The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 24, 1900, Morning, Page 2, Image 2

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. 1900.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Susquehanna, Feb. 2" The Erie shop
men will ptobably be paid on Monday
for services In Jitnuuiy.
Harry 1.. Xenl, of Tlio.nson, has re
moved to l'.os Angeles, (California.
At Thompson a horse driven by J. V.
Sherwood jumped from a bildfje and
-was killed. In the darkness Mr. Sher
wood attempted to drive the horse over
hole In the bridge and the horse pre
ferred Jumping off the structure than
jumping Into the hole.
The people of Thompson complain
that the railroads charge exhorbltant
rates for hauling coal to that borough.
Mrs. E. It. W. Searle and daughter
are guests of lelatlvos In Newton, N. J.
Rev. David I. Butherland. pastor of
the Presbjterlan church, will on Sun
day evening deliver a sermon to the
musical and literary society of .the Sus
quehanna high school.
The sacrament of the Lot it's Supper
will bo udiiilnlstcied In the Presby
terian thuich on Suiiduv'snd a num
ber of poisons Mill be, received Into
t'nder the auspices of the organiza
tions of Chi 1st Episcopal church a
post-Lenten hop will probnbly bo given
at the Sturriicrii house on Wednesday,
Aptll 18. On Ft May and Saturday of
the same week the Voting Ladles' guild
of the chin eh will hold a fair In Hngan
Opel a house.
Mr. and Mis. liauv C. Palmer, of
Giand Junction, Kansas, who have
been visiting Mr. Palmer's patents In
this plan-, have l etui red linmc.
uriner County Commissioner J. W.
Atkinson, of Clifford, Is visiting Sus
quehanna relatives.
The fuiHial of the' Into fireman
Tlngley will oicur In Jatford on Sun
day. Sheillf William J. Maxev, of Mont
rose, was oflli Lilly engaged In town on
The old Methodist cluitth In Oaklund
Is at piesent known as the "New Meth
odist thuich." On Thutcdny evening,
Mai th J, steps will be taken to or
ganise the people of the church Into a
chuich of the ordci.
Uev. i:. U. Allen, pistor of the I5np
tlst dim eh, will pieach In Woiccster,
N. Y., on Sunday.
lleoige Smith, of Svi.icuse unhcr
slty, Is visiting his patents on the Oak
land Side.
The Demociats swept Hallstead on
Tuesday. Lackawanna Conductor
Gould Capweli was elected burgess.
.Ion. S. . Chase, of Hallstead, will
leave on Saturday foi Baltimore and
The Hallstead Citizens' Lecture
course is furnishing a series of excel
lent entertainments. S. Parker Cad
man, I). D. will lecture on Monday
evening net on "Life In London."
The Kile Hallway company has
placed an oidei for eight locomotives
of the "Atlantic" compound type nnd
twenty-five freight locomotives, which
will weigh nlnetv-two tons each with
tender. The Baldwin Locomotive
woiks. In Philadelphia, will build them.
County Supeilnttndent of Schools
Moxley has so far retovuted fiom his
recent Illness.
In a debite the, Lawsvllle Debating
club defeated the Hallstead club.
The Western Blanch Cluistian En
deavor union opened Its convention in
New Mllfoul today. It will tlose on
Satuiday. Itev. N. M. Waters, pastor
of the First Congregational thuich In
Blnghamton, leetuics this evening.
It. T. Stephens, a foimer postmaster
In Great Bend, Is " old, but
still hale and luatty. He saws wood
dally for oven l-e
The Kile will inn a cheap exclusion
to New York, Maich 11.
The leccnt cold weather has fiozen
and cemented the two mile ice Jam
in the Susquehanna liver just wes;
of Gieat Bend. If it goes nut with a
tush much dam igo will possibly in
Hon. Geoige B Tiffany, one of tht
lepieM ntatlves from this countv. Is a
Republican candidate tor renomlnatlon.
He will doubtless be letuincd foi an
other teim.
Rev. Mr. Lovejov, of Worcester, N.
Y., will pieach In the Susquehanna
Baptist dim eh on Sunday morning
and evening.
Geoige M. Hallstead has been re
elected ptesldent of the Hallstead Land
iiiipi ov ement company.
At the lecent eonilimatlon In Christ
Episcopal chinch sixteen candidates
weie piesented.
Elabotate artangeinents are being
made for Haifotd's centennial celebra
tion, June li. Slany distinguished peo
ple mo expected to bo piesent.
The Patriotic Older Sons of Ameilta
Women can keep secrets.
They often keep secret for
long time the fact that
they are suffering from
drains, inflammation, ulcer
ation, or female weakness.
But they can't keep the se
cret very long, because the
hollow eyes, cheeks that
have lost their freshness, and
the irritability which comes
from sorely tried nerves, all
conspire to publish the sto
ry of suffering. The usual
motive for such secrecy.
dread of indelicate questions and offen
sive examinations; is removed by Dr.
Pierce's methods. Diseases of the wom
anly organs are perfectly cared by the
use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
Sick women can consult Dr. K. V.
"Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y., by letter free.
Your wonderful medicine, 'Favorite Pre
scription." writes Mri. C. N. Anderson, of Kock
brldce BUii, Rockbridge Co , Vs., "It a God
Mod to weak nd sickly women, restoring food
fcMlth without subjtctlaf their weak nerves to
Uit slitfck of an eiamluttioa. I was all run
awa In health; could aet work but a short time
without retting-. Wat very nervtut tnd had a
TCT7 poor spptni. tuctita u umu n vr.
