The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 22, 1900, Morning, Page 8, Image 8

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I .J (, !,', T
Entertainment!! mid Suppeis in
Various Chinches and Dnuccs nnd
Soclnls In Public Halls Plenty of
Amusement to Keep the Young
Pcoplo nt Homo Funerals of
Thomnr. Klchmtls and Julia Raf
ter Sous of Vctcians' Concert.
News Notes and Peisonnls.
Washington' Hi Unlay uuiilvct.saiy
v III he llttlngly oelobi.Ucd In neatly
cvciy i hut ih and hy many soi Idles
this afternoon and evening. The list
ol events lui'luilc Colonial has, Mat tha
Washington suppcis, iiuttlollo enter
liiiiiiiientM, dances ami ninaetous other
dlvoislons which will sno to pm petu
nto the inemuiv of the Kather of His
Ciiiintiy. The most elaborate iitep.ira
tlons have been made liv the ladle.s of
the Washburn Stttct l'iesb. terlan
i hutch, white dinner and supUt'l U IP
1 iitnvlded fin all who ate Inclined to
1 ittonUe tilt in. They will nlo ton
iltut a Kile of household articles dur
ing the afternoon ami i veiling.
A tut Key illuiiei will be toady at the
noon hour and .such ii.ilatable edibles
as tomato soup with ctotttons, iott
tuiKij with etaiibeiiy smce, m.islio 1
potatoes, mashed tut nips, boiled onions,
escalloped hjMois, banquet wafets,
i ibluge .salad, pliUes. bicad and bitt
ti r, snow pudding, lei.ion, apple an 1
pumpkin Pie. tet and coffee will be
mm veil. The eoui.-e sitpiiee will t ouslst
or o.VStets on the ll llf Hhell, ilailiet-i.
cold bollnl him, lui bWi nits, chicken
s.tlad, hatumet walets, ake, tea, mf
fce, mango he and Ice ete.iin.
at Tin: I'Mwiot'TH citnncir.
The I.adlis' Aid society of the lMv
moiith chilli h will stive .supper in their
lmtlois this evening and tuition ov
i veiling for tvvuitv-llvo cents. The
menu will consist of tomato .snap,
wafers, toast beef, vml with mint
.sauce, mashed potatoes, rtetiih peas,
cabbage salad, biead and btittei.
pickles, lemon and mince pie, tea tof
fee, Ice cieam tmd take
The Baptist Young People's union of
he ritst Welsh Iiaptist chutth will
soivo a Colonial tea and give an en
teitnlliinent, the ptogi annuo of which
will be as follows:
Clmliiu.iu, Ue. I. O HopKlns: pianu
solo, Miss Elizabeth Lewis; lecltiMlon,
Miss Eleanor Williams, tenor solo,
.Tohn i:ans, iable.nt, pi mi, duet,
Mis. V. 15. Thomas and I.llznhoth
Hughes; recitation, MKs Mattha Da
vis; continlto solo. Miss Mnigaiet
Thomas; tableaux, violin solo, John
Thomas; oeal duet, liaibata and
Elizabeth Lewis, s, lection by double,
iiu.ntctte; Montana soln, .Mis Norma,
Hughes; tableaux; i hot us, "Ametlea."
A Maltha AV.ishliigtou tta will bo
given by the Ladies' Aid society of
Don't jim know a slight cough may
pmvo Fcrloiis later. Procrastination at
Mich a time Is the i rv worst thing that
i hi hr.ppi a. Itlvulets beiome ilvci-
.Minns o,ils, nnii nn nidlniry i ongh often
h uls to Inn? trouble niTOl'lt'S
1 ItKXrit TAK Is whit ou want It Is
tilnl nnd tine. Tor f-nle at (i V. Jea
l.Ins, Druggist, 101 S. Mnln avenue
a Clearance
lale By Any Means
for e have no counter-soiled or undesirable Muslin Under
wear in the house. This is in reality
Our Annual
Introductory Sale of
Newest Designs in Ladies'
Highest Grade Muslin Underwear
Made, in the best factoiics in the country, in the best possible
manner and from materials of the best" known excellence, to
our special older. It aflfoids us pleasure therefore to invite
every woman who takes piide in owning undergarments of ir
reproachable quality and faultless style to visit the Muslin
Underwear Depnttinent dining tin, interesting event, for not
only is the Bargain opportunity great (price- being about one
fourth under the usual retail figures), but as an exposition of
dainty elegance exemplified in new ideas, the display is one
worth going miles to see. No- need to say more, save 'that this
Altogether Desirable
Sale of Ladies' Muslin
Underwear Is Now On
Andr Awaits Your Inspection
Just a Hint as to Prices
Figures do not moe a value, consequently we refrain fiom
. the usual cheap sale mctliwU here. The 'quotations given
incrcly show the wide range of selection.
