The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 06, 1900, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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    kk-"- - ifytmmitt'
t.ij.i- mMf 'wfuj-tt---
r?brliary Magazines.
Becclved at Norton's This Week.
McClure'a, Munsey's,
Popular Science, Now 75c.
All tho Fashion Monthlies.
Century, Harper's, Scrlbner's,
Ladies Home Jourrml, Metropolitan,
Cosmopolitan, Strand, Pearson's,
Wide World, Argosy, Designer,
Delineator, Ladies' Homo Companion.
All the New Books
at Cut Prices.
Blank Account Books,
all Sizes and all Styles,
for all sorts of 'business.
Mercnntllo Stationery and
office requisites, all sorts.
322 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton.
412 Spruce Street.
Try Our Special 10c Collars,
ill modern shapes.
,-cS Penn Avcnu:. A. B. WARMAN.
I". J. Cusev vvcrt to N'ew York cstcr
d.i . '
Kx-8hcrlff Charles. lloblnon is In New
Vntk ill.
MIs i:il7.iletli Docr.sam Is In New
"Vmk dt, tho guest of .Its. Henry C.
Dmid, foimorly of this olty.
J ion. Willi i in J. Iowis and John I.iBar
lift psf on i for Tampa, I'll, where
lluy will spend sepral month".
Trunk (.', ltoth, who was In attendance
nt the funeral of the litn Judge (Jun
Mn, icnmud his studies nt the I'nlvct
plty of l'ennslanla esterdav.
C. I. Davidson, Major J. W. Oakfoid
ami V. i 1'iclt are In Hollleshurc, Miss,
.minding the annual iiHitln- of the J
.1. New m in l.umlici company. In which
tluv with other Sci.intonlnns hold tho
controlling interest.
Mayor Sid Not Have the Notices
Sent Out.
Owlnc to tho fnlluic to notify the
joint l.iduit confeionce committee of
council0, the ptoposed meeting of that
body wns not lield last ovonliiK. Mnor
Moit Rave Count llmun C.ilpin to under
Mand that ho would call a meeting, but
he did not do so.
The election at which the l.uluct
proposition Is to be a otod upon is now
only two weeks off and jot the tu
p.ijus have no dt Unite information us
to how much cither tho Dclavvaie,
Lackawanna and Western company or
the S t.mtoii Hallway company will
nay tow ni ils tho juoposed Impiove
nunt. Tho matter has been pi iced before
tin ollldals of tho Scranton Hallway
i ompan and an answer is belns await
ed fioni them, but no cffoit whateor
has been made to see the Lackawanna
officials and unless hteps In this dliec
tlun ai o taken at once, the people will
be in the dnik ieaidlnK the matter on
Fcbiuaty .'0.
Statament Issued by St. Vincent de
Paul's Socioty.
Following is tho tin.inrlnl statement
It-sued by St. Vincent do Paul society,
a (huitablc oigunl5atlon connected
with .St. 1'etoi's cathedinl
Hilunco on hand Januaty 1, 191.
Slot; OS; totil leielpts riming tho year
1S91, IM1.1S: total oxpcnriltuies during
the yeai, $ll.r.o. balance on hand Jun
uaiy 1, lltOO, Jjrciifi; lecelvod fiom tho
pom boxes in the eathnlial for months
of Juuuaiy, 1000, $10 m
-ioi'-i.t. oi:t coi.i,Aiti:n dATintUAY.
Smoke tho "Hotel Jcrmn" cigar. lOo.
Open Until
9 O'clock
As our time is limited
in which to close out our
large stock of Hardware
Tools, Cutlery, Ranges,
Heaters, Furnaces, Etc,
Etc., we will not close
uutil 9 p. m. daily.
For bargains come
Lackawanna Hardware Co,,
821 Lackawanna Avenue.
Squabble Was at a Meeting of the
Joint Auditing Committee and
Was Over n Claim of the Abington
Turnpiko Company Mr. Drier
Said the Claim Was Outrageous
and That the Company Had a
Bulge on the City and Was Taking
Advantage of It.