14 Ua
nvaiu. and am ibanklM tntt I
did, for I rto-ired a favortblt rtply. took tls
batUaaof 'Favorite rrescrijrUea,' on of 'Oold
a Medical Discovery,' and eas vial of 'Pellets'
eeirea a lavortDit rtpiy,
jra Ukcn sick. I think Dr. Iiercfa sscaiciM
tat Best u tM wsfst far ask sa
raised a new flajr on the North Jack
son school grounds oil Thursduy with
appropilate exercises.
Thete were eighty converts at the
recent East Ararat revival meetings.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Ilonesdale, Feb. 23. Mr. and Mrs.
H. L. Drelsbach, of Wllkes-Bairc, are
guests of Rev. nnd Mrs. William 11.
Swift at the Presbyterian manse.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stocker, of Jer
myn, are guests at the residence ot
their brother, R. M. Stocker.(
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Gardiner, of
Scranton, are spending a few days
with Honesdale friends and relatives.
iMrs. Mason, of Scranton, . Is the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. Dr. C. V.
Miss Alice Burn', of Scranton, Is
visiting her brother, Dr. Edward
Mrs. TIllou, of South Orange, N. J.,
formerly Miss Alice Wood, of Hones,
dale. Is vltltlng friends In Honesflale.
W. W. Ham, of New York, Is a guest
at the home of his father, ex-Judge
Thomas J, Ham.
The Martha Washington supper In
the Piosbvteilan chapel Thursday
evening was a social and financial suc
cess, notwithstanding the heavy down
pour of tain dining Thuisday,
The people of Honesdale should pro
tect m-ilnst the pluii(!nuigurated by
tht Ell" "nllroad company to notify
n tinlti when they are wanted
dining night time. When they
want to -t nd out a coal train at any
hour oi the night the whistle of a loco
motive keeps up a continuous tci cach
ing t'litll eveiybody Is awakened. Tlili
was done twice dining list night and
Is veiy aggiavatlng to n nervous
Emma, wife of Arthur M. Lelne, dljJ
at their homo on Seventh stieet nt 4
o'clock vestenlay morning, after an
Illness, of two years, being tonllned to
hei bed for the last four months, her
dlsi'ist! luinff consumption. She wai
fonm rly Miss Emma Kitenzel, of Phil
adelphia, and was mauled to Ir.
Lelne In the lattcV city six yea is ago.
She was ii of nge and is sur
vived by her husband and one son, flva
jeais of age. The funeial set vices will
be conducted by Rev. Mi. Gallencamp,
of the Getninn Lutheian chinch, from
her late residence, on Sunday, at 2 39
p. m. Interment In GlenDyberry etme
tei y.
Luman Reynolds has accepted a po
sition in the bolt works at Scranton.
E. O. Voi Is, of Scranton, repiesent
Ing Williams & McAnulty, was calling
on our merchants Thursday.
The follow Ing composed a party of
our townspeople who went to Scranton
Wednesday morning to hear the grand
opera, 'II Trovatore": Mr. and Mrs.
Fred M. Ostcihout, Mr. and Mrs.
James Smalley, 1M1. nnd Mrs. Chaile3
Gaidner, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Read, Mr.
Gioige A. Cair and Miss Deltha Carr.
Thtie will be a local teachers' Insti
tute held hole on S.ituiday, March 10
Councilman Rufus Lindley was In
Hiooklyn jesterdny.
J. G. Gelset, ol Scranton, will spend
Sunday with A. A. Blown.
Ray Snyder, of Nicholson, was a
caller heie last Wednesday.
James Smalley was a business vis
itor to Scianton vosteidny.
The C. E. U. social held at the Bap
tist chinch Inst evening was well at
tended, and-as a social uffnlr was much
enjoyed by those present.
The roll call and binquet of Red
Jacket lodge of Odd Fellows will bo
held on Fild ly evening, Match 2.
Next Wednesday evening, Febiuar."
2S, rattoryville encompment, No. Jirj,
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, will
confei the second degtee and nominates
olllceis for the ensuing' term. Th?y
al-o expect to enteitain the members
of W. S. Rogets entanipment and their
wlvis, of Clark's Green. After the
lodge woik a social and entertainment
will be held. Refreshments will ba
Ltndley Brothers hive sold their
Main stieet pioperty to Augustus Col
vin, who will take pcsstsslon about
Apill 1.
Simon Rlpher will move to Nicholson
this spring.
How about our borough flag? Is It
seen floating fiom the lofty (lag pole
which was elected for It on proper
occasions, or does it constitute a pat
riotic abiding place for some fortunate
house mnube? This tlag was pur
chased by a subscilptlon from
our patriotic citizens and was to havo
been flung to the breezes on legal
holidays and on pattlotlc occasions.
Why Is It not done?
Captain E. J. Rice post, Grand Aimy
of the Republic, of till" place, fittingly
celebrated Washington's blithdny on
Thuisday evening by a, jubilee enter
tainment and social. Refreshment
were served.
Mercantile Appraiser Edwin W. Cap
well has completed his first tour of
the county. It will be necessary for
him to partially go over the county
again In the futuie.
Yesterday morning Veionlca Novo-
fmkl; .0t."0lk st,eet' wns Instantly
killed in the Kile and Wvoiulng yard
while picking coal. She lived but u
shoit distance away and was in tho
habit of going to the yard to got the
evening's coal. The engineer did not
see her until she was stiuck. Her
body was frightfully mangled. The
lemains weie taken to the home, where
thete were three small chlldie.i await
ing her return. Her husband had not
yet icturned from woik. Being a mem
ber of a Polish society they at once
procured an undertaker to tako chargu
o. the remains.
The hose company will meet In spe
cial session on Monday evening.