'. Gowns, 48 prQm 4 t() 49
;. Drawers, 36 Styles, prQm $175 t() 2
; 1 Skirts sty,es From $5.89 to 33c.
Corset Covers, ,6 Styles, FrOITl $1.29 to 9c.
Children's Dresses
Haines' long and short
at special prices.
tjlobe WareboOse 1
the Klrst Welsh Cougtoijatlonal church
In tho .Stitulay school room on South
Main avenue.
At the paisonage of tho First l'ng
llsh ltiptlst church, on Notth Hyde
I'aik avenue, the Young People's union
will hold an cnteitnlnmcnt and Roclal.
Ice cream nnd cake will ho for sale.
Tho Gleaners of tho Simpson Mctho
ulst Kplscopal ihurch will also servo
a colonial tea fiom fi to S o'clock this
evening. A tempting menu haw been
at tanged for.
I.ADtnS' AH) 8UP1M-H.
The clam chowder supper net veil by
the Iidles' Aid society of St. Mink's
I'vangi-llcnl church last evening, was
liberally patronized, and cnloved by
all who attended. The affair was in
chin bo of Mrs. William H. Hcese, Mis.
Andtew Hoklm-oli, Mrs. John lllckoit.
All- Chester Cainmer, Mrs,. William
dress, Mis. 1 (I. Whetstone. Mis.
Charles llachman, Mis. Mat tin Webber
and Mis. Kdwnrd Ilyniond.
The ladles have pledged themscHes
to carpet the new church and the sup
per was given to iale funds for that
purpose. An old-fashioned social will
he held at the home of Mrs. Fred.
Teltze, on South Sumner avenue, next
Tuesday evening.
A small audience attended the enter
tainment and social given In Meai.s'
hall last evening bv the membets of
Camp s, Sons of Veteians. Tho run
gi limine was metltoilous, however, and
much enjoyed. Dr. H. Kussell was
chaitman, and the committee In chaige
was loniposed of C. A. Moer, I'llgenu
Hollenbick, M. C. llullock and O. H.
The paitlclpanls wete the Uuiimnte
Mandolin club, l It. Klilln, V. P. Cole,
P. i: llepler, Davis and Willi mis, o.
ll MItteer, Miss We ler, Susie Otoss,
l.lle Weller, Floience Kafter, Viola
rahtitiholt nnd a ijuirtette. A oc!nI
followed (he enlei talllliient, for which
Miss Nellie Cut inn fuinlslud the dance
Tile tenth annual St. David's dav
futpptr and mncert of the Tabetnacte
Congtegatlonal church will be held on
Thin sdav m nlng, Maich 1, when th"
following s and gonth men nio ex
pected to i.iKe pitt: Hon. William
Cunnell. pii-Iilent; Hon. H. M. IM
w.uds, lonductor; Itev. D. 1). Hop
kins, ntatoi MNs Coi.i Oilllliii eloetl-tlnnls-t;
Mis. Jidith Heckel, sopi.ino;
.Mi.s. D D. l.iwls, sopiano; Mis. M. J.
It. Williams, alto; Joshua John, tettot;
William A. ltobeits, liasso- Mts. V. I!.
Thnm.i", !iei onipnnlst.
Sill pel will be on the tables at T "')
o'i lui I;. The conceit will commence
at s oMock shup, alter which the
supper will be continued
lmowNn: i:nthrtainmi:nt
Cuds, have been Issued to the school
children which will entitle them to a
1." cent admission to the matinee pet
fotmance of the "Hiownles In Faliy" on Satutday at 2.30 o'clock. An
orchehtia is In pteparatlon for nccom
pmiment on Friday and Saturday
Pi of. Vnndeivecken will give violin
solos on Filday evening. A peifoim
anie which will nttract considerable
attention will be a Japanese fan ill ill
and tableaux, which will be given by
twelve git Is.
