The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 07, 1900, Morning, Image 1

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    'T- "J
His Name Is Not Yet
Attached to Agree
Stated Last Night That He Will Not
Announce His Decision Until To
dayHe Had a Consultation with
His Attorneys About It Senator
Blackburn Says He Would Not
Like to Think About the Conso
quences That Will Ensue in thn
Event of a Failure to Settle the
Trouble at This Time.
rrnnkfoit, Ky. 1M. C Whctliu It
skill lie war ii 11, no In Kcntuiki
lets tonUht with (inveiiiiir Tt)lor'
alum-. Tin question h.if In in on h's i
mind nil il.iv :inil tonight hi ed
Unit In li.ul ii.n lu"i tin deilsn'ti mill
will tiiiiiDiiin i! mine b'loio turnout). v.
Tin text nf tht ngteemont i cache I
liv tin Louisville f I'lifciuice last night
mhs hi ought tn him till? mor'tlng by
a coiiiinitipc lors-lTtliif! of (
Daniel Lindsay, T. Ji. Biker and T.
1.. Udelln. The handed Com t nor
T.'i.slor a inpv ul the agreement, Wiio
eloselPd with him for a hott thm and
then dpparti-1. s they left the bulld
Intr Mr. I! iker lcmnik'd. "I hopi und
believe that the entile untie r -v. Ill he
amicably adjusted. Moi" linn this.
1 am tin ilil. to s,,y at the piosuit
Oenpial Lindsay and Mi. Utlolin
spoke In similar terms, and whi'e all
'prfsM(i themselves a te.isoniblv ,
confident that liovirnoi Tuvlor would
auUlpsC,. h, n, tHum of the app,- ,
incut. IIipx all deshpd to lie under- I
ilood as saylnr that thoy had no all-
thorltiiliM' iiasun fiom Uoinor T.iy- I
ior ior eniet tinning the Tucllef thev a-
What the Governor Said
Umly in the moinlng, before he had
iciehed a mpj of the ngieeiaent,
CoM'inor Taylor dlseus'-ed the londl
lliins as he undot stood theni to be be
foie n eehlng o'llc ml notice, and sild:
"I'ndi r no chi umst.U'ces will 1 dH
( uss the ami enient befoie a copy of It
has leached im . It would be most un
l.ili mid innsf dsl(iurtei us foi me to
do su Spiaklng geneially, however,
1 wouid sev that If an agieenient can
be made by which an eliction law will
b" ghin to the piople of Kentuckv,
tluousrli the opeiation of which a filr
ilu'tiiiii and an hoicst ioi:it .no js.
Mill 'I "
At lei the tin eo gentlemen who
bi ought the ugi cement had letlnd Gov
einor Taliu lemaimd alone in his of
Iki with th- cmv of the asm-mont.
He studitd it i.uelully. went oei ita
pioIsloiis in an t .haustie manuir,
and late In thi atteineou deelaud that
he would take no action wliatoet un
, t il tomottou,
'I wlli to stl. niv attoinej'S," ho
aid. " to lonsult with then, about
ceit.iin tonus ot the amecment befoie
I minouire im Intention I will not i
s,i" what I Intend to do until iifter ! I
ibtaltn d le;al advice." The eon-
sultatlon of the .ittoines was he'd
tonight in iJuxernnr Tayloi's utile e? and
adjoin ned nt a Into houi.
Blackburn's Opinion.
M-initoi llkukhuin, wt.o i etui ned
his mottling fiom Loiils uu. espussel
'linisolt tonight as beliu mntidmt that
the tiouble would be selthel peac t tully.
' Il is emit el v natuial," he said "that
the other side should wish to take tlmo
to consider the agt cement, nnd to pie.
paii' its statemetnt to he issued al lite
s.eiiu time tlte slgnatuic is itthvd, f
lu'e no knowledge of what will bo
done, but I 111 inly beliene that the
agieenitut will be uccoptt d substan
tially as adopted by the members of
the Liulsillc eonteienee, and that all
chance of tiouble wilt be- .tMildeil "
When iskid for his opinion of Ihe
Miiisiiiueni e s should Governor Ta!or
deeline to aieept tlie ngic'ment Sena
tor Hlaekbuin said.
"That Is a ijucstlun I do not caie to
illsetiss not to i un think abtutt. If
no settlement Is made now, It will lead
to endless complications befoie the
end Is i em lied."
Theie Is not in the elty uf Kianktort
a -tingle mi'iubtr of th" leglslalute. Tlia
Tlepublleans ate all at London and tho
Demounts in places thing the bonier
"f tin slat. from wheic It will he iasy
to escape should anv atturit be mail"
hi the inlllt.u. v to must and convoy
them to London. But miiIi Itepubli-
i. ins or promineni'o as me neu. scni
Ine lined to believe that Gouinoi Tay.
lor vv 111 accept the ugtoumnt They
all admit, howevei, thu- he has glwn
as ct pel oi il or Wllltill evidence ot
his Intentions '
An Attorney's Viewr.
One of the attort'C'Vs, who has b"pn
(lionilnent on the llepublle.iu sub la
th" . cutest cases, und who theiotoro
do".s i"t wish hi; n im us.d In con-iii-it
Inn with tr ititei view, tuld to
night: "It Is in my opinion the (buy of
Govc-iuoi Taj lor to sign tho agio',
'iient. If he doe.i not he will lose
greatly In stttntiing In bis own juiitj.
