vm mK,i "f "Wf ',tT Tpty- Wr yUAfi'tcmivf- "- TJfffr ' f T'( r THE SURANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1900. PERRY BROTHERS Pianos, . Organs, Husical . Merchandise The latoBt in Sheet Music, both popular and classical. If you don't see what you want ask for it, and wo will procure It in three days time. A few second-hand Pianos and Organs cheap for cash, or on easy payments. Must make room for new stock. PERRY BROTHERS 205 WYOMING AVENUE. Ice Cream. L'EST IN TOWN. 'Tfc ET Per j&Oc Quart. LACKAWANNA DAIRY CO 'JtleplioneOnien Promptly l)o Ivorai "-37 Adams Avenus. - Scranton Transfer Co., Always Reliable. All kinds o! tiansfer work promptly and satisfactory done. Office 100 Lackawanna Ave. Office Phono 525. Bain Phone 0082 HUtlTINGTOIi'S BAKERY. iron ICES hd im HUMS 120 Fprncc Street. Mmonlc Temple. C. S. SNYDER, The Only Dentist In tLcCity Who la Graduate In MiellUtie. 42C-422 SPRUCE STREET. tcdiioeil prices for the net 1j ilajs as follows: Gold Crowns $2.50. Gold Fillings 50c. Best Set of Teeth $4.00. 5iler Filling 50c. Crown nml bridge woik a specialty. If J mi ln' any Dental wotk to bo done call and havu our teeth examined freo of ehaige. Painless extraction. Dr. Edward Reyer Eta spruce sr.opp. court house. DR. H. B. WARE, SPECIALIST. Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Office Hours 9 a. m. to It 30 p. m.: I to 4 Williams Building, Opp. Postotll.-e XJN DiNTIyjCABEL XcT t -f f t CITY NOTES MEETING HP ri.KftKS-The Scran ton ('Inks" Humiliation h.ivo thilr r fil ial muting tonight nt the new I'uijieti. lets hall VoniiiiK avenue LECTriti: Tlll'IiHDAV.-ln the Sctan. ton 'on-tvatot. of MuMo TIuiimI.ij al ti i in on at I .'I riofessor E. I.aiua..' will ilillur it lictuie on "l.o Theater en Frame." TIltST ANNl'AL 1:AI.I..-Oh l'rldiy evening. Maim lit, Lie e tile CltN ImUi, No. 1."', Suite lunen's Union ot Ninth Aim ill a. will holil IN tit it aniuia'. ball m Music hall. .Ml.UH'A'S r.M'lUW.NM) til EEN'S. Allurt II. Smith, M O, will on l'rula ev'nilng ilcllxcr ;i .Ipcturc In tho iliuu lllilgo li.iptlst i hurch on "America's I'n irowntd ejuceiis " ii.vi.i. 'i ins i:vi:nin.-ti-.c mini nunnal ball of the South Sido Iteluew Ladles Alii soclct'v will lie In tit this ivom xz In Mui-ie hall Lawrence oichestt.i will f urnlrli tho munle KOlt 'IHKATEU UOER8. - For tho Iiimii tit of .peitum-i who attend the then tcr In thls'efty.thfi Delaware anil IIihImhi trwln wlilMi hcrctofoie li'ft at 11 p. in, wyi in future U-avo nt 11.15 p. in. ACCPStsn t)V ASHAUIr.-X-rnnk Slim sk, of. Fig htreet, wan jostoriliiy at latgned Irtfoie Alderman W. H. Millar on tlif chajce of iiioimiltlm,' Hairy Piled limn, of Fifth Htiict. In default of $W liJl lio w.ih (.nmmUtcil to tho county Jul. PAV.pAY3.-Tho Delaware. Lickii wanna ttiul Westeip company paid jcs. lefilay iiv tho Arehbnli, Hampton nml Sluan minis. Tho Diluwrrn and HuiImiu rmpjnen nt tho Dickson mine. North HutHiitoii, nml the Kiiiiv Creek, Oly. plwnt, wero also paid scute-relay. lUSTOlUOAL SOCIETY METING -THe Cuthollu Historical Society un 1 Nflwimm Mignxlne ilub will meet nt s o'clock thin evening In their rooms In thu' tluirnaey liullilliih'. The literary pro. Krammo will bo a revltw of the ninci. sines by Ml4f Jift irrctt and Mli-s Mar lor) Mllln-f , , IIQJJXD-AII-fho lecture on "Mqulil Al" mitWk'.Mifh ' Hehrtol auditorium on Kriilny cVenlnu prnmlncs to bo n rnio tnvit o Srantoulann. Ah It Ik u new BuOjcct'ft preat muny will bo nnxloun imjps- f-fxiy to hear It. An extensive muslenl pro Krammo will nUo bo rendered by high school talent. Cltt'BHUD HIS TOU-Jolin Medio, of lldlevue, an cmploo nt the Dlckion worku, C!trrdny mit with nn necldent, while nt work In the pattern xhop. A lnrpe Iron frnmo fell mid badlv cruidivil the bltf toe of his left foot. He Immo illitely went to tho I.arknwnnna hrmjiltal, wlure hi foot wiih (lrimed Iiv Dr. CJcllB iiilmih, after which he left the place. BOARD OF CONTROL APPEAL. It Will Bo Arguod Before tho Court on Feb. 24. The nppeal of the Hct.inton lioird of control from Judge 15. W. Arehbald'n ruling (HsclmiKliiK the mandamus to compel the city controller to cnunter pIkii school board wat rants will bo nrBtieil before the Hupreme. court on IVbrunty 24 by Attorney David J. lleedy for the school board and City Solicitor A. A, Vosbunr for Controller Howell. Attorney Vosburg will nrKtie that, In hceplnir with Judge Arclibald's ruling, tin- act of 1S74 Is L'leatly unconstitu tional, ritstly, because the title Is do fectli, as It does not allude to the sub ject of schools and secondly, because thoio nte. two subjects lcRlslated upon, whli h halt- no connection with each other, the objects and alms nf muni cipaltles and school dlstilcts being es sentially different. Thu controlleis of third-class cities thioughout the stnte arc now becoming Interested In the local contest between the "chnol boaid and Controller Howell und If the supreme court hands down n ilt 'Islon faioi.'ible to the latter the school bo.iids thioughout tho statu inny llnd thenisclxe? compelled to pay i'tra compensation for tho auditing of their nciounts. NEW METHOD OF THIEVING Is Employed This Winter by Scran ton Lawbreakers with a Consid erable Amount of Success. A new and odd nietlied if thieving has been developed nmong the Scran ton 1 iw bieakeis tnls wintei, und one which has rnvscil nn i ndles.s umo'int of tiouble. It consists In tho thiowln'," of stones or bricks tlunugh largo simp windows. In mo.st casus theft Is the ol'iect, but in other ir'tancs it has taken the foim of pine ineinniss, mero ihimagu to the piopetty being tho ob Jtit. The Hi st place white this novel method of robbciv was employed w is at the Jewelry f.totc of JC. Kndln on I'enn avenue. The shop window had u stone huiled thtough it, a hole boimr niiilu about tluce inches In diameter, thtotlgli which the thief jnnehed his hand nml ahMi.uteri revel il niii'ill jileees of Jeweliy. The net plncj ni'ide the i"tiu of the uiik'iown's tlep le.latlons was Pcblager i Mow ( h pott ing gnol" nn Washington iimmuio. Ileie nlm u rons!dei..llo haul vai nnde. in both lii'tanc". a lairw I'ir being found on the inside of tho win dow. The next place vlFlted A' tlv store of Micliacllan 1'iotheis, dealers In Ot lentil! carpets ami cuiios, on Washington avenue. lleie a small tiav of valuable om.i lin nts wai, becuied. Aboat thiee weeks ago a hole wa il'eoxnod In the laigu show window nt an empty store on Washington nienue, and there seems to be little doubt that the mysteilom stone thrower who Ins inbh(l thes various places also broke this window Last week a luick was hurkd thioitgli the window of She'lleld -Vola's bather shop on Spruce stiect but tho man who threw it was seued away befote be could secuie nnv boot v. The bilck Ihiown was wrap! oil caie fully in thick manila paper, and It i supposed that this is done to deaden the sound as the missile strikes the glass. The tl.lees cuefully watch the patiolmcn on the beat and alwavs con duet their woik when the guardian of th p"ac e Is us far as possible from tho scene of their operations METHODIST MINISTERS MEET Prof. Coughlin Delivered an Address on Character Building. The Methodist mlnisteis of Scranton and iclnlty held a well attended meet ing yesttiday morning In the Him Talk church, l'mfess-or Coughlln, su perintendent of public schools In Wllkcs-llaiic, delleied an Intensely Interesting addiess on "Character nulldlng," tie.UIng the subject fiom an educatlonl htandpolnt. A communication was lead from rtev, M. T, rimyzcr, of Shamnkln, ask ing the local clergymen to co-opeiata in an eiToit to hold n convention of all the Methodists In the state at Hauls buig next Octobei. Hev. Chillies Olf