The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 12, 1900, Morning, Page 2, Image 2

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The Republicans Will Meet at Tunk
hannock on March 12.
Spcclnl to tho Bcratiton Tribune.
Tunkhnnnotk, l'cb. 11. CIcoiko A.
Carter, of Meshoppen, clinlrman of the
Hepubllcnn rounty committee, hns is
sued a call for a county convention to
'be held at the court house. In Tunk
hannotk boiouith, Monday, March 12,
at 2 p. in. The purpose of tho eonve n
tlon It the election of a dcleiMto to the
Itopubllcan stnto convention at Halt Is
burcr, and nhu tho nnmliiK of conferees
who will meet the lonferces fiom the
counties of AVayne. Susquehanna and
Hradford. In this oonKiosslonnl dlstilot
and name a delegate to the national
conontlon at HiuilslmiK In Juno.
The. conn act for the icpalts on tho
Henry Stark property at the rmnci of
Tlotrt and IIiIiIro stioets In thin boi
oubIi, lias been lot to Wallace Jc n
nlnits. Tho store loom Is to bo lopalitd
ancl put In shape for business by Mav
1, and li. Kllkowlch will move hi
stock Into it about that time.
('. A. SIsk, of Kactoiyvllle, was In
town on Saturday.
The return day for WomlnK county
at the Supiemo court at 1'hlladclphln,
Is Mondnv. Fob. 1. Thoie Is but one
vase on tho list from Wyoming county
this til in and that Is the appeal of
Ityion Cat pouter fioni the dcirtce of
the Orphans court of WyomlnK county
in the estate of rhllcttis Key Holds, late
of Fnototyvlllo borough, decinsed C.
A. Dershlmer, csi , nnd Homy Hurdlnit
are the attorneys.
somi; iazoau matthks.
In the estate of Hobeit Meyeis, late
of Tunkhannock township, deceased,
James K. Fiear, ct , auditor to dis
tribute the fund arising from the sale
of the real estate of the decedent, will
meet the pirtles at his office In Tunk
hannock boroURh, on Friday, March 9,
In tho estate of Paul n. Jennings,
late of Tunkhannock township, deceas
d, James 12. Frcar, csi , master In
equity, will meet the parties Interested,
at his otnee In Tunkhannock on March
8, at 1 p. m , for tho purpose of making
distribution of the fund derived from
tho pale of the real estate of the deced
ent. In tho matter of tho partition of the
real estate of Etna Osterhout, late of
Tunkhannock borough, deceased, In
pursuance of an order of the orphans'
com t of Wyoming county, James 12
Frear, esq, will expose the leal estate
of decedent to public silo at the prem
ises In Tunkhannock boiough on Sat
in day. March .1, 1900
In the estate of A. X. 'itenshaw, lite
of Tunkhannock borough, deceased, bv
lrtuc of an order of tho oiphins'
court, J..ucy N. Ronsh.iw, oeeutrl,
will opose tho leal estate of decedent
to public palo at tho court home In
Tunkhannock boiough, on Tmday,
Feb. 27, 1900.
In the estate of John Taguo, late of
Lemon township, deceased, Hemv
Taguo, admlnlstiatoi, will expose to
public sale, the ical estate of the de
cedent situated In Lemon township, at
tho couit houso In Tunkhannock boi
ough, on Saturdav, .March 1. 1100.
Tho real estate of Alexander Piestnn,
situated In Noithmoi eland township,
Is adeitised for ..ilp bv Sheilff John
W. Ony, on Satin di. Fob 21, at tho
suit of Muhala Gallup
"ill of Costs for Keeping Them in
the Penitential y.
Spfilal to the Scranton Tilbune
Tow anda, Fob. 11. The penitentiary
commissioners hae Just sent to the
county olllclals of llindford county
their bill for 1S99, chaiged for the care
of convicts of this county. It show
that thlity-three com lets aie eiedltej
to the county during the pant year and
that dlschaigo clothing was furnished
foi live, leaving twenty -eight convicts
in the penitential y at the repot t
sendlng. Tho bill charges the county
commissions s for 7, 191 lonvlet days
served by these prisoners, which .it
21 cents a day, cost M.512 91. It nisi
charged for what clothing was fur
nished. Against this amount is a ciedlt of
1160 6S for labor done by the pilsoneis,
leaving tho balance due fiom Hiadfoid
county, $1,397.17. The statement shows
that seven pilsoners earned something
dining the vear, all the rest having no
credit for labor done One pilsomi
earned lit! mote than the cost of his
board. Iliadford county also h is seven
pcisons In the ludustiial leformatnry
at Huntingdon, foi whom 1,0 :o clays
maintenance aie chaiged at 2i cents
a dav, making tho cost to the eountv
Michael McNamara Inflicts Injuiies
on John Loughney.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Plttston, Feb. 11. John l.oughney,
a young man about 2J years of age, a
resident of Fiogtown, this city, Is suf
feilng from two stab wounds received
from a pocket knife In the hinds of
Michael McNamara, agtd about 50
tin Saturday., night about u o'clock
ttioltwo jnen viete walking- up South
Jaln street in a slightly Intoxicated
cejRclitloir, ,and became engaged In a
h.tcd argument, during which Mc.N'a
maia, who Is usually of a very peac
jblo; nature,. dtcvv a pocket knlfo and
with a nursing baby has iwo
lives to- support Her flesh,
strength and vitality are
taxed to the utmost, and
must'be maintained or both
-will surely fail.
