The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 06, 1900, Morning, Page 3, Image 3

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What Does a Quarter Off Mean ?
It Means That on and After Wednesday
A $25 Ulster or Overcoat for
A 20 Ulster or Overcoat for
A 1 0 Ulster or Overcoat for
A 5 Ulster or Overcoat for
This will
i? tion of partnership. A quarter off on all goods. Some one-half
The Changing Skies Resulting from
the Earth' Orbital Bevolution.
The Planets as Morning and Even
ing Stars A Becent Outburst of
Sun Spots Has Been So Pronounced
in Character and Area as to Re
mind the Observer of the Vigorous
Displays of a Sun-Spot Maximum.
Fine .no the .star llelds of February!
Illustrative of natuio1') cut lotus com
pensator customs the skies tint
bend over the bleak, siunvclaj terres
liinl hills ni f.ll gloilnus with the
shining array of the host of heaven.
In fact, the acme of magnifi
cence Is attained In the last of the
winter months. The professional as
tronomer, underpoing' hi protracted
vigil In a dinughty ob.-orvatory, fiom
which all artificial heat must b se
cluded since It would be fatal to
definition pecis ihiough the uauow
aportuie nt the dome at an l.iolatel
lelestlal objeeC but the amateur, less
foitunate In Instrumental eoulpmert
may, If he or she bo brave enough to
encounter the enlsp ntni"sphi'ii of a
Febiuaiy night, least upon Hooping
constellations that adorned '"I lie Win
ters Tale" in Roman palaces and vil
las and Grecian halls of learning and
ait. when out eta was lu Its Inclpieney.
At 7 p. m. eaily in thu month, ma
jestic Ursa Major Is seen matching to
the eastward of Pol'trls. the seven con
spicuous stars fit the Dipper ctionsly
outlining that huge vessel against the
uorlhori. bin-. Little 'Alooi." too, Is
to be picked up ( Ins" to MIzat, the
letand star In the bandit. In its lela
tlon to the latter It Is called the " Mel
on his horse. Ursa Minor, ucognl7
Rble by the "little Dipper," and Uiaco
lie below. Cepheus is to the wostuarl
of the pole, and Cassiopeia Is above
ind to the west.
lu the east the I.lon Is Using l.eo
Is tiuly a wavmark in the tky. since
Its "sickle" Is so easily identified. Thli
s the constellation from which so
nuth was expected last November, be.
ause It Innocently furnishes n back
;iound to the "radiant" of the me.
:eots that usually fall about the mid
lie of that month. They who gaze
upon Its present placidity will be re
minded of their experlerces In the fall
as they watched its uneventful protec
tion across the sky after midnight.
The bright star In the handle of ths
sickle Is llegulus a station along tho
lunar track often used by navigators.
The triangle of stars following tho
sickle Is necessary for tho completion
of the leonine figure, which Is one of
the most striking: resemblances omonir
nil the celestial configurations.
Cor Hydra also appears above tha
eastern horluon. This slar properly
Alpha in tho constellation Is in the
heart of the Water BsTpent, hence Its
familiar appellative. Still below Is the
cup, or Crater, while the head of
Hydra composed of four stars of the
fourth magnitude ties between Re.
cuius and Prccyon. The serpentine
utllnt lr so long that when th hunt
IX off
be an honest sale to reduce the
Everything Must Go
3 16-3 IS Lackawanna ULttg.
Is on the meridian many dogieca of
stau y folds still remain below the
hotlzon. Pnlv when the Crater occu
pies the metldlan can the entire sween
of Hydra be discerned. A lino fiom
Gamnvi In the tickle (the brightest
star in the bHUe) to Rosiuus, extended
two oi tluee times' as f.n. will point
out Cor Hydra.
Along the ecliptic, above Leo. Is Can
cer, whose chiet ehaim Is the cluster
Praesepe. The Twins (Gemini) the
upper of which Is Castor and the lower
Pollux -ate midway to tlu meridian
vvhrie Tamils iule--. Roth tho Pleiades
and the Uyadics aio In their most
billliaut aspiet; and lu the latter the
lleiy Aldeb.uaii lu the Full's eye
Hashes malevolentlv.
