The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 26, 1900, Morning, Page 5, Image 5

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Fine Wall Papers
At Half
the Regular Prices.
lmvlng finished our annual Inventory
of stock we find n lot of. Remnants
nnd small quntltles, enough for
one or two rooms of each, which we
want to clear out to make room
for larger quantities of other
patterns, and offer them at half the
usual prices while they last. This
is a good chance to get real
bargains In fine Wall Papers
where small quantities are wanted.
The variety of patterns and colors is
large, hut the quantity of each
is limited. We want to get thorn
out the store before spiing trade
322 Lackawanna Ave. Scranton.
1 Happy
.Money Is not pit-mlla! to happi
ness, but happy people riHiully
liuvo enough. So save some. Hut
how? fu u drawer? Or In tlio
Family Stocking?
No; Iffi too easily leached; too
much temptation; too apt to bo
lost, or siolen, or burned. In a
bank vault ll'n beyond these dan
gers, and It's .lining more money.
We pay " per cent, compound In
terest on deposit.
Dime Deposit
Discount Bank
1"1 'Wyoming avenue, next door to I to
ld Jcrmyn. Residence, 17ii0 Sanderson
avenue. Kxpcrlcnced, practical, scien
tific. No complaints ugulnst charges or
;oS I'cnn Avenue.
Attorney Geoifse S. Horn spent yester
day In Now York city.
Peter Jlnlott, of Toledo, O., is being
entertained by Scranton friends.
After a Ions Illness of typhoid fever,
.Mrs. Hairy Klrrms, of I'ino street, is
eonvalt scent.
Mr llichard O'lJrleu and granddaugh
ter, .Mirjorle, liavo returned to tms city,
after attending tlio National Congress ot
tlio Daughters of the American Involu
tion at Washington. A reception by thu
president, was ono of tlio features of tlio
Non-Appearance of an Animal Pur
chased by P. F. Cusick.
A week ago last Friday Patrick
Cusick, the well known undertaker,
went to Now York to purchase a horse.
Ho did this and left it in charge of a
stable bund, Fred, Molllns by name,
who was formerly employed In this
city, with Instructions to bring It here.
The animal was expected tlio follow
ing Saturday, but it did not arrive
then, nor 1ms It since. Mr. Cusick
then wired the New York police au
thorities a full description of the man
left in charge of the horse and who
failed to iuaterlall7c with it.
Nothing yet lias been heard of bis
whereabouts, and It looks as though
Mr. Cusick was the loser of bis now
purchase. iMolllns was formerly em
ployed by Liveryman Gorman, ot this
Unknown Man Found Dead
Night in Peckville.
Coroner Itoberts was notified last
night of a man helnK found frozen to
death in l'eckvllle. The man's Identity
could not be learned, hut It Is thought
he Is a foreigner.
The coroner will Investigate the case
Carpenters, Masous, Plas
terers, Plumbers;. Lathers aud
Machinists to visit our store
and buy any tools they may
need duriug the year. At
our big cut in prices you cau
afford to buy for future as
well as present wauts. What
Starrett's tools are left you
may have at cost. In Irving
Ranges aud Furnaces we cau
lave you big money,
Scales for family use, Ham
mocks at cost, Large Ice
Cream Freezers at cost.
' Lackawanna Hardware Co,,
821 Lackawanna Avenue.
Neary & Jennings' Place Burned Out
Early Saturday Morning.
The Interior of. Neary & Jennings'
hotel al 10.. Wyoming uvenue was com
pletely Rutted by lire at an early hour
Saturday morning, and the senior
member of the tlrm had a narrow es
cape from Injury.
Mr. Neary was nulecn on the second
floor of the building when the flro
broke out and was awakened by the
Hinoki' In his room. Patrolman Koeney
dlscovcied the fire nnd kuvo the alnrtn.
