The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 26, 1900, Morning, Page 8, Image 8

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i. I' . yi L f "'
26, 1000.
Make-up of the P., L. & W. Board
for Today Bichfir.d Kellow Is Act
ing as Trainmaster of the Dela
ware and Hudson and S. A. Mc
Mullen as Rottdinaster Little
Change In the Iron Market-prices
Show No Sign of Weakening An
Automobile Company Formed.
The follow Ihr Is from the MIiiIiik nnd
Engineering Journal 'of Saturday:
"A short-lived cold wavo iiceoni
panled tlio first real hiiow stoim that
Now York city lms soon this winter.
The cold wave xceni" to linve been of
jrencrous ciltm.n-'liins nnd Motilities
burnt up a lot of coul. It did not Inst
long enough to n fieri iirlrcn. how over,
nnd unlPFfl Munh N u rttv r.uv ami
blusterlnpr month, the ni.iiket Is not
Kolng to show liuicli i'ctlvlty for somn
time. Just nt iiPont thhiK.i In the
east ntc very quiet Indeed.
The movenipnt of eoal to ports be
yond Cnpe Cod Is light, there bolus a
sudden glut of soft real to eastwnid,
while yards are well supplied with an
thracite. In the. wet there Is much
the same condition of things os aloni?
the seaboard. Cold weaMier staited up
retail buylnff, but alt yards wete, so
well stocked Up lhat the tempo' urv
nctlvlty did not alfect wholesale trad'
percpptlbly. The market for 'he small
steam sizes continues excellent and
pilces show tin foiling off. .U eastern
points, broken and epn sizes :ue in
best demand, ece In particular beltiK
somewhat of a drug1 In the muiket.
'nverythlnff now Indicates that ther-
will be nothing llk rueli a demand for
coal at westetn jiolnts when navigation
opens n prevailed Inst year, const
ciuently production will have to bo re
st) Icted to keep up pi Ices. Wo quote
for free hunting untliincltu f. o. b.
New York, biokon. $.!.::i: egg, W:.
stove, $4; nut. M."
D., L. & W. Boaid.
Follow Ins Is the make-up of the D
L. & W. board for today:
Monday, Ib. 20
! a. nt., noitli (!. Kimuifellter.
2 p. m., south H. Hush.
puu.i:n. ,
10 n. m. rccklns.
S a. m., south Ilousct. :
11.30 n. m., south M. Jlotali.
7 p. m., south-M. Murph.
10 p. m., south C. C.twlrj.
6.30 p. m. M. MaROVeiil.
1 p. m., 2 engines J. O'll.iru.
:: p. in., 2 engines T. rttzp.ttrkk.
." a. m., 2 engines It. U.itner.
An Automobile Company.
A genuine automobile company ms
Ijfen formed in this city nnd only
WIlkeH-llarre capitalists nic Inter
ested. The name has not yet been
decided upon, but It is probable that
It will be known ps the Wllkes-Uair
Automobile company.
Among those who aie known to bi
Interested are TJdwaid OunMer and
Harry M. Posten. with a number of
other business men. It Is the inten
tion to run automobiles wot of Main
street ns far down as ISIveisula paik.
and farther peihaps, tnkintr In Piank
lln river ancl other prominent streets,
including Carey avenue. Wllkes
Harre Itucord.
This and That.
William MeClave, of the film of Mc
Clave & Brooks, was las-'t week granted
ii patent upon a former patent of a
device for the automatic feeding and
cleaning of boileis.
A. H. Bonn and II. Ileldenroich have
purchased the Yates foundry nt South
Wllkes-Barre and will remodel and en
large the plant. A huge tnreo of em
ployes will be added and the concent
-will engage extensively In tho manu
facture of It on store fronts, grates,
columns and a gcneial molding busi
ness. The Scranton Pump company aie
moving from their present quarters on
Washington avenue to the building Just
erected by them on Meylert avenue,
near the lace factory. It Is expected
that the work of tiansferring their
goods and machinery will have been
completed 'by March 1 and that the
new plant will then be put In full
operation with a large force of men.
S. A. McMullen. brother of the late
William J. McMullen, and trainmaster
on the Pennsylvania division of tho
Delaware nnd Hudson, is acting In
ihls capacity on the Honsdale hinneh I
nnd Richard Kellow, loadmasterol tlf
ame division, Is now acting In the
capacity made vacant by the death of
its former official. It is thought that i
these temporary appointments may be ,
made permanent.
