X THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, FEBRUARY G, 1900. 9 5oi!&s ACTS GENTLY Gk, M -J-H ON KlD- BOWELS CLFANSeS THE SYST CLEANS EFFECTUALLY; OVERCOMES ..DATIni,. PERMANENTLY ITS BFk. u rfECTS ICIALP BUY THE GENUINE -MANTD BY THE GENI 8F9RNIApGYRVP ,ku. .oifWAfCc v0'-J'O ""- KY f -' CAL '? NV fOP SfttE BY tit DRUGGISTS PRlCC 50c FCR BOTT'f CARBONUALE. CHARGE OF EMBEZZLEMENT. The school boa id met In regular ses sion last ovoniiiK. Supeilntendent G.nr submitted his monthly repot t which showed among othci things a total attendance of 11,381 and an aver age attendance of 002 males und 1,031 females. Treasurer Dlmock reported having iceeived $3,000 of the state ap pioprl.itlon. A communication fiom Aichltcct Hi own certified to the pel -fectlon of the piping of the heating appaiattis put In by Hunt & Connell, of St i anion, and condemned the Sperl hnllets which It declared will not gen ei.ite sufliclent steam to heat the building. A sulfation was spuing In the form of a chaige of embezzlement against e-Pilnclpul II, G. HookenHTiy, pio firied b i'-Superliitendent John J. Torbes. The statement was swotn to befoie Aldermtm V 11, inker on J.m u.uy :', 1P00. The nllegcd s'loitago Is netwei n $300 and C00 of tuition money. This Is the olmge nride oi bally some time ago Into which the piofessor i hiniK he was unable to ejet the board to Investigate. Coming at this time. while the accused Is a i .indldnto for school illtcctnr. It will be regal ded as having some nolltlcal significance. Ac tion on tin- (h.uge was defened. SELECT COUNCIL MEETING. At lust night's mti'tliig of the select council applkatinns foi citv engineer weie loeeived fium Louis ATTiiott and William Origo. The icsolution authoi ilng the m.iyoi to condemn water sheds vts amended by Mr Ni ilon o that the c'lahmen of coun 'ils and solicitor ale empoweied to act with him The proposition of the uanuf ictuieis to change the the bell was auepttd and a icsolution for a the gong on the Ilendilck woiks was Introduced. A icsolution for a Sd.ono building fui Cottage Hose company to be erected on thlr lot was lefened. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. L M. Smith, of the Ilendilck Manu fac'mlng company. Is vHtliis-; friends In Rochester. W. J. Bine, of New Yoik, Is lsltlng lelathes In this cltr. llnry Ben Is on the sick list. Mr. and Mis G. S. Kimball hao nirhed fiom Florida wheie they spent a month. Mls Giaee Hall Is ill with mumps. The Pastois" AIIItiko met In Tilnlty paihh house estoi.la afleinoon. Mr and Mrs. I,, a. Bassett ate ls Iting Xew Yoik friends. Hon K. K. Hendilek and niece. Mis. Ka Smith, an- en mute to California where thej will wut some time. Mr. and Mi A M. Shephetd i nter talned M'stetdny Ml and Mis. A. B. Dunning of i, niton, rianl; lioemme Imejer left jesteniiy for Fiankfoii, Kj , wheie ho will at tend tho funeial of Governor Goobul. who was his lltst cousin. Julius Moses Is the guest of Hoiace Fo at Sageiton Spilngs. PECKVILLE, To the voters of Hlakely boiottgh: If Mr. Phillips had obtained the noml nation at the piimary election by a majoiity composed of a ta pioportlon of the oters of tho three wards, I would regaid his nomination as ex- HoiismoikishaidwwiiwillotttGoldDiisf TO WASH COLORED TABLE CLOTHS Agreitminy person wholhe on firmi tnd hive to do their own vnhlni. uH rn!..i ...,. llceniotivc wtihln-. To keep thera looklat Gold Dust Wishinc Powder lo tfce wMh witer, tnd dry In the shade It ! wonaeriui now long t pretty red table ctoth will ItCP Itl freshnets ufihH tsu .. w..k or colored nipkini the stmt wiy. JJ1? ' kn lien mi tin Sootltt MBI OH on rtqviit to . " " "' '' COMPANY, J lMt. St. LtuU. Nw ,,, Oc.l.n. whbn im nniiar. TDV .. - riij a AGAIN 1 fri KaVSrmMWM&lf ""J T?f ,h?whole.l.ll,te- Alldrainaandloiiei art cbecke5Vr'jv. fnUia oa'ticnti m,iI.-i?.Li. S"S lVu "odilion often wprriei them into In.aoity.Comumptlon or Death Malted seated. Price ii berths! & haxM.wlth imn-i-.A i..i . .1. . f ..-j.kI money, j oo. bend lor fre bock. For Sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Snruct strait .mmn'szMi pressing tho choice of tlio people of the borough. Uut since I lecelved twenty eight niuro votes In tho First and Third tvaids than he received, und ten more votes In his own ward than ho receive J In the above wards, I think It only fnlr Hint the matter should again bo sub mitted to the people of the bniough nt the genciut election on the 20th Inst. During the past term I have endeav ored to master the dlfllcultlei of the vvotknf roltectlnif the tnxe. Those who wish to know the facts can learn how far I have sureec'dcd. I solicit the sitp pott of nil the citizens, assuring them that I will he nhle to do better during another term, If elected to the otllce. U. J. Williams, Hlakely, Pa. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Mayiiold Council Holda a Stormy Session-Meeting of D. and H, Employes Last Night Personals. Tho Mayflold council held their monthly meeting last evening. Conn clltiun William Edmunds, Edmund lMiminds, James Harris, tllelmd Hcy nolds, P. II, Herg.in nnd Alonndcr Shlantn being present. Throughout the evening eiv little business was tt ansae led, tho lefot liters and tintl-io-fotmers being equally divided and eeiy motion put resulting In a tic. The joport of the ex-borough treas uier, showing n sum of $SS duo him, was lead and a motion to adopt wad defeat' d, the objection belnjr that Sev ern! bundled doll irs In the roport had been paid out without oulits being ih aw ii. Thf ii pott was afterwards tabled under the heael of unfinished business. Edmund Edmunds suggested thul the bill if C M. Lcsher fo: "-VS. laid upr fiom the 1'ift meeting, K' tuiil, H was uftoi wauls agiln laid over. Chairman Shl.wto stated thci weie two vacancies to hi tilled on th- boanl of heilth. but on the leeoia mendatloa nf Edmund Hdiiiund'i no action was taken. Th" following bills wen- lead and m ileied paid: Thomas Botindy, $7.31: Huhhrook Water company, ISJi: Hillside Coal company, electilc llghta, $2l,i'7: M. Ii. Konstantlne, $3: Thonias Boundy. 2i"; Attorney Timlin, $J3; bill from William Walker for $S3, amounts oveipald as borough treasuter, nnd seveial others from councllmen as wit nesses in the Hergan ease, and one of Secretary Daley for $13, sei vices ten dered In committee and othei wink, were laid civet. The meeting thtouphout was a Htm my one. and as usual many stron-j peisonalltles were Indulged In. In response to a notice a number of mlneis and companv hand'- assemble 1 In Windsor hall last evening. William We stinKton wis i hah man of the meet ing and Peter ICellv wns 'ocietaiy. We were not able to be ptesent, but I after the meeting tho S'.-otetiry handed . us the1 following repot t. which ex. 1 plains Itself I Th" Intent nnd purpose of the meet I Ing was to give some siund aiHIcc to runneis and dilcrs who lrul been the iaitsi of the ttoubV at the Pelawat and Hudson mines In Jonnvn the fit st thren days In Februaiy. Tho advice plvon was that In the futme when i linnets ot either1- had gilnnces they , should pi cent tnem to the lltjht par ties and gle them reisonable time to accede or lefttso the demands made. William Westlngton, Chalunan. Peter Kelly, Seel otnry. James Prior, a well known and aged resident of Second street, who has bet n In falling health for some time, was taken unconsclouT yesteid.ey and but little hope Is entertained for hi? I ee o el y. I Kilns Kans and Henry Butler, of I Vandling, spent Sunday note, the I guests ot Mi. and Mis. T. K. GilltUlH, i of Not th Main street. Dr. M. .1. Shields delivered a lecture last Fildnv evening belote the nurses of the Kmeigency hoipltal, Caibon-d-Ue, on "Diet In TphcId rover." Thorn is Mann, of West Mayflold. was eiuile palnfullv injured hv a fall of top coal In the Glnwoud mine last Piiday. It Is feated he may be In. Jured Internally. ARCHBALD. The borough council held a jegular meeting, with Messrs. Jones, Price, Sc anion, Dean, McAndiow and Slddon piesent. After the reading of the min utes of the piecedlng meetings weio appiovcd of the following bills weie ordeied paid: M. Pi Ice, committee wmk, $40; William McAndrcw, police duty, $3; Thomas Flnneity, committee weak, $10; Joseph Kans, labor, $1.1'3; Tied Llnde, feeding piisoner, $1.30; John McHale. police salaiy, $40; P. II. I.oftus. committee woik. $0; Kdwnrd O'Hoto, police duty, $1; Martin Caw Icy, lumber, $M: Aichbald Citizen, pilnt Ing, $4.30: Mis, j, Moian, cleaning boi otirfh lailldlng, $ii; Crescent Klecttlc company, light $2JS; Gutta Petcha Hose company, hose $J32.G.'. A communica tion was lead fiom William lliennan, of Salem stieet. asking pay lor dam ages caused on his propeity by the ie cent tains The walei tunning Into his eellai thtough the Inability of council to have the dialus repaited. Ths matter was left In the hnnds of the road committee The bills of Jamei Coleman, for hoise hlio, and of T. .1, Glldea, for legal sen lees, amounting to $3 nnd $15 tespectlvely, were laid oer for Investigation. The pole tnx oidlmnce was next taken up for thlid and final leading and was passed by the following vote: Aes Jones, Price, Theyhart Hood tse ten ofytan, and have cured Itiguundi of ,, .-., casta oi nervous Uueaiti, tucn at Ocbilav. Uunniii. Sleccleiia n tn and Varicoccl,Atropby,&& They dear lh brain, tutngibea tbt circulation, make digcitioa Addnn. nil uiiiikiue i.u.i..j a Phnrmaclit, cir. Wyoming' avenu and Dr. Jnmci' Hcadacho Powders, AN OLD FAMILY PHYSICIAN Mtikcs Dr. James' llciukcbo Powdors from his own prescription. For ten yeard und more ho has used them la his own practice. And they have never failed to do all ho claims for them. They're perfectly harmless. Do not stupefy the ncivcsor nffect tho heart hut they euro headache. At all Drug Storos. 