The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 10, 1900, Morning, Page 10, Image 10

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IT IS TOSSlULi; that not even nil
the tncmbet-H of Ills own etinKiegn
tlnn fully npptecltite the remark -utile
iflflK which Itev. Dr. V. M.
(llllln, pitor of Klin 1'ark church,
pos.enKiK. The people hear him Sun
day nftcr Sunday. The olenitis ".-vloc-
In attended by Mint tin one nut
there In the tnornins. They listen with
the utmost Interest nnd ro nvvuv to
talk about his address clutlnfj the week,
but they hae all Kiown so accustomed
to the Hashes nf thought, the
keen, unalvtlcal Judgment, the richness
of mind that they Heart olv realUe what
a marvelous Intellect Ib the horltaKe of
this loco man. His Sunday morning
sermons ate models of mill Ituil help
fulness. The F.itl-'f.vlng faith, the
originality of view, the transcendant
genius wlilch Illumines these discourses
nnke them not alone a mental feast,
but u powerful Incentive tow art! leach
ing the happy optimistic plane upon
which he dwell".
Di. OKlln's evening addi esses pu
take more of the It etui e form and aie
Intensely Intel est Inc. TUo swiftness
ol his thought, the tleeiness of bis
(ompailsons and the endless resources
of his logic- ate sometimes almost stai ti
ling, anil, In short, his veisatlllty .ind
tllret tness of application b.iflles a lucid
explanation of his methods, and vet
he Is In no sense a sensational preith
er. If he wore pastor of a gloat city
(hut eh, as he might be heneci It
pleastd him to accept such a call, he
would bo the man to whom the masses
would flue K, and not alone, for with
them would go the most cullurtd and
exclusive, for he lias a mess me for
each. That moie unlet.sal sentiment
Is not openly expressed In concurrence
with these- comments Is because of the
chaiacteilstlc unu-sponsvenes of
Hcranton people. In their religion, ns In
evetything eWe, they are not given to
active demonstrations
The central city pulpits ate all flllt d
with men of uncommon ability. Dr.
Mc-Leod's forceful, deep and earnest
exposition of Sacred Wilt would make
a noble Impression upon any Intelli
gent congregation, and that he Is ap
preciated by bis people Is Incontiovert
Ible. Tlev. Ttogois Israel's deep splilt
uallty and Impissloned haste to biing
souls Into the kingdom ate almost like
a divine endowment. Ilev. IJi. It. I
Y. I'leice has a gift of languige that
In Itself, aside fiom his catnestnis of
puipoe, would attract thiongs whei
ever ho might be. Hey. Dr. C. Z.
Itobinsoti, with his -cholnily attain
ments, has a soul of such purity und
a heart that It so tout lied by the In
firmities of the meat, sad world that
he Is given late powet with the people
of every cItss. ev. Mr. Allien vvl'h
his intensity of religious feivor and
exceptional ability In gospel pi cub
ing wields a wide Influence beyond his
little lloi k The same cm be s ii of
the Lutheran and other cleigymen.
We have all heatd those men speak.
Peihaps now 'ind then a member of I
the eongtegatlon -as to the p-toi :
"You did well this day. The setmon
helped me." Hut why do we not say
this of toner And why do we not go to
otheis outside of the chinch and speak
proudly of the nnn who Is stiiving
with all his might to miko us hotter
men and women.' Whv do we not of
fnor sound the ptalscs of these bril
liant, capable pastors of our, ivho ate
dally toiling as haul In their way as
the liboter, who tnaj sit In the back
pew and who slips quietly out of
thuith after the st-imon? We could
make our mlnistets and our chinches
populai It we pialsed tluin and boasted
of their woith as wo sound the tocsin
for our business Inteiests, our ftlends'
popularity, our charitable fads.
Itevhnls and evangelists, atcoidlng
to the popular acceptance of the teun,
aie not In especial favor In this com
munity. Quietly and. with unhernlded
tlteets the woik of the old-time levl
vallst Is being done by the pastois.
As was remaiked In IJlm Park ehuich
on Sunday last If aftera levival of four
oi five weeks' duration, twenty eon
vet ts had been recoided, the fact would
have been souniW abroad In all the
thuith papets, nnd it would have been
t onsldered an Indication of signal Pen
tecostal grace, but twenty poisons pre
sented themselves at the altar on that
day as candidates for admission to Un
church on ptobatlon and otherwise, but
nothing was said about the niattei, as
It is an otdlnaiy occuuence for the
first Sunday In the month.