Mr. and Mm. H. P. Shales were pleas
antly suipilsed at their home on tho
West Side In honor of Mis. Shales'
sixtieth blithday. In the afternoon a
sumptuous jepust was seived.' The
following wero present: Dr. and Mrs.
Lampman. Mrs. Williamson, Mm. Van
arsdale, Mrs. Pace, Mrs. Hewitt, Mis.
Faulds and Mrs. Edwards, of Wllkes
Uarre; Mrs. Pennington and son, Hen
ry, of Luzerne; Mis, c. nines, mjh.
Freeco Shales and fumlly, of Pittston;
Mrs. J. Harris, Mrs. C. K. Harris, Mia,
D. C. Ferrell, .ars. A. Hlnes, Mrs.
Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Lorr,
Mrs. II, J, Dunner and Roy shales, of
All who had the pleanuie of being
at the P. M. church on Wednesday
evening enjoyed a literary and musi
cal treaty such as is seldom heard in
tho town, To Mr. and Mrs. Solomon
Dccble Is largely duo the success ot the
event, they being tho committee on en
tertainment. Many people from Pitts
ton contributed to tho programme and
the singing by tho male choir and the
1900 choir, under the leadership of Wil
liam Atwell, showed excellent training
and their clear voices gavo evldenco
that nil tho members were products
from the land of song.
"A Day and a Night."
An up-to-date company of very clever
people under Hoyt's personal direction
presented his "'A Day and a Night"
at the Lcetim last night. Those who
had seen the play with Otis Harlan ns
the star performer and expected to
see the pait of Marble Hart suiter at
tho nands of Frank Doane were most
agreeably disappointed. He most tiev
oi ly nnd amusingly portrayed the behind-the-scenes
experiences of the
churth young man, who presumably
had never been there before, but who,
In reality, had. Hattlo Williams, a
handsome joung woman made a very
attractive nnd pleasing Ada Marr, or,
as the bill said, "known professionally
as Mile. Bawn Tournlne."
There were thirteen others In tho
cast and each Is a specialty artist of
no mean merit. Among these were
Charles Warren, William II. Cuirle,
W..F. Rvan, Mart Reagan, Genevlevo
oiDson, Josephine Clayton, Marie Clay
ton and Sara Carr. Those who like
stage fun and bright music and much
of both nnd who do not see the pres
ent company if It presents "A Day and"
a Night" In Scranton ngaln will miss
a golden opportunity for being well en
tertained. At the Academy.
The Holden company will close Its
engagement at the Academy of Music
today. This afternoon It will present
"The Denver Express."
Tonight the bill will he "The Bowery
"A Greek Slave."
A most elaborate production of Lon
don's gieatest comic oi era BUccess,"A
Greek Slave," will be given at the
Lveei'm this afternoon and evening.
Tills opei a Is the latst offering ot
George Edwards, a'ld competent crit
ics, both in England and America,
have pronounced It the best of all his
pieces It Is light and gay, brimful o
tuneful melodies, nnd rich in wit. Tor
neiily two jears It die1,,' large audi
ences to Daly's theatte, London, and
since Its introduction In New York List
fall, has captivated tho lovers of good
opera. In this country. The librettist
has taken for the theme of his story
a tale of Rome In the davs of Nero.
Of the 100 people used to Interpret
the opera, Miss Dorothy Morton, In
the role of "Mala," has achieved tho
greatest success. The music of the
solos nnd duets alloted to her, seems
particularly well adapted to her su
perb vocal powers. Miss Minnie Ash
ley has made n decided hit In
the jole of "Iris," a slave girl. Sho
Introduces two entirely new dances,
which alone ptomlse to bring her much
lame. Albert Maher and Herbert
Sparling are two comedians who ars
clever enough to make fun In plenty
without the services of a librettist.
Kite Michelena, lluuh CMlveis, Al
beit Pair, Mattle Unci ton, Ole Nor
man. Adeline Bouvier, Kills Rac, Mar
lon Slngei, Leila ItJiiier, William
Mailland, Meile Manning and William
Thompson aie In the cast of principals.
The comp my has an exceptionally
strong singing chorus of pretty glils.
At the Gaiety.
The Tendeiloln Burlesquers will
close their engagement at the Gaiety
Tor the flist three days of next week
the Manhattnn Club Butlefiquers will
be the attraction.
Keturn Engagement.
Charles Leyburne and his own Big
Bon Ton Stock company, which comes
to the Academy of Music all next
week. Is one of the strongest popular
pi ited attiactions on the roid, giving
actual one dollar performance for 10,
- and 30 cents. Monday night, Feb.
, as theli opening performance, they
will present the gieu sensational com
edy dtama, "The Census Taker," us
ing all special sceneiy for the produc
tion. I'lealng nnd up-to-date specialties
will be Intioduced between the acts.
The clneomatagiaph, with moving ple
nties of tht- Jeffiles-Shaikey light,
Passion Play, battle of Manila and
other familiar scenes will be produced
duting the week. Dime matinees will
be given dally, commencing Tuesday.
Ladles' tickets will be honored In ex
change for 15 cents opening night, If
reserved before 5 p. m. Monday. Seats
now on sale at box office.
"Sapho" Tuesday Night."
The much-discussed "Sapho" will be
presented at the Lyceum, Tuesday
It Is to bo given by what is said to
be a vei y competent company.
Henry Miller in. "The Only Way."
Henry Miller, who will appear at the
Lyceum on Tuesday. March 6, In tho
great success, "Tho Only Way,"
(which Is a dramatization of Charles
Dickens' famous novel "A Tale of Twa
Cities"), has one of the strongest com
panies ever seen In this country in
"iippoit of a star. A meie mention of
tho names catrles conviction of thli
The cast Includes thpt lino old actor,
J. H. Stoddait, D. H. Haiklns, Byron
To cure a Cold In one day,
Take "77."