iln, pastor of the Him P.nk chuich: l!e. W. S. Simpson, pastor of Asbury Methodist Kplscopal church, and Hev. A J. Van Cleft, pastor of the Duniuoro Mtthodisi Kpl.senpal chinch, were ap pointed n special committee to take action on the matter. LETTER CARRIER SHOCKED. He Refused to Deliver tho Cause of tho Shock. The Scinnton letter cutlets ate a mm al lot of men, at least the action of nno of them ye.steulay would lead one to believe so. Some giddy youth, so journing for the time being In Gay I'atee. dispatched a mailing caul to one of his filends In this cit. On the back of the eittd wan the n presenta tion of a .scene in the Moulin Kouge that was not exactly Ideal In Its tteat munt. The pobtal passed successfully, how ever, thiough tho hands of the blnu Fiench authoiltles and of those In New Vntk city but when a certain Hcianton curler found the esud In his pouch yesterday he lefused to deliver i It and teiurned It to the olllcc, wheto it now Ik, SIXTY-EIGHT CASES REPORTED Contagious Disease Apparently Les soning Somewhat. Theio were only sl.xty.olght cases of contagious disease reported to the sec retary of the board of health last week as compan d with 107 cases repotted tho week ptevlous. Tho jucssnt epidemic has been, how ever, so what might bo termed spas modic, that It hi not safe to argue from theso llguii's that It has abated to an. positive and lasting extent. Of tho cabes teported, thirty-seven wcte bcirlet fever and tlility were dlphthetla. Thcie wete tluce death only trom contagious disease, while tho total mortality was thirty-six. Economy Steam Hoat Bonds for sale. U. K, Coinegys, Dime Hank lluildlng. - -. YOU'M, QKT COM.AUED BATI'IUUV. COURT CMS OUT ' BIG WEEK'S WORK NEARLY THREE HUNDRED CASES DOWN FOR TRIAL. Judge Edwards and Judge Harold McClure, of Lewlsburg, Essay to Dispose of Last Week's Unfinished Quarter Sessions Cases in Addition to This Weok's Regular List-Encouraging Progress on the First Day Many Opinions and Orders Handed Down. Hecause of tho Intel tuption to the quarter sessions term, by reason of Judge P. W. Uinister's death, the casi set down for trial Wednesday, Thuts d.iy, Friday and Satutday Of last week have been attached to this weok'a list nnd an effort Is being made by the court to dispone of both lists In one week. WednibUay's cases wete placed at the end of csterilay'sllst: Thurs day's casts will follow today's list; Frl day'B cases will be at the foot of to ntoi tow's list and the sutety cases for both weeks will be heard next Satur day. Judge Hdwards Is presiding In the main eouit loom and Judge Untold Mc Clure in court room No. 2. Judge i:d winds intormed the Juiots yestetday moinliig of the purpose of the court to clear up both weeks' lists, If possible, befote m.vt Satutday, and asked them to lend tlulr co-opetntlon. District At torney Jones and Assistant Dlsttlct Attorney Thomas' buttled thu buslnesrj along as t.ipldly as they consistently could and tho other attorneys, taking the cue from the commonwealth's rep lesentatlvis, shortened their speeches and made their examinations us brli f as possible. The plea of guilty by the burglars, tepotted at length in another column, was welcomed as u big relief to the congestion. The non-appeatancu of sevei.il piosectttors In ttivlal cases per mitted of their b.'Ing summ.ullv dls pouel of and this further encouraged the court In Its big undei taking. CASES TIMED. Half a dozen tases weie disposed ot by trial. In the main court toom, be fote Julge Edwards, Attorneys J. J. O'Malley and J. E. Watklns cemvlnciit a Juty that William Thomas, i Ulakely miner at the Sturges colliety. was not hit in the head with n sprag by two driver boys. William I-ynott and George Taylor, and then robbed of bis watch, but that Thomas collided with a llvo trolley wire In the gangway, was icn deiecl unconscious and lost