The Woild's Student Philstlan 1'ed
eiatlon has appointed Pebnury U .is
a special day of ptafr for students.
This oiganlzation includes l.sou stu
dent societies, with e membership of
ovci 11,000 student-- and pitifessoi.s In
Aim lea. (.rent Hiltnln, Canada.
Kttrope. Afiica, India, Co Ion, Japan,
China nnd other Iinils. A convention
of this student f delation Is to he held
In France In the summer of Itoo. Th
past year Ins seen irnikcd piogtess
In the C'lnlstlan work and in'luence la
th" Institutions of learning. Sunday
will be observed ns a day of pialse for
the number of students who have ae
topkd Clirist, for 'the Increased Inter
eint ,ln Hlblo stutly, nnd for thy
sttengthtnlng of the lends uniting
students of nil laces and Inula; and
ns.ii day of supplication for continue,!
and greater Inteicst In thu work of
bringing students to Clnlst who shall
devote their llvvs to His service.
The plans aie now being fotmed
for a great stale convention of
"Methodists, lnyn'n and clergj-
nen, to be held in Octobei next
,-for .tho purpose ot considering
the, Int-.rests of th Uenniuli uiloti with
in, tho lines of Pennsjlvanla. The
.proposition, In which thousands of
cMethodlst? thioiighout Pennsylvunla
are deeply Inteusted, Is now going thu
loujids of the vailous pieachcrn' niC2t
Ittpu, and will ulso bj submitted to the
'Vailous confeieiutit, at their spilng
meetings, lor their action and ap
proval, The r-ommlttcn in limine of
the arrangements, consisting of Ulshop
ryrus Foss, chilrman, Uov. C. A. Res-
'ivt'll. secretary; Ittv. J. H. .1. McCon
nell. Ilev. S. W. Thomas, Hev. J, W.
K-iyrcB. Itev. J. O Wilson nnd Itev.
H." A. Hellner. Is now lnrd ut woik
preparing plans for tho eonvouMon,
but It Is not rendv o nnnouuen doll,
iittelv tho plnen of nicr-ilnc,' or ho Js
tails Involved In tli m iveni nt.
though It W'ptobable llmt Haiil'jbuis
or some other central point will be se
lected. Itev. Hoswcll ha. bi-tn In com
munication with cleipymin and lay
men thtoughout tho state concerning
the matter nnd the gieatest Interest
Is imnlfestetl nt nil points.
In srcaklng about tbf convention,
Ilev. ('. A. Hoswell said: "There aie
"eveial .Melhodlst ttinferences In
Pemis.vlvaiila. and about 121,000
church members. Ther5 have arisen
various questions nffcei'ng tho Inter
ests of the church In thU state, nnd It
has been suggested that n fieo and full
discussion or these will be profitable
to the chmcli. It Is not Intended to
touch upon matteis nffeclln?- the
church in other states. We cannot an
nounce any of the details at present,
but the committee will shortly hold a
series of meetings to discuss tho plans.
When these are determined they will
be submitted to the v.nloim hurch
organizations throughout ths state."
Sometimes a woik gos on In distant
paits of the city nnd little Is known of
It by those? who suppoit it. And less
by the general public until nn appeal
comes for largei means to enny on a
larger work. The work of tho Young
Women's Chrlstlnn asMiclntion Is be
ing carried on not only In the Cenlial
City but on the South Side, In Hd2
Park and Providence. To those who
ask what Is being accomplished wo
would sugpest that a trip to the South
Side on some of the club nights or an
some of the Junior davs would answer
all question. Last evening the Loy
alty club of the South Side, enter
tained the T. F. C. club of the Hvcl"
Paik branch. The rooms wcie ptettllv
decoiated and the Iojalty club wis
seated and singing v. hen tho T. K. C.
club entered. The club s ngs and calls
weie given In n way that showed the
gicetlng to be most cordial. The
president of the Loyalty club, Miss
Uarbaia Gcbhart, presided, and a mu
sical and literary programme was rcn
cieied. After the programme Mrs.