will -keep up the mother's
'strength and vitality. It also
" the baby's nourish
ment, and supplies the ele
ments necessary for proper
growth and development of
bones, teeth "and tissue
' "V ' jeaand Si oo, alidwtiUu
SCOTT ft BOWNt, fhtrai.u, Nw York.
struck Toughney twice, once In tho
head and once In tho side, under the
nrm. The wounds are not considered
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
Susquehanna! Feb. 11. The stock
holders of the American Chair Manu
facturing, lompany, of Krandt, will
hold a special meeting on Thursday,
April 12, for the put pose of voting for
or against an Increase of the capital
stock of tho company from $10,000 to
$76 000.
Tho funeral of Abel Patilck, an aged
le.sldent of Montrose, ocelli red on Fri
day af tea noon.
Douglas, the Illusionist, will give the
concluding entertainment In tho 12p
woith league course- on Friday even
ing nest In Hogan opeia house.
The Junior llpwoith league gave an
onteitalnment In the Methodist church
on Fildny evening.
County Superintendent of Schools
Chailos 12. Moxley, of Hallstoad, Is
confined to his homo with an attack
of Intel mltte lit fcvei,
Tho funiial of the Infant daughter
of Mi. and Mi. Charles Taylor, of
l.inesboro, occurred on Satuiday af
ti moon. The Intel nient was made In
tho Lanesboto leineteiy.
Mi". Thomas Canavan, an aged lesl
clint, Is seilouslv 111.
Uev. William P. Dtinlea, of Pitts
burg, Is visiting his pnents In tills
pl.'.c o.
Miss Clare Taylor, of I.ancsboto, has
left for Niagara, whole she will attend
Tho next meeetlng of the Susque
hanna County Medical society will bo
held in Montrose, May 1.
The eighteenth session of tho Sub
district Sunday School association will
bo held In tho Auburn Baptist church
on Saturdav next.
About $1000 has boon raised towards
the pioposed Montrose creamciy. When
she gets that Industry staid Montrose
will dance tho ean-enn.
The business men of Suseiuohanna
w 111 hole! their 111 st annual banquet
at tho Stairueca House on Wednesday
evening, Feb. 21, under tho nusplces
of the bo.ud of tiado.
It. M. Miles, M. r, will lemove from
Pleasant Mount to Nicholson.
Monti ose will have the eomodv, "Our
Hovs," by homo talent. Teh 14.
Itev. A H Cuitis, Ph. n, of Hlng
lmuton, will give a postponed lectin e
at Klngsley. Feb in. Subject, 'The
Sllcnte of clod."
II.ii iv Van liusklik, the Haifoid far
mer who on Sundav list attempted
suicide 1 shooting himself twieo
tluough the head with a levolvei. Is
still alle and the chances foi his ul
timate lecovoiy aie considered good.
A. F. Hofisomet, of Scianton, has
been appointed penoinl secretin v of
the Monti oo Young Men's Chiistlan
association, and his entcied upon his
Heniy Wilghton, now of ninglnm
ton, chow MfiS'O biek pav fiom the
goveinment. histoid of $11,000, as was
stated In this column on Fildiy.
The leviv il meetings In the I'jesby
teilan chinch will continue until fur
ther notice
Fvangellst Sheldon finished his la
bois bote' on Fiiiliv evening and has
attacked S.itan's foi title atlons at Pot
est City.
At Its recent meeting the Susque
hanna County Medical society adopted
a resolution asking e ongres to make
an appropilatlon foi the scientific In
vestigation of our native me Ileal
Susquohinna extends n em dial Invi
tation to nil tiamps to aw wood tlnoe
houis In i etui n foi lodging and hi oak
fast In the lockup The lockup Is veiy
seldom ciowded.
Uy the now schedule Susquehanna
county milk pioduceis expect to io
colvo 2'4 cents pel (init the year
aiound, which Is something like a half
a cent a quait more than they have
received. OiganUitlon Is doing much
for the moducers.
It Is suspected that tho chap who io
portcd that the Pnlondale piospoetors
had stiuek a sI.foot vein of coal at
Horiick Contie had a vein of humoi In
his m.iko-un.
Philip llai ding, aged s yeais, who
lives two miles fiom New Mllfoul, on
tho Montioso i oid. was nibbed of $2"
on Thuisday night by seveial men.
who bioko in his ooi with a fence
lull. Tho old man lives alone. Thieo
young men have been auostod on sus
picion of having committed the cilmo.