I know that he- will do what hi br-lldv?s
to be right one' best lor the welfutc if
the sl'ite. II seems tn nip that iiudei
then cite uiiiHtuncf t then- run luirdlv
In- two opinions ns to what his course
must be."
Ki.tnkfmi today enjciel ut least ono
day of ililet, the titst It has expel
lenced slnco the fJoebel-Teylor contest
begun tluee weeks ago. The town w is
bate of politicians, tin to was no c
iltenient In the- Mii'i'ts, no uowil.c
around the cm nets and no throngs In
the lohhli s of the C ijillo! Uoti'l. It wa
a lut'iitliitiK flit'l fullv iiTm t-Iattd by
lliu c'tlcns of tin city.
Tcnns oi the Agreement.
The am noun nl In substance Is .
I'll j t Tluit II tile M nonet assembly In
joint session shall nilnjit u te solution tall
Ivlng tlnlr tcccnt mtlnii adopting thn
'oiidit u ports seating Umbel nml Beck,
liiitn, tint conttstees, S. Tnj lor Hint
John Mai -hull, shall submit without rut.
tiff plotcst.
S"iond Tint nil put Hi n shnll unite In
mi effoit to bring i.biiut Mich u modltie.i.
tlmi of tliu election law us will tuovlcle
for non-partisan election boiuels and Ilium-
froo nnd fair elections.
Third Hint Ihi' conditions "hull ri'miilti
In status otio until Holiday, the general
assembly n citing und luljni.iulng fiom
il iv to dav until that thm.
Fourth Thill nothing shall he doni to
hlndii or pitvent a Joint session of tin
guieiul assembly for taking notion on
tin- i.itlllt utlou let oil lion.
ritlh Thai Urn state contest tin ltd
shall unit und adjourn ftom dav to dav
until Miinduv without tcklng unv nctlon
on tin contests for mil. or state otllt es.
This postponement Is suggntptl In nnlir
that the nitlnii of thn genual i.ssembl.
on the r.itlllcutlott icse.ltitlon in ly In'
taken Hi it.
Sixth That the statu troops shall he re
moMd fioin the ntritt latillol at on-c,
though with nil nriiary precaution foi
tin public safetv. This mattor Is to be
under tin dliietion of ( Dan Llinl
suv, of Ui.inkfott
Seventh That the llipuhlliaii olliilals
and olllecrs of the state git. ml sh ill
Ininiunltv fiom ihi.tgis of mason,
tistup itlon, inui t-niui Hal or an other
sm h (llll 1S('S
The senate also hi Id a hilef session
with thirteitn memheis piospnt. S n.i
I tor Jolly wits pleited pieslduit pin
I ti'in. A. P. Dohe. of I.atnel, was made
i acting secietuiy. The i ('solutions tie
'plollng the ili.ith of their e ollpuglie,
Senator Ooebel, weie lead and adopted
I and the senate adjourned to meet at 1J
o'clni k tomoiiow.
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty Lays Down
the Same Rules as Govern the Suez
Canal-OpontoAllat AllTtmeson,
Equal Tcnns.
Wa.shlngton, Keb The text of tins
Hny-P.iuncetoti'tteatj'ubiogatlnBpJt Is
the Cluvton-Bulwer maty concern
Ing 'the proposed tians-isthnilan canal,
was in ule puhlle to 1 iv. It provides;
j xho i anal shall lie flee und open, in
thno of wat us In lime ol pnuc, to tlic
essils ot euniniciif. and time shall Lo
no dNirinih utlon aguiiist any nation or
Its iltizins or hiihjicts In lespect of the
Kiiidltlons or ihiio'ift ol tralllc, or olli
crwlst. The c.iiiul shall iu or he bloi kuileil,
nor sh ill un light of war lio iMicsd.
inn linv ail of l.ost'llt. he conimlitid
within It.
3Vi'sseis ot wai ed a billlgeieiit shnll i
nut ielitual nor take aiiv stores In the
t filial ii'pt so fai us may be strictly, and the ti.mslt of such cssils
thiough the canal shall bt ctftctcd with
the least possible dili. In acioid.uue
wllh tho l emulations in lone, and wllh
only suih Intel mis .ion as mu usidt
Horn the necisstili ot the si i lie. 1'iUis
shall be h' all lopeits subject to the
same inks as M'ssUs eil w.u of thu bcl
llgi'ieuts. 1 No belllgeicnt shall embark ol dls troops miiiilllons of war m w.u
llku matcrlils In the ciept in easu
of accidental hindrance ot the transit
und In such iaso the transit sh ill be ic
sinned with all pctslhle dlspitih.
ri Tho JiloNlslens of this aitlile sh ill
I applv to watus adjaceiil to thu unci,
within thno matlnu miles of either end.
I Vissvs of w.u of a belllgeient shall not
ic in iln In such waters longer than
tweiit.s-four horn b at an one time ex
cept In case ol dlstuss, and In such caso
they si ill elep.ut as lomi as possible;
bill a Msi) of wai of one lie lligi it lit
sh ill not ileput within twe uty-four hours
?.ru"' Vlu C1.'.1.,U1U' ot il Nt"-SMl ot wal ut
. " . . " '.'
in., .trie, i I,. I irTciii.r
ij '1 ho plant, utabllsliments, hulldliihs
and all winks nice-sary to tho com mic
tion, lii.iinte iiiiih e and opcintlnu of the;
canal shall hodnniiil to be p.ut thereof.
te.1 the puiposcs of this convention, and
In time ot war, as In time of peace, shall
euiey complete ImniiuiiU fiom attnk or
liijiuy by btlllgeuiitr anil fiom acts e..l
culated to Impair their usefulness as
p irt of the i until.
