stS&ffi FV tribune. tzni. -m mx crouton TWO CENTS. SORANTON. PA., THURSDAY MORNJXG. FEBRUARY 8, 1900. TWO CENTS. SlBNI!!?'"HlBiHBpSfi(HlHKSE399sKn!lS BULLER'S ADVANCE GOES STEADILY ON igainst Stubborn Opposi tion the British Capture an Important Position. .'WO DAY'S HARD FIGHTING Ta the Early Part of the Struggle the Boers' Artillery Fire Wns Too Much for the Biitish and Their Infantry Retieated; but Later the Attack Was Renewed In a Differ ent Place, the Boers Were Sur prised and the Biitish Gained Pos session of a High Ridge This News Is Confhmed by the Boers. Fighting Repotted at Stejkstioom. Robeits and Kitchener Leave for the Front. London, Cob. !. 1 a. in. The HiltMi 'olumus nie putting themselves in motion in all puts of the South Afri can win Held. A (omblned attack upon tho Boeis appeals to bo In piooos. Bulk i 1ms gamed a footing mi tho plateau not th of tho Tugolu, nftoi two elajs' lind lighting. On the fa l t ttci n botdoi, Loid Mothuen lus begun .1 tinning movement against the Boors' light, whllo Gcnciul Mac Don ald threaten', the Hoots' Hank, thus 10 llcving Hie piossui" on Lord Mcthutn's flout. Lmd Kobe its li is, an online to an Infoimant In ilose touch with tho w ir office, begun the m.uch on Blom fonttln. Tho Hopis hive taken the iu ltlitlve" against Geneial Gutaoto. nt tioklng two of his positions at Stetk stioom. Forward Movement On. It i cully looks as though tho goneinl forw.nd move su long taiilcd was In pi oki pss. (initial Build's thlid at tempt at lellovlng L.ulvsmith ubsoiba attention The censor has nppaiently i eclated messages wilttcn Monday or Tuesday to Wednesday. Fiom these It is dear that Cruet nl Buller up to Tus da had taken one hill, had lepulscd a Hoir, holding the position against an cntlludlng tiro fioin Splon Kop and Doorni Kloof. His 'osspv. us mentioned by one ooi respond ent, .no JiO The onl.v telegtums fiom Iiotis' houiies nsspit that one of Gcn ei, il Bullet's attempts to seize the folds failed, but tliej mlmi' that he has Indgi d fouls on one kope. Light on Coin Ml Bullei's opiiatlons ceases lit i f. the uui ojlb o not eon tiibuting any inform itlun. Thieo thou sand nioio militia have been oulued to piepate foi t mbaikutimi. Tho obsolete guns t the v.iilnus eoist di tomes aie belli:; it plated with umdoin naval guns. The government Is pupating a plan to be submitted to pni liatuplit foi the oon visiiii of the jiomanr.v. voluntetis and militia into a woll-oignnltil and ptopoilv equipped atmv for homo de ft use. Tiom Speai man's, Camp. Loudon, i.vii -The Stimd.iul hi" the follow ln fumi Spi at man's ('amp dated IVbuniy 7. 'The foi e under 'leneial J'till.M Is ngiln inivaiu.,1 to the toilet of Ladv smith, mil ift. t two das of s(oto lighting it nnv fiiily bo said to have ill ido good tho Hist M0 on the i cud to the b. tclgul town. "Tho moveimnt wn- begun at .in eailv buuniug bv way of Pilgoltct.s iJtilt The Hlivonth brigade, toinilu a pait nf tho tlfili division under Win ion. inuk a fiont upon the ko . s on iur fiont. Tho n-s.jult way dellveted at tin outset undo! cover of nival guns on Mount Uloo, tiul tihorui ,Hlv uii doi that of -ield butttilts. Tho Infuii li.v 'ldvatiiid Mtadllv tovviml the Hoer entienehed position .it Hiaktonteln. and ktpt 'lit eiiPinv bm-H.v eniplo.ved. "While this divitslui vas being undo the run. lining of the Infantiy told off the attutk. ivho had blvniiHtkod Fnnd.iy night under .Mount Allte, inoved along at the foot of waits Kop In the dilution of n.u right. " pontoon budge v. as tin own .u loss the Tugrln bv the onclnoi is un der tho fito of tin. ununv. The llit txttallon to trove nnoss In tht fine noon vv is the Dm hum Light Infantiy. of Geneial L Melon's bilgado. They Pdvanred 'igaltist Vail Knmt7, vvhliii li"s on the most dlreil load to Ladv Rliilth, and after two bonis' rnlonclld vvuik thev got within r lunging dli- tunto of tho ltOCtir. At Bayonet Point. 