The old Abington turnpiko question
was again resurrected at last evening's
meeting of the Joint auditing commit
tee of councils and Its resu.rectlon fur
nished the cause for an exceedingly
lively and animated ctbal tilt between
Common Councilman James J. drier,
of tho Thlid ward, and President II. H.
Paine, of tho company, In which tho lie
wns passed on two separate occasions.
The company yesterday presented i
claim for $190 S9, the bamo being for
woik done by the company on that
portion of tho turnpike lying within tho
city limits. In tho months of September,
1S9C. and October, ISO!). The claim w.h
accompanied by an affidavit sworn to
by Mr. Palno, stating that duo notice
had been given the city before tho work
was done.
It was this claim that caused the ar
gument. Alter It had been lead by
Clerk Morris, and before Mr. I'alno
could get a word In edgewise, Mi. Grlor
spoku something as follows:
"This city has been spending too
much money on that road Itself to go
to work and pay over $190 nt this time.
We'vo spent nearly $10,000 on that
little piece of road In the past ten
years and I can prove It." At this
point Mr. Giler took a paper out of his
pocket and rend the follow Ins list of
amounts epended for the lepalr of
this load since 1S90. 1S90-93, $.',200; 1S94,
$1,000; 1S95, $.-,69 10; 1S9G, $970 31; 1897,
$1,000; 1S9S, $3,000. He then resumed:
"And now Mr. Palno comes in hero
and wants $190. It's a shame. Hero's
the city taking caie of three-quarters
of th'a road, while tho company tako-
c ire of one-quarter, and jet takes In
toll aei aging $600 a, month."
"I deny that tho company takes In
that much a month," shouted Mr.
"And I say they do," shouted Mr.
"They don't."
"Yes. they do. That's probably call
ing you a liar, but they do," responded
tho gentleman fiom the Third.
Mr. Paine thereupon explained to tho
incmbets that by virtue of a Supreme
court decision lendcred somo jears
ago, the company was pmpoweied to
leo.ilr tho road within the city limits
when nicessnrv and charge the sains
to the city, piovldlnpr that due notice
was given to the stieet commissioner
Mr. Palno said this had been dono
ami the claim was accordingly Just.
Mi. Xlzelman wanted to know why Mr.
Palno had not pressed tho claim be
fore, It being now four jears old, and
he tcplicd that he knew his money was
safe, that the city was good for It.
'That's It." said Mi. Gilci. "What
does ho cue, he knows the city has
got to pay tho claim. Tho company
has got a 'bulge' on this city nnd they
realize It. As an illustiatlon of their
nerve, the fact might bo mentioned that
nfter the city acquired the road, tho
company kept two toll-gatct In opera
tion." "Not at the same time," again shout
ed Mi. Paine.
"Oh, yes, they did," vigorously re
sponded Mr. Giler. "Don't think jou
can sit theie and scare mo by opening
jour mouth. You can't do It. You
kept two toll-gates running at tho
s-amo time, one at O'Mallej's und one
at Cuslck's, and I know jou did."
"I i-ay we didn't," said Mr. Paine.
"And I say jou did," said Mr. Giler.
"The councils of this city ought to h ivo
spunk enough not to allow any com
pany to bulldoze the city like this one
has done for the past few j'ears.
"Thev presented a claim for $2100
somo vears back and It would hive
been paid only I happened to find out
nn en or of $900 right hero In this offlco,
and though they got a Judgment against
tho city, that Judgment was $900 short
of their original claim, That's a sample
of the way they do business. Just think
of it, after all tho money paid bv the
city for tho repair of that ward, they
come In here with n claim for $130. It's
simply outtngeous."
Mr. Fellows thought that a petition
ouuht to hi circulated and piesented
to the JudgHS, asking for tho rondem
nitlon of the remaining portion of tho
Mr. CiodshuU dually moved that the
claim be leferred to councils, and tho
motion was unanimously ndoptcd,
A communication from City Solicitor
Vosburg was read, stating that the
claims of Assistant Tlio Chiefs Ger
ilty nnd Robinson, amounting to $13
each, should be paid. I'pon tho sticngth
of this opinion tho claims weie oidered
paid, nfter which the committee ad
journed. .