The stock nnd fixtures were entirely
destroyed and the building'! badly
damaged. Water also damaged n por
tion of the stock In the Newark shoe
More and damages to tlio amount ot
$100 were done In Kemp's photograph
Tlio origin of the firo Is unknown.
Tlio building to owned by Casey llrotli
ers and Is fully Insured. The damage
to the shoe store, photographer nnd
hotel men Its also covered by Insur
The Redoubtable Detective Seidman
Has Warrants Issued for Common
Councilman E. J. Coleman.
Warrants were Issued Saturday night
In the olllee of Alderman Otto Myers,
of the Second ward, for the arrest of
Common Councilman K. J. Coleman, of
the' Sixteenth ward; Henry Wilson, of
llallstead court; Anthony Scott, of nil
ltaymond court, and several other
voters of the' Sixteenth ward, charging
Coleman with gaining his re-election at
last Tuesday's election by illegal mean,
and the other defendants with accept
ing bribes. Detective Ike Seidman Is
the prosecutor.
It Is also alleged that the registry list
was padded. Detective Seldrnan Is the
man In whoso possession the warrants
now are. They will be served today,
he says.
Detective Seidman, when seen yes
terday, said:
"At this last election there was a
general corrupting ot the voters.
Wholesale bribery was done, and tlio
lower class of voters of the ward was
bought body and soul. Wu have plenty
of evidence to back up our assertions,
and Intend having nineteen or twenty
parties arrested. Why, on the face of
It you can see something was wrong In
this last election. Here is Theodore
Fuller, a well-known, popular young
man. runs on the Kepublican ticket
against Coleman, and in a ltepubllcnn
ward is defeated by the Democrats.
"The Sixteenth usually elves the Ite-
publlcan party a good majority, und in
this case the ticket is spilt and Cole
man elected by a big number of votes.
It Is a known fact that votes wero
bought and sold In a disgraceful man
ner, and we intend giving the ward a
thorough cleaning, In this respect, and
stop tlio wholesale bartering of man
hood." Councilman Coleman, when seen at
his residence, said:
"The entire accusation Is ridiculous.
The light was a fair and square one.
Why, nearly all the election olllcers In
both districts wore Republicans, and If
there had been nny crooked work It
would have been Immediately detected.
Far from going around looking for
votes, T remained right here In my own
district. I never even went into the
Second. Mr. Fuller's district, nnd I beat
him out by sixty votes in his own
"As for the registry book being
padded, that Is only another ludicrous
trumped-up accusation. The voters In
this ward are In the main as straight
and honest as In any ward In the city,
and I emphatically say that all these
charges aro only so much tommyrot."
Scott and Wilson both emphatically
deny being bribed, and Scott, when In
terviewed yesterday, said that he bare
ly knows Mr. Coleman, and that while
he had voted tho Democratic ticket, it
had been in u perfectly straight and
honest manner. Further developments
are expected In the ease today.
Scored a Knockout in Greater New
York Saturday Night.
Jim Judge, the well-known Scranton
welterweight, who has been figuring In
several Important matches in N-?w
York recently, added another victory
to his string Saturday night at tho
Greenwood Athletic club, when he
knocked out "Kid" Carter, of Brook
lyn. In Ave rounds.
Carter was a pronounced favorite In
the betting, but after the third round
Judge had him going. The "Kid" Is
considered one of the best men In his
class around New York, and the Scran
ton boy's showing will undoubtedly
give mm a piaco among the top-notch-ers
of the profession.
Judge has ulready fought "Mysteri
ous" nniy Smith and Joe Walcott. who
aro matched to go twenty rounds at
tho Hroadway Athletic club next Fri
day night. He made an excellent show
ing against both of these men.
They Wero Repairing a Gas Plpo on
Lackawanna Avenue.
Saturday afternoon the sidewalk In
front of Krotoskys store, on Lacka
wanna avenue, gave way and caused
a cave-In. It was dun to the walls on
which the iron supports- of the (lag
stone were Imbedded crumbling and
allowing displacement of tho supports.