7 Nu luitihiatloiis shall be elected
comiciiindlng tin cat al or tho watei ad
jacent. The United Statis, howcer,
shall bo at libeity to malntalu such mill
tin v nolke along tho canal as may bo
' 11. i imvii i lii nint.rt It itirnlnt.t l.ittlo.u.
Hess and disorder.
Noted Engineer Would Annex the
Central American States.
Chicago, Veb. 0 L. L Coolev, en
gineer, who was one ol thu otlgliial
Nltaiagunii canil upi mfr-i. Is heart
ily In f.uoi of a foi tilled canal, and If
it cannot be obtalmd in any other way
he w mid favor the annexation of NI
citagua and Costa Ilict.
No Delay After the Financial Bill Is
Out of the Way.
Washington, l'en. (. In the senate 'o
day, Mi. Hhoup (Idaho.), ni'iiouncul that
It was the Intuition ot the ehalimau of
tho commlttio of ptl lieges and dictions
j to press thu conslduatlon of tho case of
foimtr Senator Qiiuv. of Pi nnsylvanla.
as soon us the bill had bun
disposed ol.
Paper for Australian Colonies,
Viine'oiivei B. r, Feb, ii So great Is
the demand In the Aiistilau lolniil. s fur
Amt'ilmn and Ciiii.idlin paper foi news
p ipei pi hit that even outgoing steam
tlilp foi tills pmt for tho last six months
1ms curled largo ic i.slgnmenls of paper
to Svdney . The shipment bus
1 cen ICi tons. 'J he next steamship to
sail will ecu', double that amount.
Reading Dividend Declared.
Philadelphia. Ucb. 0 -The bond of ell-
lericus ot the Beading miupanj met to
day and ele eland e dividend of l'O ptr
coil on thu t.',t1,w Hi Mt pruit tied
stock of the i oMipauy, puisuant to thu
leeoiiiniend.itloii ol thu oMcutbfi com
mlttee, which met jcsterdiy.
Granted a New Trial.
Buffalo, l'eh. 8. llowunl (', Benham,
thu banker of, under I'eiiii-nco
of death tor tho murder of his wife, bv
polnonlng, )-!ih been gnnitid a new,
Lawton Fund, 008,054.
Waslilnmon, l'ob fi.--Tlii Lawton fund
at neon today reached t'.'k.OI
Judge William H. Taft, of Clnciu
cinnati. Named as Its President.
Civil Government to Bo Organized
at Once Proceedings of a Day in
WashlHRton, Kcfo. H Thi' pti'slilent
today appointed Judnc William II.
Taft, of rinelnntitl, and United Stntei
juilKc of the SKth Jthliiliil flit tilt, tn
he presliK'til or the now t'hlllppliu
.Juds?e Tuft's plnec on the In mil wilt
he tilled hy thn appointment of Judge
Henty r. Setems ot liinnU llapUN,
Mh h.
These annoimeei.ients weic niade at
the elohe of the alilnet lueellm? to
day. .Indue Taft has b i n In Wasliltiff
ton seveial dus. piesumahly lUtnliiK
at the tiquest of the picsldenl. This
mornlnc; h tailed at the white hous j
In f3liip.ili wllh .ludRe Ua, loiniei !
sptletmv of s-tiite nnd Intel president '
of the J'ails pe.Ke i oiMiilssioll. They I
leiitalneil wltli the pir-lucnl until the,
i.ihliiit met at II o'l lis k and Joined
lilin .ikjIii utter the labinet hid ad- i
Join ned. On lialnK the white hull
Judffo Taft st-ited tlia the uiiuiiltto, ,
of which he lent been itppolnlnl piesi-
dent, would sail for the l'hillpplm s I
Minn after Mauh 1.", and Its spei I il j
mission would he the istabllslunent of '
a ilvll Koveinnient Joi the sand.
rill ther til in that he was not at llheitv
to ""'leak. It H undelt-toed that th
other lnembei' of the ci mmlssliin will
be des-lKnateil within a m ry s-lioit Hum
and the special instructions whlrh will
Kiilde them In the ilisi rto of their
duties will be piepaied at as c.ulv
day as passible.
Tho First Step.
The appointment rf Judge Taft
maiks the llrst seltetlon for the new
appointment rf Judge
i Philippine commission. Thrie will be
me on the commission, mid
Uil Ol Wll'lll . 1 1 1 III" lllllilI- .11.
Schmmmi, president o the ex'stin;;
eommlssion, ha:i deellmd foi buslnesi
re isons to lemaln upon the i omrali
slon. so Judtre Taft will be uresident
in bis place. Mt. Denny and Pi of. I
Woici'ster hsivc b "n tin lied to necept
le-appolnttnents, but "o far hne not
signified ill' lr Intentions. Admit al
Dewey will not j;o back to Manila and
Geneial Otis will give way, like him,
to a civilian.
