00 Shoes cut to $2.98. Meu's Heavy Russet Shoes cut to $1.98, $2.29 and $2.48. Men's $1.50 Shoes at 98c. Ladies' Goodyear welt, $2.50 Shoes, lace and button, cut to $1.79. Ladies' fine hand welt aud turned $3. 50 aud $4 00 Shoes, at $2.50. Boys' Shoes at 98c. Misses' Shoes at 75c and 98c. Children's Shoes at 49c, 69c and 75c. MYER DAVIDOW, The Cheapest Shoe Store. 307 Lackawanna Avenue. 2 red." 73V&c elevator: No. 2 led. 750. f. o. b. afloat In btorc. No. 1 northern Duluth, Tigc f. ci, l. afloat prompt. Op tions ftencrully weak nnd lieuvy iicmly all clay. In tho last lmui the market rallied and held tlrm at unthantfed pile en to Uc. net advance. March closed iJ'ic Ma. "lc; July. "IV.: Sept., TlVsc Corn SiKit c.iby: No. J, 4Hf. f. o. U. afloat, nnd Wic. elewitor. Option market opened easy and remained under bear control most of the day without ulioulmr much decline, t'loed Moady at u parttal mt decline. Mm closed 10c. : July, 10'nC. Oats Spot cjulet: No. 2. '⁣ No. ". 2Sc: No. 2 white. 31ic: No. :t white. JO-c: track mixed western. Jt'SuJUc.; trae'e white, JlnJoc. Options o,ulet and ea. nutter Firmer; western cieamery, 20 1 2'c: do. fictorj, 17alle; Juno creamery, lhaJte.i Imitation creamery. lia.'Jc; statu dalrj, l"!a21c.: do do. creameiy, 2Ji2jc. Cheese Firm: fall made, fancy small, U nl3'4c; choice Krailes. t.'alc. Kpb' Firm: fctato and IJennslaiilii ut mark, 16al(iHc.; houthern nt matU lDalJic: Western at mark. ICc. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chlcufjo. Match 2 Cattle Receipts, 4.HX); generally caller: natles. Rood to prime steers, fcteudy to slow, $5au: poor to medium, blow to 10c. lower. fMW &); selected fecdeis, bett i-teadj : others slow at U 15)i4.70; mixed stockcrs Pitty, $110 1 4 DO: cows, steadv to 10c. lower, J3.i4 J.T; heifers weak, 3 X0a4 60: canners, slow, 2.23a3; bulls, steady, Ji.liOaK'Sj calvea about steady. flaS; fed Tcmis steels, 10c. lowci, $J90.i4PU, Tex.iH liidls. ste.tel, $3JOn3 75 llosh Iticeipts todaj. 25,'Ml, e.stlin.ilcd fm tomoirow. .MW), left ocl, jmV), falilv uclln at estcidav' iIokIiik prlet"; tops. JHi'j mixed and InitcherM, $4ej"ialS7'S; KfO'l to rholco luav. J!U.i 4 &"'; loiiKh heavy. ti-"al . : llBlit. 51 W u4 Su; bulk of sales, $17i il W's. Hhecp Hecelpts, 10 CH1; sheep nnd lumlit Bener ally steady; Rood to choice aethers Hun $". Wat; fair to cholco mixed, ubout steuiU. ft 50a" 40: western sheep, steadv. S3 .i5 "! earlliiBS about steaeh. JlmlulO; natlvn Iambi about steuh-, ?o.i7Jj; west ern itemb", stead), Su i" S.". New Yoik Live Stock Hatket. New York. March 2 lkees Ac llo anil 10c. hlKher; ubout all sold: steers. $IOaS.ii: oxen, .' 10; bulls, $1 iSal : cows, 50.i4 falCS-I.iwel. all soil: eaK 4BC.i7W: tops. $7.7' iS. Shoei) and lambs-Kheep, stroni;: liimb-". 10e. IiIrIici'. Sheep, $ I SOaii; culls, t-al: liimln, $ia8.1i); culK JtiaCM) llnKs-relliiB easier; Kooel western Intrs, t' -0; plus, $3 2.1, Chicago Gmlu Markot. Clilcauo, March J Tho wheat in.iiket oiiened weak today on hc,i AiRcntiue shipments und lower I.Uripoeil cables but iccocrcd em u lietler cash demand, clo-e. Iiir tlrm, M.iv a shado oci jesterdnj. May corn closed a shade lower; May oats unchanged, and the provisions mar ket, 2HuSc. Improved. Cash isolations weio us follows: rioiu Slow; No. 3 sprint; wheat, iiladc.; No. J red, 67at,S'4c; No J corn, i:V.: No .' yellow, 3Jiit34c: No. 2 oils, Ji'e.: No. J white. 23V. eAe. : No. .: white, 2"h,i2m.; No 2 rve, .WjC.: No. 2 bailcv. .s.ille'.: No. 1 fli xseeel and wutlmcbt, tiw, tlmotlo, f.'tj; purk, IJCOalOCO; I ml, $1 70a5 7.1'j: ribs $-,70a. Ofli; shoulders, $0,lo; whiskey, $1 2JVil sugars, unehauc,ed, Buffalo Live Stock Market. llast lliiffalo, Mnich .' Cattle Steady, for Rood plain and medium dulls; eals scMico but HtiMilvj ho; bulk sulea Rood, $"J7, a tew SIJO; jiIrs. $3 10a5 15. Hhecp nnd lamlis lllRher" tup lambs. $7 0)aiij otheis ti.t7 71; mlseil sheep, $3 73a(), oth cix. Jli.'aJUS; wetheis and j callings, $u 5oi7.1o Oil Market. OH City. Maieh 2. Credit balances 1; ceitlflc.ites, no bid. Shipments, 5,SWi; lUlis, M,4Ui. UUNNINd SOUKS, tho outcome ot neg lect, or bail blood, have a ncvcr-faillne balm In Or. Annuw'B Ointment. Will heat the most stubborn cases. Soothon Irri tation almost Instantlv after first appli cation. It relieves all llehlni? unit burn ing Hkln Diseases in a day. It cures Piles In 3 to r nights. 33 rents. Sold by Mat thews llros. und W. T. Clark. 33. 1 J e e.K 1 fV fc 4T aQL tAJm, : ,-A. jift&JhT. -4 4JeJL & v i,