his watch In the dark. The fact that Tavlor had confessed to Foreman Smith that I.y nett committed the deed, r.s dcsctlbed In the infot mation, had t.o weight with the Jury. Sam Smith, the coltvl base ball Pltiver, was on flal nt adjjiunlng tlm? In the main couit loom .in tiio charge of stealing a bicycle belonging to David Fuhiman. The wheel was stolen n year ago fiom in front of the Ex celsior club hofis-e on 'Washington ave nue. Detective Molr found it in Smith's possession six months latet. It had been enamelled a new color and the number and name filed off, but Mr. ruin man icadlly identified It despite all this. Smith said he got it In a ttade from a man named Williams, living In Hyde Paik. Ho knew Williams, but could not tell whete he lived or worked. As theie is mote than one man named Williams living in Hide l'atk the nollee I thought It best not to accept Smlth'n Mniy, and after giving him a week to llnil Mr. William', of Hyilu Park, took Smith Into custody. Attorneja T. P. Duffy and M. J. Huddy represented the ucieniiani. ASSAI'ETED A CLERGYMAN. A juty fiom coutt room No. 2 was out at adjourning time on the case of Michael Abltalun, alias Mike Sullivan, cliatged with assault und battery on Hev. Joseph Simon, pastor of tho Syilan Catholic church on Garfield ave nue. Father Simon chaiges that on Octo ber 1!, 1S99, the defendant talsed a dis turbance at a. funetai where he was orllclatlng, and that when he expostu- lated with him tho defendant hit hlin nnd lmlled Ills whiskets. The defend ant savs this is all wiong and that it was Father Simon who assaulted him. Hon. M. E. McDonald and Attorney T. P. Hoban appeared for the prosecution, and Attorney V. F. Loughran for the defense. John Petiltus and Joseph Setholosky weie found guilt v of assault und bit tety on Michael Smith, of Ptovidcnce, befoio Judge McClure. In thu casu of Hat net Kobatznlck, charged by Louis Trachlenbeig with assault and batterv, a vet diet of not guilty was enteted and the costa placed on the delaulting pioseeutor. The nggi.iv.Uecl assault and battel y ease of Vaylus Hidiick against John Gaska Is on tihtl befote Judge McCIuie. Not guilty, ptnsecutor to pay thu eiMts, was the utuin In the aggta v a tod assault and battel y casj fiom Maylleld, In which Te.iile Gardotzsklu was pioseeutor and Joseph Kreschelf- skie defendant. i Peter Pltkas was saddled with the costs for failuie to ptosecute Fannla I SIioc.isjo for assault and batterv. MYEJiS ACQUITTED. I William Meis was acquitted of tho ih.ugo of stealing u quantity of clgais fiom Thomas Welles, the pioseeutor falling to put In nn nppeutance, and having sent wotd that ho had no cvl- 1 donee to piesent. In the case of Emil Hubschman and Hannah Hubschman, chaiged by Maty Sehwattz with mnllclems mischief, a I uol ptos, was entered, and in the case vvneie the uuiisenmans were cnargea with assault Vnrt battel y on Henry Sehwattz, a M'tdlct of not guilty was taken. That Olyphant Sewer Case. In the matter of the First Sewer dis trict of the boiough of Olyphant, Judge Edwards (lied tho following supple mentary opinion: Flnce tl'o nplulo'i In this rase was filed, eouiinl toprese nilug the exceptions cnllcil our ntuution to nn agreement lu writing, eiitucd Into by coum-cl for both partli s, In which tho fact Is conceded that at thu time thu ordinance, uuthorU ing tho sewer, was pnsn-d, and nt tho prebcnt time, tho Indebtedness of tho bo. iciurIi of OI pliant was nnd Is In excess of tho constitutional limit. Our intention was not called to this agreement nt, tho llmo tho exceptions wero urKued; nor was It lu the files. Notwithstanding tin innecsiiloii of this fact, wo cr.ni.ot cIuiiiko our disposition of the exceptions, it is not hucIi a que, tlnn us ran bo raised on exceptions to n report of viewers Tho exceptant, being n taxp.iver only, would have tho tWht