The Ram (Atles) Is west of tlio
meildlau. It forms a sr alone tilnngl",
nd its brightest star Is ore of the
mldoteun lighthouses of the mailner.
Its ancient name Is Ilamal, but It Is
usually icfeiied to as Arb'tls. Its
tompinloi's. Rota and Gumma, aie
obscurely known as Sherman and Me
saitlm. Reyond Ailcs b Pisces, ot little In
tetest even to celestial fishermen.
Close bv the hoiizon lies Aquarius (the
Waterman). His blrthiight In tho zo.
dlac alone gives hjm prominence, the
only atti action for the cirrlous being
the Y f oi mod by some of his stars,
In the southeast thro constellations
attract intention and claim promin
ence. Orion displays his glories con
lldenllv. Ills light to the title ot cli
max of consti nations in lnd'lspiitnbl
The lover of the sublime never vveailM
In his contemnlatlon of the Imposing
Heme of the mlfhtv hunter. His
gemmed shotildeih end knee, his giit
leilug "belt ' and bejei"t led swoul. i
lve petpelual adinliniloii fiom those
vho dip into star loie. It lb easy to
lancy the extended shield that wauls
olf the attack of the Bull- it Is thrill
ing to conceive the giant's noivous
forceful giasp of hi uplifted weapon.
Nevertheless, Oilon gains lather than
loses by his env Ironinent. Ills vciy en
emy helps to Invest him with statell
ness. And Canls Minor, with Its line
leader, Piocjon, and Cutis Major, with
its star of htais, Shlus, lender him
superb service. Many a peion, un
famllar with the heavens and happen
ing to see the latter brilliant sun. In
quires Its name, much as he does that
ot Venus when It dazzles the eye.
The Hare and the Dove, both below
Oilon, aie worthy of view, vvheie Jhe
horUon presents no obstruction,
The Whale (Cetus) lauges tluough
all the southwest, yet it has at pres
ent little to offer the star-gazer. Its
famous star. Mlra, the "Wonderful,"
has relapsed Into Its Invisible mini
mum. Coming now to the noith of tho
ecliptic, wo notice that Perseus Is on
tho meridian. The gallant knight that
won such fame by Ills lescue of a foi
loin pilncess Is so well situated In the
heavens that his variable Algol may
be conveniently studied. Tho princess
herself, the beautiful Andionieda, Is
to tho west of Perseus, while to 'the
eastward Is Amiga, Its well known
leader, Capella, blazing like a beacon.
In the far northwest tho Great Square
of Pegasus Is fast descending towards
the horizon.
Tho conspicuous objects in the west
ern sky early In the evening at the be
ginning of tho month nro Venus and
the crescent moon. The former will
bo In close conjunction with tho star
Phi Amiarll on the afternoon of the
1st, and with the moon on the 2d. The
radiant plane t Is still at a gibbous
phahe, growing Illuminated suilace, ot
waxing noticeably blighter as It up
ptoaches the eaith.
The Invisible Neptuno Is in Taiuus,
and will be In conjunction with the
moon on the 3th.
Tho many "I.edgei" readeis who aie
astir long befoie
"The dapple dawn doth lise"
may be gtatllled with a view of Jupiter
and Saturn, tho foimer of which Is
Join ne.v lug close by the boundaty of
Scoiplo, and the latter slowly making
Its way tluough Sagittal lus. Mcrcuiy
nnd Mais, also morning stais, M bo
In conjunction on the 3d. The former
will be nt supoilor conjunction with
the sun on the 9th, and Is, of couise.
Invisible at pie.sent.
The moon will be In conjunction with
Jupiter on the 22d, Uianus on the 2 id
and Satin n onUho 21th.
A lecent outburst of sun .spots has
bei n so pronounced In chaiaeter and
aie.i as to lemlnd the obsetes of the
v igorous displays of a sun spot maxi
mum. The year lS'jii was exceptionally
favorable for solar observations, owing
to the long continued excellent weather
of the fall. Public Ledger.