To check a touch of tho Grip,
Take "77."
To "break up" a Cold that "hangs on,"
Take "77."
Edition de Luxe.
Dr. Huir.phieys' Manual, In white and
gold, sent free. Tells about the care,
treatment and cure of tho sick. A chat
tor especially on the Diseases of Chil
dren, llompl leys' Homeopathic Medicine Co,,
Cor. Wllllum & John fits., N. Y.
Douglas, Joseph Brennrtn, H. A. Weav
eti Jr., Earle Drown. William Haworth,
Miss Gertrude Kinney, MlsV Margaret
Dale, etc. The services of ono hun
dred people are requited In tho pro
duction. '"
Sixty Thousand Tons of It in the
Washington, Feb. 23. Sixty thousand
tons of Pocahontas coal are now enter
ing the Mediterranean, In spite of pre
dictions from eminent authorities In
tho United States that It wns Impos
sible for our coal'to compete with Car
diff coal In that market. This ship
ment Is reported by United States Con
sul Skinner at Marseilles. He says
that on account of the excess of freight
charges against American coal he has
never detected that It could compete
evenly for the Mediterranean trudo with
England except under temporary condi
tions such as now exist. However, he
says, we have In our favor a 'steady
decrease In the European coal supply
and a steady Increase in our own pro
duction, and with lower freights, which
might be secured If tho Mediterranean
goods were shipped direct to the Unit
ed States, Instead of through England,
we might hold our share of the trade.
A report from Consul Brunot, at St.
Etlenne, Is to the effect that the strike
of the coal miners there has termin
ated, the miners obtaining recognition
of their federation, nine per cent. In
crease In wages and certain conces
sions regatdlng tho hours of labor.
The strlKe of the weavers still con
tinues and tho outlook Is uncertain.
Will Be Well for the Industries of
the Country Boom Will Result in
Leather Business.
New York, Feb. 23. R. G. Dun &
Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade to
morrow will say: Prices of materials
are yielding. If not tho best news pos
sible for some speculatots, It Is the
best that could come for the whole
country, since industries could not
long pio3pcr without reaction fiom tho
extteme pi Ices cuused by actual or
supposed scarcity of materials last
ear. Some help comes from new Iron
furnaces that have opened or approach
completion; some from tho famine In
India, which sends hither ship toads of
hides; some fiom tho much Increased
Mocks of sheep, which have weathered
the winter, and some fiom the opening
of new lion works or copper mines.
The causes are many, but the revision
of quotations gives promise of greater
activity in all the chief Industries.'
The great Iron Industry has been em
barrassed for prices were high and
billets were no longer sustained, grad
ually yielding prices of products.
Plates are still weak, as most con
sumers are provided far ahead, but n
Pacific order covers 2,000 tons, and the
Chicago and Northwestern has placed
orders in the east for 5,600 tons for
bridge work. Steel works are full, but
have taken a small contract for ex
port and better business enables th
tin plate works to lesume.
Cheaper hides arfd leather enable
boot and shoe makers to take contracts
for split goods at 2"i tents less than
ptices recently aske'd, and some large
sales have resulted.
At last it is admitted that wool quo
tations, so long held at fully 3 cents
per hundred pounds, are higher than
prices In large actual sales last week.
Failures for the week wore in the
United States 201, against 191 last
year, and 33 in Canada, against 40 last
Cases Held Under Advisement Par
dons Refused.
Harrlsburg, Feb. 23. The board of
pardons todiy iecommended paidons
for John K. Hltenour, of Westmore
land county, fi leny, Annie Haw ley,
of Allegheny, lueeny: Claience 12.
Vaughn, of f'liiladelphlu, felony, und
John Sweeney, of Philadelphia, lar
tenv. The sentence of Joseph Moui
son, of Ullfllln county, wis commute.!
to life Imprisonment and the applica
tion of William Kpps. of PhlladoIphU,
for a commutation of the death sen
tence, was refused. The application
In the case of Trank L. Kiause, of
Lehigh county, who wan to have been
hanged ne?.t Monday, was held undpr
advisement. When Governor Stono
lcnmed of the board's action he re
spited Krausj until Much J7.
Pardons were icfused Harry W.
Dowilng, of Philidelphla, embezzle
ment; Ceorge S. 1'ntlmun, of Lancas
ter, laiccny, and Painett and Rosa
Pellnlek. of Philadelphia, keeping a
disorderly house. The cases of Will
iam H. House, former usslstant attor
ney generol of Pittsburg, solving
twenty-two months in tho Western
penitentiary for the alleged embezzle
ment of city funds; Thomas Cooper, of
Allegheny, felonious assault; John
Beverly, of Lawrence county, receiv
ing stolen goods; D. H. Brandt, of
Montgomery county, larceny, and
Fiederick Cressey, of Philadelphia,
were held under advisement. No ac
tion was taken In tho other cases.
Rx-Sheriff Alexander Crow, of Phila
delphia, appeared before the board
on behalf of the application for
a commutation of the sentence of Wil
liam Kpps, of Philadelphia, to life Im
prisonment. Mr. Crow said Kpps did
not commit ncual murder and that It
would be a mlscatilaee of Justlte to
hang him. Epps Is alleged to have
strangled to death Mary Ann Luvvler.
In Philadelphia, in Janunty, 1S9S. The
board lesetwd Its decision.
For tho Babies.
