'lu$3Jhrii&$zi 'CTtr&VtK JM VSU !.n,-r- r ' !" I THE SCKAJNTOxV TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1900. EVENTS OF DAY IN WEST SCRANTON ' HARIAOE OF JOHN GRIFFITHS AND MAROARIT WILLIAMS. Crmony Performed by Rev. David Jones at the Home of Bride's Par ents Palmer L. William Ad mitted to the Bar Bevoral Funeral Announcements Observance of Lincoln's Birthday Events , of This Evening St. Patrick's Fair. Other Minor News Notes. The ceremony uniting In innrrlagu John Griffiths, of H5 Fllmore avenue. and Mivs Margaret J. William, of 1306 Kynon street, was performed by llev. David Jones, pastor ol the First Welsh Congregntlonal church, at 8 o'clock last evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Williams. The happy event was witnessed by a large circle of rela tives and friends of the contracting parties. The bride was becomingly nttlred in a costume of steel grey and curried white carnations. The bridesmaid. iMIss Rebecca Jones, was similarly nt tlred, nnd carried pink carnations. Benjamin Clrlfhths, a brother of the groom, was the best man and Tallest.ii Lewis played the wedding march. After the ceremony a reception nnd supper was enjoyed by the brldil party and guests, and the evening spent In an enjoyable manner. Mr. and Mrs. Grlllitha were the teciplentn of many valuable presents. They will reside at 1306 i:ynnti stieut. ADMITTED TO THE BAR Palmer It. Williams, the only n of Hoji. and Mis. John T. Williams, of South Main avenue, was yesteidiy admitted to practice law at the Lacka wanna county bar. Mr. Williams has been a student In the law oflU e of Car penter & Fleltz, and Is a giadunte of Bueknell Unlveislty. His preliminary studies worn taken at Keystone Academy, and he spent one year with the Thirteenth regiment at camp during the Spanlsh-Ameilcan war. He Is a member of the West Side Republican club and Robert Mor ris lodge of Ivorltes, and one of the most popular oung men In West Scranton. His many friends Join In congratu lating him upon his successful exam inations. For the present Mr. Wil liams will remain in the office of Car penter & Fleltz. FUNERAL ANNOPXCEMNTS. The funeral of the late Mrs. Esther Lobley will be conducted from the house, 213 North Van Bui on avenue, at .1 o'clock tomonoiv afternoon. Inter ment will be made In the Washburn street cemetery. The funpral of the lute Mrs. Mary WHY DON'T U TRY IT ?' Don't oti know a sllsht cough may pioc serious later. Procrastination ut mich a time Is the eiy vvoisl thlmr th.it tun happen. Hlviilots become iiois nenrns oaks, and an ordinary i oiikIi often leads to lung trouble. UPKOl'IVS PRKNCIl TAR Is what you w.tnl. It f" tried and true. For sale at . W. Jen Kins. Druggist, 101 S. Main avenue. Socks For Men There's no reason on earth why we should make such an extraordinary offer as that which follows, save a desire to become better acquainted with the local buyers of Good Hosiery for flen Because the specials offered for Mon day are not of the Bargain Counter order, As a matter of fact, this one number in Men's Fine Half Hose represents the newest and nobbiest Sock fashions on the market at this moment, and includes all the colors, stripes, dots and other novel effects of the season. We know that' these Socks would be cheap at the regular price, 20c a pair, but the Price for Monday Only Is Two Pairs for 25 Cents : (20 Cents will be charged for Single Fairs,) Globe Warehouse Brown will take place from the house. 