Hippie, the president of the associa
tion, was called upon for remarks and
the gills gave her th.' Chautauqua si
lute. Her remarks were full ot n
coinaFcment and apprcciatlcn. This
work for young clrls Is the most sat
Isfactoiy work done In the nssoclattnn,
but It has giown to null nn extent
that Iniger quartets are needed to
c-ury It on. Mls Van.Vort and Miss
Wilcox have the clubs in chaige. aad
much credit Is due ftv able mainge-
On M.ucli ft and 10 the soml-anmnl
convention of the Simpson union of
Kpworth Leagues will be hold at
Claik'.s Summit. The topic for discus
sion will be "John Wesley," and -vai-I
nis phases of it w 111 be assigned to
i':fteient leagueis. The olllcers of th"
union aie: Piesident, W. A. anford,
Waverly; vice piesident, Thomast
Kierge, Tails- secretin, Miss rieorei i
Hunt, Claik's Summit: tieasurer, X..
IJ Millet Factoiyvllle.
The following musical selections will
he i metered at Kim Park church to
moi row under tho dliectlon of J. Alfred
Pennington, oiranlst and music direc
tor: Monxixn.
Organ pi elude. Adagio la A Dunham
Choir. "The Sun Shill He Xo More
Thy Light bv Daj" Woodward
Organ, Offtrtoiy in D Doshajes
Choir, "1'iom Hgpt's Hondago Come '
Orsin, prelude and fugue Bach
Org in, pi elude In C Macl'arren
Choir. "O Tasto and See' Mulston
Organ, offertoiy hi U Capooci
Din t, selet ted.
Tenor solo, "To-.el by the Tempest,"
Oigin, postludo In (5 HucI
The quattotto choir ot tho First Pies,
bjterlan church will lender the fol
lowing programme of music tomonow
under the direction of J. T. Walking;
Anthem, "O God, the Heavenly
Father ..'. Choir
Soprano solo Selected
Mrs. Kathryn Thlele.
Anthem, "Nearer My God to Thee,"
Anthem, "Guide Me, O Thou Gieat
Jehovah" D. Huck
I'mUi the dliectlon of J. M. Chanco
the following musical selections will
be used at the Set ond Ptesbyteilan
church tomoirow:
Oigan pi elude, Choial In Y. majoi.
Dosha os
Anthem. "Sing Allelulla Forth."
Dudley Huck
Offeitoiy-solo, "To Vic toi".NiedlInger
Mr. Gippel.
Organ postlude Hiidge
Organ pi elude, Andante Hiidgu
Anthem. "Sweet Is Thy Mercy,"
Miss Hlaek und Choir.
Offeitoiy, male quartette, "At Hven-
Ing Time" Stebblns
Messrs. Gippel. Williams, Torrey
and llolllster.
Oigan postlude, "Match Tiluniph-
ant" ,'.., Costa
Sunday school, orchestra selection,
Y. I'. S, C. K , violin solo.
Miss Maiy Dickson
Vocal solo Mr. Halph Williams
IRelgtotB News Notes,
The set vice ut the Hescue Mission
tonight will be in charge of Itev. Wil
liam LMgar, of Providence.
The sessions nf the Wyoming con
feienco will open nt Oswego, X. Y
April 18, with lllshop Toss as presiding
Gospel meeting at the Young Wo
men's Clulstlan usboclutlon at J.45 p.
ni. All women und glils ate Invited.
Gospel meeting at the West Scranton
Young Women's Christian association
ut 3.K. All women and gills are In
vited. Tomorrow's Services
Salut Luke's Parish. Rer. lingers
Isiuel, rector; Itev. K. J. Ilaughton,
senior curate; Itev. M. JJ. Xash, Junior
Septuageslma Sunday.
St, Lulte'H ehurch 7.30 a. m holy
communion: lo."0 a, m moinlng pray
er und sermon; 7.J9 p. in., evening pray-
Sunday-Schsol Lesson for February 11,
Jesys ainid NkodemniMs
Secretary of American Society of Religious Education.
COXNECTIOX.-lt Is Impossible to
detetmlno how long time elnpsrd be
tween the. events of last lesson and
those of tho piesent ltssoli. We ato
Indebted to John for anv mention ot
what tinnsplred In the meantime nnd
his at counts may not be complete.
, His brief sketch, however, fuinlshcsr
an Intt resting connection. Having
gained His first disciples Jesus re
pull oil with them to Cam nf Galilee,
sevetlng all connection with the Hap
tlst. At a weddln? He wrought His
lii st miracle, making wlnu out of
i water. Thneo He made a very hastv
trip to Capernaum, which was near
the home ot his rew-made disciples.
After this Ho went up to Jerusalem
to attend tho passover, Illi first after
His biptlsm, and drove the tiatlers
nut nf the temple. This bravo act.
together with Ills general bearing nn 1
speech, attracted the attention of all,
and his fame quickly spicad ntnong
all classes through the city.