The speaker or the Salvation Aimv
speci'il meetings this evening will bo
Dresses, Children's Guimns etc'
' ' '
If there Is a
tctUency to
keep the bowels
rcKtil.-ir anJ the
.stomach pure
with the Bitters.
It Is invaluable
for all stomach
troubles, Includ
ing l.hcranf
DMeases of
Peter and Ague
Miss Anna VanNort, tho youiiff wo
nun'n friend and sectetnry of the
South Side Young Women's Christian
association. A special Invitation Is ex
tended to tho young women of Went
Scrnnton to attend.
Tomorrow evening Major Jenkins, of
Philadelphia, and Mnjor MacFarlane,
of Wllkes-Harte. two old time Salva
tionists, will speak. The meetings
commence at S o'clock.
A lequleni mass was celebrated In
St. Patrick's church yesterday morn
ing over the remains of the late Mrs.
Michael Murphy. Ilurlal was mado In
the Cathedtal cemeteiy.
The f uncial of the lato Lawrence
Lcmilhan was conducted fiom tho
home of deceased's father at Aichbild
mine yestetday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
imminent wns made In tho Cathedral
ci motel y.
Tile funetal of. the Into Mis. i:itlo
Clamor will bo conducted fiom the
home. 1010 Swetland stteet, tomorrow
afternoon. Intel ment will bo made In
Washbuin stieet cemeteiy.
The y entei talnment nnd
social of Washington camp. No. r.!3,
1'atiiotlc Order Sons of Ameiica, will
he held In Meals' hall.
A mld-w Inter s-oclal will bo given by
the Ii.i Tilpp Hose company.
Tho Llectilc City Wheelmen will hold
their icgular monthly s-oclal at the
club house.
A soclil will be given In St. David's
hall by the Kaglo Hnglno Tom 1st club.
ri'NniiAi, or thos kicuakok.
The ostium In w libit the late Thomas
Klehaids was held was attested by the
luge number of people at the
s-uvhe.s lield at the hnusa on Jackson
stteet, estenliiy afternoon. lev.
David Jones, pastor oC the I-'hst Welsh
I chinch, and Kev. O. L.
I Ahlch, of Cliace ltefoimed llplseopnl
lihuiili, weie the olliel.ttlng cleigvmen,
land each Hpol.c of the noble iharactec-
isties and sympathetic nattue of de
ceased, whoso lifo was well spent
among the lniluences of his home and
Among the out-of-town ft lends who
attended the nhsequle.s were: Mr. and
Mi.s. Philip W.iltets, of Plymouth; Wil
liam HaKer, Daniel SVutiy, Hon. S. S.
Jones, Mis. James lleibett, Mrs. Mar
gatet IJv.ins, and Heese Hughes, of
C.ubnndalo, and Mrs. Moigan Ji. Wil
liams, of WIIIe.-Hnrro. The pallhear
it s wete Franklin Howell, John It.
IMwatds, John Phillips. Frank Davis,
Thomas Itlehaids and Frank Itlchurds,
the Inst live named being grandsons
of deceased. The lemnlns were Intoned
In the family plot In Was-hbutn street
Itev ! K. l.avelle tonduited the
fuuiial .seniles over the lemalns of
the late Julia Hatter at St. Patikk's
chinch .vesteiday monilng. which weio
attended by many fi lends and lolatlves
of deceased.
The ers. wete: John Hiown,
John C.nioll, John Hennegan, Michael
Gallagher. II. J Cannon and John Cinl
lagher. The How or be.irei.s weie
Thomas Tlemev and Pntilek Hetty,
lmeiment was made in (he Cathedtal
lemetei v
Mi.s. Alevander Mai tin and Mis. y.
D. Thomas, of Plttston, spent Tuesday
with Mis. It. J. Hughes and Mis Hllx.i
beth Jones, oi Notth Ihomley avenue.
William Di mils, oi Montioe, who
has iiccn the guest of Miss Calnes, of
Tinth stteet, left lor Washington. D.
'., jestelday.