The aperture made was about twenty
feet long and the width of the side
walk. Ily tho falling of the large Hag stones
ono of the gas pipes was broken ami
In remedying the break three employes
of the Scranton Gas nnd Water com
pany wero almost asphyxiated. They
were Frank Mnngan, James O'Malley
and Patrick Kane, and while enirnired
Lin tho work of repairing the pipe they
wero overcome, uy me deadly tumes
nnd were carried out of the place un
conscious. A PRO-BOER MEETING.
Will Be Held Next Sunday Evening
nt Academy of Music.
Net Sunday evening, March 4, tho
anniversary of tho birth of Ttobert
Kmmett will ho celebrated at the Acad
emy of Music, under tho auspices of
tho John Mitchell club. This celebra
tion will b also made, tho occasion ot
a pro-Doer demonstration.
John Devoy, of New York, the well
known advocate of the Irish cause,
will be the orator of tho evening, and
a musical and literary programme will
also be given, In which n largo number
of local artists will apper. C. T. Bo
land will preside at tho meeting.
Sapho 10c.
At Itcismnn Bros'., S03 Linden St. and
405 Spruce street.
Republicans, Who Have One Major
ity, CauouB Without Messrsi May,
Barker nnd Schrlefer, and the
Democrats on Coming Together
Find .Messrs. Gibbons, Roche and
Golden Among the Missing An
Eleven-Vote Combination Effected
for Jayne and Reedy.
Since last Thursday, the new board
of school control has been busily en
gaged In reorganization, the formal
ities ot which are to be gone through
with tomorrow night.
Kvery night, not excluding last night,
caucuses were held by one party or the
other. Thursday and Friday nights tho
Republicans got together nhd they are
scheduled to have another meeting to
night. Saturday night and last night
the Democrats conferred with a view
of figuring out how the Republican
majority of one could be overcome nnd
the board wrested from thu grasp of
the opposition.
At Thursday night's caucus ot tho
Republicans, Messrs. Barker and May
were absent, nnd on the succeeding
night these two and Mr. Schrlefer were
among the missing. Despite all this
the caucus was held and Mr. Jayne was
named for chairman.
Kncourugcd by the indention of dis
affection In tho ltepubllcnn ranks. Mr.
Jennings, who during his twelve years'
experience on the board has helped In
several successful attempts to placo tho
minority party In practical control, sent
for tli for his nine Democratic col
leagues nnd proceeded to llgure out a
slate that would command the support
of eleven voles.
All of the Democrats excepting Mr.
O'Malley, ot the Third ward, wero
present and he was vouched for as be
ing faithful. Various propositions were
discussed. Mr. Barker was suggested
for nn Independent nomination and
Democratic endorsement, but this was
not acceptable to some of the Demo
crats and It was then decided to Invito
Mr. Gibbons to become the candidate,
trusting that Mr. Schrlefer or Mr.
Barker would prefer him to Mr. Jayne.
This scheme, however, was not re
ceived with a wildly enthusiastic
unanimity. Two obstacles confronted
Its successful consummation. Mr.
Hocho declined to subscribe to It, and
Mr. Gibbons himself refused to say ho
would accept.
The caucus adjourned to meet again
last night. The meeting wns held at
the St. Cloud hotel. It was an Informal
affulr. Mr. Itoche and Mr. Golden did
riot attend, and Mr. Gibbons only at
tended to say ho could not accept the
Jennings people's proferred honor. The
caucus adjourned shortly afterwards.
The Jayne people Invited the non
Jcnnings Democrats to come In out of
tho wet. Intimating that there was Just
room enough left for three under the
umbrella. Messrs. Gibbons, Itoche and
Golden accepted the Invitation upon
the condition that they should bo ap
pointed a committee on district solici
tor. The Jayne people had Intended
to nominate W. It. Lewis for the oltlce
If a straight-cut Republican reorganiz
ation could bo effected, but when there
was n lack of assurance that Messrs.