4 doses 10 coats. Cure v hero Others Fall. Dean, .slddon and McAndiow, 5: nay Seanlon, 1, A committee consisting of Messrs. Pi Ice. McAndiow and Slddon was appointed in disti Unite the hose, which was lecently put chased by cotin (II, to plnies of uiiod location in each of tho three wanH. Thete heitis no other bulnes-s, the e-otincll adjoutned to meet the last Monday In the month. J A Poole and P. A. Phllbln nto In New Yen k elty. , Tin lionet in. Itcbehah lodtre, No. S3, Independent Older of Odd" Fellows, of this place, will conduct a masqueiado soeial on Februaiy 21 In Illiizsdotfs hall. TAYLOR NEWS. Coining Borough Election Masquei ade Ball of tho Taylor Hose Com pany Personal nnd Other News matters. Tho coming IkuourIi election, with but one week to elapse, pi utilises to bo one of much Inteiest to the Miteis of this town. The much discussed itics tlon of tho bonding of tho boioush for the erection of a high school for tho sum of $.'0,000 will be deelded, and tho candidates In ariou'i winds will settle theli dltllcultics for the otllces of coun cil and school dltector and other minor watd ollleet-. The republicans h.i completed their ticket weeks ago, whllu, the citizens hne Just made up their slate. In the Fli-t ward the Hepubll can ticket Is made up of all Rood and honest nun und well acquainted with the duties they will bo called upon to pei foi m. Yesterelay was pay-day at the Arch bald colliety of the Pelawaie, Lacka wanna and Western company. Miss Mabel V. Knight and Homy Daniels, both popular joung people of South Ta Icn, weie nuletly man led le cently by the Kev. James ne.inlnger of the Hampton Stieet Methodist Kpibco pal chinch, of Hj,de Park. One of tin giandest affalib In the lino of amusement eor held In this town will be held In Weber's, link on Thur.sday cxenlng, Pebruaty S, when tho Taylor Hose company, No. 1, v ill conduct their flint in.iseiueutde ball. Uxtenslve piepaiatlons an being mado by the members to make the e ent a gland success, and those who desire to attend can be nssuted an evening of much pleasure. The Hedinen's society of this town has accepted the Invita tion and will attend In a body In full dre-s costume. The Centuiy llos0 mm panv, of Scuinton, will also lie piesint in full di ess uniform on that eoning. A Luge number ot tickets hae been disposed of. Admission, only twentj Ihe cents. Costumes can be had at Webet's for the event. The employes of the Taylor, Pjne and Holden collieries will be paid fot the month of January today. All arrangements hae been com pleted for the social of tho Ptlde of Lackawanna lodge. No, 18, Ameiican Protestant Ladles' association, to be held In their rooms In Heese's hall this evening. All are cordinily Invited. Don't forget to attend the gtand con ceit to bo held at the C.ihaty Uaptlst chutch on Thuisday evening next, If you desire an evening of much laughtet and enjoyment. OLD FORGE. Uddle, the youngest son of Chailcs Miller, who died of diphtheria, was In tone J In the Matey cemetery on Wed nesday. Hetijamln, the youngest ton of Will iam Carey, was ejuito si loudly Injured at the Sltnpbon t W.ukins mines by being .squeeze 1 between eats. The Ladies' Home Mlssionaiy so ciety will meet at the Methodist Epis copal put nndge Thuisday afternoon. William Liphan and Miss I.Uzle Jjickson srent Sunday with friends at Cat erton At the Itepublltan eaucus the fol lowing men weto nominate 1 for th? various offices: p.uigcis. Uoebe W1IIH ra'ese: ta collector, lletuy Ilatdlng, school dlieetors, Hobeit Johnson anil John Cook, three yo.usj John Itlm tner and Piank Conosky, two oais; William Hepp and William (Iwy'n. onu yeai; council, William Kvans. Fied Click Cox and Antonio F.inneardi, thtw years; John K. Motgans and Fiedoiick Naylor, two yenis: David Pavls and Clarence Snvder, one jeirj nssessor, John Jenkins; auditors, William Will iams, AValter Cavlll and Joseph Hob son: teglster of voters, Arthut Steward and David Mathews. OLYPHANT. The J's nnd K's of the Initial society, of the Hlakely Paptlst chutch, will serve a tuikey supper In the parsonage on Main stieet, Hlake-ly, tomonow evening between the houts of 5 and 9 o'clock. The prh o of supper la I'i cents. The ladies ure fumed locally for theli generous spteads. The employes of the i:ddy Creek col llery were paid yesterday. On Satuiday morning Miss Ivor Thomas, of Dlakely, placed a can ot molasses which had been fioen In the oven to thaw. Shortly afterwaid In lemovlng it fiom the oven the can burst and Mis. Thomas was very pain fully burned about the fuce by tho hot molasses. Hev. David Spencer D. D of Davis, N. J has accepted the call given htm by the membets of the Plakely Uap tlst chutch here and will besln his ministry at this place Sunday, Feb ruary 21. John Langhun has accepted a posl tlon at Scianton. Tho membets of the Congiegatlonal church will hold an entertainment and serve supper In the church parlors on Thursday evening when tho following excellent programme will be rendctcd: Address, chnliman: selection, male party; tccltatlon, Miss May Evans; recitation, Miss