As some stirpilse has been caused
by the willingness uf Judge Taft to
Miirinder a life petition of the dignity
and emolument of United Slates ell -cult
judge to join the commission. It
may be said that the pievalenl lmpres-
slon I that ns soon as the lommUtlon '
shall hae sue c ceded In le pi icing the
existing mllltirv pnvi inment In the,
Philippines with it.tbli cfil gnein
nienis, Judre T.ttt .ill be n.'i'iPil as
the Hist civil goetuer genual ot the '
mehipelago. It Is not thought that
this change will take place at once,
but the commission Is cxpceteei 'o,
mow steadily touaid that object and
to sot up local ci 11 governments us
fast as the I'lllplnoa shall clemonstiat.
their woithlness.
In tho House.
The Philippine eiuestlon ngaln oc ctt
pled the attention of the house today
with a sllfht dlgii'ssiou concerning the
war In South Afiica. The leatuie of
the debate was the speech of Mr. Wil
liams, (Miss.,) who made an mgument
against the annexation of the Philip
pines whli h attt acted much attention.
It was devoted almost e-nthely to the
commeiclal aspect's of the acquisition,
holding that tho ahsotption of the Isl
ands would be ultimately ruinous to
the Ameilcan piodutcrs of cotton, rice,
tobacco, hemp nnd sugar. Mr. Mollis,
(Mini'), made an exhaustive leeai
aisument in suproit of the light to
hold and goein the Islands. The
other speakeis were Messts, Gibbon,
(Tenn.), W. A. and H. C. Smith,
(Mich.); Cochran, (Mo.), and Neville,
The geneial debate on the diplomatic
bill closed today and tomouow will
be taken up for amendment under the
tle-mlnute lule.
In the Senate.
Until the financial measure now pto
ceedlng before the senate shall have
been disposed of officially, It will be
consldcted by the senate evety legisla
tive dav to the exclusion of all ex
cept putely loutlue business. The
ngteeinent will hive tho effect of cut-
ting otf all debate upon the Philippine
eiuestlon or other matters except by
unanimous consent of the senate until
senatuis choose to discuss other ciucs
tlons In the- time they devote to th
financial hill.
Befoie the senate committee' on pilv
lleges and elections today In connection
with the Investigation ot Incidents con
nected with the election of Hon. W. A. to the suiute fiom Montana,
State Senntor Cullen testified that
piovlous to the meeting of the leglsla
tuie, Mr. Mateus Daly told him that if
Cknk was elected to tho Semite hu
should not take his seat and that his
suppotters would be denounced in
btibe takeis.
Washington, I'eb. 0 Senator Pinto e.
of Peiuislv until, today Introduced a bill
extending thu pulsion laws to poiui.s
who sciMd hi thu i Ml law ior only ouo
Mi Jones, ol is. today lutio
cl in ed In thu housu an mnendnifnt to thi
uiiirency bill now pending In tho suiato
directing thn seuctmy ot tho tiuitm.v to
constantly ketp on hand an uneigeney
fmiit tiiiioimtlng to "o(i 0,0 .0 of I nlted
States ueusuiv notes which tn.iv bo Is
sued to any chimin of tho I'nlted State
ut a dlsioiuit of lo pc: cent, hi exchan'.o
tor Unltid Stutes boncW, the bondi tri In
held for not to eveeed u juni nnd tho
holder to pay c per cent, interest
1'athc r loseph Aline. S, .1.. eliiector of
tho obseivatory owned by thu Jesuits at
Manila, wus Introducid to the preslcli nt
today by Senator Levi ridge, It Is said
that he 1ms como to Witshlnuioii at
thu lecpipst of the war tmutt ami
has broiiKht with him maps und otlu r
tine lime ntN debited by tho I'hlllppino
commission In tho prtp.tiatluu of the
bceond pail uf tlie-tr report-
Toast to President of United States
Received with Enthusiasm.
New Yolk. roll. 6. Men o j intu
itu me 111 hanking and monetary ch
iles to the number of neuUv -Ian met
tonight at Hie itntuml biinuiiet of rJrotip
S of the Xe" York fttite IL'tiUeln' a"
hodjllon, held at the Waldott-As-uula.
It had been epeetcd lhit Peeietnty
of tilt Tie.iHtltv '4tn would be at thu
banquet, but a tehKinm wis lend from
him In whlih It wan .stated that he
lotild not be piesint mi account of hU
The tonst, "The Prcldent of the
United Statis," was dtar.k plaiidliit;
mnld Bicut onthliHliism. Speeches wore
made by Postmaster ("leneral Smith,
1 'nihil States Senator llevi rldt; ,
(but i nor Ioospeli, liiv. Dr. Stilk(3i
mid Simon Kord.
Says, in His Latest, the Volunteer
Auuy Was Democratic,
liuei'.slldd. Mass., ivb, ; William
.1. liiv.ui in ide n blief Mop In this i Ity ,
lodav. He wild
Whin tills tuition was hnohed In a
war with Spain and a llppuliliuiu pusl
di in pallid for wilur.tei u, a oil "anaiih
lsts" of '!" m idi up the majority ot the
timiv In ''i. The tnajoiitv ot the jml.Ofm
Mihllitiei i wile nun who hud Mitcd
against the. piilditil la l1-'"!.
Thousands of Mon, Women and Chil
dren Astcmblo at Indianapolis to
Pay Tribute to tho Memory of
Geneial Lawton.
Indianapolis, Feb. 6. Tho body of
(icuiial Homy YV. Lawton, which at-
iled In tills city fiom Kort Wanu list
night, was transfer! ed to the state
caultul at 11:,;0 today wheie It lay in
state this afteinoon. Gieut itowds
lined the striets fiom tho station to
tile inpitiil ftiounds. The military and
civic bodies of the state made up the
gieatcr jiatt of the procession.