KXQtTIKY (Veists t and 2).Those
were the el. s of Christ'q popularity.,!
Jle liacl not jet nrrajed the govern
ing classes against Him. On the con
tiaiv. mnnv In hlph places were dis
posed to regard Him with maiked re
spect. One, a ruler of the Jews, tint
I-, a member of the S.inhediln, Xlco
demtis, sought Jesus In a private In
terview, selecting the night senron ns
nffoidlng most favoiable condition
(John xlx, 39). His nppiouh was emi
nently tespoetful, free fiom any evl
tlence of Intilgue. He nddicsed Jesus
as "llabbl." the most appiopilate tltl
at that time, when the lcnl nature of
out Loid vas undei stood by none,
and openly acknowledged the oxilted
ml'-slon of Christ as coming fiom God,
evidenced by His wondei ful deed
This lemark was equivalent to a re
quest for Instruction, nn enquliy nf
tcr tho gieit Teacher's doctrine. Xlco
demif had assumed the nttitude of a
WOXDLH (Versrs 3 and 4). Jesus
Immediately opened to His Illustrious
visitor the great central truth of the
Christian religion, declaring that It
was Impossible for my man to so
the kingdom of God unless he wns
boi n igaln, or born fi .an above. This
was Intended to toiitct the miscon
ception of the Jes, ho thought of
the Kingdom as outwaid and tem
poral, vvheieas, it was In lenlity spltlt
ual (John xv ill. ",ii) Fntll this v low
was iibt.itnetl Xltodemus could make
nn piogies In the- school of Clnlst
(Gal. l, 11). The bold Irlllal state
nnnt staitled the uilei. He bad all
his I'lc been taught that the teed of
Abiahnm wore subjects and the icstor
niion of David's kingdom war the end
to 12 --ought. Pesldts, the w tails of
Jesus were milnteiproUd, and he ivn
tilled with wonder at the thought that
a man might a second
phsical blith. How vas that pos'I
ble? HXPLAXATloX (Veisew .1 and 6).
Condescendlng to the stete ot tli3
niler's mind Jesus explained His
---- -
er and seimon: 9 11 a. m, 'Sunday
school and Hlhle classes
St. Mnik's Dunmore S a. m, holy
communion: 1010 a. m, seimon and
holy communion; 7 30 p. m., evening
prajer and seimon; .1 p. m, Sunday
school nnd Hlble classes.
1'ast Hnd Mission, Proscott avenue
1 p m., Sunday school and Hlble class
es; 7.30 p ni , evening prajer and ser
mon. South Side Mission. Fig stieet 210
p. in., Sunday school and Hlble classes.
St. Ge-oigo's, Olj phmt .' 10 p in,
Sunday school and Hiblo classes: 3 !0
p. m., evening piajer and seimon.
Church of the Good Shephetd, coiner
Gieen Hldge street and Monsey avenue
Hev. Plane Is H. Hateman, ret tor.
Septuageslma Sundaj. Holy commun
ion nt 7.10 a. in ; moinlng prajer and
seimon at 1010 a. m.; Sunday school at
.'30 p. m.; evening ptayer und sounon
at 7..J0 p. m. All welcome.
Cluist's church, corner Washington
avenue and Park street Services 10 10
a m , 2.30 p. m. and 7.30 p. m. All seats
fiee. All welcome. P. S. Ballentlne,
St. David's pailsh, Edward James
McHenry, rector Celebrations of Holy
Kuchailst at 7.30 and 10 30 a. in,: even
song nt 7.30 o'clock: Sunday school at
2 30 p. m.
Evangelical Lutheran.
Septuagesinm Sunday. Gospel, Matt.,
jo.i-ic: epistle. I Cot.. lx:24-n.
ht. Muik'- Washbuin and Fout
tcenth btleets, Hev, A. I Hamei, Pli.
D., tiastot Sci vices at 10 :,0 a. m. and
7 p. in.; Luther league at 6 p. m.j Sun
day school at 1-' m. Moinlng subject,
"God's Call foi Laboteis In His Vlne
jaid:" evening subject, "An Altai to
the Unknown God."
Holy Trlnltj-, Adams avenue and
Mulbunv street, Hoy. C. G. Spleker.
pastor Services at 10 "o a. m. and 7.10
p. m ; Luther le tgue at li 30 p. m.; Sun
tlay school at 1 m,; Catechumens meet
Monday at 7 p. m.; Hlble study Wed
nesday nt 7 11 p. in.