Old Officers and Board of Directors
Were Ho -Elected.
At tho annual neotlng ypsterdry of
the Lackawunna Trust and Safe De
posit company the foimer offlceis wore
re-elected as follows:
President, J. BenJ. Dlmmlek; vice
piesldent, Shepherd Ayers: ticafcuier,
John W. Fowler; directors, William
Council, Henry Uelin, jr., Conral
Kchroeder, J. Renj. Wmmlck, It. T.
Hluck, George Sanderson, V. J. Horan,
C. 8. Weston, C. H. Welles and T. C.
Beese Owens, of Brick Avenue, In
jured by Vicious Animal.
Recso Owens, of 212S Jirlck avenue.
Pi evidence, was taken to tho Moses
Taj lor hospital yestrulay as tho result
of an encounter with a villous mul?,
while at work In the Dodjo mine.
He was kicked by the animal oif the
lower lip, a cut being mado which ex
tend as far us his chin.
642 and 544 Quincy Avenue
for sale. R. H. Comegys, Dime Bank
Liver complaints cured by Reecham's
Smoke tho Pocono Cc. cigar.
Priests Who Will Assist Bt. Rev.
Bishop Hobnn.
Following are tho olllcors of the an
nlvcrsaiy high mass of toqulem which
will be celebrated In St. Peter's cathe
dral this morning at 10 o'clock for tho
late lit. Rev. William O'Hara: Cele
brant, Itt. Rev. M. J. lloban; assist
ant priest, Rev. P. C. Nngle. of Wilkes
Barro; deacons of honor, Vciy Rev.
Thomas Coffey, of Catbondnle; Rev. P.
J. Murphy, of Olynhant; deacons of tlu
mass, Rev. V. V. Brotlilck, of Susquo
hannu; Rev. Peter Christ, of SoutU
Scranton; master of ceremonies, Rev.
J. J. Loughran, of tho cathedral; assist
ant master of ceremonies, Riv. P. C,
Winters, of Hawiey; thurld", Andrew
Zychovvlcz; acolvtes, Rev. Dar.'el Mc
Carthy, of Plymouth, Rev. Walter
Gorman, of Mlnookn; book-beater, lev.
Anthony Knupas.
At 9 30 the ofilco for tho le.ul will be
chanted. Priests from all ?.tltH of the
diocese will be present nt tho ma?s nnd
In the ufternoon they will hold a meet
ing In College hull, at which matteis
pertaining to tho clerical relief ftinl
will be considered.
Deliverod by Dr. Beed Burns Before
Economic Section of Woman's
Club at Green Ridge.
Tho economic section of tho Green
Illdge Women's club held an Intel ost
itis1 meeting yestouiay, when the sub
ject undoi discussion was "Ventila
tion." Previous to the chluf address
of the afternoon committee repots
wire heard Mrs. C. P. Davidson pre
sided over tho meeting. Mis. 11. 12.
Hurlej rend the report of tho Investi
gating committee, which has been vis
iting dtlilos. One visited lust l'tid.iy
was pionounced Immaculutc In its eon
dltlons. It was stated that about eight
dailies had been found tolerably sanl
taij In methods.
Dr. Reed Bums was tho speaker of
the day. Ho gavo a piacttcal lecture
on ventilation, tefoirlng in particular
to school houses, the atmospheric con
ditions of which, he declared, to ba of
the most vital Importance. A. goo 1
sj stem of ventilation, ensuilns a fiea
cliculntlon of air, Is a great picren
tlvc of disease from contagion and Is
thus to be demanded In every school.
By dlagiams Dr. Burns illustrated
manv of his points. Ho spoke of the
three sj stems of ventilation, that of
hot nlr, by which It Is illlllcull to se
em e an even temperatuto nnd still
have fresh air. While this Is doubtless
the rhoapesit, It cannot be said to be
tho best.
In desciibing tho plan of liextlng by
.steuni ho spoke of u i ommendablc sj s
tem In use In a school In Hones-dale.