1317 Washburn street, at 0 o'clock to morrow morning. Services will bo held In St. Patrick's church at 9.30 o'clock and Interment will be made In the Cathedral cemetery. Services over the remains of the late Thomas J. Walsh will be held at St. Patrick's church nt 9 o'clock tomor row morning nnd burial will be made In the Cathedral cemetery. Branch 41, of the Catholic Mutual Benefit asso ciation, will meet nt thrlr hall at 8.50 o'clock to attend the funeral. The remnlns of Gertrude, the 3-year-old child of Mr. nnd Mrs. John H. Jones, of loot Price street, will bo In terred In the Washburn street ceme tery this afternoon. The remnlns of the late Joseph Holta wilt be taken to Wllllnmnport today for Interment. Short services will bo held nt the house, HZ South Seventh stieet. The funeral of Esther, the young child of Mrs. Ksther Welby, of 113 Fourteenth street, was prlxntely con ducted yesterday afternoon. Hurlal was made In Washburn street ceme tery. L'-ster, the Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Smith, of 100t Jackson street, was burled In Washburn street cemetery yesterday afternoon, ltev. Jacob Schoottle. of the Chestnut Street German Presbyterian church, conduct ed the services. LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY. Exercises appropriate to the observ ance of Lincoln's birthday were held In the public schools yesterday. The teachers made short addresses and the scholais read essays and historic sketches. The flags floated from the various buildings. The weekly collections for the pupils' saving fund were taken up In Nos. 13, 19 and 32. but owing to the West Side bank being closed (luting the day the deposits will not be made until today. DARKTOWN BRIGADE COMING. Thursday evening Pittston's famed band of ilie-fighters, the "Darktown Brigade," will visit St. Patrick's fair and give one of their inimitable cake walks In full costume. There Is no oigunlzntion In the coun try that can sutpass Daiktown In this rpeclalty and theie will unquestion ably be a gieat throng at the fair to see a ical cake wulk artistically exe cuted. EVENTS OF THIS EVENING. A regular meeting of the West Side board of trade will be held this even ing at S o'clock at the rooms over the West Side bank. The viaduct commit tee will report nnd several other mat ters will be discussed. A dime supper and soclat will be given In Ivorlte hall this evening by the members of Camp 33, Patriotic Or dei of Americano. A sufllclent num ber of tickets hac been sold to Insure the success nf the undertaking. The tegular meeting of the Electric City Wheelmen will be held this even ing, commencing at 8 o'clock. Follow ing the business session a stag smoker will occur and several Interesting sur piles are promised by the social com mittee. The Franklin Engine company will meet In tegular session this evening and acknowledge the receipt of the set of resolutions presented to them by the Union Fire company, of Lebanon. Sev eral other matters will be acted on. The Christian Endeavor society of the Plymouth Congregational chuich will meet this cening. The topic will ACTS GENTLY .ql .VER r,MSeS THE SYSTEM- OVERCOMES -lOATlAl toBTUAuC0NSTlPAT,ON ,ruAU PERMANENTLY BUY THE GENUINE -MANTO BY ir9RNlATG5VRVP TOR SALE BY flit 0PU66iVtS. PRlCt 30t,PtBflpTTl be "Seek First the Kingdom of God." A. B. Eynon will lead the exercises. An entertainment nnd oyster supper will be given In the Sumner Avenue Presbyterian church this evening. Con rad's oichestra will play, and vocal numbers will be rendered by Tallle Uvnna. David Owens, nnd Miss Lillian Tewksuury. Mioses Mattle Hughes, Oertle Hughes, Mr. Orlflln and Miss Long will also appear and take part In the programme. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The following ptlzes were disposed of Saturday evening: Rocking chair, Miss Mary Larkln. of Lafayette street: pic ture. Mrs. Gerrlty; parlor lamp, James McAndrew, of Carbondale; table lamp, P. J. Murphy, of Capouse avenue. Ticket No. 1588 won the door prize. St. Brenden's council, Young Men's Institute, will make things lively at the fair this week, when they will have charge one evening. In addition to a band, they will furnlshian Interesting programme. A basket social will be held at the home of Mis. Mackreth, on South Sumner avenue, Thursday evening, under the auspices of the Luther league of St. Mark's Lutheran church. John Fatrington, of New York, who has been visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Farrlngton. of North Hyde