The eapltol was elaborately ilccotated
In honoi of the dead soldier of Indiana
and fioin the time the rotllu was placed
on the catafalque in the great rotund t
"ntll the cloois were closed the streim
of people was unbioken. Excuislon
'trains bi ought thousands of people
fiom oer the state and business was
suspended dining u portion of the duy.
The schools wete dismissed eatly so
that the chlldien might join In the last
ttihutc of lespee t.
The south and east entianics to the
statu house weie wieatlipel with tlagr,
blended with cri.))2. At the cast en
hance weie two brass cannon, idles
of the Chll wai. A guuid of honor was i
stationed near the eollln. The funetal
tialn will leae for Washington tomor
low morning.
At G o'clock when the eloois of the
capital building wuc closed It Is e-tl
mated thut about -10,000 people
passed through the building
. .
lew eel the temalns of the dead gen
eial. The ii mains were taken to the
tialn at T:.!0 o'clo-k and ti.monnw at
S:J0 o'clock the funeial party will con
tinue its Journey to Washington.
Meaningless Amendment Is Tacked
on to the Financial Bill.
Washington, Teh. C Tho penatp fi
nancial committee todnv adopted a
new section lo tno tinaneiai out. as
Tint tho piovlslors of this act ato not
Intended to pi ice an, obstacles in the
way of the accomplishment ot Intel na
tional blmt tallism provided thu same bo
leetlved by cotieiuir nt action of the lead
ing commercial n itlors of the woild, and
at a ratio which shall In-'iite permanence
ol lclutlvo value between gold and silver.
Senator Aldileh, chuiiman of the
committee, laid In teply lo (inestloiiii
that the amendment was to meet the
criticism that the P.r publicans had
abandoned the position for interna
tional bliiiPtallsni taken by it in the
St, Louis convention.
Chosen to Fill the Vacancy in Cali
lornia'u Representation.
Sacramento Cal,, Feb. fi Thonns
U Haul was today elected United
States senator to succeed Hi my M.
Wiilte. In the senate the vote was ns
follows. Thomas It. Pard (Hop.), 2S;
James D. Phelan (Dem.), 10. In the
assembly the vote stooei; 15a: d, ,".1;
Phelan. 20; Whlt6, 1. Bard was de-
clated elected In both houses.
Both houses will meet in joint ses
sion tomorrow to lati'v the election
of Batd.
An Assessment of 25 Cents Monthly
Levied on Moinbeis.
Jiull inapolls, Peb. C Tim nation il e
ecutho boiud of Ihe United Mine Wotk-v
cis ot Amu lea finished Its session today
und adjoin md for tluee months.
Thu most Important uetloii lakui wus
thu levjlng of an nsscssmint ul SS cents
muntlil. upon thu meinbeis.
Judgo Clayton's Will.
Chester 1'eb, C The will of the lain
Judge Cl.ivtou was ailmltted to piobato
today. 'I Im istuto is . ilmd at JJW.Oin
and one-h ilf of iho Im omo dining lur
life In clun to tho vnIiIow. J'bo otlu r
half Is dhldeel iimcing Sittuu! L i'Ih
tun tin sou, mid the two chlldiou of Mt.'.
Caiollno liil Bosque, the deceased daugh
ler ot the late JiuIji' 'iho I iw llluarv is
beiiii Hind to tho sou.
General Armstrong's Remains.
Washington, Ucb C The leiailns of
Maloi Genual Sami-cl T. Atmstiong,
singe on United States voiimtciis, vil.o
dlid In the Philippines, m rived Into to
day and v fin i seorled to Alllnglon tetnn.
tciy by 1 1 oops fiom I'ort Meer. They
were placed hi a vault pending thu fu
neral ceremonies which will piobiMy
take placet next Satin da).
Honors for tho Dowoys.
New Yntk. Pih. ii Tho bond of alder
men today unanimously p.issid a lesolu
tlnu extending tho giee tings ot the inu
tile Ipillty to Admiral mid Mis. Dewey
und bestowing upon the in tho freedom
of tho city upon tho oecaslon of their
Vlblt hcru thU week.
Upon the Flea That the Prosecution
Has Not Made Out Any Case, the
Attorneys for the Prisoner Waive
the Calling of Witnesses and Pro
ceed to Address the Jury.
New York. Feb. 6. Counsel for Ho
land H. Mollneuc, charged with mur
derliiK Aria. Katharine J. Ailumw, by
poison, Mnt to Hat iv c'ornlsh, In De
cember 198, took a bold and unex
pected step todnv, announcing that thj
detente wotttd sbumtt no evidence.
Jast night Harlow S. Weeks counsel
for Atollncuf, stated thill the defense
would eonsume U'sj time than thu
piosc ctttlun, but It had been the gen
ual epeetutlon that many witnesses
would he called, Including Writing K
,,,, ciivalalio and a number of pe:
sons who would attack the el'ntiicter
of Hurry Cornish. In a number ot
tilab- in this city those of ''atllslo,
Hants Mo.M'r nnd Ms. Fleming, the
defense i.ilhd no wltr.essis. IlatrM
und Mi er were convicted and executed
and Mis. Klcining went lice.