The condition of the It on maiket
shows little change. Prices chow this
signs of weakening, and tlteic Is little
disposition to make concessions, ns
sellers are becoming Aimer in the be.
lief that they are suie of a good yeai's
business and there Is no necessity for
them to give way In cider to j-ecuto
work. This disposition N strengthened
by the Increasing number of Inquiries
from atroad, both for raw Iron and
steel, and for finished material.
Yon art cloning tip
III flu Dorea. nuolllni
the flams avery Mrue I
you una Inferior oil In a
lamp. Don't blame the
lamp ror m result. A
poor oil makes a poor
iifiib un juu r ursa oi poor
Hints, and want neb, brilliant
whit llcbt, gat our
Water White
The floast oil that the bast raflnerlaa
of the land ran make; ancl it's not
only maae pure, us delivered
c. ask yuur ueuicr uduuv iu
Colds, Coughs,
Hay Fever. Bron
chitis, Asthma
and all Diseases
of the Throat and
Cloud or McalratM Vpnr re 1oh1e.l
throuth the mouth n.l emitted frnni the nof
trllt, clranslng md Tipnrliinf ill the Inntimvl
Mil diseased mrt which csntiot he reached by
medicine tokm Into tb- mornach.
it reach, Ihr tnrt tpoliTt lento thf raw
ptrtealt fit i to the teat oftUieanett net m
rtlmtm anrttimtf 'n the tihnte ufem J.M7
uruggwt or"" b'irn'l. ;w Areh f!t rhlla.
The Ancient Franks One of the .Most
Peaceful People In the World's
History Then France Was a Hap
py Country Changes Wrought by
Almost on the anniversary of the day
when Napoleon I. created tho consu
late consisting of himself ns first con
sul, Ctinhaeeres as second consul and
Lcbion as thlid consul, Krnnce Is
MKaln on the verge of an uptlslng,
which, unhappily, began In 1789, has
broken out with more or less force,
and with bilef petlods of quiet 111 be
tween, dining the last 110 years.
The Flanks who ran over Uuul In 420
weie a pe.uoiul people, who desired to
own a countiy of their own. Their
highest ambition was a home where
their childien could be bom, grow up
and marry, dilnk of tlife fiult of the
vine, nnd teaV other children, who
would sli under the same vineyards
and gicw old, happy In the thought
that the next genei.ttlon would leap
the fiult . the toll which had been
I'll li.iimniii, the chlel of the Frank1'.
In 42, Is consldeied the founder of the
Flinch monaichy. He created himself
the (list Fiankian king, and was fol
lowed successively by many others.
In 7.11 the Cailovlnglnn d nasty was
Inaugutateit by Pepin le Href, nnd tho
gloiles ot Chailemagne In 814 are still
5ung. Then came Louis V., followed
by many of the Capet lace. As many
us Hi teen kings lived directly In the
line of the Capetlan succession; but
they ended in 1328 with the lelgn of
("hatles V., nfter which the succession
revolted to the house of Valols.
All this time, there was no seilous
ttouble. Kings lived and ruled and
died and wete bulled, and the people
cried:. "Long live the King!' Such
: peaceful, happy nnd consequently
successful country was never known,
and when Philip VI. took the throne
in the fouiteenth centuiy he found tho
c.ountry lnimenely wealthy and the
unity, second to none In the world.
Philip VI. was the llrst of thirteen
Mugs ot the house of Vniois, which
ended with Henty III. in I'.'P. And
peace- still hovered over France' Of
course in those days tbeie were con
stant conflicts between I he church and
state, and blood was shed every day
but this was a pan of the tegular llf
of that petiod. and when prince waned
ngalnM pi Into and family against
family, the matter was conMdeted no
mote- thin a Meitdly dlsput-, and not
a national uprising nt all.
Outing all this time the continent of
Amei It. i had been dlse-.eii-d and
Spain had ilsen until she was very
powifill' yet she In no way obscuiel
Fiance loi Spain's might was on tho
sea. but Fiance's vm th lay at home.