'The fiin of the koiJes was i.uiled bv them at the point of the bavun-t with the utmr-t gall.ntiv. Mumst slnuiltantoiifly tho disl biltullm Hllla brigade cleat td tlv sf mhuI kopje and, after moving atio-s iho long ildge, li" blvouaek. d on tho spiult. The feint attiek ut Potgiot-i's Ptift hnv ing reived Its purpos.j in pieventlng the oontentration of the on-my at the iltlial point, tho Klevmih hilg.ido fell baik to the tlvi't. In the com no of the npxiutloii the artlllerv had nepii sub Jei ted to h seveto shtll tile. "Vestetddy tTuebduj) ut in the afternoon, tho enemy, one oui aged by their silicons at Splon Kop, endeavored to recapture the position taken by us nt Vaal Krantz. They wore beaten bark, however, with loss. Tho vvoik accomplished so far has bepn splen didly done. The shell and Muxlm ho poured In by the Hoeis has been ox tfemely sovete, but our losses ate, comparatively speaking, small. The Dut him Light Infantiy took a few prlsoneis In the course of thplr charge. "The enemy, us usual, fought with the utmost stubbornness, the British manouevrlnp and the nocuiney of aim on the part of the British nttlllery dur ing the lighting on Monday were be .vond praise. There Ik not the slight est llkillhood that the lioers will suc ceed In dislodging us trom the position wo have galmd, and the piospects of the relief of Ladystuith nte decidedly hopeful." Further Advance Checked. London, Teb. S. A special dlspiteh ft mil Hpent man's Camp, dated Wed nesday. Teh. 7, says; "Our fuither ad vance l .it the moment prevented, as the Boeis entllade us from their posi tion on Splon Kop and Doorm Kloof. "Our lasualties, although estimated at .oO, ate trilling, considering the gieit Impottance of the movement Just com hided. Spearman's Camp, Wednesday, Feb. 7, ii p. in. Genet al Buller commenced the advance for the lellef of Ladv- .siuith Monday. The naval guns opened at 7 in the morning, and a feint at tack was made In fiont of our position. Three battalions advanced tow aid tho Biakfonteln, with M battel les. At 11 the Boeis opened with artllleiy tiio and -sent seveial shells among the Biitish inf.intrj, who retlitd an hour later. Meanwhile, a vlgoious attack was made on the extieme tight, wheie the englneeis expeditiously constructed a )osltion. Several pieces of cannon, hidden among the tices on Zw.'itz Kop, bomb. u cled henvll;,. The British infantry ndvamed and the Boeis vveio enthelv suipilsed. HIetu Hill Taken. At -I o'clock a high hill, a continua tion of the Biakfonteln, had been taken. The operations weie exeellent- 1 planned. The name of tho hill taken is Kinntz Kop. Tho bomb.udmenl of the Boor posi tion was resumed this (ycsteidav) morning. The Boers winked a dlsap Ing cannon fiom the high Doomi kop jesteidav on the rlpht of the cap tured hill, but the r.iltl-ii sh"lls ex ploded Its magazine and the gun was put nut of action until late In the day. Muskctty flic was Inteti'ilttont until the afternoon, when the Boeis mule a determined elfoit to letake tho hill. Itcliifot cements rushed up cheering; the Uriel woie icpulsed, and the Brlt Isoli uiv.'nied nlong tho ildge. Tie Boer Version. Boer Head Laager. Ladj smith, Tues d ly, Feb. P., 11 n. m Fuither ropoits of jesterdiy's fighting at the Upper Tugela liver show that the Biitish lost heivily at Pont Dilft, but took an inipuit.iut position on a small kopje, on the Molent Diift side. Koui Boers were killed The Biitish loss is unknown. They are still In po-sesslon of the kopje and the big guns have ceased tiling. NOT IN MOOD FOR PEACE. Heniy Laboucheie Mobbed in North ampton by Loyal Biltons. Northampton, Ungland, Feb. 7. Thn announcement that Homy Labnuthoie, editor of Tiuth and Llbota! member of piiliament toi Noi thampton. would addross a pcaie in' otlng in the Noi th ampton town hall this pvtnlns dtew a noisy oiowd of opponents, who sw, umed upon the platfoim and smashed the thniis. Mr. Laboui heie's nnlval was the signal for u newer! attacks. The pio moteis of the meeting wite toiced off the platfoim and chalis weie huilod into the bodv ot the hoif-e, amid cries of "CJod sivo the queen." .Mr. Labouiheie was stunk In tho head, but wis not seriously Injured. He man igorl to make his elt, escorted bj the police. A number of othei poi sons vveio butt although not seiiously. Ultimately the oppprim nts of the peai o meeting gained tin- platfoim and de e In od that Noi thampton had Joined Yoik e'ltv In lepudlatlng the I'lltlis of the jrov eminent. SOUTH AFRICAN WAR NOTES. Capo Town. Wednesday, IVh. 7 TioM Marshal Loid Bnlierts and (Uncial Kill hener havo stalled fin tho limit I nlldon, '"oil. 7. II. 1' lulson thn li s. i asslstnnt of the tolnnlai oltlce. stints lor lU' Town Siturda) to assist felr Alfrtd Mllue r, tlm Hrlllsh high lonimlsslnnei In the lipal prolibms cniifiontlng him. W ashlngtoii, Feb 7. Senator Penro.u liitroiluied ii tPMdutlon In the senate ie qnt sting the pirsldent to detail so ni.uiv naval vessels us in lib iuilgmoiil tnav bo necessary to maintain a strict unit r.cll t and maintain our commercial llUils in PnrtUBUfso vN.iters In South Africa dur ing the piogress of the British-Boor war. Small Audience Henid Bryan. New York. Fell. 7 Mr. Brjan spoke tonight at t'diiieglo Mil-do hall on "Pend. lug Problems," mult i the inspires of Wlnfleld Stott Il.iniock pot. No. i, Uraud Armv of tho ltepuhlle, of tlie de partment of New York, for tho it lit f ot soldiers and widows nnd orphans. I,ts than 1,000 men and women paid the pi Ice of iidml"slou. To Fight in Snn Francisco, NWv York, Feb. 7. San Francisco will bo the si eno of the ('orbett-Jpfllles tUht. V. A. lliady and Gunge C'onsidlne met ngiln tmlay and the qiifitlou was piac lleall.v lottlcd. Consldluo accepted th offer of tlltv ! r cent, of the gioss ie. eilpts on lnh.ilf of tlm Hivsldo Athlitlc club and Brady refused to accept. Dewey the Quest of Honor. Now York. Feb. 7. Admiral Dewev was the guest nf hoiioi tonight at the dinner given by tho Loyal Legion at Helmonl cos. Uenei il Henry C. Burnett presided. A paper on "Tho Shen mdo ih Valley" whs lead by Horatio C, King. 'I here were no set toasts oi prepared speeches. Dewey did not tuieko an mldiest. France Has n Coal Famine. Washington, Feb. 7. Fulled States Consul flklnnor at Maiseilles reports to tint stute department that tin r Is a eonl famine In Prame. Theie Is talk of re pealing the duty on coal for u time. CANAL TREATY IS GAININGJN FAVOR SENATE COMMITTEE NOT LIKE LY TO CHANGE IT. Probability of the New Nicaragua Canal Convention Being Ratified as It Stands Democrats Who Will Vote for It As the Tieaty Stands It Was Drafted by Our State De partment and Accepted by Great Britain Foreign Opinions. Washington, Feb 7. in the meeting of tho foielgn relations' committee this morning tho Huy-P.iuiuefote conven tion developed gieut strength. Mem bers of the cominitteo say that It will probably be lepotted favoiably at the next meeting without amendment. Senator Moigan made a. statement concerning disputed points which other members regarded us convincing. Sen ators Daniel and Moigan on the Demo cratic side will Join the solid Republi can membership In repotting the tieity as It stands Senator Motiej's position alone Is doubtful It appeals that a niajotlty of the committee on foreign lelaliom, to which the tieaty has been lefened, favor Its latitlc.itlon, but an element In tho committee as welt as outsldL It will ui go unundment, not only In the fortification lause, but alo in thnt ilause which pledges the neuttallty of the canal The President's Views. Washington, Feb. ".It is le.u nod that the text of the Hay-Fauncofoto treaty was tho -work of the United States state depai tment. Tho British government accepted the document Just as it was diawn, so the lesponsl blllty for whatever Is contained In It and the fotm of expiesslon aie cluugc able cntltelv to the United States. Department officials nte astonished at the amount of ciltklsm that has been directed against the tieaty, but they feel confident that thp convention will be ratified, ptovldlng It Is not amended, especially as to the foitlflca tlon clause. It Is insisted by the olll clals that an amendment on that point would defeat the tieatv. and it Is In timated that the objection will be two fold, (list fiom tho Biitish govern ment, and second fiom the piesldent himself. DEPEW WHACKS AT PETTIGREW The Misfit from South Dakota Neveitheless Pet&lsts in His Folly. M.uihrmn in South African Wat Advocated in the House. Washington. I'ob. 7. Tho house fin ished the diplomatic and consul appro priation bill today, passing it substan tl illy as It lame- fiom tho committee Theie was some tlesultoty discussion of the Philippine question and the war In South Afiica, the pilnclpil featut. being tho speech of Mi. Sluifliotb In favoi of mediation in the Biitish-Hoer war under the pmvlslons of Tho Hague tieaty. Tho diplomatic bill as. passed caiilcs $1,74 "'OS. A Uvolv tilt between Mi. Depow (Hep, N. Y.) and Mi. Pettlgiew (Hep, S. D.) was an unevpei ted feat in c In the senate today. Mr. Depow lead u letter fiom President Scliuinian of the Philippine commission, flatly contia dlctlnp statements made bv Mr. Pettl giew In a speech seveia! dnjs ago and the n lommented eausthnllv upon the methods of the South Dakota senator In intiodueliig the evidence ot such men as Piesldent Sc but man .mil Admliat Dewey through the statements of Agulnaldo. Mr. Pettlgrow leplled sharply, repeating much that ho has said heietofote and distinctly reltei atlng the statements which had tnllol foi tli the denials of both Piesldent Senium in and Dewey. Discussion of the financial mt.isure was then lesumed. speeches being m idi? by Mr. Tinner iDem.. Wash.), Mr. Bates (Dem . Tenn.) and Mr. Allen (Pop . Neb), all in opposition to the pending bill. It was tho intention