Mis. Coleman, ot Ninth Hioinley ave
nue, who is setloll.sly W, was icmoVed
to the Mo--es Taj lor hospital jestei
d.ij A l.tllle lor a pony will he conducted
on Apill 30, for the binellt of Mis.
Owen Davis, whose husband died yes
teidav. Hev. J. H. Whelan'si valuible hor.-e
will be chanted oft' at St. Patjlck'.s
church fair tomonow evening.
William Willi jiiih, of Ttobeits coutt,
Is iiinlined to ids home with a soie
Hev. Thomas do Oiucliv will begin
a setles of llltisttated setmons the Hist
hiiiuluy i venlng in Mnich.
Miss Annie Ilvau'-, ot South Fllmoie
u line, entett. lined a put ty of fi lends
nt her homo Tuesday evening. A flash
light plcttne was taken of the gioup.
Those picsent weio: Misses r,ll7.ubeiti
Itleh.iiils, Iloilha Longwoitli. Hlizaboth
Pi lie, S.ualt A. Thomas. Hvans,
Walter Jones, Walter Whitman, Uvati
J. Hvans and Wlllltun Challenger.
A niotlieis' meeting will he held at
No. 19 school tomorrow afternoon at
- o'cloik. The pupils were Insttucted
Visteulav no in, ,, ,.u o. n,
life of Washington All the schools will j
uc ilos((l toiny.
Tho mi mbi m of Hi nv.itha louucll.
No. Jti. Dauphtots of Pocahontas, will
incotltiK nt Slui--nn .lethodlt I.'pis-
opal ihuich tomonow aftetnoon at
1 10 o'doil; to attend tin funetal of the
late Mis nip,. I'minir This notice is
olUclnl Theie will b no postals sent
to the nn mbi is
Mis imic Owens of ciaik's Sum
mit. Is tin guest of Mis. Fiedetlck
Owens, of Meildlnn stteet.
Some people can't drink
coffee : everybody can
drink Grain-O. It looks
and tastes like coftee, but
it is made from pure
grains. No eofl'ec in it.
Grain-O is cheaper than
coffee j costs about one
quarter as much.
AH gtocets j J5c and c
Marriage of Floyd Rozcllo and Miss
Laura Hcffelnnger Their Annual
Masqueiade Other Notes.
A voty charming wedding was sol
emnized at tho home of Mr. and Mrs.
nichnrd HeffclihiBer, of Willow street,
Inst evening, when their daughter, Mlsi
Laura Hertolilnger, was united In mar
tligo to Flod liozelle, of Plttston.
Itev. William A. Nordt, pastor of the
Hlckoty stt cat Presbyloi hm church,
olllclnted at the ceremony. The brldo
was attended by Mls Mary Pnrcher
and Jacob Heffelflnger, biothcr of tho
bilde, was groomsman. Tho brldo and
her maid were prettily nttlred In
gowns of brown broadcloth and car
lied bridal roses.
At the conclusion of the wedding
ceremony the bridal party nnd their
immediate relatives sat down to a
wedding supper, nnd nt S.CO the young
couple loft for Plttston, where they
will reside.
Mr. and Mis. Tlozelle are both very
popular young people and have the
best wishes of their numerous friends.
Tho thirty-third annual maso,uciad'
ball of the ltlnggold band, which was
held nt Athletic hall list evening, was
a decided success In ovetv detail. The
spacious hnll was well tilled with mcrrv
muskets and the costumes were very
Tho Indian war dance, which was
given at 10 o'clock, was the most In
I tercstlng fentute of the brill. Tn the
center of tho hnll was tho citstnmaiy
stake, with a white man nPnehed by
ropes and around It circled tho Indlani
In their wild dance. Tho war dance
was given by twelve lnnes In war
paint and as many squaws. This was
a -eiy novel feature and was erv
much enjojed by nil.
The membeis of the committee, who
desoivc much ciodlt for the success
of the affair, weio: Joseph P. Ki.iumr,
chaitman' Neil O'Donnell nnd John 15.
Hianch No. 221, Ladles' Catholic
nenevolont association, will give a
endue paity in Pharmacy hall on nest
Mondav evening.
Tho (Men's society of Rt. Paul's Hvan
gellcil laitheian ihurch will give an
enteitninment at the church tnnmirovy
o' oiling.