to lllo n liixpavei's bill. Thin ho did and thu enso was decided aruln him. Ho Wbat Ails You? Is It Your Kidneys ? Try This Test and See. Why ask a physician to find out whether our kidneys, are diseased. Take a glass tumbler unci 1111 it with mine. If there Is a sediment after standing twenty-four hours, your Kid neys arc sick. If you have a desire to utlnate often, a pain In tho back, or If our urine stulns linen, you should at once take Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite- Ilemedy, as delay Is dangerous. There Is no question about its being the best and surest medicine In the world for any ifnd all dlbcases of the Kldnes, Liver, Uladdcr and of tho urinary passages. Rheumatism, Djs pepsla, constipation of the bowels, and thu sicknesses, peculiar to women. It quickly relieve s Inability to hold urine, nnd the necessity of getting up often (luring the night. It stops that scald ing pain when passing uilne nnd cor loots the bad effects of whiskey and beer. It Is sold by all druggists at one dol lar a bottle. You can have a trial bot tle nnd pamphlet of valuable medical advice sent free by mall postpaid, by mentioning this paper and sending your addiess to the Dr. David Kennedy Cor poration, Itondout, N. Y. The publish ers of this paper guarantee tho genu ineness of this liberal offer. has no standing In the present proceed ings. Will of Patrick McCann. Judge Purdy, of Honc3dnle, yester day transmitted nn orinlon In the cas of M. P. McCann against Martha S. McCann. In which he decide? that the title to the real estate on Lackawanna and Jefferson avenues, convoyed to the plaintiff by the will of his father, the late Patrick McCann, Is not a life estate, but one in fee simple. The terms of the claus bequeathing the pioperty In question direct that It shall belong to the devisee for life and then descend to his next blood rela tion. Martha S. McCann contracted to pur chase a portion of tho leal estate In question, but when tho time came to make a payment declined to pay, al leging that M. P. McCann held only a life Interest in the estate and could not give title. lie hi ought suit and Judge Purdy decided that ho has full and complete title Just as If tho be quest was to M. P. McCann nnd then his heirs. Vosburg & Dawson, representing the defendant, will appeal the case to the supreme court. Two Charters Asked for. Thomas Johns, jr.. James Hullah, William Shradenskhek, George Thomp son, Itlchard Llewellyn, Gcotge Young, George McCloskey, James Madden, Thomas Johns, sr., and John Lukna yesterday made application to court, through Attorney H. O. Walrous, for a charter for the Citizens' band. oC Vandllng. Application for a charter for the Keyser Valley Hose company was mads by Hon. .T. C. Vaughan, representing Thonris F. Grant, Peter F. Norton, John Harrison, Michael Managhan anel Thomas F. Gannon. N. S. Davis Made Oil Inspector, Court, by Judge A'rchbald, yesterday announced the appointment of N. S. Davis as oil Inspector for a toim of three years. David Prltchai-d Is the retiring In spector. The position Is worth about $1,500 a year. Marriage Licenses. William Kerrick Scranton Mary Stavlnske Scranton Milton G. Cocrtrlght Moosic Edith Parker iMooslo Frank Patten Scranton Mamie H. MacAllistor Scranton COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. The case of Donohoe and O'Boylo against the city of Scranton, was, yes terday, jeferred to Attorney P. W. Gallagher. Court gtanted an order In the case of Fannie Hart against Lewis E. Nor ton and Sadie E. Mat tin, releasing the later on common ball. Joseph P. O'Donnell, a graduate of St. Cecilia's academy, was yesterday logibtetod as a law student In the oillce of O'nrlcn & Kelly. Februaiy 10, at 9 o'clock a. in., was yesterday, llxed as the time for taking testimony In the divorce case of Al fred K. Curtis against