of Mr. Chandler, elmliman of the tonunilteo cm pilvl lt gt s and elections, to tall up the fjiriy rase today, but ho jlclded to tho unanimous const. nt ngieement to take up the pending tlnanolil hill, slmplv announcing tl at dining any lull in tho tlnauie dilute bo would bilng the Pennsylvania case heforD the senate TAFT NOT GOVERNOR. Says He Will Stay in the Philip pines Two Yeats. Washington, Fob. 7. Judge William II. T.ift, who was yesteitl.ij appointed piesldent of tho now Philippines com mission, will leave Washington tonight for bis homo in Cincinnati. Ho said to dav that he would not lomaln in the Islands longer than two ears, anil that on his return to this countiy he would legume the practice of the law. Ho would not. he said, be appointed at any time gnveinoi geneial of tho Philippines. Ho icallzed tho fact that the mission of th'o commlssloi. was a most elltllcult one. but Im had stiotu: hopes of being pat lly instiumental In giving to the Filipinos a ilvil govern ment and a code which would securn to them the fullest possible meaeure of liberty ami seem lly to life and prop, erly. ' Dinner to the Supieme Couit. Washington, Feb. 7. Preside nt and Mrs. MuKlnley gavo a illnnei at the White Hoiisu tonight to the membtrs of the Supreme couit The table, Intnl. Homely ihcni.ilcd with kreu bunches of loses nnd beds of .lapinese prlmtovs and uti nations, was sol in tho m tin ves. tllmle. Those piesent. Including tho ladits, numbered tetut-sl. Chained with Raising n Note. Hnrrlsburg, Feb. ".-Itleluiid C. Stolles. of Washington, D. i' was unestetl at Steelton today i barged with raising a unto from $Sew to W0 and other falsli! cutlons to tho extent of $112,(K. Stolles was located al tho home of a relative by a Washington detective and was taken to that illy for a hearing. SUGAR TRUST SAYS STOP. The Consequence Is a Shut Down of the Spieckles Refinery. Phil idclphta, Feb. 7. Under otders fiom the ofllclaW of the Anieiican Sugar It Mining company the Spuckles tcllneiy here has closed, tin owing out of rmplovment 1,000 men. It was an nounced today at McCah.ui's lellnety, which is a rival of the Ameilcan Sugar Hi Using company, that the plant will bo temporal lly closed within a few days. Neatly J.OOO men ate employed at this pluie. Superintendent Peter son, of the Sprcckles retineiy, said to duy: All I know or cm say Is that wo have recilvcd and aio obeying orders to close down. Tho orders arrived S itutday night. Wo do not know the reasons, and oimiot ourselves seo thn ncces-lty for the shutdown. It Is a. complete olio unit every department of the works is now idle evept for the shipping of sugar alreadv barreled. Wo havo re ciived no Intlmitlon as to how long tho shutdown will list, hut do not anticipate that the works will remain Idle long. TRIBUTE IS PAID TO MAJOR LOGAN Body of the Dead Wariior Viewed by Thousands and Borne to the Grave with Exceptional Military Honors. Youngstown, O, Feb. 7. Thousands of cltbens and people from the sur loiindlng towns nnd count! y passed thiough the vestibule of St. John's I Lplcopul church toda, where the body of Major John A. Logan lay in j .Hate, sui rounded by military guatds. The sealed collln containing the body leposed In tho vestibule of the church. It was coveted with the national col ois and acioss the bier lay a bioad band of silk engrossed with the legend, "Major John A. Logan. 3Jrd U. S. V." Great masses of Ameilian beautv I iosis, pillows of violets and other tare tf.t tumult I fill, ...kt nltnnut nnm nalnd ' the casket. At 1 o'clock the collln was lomoved to the chancel. The Initial service of the UpIiopal chutch was i lead bv the tectoi, Uev. A. L. Fraser, assisted by Bishop Leonnid, of Cleve land. The funeral pioeession. which was laigo. passed thiough tho ptiucipal stieets It was In lommand of Cap tain James a Fioed and was com posed of a company of the Seventh United States Infantiy and the legl montal band fiom Foit Wnvne, and a battalion of militia from tho Fourth Ohio National C.udrd, in command ot Lieutenant Colonel Pond, of Cleveland, ft. A. It. Posts and Union Veteran Legion corps, city otHcials and citi zens. Minute gups were 111 eel as the eottego moved ant the Intel ment was made In the Andiews Mausoleum In Oak Hill ceineteiy. RECEIPTS AT HAVANA Last Year They Were a Little Over Eleven Million Dollars. ahlngton, Feb 7. Tho war depait ment made tho stitetncnt today tint tho total collections for tho pott of Havana foi tho .101 working tins of the juir lvi'i was ll,03T.l4. making an uvoiage dally collection of $n,ii sfi7. The total amount of collections for the cai was derived fiom the follow ing' linn ut duties jvr.7 9,01 oport dutb's, 7.".J :4l: tonnage dues. $2'0 Ti7: special harbor Impiovenunt tax. $1.3. 