At St. John's hall nn inteictlng
g.ime of bisket ball will be played on
Friday evening. The defenders of this
side and n picked team from the icn city will play. A soclil will fol
low. Pen Coal 1.25 a Ton Delivered '
to South Side, ccnttal city and central
Hjdo 7'ark. Addicss otdeis to J. T.
Sharkey, 1914 Cedar ave. 'Phono C6S3!
The pupils of No. -a school held an
entertainment msinrHnv ifi..,., 1..
honor of Washington's birthday.
The following progtammo was given:
Pntilek Heniy's address, Thomas Cttl
len: "Hevolutlonary Hislng," Windsor
Jones; "Stntyof Ameiica," Nora O'Mal
ley. "Paul Heveie's lililo." Ethel Clark;
Emei son's poem, delivered at dedica
tion of a monument on the battlefield
of Concotd, J tarel Davis; "The Ameti
can Hoy." Minnie I.each; "Independ
ence r.ell." Don Cullck; "Ciosslng the
Delawaie," MaggleO'Donnell; "Iitlght
est Name on History's Page," Anna
McNulty. "Patriotism." laicy DeWitt;
"The Giave of Washington," C.erttude
Howells; "TheHiavoat Home," Aithur
Williams; "The Soldlet'i. Paidon,"K.ite
Catnoy "Diunmier Hoy of Watetloo,"
M.ugaiet Homei Ptldo of Hntteiv
U." Mae Hammond; "The Will and the
Way," Stanley Millet; "The Angel of
Htiena Vista " lailu Constnntine.
The fune1.1l of the late Michael Ale
Hugh, ot West M.uket stieet. took
plate jesteidiy nftcinoon fiom the
home. At I! o'clock the leinnlns Weie
conveyed to the Holy Hosaij church,
whoie the seniles wete conducted by
the Hev. J. J. O'Toole, after which the
funetal college moved to Dtinmotc
Catholic cemeteij-, wheie lntetment
wns made.
The pill-benteis vere EdivnnI Jloran.
John CitmmliiRs, James Hovd, John
Walsh, John Ketrigan, Michael Ilan
This evening tlie men of the Coutt
Stieet Methodist Episcopal church will
seive an oyster supper.
An entertainment will be given in the
Fiist Clnlstian chinch, on Notth Main
avenue, this evening. The pioceeds will
go tow aid the 01 gap fund. An excel
lent pi ogi amine has been prepated.
The ladles ot the Piovldcnce Piesby chut ih will setvo supner this
evening at S.'IO o'clock.
Tomonow evening the Young Wo
men's Clnlstian association will bold a
icieptlou nt the rooms, It being the
tit st annlveisaiy of the opening of tho
pmtso.vAi., munrs.
Miss Maine Thomas, of Spring stieet,
Is able to resume her position as
teacher at Xo. :;:. school, after bavin;;
Htlffeied seveio Illness
John Ihady, of Keyser avenue, and
Mutv Colvev, of Peny stteet, weio
united hi mat 1 Inge yesteiday nt the
Holj Ilonny chinch.
lUv. Jt. .1 Heese, of .itimmlt aventir,
is leeoveilnt,' fiom n week's illness,
OcniKe M. Mulley Is III with tho grip
at his borne at "Weston place,
Km net 'Miller, a member of th
I.lbeity Hrsf company. Is 111 ns a re
sult of tho fiio in Hojun's Jowelrj'
stoic Monday morning.
Mis. .1. H Van Hetfran and Mis. M.
II Kns. of Handeisou avenue, spent
ye.steid.iy In Cniboudale and attended
tho missionai.v meeting In the Ptesby
tuilnn 1 hureh theie.
Mis Now bet 1 j-, who has lately,
coino to fiieen lllilg", and Is the nos.
sessiir of a linn volie, will slug at the
blitlul.iy p.tilj In tho Pieslivtmlan
chut eh p.uloih this evening ns will also
Unbelt llkiekal, of Onoouta. X Y, and
Mis. Maxwell Chaiuuiin and Mr. ltob
11 is, of our own ilty. Miss Knng will
glvo violin holectlons and Miss Slocum
11. C. Pollock, of the Star and Cres
icnt Milling company of Chicago, was
a business vIMtor heie yesteidaj.