Here 16 a Chance to Do Some One a
If the leader of this Miould chance to
know of anv otic who is subject to at
tacks of bilious colic he can io him no
gi eater favoi than to toll him of Chnm
bei Iain's Colic. Clioleia and Ularihoea
nemedy. It always glws piompt k
llof. Foi sale by all diugglsts,
Matthews Ilios'., wholesale and letall
Foiist City. Feb. II. Low is Mc
Laughlin and tleoigo O'Hat.i of Pile cu
bing, aie guests at the '.oine of John
The sac lament of holy i oininunlon
was admlnlsieied In Chiist i:jl'i op xl
c bin ih today.
One of the nienibeis of O'Hoollgan's
Masqueiade company. Maik
ran, of Mt. ('uunel, who plavoel in
Davis opera house last week, did not
leave with tho compuiy when It took
Its depaituie, hut decided to loeatj
here and' has sent for his famlh.
What mlht have pioved a most sei
ious acetdent oeeuued la it eok. of
vhlch Tommy Fiances was the unfor
tunato victim. He was sliding down
tho heavy door of 12. F. Ames' bain
when tho hinges and door patted com
pany, tho door falling upon Tommy
and beating him to tho gtound. Tho
boy's eilos attracted the attention or
ajielghbor, v.ho was unable to inlse
tho door, but her talis were heard bv
others nnd Tommy was released t.e
erely bruised about the body. His In
Juries are painful enough to confine
him to the house for a fe v davs.
Miss Isador Condon haH letuuied
from Starrucca, where elm went to at
tend the funeral of her niece, Mar
guerite Altken, a daucihter of Mr. nnd
Mrs. John Altken, of Olyphant. Mr.
Altken Is well known here, having at
one time held the position of foi email
at the Clifford breaker, but a few years
since removed to Olyphant, where hn
berves in a similar capacity. Mis.
Altken is a slter of Mrs. Hugh Pohren
and Miss Tsador Conden. Both nn
well known here. Marguerite as a
bright little girl of .' 'years, and was
Hick only twenty-four hours. Spinal
mnlngltls was tho cause of her death.
She was burled ut Starruccn, Mr1).
Conden's former home.
Ppeclnl to the Scianton Tribune.
Plttston Feb. It Atvan O.
Hart, aged seventy-eight years,
died suddenly Ftlday evening.
For several years past h'' had made
his home with his son. Fred I. Hart
In West Plttston. On Filday evening
about 6 o'clock he went to his cabinet
shop at tho i ear of tho hcuso to nr
inngo the lire for the night, nnd halt
nn hum later was fount dead in tho
shop. Death was piobablv duo to heart
trouble, with which Mr. Hart was af
fected. Tho deceased was an uncle ol
Hon. Theodore Hnrt, nf tho Plttston
Gazette. Tho funeral set vices took
place this evening, nncl the remnlni
will be taken tomorrow moinlug to
Wllllamsport for Interment.
Tho young people of the Duryex
T'lesbvtc rl in chinch hive Issued novel
Invitations for a "Poveity Sorfhul" to
be held at the home of the Misses
Honedlet, on Main fctieot, Dm yen, on
Monday evening. February IP.
The inlnei" of the Foinwoot colliery
of the lltitli r Coal company, near this
cltv. nin on stilko. and theio are no
signs of an Immediate settlement. Th O
men demand a reduction In tho prlco
of giant powder, less toppago on the
cats, and the dschitr of the piosent
bosses at the colllorv.
The Plttston Younr Men'-? Christian
nssocl itlon basket ball teim was de
feated el Wllllamspoil Fildny night
by the i-eoio of 20 to 12. 'Satuiday night
tho Plttston boys pi ivrrt at Plooms
buig with the Normal school team and
were defeated by the score of ' to 5,
In one of tho most exciting gnnus seen
In thnt town this H'ason.
12d Stack. James Coieoran and Uob
cit Hlleman of this place, returned'
homo Satuidav fiom a hunting tilp in
North Carolinn. They brought with
them ?'! quail.
To Cure a Cold in One Dav
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if It
falls to cure. F.. W. Orove's signa
ture is on each box. 23c.
Annual Meeting of Women's Mis
sionary Society In the Churches
Yesterday Unclaimed Letters.
The annual meeting of the Womcn'J
Home and Foiolgn Mbsjonaiy society
of the Picsby toilan church will bo
held, as has lion the custom for yeais,
at the home of the tirasmer of the
soclftv, Mis rjooige 1?. Smith, on Clay
avenue. Scianton next Thursday attor
noon at 3 o'clock. Tho election of office-is
for till" veai and othoi Impor
tant business to the ntmbeis will bj
tian 'acted.
The nnnual meetings of the socletv
aie looked forw.ud to with iini'h In
terest bv the ladbs of the cnganlzi
tlon. as all membeis try to be present
at this meeting, and it consequently
piov.s to bo the bannci event of tho
Uev. A. J. VanCloft pleached two
most acceptable sjrmons In the Meth
odist FplMopjl (hutch vestoidav
nintning and evening on tho themes,
'The Place and lmpoitaneo of nn In
dividual" and "Petei s Oieat Sin an l
Sad Fall.
Tho Illness of the pastor of Tilpp
avenue Chiistlan chinch, P.eV. C. 3
Long, prevented the usual pieachlng
seivleis yisteiday In thai chinch.