There is no better medicine for the
babies than Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. Its pleasant taste and prompt
and effectual cures make It a favorlti
with mothers and small chlldien. It
quickly cures their coughs and colds,
preventing pneumonia or other serious
consequences. It also cures cioup and
has been used In tens of thousands of
cases without a single failure so far as
wo have been able to leain. It not
only cures cioup, but when given as
soon as the croupy cough appears, will
pi event the attack. In cases of whoop
ing cough It Uquelles the tough mucus,
making It easier to expectorate, and
lessens the severity and fiequency of
the paroxysms of coughing, thus de
priving that disease of all dangerous
consequences. For bale by all drug
gists. Matthews Bros'., wholesale und
retail agents.
m '
Paul Deschanel and the Academy.
Tho eleetlon of Paul Deschanel, presi
dent of the French chamber of deputies,
to tho French Academy to succeed tho
late Kdouard Herve, Is considered In
Franc evidence of the degeneration of
the academy. His literary accomplish
ments, it Is said, amount to nothing and
his election U called a sign of the tlmeu
of disturbed political condition.).
Of America
Mrs. Catherine Toft, President of thi
Valkrlen Association, of Chicago, In a
lecent letter, wtites tho following:
5619 Cottage Grove Avenue,
Chicago, Ills.
"It has been my piivllege to ad
vise a number of my friends con
cerning' the best medicine in cases
of a worn out system and a broken
down constitution. Knowing of the
very satisfactory results from the
use of Peruna, I have often advised
it, and am glad 'to speak of the well
deserved praise those who have
tried it have given it. I know of
nothing -better in cases of catarrh of
the stomach and for liver trouble.
It is of superior merit. I gladly en
dorse it."
Many of the charitable and benevo
lent Institutions of the United States
use Peruna. They do so because they
have learned by experience that it la
a valuable medicine.
Wall Street Review.
New York, Feb. .".1 There was a light
accumulation of orders over the holiday
which were executed In the stock mar
ket at the opening this morning for
outside account. Atbltrage brokers
bouijht stock on a small scale for for
eign account, to coer sales msule In
London at the higher level Induced by
tho rumor which found credence on tho
other side of the surrender of Cronje.
There wns continued absoiptlon on a lim
ited scale of the storks for some of tho
railroad companies which have extraor
dinary Increases In eamlnss during tho
week and to which was added todav
Northern raelflc with an Increase for
the second week In Februniy of $n9S?0
or 41 per cent, as follows: Western New
York and Pennsylvania, of the bitumin
ous coal group, showed an increase of
"H per cent., out even at tno opening
pressure was manifest against Indlvltliiil
stock amongst the specialties which
served to unsettle the maiket and even
tually to turn the tide In favor of tho
nnctlonlsts. Continued depression was
mnnlfest nt the opening In Third avenue,
I People's Gas, Leather and Surar. As
the day progressed other stocks came
tindrr pressure and tho group above
showed some recovery. The Iron and
steel group wero the first affected bv
I -the spread of weakness, Tennessee Coal
I dropping an extreme 5 points and Amerl
1 can Hoop, National Steel. Tin Plate,
Federal Steel, Steel nnd Wire Colorado
Fuel and Republic Steel fiom 1 to 3
points. Later the announcement of tha
dividend In Consolidated at the re
duced rate established since tho local
gas wnr wns in effect led to a rnld on
I that specialty with a n suiting loss of
4"j. Tutnl i ales. 4)1 400 sbnrcs.
I The bond mnrlut showed deeroauid ac
! tlvlty and prices deollned. Total sales
par viluo $1 12'),tXiO
1 1 new and old 4s and the Cs ad
vnneed "', and the .is 4 In tho bid price.
The following quotations are furnished
I The Tribune by M. 8. Jordan & Co ,
rooms 70W06 Mcars ouuaing, xeiepnons
Open- Hleh- Low- Clos.
Ing. est. est. Ing.
Am. Sugar 112 112 HO; Ul'i
Am. Tobacco 10S4 lMi 107i 10T'M
Atchison 21 21 20H .X)
Atchison. Pr. 6"4 63" 62", 'C3
Brook. Traction .... 12 72H 71H "2
Con. Tobacco Si 32'4 31 3U'
dies. & Ohio 21H 293, 2!'i 2
Cons Gas w 97it ssA
C B. & 0 121'4 Ul 122'i 122'-
St. Paul 121 121 121 1214
nock Island UN HH HV, 107'i
D. L. & W 1S2U 1S2U -S.2U lSi'-r
Kan & Tex. Pr. ... 3i4 .11 11 11
Louis. & Nash, ... S2'i S2H Sli 81",
Man. Blevnted 7'3 97i SC4 97
Met. Traction 177 177 17-'4 174
Mlsso. Pntlllo l"i"i 47i 444 1.
Jersey Central 117 117", 117'j 117
North. I'aclllc i ' m'i fci m
N. Pacific, Pr.
7 m 74vk
N. V. Cmitral 111"! 1'3 li2'i, 124
Ont. & West 24 2171 2PJ 24'1
Pacific Mall 37r 37'4 .17 ?7
Phil. & Bead W- 10' i lVJ 19'
Phil & Heart. Tr... ' r.i 17 Vi"
South. By., Pr. wi ns" r,7s r.7
Tcnn. c. .".- I lw loo nii Q-i,
U. 8 Leather 11 li"i 12 J 12
Leather. Pr. 7.' 7." "I 74
Union Pacific ,W' UW. 4'i"i 111
T'nlon Pac, Pr. .... 7i"5 76 70H 70"'
Wnlnsh, Pr. 2iU9 20", 20 20"j
Western Union Mi MV, f. STi
Penna. B B m 1V, 112 152.
Am. 8. w. r.v; i4 r.7 '7''.
Federal Steel Cl'i !'. flVj
Fed. Steel, Pr. .... 7t's 7l'i 74 71
Open- Illph- Low- Clos.