Emma B. Cut tls. The time for presenting requests to tho examiners In the Langstaff election contest, for findings of law and fact, was yesteiday, extended to Monday, February 19, 1900. In the case of Andiew Zalewskl against Mary Parcel, a rule was grant ed to show caitsu why I he sale of real estate should not bo set aside, return able at the next argument coutt. In tho case of the Commonwealth ex. led. A. W. Daly against E F. Hob bins, tho Carbondalo poor board case, the commonwealth yesterday, filed a deinuner to the return of the defend ants. On motion of ex-Justice Alfred Hand, tho sketch of und tilbute to the late Judge Ounbter, ptepared by the bar association, was otderocl spread on the minutes of the common pleas court and suitably engrossed. Pursuant to an agteoment lu the case stated between ex-Patrolman James Saul and the city of Scranton, whereby an allowance of one month's salary was to bo made If the veidlct was for Saul, Judge Archbald made a supplementary order Increasing the original verdict from $107.50 to $182.50. In the divorce case of C. Oscar Wolf against Nellie Wolf an order was made directing that tho llbellant file a bill of particulars on or before . Friday, Februaiy 9. Later the order was modi fied to penult the llbellant to take testimony befoio Judge Edwards, Fri day, Febiuary 9, at I p. m. Tho llbel lant Is further directed to pay $35 to the respondent for counsel fees. LABORER INSTANTLY KILLED Buried Beneath a Fall of Rock in Greenwood Mine. Peter SIncavlteh, employed as a la boter In tho Greenwood mines, was In stantly killed Saturday by a fall of tock. He was engaged In loading a car when the fall occurred, which com pletely butted him beneath It. A force of men Immediately removed tho debt Is and when thev reached tho body life wns extinct and tho remains were almost untccognlzable. The fu neral occutred yesterday afternoon, and Interment was made In the Ml nooha cemetery. Finest wines and cigars at LsnVs, $20 Spruce frtiret. YOU'LL GET COLLARED SATURDAY. BURGLARS ENTERED PLEAS OF GUILTY GROW GANO GETS SIX YEARS AND AS MANY MONTHS. Crow and Fitzgerald Sentenced, but Courtright Will Not Know His Fate Until Saturday Verdict of Not Guilty Was Taken in the Crow Case -Mrs. Crow Rearrested on a Warrant Charging Her with Com plicity in a Burglary at Shamokin on Nov. 12 Last. Reallylng thnt Chief Robling had them cornel eel beyond all question, the Crow gang ot butglnrs, with the ex ception ot the woman In the case, Anna Pllbcnder, alias Mamie Ciow, plead guilty when arraigned for tilal before Judge Edvvnrcls In quattur ses sions yesterday mottling. District At torney Jones said be had no evidence fri rinnvlnl Mm iLmnnn ilh.mttt. will, ntiv ot the crimes, and wna willing that she should be acquitted A verdict ot not guilty was accoidlngly dltcctcd to enter In her case. John Ctow, alias Charles Ciow, and James Sain. on, alias James Little, alias Joseph rit7geruld. confessed to the btttglnty of the Martha Paull and B. llevuti tesldencos. Frank f'nmtilght admitted having participated In the Uevan burglary. Ciow anel Salmon wore each sen tenced to six enrs and six months' Imprisonment In the F.istern peniten tiary in each case, the terms, however, to run concurrent. Courtrlght's sen tencu was dcfeired until next Satur day. Attorney L. P. Wedcmon was as signed to look after the defendant and Attorney C. E. Daniels, counsel for the Paull estate, sat with tho prose cution. MRS. CROW REARRESTED. Immediately upon her acquittal Mrs. Crow was learresteil by Chief Hobllnt, and Detective Molr on a warrant Is sued at ShamoUIn by Justice of the Peace Francis M. Howe In this nts gerald, Crow and Mrs. Crow went charged with having conducted a butg laty In the home of Uev. V. M. Rue, of Shamokin, November 12. Scveinl articles wore stolen, includ ing a lad.v's watch. After