Itev. W F. Gibbons delighted two
laigo audleiKos morning and evenlm?
yisteidnv In the I'll si Piesbv teiiaa
(lunch with two excellent (llcouise3.
The list of letters remaining uncalled
for dining the period ending Februaiy
10, I'.K'O is given belov. When calling
for anv of these lotto. s sav advertised
Fobrraiv I.' M. K PIshop, postmas
tor. The list follov s-
John Coopn. 741 Adams avenue;
Frneiy Charmar. I'.'.l Mill stio-t; John
11. Hvans (.'), Minnie Fngllsh. JanvM
F.idcUn Ulakely sttcet, Mai tin Fergu
son. Cliov; nnd Qulnov avenues, pick- J
ago; Hetta Hall. sJl Piescott avenue;
Mis L. H.immeinian. Mis. J. S John- I
son, C. D. Liwn, vlaiv Lmgman, fill
Wlcklnw ttipft: Susie Jtuiinv, I2lm
sticef Michael McNulty. Mrs. nrldg.H
Genuine Diamonds and Solid Gold
Watches Given with Tea.
Tho Boston Tea Pmty are heie to
si. i. and will continue giving away
valuable piies with Tong Tina Tea,
and tho nppoitunity to avail youiself
of these piles is still as good as evei.
Satuiday hundiods of iieople visited
our stoie, at 1J7 Ponn avenue, to view
an elegant line of Jeweliv which we
have on dlsplav. F.veiy can contains
a .souvenir of some kind and a good
i (tail doll.u's worth of tea. Tho piizes
((insists of ladles and gent's watches,
genuine diamond Jeweliy In solid gold
fitting and ninny othei ui tides too
numeious to mention. The company
continue tlieii llbeial method of
Intiodueing their choice blended tea.
I2veiy puuh.isei of a pukage of Tong
Tina Tea will positively leeeivo a
p- 1e
Following Is a list of names of pur
ehafots and whit they lecelved; Karl
Woodiutf, emploved on the D. A- II.
It. It., lecelved $50 In cash and a lady's
solid gold w.itdi with his $1000 oideis.
Miss May Lewis, school teacher. Oly
phant. nnd Uev. A. J. Conklln, visiting
tho ( Ity, e.uli lecelved handsome pieces
of Jewelry with genuine diamond set
ting, fhoige I.. Pegg, .coachman for
John It. Davis, ,ri!7 Washington avenue,
got a gent's hunting case watch, Amer
ican movement. O. C. Spun, Janitor
at the Paul I building, residence 1366
Washington avenue, received a gent's
watch, beautifully engraved, Oeorgo
Hell, icsides at Peckvlllo, and O. D.
Ilollister, each received open-face
watches with their purchases; J. K.
Muiphy. foreman at D , L. & W. It. R.,
rcsldemo 351 12mmet stieet, got a
gent's hunting case watch; Mrs. Jones,
wash-woman, residence 611 Pleasant
stieet. Hydo Park, received a hand
somely designed solid gold ring. Haw
i an this bo done? Simply by putting
the expense of two years' advertising
Into ninety days, after which time
these diolce teas will bo sold at tho
same place, pi Ice and quantity, but
without the piizes. Watch papers for
new list of names every day. All
mall oiders when accompanied by cash
or diaft, will be promptly attended to.
Open evenings till 8.00 p. m.; Satur
day, 10 00 p. m.; 13 tans, $10.00. Lady
eleiks In attendance, '
127 Penn avenue,
Blindness li one of the saddest alsfort
unes that can befall human being. But
there is a time when bllndnens stamps the
blind as a criminal. That time is when
the blind man undertakes leadership. Im
agine the situation.
Weak and suffering; women, blind as to
their own needs, put their hands in confi-
dence Into the hand of otne self styled
lc adcr, w Ith the result that both fall into the
ditch of failure, and she, poor thltifr, ntag
gets on a few more paces only to fall into
the last ditch, the house appointed for
all living."
Let us drop all figures of speech and face
the ficti frankly. Here are thouMiids of
people sufiritig from disease of one form
or another. The cry of the sufferer is for
sonic one to lead him out of this desert of
disease into the promised land of health.
Here is Dr. K. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N.Y..
who has a record of more than a quarter of
a million of cases and 98 out of every hun
dred led to perfrct health. An experience
of thirty years as chief consulting physi
cian to the Invalid' Hotel nnd Surfrlcal
Institute, at Huffalo, N. Y., guarantees him
to be familiar with every phase and form
of disease.
But consumption! Is that cured too by
Dr. Tierce's medicines? Among the hope
less (so called) cases were those who had
the night sweats, the hectic flush, the hack
ing cough, the racked lungs, and the ema
ciated, or wasted body, which are accepted
symptoms of consumption. Their home
physicians said they had consumption.
They also said that their days were num
bered. Yet these same people treated
years ago, have lost the night sweats, lost
the lung pains, lost the cough, have re
gained their normal weight, and are living1
right along in the hearty enjoyment of a
healthy, happy life. They eat well, sleep
well, and enjoy life. Perhaps they are not
cured. Perhaps their days are numbered.