WHEAT. ing. ist. est Ini
July f.7 67"& n; rr,-',
Slav b"U fi7"t G6"i C'i'4
July 3 RVi si; "ili
May 3I"h 2"vi Sl" W
July 22V, 22l'i 22i 22'i
May 23'4 21 23i 22
July .,', 000 fi02 tiOo fiOO
Jlov &'i ""' !' B''0
July 10S7 MC7 10S". 10M
May '.10.73 10 83 -0 72 10.72
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Bid. Asked.
First National Bank S"0
Scranton Savings Bank 300
Scranton Packing Co 95
Third National Bank U
Dlme Dep & Dls. Bank 2J0 ...
Kconomv Light, II. & P. Co '47
Lacka. Trust & Safe Dcp. Co. 150
Bcrunton Paint Co. SO
Clark A Snover Co., Com. ... 400 ...
Clark & Snover., Prcf 123 ,,,
Use Peruna for
I Not only Is it a valuable medicine
1 but It is applicable to the climatic
ailments of winter and summer. I3x
ticnics ot heat and cold In the United
States make It a land of catanh.
Neatly cveibody has catanh. This
is more especially true among the mid
dle and lower classes, jiNposuro to the
climate, Intel work, mid unventllated
sleeping rooms are the principal
causes. Charitable Institutions hive
found, by bitter expetlence, that ca
tatrhal diseases are not only tho most
! numerous of all other diseases put to
gether, but they aie the hardest to
Peruna Is a specific for this cl.ias of
diseases. N5 other lemedv can take
Its place. Thousands of canes of
chtonlc catarrh nto cured by tho us"
of simply a bottle. People who have
spent large sums to bo cured of ca
tarrh, have turned to Peruna as a.
last resort, and been cuied by the uso
of a single bottle. '
Thus It Is that charitable and benev-
Scr. Iron Fence & Mfg. Co. ...
Scranton Axle Works
Lacka. Dnlrv Co, Prof.
Co. Savings Bank & Trust Co
First Nat. Bank (C.irbotidale)
Standard Drilling Co
Scranton Pass Itnllway, first
mortgage, due lsiO
People's Street Rnllway, first
mortgage, ilvo V)1S
People'- Ftieut B illw.iv, Gen
eral niGrtgage, duo It Jl
Dickson Manuliictuiltig Co....
Lacka Township School ,.,.
Clti of Scranton St. Imp iy,.
Mt. Vernon Coil Co
Scranton Traction C bonds..
115 ...
115 ...
B3 ...
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corccted by II. G. Dale. 27 Lackawannu
Butter Creameiy, LOc : dairy, tubs, 2Se.
Bges Select western, ICc. ; nearby state,
Chceso Pull cream, new, lVc.
Beans Pet bu, eholeo marrow, $2 40;
medium, J.'LO; pi a, -' 20.
Onions Per bu . 45c.
New York Grain and Produce.
New Voik, lb 2!-rionr-Stlll flim
er: wlntir wheat Hour nt old pi lees, but
dull and easier for smlnits Wheat
Spot weak: No. 2 red, 7"Vc. elev.ltni;
No. 2 red, 7ie. f o. b afloat, in store;
No. 1 noitheill Dllluth. 7be f. o b
afloat, piompt: No. 1 linrd Dllluth, 7Se.
f. o. b. nllont, piompt. Options weak
nil day and 1 l(-ed we.ik and heivv. nt
l"iale net dei line. March closed 71"4c;
Ma. 72c; July, 72'se.; S pt.. 72'ic
Corn Spot weak: No. 2, 4le. f. o. b
nflofit, and 42c. elevator. Options open
ed sttadv nnd evpetleneed a decided ad
vance I iter In tho day, only to break
Jinallv with wheit; closed wwik, at "ic
net decline May closed 40c: July,
40'ic Oats Spot weak: No. 2, 2)c; No.
3, 2sc; No 2 white, SljC. No. "l white,
3ov,e.; tinck mliid western, 2ria,0'(c :
track white 21,la3'c. Options dull and
easy. Butter Steady; western cream
ery. 20a2lc. : do. factory, lsal'Jc. ; June
ereamerv, l"a22'ie.: imltntlou ueaW'iy,
17a22c. ; state ilalrv. 1512 : do creamery,
20a21c. Cluese Pirm; fall mnli', fnneV
large, 13c; fall mnde. fancy small, lie;
eholeo grades, 12al2"ic Bt-gv riim:
state and Pcnna , at mark, Ual4'c ;
western fresh, at mark, lo'allc. ; south
ern, at mark, lival3"lc
Philadelphia Grain and Produce.
Philadelphia, Feb. 23 Wheat Weak
and le. lower: contract grade, Feb. 71'.
a72"e. Corn Stendv, but quiet: No 2
mixed, Feb.. 3D,,iinc. Oats Quiet, but
steady. Potatoes Bull and cash 1 ;
Penna. chole e, per bu . fiVT,So.: New
York nnd western do. D".i5"e : do. do.
fnlr to good do, 4"a52c. Battel Fil
ch inged: fancy western creamery. 2V. c.;
do prints, 27e. Fffgs-rirm. good de
mnnd: fresh nearby, 13e : do western.
13c; do. southwestern, 13c ; do. south
ern. 12c. Cheese Firm Refined susirs
Quiet, but unchanged Cotton Firm
nnd 3-lCc. higher: middling uplnnds.
i '-16c. Tnllow Firm; lty prlmo in
lihds . ri"inr,e. ; country do. do., bids.,
riVc: dntk, .'.i",e enkes, D'lc .
grense, IVjn'c. Live poultry Quiet, an 1
barelv stendv. fowls, lfi.,10' .0 ; old 100s
ters, 7a7"'c,; chickens, lOilO'ic ; duei.s, 11
n12c ; geese, lOille IJiessed poultrv
Tlrrn. but quiet: fowls, choice IlallV.e ;
do. fnlr to good, IftilO'-c : old looster.e.
