THE SCUAlNTOiV TRIBUNE- TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1900. 10 CARBONDALE. THAT BILL OF EXTRAS. Partially Disponed of by the School Board Last Night. That bill of extras on the addition to the Central ochool building of nearly $3,000, to which attention was called by The Tribune, was taken ui by the school board again last nlghtf Archi tect Brown, of Scranton, had been re quested to be present, but he did not appear, and, consequently, the board soon met dllllcultles which It could not oveicome. For Instance: The plans showed flag walk on one hide only In front of the school and, an both sides had to be alike to make a complete Job, the board argued that the plains Implied what was not actually marked therein. Con tractor Nolan objected to this, saying lie was not supposed to furnish no thing not marked. In this particular item $10 were Involved. After reading the entire specifications a i. ' contract, the board decided that it could not pass upon nil the Items without the nichlteet's piesence, but it did conclude to go over and order paid such claims ns it knew to bo Just, namely, those for work which had been properly authorized. These amounted to a few hundred dollars. Contractor Nolan startled the board by declaring that he had nothing to do with making out the bill: that it was done by J. J. Collins and Architect 'nmn. "What had Mr. Collins to do with It?" asked Diiector Vannan. "lie Is my clerk," answered Mr. No lan. Mr. Vannan "Is ho not your part ner?" Mr. Nolan "Well paitly. Hut If this bill is going to be paid I should like to have It paid soon, If not, I should like to know it." The board then proceeded with the items. WAGON TIPPED OVER. It. W. Munn, who baa charge of the Palace creamery milk loute, had a narrow escape from Injury, and pos sibly death, yesterday morning. Ho was Inside the tightly closed wagon when lie turned too short and tipped over on Park street. He succeeded in stopping the horse before much .dam age had been done. The result of a runaway under such conditions may easily be Imagined. A window was broken In the wagon. STATUS OF MUNICIPAL WATER The enlarged water committee has obtained opinions from e-Judge Rhone and City Solicitor Stuart ic gardlng the contract put out, which was ucently adversely criticized. The opinions state that the contract Is proper and "afe and the committee proposes to continue the work of get ting signers which will be considerably tacllltated by the restoration of confi dence. PROFITABLE EXCURSIONS. Passenger agents have been in this city this week arranging foi a scries of excursions which are to be run the coming heason froiro New Yoik to this city via Honesdale. Largo crowds weiu bi ought heip last summer by this route and local business men reaped iulte a haicst from them. Next Hummer they v ill foe prepared to make the most of the opportunity. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. A. F. Thompson is entertaining lila brother George, of Haw ley. T. I.. Cnne Is convafercent. O. S, Kimball was homo over Sun day. Harry Seltz, formerly of this city, now of Scianton, paid Caibondale a business visit jesterday. Mis. George Kellovv, of Eighth avenue, Is enteitalnlng Mrs. John Van nan and daughter Gertrude, of Green I'ldgc. IM-im Ciago, of Scranton, spent jcr.ciday in this city. AIoiph Altken returned yesterday to lloboken. X. J. Tho nw flag pole for Memorial park has been elected. Common council was booked for a meeting last night but was shy a quorum. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will hold a mother's meeting at the home of Mrs. Estabrook, on Gar field avenue, Friday nfternoon. The Merchants association met in Assembly hall last evening and admit ted several now members. Mrs. August Goebel, the grand mother of William Goebel. was burled in Maplowood cemetery, this city. The grandfather. August Goebel, was buried In Covington, Kentucky. The grandfather's sister, Mis. Frederick Elbrecht, lives now In Carbondale. The governor's mother was a sister of Mrs. Roemmelmeyer-Eltel, now de ceased. James Rutherford Is negotiating for the rental for his glove store, of the stand occupied by Lebeck & Corln's Leader store. MOSCOW. Kenneth, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Biesecker Is ill. Miss Lizzie Harnden attended the GOLD DUST The Washing Woman's Best Friend. Dr. Pnl's A I Tbersre prompt, ute sad certain in roiult. . , . The aenulna (Dr. Peal'u never dUappolnt, Sold for 91.00 per box. For Sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Sprue street. Honesdailo district Epworth Ucaguo convention at Thompson Tuesday and Wednesday as delegate. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Bartholomew and Miss vBcrtha Brewer have leturned from a visit with friends at Portland. II. G. Frlshkorn has been quite lit since his return from Virginia. iMIss Kate LaBar, of Etroudsburg, Is visiting her mother. Mr. Lonstcln of Arlington, visited nt the homo of his brother, Max Lon stcln, this week. Adta Sayre, of Rtroudsburg, lias been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Es chenbach. lluv. G. II. Prentice attended the Epworth League convention at Thompson. TAYLOR NEWS. Death of Mrs. Thomas McLaughlin. Tally Ho Performance Coming, Valentine Social Personal News. Mrs. Thomas McLaughlin, wife of Thomas McLaughlin, the well known tailor, passed away at her homo on Union stuct -yesterday morning at 4 o'clock, after two weeks lllntss. De ceased was 32 years of age and for many years leslded at West Scranton, which was her foimer home. She wns a lady who possessed many accom plishments and an umlable disposition which made her fi lends numeious. She was the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Nicholas Durkln, of West Scranton. She Is survived by her husband and one child, her parents, nnd the follow ing brothers and slsteis: Misses Mary and Sat ah, and Messrs. Joseph, Mich ael, Thomas nnd John. The funeral will take place from her lite homo tomonow morning at 9 o'clock. A io fjulem high mass will be sung nt the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Burlat will Tie made In Mlnooka Cath olic cemoteiy. Tomorrow evening a valentine social will bo conducted by the Ladles' Aid society of the Methodist Episcopal church in the clnss loom. Refresh ments will be served by the young ladles. Admission, 10 cents. A cot dial Invitation Is extended to alt. The next attraction nt Weber's rink, Thursday evening, Feb. 13, will be Will F. Burke's great play, "Tally Ho." This company chiefly consists of people of this valley and Is stronger than many of tho vaudeville shows that take In towns of our size. The company Is headed by Mr. Burke, the famous singing comedian and compos er, who Is ably assisted by the fol lowing nrtlsts: Willie Lynott, Char les Beny, Charles Stutzman, Roche and Skeff, Loftus and Vlttlo, Master John llownrd, the famous boy so prano, tho JianfieUl Sisters, and Mamie Gilgallon. The entire company Is "one of unusual merit. Mr. Butke will sing for the first time on nny stage "The Girl I Should Have Mart led Long Ago." This Is Mr. Burke's latest composition. Attorney John M. Harris, of this bor ough, will leae for Haiilsbutg today on Important business. At tho Price Llbt.iiy meeting on Fri day evening fouiteen pioposals for membeishlp were received. The asso ciation now has a membeishlp of sev-enty-fhe nnd is steadily Inci easing. The members will debate the bonding of tho borough nt Ftlday evening's meeting. Lackawanna lodge, No. 113, Ameil can Piottstant association, will meet this evening. Rev. Dr. Brooks, of Wllkes-Barre, who pieached in the Presbytetian church on Sunday, has been appointed to take charge of the work left by Rev. L. It. Foster until a peimanent pastor can take charge. Mrs. Thomas Thomas, of Gieenwood, for nor resident of this town, died at her home on Sunday evening after n bilef illness. Deceased was well known nnd highly respected by nil that knew her. Misses Marv Ellis and Millet Her man, of Scranton, were the guests of fi lends heie on the Sabbath. An Editor's Life Saved by Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. During the eatly part of October, 1S9G. I contracted a bad cold which settled on my lungs and was neglected until I feaied that consumption had ap peared In an Incipient stute. I was con stantly coughing nnd trying to expel something which I could not. I became alarmed and after giving the local doctor a trial bought a bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy and the result was Immediate improvement, and after I had used three bottles my lungs were restored to their healthy state. B, S. Edwaids, Publisher of The Review, Wyant, 111. For sale by all druggists. Matthews Bros'., Wholesale and Retail agents. OLYPHANT. Tho annleisaty of Lincoln's birth day was celebiated in an appioprlate manner by the members of the I. O. O. F. lodge In their rooms In the Sweeney building last evening. A pi ogi amine consisting of speeches, Instrumental and vocal selections was icndetetl, af ter which ham sandwiches, cake and coffee weie served. Seveial visiting menibeis of the lodge weie piesent. The Olyplmnt Conclave of lletpa sophs have decided not to hold a ban quet this year. They will hold their Installation sen Ices Ftlday evening, Feb. 23. Mr. John Phillips and Mis. Annie Morgan were united In marriage on Best Powder. Dirt's Worst Enemy. EVERY WOMAN MsnttfianlUbUMaMtklftttfaUUBi nudlelm. Onlr btrmtMSUd the puteit draft ikoild b tu4. If ju waut lb. but, set Ponnvroval Pills Pharmacist, ccjr. Wyoming avenue and It Core the Cough. PLEASANT TO TAKE. Youngsters like it and it cures tho cough in a jiffy. Dr. James' Cherry Tar Syrup. Prompt relief in all cases of throat or lung affections a safe, re liable family medi cine. At all Drug Stores. 25 Cents a Bottle. Don't Accept Substitutes. Satutday evening by Rev. George Hague, of tho Susquehanna Street l!ap tlst ihttrch. The cci oniony took placo at the residence of Mr. Hague, In Ulakoly. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips wilt reside on Susquehanna stieet. Mrs. C. 12. Marcy, of Caibondale, Is pending the week with Mrs. C. S. Low.sley, of Delaware street. Editor 1. A- Phltbln, of Archbald, was In town yesterday. Mrs. Thomas Davis, of Providence, lslted fi lends hero yesterday. Miss Lucy Cairoll, of Scianton, was tho guest of Mrs. M. J. O'llollcran ove-r Sunday. Mrs. W. J. Schubmehl entertained Mrs. J. M. Mat tin, of Easton, yester day. John Miller, of Archbald, was a call er In town yesterday. 12. D. Ensign, of Klnghnmton, Is vis iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Ensign, of Blnkelv. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. School Board Meeting Tonight In teresting Personals. Tho school dltectors will hold their regular monthly meeting this evening. Mis. James Evans, of Providence, was a caller hero yesterday. Walter Bray, of Huzleton, spent Sat urday hero with relatives. A child of Mr, and Mis. John Yates, of Rushbrook street, Is ill of btonchltls. Mlno roieman Evans spent Sunday at his old homo at Moosic. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Roberts and daughter Mamie, of Second stieet, were Scianton visitors on Saturday. Fied Hartnoll, of Dunmoie, visited f i lends here on Sunday. A number of the members of Rush brook lodge. Independent Older of Odd Fellows, paid a fraternal visit to the Olyphant lodge last evening. Mr. George R. Tiffany, of Peckllle, wns In town esteulay. Mr, and Mis. Thomas Parry, of May field, have a little child quite ill of btonchltls. Geoige S. Kimball, of Catbondnle, was a callei heie yesterday. Mrs. Frank Barbel and daughter Mil dred, of Main stieet, ate visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Samson, nt Scranton. Henry, the little son of Mr. and Mis. Ellas Cobb, of Main stieet, recently fell and frnctuted one of his aims. "A SINGLE FACT Is worth a ship load of atgument." Every cure by Hood's Satsaparllla Is n fact. prolng its met it, and the thousands and thous ands of cut es lecoided ceitalnly Miaulel com Into ou that Hood's will euro you. Indigestion, Hood's Pills. nausea are cured by PECKVILLE. The Ladles' Aid society of the Pies bvterlan church will hold a dime molasses candy social this evening at the home of Mrs. J. K. Doyle, on lower Main btreet. An Interesting programme has been prepared for the evening. All w elcome. Mrs. E. F. Klzer and daughter, of Towanda, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Peck. Peckville postofllco will be closed to day, February 13, from 12 to 4.20 p. m. J. K. Doyle nnd A. W. Brundage, sur eties for A. A. Swingle, deceased. Mrs. 'William W. Peck will give a dinner Wednesday nt noon for tho benefit of the Presbyterian Aid society at her home, No, CIO Main stieet. All welcome. Mrs. Andrew Halo returned to her homo nt Yatesvllle yesterday, after spending a couple of days with ho mother, Mis. Maty Barnes, of Hickory stieet. Mr. Frank Callender, who has been veiy 111, is Improving slowly, Mr. E, V. Swingle, who has been seriously III, wns much impioved es terday. Tho local order of Impioved Order of Heptasophs will hold public Installa tion at their looms In Ltdyatd hall, Thursday evening, 1.', Mr. and Mis. Vane Kennedy, of Lackawanna btieet, aro entertaining Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Klzer, of Klzeis, Pn, Yesteiday was Mis. Klzer's sixty fifth birthday, and their chllditn ftom far nnd near assembled here to mako the day one long to be lemembeied by those who were piesent. The day was passed by the family In relating fond temembrances and in other ways, A sumptuous repast was served by'Mrs. Kennedy. The children who were pres ent at the Joyful occasion were W. W. KUer, Vnrdon, Pa.; 12. p. Klzer, Towanda, Pa.; Mrs. W. J. Cobb, Wlm meis, Pa.; J. Dahlgren Klzer, Kizers, Pa.: Mrs. M. Arnold, Carbondale. Pa.; A. F. Klzer, Scranton; Mrs. M. S. Shaf fer, Wllkes-Barte; Mrs. F. A. Peck, Peckville: Mis. V. H, Kennedv, Peck ville. It was decided to hold a teunlon at this placo August 22. .Mrs, B. K. Benjamin had as her guests, Filday, Mis. Al Stark and Mrs. Farr, of Nicholson. Miss Mary N. Scull spent Sunday with her parents at Gieen Grove. The central school building was fumi gated Saturday, a sufficient amount of formaldehyde being used to thor oughly disinfect it from all disease germs. ' Miss Nellie E. Peck Is III nt tho homo of her brother, F. L. Peck. Green Ridge, Miss Jennie Williams s at tending to the duties pf Miss Peck's position ns pilnclpal of the central school. All young people Interested In tho colonial supper to ho held In tho Methodist Episcopal church on George Washington's blithday aro invited to meet' In the lecture room of tho Metho- dlst Episcopal church on Wednesday evening nt 7.30 o'clock sharp. Business of Importance. Mrs. William Babcock. BOATS BURNED. Government Torpedo-Boat Tenders Destroyed, Qulncy, Mass. Feb. 12. A large wood en building on the water-front nt Wol llston, comprising the boat-bultding es tablishment of John L, Stewart and