But if the number is three score and ten
and they live a life
life might as well end by consumption as
bv any other disease. Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery has produced such re
lulls in thousands of cases.
Mr. John O Born, 40J0 Liberty Av e , rittsburg.
Pn , writes " Some thirty months ro I said to
my wife, 'I don t want to keep nn thing from
you, I must tell ynei I am In the list stage of
consumption ' In December, 1896 1 commenced
taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery I
couM then only gpeak In whUpern I lta e taken
thirtreu bottles and on say with truth I am
grently benefited People ore surprised to hear
me speak. I can halloo, and mv voice has not
been as good In eight ycurs My stomach was
never in better coiuTlticn horniirlv I could not
Mt without suffering very much immediately
after, but now I can fat in thing I am also
irc-itlj relieved of that dlstrcsu; suffocation.
"Three months ajro I wis talking ton run in
the shop when another person, who overheard
me was greatly surprised tint I could speak so
loud, as for three years I could not speak above
a v. hlspcr "
" I had bronchitis for eighteen years and I was
treTtcd by three phvsiciins but ill fiilcil,"
wnies IMvid VVarUenluft, Hq , of bhocmnkeis
ville, Ilerks Co , Pa " They told me there wis
10 cure for me I suffered from indigestion and
ilso from constipition becimc very weak I
.hen used Dr. Pierce s (.olden Medical Discov.
iry and 'Pleisaut Pellets' and wis entirely
cured When I commenced taking these mcdl
Ines I welshed one hundred and thirty pounds,
now I neigh one hundred and ecnt two, nnd
enjoy good health for one of my nge I am
seventy five "
"Asvou know, ficv ears ago the doctors had
given nic up to die with consumption," writes
Mr. Il G. McKiiincy, of Dcepwatcr, I ayttte Co ,
V Va " I took treatment from Doctor R V.
Fierce, and am entireh well now I hivctikcn
steadily, as directed, fits 'Golden Medic il Dis
covery.' "
frff! free! fri'M
To any reader of this paper, Dr. Pierce's
great Health Guide Book, the "People's
Common Sense Medical Adviser," a book
of 1,000 pages with jpo illustrations, cover
ing every theme that relates to health and
disease. It is written on a common sense
plan, in common sense language, for com
mon sense people The "Common Snsc
Medical Adviser" is bc.uud in piper and in
cloth Lach book cont.i-ns th same 1 um
ber of pages and the Mine matter and tWus
trations The cloth is stronger, hanel'omcr
but also heavier, so tint it costs mote for
postage. Send il one cent sfimps for the
cloth edition, or 21 stamp-, for the lighter
weight, piper -covered book. Address,
World's Disnensarv Medical Association,
6& Main Stn t. Uutfalo. N. Y.
Mellnlo. Michael Mcledy. S14 Monroe
avenue; Mis. Haeraol Mnlthev.s, '124
Monioe avenue Owen limine, V.O liv
ing avenue ; John Huane, Gmve street.
J. .1. Walsh. Chestnut street' Mrs W.
Weldnr. Hutlei street' Josph Wills
Por-dsn Pas inli I'onstan'lon, M.-..
William Safeiv. (are o: 1M1 1, Phillips,
1700 Ailims avenue.
The following oflleeis Will eivo for
the piesent year as tho executive ptif
of tho Young Li'dles' Mission circle u
the Piesby tcilan cliiu eh: President.
Klslo Close: vice pn siiKul, Anna
Doyle; secietaiv. Mis. L, M. Smith;
assistant societal y, M. 11 Ion lit y den:
tieauicr, Oiaco Chambeilaln.
The funeral of Mis Mai tin Joyee
oceuried fimn hei lat" home on L'ist
Hiinker street at I'.IO o'dock yester
day afternoon Aftei seivhes at St.
Maiy's Catholic chute h intot merit was
made in the Catholic ceineteiy.
Tho ( board of tho Me-thodlst
Kplsco al dim eh will meet In the Ice.
tare loom ot the chinch tomoiiovv
Miss Mai Ion Kendtlik, of Pott Jei
vls, was the guest of fi lends in town
S iimdnv.
The llepublle an finance committee,
found some objectionable matter In
tho piper published Satuiday In tho
intet ests of that patty, nnd as .1 enn
tciiuence It v as not diculntcd. After
the coireetlon of th,o ellMcultles it will
doubtless roach tho hands of tho vot
eis, who ate looking with considerable
Intel est for Its appearance.
Cat anil Cannot Be Cured
cannot teach tho soat of tho disease.
Catarrh Is n blood or constitutional dis
ease, and In older to euro It you must
take Internal remedies. Hull's Catarrh
Cure Is taken Inlernallv, iind acts diuctly
on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quacK medicine.
It was pi escribed by one of tho best
physleluns In this country for yeii.c, aim
h a regular prescription. It Is composed
of the best tonics known, cornblnt-el with
tho best blood purifiers, acting directly
on tho mucous surfaces. Tho perfect com
binatlon of tho two Ingredients Is what
produces such wonderful results In cui
lng Cntairh. Send for testimonials free.
V. J. CIIKNKY & CO . Props . Toledo, O.
Sold bv druggists, prlco 75c
Hall's Family Pills are tho best.