Claience Stone has been quite ill with
an attack of the gilp
Dr. and Mis, A. shoemaker, of
W.vomlng, spent Sunday with the lat
tei's slstei, Mis. Ileniy Ives.
A unloJi tempeiaucu service will be
held In the Methodist chuith on next
Sunday evening. Rev. .1. C. I.eacoeK,
pastor of tlie chinch, will pleach the
set mon.
An enteituiiiment will be slven lu
the Rnptlsl chin lIi on the evening of
Pobuuiiy It. The following will pii -tlcluat-
In the lcndeilng of the pio
gianime: Recitations. 11. F. Thomas,
A. G. Suydani, J. T. Rlchaids and Clin
ton Cook; .solo, .1. T. Rlchaids; Mando
lin club, Ilallock Reynolds. Luman
Reynolds, Ranjo club, Paul Ralney,
Glenn Maisb, all of Keystone academy.
Graphaphone selections will be given
by Hunv Metygar, of Glenburn, and
Geoige li. Mouls, of tho same place,
will deliver an otatlon.
Mis. Theodoie Miller, who has lutn
undergoing tieatment In a Rlnghain
ton hospitul, has returned home, veiy
much linpiovcd In health.
Mis. U. S. Finn entertained her niece,
Miss Gertiude Finn, of Keystone acad
emy, on Sunday.
The Young People's Society of Chi Is
tlan Endeavor of the Raptlst chinch
will hold a social at the paisonnse on
Friday evening, at which time the
nenil-n.nnual election of oillceis will oc
cur. Mib. W. J Deishlmer c nteitalned
fi lends at her homo on Sunday.
- o
Charters Issue .
llarilslmig, Rob. fi-Cliarton weio Is
sued at ilui state ricpartimiil today as
follows; Tho Miller Engliieoilng ton
p.iny, Pittsburg, capital f.A,iji. tho
Ciironlolo Publishing Putts,
vllle. capital $I,iii, tho Hmllh .Mauufac.
tiirlng company, Waynesboio,
JuO.fiOii; tho Htaudald llollei Tube Cleaner
cnni)uuy, Pittsburg, capital ?l.if 3; tl.n
Olllcspie-Curll ciuupany. Plttshiug, cap
ildl $Y)0O0; the J. M. Rusting Lumber
company. Pl't.sburg. mpltal Jl.ono; tl
Schuylkill Ilrtwliig cuii.pany, PottsvllU
capital Jl.OOft; the Rolllilasburg Iron and
Nail company, llollldj)sburg, capital
tlOO.OOO; tho Montiindou Water company,
Hlmmokhi, capital $.!D.uuO; 11k I.ondmore
Rrldgo compiiny, Pittsbuig, capital ?"',.
stock which must be sold at
Circular Issued by tho Postofhce De
partment Setting Forth How Sub
urbanites May Secure to Them
selves tho Convenience of Having
Their Mail Delivered at Their
Residences by Carriers Scheme
Is Feasible in Many Parts of
Lackawanna County.
The following cliuilar, with lefer
enue to uual lice dellveiy, has been
Ib.siud by the pustolllco dep.uttneut at
lu le-punsi) in nuiiiuioub lt.qiililes the
lolloping cluular letter of instiuttlous
and Intiirniatioii is bMicd:
El 'ERY.
Pre-cnt a petltl n. i.ddiei-ea 10 the
l!it asslstiint post iatur gcueial, signed
bj those who desio the seivltv. This
lietltlon should be signed only b utad
of families, mid shinild nuiitluii the num.
ber lu famll.v. It should set lorth
the naiuie ot the coiinli v. he re llio ilu
IUltj Is drslied, vvbtther den-elj or
spaisilv populated, the piindpil uvoca
tloiis ol the iiople, the tluiaeter of the
loud, .ind the distances which,
txls-tlut? (ondltlons, eath pitiou has to
tiufl lo nrcHo his mull, and should lm
accunipaukd, w In i ever pusMbb , by a
lough map Indicating Ihe icmte or imitis
pi opened
''Ills petltloi , vvluii pmpijilj signed,
should be suit to jour icpiesiMitatlvo lu
i angles or to one of i in senaloi, v It'i
a iKiuest lie iiciniM) thi rron hU
lecommeiidatlrn of llio seivlce asked,
and fotwaid the pi tiiiou lo the ilepait
it must bo bomo in mind that the in
tention of imiguss In nuthoitelng tho
tuu delivei) of in.ilis la dlstiicts
vas not to (.taut a subuilun dellveiy to
titles included In tho fleu dellveiy ser
vice, nor to cstabllhh n vlllaga tico c.