Park avenue, returned home last even ing. John Gaivey, a miner in the Belle vue shaft, was badly burned about the face and hands yestefday by an ex plosion of gas. He uat treated at the J.iU'Kiiwantiu hospital. Mlsa Kate Pickering, of Chestnut stieet, entertained a large party of ft lends at her home Saturday evening. Among the guests were William Jones, of Forest (ity. and John Mulvey, of WIlkeH-Bniie. St. Cecilia's I. C. H. I, will hold a meeting and hoelal session In St. Leo's hall this evening. A Brownie entertainment will be ghen by local talent In Meais" hall, Febiuary 1"3 and 24. The affair Is for the benefit of St. David's Episcopal chuich. Evan L. Reese, of Wilkes-Baire, and Miss Katie Lyons, of Kynon street, weie man led yesterday afternoon at the Hampton Street Methodist Episco pal church by Rev. James Bennlnger. The Chi Upsllon society of the Wash bum Stieet Presbyterian chuich will keep open house Tuesday. Thursday and Friday evenings of this week for the reception of strangers. All young men ure Invited. The Eagle Hose company, of Belle vue. have decided to furnish their rooms In the hose house and will be assisted by the ladles' auxiliary. A meeting of the latter will be held next Monday evening to arrange the de tails. Mis. Will C. Price and son, William, of South Main avenue, returned home yesterday from a visit with relatives in Syracuse. A number of friends btirpilsed Attor ney George L. Peck at his home on North Lincoln avenue last evening. The occasion was his birthday anniversary and the event was one of much pleas ure. Mrs. John P. Kelly, of South Seventh street, Is unable to leave the house, owing to Illness. GREEN RIDGE. The fair and festival for the benefit of Christ Episcopal church will open tonight. W. W. Lathrope. of Jefferson avenue, who has been fcerlously III, Is some what better. Miss Annie Healy, of Gieen Ridge, and Mr. William McGuIre, of Provi dence, will be mairled In St. Paul's Catholic church, Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Annie, daughter of Attorney Wood ruff, of Electric avenue, has scarlet fever. The following programme will bo rendered nt an entertainment to bo given by the ladles of the Church of the Good Shepherd. Thursday evening: Overture. String quaitette; bass solo. Mr. Robeits; selection. Mandolin and Guitar club: recitation, Mr. James Gaidncr Sanderson: ladles' part song. "Tho Lost Chord:" Juvenile cake-walk In costume. Miss Giace Patilck and Master Leslie Chapman. Intermission. Oveiturc, String fiuaitette; soprano solo, Mrs. Joseph O'Brien; selection, Mandolin and Guitar club; reading, Mr. James Gardner Sanderson: ladles' part song In SDanlsh costume, accompanied by Guitar nnd Mandolin club: Miss Florence Richmond, accompanist. Miss Minnie Welles, of Breaker street, Is visiting Mrs. James Williams, of Main streeet, Carbondale. Word was received yesterday by Green Ridge friends of the sudden death of Miss Grace Bond, the bright and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bond, of South Orange, N, J., after an operation for appendicitis. Mr. Bond was for some years drug clerk for C. P. Jones, nnd has many friends here who will be grieved to learn of his loss. The funeral will take place today. Interment will bo made at Portland, Pa, Ten beautiful Spanish young ladles of Green nidge wilt render their "Estudlantlna" In original costume nt the lecture halt of the Church of the Good Shepherd Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. They will be assisted by such well known talent as James Gard ner Sanderson, In recitation: Mrs. O'Brien, the well known vocalist, and the Philharmonic trio. All who have listened to any of these will want to hear them again. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Masquerade Ball of Workingmon's Progressive ioclety Coming En tertainmentPersonals. Despite the Inclement weather Work Ingmcn's hall was snugly filled with gay maskers last evening on the event of the eighth annual masquerade ball of the Worklngmen'a Progressive and Benevolent society. The Interior of the epncJutis hall was artistically decorated and presented a pretty picture. The costumes were exceedingly pretty and original. At 9.30 the ball was opened by a grand march, which was led by Messrs. Char les Hoiisa and August Jobs. Professor Schmltt's orchestra furnished music for the merry throng, which tripped the light fantastic until long after the midnight hour. The affair was a success In every way nnd reflects much credit on the committee In charge of arrangements, whtch was composed of the following members: Messrs. Paul DIederlch, Herman Helnrlch, August Jobs, David Schnur, Emll Maxlon, Carl Muenzen bery, Charles Housa presided as mas ter of ceremonies. COMING ENTERTAINMENT. Tomorrow evening the Young Peo ple's society of Christ Lutheran church will conduct an entertainment at Ger mania hall. The committee of ar rangements has been working untiring ly for the past few weeks and have se cured some excellent talent to partici pate. An entertaining programme has been arranged and a very pleasant evening awaits those who attend. The proceeds of the affair will be utilized for church purposes. Following Is the programme: PART I. Selection Guth's Band Prof. August Miller. Director. Living Picture "Die Traumgoettln" Piano Solo Charles Scheuch Comic Recitation, "niumenhagLii mlt dem Klndervvagen".,...Htid Yungman Living Picture "Die Wnhriagorln" Selection "Die Drel Uesellcn" Yurgcr Maonnerehor. Living Picture. "Welhnachtstr.uim dcr Soldatcn" Sketch. "Belm Ilerrn Professor." Characters Prof. Fianzttis, It. C. Krollj I.ottchen, seine frau, Gustle Urbuteit; Ida. seine tochter. Emma Mater: Dok lor Kramer, Herman Qogulln; Julius Borner, Oscar Spltzer. . PART II. Selection Mum's Hand Solo .. Miss Emma Scheui h Living Picture "Romeo nnd Juliet" Violin Solo Henry Motchman Accompanied by Ch.ules Scheuch. Planl.it Living Plrtuce.."Eln Sucsws UchemnU" Gymnastics Burck Brother:. Solo Wllllnm Scheuir Living Plctuie "Die Klndhelt" Selection. ..."Der Kncfcr und rile Bluine." Yunger Macnnen hor. Military Sketch. "Imincr bchneldig." Characters Peter V. Sarburg, R. C Kroll; Von Birkenbach, Emll Fieuncl; Hans, Charles Scheuch; Fritz Bcnim- chen. Oscar C. Spltzer. Y. W. C. A. NOTES The entertainment committee nv. making extensive prpoamr'cns for lb" entertainment to be given Februaiy :0 In the nss-oci uion rooms. 1021 Cedar avenue, by Charles Haitlcy, the cele brated cntriloriulst. A delightful muslcul programme will a'so be rend ered. All mothcis are Invr d to the mothers' meeting, Wednduv af'er noon, at the association rooms:. Mhs Florence Tomklnson, a fo.-.-ner .scrip tary, will speak. PERSONAL BRIEFS. Miss Anna Rode, of Honesdale, Is the guest of her brother, Willllam Rode, of Cedar avenue. Mr. and Mis. Henry Relf. of Piospect avenue, ate rejoicing over the at rival of a bouncing baby boy. George L. Keller and Matthew Corn all, of Buffalo, N. Y are the guests of James F. Best, of Cedar avenue. Pea Coal $1.25 a Ton Delivered to South Side, cential city and central Hyde Park. Address orders to J. T. Sharkey, 1914 Cedar ave. 'Phone 6683. NORTE SCRANTON. William Loftus, who was accused of stealing scrap Iron fiom the Robinson foundry, on Green Ridge stieeet, was taken before Alderman Myers yester day for a healing. He was hold In $o00 ball on one charge and $300 on another. In default of which he was committed to tho county Jail. The funeral of Miss Katie Gallagher will be held this afternoon from the home of her patents, on Parker street. Services will be conducted at the Holy Rosary church at -'.30 o'clock. Inter ment will be made In Cathedial ceme tery. Mr. and Mis. Jenkins, of Oak street, entertulned Mrs. Joseph Potter and Mrs. Martha Edwaids, of Olyphant. Patrick Flynn. of Brick avenue, Is confined to his homo with the grip. Rev. William Edgar, pastor of Provi dence Methodist Episcopal church, Is In Now York cltv. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Parry, of Sum mit avenue, are receiving congratula tions over the arrival of a baby glil. Mrs. Thomas Evans, of Edna ave nue. Is recovering from a severe Ill ness. Crain-O ! Grain-O ! Remember that name when you want a delicious, appetizing, nour ishing food drink to take tun place of coffee. Bold by all grocers aud liked by all who haro used it. Graiu-O is made of pure gruiu, it aids digestion and strengthens the nervoH. It is not a stimulant but a health builder, aud tho children as well as the adults can UrltiV it with great benefit. Costs about as much as coffee. 15c. and 25c. per pack age. Ask your grocer for Orain-O. Try Crain-O ! Inilit ttutVo'ir grocer (Wet you QralivO Accept no Imlutloo. LIViiNMfaiNiiililllK WS SW.,.1 "Home Treasure" FREE. A book filled HARK ' with valuable information and household receipts. Ask your druggist for it. Sent free if you cannot obtain it. DUNMORE DOINGS. Funeral of William Wal6h Held Yes terday Mutascopo Entertain mjnt to Bo Given Notes. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES. BursohS William It. Wilson. Treasurer Louis EiiRle. Tax Collector Mai k Simpson. Council. Maxwell Chapman anil Christian Weber. Schoool Diioetors J.mson Cole and George J. Kunr. Stieet Commissioner Kber liran nine:. Auditor Thomas SansenbatiRh. Fl'NKUAL OF WILLIAM WALSH. The funeral services over the re mains of tho late William Walsh, son of Mr. and Mis. Walsh, of Fist Hi In ker stiei't. were held yo-Uerduy aftet noon and weie veiy largely attended. The fcerviees vet held In St. Mary's Catholic chui eh. ltev. K.ith'-r Donl.m otllciitlng and Inlet ment was made In St. Mary's cemetery. Over ."WO niem beis of the Dunmore Father Mathew cadets attended the funeial in a body. A mutasrope entertainment will be Klven in the Guild hall of the St. Maik's Kplscop.il chinch, Monday evening, Febnuiy w. The entertain ment will be under the auspices nt tne Men's Guild of the chuich. All un invited to be piesent. The No. .. ninety, of the Pennsyl vania Coal company resumed wnils estHd.iy, after an Idli ne-s nf heeial days. The funeral nf AVilllum Kejes. who died at his home on Fat Di inker stieet. Sunday afternoon, will b" held this afternoon at 2. jo o'cl.xk. lntei inent will be made In St. .Mary's Catholic cemeteiy. The Ipublle.in and Democratic borough committees held meetings in the Independent Older of Odd Fellows' hull and Manlev's hall, icspectlvely, last night, and transacted much party business. The school board will meet tonight and an effoit will bo. made to have a quorum present. This will he the sec ond adlnurncd meeting and even at this late date, so much business hdj accumulated as to make It impossible to transact the same in one evening's session. Little Jeanetto DonaJdion. the 1S-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Donaldson, of Clay awnue, whose death oic lined Satin day af tar noon at one o'clock. wa bulled es teulay afternoon. The fui.eral air- Ices were held at one o'clock ut tho home and were well a it. tided. Tmant Ofllce Thornton had n.ulte an experience with n young tiuant yester day, who alter being brought to school after much dllllcultv by the ofJIcer, received pet mission fiom the teacher to go out of the room. He mads hla way to the basement i.nd escaped tluough one of the windows. PERSONAL BRIEFS. Richard Ariguiu, of Cuba, is visiting his parents on South Blakely street, after an absence nf several months. Mis. Charles Warg, of Elm street, Is visiting at Allentown, Pa. John Gibbons, of this borough, Is tho guest of acquaintances in Poit Jervis, N. Y. A. P. Gavan visited ft lends in Pitts ton yesteiduy. MINOOKA. A oung child of Mr. and .Mrs. Ken navy, of Main stieet, (Med Sunday. Fu neral took place .vesterduy afternoon. Mrs. Thomas Tlicuiat., of Giccuvvood, died Sunday after a brief Illness, Tho deceased was fmmeily a icMilcut of Tnv. lor. I'uueial niiiiuiim cment will be made, later. On Monday evening. February S6, tho Mlnooka IIoho