St. Paul's, Short avenue. Hev, W. C,
L. Luuei, pastoiSei vices at 10 30 a.
in. and 7.30 p. m ; Sunday school at
2.30 p. in.
Zlon's, Mlllllii avenue, Hov. P. P.
Ziztlmunn, pastor Services nt 10 30 a,
m : Sunday school nt -' p. m.
Clnlst ehuioh, Cedar avenue nnd
Hcech stieet, Hev. James Wltke. pas
toi Set vices at 10 30 a. m. and 7.30 p.
in.: Sunday school at 2 p. in,
St. Putci's. Piescott avenue, Hov.
John Handolph, pastor Serv Ices at
10.30 a. hi, and 7.30 p. m.; Sunday school
at 2 p. in.
Giace Hvcngclleal Luthctan chinch
of tho General Sjnoel, coiner Madison
avenue und Mulberry stieet Hev. Lu
ther Hess Waring, pastor. 0 30 a, m
Sundaj' school: 6.13 p. in., Young Peo
ple's socletj. Seveial addi esses will bo
given on "Tho Lutheian Chuich In
Hui ope," especially Sweden and Ger
many. 10.30 . m. and 7.30 p. m.. dlvlno
w oi ship: morning topic, "For oi
Against?" Evening topic: "Lot All
Thlno Enemies Perish." Evviybody
Methodist Episcopal.
Elm Park thurih Piajer and pialsn
service at ') 30; preaching ut 10.30 a. m.
and 7.J0 p. in. by tho pastor, C, M. Glf
tlu, D. V.; at IJ in., half hour Bible
study In Sunday school loom; Sunday
school at J and Epvvorth League at
6 30 p. m.
Simpson Methodist Episcopal church.
Hev. J. H. Sweet, pastot Morning
class meeting at 9 30; pu-uchlng service
at 10 30 a, m. Heceptlon on probation
nt tho moinlng service. Sunduy school,
G, L. Peek, esq., superintendent, at IJ
m.; Junior league. Miss Crawford,
supeilnteudont, at 2.50 p. nn; Young
Men's meeting, W. J. Sutton, leader, at
i i. in.; L'pwoith league union with
JOHN 111, 1-38.
words. A innn must be born of tho
water and of the uplift, lly water Is
meant baptism; by the tplrlt Is meant
the- renewal of the henit by tho power
of the Holy Ghost (Titus III, ".). It Is
clear fiom this tint bapllsin alone
does not regenerate, but that Clnlst
i elnlnccl It In His ssttm (Mark xvl,
M), us did alo the apostles (Acts II,
S), Hclo wo have the nioJe of enter- T
Ing Into the kingdom. God vvoiks In
the heart and the minister Inducts
Into the (.hutch. Hut why Is the wntu
placed before the sphlt .' Many leycrsa
this otdcr. An answer to the question
would occupy much space. It will bj
wise for every stu lent to look up the
subject for himself. Having thus set
fottli the nntuie of tho new birth
Jesus futther replies to tho question
of Xlcodenius by saying that any
number of births by the flesh would
elfoct no change. Th bit 111 ot thu
spirit produces splilluallty
MYSTL'HY (Voices 7 and S). It
wus a most elevated thenie which
Jesus had thus presented to Ills ne-v
ritudent, one which he cni'ld h.irdlv
expect to undei stand, n theme which
has puzzled the best minds fiom that
iliy to this. In a very kindly way,
theiefoie, He endeavored to relieve
the evident embairissment ot Xlco
domus. liv nrclncr him not In maivel
at the statement undo. While the
new blith was full of mstety, so
were the most common oecuiiences In
nature. The wind, with which nil
vveio lamlllar, cure und went, and
no one know Its might or destination
It could not even be seen. There was
merely the sound and the Impieslon
or effect. Men talked about tin- move
ments of the ntinospheie wlthuiil re
solve while whally ignoiant concern
ing It. Why then should they marvel
because of tho announcement of a
spiritual foi cc opeiatlng upon th"
spirits of men. 'the latter was. no
more a cauue for wondei or doubt
than tho former (1 Cot. II, 11).