Ilveiy Tim piiiioM of tho uual flee
Uellvciv, Hvstm Is to givo postal facili
ties to iho-o who havi nono, to carry tho
mails to uiuote uual comnumities the
iisUlents of which would otliervvoso havo
to tiavtl from two to twelve mllojt to
lecclvo thtli letters and newspapers.
Tho loads must bo gtod. This Is an es
sential pie-tequlslto lo any Investigation.
No louto can bo established that Is less
than fiom SO to 21 miles In length, or
which serves less than 100 families.
'U. touto thould ho so arianged that
tho cnnler will not be irqulred to tiavel
over the samo ground twlco on tho samo
Those desiring tho dellveiy must bo
picparcd to put up, at their own expense,
at some convenient location which cm
bo leached by tho en i tier without dis
mounting fiom his buggy, npproprlalo
and sceuro boxes for the icceptlon of the
United States malls.
Rmal caiilcijj nro not required to do.
liver mnll to houses inndlng back from
tho main loid. Tho service Is ono of
mutual accommodation, and tho patrons
aio cNpectrd to meet tho department
half way In affording facilities for Its os.
An an Indication ot the form of appli
cation which meets tho requirements of
tho department tho following petition,
upon whlrh rural freo delivery service
was established, from South Whitley,
Whitley county, Indiana, on October 2,
1MW, Is cited; ,
A $20 Suit for
A 15 Suit for
A 10 Suit for
A 5 Suit for
at Some Price
South Whitley, 'A hltley County, Ind ,
May . isn't.
Flist Assistant Foulinaster General,
Washington, D. C:
'1 ho undersigned petitioners would
show that they aro residents of Whitley
county, Indlann, south of tho town of
South Whitley, lu said eountv, In a
thickly settled farming community: that
fain. tug Is tho leadii g avocation of resl.
dentil of said community; that the roads
nre graveled and In good condition over
the in ope sed loute, and they ask for
the establishment of Rural Freo Delivery
of malls for ald community over tho
route ilccilhed ns follows:
Stalling at tho postotllco of South
Whitley, thence southwest to Webster's
ennuis, u. distance of 'Z miles; thence
west l'j trllcs to Klnzlo's cornets; thence
south 1 mile; thence east 2' miles;
thenco south I mile; thence west 2'a
miles, tliciuo south 1 mile; thenco
east l'i miles; tlumo south of a mile,
and I etui n to Reclhorn school house;
thtuco east "'i miles to I.eo's comers;
thenro northwest along the Goshen
glavel load I miles to Soiuli Whitley,
the place of stalling, making a total
distanco of twenty-two (.'l miles. A
map of said route Is attached hereto
Fort Wavne, Indlaiia,
To Ihe Sutierlntendeut Free Dellveiy,
Washington. D. C:
1 heieln luelose, with my recommenda
tion, ii petition for Rural Freo Delivery
lu the vicinity of South Whitley, Whit
lev (omt, Indiana. I am thoroughly
faiulll ir with the fiels stated, ihe loca
tion, density of population, ,uid the occu
pation of tho Inhabitants inteiested, and
i-au slam that tho ptiijer of the petttlou
eis can with pioprh'tv bo gianted and
the touto ho established.
J M Robinsoii. M '.
Fli -.t Assistant Postmaster (leneial,
Washington, D C:
1 am pleased to leconiinind f.r,oiabl-
conslileiatlon of the petition for tho es
lablWlimint ol a uual freo delivery louto
nt South Whltltv, Whitley county, In
dian i 1 am advlscil that the louto N a
feasible one, ami am glad In u commend
Its istibllsiur.cnl.