For Infants and Children.
Thi Kind You Have Alw?;'s Bought
Bears the
Wall Street Review.
New York, Feb. 10. Tho movement of
prices on the Stock exchange had little
significance today as operations were
laigely conllned to tho dosing up of ton
tracts by thu professional element, There
was a continuation of realizing sales at
the opening In spite of tho tranquility
with which the latest news from South
Africa seemed to be accepted by the Lon
don market. Tim rally In the market ni
ter tho bank stntement appeared niado It
evident thnt part of tho selling had been
for short account In anticipation of an
unfavorable statement. Tho rally did not
mean necessarily that tho statement was
idi.sldered favorably but simply that tho
bears desired to cover their short con
tincts before the two hol'diys pending.
Tlicrownsmthoracuto weakness at times
In St. Paul. Mls-oiirl Paelllc, Western
t'nlon, llurltiigtou and Sugar. Tho move
nient of prices was rather erratic, but
tho net iluingo 011 the day nro small
mid irlved with tho majority on tho side
of losses, 1 bo c losing of tho market w is
strong nt the rnllv on short covering. As
a matter of fact, opinion on tho bank
statement wns confused and perpleved,
'1 he enormous loan expansion caused
iilnarr nioiit. In no single week during all
of last year did the lo 111 expansion reach
inooeidKi In the week ending Fohruiuv
last In loans were Inc leased Jl.'.lT.I.I'O,
due to the uetlvo flotation of new Indus
trial combinations tin 11 la full force. This
computes wltli fJl 1,,2 luo Increase this
Week. Sliieo Jiinu.iry 13 loans have been
IticHiised Jit'itrfi, 1 nmpim d with an In
crease of $11117(10 In the correspnndl'ig
piilod of lust year. v. hen speculation and
company flotntlnii wns In full lido. It Is
suggested that some of the deposit no
counts which pnssod from tho banks to
the newlv orgnnl(d trust companies din
ing the couise of last year are now (om
Itlg beck to the bn.Us There Is nothing
111 tho itgiilar course of business or Fie "
lutlon to account for the recent gnat ex
tension of tho loan Item of the clearing
bouse bunks. Upturns of bank dealings
by tdcgiaph for llvo dr.vs to tho l'linn
dal Chionlde show a sharp falling off
nt tho four principal eastern cities and In
e leaves at Chicago and St. Louis In con
sole ruble, proportion, while at Now Or
leans the Increases over last your Is nearly
l'i over 1 ist year. At other cities tho ln
( reuse U over 10 rer rent. Tho Increase
In tho south is doubtless lnrgolv due to
tho activity In tho cotton inaiket and Is
suggestive of tho future demand upon
New York for funds from that section.
Hut the clearing house returns only servo
to perple tho problem of tho phenomenal
loan expansion of New York banks. To
tal sales, Hm.OuO shares The business In
bonds bus been on 11 fairly large scale
nnd tho tendency of price has been some
what mixed.
Tho following quotations are furnished
Tho Tribune by M. S Jordan & Co ,
rooms 703-701) Mears building. Telephone
Open- High- Low- Clos.
lng. est. est. lag.
Am. Sneer lotij 11114 10014 lioi
Am. Tobacco lus 10S 107'. l7'i
Att h . to & S. Fe.. 2iiiS, St -JU 205
A , T. f- 8. F, I'r .. fil t.J hl hj'
Urook It. T "J 7i'; 7:- 7V4
Con. Tobacco 31 .IP, ,11 jp4
Ches. & Ohio yi'A ML ."n; ?i3,
People's (las 107 lU7'i 107 107
Chle.U Ac Q 121',, 12F, 12PI 1W-
St. Paul l'ju 12.' UJ'i IJJif.
Uock Island lnssi l(isns 10s ln "
Kan it Ti . Pr ... .',' . 11'-. T .!3i
Louis. & Nnsb wi, so" vi', Mi
Jl inlmttan Klo .... "171 'is 7'k 'i7t
Met. Traction Co ...17V t 17'j 177 47s
"Mo Picllic 41.' 4 4(i'i 4"'s 4
.lirsev Ceiitril 117 117 117 117
North I'aclllc .... r,li4 KP, fJV, '!
Nor. I'aclllc. Pr .... 7t 7", 71'.. 71'j
N. Y. C1i1t1.1l ltPj HP- IIP IIP-
Ont. AV West Ji !, 2sH 2r-
I'leilii Mall II 11 Ai) 41
J. (V JC . IT .11, 'il. ,t 'H ill,
Southern It Hi Pr.. .V,
Tt 1111 . C. & lion .... 'i"v
'li,1, nil 17,
I'. S Leather 1fi" lt, lfii4 PiJ4
I'. S. Lt.itber, Tr .. TiJ 7ti 7","s 7V,.
I'lllon Paelllc ".il 'fli, 1A, 41',
t'nlon Pae . Pr .... 7.'l 7M- 7ti' "h'j
Wabash, Pr
.... 21's 21's 2ip,
West. Itnlon S.1S5 W4 WK. S.1
iv nn 1. it. it ri in lij'. m
Am S .1 W ."' .',7 r.7 " 17,
Fed. Steel .V.' . iVi't. "P . "il j
Fed. Steel, Pr 7Vj 73's 7"i ' 7".