64": cattle 'nspectlon fens. Sll.ifl: stor age and caitago charges, $U,42J; capi tation taA, $.",709: 'ine, eontlscatloiK, etc., ,!".3; oveiilme vvoik of customs emplojes, S li-i; consular fees, $,'00; ml.secll ineous sonic i-s, ST 1 1 0. WOMAN SUICIDE IN ALASKA. Slster-in-Law of the Union Pacific's President Kills Herself. Seattle, Feb. 7. Mis. John M. Tenny, foimeilv of .Seattle, took her own life at Jinn au on the evening of Fobiuaiy 1 In a lit of tempo) in y Insanity In ought on by piolongecl Illness. Two houis botoie the sailing of tho steamship Cot tage City, on which she was to have taken passage- to Seattle, she seized n tevolver and shot herself thiough the' hea 1 1. Yesteiday Mis. Tenny 's slstot, Mrs, Butt, wite of Piesldent II. CI. Bint, ot the I'nion Pacific, anived In Senile In a piivnto cai, in which she oxpot tod to take Mis Tenny to hei old home In the east- MACHINE SHOPS BURNED. Epiout, Waldron & Co.'s Plant To tally Destroyed. Wllliimsport, Fob. 7. Tho luge ma chine shops of Sprout. Waldton & f'n , the principal Inelustiy of Munev. Pa, vieio tot.illv dostiood b tlto today and much valuable niarhlneiy was wieikul. Tho loss is Jlon.lOO. p u tly eoveied by Insuiaiire. Tho plant du plexed 20ft men and was ciowded wltli e ideis. The- tiio was caused by u spaik fiom an nglno. In attempting to oxtlngul'sli tho blare .lacob Colli v, the watchman, w.n seriously burnt el. ... - RESCUERS MAKE PROGRESS. Aid Within Forty Feet of Entombed Men at Oakdale Mine. Il.ileton. Pa., Feb. 7. Tho rescuing party at vvoik In the OnkdaFe mine, vvheietvMimcn wete entombed Monday, is within foity feet tonUht of tho place vvheio tlm fall ot lock and mud oee ui l ed. It Is not believed that the men will be itkciiud alive. Cycling- Board of Contiol. New York. Feb. 7 The National C. cling nssor iniinii Im ml ot control nut lit in todav. 'I lie nmateiir ch implon of jvm, Pnink L. Kramct, ut his own ie Ullest, vas foimallv tiansfeired to tho piotesslonul i lass. The racing tides wero not take n up. "Wants Unsle Sam to Buy Erie Cannl Washington, rib, ". Ueiircscntativei MeClelJan. of New Yolk, today Intro, dm id it bill for the in qiilrement of the Krlo canal by tho I'ultccl Btates govern ment and its enlargement to a cupaelty lent for the largest vessels of vvar. I at a cost not excccdlni; $i5,000,cXO, DAMAGIING FACT IN THE CLARK CONTEST THE DEFENDANT'S ATTORNEY MAKES SERIOUS ADMISSION. Says He Paid Off a Legislator's In debtedness bo That the Other Side Could Not Get a String on Him. Political Real Estate Speculation. Washington, Feb. 7. Wftltr M. Blckford was practically the only wit ncs before tho Investigation lommltti'o today. He was one of Mr. Clark's special friends In the last Mon tana senatorial campaign. Mr. Blek ford lonttadlcted much of tho testi mony of ftpeakt r Stiff, !3en itor Myers. Representative Sullivan, Dr. Fetor, Mr. Covven and others. Ho. however, admitted offering to Dr. Ector $7,000 with which to lift tho Indebtedness of Representative Wcods, of Hovelllc eountv, sijing that he had not Intended that Mr. Woojs -hoiild know of his doing this, and that his only purpeise was to contiol tho debt so that the Dalv p"oplo could not get hold of It and thus forej Wood Into votlnp contrary to his Inclinations. Ho had received the money from Senator Clark's son. and when It was not ac cepted for Mi. 'Wood by t): Kctor lie had i etui ned it to Mr. Cliik. Mr Blckford also "xplalnod the pur chase of timber lard ovvn-d by Repre sentative McLaughlin prior ti the meeting of tho leslslatute. Ho con- tended that the property was worth more than had been pal 1 tor it pnd I that the tlmbet was necessiiy In Mr. I Claik's business In his 1eil with Mr. McL'iughlin he said ho had never talked with him coneernln ; the sen situation not tried to influences him In that connection to vote for Mr. Claik. On pis cioss-x urination Mr Blckfoul stated tint he was counsI for Mi. Claik. but after vlng that he would not tell what his Les had been be mlci that nil told Ml. Claik had paid him $2,500 as counsel. He also said William McDermott had lofunded to him the money expendt d In the campaign and he thought Mr. McDer mott was engaged In Mi. Claik's In teiest. Dining the dav the committee for mally declined for the present to allow the defense to go Into the campaign of li!J. M0LINEUX TRIAL TO CLOSE TODAY Counsel for Prisoner Finishes