Se ; chickens, nenrbv Unlike,; western
do large 12al2'e ; medium do. lOille;
common do. fcile.; tuikeys, choice to
fnnev. Iln1c: do. fair to good, al"e I
common do. 7nSc : ducks 'jaiie.; geise.
7nn,i upf jits Flour 3 125 luiiel-. nnd
It "11 picles; wheat, 10000 b'lshcls; ram,
411 ttio bushels, outs, 40ii0) hu-hnls .Ship
mentsWheat, r 00 bushels corn, 122.000
bushels: oats. 21,000 bushels.
Chlraj-o Grain Maiket.
Chicago, Feb, 2.) The eiioimotis export
business done by Argentine lust week
was tho dominant t.atum In wheat to.
day, May closing u 1 urder Wednesday
Tho other markets were clcprcid b tho
wheat mniket Com ilosed'.e and May
onts a slndi lowei 1'io.lslonn at the
close weie 2'Mi'm down Cnsli quota
tions wiro ns folic ws: Flout Fasy: No,
3 Hpilmr whrnt, t '" nWc : No 2 red G1,i
7(V ; No 2 corn, 33" .e ; No 2 yillow,
33".e.: No 2 onts. 21ai.o ; No. 2 white
2wi2C'fcc: No. 3 white 2l"ii2V,e.; No. 2
iv e upiW c: No, 2 barley. J7'.il"c.; No
1 flaxseed, $1 fii; tlmotliv. 2 I',; nnik.
$00n1O73: lirel, $',7.i5 '": libs, $,-, 7-a
era: shouldcm, "',ut e; tides,,n-,;
whiskey. $1 2I';. Sugar" Cut loaf, 0 03;
gianulatid, f3 n.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago, Teb. 23. Cattle Cholcn rattle
nominally steady; otheis ste-ady to slow-.
Texus, fair to good; cows about steady;
canners strong; stockers and feeders ac
tive, about steady; good to choice, "a
ESO; poor to medium, $4at.75; mixed
stockers, 2.40a3SO; selected feeders, "1.23
All Catarrhal
olcnt enterprises find great satlsfac
tlon In dispensing this remedy. It Is
cheap. It Is effective, nnd It cures
nro permanent.
It Is a sure cure for coughs, cold,
l.i grippe and catarrh In .its many
phases. Whether tho catarrh Is locat
ed In the head, throat, lungs, stomach,
kidneys or pelvic organs, Peruna Is
a prompt nnd never-falling cure.
Letters of gratitude from various
Institutions of tho country!, to the
manufacturers of Peruna, indicate the
high tippteclatlon that these Institu
tions have for this remedy. The fol
lowing nre samples of the letters)
which have been received:
Report from Ohio.
The Sisters of St. Francis of St.
Vincent's Orphan Asylum, E. Main
street, corner of Rose avenue, Co
lumbus, O., write;
"Some years ago a filend of our
institution recommended Dr. Hart
man'a Peruna ns an excellent rem- ,
edy for la grippe, of which wo then
had several cases which threatened
to be of a seilous character. We be
gnn to use it and experienced such
wonderful results that since then
Peruna has become our favorite
medicine for la grippe, catarrh,
coughs, colds and bronchitis."
Repoit from Illinois.
Mrs. Clara Maketner, housekeeper for
the rioience Crittenden Anchorago
Mission, ot Chicago, wilted the follow
ing letter from .!02 Chestnut street,
Chicago: "Pel una. Is the best tonic I
have ever known for general debllltv
a sure cute for liver complaint, and
a never-falling adjuster In cases1 of
dylspepcla. I have also used It in
cases of female Irregulailtles and .
weak nerves common to the sex, and
hive found It most s itlsfnctory. For
almost my Internal tt cubic Peruna Is
an Ideal medicine chest, and deserving
of the confidence and endoisemtnt of
Report from Biooklyn, N. Y.
Mis. Beillui Ferguson. Superinten
dent of the Brook
lyn Free Dispens
ary, v. iltes from
11G Lawrence
street, Brooklyn,
N. V.: "No inedl
eln" desorves high
er praise as a cura
tive agent In cas'M
of catarrh In Its:
v arlous forms thait
Peruna. It Is far
Mrs. B. Ferguson above anything I
have ever known
or U3ed in such cases and it therefori
has my heartiest endoisement."
A book written by Dr. Hartman on
the different phnse of catarrh and1
their treatment; also "Health and
Beauty," written especially for wo
men, sent free to any address by Tho
Peruna Medicine Company, Columbu9,
Arsenio Beauty Tablets and Pills. A per
fectly safe rid Ruaranteedtrnntmcnt for all skla
eh&ordors. Restores the bloom of youth to laded laces.
10 days' treatment 50c ; 30 days' tl.00, by mail
bflnd for circular. Address.