tho ganrr was rounded up here on Chilstmas clay a large amount ot booty wa found In their possession, which was readily Identified as coming from th homes of II. Bevan, Pi of. John 'P. Jones nnd Mis. Maltha Paull, ot this city. Soveial attlclcs remained, however, unidentified, and cauls wore snnt thiiiughout tho country to the various police depaitments with descriptions of tho article1 upon them. Subsequent ly soveial of them, pieces nf table ware, weie found to have born stolon fiom a home In Pittston, and a letter also arrived from Chief of Police Gil Ion, of Slininokln, telling of tho buig lary at the home of Rev. Mr. Rue, and tho securing by the thieves of, nmon? other things, a watch which cones ponded with tho description on tho cards. This letter also identified Mrs. Crow" as tho wife of Crow, and his partner lu several desperate undertakings. The wan ant for the arrest of the three arrived soon after this and was kept by Chief Ttobltng. Mrs. Crow was yesterday taken to the central police station by Mounted Ot'lcer Joseph Bloch, and will be hoM there until omo one arrives from Shamokin to take her to the latter place. The police depat tment has been notllled nnd it is expected that the woman will soon be called fcr. SHE 'AS RESIGNED. Mrs. Crow took the matter of her arrest In a quiet and atolc-llke man ner, manifesting no excitement at all. She offered no lcslstanco and seemed perfectly icsigned. The watch belonging to Rev. Mr. Rue, which was found in her posses sion, contained the clergyman's Ini tials. These wete scratched nnd criss-crossed so that It was scarcely possible to decipher them. In itself this was very suspicious, but Mrs. Crow would not admit it to be such. She told the police that the Initials weie those of her maiden name and for a reason she did not make known, she wished to destroy any and every thing that might tend to disclose her maiden name. It now develops that tho police had the Crow gang under surveillance be foio the hurglailes were committed. They wore here during the trial of th Mayneld burglars, who are also from down Shamokin way. and wen. seen In the court room en several occasions during the progress of the trial. Ciow and Salmon have each served three terms In the Schuylkill county Jail for buiglarles, and Crow was n leased only a year ago ftoin a five oars' term In the penitentiary for a similar offons. County Detective Johnson, ot Lu zerne county, was also here with a wan ant for Mrs. Crow's an est. She U accused of having had a hand In thu butglailzinu-ot a house in West Pitts- ton, NOMINATIONS BEING MADE. Local Knights of Malta Choosing This Year's Officials. Dutlng this entile month the Knights of Malta thioughout the whole countiy ate conducting their nomination of olll cers. Some of the local lodges have til icady nominated their ofllcets, whll'i others will chooso their nominees luter on, Enstern Star commandery, No, 221, of Piovldenco, held Un meeting last Sat utday evening and nominated oilloers Electric City eommandety, No. 17", of West Scranton. met In session for tho samo purpose last Thursday Ablngton commandery. of Clink's Summit, will conduct this Impottnnt business on February 10, and El" huts' command eiy meets on Febiuarv 14, Antlitaclte commanderv meets In Malta hall on Februaiy 20. This lodge Is probably the best known one, being as It Is the C. F. BECKWITH & CO., ' DEALERS IN Mine and Mill Supplies, Machinery, Etc. DFFICE-Dimc Bank Bulldlns. VMiViV.VtfM fit Is Annoying M mw OUARANTEtD' & TOE to: mmmmmmmmwmmmmm Cloth Jackets at Half Price. My stock of Cloaks, Jackets, etc., both for Ladies, Misses and Children has been unusually large and handsome this season, and many handsome garments remain, owing to the warm weather and late win ter. We are sure to have cold weather yet, but the Cloth Jackets must go. Consequently