and the Prosecuting-Attornoy Begins His Final Address Mrs. Mollneux Moved to Te?is. Now York. Fob. 7. Bat ton 8. Weeks today concluded his summing up for the defense In the tilal of Boland B. Mollneux, e barged with the murder of Mis. Kathultio J. Adams. Assistant Ulstiict Attorney Osbotne began tho aigutnont for 'he prosecution and had not finished ' en court ad lout nod un til toniottow It Is expected that the ease will go to the juiy tomoiiow. Mi. Weeks todav continued his ntuiljsls of the testimony intiodueeil, declaring; Il was falsehood and that the pioeeutlon had uttetlv fallod to piove a motive. He took up the io latiou? of Molineuv and Coinlsh anil asset ted that theie was no moof of malice tow aid Cornish on the defen dant's pait. Mi. Weeks today did not lopeal his attack on Cornish. Mr. Osboine at the outset of his ar gument stated that Cornish's connec tion with tho ease was thoioughly looked into at the stait, befoie any ar lest was made, and that Coinlsh was put thiough a most searching examin ation. The allegation that one of the juiois said that be "would not hang a diM on such evidence" was Investigat ed today ami found to bo without basis. Mollneux's f.ithet. mother and wife weie in court all day. The prlsonei s wlto wept bitterly dining parts of Mr. Weeks' appeal to tho Juiy. AMERICANS AMBUSHED. Filipinos Kill Six and Captuie a Supply Ttaln. Manila, Feb. 7. Noon. Th Insur gents on Monday captuied h supply ot nine bull cuts between Or.inl .and Diiialiipljiin and killed a coipotal and llvo pilvates of Company O, Thl:t second infant! v. The utpplv ttaln es coit consisted of a seigeant and eleven ununited men The insui gents, weak ened the supjoits of a btidge iver a eieek and the (list cart went into tho Htienm. A bile the Americans vveio tiylng to haul tho cut out of tin water tho Insiit gents fired .i -volley ft out the bushes and killed six of thorn and two native drivers'. Tho lebels of piovlnco woio convoying some HOO Spanish prlsoneis to l.ibiiiaiiiin and, on .u.iving ther'. the pilsonors, eNlnusted an 1 ved, lovoltid and dispel st d 'heir guards with stones ami clubs. They also pop tureel a few lilies and ban haded tlnm selves ut T.lhmnnan, whnu they aro .awaiting tho nnlval if Ameiiean troops. FOR A FOREST RESERVE. Dr. Rothiock to Purchase Tiacts in Noithwestern Counties. Hurrahing, Feb. 7. Tin board of piopettv ut a meeting tod ly lecelvcd tho lepott of Statu roiestrv Cummta sloner Hothtoek advliluif the puichaso of l.use tucts of land In not thwi st ein Pcnnsvlvanln. to bo used for stute reservations, Dr. Bothrock was .authorised to make the pun bases piovleied tha state for estry commission ernMders tho land worth the prices agreed upon by the state authorities. , Appeal of American Lumbermen. Toronto. Ont.. Feb 7. Tho appeal of tho Michigan lumbermen against tho de rlsion of tho lower court anent the right of tho province to prohibit the export of saw logs nnd to compel their manu facture Into lumber within Ontario, Is befoie thn court of appeals. The cast 1 may last a couple of duya. T1IK NEWS THIS ilOKNIN'U Weather Indications Today) HAIN. 1 General Fighting In South Africa. Striving for Peace In Kentucky. Nicaragua Canal Treaty Gains in Fav or. Damaging Admissions Mado by Sena tot Clark's Attorney. i Northe istem Pennsylvania, riminclat and Commercial. 3 Local Criminal Court Proceedings. Text of Judge IMnardit' Opinion In tho Finn-Carter Blver Bank Fight. 4 Fdltorlnl. News and Comment. 5 Iocal Meeting of the Board of Health Lackawanna's Cosmopolitan Criminal Courts. 6 Local West Scranton and Suburban. 7 Hound About tho County. 8 Local Live Industrial News. PROPOSED ARCH OF NATIONALITY Report Giving Reasons Why Con gress Should Authorize a Memor ial at Chickamauga Park of Na tional Unity. Washington, Fob. 7. Tho sonetaty of vvar has foi vv aided to the commit tee on military offal us of the house u, leport which he called for fiom the Chickamauga and Chattanooga Na tional Military Rule commission upon Hepiesentatlve Otosvenor's bill pio vldlng for the election of an Aieh of Nationality upon the battlefield at Chattanooga. The commission o piesses the opinion that this is an up pi opt late site 1. Because all of the great armies of the north and the south weie either et gagetl there or numerously represented, nimily: On tho Cnlon side, the Army of the Cumberland, J ccrps trom the Armv of tho Tennessee, nnd 2 coips fiom the Army of the Potomac, whllo on tho Confederate side wire tho forces ot Bragg, made up of his own aimv, Inig street's e orps from the Army of North ern Virginia, aid large forces from Vlcksburg and trom Joseph K. John ston's command In Mississippi The present and absent on tho rolls of theso commands, all of whom oi their frit nds tito Intt rested, are, Union, IV Vie) soldiers; Confederate, Hl.fpOO. The total organisa tions engaged wero bSb, of which Jis vw to I'nion and SJS Cciiledei.ito. '.'