Mollle Hannlck; souk. Miss Ulnnche Williams; tccltatlon, Miss Annie Probcrt! selection, male paity; recitation, Mrs. William Ed waids, Ptovldcncc; selection, ladles of the church. Admission IS nnd 25 cents. Mrs. Itichntd Thomas, of Spring lliook, who has been tho guest of Mrs. Catherine Thomas, of Dclawato street, returned home J estcrdnv. Miss Helen Wade, of Carbondale, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John McCoimack, of Delaware street. Miss Lucy Fat roll entertnlned Mls Hose Canavati, ot West Scranton, on Sunday. Mr, and Mis. II. II. Mathowson tiro on an extended visit with relatives at Norw leli, N. Y. Frank Hownith, of Wllkes-Barte, visited Mr. and Mts. F. M. Williams over Sunday. Frank McDonald, of Scranton, was a business caller In town jeslerday. D. Ii, Qriniths has returned from a trip to New York, THEATRICAL. "Faust" at tho Lyceum. Lewis Motrlson's "Faust" Is one ot the Tew thcattlcal ptoductlnns that never gums old nnd never loses Its dt an ing powers. It attiacted an nud leticn to the Ljceuin lust night that ciowded that house to the doors and many were compelled to content them selves with staudlng loom. Mr. M.ui-isou Is not with the com pany, the lole of Mephlsto tailing to Ei i oil Dunbar, who models the chai nctet stilctly on Mortlson lines Miss Genevieve Kane made- a ptewv and capable Mrrgueiltc and there weie a number of other veiy good people !n the roinnnnv. The play vvaj t resented vita the wealth of tccnery and mechanical and fleililcal efli-cts, foi .which Mr. Moi rhon'K veition of Goethe's btoiv Is fame 1 the totintiy ovet. 'The Woman in Black." "The Woman In IJlack" was the at traction at the Academy of Music last night, us presented by the C.lbney Hoefller company which opened a week's engagement nt the house. The play was greeted by an audience which ci ow ded the theatio and manifested Its uppteclation of the evening's enteitaln nient In the most enthusiastic manner. The play is a melodrama and has a cleverly devised, Ingenious plot, which deals with the seamy side of Now Yoik politics, the machination:-, of a watd boss, hlmoii Kiaufzei, and his follow ers being vividly und forcefully brought to light. Mo i mm Gibney Is cast for tho patt of tho above-mentioned power and fills the lole almost to perfection. His make, up is excellent, his language and ges tures clever, and his geneial acting very leallstlc. He Is hacked up by a couple of lieutenants, Inferior watd heeleis, who make almost as Bioat a hit as does the star himself. Nellie Gibnc takes the lending female lole, and as Madame Zonela ex cellently poitrns a mysterious Indi vidual, who comes on tho stage garbed in black. She is, to quote the words at Kianzfer, "a sort of female Swcngall," and her hpnotlo powers are used as i tool by tho villainous heeler, Mabel Fowler, as Jimp, an abused waif, natural and winsome, and made a gieat hit with the audience. Frank D. Melville is the statesman hero of tho play, who runs for con giess and defeats John Cianc, his vil lainous opponent, w ho is backed In his light for the election by Kianfzei. Mr. Melville made a favoiable Imptes slon on the audience, and in the first net displayed pugilistic ability of no mean older, by dellveilng two beauti ful Knockout blows on the duo of above mentioned watd heelen. In the couiso of the peiformaneo vail ous pleasing specialties weie Intro duced, the comedy Juggling of DeHol lis and Vnloia making an espoclilly large hit. This afternoon tho company will present the new "Chat It v Hall," while this evening's atti action will be the Cuban melodrama, "The Last Sttoke." Grasshoppor Burlosquers. At the Gaiety 03terday afternoon the Crane Hrothets' ' CTrai-liipper" 1'urle.squeis began a three das' en gagement. They had ciowded houses afleinoon and evening The perfoimnnee opens with an olio In which are half a dozen good turns. One of the mest laughable Is contrib uted by Ciano hi othei a, the famous "Mudtown Kubcs." Their grotesque make-up and odd antics convulsed tho audience last night. Miss Aqrnes A. Miles snng soveial songs In a veiy ac ceptable manner, and Hastings and Wilght, slfgeip and comedians, went given ii cordial leception. The Dem mlng sisters and Mt and Mrs Hyron Spaun al"o had numbeis In the olio. The perfoimance closes with i bui lesque on "Naughty Anthonv," ertltled "Haughty Anthonv " Itl.iurhe Hates' stocking display n enc was duplicated in a veiy leillsilo way. Sapho, an or lentil dancer, also appears In the bur lesque. "A Stranger in a Strange Land." "A Stranger In n Ptiange Land" from present indications will play to cue of the laipvst engagementn nt tlw L count this evening of tho so-ron. Although presented for the fiist tlmj In this city Its teputatlon has pieccded it. Tt lb to be riven under the ditec tlon of Minngeis Willi im . Urady nnd John It. CiKim. It Is a fitclcal play, written by Sidney Wilmor and Walter Vincent, and has s,.ui,'d such a tiiumph tint