the headquarters of the Wolllston Yncht club, was burned early this morning, causing a loss estimated nt $12,000. Four government torpedo boat tend ers, In process of construction, and two sets of government plans, were de stroyed. THEATRICAL. "Hold by the Enemy." Barring tho singing of one of tho Sis ters Join ron I ist night's production of "Held by tho Enemy" nt the Academy of Music by tho Kllmt-Hcnrn company, U deserving of tho highest prato. Gillette s sterling wur drama Is not the klnn of a play that amateurish actors cm toy with Mioecssfully. It requires u strong, ccnly balanced company nnd this It has In tho artists who compose the Kllmt lltnrn company. Georgo Kllmt ns Gordon llnyne, Harry Collin ns Colonel l'icscott, nnd Lillian Mao Crawford as Rachel McCrcary, cr.r lied off tho honors of tho performance with tho lending lolcs, but tho subordi nate characters were nlmot ns will por trajeel by Charles. Licklns, DaId Con ger, Bert W snor, John Rogeis and W. II. Powell. Alma lb am, the ingenue of tho company, mndo a flue Impression. With Mich a company It Is sm ill won der that popular piletd diamas attract theater goers. Although last night wns dismal and stormy tho company plivcd to tho capacity of tho house. This after noon tho company presentB "A Million aire's Daughter" and tonight "Tho Great Diamond Robber)." During tho per formances moving pictures und special ties aic introduced. London Gaiety Girls. The performances given nt tho Gaiety theater jesterday by n mixed combina tion under tltlo of tho London Gaiety Girls wcro scarcely up to tho standatd of tho house. In fact they seemed to represent London gaiety after tho begin ning of tho Transvaal war. The opening net by Gertlo and Tom Grimes wns ery good In spite of the ancient flavor of somo of tho Jokts introduced, but tho bnlnnco of tho progrnmmo was of a na tuio that taxed the; powers of endurance on tho part of the audience. It Is evident thnt ninny members of tho troupo who feel trnt thev havo been especially called to Interpret histrionic themes upon tho Mage, should havo their palms read again. Tho "Gaiety Girls" are billed for tho entire week, but tho programme will be varied by boxing matches and other new features In which lecal men will take part. Brockway Entertainment. Another of the Brockway Course on to! tnlnmcnts will lie held tonight In tho Lccum theater, when tho Patrlculo Grand Concert company will appear. J. tl. Grlggn, general sociotary of tho iouni Men's Christian association, of i'.lts buig, snvs: "The concert given In our inonibeis' com so last month bv thev r.i trlcnlo Grand Concert comp mv vas ono of tho bet wo have pvr had. Every mender of the romp my lb an artist of e client abilities, and ivo tako pleasuio In health) common ling them to tho other associations and tho public." At Piney Ridge. Tomorrow evening nt tho L)ccum tho pov erful southern drama, "At Flncy Ridge," will be produced. This strong and effective mclo-dr.imn will bo pio .seated with nil Its wealth of bcenerv and effects and ono of the hot companies on tho ro.ul, with tho author of the play, Divld Illgglnb, at tho head, ns the dliic tor of the production. Mr. Hlgglns Is to well known as a skillful btago manager tint even if ho did not appear In the drama in person wo would bo hiiro nt a good production, but this attraction has the advantage nt tho author In the principal role, the principal flguio of bis play, ndels to tho vnluo of tho play materially. Miss Georgia Wnldion. as Cindy Lane, tho mountain girl. tlll plas her original part with all the finish and flno discrim ination that has mndo It, from the first presentation of this drama, ono of the few really lino creations of character of tho past three seasons. "Because She Loved Him So." What has been well termed "Tho Ltttlo Minister of Farce." "Because Sho Loved Him So," will bo presented at tho Lv ccum Friday evening. Tho leading rolo Is nf-sumed by thnt finished delineator of old man parts, John E. Dodsin. There nio particularly good parts for Mi"s Annie Irish, who was until time veai-M ngo a leading member of Sir Homy Irv lug's compnny, and for Mius I ernora Rrahnm, who wnb tho orlijlnnl Yum-Yum In tho "Mikado" and tho oilg Inal Patience In tho operetta of that inmo when these masterpieces were orlrlmlly produced nt the Savoy theater In London. Strokosch Opera Company. On Wednesday nnd Tliuisday of next week tho Stiokosch Opera company will give performances at tho L cteum. On Wednesday evening "Trovntoro" will bo given with a splendid cast. Thtmdiv mntlreo there will be a double bill, "II. M. S. Pinafore" and Moscngnl's marter wi'iK, "Cav alcrla Rustlcana," Thursday nl'iht will bo a production of Blzct'.i "Carmen." The principal mles In tho opcia nio all taken by artists; tho choiub Is tho larg est now with nny opcia company In Ainrilej, The company has Its own or chestra, tho sccneiy U bplomlld, the cos. tamos now nnd beautiful, tho electrical effects me thrilling, and all tho nccoa borlcs for producing opera aro of tho best. ---. . Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot rench tho boat of tho disease. Catarrh I a blood or constitutional ills, ease, and In oi dor to euro It you must tako Internal temedlcs. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, nnd uctb dlnetly on tho blood und mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Ouro Is not n quack medicine. It was prescribed by ono of tho best physicians in this country for yens, aim Is u legular prescription. It is composed of tho best tunics known, combined with tho beat blood purltlers. acting c'lrectly on tho mucous surfaces. Tho perfect com binntlnn of tho tvo Ingredients s vvhat produces such wonderful lebults in cur ing Cntanh Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO , Props , Toledo, O. Sold bv druggists, price 75c. Hall's rnmlly rills aro tho best. V NEWSPAPERS TUB WILKES-BARRE RECORD CAN be had in Scranton at the news standi of Relsman Bron.. 405 Spruce and 603 Lin. den; M. Norton 322 l.nckawnnna avenue; I. 8. Bchutzer. 211 Spruce street. SCALP TREATMENT. 'V.'WWWWSAWWWWWWVWWW MRS. L. T. KELLER, 8CAI.P TREAT ment, 60c; shampooing, 60c.; facial massage, manicuring, 25c: chiropody, '01 Qulncy. GITY SOAVENGER a. n. RRiaas cleans privy vaults and cess pools; no odor. Improved pumps used. A. li. IIRUIOS. Proprietor. Leuvo eiders 1100 North Muln uveuue, or Eleke's drug htorc, corner Adams and Mulberry. Telephono 8540. The People's fc ,,1gy A POPULAR CLEARING HOUSE for tho Berunt ot Alt Who Hnvu Houses to Rent, Heal Estnto or Other Property to Sell or Exchange, or Who Wnnt Situations or Help Thojo Small Advertisements Cost Ono Cent a Word, Six Insertions for Five Cents u Word Except Sltuatloiu Wunted, Which Arj In serted Free. FOR RENT lURNisiino nousi: rou rlnt- Nli.o rooms: all Improvements, Mi'J M)rtlu street. Stark, Attorney, Traders' Hank llulldlng. lOR RHNT-ritOM APRIL 1, HOtlSU No. U17 CJulncy avenue, nine rooms and nil Improvements: rent, Keen per month. Apply to J. H. Woolsev & Co , Contrac tors and liulldcrs, 312-311 l'orcst court. FOR SALE von salu-on i:asy ti:rms-my former resldenco with bain, 151.1 Mon fov avenue. Also my present residence, Jefferson avenue, Uunmore. William W. Lathropc. REAL ESTATE. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO RUY A l.-l oom Joflirs-011 avenue dwelling with bain nnd two lots, nil Improvements for $n,r00 spot cash. Tho prlco is not much moio than tho lots aro woitb. Owned by partv out of tho city and must Im sold ciuick. Call or addribs C. 1. Jadwln, 30fl Spruce stieet. HELP WANTED-MALE. perienced man to take charge of Linen and White Goods depai tment. Also five salesmen for Domestic, Wash Goods and Dress Goods de partment. None but compe tent and experienced people need apply. Connolly & Wallace. WANTED GOOD, HUSTLING MAN for partner In gent'H furnishing and hat jieno cash will piy vou $1,500 a )ear. Hbt stand. Good refei ences. Address C. George, Scranton, Pa, General Delivery. ENERGETIC SALESMAN - COUNTRY work. School supplies. Salary $100 and extras. R. O. Evans & Co., Chi cago, 111. WANTED-RY AN ESTABLISHED bulnrs of a blgh older, n representa tive of ability nnd backing who can take up Its work in the state of Pcnni)lvunln: no scheme; permanent business with money In It for the right party. Addrest. giving references. FOUNTAIN BATH BRUSH CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. WANTED A SHOE SALESLADY, none other need apply. Inquire cf Morris Pros., 333 Lackawanna nvenue. LADIES TO DISTRIBUTE TREE SAM pies In city. Tnll at 320 Washing ton nvenue, fiom S 30 to 10 30 a. m. today. BOARDING. nOARDING 625 PINE STREET. FURNISHED ROOMS. POR RNFtmNIl?Er ROOMS with gas, b ith nnd iltv, S1"., $7 or $!. Imiulro 510 Washington avenue. WANTED TWO NICELY PURNISIIED rooms with board. Centrally located. Address W., Tiibuno officii. WANTED-TO RENT. WAOTEDruimlslnlr ablo for gentleman and wife; centi al ly located. Address. X, Y, C, Trlbuno. WANTED-TO HUy"tOR CASh! Slic ond hand watches, Jewelry, old gold and Mlver. Gardner, 220',4 Spruce street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY PROFITS IN STOCKS. WHEAT AND cotton. Mackev's Modern Methods Make Money. Wrlto for our free book. C. 12. Mackey & Co., 29 Broadway, Now York. DRESSMAKING. DREPSMAKiNa FOR ! CHILDREN TO order; also ladles' waists. Louise Shoemaker, 212 Adams nvenue. LEGAL SEALED PROPOSALS WILL RE RE celvesl ut the ofllce of the Secretary of tho Scranton Board of Control until 7.30 o'clock, Friday evening, February 10, 1W0, for furnishing tho school district with lltty thousand (f.0,wO) pencil pads, 100 leaves to tho pad, ub per samplo in Seeretaiy's office, bamplo pad also to bo submitted with each bid. First lot of said pads of not less than ton thousand to bo turnlshed within two weeks tiom tho awarding of thu contract. $100 In cash or certified check to bo enclosed with cuh bid, which sum bhall bo foi telttd to tho bclionl dlstilct In c.ibo of re. fual or omlh.sloii on tho part of tho buc-cc-sful bidder to