Tho Womon'fi Chtlstlnn Ttmpeiancc
union of Oicen Hliljro will meet this
af tet noon at 3 o'clock In tho Oieen
Itldgo library. A full attendance Is de
alt! d.
Tho following piogramine will bo
rendeted at a conceit In tho Adanu.
avenuu chapel tonight: Tluno solo
A Red
is the 22d of February,
and just that it is so. Since the day when Washington
first saw the light what a number of red letter days brighten
the calendar of the years. Hundreds of inventions and discoveries
now annihilate space, lighten toil, deaden pain and lengthen life.
Among the great discoveries of the nineteenth century none stand out
more prominent than that of Warner's Safe Cure, a vegetable prepara
tion for the cure of that terribly insidious disease Bright's disease of
the kidneys. The disease was first named by Dr. Bright of England.
It had been known previous to his time as dropsy, and death certifi
cates were given, and are given today, by reputable physicians, for
dropsy, heart disease, heart failure, convulsions, etc., instead of Bright's
Dropsy, heart failure, convulsions, etc., are but
symptoms of Bright's disease, a disease before which physicians
stand aghast.
Bright's disease and consumption do not kill at
once. There are first, second and third stages. The time to treat
these terrible diseases is at their inception. Bright's disease is con
sumption of the kidneys and no man or woman can live without kid
neys any more than they can without lungs.
The kidneys have few nerves of sensation,
hence Bright's disease cannot be detected except by its symptoms or
a microscopical examination of the fluids of the body. Prominent
among the symptoms are fickle appetite, failure of eyesight, nervous
ness, fiequent desire to pass fluids, constipation, chronic rheumatic
pains, gradual failure of strength, 'pallor of face, swelling of the ankles,
shoitness of breath, chills, fever, scanty, high colored fluids, etc. A
person may not have all of the symptoms, but one of them continued
for any length of time is a warning that the kidneys are not doing the
work- nature intended them to do and that the body through that fail
ure is surely becoming poisoned by the deadly acids which ought to
be eliminated.
Warner's Safe Cure is a specific for kidney
disease when taken in time and according to directions. It will not
work miracles but it will do all that human agency can accomplish.
It is the part of wisdom to get rid of kidney
disease and to begin
Medical ad vies
(selected), JIls.s Elizabeth Henvvond;
ocal solo (selected), Ml si. Ovvenlll
Davlex; iccitntlon, "Soiir: of the Maiket
Place," Miss data Prewstet; violin
solo, Mazurka (P.0I1111), Alice i: Van
Tyle; vocal solo, "I hove lift all Uaj
I.011JT," Mis, lanl CSllldllei, lnipelson
atlons and inlmlcij. Mi. Chailes H.ut
h'J : Violin solo Ulegle (I.ukI Mllsso),
Mlhs Alice V., Vdll Tjle, vocal solo,
"Tell Me. My Heait" ( Mis,
(iweiilll Davles; jecltutlon. "The Cluls
lenliiK." Mb-s dale Itievvstci; veil
tilloqiilsm, Mr. Chatlis Hattlej.
All who ate Intel ested nie most coi
dlallj Invited to attend a nicotinic tor
the oifrnnlzHtlon of a lomminidpiv of
the Ancient and Illnstilotis Ordet,
KnlKhts ot Malta, to be held in Xet
tleton's hall, 020 Gicen Jtldito street,
Kilday evenltuc, Keb. St, at S o'clock
sharp. Sir Cieonce II. Plene, who
has twice, tilled the station of suptomo
commander and who Is now the grand
lei order and Rtand oiganlzer of the
Kr.ind commanderj' of Pennsylvania,
will deliver an addicss upon the "Hls
totj' nnd Ptlnclples of the Older of
Malta," mis well as answer all ques
tions. Members of existing command
eiles aie cordially Invited.
Klilutv lJio.idlicut. a brief mention of
whoso death at .111 early luuii jesteuloy
morning nppeaied In jehtcrilaj'K Tribune,
was ono of the most vvldclv known and
respected iltlins of the city wheto bo
had lived for upwards of fortj-llvo jenrs.