May, Barker and Schrlefer could be
counted upon to line up with the other
eight Republicans for Mr. Jayne It
was deemed expedient to accept the
condition precedent to the acceptance
of the Invitation extended to Messrs.
Gibbons, Roche and Golden.
Tho trio In question received word
yesterday that they wero duly consti
tuted a committee on district solicitor
nnd during tho afternoon they got to
gether to attend to tho work assigned
Mr. Gibbons championed Attorney T.
P. Hoban, but. finding Mr. Roche nnd
Mr. Golder agreed upon Attorney D. J.
Reedy, the present Incumbent, grace
fully withdrew Mr. Hoban's nnmu and
assented to Mr. Ueedy's nomination.
Unless there Is some disturbance In
the Interim the Jaync-Roedy combina
tion will go IntO'the meeting tomorrow
night with at least eleven assured
Major V.. D. Fellows has no oppo
sition for re-election as secretary, and,
no matter which faction gains con
trol, he Is practically euro of being
continued In tho oftlce he so acceptably
Yesterday the Temperature Averaged
Twelve Above Zero.
There was a sudden drop in the tem
perature early yesterday morning and
Instead of a dull, damp, disagreeable
day like Saturday, Sunday became in
stnnter a real, blustering, bitter cold,
old-fashioned winter's day, ono of a
very few of Its kind seen since this
especially mild winter began.
Not only was It cold nil day long,
but a fierce, driving wind blew con
tinually, a wind that seemed to pene
trate one's clothing and chill ono to
the very marrow. Thero wore several
slight attempts at a snow storm mado
by Mother Nature, but they wero
only attempts which ended almost as
soon as they 'began.
Tho average temperature during tho
First Hands
If buying flour from the
miller, canned goods from
the packer, olive oil from the
vineyard, butter from the
creamery, coffee, tea and
spices from the importer,
baking powder aud extracts
from the manufacturers,
olives and sardines from the
importer, soaps aud perfumes
from the' manufacturer, etc.,
constitutes "first hands," you
can be assured by dealing
with us you are not required
to pay any ''middle profits."
Our success is largely due to
this fact, which enables us
to undersell many competi
tors. We supply families,
hotels end institutions in
quantity at lowest New York
wholesale price.
480 Lackawanna Avenue.
Marlanl Wine World Famous Tonic.
Many thousand physicians and millions
of persons during tho past thlrty-tlvo
years have thoroughly tested Vln Marlanl
and Invariably experienced beneficial ef
fects, Thousands of famous men anl wo
men from almost every walk of life liava
praised Vln Marlanl In poetry and prose,
In music, sc.ulpturo and painting. Try
Vln Marlanl on Its moil's.
Sold by all druggists, llcfuso Substitutes.
day was about 12 degrees above zero.
This lowered perceptibly towards
night nnd nt about 10.30 o'clock In tho
oventng n reliable thermometer on
Larkawanna nyenun registered fi de
grees only above. Towards midnight,
with peculiar fickleness, tho tempera
ture ngaln raised and nt that hour was
about 12 above.
Trainmen coming In from over tho
Pocono mountain reported that the
temperature In that region averaged
about zero, with a clear atmosphere
and no signs of snow.
Commendable Enterprise of a Com
mittee of Prominent Italian
American Scrantonlans.
Seven of Scrnnton's most prominent
citizens ot Italian birth have under
taken tho establishment of a free
school whole their compatriots, adults
and children may secure an English
education, and where, Incidentally,
Kngllsh-speaklng people may take up
the study ot Italian under tho most
competent ot teachers.
The committee having the project
In hand Is composed of Fran. Carlucel,
contractor, who Is Its president: Hon.