Fiance, with her wonck-iful machinery
marvelour even in those ciude day.. I
end with her ptndurtr ot field and vine, i
easily led the world In riches; and
when Henrv IV Inaugurated t(te hous )
of llourbon he found himelf al the
head ot a kingdom which as the envy
of eeiv utliei counti.v In Kuiope. ' i
The niei" pasliig of the succession
o the toyal house from the Capets lo
the Boiubonn meant no levolutlun. It ,
merely c.n e nbo-it through the lack of I
a direct successor, and the toynl lln '
was compelled to turn aside Instead nf '
descending fiom father to son. i
Thm came the I.ouls pe-lod. Louis I
XIII. took the throne In tU. nnd '
ruled for thltty-thiee years. Louis '
XIV., who left us surb a rich leg.icv !
in house decoiatlon. icigned from li'.l". !
to 1715, a stretch of sevvnty-two years,
longer ihnn Queen Victoria has reigned
longer. Indeed, than any living sov
eloign. Louis XIV. became a bad old '
man in his age nnd lived as Immorally
as he ruled wisely. I
Louis XV.. his successor, put ,ri9 I
yea i s upon the throne, and Louis XVI..
who was ciowned In 1774, ruled until
17VJ, when broke out that awfu! revo- '
lutlon. which cost Louis his head and
his ciown.
One bundled yeais ago Fiance was
tie.ited to a new government veiv fro- '
qu-ntly. In i;n: it MUs luled b the
convention; the directory governed
Franc- in i ;)-,. Then came Xapoleon
and the consulate.
Napoleon was backwaid at tlist anil
hesitated to proclaim himself emperor,
but he found it easy to cull hlihseU
the fit it coiimiI, and as such he gradu
ally slipped Into the empeioi's chair
and got for himself the ompeior's
ci own
Aftei Napoleon met Ills 'Wntei loo In !
1M5, Louis XVIII.. of the House of
Bourbon was placed upon the throne
and Fiance was a monarchy, tuibulent.
and ruled by successive kings until
lSDi), when the second lepuhlio was In
augurated. Twenty-one yeais later Napoleon lit
was elected empeior and again a nion
archy iiilcd Fiance.
The Franco. Pi usslan war of is;o
was the death blow to the emperor's
power. Fiance, which had been In the
most prosperous condition up to the
time of Napoleon III., now saw Itself
involved In war and Its treasury de.
pieted. Eugenie, who was then the
empress of France, was unpopular, and
was called on the streets, "The Span
lard," and Franco had no love for
Snaln. At this time the emperor cle
clated war on Germany, having been
provoked to this step by tho warllko
attltudo of Bismarck, and the two
armies met In one of the most fearful
conflicts ever known In history. Again
and again France was defeated; finally
before Sedan. And then the French
people decided that' Napoleon should
bo taken off the throne and the ruler
ship should be invested In a republican
Bender 1 havsh a tlcklln' In m-my
Treate Maybo It's a feather off the
last cocktail. Chicago News.
' v4sK I
Concluded from Paso l.J
acre has Issued a dlvUlonal order nn
nounclng the killing at Pthocmcn'ri
farm yesterday of Captain Montmor
ency, commanding Montmorency'
scouts, and Lieutenant Colonel Itossl
ker. of the Third1 volunteer artillery.
Gteatest Excitement During Cam
paign In London.
London, Feb, SR. 4.35 a. m. Perhaps
never before In the course of the pres
ent campaign have' such crowds visited
the war ottlcc- os went thera yesterday.
As th" Times remarks, "the dearth of
news Is somewhat trying at times
when a considerable success was gene-rally
regarded ns Imminent."
No diminution of confidence In Lord
Roberts is felt, however, and the pub
lic Is ready to believe that he has good
reasons for not mentioning amoral
Cronjo In the official dispatches. Prob
ably he Is In no hurry to end the sit
uation which Is dally bringing In
small parties of Boers in u vain en
deavor to reinforce General Cronle.
These he can deal with In detail.
Loid Robots has already captured
over SW Boers and at this utte he will
soon have quite a respectable array
of pi Isoners to hold as hostages for
the S.fWO Biltlsh already In Pretoria.
(leneial c'ronje's refusal lo nccept
the offer ot Lord Robeits regaidlng
the women nnd children Indicates
either that the position Is less desper
ate than has been supposed or that lie
has been able to dlfan absolutely safe
place for them.
F.vorythlng goes to shew that Gen
oral Build's advance l most stub
bornly contested and most cautiously
can led out.
It Is hoped that he will soon be in a
position where General White will be
able to assist him meterlally.