A15THOIJ1TY (Veises . 10, 11, 12, 11)
The mind of Nlcodennn had not
come to rest He had not jet accept
ed tho introductory tiuth, and noth
ing could be done until he cild. "How
tan these things be'" was bis ques
tion. Tho two-fold leplv of Jesus,
shifted the line of thought fiom tlu
l.itlonal to the autluuitatlve InsK
Fllsl, He quelled how .1 mill t ollld
come into a place of jviwer in Ist.i"!
without knowintc tl"u things
Judaism was not a men- nutter of
ceiLinonv. but ol the hi ait (Psalm II
10), and Ji".us only rout;ht to ieill7i
In the people what had hem lackln,;
thioiigh all the iMiliirieH (Dcut. v. .'1),
as evei.v well In'ti noted Jew ough
to hive known. Second. If Nleoil"'
mus was ignoiant .Tcsus v as ait. He
had come from heaven, as the foimer
confessed, and has stati d what He
knew to bo ti no, whit Ho wis well
qualified to sav concctnlng the king
dom of heavtn Moieover, no otlur
was tiialllled. He theiefoie suggest
ed to the uilcr that it vws stiang
this testlmonj', sought if It had l03n,
should not he leeched
'' - -
Junlois it C30 p. m : evening preach
ing soi vice at 7.10 o'clock, seimon bv
the pas ton All scats fiee. A coidlal
welcome to nil.
Hampton Stieet Methodist Episcopal
chuich, Hev. James Denningei, pastor
Preaching set vice at 1010, subject,
"Tho Piogtess of Chilstlanlty," the an
nual mlsslonaij- seimon. Class at 11.!)
n. in ; Sunday school at 2 p. m.:
Junlois at .1 p. m.: Epwoith league at
C30 p. in Evening prenchlng service
at 7. '0 o'clock; subject. ' The Pie idling
of Philip at Samaria." Scats fiee and
a toi dial welcome to all
The usual services of Piovldciiee
Methodist Episcopal chinch will, b
held tomonow. Pi caching bv the pin
toi. Hev. William Edgai. Subject at
10 50 a. in , "Our Vcteinns," subject at
7. iO p. m . "The Eagle's Xest." Sun
day school at 2 p. in.: Epvvorth league
nt 6 41 i. m. Seats free. All aie wtl
eome. AVatson Avenue Methodist Episcopal
chuich, Lincoln Heights Services to
monow: Sunday school at 2 p. in.;
preaching service at 6 p. m.
Asbuij M. E. chuich, corner of Mon-sej-
avenue and Delawaie street Hev.
W. G. Simpson, D. D pistor. Devo
tional meeting nf the Iliotlieihood of
St. Paul ut 9 ?( a. m.: pu aching at
lOLO a. ni ; Sunday school at .' iO p. in.;
Senior Kpwotth League at C.'O p. in.
preaching at 7.30 p. in.; piayer meet
ing Wednesday at 7.30 p. m , Brothei
hood of St. Paul Tuesday at 7.30 p. in.
Seats ti oe All welcome.
Couit Stieet Methodist Eplcopil
church, G. C. Lyman, pastoi Love
I Vast at 9.43 a. in,; pleaching at 10,10
a. m. by Hey. A. Grlllln, D. D . followed
b- the administration nf the Loid's
Suppoi ; Junior league nt ".30 p. in,:
Epwoith league at 010 p. m.; preach
ing at 7.30 p. m. by the nastor. Seats
fiee. All an- welcome.
Cedat Avenue M. E. c-huich V. P
Dotj. pastor. Sundaj- sei vices Feb
iiuiiy 11, 1900. Hcvival set vice 4 con
tinued ut evening seivlco. Tho pastor
will pteach at 10 10 a. in. and 7.30 p in.
Sibbath school at 11.43 a. in.; Junior
Epwoith League, 3 :.0 p. m: Senlot
Epwoith League, C 30 p. m. A cnrdlll
welcome to all.
Howard Place A. M. E. chuich 10 30
a. m. and 7.43 p. ni.: preaching by Hev.
J. H. Grant, of Wllkcs-H mo- 2 10 p
in , Sundaj- school, Hov, J, M Gllmere,
Clink's Summit M. E. ehurch Hev.
C, H. Hejnoltls. pistor. 10 a. nn Sun
day school, u a. m preaching bj- tho
pastor. 6 45 p. ni Epwoith League:
7.30 p. m, Miss Minnie F. Shuj-, nf
Philadelphia, Hevlval sei vices everj
evening at 7.30 o'clock. Miss Shay will
assist tho pastor.
Chinchilla M. E. chinch Quatterly
meeting at 210 p. ni. Hev. Dr. Gilllln
will preach.
riist Piesbyterlin chinch Sei vices
10 30 a. m., 7.30 p. m. Dr. McLeod will
preach at both sei vices. Mid-week
ptayer nnd pialse meeting Wednesday
at 7.45 o't lock.