F. Tiscar, Italian consul to Scranton;
Rev. Dominic Lnndro, pastor of tho
Italian congregation of the Cathedral
parish; Ferdinand Arlgonl, contractor
nnd builder; Joseph Casesse, banker
nnd proprietor of the Roma hotel;
Victor Sartor, police ofllcer, and A.
Buttl. architect.
It Is proposed to conduct the school
In old No. 16 public school building,
on ( nestnut street, which has been
purchased by tho Italian Catholic con
gregation, and Is now being iltted up
as a church, school and convent.
While the church r-.nd convent are to
be parochial affairs nnd under the
direct ana full control of the congre
gation, the school Is to be conducted
Independently by the committee, it ba
Ing nrranged that In view of tho
school being made free and undenomi
national, the sisters, v. ho wero to have
conducted n parochial s-chool, to be
supported by tho congregation and tho
fees of students, are to devote their
whole time to the free, general school
to bo conducted by the committee.
These slstr-rs aro members of an
Italian teaching order, whore member
ship is drawn from the best Catholic
families of Italy. The American head
quarters are In New York city. TTpeM
requisition to the Italian headquarters
of the order in Rome, sisters needed
here aro selected from the most thor
oughly competent of those who have
completed their education, and after
finishing their English studies. In a
five-year course in the New York head
quarters, they arc sent out on missions
such as the one that calls thorn here.
It Is the purpose of the committee to
encourage the attendance at this school
of married women and grown-up girls,
that the English language and cus
toms may be firmly implanted in tin.
Italian homes, and that the children
upon going home from school will not
be compelled, through their mother's
or grown-up sisters' ignorance of Eng
lish, to totally throw aside tho prac
tice of their new tongue. The men
folks who get out among the English
speaking population, by reason of their
dally work, and who thus readily learn
the English, can be relied upon to help
out In furthering the learning of Eng
lish by his household by speaking It at
home, when the others understand It.
A night session for tho adults is to bo
a feature of tho school.
The committee will ask the aid of
the public in getting the school started
and for that purpose will send solicit
ors about with certified subscription
Several thousand dollars Is needed
for the work, and as tho Italian resi
dents aro neither numerically or finan
cially strong In tho community, they
find themselves called upon to make an
appeal to the public for assistance tho
first appeal they have ever made.
Henry Moran and John Canfleld. tho
two small boys arrested Friday afternoon
on tho complaint of Groceryman Smith,
of South Washington avenue, charging
them with malicious mischief, were dis
charged from custody on Saturday morn
ing. John Skelly and Timothy Jones en
gaged In an altercation late Saturday
night. In front of the (.'enter street pollca
station, Skelly, who was tho aggressor,
was taken Into custody und was lined 5
In police court yesttrduy.
Bankrupt Sale at the "Leader. u
The stock of Lebeck & Corln, In tho
Leader store. In Scranton, will be sold
lu bulk to the highest bidder for cash,
on Tuesday, February 27, 1900, at 10
a. m. The stock comprises a full lino
of dry goods, upholstery, millinery,
I books, stationery, notions, bric-a-brac,
etc. Also a large quantity of first
class nickel window and Interior fix
tures. On tho following day, Wednes
day, February 28, at 10 a. m., the goods
and fixtures of a similar character In
the store at Carbondale will be sold.
The leases of both stores, which are
for long terms, will also bo sold.
J. W. Carpenter, Receiver.
Popular Low
Fare Excursion to
D. C, Via the Lehigh
Tickets on sale February 27th, nil
stations, Sayro to Allentown Inclusive,
Including branch line points within the
territory named, good for return pas
sago until March Sth, Inclusive; nnd
will bo honored on any train except
tho Black Diamond Express; from
Scranton, $7.73.
Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents
for further particulars.
We Lead, and it Fays to
Keep Your Eyes on Us.
Great Atlantic
Pacific Tea Co.
411 Laekawnmia avenue, 123 South Main
uvenue. Thone "3-.', Prompt delivery.