In whli h had been can led out Ideis
and biiggetlons of his own.
The method was shown by means of
dlagtanis. Indirect radiation is t bo
jnefeiied in schools, nr. thus Is ob
viated tho necessity of mouthing tho
same air hented over. Direct lailla
tlon Is not so objectionable In piivato
dwellings, vvheie no room Is occupied
continuously by all tho family, as Is
the case In a crowded school loom. A
method of --eml-lndliect radiation was
mentioned as having many advan
tages. His remarks wore conUu'Vd with a
ilear and concise lesson on circulation
of tho blood nnd how it is nftected by
impure nlr.
Messrs. Charles Wlngato nnd Morse,
noted exports on sanitation, will be
hero on rebiuary 16 to toll how things
ought to bo done.
Accused of Attempt to Entor a South
Washington Avenue House.
About midnight, Patrolmen Walsh
and Tceney bi ought to the Centre
stieet police station u man by tho name
of Lallj. who lives In Providence, and
who thej had arrested on South Wash
ington avenue, vvheie ho was attempt
ing to break Into a house on tho block
between Hlckorj and River stieets.
Their attention had boon attracted
bj three men who were kicking away
at one of the doois of the place and
who seemed to bo trying to foice an
entrj'. On the patiolmon approaching
them, two of the men ran away, but
the other was captured.
Given Last Evening by Montefloro
Hebrew School,
The foutth annivei&ary of the
Montofloic Hebiew school was cele
brated last evening by the sponsors
and pations of tho institution at Music
hall, a bull belli? given. Music waa
furnished by Bauer's oichoeti.i.
A veiy Iaige numbei of guests were
piesent and enjoyed dvnrlni; and other
pastimes until a late hour, u giand
match being, given nt midnight. The
afialr wab In chaigc of the president
of tho ussoclitlnn. B. C. Levi; the boc-letaij-,
Louis Trnihter-berg, and A. II
Cohe.i, Isidore Flnkelstcln nnd A. M.
Lev '.
A Card.
We. tho undersigned, do hereby agrcj to
refund tho muni on a 50-ecrt bottlo of
Greeno's Wan anted bjrup ol Tar If it
falls to euro our ciugh or cold. We also
guarantee n 23-ccnt bottlo to prove h.itla.
f.u lory or money rcluruled:
Matthews Bros. C. R. Chittenden.
Phelps" Pharmacy. D. W. Humphrey
McOurrah & Thorn is O, Plchel.
II. C. Samlcibon, J. P. Donahoe.
N. M. Kichc. Brown's Pharmacy.
as Cheap
In the city as our California
Navel Oranges; 15c per dozen.
Large sizes 35c, worth. 45c.
50 boxes of Fancy Florida
Oranges, brights and golden
This week we offer 75 cases
sifted champion English Peas
ijc; 2 for 25c; $1.50 dozeu.
jo cases sifted Ceres Peas at
12c; $1.25 dozeu.
60 cases Maine Corn 10c;
3 for 25c; $1,00 do-ien.
Cal. Apricots, 15c can.
E. Q. Coursen
Best Qoods for Least Honey.
Local Investors, Headed by C. F.
Davidson and Major Oakford, Se
cure This Valuable Property for
$20,000 Cash and Half of the
FioVce Lot, Opposite the High
School, on North Washington Ave
nueTransfer Means Two More
Handsome Buildings.
Negotiations wore concluded yester
duy fot the tiansfer of the
hall pioperty, 123 Washington avenue,
to a company of local Investors. In
which Major J. W. Oakford nnd C. P.
Davidson are the moving spirits.
F. L. Hitchcock & Son, repieentcd
tho G. A. R. Memorial Association, and
Wlllaid, Wanen & Knapp tho com
pany which secures the property.
Tho price paid was $875 a foot front.
Tho lot Is 40lTiO feet and lies between
two of tho city'.s most Imposing blocks,
the Connell nnd Kennedj and Cai tor
buildings. Memorial hall which Is lo
cated thereon Is an old dilapidated
8tiuctuic and piactlcaly worthless, ns
it Is too small and antique to biing a
revenue commensurate with the value
of tho lot. It will be torn down and
supplanted with n huge modern struc
ture, the stvle of which Is not jet
made public.