. Kvery state) In the Cnlon al the out break of the wur east of tho Itoi kv Mountains had troops engaged In tho battles about Chatt.inetv.i except foul New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island and Dibiwiue. In the molillUation at Camp Thomas for the war with hpiln New Hampshire and Veimont were rep resented, and troops from both sections rallied theie. This assembling of Hoops at Chickamauga, vhero fully one-iU.iitir of tho entire army was gathered. Is deemed bv tho pnk commission to fur ther emphasize the appropriateness of the proposed location of an anh of na tionalltj. since there were camped side bv side under the one tlag soldiers from Minnesota, and South Caroline, Veimont and Tennessee Michigan, Oeorgl.i. Ai- kansics and New Yoik, Muliiu ami Miss issippi. n.. Tho commission points out tb.-t Chattanooga Is neaier centrel and lie .it er the center of population thin an of the great battle Ileitis, being midvv.iv be tween Maine nnd Tex is. between Mlnne. sotn and Florida, between the laki s and the gulf, and between Kansas and tho Atlantic. t. '1 he plans of the commission, which has long bton eo-oporatlng with ibntial Grosvenor In tho nutter, lonttmplate brono tablets piestntinj: a lompleto roster of all commands engaged mi each side down to leglmtnts and b itteries with their tommnndeis: a lostti of all state tiimmlssioneiB anil their govciums who have assisted In the woik of i st ib lislilng tlm pnk. and a roster of tin tongrtss which authoiUod tlm pnk mid of tho tongless which iiuthotUid tho arch ns Its ttownlng vvoik. The Orosvenor bill .ippioprl ites $!0. 000 for the at eh. PISTOL CURE FOR CRITICISM. Dissatisfied Wife, Daughtsr and Hnsbt.nd Shot by the Latter. Bh-ckliawk. Colo , Feb. 7.-William Allen, a ourpentir, shot nnd killed bis daughter I.ulu, aged I '5 oais. In her heel today, then shot his wife twite and tlnnllv shot hlmstll In the bttast. The father and mother aie living The cans. usslgued for the shooting Is diss itlsfiu tlou opithsod by Mis. Allen bet auso she w.n eomptl'td to live in Blarkhawk. To Rapeal Ptize Fightln,; Law. Alb no. N. Y.. Feb 7 li.v a vote of nliio to tluee, the assemhlv lommlttto on eodi s decided to upon fnvor.iblv to morrow tlm bill of Mnilmi I! Lewis, wliiuh provides foi the fiiliio lopeal eif tho so-calletl Horton law which permits piUe lighting In thn stale hi leguluily Incorporated i.thletle c tubs '1 ho hill is slightly amiiiiltd. howevti. so ,s to make It taku effect .Sept, I. I'iOI. THE DEATH ROLL. I.ebiiion, P.i . Feb 7-ltev. A. M. btlik, pit siding eltler of the Haiilsbutg dlstilct of llio United Bvaiigilital thuiili, dbel last night at bis resident o In this citv nf p.tiuijeis of the heal I Hi vas i.' eain of age Mi. Stlik had boon attlvo lu tho inlnlstij lor eivor Ji) yens. Pails, 1'eb, 7 Atlolpho llnthst lilld, who had u bulk lu Napb s In the tlniii ot thn Neapolitan nionaieliv, illtil In this illy tod iv. He hid nlwios letalmtl lull in lie itl.ttloiis with the loval f.imllv of Naples. Alb.inv. Fib 7. "Bill" Cuolc .who was sentenced In N'"i lu toil-flvo jeais' Im pilsomnt'iit In tho Alb my peiilttntliirv, dlttl theie toil ly fiom consumption. Ho was once ono of tho most noted tltspera docs of the Indian leriltor.v Now York. Feb. 7. John Ttijlm. for many vents a ptomlucnt bise ball pitch. il. died today at New Brighton. Staten Island, of Blight's disease, aged Ho pitched for tho Philadelphia team tor some .vtars and list season was with tho Clnelnnitls by whom ho whs ustrved this enr. Pittsburg, Feb. 7. Mother Elizabeth Strange, founder of tho Order of Sisters of Mercj, In this country, and the last survivor of the seven sisters brought to this country In 1U43, died at Rt. Xulers convent, ntar Latrobe, Pa., today, of thn Infirmities of old age. Cleveland, Peb. 7. Alva M. Tucker, for a number of years tho general manager ot the Erie railroad, with headquarters in this city, died today in a sanitarium ut Flint, Mich. PEACE DEAL YET PENDING Governor Taylor Con- tinues to Think the Matter Over. HE IS URGED NOT TO SIGN Lieutenant Governor Marshall, One of the Signers of the Louisville Agreement, Says the Published Text Is Inaccurate but Declines to Explain in What