Mr. llro.idbi nt was burn In Saddle
woith, Yorkslilro countv, Jhigbinil, on
April IB, pyi, and was tho sou of ltalph
Ilroiclbent, who was tho proprietor of
astle Shaw, a well known preparatory
boarding school for j-oung bos. At the
nge of 11, aftir having been educated In
his father's school, ho was apprenticed to
the 111.11 hlnist's trade and lemalned hi
tho employ of tho irnipenv lie hud beui
Imli iitini d to until IMS whin ho 1 .un
to this coimttj. Soon after his attlval
be t-ecurnl a position as machinist In tho
itogets Locomotlvo vvoiks at P.Uer.-ou,
N J Soon attir he took cliaigo 01' a
manufacturing plant in Newark, N .1.,
but the lovo for the old count! ovir
i nme him lu a wlillo and ho lctuincd
theio lu 1S1 leniiiiulug until the tall or
1 -". I wlien at tho outbuak of the Ctluuun
war ho Hsaln leturneil to tho "land of
the fico" Ilo becund a position as lotc
man in tho Sci.mton Incmnntlvu depart
inent of tho Delawaie, Lackawanna, mid
Western cump.iny and iniiio to tills ilty
In s53.
Ho continued lu this cip.iclty until 18j;
when he In 1 .11110 a pattnu lu the lit in of
William Cooke & Co,, then cngagtd In
the iiianulaetuto ol lnomotlvts at what
Is novs known as tho I'llff wotks. Tills
iniupany was heun absoiliid by tho Dlik
Hin .Mnnufactuthig company and Mr
Hro.idliiiH was made fete man of the
lonipauv's Peiiu avenuu hbops, 1'iom
this position he wns giadiiiilly advancid
until lsj vvhen ho was made su
pi'ilntenilent. 11 post he mini until v;
whin l'ti rotlud fiom active llfi Ic cud
his days in the pi 111 e and quit t ot Imme
While employed at Patcitou Mr,
bent was united in marriage with Miss
Catlieilne Ilto.ulbcnt. v. ho thniir-ii of the
same niiino was not 11 lelntlve. There
weio seven children hum of this union,
of which llvo now suivlve: Cluuies I.,
of New Yotk illy, and Mrs. 13, M. ' r
tiny, Mattha, Vlctoila and John I'., all
of this ilty. Sits, nto.ullieiu died about
sir wnks ago nnd the death of Mr.
llioiulbt nt now conies as a double sorrow
to the 1 hlliiie.i.
Mr. IliiMillieut was n btatinih Republi
can lu politics nnd took an active inter
it In tlm success of that party, lie was
also a pi eminent Mason mid was ono of
tho three oldest members of Coeur Do
Lion commander)'. No. 17, KnlghU Temp-
Letter Day
free. AdJresi Warner's Salt Cure Co ,
Microscopical eximlnatlon on application,
I.11 He was also nn Inventor of note
and had obtained patents on a large
niiinbit of iiuehuiiliiil lit vices, notable
among wliiih was a breaker roll known
as the ISro tdbent, which Is now In use In
nnilv eveiy lollluy In the anthracite
coal legion. The position which hn'Had
alvv.ijs (Ktuplid among tho successful
nun of the city was due puttly to his
eailv nmlillluns 11111I bis uuigetlc ef
loits to attain tin in. but pi 1 Imps more
so to bis .sterling honesty and mugilty.
The funetal ari.mgemi nts aie not
unite lompbte as et. The sirvices will
be loudiiitid on S.ituuluy morning at
yjo u'tloik In St. l.uko's cliuich and in
tit ment will bo made in the Dunmorc
mnetrrj. It is bellivid that Coour De
I.I011 cuniiniiiidi i) will attend in full uni
form, but this has not it been dcllnltely
Owen O. Davis, agid 4'l jcarr-, died at
1.SU o'clock jesterday af tet noon at his
home. HO! Jackhon street, after a lin
gering illness from lung trouble. Two
weeks ago he began falling and It was
e.ldeut duilng that time that tho end
was near. Deceased was born In Mer
tbjr Tj'dvll, Wales, and had resided in
West Scranton for nianv j-eara, having
eonductcil a barber shop nnd confec
tionery stoto on North Mam avenue.
Prior to his death Mr. Davis was junltor
of tho West Sido police station. Ho is
survived by his wife, ono daughter. Mrs.
William IVrguson, nnd two slaters. Sirs.
James Lewis and Mrs. Thomas Davii.
The funeral notice will appear tomorrow.