Tho association lecclves in
exchange for the property tho north
ern half of tho 120-foot Plerco property
on North Washington avenue, oppo
site tho High school, and $20,000 In cash.
The land In question Is valued at $15,
000, so tho ptlce which the Memoilnl
hall pioperty brings Is equal to $33,000.
It Is the Intention of the Grand Army
of the Itepubllc Memorial association
to use the $20,000 as tho nucleus of a
fund for the election of a befitting
inomoilal hall on the newly-acqulrcd
Judge Archbald Settled a Number of
Disputes About Certificates and
Nomination Papers.
Judge Archbald Fpent most of es
terday settling disputes ailslnc from
rival claims for places hi ono or tho
other of the columns of the ofllclal bal
lot for tho coming election. Several
papers nnd certificates were declared
inalid, but In no case were any ser
ious hardships the losult, as the de
feated contestant either withdrew al
together or Is a candidate of some
other party.
In Carbondalo a few of the Demo
cratic candidates are thrown out alto
gethir, but they were In every In
stance seekers for minor waul or dls
ti let otllces.
The contest In the city up the valley
was between iial factloii3 of th
Democratic putj headed respectively)
bj ex-City Chnliman Jnmcs K. Hoy
Ian and City Chnliman J. lliennan.
Mi. liolin was deflated foi the
chnliunnsl.lp of the eonentlon by Mr.
Urennnn and theieupon rethed with
his followers nnd had another conven
tion. Judge Archbald. after hcnil'ig
a 1 aft of testimony, decided that the
bolteis had no standing and declared
the ticket nominate il at the oilglnal
eomontion tho gi nulr.e Democratic
tlckit. The two tickets differed only
In some minor ofllces, the onlj- Impor
tant aiianco bein that tho Cojlnn
people named Mr. Hej-nolds for school
contt oiler, while the Hienran ticket
has Prof. Hockenbetrj1 ns the candi
date for that ofllce.
Dickson Cltj' sent down two complete
"Citizens" tickets, ono of them being
identical with the icgular Republican
I ticket and the other being mado up of
Independents. The latter alleges that
tho Republicans held their regular cau
cuses on 11 Saturday night and on tho
succeeding Tuesday night resolved
thoniseUes Into "CItlens" and held
other caucuses at which all the Repub
lican botough and ward candidates
woro placed In nomination.
AVhcn the petitioneis, who claim to
be the real "Citizens" party represen
tathes wont to tho county commis
sioners' office with their nominations
they found that the "Citizens" nom
inations had already been made and
tiled. Hxcoptlons weie taken and jes
toulay when Judge Aicbald heard
the claims of both sides he decided
that tho Republican candidates would
have to bo content with a single place
on tho ballot and that the nominations
of tho petitioners should be pilnteU In
the "Citizens" column.
Thomas P. r.tdden, of the Thlid
ward; Theodoie It. Willard. of tho
Flist w.ud; James W. Cayglll, of the
Second waul, and Thomas Median, for
the borough at laige, weie tho peti
tioners 1 (.presenting the successful
"Citizens" patty.
The fight between Horatio T. Fel
lows and John Donohoe for recogni
tion as tho regular Demociatlc candi
date for belect council In the Fif
teenth waul was settled by Mr. Don
ahoe's withdrawal. Couit made an ol
der dismissing Donahoe's exceptions
and dliectlng that the Fellows' certifi
cate stand. A similar contest from the
Fifth wnyl between R. H. Williams
and Thomas Conneis was also amic
ably disposed of, Mr. Conners with
iliuwInsT. Tomorrow morning at 9 o'cloik was
fixed as tho time for healing the ex
ceptions mai'e by W. J. Schubinchl to
tho "Independent" nomination papers
of Alex. McVlcar. for buigess, and
Thomas Evans, for Justice of the
pence, of tho Hoiough of Olyphant.