ccnipauy will conduct their entertainment and tsoilal at Kt. Joseph's hull and It Is expected tlrnt tho nffair will bo well patronbed by the people of the town, as the necessity of a lioso company hi town Is most urgent. At a. regular meeting of tlio st: Jo seph'i. Total Abstinence and lienovoltnt society yesterday afternoon at range meats wcro nindo to hold an entertain ment nnd social on H.iMor Monday night In their Main stiret hall. OBITUARY Mi Il.irliar.i Sletter, widow of Pi auk Blotter, vdio died in Maieh it, iS'ts, passed away jcstenlay alter an ilhieks whlih began before her hutlmnd died. Deceased was born In linden, Germany. In 1S21, and ramo to this country In IVi", having resided hero tei iliiuuusly ever WELCOMED BY THE PEOPLE. A LONG-FELT WANT FILLED. v.. Honet,ReUafck,Non-AIcohoHcMcftcinesata price within the reach of kIL THEY ARC NOT A.? EXPERIMENT. THEY POSITIVELY CURE Cough Dyspepsia Diarrhoea Worms .! Colds General Debility Croup ' - Nervous TrwibTe' Grippe Catarrh Heart Failure-' Neuralgia Sore Throat Asthma Kidney Trouble . Whoooinje Cough Rheumatism Blood Poison . Liver Complaint f I Our Pain Plasters give Instant relief. Sovereign TONIC FOR MEN. Sovereign TONIC FOR WOMEN., CC "HOMK TMBASUM." A SEPARATE REMEDY FOR EVERY DISEASE EVERY REMEDY 2SC. EACH. THEY ARE NON-ALCOHOLIC, AND MUST NOT BE CLASSED WITH MEDICATED SUGAR PELLETS. Tested for years by Physicians and the people, they stand upon the solid rock of Public Confidence. HAVE CURED THOUSANDS, WILL CURE YOU. SOVEREIGN REMEDY CO. AMUSEMENTS. I YCEUM THEATRE - HUROUNDfiR & REIS. Lcsseii. H. K. LO.NO, Manager. BROCKWAY COURSE. Tuesday Evening, February 13. PAH Gif COH lift PATRICOLO The Great Italian Pianist as sisted by Jennie Shoemaker, Dra matic Reciter, Eleanor Goodman, Soprano, Ruth Anderson, Violinist. Sale now on. Wednesday, February 14. Special return engagement nf the season's success, Mr. David Higgins Accompanied by MISS GEORGIA WAL UltON, III tho Great Southern Play, At Piney Ridge A powerful and fascinating romance ot the picturesque mountains of Tunics-see. Prices MM 73c, M:, Me. Friday, Feb. 16, CHARLES FROHMAN pi events WILLIAM GILLETTE'S Uieatcst l'omed Tiliiuiph, BECAUSE SHE LOVED HIM SO "THE 'LITTLC MINISTER' OF FARCE." OiUln.il Cast. Pliecs JI.'i", $1 'V, 7."c, Jfic, 'J3c. ACADEHY OF HUSIC, DUKOUNDER & KBIS, Lessees. II. R. LOrtl, ManuL'-T. A week of great plays, rummeni luff Mon day, Feb. 12. Mntlutts dally, ecepc Monday. Talk of every city. KMMT-HEARN CO. In the greatest list of pl.ivs over pio. daced at popular pi Ices. Monday night, Gillette's great play. "HELD BY THE ENEMY." A carload of Mcnerv and eleelilial ef fects: new spec ialtlen: the gie.itest mov ing plctuies iver seen In Sir.inton. Prliis 10, L'rt. GO cents. I ..ullis' half tickets. 13c, for Monday night, If icscned be fore 0 p. m. Moiul.o. It Matinees Daily, WEEK OP FEBRUARY IS. London Gaiety Girls. 20 Beautiful Women 20. 7 Big Vaudeville Acts 7. Tfuml nmnfanrK urlll hn criven an nnnm tnnltv in An their acts in Con junction with the regular show Fri day night ienruary iu. since. During that ttnio by thrift and Industry Mr. and Mrs. Stettcr nniulrcd consldciablo leal cs-tato nnd conducted tho well known hostelrv and bakery on North Mnlu nviiiue. Tho surviving ehll dien mo Mrs. W. )l. Plesser. KlUaboth, William, Harry and David Sletter. Tho fmifial seivlies will Im.inrcluc led at the Iiouii Thursday aiten.ooii at -': o'clock by l:ev. Jtiroti Sihoctllc. ol the Gorman Prcshvleilan church, l'lleiids desiring to view the lemaliis can do so between tho hours of lu a. in. nnd 2 p. in. on Thurs day Internment will be undo in Foicbt Illll ceinelcry. Mrs, John Donovan, of living avenue, Pui-miI away jestcrdny tnoinlng at tho Scranton Private hospital. Deceased hud been suffering foi tint past few mouths with cn.uer of the stimuli h and a few weeks ago was u-moved to the hospital to undeigo an operation, Tho operation won pri formed last Tluusd.iy but did not piovo