Charles W. Fall bank?,
I nited States Senator.
Upon lecelpt of a petition, loiwardtd
and eiidoised after tho abovo model, u
special agent Is detailed by the depait
ment to visit the- location Indicated, to
mill out a routo or loutcs, and to select
rural curlers, to ba appointed by tho
depaitment. In all such cases, the ad
vico of tho representative In congress,
and also of the postmaster from whose
olllco It Is pioposcel that the Rural Fren
Delivery should start, Is sought mid ob
tallied. cnnlcis glvo bond In ihe sum of
JWI, with tvo sureties. Each bond ic
epihos u Ku-cent levenuo stamp to ho
iiJIKcd thcieto.
Canler.s aro paid by waiianls. dlieetly
Issued by tho treasury department upon
certlllcates forwarded by tho i ostium ter.
Their rato of pay Is fixed by the depute
meat, and includes horse bile, but not
neei'ssaiy tolls or fenlage, tor which a
beparatu account must bo rendered.
One or more substituto can lets should
bo provided In each case, who mun give
bond In tho samo sum as tho tegular
carrier and who alono aro peunlttcd to
carry tho malls In tho absence or disa
bility of tho recular cnnler.
Accounts for bervlco must be rendered
In tho namo of tho regular carrier, and
ho must pay his substituto a proper pio
rata for tho service rendered.
All ratal carriers are under l ho eon
Irol of tho postmaster from whose cfllco
tho servlco is established, and it Is bis
duty to report any derelictions upon their
Rural carrier will take with them
upon their rounds a supply of stamps,
postal cards, etc.; will be authorized to
glvo receipts for money orders, and, If
tho patrons of the delivery so doMro It,
to luck so tho oidcrs, when granted, In
once on account of dissolu- r
addressed envelopes confided to their
instructions ure In preparation niul will
shortly be Issued, authorizing them to
register letters, giving receipts for ihe
One Million Dollars to Bo Expended
in Large Extension!.
Hairlsburg,' Feb. 5. The Pennsyl
vania Steel company has purchased 100
ucies of additional land In the vicinity
of its Stcelton plant on which a num
ber of furnaces may bo erected. Im
portant changes will also bo made in
the bridge constitution departments
and the frog, switch nnd signal depait
ment. A vvlie mill and cast steel plant
may also bo built.
Over 11.000,000 will be spent In mak
ing these Improvements.
Solid Gold Watches and Genuine
Diamonds with Tong Tina Tea at
1S7 Penn Avenue, Scranton, Pa.
The Boston Tea Patty have leased
the store, No. 127 Penn avenue, for tin:
purpose ot placing befoie the public!
their delicious Tea. Tong Tina Tea
has come to stay and will soon be the
people's choice. With each can the
purchaser receives some article of Jew
elry, the -value of which Is tegulated
by the amount of tea purchased. The
urtleies of jewelry consist of solid
gold watches, genuine diamonds, m
bles, opals, peails and many other ar
ticles too numeious to mention. Fol
lowing is a pattlal list of names of
putchaseis and what they lecelved:
Mis. Jennings, Petkville, got with
her J10 oidet.s n Inilv's brooi h, ? t with
twelve genuine diamonds, nnd $10 In
cash: Mis. H. G. Hills, 70; Deacon
street, an open fare watch, American
movement Miss M.ule O'Donnel, Hit".
South Washington avenue, a gent' 1
open face watch: E. M. Hlne, iltlvvi'
lor Scranton lee company, resldenci
421 Noith Ninth street. Flank Giess,
employed by Sciauton Racking com
pany, residence 1W Capouso avenue;
It. I). Taylor, dancing master at Ex
celsior hall, Wyoming avenue, resi
denco 7'9 Monioe avenue; Mil
ler, coal miner nt Rellevue, reslden t
C15 Prospect avenue, each icolvi-,
gent's watch with tl.elr purchases.