UtRVITA MEDICAL CO., Clinton ft '(ck-on Stl., Ctlcsf
Soil by JtcOarrah & Thomas. Drug
gists,, 209 I.ackawar.ra ave., Scranton, Pa.
rftX-Cfftrecuf Diseases railing Hen
ory, InotencT. bloerleiaiiesa, etc . caaesj
fi-? Ahi-ftn ftp fither 1 tpobbgb nnd Indla-
cretienc. 2ftrf tjutcKly and surety
restore i-ost riiiu7 in ciacr jountr. ana
fitRinruforetaJy, business or marriage.
lrcnnt Insanity and Conftamxtion it
lrcn:it Insanity and Conflamction iC
taken laucc. TLolruse bhowa immodiato Improve-
p). iLoiriinfl ur.fivra lmmoainca lm Drove
mentond ci;ct3 a CUIiH whore all ether fall Is
Biat ursa lmvins the roaalno Ajax Tnbleta, They
hiTo cTd lUcu'andsQulttillcaroyou. WaRlroQpo3
iti?owrlUcnru"ran;o3 toollcttacuro CftpTQ la
cuchcuoor lrnd th-noney. i-rlco w w wi per
poct-ao; or bU ri-'-a (full treatment) for $3K). By
nail, in rUm wrapper, nronrsceiptof irico. ( ircumr
For salo In Scranton, Pa., by Matthews
Bros, and II. C. Sanderson, Druggists.
. .u,r.HT.uiU,u UIWIVUII lirBDI.
Chlfhtcr' Enclltta Dlwaoud llrnn ".
Ortcln! nd Only Clenulne
turf kt-fits rU-tMe lADitstik.
vmmd ItranJ lu KM an 1 014 uif tl i
Ihni 1M alth hliin rlrl .mi 1 -I, a.
innuireiTi i 1 1 r uuijcnnin a'l&SEir'i -'ir
,tit fin in ttfuttia A t I II n n J i
Id ttrapf r r rsrtle-ulnri, tciUjuntl,U rt4
llmlUf ftp Lndlo.tMft(tr, br rtarm
Melt 1O.O0U rontiiQorUli Mnt 'apwT
8oM by all Local DrusitUu. JJ!!IL VDA l&
n4 73; Rood to eholeo cow?, $lOa4.2";
lulfcrs, $T2"a4C0; cunnerw, $2 23a2'J0:
Hulls, 2fin,i4 2",; eahes, $",aS; Tcxiih fed
becei, $lu", llii;-,-Acthi, steady to
strong; tops, $4!i7'i; R&od clearance;
mixed and butchers-. $l.70a4"5; good heavy
$1 Mil '.; rouiih lioavy, $!70aH0; light.
$( Wn.4 1; bulk of .sales. $1 SO i4 00 Sheep
-Ste.iel; lambs utrontr; natle wethers,
S'iTinii; we-tern w etheri. $ tr 75; lambs,
$",a7.1": wtMtern lambs, $5 17.05. Iteceipta
-Cuttle, 3 000; hoK. 2?,000, sheep, 8.U0O.
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
i:nt Huffalo. 1M. 2! -Cattle Dull:
unebunKcd feseral loads fair steers
unsold I'liino steers. l2"al"0; cow,
$! 20 il.7"; calb lower, $"0a",70: choice.
"i7eiaS; he my tut calves, !Wa5, as to
riinllty. IIors Aclle, l'e. lower. I'Ibs
Meiie off, best hfly 5 1." i." IT'S; mixed,
fill, good jorKers, $",.!) r 12'i; light,
$.". 07 . ; pigs, $i!iii4 00, all roughs. SMOi
4 70. stags, 12" 1 1". Sheep an 1 lambs
-Strongu' best native lambs, $7.2:-a7.J";
i nils to irnnd. t.'i '.'a7.20: besh western
I lnmlis. IS to 2V. lower than natle; bulk.
$ii7"i7 1n. mixed tops, $40j"Cj; culls to
I good, S!aS2"; wethers nnd yearlings,
J"i.75nfi '.
New Yoik Live Stock Market.
New York, Feb, 21 Heoves Market
steady nnd all sold Steei.s. $1 twos "V,
oen and htags, $rAil7", bulls, $"al;
cows, JJ Mil Slicep Stcadv; cales.
nmrlcet steady, nil mid, tals, $.".i5 bO;
little cales, $ial.i'; barnyaid calves,
' nominal. Sheep and lambs Sheep weak;
inmlH. Htp.utv m llrni Sheen. $4 20a." 40:
eport v ethers, $i '0; lambs, 7.10a7 S.0;
culls, $'W)i; ye.ulings, Jil. Hogs ne
cclpts. C,r.i"0, one eai on sale Market
epioted easier nt J'.iOnS.r".
East Liberty Cattle Market.
I'ast Libit ty, Tcli 23-Cattle-Stcndy,
nt unelmnged pi lie. Hogs Slow tied
lower, pi linn mediums, Jul",; best york
eis, f".lor. 12'... light jorkers. "Vil M;
lieuvv hogs. $"iCh1i); pigs, 'iTOnfri;
loughs, JifAil"" Sheep riim, rlmlco
wetluis, ri7'i"s"i; eommoii, J0a5; eholeo
lambs. $7 1'.i7.J. common to good, Jja
7.10; ul cuUet-, J"a7.7n.
Oil Market.
Oil Citv. IM. 21 Ci edit balances, IC";
ceitilieat'ts. no bid, offer or sales. Ship,
ments, .'i7,7o2, axeiage, 93,117. Huns,
1W.0; uNerage, Si.llo.
had Cntarrh for on" jcar." "I had Cn
tairh for two jcars," "I had Catarrh
for tlo yeats." "i had Catarrh for
twenty" "I had Catanh for fifty
cai' nnd Dr. Agnow's Catinhal I'oa
der cited mo, These me scutences fiom
Iho M-lun es and oliimcs of testimony
for this gicat catairh cure, not mthlcal
luitlents, but oidn from men and o
men all over tho continent who havo
heen cured. It relieves In 10 minutes.
Hold by Matthews Bros, and W. T. Clark.
-27. i
jSf sjifi
i i - ri-i