successful nnd Mrs. Donovan con tinued to sink until death relieved her sufferings vesteuliiy nimiilng. Deceased Is survived by thirteen children, tlvo brothers and live sisters. The funeral announcement will appear lalei. IMgnr C the blight and liiteicstiug B-vcur-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hafner, of 711 Irving avenue, passed avvuy vesterduy morning after a In Iff Ill ness. Tho deceased child was taken III but a few ctujs ago with wailct lever 1237 Arch Street, Philadelphia; pa. NEW YORK HOTELS. The St. Denis Broadway and Eleventh St., New York, Opp. drace Church. European Plan. Rooms Si.oo a Day and Upwards. In a modest and unobtrusive way them are fow better conducted hotels In tho metropolis than the St. Denis. The great popularity It has acquired can readily be traced to Its unique location. Its home-like atmosphere, the peculiar ex cellence of it cutstno and service, and lta very moderate prices. WILLIAM TAYLOR & SON. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St anil Irrhl Plui, ' NEW YORK. AMERICAN PLAN, $3.50 Per Duy and Upwards. EUROPEAN PLAN, $1.50 Per Day und Upwards. I. D. CRAWFORD, Proprietor. -f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f X For IJusluess Meu X 4- In tho heart of the wholesale . district. For Slioppcr. X "1 S minutes' walk to Wanamakcrs: . J 8 minutes to Blegel Cooper's Bis - Store. Uasy of access to the great . Dry Goods Stores. " X For sightseers X -f One block from E'v.-nyCars. glv- a. 1. Ing easy transpoitatloir to all T points of Interest. i HOTEL ALBERT : NEW YOHK. T for. 11th ST. & UNIVKItSITY PL. 4- Only ono Block from Broadway. Rooms, $1 Up. pSg'jfflgflJSu The Dickson Miinuructiirlng Co. tcrautou and Wilkes Hurra. Pa.. Manufacturer of LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY EN0INES Boilers. Holitliigaml Pumping Machinery. General Office, Scranton, Fa. MAKE PERFECT MEN DO Mil' DRNPAIK ! l not 8uf. for Lnn.r! The lot anil Alnhltlan. nf jlftf ran ba rt.lorrd to )nu. Tha Tr vrtrn,o(P,rvoii Ilcjlllljy are I ab.olulrly ptirad bv i E It fftF.frr II LTAHLF.Tll. OIa prompt relnf loin. .omnia, ratltpff mtmorj and tha wa.t r anJ drain of vital power., Inruiltd by Indi.crftlonioraictMriof taily tai. Impart Vlffo, and notan.v toa.arv fun. tlon Braraoptha.7tcm oivo raiaV bloom lo to rhe.k.aod lu.trt to tha ryra of t.ar.-a foung or old OnM? boir.nfwi vital tnarrr IVJafJt' boiet at af,ioaeo--piatiruaiantadcurWfamwor montr r lull. md.d Can ba Bold avrhaia or niiillad in plain wrappar on (trtlpcxr lira by Tltl rKrlfr ll., faila Sift., tla,r Sold In Scranton, Pa., by Matthews Bros, and McGarrah ft Thomas, druggists. and dcnilto the Ptrcnuoiis efforts of thn altcmllng phynlclan to h.ivo tho hoy's life, ho i oulil i.ot ht.iy tho h.iiul of clo.ith. The funeral will lako placo thin after noon at - o'cloik. funeral services will bo conducted at tho housa hy Hev. Will, him A. Koult and interment will ha made In tho 1'ltti.ton nvciiiio cemetery. Willard, tho .l.jejr.nld child of Mr. and Mrs. Willi im J. l.ivix. of 311 Fourteenth Btrect. died ynti'iil.iy fiom pearlct fever. Tho funeral will lm privately conducted from tho hc.uso at S o'clock this after noon. Interment will ho made in tha Washburn strict ccnictuy, John Joseph, tho t-m. months-old twin Fon of Mr. nnd Mix. Pnliltk J. llurke, of 'ii'i Monsle !ticct, died rtcnl.iv mom Ing after a few i1.ih Illness. Tho fu iii i.i I will take pl.uo tomoriovv nftet noon at " o'clock, TRIED TO SHOOT HIM. Loui& Grabowski Drew a Gun on Frfink Bnizdowski. J-oiils aiMhovvskl, of Pikuburg, was taken to tho county Jail late lust night on a wan ant Issued at tlio olllce of Justice of tho iv.uo John Svlnskey. chin gins Win with threatenluff to hhout ono Fiunk ISiuzclouskl. Tho two men had a quart d In tho early pun of tho owning which ro ruilU'il In (liahouskl'H drawing a pistol und shooting ut hla opponent. W 3aB aAflcSa-P fc - - -''tata. t . allaklavifliaBW.aBa. . a. i a. 2A . - i IJaiilhlMl .at tt-i-u-kh- -J