He Saw That His Englno Was Going
to Crash Into a Train in Front
of Him and with His Fireman
Jumped Shafer Was Bruised
About the Body and Legs Engine
Went Down an Embankment.
Travel Delayed for a Time.
John S. Shafer, nn engineer on the
Delaware, Lackawunna nnd Western
railroad, residing on llallstead place,
had a verr narrow escape from death
yesterday about 1.30 o'clock In a freight
wreck of rather large proportions on a
siding near Cresco.
Mr. Shafer was In charge of a south
bound coal train .which left this city
about 12 o'clock. A sudden snow storm
came on Just before Cresco was reached,
rendering It difficult to see far beyond
tho engine. Another southbound coal
train had been delayed on the siding
and Mr. Shafer did not discern It until
within several hundred feet.
He attempted to reverse his engine,
but It wns a down grade and the snow
had rendered tho rails slippery. The
tialn was going at the rate of ten miles
nn hour nnd dashed down toward tho
rear of thu other train.
Mr. Shafer and his fireman, realizing
their danger, Jumped Just before tho
crash came. The fireman escaped un
injured, but Shafer was badly bruised
about the body and legs. His engine
dashed Into tho caboose of the other
train nnd, after badly wrecking It,
swerved to one side and tumbled down
a considerable embankment nt tho side
of the trac-k, almost pulling several of
the cars after it.
There was fortunately no one In tho
caboose of the train ran Into, or they
would have undoubtedly been either
killed or badly Injured. All trains wero
delayed for about two hours, It taking
that time to clear the track. An at
tempt will be made today to get the
fallen engine back on the track.
Mr. Shafer was brought to this city
on tho train reaching here at B.50
o'clock and was removed In a cab to
his home, where he was resting com
fortably last night. He will probably
be around again In a few days.
J. W. Gardner, of Washington Ave
nue, Taken in Custody on a War
rant Obtained by G. W. Potter.
J. W. Gardner, of Washington ave
nue, was arrested yesterday afternoon
by Constable Ira Mitchell on a war
rant Issued at Alderman John T.
Howe's office accusing him of obtain
ing money under false pretenses and
forgery, George W. Potter, of Dun
more, being the prosecutor.
Potter says that last Friday Gard
ner entered his butcher shop and asked
him to cash a check for $19. The
check was signed by W. J. Hand, In
spector of the Pennsylvania Coal com
pany and was endorsed by Gardner
Potter gave him the money, but Sat
urday when he went to the First Na
tional bank, on which the check was
drawn, he found It to be worthless.
Ho then went before Alderman Howe
and swore out the warrant. Gardner
Is also wanted on a warrant Issued by
Justice of tho Peace Thomas Plckrcll,
of Old Forgo, at the Instance of Wil
liam Davenport, of that place, charg
ing him with forging a note.
Constable Mitchell had considerable
difficulty In locating Gardner, but at
last found he was living at tho Faurot
House on Washington avenue.
Gardner, who Is an agent for a pat
ent telephone contrivance, was taken
to the central police quarters and will
be given a hearing befors Alderman
Howe. He Is also known as J. W.
McCllntoek delivers carnations for 25
cents a dozen. Telephone 8630.
Men who presume to be re
spectfully attired find that to
be well gotten up is a real
satisfaction. All the details
should not only look fashion
able, but should look reliable.
You can depend on our
Men's Furnishings.
"On the Square."
203 Washington Avenue.
W a. A . 1
just rnvea
The Famous
- i
Every first class dealer should have them. Try one. Take no
substitute. , , ,,,,., a --
RICE, LEVY A CO. distributors.
) ooooooooooooooooo
Mine and Mill Supplies,
Machinery, Etc.
DFFICE-Dlmc Bank DuUdlng.
Spoko of the Relation of the Spirit
ual to the Physical Life.
Dr. J. C. Uatcson delivered an ex
ceedingly Interesting and helpful ad
dress yesterday afternoon In tho Young
Men's Christian association rooms on
"The Relation of the Physical to tho
Spiritual Life."