Mr. Weeks began his summing up
tmluj, anil had not finished when
mint adjourned. He spoke wllh gieat
eainestniss and the jury listened to
him intently. He told of his lonr pct
stmal filendshl) ,ltlt Mollncux, and he
I attackid Hatty Cornish bitterly. The
tenoi ol nts aigtimeiu wan ine
pi oofs pointed more stionglv to Coi
nlsh as the muideter than to Molliu ux
Mollneus.' fathei, mothei and wife were
In couit, as was also Coinlsh, who .a.
vislblv neivous. Molltuux t,ecmed eoul
.ind collected.
Big Hush of People from Skagway
and Dawson City to Cape Nome, a
Journey of 2600 Miles Over the
Ice - Temperature at Dawson.
Washington, Feb. C The Cape Nomo
excitement continues unabated, ac
cording to a report to the tstate depart-
i ment, dated December i, ftom Ronald
Morrison, vice consul at Dawson City.
He writes that manv people are mik
ing pieparatlons to get to Cape Noma
fiom Skagvny, Dawfon, over thu
Ice, a journey of L'.fiuO miles. He sas
If all who aie contemplating It make
thu ttlp this w Intel there will be one
continuous line of people from Bennett
to St. Michicls. The tian&pnrtation
companies have abeady airangcd to
handle 3.000 passengers.
The weathpr at Dawson was com
paiatUely mild, from lfi above zeto
to IS below. This nilldiiets lias Intel -
icieil Willi mining uy iiuuuii'k iiiu
drifts, and the gold output will UU
shot l of the estimate ci $i ".,000,000.
It Was Being Sought by a Combina
tion of Coal Operators.
New Ymk, l'ob. 0 Ten ucies of land
running from the uplands to tldewatu ,
In Newark bay, at Nevvaik, N. .1., which i
wue being sought by a combination of ,
coal opeiatois In Pennsylvania as a ter-
minal lor a new coal road were sold bv
Master in Chutiooty Walter J. Knight ut
tho court house today.
Geoiue W. Tlchinoi, of Newark, was
thu purchasci. Mi. TIchcnor declines to
s iv who he repicspntcd in the deil and
It "is behoved tint ho purchased the land
for one of the existing coal loads.
The 1 md In question was foimely owned
by Vet plan Colvln. of Albany, N. V., aiif.
tho heirs nnd assignees recently began
piocecdliigs tor i paitltlon of the prop
el ty.
They Hold Up and Defeat Nearly th
Wholo British Army.
Modder Spruit, 1'eb. C On Situiday
tho 1'iotoiU corps discovered a paity
of British frum Lad. smith entienched ut
a rulhoid bridge, prutectlng a number
of coolies who were cutting grass. A
patty of Iloers dispatched to the scene
was'attacked from the tienchcs and all
letreated except four, who, hiding, poi
mltted thu British to ailv.inct to within
tlfty vat ds. whin they llred a volley,
'" n uutu " n.i.i ,, -.,.
which fired a shell and sunt tavahy to
assist the British. The Boei.s beat tlicm
back, killing twe men.
Fraudulent Naturalization.
Now- York, Keb. i!. Tho federal grand
Jury in Bioukbu tod ty handed up to
United States Judgo Thorn is, sitting nt
circuit Biookln, foity-eight Indictments
based on fraudulent uatutalU.itlnn,
chaiges inlvanccd hy Stipulntuident of
Ulcetloiis JlcCullouch,
Judge Johnson Now.
Chester, Pj . I'eb. C Captain Isaac
Johnson vr.s swotn In ns piesldent Jitelho
of tho several couits ot Delavvaro coun
ty today In tho pieseneu of the mem
bus of tho bur and a number uf other
Movements of Vessels.
Boulogne, Peb. fi Sailed: Phoenician,
from Iliimbiug tot Now Yolk, New Ymk
Siiltd: S.iale, for Bitmin, Clean d.
Vt'i'stc'riilaud. lrom Antwerp; aunuinlo,
for Livctpool; St. l'.aul, oi Southampton.
Calcutta, Ucb. C Tho. mahrajah of
Jutpur ha.', ir.ade a iloimtlun ot !00,t0
lupcis to tho South Africa war land.
Loiiilnn, Peb. h. Tho ctlcctlon In Yoik
city today for a sticceBfor In thu house
f commons to Bear Admiral Chalks
Bcifsfurd, recently appointed to lao
lommund of the second illusion of thu
Hrlttsh Mediterranean licet, ri suite d as
follows: l'nber, Unionist. 1.4. imijotlty.
In tho previous election Betestoid's mi
jorlty was 11.
London, l'ob. (J. Tho houso ot com.
nions tonight rejected Lotd K dinuiid
Kltzmuuilco's nnicndment to the addiess
In 1 1 ply to tho speech from tho thiono
by .'.V! against tho amendment to ll'j in
Its tiivor.
Moddu Spruit, Ib. C. Messages from
Lud) smith, dated )cstorday, Peb, 5, say:
"Continuous caniio-iadlng Jias been pto.
cecdlng sluie 5 o'clock In tho moiulng
with the occasional rear of a Long Tom."
J "The tlrlne," It is added, "continues,."
Weather Indications Todait
(lencrnl South Africa War Situation.
Governor Taylor and tho Kentucky
rhlllppliio Commission Appointed.
Mollneux Defense Offers No Testl-
moiij ,
Henernl Northeastern Ppiuu'J lv.inli,
Plniincl il and Commercial.