Open- High- Low- Clos.
W1IF.AT. lng ct. est. lng.
Julv rtti, ctiM is f'tih
Mav f.Vfc (s's fs', CS5
July v ::-,i, r r,i,
M iy js ji, :, 3P2
July 2Jij L'J'4 2.'i . n
July 21i! r, 2o'" 2-1',
July ii22 fi ?.' fiJ fi :i
Mav 1, 12 C 13 b 12 b l'i
May 1102 ll.Fi 1102 1112
July 1110 11.10 1107 1107
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Eased
on Par of 100.
STOCKS Bid Asked.
First National Hunk fciie)
Her.inton Savings Bank 300
Peranton Packing Co 33
'lhlid National liank MS
Dime Dep &. DIs Hank 200
F.eonom. Light, H. & P. Co 47
1. icka Trust & Safe Dep. Co 150 . .
Scranton Paint Co SO
Clail- &. SnoverCo, Com. ... 40o
Clark & hnover.. Pref 123
Sei. Iron Fence ft Mfg Co 100
Scianton Axlo Works 100
LieWi Delrv Co. Pr. f 20
Co. Savings Hank & Trust Co 230
First Net. Bank (Carbond lie) ... 300
HI inclnrd Drllllnc Co 30
l'rov. Gas and Water Co ISO
Scianton Pais Uillway, flr-t
i mortg.ipc due 1n2D 113
People's Stieet Hnilw.iy, first
mortgage, dec HIS 115 ...
People's Stieet ll.iiivv.iv, Gen
eral morlgiige duo 1121 113
Dleksnii Miriuf.ictmilig Co 100
Laika Township School 5, 102
I City of bcruiiton St. Imp b. ... 102
.111. vernim eon e tj
Scianton T taction i,T, bonds,. 115
Scianton Wholesnle Market.
(Corectcd by H. G. Dale. 27 Lackawanna
Avenue )
Huttci Ciciinmv, .0c; dairy, tubs, ".St.
Lggs Select wcstini, He.; nearby 'tate,
Cheese Full el earn. new. 13'J.c.
Beans I'ci Im choice marrow, 2 10;
mi dlum, 12 20; pea $2 20.
Onions Pi 1 bu , 43c.
Flour $1 u0.
Philadelphia Qiam and Product
Philadelphia, Fib Irt Wheat I'll 111: eon
trie t grade, Ft biuarv 72a" 5c Coin
I'lrm and '4c. hlghei . No. 2 mixed, Feb
ritnry. JSaS'i'ii Oat Sleuh: No 2 while
clipped, Jla!2i.. No 1 do. (lo . .MaSO'e ;
Nn. 'J nilxiid, 2l.e'29'.e l'olaloes-l 11
( hanged: Peniisvlvanl.i choice, per bu-li-1
1, boo.; New Yoik mid Wd-teru do il 1
.'MiOi,, tin f.ill to f-oo'l. " i37e lllltti I -I'litn;
fiiiiev vcestern ereameiv, 2'e.; tin
prints, 27c Steady : fair ilemind.
flesh, nearby, lie : do west, in, lie ; do
touthwesti rn, 11' je.; do. southern. Jl-.e,
Cheese Pnduingid. Itetliieel Sugart
Sliong, i.oed eh innnd. Cotton I'll
ehaiiMil Tallow Steadv: cltv pi line. In
liogsi.i nls. fiaSie : country do do., bir
uls u'ia'i'ii' : dub. do , V,.t3c.; (akes,
5' 11V4C.; grease, l'i i3c. i.s to color Live
Poultrv feteadv. fair demand; old rnos.
tors, 7'iiSc.: chickens, lOiib'e : dinks,
He.; g((se. lOallc. Hress(tl Pmiltiy 1' i
ehanged; fowls. 1 1 nice, llnl1'i.c; do. fair
tt, good, lOilO'ic: old roosteis, so.; chick
ens. ne,drl)y, ICiUc: western do, lar'c,
12j12'-c.; medium do. liuilc; common,
do, Sa'Jc.: turkeys., eholte to fancy. 12.1
lie; do fair to good, Dalle ; comn on 00 ,
8n"c ; dueks, v.iiLV.: geese, 7a1c. Keeelpts
-Flour, HW biirels and rides;
wheat, 10.000 bushels: com, lioino bush
rls; oats, 2'loiX bushels. Shipments
Wheat, 2000 bushels: corn, 151000 bush
els; oats, 42.00 bushels.
New York Grain and Produce.