futuie effotts of these gentlemen will be looked for with avidity. For weeks plot "v Stranger In a Stiango Land" has k..,t the me ttopolls laughing and crow del tho theater wheie It was ptesmted. Pei Imps one of the BicatP't leasons of Its success tomes fiom Its beln fiee from any suggesttveness, such as tnlnt the Fiench farces, with which New YotU has been ovctrun for two sa3ons. It Is clean, ptito and whole some In the fun and yet broadly fatcl cul. Catauh Cannot Be Cuied with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, ns they caunoi leach the buiU of the illhcuhe, Caturrh Is u blood or cniibtltutlunal dls eahe, nnd In order to cine It you must take Internal remedies. Hall's Cntanh Cure Is taken Internally, nnd acts directly on tho blood and niueous surfaces. Halls Cutuirh Cure 1. not u eiuach medicine. It was prescribed by one of tlio best nhjslclaiiH In this countty for yens, mid Is u tegular prescription. It is tompjsod of tho best tonics known, cnniblueil vlth the best blood piirlll in. acting dliectly on tho mucous Bin fa 'os. The perfect com. bti.atlon of tho iv,o lnsrvdletits h vvbat piodiices such wonderful results In cur ing Cutnrrh. Send for tCHllniunlajs free. P. J. CHRNBY . CO . Props., Toledo, O. Hold by druggists, price 75c. Hall's Family Plllt, uro tho beat The People's Exchange. A POPULAR CLEARING HOUSE for tlio Bcnsnt ot All Wlio Hnvc Houses to Rent, Real Kstuts or Other Property to Sell or Exchange, or Who Want Situations or Help Theic Small Advertisements Cost One Cent u Word, Sk Insertions for Five Cents u Word Except Sltimtlotu Wuntutl. Which An In serted i'rec. FOR RENT AAlltAAAAAA POH SALH-SIXTDRN SHAUKS CON sunuis' Ire Co. stock. Said to pay 10 per cent. Henty O. Ullkman, Maple wood, Pa. POlt llKNT-I-nOM APHIL 1. 1IOP8P.S Ni fJU-(2S Qulncy avenue; eleven rooms and all lniptovemcnts!ront :tra p;r mouth. Houses No. WO-Gal Qulncy avenue, nine rooms and all improve ments; rent, $20 no per month. Apply to J. H. Wnolspv Co., Contractors and Hulldeii, M'Jll Potest coutt. FOR SALE FOH SALH-1G HL'AVY DRAUGHT hoi sm ; cheap: good workers. Serin ton Dairy Co, Montcy avenue nnd Larch street, POH HALH-THi: WHITF. HOPSR ON Petui uvenue. Iniiulro Wllllnm Crulg, H. Hoblnsou's Sons. REAL EST Ate. FOR SALH-AT A ItAHQAIN TO A quick buver, 417 nnd 411 Olive street. Apply 7:9 Qulncy, F. St. Amand. WANTED-TO RENT. WTllirrISlTKDlROO nblo for gentleman and wife: central ly located. Address, X, Y, C, Tribune. WANTED-TO BUY. v "iV-- WANTFD-TO llt'V PHOPHRTY, JHF lerson avintie; stato location; price. J , Tribune otllce. WANTRD-TO Kt'V FOIl "t'ASI I. SRC- ond hand watches, iewclr. old gold and silvet. Gardnei, 2aj'a Spruce street. WAJWED-TOJZXCHAWGE. VOU RXCMIANGR NRW DOUULU house, North 1'iirlc, Dunmoro: all Im proveim nts; a good pajlng Invcfetment; now rented; tor lot worth about $l,0UO; Ii ilance eas ti rtti". Incut Ira 'M Adams avenue, city. FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RRNT - FURNMSHRD ROOMS with gn, Inth nnd citv steam, tti, $7 or $S Inquire Slu Wushlngtoii avenue. WANTHD-TWO NICLLV PPKNISIIRD rooms with board. Centrally locattd. Address , Trlbuno (Ullce. WANTRD - GOOD. 1IF8TLING MAN fot partner In gent's furnishing and h.it biiulncss JJP0O c.ish v 111 ii iy vou Jl,."00 a vear. Hiht stand. Good reter (iiies. AdUres C. George, Scianton, I'a, General Delivery. RNRRGRTIC SALRSMAN - COUNTRY woik. School supplies. Salary ?100 and extras. R. O. Rvans & Co, Chi (ago. III WANTRD-RY AN RSTARLIRIIRD buslnrpq of a high older, a lepresenta tlve of ability nnd backing who can take up Its work In the state of Pennsvlvanli; no scheme; permanent business with money In ft for the right party. Address, giving references. rOUNTAIN RATH RRUSH CO , Grand Rapids. Mich. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. LADIRS TO DISTRIRUTE TRKE SAM ples In cltj. Call nt S20 Washing ton av cnue. from 8 30 to 10 SO a. m. today. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WANTHO-A RRLTARLR PARTY WITH or.o thousand elollais cash, who cin take a position as dlstilct m linger In an established corpm.itlon. Uooil halary and Interest In tho business. Must fluids!-, good reference. Addr"s Leonard .1. Hurtls "i, Montgomery street, Jersey City, N. J. BOARDING BOARDING EK PINE STREET. LOST I.OST-IN CRNTRAL CITY. YESTRR. day uftcrnonti. pocketbook. Reward for re turn to .' Conncll Hulldlng. CITY SCAVENGER A. B. BRIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS nnd cess pools; no odor. Improved pumps t'hed. A. R. RRIGGS. Proprietor. Leave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Rlekc's drug store, corner Adams and Mulberry. Telephone MfO. NEWSPAPERS THE WILKE3-RARRE RRCORD CAN bo had In Scranton at the news standi ot Relnman Bros . 405 Spruce and 503 Lin den; M Norton 322 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schutzer. 