Second Piesbyteilnn church; Sei'
lces 10,30 a. ni , 7.30 p. in. Di. Hoblu
son will preach morning and evening.
Tho topic In the evening will bo "Do
mar, the Woild Lovoi." All are coi
dlally Invited.
Washbuin Stieet Presbyterian
church Rev. John P. Moffat, D. U
pastor. Services ut 10 30 a. in. and 7,30
p, in.; Hlble school at 12 nn; Union
services ot C. E, societies at 3 30 p. ni.;
prayer meeting Wednesday 7.30 p. m.
Tho pastor will pi each moinlng nnd
evening. Subject for morning ser
mon, "Evil In tho Chuich," Special
music both services.
'Green ltldgo Piesbyterlan church
Hev. Isaac J. Lnnslng, pastor: Hev. L.
It. Foster, assistant. 10.30 service of
worship with seimon by tho pastor; 12,
SYMUOL (Verses 14 and lr,). Xlco
demus was silent, ns well he might
be In suoh nn nwkaid predicament.
Ho had sought Instruction of a tamous
teacher vvhtisi diameter nut! ability
he had conf, ssod, but li hnil dlspluved
his lgiumitue by giving a cainnl In
terpretation to that which win spirit
ual. He had failed to apprehend what
an Intelligent Jew ought to know nnd
declined to itcelve th" wordi of on
who did know. Jesus advanced to
fhow how the "pliltunl Lit lit might !
secured. It was to be by faith In the
uplifted or crucified Son of nnn (Act i
xvl, 31). Thus eatly In ills caieei did
Jesus lefor to Hll death and to the
atonement to be made thereby, nnd
to the method bj which that atone
ment was to bo mnd" available foi
nun's splrltuil good (Ttnm, v, S). To
mike nil this InteHlglble to His pupil
He employed nn Old Tctatuent sym
bol, familiar to eveiy Jew. The soi
pent (n the wilderness rnlsed on u
polo bv Mo'es was the embl-ur. of
Clnlst elevated on the cross.
DOCTItlXL' (Vetses 1, 17. 1) Ld
on In this way step by t-p Xlcodemus
next listened to the rubllmrst nnd pm
toundest words tint ever fell upon
me ears oi moicius, jesus iiecnri-ti i
to him sevoinl grc it docilities whos"
ecposltion would consume mote spne i
than cm be heto nllov.'cd. I'list, God
loved the world, GentllT as well n"
Jevvi a staitllng osoition to a Jew
ish inlet; second, that love ot Go I
for the i.uo ol nnn piomptod th"
If t of Ills Son, who tame not as the
Jews had supposed he would, to io
store tholr political pt.ucr and break
their bondage to Heme, thhd, all men,
ovi'r.v where. Gentlh s as well as Jew i,
who believe In this Son, the only be.
gotten, should have ovci listing life,
life heio nnd life bejond the giave:
four'h, th" mission of the Son to tho
earth was not as a Ju Ige but a Sav
lom; fifth, while all this looks to the
futuie life for its consummation, n
hns lespect at tho Fame time to the
picent llft. Relief now trees fiom
HIU'LIXTIOXS -Whv is It tint
men will not begin at the light pi. ice
In the study of the ChiWtlnri religion.'
They ask tun stlons inrumeiable upon
r.nv second iry nntlers, foigcttlni;
tint until they luv" &pcileiuctl tin
n"w birth thtv aie In iu condition to
undei'-tiiitl anv thing. The gicat men
of the oi III are nskln? "IIov. '" If
they would but believe In Jesus end le
t"lve bv the Holy Gho--t the r"w na
tuie theie would come cleirei vision
'1 Cfi. II, 14. Then rainy of theli
questions would be nnswet"d, whlh
otheis of them would bD dismissed as
unlriportant Then, alro, they would
easily advance fiom until to tiuth.
fiom grace to pi ace, in a wiv tint
would b" mcitaslng'y t'ellghtful. Kil
ter by the dooi Into the kingdom (John
, (i), nnd the mind nnJ heait shaM
bo at I est. If Jesus is worthy of oui
filth lot m accept Hlt'i and hoar Him
(Matt. xvll. .1).
Hlble schol; 6 30, Chiistlan Endeavor.