Thursdaj-, February S, at 2 o'clock
p. m., was fixed as tho time for tho
heating In thu matter of tho appoint
ment of John J. Kllcullen as Judgo of
election, of the Twelfth ward, of Oly
phant. Colliery Engineer Co. Stock
for sale. R. K. Comegjs, Dime Bank
There's No Coffee Just Like
Our Mocha and Java Blend
It Is tho STANDARD nnd tho ORO.
PI5U admits It when ho offers jou Borne,
thing Just as good,
When ou buy our Morh.i and Java
jou get tho lii'tt; SOc. lb., J bi. for $1.
Great Atlantic
PaclficTea Co.
Ill I.icknwanna avenue. 123 South Main
avenue. 'Phono 73.'. Prompt delivery.
Kecont Decision Received by
Revenue Collector Penman.
In this week's list of treasury de
risions received by Collector of Inter
nal Revenue Penman, there Is one thnt
will bo of Interest to a number In this
It Is customary timrnir the business
men to have their telephone and water
bills and Insurance premiums present
ed at their banks and paid by the lat
ter. Tho commissioner of internal
revenue now decides that tho receipt
given ns payment for those bills Is
liable to a two-cent revenue stamp.
Remains of Sister Stanislaus Laid to
On Sunday, nt St. Louis, Mo., tho
remains of Sister Btanlsl tus, formerly
Miss Nellie Mnhoney, were laid to rest
in that city, where she was suffocated
In a lire in a convent last Thursday.
The body was Interred In the sisters'
plot In the Catholic ccmcterj In that
This morning at S o'clock a requiem
mass for tho deceased sister will be
celebrated In St. John's Catholic
cliiireh, South Scranton, by Rev. E. J.
Ieabelle Boland's Clothing Ignited
While She Was Taking a
Cover from a Stove.
Isabelle, tho eight- J car-old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Poland, of
1124 East Drinker street, about R
o'clock jesterdny afternoon received
terrible bums from which she died
about 11 o'clock last evening. Her
clothes caught fire while she was
near the kitchen stovo.
The little one was playing around the
kitchen, her mother being down In the
cellar and her 10-jear-old sister, Han
nah, being tho only person with her.
She went to tho stoe to remove one
of tho lids, nnd the lifter being red
hot, picked up her apron to use in tho
raising of it.
In a moment tho apron was In a
blaze and tho flames quickly spreading
the child was soon In a mass of flames.
She datted shrieking from the toom
and running thiough the dining room
entered her father's grocery store,
which Is In the front part of the build
ing. Hero her grandfather, Michael
Poland, sr., attempted to extinguish
the blaze, but only succeeded in burn
ing his own hands.
The child's father was at the barn
near by, and hearing tho agonized
"creams of his daughter, rushed to the
nscuo. He Hung his overcoat around
her form nnd by so doing managed
to extinguish the flames. It wns too
late, however, for tho little one was
almost burned to a crisp.
She was lifted up tenderly and car
tied to bed, shrieking with agonj-.
Medical aid was Immediately sum
moned but from the first It was seen
that recoverj" was Impossible, the child
being coeied with terrible burns,
i'crj- portion of her Httlo body hav
ing boon In contact with tho flames.
At 11 o'clock she died.
Mid-Winter Dance Given Last Night
by "Young Bachelors."
"The Young Bachelors' club" last
night gae Its mid-winter dance at thu
hall of the John Uoyle O'Reilly coun
cil, Young Men's Institute, on Lacka
wanna avenue. The affair was a gieat
success, tho ball being filled w Ith tho
members of the association and their
Dancing was Indulged In until a late
hour, over seventy-five couples tripping
lightly over the floor, to the music fur
nished by Miss Kate Reardon.
The committee In charge of the affair
consisted of M. A. Raftei. T. F. Mur
phy, Jr., Charles Marlon, John Ollmar
tln, James Gnvlgan, John Dawson,
Hugh Kennedy, James Marion and
John Walsh.
Matter Will Bo 'Considered at Con
vention to Be Held in May.
At the annual mcctlnnr of the Epis
copal diocese of Central Pennsylvania,
to be hold In this city on May 15, a re
port on tho proposed division of the
diocese will be submitted.