Local Doings of a Day lit tho Local
Senator UoeriilKe's Speech Hrforo tho
New Vork Uunkeis.
Local Site Secured for the New At .
Annual Ilanquct of Keystone Alutmil.
Local West Seranton und Subuth m.
ltound About tho County.
Loenl Llc News.
The Republican Branch of the Bifur
cated Kentucky LegislatuioAdopt".
Resolutions Concerning Senator
Goebol's Death.
London, Ky.,Keb, U. Secn iepresin
tmhts and tluee senateus iulred heio
today. Theie ate now thiity-lout iep
lesentathis and twelve scnatois in
Loiidem. all Hpjiubllcmis except isena
tor Hues, who Is a lliown Dimocl.i'.
The house of icpte-ivntalUes ioi'-
eneel at 12:05 p. in. on the giound
Hour of the Lautel Seminal v. Owln-j
to the absence of Speaker Tilnib' ,
Hepiesentalhe Uethtim was selected in
speaker pro tern. The following tes'iUi-
tlons In icspect to Gineiiior Goebil's
death wete adopted:
Whcipas, Vllli.iui Gorltl, a ineinhci of
the senate of the commonwealth of Ken
tucky, died on the third da, ot lVbiuarv,
his death being latisul bv a wound In
tllctid at lite hands of an unknown as
sassin; theitfole. be It
ltesolvtd, I'll st, that we legal d this
cilmu as an outrage upon humanity and
the fair namo of Kentuckv; second, th it
wo deeply s,mpithUo with the 1ms
titicl friends of the decenstd In their tlni.t
of benaM-ment. Third, that ns u niitk
of respect to his memory, this house
shall now stand adjoin ned until noon to
morrow. The house theieupon nd join tied.
Miner, Shot at Jessup, Yesterday
Left Lackawanna Hospital.
August Uonnanl, one of the Italian I
miners who was shot nt Jessup bv
Peter Chiprlano, Jan. 1!2, was estei
day dlschaiged fiom the Lackawanna
hospital, where he baa been lecelvlng
treatment ever since the shooting took
place, he and Amerlco M.itlaugello
being hi ought to the hospital together.
Uonnanl, who lives at Nnnlicok.
was shot In the tight shoulder, and
shoitly after his aulval at the Insti
tution the bullet was disco. cied by
means of the X-tavs nnd lemoved.
Alter that ho made steady piogiess
and was dlschaiged yesteul.iv. He
will continue to return ceiy two dajs,
howevci, nnd have his shouldei exam
ined. Marlungello is still at the hospital
and, although he suffers veiy little
pain, it would be Impossible to dis
charge him jet, as neither of the c.u
tlldges, which lodged In his right leg
and left shoulder, have been discovered
and removed. Tho bullet In the leg
necessarily Inteitetes with locomotion
and nt ptesent It is Impossible t ir
him to move aiotiud.
As the bullets do not si em to :1 e
him any p tin they will pi nimbly b
allowed to lemaln as thev ate, t't'd '
time villi probably be so linbidiie
that they will Intel fere in no wav w..i.
his movements.
Harry Moran Will Soon Bo Sent to a
Unity Mm an, of Keller touit, ur
tested Sunday evening on th" catn
philnt of his mother, Is still in police
custody. The ease has, however, boon
given over to Mts. Duggan, agent tor
the Associated Chin Itles, and the lat
ter will see to It that the boy is safely
lodged In some lefoimatoiy.
He Is a lad huge for his age mil
appaiently Intelligent nnd blight. He
denies the stoty of having tin own Hat
lions at his mother, mid of having act
ed In mi Incotilglhle munnei. He
works as a slate 'picker in the Dmlso
mine, nnd it seem that It was In
some dispute over the dlsp i.ltlon of bis
wages that he had th" eiuaiul with
his widow mother which lesulted In
his nirest.
When Hist hi ought to he police sta
tion he wept and cried tor a long time,
but yesterday lenialned In a cuile",
passive state und appealed perfectly
lesluned to the Ide l ot going to the
l efoi matoi y.
Sciauton's veteran Mason, I'uos T.
Hall, was pleas mtly suiptlseel at his
home. rtO'J Luchuwnnnu a venae, on thu
occasion of his seventieth bbMidiy, by
a number of his Mnsouie fi lends urd
piesented with a Ivndsamo easy chili'
and several bov s ot,
Mr. Hall Is- one of tho gi"nt't au
tltot Itles In this patt of tho htatc n
tho unwiltten ioik of the oider, anil
no ono In thu Masonic ftitetnlty I
more onthiiislat-tlc than he in Its w cl
inic State Boaul of Veternarians.
Unrilsbuig, lb Cove nor Ktonr.
today appointed the lollowhw membeis
ot the statu Inatd ot vetoiimirlans. .1.
W. Salhuie I'ottsvillo; Jacob llcllmet,
heruntou, and William It. lllelae, Tic
vose. Mr. Hay in Pretoria.
Pretoria, Peb. il, Adelbert S. Hny, tho
new United States consul here, w iu le
celved by tho Transvaal government to.
day nnd piesented his credentials. Ho
created uu excellent impression.
Executive Council of Mine Workers
Indianapolis, Feb. 6. The executive
council of tho United Mine Workers ad-
ourned today utter a three days' bcsslon.
Gen. MacDonald and His
Infantry Made an Ira-
portant Move.
Prevented Two Large Oommanaoeu
from Effecting a Junction-He
Holds Both Banks of the River.