In the course of his remarks ho per
formed an interesting chemical experi
ment, nt tho same tlmo showing thu
lesson to bo drawn from It. Taking a
small bottle of clear water, represent
ing tho soul, ho poured Into It a few
drops of n colorless liquid, representing
sin, and Immediately the water became
a deep red. Then taking a few drops
of still a third colorless liquid, repre
senting tho spirit of God, he changed
almost Instantly the colored water
back Into Its original clearness.
During the meeting thero wns a song
service given under tho leadership of
Prof. J. M. Chance.
George Oramsch Meets with a Pecu
liar Accident.
George Oramsch, a Polander, wns
brought Into the Lackawanna hospital
Friday night with his right thigh bad
ly Injured ns tho result of n needle
having penetrated It. Ho accidentally
sat on It, and It became Imbedded In
his flesh.
By means of tho X-ray Its position
wns ascertained nnd Saturday morning
Dr. P. F. Gunstor performed an opera
tion, ns the result ot which tho nccdl
was removed.
Finest wines and cigars
820 Spruce street.
at LanVs,
Per Pound.
Clarke Bros
?? This Moo k.n IUiiuwuib sw.if rrr-
H For The 1
5 Ours are nickel plated on
JU brass. Nickeled for they j)
mm ate easily kept clean and
( ) always look nice on brass j j
for it takes the plating: ss
jj best Towel Racks, Sponge &
5C" Holders,
Holders, 37
55 Soap Cups.
1 i
Foote & Shear Co. ss
SU IJ9 N.Washington Ave M
Pierce's Harket
Receiving dally Turkeys. Fowl,
SprliiB?rs, Ducks and Squabs; also Rock
away, Maurice River and IUuo Taint Oys
ters; Everything tho niuikct affords In
Units and vegetables.
Your orders will bo tilled promptly with
best goods at rcasonablo prices.
110.112.11-1- IMSNN AVIIXUH.
ooooooooooooooooo 0
. -r J 0
in scranton
-I. 0-
The quality of the oils uied In mixing
colors determines tho durability of the
uch ns wo offer will make paint of great
smoothnfss and durability. A Ure sur
face can bo covered and the coating wilt
not peel, crack or wear oft until It has
done Its full duty.
These prices will show that good oils
aro not expensive.
1 20-Horse Power,
2 30- Horse Power,
1 40-Horse Power.
Tested 150 pounds. Guar
anteed good as uew.
Chas. B. Scott
1 19 Franklin Ave.
Telephone 222.
Hatter, is showing
Spring Styles
Alpines, Crfcsh
And the Neu)
Golf Hat in
All Colors.
Tho Popular IIouso Fur
nishing Store.
Ware Sale
for week Feb. 25 to
March 3. Prices havo
hern BOlllK up. Up, up,
but wo placed orders for
larse quantities of theso
Kooda before tho advance
nnd next week wo In
vito you to xupply your
needs in U. & O. Asato
Nickel-Steel Warn at a
liberal discount from for
mer prices. Tho saving
according to present
values is over 23 per cent.
Foote & Fuller Co,
Hears Building,
140-42 Washington Ave
The Closing Days of
The Economy's
February Trade Sale
Offer the following in
teresting items for House
keepers :
TRIMMINGS, 4 feet, 3 feet 6
inches nnd leet q
sizes, at Z,0
l.adies'Saddle Shaped Wood
Seat Rocker, fancy '
spindles and back .... DC
Gentlemen's medium sized
Reed RocKer, worth : Q
$4,50. Sale price... &,4o
Bedroom Su ts, jj pieces,
bevel plate mirror j. fi
in dresser 1 I .yO
Floor Oil Cloth, t
bright patterns lyC
Hundreds of other items.
Credit You? Certainly
221-223-225-227 Wyoming At'
.;A .$. i'. n ..,. J