-The campaign Is now apptoachtng a
most Intel esting pait. In about a fort
night the congress of the Afrikanders'
Bund will meet and it is rumored that
Mr. Hoffmyer will then propose peace
terms on the basis of the republics re
taining absolute Independence, but of
feiing to dlsaim. If these terms are
i elected, it Is understood that a mani
festo w III be shortly issued to the
Dutch throughout South Africa call
ing upon them to thiow off their allegiance-
to Great ' Britain. Probably
these rumors arc exaggerated, but
theio Is no doubt that the greatest
anxiety prevails In Cape- Town regard
ing coming events.
Germany, through the hemi-offlclal
Berliner Post, reiterates that all ie
ports of Get man Intervention are quite
without foundation. Captain Raymond
Harvey DeMontmorency, who was
killed In Geneial Gatacte's reconnais
sance Satm day, was the heir higher
ot . iscount Frankfort De Montmorency
and wns the fourth heir to a peerage
w ho has fallen In the course of the
Biltlsh Struggle to Dislodge the
Ciileiiso. Natul, Satuulay, Feb. 24.
The Boers, who had been reinforced,
made a stand on Thursday at Orob
ler's kloof and on a lange of hills
running cast. They had been forced
from all tlivlr positions on the right.
General Lyttleton's division on Thurs
day advanced under cover of the kopje.
The Boers fired a Croeosute and Long
Tom. The Biltlsh artillery was well
shelteied in the action at d.ivbteak and
until lato in the afternoon, when a
he-ivy flte m both sides developed.
The Biltlsh infantry had advanced
a mile and a half and continuous tire
was kept up until after daik. .Tho
Boers stuck to their positions. Tho
Biltlsh artlllety filing was Irregular.
The Boeis sent shells into the head
quarters baccage close to the hospital,
but no material ilami'ge wns done.
General Wynne was slightly wounded.
The Boer position v aic- not considered
strong, with the exception of Grob
lei's kloof. The hills eastward arc not
so high and cannot be entrenched so
well as the mountains which the Brit
ish have taken.
The Somersets were the first across
on Tuesday. They were subjected to
a heavy fire for five hours In an Is
olated position. It was 'the first time
they had been under file and they be
haved excellently. Early on Friday
a severe rifle fire was resumed on tho
tight and front from th" positions held
over night, by both sides. The British
naval guns, howitzers, mountain and
field battel les shelled the Bos-r trenches
Incessantly. The Boers replied with
two he ivy guns, some of their she'ls
bursting over the hospital. As a re
sult the Biltlsh wounded were re
moved. During the nfternoon the Fifth brigade-,
the Innlskllllngs and Dublins
leading, began to advance up the hills.
In spite of the constant shelling the
Boeis stood up In their trenches, alin
ing deliberately down the hills.
Tho Infantry advance was further
coveted by parties on the rleht and
left, firing volleys. It was slow, this
Biltlsh taking udvaiitnge of every bit
of natural covei. The Boers on the
ciests of the hills, as well ns tho
(tenches part of the way down, poured
lead along the advancing line.
At daik the British infantiy had
teached lo within a few hundred yards
of the first lines of Buer tienches.
"He is Wise Who '
Talks But Little
This is only a half truth.
If wise men had held their
tongues, we should know
nothing about the circulation
of the blood. If it were not
for this advertisement you
mightnever know that Hood's
Sarsaparilla is the greatest
medicine in the world to
purify and enrich your blood,
create an appetite, give you
strength and steady nerves.
Impure Blood "Mycomplexlon'suu
bid. Hood's StrstptrilU did much good
by purifying my blood. 9iy skin is now
citAr," cAnnle D. McCoy, Waisontovm. Pa,
t Hood's Tills curt llrsr llli i the non-lrirltstlnt sn4
only cathartic tn tike with Mood's gsmpsrtllsC
Extracts From the Diary of a Cor
respondent. Cape Town. Feb. 25.-Extrurts from
the diary of the Renter correspondent
at Klmberlcy glvo nn Insight Into the
trials of the garrison. They a're nn fol
lows: January II Scurvy attacks tho na
tives alarmingly. They are dying fast.
The -antl-scorbutlcs are exhausted
Vino cuttings are being tried In lieu
of green food.
January 12 Typhoid Is very preval
ent. Neglect to boll the water Is the
probable cauc.
. January 13 Fifty typhoids In tits
January 16 The military authorities
have commandeered all the foodstuff.
and other stores. Leave has been
granted to the Inhabitants to snoot
small birds for food.