Peter Ingolasky, Carbcndalo, a gent's
hunting case watiir, Miss 'Mary Hasei
ton, 1303 Penn uvenue, Green Ridge
received a two-stone opal ling, Rolld
gold setting; Richard Woodatt, weak
at Continental mines refldcnce I in
Fifteenth strtet, a. gent's hunting can
watch beautifully cngtaced; Dewltt c
Myeis, carrlnce buslnese, 4IS and 4"ii
AVilsht court, tio; Noith Washington
avenue, a gent's hunting cuso watch
Henry Dlllen, shipping rlerk nt Will
iams & McAnulty's, u gent's, liuutln,.
imso vvattb; Mis. W. Thomas. "0
Spiuce street, Peckvllle, a genl'a watch
elegantly enslaved
How can this be done'' .simply In
putting the expense of two ears' ad
vertising In ninety days, after wnlch
time these choice teas will be sold samo
place, pi Ice and quantity, but without
the ptlzes.
Watch paper for new list of names
eveiv day.
All mall 01 dei s, when accompanied
by cash or draft, will be promptly at
tended to. Open evenings till 8:00 p.
m.; Saturday, 10:00 p. in. Price, single
can. $1: 6 cans, 13.00; 13 cans, 110.09.
Lady clerks In attendance,
127 I'enu uvenue.
Com luded from Page 1
John Dillon said that the National
ists, believing the war to be "an un
just and tnlqujtuus war of nggiesslon,
entirely unprovoked," wete unable t 1
suppoit an amendment declaring that
the should be piosecuted with
vigor. He piesseel foi the publication
of Geneial Sir William Butler's ells
patches. Mr. Dillon said that the v
leputntlon of England was iueparablv
luined, that the Roeis nnd established
a claim to be flee, and that no amount
of brute foiee could ever diminish thelt
The goveinmi'iit has dee Ided to make
a flee use of the (losuiw, if neeessaiy.
to get the debate on thn,ae'diess con
cluded this week, so as not to delay De
votes of supplies for the war. Ai
langements hnve been made to hiiiuj
the Fltzmauiice amendment to a ilivl
Ion tomorrow night and thete will piob
ably he a late sit ling.
Kruger and Steyn Correspond Fu
tilely with General Roberts.
Cape Town, Feb. 1'. Piesldent Steyn
and Piesldent Ki tiger have' communi
cated with Field Maishal I.oid Rob.
cits, the Hritlah toniniander In chief
protesting against the destruction of
farm houses, and the ilevatatIon o1'
I.oid Robeits, In icpljlng, dcclaicd.
that the chatges weie not sustained,
addiiii; that wanton elestiuctlou of
propet ty was eontiaiy to Uiltlsh practice-".
The Investiture pf Ladysmith Must
Now Be Deemed Complete.
Lorenzo Masques, Delngoa Ray. Feb"
.'i Webster Davis, tho IJniteei Statesj
assistant .secretary of the- interior, nc-'
eompauled by a party of friends, Is-nt,
tho head laager of the Roots at I,.ul-"
He Is closely Inspecting tho cainpsi,
and position around the beslegri
tow 11.
Dm ban, Feb. 5. The transport PuiW
uea, fiom India, has arrived anrtMaiifi-'
id a battery of artillery. A inoro
hopeful feeling pre.vvlls here. '' "
Dm ban. Feb.. .V-lt is underslciM'
'hat the pi liso. c!ourt has decided "to re
I tin 11 the 21.000 pounds of Trans; Mai
I gold selz;d lustr,Oitobpr on board th4
I steamer Avondalo C.lstlo In Delrtgba,
Ray. ' - ' .
Eondoh, Feb. 5. The war office an
nounces that fifteen transports will. Ke
desp'itched beginning today with W,uoo
troops Including the Fourth cavuliy'
brigade, militia battalions uhd' i.duii
jpomanry with 2."S horses and felx gnus.
London, Feb. C Sir Alfred "Mllne"
In a letter written three weeks ago to
the foimer lord maor of Belfast, said
tho war would last three or 'four
months longer. Sir Alfred Mllncr has
sent hopeful and encouraging' reports
to tho envoi nient legardlng bo )u"n'sV
pects of tho campaign and It Is uncler
Ktood that his views are shared by
Lord'ttobei U. '
"J v
w .