211 Spruce street. DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING TOR CHILDREN TO order; also ladles' wuthts. Louise Shoemaker, 212 Adams avenue. SChLPJRWVT. MRft L. T. KELLER. SCALP TREAT ment. SQc; shampooing. 50c; facial massige, manicuring. 2"c. ; chiropody, 701 Qulncy. LEGAL IN RE: ESTATE OP CHARLOTTE Hunt-tdl, di i eased. In the Qi plums' Couit of L.iekawanna county. No. lo, Se ries C. Tho under.-lgned, an auditor, appointed by tho Orphans' (ouit of Lackiiwauua count,, to distrlbuto tho fund J in tho hnnds of E. J. Mcllenry and II. r. 'Jink huni, executors of the istato of Cliai jotto Honscll, deceased, hereby glvis no. tliii Hint ho will attend to the duties of his appointment at his othee, in the Re publican building, city of Scranton, on Satutdio. the 21th duy of Pebru.uj, 1900, at two o'clock p. in. nt which Uino and place all persons huving claims against said estate niei required to appear anil present tho same or othelwUe bo forever debarred fiom coming in on Mild fund W. OAYLOHD THOMAS, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE-IN RE; ESTATE of 11. P. Whltmurc. deceased. In tho Orphans' Court of Lackawanna County, No k, Series C. Tho undei signed, nn uiMltoi uppulnted by said court to distribute the funds In the builds nf C, II, Welles, ddmfnlbliulor, of tho ubovo named H. P. Whltmoro, as shown by his first mid tluul at count con firmed finally January 19, im, heieby gives notice that ho will attend to tho duties of his appointment on Wednesday, tho 21st day of l'thruii, 1jo, nt a o'clock u. Ill, at his ulllie, Room 40Ti, Connell Rulldlng, Wushlngtoii uvenue, Siinutou, Pa., at which time and pluco all persons having claims ugnlnst tho said cstnto nro requested to appear and pre 'tin the sumo or otheiwlso to bo for ever'barrcd from coming In on sild fund. II. S. ALWORTH. Auditor.. ESTATE OP ALENANDER CRAIO. late of the city of Scianton, coimtv ot Lacl.awunna, Pi'iinsvfciinla, deceased. Letteis of adnilulstiatlon In tho nbovo cstntfi bavins been granted to tho under, signed, all persons havtng flilnis or de mands against the said cstnto will pre sent them' for l a, ment. nnd thoio in ilebtrd thereto will plcaso make Imme diate pa ment to LUCIUS P. DE.MINO. IAMRS CRAIO. ' New jJaven, Conn. tr'm'WV-W SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATION 'wANTHD-fcHAMSTRESS fo go out bv the dnvi ladles' skirts, shirt waists nnd children's dotlus; good reference. Address II. N., enro 'lribuiic olhce. SITUATION WANTRD-llY A HRIGI1T, healthy boy, It ve.ns old; willing to work nt anv thing. Address It , caro 'lilb line otllce. SITUATION WANTRD-UY A GIRL 15 jears old to do llcht honsewotk or mind children Address 33'J l'utiinm street, North End, City. SITUATION WANTHD-nY A YOUNG man us fireman or anv kind of work. Address G. II, Davis, J1J l'arvluw ave nue, city. TWO EXPERIENCED DINING ROOVt girls want phuo lu first class hotel. Address M. M , Scianton I. O. Gen. Del. SITUATION WANTED - WASIHNG Ironing or anv kind ot house cleaning by tho day or will tnki washing home. Address Mrs. Lee, G31 Mlnrtal street. SITUATION WANTHn-DRHSSMAKHll to go out by the day, graduate of New York; all work uatanteed; good reference. Address M. M., enro Tribune office. WANTHD-A POSITION AS GROCRRY clerk or trnvillng silcsin.ui for a lo cal territory, Spc iks ilvo languages. Hus ten jears' (Xpeilenee In business; uteudv and sobei; nnrileil Audtess II JI, line, burg, Pa. SITUATION WVNTED-UY YOUNG mairlul mm: any klr.d of work. P. S , Tribune otllce. SITUATION WANTRD-HY A YOUNG gill to do light housewotk or elln washer. Apply lu; North -Main avenue, 11 do Inrk. JOFESSIONAL. ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR. E C. SPAULDING, S2 TRADERS' HANK building. AnCHITESTS EDWARD II. DAVIS. ARCHITECT. Connell building, Scranton. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR. ARCHITECT, 133 Spruco st , cjr. Wash, a v., Scranton. Frederick" u imowN. arcihtect. Price building, 120 Washington avenue, Scranton. DENTISTS DR. t. O. LYMAN. t-CRANTON PRl Mite Hospital, cor. Wjoming and Mul berry. DR. II. F. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. DR. C. C. LAUI1ACH. 115 Wvomlng avc. WELCOME C. SNOVER, Coil Echnngo 2nd floor. Room D, Hours, 9 to 1, 2 to ," hotels 'no wesriuiwrs THE ELK CAPR, 12" AND 127 PRANK tin avenue. Rates rer liable. P. ZRIGLRR, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D . L A: W. pnssrngf r depot Conducted on tho Ea ropean rial. VICTOR KOCH, Prop I rvtvi'S RICHARD J. nOURKE. ATTORNEY-nt-Law, r0O-j Lac kaw anna avenue Gen eral law butlnes-s, collctlons nnd loans. J, W. BROWNING, ATTORNEY AND Counsellor-nt-L.iw, Rooms 312-J13 Mearh building. D. H RRPLOOLE. ATTORNEY-LOANS nHgotlated on real c-tate secutlty Mears building, corner Washington avenue nnd Spruce street. m j! donahoe. ATTORNRY-AT-Law. Ofllces. 612-C1". Mears bulldliig. PRANK E POYL:. ATTORNEY AND Counscllor-at-Liiw. 11 u r l building, Rooms 13 and 14, Washington avenue. W1LLARD. WARREN & KNAPP. AT tornejs and Cnuiisellois-iit-Lnvv. Re publican building. Wushlngtoii nvenuc. JRSSUP & JPPSUP. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - nt - Law, Commonwealth building; rooms 1, 20 nnd 21. JAMES W OAKRORD ATTORNRY-AT-Law. Rooms 511. 515 nnd 516 Hoard of Trade bul'tllng. EDWARD W. THAYER ATTORVEY. Rorms C03-90f, 9th floor Mears building L A. WATRES ATTORNEY-AT-LAW H02 Board of Trade bulMlng. Scranton. Pa. C. R. PITCHPR. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Commonwealth building Pennton, Pa! PATTERSON WH.COX. TRADERS' National Bank building. Cu COMnGYS. 9-13 R R P II H I. I C A N building. a. w. nrnTiioLP. Meirs building. A T T O R N R Y, PMV"?';i'? hht) ly-i-ovc; DR. W. R. ALLEN, 613 NORTH WAHH Ington avenue DRr S W L'AMORHAPV. nrriCR "-T Wnfhlngton nvrrue. Reilinee 1"!S Mulherrv Chronic diseases, lungs henrt, kldnevs nnd genito-uilimrv or gans a Hpeehlty Hours 1 to 1 n m school oi' the uckawanw, Scranton. Pa. Courses piepiritorv to rollege. law mcdlelne or business Opens Sept 11th pond for p.itnheu. Rev. Thomas M Cnnn 11, r . prliiei pnl and proprietor: W, E. Plumley. A M.. 1 cndmTster. i r) G. H CLARK ft CO , SEEDMEN A Mi Nurse r men; stoto 1t( W.islihiBte u n. nie. uieen house, EV) North Miln i nue; stcio telephone, 7?2 vim? s c-? - vo JOS. KPETTRlT REAR Ml LACK A wanna avenue, Scianton, Pa., manufac turer of Wlro Screens Mscrci. '-u- BAPEU'S ORCHESTRA-Ml'SiaI,OR balls, plcnlis. partle.. receptions, wed dlnKS nnd concert work furnished. r()r terms mldni-s It. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wjomlns avenue, over HulbertV music btort MEOAItflEE BROTHRRS "p"h INTERS scpplles envelopes, paper b u;s, twine. Wni chouse 1J0 WashliiRton avenue, Scranton, I'a. RAILROAD TIME TABLES Ontnit Ullllt'llll nf uvv lii-i Stations In New York Poot of Liberty street. N. R.. und South Perry, Whitehall street. Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insur Inn cleanliness und comfort. TIME TABLE IN EPPRCT NOV. 19 1'i0. Trains leavo facruntop for New Yoik, Ne-wurk, RlUabeth. Philadelphia. Huston. llithlthem. Allcutown, Maueh Chunk and White Haven, at t 3 ) a. m.; expiess, 1,20; expitss. 4 00 p. m. Sundas. 213 p. m. For rlltstou and Wilkes-Uaire, 8.30 a. m. 1.20. 4 00 p. 111. Sundavs, 2 15 p. m. l'or Baltlmoro und Washington, and points South and West Via Bethlehem, k so a. in, IK. P. m. SundajH, 2.15 p, m. l'or Loiik Blanch, Onan drove, etc., at 80 a. m und 1 20 p. m. For llcnellnir, Lebanon and Harilslnnp, via AUentovvn. t'J) a. 111 , 1.20 p. m. Sun. da s, 2 15 p. in. For Pottsville. S30 a m.. 1 M p. m. n, n..l. lrtrtla ,n nil nnln, nn... . - 11IIIUUHII s-n n ... ,(, .ki(,n i-uni, ni.uu) Slid west at lowest rate at the station. J. U. OtHAPSEN, Oen. Siipt., H. I'. BALDWIN, Gen, Pass. Act. RAILROAD TIME TAMLE9. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule in Effect November 10, 1899. Trains leave Scranton: C.46 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, HarrlBburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, Pottsville, Reading, Norrlstown, nnd Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Bnltimore,Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 8.18 r. m., week days (Sundays 1.B8 P m.), for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg and the West. 4.87p. m week dnys, for Sunbury, Hnrrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. ' ,n'..woon' 0f,n- Pass. Agt. J- . HUTClliNSQW, Gen. Mgr. Del., Lackti. ati.i Western. li,.i. i """" "l "1" !' '". yvruve ui A u -m" ut.t,r'5 T-Is- 9 " m.; 1-(W. 2.47. ilno'.i,'!19 nml -vs !' " Airlvo at Phlla-. ""M'hia nt 10 00 u, m ; 1 00, SIS. (iOO and "-'i' '' m'. Arrive from New York at UU5, r, J '"'J to "! 1W. 15-'. CM and S.13 vvt,.,'.rom Strouilsburg ut 8OT a m. n.,,i i ' ."-Leuvo Scianton for liurf.-ilo iimi liiteimedlnto stntlous at 12.10.2 50, o and y oo ,,. tn ; 1 r,-, und 5 50 p. in. Kot ";wtgo and .Sji.ituse at 4 U". a. m. and '.'.' P. in. I'nr t'ticn nt 2 50 n. m. and !': ! m. Ror Montrose at !Hi0 a. m.; ',.!. '".and CM p. ni. Por Nicholson ?,.J .!""' R1" P ni Anivo in Scranton n,."' ""ffnlo ut 2.10, 2 51 5 2J and 10 00 a. ni.. I 30 nnd Tin , ,, Tumi Oswego and Hvnciiso at 2 7i a. m : 12 is and 310 p. m. '"nojrnciii.e Ml 7 Is p ni. Prom Utlca iv-i-i . '"'' -"' ami 3.V) p. in. Piom Alciiiilsnn nt 7rn n. in. and 1.00 p. m. I riini Montro-ii. ut 10 00 a. m.; 320 und ' ' P. ri. HLOOMSUI'RO DIVISION - Leavs scrnnlnii for N. rthtimbeilanil nt (130, 10 OS ', Vv- '" "nl ,! ,0 '' '" ' ' l"ioutli at id, 3 to and sr.i p m. Por Nnntlcnka . M2 ' m Arilvo at Noithuniberlatid ai s .u. m , i n ,-,ir nnd 010 p. m. Ar nvo Niintlioku at i n. m. Arrive ul 1 l niDllHl if "IV. t in .....1 ft I-. r. Ar. ut 11 Ve nt Siiinuin fiom Niiitlniinberbtnd "' '' 12 a. in : 12 r,. i r. mid s 5) p. m. J ruin Nnntleoki. nt 11 00 n. m Prom I'l) mouth nt 7 '.7 a. m : 3 2i and C 05 p. m. ,. SUNDAY Tlt.MNS SOITH-Leave Sir.inton nt 2 1", 300, o"n mir, ,. , ; J J- !ini !) p. m NOUTH-Leiivo Srraaton at 1210. 