New York. Feb. i0-Flour Steadier but
eiulet. Wheat Spot firm; No 2 jTd, 'ii'.
elevator: 7S1c, f o. h , afloat prompt:
No. 1 rorthern Dtiluth, Mijc f, o. b.
nlloat prompt; options opened firm at i.e.
ndvanie closed I'rm at 5;a5e. net ail
vanco; March dosed "fi'tc: May, 71'o.:
July, 747Nc. Coin-Spot strong; No. 2,
42'c. f. o. h, afloat; 41'f.c, eleiatoi; op
tions opened steady ami iuid strong
Willi .1 gnotl (ash elcpiand and last prices
Si, net ble-lier; Mav dosed 4)'it Dats
Spot llim; No. 2 2M21C.; No I iNC.: No
3 white. 11c; N'o do. Jl'.c; track
inUeil wostein, 2Sla!0".o.; white,
21n2: c.: options f ilet anil fcntuioiess. Hut.
tei .4lently, western en ninny, 21.t'2u.;
do. factory. Ptalie; June do., ht.u'l'-c.;
Iniltiitlon do, 17l2le.; slito dnlrv, Imi
2t'e : do creaniery, !lu?tc. cheese
bte'adyj fall m.ide fancy largo end small,
We give first showing today to a
very beautiful lot of Cotton Fou
lards, that are specially treated to
a mercerized process, giving them
every appearance of silk. All of
the rarely exquisite patterns that
appear in the richest of silk fou
lards are copied into these dainty
cottons. The colors are mostly
blue and lavender . grounds, with
white figures and designs. A very
large purchase makes their special
As you observe them in the Wyo
ming Avenue entrance window,
you'll pronounce them silk, and
worth the price of silk.
Washable, too.
Jonas Long's Sods
Pointed Paragraphs.
Rocker Talk.
Reed Rockers, were $3.75. 5-oo, $6.50, 12.00.
Now 2.7f, 3.75, 5.00, 9.50.
Fancy Rockers, were 3.75, .5. 7.00, $10.00.
Now 2.75, 4.00, $j.5o, $7.50.
Bed Talk,
Metal Beds, were $7.50. $10.00, $12.00, $15.00.
With best springs, now $.7$, $70, $9.90, $12
Bureau Talk.
Bureaus, white enamel or oak, Oval Bevel Plate
Glass, were $16.50; now $12.50.
-J' EftTAHLIffiEi) YFSTEWIlAV rx-t
v "TUU Ltv.rATmniri avc. .
East Mountain Litliia Water
Sold by All Firat-Class Druggists. Highly Rccom
mended by lMiyslclnns.
Offlrc 902 West J.ackawnnna Avenue, Scranton, Pa.
Uiialh.: choice Kiatles. IP il2'ie. ::,rrs
Weak: state mid l'i nnsvlvmil t. l'alSi.c.
at n. nk; western, at mark, l,cl5c.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
ChlciiM. 1'elt n-('.ittle with j,V1 lu
cre ise this wttk tin kit closed
stioiur. values p irtlv leenveied, Tt sans,
melpts. r,'2ii, ( loshu' llim: M wd ft til
ers mi hand, stead. , kooiI to iholie, $"2
ni 10, pool to medium, JUI'h), ml(2
stockers, J1 25.1 1 0, seleeted foodus. $I2"m
410; iiood to (holeo cows. $l'2"nlV); lie If
ers $1Va3 7r.. e iiiuers, U L"nJ ; hull'',
J2 7" il W, (alves, $1 SI iS; fed Trx. is beeves,
II I M Hoks Avetatto Cc. lower than
yisterelay; Kood clcirance, week's in
crease .ti(')0, mled and butchers. ItStH
.ri(i2'-.; Komi to choice hc.ivv. "ft ) il n",
llKhts, It -, hull; of sales, UWV-.hSM.
New York Live Stock.
New York, Peli 10 Heeves Nominally
steady. Calves l.ltllo ti.ule, prime veals,
f s 2", ; southern calves held ovci, i.
Sheep and I.ambs-8he ep, eiulet hut
steady; lambs, veiy dull, steady to Wo.
lower; sheep, medium to fair. SITSaSlJ'j;
lambs, pilme to (lioUe, " )7'sa5o. lloss
-Steady at 13 ffi.iD 10.
East Liberty Cattle,
B 11; roiiKhs, 2 W il,7.1 Hhetp Steady ;
clioleo wcthtrs. I1ii).iri.7.1; comnion,;
iholeo lambs, I7.i7 11; common to good,
1a7; veal culves, 17 iS
Oil Market.
Oil City, Vcli. 10. -Credit It duces. II t.'i
certliUates elo-ed cash oil ofitrid 111"?:
shipments le'2 121 biurets: avvraKc, Sti'US
lurrds: runs, '.S201 bairels; uveiage, Kfi,.
fiOa barrels.
l il l.lhnrlv. IV h. 10 ( 'ill lie Ktp.nlv
oNtra. S" rt)a"i S; pi lino. II S'a't.V), couinion,
l)2"ii!S0. Hoks Sti.idv : iiiedlums. laJOi
ft 21, heavy Voiktrs, l,r.i."i LO; llulit York-
... u ...1,1 ..Irru t-. if. ill" limiVV- Iwiitu -. IA.
Hnnuracturers or
435 to 455
N. Ninth Street,
Telcphou; Call, 2333.
To PATENT Good Idus
ni.iy be secured bj
our aid. Address,
Baltlmtrt, Md.
iiis s