you will find All $25.00 Jackets for , $12.50 All 20.00 Jackets for 10,00 All 15.00 Jackets for 7.50 All 10.00 Jackets for ' 5.00 AH 7.50 Jackets for 3.75 All 5.00 Jackets for 2.50 All 4.00 Jackets for 2.00 Golf Capes in Handsome Effects. Were $2j.0o for $15.00 Were 20.00 for 12.50 Were 15.00 for 10.00 Were 10.00 for 7.50 Were 7.00 for 5.00 Great 1 eductions in prices on Puis. These are not old garments, but all new, up-to-date the kind you always find at F. L. Crane's lasna Raw Furs Bought, Furs Repaired. NO MORE DREAD OF THE DENTAL CHAIR Teeth W0K Filled and absolutely by our new method. Reputable Dentists Should not be judged by the catch-penny methods of the Dental Fakir. Our prices are the lowest possible for first-class work. Our system ol Crown and Bridge Work is superior to any other. We are up-to-date in all branches of Dentistry. DRS. slPPMRAW, 134 WYOMING AVE. (Over Millar & Peck's China Store.) niost centi "v located, and the great est interest theiefore eenttcs in the election. General Quint commandcry, of South Scranton, convenes Februaiy 16, and the Invlnclbles, of Taylor, meets on the same night. Eureka enmmand ciy, No. Ill, of Olyphant, will name Its nominees on Febiuaiv R, whl'e St. Stephen's commandery. of Dunmote, held nomination last Tliutsduy. The election of the ollliets for all these lodges takes place shortly after their nomination. ACCUSED BY HIS MOTHER. Harry Moran May Be Sent to the Raformatory. Hatty Mot an, the 14-yeui-old boy ot Keller couit, who was artestod late Sunday evening at tho complaint of his mother, was jestetday uioining given it heating In police couit by Mayor Molr. Ills mother appeared and testi fied that the boy, who is the oldest ot her (hlldicu, is vety lefiactoty and acts lu an ungovernable manner. S.itutil.o, In paitlcular, he was vety violent, going .so tar as to tlitow a Hit Iton at her. The boy was held In tnt- lenttal station o.sterday and will 1 lobably bo font to a tefoimatoiy. Ho was vet mui It doptes-sod by his en lot ceil captivity and wept loud and long, dining the gieater patt of tho dav . A Card. Wo. the uiidoi signed, do hereby ns-eo to refund the mom i on a fi0-i ent bottlo of Orrino's Wot ranted Sirup ol T.n If It falls to into j our couli ot cold. We alxo Bii u allien a 23-ciut bottle to provo bdtl;; fin lory oi mntiev lefmnlccl: .1. fl lie no A: Son. Duumore. ",. W. Davis, Providence. W. D. Davis Provide nee. ltennlmiu fc 'o. Avoea. W H Mnnneih, MoeiblO. P. A. Kane. Mlnonka. Joseph Davis, Taj lor. Tiy a "Hotel Jermyn" cigar, 10c. Steam Heiting and Plumbing. P. F. fi M. T. TIowley.Ml Wjomlng ave. Smoke the "Hotel Jermyn" cigar, 10c. DIED. LANVON.-ln Serai ten, Feb. fi, 11V, .Mis. Annie l.aioon, mother of Will iam II. Litnnn, of llone-ilaU) stieet. I'mit'ial WediUMl.iy afternoon ut 2 o'clock. WAKEHOUSE-Grccn RIdgc To have a lamp chimney snap and fly in a dozen places the first time yon light the lamp, or a breath of cold air strikes it, particularly so when yon have paid the price of a good otie. If you buy the M. & P. Top you take no such chances. Look for this label. extracted withontpam Is scientific r" &bJgsr: We Call Your Attention To Our Immense Stock of Horse and Mole Shoes, Bar Iron Steel, Channells, Angles, Shafting, Toe Calk Steel, Bolts and Nuts, Rivets and Washers, An Endljss Stock of Blacksmiths' and Wagon makers' Supplies. lien or u 12ii and I2S Franklin Ave. Calling Cards and Wedding Invitations Latest Stylos st D. IRVING SIMMONS, 720 Connell Building. Everett's Horses and carriages are su perior to those ot any other livery in the city. If you should desire to go for a drive during this delight ful period of weather, cill tele phone 794, and fiverett will send you a first-class outfit EVERETT'S LIVERY. 230 Dlx Court. (Near City Hall.) L&iJiA '. J. J" - .E3V. tJSiS Vf K." . .7.."I ."vjag' ft