execute contract within ten du)s after tho awarding of tho same. A satlslac tory bond in tho sum of tlvo bundled dollars will nlbo be injuucd from tho bidder to whom the contract Is tiwaided conditioned for tho faithful per toimnnco of nil and eveiy tho teims ot tho contract. Tho Board restives tho light to reject any or all bids. By order of the Sernnton Board of Control. EUGENE D. FELLOWS, Secretary. IN RE: ESTATE OF CHARLOTTE Rom 1 11, dcciased. In tho Orphans' Court ot Lackawanna county. No. 16, Se ries C. Tho undersigned, nn auditor, appointed by tho Oiphans' Court of Lackawanna county, to distribute tho funds In tho hands of E. J. McIIenry ond R. F. Tlnk ham, executors of tho estato of chat lotto Uonsdll, deceased, hereby gives no. tlco that ho will nttend to tho duties of his appointment at his oltlce. In tho Re publican building. City of Scranton, on Sutuiday, Uio 21 ill day of Febiuary, 19W, ut two o'clock p. m. at v.hlch tlmo and place all persons having claims against bald estato aro iciiulred to appear ana piesent tho samo or otherwlbo be forever debarred fiom coming In on said fund. W. GAYLORD THOMAb. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE-IN RE: ESTATE of il. P. Whltmore, deceased. In the Orphans' Court of Lackawanna County, No. S, Series C. The undersigned, an auditor appointed by said court to distribute tho tuuds In tho hands of C, II. Welles, administrator, of tho nbovo named If. P. Whltmoro, as shown by his first und final account con tinued tlnally January 19, 1300, hereby gives notice that he will attend to tho duties of his appointment on Wednesday, tho 21st day of February, I'M), ut ti o'clock a. m.. at his ofllce. Room 405, Council Building, Wushlngton avenue, Scranton, Pu.. ut which tlmo and placo all persons having clulms against the tald cstutu aro requested to appear und present tho samo or oMieiwIbe to bo for ever barred from coming In on said fund, II. 8. ALWORTH, Auditor.. ESTATE OF ALEXANDER CRAIO, lato of tho city of Scrnnton, county ot Lacl.uwunnn, FeniiHvlvunln, deceased. Lcttois of administration In thu nbovo eslato having been granted to tho under, signed, all pit sons having claims or do. rounds against tho suld estate will pie sent them for lavment. and those in debted thereto will pluiso niako imme diate payment to 1 LUCIUS P. DEMINO, JAMES CRAIG, New Haven, Conn. Exchange. - w - J - 1JvJ SITUATIONS WANTED 8rr7?ATlONr'wNTEljY ed oung man nt an) thing evenings; good penman, fireman. Address "Even ing," this olllcc. WANTED-A POSITION BY A YOl'NU lady stenographer who Is nt present cmplo)cd by a prominent firm und 1j able to glvn gocd lefercnccs. Address G. U. S., Tribune. SITUATION WANTED BY A MAN 31 Vears of age, as colliery clerl; or bookkeeper; 10 )cnrs' cpt tleneo; excel lent refeienccs. 1'. O. Box 1VJ, Hale don, N, J, SITUATION WANTED-RY A YOUNG lady ns stcnogiuphir und t)pcwrltir. Address J. J., Trlbuno ofllco. YOUNO MAN WANTS SITUATION AT nn thing. Win. Tonser, 533 Lacka wanna avenue. A YOUNG MAN WANTS A POSITION in a grocoiy store: has had five )onrs' experience) und em talk English nnd Hu man. Address II. J. E.. u2i New street, Si ronton. AN EXPERIENCED WOMAN WISHES a position ns housekeeper or light housework in a sm ill family. 410 Wright's court, city. SITUATION WANTED-RY A MAN tl j ears of ngo as cnlllirv rleik or book keeper. Sixtciu jcaib' colliery olllco ex pcilinee; excellent reference s. P. O. Box 1ST, lliilidou, N. J. SITUATION WANTED-RY A MAR rled mini ns a faun hind or ut farm ing; well used to farming und uso of horses. I am of good h iblts, strictly temperance. Call cr address, Elmer Re sccker. Tailor P. O. or ut South Tu) lor, Lackawanna county, Pa. PROFESSIONAL. ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR. E C. SPAULDING, SI TRADERS' BANK building. ARCHITEOTS EDWARD II. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, Conncll building, Scrnnton. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR , ARCHITECT, 435 Spruco st cor. Wash, av., Scranton. FREDERICK L. RROWN, ARCHITECT. Trlco building, 12C Washington avenue, Scranton. DSNTISTS DR. I. O. LYMAN, SCRANTON PHI xato Hospital, cor. W)omlng and Mul berry. DR. II. T. REYNOLDS, QPP. V. O. DR. C. C. LAUBACII, 115 W)0inlng nve. WELCOME C. SNOVER. Coal Exchange 2nd floor, Room D, Hours, D to 1, 2 to 5 HOTELS "NO RESTAURANTS THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANK lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D . L & W. passenger depot. Conducted em tho Ea ropean plat.. VICTOR KOCH, Prop I WYZfl RICHARD J. UOURKE,, 500-2 Lackawanna avenue Gen eral law buslnets, collections und loans J. W. BROWNING, ATTORNEY AND Counsellor-at-Law, Rooms 2U-313 Meats building. D B. REPI.OOLE. ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real ertato be'cuilt). Mears building, corner Washington avenuo nnd Spruco street. M. J. DONAHOE. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Ofllccs, C12-C13 Mears building. FRANK E ROYLE, ATTORNEY AND Counsellor-at-Law, 11 it r r building, Rooms 13 and II, Washington avenue. WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP, AT totne)s nnd Counsellors.nt-Law. Re publican building, Washington avenue. JESSUP Si JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - at - Law, Commonwealth building; rooms 1, 20 nnd 21. JAMES W. OAKTORD. ATTORNEY-AT-Lavv. Rooms 611. 515 nnd 510 Board of Trado building. EDWARD W. THAYER ATTORNEY. Rooms 003-HU, 9th floor Mears building. L A. WATRES ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. H02 Board of Trado building, Scranton, Pn. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Commonwealth building, Scranton, Pn. PATTERSON & WILCOX, TRADERS' Nitlonnl Bank building. C. COMEGYS, 9-11 REPUBLICAN building. A. W. RERTHOLF, A T T O R N E Y. Menrs building. PHVttinWN UNO si?rov9 DR. W. E. ALLEN, 513 NORTH WASIL lngton nvenue. DR S W L'AMOREAUX." OFFICE S"a Wnt-hlngton nverue. Residence. 111S Mulberry Chronic diseases luni", henrt, kldnevs and genlto-urinary nr gans a specialty. Hours 1 to 4 p. m. SHOICS SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA Scrnnton Pn. Courses preparatory to college, law. medicine or business Opens Sent. 11 lb. Send for catalogue Rev. Thomas M. Cnnn. I.L D , princi pal and proprietor: W. E. Plumley, A. M loadnnster. srro'5 a R. CLARK & CO . SEEDMEN AND Nurse rv men; store 1IG Washington nve me; green house, nio North Main ave nuo; storo telephone. TS2. WIRE SCRCCNS JOS. KUETTEL. REAR Ml LACKA wanna nvenue, Seinnton, Pn., manufac turer of Who Screens. MISCHLLiri"0'JS BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, p irtles, receptions, weel dings and concert work furnished For teims nddress II. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 W)omlng avenue, over llulbcru music btoio. MEGARGEE BROTHERS," PRINTERS' svppllcs, envelopes, paper bugs, twine. Warehouse 130 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES Central RuilrnnJ of New Jer Stations In New York Foot of Liberty Btreet, N. R . and South Ferry, Whitehall " Anthracite coal used exclusively', Insur ing dumbness und comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. l 1S11, Trains leavo Bcruntop. for New York, New in K, Elizabeth. Philadelphia. Easton. Bethlehem, Allentovvn, Muuih Chunk and Whlto Haven, at S 30 a. in.: txpujs, ,;.) exnreBS, 4 0;) p. m. Suneta)s. 2.15 p. m. For plttston und Wllkes-Barre, t 30 a. m 120, 41") p. m. Sunclus, 2 13 p. m. For Baltimore and Washington, und nolnts South and West Via Bethlehem, g 30 u. m . 1 20 P. m. bundit) s. 2 13 p. in. For Long Branch. Ocean Grove, eto., at S.S0 ii. in. nnd 1 20 p. m. For Beading. Lebanon nnd Hnrrlsburg, via Allentown. S 30 a, m 120 p. m. Sun. dais. 2 15 P. m. For Pottsvllle. S 30 a. m , 1 20 p. m. Through tickets to all points east, south and west at lowest rate nt tho station. J. II. OLHAUSEN, Gen. Hupt., II. P. BALDWIN, Oen. Pass. Act. RAILROAD TIME TaUkM. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule in Effect November 10. 1899. (' Trains leave Scranton! 0.45 n. a., week days, for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. 0.38 n. m., week days, for Hazleton, Pottsvllle, Reading, Norristown, and Philadelphia; and for Bun bury, Hnrrlsburg, Philadelphia, BaltimoreWashington and Pitts huig nnd tho West. 2.18 p. m., week days (Sundays 1.58 p. in.), for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg and the West. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, gnwisburg, Philadelphia and 'I' JPOVOOD. Oen. Tain. Agt. . J. R. HUTCHINSON, Oen. Mgr. Del.. Lneka. und Western. nr,T,In Effect Dee. 17, 1803. nt ?HTirrLrnvo Scranton for New York nn,? ,1,5-,3Wl 6 30, 8 0J and 10 05 a. m.J 1213 ReVi y n; '!' lor Philadelphia at 6 30. l-nr "' 10.? a- '": 12M "nd 3 33 P. tn. An,lIou,lslillrK nt c lu P- n. Milk and i?omn,dntlon ut 3.J0 p. m. Arrlvo'ut 4 -oV1 llt ,0 5. 7.18, 1 a. nv.t 12 08, J, iloi,',i!i nmI "',s ". m. Arrlvo at Phlla "S'Phli at 10 m n. m.; 100, 3 ts, 6 00 and ' Yr p". ? , Arj-lv o from New York ut 12 05, u ,All"d409 w.i 100, 15.', 5 33 and 8 '.".. J. rmii Slroudsburc nt SOS a. m. .". VV' Leavo Sor.iiiton for RuITalo r.'4,,00"'1 c1- P. m Arrho in Scranton nii,l,ffa, nt 210, 2T.",. G23 nml 10 00 a. and , m. wvr.acu'-o at 2 r.3 n. m.: 12 3S and 3 30 p. i"1" yracuso nt 7.40 p. m. From Vt "J -i ii. m.; 12 -s und 3 30 p. m. Fr Htlca . icnnlsnn nt 7 r.n ,. n ,,n,i r. nn n. in. J''' Montroso at 10 00 a. m.; 3 20 and ''0 p. tn. RLOOMfiRtTRr, DIVISION - Leavo bcrnnton for Northumberland nt 6 30. 10 05 5 "anion ror Northumberland nt 6 3( a. rn.i 1 Hi nnd C 10 p. m. For l'lt 1S5- 3 i0 and s 7) i. m. For Nnn : H2 " n. Arilve at Northumbe vmoutn ntleoko relmtYtlArl ii nil L'il 9".a- m-: MO C0" and 9 30 p. m. Ar r vo Nantlcoke nt 0 20 a. m. Arrlvo at I I mouth at 2 03, 4 40 and 9 4". p m. Ar llvei i at Scranton from Noi thumberland "' a. m.; 12 ::, 4r. and SW p. tn. liom Nuntleoko at 1100 a. tn. From Plj mouth nt 7r.7 a m.: 3 2T und 6.05 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. SOFTIf-Leave Scrnnton nt 215, 300, EM, mm n. m.: 3 31 nnd 3 40 p. m. NORTH-Lenve Sermton nt 1210. 