2 50, 4i p. m : irr, and r. ro p. m HI.OOMSI1PKO DIVISION Leave Sc ronton at io p-, . m nnd 6 10 p. m. Dclavv ir j m I Hudson. On Peb. -Hh. 110O, trains will leave Sciuntmi ns follows; Por I'lirbniidab 1.20, 7 51, R II, 10 11 a. m.: 12 nojti; l..l. 220, 352. 5J5, 25, 7.57. IM". ll.l'i p in ; 1. It. a in. Por Albnnv, Sn.itogn, jrontreal, IJos ton. New Engl ind points, etc. 0 20 a. in ; 2 20 p ni. Por Hnncsilalc-n 20. 10 11a. m.; 2 20, 5 25 p. Ill Por Wlllcrs-Hirri Cl". 7 IS. Sll, 13S. 10i: 11 in , 12C! 12, 2 1S, 3 35, 4 27, C10, 71 10 II, 11 "I p in Por New York, Philadelphia, etc, via Lehigh Valley Itnlh 11I-1. 45 p. in.; 12 03, 2 11. 4 27 p 111 : vvllli Illack Diamond Ex pless, 11 "0 p 111. s Por Pcnnsvlvnnla nallroad points, C.43, 0 rs a. m : 2 is, t 27 p. m. Por western points, via Lehigh Valley Itallrond-7 X a. m.: 12 0. 3 33. wlh Black Diamond Express, 10 41, 1130 p. in. Tialns will arilve In Sernnton as fol lows. Prom Carbondalo and the North fi 40, "I!. S".'i. 'ni, 10 TS, 11 ',S a. m.; 121, 2.15. 31.-,. 4 2J. 7 41. 10 nS 1127 p. m Prom Wllkis-lWrre and the South CI", 7 SIS, 10 IS. 11 T" a m.: 1.18. 2 14. 3 4S, u.20, C2i, 7 r.i no5, 1001 p m : i,u a. m. ST'NDAY TRAINS Por Cnrbond ilc-9 03, 1133 p. m.; 2 23, C.r2 ". 47 0 5i p in. Por Wllkes-nnrroDSS, 12 03 a. m.; 1.5S, 3 2S, r. 41. 7 IS p m Por Albnnv. Saratoga, Montreal, Bos ton, New EiiRlind points, etc , 2 21 p. m. Lowest rates to nil .points In United Stn'o nnd rnn Ida J. .v. ni'nnicK. 0. p. A , Albmy. N. Y. H. W. CROSS. D. P. A , Seianton, Ta. I.clilsh Valla v Kiiilroa.l. In Effect Nov nth. 1S10. TRAINS LEAVE. SCRANTON. Tor Philadelphia and New York, via D. A II. R. 11.. at t-45 a. ni nnd 12 0,1, 2 IS. 127 (Hlnck Diamond Pxpnssi, and 11,10 p in. Sundas. D. & II. It. R , 1 58, 7 4" p m. Eur Whlto Haven, Hnzleton and prln eliml points 111 th" roal rerlons, via D. KM It It . I". -MS nnd 4 27 p. m. Por Pottsville. " '. 2 1S p. m Cor Bethlehem, Enston, ItendlniJ;, Har rlhburR nnd pilnclpil Intermedlato sta tions, via D. & H. H- Tt . C43 a. m.; 1201. " 1 127 (Blnek Diamond Express), 11.30. Simdnvs. D . II. H. II . 1 18. 7.43 p. m. Tor Tiinklnnnock. TowaHda. Elmlra, llhacT, Ocniv.i and principal Intermedi ate stations, via D . L A. W. R. It. SOS a. m.; 1 00 and .'!"i p m. Tor Geneva. Rochester. Buffalo, Niag ara Palls Chlrnco, nnd all points vvest vli D. II. H R 12a. 3 11 (Black Dla motid Rviiress). 7 4S, 10 41. 11 ".0 p. m '..inula, s, D. & II. n P... 12 01 p m, 7.11 Pullman parlor nnd sleeplnir or Lchlsr Valley pallor cars on all trains betweer Wllkcs-Uiiio and New York. Philadel phia Piiffal" and Suspension Brtdge. IttiLLIN II WILBPR, U'll. fiupt., 21 Pot tl unit street. Niw York. CHABICS S LEE. den. Pies Agt. 21 Pi UP mil street. New York. A W NONNEMAPIIER. Dlv. Pa's, Ast., 4outh Hi thle he'll 1'n. Cor tlikets and Pullman ie-ervatl"n! at iply SOD Lackawanna nve , Scranton. Pa trie and Wyomln? Vullev. Time Table lu Effect Sept. 11th. ir.o Tialns leave Scianton for New Yori; NewhurKh and Inti imedl ito points o: I'll- rallro id also for Ilnwley und loea' points at 7 05 a m. and 2 2S p. in. Iloturnlni; trains arrlvo nt Scrantor ut 10 21 .1. in. and J 1C and 0 10 p m. SCJII VI' !! VISION. Ill lirieet et. i.'.tli. s; TVorlti Hound. Wnuih nound 10o anil r .1 SO J 201 T StatlciDS i ri - 9 siAirlu- l.eaiei rs.'. S Y Kranklin ;. riowmt 4'id titi! "fti wrtUnnLun IX Ml ....no .... .J 765 ... ...1b)!... . M' 10 15" ... 10 40 .. 10 31 1(1 .'I ... :o 15 ., 11 II ... '1 .W ., 0 40 ., 9 0., (I .' .. U 1 1 ... J 07 .. 101 ... ess .. B M, ... 8 M ... H 4 ... he.' ... S 4 I ... F I'l1 ... h 3J, ... f. I.', ... sao . 1 ul ... m Arilvo Leave- l.eqve't xi'i mp 1 in, 1 CO, I J I. 1 ann.lH IS 1 SI llanc icK Mnrllxlti Frcttou psrlc WtUWOntl I'oyntclle iirsou I'laitaut lit, rnloilcl llo ' 1 01 est ilty Ciiibjiula o White III Id ;e -M ov field Jerui)ii AiclilUall linen Ptckvllle 11I1 leant Price burlf 'lliionp rro hh iica Park Pi act) im I.' Hi lu III, IJ'JV sill 6a 2 V) f, Ii . 33 5 it a 06 US 308 53- 'i1' . ite.i 1 if? . 11 i'i . 11 31, fl!v , lll-'.l lt.il i 3 11 0 4, SSI 66, 13 3(4 6 0 13 43 0 0 3 43 , B 0 3 51 110 3HH1 3 t 4 04, C i 4UT 6 a 410 8'i 4 14, as (4 171 6 3 ,.11. Mi .1 is ,.'li 15 ..'11 II ,. Illi7 .. 1 1 r, , II III ..It O-ll ,.lltV7 ..110 .Si- U 11 LeftTe bcrmiton Arrtfo t. huudny ouly. xJ 1 piauiui-a mut iiuiub Biupoaiigoai (Of ' lialusi!ti3acdi00 8UBtly ooly. olherf QatU except sunduy. , ' J ' .ctlrM tAtifl Tim fll.tn.-ln L 1"!L. purchaslni; tickets and save njoftyj' cllQluir clinlr cai New York to chtctgo 1 viiauiv. sviiB.r nmN ffaay ?nirtt In, r,Tcct Dcr- ,7' 1899 , o.I;vrvo Srrnnton for New York n , J l'4J ' CM, 8 00 and 10 03 n. m.! 12 55 S Vi a.' &.!? Knr PhllaJelplila ut 6 SO. J' "id 100-, a. in.: 12 55 and 3 33 p. m. v,o, """Udsburg at 0 lu p. m. Milk and 'Vecommtwii.ti.... . n . .. .... . I change. FttMuiigrr Krtea H C'ieJi ABtJCrtOD, (Hn. T. nitcrott, Ply. fug, AjCBerm 9i? -io Berantoo, ft, f l