General French's Visit to Cape
Town Was to Ask Lord Roberts
for 7,000 More Men Lord Methuen
Disbands Remington's Scouts.
Members of tho Corps Were in
Communication with tho Boors.
London, Peb. II. The St.itidatd has
lecelved the pillowing despatch dated
Monday, Tcliiumy G, noin Kopples
I Dam:
I "( tenet al MacDonalel with a bilgade
j of Intantiy, a leglment of lanccis and
onebattiiy has icaeheil heic fiom
Moilder Itlver camp In what Is ipgard-
I cd as an linpoitant moveinent to the
light of the Boer position at Mageis-
I touteln,
I "The anhal of (lenetal MacDnnalfl's
column was opportune as It just pie
v cute d two huge commandoes effecting
a junction. He- now holds both bunks
of the liver."
It appeals that ilencinl Pieneh'.s vis
it to Cape Town was to ask Loid Kobe-its
for 7,000 more met. Whether ho
got them Is not disclosed.
Tioops aie no lunger detained nt
Cape Town. They pioeecd immediately
to some point at the front. Three
thousand dibcmbat keA Slonelav and
were quickly sent elsewhere. No pub
lic icceptlon was given to tho at riving
voluntceis ut Cape Town, because they
had to leave immediately. As Lord
Kobeits, since the battle of Splon Kop,
bus hud 20,000 flesh tioops to dispose
It is piobable that sonic have gone; to
Geneial Buller.
The Wot Id sas It Icains that Lord
Methuen bus dh handed Itemlngton's
scouts, one of tho most useful colonial
commands, because ho had ascertained
that some members of the coins had
been communicating with tho Boots.
Lord Huberts has caused to be dis
tributed In the towns botderlng upon
the Invaded colonial tetrlloty an Invi
tation to Uiee Stateis mid Tr.nsvaul
cts to go Into the elesei t, offetlng them
good tiuitment and a icstoratlon ti
their fnim- on the Btltish uccurntlon
of lepublbau tuiltotv.
The manifesto guatantces that those
btlnglng hotses can sell them. Poi
ilgneis will have theli passage paid
to Kurope. Colonial lebels me aelvised
to sutiend-! In piefeteno to being Ir.i
pilsoncd. Not n waul has heel leeedved flciin
the coiiespondents with Crucial Duller
foi- Mm io d is
It Is as though Natal had ben wiped
off the map, eveptlnrT the h"logiaiu
fiom Lndvcntlth i ivlng that the- Been
an cannonading .md that "fighting Is
going rn "
Oinei-al .V.teDon.ild. with 1.000 n
fnnttv, cav Uiy md itt!ll"iv, thii'.il
ens th l Sou ilj,ht at Mageiifontuln.
This is the- lit st srn of uctlvltv on tlu
pat t of Loul Methuen for -onw weeks,
and doubtless h is p lation to the move
ments of the I'.tltlsh Im titer east.
H. H. Asquith Said Countiy "Was
Unprepaied for the War.
London Ucb. ('. Th' debate on the
miK'ii im.-nt to the ai'dit.-s In tepij to
tlu sp ech liom the thione was to
Miami In ihe hous of i cnunons to lay
by '1. H. Asquint, Llhoial (homo sec-letni-y
in the Kosebei v niinNtrv ). Hi
innintalnt.' that the- war wus n Ither
Intended nor ele shed by the govern
ment whlih natui.illy explained the
counttj'h unpii'pai ed nisi.
Mr.Asqullh addul Ilia' the war could
have been nvoidecl by I'lcshhuit Kl ti
ger accepting ihe ptopcjals made In
Scptiiiibi'i which, iiccoullng to tlti
speakei, weie poif-cllv c oii'.putlbll
tilth the maintenance i the Indi i en
demo of th" and a pioper
Instalment of loug-dc 1 ived justleo to
the Hiltlsh iiopululloit of the Trans
vaal. Balfour Cheeied.
A. J. Balfour, the government lender,
appi.iled to the members of the house,
lliespectlve of paitv. to lse- to "tho
height leached by those we icpieseut."
He eleelaied that If they did this then
In a slunt thin tho eiiipite would Issuo''
fioin the stiuguilu, "stionger, not only
In the i onselousncss ot its sttength,
but lit the e)Ps ot tho civilized win Id"
Ho icsunied his suit amid prolonged
e heeilng.
When the division bell i.imr the lilili
mein'-ers lose In a body and left tin
house without voting. Seveinl liberals
abstained. Some otheis voted with
the f.ovetnment us did aUo Sir IMward
Chukc, member for PI) mouth.
Mr. Asqulth votid with Sir Henry
Cuinpbell-Bannoiniun for the amend
- - -
State Board of Undertakers.
Untilbburg, Peb. ( lioveiiyir Stonrj
today reappointed U. S "Mllle r, of lte.ed
lug. a membor of the stuto bond of un
deitnkeis and appointed Charles L.
Mvne, of Philadelphia, In placo of Chai,
W. Naulty, of Phlladcliihlu.
4- 4-
Washington, Feb. 0. Forecast
for Wi'dnesdny: For eastern Penn-
fc.vlvanlu, r.tln lato Wednesday -
nnd Wedncsel ly night; Thurpday
lain or snow nnd much colder;
winds shifting to ficsli bouthc.isU -
ctly. .
t -t- 1 1 "f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- t U
jub .ftwiaj;.
, d-tAllx.