January 17 The mules slaughtered
aie pronounced superior to hotsctlcsh.
January 24 Fives hundred shells
poured Into the town nt l-npliassurd:
the hoepltal, scutvv compound, and
residences receiving the attention
properly due the defenders of the
earthworks, January 2S A small famllv shell
proof shelter has been dug In nearly
every gat den.
February II Twenty-five hundred
women and children were lowered Into
the mines throughout the night. Tho
men are also selecting places of safety.
February 15 All the morning there
was a heavy crossfire en the Brltltlt
occupying Alexande-rsi'ontrln. The-100-poundcr
and shrapnel nru bursting
over Klmbetloy. L'vety one- Is lying
low. The shops and tmnks wcie- closed
it 'J o'clock this afternoon. There was
n kaleidoscopic change. Hello sipnuh
wete observed Miinotinclng (
French's approach. Clouds ot dust
fiom the rapid advance of th cavaliy
were then seen, and almost .simultan
eously the enemv. was observed limber.
Ing up nnd llceing eastward. The glad
tidings spread with ntaivellous rapid
ity. Front all directions mounted aril
unmounted men hastened to welcome
tho relief, column. Those rr-maliilm;
hoisted flags, and their- wn a univer
sal feeling of joy and thunkfulne,.
Ster.nsktn Arrivals.
New Yoik, Feb. 23. Arrived: Mum-lien,
Bremen; Pennsylvania, llambuig
Sailed: American, Amsterdam, tjueens.
town SalliMl: Willsland, from Liverpool ;
Philadelphia. Lticnniii (from Liverpool)
New York. Lizard-Passed: 11. 11. Mrlr,
New York for Bremen. Dover Passed:
Rheln, Bremen for New York. Brow
head Passed: Tnarle, 'New York for Liv
erpool. Gibraltar Passed: Vlctoiln.
Naples, etc., for New York.
Fire at Troy.
Albany. N. Y Feb. SS. Fire dostio.veil
three buildings of the Troy M.illeable
Iron works today: loss, $l.V,0o0. The
plant Is located in the town of Colonle,
Just north of thu Wntervilc-t city bound
ary lino and east of the Erie canal. Fully
1,000 employes will be thrown out of woik
and will suffer from enforced Idleness
probably for three months.
They Declare for Silver.
Bl.tekfoot. Idaho, Feb. 23. The Demo,
c-ratle. Sliver Republican ancl Populist
committees met nt Idaho Fulls ester
day and declared for a unit of nil silver
forces In the state.
Cutlcura Sosp
Cutlcura Soap
Face Humors
Pimples, blackheads, simple rashes,
red, rough hands, falling hair, and
baby blemishes prevented by Ctni
cuka Soap, a sure preventive of in
flammation and cloggingof the Pores.
Snldllunutlwutthf worM. 1'otTtt Dsoo AinCniu.
Coir.,rrcp , lie. ton. UowtotrYctaiscallumon,fM.
of two to five days' duration, are offered
by the
to such well-known historic points as
Old Point Comfort
at the above prices.
Favorite Route from the North and Bast
to the Winter Resorts of Virginia and
North Carolina.
For full Information apply to
Pier 20, North Elver, flew York.
H. B. Walker, Traffic Manager.
3. J. Brown, Gen. Pass. Agt.
To PATENT Good Idus
mjr be secured by
our aid. Address,
Baltimore, Ml
y rntltiM Rmn l futlnurnSnan
Last Days of Our February Sale.
Special Bargain Friday and Saturday. Large lot X
of Ladies' Shoes, $2.50 and $3.00 goods, &0 A
4- -f -r 4- 4- 4- 4-
A Sale
Of Hosiery
This simple announcement means more than you think. Two classes of
people who will appreciate this unusual show of stocking after it is over
those who took advautag of it and bought, and those, who didn't. Those
who buy will be glad they did. Those who did not will wish they had.
Your hosiery may as well be right o$ wrong, when it costs nothing extra for
correctness. It isn't necessary to say "last black" that's understood in
our hosiery.
For Women Black Stockings of a
medium weight suitable for the waning
winter and early spring, I2j-c pair:
$r.3S dozen; 70c half dozen.