"."0, sei vice with seimon by the pas
tor: dtli seilo-i on the 'Oiigln nnd Uses
of Faith" .1 p. m, dedication of Cap
ouso elnpel, conducted by Hev. I J.
Lansing, Hev. Ij. It. Fostei and Mi.
Kobe-it Wilson. Music bv Gieen Hdge
thin eh tholi. To these sei vices a coi
dlal Invitation Is extended,
Sumner Avenue Pitsbj toilnn i hutch
Pi aver service at 10 30 a. m : Sund iv
school 2 p m. The Hi v. P. II. Hrooks
will pi each at 6 p in. Clulstlan En
deavor at 7 o'clock.
Piovide-iue Pieshyte-iian i lunch
Hev. Geoige E. Guild, D. D, pistol. Hj
special n quest the pastor will give- In
the moinlng an address on "Chiiiih
Finances." Sundaj- schol at 12 o'clock.
Endeavoi -oclety meeting at 6 31
o'elotk; evening scivln- with sermon
and special music- at 7.30 o't lock.
Pellli Avenue Baptist chuich. Pent!
avenue between Spi uce and Linden
stieets Preaching moinlng nt 10 30 and
evening at 7.30 by the pastor, Hev.
Kobert r. Y. Pierce. Morning ptnyets
In the lower temple nt 9 43 Topic of
moinlng seimon, "The Victorious Life;"
Bible schools meet at 2 o'clock, Sun
day school at the Ameiman Memoilal
tabernacle on Piescott avenue nt 3.30
p m. Young Peopli's Soclet j-of Cluls
tlan Endeavoi ut 0 10 p. in. Tonic of
evening seimon, "Heaven and Hell, or
Wheie Will You Spend EtcinltjV Hip
tlsms dining the evening set vice. The
seimon In the auditoiiuin will be lol
lowed by evangelistic sot vices In the
lower temple.
Plist Baptist chinch, Main avenue.
Hev. S. I'. Mathews, pastoi The usual
sen Ices Sabbith moinlng and evening
ntll '0 and 7.30 o'i lock. Sunday school
nt 2 30 p. in. at Plv mouth church, Dr
Beddoe. superintendent; Hiptlst Young
People's union prayer meeting at 6 30
p. in at Ivoilte hall: weekly piajer
nuetlng at 7.10 p. in, Wednestliy; In
dustilul school Satuiday at 2 p. in. lit
tvoilti- hall. All an- coidlilly Invited.
Jackson Street Baptist church Hev.
Thomas de Gruchy, pastoi. Piayer
meeting 9 30. led by ltlchaid Xlcholls.
Services at 10 30 will bo conducted by
1). H. Williams. Sunday school at 2 0o
P. m, Alfitd Huberts, supeilntendent.
Prolessor James Hughes will have
chatge of the evening service at 7
o'clock .mil will preach. All ate cor
dially inv Ited.
Green Kldgo Baptist church Pleach
ing by the pastor at 10.30 a. in and
7 30 p. m. Subject In tho moinlng,
"Taka Heed How Ye Heal." In tho
evening, "The Symbolism of Baptism."
Baptism nt the close of the ovenlnr;
sermon. Sunday school at 11.41 a. in,
meeting nf tho Juniors nt 3 30 p. in.;
of tho Senior at 6.30 p. in.
Giate Hefoimed Episcopal thuith.
Wjomlng avenue- be-low Mulbeuy
stieet Jtev. ueoigo n. wricn, pastoi,
Piayer and pialse seivlco ut 9.30 n. in..
divine u ni ship at 1010 n. in. and 7.'.0
p. nn; preaching by tho pastor ut both
services; morning: "VvaiKtng iy
Faith," He-brews 11,3. 0 Evening:
"Studies lu Xecluulah: Tho Sixth Vis
ion God's Judgment Upon Sin," Xech
uiluh 5:1, 4. Sabbath school at 12
o'clock noon; Young Pioplu's society ot
Clulstlan Endeavor at 6 20 p. m. Scats
all freo nt each service. Strangeis al
wajs welcome. Tho Union Bible tlass
tor i tho Htuciv ot tne lesson every
Thursday evening at 7.11 o'clock.
Calvary Hefoimed chinch, Monioi
avenue nnd Gibson stie-tt Key. M. L.
Flror. pastoi. Sotvleo Sunday 10 30 a.
m . 7.10 p. in.: Sunday school, 11,43 a.
in.; C. K, 6,45 p. m. On Wednesday
evening, S p. in. Febutary 14 pastor
(Continued on Pago 12
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