2 50, I fil p m : 1 V, nnd 5 TO p. m. RI.OOMSRURO DIVISION Leavo Scranton nt 10 n", n. m. and 0 10 p. m. Dclawut'd an.1 Hudson. On Feb. 4th, 1100, trains will leave Scranton ns feillows: For Cnrboiiilale-fi 20. 7.53, 8 53, 10.11 a. m.: 12 noon: 121. 2 20, 3 52, 5 23, 6 23, 7.57, 0.15. 11.15 p. m.: l.H. a. m. For Albany. Sat.atogn, Montreal, Roa ton, New England points, etc. 0 20 a. m.J 2 20 p. m. For Honesdale C 20, 10.13 a. m.; 2 20, C 23 p. m. Tor WllkCH-Rarro-6 fi. 7.4S, 8 41, 0.11, 10 4J a m.: 12 0J, 12', 2.1S, 3 33, 4 27, 610. 7.1s!. 10 11, 11") p. m For New York, Philadelphia, etc., vlv Lehigh Valley Rallrond-C.l'i p. m.; 12 03, 2 IS, 127 p. m.: with RKack Diamond Ex pres, 11.10 p m. Feir Pennsvlvanla Railroad points, C.43, D IS a. m : 2 IS, I 27 p. m. For western point), via Lehigh Vnlley It.allroad-7.IS n. m.: 12 0', 313, with Rlack Diamond Exptcs, 10 41, 1120 p. tn. Ti.ilns will arrive In Scranton as fol low e. From Cnrbondnlo nnd tho North (1 40, 7 11, SIS, 111, 10 S, 11 rs u. m.J 1.23, 2.13. 3 2"!. 1.23. 7.11, 10 3S. 1127 p. m. Fiom Wllkfs-Rarro ond tho South All, 7JS. S IS, 10 3 11 P", u m ! 1.18, 2.H. 318, 5 20, c 21, 7 11 1 0", 10 o". p. m ; 1.13 a. m. SUNDAY TRAINS For Carhondale-J 03, 1133 p. m.; 2 23, 3 '2. 5 47. or: p. m. For Wllkei-Rarre 9 3S, 12 03 n. m.: 1 5S, 3 2S, 5 41. 7. IS p. m. For Albany, S ir.atog.a, Montreal, Ros ton. New England points, etc., 2 23 p. m. Lowest rates to all points in United Stato3 and Canada. J. V. RURDICIC, O. P. A . Albany. N. Y. H. 'V. CROSS. D. P. A.. Scianton, Pa. Lehigh Vallay Railroad. In r.rtect Nov 10th, 1SU TRAINS LEAVE SCRANTON. Tor Phllaelelphl i and New York, via D. R. H. R. R at 0 43 a m. and 12 01, 2 18, 4 27 ( Diamond Express), and 1130 p. m. Sundays, D. & II. R. R., 1.58, 7. 'Vor Whlto Haven, Hazleton nnd prln rinal points In tho coal regions, via D. As II. R R G : 1? nn(1 4 27 P- m- ru Pottsvllle, C43, 2 IS p. m. For Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, liar tlsbure nml pilnclpal Intermediate stu t cms, U D. S, H. R. R.. fi 13 n. m.; 1201. "IS 4 "7 (Rlack Diamond Express), 11.30. Sun'dujs. D. & H. R. R . l.DS, 7.48 p. m. For Tunkhannock, Towanda. Elmlra, Tth ica. fJeneva and principal Intermeell "to Btntlonl, Ma D. L. & W. It. R. 8 0S n m.: I"0 nntl x?' P- m ' For Oenova, Rochester, Buffalo, Nlag on Falls, Chicago, nnd nil points west, VU D. fc H. R- K I-103- 3"3 (R'ack Dla memd Express). 7 IS, 10 41. 11.30 p. m. Sundas, D. & II. R. R.. 12-03 p. m.. 7.43 ''puUmnn parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Vnlley parlor earn on nil trains between WUKcs-Ratro nnd New York. Philadel phia. Ruffalo nnd Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Gen. Bupt.. 28 Corllnndt street. New York. CHARLES B. LEE. Gen. Pass Agt., 29 Cortlnndt street. New York. A. V. NONNEMACIIER, Dlv. Pass. Agt., South Rethlchem, Pa. For tickets and Pullman reservations npply 309 Lackawanna ave Scranton, Pa. Lric and Wyoming Vnlley. Time Table In effect Tebruary 7, 1900. Ti iln" knvo Scranton for Hawley and Intermediate! points, connecting at Haw ley with Erio Railroad for No.v Yeirk. Nevvbuig, Honesdalo and Intermedlata points, ns follows: No, 2. Accommoda tion, i a. m.; No. 4, Express, 12 01 p. m. scn.wio iiivisio.-v. in i:nmt act, -asib, isni). North Hound. south Hound, in--n. t "noiimto stations nt 1210, 2 50, JUj nnd o no n. tn ; 1,5-. and C 50 p. m. Fdr ""."ego und Sr.iruso at 4.03 u4 m. and J-' !' m. For tjtliii ul 2 50 a. m. nnd -l P. m. ror Montroso at 9 00 a. m.: J v., p. hi. nn.l r. r .. ... t... Tit.i... 4 m "jZ" ' " SOS L'OJ ,- . . iCOIZOQ f 1? -'' ' ' P N It a is BUl,T - IB'a s 2 ' 15 a a i Ji v wArilve Leave a mi 7 Si NY. 1'rankllu ,ht .... 7 40 .... 7 10, West 4.'na street i... 7&3 .... 700, vviclmwkeu .',.. 810 .... t h . e H'Arrlve Leave m y M M lUl.i Ill CU(10fh LUlSJtJlJ 10 40 .... IC' RaacooK .... 'JUtH!f& 10 31 Uir, Starimiit , , .-, .JlAfils in si .... l.'iti rrestua rnrt . . .." .' Il, ill io is mo niuKotd , .. uiiUss joOj l.'itt l'oyntellu afco 5 U :,o i2it Drson sss' b a 0 10 la (.11 Pleasant Mt. ,)C6 M 9 :. 11 !'', UlllomllilO , .J 3 C8..634 )ij 1149 Forest CHjr . ... 3l9f)M3 Vlei 1131 C'arb3iie)aie'' 39r.t!M 007.... mho white luiitgo rjsVsise 901 illl-i'i Mai lit Id 13 43 0 01 M ill '.'I Jerinvn 3 4V6 03 M Ill IS Archibald V ssiUok 8M 'II n Wluloil 3 64' 6 li 8 46 1111 I'eckvlllo SMI IS C4.' 11107 Ol) pliant 404 621 M4i Iltov rrlcetur? ...... 401 6 24 b 3-t U01 Throop ... 410 k7 h .11 in rroviaenco 4Ueai hi: H067 1'ark Place mit tat 8 30 l05. bciantou ,.,.- O4jos a u U titeaTQ Arrln tfcaStKi t. Hundar only. t. aiKUliies that trains (top on ilgnal for '1 rains sos and 906 Sunday only, otaer t uaujr ejewepv ouuuajr. ' Mcurn rates via onttilo Wcat4tn Durcnasliiif ticket and savomonar. nrouwh Warner DutTt alfeof'Aifll tn cl h.lne chair car New York to Chic no aitfiv chun&o. I'nktenKir Hates Kauc ! 'wo Venn Per nil. . "5?Jt T. FUtcrort, Pir. Fms, AgtlserantonTrar