Tho committee that has the matter
In charge held a meeting recently In
Wllllanisport and prepared si lines
of division which, with statistical
tables, will bo presented to the con
vrntlon for consideration. It will bo
for the convention to f-ay If It favors
u division, and If so on what lines.
"Justifying Its Excellence."
This is the tltlo of a little booklet
giving a shott sketch of the Like Shore
nnd Michigan Southern Railway and
Its famous "White Mall," which cat lies
tho malls for the United States govern
ment between Ruffnlo and western
eltles. It Is a very Intel estlng little
book, which will bo sent fiec upon te
clpt of -' cents postage, by A. J. Smith,
G. P. A., Lake Shore nnd Michigan
Southern Rnllwuj-. Cleveland, Ohio.
Pennsylvania Pensions.
Washington, IMi, B Pensions: In-creas-e
John V Hunt, Tioy. liindfonl.
$10 to Jl.'i Am is 1 D iv Id, Sugar Run.
lbadforil, ?S to $1U. Kcls sue Jacob II.
Klein, Wllkcb-liarro, l-
Smoke tho Pocono Cc. cigar.
French Flannel
Night Robes
and Pajamas.
You can't keep
awake if you have on
one of these slumber
robes, but you slip
away into dreamland
just as you did when
you were a boy.
"On the Square."
203 Washington Avenue.
In an Opinion Handed Down Yester
day, Judgo R. W. Archbald Dis
charged the Rule for Judgment for
Want of a Sufficient Affidavit of
Defense Asked for by the City.
Comment Mado by tho Judge in
Discussing Case on the Manner of
Making the Assessment.
"This Is neither nn equal assess
ment nor an even-handed dispensation
of tho law," wns one of the comments
of Judge It. W. Archbald In the case
of tho city of Scranton against Han
nah Lovers, In which ho handed clown
an opinion yestcrdaj.
Tho city asked for Judgment for
want of sufficient nflldaUt In defense
seeking to collect an nsscssmont for a
sewer In Deckel's alley when she had
paid an assessment for 11 sower in
Lafayette street. The tuIo was dis
charged in tho following opinion
It was decided In Mlchencr vs. Phila
delphia, H8 Pa. S'5, that tho councils of
a city are tho bolo Judges of the neces
sity for a stwer, and that their Judgment
Is conclusive: uid tiinl wnero a propeny
was bounded by city streets on tluee
side s It could bo made to pay by tho foot
fiont for siwcrs constructed on nil shies
of It regardless of whether It was, or, In
fact, could be, benellted to that citent.
This stems an Injustice, and It It Is
tho noios-.iry result of tho present stalo
of tho statute law tho lcglsl.itmo Miould
promptly remedy It. In marked contrast
It was decided by tho court of errors of
New Jersey, In state vs., ST K.
J. Law 415, reversing the buprerne couit
of that state, that tho expenses of a lo
cal Improvement tho repair of 11 10.ul-waj-
could only bo constitutionally Im
posed on an adjoining property to tho
ejtcnt of tho benefits exceptionally con
feucd thereby; and that an net of th
legist ltuio which Imposed on such prop
erty r.n nrbltraiy amount, lz : two
third the cost of tho Improvement,
without ngnrd to tho extent of this spe
cial bine'ltb, was unconstitutional unJ
Uut whatever be tho respcctlvo merits
of thcto two decisions, tho ib fondant Is
entitled to hivo tho law us It Is to bo
taken applied equa'ly so tint Its rlgois
shall not bo visited op her alone.
She may not be able to esc ipe nn ns.
sevsment along the hide as well ns tho
front of her tmall property nt tho cor
ner of Lafajetto street and Deckers
alley, although it would teem to bo plain
that cho cannot bo bcuclltcd to the ex
tint of her fiontago on both Uut If that
Is to bo tho rulo vvhv Is It not enforced
against tho largo block bounded bv
Svvctland street, Howell street. Docker j
alley and Korth Main nvcnuo?