Particulars. The Legislature Goes Through the Motions of Meeting and Adjourn ing Outpouting of People to View Governor Goebel's Remains. Louisville, Ky., Feb. 7. The exist ence of u hitch In the peace negotia tions and speculation as to its ptob ablo ilui.ition occupies tho minds ot polltlclins today to the exclusion of over thing else. That anothet confer ence between the lcpicsentatlves of the two pai ties may be necessary be foie u final agreement Is teacher! war Indicated by the summoning to Ftank foit this af tot noon of Republican at totnojs who have all along advised the le.uleis ot that party anil some of whom wero present at Tuesday night's confluence. These Included ex-Ciovor-nor Bradley. Hon. A. K. Wilson nod David W. Fahlelgh. Tho last named was said to be out of tho city. The others left on an afternoon train for Fi.mkfott. They would not talk of the negotiations, not being advised as to the particului points Governor Taj lor wishes to discuss with them. The Republicans of this city are not agieed as to the wisdom of closing tho negotiations on the basis of the agree ment reached Tuesday night. Post master T. II. Banker and some other officers think the sncrlrlco should bo made In tho Interest nf peace, whllo tho puss and the antl-admlnls-tiatlon faction of the city believe thn fight should be kept up. The latter, or Dav Is faction, held a meeting to night at which resolutions were adopt ed utglng Governor Taylor not to sign the act cement. - Marshall on the Fence. John Marshall, Bepublleuu lieuten ant governor, said this nfternoon that so man;, protests were being made by the Republicans against, the terms of tho peace ngieement that he was doubtful It It would bo signed. Ho sulci: 'The tonus of ngieement as published are taken to be literally cor ioi t, while sui li Is not tho case. There have been sovim.i! emirs In the pub lished statement." Lieutenant Governor Marshall wai ono of tiio nienibeis of Tuesday night's eonteteMieo and ono of the slgneis of tho agreement. Ho s ild he was not at llbettv ta discuss the tetnis of the documents fuithei, nor to indicate In what tospect the published teports of It wore Inaet mate. Legislative Doings. A niajotlty of the Demociatlc ment hols of tho leglsiatuit nit1 In the e ity and until Filduy at least the. heid- litititoiM of that bodv will icnidln bote. About thliti Demoeiatli members came down fiom Cincinnati totln. Twenty ot nioio have been heto since Sitiul.ij. at tholi homes at uc.ii hj towns, .sessions ot both houses weto hold at the Fifth Avenue hotel .it 1 o lot k. Fully membeis of tho house lisponded to their names, when Spoikei Ttlmble called that body to ordei. A quotum not being piesent, the s'i'i ant-at-atnis was mdoitil to set tiio tin attendant e nf absent niem bois The house tin n adjourned until tomoiiow. Similar action was taken in the sen nte, when Piesldent I. II. fatten md twelve niMlbits vwi" piesent. Tlm meeting toiiioiiuvv will bo held slmplv to c unplv with the livv. By Filday It Is opeited a tiuoiiim of tiiell lions will be ptesint. If that Is the case tho Ugisl.ituio will In adjourned to met Montlav In 1'iuiikfoit. If the poire ne gotiations ate in n satisfactory state. If not tegular business will bo taken up mid tho sessions will bo mitlnu'd In this tltv. In iitioidnnio with the plans which vveio being cm tied out i iut Sutnl ij . when ovt tin es for a peace confluence vveio i.uele. This cltv will send n 1 i'ge delega tion to Finnkfott tonioirnw to .attend the funeial of Governor Goebel. Mayor We iv or and many of the city official will attend and tho Democratic clubs will bo well leprescnUl. Viewing Goebel's Remains. Ftankfori, Ky.. Feb, 7. The remains of Governor William Goebel wers brought back to rnnkfort todav from Covington ami IsMd It state in the latllis' leceptlon loom at the Capitol hotel. There they v III letnaln until noon tomoiiow, when the relatives nnd lutliuiti friends will ti.ko i last look nt the featltt es. A steady i.ilu was falling when the train arrived heto, but In spite of this u throng" of rtvial hundreel gathered at the railroad station and stood with uncovered heads as tho iakit con taining the remains of Governor Goebel was taken fiom th" cat and put Into the hearse An eteoit e.f honor com posed of Mayor Dehorn y and members of tho Frankfort city council uccom- "t Continued on Page 2 J WEATHER FORECAST. Washington, Feb. 7. Forecast for Thursday and Friday: East em Pennsjlvnnla naln Thursday: Increasing easterW winds; cold wave with snow, followed by clear- sV- Intr Friday. t t 1 1 t 4