Jar nb Scbiink, of 412 "Willow street,
p.isstd away jcsterd.iy morning at S
o'clock, aged 2? jears. Mr. Schnnk was
a veiy prominent joung man, being of
temperate habits Mid was a pleasant
eompni Ion. Tho nunoiuement of his
deiith proved a severe shock to his 1111
ineiotis friends. Ho was a valued and
trusted tmplojo of Carl Lorenz, tha
Lackawanna nvenuo diuggist. Ills moth
er and three brothers survive him. The
funetal will tnko placo tomorrow after
noon nt - o'clock. Services will he con
ducted at the house by Rev. William A.
Nordt and Interment will be mado In the
Plttston avenue cemetery.
Mr.'. Anthony Murphy, of Pulton
street, died at her homo jesterd.iy after
noon at I o'cloik alter an Illness of one
wcik with pneumonia. Mrs. Murphy Is
survlvid by u husband and threo chil
dren. Tho funeral iiiiaugemunts huvo
not et bull completed.
Mi?. Kllln "ram or, of 1010 Sw inland
stieet, dltd at tho Sciantnn Private I os.
pltnt at midnight Tuesday. The funeral
will bo held tomonow afternoon and ln
tetment will bo mudo In Washburn street
cemeterj .
Mary, the S-vonr-old duughter of Sir.
nnd Mrs. John I'.irrj. ot Ceil it avenue,
died on Tuesday i veiling after a brief
llluiss Tho funeral will take place this
nlleruoon lit 'J o'clock
An Infant child ol Mr and Mis. I'd
vv ,ti il Jacob-. f UU Wacl.bum btre'it,
illrd Tuesday. The lemilns will lie taken
to Shli kshhuiy this nuitulng, where In
tel n. cut vylll be made.
A Matter of Couitesy.
The management of the Lakei Shore
and Mlchlgnn Southern tallvvny be
lieves lu doing everything possible for
tho convenience of Its pations, mid the
company's agents at all principal sta
tions will sell coupon tickets ti all
points In the I'nlttd States and Can
ada at lowest lates. Tho tiavellng
public mo fast beginning to renliza
that the nianiigeinent of tho I.ako
Shote uillway has left nothing1 tindono
to provide for safe, comfortable, nnd
convenient travel. If you buy jour
ticket via tho I.ako Shoto nnd Mich
igan Southern railway jou get tho best
In travel to bu found,
Rochester, N. Y.
H. R. LONG, Maaager.
Wednesday and Thursday,
February at and aa,
Special Matinee W.aahlngton'a Birthday.
Special Scenery, Orchestra, Oostumaa,
Wednesday evening, Feb. 21, "II Trova
tore," Thursday matinee, "PlnaXott'
and Cavallerla Rustlcana;" Ttauradajr
evening, Keb, 22, "CaTmen.
Prices $1.00. 75c, 60c, 25c
Friday, February 33
riomr A Hurrah of
L'y Hilarity,
of Fun.
A jolly play for all sorts of theatre-goeri.
Tha funniest ot them all.
Prices-1100, He., We,, 25e.
Saturday, February 34,
Matinee and Night. Mr. Edward L. Btoira
Present! London's Latest Oomlo
la I.o du.
sg A 7fJ1 lftOtaNesr
47m V Ct la Boston.
A Company of Oreat Manltude and
Importance, Including
Traveling by Speclul Train of Elfbt Oars,
.iiti'ciu. niAKfii, uurKeim.iy woBiunaeiL
hlty Girls In Uewitehlnj Ballets.
Prlccs-1 ED, 1 00, 75c, Mc.. c.
H. R. LUNa Manacr.
nnlunco of Week,
Pally Matinees en usual.
liv enlng Prices 10, JO and 80 cents.
Commencing Munday, Feb. 86. Dime
matinees dally, beginning Tuesday. Re
turn engagement, Mr. Charles Leyburns
and his own Uig
In a pleasing repertoire of comediea
and comedy dinmas. Monday night.
"Tho Census Taker." Change of play
at eveiy performance.
l'rlecs-lu. 20 and r.0c. Ladles' Uo. tick.
ts opening night if reserved before t
p. m. Monday.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
February 22, 93 and 84.
Fun Fast and Furisnif,
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,
February 86, 87 and St.