Hero uro twcnt-nvc lots, each ono
fully ns large as that belonging to tho
plaintiff, and but ono of them Is sub
jected to any ascsment for this sewer,
although It runs ulong that block for Sfifl
feet on Decker's alley and 100 feet on
Howell street, with a lateral of over
loo feet moro on Swetlnnd. Hy tho fail
uro to bring this property Into the gen
eral assessment nearly 400 feet of fiont
ago Is relieved from contributing to tho
expense of tho .sewer and ns tho entlru
length Is but about 1,000 fict, three-quarters
of tho property nuuttlng on tho line
of It Is assessed for the whole, each
property ownet being thus compelled lo
pay 11 emarter moro than ho otherwise
would be.
It Is said, however, that tho block of
land so excluded fronts on North Main
avenue, nnd was omitted because It Ii-iil
already been assessed and paid, accord
ing to Its foot frontage, for a sewer laid
along th it thoroughfare. Put how does
tint meet tho situation? Tho ordln.inco
which provided for this sewer directs that
It shall bo paid for bv assessments ac
cording to the feet front on tho t ixablo
property nbuttlng upon tho linn of It.
There Is no evidence in the ordln inco
of nn Intention to omit or exempt t'10
block which his been left out, or any
other piece of property which falls with
in. Its terms, and wo must therefoie con
clude that the existing conclusion it, an
assessment In mlsipplvlug tne rule Wo
cannot sanction the- Idea without some
thing moro than appeals on tho record
that It was tho Intent of councils to com.
pel one property to pay on two sldos
of It, aid another, no differently blta
nted, to p ly on but one.
This Is neither nn crtual assessment nor
an even-handed dlspens itlon of tho law,
and ns tho cnor .so committed Is Inher
ent In the attse.omcnt It vltlilcM It, to nt
least tho extent of the excess, nml tho
city Is not entitled to enforco it ns It
sturds. Tho nfllc! rv It of defense Is some
what mcagro hi Its statements, but thrro
Is enough in our opinion to show tho
facts to which v.o have alluded, nnd tho
liilo for Judgment Is tl cicfoio illsihaigcd.
Change on E. & W. V. R. R.
On Wednesday, FVbiuajy 7th, a new
time table will go Into effect on the
above railroad.
1'iik Moii us IIviiiiw vita
of a cheap range (.so-called) Is
not tho only expense. Re
palis soon run Into dollars.
jullt of heavy, clean castings
with bricks twice tho thick
ness of those In other ranges
-then you make an economi
cal pui chase.
Foote & Shear Co. 55
H9N. Washington Ave M
Pierce's fiarket
Receiving dally Turkeys, Towls.
Springers, Ducks and Fquabs, also Hock
away, Maurlco River and Illuo Point 0s.
tcrs: Ever thing tho market affords In
fruits and vegetables.
Your orders will be filled promptly with
best coods at reasonable prices.
110.112.114 PLNK AVLNUIJ.
Tho quality of the oils used In mixing
colors determines tho durability of th
paints. '
such as wo offer will mako paint of great
(smoothness am! durability. A large sur
face can bo covered and the coating wilt
not peel, crack or wear off until It has
dono Its full duty.
Thcso prices will show that good oils
nro not expensive.
Chas. B. Scott
119 Franklin Ave.
Ml Tho Ponulnr ITnuua Pur.
nlshlng Store.
I M.
Is fast taking the place
of other -wares for kitch
en use, because It is
light, durable and easily
kept clean.
Try an Aluminum tea
kettle and test the truth
of this statement.
Foote & Fuller Co,
ilears Building,
At s Wnclilnivtnn A ha
11,1 If"-- .......,.... Y.
To give favorable reports of his battles
in the Transvaal. You'll not find it hard
to ijive a favorable report of the stock of
Scasouable Uudcrvvcar sold by
All weights, grades and sues.
Union bint!, a specialty.
The I
I Economy's j
! Trade Sale
Is now in progress.
Qoods priced'
strangely cheap
are displayed in
the windows and
are a hint of what
may be found
I"" J .."- JLVw ..S M il-.J?l dtfIC "II l
221-223-225-227 Wyoming Ale,