For Women Black Stockings, of
the linest combed Egyptiau yarns, full
regular made, positively the best we have
evjr offered for the price, and the best
wearing stocking money cau buy. 25c
pair, $2.75 dozen; S1.3S half dozeu.
For Women Fine lace, lisle hos
iery, with double soles and high spliced
heels, in black, royal blue and cardinal,
50' cents.
For' Children A closing sale of odds
and ends in ribbed woolen stockings, of
a heavy make, suitable for hard wear;
sizes from 6 to 9, value 20c pair; choose
at 10 cents.
Entire Stock
of Diamonds,
Jewelry and
Pledges Are
Now Sold at
Auction to the
Highest Bidder,
as We Must
Vacate the Store
We Now Occupy
by April 1.
Davidow Bros
227 Lackawana Avi
At Retail.
Coal of the best quality for domestic
use and of all sizes, Including lluckwheat
and Blrdseje, delivered In any part of
the city, bt the lowest price.
Orders received at the offlce. Conncll
building. Room R06: telephone No. 1"G2, or
at the mine, telephone No. ITS, will he
promptly uttended to. Dealers supplied
at the mine. .
The IMckxon Maiiufacturlii!; Co.
ecrmitau cind WUUecllirr IM.
.Mumiruouuert o.'
Boiler. HoUtlngond PuAtplns Machinery.
General Office, Scranton, Pa,
heels and
i2c pair.
For rien
now you II tind it II pay.
SriYRNA RUGS olt.xia ft., reversible and all wool, $25.00,
worth $3s.oo. HAND-HADE TOKIO RUGS 9x12 ft., $i5.oo, worth
$22.50. Complete line, all grades and sues.
Williams & McAnulty,
Capital $200,000
SURPLUS 450.000
WM. CONNELL, President.
HENRY BELIN, Jr., Vlce-Pre.
311 Spum St,
Temple Court BalldiDf,
All ncuto und chronic dleeaes of men,
women und children. ClIHOXiU, NKKV.
KB A SI'KUIAl.TV. All diseases of the
l.lver. Kldncn, HlailUcr. Mcln, lllooO,
Nerves. Womb. 1I liar. Nose. Throat,
and I.ungH, t'unopr. '1'umoro. 1'lle.
Ilupturu, tloltrc. Illitumutlfin, ARthma,
Catarrh. Vurlocciiele. Lost Munhood,
Nightly Kmlluiii. a" Female Dlsemea,
Lrucorrhoca. etc. Clunorrhea. fiyphlllf,
Illood 1'olfon. Indiscretion and nutliful
ImbltH obliterated, riuigvrv. Kit. Kp.
Irony. Tnf and Stomach AVormw. t'A
TAHIUIO.ONi:, ril.cclflc for Catarrh.
Thrro month' treatment only to 00. Trial
free In otrlcr. Coimiltation and exami
nations free. Office hours dally and
Sunday, 8 a. m. to 9 p. m.
For Children The name of this
stocking is "Good," and it is well
worthy of its name. It is a good
stocking; 'it's a cotton ribbed stocking
of good weight with double soles,
knees; sizes from 5 to
Black cotton half
made from fine combed yarns. 12 Jc pair.
For Men Black cotton half hose,
with unbleached feet, the best wearing
sock ever made. 19 cents pair. 6 pairs
for $1.00.
For Men The most comprehensive
line of fancy hosiery yet shown in
Scranton, ranging in price from 2jc to
75c pair. The line includes many new
ideas in men's fancy hosiery not hereto
fore shown.
127 and 129
The universal master the buying
public have confidence in what we
advertise. So have others the com
mon sense wealthy, who have inher
ited the principles of frugality along
with their money. Nearly a quarter
of a century's business experience en
ables us to know the wants of lhe
people and wc never violate the con
fidence imposed in us. These rug
values cannot be duplicated when
present stocks arc exhausted. Buy
Q rt
CD 3
l a
CO 3
3 O i
M ti S
73 tn s
SS Something new M camllo
5 no ftrcis-e; no tlitt; no t-mull; no
SS nothing hut llttlit. Urlchter than
S3 electricity; thejiier than oil.
S "ill Washington Ave.
Booms I nnd'2, Com'ilh BTd'g.
lining and Blasting
Muds l Mooiioand HuU .! Works.
Ifotrlo nnttorlss. KIsotrloExplolrr.
xplodlu tlaK tiuMy Kuc .1,1 1
Rejauno Chsmlsal Co.'s nxAe.